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A Service of Light & Remembrance Remembering Our Homeless Neighbors One of the most powerful worship experiences in the life of our church is our annual All Saints’ Service. All Saints’ is a day of solemnity, reserved to honor those who have gone before us, known and unknown, sung and unsung. All of God’s people are spiritually connected, and uniting in remembrance is just one example of God’s prevailing love. On November 1 at 8:45 & 11 a.m., we will gather at the family Communion Table to remember Christ and the constancy of care in this life and in the next. In light of our powerful All Saints’ service, at 5 p.m. FirstChurch and the Chancel Choir will host an all-city memorial service of music and candlelight remembering those who died in our neighborhood, specifically on the streets, 253 of which have been identified. This interdenominational service is open to the public and will join the following urban churches: Grace United Methodist Church, Oak Lawn United Methodist Church, St. Paul

United Methodist Church, and First Presbyterian Church. Participating non-profit partners include CitySquare, Austin Street Center and The Bridge Homeless Recovery Center. The short supply of housing in Dallas is affecting all demographics, and our non-profit partners are making transitional and sustainable housing accessible to the homeless community at a time when the market demands it most. While they continue to shelter those in need from a housing impact yet to be seen, this All Saints’ service will remember the departed, reaffirm our unity as one body of faith, and reflect upon our calling to serve our neighbors. Join us as we continue to be a Church for the City! Together, we are held ... In God’s Love,


Remembrance Remembering Our Homeless Neighbors

1928 Ross Avenue Dallas, Texas 75201 214-220-2727 Dr. Andrew C. Stoker Senior Minister

The Stewpot Art Program - Serving Second Chances The Goodrich Gallery exhibit for November showcases the talent of The Stewpot Art Program. This exhibit opens with the gallery’s traditional Artists’ Reception on Sunday, Nov. 8, from 12 - 2 p.m. in the gallery. In 1975, First Presbyterian Church opened a small soup kitchen in the basement and named it “The Stewpot” in response to the hungry people coming to their doors for help. Today, The Stewpot is a comprehensive resource center for homeless and at-risk individuals of Dallas. The Stewpot offers many service including casework, dental, travel assistance, mail services, children and youth programs, and The Stewpot Art Program, among many other services. The Art program has been in existence for 19 years and grew out of the observation that many people had artistic gifts, but could not express their gifts due to their present circumstances. Many artists in the program are homeless and the others are at-risk individuals. Quotes from several of the Stewpot Artists about their work and the program: Charles William - ‘I feel GOD (the Creator) is an artist, so I create art to be closer to him, or her.”

Cornelious Brackens, Jr - “I produce art because I want to relay the message of God through art. I want to tell the word of God without having to say a word.” Leon Pollard -“The class gives me comfort and it brings me back to things I used to enjoy.” Lee Christopher Albritton - “The love of the art takes me away from the issues that I am dealing with. I appreciate the opportunity.” The Stewpot supplies materials to create artwork and locates places where the finished artwork can be shown to the public. Stewpot art has been shown at galleries, churches, and art fairs.

Goodrich Gallery November Exhibit Gallery Hours 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - Noon Saturday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday

FirstChurch Ringers Make Worldwide Debut Just a few weeks after hosting an Aurora exhibit, FirstChurch’s relationship with the Arts District will be showcased yet again in the world premier of Becoming Santa Claus. This tale of how Santa Claus became the jolly man we’ve grown to know and love will open on December 4 at the Winspear Opera House and feature some of our very own handbell ringers.

About a year ago, General Director & CEO of the Dallas Opera Keith Cerny, began seeking a holiday production that is family friendly like a Pixar movie, but maintains the stature of a fine opera, and commissioned American composerlibrettist Mark Adamo to bring this vision to life. Adamo’s past works include Little Women and Lysistrata, and his wide-eyed exuberance made him a perfect match for such an inventive opera. With the opportunity to develop a libretto from scratch, Adamo has fused the sacred with the secular to explore Santa Claus’ unlikely childhood and transformation from selfishness to generosity. The imaginative plot, rich with depth and tempered with comic relief, strives to introduce children to the opera just as the Nutcracker introduces children to ballet. Adamo’s original orchestration was glittery and silvery befitting a Christmas story, but without bells it seemed lacking. He turned to handbells

for the finishing touch, an unlikely and unprecedented instrument for the opera, but lacked any prior knowledge of the instrument.

