Zihan Li Portfolio Game+Architecture

Page 24

PORTFOLIO 2017-2023 2017-2023 SELECTED WORKS SELECTED WORKS ZIHAN LI ZIHAN LI AND MORE AND MORE lizihan@upenn.edu Wechat: mecoolizhan 185-1374-0118
CONTENTS Fertility Machine Floating Otter 01 07 14 19 22 25 36 Layer City ARCH+ANIMATION CNCEPT DESIGN GAME DESIGN ANIMATION ENVIRONEMNT ART GAME+ARCH Cyberpunk Street Hxed Island Other Works More mix-media works: https://instagram.com/zizizizi_0_0?igshid=YmM yMTA2M2Y= More architecture works: https://issuu.com/24469208/docs/zihanli_ upenn_march_2024-_summer_architect_intern_ Flying Squirrel, Fungi, Douglas-fir 01 02 03 04 05 06 07



New living style under the Covid-19; 2020 JDC Competition

Summer 2020

Location|Tokyo, Japan

Critic|Dian Zhang

Group Work

Conceptual Design (50%)

Technical Drawing (30%)

Rendering Drawing (60%)

Covid-19 has had a huge impact on the way people live.Before the Covid-19, people used to spend more time on outdoors activities, such as shopping, dining and working. But due to the restriction under Covid-19, these activities have to be done indoors.It’s unlikely to keep all kinds of people in the same space and under same level of restriction, which is inefficient in constructing a innovative living space. Here we design a miniature city that can classify and arrange people under their social activity needs. This new design serves as a solution to hold more people under basic social restrictions, and satisfy more people’s needs under pandemic.


inspired by the 16 personality test from

The miniature city mainly targets at two kinds of people, one who wants to be well isolated during the pandemic and one who desires to explore new living styles. In other words, the miniature city provides a new living style, even without pandemic, which condenses many activities into a limited space.

Before entering the city, the residents will have a test inspired by Jung’s sixteen personality tests, which serves as a classification.There will be four

Matching People, Activities and Spaces

1. Are you outwardly or inwardly focused? (+4/ -4)

Extraversion / Introversion

3. How do you prefer to make a decision? (+2/ -2)

Aggressive / Conservative

Then they get a score, be divided.

2.What’s your attitude towards the Covid-19? (+3/ -3)

Optimistic / Negative

4.How do you prefer to live your life?(+1/ -1)

Causal / Organized

16 Kinds of people Don't touch me.

According to the sixteen kinds of people based on our test, we further characterize them under multiple daily activity, symbolic phenomena during the pandemic and their space modes. We make a list to illustrate this advanced classification.

Movement Vector Spatialization 16 Kinds of People during Covid-19 Movement During Covid-19 Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 People Person Lone Wolf Hermits Party Animal Layer 4 Personality-Activity-Space Correspondence Face to Face Distance Circle Half-Physical Barrier Physical Protection One-Way Straight-line Distancing Complete Isolation Physical Barrier Non-compulsory Distancing Space Typology Party without Protection Color Changing Floor Distancing Gym Open Classroom Curtain Partitions Office Canteen Live House Bubble Room Shuttle Tube Cross Way Spiral Way One-way Passage Green Land Enclosed Space EOAS EOAG IOAS EOCS ENAS INAG INCS EOCG INCG IOCG INAS IOCS ENAG IOAG ENCS ENCG EOAS EOAG EOCS ENAS INAG INCS INCG IOCG IOAS EOCG ENAG ENCS INAS IOCS IOAG ENCG
Screw you Covid-19! We are gonna Party all night!
towards social under the circumstances of Covid-19 Density of Social Space -10 -8 -6 -4 -4 -2 -2 0 0 +2 +4 +2 +4 +6 +8 +10 INCG EOCS INCS EOAG INAG EOAS INAS ENCG ENCS IOCG IOCS IOAG IOAS ENAS ENAG EOCG 1m 1m Keep the Social Distance !!! Hello from the other side ;)
Won't go out.
of death!!!
Define the People
Inner Structure of Layer City 10 Circulation Cores Rail Logistics System Layer 3 Layer 4 Layer 1 Layer 2

Social Space Typology

Residence Space Plan

We have designed the living space of each floor separately, and laid out according to the living habits and needs of people living in different

Layer 3:" Lone Wolf "

The filling texture of the plane shows the increasing size of the living space for different levels of people from inside to outside and the decreasing size of the social space.

