21st Century Leaders Fall Publication

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Table of Contents


Meet the Staff


Student Testimonial: Grace Powers


Student Testimonial: Taj Spence


Student Testimonial: Nevin McRay


21st Century Leaders Presents Student of the Month!


Alumni Syedah Asghar Shares Her Story


Fall Rally Day Recap: #MissionPossible


Fall Rally Day Recap:


An Experience to Cherish Upcoming Events


This Newsletter signifies a new era for the 21st Century Leaders Organization. An era with a new level of student involvement and integration of social media. This Year’s staff consists of writers in the Youth Leadership Council. We strive to bring awareness to 21st Century Leaders through community service and outreach, while enhancing our leadership and interpersonal skills. Our goal is to establish a large foundation that cultivates future generations of leaders who can further expand our accomplishments. The newsletter is just one medium that we plan to use to achieve our goals for this year. We hope you find it as entertaining and informative as we do.


OCTOBER 31, 2013

Meet the Staff

Imogen Evans

JenĂŠshia Hughes

Aarji Abbas

Student Stories Editor


Design Editor

Alex Winter

Ammu Kumar

Dylan Terrell


Events Editor


Brianna Burger Shaina Goldfein

Writer Writer

Mykel Skinner



OCTOBER 31, 2013

Earth Care According to Grace Powers By Alex Winters Grace Powers was introduced to 21st Century Leaders when she attended

minish her carbon footprint. One of Grace’s favorite parts of

the Earth Care Program at Berry

the program was being able to interact

College. The Earth Care program is a

with a diverse group of students and


professionals. She met


people who wanted


and had the power to

development program

make an impact on the

in which participants

quality of the local

are exposed to various

environment. Grace is

challenges through

eager to become a

interactive workshops, tours,

EarthCare participants giving thumbs up to a great week at Berry College

more active member of the Youth Action Cen-

roundtable sessions with business

ter at her school, and she can’t wait to

leaders and team-building exercises.

apply all that she’s learned to enrich

Her experience enlightened her to-

her community. Grace has blossomed

wards the fragile state of the environ-

due to 21st Century Leaders; it has em-

ment and she learned what actions she powered to lead others, and given her can take to help protect it. Grace also the skills to be successful in her future gained insight on the corporate functions within Georgia Power. Attending the program inspired Grace to try to di-



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Meet the Staff

Spence Excels Independent with Leadership Talent By Mykel Skinner

As an organization, 21st Century Leaders strives to make a difference in the life of every student. Of the people that attend summer camps, many return to their schools with a need to lead others in the right direction. Imogen Evans

Jenéshia Hughes

Aarji Abbas

Student Stories Editor


Design Editor

Taj Spence is currently a senior at

Troup County Comprehensive High School in LaGrange, GA. She attended the Leadership Unplugged Camp this summer. This camp not only introduced the participants to the business side of Alex Winter

Ammu Kumar

Dylan Terrell


Events Editor


the media industry, but also stressed the importance of leadership skills when

Brianna dealing with plentyBurger of other situations. Shaina Goldfein

Writer Writer

Mykel Skinner


“Leadership Unplugged” inspired Spence apply her findings to her experiences for


OCTOBER 31, 2013

this upcomming school year. Spence is the currently the captain of the high school step team. Not

Spence felt that the Leadership Unplugged Camp helped her prepare to take on future leadership roles.

only does this position require skill but “The camp worked on a lot of team also the ability to lead and encourage

building and leadership training,

team members to form a successful

which demonstrated how a team

group. In order to maintain her au-

should act as one common working

thority, Spence states, “I have estab-

oiled machine; all collectively working

lished a relationship with the girls on

together to accomplish the set goal,”

my team that business and practice

said Spence. She applied copious

time are

amounts of information she learned to

serious; all work, no play.”

leading and managing her step team.


