CHEN PIN YEN architecture portfolio 2017-2021

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陳品妍 Chen Pin Yen

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WIN Design Arc Intern

Uroborus Archi Intern

Architecture & interior desig measuring, site supervisor



3D model, rander, elevation

2020 國際競圖入選 Student Top 25



and learning


gn, site

n design


Dancing On the Grid


Tamsui Mosque


Circulation of Interaction


Market & Community center


Communication center


Tamsui pavilion

01 Dancing On the Grid 棋盤上跳舞 Project year: EA4 Tutor: 黃昱豪 Studio: V-studio


Cable explosion 電纜爆炸


U.S.A is the second country of electric comsump�on, because of phones, pads, computers. People creazly get in to New york city, where the building height and building intension are both high. Manha�an is the most commute city, people travel, work and study in here, and comsume lots of electricity. Because of the electricity, millions of people get to commute to Manha�an. Nobody knows that this will occur a disaster 10 years later.

August parade 8月嘉年華

2030 A cable explosion happened in New york in 2030, the whole city was sinked in the dark. People realized “ Electricity is not endless” Life without electricity occur lots of mass and mental problems. Food in the refrigerator ge�ng rot, food needs fire to heat up and there is no air condi�oner in summer. People can’t work under this conditon, which makes New yorker anxiety, they don’t know how to face this inadaptable life. Everyone seeks for counseling. The answer is to focus on the field we can control, build healthy community and find faith, so everyone puts their a�en�on back to theirselves, their bodies. New york loves to celebrate. People focus on their body speed, body balance and some of them dancing on the street. Finding their body strength change their minds about power outage, and start to hold lots of celebra�ons for it. Body language become a way of communica�on. New york residents rebuild the power of the city, and make it more energe�c. At night, people s�ll dancing and shaking in this chill mood. Un�l.....

Patron Saint 守護神

Dancing Era is Coming........ Patron saint 守護神

Ma� is a dance teacher. The ad board around Time square flashed a�er Ma�’s dance move. This shocks Ma� himself and other friends, they thought it is a pleasure from the Electricity God. It also happened in Broadway, Madison squre and other places in New York. “Dancing Genera�ng” rapidly spread to everywhere. People show their repect to Electricity, and arrange electricity usage in awe.

Altar square 神壇廣場

10 years later, Ma� and his friends go back to Time square. We can see the Altar on the straight street. It is important for people to use their body in New York. People love to stay outside, which lower the traffic flow. Under the Altar is a new square, it is built by blocking the original road. Cars now need to make a detour for Electricity God.

s-Generator 小型發電裝置

Altar square is a new tourisim spot. People can feel the dancing atomsphere from the Altar at the square, and dance together. There are some s-generator on the square for people to dance and perform. These changed the route that people used to, and creatre lots of stages.

Healthy city -- 5 system

Slim body can help people dancing. Along with the whole New york is dancing, obese popula�on has a decrease from 34% to 0%. New healthy city is a new �tle for this city. New Yorkers like to drink coffine before dancing, it can help secrete adrenaline. Coffee tube placed in the shop randomly, and all the tubes connect to the coffine machine. People like to hear the sound of machine and like to see the process in this genera�on.

Food truck 餐車

Diet control is one of indexes, so the city import lots of mediterranean diet ingridients. We can see the food trucks everywhere, for New yorkers can get these food fast and in a lower price. New York now are famous for NY salad, NY burger and NY pita .

Delivery tower 輸送塔

天際線下的紐約街道呈現的是過去 建築總是蓋滿街區營造出了封閉感 ,大家注意到的僅是高樓多高、住 在哪一條大道上。《跳舞發電》讓 我們開始注意到節奏,開始注意到 格狀街道上原本高塔與街道之間實 虛的關係,因而往街道上發展。建 築師們也利用跳舞的連動關係,發 展出紐約的運作系統,讓紐約市民 參與運作的過程。

Delivery tower 輸送塔

All the working system are connected with delivery tower. We can walk on the tower, watching the city work, and enjoy the grid system in New York from the street angle. All these connec�ons can help New York build their healthy city system, and all of the working system design is based on genera�ng system.

Transfer deck 轉送平台

Delivery tower redefined the rela�on between 4 blocks, by connec�ng moving tracks, new circula�on was created. What transfer tower do is connec�ng buildings via tracks.

Water system 水塔系統

Our vision was shed by vapor. The steam tubes can date back to 200 years ago, which offer millions of residents hot water. The height of the tubes are also ge�ng higher through the dancing genera�on, which are connected to the water system. Water tanks are hidden on the roof top for hundred years. Both water tank and steam tubes set up new water system on the eleva�on of the building. People can get closer to their water recourse.

Solar system 日光系統

Solar system is connected to the tracks, it can move ver�caly through �me and sun. Solar system tried to grab the sunlight from top to the ground, and increase residents’ light receiving right.

Spotlight stage 日光舞台

Ma�’s friend is dancing and chassing the spots. Those spots are the new gathering spot for people, people like to dancing along with the spots, which make these spots become performing stages. Performances will end a�er couple of minutes, because solar system will spin around.

