Newsletter for Superuse Studios projects, lectures and exhibitions.
Hello <<First Name>>, we hope you had a good summer and that you are recharged and ready to do amazing things. We have some exciting projects coming up this fall/winter. In Almere we are working on a bus station and in Oisterwijk we are designing an office interior in a former tannery. You can find out more about these projects in this newsletter.
03-10 Jan Jongert presents at Capita Selecta in Amsterdam
08-10 Césare Peeren presents for 'public space' students at WKA, Rotterdam
Busstation Almere Poort Currently we are working with the municipality of Almere on a waiting area. On the square between the train and bus station is a demand for seating in the sun and shade, and places that provide shelter from the rain and wind. We will make an object composed of the old bus shelters from the city and wind turbine blades harvested in the province of Flevoland. We are aiming for completion in 2013.
10-10 Jan Jongert is presenting at Duurzaamheidsdag at Hanzehogeschool Groningen