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Remembrance and Preparation BY DR. ANDY STOKER, SENIOR MINISTER

Every year, when I was growing up, we would travel to North Texas from El Paso to visit my aunt, uncle and cousins the day after Christmas. It is an all-day car ride across Interstate 10, onto I-20, to I-30 and into the Metroplex. With every passing mile, I’m sure I asked the all-to-frequent-childhood question from the backseat, “Are we there yet?!” The expectancy of seeing family, of a connection with those we only heard faintly on the other end of a phone, of hearing words of love from those from whom we’d been estranged were at the forefront of my mind. Laughter and even tears were shared over the days until we rang in the new year. Sparkling grape juice for us kids, and something fizzy as well for the adults, as we watched the ball drop in Times Square. It was a new year and new beginning. On New Year’s Day, we would share one more day together and look forward with tears and laughter to what the year would bring. Reluctantly, we climbed back into the car for the trip home, from the Metroplex, onto Interstate 30, to I-20 and across I-10 home. The tradition of celebrating the New Year with my family continues today with my boys. We introduce them to the ritual of remembrance and the power of preparation. On our journey to connect with family, we ask them: What events made up our last year? New friends? New ways of thinking? New ways of feeling about ourselves and others? And, what are we looking forward to in the new year? Deepening relationships? Discovering how our thinking becomes action? Defining our identity in Christ in all we do? You are invited to take the journey within. Even if we ask, “Are we there yet?” God will respond with the blessed assurance of God’s presence in our lives. We know that, with God’s help, although we see in a mirror dimly today, that one day the Sparkling Grape Juice will flow and we will experience the Love that never lets us go. Happy New Year, my church family, may God bless you in the year to come.

First United Methodist Church of Dallas 1928 Ross Avenue

Dallas, Texas 75201

Dr. Andrew C. Stoker, Senior Minister



Your Staff: Meeting Conviction with Commitment Your FirstChurch staff is one of the hardest working and most dedicated teams I have had the privilege of working with in my years in ministry. From our maintenance and housekeeping staff to program ministry directors, from childcare workers to administrative staff, the clergy and lay professionals are dedicated to the mission of the church and are responsive to God’s work in their lives. Consistently, they are meeting conviction with commitment. In the new year, we are shifting a few responsibilities so that passion and expertise is maximized in every ministry area. The Reverend Blair Thompson is assuming an Executive Associate Minister role. Her new responsibility will be to assist in the general administration of the church, including strengthening our collaborative leadership model, developing a framework for a sustainable discipleship model, expanding her preaching repertoire, mentoring candidates for ministry and engaging partners in ministry and new neighbors for work through the church. Evan Jones joins our staff as Director of Discipleship Ministries. With his experience in Christian education, Evan will create and innovate on the sturdy foundation already present in our age-level ministries. As we see our neighborhood grow with residents, our weekly engagement of discipleship, educational and missional opportunities need to grow as well; Evan will collaborate with the other ministry areas to seek new ways of connecting new neighbors with our members. With the depth of missional engagement we saw in 2015, the Reverends Wally Butts and Linda Roby are strategizing new ways to reach new people in advocacy, compassion and justice. Reverend Butts will now be responsible for our Church & Society Committee whose focus is educational reform, racial reconciliation and ending human trafficking. Church & Society studies together in order to reach out with eyes wide open to the need of our community.

Reverend Roby will more deeply focus on Mission & Outreach ministries and the Rise Fund. As we have seen our partnerships expand in our downtown network, Linda will unite the mission of the church with the focus of agencies to maximize our every ministry movement outside the walls of the church. Jennifer Tolin will take on more worship responsibilities as she has now become a candidate for ordained ministry. Vicky Benish will be sharing some administrative duties one day a week away from her receptionist position. Brandi Manes continues her parental leave into the new year. Dr. Dale Hunt is on a renewal leave until March 1; he will be traveling and preparing for his joyful work with couples through our wedding ministry. Through all of these shifting staff responsibilities, I believe that each staff person is finding their commitment through their conviction to serve Christ in this church. Join me in praying for strength and clarity of purpose for each of our professional staff.

Explore the New FirstChurch Web Site! We are excited to present our new streamlined website which we hope offers a better experience for members and visitors alike. Features of our new website: Social media and FirstAccess links are located here on every page. All upcoming Events may be seen by clicking here. Worship details for the upcoming Sunday are listed here. Upcoming church events are listed here.