Enter Adamo’s “handbell whisperer” Tim Effler and the Alleluya Ringers. Connected by Meredith Wallace, FirstChurch member and Artistic Director at the Dallas Opera, Effler and Adamo collaborated on several iterations to add a shimmering and ethereal motif. “I could not have done it without him,” said Adamo of Effler’s contribution. “He was very generous to take a composer who knows nothing about the instrument and teach me what I needed to know.” Handbells have never been incorporated in an opera, and Effler said of the partnership, “It’s been cool to combine two things that I never thought would meet: handbells and opera.” Most notably, some of the handbells will be played by FirstChurch youth. “For our youth to have an appearance in a worldwide opera debut is outstanding,” said Effler. His involvement moving forward will be to teach them their roles in the opera, similar to his career path not taken: to be an accompanist/ coach in the opera world. On opening night, the Chancel Choir will

assume a supporting role to the ringers by singing holiday music in the Winspear lobby before the performance, and we hope that you and your families will support as audience members. Tickets are on sale now at

Show dates: Friday, December 4 at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, December 6 at 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 9 at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, December 12 at 7:30 p.m.

Fall Festival Fun

Sunday school classes and groups gathered together to create a fantastic festival for FirstKids and guests on Sunday, Oct. 18. It was a super night of games, bake sale, dunking booth, In-N-Out Burger and fun!

The Goodrich Gallery 2015 Membership Show FUMC artists -- all ages and stages -- are invited to participate in the Goodrich Gallery’s Annual Membership Show! Entries are being accepted at the Music and Arts office November 8 – 29. Guidelines include: • • • • •

Only two entries per member. All work must be original. Work cannot have been previously shown in the Goodrich Gallery. Work must be suitably framed and ready for hanging. 3D pieces must be ready to display.

If you would like to enter your work, please pick up a brochure in the Goodrich Gallery so that you can read the full guidelines, attach the entry form to your work, and submit it at the Music and Arts office prior to November 29. All work submitted for the Membership Show will be juried by the Goodrich Gallery committee. For questions, please contact Kat in the Music and Arts at 214-220-2727, 218. The Goodrich Gallery Committee appreciates all the members who share their artistic talents with our congregation and visitors during the Annual Membership Show!

N th ew is tim ye e ar !

Hanging of the Greens Sunday, Nov. 22 at 2:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary FirstChurch once again opens the door for Jesus Christ to become the focal point of the season with our Hanging of the Greens Worship Service. All ages are invited to join in the celebration as we learn about Advent, decorate our historic Sanctuary and sing songs amidst the holy chaos of a kid-friendly 45-minute service. For those of you not in children’s choirs, join us for an Advent workshop with crafts and activities beginning at 1:30 in the Atrium. After Hanging of the Greens, join us for hot wassail and cookies follow in Fiedler Atrium.

Save the Date for FirstGifts Sunday, Dec. 6 8:30 - 1 Fiedler Atrium First Gifts Alternative Christmas Giving Market provides an opportunity to offer tangible mission-oriented merchandise and gift donation cards for meaningful Christmas gift giving. In addition, the market: •

Increases awareness and educates our members about the impact and importance of our church’s outreach through local and global missions. Creates a sense of community and opportunity for all members to be encouraged and involved in the mission work of the church. Raises funds to benefit FUMC mission agencies/projects.

Nearly 20 agencies and projects will be represented. Come join us for a great morning of giving on December 6.

Next @ FirstChurch All Saints Sunday Sunday, Nov. 1 We celebrate the lives on those who have left our faith family this year. 8:45 & 11 a.m. worship. Paul Benson Lecture Series Sundays, Nov. 1, 8 & 15 at 9:45 a.m. in the 3rd floor Gym “Cult of Saints and Relics: Medieval Martyrs and Miracles” Nov. 1: Old School Saints: Hair Shirt Stylites Nov. 8: New School Saints: Sermonizing Stigmatics Nov. 15: Relic Redemption: “Them Bones” Dr. Benson will present a micro-history of the Middle Ages’ obsession with saints, relics, martyrs, shrines, miracles, and pilgrimages. Charge Conference Sunday, Nov. 22 5 p.m. in Crossroads Center All FirstChurch members invited. Christmas Poinsettias Order Poinsettias to honor or remember loved ones and friends. They will adorn the sanctuary on Sundays, Dec. 14 & 21 and Christmas Eve. Each plant is $12. Order forms will be available at Connection Points or beginning Sunday, Nov. 16.