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Two-Year Member of 21st Century Leaders Develops

Meet the Staff Advanced Leadership Skills

By Imogen Evans

Nevin McRay, senior at Roswell High School, has used his remarkable leadership skills gained at programs created by 21st Century Leaders to lead his high school’s Operation Smile club through trials and tribulations. Imogen Evans Student Stories Editor

McRay has participated in both Leadership Jenéshia Hughes Aarji Abbas Editor-in-Chief

Design Editor

Unplugged at CNN and EarthCare at Berry College. “My first 21st Century Leaders’ event was EarthCare, and it most benefitted me through developing my

social skills. We were taught attributes that would help us in networking situations such as firm handshakes, direct eye contact, and articulate speech. Apart from that, mingling with complete strangers the entire week helped me understand how I best Alex Winter

Ammu Kumar

Dylan Terrell


Events Editor


connect with others,” said McRay.

His experience at Berry College was compared to his experience at

Brianna Burger Shaina Goldfein

Writer Writer

Leadership Unplugged as he mentioned the connections he made with the staff of CNN Student News. McRay also claimed to gain a “perspective on media and its

Mykel Skinner




OCTOBER 31, 2013

As an active member of his student body, McRay participates in various clubs, including Fellowship of Christian Athletes. He plays on their worship band, which allows him to exhibit his talent in specific areas. “In school I’ve been more open to making new friends and having the courage to walk up to others and formally introduce myself, and has helped me make even more friends,” said McRay. This motivated individual serves as the communications officer of the Roswell High School chapter of Operation Smile, a new club at his school. The skills he gained through 21st Century Leaders have evidently become useful throughout his role in the club. “We have a very small leadership team so it was hard to delegate tasks. From 21st Century Leaders, I learned that being a leader can just mean taking initiative, even if you aren’t technically in the highest position,” said McRay. McRay heads towards a bright future, which will convey his natural talent as a leader. Inspiring others to lead, he claims that he has learned to be an outlier and fight for what he wants, a skill sure to assist him in his journey.


O C T O BOECRT O 3B 1 E, R2 0 31 3 , 2013

Meet the Staff

Imogen Evans

JenĂŠshia Hughes

Aarji Abbas

Student Stories Editor


Design Editor

Alex Winter

Ammu Kumar

Dylan Terrell


Events Editor


Brianna Burger Shaina Goldfein

Writer Writer

Mykel Skinner



OCTOBER 31, 2013

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And the Award Goes to...Garland Jones!

Meet the Staff

By Imogen Evans

Garland Jones, senior at the King’s Academy in Woodstock, has worked diligently throughout his high school career to receive numerous leadership awards for his services in various non-profit organizations, and Jones has created a breakthrough production company dedicated to inspire youth around the world to make a difference in their communities. Jones participated in 21st Century Leaders’ Leadership Unplugged program over the summer of 2013, and now serves as a member of the 21st Century ImogenYouth Evans Advisory Board. He Jenéshia Hughes that these programs Aarjihave AbbasalLeaders’ acknowledges Student Stories Editor


Design Editor

lowed him to gain the beneficial leadership skills needed in order to excel in his future. Aside from his work with 21st Century Leaders, Jones has received awards for his acting ability as well as the Atlanta Falcon’s September 2013 Community Quarterback Award, Everyday Young Hero Award, Prudential Spirit of Community Certificate of Excellence, The Presidential Volunteer Service Award and theTerrell Jefferson Dylan Alex Winter

Writer Award for Public Service.

Ammu Kumar Events Editor


Perhaps an essential focus of Jones’ life is Phileo Productions, a produc-

Brianna Burger Writer tion company founded by Jones in 2011 to use different media platforms to educatShaina Goldfein Writer Mykel Skinner


ed and challenge youth how to promote positive behavior and build


OCTOBER 31, 2013

professional skills. Jones’ organization focuses on encouraging youth to excel academically and develop admirable citizenship. In March of 2012, Jones established a youth-led non-profit called Back-NPack to help alleviate childhood hunger; throughout his non-profit career, Jones has raised over 16,000 lbs of food. In order to accomplish such success, Garland is supported by his family and has discovered the best ways to efficiently manage time. “I have a great support system with my parents, family and friends. I have been blessed to meet great people along the way that have opened doors for me and provide me with opportunities that I could not even imagine” said Jones. He continued, “I set reasonable smaller goals to start both projects. The youth-led project started with me applying for a Youth Service America grant for $500 to have a food drive and purchase food for refugee children in Clarkston, Georgia. From that summer project other doors opened with donations from corporations and individuals to help with the cause. I never imagined that I would get national scholarships and recognition for doing the Back-N-Pack project.” Although Jones balances a busy schedule of academics, athletics, and careerbased occupations, he stays motivated towards becoming successful.

