Glenn Hunt Portfolio - Creative Direction/Design

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24 FEB - 4 MARCH 2012 client > new zealand fashion festival >> update logo >> rebranding >> concept/strategy >> campaign creative >> creative direction >> design / produce all collateral incl tvc (click to view), magazine & newspaper advertising, billboards, street posters, booklets, tickets, signage etc >>









DRAGON Head to SNAP DRAGON after the show, present you r ticket and receiv of either a delicio e a free drink us Chambord Co cktail or a glass of wine. 204 Quay St, Cloudy Bay Viaduct Harbour. www.snapdragon > $40 TO GO SHOPPI

NG All Group Collection Show tickets in-store with the following labels* Tickets redeemabl e in stores only bel ow offering $40 A LA ROBE > $4 discounts > 0 discount. www.a ANDREA MOORE > $40 discount. www.andreamoor BARKERS > $40 discount on all pur conjunction with cha any other offer. Exc ses over $100. Not in Little Brother sto lud es vou che rs. Barkers and ck only. Expires 1/5 /12. www.barkers BLAK LUXE > $4 0 off product fro m Blak online sto Discount code: BL re only. AK Fashion Festiva l CAROLINE SILLS > $40 discount. www.celinerita.c CELINE RITA > $4 om 0 discount. www.c HAILWOOD > $4 0 discount. www.h INGRID STARNES > $40 discount. MAX > 20% off - Instore only. ww w.m MisteR > $40 dis count. www.miste MOOCHI > $40 discount. www.m ooc STARFISH > $40 discount. www.s TAYLOR BOUTIQU E > $40 discount. www.taylorboutiqu WHIRI > $40 dis count. www.whir WORLD > $40 dis count on fashion www.worldbrand. items only. ZAMBESI > $40 discount. www.z Tickets redeemabl e at stores below offering GIFT wit ANNAH STRETTO h purchase > N > Gift with pur chase. www.anna COOP > Gift with pur www.coopboutiqu chase: COOP suede coin purse. MARILYN SEYB > Spend $150 and Marilyn will give choice of one of you your 100 fantastic $1 00 signature silk PLAYTEX > Gift wit scarfs - FREE!. h purchase - free brief offer. www.p STOLEN GIRLFRIEN Brooch. www.stole DS CLUB – Gift with purchase: Ted dy bear m STORM > Gift wit h purchase. www.s TRELISE COOPER > Gift with purcha se. www.trelisec * Terms & Conditio ns apply. See ww w.nzfashion are redeemable


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THE FASHION EVENT FOR EVERYONE !! 24 FEB - 4 MARCH 2012 in Auckland’s BIG little City

THE FASHION EVENT FOR EVERYONE !! 24 FEB - 4 MARCH 2012 in Auckland’s BIG little City

THE FASHION EVENT FOR EVERYONE !! 24 FEB - 4 MARCH 2012 in Auckland’s BIG little City

<< collateral >> billboards x3 << collateral >> billboards x3

client > new zealand fashion week >> update logo >> rebrand >> art direction >> design and produce all collateral incl advertising, booklets, tickets, passes, venue maps, invitations, signage, > daily newspaper

what’s on today?


Whiri Shed Two

3.30 MisteR Shed Two


Zambesi Westpac Shed

7.30 Huffer Shed Two


9.30 12.00-3.00

Workshop Neverblack Helen Cherry Off Site

Off Site

Mykel Kelly KMS Cutting Room

Autumn/Winter Collections 2012 - New Zealand Fashion Week Daily

NZFWTHURSDAY The Westpac Red Collection Show Tonight! Established favourites Angela Lewis, Annah Stretton, Huffer, Liz Mitchell, Trelise Cooper, Adrienne Winkelmann, Pearl and Zambesi return to the Red Collection catwalk tonight at 8pm, joined by Yvonne Bennetti who last showed at Red Collection in 2008. The designers will again showcase their summer ranges, offering guests a preview of what’s to come this season. This year also sees the return of the ‘Best Use of a Scarf’ Competition. Invited guests received a signature red scarf before tonight’s event and it’s been up to them to decide the most fashionable and creative way to incorporate the scarf into their outfit. Last year’s amazing creations included a handbag adorned with red rosettes, shoes with red bows and a W-shaped masquerade mask. WESTPAC announces the winner of its Young Fashion Designer Competition at the Red Collection show tonight. Expect some fireworks when the triumphant youngster is named.

