English SØNDERBORG2017 - Application Form

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Sønderborg2017 for Sønderjylland-Schleswig



Towards a countryside metropolis 1



I - Basic principles


II - Structure of the programme


III - Organisation and financing of the event


IV - City infrastructure


V - Communication strategy


VI - Evaluation and monitoring of the event


VII - Additional information




I - Basic principles


1. Why does the city which you represent wish to take part in the competition for the title of European Capital of Culture?

with the danger of becoming a complacent community that acts as if it can go on like this forever. As other Europeans we have to deal with

Sønderborg is a city on the water. The parts

a tendency of turning our backs to foreign

on either side of the Alssund (Als Sound) are

people and different cultures in our country

connected by two bridges in the city. Every

– a tendency strengthened by the uncertainty

day they prove to be a good way to overcome

of the global economical crisis. This is also

deep waters, gaps, separations. And every

reflected in the national cultural policies

day they are an accepted excuse to be late in

which tend to revive a sense of national unity

our punctual city. There are just not enough

– a monocultural point of view that leads

of them.

to a gap between us and others, and with a shift from integration to assimilation, despite political rhetoric to the contrary.

With SØNDERBORG2017 we will build more bridges for Sønderborg and SønderjyllandSchleswig. They will not be visible in the

The only chance we have is to build bridges

material sense. But they will prove a good

over borders. And use them to share spaces

way to overcome borders – be it mental,

for a mobile culture – spaces that are fresh,

social, linguistic, economic, rural-or-urban,

unexplored and promising.

majority-minority, national, historical or maritime – Sønderborg is a border region that

8 out of 10 young people who leave the

needs bridges in many respects.

region to explore the world do not return, nor

There are bridges over water in Sønderborg.

are they replaced. In the long run this will

There are no bridges over borders. Yet.

turn us into a Retirement City at best – and at worst into a ghost territory in Europe.

That is why we wish to take part in the competition for the title of European Capital

It’s a race against time.

of Culture. Sønderborg is racing towards an abyss of brain drain and rural depopulation

Every day we lose young, educated and trained members of society who energise our




What would be the main challenge of this nomination?

community. Creative and active participants in our society go elsewhere. Tax payers, who are needed to support the quality of life for


all, vote with their feet. A considerable loss

The main challenge is how a small city in

of industrial work places has not helped to

a border region can achieve visibility in

keep labour in the city. And on top of this

Europe without losing the authenticity and

the number of elderly people to care for is

originality that is so important for the city

growing rapidly.

and its citizens. Europe’s focus on big cities reduces the continent’s diversity. More and more

But we don’t complain.

European culture takes place in cities, We know our level of education and training

while smaller cities are in danger of fading

is below the Danish average. We feel every

and disappearing from the European

day in the region it is harder to attract skilled

stage – leaving Europe as a patchwork of

labour. Qualified staff for the low and

metropolises, with places between them

high tech industry and for the creative and

where people go only to leave again.

cultural industry choose to go elsewhere. Small cities with their particularities and The people of Sønderborg and the border

unique features should play an important

territory, with the title of European Capital

role in the construction of Europe. They are

of Culture 2017, are ready to make change

the bridge between the urban areas and the

happen – slow but consistent, connected

landscape, between Europe and its citizens.

but authentic, radical but coherent change –

Without them, Europe loses its soul.

starting now and not in 15 years. Sønderborg is beautifully set, along the water, In the candidature process around 3,000

with a lovely countryside around it with a

people have participated so far and they

well-developed cultural infrastructure. It is

mobilised others. Someone on the street said:

easy to forget that Sønderborg has concrete

“If this is not going to happen, I will leave.”

dilemmas and has, as yet, no bridge to stretch

That is a bit harsh. But we believe in our

over the approaching abyss.

effort and accept the consequences. For us the title is not the cherry on the cake – it is

Some concrete examples are:

the essential ingredient for the daily bread in

• the provincial stereotypes that are


maintained, and the media that are often more eager to convey peripheral regions’ challenges than their potential. The consequence is that Sønderborg suffers from its reputation;



What are the city’s objectives for the year in question?

• the entrepreneurial and self-sufficient community that has built up in our territory over the years will not easily


accept advice from others, learn to

Our goal is that our territory and identity

reach out and look for the best and bad

should become visible in order to create in

practices in other European cities with

our city and border region a naturally shared

similar challenges;

playground of encounter, experiment and co-creation – with the friction and contrasts

• the military school is a large employer housed in an important building at the

included to keep things interesting and

harbourfront in the middle of our city.


In recent years, on several occasions, discussions have taken place in the

The objectives of our city in this candidature

national parliament to close the complex.

for the year in question are:

So far it hasn’t happened but quickly changing patterns in international

• Build upon the cultural intelligence

security requirements -that are better

of the people in our territory and

for all of us globally, could lead to the

visitors to develop creative capacity and

unfortunate loss of much needed jobs

entrepreneurial culture. Through cultural


intelligence we will strengthen social cohesion that leads to tolerance and

• the Fehmarn Bridge that will be built and replaces the ferry from Puttgarden

diversity and gives social inclusion of all

to Rodby. It will create a direct route

people a real chance.

between Copenhagen and Hamburg.

• Regenerate the rural region through

This route protects our environment but

culture and creativity. Turn the word

leads traffic and people around and away

‘provincial’ into a cool word

from Sønderjylland-Schleswig.

• Stimulate people to share the playground – especially when this means

We face these dilemmas with pride. To get

more people with for example Chinese,

our message across we understand that a

Indian or Central and Eastern European

robust organisation helps us to translate these

backgrounds to live in our territory

dilemmas into concrete challenges to make things work.

Fundamental to these objectives is to mobilise our inhabitants and visitors as co-creators. We see culture not just as a tool for social engineering - sometimes arts and culture should be purely arts and culture. That’s fine too.




2. Explain the concept of the programme which would be launched if the city was nominated European Capital of Culture

In order to reach our objectives we will use these principles in developing our strategies:

• We will take care that lines of communication are established between


the different fields of knowledge – arts

The concept of the programme is based on

and culture, sociology, anthropology,

the city’s challenges and objectives. It will

research, education, business,

be a participatory programme in which we

gastronomy, and technology. This

include (and have included so far) artists

corresponds to our wide definition of

and cultural operators, business people and


researchers, environmentalists and students, children, elderly people, minorities and

• We will aim for a slow pace of living that combines health, culture and mind

many more to foster cultural intelligence and

without falling into a lifestyle kind of

creative capacity in our region.

movement With the Cultural intelligence methodology

• We will stimulate awareness of the choices in technology as added value, we

we strengthen our region’s ability to

will be critical of those moments when

understand and relate to other cultures, to

technology replaces being physically

what is different and new and then actively

together and we will stimulate a ‘slow

use the insights gained and incorporate them

technology’ way of living

into a new worldview and actions.

• We are eager to invite people and especially young energetic European

With the Creative capacity methodology we

visitors and residents – artists, business

encourage the network of citizens, artists,

people, academics and thinkers – to

businesses, knowledge platforms, cultural

look at our city and region and to come

institutions and the political systems to

up with new ideas and solutions in

generate new and forward-looking solutions

collaboration with our people.

that take sustainability, collective subjectivity, spiritual and physical health into account.

• We will encourage in our region the panEuropean way of thinking in terms of openness, sharing best practices, learning

We will work on three main ideas that

from bad practices and interacting as

summarise the challenges and objectives we

a two-way form of working together.

have analysed as vital to our community and

That’s all.

to some other parts of Europe with similar issues:

• The programme will activate the work on bridges over borders be it mental,




social, artistic, linguistic, economic, rural-

A common global culture, a mass culture – in

or-urban, majority-minority, national,

which everyone wears the same jeans, eats

historical or maritime borders. We will

the same fast food and listens to the same

address the challenges in all these kinds

music – does not inevitably bring people

of limitations and the liberating effect

closer. Rather, Havel argues, it can make all

of developing cultural intelligence and

of us less secure about who we are, and, as a

creative capacity to build bridges in

result, lead to extreme efforts to validate and

order to overcome them. We will call this

retain distinct identities.

part of the programme Rainbow Bridge.

The unavoidable questions of the twentyfirst century are how to balance individual

• The programme will encourage entrepreneurial spirit that already

and community rights, how to raise families

is traditional in some sectors of our

amidst the pressures of the mass media and


consumer culture, how to retain our ethnic

We will develop it further by fostering

pride and national identity while cooperating

interdisciplinary thinking and acting in

regionally and globally.

fields like culture, science, education, business, research, climate and environ-

We believe that real learning from each other

ment, sustainability, health, knowledge-

is only possible if people develop cultural

based society development, technology

intelligence and creative capacity. For

and slow living. This part of the

SØNDERBORG2017 and the border region this

programme will be called Mind Bridge.

will be pursued in a process where we reflect ourselves in the rest of Europe. We invite

• The programme will take up the movement that has started to make

Europeans to participate in the development

Sønderborg a countryside metropolis

of Sønderborg and the Danish-German

and strengthen it by the projects that

border region and to take advantage of our

we are planning. The programme will

experiences, whenever this is useful to them.

combine the creativity of our city with the slow-way-of-life of our countryside,

With our artistic program, we explore and

explore the chances of using technology

outline our identity in tandem with an

as a good servant, see small as beautiful

exploration of our European identity. We are

and provincial as ‘cool’ and ensure

able to show rich cultural heritage, but as a

quality life for the present generations in

European Capital of Culture we emphasise,

20 years to come. Vitality Bridge is what

promote and co-create contemporary culture

this part of the programme is called.

and art forms open to the world. Europe is in a social crisis that has roots in

Just like Václav Havel wrote in one of his

both an economic crisis and a crisis of values.

essays, we believe that globalisation often

We consider our artistic programme as both

exacerbates nationalistic and ethnic rivalries.

a laboratory and a playground where the




identity are examined and brought into play

3. Could this programme be summed up by a slogan? (the answer to

to create a common European future with

this question is optional at the pre-selection stage).

various aspects of European culture and

creativity and creative power. The theme of the programme for now is summed up by the slogan:

Towards a countryside metropolis


To us this slogan summarises the focus on the legacy of our candidacy, it puts the focus on a starting point that opens up new dimensions in which we reach for the next decades. It shows a clear direction and the determination to reach the goal. Small cities in Europe are a bridge between the cities and the landscape. Our concept symbolises an interactive and innovative connection between the metropolis and a countryside that has creative dynamism so far associated with a metropolis, quality of life and community forms that characterise rural areas in Europe just like Sønderborg, Sønderjylland and Schleswig. But this does not include megalomaniac thinking. It relates to the people who live here, ties in soft relationships with wide ranges of different people. It shows we can create something new without throwing away proven technology of what we have. On the contrary, it shows our care for the countryside and brings out the best in it: its potential to be lively, vibrant and inspiring to all inhabitants and visitors. It does not put on a mask to disguise it, but makes the face more interesting by bringing its genuine features to the fore and connect it to a heart, brain, lungs and especially guts. It stimulates and inspires



to find new ways of life in a Europe of the

Self-esteem and confidence are important

21st century combining urban and rural

parts of the European visibility that comes

structures. It’s Sønderborg, the countryside

with a European Capital of Culture. We


have discovered in participative discussions that with this second slogan our people in


Currently Sønderjylland and Schleswig are

Sønderborg, Sønderjylland and Schleswig

two rather inward-looking parallel societies.

walk with their heads held high towards the

Sønderborg is an important community in

contest for the title.

this territory. After the last wars were fought on our fields the Danish nation turned inwards, in a self-protective way. The saying “what is outwardly lost, has to be inwardly won” arose in this period and still affects the mindset of the nation. The candidacy process so far has brought about the insight that the time is right to do something about this selfcentredness. Sønderborg was the centre of the event, when Denmark started looking inward. Now Sønderborg strives to become the centre of Denmark opening up. For this reason we propose a second slogan:

Sønderborg – that’s why! This second slogan was inspired by the US-film-maker Michael Moore who in Sønderborg in 2007 presented his European sneak preview of the film ‘Sicko’, a documentary comparing the highly profitable American health care industry to other nations. When he was asked by a journalist on the occasion: Why Sønderborg of all places?, he simply replied: “Sønderborg – that’s why!”




region Schleswig through the set up of

4. Which geographical area does the city intend to involve in the ”European Capital of Culture” event? Explain this choice

the border – consequently creating two fringe regions: Sønderjylland and Northern Germany. As of 2013 Sønderjylland and Schleswig will


The geographical area of the event will

be ‘reunited’ in one brand as a cross-border

encompass the partner areas in the Danish

cultural region (Kulturregion), as agreed with

and the German border region involved in

the Danish Ministry of Culture.

this bid: Sønderjylland (Southern Jutland) with the four municipalities Sønderborg,

Common historical background and common

Aabenraa, Haderslev and Tønder, two

challenges must lead to a common future.

German districts – Kreis Nordfriesland and

And that is the reason why we consider the

Kreis Schleswig-Flensburg – and the city of

border region from the River Kongeåen in


the North down to the River Eider in the South and from the Wadden Sea in the West

Borders separate and unite. The Danish

to the Baltic Sea in the East to be a part of

border has developed in opposition to

Sønderborg as European Capital of Culture

the German one throughout history – yet


at the same time always in a conjunction with it as well. Sønderborg in Denmark is

The county of Syddanmark and the Land

the geographical centre of the application.

Schleswig-Holstein strongly support the

However, Sønderborg is also a part of

application as both Denmark and Germany

Schleswig – an old duchy which according

consider the border region to be a base for

to a coronation charter between the Danish

the creation of a unique space for European

King Christian I and the nobility of Holstein

creative solutions.

in 1460 was supposed to stay “ewich tosamende ungedelt” – forever united,

The space we ‘virtually’ occupy with the

and which has ensured a fruitful exchange

Capital of Culture comprises a much larger

of Danish and German culture for many

area since we address our European networks


– the personal contacts and the organised circles – and involve those who do not live

The forever united area, however, was

in the geographical area but will be part of

separated in 1864. This cannot change the

SØNDERBORG2017 by theme – like other small

fact that Sønderborg, Sønderjylland and

cities in Europe with similar issues. Last but

Schleswig share a number of common

not least we include Cyprus as our most

challenges. They are a result of the

important geographical ‘outpost’.

destruction of the old economically powerful



three northern German administrations;

5. Please confirm that you have the support of the local and/or regional political authorities.

Schleswig-Flensburg, North Friesland and the City of Flensburg. All of the Danish and German regional and local political


The candidacy of SØNDERBORG2017 is

authorities are eager to collaborate in this

unanimously supported by the two districts

cross-border project. At the national level

South Denmark and Schleswig-Holstein and

Sønderborg also gained the support of

seven regional authorities in Denmark and

German Federal Minister for Culture and


Media, Bernd Neumann.

The competition for the title has been recognised as a part of – and a milestone in – Sønderborg’s strong strategic commitment to culture. SØNDERBORG2017 is also a stepping stone in the branding of the cross border region as European cultural region. Along with the bid Sønderborg has chosen to act as a pioneer in developing and implementing the ‘Culture Compass’ for the strategic development of culture in the city and the region. The collaborating regional authorities have expressed an interest in adapting the Culture Compass as a matrix for their local culture strategies.


In February 2009 the Sønderborg City Council decided unanimously to back the vision of Sønderborg with SønderjyllandSchleswig as European Capital of Culture in 2017. Subsequently, on September 14th 2009 Sønderborg gained political and economic backing from the entire region, both north and south of the border. With the Region of South Denmark at the top, all 22 municipalities of South Denmark support Sønderborg in its efforts. South of the border Sønderborg has received political backing from the Land Schleswig-Holstein and the




about the budget and is available via the

6. How does the event fit into the long-term cultural development of the city and, where appropriate, of the region?

municipality’s website for media and citizens to check on progress. In this shared purpose it is articulated how the city relates to competitors and partners and what key


The project we present not only aims at being

contributions to citizens, community and

selected as European Capital of Culture in

society will define its success.

2017 for Denmark but moreover to make concrete steps in the implementation of a

The main focal points in the vision of the

future road map for the city in its regional

city are culture, business development and

context. In the long run Sønderborg will

internationalisation. Therefore culture is the

become a point of reference in Europe for

key in the initiatives the local authority is

small border cities for its innovation and

taking across all disciplines, institutions and

development in the field of heritage, culture

external stakeholders. This candidature has

and social inclusion.

its origin in this vision developed by the city.

In 2007 the hybrid centre of culture,

Culture is catalyst for creativity, innovation

education, research and development, Alsion,

and growth – three important parameters for

opened at the Sønderborg harbourfront.

the future of Sønderborg, especially since the

On the opposite side of the water at the old

municipality faces a number of challenges

industrial harbour area, the entrepreneurial

connected to globalisation. A European

machines are right now preparing for the

Capital of Culture process that focuses on

first buildings in a master plan created by the

‘culture over borders’ is a cornerstone of the

Canadian-American architect Frank Gehry.

branding strategy of the whole region. The

The plan covers an area of 50,000 square

idea is that the region north and south of the

metres, which will be turned into a centre of

border will have the critical mass needed

art, culture, knowledge and business.

to be able to take a position in the Europe of today. More importantly even: in one

But the transformation of Sønderborg goes

Sønderjylland-Schleswig region it will be

beyond the construction of buildings. It is

easier to break the physical and psychological

also about the ways of thinking, planning

barriers that still exist in the area.

and acting in the administration and its The process of stating the vision for 2030


in the municipality of Sønderborg has had Three years ago the city formulated a vision

a snowball effect. Among others it has

for 2030 that offered guidance to regional and

kick-started the formulation of a vision at

local strategic initiatives. The guideline paper

the level of the Region of South Denmark.

holds a central role in annual negotiations

In the regional development strategy, key



is the vision to become a place of culture,

needed, since the Sønderborg-area in 2007

tradition and history that is based on values,

went through great changes, with seven

liberalism and sustainability in a European

administrative districts being amalgamated

and international atmosphere. Culture and

into one – Sønderborg Municipality. Each of

cultural cooperation is a key element in the

these districts had its own cultural policy.