Layer 1:" Party Animal " Shared Furniture without Seperation

Layer 4:" Hermit " Independent

Layer 2:" People Person "


Isolated Floating Ball

Living Furnitures Walls Rooms House Classroom Snack Street Restaurant Restaurant Led Floor One-way Rides Office Cafe, Office Flying House Club Cinema Runway Curtain Area One-way Shops Concert Sumo Arena Skate Board Park Solar Panels VR Entertainment Vertical Museum Single Pass Bar Sightseeing Platform Cable Car Green Land Red Light Street Distancing Green Land Hospital Helicopter Metro/ Highways Infomation Screen Ferris Wheel Transportation Track Water Storage Device Energy Facilities One-way Bridge Shuttle Elevators Open Closed Study - Working - Dining Shopping - Entertainment Transportation - Infrastructure
11 0 10 20 40M

Lives in Different Layers

The first layer is for that who wants a completely open living mode. For example, the Kabukicho Ichibangai in the figure is a place for outdoors entertainment, where Kabuki in a single room gives a performance to the audience in the street.

The first layer is for that who wants less completely open living mode. For example, the Kabukicho Ichibangai in the figure is a place for outdoors entertainment, where Kabuki in a single room gives a performance to the audience in the street.

The figure here shows the space for people who want a restriction to some extent. There is also capsule car which can transport only one person at a time, which is a special way of transportation under social restriction.

The fourth level is for those who want complete isolation. They have essentially no direct physical contact with the outside world and are connected to the outside world through pipeline transportation and networks.

2:" People Person " Layer 3:" Lone Wolf " Layer 4: " Hermit " Layer 1:" Party
Animal "
Twimotion 13
Animation Screenshot Made with




The creation of the Crystal Palace inevitably produced its opposite, the exterior of the Crystal Palace, a dark exterior as opposed to a warm interior.

Spring 2020

Group Work, Concept Design & Architecture

Conceptual Design (60%)

Rendering Drawing (50%)

Comics (100%)

Today, with the increasing development of science and technology, the method of colonization has gradually changed to space colonization, and an important method of space colonization is to breed the latest generation of colonists through surrogacy. In contrast to contemporary society, the topic of surrogacy and reproductive rights has become increasingly controversial.t

—Peter SloterdijkPainting

Philosophical Model Sociological Research

Much of the fertility news demonstrates that women's reproductive rights are somehow not fully liberated. At the same time, the process of human colonization is breaking through into the future and the universe. By reading these news stories, we find a correlation between the two.

The Soviet Space program and the Cosmic Oasis 1957-1991

How long can organisms live in space? From Leica, the first dog in space, to the wheat in the space incubator, the search for life in

New settlement----International Space Station 1998-2024

Massive international joint Space Program: The International Space Station is completing one unmanned space mission after another, and due to its outstanding

Tourism new era ----Trip around the moon 2023--?

The birth of the first test-tube baby

With the birth of Louise Joy Brown, the world's first test-tube baby, assisted reproduction technology is benefiting more and more families. Now there are 4 million test-tube

The strictest abortion law in history

The state of Alabama passed a law requiring women not to have an abortion at the start of pregnancy, even in cases of rape or incest,

Taiwan intends to legalize surrogacy

Spheres deals with "spaces of coexistence", spaces commonly overlooked which conceal information crucial to developing an understanding of humanity. The exploration of these spheres begins with the biological and utopian comfort of the mother's womb, which humans try to recreate through science, ideology, and religion. From these microspheres to macrospher, Sloterdijk analyzes spheres where humans try but fail to dwell and traces a connection between vital crises and crises created when a sphere shatters.

these spheres begins with the basic di erence between mammals and other animals: the biological and utopian comfort of the mother's womb, which humans try to recreate through science, ideology, and religion. From these microspheres to macrospher, Sloterdijk analyzes spheres where humans try but fail to dwell and traces a connection between vital crises and crises created when a sphere shatters.

