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1928 Ro Ross osss Avenue Texas Dallas, T exas 75201 214-220-2727 214-220-2727 fi t h hd ll Dr. Andrew C. Stoker Senior Minister
learning crafts, and g in k a m , m w join us! gs School Church to le, it was a singing son t u s l, d o e ir o h F h c c s f o S g s in athletics ion Bible ite friend programm onditioned with Vacat c ited to inv c le x ir u e a d e r re h o e c f s w e ity ssiblee d a full Mission Po e opportun sible, and w s d m o n o p a lc , e Children ha re n a w io s t a g imagina ar, added God all thin d artistic re ew this ye e n w that with , o p p m m a e C sed. ich d Games mp Goodr mission ba a serving C is . t s a n h o Sports an t o n full week ulum after a ic r e t r h n u t e c p l in s o o y d h n. Choir, an unday sc and activit nsformatio engaging S Variations ra d T h e t c it c u w d je o o ro g tr P i Kids in er and r to Chica da Theatre treet Shelt S try on tou is in in t s m u out Rotun A ir e ld e h o k t s li k o s o w r perial t e to tn Youth Dallas with featuring Im y with par t in it r n e re c u e n m h o C m y s o ericana maze, tayed bu our local c and An Am tinues to a and Arts s n ), o s ic c a s li s u o r M n e g , b a e m Steel M Tour asid urch me ere None & Variations of FirstCh W t n re le r long. e ta h T ic n t artis all summe d The n e s h (A it T ib . s h h w t x o e 4 h s ly and bone ry tion of Ju d a blood drich Galle ra te o b a o le G in e d c g r o in o in k r ss Bra s class c ht provo Foundation d by thoug d te n n a e , m r e le h p it m co lives! let up e n, helping any as 150 dules didn’t m e h s c a s l ve o a o nsformatio s h c ra to s T s y t t c a d in DISD je n p ro 0 Su lies to help p ers with P ollecting 5 p c n t u , r s e a l iv p o r o d g h in marrow as read m and sc ted unifor olunteered c v nkin. e e ll k o li c a e h t W Wesley-Ra you ning. d r n a a le S y C c C ra , Adults and s te festive J.J. Rhoad her for a ase their li t g e re e in g c d in to lu s c s t r in n io e with a gam stud tners d sen d r n e a a s p n lo r c re u d o t il n h h hroug n, the eve ed out bringing c students t o one miss per traditio ttendance, n a s , r e A a . m ll t e r te h e t s c w ana Con hortcake s Unite sa he Americ awberry S t tr other! S re Generation o e f h e t b d t e know each miss er jus n to le in p g d o in e r t p e t g e y r g n dy to a s hambu Judith Ree randparent . e”. While m g v n e u te R T a g h t a it ro h r w T e and su of “Name eat Center ocial justic tr s f kids and e o d R n y l u il jo H ro e a g h t n or nversatio et at Sprin on the fun ostering co Seniors m f t , s y ir t F ie , c r o e s m . life and rt of sum f the city een prayer w t At the sta e b ip h e church o s h n t io e t b la to re e means ctful. peakers explore th an be impa und what it featuring s c , ro h n a io rc e t u a id h c C w u t d hungry e h ways Firs unger, and ation churc ager minds h s e r , y s ve n n ip a o h m c s r o e e th y partn ge with s y expanded , communit ing to enga re s a s lf le Happy Cit e b w a l s ia a ee. It w cluded soc rward to Bishop McK d Subjects in n a s g and look fo n li d w re a a R h s r o e y going w such as Ma e summer tChurch is s h t ir . F r e o c t f a n l h u re t e f diff are thank , we know to make a g summer l year, we o in o g h a c g s n e w d e a busy an into the n fter such A As we move . or... e m o c n waiting f hip to e s e b w o e ll e w f o e h all th We are w reat year! g a ve a h to
The September Goodrich Gallery exhibit features artwork of Kaligrafos. Join us for a reception Sept. 13 in the gallery from 12 - 2 p.m. Kaligrafos, The Dallas Calligraphy Society, was formed in 1980 by a group of students and professionals, and serves as an active forum for the study and promotion of calligraphy and its related arts. Membership is open to anyone interested in letters regardless of experience. Exhibits are open and non-juried. Members create pieces of fine art, letter poems and quotations, address envelopes and do all types of lettering for advertising and design. Kaligrafos holds monthly meetings on the second Saturday of every month at 9 a.m. They always include an interesting program. Brochures with more information will be available in the Gallery. Please stop by the reception to ask questions. Inquiries about purchases are welcome.
