Newsletter November 2013

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Newsletter for Superuse Studios projects, lectures and exhibitions.

Hello <<First Name>>, We've broke ground on the biggest Superuse building as of yet, since this month we've got an Advisory Board, work by Superuse Studios will be featured in at least two exhibitions in Europe and we've opened a webshop for Parici and the Seatbelt. More about all that in this newsletter.

07-02 to 27-04 Behind the Green Door exhibition at The Danish Architecture Centre, Denmark

24-01 Building started for Kringloop Zuid! Building has started for the recycling centre in Maastricht: Kringloop Zuid. All building materials for re­ use have been collected and are ready for use in the construction by the contractor Strukton van Straten. A 30 meter high reclaimed windmill wing will serve perfectly as the landmark, the extra large window façade will be comprised of facades from demolished apartment buildings, and a colorful steel profile cladding will use production waste from the SAB factory. The building is expected to be completed by the end of February, and the shop will open soon thereafter. This is a memorable moment. Five years after winning the competition, the largest Superuse building so far is becoming a reality!

Jos de Krieger presents at UmBauKultur in Gelsenkirchen, DE

06-12 to 05-02 Reactivate! exhibition at The Lighthouse in Glasgow


Upcoming article: 'De stad als ecosysteem'. Thema nummer S+Ro ihkv de Blauwe Economie

28-11 Jan Jongert and Michiel Schwartz will be keynote speakers at Clean Drinks in Rotterdam

Advisory Board We are happy to announce that since this month Superuse Studios is supported by an Advisory Board. Anne van der Zwaag, Jacob van Rijs, Tom van der Lubbe and Wytze Patijn support our office in its current and future strategy.

26-11 Césare Peeren was a speaker at ARC13 in stadium 'De Kuip', Rotterdam

10-10 Jan Jongert presented at Duurzaamheidsdag at Hanzehogeschool Groningen

08-10 Césare Peeren presented for 'public space' students at WKA, Rotterdam

Lighten up with Parici lamps It is getting darker so lighten up. Make it easier for Sinterklaas and Santa Klaus to find your place. Made from Perspex cosmetic advertising boards. Available in a range of colors and sizes. Hang or wall mount for up or down light. Available from: Superuse Studios WORM (Rotterdam) Cityscapes Leliegracht (Amsterdam) De Hipshop (Deventer) Groos (Rotterdam) Verbeke Foundation art museum (Kemzeke, Belgium)

Fasten your seatbelt! This airplane seatbelt belt will not save your life!! But, re­ using the used, re­functioning past into future, will save energy and resources. For the one low price, your belt has travelled the world, hugged thousands of people, flown air miles, and consumed more than a lifetime’s worth of kerosene and energy. Wear this belt proudly as a statement of transition to a new Superuse world where trash is more, form follows junktion, used is beautiful, and a quick release buckle is handy for those moments where you are in a real hurry to get your pants down safely. Available hand washed at Superuse Studios. Limited numbers. Introductory offer €48.

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Short officenews ­ Superuse Studios design for WORM has been shortlisted for the 2013 Rotterdam Architecture prize. Vote for WORM in the people’s choice award, voting closes 12 December. Visit WORM, or check out the pictures and TV documentary. ­ This fall the harvest department is proud to offer the last aluminium KLM catering trolleys for sale. We also offer a new type of trolley. These trolleys are made entirely of plastic. Please see our website for prices and additional information! ­ One of our partners, Jos de Krieger, has just moved to

Check out our websites superuse­

Amsterdam. Currently he is looking for interesting opportunities for projects and/or cooperations in the greater Amsterdam area. If you come across something that might be interesting for us, please send him a direct email. ­ From 4th to 8th of november Superuse Studios Jos de Krieger, Lizanne Dirkx and Jan Jongert ran a masterclass on Energy for 1st year students of Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam. The workshop was part of a productive wasteworkshop with Dirk Overduin and Debra Solomon. The workshop was organised by Elmo Vermijs. ­ On 22nd and 23rd of November we participated in "de ontdekking van Groningen" a Blue Economy Workshop to discover the potential of the province of Groningen for developing a symbiotic environment. Six initiatives were selected to start up and two of them will be taken further in their spatial development during a workshop we'll run on the Academy of Architecture in Groningen in january 2014. ­ De Grote Rotterdamse Kunstkalender shows you daily in large (29,7 x 34 cm) the work of a contemporary Rotterdam Artist. On September 15th you will find a nice image of the Rewind seating element made out of reclaimed windmillwings. This public seating is located next to the Erasmusbrug bridge in Rotterdam. The photographer is Denis Guzzo. You can order the calendar here.

Exhibition: Behind the Green Door Behind the Green Door was the main exhibition the Oslo Architecture Triennale 2013. The Danish Architecture Centre, Denmark's main venue for architecture, will host the exhibition from 7th of February 2014 until 27th of April. The exhibition is the work of the esteemed Belgian curator team Rotor, who have collected more than 600 sustainable objects from 200 architectural practices, companies and environmental organisations from all over the world, all of whom are making significant strides with their initiatives in the area of sustainability.

Reactivate! in Glasgow With great pleasure we can tell you that the Reactivate! exhibition that we are part of will be visible in The Lighthouse in Glasgow from the 6th of december 2013 to the 5th of february 2014. Besides the Dutch offices there is a selection of 11 Scottish firms for Reactivate! Scotland (these are: NORD, Collective Architecture, Dualchas, ERZ Landscape Architects, Pidgin Perfect, Stone Opera, GRAS, Do architecture, TOG, Orkidstudio, Lateral North). Just like the Dutch firms it is a mix of known names and young firms. They are connected through the new way of working on and thinking about the field of architecture.

Superuse Studios designs products and buildings and develops strategies to facilitate the transition to a sustainable society. The work of Superuse Studios shows that waste streams and limited resources are an opportunity for innovative design. Copyright © 2013 Superuse Studios, All rights reserved.

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