Peter Sloterdijk —— “Spheres Trilogy”


Tool of colonialism

Spheres deals with "spaces of coexistence", spaces commonly overlooked or taken for granted which conceal information crucial to developing an understanding of humanity. The exploration of these spheres begins with the basic di erence between mammals and other animals: the biological and utopian comfort of the mother's womb, which humans try to recreate through science, ideology, and religion. From these microspheres to macrospher, Sloterdijk analyzes spheres where humans try but fail to dwell and traces a connection between vital crises and crises created when a sphere shatters.

Uterus Patriarchy


Jacques Derrida —— “Post Structuralism”

Outside Inside ConqueredConquer NurtureSuppress

Tool of colonialism

Patriachy Colonialism

Post-structuralism is the literary and philosophical work that both builds upon and rejects ideas within structuralism, the intellectual project that preceded it.Though post-structuralists all present di erent critiques of structuralism, common themes among them include the rejection of the self-su iciency of structuralism, as well as an interrogation of the binary oppositions that constitute its structures. Accordingly, post-structuralism discards the idea of interpreting media within pre-established, socially-constructed structures..

Uterus Patriarchy

Elon Musk has unveiled SpaceX's first passenger to orbit the moon, and if it's no surprise that the Japanese billionaire is about to embark on a fabulous journey in

The draft of the Artificial Reproduction Law was passed by the Legislative in Taiwan. But people are also concerned about whether the illegal surrogacy

Events about Colonialism

Concept Generation

Reproduction Rights

Jacques Derrida —— “Post Structuralism”

Uterus Individual Society

Clothes Architecture Country

Post-structuralism is the literary and philosophical work that both builds upon and rejects ideas within structuralism, the intellectual project that preceded it.Though post-structuralists all present different critiques of structuralism, common themes among them include the rejection of the self-sufficiency of structuralism, as well as an interrogation of the binary oppositions that constitute its structures. Accordingly, poststructuralism discards the idea of interpreting media within pre-established, socially-constructed structures..

Uterus Clothes Architecture Community Country Globalization Cosmology

Post-structuralism is the literary and philosophical work that both builds upon and rejects ideas within structuralism, the intellectual project that preceded it.Though post-structuralists all present di erent critiques of structuralism, common themes among them include the rejection of the self-su iciency of structuralism, as well as an interrogation of the binary oppositions that constitute its structures. Accordingly, post-structuralism discards the idea of interpreting media within pre-established, socially-constructed structures..

Uterus Individual Society

Clothes Architecture Country

Uterus Clothes Architecture Community Country Globalization Cosmology

In this philosophical model, " s " as the ontology produces a mirror image of "a", and as the object that "s" wants to achieve or have a relationship with, "A" also produces a mirror image of "a ". Therefore, the two mirror images are related to each other, and "S" and "A" are always in a state of being close and never reachable. Form

Starting from the basic unit of the sphere, we use the hexagon as a single unit, and after repetition, constitute the outer shell of our space birth station. The inner core is the planet as a new colony. The inner core and outer shell are connected to the building through colonial facilities.

