FirstNews a monthly publication of First United Methodist Church, Dallas
December 2013
A Gift in the Waiting by Dr. Andy Stoker, Senior Minister
Oh, the twinkling lights. Oh, the silvery tinsel. Oh, the glittery snowflakes. Oh, the pharmacy counter I see these images on . . . All this and it was November 2nd!! Next year for Halloween, Megan and I are going to go as Mrs. and Mr. Santa Claus and beat everyone to the punch. I think there is something going on within our culture: we are in need of sensing Good News! Advertisers jump at the chance to be the harbingers of Good News, especially the news of new life and new birth. But, there is a missing element: expectation. The reward is ever sweeter after the wait. There is something to the waiting. Our imaginations expand and our dreams deepen. What will happen next? Will this year be different from last? What difference will the waiting make? Yes. Waiting leads to fulfillment. In our waiting, we discover what we are really made of. There’s a reason why the Apostle Paul placed ‘self-control’ in the fruits of the Spirit. It is in the waiting that we discover the sweetness of our own soothing. Our imagination can satisfy the very core of our anxious minds. Fulfill does not mean over-full, it means enough. What if we calm our anxiety with the thought that we will have enough, enough to satisfy. This is the nature of God: God will fill in the gaps of our lives fully. God is satisfaction. So, the next time I see those twinkling lights,
silvery tinsel and glittery snowflakes, I’ll place those in the backdrop, setting the scene, for something so much bigger. This year the waiting will yield the gift of renewal; renewal with the One who came in the flesh, who knew the depth of our pain and the height of our joy, and made all the difference. May your waiting lead you to expect so much more, something so much bigger.
at FirstChurch
Sundays, Dec. 1, 8, 15 & 22 Advent Book Study This Advent season, experience the peace of knowing that God is truly with us, the joy of giving sacrificially, and the love of a Savior who gave everything he had for us. Join an Advent study of the book “Christmas Is Not Your Birthday” by Mike Slaughter. Click here for a list of studies. Click here to follow the Advent blog. Sunday, Dec. 1 Our children’s choirs and The Chancel Choir will provide music for our 11:00 a.m. Advent worship service. Dr. Andy Stoker’s message will be “The Dream of God”. Sunday, Dec. 8 Variations Youth Choir, Carillon Ringers and The Chancel Choir will provide music for our 11:00 a.m. Advent worship service. Dr. Andy Stoker delivers the message “Directions”. FirstGifts Marketplace will offer alternative Christmas gift options supporting 16 local and global missions. Sunday, Dec. 15 All-Church Breakfast Food and fellowship in Fiedler Atrium from 8:30 – 10:30 a.m. Bring a breakfast item to share. Juice and coffee provided by the church. Trains will be set up in Crossroads Center! Scott Anderson delivers the message “A Kept Promise” during the 8:45 a.m. worship service. The Chancel Choir and orchestra will present Vivaldi’s Gloria! during the 11 a.m. Advent worship service. Sunday, Dec. 22 The Christmas Eve Choir will provide music for our 11 a.m. Advent worship service. Dr. Stoker’s message will be “A Powerful Promise”. Tuesday, Dec. 24 Christmas Eve Services 5:00 p.m. – Our traditional, family-oriented Christmas Eve service including Children at the Manger, communion and candlelight. This service will be live on via streaming video. 9:30 p.m. – Sacrament of Holy Communion – ongoing until 10:30 p.m. in Dickerson Chapel. 11:00 p.m. – Silent Night: A Candlelight Christmas Eve at FirstChurch – Dr. Stoker’s message will be “What Is It?!” and music for the service will be provided by the Christmas Eve Choir (also in live streaming video on our Web site and telecast in HD after Jimmy Kimmel at 11:35 p.m. on WFAA-TV, Channel 8). 2
A Pastoral Letter for Those Who Grieve Around the Holidays by Dr. Andy Stoker, Senior Minister
Dear FirstChurch Family, The holidays bring a mixture of emotions and memories. Some are pleasant like the smells of a dish that remind you of a loved one, a special time or of home. Some are not-so-pleasant like the late nights or early mornings that draw upon our own sense of loneliness. I can only imagine how people grieve during the Christmas and New Year holidays. For me, I need my faith community more and more every year as I grieve family and friends who are only present in my memory and in the full presence of God. This is a note of encouragement and strength for the journey. I invite you to consider two ways that you can embrace your grief and become fully engaged in the season. First, consider changing your usual rituals. This may be painful, because you will be changing a pattern or sequence that you participated in with your loved one. But