Church Council presentation 9.16.14

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Church Council September 16, 2014

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Welcome & Introduction ď ˝

Dr. Andy Stoker

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Opening Remarks ď ˝

Shelly Wilfong

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Invocation ď ˝

Rev. Jay Cole

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Finance ď ˝

Chad Brister

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Finance 

 

Operating Budget – 5% behind in pledge income – need to start year end push Gather Account – 7% ($462,529) outstanding in pledges – campaign end date 12/31/2014 – collections will continue First Foundation 

 



Access – Members may now setup/change their own bank and credit drafts online Budget - Approved 2015 Proposed Budget of $3,368,184 – 2% increase Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

2015 Proposed Budget

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.


2014 Budget

2015 Proposed

Change from 2014

Change percent






10,200 $






32,743 $


29.42% Xmas Eve service





46,376 $


17.41% moved from media

Music & Arts










30,600 $


10.22% Events/Arts District

Congregational Care




7,700 $


23.79% Support Groups









Staff Parish

$ 1,880,682

$ 1,978,029











Total Expenses

$ 3,299,992


-79.60% now print bulletins in house, moved to SP




171,251 $


-11.21% Decrease CCS/ Est. Increase in Appt.


97, 347

5.19% 3% sal, 6% health



1.69% Debit reduct/audit/ insurance/maint

$ 3,368,184




0% 2.08%

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.


Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Commitment Campaign ď ˝

Dr. Andy Stoker

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Board of Trustees ď ˝

Todd McCavit

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Trustees Update: 

Financial:  

Complete pledges for “The Gathering Campaign” : $462,529.00 remaining to collect. Loan balance: $626,000.

Maintenance Planning:   

Completed HVAC building study. Completed Electrical study. Currently installing a new Energy Management System (EMS).

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Trustees Update: 

Space Planning:   

Policy:  

Projected 2 to 5 year classroom member growth. Impact on space requirement and size of classrooms. Renovation & expansion planning to support growth. Building use, rental and access by non-FUMC groups. Continue to review and monitor the CHI LD

PROTECTI ON POLI CY. New Goals   

Columbarium need review. 3rd Floor Youth area. CCS governance improvements. Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Staff Parish Relations Committee ď ˝

Boo Owens

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Staff Transitions:    

Jimmi Ulloa promoted to Maintenance Supervisor as of Aug. 1. Joyce Macalik- retired on Aug. 1. Elise Daniel- transitioned to Discipleship Administrative Assistant on July 1. Gretchen Combs- last day Sept. 15.

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Job Advertisement 

“FUMC Dallas is searching for an experienced children’s minister who can build a sustainable, theologically-sound and developmentally appropriate ministry with young children and their families. Please contact Dr. Andy Stoker with cover letter and résumé.” Reach: North Texas Conference, Central Texas Conference, Texas Conference, UM Connection, UM Reporter, Children’s Ministry Connexion in NTC

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Timeline        

August 26 August 30 September Mid-October

Launch Search Finalize Search Team Search meetings Cull Applicants; make reference calls Mid-November Interviews Mid-/Late Nov. SPRC Final Interview December 1 Name New Minister to Children and Their Families January 1, 2015 Start Date Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Search Committee        

Alex Wells Jennifer Youpa Renee Haas Seth Knight Betsy Cummins Jean E Sides Rev. Blair Thompson Dr. Andy Stoker

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

United Methodist Women ď ˝

Lori Louis

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Top Goals for 2014  

Plan 4 Unit meetings with guest speakers and continue to host 5th Sunday Mission Programs. Continue to support 6 local Missions with volunteer and financial support throughout the year and during FirstGifts Market.      

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

C.C. Young Church Women United Dallas Bethlehem Center Methodist Hospital Auxiliary Project Transformation Wesley Rankin Community Center Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Top Goals for 2014, cont. 

Continue the tradition of hosting an all church women’s retreat. - Paula D’Arcy spoke in February with over 60 women attending. Provide assistance to Eve Circle by providing volunteers to help with childcare during their Thursday morning meetings at the church. Produce a United Methodist Women brochure for visitors and new church members who may be interested in joining the unit.

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

New UMW Brochure

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Top Goals for 2014, cont. 

Create and organize a new mission project with CC Young called “Good Friends”. This program pairs Unit members with CCY residents. Our Unit planned an Easter Tea and Fashion show in connection with this new project. - 35 unit members and their children, grandchildren, and 4-legged friends participated in this event, and 70 CCY residents attended.

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Missions- Local and Global ď ˝

Brian Owens

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Missions- Local and Global

“I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.� JOHN 10:10 Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Missions- Local and Global

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Missions- Local and Global 

10. Largest Costa Rica mission trip

9. “Inspire & Inform” Mission & Outreach Report

8. HUNGER NOW at One Great Gift

7. Trip to Lydia Patterson Institute

6. FirstChurch Fellow: Manny Martinez, summer intern Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Missions- Local and Global 

5. Participation in the Mayors Back to School Fair

4. CCS Back to School Party

3. “Love the Children” Border Response

2. Partnership with JJ Rhoads

1. Creating and implementing the Rise Fund

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Missions- Church and Society ď ˝

Susan Holloway

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Social Justice Mission (Charity) • Tutoring • Field Trip Funding • Uniforms/Backpacks



(Policy) • Home Rule • Criminalization of Discipline • School Funding

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Mission Statement FUMC Church and Society Council ď ˝

The purpose of the FUMC Church and Society Council is to educate and advocate for ministries of peace, justice and reconciliation. Through educational forums, classes, events, public witness and advocacy we invite members of the church and the greater society to align attitudes, behaviors and habits with the mind of Christ and the will of God.

