Design Roadmapping for Quby

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THE CONNECTED HOME AS A SERVICE A09 - Sen Lin, Emma van de Ven, Jelmer Kok

Strategic Roadmap


Table of contents Introduction 4 Vision concept 6 Vision: 2022 8 Three horizons 12 Quby Energy 13 Quby Safety 14 Quby Health 14

Strategic roadmap 16 Company roadmap 18 Overview 20 Implementation timeline 22 Conclusions 23 Appendix 25 Sources (1): General 26 Sources (2): On Quby and competitors 28 A1: Porters five forces 32 A2: Business model canvas 33 A3: Quby’s history and timeline 34 A4: Market trend analysis 36 A5: Product architecture & Technology analysis 38 A6: Strategic roadmap 42 A7: Company roadmap 43


Introduction “Our solution always starts as a smart thermostat, giving insights in energy consumption. Our ambition is to guide customers into a smart home, adding services going further.” (Quby, 2016) With that quote in mind, this report describes our 2022 vision for Quby, linking to the origins of the company, the current day climate of the smart home market and the future possibilities for smart products, both for society and Quby. To fully utilise the possibilities of this report, the definition of a smart home needs to be defined first.

The smart home - our definition A smart home is based on a system of interlinked smart products, all cooperating to create added value for the customer. The ‘smart home’ is managed by a central hub that regulates interaction between de smart products amongst each other and between the user and the smart system. This hub uses artificial intelligence to predict the wishes and behaviour of its user and to make decisions ahead of time, to an extent of human-like intelligence. This self-thinking system is still quite futuristic and almost all users do not want to open their houses to the idea of an independently 4

operating artificial intelligence system (Barclays, 2016). The biggest hurdle for the smart technology market is not the technology itself but consumer adoption of these products. This is essential for time pacing and will be discussed further in this report. Right now, the smart home market is very tumultuous, since many companies involved are very agile start-ups, aiming to be the biggest. In Appendix A1 [Porter’s 5 forces] this is explained in a diagram. Especially the battle for the central position is rough, since the being the maker of the prevailing design of the hub comes with great growth opportunities.

Quby’s role in this market Quby started as a smart home company and it can return to this vision that its founders had some time ago. Quby’s role in the battle for the smart home is to become the central hub that connects all these devices working together. With Quby’s expertise on interfaces, management of data and connectivity solutions, this role is a perfect fit for the company. But this position is not just up for grabs. Quby needs a very tight marketing plan, various partners and a rock solid value proposition to become the market leader as a hub.



There are many different companies active in the smart home market. They have been divided into four categories: Hub, Energy, Safety and Health. It becomes very clear that Quby’s position, on the border of Hub and Energy, is very fragile. However this does not mean that Quby’s market position is endangered. The future role of Quby is to be the hub, not to make products. This means that Quby needs to add products, using the open API. This means that all these competitors can be rearranged onto two axes: »» Products versus Services »» Competitive versus Cooperative




Safety Cooperative


The report kicks off by stating our 2022 vision for Quby, possibilities and goals for Quby’s role in future services, the corresponding time pacing strategy and horizons. Subsequently the roadmap towards 2022 is shown and explained. It concludes with a conclusion and recommendations.



The new lay-out sheds a whole new light on the competitiveness of this market. All companies in the Product/Cooperative quarter are possible partners of Quby, about half of the companies earlier seen as competition. A first step towards a stronger market position is to befriend these companies and make the products compatible. But to truly gain the position of being the smart hub, there are a lot more steps to be taken. This report will describe these steps and how to deal with them.




Vision concept



Vision: 2022 Quby will be the spider in the web of connected devices in health management through smart appliances. Our vision for Quby in 2022 is for the company to be the biggest agent in health management through smart appliances. Quby will be the spider in the web of connected devices collaborating to measure, monitor, manage and predict the user’s health. The smart assisted living system can replace nursing home care by sensing changes in behaviour and even preventing declining health by alerting the right people ahead of time. The end goal of the assisted living service is making elderly people more selfreliant and thus giving them the opportunity to live independently for a longer period of time. There are many reasons behind this approach, as we will explain to shortly. However one very relevant trend needs to be mentioned first: population ageing. Population ageing Population ageing has been and will be a big issue for European countries (European Commission, 2014). The elderly live longer and the birth rate is under the replacement level. This brings along various different problems, not the least of these is the financial burden on the younger generation to provide money for pension pots and healthcare for the elderly.


In 2000, over half of the total healthcare costs was spent on seniors of 65 and older (Alemayehu & Warner, 2004). This number will only increase, since the costs of nursing homes skyrocket compared to the costs of in-home caregiving. Genworth (Genworth Financial Inc., 2013) showed that the costs of these nursing homes will increase with 4,22 - 4,45%, while outpatient care increases with 0,84 - 1,00% over 5 years. Elderly According to Djernes (Djernes, 2006) depression is 6,5 times more common among elderly living in nursing homes than with elderly still living at home. He states that loss of social contacts is a main predictor of depression among elderly and the only factor in his list of 6 predictors which is not a genetic factor or a disease. To add to that, the 2011 survey of AARP shows that nearly 90% of people over 65 want to stay in their own homes. Being able to stay at home longer can not only greatly improve the life quality of elderly people, it can also provide them with better healthcare according to Fahey (Fahey, 2003). In his study he shows that the care received by elderly living independently is significantly more adequate than the care given in nursing homes, even though they should be better monitored. So when 21% of the population in the Netherlands is over 65 in 2023 (a 3% increase over a 6 year span, (CBS, 2015)), new solutions need to be found for the decreasing funds to support this group, the decreasing quality of life when they are put into nursing homes and the decreasing healthcare they receive there.