Altar 神壇

The entrance is an escalator. We seem the process of going up to the Altar is a break to your mood. A�er the deck is ready, we will tep into it and wait for the stage to rise up. When the stage in place, we are in the ground floor of the Altar, and we can hear the footsteps and the joy.

Back to the Altar. Altar is also a genera�ng system, it is a place for people to communicate with God. The sacred of the God is that we can get close to it, dance with it. We love the connec�ons between bodys while we are dancing, which make this city more energe�c and rhythmic. Dancing as a ritual is an appericiate, a savior and a devo�on.

Elevating stage 升降舞台

Come to the pray hall, in the middle is a eleva�ng stage, which is surrrounded by double ambulatories. Pray hall is 3 stories height, and composed with ambulatories. The only circula�on is eleva�ng stage. People come to pray for their wishes through their dances.

Pray hall 祈求大廳

While Ma� is dancing, the stage under his feet start to rise. We are able to see the tower outside, and we like to dancing in the middle of these towers. The light that ad boards lighten us makes us feel like stars.

Oracle space 神諭空間

Each Altar has one oracle, where is the most powerful space. People ask for help in this space, each �me one person can get in. Ma� suddenly jumps into the oracle, the whole space is his stage, where is the most close space between human and God. Oracle is the core of the Altar, other spaces are suppor�ng oracle. Walking forward is the way to leave the oracle.

A�er believe in Electricity God amd love to dance, New Yokers focus on their bodies. Everyone start to know theie bodies and learn to control them. All the systems in Nwe York are worked by people’s dancing movement and speed, all of the devices are combined with the dancing generators. We can see New York, a city working leisurely. And we can also see New yorkers dancing so�ly to generate. We can see New York, a city working rapidly. We can also see New yorkers dancing aggressively to generate.

How to Generate?! My genera�ng system design is based on Electromagnetic induction. Electromagne�c is the produc�on of an electromo�ve force across an electrical conductor in a changing magne�c field. In my design, people by moving the spec�al elements on the track as to generate the electricity.

02 Tamsui Mosque 淡水清真寺 Project year: EA3 Tutor: 顏亮平 Peoject type: Religious space

What is ISLAM?

They believe in Allāh, and thought as monotheism. Nobody deserves worship except for God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God.






Five �mes every day at prescribed �mes






shahada : Profession of faith salah : Prayer zakat : Almsgiving sawm : Fas�ng hajj : Pilgrimage

Muslims believe that the Quran was orally revealed by God to the final prophet, Muhammad, through the archangel Gabriel

Cultural Features

Built Features

Religious Place

Building Hight


Site Features Traffic Line


Site Features Ac�vity Intensity

A-A' section

Concept Elements

Type A

Type B

Minarets Type C Minbar Qibla niche

Ablu�on Deconstructe tradi�onal mosque elements and transform to both site and modern mosque elements. Type ABC using board system to reconstruct the space order in mosque.




semi-Courtyard S- Pary hall

Bathing pool

Clergy dorm




1F plan




4 unit m

Meeting hall

B1 plan


Classroom Male pray hall 2F plan


Female pray hall 3F plan

Classroom 0



16 unit m

03 Circulation of Interaction in Indian primary school Project year: EA4 Tutor: 宋偉祥 Peoject type: Eduation

How to face the low a�endence in Indian primary school through circual�on?? The idea of Circulation has influenced Indian culture in many ways. There are circulationin in our daily life as well as in our social economy and Nature, at the same time, they also influence each other and interact with each other. I think primary school should be a start point to educate students get acquainted with the real essence of the world ---Which is the endless circulation in balance, and help different circIes interact with each other. Therefore, I am designing primary school to benefir students and community with their own groups, econmics, environment circulation balance and enhance their interaction with each other. For Interaction of school users: Interaction between kids is the most important thing to me at school, so I design classrooms that can help students interact with classmates in different ways, which is places to cross, to gather and to hide. For Economy: Economy circulation can be a way to reply the environment. Reused architectural material can cost down the construction fee during the school construction. Recycling rainwater, solar energy (there are roof solar panels for electricity generation in my design.) in school’s daily life can reduce the cost of school operation. Planting vegetation in school can make extra income to help students who cannot afford school fee. For Environment: I create landscapes with various height, some can be water pool, others can be playground with a lot of, which can make those kids interact with our environment.


Site layout & circulation

Farming area

Architectural material


Legends 1. Multi-purpose hall

7. Classroom

2. Parking lot

8. Toilet block

3. Principel office

9. Plaza

4. Adminstration

10. Growing area

5. Dining hall

11. Eco pond

6. Library

12. Playground

Abandoned material

Solar system

Reuse material

Water system




Water saving


Water storage

Water pump

Growing crops

Students growing class

Sale crops to community

Use as school fee

Solar energy

Solar panel: 141,085,028 kWh/year


Solar panel

Solar panel

Site Circulation system

Water system is composed of pools and channels. Each pool is a space to create interaction of students and water.