Region of South Denmark 2020 vision for the


Danish-German cooperation; the European

The completed ‘Culture Compass 2020’ is fit

Capital of Culture is estimated to be vital

to serve as a matrix for the rest of the ECoC

for joint activities, networking and branding

2017 border region. Each individual district

across the border.

will thus be provided with a template from

Further added value is cultural diversity and

which to develop, refine and maintain a

intercultural dialogue and the development

navigational tool for a cultural strategy.

of an experience economy essential to becoming an exciting and attractive place to

The visions and projects, like

visit and especially live in.

SØNDERBORG2017, Kulturfokus, the development plan 2030 of the city and

Strategic cultural action in the city and the

the cultural strategy of the region, are not

region is increasingly focused on cross-

operating independently of each other. The

border activity. The same districts that are

people involved have regular meetings

included in the bid, four Danish and three

and actually discuss cross-over matters.

German, work on an EU-funded cross-border

The objectives for SØNDERBORG2017 have

culture project ‘Kulturfokus’, which promotes

been modelled closely against the cultural

cultural intelligence and creative capacity

strategies of the municipality and the region.

especially for young people. In line with this

In turn Kulturfokus and the Interreg-project

new cross-border strategy, ‘Kulturfokus’

‘Success’ involving South Denmark and

is currently expanding its existing regional

Northern Germany have taken up guidelines

internet portal for culture for Sønderborg,

from the SØNDERBORG2017 bid.

Aabenraa, Tønder and Haderslev to the whole region, including the German districts that are also involved. The expanded portal will go online in spring 2012. In April 2010 the Sønderborg Municipality Committee for Culture and Commerce agreed on the development of a cultural strategy to fulfil the cultural visions for 20132020 with further prospects for 2030 – the ‘Culture Compass 2020’. This is very much




staff from the municipalities and from

7. To what extent do you plan to forge links with the other city to be nominated European Capital of Culture?

the universities. These links will also be expanded to concrete business and cultural projects to be worked on together in order to bind the two member states, Denmark and Cyprus, closer together.

SØNDERBORG2017 is looking forward to working with the Cypriot European Capital


of Culture. Personal and warm contacts

In terms of evaluation we plan a joint

have been established with mayors, cultural

development and execution of evaluation

institutions and artists of all three cities,

based upon Impact 08 and to find new ways

Limassol, Nicosia and Pafos, on a journey to

of practical and participatory evaluation by

Cyprus and concrete cooperation has been

joining our efforts and expertise.

agreed on all sides. We have already started to discuss overlaps in our programmes. Of

We envisage cooperation between primary

course the theme of ‘borders’ is appealing in

and secondary schools, university and

the Cypriot context. It has become clear once

vocational and educational training centres.

again that synergies are the best way to start

Wherever possible, EU funds will be applied

co-creation and as soon as the decision on the

for in order to facilitate the cooperations.

Cypriot European Cultural Capital is made,

In this context we will also share expertise

we know our counterpart and know where to

on the use of EU funds and instruments by

pick up the translation of our discussion into

bringing together the financial experts from

further concrete steps.

both cities and, preferably, the people from the ministries as well.

In terms of communication, we will make one international strategy where we divide

For all three cities we have worked on the

the communication and marketing territories

following early ideas with regard to concrete

for our events between the Cypriot candidate

city-specific activities:

and ourselves. Cyprus will concentrate on the Southern member states of the EU and


the Mediterranean and Sønderborg will focus

With Nicosia we have spoken about ways to

on the Northern member states and Norway/

find joint projects and exchange around the

Russia. We have also discussed close joint

theme of cultural intelligence – since both,

cooperation with the four ECoC cities of 2016

Sønderborg and Nicosia, have the minority

and 2019 on communication.

aspect and different cultures to deal with. Moreover we both face borders (of different

We aim to achieve best practice and

natures: language, ethnic, culture, mental and

best results by exchanging staff from

more) in our cities and region. In particular

the organising teams, individual artists,

we will look at transfer of best practice in



making a border region come to terms with

the future); a culinary project on cuisines of

its limitations. Also Sønderborg as a city in

Europe (Aphrodite’s kitchen) and many other

a country that is strong in design will work

ideas that will be further developed.

with partners in Nicosia’s design school and invite students to develop new materials and

Cooperation with Aarhus 2017

fashion together.

The two Danish candidates have agreed to collaborate on an exchange programme



of people from the education and business

The cooperation with Limassol that we have

sectors and artists. Aarhus2017 and

talked about revolves around the theme of

SØNDERBORG2017 jointly will work with the

maritime and sea-faring. Our proposal is to

three candidates in Cyprus no matter what

exemplify mobile culture through a culture

selection the jury makes in the end. This

ship (one of our projects) and have a crew of

chance of linking Denmark and Cyprus by

Danish, German, Turkish and Greek Cypriot

establishing personal contacts, synergies

artists travel, co-create, live together and

and concrete projects cannot be wasted.

build a direct route between Sønderborg

Sønderborg and Aarhus will tie Copenhagen

and Limassol. Other lines of thought could

in and make a European ‘six-pack’ with

include lighthouses for culture (building on

Pafos, Limassol and Nicosia.

ideas from Stavanger) and military centres In terms of working with EU funds on cross-

and culture.

border and transnational projects we already Pafos

have a great deal of experience in our team

With Pafos there are several concrete lines of

and the municipalities involved in the bid.

thought to be worked on. So far Pafos would

This will greatly support the cooperation

incorporate Sønderborg into its Open Air

with Cyprus. As of now we plan to have

Factory. Sønderborg artists, school children

a budget of around 3.5-5.5 million Danish

and engineer/architecture students will build

kroner. (500,000-700,000 euro) for cooperation

a machine to act as a tool for communication

with our Cypriot sister ECoC.

for SØNDERBORG2017 within Pafos. At the same time Pafos will create a department of the Open Air Factory in Sønderborg for 2017 at least. Further projects involve the ‘Winds of Dance’ project which combines Danish wind energy expertise and dance in collaboration with the Royal Danish Ballet and other partners; a young people’s theatre project in Pafos with involvement of young people from Sønderborg (Back into





8. Explain how the event could fulfil the criteria listed below. Please substantiate your answer for each of the criteria (this question must be answered in

granted the title, of course. At this stage we

greater detail at the final selection stage).

European friends and colleagues.

As regards “The European Dimension”, how does the city intend to contribute to the following objectives:

Where possible – and if granted the title – we

are focusing on really involving as many people as possible in the SØNDERBORG2017 movement and this includes our existing

will focus the European work during the runup to 2017 on collaboration and cooperation with areas in Europe where there are natural similarities such as peripheries, rural areas with similar profile of entrepreneurship

- to strengthen cooperation between the cultural operators, artists and cities of your country and other Member States, in all cultural sectors;

(and not necessarily economy); small cities where big things happen – like for example the ECoC’s Linz, Guimaraes, Kosice and Maribor. In our interaction with European partners

SØNDERBORG2017 has started to strengthen

we expect, in particular, to experiment with

cooperation in all cultural sectors with

interdisciplinarity: in our relations with

other Member States through the many

visitors – be it physical, mental or digital - we

soft relationships that our artists, operators

will foster linkswith the language of science,

and civil society already maintain with

challenge notions of aesthetics and artistry

Europeans. Over the last two years we have

and bring otherwise excluded disciplines

invited and visited a good mix of people from

into the artistic fold. The potential of working

different Member States more intensively,

internationally on interdisciplinarity in

working on the synergy between existing

cooperation with other Danish cities will be

partners and making some new contacts on

developed further in a possible second round.

the personal level first. Not everybody can work with everybody – there isn’t always

To strengthen cooperation there are mobile

synergy in human relations – but when

culture projects in our programme that

it works then it has potential. And that is

will travel and learn throughout Europe. In

what we’re starting to find out. During

particular, the creative capacity methodology

the candidature we do not plan to execute

that will run through the years 2012-2018,

many additional cultural activities for

is focused on this aspect. Therefore we will

SØNDERBORG2017 specifically. That is what

appoint an international manager within

the five years of preparation and especially

six month after designation with a staff that

the ECoC year is about – if and when

will ensure that every project is screened for



existing relations with European partners

show our own historical and contemporary

or possibilities to make connections really

value in reference to the common European

happen, that they are experimented with,

history. It would give us the fantastic

maintained and stimulated to work.

possibility to showcase our backgrounds, cultures, religions and minorities, whilst


At the hinge between culture and education

being open to cultures from other places in

we see potential for the progress of

Europe and the world at the same time.

collaboration between a cluster of our city’s cultural scene, the primary, secondary and

Cultural diversity will be highlighted

vocational schools, special needs education,

through the special experience of our city:

the university, lifelong learning centres

through projects on borders, language,

and specific partners in Europe in the field

memory, small cities, gastronomy, the

of development of workplace and non-

military, public space, folklore and German

workplace related competences.

and Danish minorities. We do not opt for large international events with international

During the ’idea workshops’ – specific

stars. It is where small is beautiful, where we

brainstorming events – that have brought our

highlight richness of diversity.

programme to the current state, participants were encouraged to come up with ideas on

A short history of our cake tradition helps to

mobile culture and especially the relationship

relate to this: After 1864, when Sønderjylland

with Cyprus. There will be a large budget

was German and the Danish minded citizens

allocated for cooperation with Cypriot

were forbidden to gather for political

cities and cultural operators as well as for

meetings, the coffee table of Southern Jutland

the cooperation with European artists,

was enriched with at least 14 different

institutions, cultural operators and cities in a

types of cakes that justified long sessions.

broader sense.

Copenhagen Royal Porcelain manufacture had to produce larger plates to present them all. It is true, our political meetings still take a long time.

- to highlight the richness of cultural diversity in Europe;

Another story can be told about the many Europe for us is not about all wearing jeans,

Central and Eastern Europeans that marry in

playing soccer, drinking coke or eating

the Danish municipalities of this area due to

with chop sticks. We understand culture

the liberal national marriage legislation that

as an excellent tool to show unity through

allows couples to get married as soon as they

diversity, to initiate a new consciousness

stay in Denmark a few days.

of the cultural richness of Europe. The SØNDERBORG2017 candidacy is a chance to




The potential of stories like these will be

since Sønderborg is mentioned in the Polish

the basis for highlighting cultural diversity.

national hymn.

And our region has many more aspects, like


jousting – a medieval sport where a rider

The goal of these projects is to promote

on horseback has to hook up small rings on

mutual understanding, exchange and

his spear. Nowadays children practise on

increase of orientation through our cross-

bicycles before they learn horseback riding.

cutting cultural intelligence methodology

Or like writers and philosophers, such as

that runs from 2012 through the whole

Hans Christian Andersen, Karen Blixen and

SØNDERBORG2017 process until 2018. It

Søren Kierkegaard, like Legoland and the

generates interactions between artists,

Wadden Sea as a specific cultural landscape

institutions, professionals and citizens and

that are all part of the culture of this

creates an atmosphere of discovering oneself

candidature’s territory.

whilst discovering the relation with others and recognises common aspects of situations in which people play the main role.

- to bring the common aspects of European cultures to the fore? Can you specify how this event could help to strengthen the city’s links with Europe?

Internationality and interculturality are parts of the same ‘totality’in Sønderborg and Sønderjylland-Schleswig – just different sides of the same coin. Therefore our programme

Being a cross-border region our city carries

covers specific projects to bring common

links with Europe in its heart. Citizens cross

aspects of Europe cultures to the fore.

borders every day. Skaters that can’t find cool spots in the Sønderborg area travel to

They include initiatives around battlefields

Schleswig to join in with German youth.

of Europe (for instance the already planned

But still these are rare cases. It is a fact that

events in 2014 for the 150th anniversary and

there are lots of connections on the political,

re-enactment of the Dybbøl battle ), or project

business, tourism and cultural levels, but our

ideas around dialogue through gastronomy,

population should be far more connected.

around the Jugendstil/Art deco houses and

That is why we propose our concept of

architecture in Sønderborg, around cultural

culture bridging borders.

landscapes, around seafaring traditions where sailors and merchants collected

Thinking about how to strengthen links with

different styles of buildings all over the

Europe we always begin with our population,

world that have become integrated into the

and with those who are not connected yet –

Sønderborg of today, or around the special

the initial emphasise is on activities involving

relationship Sønderborg has with Poland,

our own people. Since they are the motor of




our city and candidature, it is our volunteer

project organising camps for young people

groups and clubs, our networks of people in

to get together and develop entrepreneurial

marginalised groups, our citizens working on

ideas. Also it would support building

Danish-German dialogue , our minorities –

up the association of the Cultural Hansa

just some examples of groups of citizens with

(KulturHanse), which we have initiated with

links to Europe – that will be strengthened by

the Ars Baltica, and to expand the network


of minority groups and minority languages and the links between European border cities.

And we don’t just have connections to our

We have made the first steps in setting up

German neighbours, but also links involving

a network of cities with similar problems

excellent ordinary local people who connect

to Sønderborg’s in Europe. With this new

to Europe every day through the web, who

network we are building on work done in

travel on a weekly basis with their trucks and

ECoC candidacies in Spain and Poland. It

businesses, who eat Spanish, Indonesian or

will be a network of creative small cities

Romanian food.

where big things happen, comprising small

Coaching citizens in their understanding of

ECoCs like Maribor, Guimarães, Košice,

linking, their experience of netWORKing

Linz and others. There are two themes: the

is a hard job to do, but our goal is to enjoy

development of the competences of citizens

differences and concentrate on overlaps

in creative regions and the use of cultural

in European culture. Three examples:

heritage as a lab for culture (as in our region

with Sarajevo we have discussed ways of

a former military facility will now be used as

collaboration on the border region theme in

a large cultural park).

the context of a project with young people. And also Nicosia has shown interest in

There are many other concrete ways in which

working on this with us. We will work

the city’s links with Europe are strengthened

together with citizens in small cities that live

but we cannot forget the extensive action plan

CO2 free, and we have communication kits

that will be set up – if granted the title - with

for business travellers to help make their

our counterpart in the European Capital of

contacts abroad remember Sønderborg and

Culture 2017 process in Cyprus. See question

its region.

7 for details on the links with Cyprus.

Of course the capital of culture event will also help us connect with other cities on the practical level: making use of our existing presence in the network of harbour cities ‘Si Tous Les Ports du Monde’ that focuses on culture and business exchange. At the moment the harbour cities are working on a





9. Explain how the event could meet the criteria listed below. Please substantiate your answer for each of the criteria. As regards “City and Citizens”, how does the city intend to ensure that the programme for the event:

their own websites and blogs, their schools’

- attracts the interest of the population at European level?

When we attract people our philosophy is not

information intranet or articles in their favourite magazines. Our volunteers and NGO’s will invite them to participate in cultural events where large groups are, for example, guided by podcasts in public space focussed on making people think differently.

to satisfy existing needs, but to create new ones – whilst simultaneously maintaining

To build the bridge between our local

those needs that are already entrenched or

perspective and wider European interest

permanently unfulfilled. Our citizens are

we are planning mobile culture projects

the key to which direction we take and no

and using participative communication

director, manager or politician can do this

techniques. With the programme we aim to

better. This philosophy allows us to rely on

rethink the tension between the local and the

Europeans that are motivated to come and

universal. The rethinking will be done in a

learn together with us and challenge our

dialogue where people are asked to create


something together, based on the diversity between them. And not just in the context

We see learning together as a serious

of national, ethnic and religious diversity,

European task that we feel is best done when

but also differences between subcultures,

working hand in hand. In the design of the

generations, and people of varying skills.

programme, learning together and turning the learning into vocation are the main tools

Some concrete examples are initiatives

for attracting European visitors, tourists,

focused on the peaceful integration of

residents, collaborators and partners.

migrants leading to insights into how to set up cultural projects without the use of

In our territory these visiting Europeans

language. The best ideas are then spread

live within sight or touch of each other, in

into relevant EU-wide thematic networks,

a literal sense but also in the sense of their

and those working on similar initiatives are

closeness of spirit.We focus on those who will

invited to join in and co-create new solutions

come and learn something from us as those

with us. But we will also arouse European’s

tourists and visitors who come from within a

interest by organising fun culture events

radius of 300 kilometres of Sønderborg. This

for people from a radius of 300 kilometres

area includes four member states: Germany,

around Sønderborg. They will circulate

Poland, Sweden and the Netherlands.

our initiative via their own friends’ stories,



The following criteria have been decided

birth in 2013 and the 100-year anniversary of

upon and implicitly establish whose interest

the beginning of WWI in 2014.

we want to arouse:

• The quality of the art – although relative

- encourages the participation of artists, stakeholders in the sociocultural scene and the inhabitants of the city, its surroundings and the area involved in the programme?

– in our programme has priority over quantity

• The programme contains a unifying 09

creative ENERGY that is meaningful to the young & gold and marginalised audiences across the continent. In our communication strategy we will build

It is often forgotten that the streets belong

on the principles of participative culture

to the people and the public space is the

that we have worked with so far. Our

platform for social engagement, and we

experience is that the change we stand

look forward to experimenting with this.

for is not something done in two or three

By focusing on topics of interest to artists,

years but a slow process that will take a

to our social-cultural operators and most

long time. However, that doesn’t affect

importantly to the citizens, we feel there is

our enthusiasm and energy to pick it up

potential for a slow but long-term change.