Other exciting changes: •

Find a volunteer opportunity and filter by type (Mission & Outreach. Cong. Care) under Get Involved, Serve.

Find an Event by type ( Music & Arts, Adult Education, Children).

Worship details including music, live stream and sermon archives are located on one page under Worship.

The site is responsive and mobile friendly.

SPRING CLASSES BEGIN JAN. 17 There’s something for everyone at FCU – including FirstKids! Each spring and fall, a thorough course offering will bring diverse teachers from around Dallas to feed your spirit and curiosity. Register today at firstchurchdallas.org/fcu. Classes typically meet Tuesday or Wednesday nights, and childcare is provided. On Wednesday nights, everyone involved in FCU is invited for a fellowship dinner at 5:45 p.m., followed by Adult Classes and Children’s Programs. Tuesday night classes begin with a gathering time from 6 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. for conversation, coffee, and cookies.

Monday Nights

Tuesday Nights continued

Disciple Fast Track Led by Rev. Blair Thompson and Katie Corder 5:45 to 7:15 starting January 18 (24 sessions) This beloved Bible study enjoyed by millions is now available in a time frame that fits your busy life! You will read and explore the whole Bible in this 24-week week study (12 weeks on the Old Testament/12 weeks on the New Testament). As one member recently said: “Disciple Bible changed my life. My faith is so much deeper now.”

Christianity and World Religions 6:30-7:45pm Led by Rev. Tom Downing (5 sessions) Christianity and World Religions by Adam Hamilton – Examines four major world religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Judaism. He wrestles with tough questions: Why are there so many different religions? How should Christians view other religions? How is God at work in other religions? What is the fate of those who earnestly pursue God through other religions?

Tuesday Afternoons Beyond the Broken Heart Led by Rev. Wally Butts 1:00 - 2:30 starting January 19 (5 sessions) How do you understand grief when your heart is broken by the death of a loved one? To survive and live forward, those who grieve must find answers. “Beyond the Broken Heart” is a support group for those who are grieving. During our time together, we’ll draw from scriptural wisdom as we explore issues of grief, share in spiritual encouragement for a life of renewed hope and joy, and seek to develop specific coping strategies needed to guide us back to fullness of life.

Tuesday Nights Discover Your Enneagram Type 6:30-8:30pm Led by Susan Holloway, Lennijo Henderson and Gary Duke (12 sessions) The Enneagram is an ancient tool for understanding ourselves and others by teaching characteristics of nine different personality types. Learning them allows us to separate our own egos from the indwelling voice of the Holy Spirit, so that we grow and renew spiritually into God’s desire for our reconciliation and resurrection. Twelve Tuesday night classes combine instructional DVDs by Enneagram master, Suzanne Stabile, with interactive discussion and skilled facilitation by FUMC members. Where Did You Come From? The Story of Your Family 6:30-7:45pm Led by Kelvin Meyers (5 sessions) Family. We all have one. Have you ever wondered about those who came before you? This 5 week course will give you the skills to begin your journey to the past and help you start writing your story. Learn where to look and how to use sources to your advantage.

Wednesday Nights 6:20-7:35pm Jan. 20-Feb. 24 (with a week off for Ash Wednesday) The Living Word: A Lectionary Scripture Study, Led by Diane Bricker The scripture comes alive in this weekly Bible study! In this discussion group, we delve into the scripture text that Dr. Stoker will be preaching on Sunday. You will love this group engagement of scripture! As one participant said: “The scripture stories become a part of your life in a way that they otherwise wouldn’t.” Join this study and deepen your knowledge and love of God and enhance your Sunday worship experience. Struggle for Racial Equality, Courageous Remembering Led by Church & Society Five weeks of documentary films, book review and guided interactive discussion. We’ll explore where we’re going as a people in context of U.S. history from Reconstruction through the 1960’s civil rights era. Those who did not take Race and Culture: Courageous Conversations in Fall 2015 are strongly encouraged to read Waking Up White by Debbie Irving and view a PBS documentary, “Race: The Story We Tell.” General Conference 2016 and You! How Methodism Can Improve Your Heart Health Led by Dr. Andy Stoker The United Methodist Church gathers as a denomination in Portland, Oregon this spring. Dr. Andy Stoker is a reserve delegate for the North Texas Conference. We will discuss the significant issues of the UMC and how these affect FirstChurch’s mission and ministry. Learn a little history, share a bit of yourself, imagine what God is doing in light and even in spite of us. Christianity and World Religions Led by Rev. Tom Downing Christianity and World Religions by Adam Hamilton – Examines four major world religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Judaism. He wrestles with tough questions: Why are there so many different religions? How should Christians view other religions? How is God at work in other religions? What is the fate of those who earnestly pursue God through other religions?