Water system

Placing solar panel boards on the roof to reusing solar energy. Students farming classes can help grow the agricultural area.

Solar system

Classrooms are placed together. Switching the classroom angle to create little gathering spaces.

Community and students activities area are surrounded by the classroom area. Each plaza is connected by the road.

Student area

Community and Students

Water system details





Design 4 type area for students to play with water. There are farming area, playing area, net area and stage to become a cycle system. The rainwater first corss the channel and filtered before farming area, and it goes to toilet block. Toilet block is another part in this system, the water toilet block outlert will be filtered before going to the ECO pool.


2 1


Classroom Details

Interaction between students and classrooms are create by my classroom concept: cross, hide and gathering space. Different architectural material create different playing spaces for students. For peeking

For communicating

For hiding

Classroom Concept

Chasing friends through windows and doors

Getherinig in the corner and aside the windows

Gethering in the cave and cross the cave

Thatched roof

E=Power generation of Patna x area x performance ratio= 2447.52kWh

Solar panels

Power comsumption of a classroom: (T5light tube+ computer+ Projector+ Fans) x5hr x200school days x2 classrooms= 1007w x5 x200 x2 =2014kWh

Total amount of energy: Power generation of Patna: 5.08 5.08 x 365 x 11 =20396kWh Total area: 34p/3 =11 Performance ratio: 0.12

Cumsumption of devices in classroom: T5 light tube: 28w/per hr Computer: 117w/per hr Projector: 360w/ per hr Fan: 50w/per hr


Stack rammed earth along with stones or even different color rammed earth to create interesting patterns. Rammed earth

Playing area

Learning area

Mixed class


Community activity area- Library

Toilet block details

Compost toilet Detail

Girls toilets x15

Concept Carbon, Nitrogen, Air, Water

x2 Sawdust, Hay scraps, Paper

Boys toilets x3



Decomposition bacterial can help get rid of odour. CO2 + H2O + Compost

Secondary treatment

Primary treatment

student circulation

Community activity area

04 Market & Community center - Interweave Project year: EA2 Tutor: 林嘉惠 Location: 信義區光復市場 Peoject type: Community

The site is located at the interface between commercial and residen�al. The interac�on that is created by commercial ac�vi�es has quility varie�on through the �me. By analyzing local acrivi�es, ac�vity spots and ac�vity level creates local ac�vi�es interac�on grid. From graphic to 3d spcae, I seem aisles and the spaces beside as my ini�al concept. In addi�on, volume and contruc�on are designed by the form of frame. Apart from the design concept above, I also reach my original concept--Interweave. Circula�on grid, ac�vity grid are parts of interweave.Moreover, I transformed the height of the site condi�on into interweave in my design, and the con�nuous surface on the roo�op is to represent local ac�vity level. 1 and 2 floor are public spaces like market, classrooms and offices are placed at 3 and 4 floor, where is quiet and private. At 5 floor is a li�le assembly hall. You can tell the private-public level of different space through the architecture eleva�ons.




4 unit m

Commerical Activities

Space Order

Activity timeline

Activity intensity







Activity Axis Elderly/Youth


Elderly/Youth(Main Circulation)

Food area



Young(Main Circulation)

Community activities

Office worker

Office worker

Office worker(Main Circulation)

Goods trading

Non local

Non local

Non local(Main Circulation)

Activity types

With Morning

Final Concept element

With Afternoon

Volatilization With Night Volatilization

Connection L


Food area



Community activities



Goods trading





Emphasis/Activity types

Site feature -- Interweave

Connection Spot


Assembly Spot Activities

lots of Circulation


Study model

1F Plan

2F Plan




12 unit m

3F Plan

4F Plan

5F Plan




12 unit m




4 unit m

05 Communication center Urban Oasis Project year: EA2 Tutor: 黃文賢 Location: 華山公園 Peoject type: Community

This is an informa�on center that can offer healthy concept, by analyzing and observa�ng, I found 3 facts about caterers around. 1. Mostly high oil launch boxes 2. Ea�ng space is dark and the ceiling in low 3. Facing the emission in the alleies Lots of office workers and tourists pass by the site, and local food can influence both workers and tourists directly, so i set my target users are office workers and tourists. Besides, I seem the site as an oasis in the city, so these are some oasis elements I have set. 1.geography 2.�me 3.visual 4.sound 5.temporarily Below is the elements diagram. By offering a real plen�ful greenhouse space, and create a form like the grass was pulled up, people can recognize this informa�on center. Space order is designed by visitors visual pa�os of city and greenland, and then I arrange the rela�onship between 2 or 3 of spaces.

Oasis elements

Design concept


Create a gre


Continuity of the grassland

Keep the greenhouse in mystery

06 Tamsui Pavilion Project year: EA2 Tutor: 李佳豫 Location: 淡水 Peoject type: Community

Transform element

Design Guide Behavior

Alone Space lower the height and width

Crossing Space lower the width

V a

Viewing Space a big volume


Space relationship

Old street feature: different texture of material and different height of building

Grow from the ground

Different level of floor

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TKU architecture

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