2008 February

Page 1

FEBRUARY 2008 | Volume 14: Number 1

Unpaid Claims Piling Up? Increase Your Cash Flow! Special Center Insert:

SCCMA Guide to Health Plan Obligations

Looking for Long Term Care Insurance?


ou are not alone. Every day, more and more members are evaluating their need for long term care insurance. They hear about it on TV, read articles in magazines, get information off the Internet, receive offers through the mail and have sales agents calling them. With so many products and places to choose from, where do you turn for assistance?

As a member of Santa Clara County Medical Association, you don’t have to worry. That’s because you have access to Long Term Care Insurance specialists from Marsh, the Association’s sponsored insurance program broker and administrator. When you call Marsh at 1-800-747-5123 ext. 7221, you’ll get the first-rate service you deserve from licensed consultants. Sponsored by:

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Santa Clara County Medical Association Bulletin

Table of Contents the Editor’s Desk… 4 From Joseph S. Andresen, MD

Printed in U.S.A.

Report 5 President’s Atul S. Sheth, MD James G. Hindsdale Testifies Before the Department of 6 Dr. Managed Health Care New Biomonitoring Program: 8 California’s What Are the Poisons Within? Cindy Lee Russell, MD

9 NORCAL Declares 2007 Dividend Waste Management 10 Medical The County of Santa Clara, Department of Environmental Health 12 Santa Clara County Medical Association Annual Awards SCCMA Guide to Health Plan Obligations Pullout 16 MEDICO News 18 Classified Ads Officers President Atul S. Sheth, MD President-Elect Jerry A. Hanson, MD Past President Donald J. Prolo, MD VP-Community Health Martin D. Fenstersheib, MD VP-External Affairs William Lewis, MD VP-Member Services Howard Sutkin, MD VP-Professional Conduct Michael Hirschklau, MD Secretary Thomas M. Dailey, MD Treasurer Martin L. Fishman, MD

Executive Director William C. Parrish, Jr.

House Officer Representative Jacob Ballon, MD

AMA Trustees - SCCMA Donald J. Prolo, MD John D. Longwell, MD (Alternate)

Councilors Community Hospital of Los Gatos:

Judith Dethlefs, MD

Opinions expressed by authors are their own, and not necessarily those of The Bulletin or the Santa Clara County Medical Association. Acceptance of advertising in The Bulletin in no way constitutes approval or endorsement by the Santa Clara County Medical Association of products or services advertised. Address all editorial communication, reprint requests, and advertising to: Pam Jensen, Managing Editor 700 Empey Way San Jose, CA 95128 408/998-8850, ext. 3012 Fax: 408/289-1064 pjensen@sccma.org Copyright 2008 by the Santa Clara County Medical Association.

El Camino Hospital:

SCCMA/CMA Delegation Chair Tanya W. Spirtos, MD

CMA Trustees - SCCMA Martin L. Fishman, MD (District VII) Susan R. Hansen, MD (Solo/Small Group Physician) James G. Hinsdale, MD (District VII) John D. Longwell, MD (Hospital Based Physician)

Editor Joseph S. Andresen, MD

Managing Editor Pam Jensen

Michael Curtis, MD Good Samaritan Hospital:

John Rashkis, MD Kaiser Permanente Hospital:

Allison Schwanda, MD O’Connor Hospital:

Jay Raju, MD Regional Medical Center of San Jose:

Hossein Habibi, MD Saint Louise Regional Hospital:

John Saranto, MD Santa Teresa Community Hospital:

the bulletin

Efren Rosas, MD Stanford University Medical Center:

Bryan Bohman, MD Santa Clara Valley Medical Center:

Phuong H. Nguyen, MD



Moreover, this law was intended to ensure to the public continued access to highly skilled health care professionals. This letter is to appeal the arbitrary and capricious nature of your decision to underpay me for my services.

From The



This issue of the SCCMA Bulletin includes a reference guide developed jointly by the Alameda-Contra Costa Medical Association and California Medical Association. This provides a valuable resource on assisting physicians with payment disputes and contract issues with health plans. RICO Settlement Provisions involving Aetna, CIGNA, HealthNet and Anthem/Wellpoint and California Statute and Court Decisions are clearly spelled out in this reference guide.

Your decision to pay less than my reasonable, usual, and customary fee is contrary to one of the unfair practice payment practices identified in regulations implementing A.B. 1455 (Ch. 827, Stats. 2000), legislation that was recently enacted to protect both physicians and patients from this type of unfair payment practice. Moreover, this law was intended to ensure to the public continued access to highly skilled health care professionals. This letter is to appeal the arbitrary and capricious nature of your decision to underpay me for my services.

Did you know that Statute and Court Decisions have determined the following definition of medical

Read on to learn more about your rights as a health

necessity? “For HMOs and most Blue Cross and Blue

care provider and patient advocate!

Shield health plans, state law mandates that (1) the physician be the determiner of the patient’s needs

Also included in this Bulletin issue is an update

and (2) medical decisions not be unduly influenced

on California’s New Biomonitoring Program

by fiscal and administrative management.”

submitted by Dr. Cindy Russell, Chair of the SCCMA Environmental Health Committee. Dr. James

Did you know that Statute and Court Decisions have

Hinsdale, President, Northern California Trauma

set the following payment guidelines for medical

Medical Group and CMA, Vice-Chair, Board of

services? “HMOs, PPOs and other health insurers

Trustees testifies before the Department of Managed

must adopt payment policies, rules for adjudicating

Health Care (DMHC) on a proposal to prohibit

claims, and claims editing software that are, when

balance billing of patients receiving emergency care.

available, consistent with CPT and standards

Best wishes to all for a happy and healthy New Year!