RUBY photographed by Micheal Ng

w onhat’s today?


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Photo by

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LECTION uture SHOW Westpac Shed tic S Saturday 11 .25am & kets at www.itic z

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Need to get fast? Pick somewhere Taxi outsideup an Alert or call (09) the venue 309 2000.

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>> design>>4 4page each with a 24 hr pagedaily nzfw newspaper daily newspaper turnaround from design to delivery

theguide THEGUIDE






new zealand fashion week‘10 - all you need to know + more! RSION


> nzfw the 2011 guide magazine 10th year anniversay issue >> art << NZFW the guide magazine 10th year anniversary issue: direction design cover + various page spreads > creativeand director/designer >> opening spreads

runway rundown: the definitive

guide to who you will see on the catwalk this season

new zealand fashion week 2010

w nzf


rs yea

designer directory

trelise cooper

match with fashion, and what to expect from Nom*D come September this year. You’ve worked with film a few times in the past, is it something you really enjoy? In years gone by we’ve always tried to produce a film for collections when there’s no fashion week around, meaning Summer. It’s a nice medium to have that you can use on your website and on the Internet that is still an artistic presentation, as opposed to just a static lookbook which is shot with buyers in mind. After a while it’s nice to look at your collections in a different way, and with a runway show and a film you’re creating a feel and an overall look that goes beyond just the clothes. For us, film is another creative medium that’s there to be explored, and you can break a few rules along the way. What made you choose film as a medium for NZFW 2010? It just came out of a desire to push the boundaries of what we do a little bit, we don’t really do “normal” as such at Nom*D. The medium of film is so timeless too, and has a wonderful

air of expectation about it that I really wanted to marry up with the collection. It’s more than just presenting your clothes; it’s opening up the brand and what you’re about. And your brand had to be protected, too? Totally. The director and the stylist have to remember that at the end of the day, we’re there to talk about a collection of clothes, but we’re just doing it differently. How far out from the event did you start working on the film? I first met Kirsty at (stylist) Karen’s wedding last June, where we threw a few ideas around and then they both started seeing what the clothes were about, and where the inspiration for the collection came from. There was a lot of communication, and then we probably got down to tin tacks around August. That’s only a few weeks out from NZFW, cutting it fine a little? Yeah, definitely! But when you’re creating a collection you can’t physically be planning too far in advance because your ideas can change in six months, and you don’t want to be left with

wandering in the wilderness; key products: a perfect, natural flush was created using rich coral and pink shock cream colour base, with pearl cream colour base and silver fog pigment working together to highlight. eyes were defined using groundwork paint pot and amber lights eye shadow, with lip erase used as a base for rich coral and pink shock cream colour base to be applied once again, this time on the lips.

fabrics you’ve ordered that you no longer want, or whatever. Something you think is cool at one time might not be so a few months down the track. How many were on the team that created the film? Our design team was still three, plus myself. Then you start adding people that are in charge of more than just the clothes, the extra creative elements. When we finally got out there and started filming we had crew, cameramen, models and all that, it was huge. Did you spend long actually filming? It was over two days, which wasn’t that long. We started off filming in the Masonic Lodge in (Auckland’s) St Benedict’s Street, and then moved to Devonport to some gun placements. Finally, we shot out near the airport in the bush at Puketutu Island. It was all done in Auckland – it was far easier to shift Dunedin to Auckland than the other way around! Where did the concept come from? We were looking first of all at cult societies, and the way that their members dress according to

