An Atlas Of Commoning Case Study - Garfield Community Farm & Klee

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Use urban agriculture as a tool to empower the local residents, practice permaculture, engage with the larger dominant socio-economic powers to support the community farm


GARFIELD COMMUNITY FARM The Open Door Presbyterian Church and Valley View Presbyterian Church Pittsburgh, United States, since 2008 Garfield Community Farm is a great example showing how a city-owned vacant land can be transformed into a place of common interest in a bottom-up way. The local churches play a very important role in the process. It was started by two local churches, who were thinking about what can be done in vacant land to benefit the community. The founder and director is an associate pastor and the main sponsorship of the farm also comes from the church because they treat the farm as a way to practice what they believe. In addition, the farm also brings the community together and gets income through its own operations, which includes Community Supported Agriculture, cooperating with local restaurants, holding farm tour and community events, mobile market.

Posters : Drawings and diagrams by Jianxiao Ge are based on filedwork, secondary sources, and materials that have been redrawn, modified, and rearranged. The condensed, edited, and rearranged dialogs are based on interviews with stakeholders, and from this secondary source: 1., accessed September 10th, 2018 2. Transition Design Case Study - Team Food: Jesse, Rossa, Michelina, Minrui, accessed September 10th, 2018 A research project by the Master of Urban Design at Carnegie Mellon Univeristy Photo : @ Garfield Community Garden, 2018

An Atlas of Commoning : Orte des Gemenschaffens An ifa exhibition in collaboration with ARCH+, ifa (Institut fur Auslandsbeziehungen) is Germany's oldest intermediary organisation for international cultural relations, having celebrated its centenary in 2017. ifa is supported by the Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany, the state of Baden-Wuttemberg adn its capital Stuttgart. ARCH+ is Germany's leading publication for discourse in the fields of architecture, urbanism, and related disciplines. Graphics Design : Heimann + Schwantes, Berlin © 2018 Institut fur Auslandsbeziehungen e.V. (ifa), Stuttgart, Germany; authors; artists





• Treat everyone with the love and respect that they deserve as fellow children of God. • In order to protect the plants, only walk on the pathways and not the garden beds. • In order to protect the plants, no smoke in the garden or spray any harmful substances such as chemical weed killers. • Make sure to close all the gates behind, so that the deer can't get into eating the vegetables and flowers. • Don't harm any plants or any structures that are on the farm. • Do all you can to help keep this space safe. • Enjoy your time here. It is a beautiful example of God's creation. We love this farm and we hope you do too. Excerpts from Garfield Community Farm Rules, Garfield Community Farm, accessed September 22nd, 2018.

GARFIELD COMMUNITY FARM PITTSBURGH, UNITED STATES Prepay money monthly to get the farm produce weekly

Sponsorship and Grant


Non-profit NPO Organizations

Sprout Fund PNC Trust Family Foundations


Support from 7 Churches



Garfield Community Farm

Social Donation

Work at farm 5 hours/week to get free produce

Farm Income Community-supported Agriculture

For the low income family, they can pay what they can afford

6 Local Restaurants Partners

MicroGreen and Salad Green are provided weekly

Farm Tour and Community Events Mobile Farmer Market

$ Income

Cookout, Plant Sale, Intro to Permaculture, Volunteer Day...... Fresh Vegetables, Fruits, Honey, Cider......

Vegetable Fields Bio shelter Hives

Cob Oven and Picnic Area

Compost Area

Plant Tunnel

Labyrinth Garden

We use insulation instead of natural gas, insulated glazing, earth sheltering, rainwater collection, integrated systems of animals inside, solar panels for electricity, and passive air ventilation. Our bioshelter can produce food year round in cold winter climate.

Please come to labyrinth garden and pick up whatever herb plants you want to make your own pizza!

The labyrinth garden is a great practice of permaculture which has three uses: Firstly, as a space for meditation and prayer. Secondly, it supports a healthy population of pollinators. Last, we grow and harvest many perennial herbs from the labyrinth. On Saturday we use these herbs on the pizzas.

“Open Door and Valley View Church cooperated in 2008 and thought about what can be done in vacant land to benefit the community. Since Garfield was a food desert, why not grow some food? Therefore, we chose the land in the center of the community and started the story of the farm.”2 – John Creasy, Director of the Garfield Community Farm and Associate Pastor at The Open Door Church



A long and narrow clover-shaped courtyard building as successful cooperation of two housing cooperatives, enclosing a large common.