accepted by nationally recognized medical societies and organizations, federal regulatory bodies, and

Respectfully Submitted,

major accrediting organizations. These policies must

Joseph Andresen, MD  |  Editor

be disclosed by health plans and their contracted entities on the Internet or on written request.” What do you do if you are underpaid for medical

the bulletin

services? Here is an example of a sample letter: To Whom It May Concern:


I have received your partial payment for


facility) in (city and state) on (date).

the emergent medical care I provided to the above referenced patient at (name of hospital/


President’s Report

Over the past two years, the leadership of the Santa Clara County Medical Association has been grappling with issues related to the medical association and its affiliated businesses. These matters are complex, with many of them having never been dealt with in the past. After many heated discussions and extensive debates, the Executive Council approved consulting with an outside accounting firm to examine the finances of both the SCCMA and the Bureau of Medical Economics (BME). The law firm of Hoge, Fenton, Jones, & Appel was also retained to analyze the articles of incorporation and bylaws governing both organizations. Reports from both the consulting and law firms were submitted in June 2007 for review. Leadership terms for both the SCCMA and the BME start in July 2007. Subsequently, for the next several months, the

who wish to return the SCCMA to calmer days. After

new leadership extensively studied the reports and

all, this is a membership organization that belongs

discussed its findings at various meetings. The major

to you, the reader.

issues brought up were the CEO compensation

model and the finances for the SCCMA and the

As we look ahead, I plan on including financial


reports of the organization and focusing on matters

that benefit all members. Your area representative

On November 6, 2007, a Council meeting, open

Counsilors are listed and your concerns can be

to all members for their comments and concerns,

expressed directly to them, greatly helping the

was held at the SCCMA headquarters. The decision

organization grow stronger.

was reached within the leadership to have a special

executive session on November 20, 2007 to vote on

Respectfully Submitted,

the issue of renewing our CEO’s contract. At this

Atul S. Sheth, MD  |  2007-2008 SCCMA President

After many heated discussions and extensive debates, the Executive Council approved consulting with an outside accounting firm to examine the finances of both the SCCMA and the Bureau of Medical Economics (BME)…

meeting, all voting members were present with the exception of one member, who was allowed to vote electronically. After due consideration, the Council voted 12-7 in favor of the motion of not supporting

the bulletin

the renewal of the CEO’s contract. At this time, a CEO Search Committee is being formed to locate a suitable individual who will exemplify the objectives of the SCCMA. While this is a difficult process, I encourage the input of those



My message is simple: Prohibiting physicians from sending a fair bill for their services will destroy the system of state trauma care and backfire. You will destroy the very care already being provided. Testimony by Dr. James G. Hinsdale before DMHC, Burbank, CA October 24, 2007

Dr. James G. Hindsdale Testifies Before the

Department of Managed Health Care Good morning. I am Dr. Jim Hinsdale from San Jose. I have practiced trauma and emergency surgery in California for over 30 years. I am the leader of the Northern California Trauma Medical Group, the largest group of trauma surgeons in California. We come from Stanford University. Also under my direction are surgical specialists in neurosurgery, orthopedics, plastics, thoracic, vascular, eye, ENT, and urologic surgery, totaling well over 100 surgeons. We are the specialists for the three major community trauma centers serving the San Francisco Bay Area. This is one of the most mature trauma systems in the United States and has served as a model for the rest of our country.

physician’s usual fee! Fees were never raised. This propaganda has got to stop. DMHC has no credibility with backup specialists and has failed to regulate the insurance industry. Sure, they have levied an occasional fine, but DMHC hasn’t stopped the continuing abuses of the insurance industry, and we are dismayed that it never will. Does anyone really believe that DMHC can or will “guarantee” a payment from insurance? This illusory 150% can’t be guaranteed at all. We all know that. And tied to Medicare, it is destined to go down. This does not attract specialists. They are already bugging out. Insurance has many weapons. First, it ducks a

My message is simple: Prohibiting physicians from

claim with a wrong billing address, forcing doctors

sending a fair bill for their services will destroy the

to rebill. It denies the patient received a “covered”

system of state trauma care and backfire. You will

service. Their favorite is to deny “medical necessity.”

destroy the very care already being provided.

Insurance programs computers to pay 20% less of whatever the doctor bills, figuring the doctor will

I think it is important to understand the specialists.

give up. They ultimately say the doctor’s bill is not

We are the ones called to handle the most severe

“reasonable” and defend this position by using

emergencies—the veritable safety net for the ER

Ingenix, their own biased fee consolidator, and have

safety net. We remove the brain clots that cause

the hubris to define for the world what they think is

death, fix the broken bones, and reconstruct spines.


We put disfigured faces back together. My personal forte is stopping bleeding. If you can get to me alive

You have heard the mantra “Get the patient out of

in a helicopter, I will open you up and stop you

the middle” a million times. Well, it is the insurance

from bleeding to death.

industry that put the patient in the middle, by not paying. The patients do not decompensate by

the bulletin FEBRUARY 2008


All of us are committed to caring for patients first,

getting a bill. They become involved and insist that

without regard for payment. And so a homeless

their insurance plan back them up. They become

guy gets the same care as Bill Gates. DMHC is

predictable allies of their doctors who rendered

now proposing that the surgeons be blocked from

lifesaving care. DMHC wants a quick fix by

sending their bills to patients, with some promise

preventing doctors from even sending a bill for their

of a “guarantee” of 150% of Medicare. But Medicare

usual fees. That’s a clear win for insurance, and we

has relentlessly slashed payment for the past 10

all know it.

years to a third of what it once was. Now, physicians get accused of billing 300% of Medicare’s reduced

DMHC has asked doctors what they think should

payment. Thus, one-third of 300% is simply the

happen. We have answered, clearly, a thousand

TESTIMONY BEFORE DMHC october times: “Pay our charges. Insurance can go to arbitration later or go

24, 2007 | burbank, ca

only one. We didn’t graduate in the bottom of our class.”

to court, if it feels the need.” In fact, the appellate Prospect decision affirmed just that.

