June 2014
a monthly publication of First United Methodist Church, Dallas
Upcoming This Month Sunday, June 8 Camp Big Church in Worship 11 a.m. in the Sanctuary FirstStep - New Members & Visitors Lunch-Learn-Connect Noon in Crossroads West Monday, June 16 Vacation Bible School 9 a.m. - Noon June 16 - 20 in the Dining Room
In conjunction with the 2014 Summer Speaker Series: Summer in the City Loving Our Neighbors, will focus on how we love our neighbors right here in our own city. Speakers will present Sundays from 10 - 10:45 a.m. in Fiedler Atrium. June 8 Dr. Theodore Walker, Perkins School of Theology Associate Professor of Ethics and Society: “The Gospel of Luke: Bringing Good News to the Poor” - A theological framework for loving our neighbors June 15 “Freedom Fighters”: Exonerees from Dallas County jail sharing their stories of wrongful conviction, and their continued work for justice for our neighbors in and beyond the prison system June 22 Lynn Parsons, Director of the North Texas Conference Zip Code Connection: “Changing the World, One Zip Code at a Time” - Update on how the UMC is connecting with our neighbors in the 75215 zip code June 29 (5th Sunday Mission) - George Battle and Fran Lobpries: “Ministry with our neighbors through Dallas Bethlehem Center”
Thursday, June 19 Food Truck Thursdays Urban Engagement Book Review 11:30 a.m. food trucks, Noon program in Fiedler Atrium
July 6 Dr. Michael Hawn - Perkins/SMU University Distinguished Professor of Church Music, Director, Master of Sacred Music Program: “Loving Our Neighbors Through Music” - How sacred music opens our hearts and minds to issues of justice and peace
Tuesday, June 24 Dallas Museum of Art - Arts & Letters Live featuring author Diana Gabaldon 7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary *Ticketed event.
July 13 Jessica Brazeal, Assoc. Director of Clinical and Professional Services at Genesis Women’s Shelter: “Domestic Violence in Our Neighborhood - What Can the Church Do?” July 20 Reading Partners – Loving all our children through partnering with our neighborhood public schools living on the margins July 27 Dr. Andy Stoker: “Being Church in the City” - how God calls us to ministry beyond the walls of the church, here in our own backyard Miss a Sunday? Click here for speaker videos.
Inside This Issue 2
New Members/ Congregational Care
Mission News
Music and Arts News
Church News
Meet Our Newest Members
Congratulations to our 2014 Confirmands: Mary Grace Schayot Schayot, Samuel Martin Romine, William Christopher Mallick Mallick, Jackson Lee Hezekiah Harris Harris, Isabella Alice Daniel Daniel, Holden Montgomery Daniel Daniel, Gracie Bea Toombs Toombs, Reghan Davis Barnett Barnett, Henry Harrison Haas Haas, Kyra Grace Holmstrup Holmstrup, Jacqueline Anne Murray Murray, Leo Marcel Sanchez, Hugh Robert Smith (pictured with Dr. Andy Stoker, center) and Lily Cristina Finn (pictured at right with faith partner Karen Sanders and Dr. Stoker). BAPTISM FROM MAY 11
Tanner Alan Buker with his parents Keith & Judy Buker
Ben & Melissa Shrewsbury
Mark Holmstrup with his family Jasmin, Zach & Kyra, and Jean Jacobs
Care & Concern BIRTHS: Congratulations on the births of: Alfred Rhyne Kuzov, son of Alfred and Candice Kuzov; Ainsley Taylor Neal, daughter of Jeff and Samantha Neal DEATHS: Sincere sympathy to the families of: Melanie Patterson, daughter of Pat Patterson; Doris Griffith
Reach Sabbath by Dr. Andy Stoker, Senior Minister I caught myself saying to a colleague a while ago, “I don’t do ‘off’ well.” Do you ever feel like that? We have so much to do that “time off” is a dream and never a reality. We have so many distractions and opportunities for engagement. Our mobile devices beep and buzz. Our television rolls through programs and commercials with no end in sight (and sometimes when we are not there we are still recording what we are missing). Our social media woos us to look into people’s “statuses” and their latest family portraits. So, how do we gain “off-time” amid a busy and buzzing world? This time away in religious terms is called Sabbath. Much of our thinking in the Judeo-Christian faith started with the interpretation of Genesis 2:2-3: “And on the seventh day God finished the work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all the work that he had done. So God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all the work that he had done in creation” (New Revised Standard Version). God created, then God rested. The interpretation continues today. I have come to appreciate a more metaphysical interpretation of the Sabbath: the Sabbath is a way of connecting with God-consciousness, instead of my standard self-conscientiousness. I have been convinced by Rabbinic teaching in this line of thinking. Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel was one of the most profound thinkers in the twentieth century. Heschel stated, “The meaning of the Sabbath is to celebrate time rather than space. Six days a week we live under the tyranny of things of space; on the Sabbath we try to become attuned to holiness in time. It is a day on which we are called upon to share in what is eternal in time, to turn from the results of creation, from the world of creation to the creation of the world.” Sabbath is not about me, it is about God. For our busy, hectic, distracting and hyperactive culture, Sabbath needs to be reimagined. It is not a time for feelings of guilt or shame if we’ve “missed” something. Sabbath is an invitation to find yourself again in God; I call it “reaching for Sabbath.” So, here are a few thoughts for you to “reach Sabbath”: 1.
Begin your prayer with silence. Concentrating on your breath. Like your heartbeat, it is involuntary. It reminds you that there are many things out of your control. Return control and power to its rightful Owner.
Water plants and smile. (This sounds rather strange, but I heard this once from a bonsai tree salesman. I asked him, Why? He said, Because you ought to be happy when something else is being nourished). Giving and receiving are the same activity.
Do nothing. Just be. 1 minute. 1 hour. 1 day. Time is not of consequence here. Just be.
Religion is part of our make-up as humankind, we require habit, discipline and practice. Religion is practicing spiritual nurture of the soul. The most important Rabbinic teaching was from Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “The Sabbath was made for humankind, and not humankind for the Sabbath...” God offers us moments to reach Sabbath with our heads, hearts and hands. Breathe and know that you are Loved. Together we are held...
Sunday Worship Sunday, June 1 In the Beginning Was Love Deuteronomy 6:1-9 Confirmation Sunday Sunday, June 8 Following Psalm 23 Communion Sunday Sunday, June 15 So Loved John 3:16 Sunday, June 22 A Friend of a Friend John 15:2-17 Sunday, June 29 Powerful Love 1 Peter 4:7-11 Sunday worship: 8:45 & 11 a.m. Sunday school: 9:45 a.m.
In God’s Love,
Rise Mission and Outreach Fund After the energetic and successful launch of the Rise Fund, the new mission and outreach fund, grant applications to 10 potential ministries and agencies have now been sent, and the committee will begin their diligent work of site visits, interviews and thorough research over the coming months in order to do the necessary vetting of these ministries. Dr. Stoker’s 2014 goal of $300,000 to mission and outreach programs, including Sunday school class giving and direct donations to CCS, while seemingly “beyond possible”, is moving forward with great success! We are grateful to the congregation for your generous response. With $100,000 given to the Rise Fund, plus an additional $20,000 by FirstChurch members direct to CCS, and $25,000 from Sunday school classes, Aldersgate ushering and Taco Lunch giving, we are excited to announce a total of $145,000 to date for ministries that serve our neighbors in need. Thank you, FirstChurch, for embracing this new initiative that will connect our members to places of transformational service, support programs to make bigger impact on our neighbors, and empower us all in God’s transforming work in the world. We hope you will pay special attention to the Rise features inside the bulletins on communion Sundays, to learn more about the work being done, and continue to be inspired and encouraged to give generously to the Rise Fund in the future. Click here for additional information on the Rise Fund.