Goodrich Gallery September Exhibit Gallery Hours 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - Noon Saturday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday
Out and About with the Goodrich Gallery Sunday, September 20, 12 – 2 p.m. in Fiedler Atrium You are invited to join the Goodrich Gallery for the third annual Out and About event as we continue to explore themes of art and spirituality with our Arts District Neighbors. The afternoon begins with lunch and a lecture in Fiedler Atrium. Then we’ll adjourn to the Nasher Sculpture Center for a tour of the exhibit by Giuseppe Penone: Being the River, Repeating the Forest. Cost is $20 per person and includes lunch, lecture, and art tour. Free childcare will be provided at the church. To register and make childcare reservations, please For more information, contact Music and Arts, 214-220-2727, ext. 218.
FirstChurch University Our fall semester of FCU begins Tuesday, Sept. 15 bringing children, youth and adults together for food, fellowship, study and FUN! Don’t miss the excitement on Tuesday and Wednesday nights this fall with these great classes: Leadership at the Crossroads: Spiritual Leadership Development Program led by Rev. Blair Thompson Women’s Group: Connecting Consistently through Prayer, led by Diane Bricker Disciple 1 Bible Study, led by Jeff and Sara Chesnut Into the World: A Short-Term Disciple Bible Study on Genesis, led by Debbie Daniel Art and the Sacred, led by Dr. Andy Stoker And more! Classes also available for PreK - 6th grade!
See the full course list and register at
RISE MISSION AND OUTREACH FUND Over the last year, your generosity has raised $100,256 for the Rise Fund. Inspired by your benevolence, Rise Fund committee members are actively reviewing grant applications from eight agencies, visiting their ministries, interviewing management, inviting feedback from FirstChurch members who have volunteered with these agencies, and evaluating budgets to discern where your donations will make the biggest impact.
The agencies under consideration include: Crossroads Community Services Dallas Bethlehem Center Family Gateway Project Transformation JJ Rhoads Methodist Children’s Home of Costa Rica Wesley-Rankin Community Center Mission NOW
All are making great strides to meet human needs in our immediate neighborhood and around the world. Collectively, these agencies have requested $136,500. While we have not yet met this goal, there is still time. If you or your Sunday school class has yet to support the 2015 Rise Fund, the deadline to donate is September 13, at which time committee members will meet for thorough and prayerful deliberation about the fund’s distribution. We are excited to empower and uplift our neighboring agencies and change the trajectory of human lives in need. Thank you for your continued generosity. Visit to donate online.
f ll
S epte mbe r
September is Hunger Action Month in North Texas and across the nation! Be part of a month-long movement that has a real and lasting impact on the mission to end hunger in America. There are many ways you can get involved in Hunger Action Month, including: • Wear orange to bring awareness to the critical issue of hunger in our community on Hunger Action Day, Sept. 3. • Take the SNAP Challenge Sept. 20 - 26. See other mission and outreach opportunities below. OR G A NIZATION / EVEN T J.J. Rhoads Reading Partners Make a huge difference this fall by joining us as we become Reading Partners for the kids in our adopted school, J.J. Rhoads!
Crossroads Community Services (CCS) CCS’ mission is to enrich the lives of our neighbors in need by compassionately providing tangible support and by helping people develop the strategic skills and self-discipline necessary to enjoy sustained well-being.
AIDS Services of Dallas (ASD) ASD is the largest licensed provider of medically supportive housing for people living with HIV/AIDS in Texas.
North Texas Food Bank Join FirstChurch volunteers to feed hungry children, families and seniors in North Texas. North Texas Food Bank relies heavily on the strong faith community in North Texas.
SNAP Challenge One in six people in America face hunger. This September, Turn Orange for Hunger to raise awareness of this critical issue. Hunger Action Month is a reminder to everyone that hunger exists - in our nation, our state and our community.
Austin Street Center Austin Street Center is a nationally recognized center for the homeless which serves 350 dinners seven days a week with the assistance of dedicated community volunteers from churches, organizations and individuals.
Provide and serve meals
Family friendly/ children’s activities
V O L U N T E E R O P P O RT U N I T I E S Read with a student once a week for an hour. Be a “substitute” reader and fill in occasionally. Help with three teacher appreciation events. Contact Betty Black at bbbjdb68@
D AT E S Volunteers are needed throughout the school year.
Help CCS prepare produce for distribution to clients on the 1st & 3rd Saturdays of each month from 9-11 a.m. Contact Lacy
Sat., Sept. 5 Sat., Sept. 19
Supper Club Program is a potluck dinner served to the residents of the housing units at ASD. Volunteers can cook meals, serve meals or underwrite cost of meal. Contact Laura Thurman at
Mon., Sept. 7 (Labor Day)
Sort, box and/or bag food in a warehouse environment at 4500 S. Cockrell Hill Road, Dallas, 75236. Volunteers must wear closed-toe shoes, dress comfortably and must be 10 years of age or older. Register at
Sat., Sept. 19 1 - 3:30 p.m.
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as the Food Stamp Program, feeds millions of hungry families in America every month. Experience what life is like for millions of low-income Americans living on the average daily allowance of only $4.15.