Using the technology available through the internet of things and complementary data analytics it is possible to monitor both people’s physical and mental health (Dawadi, 2013 and Sprint, 2016). Even better, it is already possible to predict health changes based on sleep patterns measured by smart home sensors (Williams, 2016). Over time, these sensors will evolve parallel to the further development of the algorithms using the data from these sensors. Monitoring the health of elderly people living in their own home can further reduce the costs of outpatient care (either by a professional or a family career), expand their time living in their own homes and improve their quality of life. The European smart home healthcare market is growing, mainly due to improved healthcare infrastructure, increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, and growing demand for remote monitoring services.

Quby’s role While these issues seem the to be someone else’s responsibility, Quby can actually make a huge difference in this scenario to improve health care (Future Health Index, 2016). According to these very recent paper publications there are many smart sensors that can be interesting to this field, but without a hub that regulates all the data, these algorithms cannot function. The product structure diagrams are examples of connected devices functioning as sensors in Quby’s services that could be used to implement these trends.Apart from these opportunities to help

Why Quby?

Benefits fuel acceptace

Gain the position of central hub

(Governmental) funding

Experiment the smart home

Pioneer the smart home

Why elderly?

Ageing population

Increasing costs, but less budget

Costs less and health benefits 9

mankind, Quby also needs to be a bit selfish in plotting their future. When looking into the competitive atmosphere Quby operates in, it becomes clear that the smart devices market is experiencing a gold rush (P&S Market Trends, 2016). Right now, the fight for the prevailing design of the all-connecting hub is being fought: all companies involved are trying to be the biggest player, just by being in the house already. If Quby wants to compete, they need to add to their portfolio, and quick because the last hurdle for all these companies alike is the earlier mentioned acceptance of the customer (Barclays 2016). When looking into Quby’s history (see Appendix A3, [History of Quby, Nest and ecobee]) it becomes clear that Quby is lagging compared to the two big players in both the field of smart thermostats and central hub functions. Quby can provide not just smart gadgets that make life easier, but also add truly relevant services that can improve the life quality of millions of people: that will be their way into the smart home. Acceptance is closely linked to perceived benefit so focussing on improving the quality of life will strongly boost acceptance and adoption of the service offered by Quby. By being accepted into a home, Quby can be the central element of the smart home and grow to be the prevailing design for the connecting hub.


Energy Storage & Use

Emergency Alarm

Assisted Living

Car Charger

Car Charger


Camera Monitor

Tesla Power Wall

Door Bell Tesla Power Wall

Motion Sensor

Solar Panel

Smoke Detector

TOON Thermostat

Door Lock

Solar Panel Smoke Detector

TOON Thermostat

Mobile Control

Security Guard

Tesla Power Wall

Motion Sensor

Solar Panel

Smoke Detector



Door Bell

Door Lock

TOON Thermostat

Mobile Control

Mobile Control Wearable

Smart Plug

Philips Hue Bulbs

Smart Plug

Philips Hue Bulbs

Smart Plug

Philips Hue Bulbs

1st Horizon

2nd Horizon

3nd Horizon

Energy Focus

Connected Devices

Connected Service (Assisted Living)

Developing thermostat as hit product while trying to connect other devices

Focusing on energy storage and security system as a basic attempt to step into the smart home

Connected device series offering different services and taking assisted living as a prologue for smart home scenarios

Remote Health Control Telehealth Communication


Three horizons

1st Horizon

2nd Horizon

3nd Horizon

4th Horizon

Energy Focus

Connected Devices

Connected Service (Assisted Living)

Smart Home

Developing thermostat as hit product while trying to connect other devices

Focusing on energy storage and security system as a basic attempt to step into the smart home

Connected device series offering different services and taking assisted living as a prologue for smart home scenarios

Home providing its owners comfort, security, energy efficiency, care and convenience at all times

Energy Monitor

Smart Life

Smart Home Hub

Strategic Fit






Three horizons

Tesla Power Wall Solar Panel

Energy. Safety. Health. The steps Quby has to take to become the leader in health care and assisted living through smart systems can be translated into three horizons for the company to work towards. Acceptance of smart products happens according to the following order: energy, safety, health. These steps are mapped out together with the product lay-out in the vision concept shown earlier. With every next horizon, the smart technology can be perceived as more invasive, putting pressure on the user’s privacy. This issue is the basis of the slow adoption of smart home technologies: people do not trust system that could potentially harm their privacy. The time pacing of the horizons is based on the adoption of smart home technology, the time it takes to acquaint new partners, the evolution of the health technologies needed and the implementation of the sensors into homes. Leading consumers gradually into the new smart world is paramount to become accepted by users and to achieve the mapped out goal.