Summer Fun and Summer Funds
by Darrell Armer, Finance Committee
With the school year wound down, graduation ceremonies concluded, and the heat lurking in the distance, my thoughts quickly drift to summer excursions on the horizon – whether it be a day at the lake, an evening at the ballpark, a concert at the Arboretum or a family vacation. To borrow a theme from our graduating seniors – “Oh, the Places We Will Go!” During this time of year, everything seems to take a back seat to summer fun, which isn’t all that bad. However, during these summer days, the work of FirstChurch continues. As Dr. Seuss might say, “Oh, the Places We Will Go and the People We Will Meet, and the People We Will Serve Despite the Coming Heat!” We witnessed a new class of confirmands choosing to join the Church, we will continue to nurture our children through Vacation Bible School, we will send youth on mission trips, we will support Project Transformation, we will embark upon a wonderful educational opportunity through the Summer Speaker Series, and we will continue to serve our neighbors through Crossroads Community Services and other outreach efforts – the list goes on and on. The summer provides opportunities that other times of the year simply do not. Not surprisingly, though, FirstChurch sees a bit of a drop in the payment of pledges as summer approaches. This year is no different, but we are lagging behind a bit more than usual. As a member of the Church’s Finance Committee, and as you consider the wonderful opportunities available through the FirstChurch that can be part of your summer fun, please remember to keep current with your pledge if at all possible. After all, it’s summer – who wants to worry about finances at this time of year? 4
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D O N AT I O N D R O P O F F B Y J U LY 2 7
Help kids start off the school year with a fresh beginning! Yes – the kids just got out of school and we are already planning for when they go back! Last year’s Back to School Party for clients of Crossroads Community Services was a great success. So we upped the ante. Our goal this year – shirts, socks and school supplies for 650 children. We are getting an early start. Look for the Apple Trees in June and July. Take an apple and help us Clothe a Child for School. For each child that you “pick off the tree,” please put 2 uniform shirts and a package of socks in a bag with the apple attached to the outside. School supplies can be in a separate bag. All donations need to be placed in FUMC donation boxes by July 27. Thanks for supporting our neighbors-in-need this school year!
Vacation Bible School June 16 - 20 9 a.m. - Noon We say, “WOW!” at the WORKSHOP OF WONDERS VBS, your children will discover their own “WOW!” moments as they explore how to image and build with God. Click here to register today!
FirstKids Sneak-Peek Sunday, June 29 9-9:30 a.m. - Dining Room
Perfect opportunity for “almost” parents, new parents, “not-sonew” parents, and “well seasoned” parents to find out what is going on in our FirstKids Ministry area for the next quarter. Become an expert on all of the FirstKids events that happen monthly, how you can be involved, in a relaxed and comfortable manner. Led by members of the Children’s Education Council and FirstChurch’s Director of Children’s Ministries, Gretchen Combs. 5
Music and Arts News The Color of Clay: ceramics by Chuck Burton Beauty and Grit: paintings by Andrea Guay The June exhibit in The Goodrich Gallery showcases two artists: Chuck Burton and Andrea Guay. Their exhibit opens on Sunday, June 1, with a reception in the gallery from 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. The gallery committee invites you to enjoy this unique exhibit of ceramics and old paintings.
Goodrich Gallery Following his graduation from high school in June Exhibit Brady, Texas, Charles (Chuck) Burton attended Texas A&M, majoring in Mechanical Engineering. After serving in the Air Force during the Korean in Mechanical 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday-Friday War, he resumed his studies and Electrical Engineering at Texas Tech, 9 a.m. - Noon Saturday ultimately earning his Master of Science Degree 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday in Engineering. Upon retirement, Charles took up pottery, with his primary interest centering on developing glazes. His technique includes using “found objects” to make impressions in the clay. “The combinations and permutations available from my glazes provide a limitless supply of new things to try and to test -- keeping me excited and moving forward.” A member of the Texas Pottery and Sculpture Guild of Fort Worth, he has received several cash awards for his work and participated in several shows and sales of his work. Gallery Hours
Andrea Guay is an oil painter and a bit of a global wanderer. Currently, she splits her time between her creative home in Dallas, Texas and her family home on the California coast. She often takes the scenic route when travelling to and from and her daily paintings are the visual journals of her travels. Recently, during a walk along the train tracks and warehouses in the agricultural heartland of California’s San Joaquin Valley, Guay began to explore ideas about the importance of the trains and their obvious and sometimes radical contributions to society. Her current series of work, “Beauty and Grit”, shows the results of these beginning explorations.