• Local people are the foundation for the success of the programme and we want

We will motivate the people to practise

to build upon soft relationships between

shared learning, co-creation and development

them, between them and us as a team

of mutual skills. The goal is that the territory

and between them and the outside

will reinvent its own identity, jointly and

world. And when our citizens travel

constantly. And since we have built a shared

the world, they will be encouraged and

purpose here we don’t feel the need to pull or

helped to disseminate stories from and

push. Over the last two and a half years we

about our region’s unique history and

have felt the intrinsic motivation our citizens


– the co-creators of this bid - have given us.

Some concrete mobile or participative

In order to connect-reconnect-collaborate we

culture projects to attract interest from

are using participative culture and building

‘Europeans’ are the Maritime Art Project,

on relationships that already exist in the

Fatamorgana, Life Boats, Cultural Hansa

region’s pool of artists and cultural and

and Flash Mob Opera. Some of the first

social operators. The pool is growing and

international activities where Europeans

turning into a dense network in this process

will join in during the preparation of ECoC

of reconciliation – bringing people together

SØNDERBORG2017 include initiatives for the

in one place from both sides of the border,

200-year anniversary of Søren Kierkegaard’s

giving them the chance to meet and to create




- is sustainable and an integral part of the long-term cultural and social development of the city?

together. For example concrete devices like the regional culture internet portal of the Kulturfokus – which is being expanded to the German side of the ECoC from 2012 – are a


powerful means to help artists and cultural

Our city has culture formulated in its top

operators know about each other and make

three priorities of the vision in urban and


rural development. This has also motivated the region to align the priority for culture

The socio-cultural scene in Sønderborg

in all its strategies. The candidature for

is – although not large proportionally -

European Capital of Culture is not a one-off

strong and well travelled and the Capital

event but the result of and the stepping stone

of Culture year process will strengthen

for a long process of strategising culture. The

the capacity of those involved to shape a

Culture Compass in the last chapter of our

community. The focus of our activities is to

bid book gives an example of this long-term

offer support, platforms and exchanges for


groups and artists with other European cities, encouraging and facilitating networking,

In close contacts with current and future

using our best efforts to make the contacts –

European Capitals of Culture we have

giving them a chance to become a group of

learned how participative processes with

players who can develop ideas and who can

citizens have proven to be a necessity. Our

influence political processes in a positive and

idea jugglers have therefore developed

creative way.

two methodologies in the programme that are aimed at impact and legacy. These

Since we have started this candidature

methodologies remain after the ECoC process

the relationship between the city and the

2013-2018 is over.

cultural operators/players has been actively strengthened, and the involvement of

For example the talent sponsorship model,

stakeholders across the cultural, community,

that allows talent in our own region to

business and research fields has grown

interact-exchange-intermingle their ideas

significantly by offering an open process

and skills with talents outside the region, can

which is not bogged down by fixed ideas.

help to develop our countryside metropolis

This relationship between the various

for the long term. Another example of our

activities is vital.

programme being part of the long-term cultural and social development of our city is Project Zero where young people are contributing to Sønderborg’s ambition to become CO2-neutral by 2029, and that will

play an active role in Capital of Culture year.



Our city and its organisations are members

10. How does the city plan to get involved in or create synergies with the cultural activities supported by the European Institutions?

of around ten thematic networks that are relevant for this bid, for example the network of harbour cities and the European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI). The NGO’s


There is a lot of experience with regard to EU

and cultural operators of our territory have

funds in the 2017 team, the city and regional

begun in the last two years to contribute to

departments as well as in a considerable

international conferences and workshops

number of relevant NGO’s and companies

and some have become members of the

in our territory that work with cultural,

European cultural networks A Soul for

educational, social and innovation projects.

Europe, Les Rencontres, International

In order to create synergies with the cultural

Network for Contemporary Performing Arts

activities supported by the European

(IETM), Culture Action Europe and Banlieues

institutions, we can therefore build upon


the work of the last 15 years in particular. We have practised looking into links and

We plan further close cooperation with the

connections between our strategies, aligning

representation of the European Commission

strategies on a regional and cross-border level

in Denmark on, for instance, Europe Direct

and combining them with different calls for

and Communication of the Commission of

proposals in order to get the best possible

the ‘2017: European Year of...’.

results with the most sensible funding. Hence there are synergies already set up and

For 15 years our region has had a very

working today, for example this candidature

effective representation in Brussels. Also the

is supported by an EU Interreg 4a project.

Hanse Office (representation of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein in Brussels) supports our

We have concrete experience in the last 15

work and helps to manage key connections in

years with the Culture Programme, Regional

Europe related to our bid.

Development Funds for Transnational Cooperation, the Fishery funds, Common

We have learned from working with EU

Agricultural Policies (in both these funds

funds that it is not about pushing our

extra focus will be given to cultural projects

ideas up front – it is about keeping up to

after 2013), the European Social Fund,

date, following up calls and contacts in

Progress for Directorate-General Education

the Commission, introducing views where

and Culture, Erasmus and Erasmus Mundus,

potential projects with impact can be set

the Lifelong Learning programme, Leonardo

up, designing projects that are realistic in

and Grundtvig and funds for cooperation in

implementation and size of administration

the Baltic and other regions.

and finding synergies that make sense for the




people within the region with those specific

strategising European cooperation between

parts of Europe where there are similarities.

VET training centres and universities. More research will be done on initiatives from DG


A couple of examples of current EU funded

Environment, DG Justice, DG Enterprise and

projects are:

Industry and DG for Regional Policy. After

• the Interreg project ‘Success’ in South

gaining the title – if granted – we will plan a

Denmark and Northern Germany for

week in Brussels to speak with the operators

branding the territory as culture and

in these Directorate-Generals. However, we

education hub until 2013.

know we have to be prudent in not setting our expectations too high.

• The cities of Aabenraa, Flensburg and Sønderborg have EU funding related to the economic crisis from which our

With the financial instruments of the Council

region suffered more than elsewhere in

of Europe there is a lot less experience. In


a possible next round we wish to explore the impact of cultural projects in the fields

• The Interreg project ‘Kulturdialog’ comprises the area of the bid with the

of film, intercultural and interreligious

purpose of promoting small scale cross-

dialogue, sustainability and climate change,

border cultural projects. One example

health protection, violence at school, sports

is ‘Professor Doktor ABC’ who travels

for all and violence in sports.

through the nursery schools of the region on either side of the border and teaches

We would like to put a concrete theme on

the smallest children (two to four-

cross-over innovation effects between culture

year-olds) to sing in the neighbouring

and environment/education and companies

language – German in Denmark and

on our EU synergies agenda. In the next

Danish in Germany.

years we will look into which essential topics are put on the European agenda. A

• The Region of South Denmark uses the EU Globalisation Fund to improve

possible idea could be to work on the theme

competitiveness and employment and to

of culture in combination with sustainable,

support culture and tourism. In the last

energy-efficient housing or to introduce

year the SØNDERBORG2017 team has met

energy-saving measures in public spaces

monthly with the people in charge of EU

without jeopardising safety, and cluster this


into a cultural project. Another idea is to combine cultural projects with the city’s aim to be the first CO2-free city in Denmark by

However, we do not only aim at the use of the EU instruments distributed via

2029. We have experience in this field since

Copenhagen and Berlin but also at specific

the EU Council-funded ‘Bright Green Youth’

funds directly from Brussels, such as the

conference was held in Sønderborg in August

Youth Support programme or funds for

2009 with 500 14-18 years olds from all over



11. Are some parts of the programme designed for particular target groups (young people, minorities, etc.)? Specify the relevant parts of the programme planned for the event.

the world. A similar model could be applied for initiatives where combinations between culture and the above-mentioned themes are debated and action plans are made.

Yes, within the two methodologies of our


programme – cultural intelligence and creative capacity – there are parts designed for three specific target groups:

• The marginalised • The creative young & gold • Minorities The methodologies run from 2012 onwards up until the end of 2018. The marginalised include those migrants that experience negative effects of integration, those with learning difficulties, those suffering from an addiction to drugs and alcohol but also to gambling and food and people who marginalise themselves from society because they do not participate in an active social life. The so-called Creative young & gold (< 25 & > 65) include the very young, toddlers, children and adolescents and the elderly. We chose this creative group especially because of their potential. Since this bid has a strong emphasis on borders – something that has influenced generations – the third target group is the German minority in Denmark and the Danish minority in Germany. Also the North Frisians, the Sorbs and the Sinti and Roma minorities who live primarily in Germany




will be target groups in the activities to

psychological impact. The ‘creative young &

develop cultural intelligence.

gold’ group could put on a huge feast with long tables and chairs and white tablecloths

The young & gold and the marginalised are

and invite everybody to a big dinner with

the target groups that are focused on in the

food prepared the old way, marketed and

strategy of our region and people from these

processed with new technology.

groups are largely involved in co-creating


and will later on be implementing the

We are not planning this in full detail now,

programme with us.The more specific target

because we would prefer that these parts

groups we have in mind are in line with the

are especially developed further by the

general cultural strategy of the region.


Other than the specific attention we

We would like migrants who do not feel at

give to these target groups within the

home in the South Danish and Northern

methodologies, we do not expect that there

German society to meet the ‘creative young

will be many projects only and solely for

& gold’ and participate with them on the

these three groups in the end. What we are

‘Live streaming opera in the border country

more interested in is to make these target

and Cyprus’ simultaneously staged in

groups interact with each other and create

Schleswig, Cyprus and three other border

projects together. For example to connect the

regions in Europe – contributing their music,

old and the young so that inter- and intra-

their colours, their singing or acting. The

generational learning can take place. Or

programme offers many music projects

connect the young people with the ‘young &

in which we would also like to integrate

gold’ from a minority group.

people with learning difficulties from all over Europe. We will move people from the

A project could involve the health and slow

consumer position at the ‘edge’ of society

food theme where young people learn from

away from watching TV for hours and

the older generation how food is cooked

separating themselves from society into the

and preserved the way it was done for

co-creator position – with a video- or photo-

generations – without artificial preservatives

camera or with a smartphone and have social

and with energy efficiency – and at the same

workers, volunteers and individual artists

time the older ones learn how they can use

work with them. Let’s see what happens

new technology to raise their quality of

when they are in charge!

life. To develop this even further it could be combined with the project ‘Dybbøl:

The list goes on, but it is not about setting

Carnage – Conciliation – Coexistence’ aimed

everything in stone. These ideas give an

at reviving the old battlefield and turning

impression of what we want to do: stimulate

it into a centre with powerful cultural and

the cultural intelligence that lies hidden



12. What contacts has the city or the body responsible for preparing the event established, or what contacts does it intend to establish, with:

in these groups and is often neglected in mainstream society – and to make space for their creative capacity. It’s about creating an interdisciplinary ‘movement of doing something about it’ so that people feel, with the support of the ECoC 2017, opportunities for change are in their own hands and they


- cultural operators in the city? - cultural operators based outside the city?

can make change happen in cooperation with other people, regardless of age, culture or social status.

We see ‘cultural operators’ in the broad Of course most of the programme will

sense of the word: for us it includes civil

be designed to attract as many people as

society – i.e. the civic associations, religious

possible. We expect around 2.3 m. extra

institutions, minority organisations, social

visitors from outside the region in 2017

workers, voluntary workers, NGO’s and

compared with the current 0.5 m. visitors

sometimes simply people on the street. They

each year. We aim to raise the numbers

all contribute in one way or another to the

sustainably by 10% each year from 2012 to

cultural life of the city and the region.

2016. Our general target group is the local and regional population from the border

And we don’t really distinguish between

region itself which is already transnational

the city and outside the city since the bid

and comprises over 4 m. people. Of course

includes a wide range of municipalities and

we would like to attract interested audiences

even cities outside the country.

from all of Denmark, especially Jutland, and Europe. Our main focus is on people that

We can honestly say that the cultural

live within a range of three hours’ travel

operators in the city and the region have

time, special interest groups like city and

shaped our bid and the programme that we

cultural tourists and the fresh and curious

have worked on so far. Artists on both sides

people from cities with similar profiles to

of the border have welcomed this project

Sønderborg in Europe who can come to be

with enthusiasm and a feeling of involvement

inspired and enrich themselves and us.

that’s long overdue. The idea workshops that we have set up during the past 12 months have successfully brought together members and groups, professionals and amateurs from the civic society to join forces and become involved. The groups of cultural operators included religious institutions (from Christian church representatives to Islamic




Imams), artists and cultural institution

synergies and direct access to information

operators, students and staff from schools

and support as well as partnership with the

and university, and business organisations

ARTos Cultural and Research Foundation,

like Rotary and Lions’ Clubs.

Union of Cyprus Writers and the Cyprus Chamber of Fine Arts E.KA.TE.


We played the Future City Game by the

The main focus so far has been on the

British Council together and tried to link the

German cultural operators and civic society

‘idea-givers’ and artists with others to work

since they are part of our region, part of the

on joint projects and idea pooling teams – as

bid and an integral part of our programme.

has been done in other cities that prepared

The commitment from the German partners

for an ECoC candidature like Pilsen in the

is as strong and enthusiastic as the Danish,

Czech Republic. From these idea workshops

and cultural operators on both sides of

the cultural operators involved developed

the border see the ECoC candidacy as

a structure in which they formed 30 focus

their project and use the logo in their

groups that worked on a set of ideas and

communication and in their networks. We

themes. We invited 25 people (artists, staff of

can feel the eagerness and involvement

cultural institutions, scientists etc.) to be our

in the candidature office from the type of

‘idea jugglers’. They derived their inspiration,

concrete reactions we get from Germany. The

analysis and idea input from working with

connection and communication is very direct,

the focus groups, sometimes in two or three

and there is daily exchange through social

loops – as a result they came up with all the

media and at all levels.

projects presented in this document and our bid book. What we are aiming for is a shared

Outside Denmark and Germany we are

purpose: not only to make contact with

involved in a number of networks like

cultural operators but rather to collaborate –

‘Si tous les Ports du Monde’ ’ with other

to make a real connection – and work jointly

harbour cities, minority organisations, and

in new networks in which we can co-create

the networks we ourselves set up like the

this Capital of Culture.

Cultural Hansa and that of other small cities in Europe with similar issues as ours. Further contacts have been made with the European

- cultural operators based outside the country?

Capitals of Culture Liverpool 2008, Vilnius 09, Linz 09, Pécs and Essen 2010, Tallinn and

SØNDERBORG2017 stimulated civic society

Turku 2011, Riga and Umeå 2014, Pilsen

to make contacts with schools, universities,

2015, Wroclaw 2016 and San Sebastian

NGO’s, cultural operators and civic groups

2016 to exchange best practice and to check

in Cyprus. Our own efforts and contacts with

cooperation possibilities with cultural

the three candidate cities in Cyprus will in

operators involved in the programmes of

the future offer invaluable help for further

those ECoC’s.



In China there are relations with Beijing in

Midtlandet and Tønder and the Southern

the field of film-making and with the city of

Schleswig Association will cooperate with

Baoding on culture, education and business.

us on the ‘GRÆNZLAND – International

The Region of South Denmark is already

Theatre Biennale’. Contacts will also be made

engaged in collaborations with the Olomouc

with the Cyprus Theatre Organisation.

region in the Czech Republic (a partner of


Wroclaw 2016) and the Malopolska Province

For dance projects like ‘Body without

in Poland. The Region of South Denmark

borders’ we are planning to collaborate

is also a member of several large European

with Ingrid Kristensen Dance Theatre and

networks which we will explore for further

European partners like the Cyprus-based


DanceCyprus and the Cyprus European Dance Festival. For ‘Language and Literature in the Border Region’ we will link up with

Name some operators with whom cooperation is envisaged and specify the type of exchanges in question.

the yearly cross-border literature festival

(The answer to this question is optional at the pre-

All these networks and more formal

selection stage)

relationships have their importance, but at

Literaturfest.nu and the Copenhagen festival CPH.LITT.

the end of the day it is about the long-term Very concrete cooperations that we envisage

connections that our cultural operators

at this point mainly comprise partners for

and artists have built up throughout their

the projects we are planning. The Southern

careers. It is not about casual work contacts

Jutland Symphony Orchestra and the

but rather about relationships where people

Schleswig-Holstein Symphony Orchestra will

take an extra step that make a cooperation

be involved in our project ‘Dybbøl: Carnage

work. Most of our cultural operators have

– Conciliation – Coexistence’, and we will

these ‘external relations’ and have built up

cooperate with the University of Southern

friendships with other cultural operators in

Denmark and the University of Flensburg on

Europe and overseas. And this will be an

the project ‘Productive Border Area’.

important basis for cooperation.

For our project ‘Station Next Sønderborg’ we will link up with the film school for people from age 13 to 18, ‘Station Next’ in Copenhagen. The Landestheater Schleswig-Holstein, Teatret Møllen, Sønderborg Revue, drama societies in Sønderborg, Haderslev, Aabenraa,




of society – but where culture also

13. In what way is the proposed project innovative?

acts as a catalyst for growth and new jobs. Willingness and ability to unite


We believe that Sønderborg’s candidacy for

business, research and culture is already

European Capital of Culture is innovative in

present in Sønderborg and the region,

a number of areas, not least because of our

for example as illustrated by the Alsion.

view on mobile culture in a local, regional,

It is the first building in Denmark that

cross-border and national context. We

houses knowledge, culture, industry and

operate with a modern and wide definition of

green technology under one roof. It is

culture, a participatory culture that interacts

especially innovative to bring all these efforts into a coherent structure.

with a range of sectors of society in a positive citizens’ movement.