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“I wanted to just go into acting. I did a commercial when I was five years old.

Meet the Staff

As I pursued this career as a teen, I didn’t find roles that I was comfortable playing. Families are bombarded with so many negative media influences. I rarely saw roles that I wanted my younger family members to see me play in movies or on TV, so I decided to create, develop, direct and produce the roles and projects I wanted to portray,” said Garland. In order to maintain a balanced life, Jones plays on the Crown Athletics Varsity Basketball team, but holds a position on his school’s Honor Roll. His future goals include continuing his work with Phileo Productions and continuing to serve with Back-N-Pack; Jones wants toJenéshia see a decrease also Imogen Evans Hughes in childhood hunger Aarjiand Abbas Student Stories Editor


Design Editor

Alex Winter

Ammu Kumar

Dylan Terrell


Events Editor


wants to see an increase in family-friendly productions aired on national television networks.

Brianna Burger Shaina Goldfein

Writer Writer

Mykel Skinner



OCTOBER 31, 2013

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Meet the Staff 21st Century Leaders Alumni Spotlight

By Brianna Burger

Syedah Asghar is a very active alumnus of 21st Century Leaders. She was born in Pakistan, but raised in New York and Georgia and is currently the Special Programs Coordinator for Agnes Scott College at the Center for Student Engagement. She became involved within 21st Century Leaders as a high school student when she was the President at her school’s chapter. She served on the Youth Advisory Board and briefly had the Imogen Evans Jenéshia Hughes Aarji Abbas opportunity to intern for Cartoon Network’s Student Stories Editor Editor-in-Chief Design Editor Closet sponsored by Turner Broadcasting. Her involvement and passion for 21st Century Leaders turned into an internship her first-year in college, where she worked in the office and got a behind the scenes experience on how the organization functions. Since then she has been part of the summer camp staff and thoroughly loves getting to know our leaders. She is grateful for the experiences 21st Century Leaders has provided her with, and the young professional it has molded her into. Due to their leadership foundation, her first year in college, she won a prestigious Student Government Association Award given to a highly involved first-year at her college. Dylan Terrell Alex Winter Leaders has had a tremendous Ammu Kumarimpact on my life. As “21st Century an introverted high school student, it broke the normative leadership Photographer Writer Events Editor understanding of what is and what it looks like.” Asghar says. The program has helped her hone her skills and provided her with opportunities that continue to be a resource for her. She says,Brianna “StartingBurger from the 3 C’s, professional dinners atWriter the camps, bonding with my peers, the endless workshops, and practice with networking – I’ve taken Shaina Goldfein Writer away something from it all—

Mykel Skinner



OCTOBER 31, 2013

—along with the wonderful staff, the students are exceptionally phenomenal. Every year I am astonished at all the accomplishments the current students have made in such a short amount of time, “says Asghar. She thinks each participating student in 21st Century Leaders takes away their own message, something that they needed to hear and learn and that the organization does a great job of balancing professional development, purposeful recreation activities, and the opportunity to truly know and understand their peers. By the end of each camp, she believes there is a family-like bond and connection that the students have made, something you just can’t force. “I think the legacy 21st Century Leaders leaves behind is exactly what they state their goals as, “providing young people with the training, guidance and encouragement necessary to enter college and the workforce with a highly developed set of leadership skills.” There is no other way to put it,” says Asghar. She hopes the current participants of 21st Century Leaders take full advantage of the opportunities given to them. She says, “Break out of your comfort zone and truly try to immerse yourself with everything the organization provides. You never really know who you will meet and how they could potentially impact you if you never allow yourself the chance to. Be thoughtfully present and make a meaningful connection with someone. “

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Meet the Staff #MissionPossible