In summary, the consequences of prohibiting sending bills are predictable. The specialists will simply go away. It will be disastrous

We know for sure the claims of “gouging” have been shown to

and bring about the collapse of the trauma system. We won’t get it

be bogus. There has been nothing for the past three years. Most

back. Doctors’ bills aren’t the problem. Doctors are not predators,

doctors’ fees haven’t been raised in years, and yet the insurance

bankrupting their patients. Not a shred of evidence for this has been

industry raises rates, consolidates, and denies care. They have made

produced. The only thing we are certain of is what we read in the

record profits and tried to pay a CEO $1.7 billion last year. Most don’t

Wall Street Journal—the record profits of the insurance industry.

know that insurers have budgeted the money for non-contracted ER

Make the insurance industry back up their patients. You have the

care. Denying payment is pure profit!

charge to do this by law. Please have the guts to do it. Don’t destroy the trauma system. Please listen to us.

It is important to understand how trauma centers are glued together. That is what I do. The emergency physicians are dedicated, but

Thank you.

work under one roof and have nowhere to hide from insurance’s

James G. Hinsdale, MD, FACS

abuses and coercive regulations by DMHC. You may coerce them

President, Northern California Trauma Medical Group, Inc.

and regulate them, but such is not the case for the specialists. They

Executive Director, Trauma Service, Regional Medical Center, San

are well diversified and view ER care as community service. They

Jose, California

will stop covering ERs, if you do this. I know. I’m the number one

Medical Director, Eden Hospital Trauma Service, Castro Valley,

recruiter of trauma specialists in the state. Believe me when I tell you


neurosurgeons do not grow on trees.

Medical Director, Marin General Hospital Trauma Service, Marin County, California

Another idea is that government can force the specialists to take call.

Medical Director, California Shock/Trauma Air Rescue, McClellan,

One neurosurgeon told me: “Look, we’re covering at six hospitals


already. Please don’t go there. We will just drop out of five and cover

Vice-Chair, Board of Trustees, California Medical Association

What You Should Expect from a CollectionAgency Are

“Results” OUR RECOVERY RATE IS MORE THAN TWICE THE NATIONAL AVERAGE The Bureau of Medical Economics (BME) specializes in health care and is skilled in the delicate art of preserving the level of confidentiality expected in the medical field and in exhibiting caution so as to not damage doctor/patient relations.

Does your collection agency... • • •

Provide you with an early out program with a discounted rate for early payments? Offer extensive skip tracing on your accounts? Collect more than twice the national average and return more than double the amount other physicians receive?

If you have never tried the BME, it’s time that you should. We are the only collection agency endorsed by the Santa Clara County Medical Association and have been for more than fifty years. Bureau of Medical Economics 700 Empey Way, San Jose, CA 95128 408 998-5811 * Fax: 408 998-5850 * e-mail karen@bmesc.com

the bulletin



Detectable levels of perchlorate were found in all 2,820 human specimens, indicating wide exposure.

California’s New Biomonitoring Program:

What Are the Poisons Within? Cindy Lee Russell, MD  |  Chair, SCCMA

Modern biomonitoring

Environmental Health Committee

of chemicals started

After reading the newspaper about toxic chemicals in our environment, did you ever wonder what was really in that deli sandwich with mustard you just ate? Our modern day contaminants are global and come from manufacturing (dioxins), agriculture (pesticides), power plants (mercury), mining (arsenic, mercury), furniture (flame retardants), and transportation (benzene), just to mention a few. They sneak their way into our air, soil, water, food, and breast milk. Some of these persist in our bodies for decades, while others flow in and out with regular exposure. Biomonitoring: Saving Lives and Saving Money

in 1999 by the CDC, once again. Twenty seven chemicals were studied initially from samples of blood and urine. A second report was published in 2003 looking at 116 chemicals. A third study, which was published in 2006, looked at 148 chemicals. These included metabolites of organophosphate pesticides; phalates, which soften PVC plastic; polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from air pollution; dioxins from waste incineration and paper bleaching; PCBs; and other manufacturing byproducts.

Rocket Fuel in Your Milk? One of the chemicals studied in the 2006 survey was perchlorate, a component of solid rocket fuel. It is also widely used in manufacturing and is found in airbags, fireworks, Chilean fertilizers, and as

Just what is our exposure to toxic chemicals? What

a byproduct of chlorine generators in swimming

are the adverse effects of these contaminants on

pools. It has been found in cow’s milk and

individual and public health and how can we reduce

contaminated water. Detectable levels of perchlorate

these? These questions have led to modern human

were found in all 2,820 human specimens,

biomonitoring programs designed to measure

indicating wide exposure.

just what is in our tissues. A valuable aspect of biomonitoring is that it provides unequivocal evidence of both exposure and uptake of a toxin. Biomonitoring looks at trends and helps to identify

Perchlorate inhibits iodine uptake by the thyroid. It is not yet known how much of a threat to populations this poses, but the data will be useful with future research.

possible sources. It can help to identify “at risk” populations and enable scientists to respond to

California Contaminants Within

serious environmental public health problems with

Because California has a large population, a lot

accurate information. Most importantly, measuring

of agriculture, and has evidence of some of the

these chemicals can act as a tool to prevent

highest levels of certain chemical contaminants in

exposure and reduce risk of disease on a large

our bodies (brominated flame retardants), a more

scale. This saves lives and money.

intensive biomonitoring program was created here.