Female Mirror Mirror Male O spring Reproduction Right Earth Space Newborn Space Station Female Space Colonization Baby New Colonizer S a a’ A Female Mirror Mirror Male O spring Reproduction Right Earth Space Newborn Space Station Female Space Colonization Baby New Colonizer S a a’ A
1. Jacques Lacan ——“Mirror Stage" 2. Peter Sloterdijk —— “Spheres Trilogy” 3. Jacques Derrida —— “Post Structuralism”
Events about
1978 2019 2020
Clone Womb Virgin Land Colonize Matrix Mother Land
Patriachy Colonialism Outside Inside ConqueredConquer NurtureSuppress Peter Sloterdijk —— “Spheres Trilogy” Spheres deals with "spaces of coexistence", spaces commonly overlooked or taken for granted which conceal information crucial to developing an understanding of humanity. The exploration of

Feminist Production Right Colonialism Architecture

Maritime hegemony

SiAfter Columbus discovered the New World, European countries began to expand overseas colonies, opening the Asia-Africa-Europe portal through ships and artillery.

As mentioned before, reproduction and colonization are inextricably linked, and as a means of colonization, architecture has also left many marks in the history of human colonization. We also listed several landmark colonial buildings in the important colonial stage and used them as the source of our form


On the basis of the looting of territories, raw material production areas, and labor, the colonies were further subjected to capital invasion by Western powers.


Colonialism in the new era is manifested in the invasion of culture, minds, and ideology.

Space colonization Thanks to the development of space technology, human colonization began to develop into space.





In 1798, the British economist Malthus published "An Essay on the Principle of Population", which clearly opposed the classical view of population under patriarchal politics and proposed methods such as late marriage and abstinence to birth control. Ancient Egyptian women tried contraception with drugs.

In Florence , women often gave birth to 5 to 10 children. Once they were pregnant, they had to write a will. According to the law of the Roman Republic, when a husband feels that he has a sufficient number of children, he can transfer his wife to others at will. It can be seen that women are only tools for family r eproduction.

In the Middle Ages, people used a torture instrument called Pear of Anguish to torture women, which would damage the genitalia and even kill them.

In 16C, a small town in Boston executed many women under the pretext of "witch hunting".

In 1798, the British economist Malthus published "An Essay on the Principle of Population", which clearly opposed the classical view of population under patriarchal politics and proposed methods such as late marriage and abstinence to birth control.

status has been further improved, and the feminist movement and the movement for the right to reproductive rights have also ushered in a climax. With the end of the two world wars, women's social status has been further improved, and the feminist movement and the movement for the right to reproductive rights have also ushered in a climax.

In primitive society, due to the harsh living environment, humans tended to reproduce naturally without restraint.t Reproductive worship Natrural reproduc t ion Duty for tribal expansion Reiligious persecution Tools of the Patriarchal Society Freedom of reproduction Fight for entire reproductive rights Relaxation in law In matrilineal societies, the task of reproduction is mainly undertaken by women, which leads to the reproductive worship of women. Aggression Theocracy Spreading
early forms of colonial expansion in human society manifested itself as simple wars of aggression, with the main purpose of plundering territory. Since the center of power in this period was concentrated in religious theocracy, the colonial manifestations in this period included religious propaganda in addition to military conquest. For the expansion of early human settlements, reproduction gradually became a task With the development of society, the status of women is further reduced,and the divine power controlled by patriarchy begins to show the persecution of women. With the
begins to show the
With the development
further reduced,and
begins to
With the end
development of society, the status of women is further reduced,and the divine power controlled by patriarchy
persecution of women.
of society, the status of women is
the divine power controlled by patriarchy
show the persecution of women.
of the two world wars, women's social

Massing of the Sphere


Constructivist artists take prototypes of objects around them and cut them together like sculpture.As a pioneer of philosophical artistic creation, Malevich also provides a prototype reference for our future space station.