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Current Working Task Forces ď ˝

Guided by The Social Principles of The United Methodist Church, we, as Christians and United Methodists, strive to love our neighbors collectively beginning with scrutiny of local and national public policy issues that benefit some to the detriment of others. The FUMC, Dallas Church and Society Council is currently focused on the following areas:

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Current Working Task Forces 

Human Trafficking— 

Education— 

Contact: Christine Elaine Patterson, Contact: Dana Friedel, (214)-458-7545

Race— 

Contact: Susan Cantrell Holloway, (214)-707-5654

***We welcome all who are interested in the work of Church and Society to join us.  Please contact: Susan Cantrell Holloway (214)-707-5654 for more information. Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Crossroads Community Services ď ˝

Tim Powers

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

North Texas Food Bank Crossroads is the largest distributor of food for NTFB low-income retirement

transitional housing

Community Distribution Partners (CDPs) 60+/- sites

Crossroads Redistribution Organization, Dallas County

places of worship

walk-in pantry DHA (Dallas Housing Authority) other agencies

community centers

“CCS System” Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA)* based on each household member’s age, gender and activity level The of the for the


*published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Agriculture

Community Distribution Partners Dallas County CDP Food Distribution 60+/- CDPs 15-20 pick-ups/week 5 / 7 / 10-day package $.12/lb 1st & 3rd Saturday produce distribution 2014 Projection 1.7million pounds

Walk-In Pantry 1822 Young Street Food Distribution Monday-Thursday 8:30am-12pm approx. 40 clients/day A family of 4 receives approximately 100lbs of nutritious groceries. 2014 Projection 1million pounds

Walk-In Pantry 1822 Young Street Clothing Distribution Monday - Thursday 8:30am – 12 approx. 25 clients/day +20-25 Stewpot clients 2014 Projection 120,000 articles distributed

Walk-In Pantry 1822 Young Street Volunteers 20-25 volunteers needed EVERY DAY Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. 1st & 3rd Saturdays 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. 2014 Projection 20,000 hours (approx. 60% provided by FUMC)

Community Distribution Partners Dallas County

Life-Skills Workshops emotion management rational thinking goal setting 2014 Projection 120 workshops with 8-10 participants

Demographics – Ethnicity January – June 2014

Walk-In Other 1%

Hispanic 79%

African American 18% Caucasian 2%

CDPs Hispanic 26%

Other 3% African American 51%

Caucasian 20%

Total: 58% Hispanic, 31% African American, 9% Caucasian, 2% Asian/Other

Demographics – Age January – June 2014


46-64 16%


65+ 6%

65+ 20%

0-17 27%

0-17 46%

18-45 32%

46-64 28%

18-45 25%

Program Projections Walk-In


Individuals Served Lbs. of Food Distributed


Clothing Distributed




20,000 hours



2013 Total







120 workshops

120 workshops

960-1200 participants

960-1200 participants

20,000 hours

96 workshops 1254 participants

752 volunteers 19,271 hours

Research Partners • Dr. Tammy Leonard (UTD) – economics, assisting with client intake & NTFB Hunger Center • Dr. Sandi Pruitt (UT Southwestern) – cancer research among low-income individuals • Richard Amory (NTFB Hunger Center) – North Texas “hunger” research, using CCS longitudinal database • Dr. Nora Gimpel & Antonio Lopez (UT Southwestern) – nutritional knowledge of SNAP recipients • Robert Drake (UT Southwestern) – life-skills, specifically emotion management • Dr. Anand Shah, (PCCI) – Parkland Information Exchange Portal (IEP) • Stephanie Farquhar (United Way) – initiative to study & combat childhood obesity • Dr. Marlyn Allicock (UTD) – use of smartphone app to help low-income individuals meet nutritional goals • Marc Jacobson (Baylor) – Health & Human Services Commission Community Partner Program, connecting our clients with benefits


Market Value

Food Program Budget $5,610,866


Clothing Program Budget $831,685


General / Administrative Budget $106,135


Total Crossroads Budget $917,482


“Impact” of dollars donated • $1 = 4 meals • $25 feeds a family of 5 for one week • $25 to Crossroads = $175 at the grocery store • $10 provides a full set of clothing for a homeless man or woman • $15 provides S.M.A.R.T. Goal-Setting or Emotion Management training for an individual

Income / Revenue 2013 $764,524

Income/Revenue Budget 2014 $809,848

FUMC (41%)

FUMC (27%)

CDPs (15%)

CDPs (18%)

Individuals, non-FUMC (7%)

Dallas Morning News (15%)

Foundations, Corporations, Government (15%) Religious Organizations (7%)

Individuals, nonFUMC (6%)

Dallas Morning News (10%)

Foundations, Corporations, Government (32%)

Religious Organizations (7%)


Together, we address harmful hunger and holistic education.

Other Business 

Next Scheduled Meetings:  Ministry Area Dinner Celebration - Sunday, Nov. 23 at 5:00 p.m. in UrbanLife Center  Charge Conference - Sunday, Nov. 23 at 6:00 p.m.

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

Benediction ď ˝

Rev. Linda Roby

Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.


Through these doors the church goes to engage the world.

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