Biomonitoring: Getting the Lead Out

The California Contaminant Biomonitoring Program

Biomonitoring in the United States started in 1967 by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Their adipose

the bulletin

tissue survey monitored organochlorine chemicals in human tissue. Limited biomonitoring of superfund sites continued thereafter. In 1976, a National Health



and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) started looking at lead levels and ultimately determined the connection between lead levels and gasoline. This led to unleaded gasoline in this country and, most likely, significantly contributed to the increased IQ of many children.

includes a nine-member Scientific Guidance Panel of distinguished leaders in the scientific and environmental fields. Their budget is $5.2 million for the first year, which will be divided among the Department of Toxic Substances Control, the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, and the Department of Public Health. This should allow a lot to be accomplished to improve the health and well being of not only California, but the rest of the nation.

NORCAL Declares 2007 Dividend NORCAL Mutual Insurance Company recently

approximately 8.5% of their prior year’s premium

declared a 2007 dividend for eligible policyholders

applied against their 2008 renewal premium. Rhode

in California, Rhode Island, and Alaska. NORCAL

Island policyholders will receive approximately

policyholders and other stakeholders were notified

6.75% of their prior year’s premium and Alaska

of the dividend in mid-October.

policyholders will receive approximately 10% of their prior year’s premium.

The 2007 dividend, which will be returned to policyholders in 2008 in the form of premium

As a mutual company owned by its policyholders,

credits, applies to eligible individual physicians,

NORCAL is committed to returning “excess”

medical groups, and health care facilities in

premium to policyholders in the form of dividends,

California and Rhode Island and individual

whenever conditions allow. In fact, over its 32-year

physicians, medical groups, health care facilities

history, NORCAL has returned approximately $372

and hospitals in Alaska. Urgent care centers and

million in dividends, representing a significant

emergency rooms are not eligible for the dividend.

source of premium relief for the company’s policyholders.

The dividend will not be applied as a flat dollar amount, but rather as a percentage off the

NORCAL encourages policyholders who have any

total annual premium. For eligible California

questions about the 2007 dividend to contact its

policyholders, the dividend will equate to

Policyholder Services Unit at 877/443-7232.

Join us for the 4th annual

SCCMA Environmental Health Conference Series Public Health Through Environmental Health April 2008 Look for updates on the SCCMA website at www.sccma.org for a grand rounds nearest you. Topics include Greening Hospitals, Brominated Flame Retardants, Safer Workplaces, Avoiding Mercury Toxicity. For information call Steve Brazeau at 408/998-8850 ext 3009.

the bulletin FEBRUARY 2008


If you choose to have your medical waste picked up by a medical waste hauler, this must be on, at least, a monthly basis.

Medical Waste Management

Regulations for the Small Quantity Generator of Medical Waste

By The County of Santa Clara, Department of Environmental Health The County of Santa Clara, Department of Environmental Health (DEH) is the enforcement agency for facilities and offices that generate any quantity of medical waste. Regulatory authority is the Medical Waste Management Act.

Some medical office buildings (MOB) choose to develop a common storage facility (CSF) to store medical waste from each office until pickup at that site by the medical waste hauler. A CSF allows consolidation of medical waste for SQGs only. The CSF must be secured onsite of the MOB to discourage public entry and the door or some part of the enclosure must have proper signage indicating medical waste storage. The exact

The Act is included in the California Health and

language that must be posted on a sign is found in

Safety Code, Sections 117600-118360. Small

Section 118310 of the Medical Waste Management

Quantity Generator (SQG) requirements are in

Act (Act).

Chapter 4. Other sections of interest for the SQG include Chapter 6, Chapter 8, and Chapter 9.

If you treat medical waste on-site using autoclave (steam sterilization), your facility will be inspected

A SQG of medical waste generates less than 200

by DEH every other year for compliance. If your

pounds of medical waste a month. This category

building makes available a CSF, that site will be

includes most physician, dental, veterinarian, and

inspected once a year by DEH staff.

acupuncture offices. The medical waste generated usually consists of needles and syringes (sharps),

If you choose to have your medical waste picked

blood, or other potentially infectious material from

up by a medical waste hauler, this must be on, at

dressing changes or other activities in the office or

least, a monthly basis. If you generate less than 20


pounds of medical waste/month, then you can have service on a monthly basis. Otherwise, service must

All generators of medical waste must have a valid

be weekly.

permit issued by the Department of Environmental Health (DEH) and must have a medical waste hauler

As most Santa Clara residents know, untreated

who comes on a regular basis to transport medical

medical waste was illegally disposed nine times in

waste to a treatment facility.

a two-week period early this summer. Four of those incidents were from private medical practices and an

Some SQGs treat medical waste on-site using

MOB. Even though only a few individual practices

autoclaves or steam sterilizers. When the waste is

were involved, since it was one entity, the entire

treated this way, logs of treatment must be kept

MOB was held responsible.

for three years and the waste deemed sterilized

the bulletin

by the presence of a chemical agent, such as

As a result of these incidents, DEH will be randomly

autoclave tape. Under these conditions, the waste

inspecting MOBs to make sure they have valid

can be disposed as solid waste or garbage. It is not

permits and are in compliance with the Act.

legal in the



County to treat

If you have questions, please call DEH at

and dispose

408/918-3400 and ask for the Medical Waste

sharps waste

Management program. You can access the Act and

at a municipal

additional medical waste generator information,


including a brochure specific to SQG, through our website at www.ehinfo.org.