Born and raised in New England, she received a BA in Architecture with a minor in economics from Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts and was the recipient of a Student Fellowship Award for the 1989 International Design Conference in Aspen: Italy the design of 999 Cities. She has been painting as a full-time career since 2004. She has taught painting to all ages and has volunteered extensively as a teacher in the areas of technology and the arts. Guay’s gallery exhibit - Beauty and Grit - began with detailed vignettes of “my observations of trains in Visalia, CA, and gradually expanded to include many other places.” Drawn by the shapes and atmospheres, Guay enjoys using “patterns, color and composition to explore beauty in the obvious and the implied.”
Rotunda Theatre Auditions Elsie Janis and The Boys: a musical tribute to the Sweetheart of the A.E.F. By Carol Crittenden and John T. Prestianni Directed by Charles A. (Chaz) Wallace A musical and fact laced tribute to the historical time and the soldiers of America’s First Crusade – WWI, hosted by the sweetheart of the AEF, or American Expeditionary Forces, Elsie Janis. Called the female Bob Hope of WWI, Elsie retells the days of glory “Over There” entertaining the troops and falling in love with “The Boys”. Roles: 4 women Elsie Janis: 25-35 Elsie’s Mother: 55-60 Lulu: 21-28 Telephone operator – speaks French Sally: 21-28 Telephone operator
4 men Character Man: 35-55 Versatile actor, performs many accents Walter: 40-60 Elsie’s pianist – has a crush on her Mother Captain Hastings: 25-35 Gallant Officer who falls for Elsie Male Ensemble: 18-25 plays a soldier and other small roles
AUDITIONS in the Rotunda Theatre: June 16 at 6:30 p.m. June 17 at 7:30 p.m. Performances will be August 15, 16, 21, 22, 23 • 2014 in the Wortley-Peabody Theatre Auditions by appointment only. Please e-mail to make an appointment time.
Meet Manny, Our FirstChurch Fellow! Emmanuel Martinez, “Manny” may look familiar; as a Lydia Patterson Institute intern the summer of 2013, he worked with programs such as CCS, Vacation Bible School, Project Transformation, youth mission trips, and teaching Sunday school. We are excited to have him back with us as a college student exploring his call to ministry within the context of our church and in partnership with the North Texas Conference Center for Leadership Development. As our initial “FirstChurch Fellow” this summer ministry internship experience will be a time of continued learning and discernment to prepare, assist, and develop young leaders like Manny for ministry in the United Methodist Church. It is fitting with our long tradition as a teaching church, supporting programs such as Perkins internships and more recently, the Lilly Pastoral Residency. It is a strong witness to our commitment to holistic education for our members as well as those beyond us. This summer, Manny will be participating in a number of additional program areas, so when you see him whether in worship, teaching, or on pastoral calls, please introduce yourself and give him a warm FirstChurch welcome! A big thank you to the host families for the summer: the McCavits, Browns, Smiths, Robys, and Stokers. If you’d like to help with transportation, or invite him to join you for an evening or weekend activity, please contact Rev. Linda Roby at
Join Us for UMW June 10 or 17 Serve dinner to the Project Transformation interns at SMU June 29 5th Sunday Mission Presentation George Battle and Fran Lobpries “Ministry with our neighbors: Dallas Bethlehem Center” If you are interested in having a PT intern speak to your SS Class this summer, please contact Brianna Brown at
DMA Arts & Letters Live Dianna Gabaldin June 24 at 7:30 p.m. in the FirstChurch Sanctuary With over 25 million books in print in 23 languages and over 236,000 Facebook fans, Diana Gabaldon’s fiction is a word-of-mouth phenomenon. Her beloved Outlander series has been hailed as “historical fiction with a Moebius twist.” Tickets: