Our experience as Preeschool Teachers 2016 By:Silvia Chavarria & Katty Morales In 2016 we had a big challenge as teachers. We did different activities and we had more responsibilities. We had to choose between having a good time, social life or fun and being excellent teachers and giving our 100% and extra mile. The new experiences gave us mixed feelings and expectancies about our career and how it would be our future. The first activity we did was the Splash Day. It was fun and wet, and we had to take care of the girls. Spanish and english pre-practice were totally different. We did Spanish prepractice in a public institution. It was a whole different word from ours, the kids were grateful and more humble. They were excited about everything we gave to them. It was only a week but we wish that it has lasted longer. They won our heart. English pre-practice it’s a different story, you are observed by everyone here in school. It is more difficult to find new activities for the girls and even though you have more experience than at Spanish pre-practice they don’t trust you completely to deliver a whole class. However it was also a nice and meaningful experience. Ocean theme class was rock in our foot, speaking about difficulties we had to face. We had to plan different activities, and decorate two complete classes in ONLY ONE DAY. But we did it and all of our effort was worth it. Senior Year, here we go!