Smoke Detector

TOON Thermostat Mobile Control

Smart Plug

Philips Hue Bulbs

Quby Energy The first horizon is an expanded version of what Quby is already doing: connecting smart devices to the thermostat, offering users insight knowledge of their energy consumption. These insights are useful when one wants to save money and/or the environment, but the practical application can be improved greatly by offering a management system for at-home generated power, i.e. solar panels, wind turbines and the storage of this energy. Including this into the options Quby offers keeps the partnering power suppliers relevant in a world where they are gradually become more and more obsolete. In the roadmap there is a step between the first and second horizon which is set to start soon: Quby and Eneco have already partnered up with Tesla, so the implementation of Quby Energy+ can commence quickly.


Energy Storage & Use

Car Charger

Assisted Living


Emergency Alarm Car Charger



Door Bell



Tesla Power Wall

Motion Sensor

Door Bell

Solar Panel

Door Lock

Tesla Power Wall

Motion Sensor

Solar Panel

Smoke Detector

TOON Thermostat

Security Guard

Smoke Detector

Door Lock

TOON Thermostat

Mobile Control

Mobile Control Wearable

Smart Plug

Philips Hue Bulbs

Quby Safety The second horizon is the shift from energy management to activity monitoring: safety guarded by connected devices analysing the home. Here it is important to implement many smart products with data sensors in the house while at the same time introducing customers to the benefits of monitoring and data collection. This horizon at also functions as a gateway for the third horizon and subsequently the final vision. Using Quby’s interface abilities to link all the possible products into a connected network is the second step towards the vision for the company. And last but not least, the second step towards market leadership offers great possibilities for the acquisition of more connected hardware products, securing Quby’s position on the market as described in chapter 1. 14

Smart Plug

Philips Hue Bulbs

Quby Health The third horizon for Quby is Quby Health: an integrated smart system monitoring the user’s health using behavioural data. The third horizon offers the best value for customers with regard to quality of life: the earlier mentioned personal problems coming with population ageing can be partially solved using this system while at the same time improving the quality of life in stead of controlling damage. This is a new direction for smart devices: prevention. This system leans on the further development of algorithms and sensors, so it is defined as the third horizon on this timeline.















Team A09


Eneco / Engie

Eneco / Engie


B2B Service Systems


Eneco / Engie

Insurance Companies Customer




Quby Energy

Quby Energy+ [ Energy Upgrade ]



Quby Energy+

Quby Energy+


[ Roll Out Quby Safe ]



Quby Safe


Quby Safe



Quby Health


[ Roll Out Quby Health ]

Focusing on energy storage and security system as a basic attempt to step into the smart home

Developing thermostat as hit product while trying to connect other devices



3rd Parties



3rd Parties

3rd Parties

Connected device series offering different services and taking assisted living as a prologue for smart home scenarios

[ Integrated Smart Home ]

Energy Storage & Use

Assisted Living

Car Charger


Monitor Door Bell

Solar Panel

Smoke Detector

Emergency Alarm Car Charger


Tesla Power Wall

Door Bell

Tesla Power Wall

Motion Sensor

TOON Thermostat



Solar Panel

Door Lock

Motion Sensor

Solar Panel

Mobile Control

Smart Plug

Smoke Detector

TOON Thermostat

Smoke Detector Mobile Control

Philips Hue Bulbs

TOON Thermostat

Philips Hue Bulbs


Smart Plug


Door Lock

Mobile Control

Smart Plug

1st Horizon

Security Guard

Tesla Power Wall

Philips Hue Bulbs

2nd Horizon

3nd Horizon

Energy Focus

Connected Devices

Connected Service (Assisted Living)

Developing thermostat as hit product while trying to connect other devices

Focusing on energy storage and security system as a basic attempt to step into the smart home

Connected device series offering different services and taking assisted living as a prologue for smart home scenarios

Strategic roadmap The strategic roadmap bridges the Vision Concept and the Roadmap, showing how the product service systems of the Vision Concept are linked to stages on the roadmap. In the product structures diagrams all the aspects of the service system are shown, including the linked hardware produced by third parties. These services grow over time and with them the lay-out of the system. The product structures illustrated here are not a limitation, they show the logical add-ons and the functions that are needed to fulfil the promises of the service they display. Over time more possibilities will arise from the internet of things, it must be noted that adding more third party products can add to the value of the service. The business models illustrate the large players involved in these services, together with Quby. One partner in particular stands out: insurance companies. Quby already partners with energy suppliers, giving them the chance to interact more with their customers and with a more positive message. This has resulted in a direct, significant decline in churn and a much more positive B2C relationship for the energy suppliers (Carpentier, 2016). Energy suppliers are not the only companies with rough customer relationships; insurance companies have the same problem: people only contact their insurance is something is wrong, which means the contact always has a negative connotation. Also like energy suppliers, insurance companies experience high churn rates and would like to change this.