This is an example of a sign to be used on a door or building

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Santa Clara County Medical Association 700 Empey Way • San Jose, CA 95128 • 408/998-8850 • FAX 408/289-1064 February 2008 TO:

All Members, Santa Clara County Medical Association (SCCMA)


Jerry A. Hanson, MD, Chair, 2007-2008 Awards Committee

At the 2008 Medical Association’s annual banquet, the association will honor several individuals with its perpetual awards. These awards are significant honors which reflect the respect, recognition, and appreciation of our membership. The recipients are selected from among our outstanding members who have distinguished themselves with extraordinary service to medicine in general, to the association, to the community, or to medical education. Selections are made by the Awards Committee, with the aid of input from the membership. Your suggestions for recipients for each of the awards outlined on the next page of this memo will be appreciated. Please complete the form below to submit suggestions, keeping in mind the requirements for each award as listed on the opposite page. If you would like to nominate more than one person, or for more than one award, please photocopy this form or send a letter. Suggestions must be received by February 28, 2008. Thank you for your recommendations. If you previously suggested a candidate who was not given an award, please feel free to resubmit that name.

I THINK ________________________________________________________ WOULD BE A GOOD CANDIDATE FOR THE _______________________________________________________________________________________ (Name of Award) PLEASE ATTACH ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION, INCLUDING ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS THAT WILL HELP THE AWARDS COMMITTEE EVALUATE THE CANDIDATE FOR THE AWARD SELECTED. YOU MAY MAIL, FAX, OR EMAIL THE INFORMATION TO PAM JENSEN AT SCCMA. SUBMITTED BY: ____________________________________________________________________________________ MD (Please print) MAIL FORM TO: SCCMA Attn: Pam Jensen 700 Empey Way San Jose, CA 95128 EMAIL: pjensen@sccma.org FAX: 408/289-1064 DEADLINE: February 15, 2008


the bulletin


Santa Clara County Medical Association

Annual Awards

ROBERT D. BURNETT, MD LEGACY AWARD For a physician member of the Association who has demonstrated extraordinary visionary leadership, tireless effort, selfless longterm commitment, and success in challenging and advancing the health care community, the well-being of patients, and the most exhalted goals of the medical profession.

BENJAMIN J. CORY, MD AWARD For a physician member of the Association who has displayed forward-looking, pioneering ideas, enterprise, enthusiasm, and prolonged professional stature and ability.

AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT IN MEDICINE For a physician member of the Medical Association who, during his/her medical career, has made unique contributions to the betterment of patient care, for which he/she has achieved widespread recognition. Consideration shall be given to research and/or the development of procedures, methods of treatment, pharmaceutical agents, or technological advances in the field of medicine.

AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION TO THE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION For a physician member of the Medical Association who has exhibited sustained interest and participation in one or more activities of the Association over and above that expected of the membership at-large.

AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION IN MEDICAL EDUCATION For a physician member of the Medical Association who has exhibited sustained interest and participation in one or more medical education activities over and above that expected of the membership at-large.

AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION IN COMMUNITY SERVICE For a physician member of the Medical Association who has exhibited sustained interest and participation in one or more activities of the community over and above that expected of the membership at-large.

CITIZEN’S AWARD For an individual who is not a member of the Medical Association, who has achieved public recognition for a significant contribution in the health field. (This usually will be a nonphysician, although physicians are not categorically excluded.)

Benjamin J. Cory, Md Award 1994

Robert W. Jamplis

1995 1996

Christopher C. Chow


Outstanding Contribution To The Medical Association

Outstanding Contribution In Medical Education

Outstanding Achievement In Medicine

Richard M. O’Neill

John B. Shinn

Thomas J. Fogarty

Robert W. Andonian

Ronald L. Kaye

Norman E. Shumway

David M. Rosenthal

William C. Fowkes

Thomas A. Stamey

Bernice S. Comfort

Robert J. Frascino

Outstanding Contribution In Community Service Arthur A. Basham / Arthur L. Messinger ---

Citizen’s Award Gary W. Steinke, MD / Mrs. Pamela Steinke Mr. Howard W. Pearce

Cindy Lee Russell / Minoru Yamate

Florene Poyadue, RN

Michael R. Fischetti

Suzanne Jackson, RN


Mansfield F. W. Smith

Stanley D. Harmon

Howard R. Porter

Burton D. Brent

William A. Johnson

Judge Leonard Edwards


Donald J. Prolo

Steven S. Fountain

C. Michael Knauer

Jack S. Remington

M. Ellen Mahoney

Rigo Chacon


Sharon A. Bogerty

Stephen H. Jackson

Theodore Fainstat

Richard P. Jobe

Barbara C. Erny

Janet Childs

Roger P. Kennedy

Bert Johnson

Nelson B. Powell / Robert W. Riley

Robert Michael Gould

Tony & Brandon Silveria

Elliot C. Lepler

Allen H. Johnson

Bruce A. Reitz

David Morgan

Tom Campbell / Ted Lempert

Joseph E. Mason, Jr.

Anthony S. Felsovanyi

David A. Stevens

Martin D. Fenstersheib

Michael E. & Mary Ellen Fox

2001 2002

Robert M. Pearl

2003 2004

Robert Wuerflein

Eugene W. Kansky

Barry Miller

D. Craig Miller

Elizabeth Menkin

Jayne Haberman Cohen, DNSc


Harvey J. Cohen

Richard L. Miller

Gus M. Garmel

Rodney Perkins

Elouise Joseph

Doris Hawks, Esq.

Arthur A. Basham

Robert W. R. Archibald

G. David Adamson

Harmeet S. Sachdev

Edward A. Hinshaw, Esq.

Cindy L. Russell

Catherine L. Albin

John R. Adler, Jr.

