Newsletter January 2013

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Past Issues


Newsletter for Superuse Studios projects, lectures and exhibitions.

Hello <<First Name>>, we are happy to send you this update on a selection of current activities. We are unveiling Parici at Object Rotterdam, the first product by the Superuse Design Lab that will be sold commercially to everyone who wants one. In 2013 we will launch more products like this, made from materials that lost their original purpose. We are working together with ZERI to help the Blue Economy in The Netherlands and we are finishing a new website,, where people can exchange materials.

27-03 Jos de Krieger will lecture in Deventer for the ArtEZ honours programme

15-03 PAR ICI The Parici is a lamp made out of plastic perfume advertising board. These boards have been made by a professional product photographer and are printed on very high resolution. De boards are only used as advertisement for a year. Due to the high demands

Opening of Ja Natuurlijk, we designed the shop

06-02 Opening of Object, we will

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