• It is innovative in working with cultural intelligence as it is designed to provide creative capacity. By ‘cultural

More specifically SØNDERBORG2017 claims to

intelligence’ we mean the ability to

be innovative on five points:

understand other cultures, to identify oneself with other cultures, to act within a framework of different cultures,

• It is innovative in making a connection between the city and the rural landscape

and being able to return to one’s own

with the countryside metropolis concept.

environment with renewed knowledge

The combination of the urban and the

and inspiration. Cultural intelligence

rural into a metropolis is a precedent

is precisely the precondition for

for a different way of seeing and

diversity and intercultural dialogue. The

understanding the metropolis, the border

prerequisite for any form of creativity is

regions and the small cities – in both the

that one is able to put one’s own starting

national and the European context. Small

point into perspective and relate to what

cities fill the crucial open space between

seems strange, new and different. Then one’s creative capacity develops.

the metropolises and the landscape, between Europe and its citizens.

• It is innovative in asking the architect

Innovation in this field is therefore

Frank Gehry to transform Sønderborg’s


historic port to a creative melting pot of knowledge, technology, digital arts,

• It is innovative in developing an entrepreneurial culture - an

culture and innovative entrepreneurship.

entrepreneurial mindset where culture

This project is not specially designed for

is the driving force in a society that

the candidature but fits into the long-

integrates all areas of knowledge,

term perspective of the countryside

that creates consistency between our

metropolis. A project of this calibre is

values and the actual development

normally only to be seen in a metropolis,



14. a) If the city in question is awarded the title of European Capital of Culture, what would be the medium- and long-term effects of the event from a social, cultural and urban point of view?

and this underlines Sønderborg’s ambition to create a new connecting line between creativity and the capacity for innovation, normally associated with big cities.

• It is innovative in using culture to mobilise citizens in an effort to


create a progressive development of

To answer this question we have adopted

Sønderborg’s rural areas, as for example

an impact model used by earlier European

via the Future City Game, where people

Capitals of Culture in our monthly

develop ideas on how quality of life in

workshops and meetings with our idea

their particular area can be improved

jugglers. Over a period of two years we have

or maintained. The common trend in

discussed, analysed and re-thought medium-

Europe, however, is focussed on cities as

and long-term effects of the ECoC-title for

the only space for innovation. With our

our city. The exercise has given us deep

candidacy we will point out that through

insights into how it potentially can change

culture and citizen mobilisation it is also

our city. These are the results:

possible to create something new in the smaller communities.

The medium- and long-term effects in CULTURAL ACCESS AND

We also feel that in the Europe of the 21st


century it is an ongoing challenge to be

• 35% increased participation of direct

innovative and we ask ourselves if it really is

target groups – marginalised groups and

a top priority to be among the first to think

the ‘creative young & gold’

and do something. Certainly, originality and

• 15% participation from groups with no

authenticity are important values. But even

or low affinity to culture

more than the innovations we have listed

• 20% higher mobility within the district

above, we hope to be able to make the project

for cultural activities

happen and have the largest possible positive

• 50% more opportunities for cultural and


social participation

• 2,000 participating volunteers • Increased connections and synergies of people across social divides

• 60% of citizens in Sønderborg Sønderjylland-Schleswig have the feeling that the ECoC is ‘their’ project (in 2017)




• 17% of citizens know what is meant

• Positive experiences with trans-national

by ‘cultural intelligence’ and think

co-creations among artists and cultural

they have had the chance to gain some

operators resulting in more openness and

through ECoC


• Rise of awareness for arts and culture in The medium- and long-term effects in

the section of 13-25 year olds



• 70% of the 65-80 year olds are aware of the importance of intergenerational

• 2 m. extra visitors in 2017 • 10% increase in visitors each year 2014-



• EU and other funds and grants boosting projects

• More than 1.3 billion DKK (170 m. euro) additional income through visitors to the

• 15% more visits to museums, theatres,

regional economy

concerts, art exhibitions, literature events etc. 2014-2017

• 80% of visitors state by 2018 that they would come back to the region for

• New academic opportunities and


involvement of more university/PhD students

• 15% of the visitors could imagine living in the region

• Increasing partnerships with foreign universities – exchange students

• Increased attractiveness of the city resulting in more qualified labour willing to live in Sønderborg

The medium- and long-term effects in IMAGE AND PERCEPTIONS will be:

• 20% annual increase in jobs in the creative and cultural sector 2013-2020

• 60% of citizens think that the ECoC makes a difference in Sønderborg

• 5% more students each year at the university in Sønderborg 2016-2020

• 60% of the 13-20 year olds consider coming back after studying elsewhere

• Improved tourism – especially culture tourism

• 50% of the 13-25 year old consider ‘provincial’ cool

• 50% of the students at the university in

The medium- and long-term effects in CULTURAL VIBRANCY AND

Sønderborg consider staying in the area


if they can find a job

• New breeding grounds for creative

• National surveys show that Sønderborg

industries in every second village in our

– Southern Jutland (Sønderjylland) is not


considered a peripheral region any more but as a unit with Schleswig-Holstein

• Strong networks between cultural operators in the region, in Denmark and

• Media coverage no longer speaks of

with other European countries

Sønderjylland but rather in connection



with Schleswig as Sønderjylland-

• The city’s vision-plan 2030 places culture


amongst the top three priorities. The Region of South Denmark has translated

• Improved international profile of the

this priority in their long-term strategy


plan. The vision is rolled out in all municipal departments.

The medium- and long-term effects in GOVERNANCE AND DELIVERY


• The so-called Culture Compass –

PROCESS will be:

implemented in 2011 – is the ‘dashboard’

• 60% in Sønderborg say ECoC developed

for progress of the implementation of

more pride, joy, social cohesion and

this vision. The results that become

optimism for the people

visible through the compass are reported directly back to the city council.

• Better infrastructure and institutions promoting a higher quality of life

• The guarantee for the long-term vision

(culture, sport, leisure time, science,

on culture being rolled out is seen in the


budgets for the Sønderborg Municipality. From 2007 to 2011 the budget for culture

• Improved synergy with other EU projects

increased from 3.9 to 4.3% of the total

and programmes

annual budget. This figure will grow to

• Improved cultural intelligence (ability to navigate across psychological and

7% in 2018 when there will be 37,600,000

physical borders – global mindset)

euro allocated for culture. The increase

• Influencing culture policies in Denmark

is a direct result of the city’s vision for culture. We put the money where our

and Europe

vision is. The budget does NOT include

• Improved governance of the cultural

the funding from the municipality for the


Sønderborg ECoC 2017 candidacy.

• Clear European/Global dimension in policy and culture in Sønderborg and

• 13% of the total budget for the ECoC is


spent in 2018

• At least 20% of the staff hired to implement the Sønderborg ECoC

14. b) Do the municipal authorities intend to make a public declaration of intent concerning the period following the year of the event?

2017 will be subcontracted from the municipality and other institutions in our territory. This also includes institutional staff from Germany. It is expected that at least 60% of this staff will return to their

The public Declaration of Intent for the

public institutions of origin bringing

period following the European Capital of

along with them valuable new national

Culture year is enclosed. The declaration

and international knowledge and

states the following:





15. How was this application designed and prepared?

• Evaluation and research on the impact of the ECoC process has priority in the design of Sønderborg ECoC 2017. A team


of three people will be working part-time

People, connections and collaboration are the

from 2015 to 2019 to identify potential

three key words that characterise the design

for impact and to ensure that the Board

and preparation of this bid. The process has

of Directors of SØNDERBORG2017 are

been organised as a participatory, two and a

informed of any possible neglect by the

half year, bottom-up process. Around 2,750

team of the potential long-term impact.

people have become directly involved so far: after the first idea workshop in a long

Although in Denmark we tend to take

series started in 2009, we have had other

declarations quite seriously, we also know

high points with the youth workshop for

that a declaration needs to be acted upon in

13-25 year olds in March 2010, the Future

order to be of value. We therefore want to

City Game sessions and the ‘culture in social

stress that the citizens in Sønderborg and

work’ conference for those working with

the whole region of Sønderjylland-Schleswig

marginalised groups - four remarkable events

understand that the European Capital of

of the many activities in which the 2017-

Culture initiative can be a turning point

team experimented ways to include as many

inrethinking our region as a unified whole

people as possible in the bid. And especially

and in the perception of culture working

those who normally do not have easy access

not just as the cherry on the cake – but as

to culture.

an essential ingredient in our bread. That is where our strongest declaration is made.

It seems to have worked. Every day we can see the participation on our website and on different social media sites. We are asked to appear at public meetings, give interviews and even the people that have participated tell us they have been speaking about the ideas that have been generated in the SØNDERBORG2017 process at their workplaces and sports clubs, in their communities, with their families and with neighbourhood contacts. In the idea workshops the concepts for projects have been generated by working side by side with cultural operators, individual artists, university students and




staff and interested citizens. From these idea

local volunteer and media networks were

workshops 30 focus groups were established

brought on board by a small dedicated

that continued to work independently on

team of three full-time staff members and

specific topics and reported results to the

five part-time staff members. The team

so-called ‘idea jugglers’ (25 experts from

quickly found creative ways to collaborate

different specific disciplines). The jugglers

with others. Student assistants, trainees,

then combined and shaped ideas into

volunteers and people in an on-the-job

possible projects.

training or unemployed who are looking for work experience are now involved in the candidature and put their hearts into this bid.

The candidature officially started in January 2008 when Stephan Kleinschmidt, representative of the German minority in the

The secretariat is supported by various

Sønderborg City Council and chairman of

task forces like the 30 focus groups, 25 idea

the Committee for Culture and Commerce

jugglers, a cross-sector municipal task force

of Sønderborg, proposed in a press release

and a group of engaged members of the

that Sønderborg should seek to become

cultural department of Sønderborg. Among

European Capital of Culture 2017. Before

those contributing to the bid are also cultural

there had been some buzz behind the scenes

operators from all cities in the border area

for a couple of months. Artists, public

as well as the think tank for future visions

servants and cultural operators had already

‘Futurasyd’ as well as an Academic Advisory

discussed and exchanged their opinions.


In March of the same year the Culture and

The political reference group, on the other

Business Committee decided to explore the

hand, consists of representatives from the

possibilities of a candidature. Of course,

four Danish municipalities, two German

really being granted the title is our main goal,

districts and the City of Flensburg, the

but the process of working together towards

Region of South Denmark and from the

a common purpose in culture and taking

Schleswig-Holstein administration, as well

the first steps has made a very deep impact

as representatives of the Frisian, the Sorbian,


Danish and German minorities. The reference group has no vote or veto on the decisions

Else Christensen Redzepovic was appointed

of the secretariat, however they ensure the

as the manager of the 2017-secretariat in

synergy of the SØNDERBORG2017 project with

August 2009 for her extensive experience in

the political development of the region on the

EU programmes, in international programme

one hand and the synergy with various EU-

management and project management,

funds on the other. The reference group has

her excellent involvement in international

also taken up impulses from the focus groups

networks and for her artistic insight.

and the idea jugglers and incorporated them

Some strong expertise and contacts in the

into their political work.





Since Sønderborg Municipality has been

Kommunikation in Copenhagen and the

restructured in spring 2011, the 2017

communications office of the Region of

Secretariat is an independent unit that reports

South Denmark in Vejle. The communication

directly to the Mayor and the City Director.

department of the Landtag in Kiel does work

The candidature is governed by an executive

for SØNDERBORG2017 as well as the South

board that comprises representatives from

Denmark European Office and the Hansa-

the public entities, businesses and university

Office in Brussels. We will develop this

included in the bid. A cross-municipal

further with media stations in specific places

working group ensures direct communication

in Europe.

on an operational level and coordinates joint The bid has been financed with a sponsorship


of the private company Danfoss and public We put great emphasis on communication

grants from the Municipality of Sønderborg,

(allocating 25% of our ECoC budget on

the Region of South Denmark and since

communication is a clear signal),and we have

September 2010 by EU funding from an

already set up a transnational communication

Interreg 4a project. Below you find the

network with a communication office

organogram of the structure that we currently

in Sønderborg, in Flensburg, with Have

work in.

Sønderborg City Council

SØNDERBORG2017 Secretariat

Executive Board

2017 Sønderborg

Academic Advisory Board

Task Forces

Political Reference Group 2017 Region

international co-creators





II - Structure of the programme


1. What structure does the city intend to give to the year’s program if it is designated European Capital of Culture (guidelines, general theme of the event)? How long does the program last? (This question must be

account sustainability, collective subjectivity,

answered in greater detail at the final selection stage).

towards the new but also the way back to

spiritual and physical health. General theme The general theme is symbolized by the bridge overcoming borders. Bridges lead enrich what we started from. Connecting the


self and the non-self, the ‘Us’ and ‘Them’,

The guidelines for our programme will be

the countryside metropolis and the global

our methodologies ‘cultural intelligence’ and


‘creative capacity’ cross-cutting the whole

It symbolises mutually and slowly

programme from 2012-2018.

overcoming the gap between people, places, concepts and emotions. Reaching

The cultural intelligence methodology can be

out to the hand that is reaching towards

understood as the set of coherent activities

you. It represents the union rather than the

that strengthen the human individual to

separation. Across all imaginable limits and

understand and relate to other cultures, to


what is different and new and then actively use the insights gained and incorporate them


back into what is one’s own worldview and

The structure of the programme rests on

ways of behaviour.

three bridges:

The creative capacity methodology is to be

Rainbow Bridge

understood as the set of coherent activities

Rainbow Bridge tackles topics like minority

that strengthen the ability of a network

culture, multicultural border region,

of citizens, artists, businesses, knowledge

historical distress and missing reconciliation,

platforms, cultural institutions and the

language barriers and cultural diversity as

political systems to generate new and

a precondition for creativity. The Rainbow

forward looking solutions that take into

Bridge makes a connection between cultures preserving their diversity at the same time.




The Rainbow Bridge is an expression of

makes it attractive for people to visit and live

dialogue, respect and understanding. Just


like the rainbow consists of all shades of a


colour spectrum, the Rainbow Bridge brings

All projects and initiatives within the three

all expressions of culture in Sønderborg-

bridges foster sustainable development. The

Sønderjylland-Schleswig together into good

bridges are symbols of flexible connections

examples of human and cultural interaction.

focussed on the result: making connections between people. And the way in which

Mind Bridge

initiatives and activities are presented

Mind Bridge promotes interdisciplinarity and

must allow for the development of future

crosses diverse fields of knowledge which

presentation platforms and new technology.

give a structure to our society like culture, science, education, business, research, climate

The programme will start with cultural

and environment.

projects in the preparation phase the day

Over the years we have developed a strong

Sønderborg is granted the title of European

entrepreneurial spirit in this area, in the

Capital of Culture. 2014 will be the first peak

business sector and in the political system.

during the preparations as it is the year of the

We intend to build upon this entrepreneurial

150th anniversary of the Battle at Dybbøl.

mindset and create a spirit of cultural entrepreneurship. This means that Mind

We implement projects in order to create

Bridge will focus on entrepreneurial spirit in

personal connections between people and

the fields of sustainability, culture and health,

institutions that last far beyond 2017 and

knowledge-based society development,

will create a natural atmosphere of cultural

technology and ‘slow living’.

vitality. The title of European Capital of Culture supports a cosmopolitan view

Vitality Bridge

of identity formation, regeneration and

Vitality Bridge turns weakness into strength.

revitalisation of a creative region to develop

It turns reactivity into creativity, it makes

cultural intelligence and creative capacity.

small beautiful and provincial cool. It

This process will not stop with the year 2017.

transforms a border region into a vibrant countryside metropolis. Vitality Bridge links the creativity of our city with the slow living of our countryside, seizing the opportunities offered by ‘slow technology’ and high-quality living. Vitality Bridge finds the human balance between urban buzz and rural peace with culture as the region’s driving force and























2. What main events will mark the year?

Rainbow Bridge

• Children’s Capital of Culture Danish-German children’s programme


For each one, please supply the following information: description of the event / date and place / project partners / financing. (The answer to this

treating notions such as borders and

question is optional at the pre-selection stage)

music, literature, theatre and dance.

The main events listed here have been

Estimated costs: 430.000 EUR

developed over the past two years with

Where: Sønderborg and selected border

the participation of around 2,750 people.

areas in Europe

They participated in idea workshops, youth

When: Children’s drama festival in 2013

workshops, attended countless meetings

and 2017, other events starting in 2014

cultural identity at a child’s level. The programme includes children’s art and individual children’s festivals of film,

of 30 focus groups working on specific subjects, worked with us in task forces and

• Minority ZOO

regional work groups including artists,

Provoking living art, which should

cultural operators, members of the minorities,

inspire us in reflecting on the way we

teenagers and young adults, students,

deal with everything ‘foreign/strange’.

university staff members, civil servants,

We will exhibit a number of European

business people, journalists, general public

minorities in the form of live specimens

and finally 25 idea jugglers who shaped

at Sønderborg Minority ZOO. They will

everything into a possible programme – with

be walking behind fences in their usual

open development and the need to grow over

surroundings, wearing their special

the years.

clothing, talking their specific languages,

Things change quickly and we are to remain

and nurturing the culture and values

curious what project proposals and ideas will

they consider theirs.

arise in the course of the preparation. If we get a groundbreaking idea from someone in

Estimated costs: 765.000 EUR

2016 we will be flexible enough to still try to

Where: Sønderborg

go through with it – that’s what ECoC should

When: 2017

be about: picking up the energies that are out there and turning them into participatory

• Body without limits

processes. We keep an open mind for

An installation, an event and a space for

whatever might come up in the years to

exploring and experiencing, offers the


audience an opportunity to play with the limits of human bodies. ‘Body without limits’ will take place at Sønderborg’s





harbour promenade and will include

second: ‘My boat is loaded with life’;

dancers’ movements projected on

and the third: ‘My boat is loaded with

interactive water surfaces.