The hope of Advent The purpose of Advent is to make us pregnant with hope. For many, the holiday season is not filled with joy, family and gifts, but anxiety, stress and despair. Advent seeks to reframe our experiences with new expectations, expectations that will not disappoint. It is the expectancy that new life will start to grow within all of us. However, we must be willing to make room for an interruption. Can we make that space to receive this gift? On Sunday, Nov. 29, Dr. Ruben Habito, Professor of World Religions and Spirituality and Director of Spiritual Formation at Perkins School of Theology, will share an engaging and inspiring lesson to begin our Advent season. 9:45 a.m. in the Atrium.

Sunday School leaders are invited to: “Lunch and Learn: Awesome Advent Resources and So Much More!” After worship on Nov. 8, Sunday school leaders are invited to join Rev. Blair Thompson for lunch in G06 as she shares five awesome Advent resources for classes to choose from this upcoming Advent season. She will also be previewing new curriculum for 2016. You won’t want to miss this fun and helpful session that will empower your classes to go deeper in their discipleship during Advent and into the new year.

Join Rev. Blair Thompson and Rev. Tom Downing for this riveting new video series and discussion on Tuesdays at lunch from noon to 1 p.m. from Dec. 1 - 22 (bring your own lunch, water and tea provided), or on Wednesday evenings from 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. from Dec. 2 - 16. Childcare is available on Wednesday evenings. Contact Rev. Blair Thompson ( for more information.

NOV. 1

TAKE THE FIRST STEP. Lunch. Learn. Connect. Explore membership at FirstChurch during brunch with Senior Minister Dr. Andy Stoker. This interactive forum offers a brief history of FirstChurch along with opportunities to connect with us in ministry.

Sunday, November 8.

Fiedler Atrium 9 am - 12:30 pm Let’s meet or exceed our June collection of 50 pints! Visit for guidelines.

First Church

COSTA RICA FAMILY-FRIENDLY MISSION Join the team in learning, growing and serving. Give yourself to offer help and hope. March 6 - 13, 2016. Contact Rev. Linda Roby at for more information. Look for information in upcoming FirstNewsWeeklys and on the website.

All senior adults are invited to

“God Speaks Through Music” a Day-time Retreat led by Dr. Bill Bryan and Tim Effler Saturday, Nov. 21, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. First United Methodist Church, Dallas For you shall go out in joy, and be led back in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall burst into song, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. - Isaiah 55:12

21 years of pastoral ministry in county seat, suburban, inner city and mega churches. He is the current chairman of Archives and History for the North Texas Annual Conference and a member of Leadership Dallas. He and his wife, Corinne, attend FirstChurch where Bill leads the Early Class on Sunday mornings.

God speaks to us through music in amazing ways. Why is this? What kind of difference has this made in our lives? How can we be more open to this special way of communicating with God? How can we know when “The devil speaks through music, too?” Bill Bryan and Tim Effler have put together a song list and stories that will help answer these questions. Tim will make use of the church organ and his musical talents to guide us through this exploration. Bill Bryan will add his talents as a storyteller to help us see where the music leads us.

Tim Effler is the Organist/Associate Director of Music at First United Methodist Church where he serves as organist for all worship services, weddings, and memorial services. Tim also administers the handbell program and directs the Alleluya Ringers and Celebration Ringers. In addition, he serves as accompanist for the Chancel Choir and Variations Youth Choir, and is the co-director of Vox Nova.

Bill Bryan is Associate Dean for Student Affairs at Perkins School of Theology at SMU. He received his B.A. from Rice University in 1974, his M.Th. from Perkins School of Theology in 1977 and his D. Min. from Perkins School of Theology in 1986. His teaching specialties are Internship and church leadership. His research interests are in Church history, Wesley studies, and urban ministry. Bill is an Ordained Elder in the North Texas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. He spent

Tim holds a bachelor’s degree from Furman University in organ performance, and master’s degrees in accompanying/vocal coaching and vocal performance from Southern Methodist University. Tim has served as President of the Greater Dallas Handbell Association and the Executive Board for the Dallas Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. $15 including lunch. Scholarships are available. Register on Sundays beginning Nov. 1, call Nancy Woolbright at ext. 210 or visit

FirstChurch Welcomes Our Newest Members

Emily Whitsett & Crystal Reimer

Luke William Groves with his parents Will and Sarah Groves (also new members)

Care & Concern DEATHS: Sincere sympathy to the families of:

Gordon Lipsett, husband of Carol Lipsett Georgia Morris, mother of Molli-B Morris

Emily & Kate Hartmann

Elise Hackleman with her parents Jon & Katie

George Weedon with his parents Luke & Lauren, and brother Syler

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