Energy suppliers are not the only companies with rough customer relationships; insurance companies have the same problem: people only contact their insurance is something is wrong, which means the contact always has a negative connotation. Also like energy suppliers, insurance companies experience high churn rates and would like to change this. So why would Quby need insurance companies? The Quby Health needs a lot of funding for research, since the algorithms described by Dawadi (2013), Sprint (2016) and Williams (2016) are still in their infancy and need to be applied on the field and tested. Here do the insurance companies come in. The costs of population ageing are rising, also for insurance companies. The Quby Health is thus far the only product capable of health care costs reduction through prevention: by signalling abnormalities, contacting the right person and predicting health (both physically and mentally) in the long term. Of course the Quby Health needs to be built, which will take time. So in the mean time, Quby Safe will be implemented, not the least to already install the right sensors in the homes of Quby’s original target group. The services for the Quby Safe are much easier to implement since they are quite closely related to the systems used in Quby Energy. Insurance companies can actually also benefit from Quby Safe, since home insurance is another category they operate in. So while research is done for Quby Health, Quby Safe is launched, insurance companies collaborate with energy suppliers and they both handle marketing throughout Europe, giving their own customers discount rates and special offers. So when it comes to Quby: prevention is always better than cure.










Eneco / Engie


Team A09



Eneco / Engie


Eneco / Engie


B2B Service Systems


Insurance Companies Customer



Quby Everything

Quby 3rd Parties

3rd Parties

Quby Energy


Quby Energy+ [ Energy Upgrade ]




[ Roll Out Quby Safe ]

Third-party Connectivity


Self-energy Producing

Aging Population

Costs for Healthcare Keep Increasing

Knowledge Economy

Growing Competence

Quby Safe

[ Roll Out Quby Health ] Connected device series offering different services and taking assisted living as a prologue for smart home scenarios

Data & Privacy Protection

Access Over Ownership Green Energy




Data Sharing among Devices

3rd Parties

Quby Energy+ Quby Safe

Focusing on energy storage and security system as a basic attempt to step into the smart home

Servitization Sustainable Economy




Quby Energy+

Developing thermostat as hit product while trying to connect other devices

Internet of Things







Artificial Intelligence

Quby Health


[ Integrated Smart Home ]


Home Automation


Circular Economy


Leasing Rather than Buying Energy Storage & Use

Independent Living

Remote Health Monitoring

Telehealth Communication

Storytelling & selling

The Elderly Become Familiar With Technology Transformative Economy





Negotiation with Insurance Company


Trials in Nursery Homes University Hospitals for Coding Human Health Algorithms Achieve Government Funding for Quby Health




Philips Health






Sensor Fusion

Thermochemical Storage (TNO Project CREATE) Cloud Computing Lithium-air Battery for Energy Storage Open API

Motion Sensor Air quality sensors

Solar Roof

Bodily Function Sensor

Fingerprint Recognition Face Recognition Far-field Voice Recognition Li-Fi for Data Protection

Eye Vein Verification

Sensor Fusion

Healthpatch MD

Ingestible Sensor

Health Monitoring Algorithm Behavior Forecasting Algorithm

Company roadmap On the roadmap is where this all comes together. Here the following aspects of our strategic plan towards the vision are mapped on a timeline: »» the business model »» the relevant trends on the market »» the product structure »» the relevant partners »» the technology needed to succeed

As mentioned before the timing of launches is based on predicted adoption of smart technologies, but the pacing is also higher because of competitive product launches: Quby needs to stay in the race for the prevailing central hub design. This can only be done if Quby can keep up with its competition and prove to the world it’s an innovative brand.

All these aspects are interlinked; they build up on each other. Also this roadmap is created for Quby in the Dutch market, since this is where they are already settled in, but it can be applied of course throughout Europe and it can even be used as a tool in negotiations with energy suppliers in other countries. Roadmaps are not meant to be static, their only function is to become part of the innovation process of a company, checking and updating it regularly. Use this roadmap as a goal: the time pacing of product launches is a lot higher than Quby’s original tempo (see Appendix A3 [History of Quby, ecobee and Nest]).


Product structure In the large version of the roadmap the product structures are reduced to icons that stand for the services Quby can offer, showing how they build on each other but are not one service. Consumers should always have the chance to choose which service suits them best.

Tesla Power Wall Solar Panel

Smoke Detector

TOON Thermostat Mobile Control

Smart Plug

Business models The business models display visually Quby’s role in the new product systems and the interlinked partners. They were shown before in the strategic roadmap. These partners are also included on the roadmap, in the business models it becomes clear what their function will be. Excluded from these business models are the third party hardware producers, they are grouped under 3rd parties since they all function the same in the bigger picture of the services Quby offers.


Philips Hue Bulbs

Eneco / Engie

Quby 3rd Parties

1st horizon 20

Energy Storage & Use

Car Charger

Assisted Living


Emergency Alarm Car Charger



Door Bell



Tesla Power Wall

Motion Sensor

Door Bell

Solar Panel

Door Lock

Tesla Power Wall

Motion Sensor

Solar Panel

Smoke Detector

TOON Thermostat

Security Guard

Smoke Detector

Door Lock

TOON Thermostat

Mobile Control

Mobile Control Wearable

Smart Plug

Philips Hue Bulbs

Philips Hue Bulbs

Smart Plug

Eneco / Engie

Eneco / Engie


B2B Service Systems

Insurance Companies



Quby 3rd Parties


2nd horizon


3rd Parties

3rd horizon 21

Implementation timeline As a summary of this roadmap, the implementation timeline is added to filter out the important launch moments for Quby. It is also important to keep the final goal of the three new services in mind: to help mankind and to become the largest in the smart home hub market at the same time.





Quby partners with Engie and launches Boxx.

“Quby Safe” is rolled out after collaboration with insurance companies and sensor fusion.