KLEE BGH and GBMZ Housing Cooperatives Zurich, Switzerland, since 2010 Klee is in the Ruggächer district which on the northern edge of Zurich. It has experienced a boom in housing over the past decade. The timeline of this project is a very typical example showing how a cooperative housing was developed in 7 years, which went through preparation, competition, and construction. The clover-shaped courtyard building contains 340 residential units, each cooperative has a half. The “large figure” gives identity to the new development and also creates a great central space to serve as a communal park, which is definitely the most important common space for this project. Something special within the Klee project is the conception of the flats and superstructures on the rooftop, half of whom served as the communal laundry rooms. The outside corners of the building are also fully utilized as small-scale common space. Posters : Drawings and diagrams by Jianxiao Ge are based on filedwork, secondary sources, and materials that have been redrawn, modified, and rearranged. The condensed, edited, and rearranged dialogs are based on interviews with stakeholders, and from this secondary source: 1., accessed October 10th, 2018 2., accessed November 7th, 2018 3., accessed November 16th, 2018 A research project by the Master of Urban Design at Carnegie Mellon Univeristy Photo : @ Klee Community Park, 2018

An Atlas of Commoning : Orte des Gemenschaffens An ifa exhibition in collaboration with ARCH+, ifa (Institut fur Auslandsbeziehungen) is Germany's oldest intermediary organisation for international cultural relations, having celebrated its centenary in 2017. ifa is supported by the Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany, the state of Baden-Wuttemberg adn its capital Stuttgart. ARCH+ is Germany's leading publication for discourse in the fields of architecture, urbanism, and related disciplines. Graphics Design : Heimann + Schwantes, Berlin © 2018 Institut fur Auslandsbeziehungen e.V. (ifa), Stuttgart, Germany; authors; artists





• The rental of the Klee is basically only for adults. • Klee is usually for charitable or private purposes. For commercial use, a higher rental fee will be charged. • The tenant is liable for the room key and in case of loss he has to bear the resulting costs. Likewise, the tenant has to ensure that the room is properly closed after use. • Tidying up and cleaning the room is mandatory. • The landlord may request a post-cleaning if required. • The garbage bags must be taken care of and disposed of by the hirers. • The tenants are liable for any damage and loss of furniture during the rental period until the return of the key. • Smoking in the common place is prohibited. • The surrounding residents must be considered. Particularly from 22:00, noise disturbances in the outside and inside area must be avoided at all costs. Fireworks are not allowed. • Violations of the general provisions will result in the refusal of future room rental. Excerpts from Klee General Provisions, GBMZ, accessed December 18th, 2018.



The association of housing 2003 cooperatives Zurich held first talks with the owners.


Sept. The Hagenbrünneli (BGH) and GBMZ 2005 cooperatives came out as the buyers. Dec. 2005

The Ruggächer district, on the northern edge of the city, has experienced a boom in housing over the past decade. There, not far from Affoltern railway station and in the midst of meadows and farms, an ensemble of some 2,000 home units has been laid out.


BGH and GBMZ cooperatives discussed the details of the purchase with the owners. The purchasers had additionally to finance different amenities.

Architectural Competition


Feb. 2006

Two cooperatives held an invited architectural competition between twelve architects’ offices.

Apr. 2006

The 30,000 square meters’ land was successfully bought and acquired.

Aug. 2006

Knapkiewicz & Fickert Architects came up with a surprising solution: a long and narrow built-up strip. And they were finally selected by the jury.

Construction Communal Laundry Room 2007 Solar Panels

Sept. 2008 Oct. 2010 Central Communal Park

The two cooperatives charged a trustee corporation with the coordination and management of the tasks. The authorization request was elaborated at a fast pace. Construction work began. Construction was finished and the flats were occupied in the first quarter of 2011.

Underground Parking

BGH Parking Micro Farm

Soccer Field

Barber Shop

I like the courtyard because I can just go down and play with my friends there!


Children’s Playground

Rain Garden

GBMZ Parking

“The acquisition of this site was a very big investment for our cooperative. But the risk was controlled: the demand for housing is high in Zurich. This purchase offered several great advantages: while we only acquired, for the last two settlements, the building lease we actually bought the site and could build on the ground we owned. Furthermore, it is a very large area offering interesting project options.”2 – Felix Bosshard, President of the GBMZ Cooperative

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