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APRIL 2015

May our hearts be filled with joy. Last October, I asked Dottie Dunnam to share with the congregation the brief story of how FirstChurch became partners with J.J. Rhoads Learning Center. “When Bill and Ruby Frazier started the SAW Project years ago, I did not lift a hammer. When Sandy Martin started the Prayer Shawl Ministry, I did not learn to knit. When Paula Maroney offered multitudes of service opportunities, I only helped a little bit. At Crossroads Community Services, I’ve only helped sporadically—around the edges. But somehow, when Dr. Stoker stood at the pulpit and mentioned that our congregation should consider the Bishop’s ZIP Code Initiative, and that perhaps we should adopt a school, I thought ‘Hey. I’m a teacher. That could be me.’”

This is the power of engaging in mission and outreach work in the name of Jesus Christ: When we open our hearts to listen to God’s call, great things are possible. J.J. Rhoads is only one example of how the church seeks engagement! Last week, each member of FirstChurch received an invitation to participate financially in the Rise Fund. As you consider your gift, I pray you will listen for God’s call to more deeply love our neighbors. When you hear the call, FirstChurch will help you act on it. Mission and outreach opportunities abound, and matching your call with an organization or cause is one of my joys—please don’t hesitate to email me at lroby@fumcdallas.org, reach me by phone at 214-220-2727 or consult a Spring Into Service guide available at Connection Points or the church website.

You may have heard what happened next.

Your gifts to the RIse Fund directly support the mission and ministries of FirstChurch as we work to transform the world by spreading Christ’s love. Fund beneficiaries include the Methodist Children’s Home of Costa Rica. We aren’t only changing the lives of those we serve—our mission and outreach efforts play a vital role in helping our members find spiritual wholeness. This spring, listen’s for God’s call: God has great things in store for each one of us!

FirstChurch adopted J.J. Rhoads Learning Center, providing more than 40 tutors each week to read with students, and ensuring each child has access to clean uniforms and educational field trips. This fits into our vision of empowering our neighbors through holistic education. From the stories of personal interaction with our students, we are discovering a renewed spirit in our church and within the school.

When we work to transform the world, God will transform our hearts. In Christ’s love,

Rev. Linda Roby

First United Methodist Church of Dallas 1928 Ross Avenue | Dallas, Texas 75201 214-220-2727 firstchurchdallas.org Dr. Andrew C. Stoker, Senior Minister


Experience Christ’s Love Food4Kids Backpack Program Join FirstKids, FirstSeniors and other FirstChurch Volunteers as we help feed hungry kids in the North Texas area. We need over 100 volunteers to pack food for 1500 back packs to distribute to kids whose needs during the week are met by the school meal programs, but who often go hungry on weekends. The North Texas Food Bank will supply the food and the packaging. We need to supply sack stuffers, supply runners and box packers of all ages. You can help fight hunger NOW! April 11, 9 - 11 a.m. Dining Room. firstchurchdallas.org/food4kids

Sing Praise to God Join the Choirs of FUMC Dallas, FUMC Richardson, Highland Park UMC and members of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra for spectacular choral music composed and directed by Mack Wilberg, Music Director of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. April 12, 7:30 p.m. Meyerson Symphony Center, Dallas. Tickets start at $10. firstchurchdallas.org/singpraise

Amigos Days Amigos Days is a hands-on ministry in which Methodist churches are joining together with People Helping People of the City of Dallas and residents of urban neighborhoods to make a difference in the city. We will fix up the exterior and landscaping of a home belonging to a longtime member of her community, Ms. Norma Johnson. Ms. Johnson’s home is located within our Zip Code Project and is also right down the street from J.J. Rhoads Elementary School. LOCATION: 3614 Kenilworth Street Dallas Texas 75210. We will need a lot of volunteers! Construction/fixer-up experience is a plus but not a requirement. We will have jobs for all levels and skill sets!! We will be replacing rotten wood and siding, repainting, planting and rebuilding a staircase to name a few jobs. If manual is not your forte we will also need people to bring lunch/snacks/drinks and lead prayer on site. April 17, 18, 24, 25 firstchurchdallas.org/amigos

Public Education: Why Should I Care? Texas Appleseed: Sowing the Seeds of Justice Breaking the School-to-Prison Pipeline Sunday, April 26, 12 – 2 p.m. Lunch, $15. Childcare available. Register at firstchurchdallas.org/public-ed Texas Appleseed researches and reports the impact of school discipline policies; ticketing, arrest and use of force in public schools; court involvement in student discipline; and the effectiveness of alternative education programs to help close pathways to dropout and incarceration.

Brunch Catered by Cafe Momentum. Cafe Momentum provides a transformative experience in which young people who have spent time in juvenile facilities rotate through every aspect of the restaurant from waiting tables to washing dishes, while working side-by-side with established chefs. They learn life and job skills, resulting in confident individuals who are equipped for future success.

Fifth Sunday Misssion n Serie es Join us for a dynamic series of mission-focused disussions and activities. Crossroads Center, 9:45 – 10:45 a.m. May 31

August 30

Russell Crews, President and CEO of C. C. Young Retirement Community, will give a brief history of C.C. Young’s 92 years of service, its ties to the Methodist Church, and an update on new improvements to the campus and the exciting renovations and additions ahead. Hosted by UMW.

Kelly Lawson with Waco Children’s Home will bring us an update on this Methodist Mission as they celebrate their 125th anniversary of bringing hope to children across Texas and New Mexico. Sponsored and hosted by the Doubl-Aires Class. Project: School supply kits

Project: Notes of thanks and /or encouragement for C.C. Young staff and residents

Contact brianna.brown@sbcglobal.net for additional information

Wallace Leon Hughes The April exhibit in The Goodrich Gallery features the paintings of Wallace Leon Hughes. The exhibit opens with a reception on Sunday, April 12 in the gallery from 12 - 2 p.m. This is an excellent opportunity to view the exhibit and meet the artist.

Goodrich Gallery April Exhibit Gallery Hours 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - Noon Saturday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday

From the artist: I was born 1939 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. My family moved to Austin when I was in high school. I graduated from UT Austin in 1963 with a degree in Architecture and moved to Dallas and obtained architectural registration in Texas and Colorado. Drawings of mine were published in the UT annual magazine Image, British Architects Journal, and Architectural Journal. In 1981 the big leap from employed architect to self-employed architectural illustrator was made. The school of architecture gave me formal training in watercolor painting and a great love for the medium which led to selling my paintings at arts and crafts fairs. In 1987 my painting won the Texas Arts and Crafts Fair promotional poster competition, and in 1991, I won the Richland College 20th Anniversary painting competition. My art work has been featured on posters for the West End Dallas Festival, hot air balloon festival posters in Plano, Mesquite, and Tulsa, Oklahoma. More recently my art work was published in Southwest Art Magazine (October 2012), a book of drawings titled, Strokes of Genius 4, (2012) and Strokes of Genius 5 (2013). In 1996 I joined the faculty at Richland College, Dallas teaching a Continuing Education (non-credit) watercolor class. My paintings and drawings are in corporate and private collections across the United States and in several foreign countries including Canada, Mexico, Germany, Holland, France, Russia, and Japan.

Camp Goodrich: Hands-on arts education. July 20 – 24 from 9 am. – 4 p.m. FirstChurch Gym. $200 Register at firstchurchdallas.org/camp Know a kid, age 9 to 12, who loves art and wants to learn more? Sign-up for Camp Goodrich today! Filled with hands-on art experiences, museum visits and more! • Photography, sculpture (2D & 3D), screen print. • Tours of the DMA, Crow Collection, and more. • Daily snacks; T-shirt • Art exhibit and reception Sam Williamson, senior instructional specialist at Big Thought, Teaching Artist