Estimated costs: 435.000 EUR

Estimated costs: 1,7 Mio. EUR

Where: New Frank Gehry harbour area,

Where: Sønderborg and harbour cities of



When: 2017

When: 2013-2017

Mind Bridge

• Cultural Hansa In the Middle Ages, ‘Hansestadt’ was

• Fatamorgana – a uniting airship A visual 3D-organism, an elegant

a town that joined a union of North

mastodon of thousands of languages, a

European, especially Northern German,

floating chameleon that is able to interact

trading cities. We have initiated a

with the actual surroundings and people.

network of contemporary Hansas in

A piece of art that has never been seen

the Baltic region. The network crosses

before. The floating vessel will go on a

culture, business, tourism, education and

slow journey over the historical regions

research. The purpose of the network

of conflicts and minorities in Europe. It

is to become a converter for growth,

will make five or six stops on its way to

development and creativity in Europe.

and from the sister European Capital of

A big ‘Hansa Union’ shows the rest of

Culture 2017 in Cyprus.

Europe that cooperation supplies extra power to the region to act as a pioneer and example of best practice.

Estimated costs: 1,6 Mio. EUR Where: Travelling through Europe to Cyprus

Estimated costs: 840.000 EUR

When: 2017

Where: Network of Baltic Sea cities When: 2013-2020

• Life Boats Three sculptures of women made of

• Museum of the Future

concrete functioning as boats. They will

A transparent, ten-metre tall glass cone

depart from Sønderborg at 2013 and

using solar cells for power supply,

return home to the Cultural Capital at

comes alive with projections on its glass

2017. Each of the sculptures has its own

surface. The cone’s life is constantly

identity and history. They are decorated

updated via the internet and the latest

with art, culture and history both inside

technologies. Everyone will be able to

and outside. The name of the first boat

contribute with expressions of future

is: ‘My boat is loaded with longing’; the

thoughts and visions, drawings, pictures



and digital images from their personal

engineers and developers get their

internet devices. And with a second cone

inspiration and ideas through artistic

in Cyprus and possibly more places in

expression. All this will happen in open

Europe the input from people on one

experimenting laboratories, such as the

side of Europe will travel across the

edutainmentpark ‘Danfoss Universe’

continent within an instant.

near Sønderborg or ‘Phänomenta’ in Flensburg so that all of the community


Estimated costs: 310.000 EUR (for two

can benefit from the new thinking



Where: Sønderborg, Cyprus and cities in Europe

Estimated costs: 740.000 EUR

When: 2013-2017

Where: Sønderborg and region When: 2015-2017

• Live streaming opera at the border region and at Cyprus

Vitality Bridge

The project ‘Flash Mob Opera’ initiates

• New Harbour designed by Frank Gehry

a meeting of physical reality and virtual

The Canadian-American architect

reality when five border regions join

Frank Gehry has created a master plan

each other. A frame story written in

for transforming the Sønderborg old

cooperation with users of social media,

industrial harbour into a centre of art,

creates the backdrop for an opera which

culture, knowledge and business. The

is simultaneously performed in the

blueprint covers the area of 50,000

Danish-German border region, Cyprus

square metres of harbour space opposite

and three other European border regions

Alsion. The whole project is based on

and broadcast via live streaming.

sustainable solutions, following the vision of Sønderborg as the first Danish CO2-neutral municipality in 2029.

Estimated costs: 300.000 EUR Where: Simultaneously performed in Cyprus, in Schleswig and in three other

Estimated costs: 134 Mio. EUR (not in the

European border regions, streamed via

budget of SØNDERBORG2017)


Where: Sønderborg’s old industrial

When: 2017

harbour When: Inauguration 2017

• Creative Green Playing with artistic design and the

• Chinatown of Tomorrow

region’s diverse energy-effective

Sønderborg cooperates with China on

solutions. The artists get their inspiration

a number of topics: culture, education

from the new technologies and

and business. Chinatown will be a




contemporary image of modern and

When: Annual festival starting in 2012,

future China. Sønderborg’s Chinatown

International festival in 2017

symbolises cultural curiosity and gratitude for the fact, that culture, knowledge and economical development do not follow any physical or mental boundaries. In collaboration with our


Chinese partners in the cities of Baoding


and Beijing we will create a cultural programme around the new iconic building that will be built here. Estimated costs: 570.000 EUR Where: Overlooking the new harbour designed by Frank Gehry When: 2017

• Language and Literature in the Border Region/CPH:LITT We have made an agreement with the international festival of literature in Copenhagen (CPH:LITT) about a part of the festival events of 2017 taking place in the border region. Some of the topics of the Capital of Culture will become a part of the festival as well. A number of Danish and German authors will be invited to the region in 2016 as a run up to the festival. They will be asked to write a story based on the region’s rich history and challenges. Estimated costs: 2.862.500 DKK (385.000 EUR) Where: SØNDERBORG2017 area in Denmark and Germany, Copenhagen


3. How does the city plan to choose the projects/events which will constitute the programme for the year?

can come and give ideas

• Criteria were given out that the ideagiver should meet (at least two out of four):

»» »» »» »»

(The answer to this question is optional at the preselection stage)


The city delegates the responsibility of choosing projects for the programme to

Citizen’s involvement European dimension Involving Cyprus Sustainability

• 2017-team set up idea workshops with

an artistic board and will not intervene

local players and citizens, individual

with its decisions. The board comprises the

artists, thinkers, intermingled with

artistic directors of the team, the financial

representatives from institutions from

director, the head of communication, the

the whole territory

representatives of the cultural department

• From idea workshops structure was

of the city and the region as well as the


executive director of SØNDERBORG2017 who


all have equal votes (9-10 votes in total).

30 focus groups who worked on the basis of a coherent set of specific subjects – one coordinator each

The artistic board plans to choose the


25 idea jugglers were appointed

elements for the programme with a top-

(artists, university experts, cultural

down decision but only after a slow and

operators) who were presented with

intensive bottom-up process of stimulating,

results from focus groups regularly

idea making, co-creating and coaching in


which projects and events compete according

from these results they sharpened and formulated projects – that are

to clear indicators. It is expected that even

now in the bid

after the final choices are made, 20% of


any idea-giver who wants to

the programme might still change because

participate is asked to contact focus

an even better project comes up or due to

group coordinator first and get into

financial or staffing bottlenecks or the like.

that group

It is important that at all times the quality

For the further process:

of art is safeguarded by the possibility of an

• We will deepen the model of

overruling vote by the executive director.

collaborative community participation (see chapter organisation)

• Process so far has been inclusive of

• We coach and stimulate citizens to create

all groups and individuals willing to

ideas and projects


• Innovation comes from the basis but

• Soft relationships are the basis. Anyone




final decision will be made top down if needed. We will offer clear procedures for decision-making process

• We will need to say ‘no’ to many people – we understand disappointment management is very important

• Unusual cross-over connections between 03

projects will be stimulated. Here we


expect the deepest impact

• The artistic group with the artistic directors and the executive director will be politically independent in their choice of the programme

• But we make sure that contact with local and existing models and artists is incorporated – that is why we include representatives from the operative level of the cultural departments of the municipality

• The artistic directors will have to safeguard artistic quality and the suitability of projects within the given programme structure and concept

• The executive director is responsible for choosing projects that aim for impact and legacy.


III - Organisation and Financing of the event


1. Organisational structure


strong ‘soft skills’ and a focus on medium-term impact and long-term

1.1 What kind of structure is envisaged for the organisation responsible for implementing the project? What type of relationship will it have with the city authorities?

The legal body for the preparation and

(This question must be answered in greater detail at

Schleswig will be a foundation that is up and

the final selection stage, by enclosing in particular

running by March 2013. We will look more

the statutes of the organisation, its staff numbers, the

closely into the different legal, practical and

curricula vitae of those primarily responsible, information

financial aspects of the organisation after the

concerning its financial and management capacity, and a

award of the ECoC-title. In these months of

graph of the structure with comments on the respective

analysis we will include experiences from

responsibilities of the different levels)

key sponsors, crucial partners and other


implementation of the European Capital of Culture SØNDERBORG2017 for Sønderjylland-

European Capitals of Culture. The envisaged organisational structure consists of three crucial elements:

The body will be governed by a an executive

1. an independent legal body governed

board that consist of nine representatives:

at arm’s length by an executive board

two from the municipalities Sønderborg

with a clear decision-making procedure

and Flensburg, two from the German and

for the rare but always possible cases of

from the Danish region, two business people


not involved themselves in executing the programme, one from the German minority

2. the two to four key people putting all their effort into ‘making the project

in Denmark, one from the Danish minority in

happen’ and their partly international

Germany, and finally one representative of


the board-representatives of the foundation. At this point we think that the chair of the

3. project ethics and atmosphere that

executive board needs to be a mediator


»» »» »»

executive power through teamwork

between the business and public sector,

adaptability and cooperation

between the cultural arena and politicians,

financial accountability

between the voice from the street and




the media. It could be an independent

Commission (details in answer to

person. We know from experience that the

question VI).

governance structure follows phases in


the organisation of a European Capital of

Decision-making will lie very clearly

Culture. We therefore expect to make changes

in the hand of an Executive Director

in the governance structure on two or three

with experience in project/programme

occasions during the 2013-2017 period

management and international cultural

accordingly. The key criterion in this will be

projects. The Executive Director’s task is to

the ability of the structure to adapt to changes

develop and safeguard the overall strategy

while remaining robust.

and objectives for SØNDERBORG2017 as well as representing the organisation in front of

Four satellites will directly report to the

the executive board. (S)he will ensure that the

Executive Board:

artistic programme develops and is executed

• an Advisory Board comprising academic

without interference from politicians

experts, media experts with a cultural

or business people. Since the Executive

profile and representatives from cultural

Director has the final responsibility, (s)he

public life in Denmark and Germany

can influence decisions about the artistic

preferably with international experience

programme as well as all other tasks

in their work to advise us on the

like communication and financing of the

programme and communication


• a Financial and Audit Committee with three independent people, preferably

Having learned from former ECoCs,

a professor from the university, an

SØNDERBORG2017 will not appoint one

accountant and a high-level public

single person that has responsibility for

servant to supervise and assess financial

programming but two to four artistic


directors for different sections of the programme. As the objectives of this bid are

• an Impact Committee consisting of a cross-municipal and cross-regional

ambitious and far reaching, we will make

task force with representatives from all

sure we have experts to cover a large variety

27 municipalities supporting the bid,

of cultural expression that constitute our

reporting on coherence of activities,

wide definition of culture. The directors and

possibilities to cooperate and ways to

their teams will closely cooperate with each

ensure legacy

other on the development and management of the programme.This implies a constant

• the Evaluation and Monitoring Committee that among others also

exchange and communication of ideas –

delivers the data for the monitoring

which is part of our work concept.

initiatives from the European



In order to make the programme accessible to

must show itself to be too robust, flexible

as many as possible, a key role will lie within

and resistant to be undermined by the self

the communications department, headed

interest, emotionalism or personal charisma

by a communication director responsible

that can sometimes damage cultural

for press and public relations, marketing,


communication, tourism and a volunteer


programme. Since communication is such

In this collaborative environment, we stand

an important part of our overall concept we

for people that are continuously encouraged

expect quite a large number of people to be

to apply their unique talents to group projects

working within and in close contact with the

and to become motivated by a common

communication department.

mission, not just by the intrinsic pleasure of autonomous creativity or personal gain.

A further key position is held by a regional

This does not need to be at the cost of artistic

co-ordinator who will act as a link between

quality. On the contrary, we foresee that

the Executive Director, the artistic directors

the people in our new organisation will

and a cross-municipal task force of the seven

master a set of skills contributing to these

municipalities on the Danish and the German

four organisational efforts: define and build

side included in the bid to assure sustained

the shared purpose, cultivate an ethic of

communication and oversee joint projects.

contribution, develop scalable processes for coordinating people’s efforts and create

A finance department will comprise

an infrastructure in which collaboration is

controlling, accounting and human resources

valued and rewarded.

and will be headed by an administrative The structure implies cooperation and


constructiveness on all sides. However, We intend to set up staff units directly

experience from other projects of this scale

reporting to the Executive Director for

show that conflicts and misunderstandings

Fundraising & Sponsoring, for Creative

are not excluded even in the most ideal form

Thinking & Strategic Projects, for

of organisation. For this reason we emphasise

International Relations & Hospitality and for

the clear decision-making process as part of

Events Management.

the legal body.

Project ethics and atmosphere is the last but not least element of our organisational structure. The key for us is to set up a collaborative executive organisation that creates a culture of trust, organisational cohesion and teamwork. This organisation




In addition SØNDERBORG2017 appoints a

1.2 If an area around the city is involved in the event, how will the coordination between the authorities of the relevant local and regional authorities be organised?

regional co-ordinator whose task it is:

• to communicate with all involved municipal and regional partners

• to safeguard their interests and ideas and feed them back into the organisation

We have set up a special cross-municipal,


• to coordinate communication strategies

cross-regional task force that will form an

and campaigning measures

Impact Committee. The Executive Board

• to coordinate events and the possible

will receive direct reports from this Impact

volunteer programmes

Committee. This personal reference point facilitates fast The area involved around the city of

communication and acts as an open ear to

Sønderborg comprises 27 municipalities

whatever interaction might be called for,

and regional entities in the whole of

bringing all the voices together in one forum.

Sønderjylland in Denmark and Schleswig in Germany. All of them have committed to this bid and to the future European Capital of Culture. The coordination between the local and regional authorities lies within the responsibility of SØNDERBORG2017. As mentioned in the answer to the previous question, SØNDERBORG2017 has already established a structure for the bid which includes and facilitates communication between all the municipal and regional authorities involved. The cross-municipal/ regional working group has been set up and meeting monthly from the very first to ensure municipal and regional authorities communicate, work together and pursue the shared purpose.



1.3 According to which criteria and under which arrangements has or will the artistic director of the event been chosen? What is or will be his/ her profile? When will he/she take up the appointment? What will be his/her field of action? 1.3

Europe, preferably also in the local artist community or creative industries

• Proven to be able to work in a participatory way where diversity of skills stimulates creativity

• Have to be able to work in a creative team of interdependent artistic directors,

(This question must be answered in greater detail at the

with other creative minds, using

final selection stage).

interdisciplinary methods

• Have to live in Sønderborg for at least 2015-2017

The artistic directors will be selected and proposed to the board by the Executive Director and appointed by the executive

The Executive Board will have to approve

board. The artistic directors are chosen

the choice. The artistic directors will be

according to their skills, their affinity with

appointed not later than six months after the

the above described project ethics and

city has been designated European Capital of

atmosphere and their skills that have to


match the given outlines of the programme. Their role will be to implement concepts The selection will not be organised as a

and objectives of the programme, mediate

democratic process but rather in a way

between cultural operators and artists, ensure

that absolutely guarantees the artistic and

artistic quality, select and generate projects,

professional quality of the creative team

guarantee the socio-cultural impact and the

responsible for the programme.

translation of this into everyday life.

Criteria might vary from one to the other, as

We realise that independent processes are

not all three of them have to be artists in the

shaped more by the people closely involved

strict sense. These are the key qualifications

in a project, rather than by those at the top

as we see them at this point:

of the governing structure, so we expect the artistic directors to have quite a large amount of autonomy, albeit with a strong team ethos.

• Experience in the cultural and artistic field – at least some international experience as well

• Preferably knowledge of the Danish language, fluent English, possibly German

• Tied into cultural and artistic (or appropriate professional) networks in




Illustration showing SØNDERBORG2017 Organigram 2013-2019


Executive Director

Executive Board

Advisory Board

Managing Director / Deputy Executive

Financial and Audit Committee

Impact Committee

Taskforces from: • • • •

municipalities Region of South Denmark cultural departments national industries

Creative Thinking + Strategic projects Regional Coordinator

Fundraising + Sponsoring International relations + Hospitality

Evaluation and Monitoring Committee

Events Management

Artistic directors Artistic teams

Head of Communications

Administrative Director



• • • • •

• • •

Communication press / PR marketing tourism volunteers programme


Controlling Human resources Accounting


of CO2 neutrality – Project Zero – received

2. Financing

134,228 euro.

2.1 What has been the usual annual budget for culture in the city over the last 5 years

Finally the big leap from 2010 to 2011 is

(excluding expenditure for the present ECoC application)?

4,700,000 euro.

primarily due to the building of a new indoor sports centre costing the municipality

(please fill in the table below)

2.1 Year

Usual annual budget for culture in the city (in euro)

Usual annual budget for culture in the city (in % of the total annual budget for the city)

















Table 2.1 Usual annual budget allocated to culture

Despite the economic crisis, the municipal budget has risen over the last five years. The reason for the increase from 2007 to 2011 is primarily due to large expenditures for construction but also some new operational expenses. From 2007 to 2008 the budget decreased due to the fact that the expenses for the building of Alsion in 2007 accounted for 3,360,000 euro, while 2008 was free of this cost. The rise again from 2008 to 2009 was caused by normal rise in prices plus some new construction projects and their operation. In 2010 the budget was increased because the municipality deposited funds for the running of the Sønderborg Business and Tourism organisation. This amounted to 1,475,510 euro, and the same year Sønderborg’s vision



2.2 Please explain the overall budget for the European Capital of Culture project (i.e. funds that are specifically set aside for the project). Please fill in the tables below.