Wednesday Nights continued

Weekend Experience

TED Talks: Exploring Ideas to Change Attitudes, Lives, and the World Led by Rev. Blair Thompson TED is a non-profit devoted to spreading ideas through short, powerful talks. Our class will view a talk, discuss the idea shared, and discern our faithful response by drawing insight from the Bible and other spiritual teachers. We’ll explore a variety of relevant ideas that will engage our hearts and minds and may even inspire us to change ourselves and change the world.

Perkins Theological School for the Laity With Rev. Blair Thompson Join Rev. Blair for engaging lectures and classes with Perkins professors.

Pajamas and Prayers for Preschoolers Led by Tom and Bethany Erickson 3-to-5-year-olds are invited to explore the Bible and learn how they fit into God’s plan. Take-home material will continue the conversations about your family’s spiritual life. Please note: This class is not child care, so please enroll your child for this specific class if you would like them to attend.

Mar. 3-5

Schedule: Thursday at 7 pm: Keynote address by Larry James Friday from 9 am-4 pm: Class by Dr. Alyce McKenzie: “Short Sentences from Long Experience: the Bible’s Proverbial Wisdom for Today” Saturday from 9 am-4 pm: Class by Dr. Wes Allen, “The Bible’s Longest Parable: The Gospel of Mark” Sunday at noon: Lunch with Rev. Blair to debrief experience

Wednesday Nights Apr. 6th - May 4, 6:20-7:35pm

Mission Possible Kids for Elementary Briefing from Mission Possible Kids: IDENTIFICATION SEQUENCE STARTING….. to proceed, think: ‘With God, All things are possible’ PROCESSING…..STATUS: ACTIVATED. You are now entering MPKids, proceed joyfully! NEXT TOP SECRET MISSION: Come and find out! SHOULD YOU ACCEPT THIS CHALLENGE, YOU’LL: Learn how YOU can make a difference in your community.

Social Justice, in Thought and Action, the Bible and more, Led by Randy Mayeux “I was hungry; welcome the stranger; never oppress the poor; all are one in Christ Jesus…” This short series will combine synopses of contemporary books, and key passages from Scripture, to help us to explore big topics like poverty, housing, and incarceration, so that we might discern what it means to let justice roll down like a river.

Sundays Jan. 17-Feb. 14, 9:15-10:00am

Women’s Group: Daring Greatly, Rising Strong, led by Rev. Blair Thompson Women of all ages are invited to join Rev. Blair Thompson for this dynamic discussion-based class based on the work of socialist Brene Brown, focusing on her most recent #1 New York Times Bestselling book “Rising Strong: The Reckoning, The Rumble, The Revolution.” Join the conversation on courage, vulnerability, shame, and worthiness and discover how to cultivate wholeheartedness.

Modern Girl’s Bible Study Led by Jennifer Tolin Using Jen Hatmaker’s “Make Over: Revitalizing the Many Roles You Fill” we will explore what women from the Bible have to say about balancing our sanity with great expectations. From managing our time and setting priorities to organizing our world, we will see how women in the Bible and women of faith today are not all that different.

Saturdays Conscious Aging Led by Dr. Mary Ann Reed at Walnut Hill UMC ($60) 9 a.m. to noon on Jan. 23, 20, Feb. 13, 27 We are partnering with Walnut Hill UMC to explore resources and wisdom about growing older. As one participant said, “It’s an inspiring vision for aging that recognizes the vast potential for life’s elder chapters to be infused with purpose, passion, and continual growth!” Whether you are experiencing this yourself or walking alongside someone who is, this is a course that can give you inspiration, guidance, and support.


Feb. 1 at 7:30 p.m.