Madhur Bhatnagar

Debbi Ricks

2006 2007

Stephen H. Jackson

the bulletin



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the bulletin



Plaintiff attorneys are using this theory more liberally to get to the “deep pockets” of hospitals, large groups, and clinics, particularly if the physician or health care practitioner defendants, who are allegedly ostensible agents of these entities, are uninsured or underinsured.


MEDICONEWS Is Your Practice at Risk? Understanding Ostensible Agency

Most jurisdictions* employ the doctrine of vicarious liability to impose liability on a solo medical practice, medical group, hospital, clinic or health care facility for the actions of a non-employee or independent contractor. This may include persons whom at first you might not consider to be acting on your behalf. Such persons are called “ostensible agents.” The theory of ostensible agency was most recently analyzed in the Mejia v. Community Hospital of San Bernardino case (2002) and basically means that a medical group, hospital, or any other health care entity can be liable for the actions of non-employed physicians or other health care practitioners, if the patient had reason to believe that the person rendering medical treatment to him or her was an agent of the hospital or entity and relied on that apparent agency relationship. Plaintiff attorneys are using this theory more liberally to get to the “deep pockets” of hospitals, large groups, and clinics, particularly if the physician or health care practitioner defendants, who are allegedly ostensible agents of these entities, are uninsured or underinsured. The following hypothetical situation illustrates how ostensible agency could affect a small medical group. A regular patient of one of the physicians in the group needs a cholecystectomy and is referred to an outside provider. The referring

the bulletin FEBRUARY 2008


physician tells the patient, “Dr. X does all of our cholecystectomies.” The patient thereby infers that

The suit against the medical group is based on its vicarious liability for the surgeon’s negligence, in other words, the surgeon’s negligence is imputed to the group under the theory of ostensible agency. The patient contends that the statement “Dr. X does all of our cholecystectomies” during the referral process caused him to infer that the surgeon was an agent of the group. During the discovery phase of litigation, it is revealed that the surgeon does not have insurance to cover her for the incident and is “bare.” The group therefore becomes the target of litigation, since it has professional liability insurance with limits of $1 million per incident. Investigation reveals that, in this case, the surgeon’s severing of the common bile duct was negligent and, furthermore, the patient has suffered damages because of the negligent cholecystectomy. The group is held to be vicariously liable for the patient’s outcome, under the theory that the surgeon was the ostensible agent of the group. As such, the group would be responsible for the entire settlement, since the general surgeon does not have insurance. It is important to understand how the theory of ostensible agency could affect your particular practice situation. Should you have any additional questions about ostensible agency, please feel free to contact the NORCAL Claims Department at 800/416-0791.

the surgeon has a direct affiliation with the group

*The information in this article is based primarily

and is an agent of the group. Further, the surgeon

on California law. For more information about

does not say anything that would suggest she is not

ostensible agency in jurisdictions other than

an agent of the group. During the cholecystectomy,

California, please contact the NORCAL Claims

the patient’s common bile duct is severed and

Department at 800/416-0791 or consult your

he sues the surgeon, as well as the group, for

practice’s legal counsel.

negligence and malpractice.


New Law Clearly Prohibits Rescission of Treatment Authorization After Services Have Been Rendered A CMA-sponsored law that took effect January 1

There will now be no question that the law prohibits

clarifies that under no circumstances are insurers

retroactive modification of authorization after services

allowed to rescind or modify authorization after

have been rendered, even if a patient’s health

services are rendered in good faith. Although existing

insurance policy is subsequently cancelled by the

law already prohibits this activity, physicians and


their patients have been increasingly faced with unpaid medical bills for preauthorized services.

The CMA ON-CALL system is currently being updated to reflect all new legislation, including

This new law (AB 1324) specifically states that

AB 1324. This new law will be discussed in full in

authorization cannot be rescinded for any reason,

the revised ON-CALL document #0145, “Payment

including, but not limited to, subsequent rescission,

Denial After Treatment Authorization or Verification

cancellation, or modification of the patient’s health

of Eligibility.” This document is available on CMA’s

insurance policy or subsequent determination by the

website, http://www.cmanet.org.

insurance company that it did not initially make an

(CMA Alert, December 13, 2007 issue)

accurate determination of eligibility.

Congress Postpones Medicare Payment Cuts for Six Months Congress recently passed a Medicare bill that

also have updated California’s

postpones the 10% physician payment cut and

geographic payment localities

instead provides a 0.5% increase for six months. The

and prevented any geographic

bill also extends the current State Children’s Health

payment reductions for three

Insurance Program through March 2009. It does


not, however, fix California’s geographic payment problems.

CMA will continue to fight aggressively for physicians and patients by

But the reprieve is brief. Physicians are still faced

building on these advances. We will not relent until

with a 10% payment reduction on July 1, unless

Congress reaches a long-term agreement to overhaul

Congress revamps the hopelessly broken formula

the physician payment system. Physicians cannot

used to calculate physician pay (or acts again with

continue to practice in such an unstable environment,

another last-minute fix).

waiting year after year for Congress to act at the last

“Although CMA is relieved that Congress acted to

minute to reverse such devastating cuts.

stop the 10% physician payment cut, the association

In addition to the provisions detailed above, the bill

is extremely frustrated that Congress has been unable


to fix the underlying problems, leaving physicians

facing significant payment cuts in future years,” says

quality-reporting system. •

geographic payment fix for California. Even though the Senate failed to pass a comprehensive Medicare payment reform bill, physicians gained a lot of important ground with the House-approved CHAMP Act. That bill, passed by the House in July, contained many physician-friendly provisions. It would have stopped the 10% SGR cut in 2008 and the 5% cut in 2009, replacing them instead with 0.5% increases in each of those years. It would

Continues the 1.5% bonus payment for physicians who participate in the voluntary

CMA President Richard S. Frankenstein, MD. CMA is also disappointed that the bill did not include a

Physicians cannot continue to practice in such an unstable environment, waiting year after year for Congress to act at the last minute to reverse such devastating cuts.