Total expenditure (in euro) in the budget

Operating expenditure (in euro)

Operating expenditure (in %)

Capital expenditure (in euro)

Capital expenditure (in %)






Table 2.2 a Overall expenditure budget

The Sønderborg Municipality’s annual capital

planned to the neighbouring island as well as

expenditure for cultural infrastructure is 2.7

a highway being constructed that needs roads

million euro (20 million DKK). Due to the

and infrastructure connections to the city,

city’s focus on culture it has been recently

the difference between capital expenditure

decided that capital expenditure will be

and operating costs is impossible to compare.

doubled in the years 2015-17 to 5.4 million

It should be noted that the budgets for

euro annually (40 million DKK).

infrastructure are in no way connected to the finances from the public or private sector.

Social services constitute a large part of the budget of the Municipality. Since in the region there is a tunnel being Total income in the budget (in euro)

From the public sector (in euro)

From the public sector (in %)

From the private sector (in euro)

From the private sector (in %)






Table 2.2 b Overall income budget



For the contribution of the private sector we presume a relatively low percentage, not because we do not feel a strong commitment here, but in light of the current economic crisis we decided to be prudent. If the economy is stronger than expected it is


possible to increase the expected financial


commitment from the private sector.

Income from the public sector

in euro




It is expected that the state will match the level of local and regional funding



Decision Oct 2011



Decision Q1 2012




EU grants and possibly the Melina Mercouri funding

Region of Schleswig-Holstein & City of Flensburg



Decision Q1 2012





National government City Region

Others Table 2.2 c Income from public sector

The regional and municipal funding as mentioned above is an extraordinary budget allocation for the European Capital of Culture event 2013-2018.


Please specify amount planned/secured


2.3 Please explain the operating budget for the ECoC project.

insight that 62% of the operating budget is

Please fill in the tables below.

and communications, 10% on wages and

spent on programming, 24 % on marketing administration and a reserve fund of 4%. This

a) Overall operating expenditure:

fund is specifically intended to bridge gaps in the financing and to have some financial


In order to calculate the operating budget

flexibility for the programming in the years

of the ECoC we have used estimates based

2015-2017. In the programming 1.2 % of

on the current planned projects in the

the budget is reserved for evaluation and

programme. The experience from other

1.3% for joint projects with the ECoC city in

ECoCs in the last seven years has led to the



Operating expenditure (in euro)

Programme expenditure (in euro)

Programme expenditure (in %)

Promotion and marketing (in euro)

Promotion and marketing (in %)

Wages, overheads, administration (in euro)

Wages, overheads, administration (in %)

Other - reserve (in euro)

Other - reserve (in %)










Table 2.3 a Overall operating expenditure

b) Planned timetable for spending operating expenditure: Timetable for spending operating expenditure

Programme expenditure (in euro)

Programme expenditure (in %)

Marketing and promotion expenditure (in euro)

Marketing and promotion expenditure (in %)

Wages, overheads, administration (in euro)

Wages, overheads, administration (in %)

Other -reserve (in euro)

Other -reserve (%)










































































Table 2.3 b Operating expenditure timetable


From the time that Sønderborg for

2.4 Overall capital expenditure:

Sønderjylland-Schleswig is granted the

If appropriate, please insert a table here that specifies

ECoC title 2017, the operating expenses will

which amounts will be spent for what type of capital

increase progressively year by year until

expenditure over the years from the application to the

2017. In line with our long-term strategy

ECoC year.

there is also budget allocated for 2018. Budget

Capital expenditure (in euro)

Funding of new cultural infrastructure or upgrading existing facilities (including museums, galleries, theatres, concert halls, arts centres etc) (in euro)

Urban revitalisation (renovation of squares, gardens, streets, public space development etc) (in euro)

Infrastructures (investments in the underground, rail stations, dockyards, roads etc) (in euro)





commitment for the years 2019 and 2020 will


be negotiated in the case that Sønderborg is shortlisted. In the budget there is a minimal amount allotted for 2012 since the financial commitment from the municipality and the region that funds this candidature is a separate budget.

Table 2.4 a Overall capital expenditure

The preparation for European Capital of Culture would potentially coincide with some major investments in the region. However these proposed investments do not depend on ECoC being granted. In total there are more than 1.5 billion euro investments planned with the largest projects in transportation infrastructure. Although most certainly relevant to the potential ECoC process if completed before 2017, these infrastructure projects will not be bottlenecks to the City in the ECoC year should they not be completed by then.




Capital expenditure on infrastructure

Public (in euro)

Private (in euro)


Sønderborg International Art Exhibition Hall



Local government (guaranteed)




Local government (guaranteed)




Local government and private (planned)

Multiculture -Learning House


Private investment (planned)

International Art Exhibition Hall


Private investment (planned)

Cultural infrastructure


International Trade Centre


Private investment (planned)

Four star Hotel


Private investment (planned)



Sønderborg Harbour, Urban Square



Local government and private (planned)

Sønderborg Harbour, recreation areas



Local government (guaranteed)

Sønderborg City, interior



Local government (guaranteed)

City Centre, shopping centre





Leisure Centre Mommark



Local government and private (idea project)






National government (guaranteed)



Local government (guaranteed)

Als-Fyn (bridge/tunnel)



Estimate national government (idea project)







Urban revitalisation

Nordals Project

Local government and private (planned) Local government (guaranteed)

Infrastructure Highway Bike and nature trails on old army road

grand total Table 2.4 b Capital expenditure projects



2.5 Have the public finance authorities (city, region, State) already voted on or made financial commitments? If not, when will they do so?

2.6 What is the plan for involving sponsors in the event? The sponsoring strategy for the SØNDERBORG2017 process is built on four elements: strong commitment from a club


The city council will decide on its funding

of corporate enterprises in the territory;

in October 2011. The other 21 Danish

a sponsorship programme for SME’s; an

municipalities and districts involved in the

element of attracting funds, trusts and pools

bid will agree on their financial contribution

investing in culture and gifts from private

by the end of 2011. The financial contribution

persons. The fourth element is sponsoring

of the Region of South Denmark will be

talent, knowledge, resources, networks and

voted on in the first quarter of 2012 if

media exposure. Table 2.2 b) includes the

shortlisted. Equally budgets from the city of

first three elements; the fourth element has so

Flensburg and the Land Schleswig-Holstein

far not been capitalised and therefore is not

in Germany will be formally decided upon

taken into account in this table.

by the authorities in the first quarter of 2012 although informally a clear political

In spring 2012 a ‘Sponsor Task Force’ will

commitment has been made and financial

be established that reports directly to the

coordination has taken place.

executive board of this candidature. The Task Force consists of fundraisers, staff of

As is usual in Denmark when financing

chambers of commerce, business people with

events of similar size, international exposure

sponsor networks and experts in projects

and local/regional long-term impact,

between culture and business. In the last

the national government is expected to

quarter of 2012 this Task Force will deliver

double the budget put in by the Danish

a full sponsoring plan including some first

municipalities and regions.

concrete contracts with business on their financial commitment.

In the information meeting on this competition in February 2011 it was stated by

Part of the sponsoring plan will be focusing

the Danish Ministry for Culture that financial

on the three traditional elements of private

contribution from the national government

funding for events and exposure on television

can only be expected by 2015 at the earliest.

and media. Special attention will be paid to

As a consequence we have planned

the fourth element:

cautiously with regard to possible national

• collaboration with private sector in terms

funding in 2015.

of co-branding and joint awareness creation together with companies




• artists in private sector training as participants and as teachers

• artistic and cultural programmes as instruments that companies can use to design their products, services or in their communication and pay for those services


• artistic interventions for strategic


reflection, change and innovation As part of the design process of the sponsorship plan a series of sponsor idea meetings will be held this fall with representatives from chambers of commerce, corporate enterprises, active SME’s and trade associations from both sides of the border. Those participating in these idea workshops will not only be people from the common hospitality background of transportation, media and tourism industries, but there will also be a special focus on people in industries with a strong emphasis on the development of skills - like artisans, those in the service sector and craftspeople. A good start, with strong interest from the private sector and some commitment, has already been made given the fact that a few companies and trusts are already cofinancing the SØNDERBORG2017 candidature.



2.7 According to what timetable should the income be received by the city and/or the body responsible for preparing and implementing the ECoC project if the city receives the title of European Capital of Culture?

Sønderborg Municipality’s budget for

Please fill in the tables below. (The answer to this

culture in 2018 is 37,600,000 euro. This has

question is optional at the pre-selection stage)

already been decided: 4.3% of the budget

2.8 Which amount of the usual overall annual budget does the city intend to spend for culture after the ECoC year? (in euro and in % of the overall annual budget)

of the municipality is for culture and will

a) Income to be used to cover operating expenses

grow to 7% in 2018. It means an increase of 62 % over a period of seven years and adds up to 14,110,000 more euro in cash. Capital expenditure within this budget as of now

Source of income (in euro)

includes no more than 10%.
















National government















shortlisted, budgets for











2019 and 2020 will also









be submitted.

Schleswig-Holstein/ Stadt Flensburg








Table 2.7 Income to be used to cover operating expenses



IV - City infrastructure


1. What are the city’s assets in terms of accessibility (regional, national and international transport)?

south it runs through Germany and all the way to the Mediterranean. The drive from Hamburg to Sønderborg

By air

is two hours, while it is a four hours

Sønderborg Airport is seven kilometres

drive from Copenhagen to Sønderborg.

from the town centre.Travellers can get to

Berlin is four hours as well.

and from the airport by bus, taxi or car.The airport has free parking. Cimber Sterling

• By train

currently offers five daily rotations between

The Danish national rail network runs

Sønderborg and Copenhagen. The flight to

a train to Copenhagen with nine trains

Copenhagen is only 35 minutes and there are

daily. The direct ride lasts a little less

links from Copenhagen Airport to the rest

than four hours. There are six trains a

of Europe and the world.When booked five

day running via Tinglev and Flensburg

to six weeks in advance a return flight costs

with a four hours ride to Hamburg.

around 70 euro. From Sønderborg Airport it is also possible to

The railway network has recently

fly by private plane.

undergone extensive renovation allowing

Both Billund and Hamburg airports have

faster trains to and from Sønderborg.

excellent global connections and are two hours by car from Sønderborg.

The terminus for Danish passenger trains has been moved to Flensburg on

By land

the other side of the border, so in this

• By car

respect, too, accessibility for travellers has been improved.

Sønderborg is currently a 20 minute drive from the E45 motorway and this will be ten minutes in Spring 2012 with

• By bus

a new connecting highway. The E45

An express bus link has been introduced

continues northwards from Sønderborg,

recently, with buses shuttling back and

running right up through Jutland; to the

forth between the main Danish and



German towns and cities. There is a

By sea

direct bus which takes you to Hamburg

From Bøjden on the island of Fyn there is af

Airport within two and a half hours.

ferry every hour (summer season) or every two hours to Fynshav on Als. The journey across the “Little Belt” is just under one

• By bike


For those who get around under their

hour; each ferry carries up to 50 cars and

own steam there is an extensive network

approximately 300 passengers. There are also

of cycle paths in Sønderborg, connecting

four ferries a day from Fynshav to Søby on

up with the whole of Sønderjylland-

the island of Ærø.

Schleswig. We are building cycle paths. The Municipality of Sønderborg has more than 2,300 moorings for yachts in eight

• On foot


The Gendarme Path runs from the Danish-German border alongside Flensburg Fjord to Høruphav on the

Sønderjylland-Schleswig is surrounded by

island of Als. The path stretches for

a host of islands, lying off both the west and

74 km, winding through stunningly

the east cost of the mainland by a network

beautiful countryside and along an ever-

of ferry links. One ferry crosses the national

changing coastline.

border, sailing between the Wadden Sea island of Rømø and Sylt in Germany.

Near to Sønderborg it is also possible to hike or bicycle on ‘Hærvejen’, a supposedly 4000 year-old path running through Jutland from Viborg to the border. In the old days it was used by traders with ox-drawn carts, cattlemen with their herds and religious pilgrims. In times of warfare it was the natural route for the armies – hence the name, as the Danish name translates into ‘military road’. Now the approximately 250 km long road is used for leisure and active nature and history activities.



IV - City infrastructure



Billund Vejle Fredericia Kolding





Motorways Railways Airports Ferries Bike trails Hiking trails


Aabenraa Tønder




Kiel Rendsburg



GuimarĂŁes 2012

Hamburg Copenhagen Berlin Essen Stavanger Brussels Luxemburg Wroclaw Mons Pilsen Linz Turku Košice Tallinn Maribor Riga Liverpool Umeå Vilnius Pecs Marseilles San Sebastian Sibiu Guimarães Istanbul Pafos Nicosia Limassol

Map of Europe

• Distance to previous, current and future Capitals of Culture (2007-2016)

• Distance to Brussels, Copenhagen, Berlin and Hamburg

UMEÅ 2014


Turku 2011 Tallinn 2011


RIGA 2014


197 231 474 550 733 778 814 814 844 942 1,135 1,188 1,213 1,353 1,357 1,419 1,460 1,510 1,514 1,576 1,673 1,904 1,908 2,619 2,778 2,841 2,848 2,879


Vilnius 2009


ESSEN 2010 MONS 2015 Luxembourg 2007

Wrocław 2016

Pilsen 2015

Košice 2013

Linz 2009

Maribor 2012

DONOSTIA-San Sebastián 2016

Pécs 2010

Marseille 2013

SIBIU 2007

Istanbul 2010


Sønderborg2017 CANDIDATE PAFOS







IV - City infrastructure

Development of the traffic infrastructure

Husum, Tønder, Ribe and Esbjerg, to

As Sønderjylland-Schleswig is a border

motorway standard

territory with a voting population split

• Expand the bus route network • Coordinate bus and train timetables • Build a bridge or tunnel between the

between two states, the traffic infrastructure is not as developed as it is in similar


territories in the middle of the country. The

islands of Als and Fyn that will allow

German and Danish regions have recently

driving from Copenhagen to Sønderborg

established a Transport Commission to

in less than three hours (studies being

develop priorities in cross-border traffic



• A Danish-German international railway

Our regional traffic grids are, as a

station is being built in 2012 (passengers

consequence, under construction in the

and freight) between Flensburg and

next few years in order to connect across


the border but also to provide local

• The idea of an energy-efficient overhead

connections for our companies, visitors,

railway between the two university

health sector, commuters, students, the

towns of Sønderborg and Flensburg. This

young & gold in Sønderjylland-Schleswig.

is also a possible solution for transport

Access for craftspeople and highly-educated

between Sønderborg Airport and the

professionals is of particular importance.

town centre.

• Flensborg Fjord with revived connections Bi-national airport

(new tourist ferries, high-speed ferries

Sønderborg Airport’s transport network is

also for bicycles, and rowing boats for

currently being extended so that the airport


will be ready to cope with the greater

• Cross-border bike/scooter rental service

demands made on it in the years up to

with easy vehicle return to another town

and after 2017.The aim here is to be able to offer air-links to Cyprus and to key cities

At all major events in Sønderborg and

in Europe – e.g. capital cities. From 2013

Sønderjylland-Schleswig free, environment

there will also be five German domestic

friendly transportation will be on offer to

flights from Sønderborg Airport. A free

carry locals and visitors from one place to

shuttle service for air passengers to and from


Sønderborg and the other main towns in the region is planned. Further ideas and plans:

• Upgrade the main road along the west coast, from Heide in the south via



2. What is the city’s absorption capacity in terms of tourist accommodation?

Overnight accommodation in Sønderborg

Sønderborg has 22,000 places for overnight stays. Most are homes, campsites and marinas but visitors that wish to stay




Hotels and inns






Holiday home rental companies



Holiday resorts








Course centres



Continuation and folk high schools





Bed & breakfast/Guest houses/private accommodation

overnight in Sønderborg have the whole spectrum of accommodation from five-star luxury hotels less than 40 km from the centre to the most basic of natural campsites. There are 17 hotels in Sønderborg city with


1,600 beds - one is a four star and several are In the coming years Sønderborg will

three star hotels.

increase its capacity in terms of tourist accommodation.