“are you part of some cult or something?” We definitely have a cultish feel about us, which is nice. All cults aren’t bad! Was the process easier or harder – or just different – from putting on a show? It was different, and we had people like the guys from Curious Films supporting us and making sure everything worked. They know what they’re doing, and we like working with people who take care of what they’re good at, be it creating a make up look or a seating plan. Being in Dunedin and doing a fashion show in Auckland it’s important that you work with people that a) understand us and b) know more about what they’re doing than we do. We never have one control freak at the top, just a lot of different people feeding into the bubble, which is great. This year, there are rumours that you will you be doing an installation? Yeah, that’s right, but working with Kirsty and Karen again. We haven’t nailed it yet though, so don’t ask me any more as I won’t have an answer for you! We’re just busy dreaming up the clothes…

the way that they were raised. We looked initially at Amish communities in particular and the restrictions they place on the way they dress and their beliefs, and I found out that their faith is quite liberal in that they encourage their young people to go out in the world and experience things, before they return to spend a lifetime in a closed environment. I’ve known and experienced a few different faiths and often they are quite close-minded, but I liked the Amish strict yet liberal element to the way they live their lives. And how did that manifest itself in the film? Well we tried to reflect the innocence of their young people going out and experiencing wordly desires, and the decisions that they make at the end of their time away. Nom*D has always had a bit of a cult around it too, do you agree? Yeah, for sure. I remember when we first started coming up for NZFW and one time we were all hanging out at a production company in New North Road and went over the road to the dairy for lunch and the girl behind the counter saying,

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juliette hogan

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nom*d >

zambesi >

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zambesi by amber d for m.a.c inspiration: dark, brooding

trelise cooper by amber d for m.a.c inspiration: a strong and sexy woman;

key products: studio sculpt foundation provided a flawless base on which to dust silver dusk iridescent powder to highlight the cheekbones. espresso, embark, smut and carbon eye shadows were layered on to the eyelids, followed by a layer of bootblack liquid eyeliner and tan pigment pressed into the centre of the lid. finally, prep + prime transparent finishing powder was dusted all over, and a 50/50 blend of fuschia and red lipmix applied to the lips for a popping pout.

nzfw fashion weekend when the public gets invited to the party

photos by Russ Flatt for M.A.C

hair at nzfw‘10

talented teams from auckland’s top hair salons start working with designers months in advance of nzfw each year, creating mood boards and finding references to help complete their vision on the runway. we spoke to some of their creative directors and key stylists about what they think we’ll be seeing on the runway and in the salon this year, and about how hair for an eight minute show can be months in the planning…

Zealand fashion landscape by far, shoe designer Kathryn Wilson is one of a kind. After studying footwear design internationally she returned to New Zealand to start her own label seven years ago, and now her designs are worn all over the world. Although her shoes have been used by stylists on the catwalk for many years now, this year marks her official NZFW debut as a designer, with a show in The Tent that will be unashamedly “all about shoes!” She says that she waited a long while before even attempting a solo shoe show because “I wanted to do it properly… and to put on the most amazing show I could imagine!” She says that it’s also possible that she’s never been brave enough to take the plunge, despite being involved in NZFW runways shows in some shape or form for many years, and designing her eponymous label for the past seven. “I didn’t want to make the mistake of running before I walked either,” she adds, “which in the fashion business can mean really asking for trouble”. She’s worked closely over the years with labels like Juliette Hogan and Huffer, and although she was thrilled with the results, “it’s just not the same as styling your shoes your way, which is what I can’t wait to do at NZFW this year”. She has collaborated on designs with Adrian Hailwood of the Hailwood label in the past, with Kathryn helping Adrian’s shoe designs truly come to life. The end results have always been a favourite with the media and taken out the title of “Shoe of the Week” many times over, and she admits that she “loves Adrian to bits, he is so amazing to work with”. When asked for any details that she can leak about her show this year she says with a giggle “it will be amazing, of course!” She adds on a more serious note that she really wants to present something that is entirely outside of the square, and counts herself lucky that as a shoe show has never been done at NZFW before, she has started with a totally blank page and can truly set the bar. “We’ve had some seriously insane ideas,” she says, “that aren’t really possible logistically, but have lead to more ideas again. The possibilities are huge, and I love that”. She says that the challenge is to combine making the show “all about the shoes” as well as constantly visually stimulating for the audience and commercially accessible for her buyers, which is no mean feat. She is surrounding herself with a killer team to make everything happen, including fashion maven Angela Crane who will be working on the concept with her, and crack make up artist Amber D and the M.A.C team, who will be creating a very special “face” to go with the shoes. She is going all out to yell her solo debut from