Join the choirs of FUMC Dallas, FUMC Richardson, Highland Park UMC and members of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra for an evening of traditional favorites, featuring the choral music of and directed by Mack Wilberg, Music Director of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Sunday, April 12 @ 7:30 pm The Meyerson Symphony Center Dallas, Texas Tickets available directly through firstchurchdallas.org/singpraise

Rotunda Theatre presents

And Then There Were None Directed by Bear Hamilton May 15, 16, 21, 22, 23; 7:30 p.m. Cast: Eddie Lee, Johnna Leigh, Randy Brooks, Kay Wallace, Michael Mueller, Allen Mabry, Russ McCall, Craig Hess, Margaret Lyman, Stephen Bouldin, Jon Morehouse Ten guilty strangers are trapped on an island. One by one they are accused of murder; one by one they start to die. In this superlative mystery comedy, statuettes of little soldier boys on the mantel of a house on an island off the coast of Devon fall to the floor and break one by one as those in the house succumb to a diabolical avenger. A nursery rhyme tells how each of the ten “soldiers” met his death... until there were none. Eight guests who have never met each other or their apparently absent host and hostess are lured to the island and, along with the two house servants, marooned. A mysterious voice accuses each of having gotten away with murder and then one drops dead – poisoned. One down and nine to go! Who will be the last and ultimately the killer? Admission: $20 for adults; $10 for students. Tickets at firstchurchdallas.org/tickets beginning April 15 or call 214-220-2727, ext. 218.




FirstChurch is starting a new small-group ministry called Connect Groups. These groups, comprised of 8-12 people, will meet once a week for the purpose of connecting with God and one another. Groups gather in neighborhood locations for five weeks and spend time studying together, praying with one another, and developing deep friendships.

John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, brought together similar groups of people to help one another live holy lives. He believed that there is “no personal holiness without social holiness.” Our faith is communal. Participating in a group whose focus is growing together in knowledge and love of God is a key part of faith formation.

The next Connect Groups session is April 12 - May 10. We will have groups in located 75238, 75208, 75214, 75075, 75082, and 75201 zip codes.

Register R egister at firstchurchdallas.org/groups Why are Connect Groups important to FirstChurch? We believe that Connect Groups help individuals become more devout followers of Jesus. They provide space for people to question, reflect and support one another as they live out their faith in their daily lives. And it is who we are as United Methodists! Methodism began with small groups who met for the purpose of holding one another accountable and building up one another in the faith. Why should I participate? “I have been a part of a small group for years and it has truly changed my life. My relationship with God has deepened because of the time I have spent studying, listening and reflecting in the small group setting. It provides the space for people to develop authentic relationships with one another. Small groups can be a means of grace, for sure!” –Rev. Blair Thompson Why else should I participate? You will get to know your FirstChurch neighbors! The groups will meet once a week in different neighborhood settings. Our hope is that you will meet FirstChurch members who live near you. This is also a way for our church to be more visible in our communities. What is the difference between

Connect Groups and Sunday School? Connect Groups meet throughout the city at different times during the week. People commit to participating in a Connect Group for one session that lasts five weeks. Our ministers write the curriculum that allows for thoughtful and thorough discussion on topics that are most relevant to our congregation. Groups conclude their time with a social or service activity and may choose to continue on together. Sunday school classes meet on Sunday mornings at the church. When do Connect Groups start? Our second session of Connect Groups starts the week of April 12 and meets for five weeks. Additional sessions will start in September and each will meet for five weeks. When/where do Connect Groups meet? Connect Groups meet throughout the week at locations throughout the city. Visit firstchurchdallas.org/groups for information about the times and locations.

