Newsletter April 2013

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Past Issues


Newsletter for Superuse Studios projects, lectures and exhibitions.

Hello <<First Name>>, it's spring, although it does not feel like it yet. While we're still in the cold we've got some hot news for you. Did you know that we will work in London this year? And that we have made a shop out of old computer screens? If you want to know more, check out the news items below.

05-04 Opening of 30KUUB

11-04 Superuse Studios in London Superuse Studios is invited by the Architecture Foundation in London for two events this spring. We will design the entrance for the Gibbons Rent community garden in London Bridge. At the same time we will curate the INSIDEflows exhibition in their project space. The exhibition will open 1st of June.

Recycled food diner at Slaakhuys | Oysters

13-04 Jan Jongert lectures in Washington on Reclaim + Remake symposium

16-04 Jos de Krieger lectures for

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