Sept. 20 - 26
Volunteers are incredibly important, because we rely on them to bring pre-cooked, ready to serve meals each and every day. Volunteers must be 10 years of age or older. Contact Heather Brestle at
Mon., Sept. 21
Montgomery at
Physical labor such as painting/light construction
Great for Sunday school classes
Projects focused on the 75215 and 75426 zip codes
you won’t forget. Wednesday a.m. Nov. 25 through Saturday p.m. Nov. 28 $700 ($450 airfare, $250 food, lodging, transportation, construction and supply fee) $250 if you provide your own transportation
GIVE A FEW MORE DETAILS: Basic lodging and meals provided by Projecto Abrigo Families welcome. Children 10 and up. Information meeting: Sept 13 after worship in UrbanLife B Deadline to register: October 1st. 2 required meetings: October 18, November 8. Contact Rev. Linda Roby at for more information.
Help build a school or serve in a medical clinic with Projecto Abrigo ministry near Juarez, Mexico. This ministry has many connections to our conference churches as well as our staff, so ask Andy, Blair, Wally and Dorian about it!
Sunday, September 13 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. downstairs, across from the library.
If you are a young adult (single, dating, engaged, newly married), this group is for you! We will begin our group with a fourweek study on “A New Way of Understanding Relationships” led by Rev. Blair Thompson. Material is engaging and relevant to real-life and discussion is honest and interesting. Join this group and make new and faithful friends!
Around Our Table A New Monthly Podcast Join us as we gather around our table with the fascinating members of FirstChurch. Hear about the adventures they have encountered, learn about their current favorites (books, podcasts, things to do with children), and debate some of the most current topics in our communities today. We hope that each time you listen will feel as if you’re sitting around the kitchen table with close friends as we celebrate the joys of life together!
September’s Podcast: Jennifer Scripps and Heather Guild talk about how to be an informed parent in the Private School and Public School debate. They give advice on where to go to get information, how to tour schools and where to find more about Dallas ISD. Please contact Jennifer Tolin, Director of Connectional Ministries at for more information.
CALLING ALL SENIORS we want to celebrate you!
First Church
GOLF TOURNAMENT Friday, Sept. 18
First Church
COME TO LUNCH AFTER CHURCH, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4! Learn about FirstSeniors! H E L P U S C E L E B R AT E S E N I O R S ! Register on Sundays beginning Sept.13 or online at
Stevens Park Golf Course 9 a.m. shotgun start $69 per player includes lunch Four person scramble format Register at Atrium Reception on Sundays or contact Bobby Allen at or Dr. Dale Hunt at
Sunday, September 20 5 p.m. in Dickerson Chapel “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28, RSV) The time of transition from summer to fall can feel a bit overwhelming. Perhaps you’ve been dealing with kids and the “crazy busy” schedule that comes from having no set schedule during the long summer break. Or perhaps you’ve been overwhelmed by other responsibilities and demands in the midst of sweltering heat. Fall comes as a welcome relief in many ways: a more predictable routine and cooler temperatures. Yet, if we lose sight of God’s presence throughout the change, we never truly feel at ease. Whether you find this season to be a welcome change or it brings to mind more demands than you think you can handle, you’re invited to recognize it as a season of Hope and Healing. In the midst of chaos, God brings us order. In the midst of everyday pressures, God offers us peace and comfort. In the midst of life-altering issues: illness, uncertainty, pain, grief and anxiety, Jesus offers his healing touch. Make plans to join us at as we celebrate God’s healing presence as we find rest and peace in the midst of every event we face. For more information, please contact Rev. Wally Butts at
FUMC Youth spent the first week of August serving the community and having a great time! Youth Week 2015 included service projects with Austin Street Shelter, JJ Rhoads Elementary School, the Mayor’s Back to School Fair and the North Texas Food Bank, as well as evenings spent at the trampoline park, bowling, watching movies and challenging themselves on the ropes course.
FirstChurch Welcomes Our Newest Members Care & Concern DEATHS: Sincere sympathy to the families of: Robert Derse, father of Bob Derse Judy Carr, sister of Linda Hodge Cody and Emily Shea Cartusciello
Nicole and Christopher Rogers
BIRTHS: Congratulations on the births of: Quincy Johรกn Roberts, son of Quincy Roberts and Yen Vent Harper Grace Bates, daughter of Jason and Emily Bates
Tegan Nicholson with her parents Matthew and Lisa Nicholson
Text Giving Now Available
Text your giving amount to 214-306-8121.
Set up your account (one time). Your number is remembered for future giving.
Manage your giving easily using text commands.
Visit or contact Lynn Campbell at
Lunch. Learn. Connect. Explore membership at FirstChurch during brunch with Senior Minister Dr. Andy Stoker. This interactive forum offers a brief history of FirstChurch along with opportunities to connect with us in ministry. Sunday, Sept. 20