Lecture with Dr. Walter Brueggemann, Dinner and discussion beforehand with Rick Horch Dr. Walter Brueggemann, world-renowned theologian and author, is coming to Perkins School of Theology’s Minsters Week 2016. You’re invited to dinner and discussion with Rick Horch before attending the lecture together. Dr. Brueggemann is Professor Emeritus of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary. He is a past president of the Society of Biblical Literature and an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ.

Animate Bible Led by Brandi Manes Animate: Bible features perspectives from leading Christian thought leaders on topics such as the canon, history, testament, gospels, genre, interpretation, and grace. Animate: Bible poses questions people really have, and then encourages participants to respond—answers aren’t included. The Story We Find Ourselves In Led by Rev. Tom Downing Author Brian McLaren offers a fictional story inviting reflection on the nonfiction story we find ourselves in – that is, the narrative of God’s presence and meaning in the world now and in the future. McLaren’s witty and wise characters take on difficult, faith busting themes, from evolution and evangelism to death and the meaning of life, revealing that the answers to life’s pressing spiritual questions often come from the most unlikely stories. For the Love: A Class for Mothers and Daughters Led by Jennifer Tolin and Dorian Albert A new mother and daughter (ages 11-17) class based on Jen Hatmaker’s newest book, For the Love. Love. Moms will engage in lively discussion of the book while their daughters explore the theme of grace in their lives. We will end each night with a special activity together designed to help moms and daughters learn about each other, grow together and gain a new perspective on how to do life and church together.

FCU CLASSES (cont.) By Popular Demand: Top Requested Presentations for Parents Led by Kathleen Fisher ($85/family). The first four Wednesday nights in April, Kathleen Fischer will be offering a four part series of her most requested presentations: 4/6 – Simple But NOT Easy Conversations You’d Like to Have With Your Kids – This class will focus on some obstacles which get in the way when we want to have meaningful conversation with our teens. Kathleen will also offer invaluable tips on how to set the stage for connection which will really support your kids’ growing maturity. We’ll consider the question: If talking together is one of the most important things a family does, what do we need to be talking about? 4/13 – What’s Bad About Being Too Good? While almost every parent would say, “My kid? Perfect? Are you kidding!?” the fact is that many kids feel intense pressure to be “perfect” in many ways: athletics, academics, volunteer work, family life, even church involvement. This class will address the question: what gets lost when kids focus too much on being too good? And, what’s to be gained in messing up? 4/20 – Lay Readers at St. Mattress: Why Family is the Most Important “Church” They’ll Ever Attend When it comes to making disciples, no one shapes kids like their families. How can we look at the every-dayness of family living and see the holy? What is your family teaching about forgiveness; about charity; about giving sanctuary; about ministering to those in need? Besides all that, what does scripture have to say when it comes to unloading the dishwasher or keeping your brother’s confidences? 4/27 – The Truth About Lying Every adult understands the importance of telling the truth, how essential it is in every relationship. Yet almost every family has challenges when it come to bedrock honesty. This class will help dissect “lying” and also lay a foundation for speaking truth between parents and kids. One question we’ll address is the relationship between telling the truth and family arguments. These classes are “stand alone,” meaning that if you have to miss one, you can easily join the next one. Pajamas and Prayers for Preschoolers Led by Tom and Bethany Erickson Even preschoolers can explore the Bible, and learn about God’s plan and how they fit into it. Tom and Bethany Erickson invite your 3-to-5-year-olds to join them in a child-sized exploration of their own spiritual life, and then use the take-home materials to start the conversations about your family’s spiritual life. Please note: This class is not child care, so please enroll your child for this specific class if you would like them to attend.

Jene Gravley, painter The Goodrich Gallery begins a new year with an exhibit by Jene Gravley. Jene Gravley began painting in the 1940’s and 1950’s, studying in studio with Mary Totten Johnson. She painted on and off for the next half century while juggling career and family. After retirement she began devoting more time to painting and making use of opportunities to attend various workshops and classes. Ms. Gravley enjoys working in portraits, still life, and various scenes. She paints in oils, working from life and using digital photography for reference, often composing and sketching in Photoshop.