russian girls with shadowy eyes and beautiful skin; key products: flawless, natural looking skin was created by lightly applying a layer of studio sculpt foundation, which was then set with a soft dusting of mineralize skin finish in natural. nude cream colour base covered the eyelids up to the brows, and then black chromaline was blurred underneath the lower lashline to create the appearance of a dark shadow. the barely there lip is a mix of nude cream colour base and nourishing lip conditioner.

the rafters too, with a billboard being erected in on Ponsonby’s main drag during the month of September and a series of small films sent to the media as teasers in the lead up to the big day. “I want to build the hype as much as possible in advance,” she explains, “and I’ll be including a short film as part of the catwalk presentation as well. We want to be all over the blogs and other media well before the big day just to get people as excited as we are.” Photographer and filmmaker Garth Badger will be filming Kathryn regularly for her series of good-looking teasers, whilst Onny Kaulima will be helping put together a “flirty, cool soundtrack” that will be the final icing on the cake for the show. She wants to make sure that the people that buy her shoes around the country have an insight into what happens behind the scenes at a NZFW show, “and that they get to see a bit of my story, and how I got to where I am today”. The ever thoughtful, much loved industry star wants her front row to be made up of “the people that have helped me get where I am today, that have really backed me from the beginning. I want it to be a celebration of what I’ve done and for the people who have believed in me”. The show will also be a first look at her brand spanking new diffusion line, Miss Wilson, which is equally as exciting. “It’ll be at a little lower price point than my current range,” she explains, “and will be based around some of my top selling shapes that people love. They are tried and tested shapes but with a new twist, and some fun and playful prints happening to keep people interested.” For her main line she promises a collection that is “very true to Kathryn Wilson, a little bit fun and a little bit rock n’ roll,” and it will be accessorised with the newest jewellery designs from Boh Runga, called “Weapons of Mass Devotion”. She says that the days are flying by in the countdown to the show, “and I’ve never done this before so I want to be super prepared. Having cool people that I love on board early on is really helping, I don’t want to pretend I can do any of this by myself!” Just quietly, we think she can.

opposite page: blazer by World, shirt by Crane Brothers, trousers from the Lonely Hearts archives (A/W 2008), rings by Zora Boyd for Wunderkammer jewellery at Wunderkammer; this page: sleeveless blouse by Nom*D, briefs by Juliette Hogan, bike shorts by Nyne and cross earring by Meadowlark.

inika – leaders in natural cosmetics As well as having make-up artists doing mini makeovers on those attending Fashion Weekend, the team from Inika will also be holding a seminar educating the public on the range and the benefits of the all-natural Australian cosmetics brand. Created in 2006 by Miranda Bond and Jenni Williams, the power duo behind the highly successful Thriving Healthy Women Network, Inika has revolutionised natural make up as we know it. As consumers move toward a greener lifestyle, natural and mineral makeup is enjoying a worldwide boom, with Inika drawing a celebrity fan base including Stella McCartney, “Bones” actress Emily Deschanel, and Kate Richie. Inika is the only cosmetics company in the world to be 100% Certified Vegan or Certified Organic or Both, 100% Certified Cruelty Free and 100% Certified Halal.

fresh live music:

fashion weekend kicks off at 6pm on friday, september 25 and runs through ‘til late on saturday night, when the party moves on to the famous nzfw wrap party. there is always a plethora of entertainment on offer, all for the price of a $20 ticket - surely the best value day or night out in town!some of the highlights of the weekend this year include:

During Fashion Weekend you’ll get to see ome of New Zealand’s freshest live acts playing for free at the NZFW venue, featuring:


A four-piece band from Auckland, Radioglo describe their sounds as being “a little like Gomez watching a DVD of The Band that has been digitally re-mastered”. Their organic, warm sound is acoustic guitar focussed and unashamedly catchy, with a debut album currently in the works. Catch them live on Friday night in the Absolut Studio.