Quby cooperates with nursery homes for application and university hospitals for technical support and releases new service “Quby Health”.

Quby launches “Energy+” as a promotion for energy monitoring, mainly focusing on energy self-producing and storage.



Quby starts to experiment the home automation and explores the aftificial intelligence.




Quby conduct technology scouting for remote health monitoring and telehealth communication.



Quby becomes the central hub in Europe which integrates different services.


Conclusion We believe that the future of Quby lies in gaining the position of being the central hub in the smart home environment. The market Quby operates in is tough, so having a clear strategy and an attainable goal is crucial to stay in the race, and even win the race, for the archetypical design of the smart home hub. We realise that our time pacing aims are high, however we believe that it does not pay to set low targets. A strong recommendation, as already mentioned in the introduction of the roadmap, is to keep it active: add new developments, update it, check it regularly and see it as a guideline. And, if it’s possible, Quby can also use it to convey its future goals and possibilities while negotiating with other energy companies or insurance companies. The combination of a viable product and the right friends to back you up can lead Quby to fulfil their intended ambitions: smart homes everywhere.


We’ve got more.


Appendix Table of contents: Sources (1): General 26 Sources (2): on Quby and competitors 28 A1: Porters five forces 32 A2: Business model canvas 33 A3: Quby’s history and timeline 34 A4: Market trend analysis 36 A5: Product architecture and Technology analysis 38


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Eneco (2015). Quby wordt 100% dochter Eneco. Checked September 26th 2016.

Eneco (2015). Eneco en Quby slaan handen ineen voor buitenlands Toon-succes. Checked September 26th 2016. Eneco (2015). Quby wordt 100% dochter Eneco. Checked September 26th 2016. Eneco (2015). ‘Wie betaalt Watt?’ wint eerste Toon Hackathon. wie-betaalt-watt-wint-de-eerste-toon-hackathon/. Checked September 26th 2016. Eneco (2014). Eind dit jaar gebruiken 100.000 huishoudens Toon. http://nieuws.eneco. nl/eind-dit-jaar-gebruiken-100000-huishoudens-toon/. Checked September 26th 2016. Quby (2013). Enexis Research. Checked September 23rd 2016. Quby (2013). Smart self-sufficient. Checked September 26th 2016. Quby (2015). Quby acquires Joulo Ltd. Checked September 27th 2016.


Eneco (2015). ‘Wie betaalt Watt?’ wint eerste Toon Hackathon. wie-betaalt-watt-wint-de-eerste-toon-hackathon/. Checked September 26th 2016. Eneco (2014). Eind dit jaar gebruiken 100.000 huishoudens Toon. http://nieuws.eneco. nl/eind-dit-jaar-gebruiken-100000-huishoudens-toon/. Checked September 26th 2016. Quby (2013). Enexis Research. Checked September 23rd 2016. Quby (2013). Smart self-sufficient. Checked September 26th 2016. Quby (2015). Quby acquires Joulo Ltd. Checked September 27th 2016. Quby (2015). Quby first Smart Thermostat to monitor solar production. en/quby-first-smart-thermostat-to-monitor-solar-production. Checked September 26th 2016. Quby (2015). Hunting Elephants. Checked September 26th 2016. Quby (2015). Eneco starts sales of smart thermostat Toon to customers without energy contract. Checked September 26th 2016.

Quby (2015). Eneco launches Toon Open API. Checked September 27th 2016. Quby (2015). Quby redesigns user interface. Checked September 26th 2016. Quby (2016). Quby announces collaboration with Engie Electrabel of Belgium. http:// Checked September 26th 2016. Quby (2016). New CEO to lead Quby forward. Checked September 26th 2016. Quby (2016). Toon customers rate device with 7.8 score. Checked September 26th 2016. Nest Nest (2016). Nest is home. Checked September 22nd 2016. Ecobee Ecobee (2008). Ecobee selected as Canada’s top 10 competition winner. https://www. Checked September 22nd 2016. Ecobee (2009). Ecobee, maker of new smart thermostat, expands sales capabilities. Checked September 22nd 2016. Ecobee (2009). Another industry first: ecobee remotely upgrades its smart thermostat software. Checked September 22nd 2016.

Ecobee (2010). Ecobee raises $6.73 million in funding from the Ontario Emerging Technologis Fund, JLA Ventures and Tech Capital. ecobee-raises-6-73-million-in-funding-from-the-ontario-emerging-technologiesfund-jla-ventures-and-tech-capital-2/. Checked September 22nd 2016. Ecobee (2010). Ecobee joins ClimateTalk alliance. ecobee-joins-climatetalk-alliance/. Checked September 22nd 2016. Ecobee (2010). Ecobee energy management system launched at AGHRAE. https://www. Checked September 22nd 2016. Ecobee (2010). GridPoint and ecobee partner to expand smart device choice and flexibility to utilities and consumers. Checked September 22nd 2016. Ecobee (2010). Ecobee announces their energy management system is now available across North America. Checked September 22nd 2016. Ecobee (2010). Ecobee smart thermostst and energy management system are winners of the ACHR News 2010 Dealer Design Awards. ecobee-smart-thermostat-and-energy-management-system-are-winners-of-theachr-news-2010-dealer-design-awards/. Checked September 22nd 2016. Ecobee (2010). Ecobee awarded the Deloitte Technology Green15 Awards for second year in a row. Checked September 22nd 2016.