changing a ritual or two creates a newness to the season that may lead you to a new normal. Second, consider adding a new tradition to acknowledge the loss. (This is especially important for children.) A new tradition may simply be adding an ornament, with ritual, to a Christmas tree. Or, it may be simply leaving more time between events on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning for reflection and prayer. I’d like to remind you about our communion service on Christmas Eve in Dickerson Chapel. It is a come-and-go service that you can spend as little or as much time as you need. This is a special service for our community of faith and may be enough of a break in your pattern and provide the kind of ritual you need to remember and give thanks. Wherever you are this holiday season, please know that your FirstChurch staff is here to walk with you in these days. Our ministry together as a church family is a ministry reflective of the great Love of God. As your Senior Minister, please know that I am praying for you during this season, as I hope you will pray for me. Together, we are held . . . In God’s Love,
Sunday Worship Sunday, Dec. 1 The Dream of God Isaiah 2:1-5 Sunday, Dec. 8 Directions Isaiah 11:1-10 Sunday, Dec. 15 8:45 a.m. A Kept Promise Luke 1:47-55 Scott Anderson preaching 11 a.m. Chancel Choir presents Vivaldi’s Gloria! Sunday, Dec. 22 A Powerful Promise Matthew 1:18-25 Sunday, Dec. 29 One service at 11 a.m. Continued Praise Psalm 148 Scott Anderson preaching Missed a sermon? Click here.
Music and Arts News The Goodrich Gallery December Exhibit
Gallery Hours
9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday-Friday
9 a.m. - Noon Saturday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday
On Sunday, Nov. 17 a grand concert and birthday celebration was held for the 10th Anniversary of “Cassie”, our Casavant Opus 3828 Pipe Organ. Photo: James Wilson
Antonio Vivaldi
Gloria Chancel Choir and Orchestra Soloists: Linda McClinchie, Rachel Ratcliff, Elise Whitmire and Terra Wortley
Dana Effler, conductor Sunday, December 15 11:00 Worship
Don’t miss this year’s FirstGifts Christmas Market on Sunday, Dec. 8 from 8:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Alternative gifts give true meaning and purpose to your Christmas giving. Local, national and international missions will be showcased, and gift cards are available for purchase. In addition, some missions will also offer products that benefit the ministry. You will find returning favorites such as bean soup, pecans and a variety of Christmas ornaments. Be sure to discover new offerings including tamales, candleholders and more. Grab a bite at the Heifer bake sale! Animals of the manger will be on hand for photo opportunities. New this year: Missions & Outreach is pleased to announce the FirstGifts Raffle. The drawing will be held at the market immediately following the 11 a.m. worship service. The raffle features many exciting items including priceless experiences with FirstChurch staff and clergy. Here are just a few: • Christmas lights tour on a vintage party bus with the Robys • Children’s Storytime and Bedtime Prayers at your home with Gretchen Combs • Reserved parking and pew at the Christmas Eve service Contact Laura McCavit for more information.
Children at the Manger
Tuesday, Dec. 24 at 5 p.m. in the Sanctuary Share the “glitter of angel dust” during one of our most endearing FirstChurch traditions, Children at the Manger. You won’t want to miss our FirstKids Christmas Eve traditional presentation directed by Mrs. Kathy Mallick and Mr. Nathaniel Shell. This very informal, family-friendly service includes communion and candle lighting. Pass up a chance to sit next to an angel, or hold the hand of a magi……I don’t think so!!! Click here to register your child for a part. ...So hooray for Christmas trees and candlelight and the good old church pageant. Horray for shepherd boys who forget their lines and Wise Men whose beards fall off and a Mary who giggles. O Lord, you were born! ...O Lord, there just aren’t enough choirboys to sing what I feel. There aren’t enough trumpets to blow. O Lord, I want bells to peal! I want to dance in the streets of Bethlehem! I want to sing with the heavenly host! For unto us a Son was given And he was called God with Us. For those of us who believe, The whole world is decorated in love! - From “O Lord, You Were Born!” by Ann Weems 7
Advent Study – Dec. 1, 8, 15 & 22 Christmas Is Not Your Birthday by Mike Slaughter This Christmas cut through the hype that leaves you exhausted and broke at the end of the year. Instead, experience the peace of knowing that God is truly with us, the joy of giving sacrificially, and the love of a Savior who gave everything he had for us. Because, after all, Christmas is not your birthday! Click here for a list of classes to join on Sunday mornings.