Extends the 5% bonus for physicians practicing in federally-designated health professional shortage areas.

Does NOT cut reimbursement for outpatient

the bulletin

imaging services. •

Does NOT include a ban on physician-owned specialty hospitals.

More information is available at http://www.cmaalert. org. (CMA Alert, December 20, 2007 issue)




Office Space For Rent/Lease




Two suites, ranging from 1,000 to 1,645 sq.

Approx. 1,308 sq. ft., five minutes from San

ft., at gross lease cost. Excellent parking.

Jose Regional Medical Center. Easy freeway


Located next door to Los Gatos Community

access to I-680/880. 4 exam rooms, 2

Hospital. Both units currently available. Call

restrooms, 1 private office, reception area,

Adjacent to Los Gatos Community Hospital


and waiting room. Call Alice Teng for

and near Good Samaritan Hospital.

more information: 408/282-3808. www.

All suites are built out for a medical


professional. Elevator served. TI allowances

Lease approximately 1,900 sq. ft. Free-

available. Call Alice Teng for more

standing building—zoned medical. Turn

information: 408/282-3808.

Key. Marble entry. Street front. Six treatment


rooms. Prestigious physician’s office with

600–1,900 sq. ft. in West Valley Medical

balcony. Highway 85 at DeAnza Blvd. Call

Building, second floor, elevator, separate


entrance. Call Helen at 408/243-6911.

in San Jose and Cupertino. Contact Cindy,



Beautiful office near Santana Row. 1,700


sq. ft., seven large exam rooms + reception

Six exam rooms available, in newly

area, whole or part, available for sub-let.

remodeled building. Located near O’Connor

Contact Dr. Younger, 408/464-7226.

Hospital. Contact 408/292-0100.





Medical/Dental office for lease. 1,500 sq. ft.

MEDICAL OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE • SAN JOSE Approx. 853 to 2,150 sq. ft. available. Located on campus at Regional Medical Center of San Jose. Elevator served.

First class medical suites available next

Tenant improvement allowances available.

to Saint Louise Hospital in Gilroy, CA.

Call Alice Teng for more information:

Sizes available from 1,000 to 2,500+ sq.

408/282-3808. www.colliersparrish.

ft. Time-share also available. Call Betty at

com/ateng or www.colliersparrish.




MEDICAL OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE • SANTA CLARA Medical space available in medical

1,116 sq. ft. in prime San Jose location

building. Most rooms have water and

on corner of Aborn Rd and Capitol Expy.

waste. Reception, exam rooms, office, and

Improved interiors. Signage and visability.

lab. X-ray available in building. Billing

Three exam rooms. Call Alice Teng for more

available. 2,500–4,000 sq. ft. Call Rick at

information: 408/282-3808.


Approx. 1,500 sq. ft. in retail location. Near Great Mall, Highway 880/237 and Montague Expy. TIs available. Call Alice Teng for more information: 408/282-3808.

OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE • LOS GATOS Medical/Dental office space available for lease in Los Gatos. Close to Good Samaritan Hospital on Los Gatos Blvd. 1,210 sq. ft. Call Alice Teng for more information: 408/282-3808. www.colliersparrish.com/ ateng.



Approx. 1,125 sq. ft., located in prestigious

Two exam rooms and one doctor’s office,

Willow Glen. Easy freeway access to I-280.

five days a week, shared waiting room,

Previous use was dental lab. Call Alice

in Mountain View, on South Drive. Call

Teng for more information: 408/282-3808.




the bulletin


OFFICE TO SHARE • LOS GATOS Options include single exam room or


two exam rooms plus office. Perfect for

Well equipped, brand new PCP office

psychologists, IME examinations, therapists,

located in Sunnyvale, off Lawrence Expy.


etc. Near Community Hospital. Call

For more info, please call 408/768-6231.

Design/build-to-suit opportunities

408/374-5837 for info.



Office available for sublease near O’Connor

Valley Medical Center, prime medical office

Hospital. Call 408/294-7179 or 408/923-8098

suites located directly across from future

for info.

Valley Medical Specialty Center. Suites range from 742 sq. ft. to 2,600 sq. ft. Easy access to Hwys 280 & 880. Call Ngoc Vu at

2500 Hospital Drive, Building 2. Beautiful


medical suite immediately adjacent to El Camino Hospital. 2,000 sq. ft. plus


basement storage and upstairs lounge.

Options include two exam rooms plus

Available May 2008. Call 650/948-1917.

office. Newly remodeled office space perfect plastic surgeon. Near El Camino Hospital. Call 650/804-9270.

FOR LEASE • SAN JOSE Professional medical building, 1,116 sq. ft. medical offices. Prime San Jose location. Signage/visibility at Capitol Expy/Aborn Rd. Three exam rooms. Call broker for floor plan, tour at 408/971-2700 x112, x118.

MEDICAL OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE • GOOD SAMARITAN AREA Established medical practice has office/ exam room space available, fully equipped. Share existing reception staff. Across the street from Good Sam, includes patient parking. Contact Carmen, 408/371-6842.

MEDICAL OFFICE FOR LEASE • CUPERTINO 1,898 sq. ft., prime location. Easy access from hwys. 85 & 280. Two operatories, sterilization, business, reception, staff, lab, private office, three bathrooms. Call Susan, 408/253-6081.