Ecobee (2009). Leading HVACR distributor Johnstone Supply distributes ecobee smart thermostat at its 340 US stores. Checked September 22nd 2016.

Ecobee (2010). Ecobee partners with Incenergy to deliver user-friendly energy management solution: Incenergy iterfaces with ecobee’s smart thermostat. https:// Checked September 22nd 2016.

Ecobee (2009). Ecobee receives Deloitte TechnologuGreen15 award. https://www. Checked September 22nd 2016.

Ecobee (2010). Ecobee wins 2011 AHR Expo Innovation award. https://www.ecobee. com/2010/12/ecobee-wins-2011-ahr-expo-innovation-award/. Checked September 22nd 2016.

Ecobee (2009). iPhone and iPod touch smart thermostst application released by ecobee. Checked September 22nd 2016.

Ecobee (2011). Ecobee announces remote sensor module now available for smart thermostat and energy management system. ecobee-announces-remote-sensor-module-now-available-for-smart-thermostatand-energy-management-system/. Checked September 22nd 2016.


Ecobee (2011). Ecobee releases Android app for internet-enabled smart thermostat. Checked September 22nd 2016.

Saleem, M. (2014). “schedule” features now live in Home IQ. https://www.ecobee. com/2014/12/schedule-features-now-live-in-home-iq/. Checked September 22nd 2016.

Saleem, M. (2011). Ecobee is excited to announce the release of a new software update. Checked September 22nd 2016.

Saleem, M. (2015). System monitor functionality now complete in Home IQ. https:// Checked September 22nd 2016.

Saleem, M. (2011). We promides products your customers will love – and we delivered with the new ecobee Smart Si. Checked September 22nd 2016.

Saleem, M. (2015). Ecobee3 wins coveted PCMag editor’s choice award! https://www. Checked September 22nd 2016.

Saleem, M. (2011). Ecobee’s energy modelling team uncovers compelling results in energy savings. Checked September 22nd 2016. Saleem, M. (2012). Introducing the beta launch of ecobee Smart Plugs. https://www. Checked September 22nd 2016. Saleem, M. (2012). Announcing our new (and still free!) BlackBerry app, and updates to our iPhone and Android apps! Checked September 22nd 2016. Saleem, M. (2012). Introducing Home IQ – the smartest way to track your energy savings. Checked September 22nd 2016. Saleem, M. (2012). Get creative with ecobee GelaSkins https://www.ecobee. com/2012/10/get-creative-with-ecobee-gelaskins-2/. Checked September 22nd 2016. Saleem, M. (2012). We’re now compatible with Control4! https://www.ecobee. com/2013/09/were-now-compatible-with-control4/. Checked September 22nd 2016. Saleem, M. (2014). Introducing ecobee3: the smarter wi-fi thermostat with remote sensors. Checked September 22nd 2016. Saleem, M. (2014). Welcome to the brand new https://www.ecobee. com/2014/09/welcome-to-the-brand-new-ecobee-com/. Checked September 22nd 2016. Saleem, M. (2014). Introducing the all-new ecobee residential web portal and mobile app. Checked September 22nd 2016.


Saleem, M. (2015). Your ecobee smart thermostat now integrates with IFTTT for a more connected home. Checked September 22nd 2016. Saleem, M. (2015). Ecobee3 wins Tom’s Guide editor’s choice award. https://www. Checked September 22nd 2016. Saleem, M. (2015). Ecobee3 update 3.6: what’s new in the web portal? https://www. Checked September 22nd 2016. Saleem, M. (2015). Ecobee wins Gold with ACHR in the residential controls category. Checked September 22nd 2016. Saleem, M. (2015). Welcome Harmony to the ecobee hive. https://www.ecobee. com/2015/08/welcome-harmony-to-the-ecobee-hive/. Checked September 22nd 2016. Newton, A. (2015). Wink integrates with ecobee3. wink-integrates-with-ecobee3/. Checked Septmebr 22nd 2016. Newton, A. (2015). Guest post: ecobee on Windows Phone. https://www.ecobee. com/2015/08/guest-post-ecobee-on-windows-phone/. Checked September 22nd 2016. Saleem, M. (2015). Ecobee continues to innovate with update 3.6, new mobile apps, Apple Watch support. Checked September 22nd 2016. Saleem, M. (2015). System monitor functionality now complete in Home IQ. https:// Checked September 22nd 2016.

Saleem, M. (2015). Ecobee3 wins coveted PCMag editor’s choice award! https://www. Checked September 22nd 2016.

Ecobee (2016). Big Ass compatibility. Ecobee announces compatibility with Haiku fans by Big Ass solutions. Checked September 22nd 2016.

Saleem, M. (2015). Your ecobee smart thermostat now integrates with IFTTT for a more connected home. Checked September 22nd 2016.

Newton, A. (2015). Guest post: ecobee on Windows Phone. https://www.ecobee. com/2015/08/guest-post-ecobee-on-windows-phone/. Checked September 22nd 2016.

Saleem, M. (2015). Ecobee3 wins Tom’s Guide editor’s choice award. https://www. Checked September 22nd 2016.

Saleem, M. (2015). Ecobee continues to innovate with update 3.6, new mobile apps, Apple Watch support. Checked September 22nd 2016.