Christmas Poinsettias FirstSeniors is partnering with Crossroads Chapter AARP for their annual Christmas Luncheon.
It’s not too late to honor or remember your loved ones and friends with a poinsettia on the altar at Christmas. Deadline for orders: Friday, Dec. 6 Plants are $12 each. Dedications will be published in the worship bulletins for the services on Sundays Dec. 15 and 22, and Christmas Eve.
Monday, Dec. 2 Park City Club Speaker: Dr. Andy Stoker $16 per person RSVP to Carol Donovan at 214-213-4575.
Donors and Honorees are invited to take a poinsettia following the Candlelight Service on Christmas Eve. Information: 214-220-2727, ext. 218
CLICK HERE to place your order now. 8
2013 Year-End Giving 2013 Urban Engagement Book Review Hosted by CitySquare on Third Thursdays at Noon in Crossroads Center FREE event! Review presented by Randy Mayeux. (Not necessary to read book prior to review).
Bring your own lunch or purchase lunch for $5
Thursday, Dec. 19 in Crossroads Center: “The End of Men: And the Rise of Women,” by Hanna Rosen RSVP to Keilah at
Consider giving a financial gift this Christmas season to fund our 2013 missions and ministries. There are many creative ways to give: 1. Stock transfer 2. Monthly via credit card 3. Monthly via automatic draft* 4. Click here for online donation *You may want to make a one-time payment to fulfill your annual pledge. For more information call Wendy Westberg at 214-220-2727, ext. 203. We will end our year on January 3, 2014.
Can’t Worship With Us?
Click here to watch us live on Sundays at 11 a.m. - even from your mobile phone! In addition, we will continue to air at 5:30 a.m. each Sunday on WFAA-TV (Ch. 8) with a 30-minute service of the prior week.
Rethink Wednesday Nights
Infant Recognition Sunday January 26, 2014 Join us on this special Sunday as we share in the joy of our “littlest angels” who have joined our FirstChurch Family of Faith during 2013. FirstAngels Photo Session Saturday, January 11
“See, God is doing a new thing!” Isaiah 43:19 Save the Date Online registration for the Spring 2014 semester begins Sunday, Dec. 15. Classes start Jan. 22!
UMW Unit Meeting Sunday, January 11, 2014 Officer planning/training 9:00 am - 11:30 am Location: TBD
Darrel Wilbanks will photograph each child, complete with wings and an adorable halo. Appointments are necessary and additional photos will be available if desired. There is no charge for this photo session. Contact Joyce at 214-220-2727 ext. 224 to make your appointment.
SAVE THE DATE! All Church Women’s Retreat Saturday, Feb. 8, 2014 Springhill Retreat Center in Richardson 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Spiritual renewal retreat led by Paula D’Arcy Cost: $40 includes lunch Sponsored by the United Methodist Women of FirstChurch, Dallas Click here to register. 10
Hanging of the Greens: Traditions of the Season The Hanging of the Greens: Traditions of the Season worship service, held Sunday, December 1, offered a time to prepare our hearts for Advent, “the coming� of The Light. FirstChurch families gathered to learn the traditions of this wondrous season and decorate our historic sanctuary for Advent, through liturgy, scripture and song. Photos: Mary Jakimier
Meet Our Newest Members BAPTISM FROM NOV. 10
Violet Claire Massey with her parents Bart & Heather
Catherine Marsh
Lindsay Holland
Elouise Caroline Jacobsen with her parents John & Stacey
Care & Concern BIRTHS: Congratulations on the births of: Audrey Karen Stephens, daughter of Christina & Jeff Stephens William Braxton Drennan, son of Shea & Karen Drennan DEATHS: Sincere sympathy to the families of: Jordan Gary, son of Creighton and Betty Lou Gary Ray Holcomb, father of Craig Holcomb Jim Gardner, husband of Mary Gardner Lois Hines, grandmother of Rev. Jay Cole Joann Meek, former FirstChurch member
FirstChurch Charge Conference Tuesday, Dec. 3 6:30 p.m. Crossroads Center
Church Offices Holiday Schedule Church offices will be closed Tuesday, Dec. 24 and Wednesday, Dec. 25 for the Christmas holiday, and Tuesday, Dec. 31 beginning at noon and all day Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2014 for the New Year holiday. In case of emergency, please call 214-220-2727 and follow the instructions to reach a minister on call.