Newsletter for Superuse Studios projects, lectures and exhibitions.
Hello <<First Name>>, summer has finally come in the Netherlands, which means it is time to get out of your house or your office and visit some exhibitions (or go to the beach). We've selected a few for you that are worthwhile (and we are part of it). Also in this newsletter we are introducing something new, you can now choose if you want to read our newsletters in Dutch or in English. Please update your profile settings to select your language.
08-06 Opening of Reactivate! in Timmerfabriek Maastricht
08-06 Playground Wikado is part of a bicycle tour in Rotterdam. Join the tour.
InsideFlows: The Superuse Approach to Design This exhibition at the Architecture Foundation Project Space in London (UK) showcases the ongoing collaborative research with the INSIDE Masters programme at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague. Visitors are invited to explore a selection of case studies that investigate how resource flows can give a positive contribution to design. InsideFlows will also host the UK launch of the Superuse – Harvest Map website, our new
11-06 Jos de Krieger lectures for BNO in Amsterdam