The area also has plenty to offer outdoor enthusiasts: 17 campsites, providing space for over 2,600 caravans, mobile homes and

With his master plan for Sønderborg harbour,

tents. The large majority of these campsites

Frank Gehry has created the framework for

are located close to the sea and beaches.

the town’s new harbour with the purpose of

There are berths for close to 2,300 yachts in

invigorating life, interaction and energy in

Sønderborg’s eight marinas.

this central point of our community. At the heart of the area will be an Urban Square,

In addition to all this, Sønderborg offers

with a 250-bed hotel, Water Park and some

around 50 Bed & Breakfasts and over 2,000

2,000 m2 conference and exhibition centre.

summer cottages. And last, but not least, there are three learning centres which,

For big events it is possible to have a

between them, can provide accommodation

number of hotel cruise liners moored in

for 315. During the summer months it is also

the waters close to Sønderborg centre with

possible to open Sønderborg’s six boarding

accomodation for at least 500 overnight

schools and adult education centres for

guests. The restaurants on board will be open


to non-residents. In order to forge closer bonds between the people of Sønderborg and visitors to the town – both from Denmark and abroad – work is being done to promote the idea of



IV - City infrastructure

and varied countryside, an ever-changing

3. What projects are to be carried out between now and the year for which the city is applying for the title of European Capital of Culture in terms of urban and tourism infrastructure, including renovation? What is the planned timetable for this work?

coastline, pleasant and picturesque towns,

(The answer to this question is optional at the pre/-

holiday resorts and recreation areas – a

selection stage)

‘couch surfing’ – a way for the inhabitants of Sønderborg to invite visitors into their own homes, thus giving them the chance to experience life in a countryside metropolis at close quarters. Sønderjylland-Schleswig boasts a rich


variety that is reflected in its tourist accommodation, which covers everything,

The infrastructure projects that Sønderborg is

from luxury five-star hotels to the simplest,

planning or currently working on are:

most basic barn hostels, in large numbers. Sønderborg Harbour – Urban Square

Beds Hotels and inns




Summer cottages/Holiday homes


Bed & breakfast/Guest houses/private accommodation





Frank Gehry’s master plan for the harbour of Sønderborg consists of:

• Multicultural Centre: ‘Learning house’ with art school and a library and space for cultural events both indoors and outdoors (2014)

• Hotel designed with 250 large rooms (2017)


The hotel’s conference centre will accommodate 800 seated or 1,800 standing guests for concerts, conferences, dinners, trade fairs and exhibitions (2017)

• Water Park: a large indoor water park, offering games, sports, exercise, relaxation and wellness. Sønderborg Harbour – Art Centre The Art Centre, facing the Als Sound, is for New Media Art exhibitions, conferences, workshops, lectures etc. It is planned that there will be two large exhibition spaces,



public facilities and administration in the 30

2013-2017. The northern part of the island

to 40 m high building, totaling 2,500 to 3,000

Als, where the industrial plant Danfoss has

m2 of floor area (2017).

its headquarters, is particularly challenged by the decreasing population, and the

Sønderborg Harbour – Recreational areas

Sønderborg City Council has decided to

Walking and biking trails meander through

make Nordals a point for renewal.

the landscape, where there will be good


opportunities for accommodation and


activities. The promenade along the Als

The idea is to restore an old train station with

Sound connects the areas north and south of

tracks leading to and from Nordborg. There

the recreation area.

are plans to establish a playground and there is a long-term plan to build a small ‘market town’ with ‘backdrop buildings’ to the stalls.

Sønderborg Town The concept is to draw the centre together into a space for performance, life, play and


relaxation, with character and high-quality

The highway from Kliplev to Sønderborg will

architecture. The concept is consistency and

create a better road connection between ‘The

simplicity. It focuses on the values and the

South Jutland Motorway’ (E45) and the Als

local flavour that reflect the modern and the

Sound area (2012)

historic Sønderborg. Bi-national airport City Centre Sønderborg

Clear profiling of Sønderborg airport as

Sønderborg shopping centre is built with

Denmark’s first bi-national airport (2012-

commercial leases, such as gym, office space,


housing and parking space. Bicycle and nature trails Holiday Resort Mommark

New recreational trails will tie the major

There is a leisure resort in the Mommark

through-paths together into coherent tracks.

area by the sea 17 km east of Sønderborg

There are trails for everyone, including

with land, water and port-related activities.

those with disabilities. The new lanes will

Construction of a hotel with spa and leisure

be constructed as bike, hiking or horseback

facilities and high-quality gastronomy is

riding trails.

planned. Construction period: 2013-2019. Bridge Fyn-Als Project Nordals

Connecting the islands of Als (Sønderborg)

Project Nordals creates visions for the

and Fyn (to the east, towards Copenhagen)

development of Nordals directed towards

puts in place an infrastructure in the region



IV - City infrastructure

that contributes to traffic coherence, easy access, larger catchment areas of education and knowledge institutions, cultural experiences and tourism between Funen, Jutland and Germany. Will be completed before 2020.


Rambla Sønderborg


Rambla Sønderborg is an activity promenade from King Christian X Bridge, past Sønderborg Castle along the coast all the way to the forest Sønderskoven. Besides the beautiful stretch of the promenade that in itself invites physical activity, the Rambla Sønderborg provides a wealth of leisure and sports activities like tennis, swimming, yachting, etc. Dybbøl Sports Forum, Sønderborg The current indoor Dybbøl Sports Forum - which is a traditional sports venue - will be expanded to a modern multi-functional culture and sports centre. It will be equipped with mobile spectator grandstands with seating for 2,000 spectators. The venue will also be used for professional handball, music concerts, as a youth school, as a cafeteria, as a meeting space, for alternative sports, for EU, national and local elections. The local school will use the hall for their lessons. The sports forum will be completed in April 2012.


V - Communication strategy


1 What is the city’s intended communication strategy for the European Capital of Culture event?

Our communication must:

• break down boundaries: communication must be crossreactive to bridge the understanding

We will create a movement and mobilise the

gap that exists between different

citizens to rock their city. They will turn the

cultures, social groups and education

border region into a hot spot for excitement

levels - creating an atmosphere

and vitality in a small town coupled with the

where everybody has a common

charms of countryside living.

understanding of what is going on and how to link up to the project.

We cannot on the one hand say our concept

• create a cultural added value:

is to overcome borders and then on the

communication is a cultural

other that we are not able to overcome

process itself and works best when

communication barriers. Communication is

it is a two-way process – we offer

not an ‘add-on’. It is a project in itself. It is the

information and emotion but we are

art of mobilising people, to involve them, to

also able to listen to what the people

make this whole European Capital of Culture

think and this way stay authentic

become part of their everyday life. We plan to

and in touch

make communication live up to the root of its

• act as an enhancer of knowledge

meaning: communicare = to make common.

and capability: communication must convey substantive issues that

Our communication will be a value-

share common ground with people’s

based communication in the style of the

experience, thus increasing the

Danish dogma film tradition that is based

recipient’s level of knowledge and

on a series of dogmatic rules, in this case

creative capability

three. These dogma rules correspond to Sønderborg’s main objectives to develop cultural intelligence and enhance the creative capacity.




Our communication process will follow

Strategy 2 is about the mobilisation of both

two approaches, both aimed at creating a

stakeholders, partners and key players such

common space for Europeans to break down

as the media and citizens of the region. This


will be done by sending messages that are strong enough to create resonance in the


Strategy 1 is about generating new

people so that they become ambassadors for

knowledge and develop new communication

the messages and carry them further through

models and new forms of participation in

their own networks. The great challenge

the community with people and knowledge

for us is over the next five years to develop


strong stories about SØNDERBORG2017 and equip our potential ambassadors with the

Strategy 2 is to mobilise key players,

necessary tools to carry the message to the

stakeholders and the general public via


traditional and new communication channels.

Resonance is created based on our own SØNDERBORG2017 Media Station. The Media

Strategy 1 includes a number of projects –

Station is an information channel, a dialogue

here are two examples:

centre and an educational tool. It will provide

• A virtual Capital of Culture of

a flow of information and stories about

Europe’s citizens and artists, where

SØNDERBORG2017 starting in 2013; it will be

they can ‘build’ their own Capital of

a meeting place for anyone interested in our

Culture and help to design projects for

specific topics of European culture.

SØNDERBORG2017. The virtual Capital of Culture will help turn SØNDERBORG2017

To create the necessary resonance, we will

into the Europeans’ Capital of Culture

use a number of tools. Some examples are:

and make it a common project that brings

• Media collaborations with leading

Europe together.

national media in Denmark and Germany in order to ensure a massive

• A European research project on audience behaviour that examines how new social,

media coverage in the two countries

digital platforms create new connection

primarily involved in the candidature.

lines between art and its audience. This

The big German media plays a major

will be of interest not only to the Capitals

role on the European agenda, so they

of Culture of the next three to five years

will also act as a platform for European

but also to other European cultural


projects. The research project will be a

• Cooperation with local communications

collaboration between SØNDERBORG2017,

offices in several European countries to

the University of South Denmark and

ensure that local knowledge and skills

Freie Universität in Berlin and will be

are utilised to the full in communication

initiated in 2013.




to make special offers: from decorating

• Identifying Europe’s leading bloggers in


the area of culture, business, research,

shop windows with SØNDERBORG2017,

education and climate in order to get

creating a SØNDERBORG2017 stamp,

them to blog about SØNDERBORG2017

baking special SØNDERBORG2017 bread

issues and messages.

or cake, or print poems, messages

• Collaboration with Danish and German

or artwork on paper bags for bread

embassies and the Danish Cultural

– anything that will make everyone

Institute, Goethe Institute, British

understand that SØNDERBORG2017 is a

Council, Alliance Française, Confucius

project to be ‘used’ every day and by

Institutes etc. to spread the word far


and wide in Europe and a number of If Sønderborg is granted the title European

locations outside Europe.

Capital of Culture 2017 we will prepare an

• Cooperation with Denmark’s leading tourist organisations VisitDenmark and

overall communication strategy for Denmark,

Wonderful Copenhagen – in order to

the border region and Europe, including

make them include SØNDERBORG2017

separate strategies for digital communication

in their strategy and communication

and mobilising citizens.

(at tourism fairs, in their information SØNDERBORG2017 will closely cooperate

magazines and brochures etc.).

with the Cypriot Capital of Culture for

• Mobilisation of partners, sponsors, the border region’s cultural institutions, the

a number of communication activities.

national German and Danish cultural

Among others, one approach is to divide

institutions, hotels, restaurants, tourist

Europe into a northern and southern zone,

organisations and Sønderborg and the

so that the Cypriot ECoC primarily manages

border region’s voluntary associations in

communication in southern Europe, while

sports, information and culture in order

Sønderborg manages communication in

to get them involved in the nomination,

Northern Europe.

become a part of the movement and with their enthusiasm spread the message of SØNDERBORG2017 – there is hardly anything more convincing.

• Establishment and mobilisation of an international celebrity ambassador corps that can generate massive media attention around the messages of SØNDERBORG2017.

• Collaborate with retail, bakeries, cafés, restaurants and the Danish postal service




connection. Some ideas to give you a flavour

2. How does the city plan to ensure the visibility of the European Union, which is awarding the title?

of how we look at these concepts are:

• We will ask schools, art school and


The visibility of the European Union

design students to create a graphic

will be guaranteed through all official

element that surrounds the logo – with

communication that will carry the Union’s

the blue flag and the 12 stars completely

logos with strict respect to the guidelines

untouched – a figure holding the logo, a

as stipulated on the Europe website. Means

group of people carrying it or relating to

of communication will be aligned with

it in any way, a friendly Martian landing

the initiatives of the representation of the

its rocket on it or putting the logo into

European Union to Denmark.

another unusual context. We feel this is needed in order to ensure the visibility

Just as 2011 is the ‘Year of Volunteering’

of the EU for the people in Sønderborg

and 2012 the ‘Year for Active Ageing and

and Sønderjylland-Schleswig. The results

Solidarity between Generations’ we will take

will be presented together with works

up the theme of the European Year of 2017

from young people highlighting aspects

– and if possible of every year during the

of what the European Union is and does

preparation and 2018 – and propose activities

– very practical things that affect every

that combine SØNDERBORG2017 with the

one of us in our daily lives. The best 20


or 30 logo artworks will be printed and posted in the place where the EU logo

2015 will be the 30th anniversary of the

would normally be in our publications

European Capital of Culture and the idea

and websites.

that Melina Mercouri inspired the European

• We will do a geocaching event for

cultural scene with. We will prepare a

different age groups between 6 and 16

festivity to celebrate this occasion together

years with different geocaches to be

with the city in Cyprus. This event will be at

found. Each geocache will contain an

the same time a kick-off event to the intensive

ECoC- and EU-related puzzle which has

phase of preparation and participation for

to be solved. The solution carries the clue

our local and regional population and a

for the position of the next geocache and

thank you to all those who will already be

so on until the winning team finds and

part of it.

solves the last puzzle – and wins a prize – a week in Brussels including visits to all

SØNDERBORG2017 will ensure the European

relevant EU institutions.

Union’s visibility in different creative ways

• For the older age group who may not

and will make our people more aware of the

wish to run through the countryside with



a GPS to hunt for treasure we will offer an EU/ECoC-Quiz in the newspaper and on local radio.

• In 2017 we want to celebrate a European Night – in cultural institutions, some private houses, public spaces, significant places in Sønderborg – 27 sites in all


(or more if there are more member


states by then), one for each member state of the European Union. There will be performances, readings, food, jam sessions, installations and interventions – one activity for each country put together either by people who come from this country and live in the ECoC area or invited artists, youth bands, writers, chefs, the whole spectrum of European culture – all to be experienced in one night. We are sure there will be many more possibilities to be explored.


VI - Evaluation and monitoring of the event


1. Does the city intend to set up a special monitoring and evaluation system: - for the impact of the programme and its knock-on effects?

people from the street along with us in the evaluation process at all stages of the policy circle. At the end of the day we evaluate a cultural programme in a very wide sense and therefore artists and citizens are motivated to join in to use their creativity to construct

Yes, a system will be set up to safeguard

the methodology, collect data, make learning

impact of the programme and its legacy.

happen and check if outcomes are picked

We consider evaluation and monitoring as a

up. This approach cannot be done by the

motor for learning processes that stimulate

use of existing proven technology alone and

decision-making. We also see evaluation

therefore we will have to experiment with

and monitoring not as a solely academic

combining existing and new instruments.

exercise at a distance but as an integral part of our Cultural Intelligence methodology and

We have made an academic start with

consequently at the heart of our programme.

constructing our system. The IMPACT08

Our mistakes and best practice with their

evaluation methodology of Liverpool

medium- and long-term impact will be

is the starting point because we have

shared with other small cities in similar

found this evaluation to be by far the


most comprehensive one in terms of the indicators and because it takes local and

The main challenge is not only the collection

regional perspectives, which is useful for

of data and the thorough analysis of it. There

SØNDERBORG2017. In addition, we have used

are experts on board to do that and they

the study by Palmer Associates, the Agenda

will take others on board to assist. What

21 document ‘Guiding cultural policies

is crucial is not to produce an evaluation

so that they can contribute to the cultural

for the bookshelf of a few stakeholders,

development of humanity’ and Ecotech

professors, politicians and sponsors. They

evaluations. They provide insights into

will get their reports anyway. We keep

indicators from the European Commission

our finger on the pulse to find out what

policy perspective and address smaller

impact SØNDERBORG2017 has ‘on the street’.

towns like Linz and periphery areas like Pecs

In order to do so we must be able to take

in Hungary. The evaluation framework is



enriched with indicators from three in-depth

developing the system further in a possible

impact studies: on city image in Rotterdam

second round (if granted):

2001, economic impacts in Salamanca 2002, and tourist visits Sibiu 2007. These studies are


• Monitoring: The monitoring group of

done several years after the end of candidacy.

two or three persons with experience in

We have also taken into account lessons from

the monitoring process are independent

the workshops of the network of Universities

of the regional and EU interests.

of European Capitals of Culture. Finally, the

Monitoring twice a year is planned. The

evaluation team has made use of experience

task, to be carried out over two days,

in European projects on sustainable,

will be based on interviews of 5-10

regional development with particular

stakeholders to cover the issues.

attention to trans-nationality, innovation and

• Stakeholder perspective first: Relating


cultural activities with regional diversity is a major value of the European Capital

Our partners in the evaluation and

of Culture. The specific, social and

monitoring are the Institute for Engineering,

natural regional qualities enable us to

the Institute for Border Region Studies, the

generate skills and know-how for ‘doing

Institute for European Studies (at the twin

things differently’, which is the essence

University in Flensburg) and the Institute for

of innovation

Languages, Communication and Information

• Aims of the evaluation: When you boil

Technology. In addition we are also working

it down to four topics the evaluation

with the Centre for Nanotechnology and


the Centre for Participatory Innovation of

1. assess the results of SØNDERBORG2017

the University of South Denmark – our

compared to the targeted results

neighbours in the Alsion building – and in

set at the starting point, taking

close cooperation with University Twente-

into consideration the experiences

CSTM/Sustainable Innovations Academy in

and lessons learnt from the past

the Netherlands. Other key partners in our


evaluation system are the volunteer network,

2. show changes as a result of the

the national and regional statistics offices in

SØNDERBORG2017 candidacy

Denmark and Germany and the art schools

compared to the changing contexts,

for design in Kolding and Haderslev.

for example the visitors to the city compared to the national trend

We have a team-oriented, consensus-based

3. compare the situation at the starting

and shared approach in our evaluation and

point with the end result, which

monitoring. In bullets these are issues for

means appraise the candidacy before approval and after its realisation



VI - Evaluation and monitoring of the event

Zoo will tell us how the zoo has changed

4. give others the chance to learn from this by showing clear advice and

their behaviour in the two weeks after


the visit; music to be used to evaluate how people react to each other and with

• Timing of evaluation: Regarding


evaluation and the gradual development

the results generated a symphony will

of culture, four evaluation points would

be composed. We have made some first

be sufficient: 2012 to assess the start

contacts with organisations that work

situation with respect to the envisaged

with anonymous telecom data that can

results, 2017 to evaluate if opportunities

give information on tourism and visitor

for impact are being taken on board, 2018

behaviour in the region and that use

after the programme to assess the results,

theatre plays to transform outcomes of

2020 to assess the impact of the results on

monitoring and evaluations.

the city and regions. Experience from EU evaluation teaches us that the mediumterm (in 2017) evaluation has the highest potential impact on evaluation. Results of this evaluation can still be taken on board in the decision-making of the ECoC process as a whole. Every evaluation builds upon lessons learnt of experience in other ECoC as well as what works and what does not in the evaluations carried out by ourselves