Saleem, M. (2015). Ecobee3 update 3.6: what’s new in the web portal? https://www. Checked September 22nd 2016. Saleem, M. (2015). Ecobee wins Gold with ACHR in the residential controls category. Checked September 22nd 2016. Saleem, M. (2015). Welcome Harmony to the ecobee hive. https://www.ecobee. com/2015/08/welcome-harmony-to-the-ecobee-hive/. Checked September 22nd 2016. Ecobee (2015). Ecobee announces world’s first HomeKit-enabled smart thermostat. Checked September 22nd 2016. Ecobee (2015). Ecobee launches location-based trigger support for Apple users. https:// Checked September 22nd 2016. Ecobee (2016). Ecobee announces integration with Amazon Echo. https://www.ecobee. com/press/ecobee-announces-integration-with-amazon-echo-22016/. Checked September 22nd 2016. Ecobee (2016). Ecobee and SunPower launch program helping homeowners to take control of electricity costs. Checked September 22nd 2016. Ecobee (2016). Smart thermostst company ecobee announces $35 million funding round drom Amazon Alexa Fund, Thomvest and Relay Ventures. https://www.ecobee. com/press/smart-thermostat-company-ecobee-announces-35-million-fundinground-from-amazon-alexa-fund-thomvest-and-relay-ventures/. Checked September 22nd 2016.


A1: Porters five forces Low: Linked product producers do not hold much bargaining power since they can easily be replaced.

Moderate: the controlling system of a smart home has an essential function. However substitutes could arise using different media for example

Threat of Substitutes

Low: modular systems with different suppliers.

Competitive Rivalry

The smart home is a very young field so the threat of substitutes is not yet well defined.

High now: consumers right now are collectively deciding on the prevailing design.


High for linked products: it is easy to create a product that can be linked into a smart home system.

Supplier Bargaining Power

Consumer Bargaining Power

Right now the rivalry is very high because there are almost only new entrants since the market is very young. The current competition is to become the prevailing design.

After the installation of a smart home system it is hard to switch to a competitor since the implementation is a big investment.

Threat of New Entry

Low for controlling systems: it is hard to become the main system in the house after the first generation

A2: Business model canvas Key partners Quby relies on many different suppliers since their product is the controlling system for home automation and not the physical products involved. - Providers of hardware - Energy suppliers like Eneco - Software engineering companies - Stakeholders Key Activities Developing and maintaining a program that can manage the smart home with all its appliances. Key resources UX experts, programmers, Eneco, Value proposition The smart home controlling system Quby offers gives the energy suppliers a chance to connect to their customer in a positive way. The system also provides opportunities for adding multiple functions in the smart home since it is highly modular. In a market where energy suppliers quickly lose power and revenue, they need a product that keeps them relevant to their customers. This home automation system does just that by rapidly expanding their business into comfortable living.

Customer relationship Quby collaborates with their customers, the energy suppliers, to create the perfect product for their customer segment. Quby offers a white brand product, so their customers can adjust it to their brand and identity. After creating this product the B2C sell goes through the clients. Channels Quby sells its products B2B by extensive negotiations with energy suppliers. Supply of the product B2C is done by Quby’s customers, including branding and advertisement. Quby finds its clients or they find Quby. Customer segments Quby’s customers are large energy suppliers in (Western-)Europe looking for a way to connect to their consumers. These companies want to remain relevant in a changing market and they have identified these changes themselves. They are innovative and want to invest in a more sustainable market position. Cost structure The product Quby delivers, for example the Toon, is created for an energy supplier like Eneco. They pay Quby for their product and implement this on the market. Quby invests in research, innovation and creation of the program running the smart home. Quby also buys their hardware from partners, so the product that is sold is a complete functioning set. Revenue streams Quby’s main sources of income are the different energy suppliers with whom they work. Their revenue depends on the number of products sold, so the marketing campaigns implemented by the energy companies contributes directly to Quby’s income. 33

34 Launch of Toon

Partnership with Eneco

Renamed to Quby

Launch European Home Automation


Software Update

ADEX award

Launch Android App

Launch Remote Sensor Module

AHR Expo Award

Launch Blackberry App Launch Smart

2012 Launch Smart Si


Partner Incenergy

Partner HVAC companies

Partner GridPoint

Management System (EMS)

2010 Launch Energy

Granted Emerging Technology Fund

Win Deloitte Technology Green 15 Award

Launch iPhone & iPad app

2009 Expansion to USA

Canada’s Top 10 Competition

2008 ecobee wins

2007 Start ecobee





ecobee launches its remote sensor module

Nest also launches its thermostat

Nest is born

ecobee launches energy management system and partners with enegy and HVAC companies

ecobee first to launch a thermostat with an app

ecobee is founded

Quby is founded as ‘European Home Automation’

Sold by Amazon

GelaSkins and an open API

New software & app Quby enters the market with Toon thermostat Partner Apple and Lowe’s ecobee launches Smart Plugs, Home IQ,

New company location

Launch Nest thermostat

Start Nest


A3: History and timeline


Toon receives 7.8 customer grade

Launch of Boxx

Toon for nonEneco customers Partner with Engie

Launch solarpanel monitoring and new interface

Toon hackathon

Complete merger with Eneco Quby buys Joulo


ceiling fans

2016 Partner Haiku

Partner Logitech Wink compatible

enabled thermostat Launch location based trigger Integration with Amazon Echo Partner SunPower