MEDICAL OFFICE SUITE FOR RENT • SAN JOSE Medical office suite for rent at 93 N. 14th St. San Jose, 95112. Contact Dr. Sajjadi at 408/294-1825 or 408/867-1111.

heart of prestigious downtown Los Gatos. Unit sizes 1,400 sq. ft. and up. Contact Matt–408/282-3835. www. colliersparrish.com/losgatos


for cosmetic dermatologist, facial plastic, or

for sale/lease. On-site parking. In the

MEDICAL CONDOS FOR SALE IN SAN JOSE Brand new, Class A medical condominiums for sale adjacent to Regional Medical Center of San Jose. Units range from 1,071–4,150 sq. ft.,


and some units can be combined. Building is completed. On-site parking, beautiful finishes. Call Alice Teng for more info, 408/282-3808. www.colliersparrish.com/josefigueres

IM/FP/GP. Primary care practice for sale, including inventory and equipment. Close to O’Connor Hospital. If interested, please call


Stacy at 408/297-2910.

Zoned and built as general commercial

PRIVATE PRACTICE FOR SALE Established/Active Internal Medicine/ Primary care practice for sale. Work/live in Coastal California. Enjoy best of everything. If interested, please call 831/345-9696.

OFFICE BUILDING FOR SALE • DOWNTOWN MTN VIEW 7,614 sq. ft. Owner/user or investment opportunity. Located in downtown Mtn. View near Caltrans/VTA. Current use is

medical/dental office. 1,150 sq. ft. with 5,850 sq. ft. lot paved for parking. Central San Jose location, five minutes to O’Connor Hosp. Upgraded or new services. Call 408/247-8889.

SMALL MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CONDO For sale 1,029 sq. ft. medical condo. At McKee & 680. Three exam rooms. Ground floor. Call Agt. at 408/971-2700 x112.

more information: 408/282-3808. www.



Cash-based alternative practice in

medical building. Call Alice Teng for

MED/RETAIL/PROFESSIONAL OFFICE CONDO FOR SALE • SUNNYVALE 1,250 sq. ft. Professional/Medical/Retail condominium Lawrence & Arques. Don’t miss this one! Call Alice Teng or B. Mason

biofeedback/neurofeedback. Low stress, children and adults. High satisfaction helping patients to heal themselves. Ongoing mentoring provided. Terms negotiable. Contact 408/876-4510.

at 408/282-3800.

the bulletin


� 19


Pajaro Dunes

A request for physicians to donate a week of their summer to

Beachfront Condo

man the medical hut. Room and board will be provided. The medical hut is Spartan; medical supplies will be provided.

Shorebirds #58 2 Bedroom -- 2 Bath Top Level -- Great Ocean View View Property at www.atthedunes.com

There is access to the local hospital. There is a medical checkin at the beginning of each week for all scouts. The scope of practice is wilderness medicine, but help is nearby. You may have an opportunity to save a life. This is a chance to catch up on your reading and smell the outdoors. For details, contact Floyd Okada, MD at 408/867-7040 or floydokada@aol.com.

Owners Bill & Debbi Ricks 408-354-5613

Condo Rentals

Employment Opportunity OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE PHYSICIANS • PRIMARY CARE, ORTHOPEDICS, & PHYSIATRY Our occupational medical facilities offer a challenging environment with minimal stress, without weekend, evening, or “on call” coverage. We are currently looking for several knowledgeable and progressive primary care and specialty physicians (orthopedist and physiatrist) interested in joining our team of professionals in providing high quality occupational medical services to Silicon Valley firms and their injured employees. We can provide either an employment relationship including full benefits or an independent contractor relationship. Please contact Dan R. Azar, MD, MPH at 408/790-2907 or e-mail dazar@allianceoccmed.com for additional information.


Reserve with Rental Agent At the Dunes 831-768-7250

CONDO RENTAL • ON THE BEACH AT MONTEREY BAY Vacation respite at Pajaro Dunes on Monterey Bay, smack dab on the beach, with full ocean view from 2nd level. Shorebirds section, one bedroom, fireplace, fully equipped, tennis courts on the property, $250 per night, two-night minimum. Contact Robert Weinmann or Marie Barry at 408/292-0802.

INCLINE VILLAGE NEVADA Large 4 bedroom house with deck facing lake. Weekly rentals only. $2,100/week with deposit. Call rental agency: C. A. Silva, 408/834-0557.

For Sale Medical Office Equipment

New 6,000 sq. ft. medical facility in Manteca. Looking for physicians,

Retiring. Office and medical equipment for sale, available now. Call

PA-C or NP’s with X-RAY. Limited license helpful. Apply business@

408/374-9900 for information.




A growing private practice in San Jose seeks board certified physician to work part-time (16 hours) per week. Email C.V. to skale.



Professional medical billing for improved cash flow and faster,

PHYSICIAN/PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT IN SAN JOSE Great and rewarding opportunity, with flexible, part-time work schedule. No weekend, evening, or after hours worries, in a stress free environment. Competitive compensation. To provide well exam for school age children in San Jose. Contact Dr. Parr on cell phone, 408/859-1562, or email PARR@healthmobile.org.


the bulletin


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the bulletin


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We fight frivolous claims. We smash shady litigants. We over-prepare, and our lawyers do, too. We defend your good name. We face every claim like it’s the heavyweight championship. We don’t give up. We are not just your insurer. We are your legal defense army. We are The Doctors Company. The Doctors Company built its reputation on the aggressive defense of our memberphysicians’ good names and livelihoods. And we do it well: Over 80 percent of all malpractice cases against our members are won without a settlement or trial, and we win 87 percent of the cases that do go to court. So what do you get for your money? More than a fighting chance, for starters. To learn more about our professional liability program, call The Doctors Insurance Agency at (415) 506-3030 or (800) 553-9293. You can also visit us online at www.doctorsagency.com.

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