2020v48 preview

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Beating injuries with:

MORISON LLOYD LANGLANDS CLAW Pain and fear have helped in our survival and evolution. Pain is to help our brains remember and recognise potentially damaging actions to our bodies. It’s like a security alarm in our brains, helping us respond to an injury. This also establishes a very strong connection between the action and the resulting pain, basically telling us not to do that again because last time it hurt. Fear is similar in the way that it creates strong emotional connections between potentially self harming actions. Fear is the imaginative process of mentally weighing up a dangerous outcome, without actually partaking in the action. These safety measures enable all creatures, not just us humans, to survive and to steer clear of threats and actions that result in injury by instinctively alarming us to what could potentially harm us. Just like pain and fear is warning us to steer clear of danger, pleasure is the feeling of something potentially rewarding to ones self. It also acts as a kind of association alarm, alerting and driving us to pursue that great feeling again that generally enhances our lives. Lust is a good example of this, not only do we seek the rewarding pleasure but it helps in the reproduction of our genes. As pleasure seeking creatures we seek new sensations and repeat old ones. We live lives that are so complicated with ups and downs. There is nothing better then feeling joy, happiness, feeling content and maybe even accomplishment. Fear or pain sometimes can take a backseat to pleasure seeking activities. We climb mountains, we jump off bridges, we ride BMX bikes and go against our natural instincts to enrich our lives with passion and direction. This is the driving force behind our potentially threatening activity. It is our choice to push the boundaries and explore new

terrain. This is exactly what BMX is, a thriving adventure all riders embark on whether they know it or not. Every trick anyone has ever done, has one thing in common, it has a pioneering debut, it has a first time, it is created and manifested into reality, then it is duplicated and over time the trick may change or vary and become refined. BMX evolves just like us. Our fears can become refined and accustom to our actions. We have become aware of the dangers and threats whilst riding, we wear safety gear and helmets, we practice tricks into foam pits or we practise on smaller less dangerous set ups . We try to rationalise the fear and the potential injuries that may happen. Sadly for most of us this is still not enough. Most of us, if not all, have or will receive some sort of life long damage from riding a BMX. To put that in perspective, almost everybody in the world will suffer from injury or permanent damage from any daily activities they partake in. The difference is BMX riders choose this and with it, comes the almost inevitable future, a creaky future. I for one know that I will be satisfied with my younger years as I grow older. BMX is a place to push, not only your body, but your mind to the limits for very little materialistic gain… With the exception of a few, you ride for a personal gain, a personal fulfilment. That’s how much pleasure and happiness mean to us. We knowingly go against the safety and wellbeing urges to embrace the good ones and at the expense of our bodies. After all these are our own bodies and I’d rather be satisfied with what I have done with mine, than what I could or should have done but never did. My creaky future awaits, or should I say my creaky future has arrived.

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Simple Jeck Interview by Stephen Joseph Photos by Stephen Joseph and Kyle Jacobson

Jack Birtles, or simple Jeck as he is known by some, is often associated with his artistic talent behind the lens of a video camera or his apparent love for dropping into stupidly steep things on his bike. Although there have been a handful of online interviews done with Jack I don't believe any of them have actually told you anything about him other than what sort of camera equipment he owns. Jack has an incredibly cruisy outlook on life and is probably one of the most down to earth people I have ever had the pleasure to meet. But on the other hand he also has very strong opinions and can be quite critical when it comes to how he believes certain things should be done. It could be as simple as a tiny continuity mistake in one of his edits that no one had ever even noticed but it would be enough to drive him insane. I caught up with Jack to discuss some things other than his current camera set up...


Follow the lines Tour



We had wanted to do another shop trip for a while now and figured heading north of Brisbane was something we hadn’t done much of so we grabbed Tom Stretton, Mick Bayzand, Clint Millar, Chris Courtenay, Zac Miner and Jack Kelly along with Canadian Brandon Van Dulken and American Jourdan Barba and headed north for some fresh spots and to hang with the locals. But why stop there? So we headed south to Sydney, met up with Marnold and proceeded to hit up the mecca that Sydney is, then onto Canberra just because you can’t pass up a chance to ride some of the best parks and spots in the country. The trip was long but every day was a new adventure so it kept things flowing and motivation levels at a high. Let’s do this again soon!

Cam’s Yard

C A M 'S YA R D An interview with Cam White about his yard and what’s been going down in it. Photo’s and story by good friend Cam Pianta ’ve known Cam for what feels like a lifetime. He’s helped more riders than one can count. He’s had his own fair share of injuries but despite that, he has stayed true to his roots and held the biggest dirt contest in Australia or the world even when he can’t ride in it. I know what Cam is capable of on a bike and I have seen him blast out tricks in a session that makes you want to go take a seat and quit BMX. Cam has wanted to film a clip in his yard for a number of years and finally the time was right. Everything fell right into place for three days of epic riding with two of the best dirt riders on this side of the hemisphere. Cam usually rides and builds in his yard by himself, so as soon as anyone is down to ride with him you know that it will be going down cameras or not. Jed and Jaie left it all on the table on those three days. Straight from the Nitro shows to the biggest jumps in the world and they showed why they have earned a spot on the worldwide stage of BMX. What went down that day was special. The vibe was good, the weather amazing, and just all round great times. This is what BMX is supposed to be! Allan Hardy flew in to capture the action and make sure the world knew what was happening on this bit of land in country NSW.


Jaie Toohey



Jack Kelly Miatakes INTERVIEW


Young at Heart


Young at Heart



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