“Travel inspires me with opportunities to experience new scenes and visions. My objective in every painting is to convey the beauty I see in the subject.” - Jene Gravley

Goodrich Gallery January Exhibit Gallery Hours

Mission Possible Kids for Elementary Briefing from Mission Possible Kids: IDENTIFICATION SEQUENCE STARTING….. to proceed, think: ‘With God, All things are possible’ PROCESSING…..STATUS: ACTIVATED. You are now entering MPKids, proceed joyfully! NEXT TOP SECRET MISSION: Come and find out! SHOULD YOU ACCEPT THIS CHALLENGE, YOU’LL: Learn how YOU can make a difference in your community and change the world.

9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - Noon Saturday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday

next @


Take the First Step Sunday, Jan. 10 at Noon Lunch. Learn. Connect. Explore membership at FirstChurch during brunch with Senior Minister Dr. Andy Stoker. This informal conversation offers a brief history of FirstChurch along with opportunities to connect with FirstChurch members. firstchurchdallas.org/firststep

Costa Rica Mission Deadline Friday, Jan. 15 Join us for mission in Costa Rica. You’ll be challenged, refreshed, and experience love at work through the faithful people of the Methodist church in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica. Make this part of your Lenten Journey to grow your understanding of yourself, others and God. March 6 - 13, 2016. Contact Rev. Linda Roby at lroby@fumcdallas.org. MLK Parade & Celebration Monday, Jan. 18 at 10 a.m. All are invited to join in a city-wide walk and celebration at Fair Park. Our Piece of the Puzzle - Celebrating Women at FirstChurch Sunday, Jan. 24 at Noon in Crossroads Center Women of FirstChurch: Are you looking to find connection in 2016 with mission-minded women? The United Methodist Women (UMW) of FirstChurch invite you to join us for a casual luncheon with great fellowship to learn about the mission and ministry of UMW. RSVP at www.evite.me/6S4QhhrUVj by Sunday Jan. 17. 12:15 p.m. in Crossroads Center.

8 Days Film Screening In solidarity with Human Trafficking Awareness Day, FirstChurch is presenting “8 Days,” a 90-minute film by Director Jaco Booyens that depicts the story of one teenage girl ensnared by sex trafficking. Join us to view the film, meet the director and ask questions of local leaders working to abolish this modern-day slavery. Mature content. Childcare provided. 2 – 4:45 p.m. in Fiedler Atrium.

Sunday, February 28, 5 p.m.

Women’s Retreat Saturday, Feb. 6 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Warren UMC Several wonderful speakers, including Rev. Dianna Masters, senior pastor of Warren UMC, Thalia Matherson, former UMW National Director and President of the Dallas Retired Teachers Assocation, Rev. Priscilla Pope-Levinson, Associate Dean of External Affairs at Perkins School of Theology and Rev. Cammy Gaston, Metro District Superintendent, who will preside over the communion table at the end of our day together. Hosted by UMW in partnership with Warren UMC.

Relive 50 years of music and memories as the Variations present Solid Gold: A 50th Anniversary Celebration! This is their way of saying thank you to everyone who contributed funds to help send them on their mystery choir tour this June!

FirstChurch Welcomes Our Newest Members

Harriet Anne “Hattie” Arnold with her parents Jeff and Michelle

Collen Henry “Hank” Clark with his parents Collen & Haley and brother Gus

Don and Terry Mann

Ryan Russell and Channing Braun

Mikayla Jo McCleskey with her father Andrew and Rev. Blair Thompson

Jana Jones with husband and new staff member Evan, and children Kyler and Harper

Philip and Marie Durrett

Jerry Garner

Care & Concern BIRTHS: Riley Rosalind Metcalf, daughter of Braden and Nicole Metcalf DEATHS: Paul Martin, grandfather of Nick McWhirter

Dustin and Lexi Lucas with daughter Alivia

Griffin Galbreath with his parents Steve and Laura, and sister Madeleine

Jan. 8, March 4 & May 6 Drop off kids to DLC or Triumph Sports Camp at 6 p.m., attend parenting class from 6-6:45 p.m. led by Lowry Manders, then head out to dinner to talk about your learnings. Pick up kids at 9 p.m.! RSVP at firstchurchdallas.org/ parents-night-out.

Mark and Teri Howell Elizabeth Rucker Virginia Brown, mother of Randy Brown

Join Us for Church Council All FirstChurch members invited. Tuesday, Feb. 9 6:30 p.m. in Crossroads Center. 2016 Dates: May 3, Aug. 30, Nov. 20

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