• Importance of communication: a clear communication strategy of the evaluation is key. Too often outcomes are formulated in a way that those concerned cannot understand. In order to balance between not too abstract and not too specific communication, a person working 0.5 full-time equivalent for the 2015 to 2019 period will be given the task of ensuring transparency and capturing the lessons learnt. This person will also be assigned to use modern, ‘outside the box’ ideas in evaluation. A couple of examples: gaming apps that keeps us in contact with visitors to the Minority



Evaluation framework A gross list of indicators based on European Capital of Culture reports is presented in Table 1. Liverpool 2008, Palmer and Ecotec, Rotterdam, Salamanca and Sibiu, regional experiences


Context: benchmarks ECoCs, country trends

Users (public and private socioeconomic issues)

Providers (expressions of and opinions on culture)

Policymakers (cross-sector and border capacities)

process (preparation and execution)

- Infrastructure developed - Large ‘showcase’ buildings - The European projects - Trans-City Co-operation

- Media coverage - Culture diversity - Cultural networks - Artists employment

- Stakeholder participation - Envisaged budgets - Envisaged revolving fund

- European history reference

- Volunteers involved - Media opinions - Citizens’ awareness - Perceptions and opinions - ManagementECoC - Expenditure on ECoC - Partnerships ECoC - Travels to ECoC - Environmental policy

- Visits arts, tourism & growth - Visitors spatial & social - Direct spending - Night stays & growth - Audience major events

- Main attractions - World class ranking - Cultural offerings - Views creative business - Creative jobs & income - Peer view on excellence

-trans-Europe project -Culture expert exchange

- Organisers’ team quality results (output during and shortly after the programme)

- The European attendance - Costs of infrastructure

impacts (expected) long term effects and assessed effects after a few years

- Opinions visitors arts, tourism - Induced impact - International impacts - Citizens’ opinion monitor - Visitors’ opinion monitor

- European artists involved - Technical innovations - Events monitor - Heritage monitor - Cross-border exch. - Attracting art settlers - New culture institutes

- Branding in media - Sponsors and earnings - Expenditure on ECoC - Promote panEurope view - Cross-sector dialogue

- Stakeholders’ views - Citizens’ views - International views - Sustainable partnerships - Legacy body of ECoC - Cultural tolerance - Image monitor - Cult education monitor - Local capacity monitor - Ecosystem services

Table 1 The Sønderborg2017 evaluation framework



VI - Evaluation and monitoring of the event

In total more than 60 indicators have been


How does the ECoC process

extracted from the reports and most of them

contribute to different forms of social

embrace various issues. Given the available

inclusion, including the creation of

data, limited time and money a maximum

equal opportunities for alternative

of 25-30 issues can be considered for the

cultural and artistic collectives vis a

evaluations. Therefore, the most relevant

vis the recognised collectives?

issues were selected:


Result (2018) SØNDERBORG2017 indicators for evaluation

• User orientation »» What are the visits by origin, social

Process (2012)

background and attraction?

• User orientation: »» What institutions and organisations


arrange stakeholders’ participation?



reasons and duration of visits?

What new forms of citizen


in processes of contemporary

by the ECoC process and cultural

innovation and creation in building a


new local and European identity?

What is the personal and monetary

• Provider orientation »» What were the activities per cultural sector and which were ‘international

• Provider orientation »» What are the main present cultural


events throughout the year?

»» »»

How many new jobs emerged in the creative businesses?

What are the transnational exchanges of arts and arts experts?


• Policy orientation »» What are the trans-European

What major innovations emerged?

• Policy orientation »» What are direct ex-post costs and

and cross-border projects and

benefits, and in which sectors?



How many artists were involved and how many from other countries?

What are the arts’ incubators and networks in SØNDERBORG2017?


What is the role of memory

participation in culture are generated

involvement of businesses?


Who are the visitors by numbers,


What European culture was successfully promoted?

What is the social support for SØNDERBORG2017 and the political


support for its management?


Is there an ex-ante social cost–benefit

• User orientation »» What are visitors’ and citizens’

assessment for SØNDERBORG2017?


opinions about European culture?

What are the envisaged budgets and expenditures per year for the



What are the benefits to the local businesses and the municipality?



impartiality and to check the control

• Provider orientation »» What cultural events in Sønderborg »»

mechanisms and methodologies. This

are successfully promoted abroad?

Committee reports via the Executive Director

What new artists are settling in

to the Executive Board on demand.

Sønderborg and which of them are

»» 01

from abroad?

All status reports for the European

Are there new cultural institutions

Commission’s Monitoring Committee will


be based on the results of this financial monitoring.

• Policy »» Are there new cultural transEuropean programmes?


Is there cross-border capacitybuilding in terms of culture and nature?

Does the city intend to set up a special monitoring and evaluation system: - for financial management? A system will be put in place to monitor the financial situation on a daily basis. The system will provide information on whether the money is spent effectively and if project results are obtained. To be able to do so the management team will draw a strategic plan that will lay out the main guidelines of the process. This plan includes Simple Measurable Achievable Reasonable and Timebound objectives (and their indicators) on a timeline. Also here we chose a practical approach for a sound and safe system that delivers key information but that is able to adapt to the flexibility that finance of a large and complex project like ECoC needs. For the annual control of the administration an external Finance and Audit Control Committee is to be formed to ensure



VII - Additional information


1. What, in your opinion, are the strong points of the city’s application and the parameters of its success as European Capital of Culture and what, on the other hand, are its weak points?

plan have separate funding that has guarantees as well.

• Sønderborg with SønderjyllandSchleswig is characterised by a strong, entrepreneurial community. People in general in our region are not afraid of ambition, thinking big and being innovative.


• Tourism infrastructure is developed.

• The people of Sønderborg feel this title is their chance. There is a sense of urgency

There are 22,000 beds for visitors. After

that something has to happen in order

Copenhagen, Sønderborg is the second

to maintain quality of life with quality

regional tourist destination in Denmark

jobs, culture for all and to break down

in terms of numbers of visitors

borders. The idea is a slow but consistent

• There is strong political and broad

change on all levels at the same time.

cultural support for SØNDERBORG2017,

Sønderborg is a small city which makes

both locally, regionally, cross border and

a strong connection between the urban


and rural landscape with the metropolis

• Sønderborg has a unique geographical

concept. Small cities fill the crucial open

location. There is the joy of being able to

space between the metropolis and the

retreat to a rural setting with forests and

landscape, between Europe and its

sea, and at the same time the energy that

citizens. They give Europe a soul.

the city of Sønderborg offers as an urban hub

• The financial situation of the regions and municipalities involved is stable.

• From 2013 onwards there is a cross-

These bodies have prudent and robust

border cultural agreement with the

financing habits. Funding for the

Kulturregion Southern Jutland-

European Capital of Culture project

Schleswig, where the entire region will

is therefore guaranteed. Other major

be branded as Europe Kulturregion.

strategic projects like the reconstruction

• Sønderborg, with more than 120 different

of the harbour front by the Gehry

nationalities, has a diverse population



• Sønderborg – as common in Denmark

• In the first nine months of 2009 registered

- is characterised by a civil society with

unemployment in the municipality

a strong voluntary sector, where many

climbed by more than 300 %, and the

dedicated volunteers help to make large

iron and metal industry has over the

events possible by doing a coherent

same time laid off more than 1,600

set of small activities. Citizens already


have some first-hand experience in


• The economic crisis has placed

being interactive co-creators of culture

unexpected pressures on key employers

in Sønderborg and Sønderjylland-

in the region. For example the Danfoss


Group saw its pre-tax profit fall into a deep loss in 2009. The company


had no alternative but to close certain

• Sønderborg’s is a small provincial town

production facilities, with redundancies

and to be European Capital of Culture

as a consequence. It is not expected that

2017 is an enormous task. We are well

any of the jobs lost in the enterprise

aware not to underestimate the scale, the

will return to Denmark even after the

weight of the budget on the city’s general

crisis. The military school, another key

financing structure and the impact the

employer, may be closed in the next ten

title could have if granted to our city.

years after the Danish parliament has threatened to do so several times in the

• Outside world prejudices that

past two decades

Sønderborg and Sønderjylland-Schleswig is a Danish/German fringe area where

• Southern Jutland-Schleswig covers a

progress is blocked. In Denmark the

large geographical area where politicians

perception of Sønderborg is that it is

have long ago decided to work together

an outskirt area in the periphery of the

across the border, but where the people

country, not on the main road, close

still do not see themselves as part of the

to the border and after that there is

overall border region, Sønderjylland-

nothing. Although highly ranked as a

Schleswig. Since cross-border

tourist destination with many beds in the

cooperation did not take off in the last

region, the city does not have big tourist

20 years on a large scale, there is a clear

or cultural attractions.

risk that it also might not really work in the next ten years. Although for many

• In Sønderborg the increase in unemployment has been greater than

years there has been collaboration across

the Danish average over the period from

the border, there is a Danish/German-

mid-2008 to mid-2009. During this period

language barrier that is inhibiting cross-

the numbers of unemployed workers in

border cooperation.

Sønderborg increased by around 250 %.



VII - Additional information

of the growth of metropolises.The

• There is certain distrust towards


what is new and different in the more

members of our harbour cities network

conservative small-town context with a

and in the network of border regions are

strong entrepreneurial spirit. Creative

enthusiasts and ask us to plan concrete

motors have not always been stimulated

workshops to discuss possibilities. We

in our city in the recent past which has

need to explain that this is preliminary at

also led to some social and cultural

this stage. There are special opportunities

operators leaving the city.

with the network of minorities called European Centre for Minority Issues

• Along the lines of the European trend,

(ECMI) whose headquarters are housed

nationalism is growing in our regions.

in our region.

Related issues are the interconnection of national identity politics and

• The region is known for its creative

immigration policy, more concepts and

thinking but it is unique to this

anthropological concepts of shared

region that it is also combined with a

traditions, lifestyles and values receiving

practical and hands-on mentality. Since


innovation is not only the idea but also taking the first steps this is a promising combination.


• A unique point for South Jutland-

• Sønderjyland-Schleswig has in the last

Schleswig is that the region has a

few years been branded a recognised

common cultural history on both sides of

maritime experience region and it was

the border and unfortunately a common

recently decided to brand this whole

war where one fought against the other.

territory as a European cultural region

Although now the majority and minority

• There is potential for making the word

live in peaceful coexistence on both

‘provincial’ cool by focusing on green

sides of the border in parallel societies,

tourism, on nature and on environmental

the negative sentiment connected to

protection, on Sønderborg as a pioneer

the common history is strongly felt.

of sustainable energy and by 2029 as

However, people also feel the potential to

the first CO2-neutral municipality in

let go of old resentments.

Denmark, on its slow lifestyle with a ‘slow technology’ area that focuses on

• Because we know that it takes solidarity

the human scale

to make a dream come true we seek to connect with networks of cities,

• With increased growth in creative

organisations and communities in

industries, the number of creators

Europe in a similar situation. First

and cultural consumers is rising

attempts show that there is commitment

in Sønderborg and Sønderjylland-

in other small cities in Europe to work

Schleswig. There will be a particular

jointly on the topic of the consequences

focus on creating inclusive arts and



institutions are closed and are assembled

culture, where special attention is paid

somewhere else in the region/country

to happiness, health and community. An ideal place to live a fuller and richer life,

• In Europe, there is unfortunately a trend

where each person can be the manager

that points towards an increased focus

and owner of her/his own time.

on erecting national and psychological borders in Europe. The increased Danish

• SØNDERBORG2017 aims at a long-term 01

impact and legacy. The budget has been

border could mean that fewer visitors,

set in a time of crisis and therefore it

especially German visitors, choose

has potential to grow if the economic

Sønderborg - Sønderjylland-Schleswig as

situation improves.

a destination.

• There is a bridge planned to be built Threats

by 2020 from the German mainland to

• The key question is whether Sønderborg

Zealand in the eastern part of Denmark.

as a small city in a border region can

This means less traffic passing through

generate the level of visibility in Europe

the Sønderborg region.

that is required of a European Cultural Capital but at the same time not lose its authenticity and originality so important for the city and its citizens. Many young people move from Sønderborg and Sønderjylland-Schleswig, while very few come back later in life. The young leavers will not be replaced by young newcomers. Hence the number of elderly citizens in the region is growing. Compared to the national average, far fewer people with a higher education live in this region than in others. This is a trend that we cannot reverse in five years.

• In everyday life it is hard to see that Sønderborg and Sønderjylland-Schleswig is international. There is a shortage of communication instruments, for example websites, tourist guides and restaurant menus in more than one language.

• There is a tendency for centralisation inside the country, where many



VII - Additional information

The efforts of the volunteering network and

2. Does the city intend to develop particular cultural projects in the coming years, irrespective of the outcome of its application for the title of European Capital of Culture? Please comment.

its international initiatives will have to be reduced but cannot be eliminated altogether because there are many people who have put so much energy into connecting, collaborating and co-creating. Also the cultural intelligence and creative capacity


Even if we wanted to do so, we couldn’t stop

will remain methodologies that create space

the movement that we have let roll. There is

for a cosmopolitan way of identity creation,

no handbrake. Too many extraordinary and

interdisciplinary thinking and innovation.

special people are involved, too many are proactive and feel the shared purpose – to

Our region has much to offer as a countryside

focus on the cultural development of the city

metropolis but with significantly less

and the region on both sides of the border, to

resources it will take much more time to put

build bridges in collaborative communities.

visions and ideas into concrete actions and visible results. Loss of momentum will be

Key political people have accepted the need

hard. Will some of the planned initiatives

and acted accordingly. Cultural, regional

still attract the individual artists, cultural

and urban development strategies are

operators and above all citizens? Who will

aligned in order to embark on a process

be the people that enjoy differences and will

towards 2020 – the Culture Compass is being

work on the overlap between other cities in

developed, cooperation with Schleswig-

similar situations? The question is whether

Holstein in Germany will grow and culture

there are still enough (young) people living

will remain one of the top three topics of our

here to make this all happen.

development policy. Some concrete initiatives are already agreed The participation of our citizens will suffer if

upon: the branding of the Danish-German

Sønderborg is not granted European Capital

region of Sønderjylland-Schleswig as a joint

of Culture, but we are prepared to lose and

European cultural region (Kulturregion)

take the consequences. The very fertile,

from 2013 onwards on the one hand – and an

prudent process of co-creation is a choice that

exchange programme with all three ECoC-

cannot be reversed. People mobilise people

candidates in Cyprus and Aarhus 2017 on the

– for example to join the ‘provincial is cool


movement’ and to participate in the ‘towards a countryside metropolis’ efforts – which are in our view the most promising movements to continue. We estimate that 10% –15% of the projects will happen anyway.



And we would like to thank our families for

3. Please add below any further comments which you deem necessary on the subject of this application.

their support and understanding. “Mom, it’s OK, you’re just trying to make this a better world,” said the teenage daughter of one of our staff members. Thank you all for your endurance.

Dear Jury, dear reader,


Every photo you see, every single word you

Yours sincerely

read and page you touch is an expression

The Team of Sønderborg2017

of the joy and struggle, the enthusiasm and many difficulties along the way, the conflict and contact, the commitment and brainpower of many, many, MANY extraordinary and special PEOPLE who have directly and indirectly worked relentlessly for the past 820 days to make happen what you now hold in your hands. In the heat of the moment it is often difficult to pause and acknowledge the effort and energy all these people have been putting into this bid. Throughout the journey we have felt their tireless energy as a warm hand of enthusiasm on our back. Every member of the team of SØNDERBORG2017 at this point gives a big thank you from the bottom of our hearts to all the children and young people, all the artists, all the cultural operators, all the members of the focus groups and all the idea jugglers, all the private sponsors and entrepreneurs, the politicians and civil servants, administrators and supporters who gave their spirit – we thank them all with deepest, heartfelt respect and gratitude. If SØNDERBORG2017 is not going to happen we will never lose what we shared.



Declaration of intent


IMPRINT Editor-in-chief: Else Christensen Redžepovic Head of editorial: Henriette Pilegaard Editorial staff: 2017 Secretariat, Sønderborg: Else Christensen Redžepovic / Gitte Bjørn-Lüthi / Henriette Pilegaard Have Kommunikation, Copenhagen: Rasmus Navntoft / Mikkel Elbech Other contributors: Municipality of Sønderborg: Centre for Culture: Helle Barsøe / John Frederiksen Municipality of Sønderborg: Niels Thede Schmidt-Hansen / Mikkel Blønd Vestergaard / Michael Roager / Arne Stokbæk / Lasse Schanz / Alfred Holm-Petersen / Jørgen Eriksen / Kristian Pallesen Layout and illustrations: Mike Tylak Cover Photo: Historiecenter Dybbøl Banke Proofreading: Henriette Pilegaard Printed by: Als Offset, Augustenborg Typeset in: Palatino / Helvetica Cover: 250 gsm MultiOffset Inside: 115 gsm MultiOffset

541- 456 Printed matter

Publisher: Sønderborg2017 E-mail: 2017@sonderborg.dk Website: www.sonderborg2017.eu This book is a part of Sønderborg for Sønderjylland-Schleswig’s application for the nomination of European Capital of Culture 2017. The application is filed September 30th to the Danish Ministry of Culture for the preselection round. The European Commission is requesting the questions in this book to be answered. The guide is to be found at http://ec.europa.eu/culture/our-programmes-and-actions/doc413_en.htm © Sønderborg2017 English 1st edition – 1st printing October 2011 Alsion 2 Sønderborg2017 Sekretariatet 6400 Sønderborg DK

CONTACT: Else Christensen Redžepovic Director 2017 Secretariat Alsion 2 DK 6400 Sønderborg Phone: +45 2790 6836 E-mail: ecre@sonderborg.dk





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