2015 Launch HomeKit-

Launch schedule option in Home IQ

Toon earns profit for Eneco

App updates

Start UK negotiations

Launch ecobee3

2014 New website

Consumer report: ecobee top 3

2013 Home IQ update

Launch Open API

Launch GelaSkins

Launch Home IQ

Launch Blackberry App Launch Smart Plugs

2012 Launch Smart Si

Launch Toon API

100.000 Toon thermostats in NL

Research: Toon saves 15% energy

Eneco owns 53% of shares Quby

Launch of Toon

Partnership with Eneco

Renamed to Quby

Software Update

ADEX award

Launch Android App

Expansion to continental Europe

Launch Nest Connections

Launch Nest Cam Launch 3rd gen. thermostat

Launch 2nd gen. Nest Protect

Home Depot & Target sell Nest Merger Nest & Google Launch in UK

Expansion to UK

Launch Smoke Alarm

Launch Rush Hour Rewards Nest thermostat saves 1 bln kWh

Hardware update

Sold by Amazon

Nest is launched in Europe.

ecobee partners with Haiku

Quby partners with Engie and launches Boxx

Nest launches 2nd gen Protect, 3rd gen themostat, Nest Connections and Nest Cam.

ecobee partners with everyone and launches a HomeKit thermostat and location trigger

Toon launches solar panel monitoring and is sold to non-Eneco customers

Nest lauches in the UK

ecobee launches 3rd gen and updates

Toon sold 100.000 thermostats, launched the open API and negotiates in the UK

Nest has saved 1 billion kWh, launches Smoke Alarm and expands to the UK

Toon has proven it reduces 15% energy use

Nest launches an app.

GelaSkins and an open API

New software & app Quby enters the market with Toon thermostat Partner Apple and Lowe’s ecobee launches Smart Plugs, Home IQ,

A4: Market trends analysis For Quby the five most important market trend categories have been identified. Within these categories the trends relevant to them have been mapped out over time. »» »» »» »» »»

Internet of things Servitization Sustainable Economy Ageing population Knowledge economy

These trends form the basis of Quby’s market approach; their time pacing is based on the expected acceptance of these trends by a relevant part of the general public. The trends are based on the following sources: ESPAS (2015), GRI (2016), P&S Market Research (2015), Mintel (2015), Hoffman and Novak (2015), Raconteur (2016) (II, II, III, IV and V), Li (2016), Icontrol Networks (2015), Gartner (2016), Anvari-Moghaddam (2015), Jian and Fei (2015).


Intelligent Devices

Energy Focus

Connected Service (Assisted Living)

Smart Home

Smart Life

Internet of Things Connectivity: Data Sharing among Devices Access Over Ownership Sustainable Economy Data and Privacy Protection Self-energy Producing Artificial Intelligence Servitization Aging Population Home Automation The Elderly Become Familiar With Technology Costs for Healthcare Keep Increasing










24V input Solar panels

Dinrail module

Electricity sensor

Toon ARM926 Linux box Processor SD memory LCD touch screen UI Temperature sensor API Gateway

P1 Z-Wave interface Opentherm interf.

Meter Adapter


Gas sensor

USB port Ethernet port VPN tunnel

Boiler adapter

Central heating boiler

API WSO2 API manager

Wi-Fi router



Product architecture

Data center Philips hue


Smart devices and applications

Fibaro smoke sensor

Fibaro plug

A5: Technology analysis This chapter describes the current product architecture, technological trends, the assesment of these trends and the technological roadmap. Product architecture The current product architecture is visualized in the figure on the left. Quby’s ‘Toon’ basically is the software installed on a tablet with internetaccess. It can communicate with external adapters and third party hardware with Z-wave and Wi-Fi. Up until now three 3rd party hardware modules can be connected: the Philips hue, the Fibaro Smoke Sensor and the Fibaro plug. All data from the Toon is stored encrypted and anonymised in an external data centre. Quby has an API gateway which uses WSO2 API manager for external developers. This API manager enables them to see what people and other companies are programming.


Technology trends

Intelligent Devices

Energy Focus

Assisted Living

Smart Home

Smart Life

Bluetooth 5 5G network

Sensor fusion Lithium-air battery


Li-Fi locally contained networks Ingestible sensor Bio-solar cells Healthpatch MD Air quality sensors Behaviour Forecasting Algorithms

Thermochemical storage (TNO project CREATE)

2016 40








Technology trends The technological trends found in the early stage of this project are visualized on the timeline. Because our vision for Quby in 2022 is that they deliver smart services like assisted living, the focus for technology scouting shifted. We went from technologies in the area of energy management to technologies in the area of health management and sensors. Thus, the developments of modules in the current product architecture became of less importance. We found very promising new arising technologies in the area of health monitoring with (ingestible) sensors, house safety and security and new technologies in the area of connectivity. They have been added on the strategic roadmap we created. The trends are based on the following sources: Appcessories (2016) (I and II), GRI (2016), Djernes (2006), Hoffman and Novak (2015), Li (2016), Newson6 (2016), Raconteur (2016) (II, II, III, IV and V), Sprint (2016), Williams (2016)




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