Do I have to stay in the same Connect

Group for each session? Each session will offer a new set of Connect Groups. Your current group may choose to continue on between sessions or may end after five weeks. Your commitment is for five weeks. You may choose to join another group when a new session begins. How do I sign up? Visit firstchurchdallas.org/groups. You will see each location on a map with details about who the leaders are and when the groups meet. You can also stop by our Connection Points or Welcome Desk on Sundays, or call Elise Daniel at 214-220-2727, ext. 224. What about childcare? Childcare for newborn to elementary school-aged children is provided for groups that meet at the church. You can make a reservation for childcare when you register for a group online. Need more information? Stop by one of Connection Points on Sundays or contact Rev. Blair Thompson, Associate Minister of Discipleship at bthompson@ fumcdallas.org or Jennifer Tolin, Director of Connectional Ministries at jtolin@fumcdallas.org.

Attention All Youth Check out our Spring Small Groups! Are you looking for a place to grow deeper in your faith? Or maybe a place to build stronger relationships with other FUMC students and adult leaders? Three new small groups launched last week, and it’s not too late to get involved! These groups are a great opportunity to spend time getting to know each other, ask questions, discuss life and spirituality and deepen connections to God and to each other. Here’s the meeting schedule: Sunday, April 12 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. (includes lunch) Sunday, April 19 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Sunday, April 26 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. All groups meet in the third floor youth room.

Here are the groups: SENIORS This group, for high school seniors, will cover a variety of post-high school topics. From how to handle money to how to find a faith community, these meetings will give high school seniors space to ask questions about the next phase of their lives and give voice to what they are excited and nervous about! BIG QUESTIONS Do you have big questions or doubts about faith, God, the Bible, church? Do you wonder about things you’re afraid to ask out loud? This is the group for you! Bring the hard questions, the big doubts, the uncertainties and struggles. We can’t guarantee a perfect answer, but we can offer a safe space and the tools to help you along your journey. VIDEO STUDY This group will use a video-based study as a starting point for discussions on a variety of topics around life, faith, and spirituality issues. Please consider making a commitment to one of these groups! Small groups are a wonderful way to find deeper understanding and solid community within the church. For more information, contact Brandi at bmanes@fumcdallas.org.

Welcome Our Newest Members

Larry and Suzanne Phillips

Mike Canale and Swany Chung

Nora Ayeni

Max Colin Northcutt with his parents Matt & Laura & sisters Isabel & Pepper

Care & Concern DEATHS: Sincere sympathy to the families of: Faye Funk, mother of Beverly Funk Martha Mason Munn Allison Catherine Shoemaker with her parents Jeremy & Catherine & siblings Griffin & Bekah

Ryan Louise & Piper Caton Santa Maria with their parents Ford & Leah

Food Trucks Are Back! Join us Mondays, April 13, 20 & 27 from 11:30 – 1 p.m. for an appetizing sampling of Dallas’ best restaurants on wheels. Please your palate and find new friends in the serene Fiedler Atrium.

Community Network Job Opportunity Listings Now on firstchurchdallas.org!

L.R. McKinney, husband of Betty McKinney Pat Woolbright, mother of Nancy Woolbright James Trusty, father of Philip Trusty

TAKE THE FIRST STEP. The Christian journey is one that lasts a lifetime. Whether you’re straight out of college, starting a new family, experiencing a transition in your life, or just looking for a new place to call your faith home, FirstStep is a dynamic forum for taking the first step to membership at First United Methodist Church of Dallas. Join us Sunday, April 19 for lunch with Senior Minister Dr. Andy Stoker. We’ll share together how becoming part of a faith family can lead to

Please visit firstchurchdallas.org/network for area Job Opportunity listings. One of our listings... W Dallas- Victory is looking for people to join their team. We cultivate innovative talent who are personally engaged from a lifestyle standpoint to the warm, witty, welcoming environment of the brand. Fun, career growth and creativity are encouraged. We’re looking for talented members from Banquets to Welcome Ambassadors. Mix it up and apply at W Dallas – Victory at whotels.jobs/dallas!

personal and spiritual growth. The interactive forum shows how FirstChurch’s rich history and promising future present us with numerous opportunities to connect with you in ministry. firstchurchdallas.org/firststep

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