the nzfw seminars:

These fantastic seminars will be happening all weekend in Shed One, and offer something for everyone. Alongside Magic Tan, The Skin Institute, The Face Place and Kristen Stewart, speakers include Signature Style, who as well as being part of the hosting packages on offer at NZFW, will be presenting a seminar showcasing the key pieces and trends from the catwalk as well as showing you how you can make those trends work for your shape, style and life. They plan to not only show you how to spot a lasting trend and how to make those key catwalk pieces work in your wardrobe, but also give advice as to how to make those and other garments flatter you.

phoenix house of makeup The team from Phoenix will be showcasing their range of cosmetics with an intimate makeup show. An entrepreneur and makeup artist also named ‘The Eyebrow Queen’ for her brow expertise, Phoenix Renata and her team of talented makeup artists will be showcasing 5 Shades of Summer, their latest makeup collection.

sola rosa

servilles Servilles, together with L’Oréal Professionnel, will host a series of workshops during Fashion Weekend that show you how to get – and keep – great looking hair. The workshops will feature Paul Serville and the Servilles Creative Team sharing their salon secrets to amazing hair, and demonstrating how to style the key looks at home.

Since 1999 Sola Rosa’s Andrew Spraggon has been tantalising his listeners with otherworldly aural experiences, honing his craft and taking Sola Rosa from a selfreleased one-man project to fully-fledged live powerhouse along the way. He’s kept good company on the road and in the studio, counting members of Dimmer, Fat Freddy’s Drop, Goldenhorse, Pluto and Sommerset amongst the ranks over the years, not to mention tapping the talents of internationally renowned artists like Nathan Haines and Spikey Tee. The perfect way to kick off your weekend, Sola Rosa will hit the stage after Radioglo on Friday night.

ruby frost (pictured)

Saturday afternoon sees newcomer Ruby Frost take to the stage, a pop talent who looks to the likes of Björk and Kate Bush for inspiration. The petite singer has always been writing, and now 23, armed with a guitar and a penchant for programming her own beats, she uses lyrics to express her winsome take on the world. Renowned producer Chris Zane (Passion Pit, The Walkmen, Aesobi Seksu, Mumford & Sons) has been signed on to produce Frostʼs debut album and the pair have already worked together honing her sound. Expect to be impressed.

the CRUSH PHOTOGRAPHY BY MARISSA FINDLAY assisted by Bahman Fadavi & Luke White FASHION EDITOR DAN AHWA assisted by Chanelle Kennedy MAKEUP MARGO REGAN USING M.A.C HAIR SARA SALLSOP @ DHARMA USING GHD MODELS ESTER AND DAVID @ NOVA MODELS & TALENT special thanks to Jordis Renz and The Auckland War Memorial Museum

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first time at nzfw

make up: hot looks we love from nzfw 2009

In a first for NZFW, this year New Zealand Weddings magazine is putting together the firstever bridalwear show to appear on the catwalk during the week long event. It will also be happening on Saturday during Fashion Weekend, and is destined to be a mustsee. “It made perfect sense to finally be able to showcase the local talent we have in this genre,” said New Zealand Weddings Editor Melissa Gardi, “internationally the grand finale of any fashion show is a wedding gown and yet it’s been rare to see that show-stopping moment during NZFW.” She adds that there are some “extremely talented and creative New Zealand designers in the wedding category and it’s great to be able to celebrate them, give them a platform for international recognition and to display their trend-setting styles”. Seven labels will be featured: Anna Schimmel, John Zimmerman, Jane Yeh, Kate Dowman, Vinka Design, Crane Brothers (menswear), Modes (flower girls) and Louise Anderson.