By Ammu Kumar

What defines a successful non-profit? Is it the amount of people they help? The amount of money they raise? How many people attend their fundraisers? At Fall Rally Day this year we learned that all of these factors contribute to a nonprofit’s success but there are also so much more. Fall Rally Day this year was all about making the impossible dream, possible. Students participated in rotations where they were able to listen to experienced volunteers and see presentations about the various non-profits that visited. Among these non-profits were Lekotek: A company that enables special needs kids to learn through games and toys, FEMA: An organization that helps people across America, Vox: An uncensored student –run newspaper, Clean Air Campaign: A movement that teaches us how clean air affects all parts of our lives, Kiwanis: An organization that has volunteer opportunities for people of all Imogen Evans Jenéshia Hughes Aarji Abbas ages, and many more. Student Stories Editor Editor-in-Chief Design Editor While going through the various rotations, we were able to see the myriad amount of problems that students in our world are helping fix. It motivates us to get out there and do something. Seeing all these different organizations also helped broaden our view when it comes to our future. Many of the different rotations showed us that there were possible career opportunities through their organizations in various professional fields. They even offered opportunities for us to get involved now, and join their cause. Fall Rally Day was also a great way for all of us 21st Century Leaders to reconnect with fellow camp members as well as expand our network. Jamie Cronier, a senior at Apalachee High School said, “Fall Rally Day was an amazing experience. I got to connect with tons of friends and make more as well. My favorDylan Terrell Alex was Winter Ammubecause Kumar I got to connect with ite part getting to meet nonprofits a nonprofit I hopeWriter to volunteer for.” We all loved being able to catch up with Photographer our friends and Events Editor meeting new ones. Fall Rally Day this year taught us that with a strong support network, a lot of passion, and a vision; we can bring our dreams and hopes for bettering our Brianna Burger Writer society and environment to fruition. We are the next generation of leaders. SeeShaina Goldfein Writer ing all these organizations enabled us to see just how far we can take a passion and turn Mykel it into aSkinner movement that can better our world. Writer


OCTOBER 31, 2013

An Experience to Cherish By Shaina Goldfien On October 2013, 21stnon-profit? Century Leaders gathered Possible! What defines19, a successful Is it the amountfor ofMission people they help? The sparks ignited with regrouping with old friends and meeting new ones. The The amount of money they raise? How many people attend their fundraisers? At members played a round of 21st Century Leader bingo to break the ice and interFall Rally Day this year we learned that all of these factors contribute to a nonmingle.success Once settled, theare members to a panel of young leaders who profit’s but there also solistened much more. started their own non-profit organization. Each student shared their own perRally Day year was all aboutabout making theand impossible possisonalFall experience andthis answered questions how why theydream, launched ble. participated in rotations where they able to listen to the experitheirStudents impactful corporation. Afterwards, based onwere the non-profits that stuenced volunteers and see presentations about the various non-profits that visitdents chose, they went to their designated rooms to learn about amazing groups ed. Among these day non-profits were company that enables who work every to improve theLekotek: society. AThe students engaged inspecial conversaneeds kids to learn through games and toys, FEMA: An organization that helps tions and learned about each organization in order to figure out how to get more people across America, Vox: An uncensored student –run newspaper, Clean involved. All in all, 21st Century Leaders had a fantastic day full of fun and Air Campaign: knowledge.A movement that teaches us how clean air affects all parts of our lives, Kiwanis: An organization that has volunteer opportunities for people of all ages, and many more. While going through the various rotations, we were able to see the myriad amount of problems that students in our world are helping fix. It motivates us to get out there and do something. Seeing all these different organizations also helped broaden our view when it comes to our future. Many of the different rotations showed us that there were possible career opportunities through their organizations in various professional fields. They even offered opportunities for us to get involved now, and join their cause. Fall Rally Day was also a great way for all of us 21st Century Leaders to reconnect with fellow camp members as well as expand our network. Jamie Cronier, a senior at Apalachee High School said, “Fall Rally Day was an amazing experience. I got to connect with tons of friends and make more as well. My favorite part was getting to meet nonprofits because I got to connect with a nonprofit I hope to volunteer for.” We all loved being able to catch up with our friends and meeting new ones. Fall Rally Day this year taught us that with a strong support network, a lot of passion, and a vision; we can bring our dreams and hopes for bettering our society and environment to fruition. We are the next generation of leaders. Seeing all these organizations enabled us to see just how far we can take a passion and turn it into a movement that can better our world.

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