Perspective Section

Base Plans


Constructivism and Malevich in the Sphere and the Deformation
Original Plan Section 3D Insertion Final
Barrier Tower Transfer Research Research Six Perspective of the Station 1.Check Point 2.Repatriation Grids 1.Launch Platform 2.Preparation Rooms 3.Loading Platform 4.Research Town 5.Factory Area 6.Park 1.Financial Castle 2.Residence 3.Central Plaza 1.Authority Cathedral 2.St.Colony Plaza Force Controls: Security Entry Level Capitalism Controls: Residence and Feeding Level Technology controls: Research and Launch Level
Controls: Administration and Politics Level
Worldview Pilgrimage - Road 05
Kernel - Perspective 06

Unity Environmental Themed Advanture Game




Fall 2022-Now

Team Project





项目原版demo由几位队友在一年前的Game Jam中开发,现希望继续完善成为一个以海獭 为主角,环保为主题的故事线完善的冒险小游戏。我在新的团队中担任策划和美术的职责。项 目仍在开发当中,希望年底之前完成并上架steam等平台。



Environmrnt Design | 场景设计

与队友共同制作 主角:小海獭
队友制作 NPC|角色塑造 15

Character Design| 角色设计(小鲑鱼)



3D Modeling|角色3D 建模



Left View Left Front View Procreate制作 Right Front
Back 材质UV展开图


Level 2 | 第二章关卡

Section 1第一部分

Level Design|关卡设计



季节:秋天 时间:傍晚

一句话概括:为了寻找妈妈而踏上旅途的小海獭所遇到的第一难关,关 卡主要内容为树枝收集,关卡结构半线性,主要解密机制为“投掷”与“潜 水“与否时的视角切换”。

NPC:红鲑鱼, 海狸, 老海龟

参考概念: 繁茂 热闹 冒险 友人

关卡体量: 游戏时间10min

Section 2第二部分




Plan |场景平面

使用Unity商城购入资产Toon Fantasy Nature

Made with asset:Toon Fantasy Nature from Unity Asset Store

Perspective View| 透视视角

Level Start Level End 瀑布山洞 河狸水坝 树枝收集 迷宫 老海龟 鲑鱼群 Camera
View |相机视角


Environment Animation Course Project 环境动画课程项目

Spring 2023

Critic|Joshua Mosley

Group Project (2)

2023春季 合作项目



项目原版demo由几位队友在一年前的Game Jam中开发,现希望继续完善成为一个以海獭 为主角,环保为主题的故事线完善的冒险小游戏。我在新的团队中担任策划和美术的职责。项 目仍在开发当中,希望年底之前完成并上架steam等平台。


In Douglas-fir forest, there is a strong coonenction between the trees, fungi and animals.

They share these nest sites in hierarchical nest network, forming a complex, strongly structured wildlife community

Mycorrhizal networks likely interact with and stabilize other biological networks in forests. In the dry interior Douglas-fir.

The interactions among these three networks reinforce each other.

For example, flying squirrels reside in old ECM tree canopies (including Douglas-fir) but forage on the forest floor for ECM truffles, a main part of their diet.

The squirrels consume and disperse the ECM truffles, spreading spores that colonize new seedlings

The ECM fungi benefit seedling nutrition in exchange for fixed carbon. Thus facilitating establishment of new trees that eventually become a nest resource for future generations

Storyboard |故事板
Reference|参考图 20


Hand Drawings|手绘展示

Unity 资产搭建 Procreate绘制


Unreal Engine 5 Environment Design

Spring 2022

Unreal Engine 5

Individual Project

个人完成的Unreal Engine 5场景设计/地编项目,资产来源于Kitbash3D。受《赛博朋克 2077》游戏启发设计了一个赛博街区小场景,完成了打光,相机设置,资产管理等工作。

Perspective view from street Ariel view Plan sketches
Atmosphere sketches
Perspective view from rooftop

The Modular Economy Housing Project with UE5 Building Game

Fall 2022

Critic|Richard Garber

TA|David Perrine

Individual Project

The project stands at the Summit Plaza of New Jersey City. The chunk drawings show the housing’s connection with the existed library. While redesigning the library, I tried to bring more attractions and function to it and to make a library of 21st century. By adding gallery, more computer desks and café to the library, more residents from the neighborhood could be draw to this place.

