Living with the Scores:
In Memory of Gerald Shih and His Screen Music
週 二 至 週 日 1 0 : 0 0 - 1 8 : 0 0( 週 一 及 國 定 假 日 休 館 )
A Studio for Music and Moving Images
家說,每一段音樂都有畫面。本區塊邀請您親身感受,透過聲音與影像的排列組合, 探索音樂如何為畫面發聲。
There are always inspirations in our daily life and scenes embedded in every piece of music, with which Gerald SHIH worked day and night in his studio to enliven every frame of image. Explore how music and sound interact with a scene and create your own combination.
1《 夢 土 ─ ─ 部 落 之 心 》獲 金 曲 獎 「 最 佳 作曲人」之獎座,2007
Indigenous Hearts : A Musical Dreamland, the winner of Golden Melody Award for the Best Composition
史擷詠將原住民音樂化為引起廣泛共鳴的 管弦樂作品,本專輯獲第18屆金曲獎「最佳 作曲人獎」 ,入圍「最佳跨界專輯獎」 、 「最佳 專輯製作人獎」 。
2 史擷詠攝於阿爸的情人海報前,約1995
Gerald SHIH seated before the poster of The Daughter-in-Law
史擷詠以《阿爸的情人》入圍第32屆金馬獎 「最佳電影音樂」 。
Selected Masterpieces of Gerald Shih
、卡通動畫片 、亂世情愛經典《滾滾紅塵》 諸如大銀幕上的史詩鉅作《唐山過台灣》
、偶像劇 《愛的進行式》 、家庭親子劇集 《煙雨濛濛》 ,小螢幕裡的瓊瑤連續劇 《魔法阿媽》 ,讓 《夏雪──感天動地竇娥冤》 、 《大唐西域記》 、 《雷雨》 ,大型舞台上的 《波麗士大人》
,無數知名業主的漢堡、 《鐵血三國志》 、 電動玩家領略大型管弦樂震撼的《天下無雙》 汽車、化妝品、零食大賣的廣告裡……聽不盡的樂聲,都出自臺灣近代最多產的跨界 配樂家史擷詠之手。
We hear works of Gerald SHIH, perhaps the most prolific composer in modern Taiwan,
almost everywhere, such as The Heroic Pioneers, Red Dust, and Grandma and Her Ghosts
on the silver screen; Fire and Rain, Ai de jingxing shi and Police et vous on TV; Great Journey
to the West, Thunderstorm and Summer Snow on stage; Elysium Online and San Guo Online in video games; as well as jingles and music for advertising. And the list goes on.
三十年來,史擷詠不負所托地完成廣電影視、表演藝術、遊戲動畫及商業廣告等多元 領域的音樂創作,這些創作讓他多次入圍金馬、金鐘、金曲三獎,也多次獲獎,是既能
實現自我又受三金肯定且勇於提攜後進的音樂人。在踏尋史擷詠的生涯軌跡、領略 史擷詠的理念精神之後,且讓我們按下播放鍵,聆聽觀賞史擷詠的經典作品。看他如何
跨越古典與流行的藩離,在不同的舞台上自由揮灑,堆砌雋永旋律、鋪陳精準情緒、直 擊閱聽者的內心。
For three decades, Gerald SHIH devoted himself to music composition for various visual media, performing arts, animations and games, and commercials. He had been nominated for, and won, the Golden Horse, Golden Bell and Golden Melody awards many times,
earning him the sobriquet the‘Tri-Gold’composer. Following the biographical exhibition on his life and achievements, please press PLAY to experience how Gerald SHIH meticulously communicates subtle emotions to every audience member through marvellous music.
轉折,都需要精準計算。相較之下,商業廣告更是極度精準,短短一分鐘、半分鐘, 甚至二十秒之內,就要有多個轉折。尤其在面對導演的藝術專業之外,還需顧及 廣告客戶的主觀喜好,在時間、經費種種限制下,格外耗費體力及精神。
While composing is an art form meant to capture the attention of an audience, composing
for commercials is even more challenging. A brand message has to be delivered effectively within a very short span of time, and the music can help to drive the action on screen. Composing for commercials is a tough task all about to motivate consumers.
的畫面結合,把一件產品、一項服務的精神化作難忘的聲音回憶,讓消費者有感。 有些音樂或歌曲令人印象深刻,在社會大眾心目中已經等同於該產品,而有些 聲響樂音則巧妙融入動態影像,為產品整體加分。
展場中列舉了幾項速食、化妝品、零食,您還記得如何哼唱它們的廣告配樂嗎? Gerald SHIH composed music for more than 4,500 commercials. With strains of neatly devised sound schemes, he turns tonnes of products and services into catchy melodies which consumers would firmly fix in mind. While some pieces are so impressive that the tunes become great brand ambassadors, more music sounds are gracefully incorporated into moving images to promote brand recall.
Screen Music and Beyond
習得的複雜工程。只要有影像,史擷詠就能為其入樂;即便沒有影像,史擷詠都 能用樂聲勾勒出畫面。讓我們用心聽、用心看,觀賞史擷詠的創作如何與各種 大眾媒介載體巧妙結合。
Gerald SHIH worked in a very demanding profession which involves music composition and
A Gentle Call with Love
sound design. With musical creation, he can always make an image speak out for itself, or simply conjures up an image with various musical devices when there is no one. Now explore more of his musical works in various forms.
Gerald SHIH is remembered with affection by colleagues, friends, family members and students.
《金色年代──電影幻聲交響SHOW》 海報,2011
史 擷 詠 與 音 效 師 杜 篤 之、教 授 張 龍 雲 共 同 規劃製作,透過多媒體聲光展演技術呈現的 電影交響劇場。
史擷詠1978年畢業於國立藝專(今國立臺灣 藝術大學) ,主修理論作曲。
The poster of the premiere concert delivered by Taiwan Film Orchestra
Distinguished Alumni Award presented by National Taiwan Academy