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one of the nicest people on the new

key products: pearl cream colour base pressed on cheekbone to highlight and bone beige sculpting powder to contour and bring out the models’ already superb bone structure.

nzfw’s first ever bridal show:


kathryn wilson going solo for the

cybele by amber d for m.a.c

inspiration: victorian, mourning codes of fashion; key products: studio sculpt foundation for flawless skin, devil, pink swoon and full fuschia blush, clear brow set for beautiful brows and a mix of white lipmix and orange alarm cream colour base was used to create a perfectly peachy, opaque lip.

alexandra owen by amy e for m.a.c inspiration: equestrian chic

As well as the PWC New Generation show, there will be Designer Selection Shows happening throughout NZFW, including during Fashion Weekend. The concept is exclusive to NZFW and lets you see ALL the designers from the week in one show on the catwalk. One outfit will be shown from their Autumn/ Winter fashion week show plus two in-season outfits to motivate you to go in store and go shopping! This is the best way to see a little bit of everything and in addition, receive an amazing goodie

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stolen girlfriends club by amber d for m.a.c inspiration: nomadic gypsy girls,

IBM designer selection shows

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nom*d and the art of doing things differently

always a NZFW favourite, and their shows are a total high point for many who start singling out their Winter wardrobe the second that the collection leaves the catwalk. They are a brand that has always done things a little differently, and their decision to screen a short film to showcase their Winter 2010 collection last year as opposed to a runway show saw them heaped in praise. Titled Turncoats, the film was a collaboration with director Kirsty Cameron from Curious Films and super stylist Karen Inderbitzen-Waller, with Nom*D designer Margi Roberston first talking to Kirsty at Karen’s wedding and setting in motion a dialogue that was to become a beautiful meeting of creative minds. With more and more labels internationally – Rodarte and YSL spring to mind – creating films to go with their collections, it is something that fashion fans around the world are lapping up, as well as the technology that sees these beautiful creations coming into their homes with the click of a mouse. We spoke to Margi about why film is such a perfect

annah stretton

hailwood > hailwood >


karen walker

dunedin-based label nom*d are

10 years of images: designers pick their favorites

client > zambesi designer >> art direct, design and produce all campaign print collateral including catalogues, advertising, lookbooks, postcards > zambesi tabloid newsprint catalogues

> zambesi campaign catalogues - inside spreads

besi. www.zam


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sa findlay

www.zamb esi

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>> zambesi campaigns: art direction/ design various magazine advertising spreads

client > rcm clothing / workshop denim >> photographer/designer >> photograph mens/womans workshop denim campaign >> concept and design large 2 sided fold-up poster for retail and direct mail > front and back workshop denim campaign poster

client > nom*d >> photographer / designer >> photograph, design and produce campaign print material, magazine advertising > set of nom*d postcards for retail and direct mail.

1am magazine >> co-publisher, editor, creative/fashion director, designer > digital online issues #6 - #15 > (click cover to view full issue online)

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> issue 13 print/digital, cover + inside front cover spread





ROCKIN THE ‘50S polo top by marni at SCOTTIES, bustier dress by ZAMBESI.

>> interactive design > 1am magazine #16 fashion editorial opening spread featuring multimedia elements, hyperlinks, e-shopping links(click active links highlighted above)

>> website design 1am digital network comprising 1am magazine bi-monthly interactive digital magazine, 1am tv vlog (youtube channel), 1am@1:00am party pics/social snap (photo galleries), 1am diaries (original blogs/news/happenings) and fashion collections (designer lookbooks). << top: home page; bottom: 1am digital mag >> left to right, top to bottom: archive page, 1am diary page, 1am tv page, 1am@1:00am social snaps gallery page, 1am@1:00am slideshow view.

pavement magazine >> 74 issues co-publisher/founder creative director and designer 1993 - 2006 awarded new zealand magazine of the year 1999/2000 new zealand magazine designer of the year 1999/2000 > following pages >> various opening page spreads with visually arresting use of photography and typography

wish u were here xxx magazine > ‘cultural geographies and contemporary landscapes’ >> (click above to view flick through issue) a unique and original concept melding art photography with reportage in a biannual collection of geographical vignettes from some of the leading image makers of the moment, taking a new approach to editorial design, WISH dispensed with the formalities of text and type focusing instead on developing a rich visual vernacular through a purely imaged based editorial design aesthetic.

client > sue crockford gallery >> website design > comprehensive, clean, elegant, accessible and easily navigable dealer art gallery website

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