22.00 9.11 11.00 11.00 22.00 11.00 26 Traditional Square Room "Useless" Corner Human Activities Divisions of a Room Cooking Sleeping Working Studying CONCEPT DIAGRAM SYSTEM OF MEASUREMENT

Camera movement, Object placing, outline shader, red/green shader, UI button


Gme Design Sketches

Second object placing, snapping gird

The game demo is designed for clients, residents, state coder to use. The game helped them better understand the site condition and to express their needs for this housing project. Designer could got feedback from the result of their game and improve the design. Here I use the studio unit of my project as a building asset. Unfortunately, due to some technical problem, the game was not finished bu we got a daft demo version.


Site scene development, Main interface UI


Midterm Design

Zihan Li


Blueprint development by David Perrine, UI by Sharlene and Jianqing

Site scene, Camera controll, Placing object, Rotation, Switch object, Delete object.

UI menu to select different type of room.

2B2B Duplex, 900 SF 1B1B Duplex, 855SF Mini Unit, 220 SF Studio, 400 SF 1B1B, 600SF
0’ 5’ 10’ 20’ 30’ UNIT TAXONOMIES
2B2B, 800SF
0’ 20’ 40’ 80’ 160’ NEWARK AVE. Eastern International College A A SUMMIT AVE. Exisiting Wall of Jersey City Public Library 1.Library Lobby 2.Library Mezzanine 3.Gallery 4.Auditorium 5.Study Room 6.Computer Room 7.Office 8. Housing Lobby 9. Bike Storage 10. Mail Room 11. Hallway 12. Garden 13. Public Outdoor Theater 32 SITE PLAN ELEVATION 6th Floor 5th Floor 4th Floor 3th Floor 2nd Floor 1st Floor


Total Units Area: 7000 SF

14 Units: 2 Studio, 4 Mini Units, 4 1B1B Units, 3 2B2B Units, 1 Duplex 1b1b Units

In the plans, the units aggregate according to the hexed pattern and are connected by hallways. Hallway is also designed in modular logics to be more easily prefabricated. The amenity space of 2F makes use of the roof of lobby and library, turning them to swimming pool and patio.


Total Units Area: 7000 SF

14 Units: 2 Studio, 4 Mini Units, 4 1B1B Units, 3 2B2B Units, 1 Duplex 1b1b Units

On the 5th floor, units floorplate goes bigger to the top of the library and lobby. Hallway is more enclosed but there are still many openings to get access to roof garden.

0’ 10’ 20’ 40’ 80’
6th Floor 5th Floor 4th Floor 3th Floor 2nd Floor 1st Floor 72‘-00“ 60‘-00“ 48‘-00“ 36‘-00“ 24‘-00“ 12‘-00“ Column Base Living Room Staircase Bedroom Duplex Bedroom SECTION A-A ASSEMBLY DIAGRAM 0’ 20’ 40’ 80’ 160’ 34


The main construction method for the units modules is pre-fabricated concrete. Each module consists of pre-fab concrete walls, the top and bottom modules are fixed directly by iron nails, and then the floor and ceiling are laid. The base is hollow and is used to store the rainwater collected in the roof garden. The rainwater is reused for irrigation of the roof garden through pipes in the walls.

The rendering shows the pool designed using lobby roof. The outdoor view of the librarian auditorium is also shown. The entrance at the northeast corner is designed with a number of landscapes and an outdoor theater, and the Unit module is very distinctive in form, as a hexed island.

Northeast Corner View Render Bird View Render Roof Garden Modular Facade Pieces Window Metal Frame
Ingradient Ceramic finishing

Other Works


Blender 动画
C4D 动画 Rhino, ZBrush 建模 , VRay 渲染

Other Works Render


Other Works




Atchitecture Ink Drawing Water Color Portrait Sketch
Recovery Sketch of Ru Yuan in Old Summer Palace 2019 Taipei 2019 Beijing 2018 Seoul

Other Works

Base =Studio Unit =1B1B Unit =Duplex1B1B Unit =Duplex2B2B Unit +Living Octagon +Living Octagon +Bedroom +Duplex Bedroom Carbon Fiber Pavilion

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