Steve Azzara (RIP) President/Editor in Chief/MFIC
Pamela Sellers Co owner/President/Writer
Matt Sellers Writer/Creative director/Editor
Cypress Bates Video Journalist/Writer
Mike Johnston Concert/ Event Photography
Santelmo (Saint) Vazquez
Cover Model- @tattodninjaprincess
Cover Photographer-@obsessions_by_ku
Special Thanks to...

Daniel Kearney, Lydia Bruno, Santelmo (Saint) Vazquez, Mark Lawrence, Pepe Carire, Tommy’s Supplies, New England Tattoo Expo, Villain Arts, Sellers Ink Tattoo, WildWood, Sean Hightower, Walt Anderson, Battlefield Expo, Carnival of Ink, The Most famous studio, and anyone who we may have forgot.
Pro Team
Lydia Bruno, Pammy Sellers, Pepe Carire, And Jimmy Dalessio, Ninetoes
Table of contents

Vladimir K-13
Cristy-25 Azure Storm-32
Artist Spotlight-82






10 photographer-@chubpydoo_official

You are currently in St. Petersburg Russia are you born and raised there? and for our readers tell us a little bit about yourself please?
Hello everyone!) My name is Vladimir Komissarov. I am a tattoo artist from St. Petersburg, Russia. I was born and raised in the small city of Perm in the western Urals. I am a family of artists, raised since childhood with my father, a professional artist. After graduating from the institute, I moved to the beautiful city of St. Petersburg.
So what was your apprenticeship like? did you have a tough start into the tattoo industry?

Yes, of course, it was a long and difficult journey. When I was at the very beginning of my journey, tattoo culture in Russia was in its infancy. Getting a tattoo machine, good paint and needles was quite problematic. There were people who gave me the equipment to get, for which I am very grateful to them. The hardest part was getting any information on where to start, how to paint properly and how to mix the paint. It was a big problem to find a teacher. In the end, I learned on my own, from my own mistakes, but I had a goal, I wanted to become a good tattoo artist and realized that I want to do this all my life.
How long have you been tattooing for?
I have been tattooing for about 13 years. Since then, almost every day I have been doing my self-development, trying something new and learning something new, even at the moment. I sincerely love what I do. because I really like it very much and after a while it began to make a profit, which, of course, I was also happy about.

Looks like you enjoy doing realisim, What got you into that style?
Yes, as you can already understand, most of all I like to work in the style of realism. Since I am a perfectionist, the reason I like this style in the first place is because I can unleash my potential and experience. This style looks spectacular, evokes and increases the skill level. Of course, I started with a simpler style, but realism has always been a priority for me.
What other tattoo styles do you enjoy doing?
I respect any style of tattooing. Everyone is different and everyone has different tastes. Each style will find its audience. Nowadays, they have become so similar that it is sometimes difficult to understand what kind of style it is. I like Neotraditional, Chicano, Japan, Bioorganic.
Who are some of your biggest inspirations in the art and tattoo world?
From the world of art, I have always been inspired by such artists as Hans Rudolf Giger, Zdzisław Beksinsky, Ivan Aivazovsky. In tattoo culture, I was inspired by Carlos Torres, Niko Hirtado, Alexander Okharin, Dmitry Gorbunov.
what do you enjoy doing outside of work, any hobbies?
Of course most of the time I own my family and tattoos. When I have free time, I paint oil paintings. I try to get out into nature, ride a bike. I want to try to draw a picture being in the wild.
Vladimir K

Amanda Graves
You’re currently based out of Maryland are you born and raised there and tell us a little bit about your background?
I was actually born in Brooklyn, NY, and raised in South Jersey (Atlantic City area). In 2013, I made the move to Maryland to be closer to my now husband!
When did you start tattooing what was your apprenticeship like?
After I had my daughter, I started tattooing. I fell in love with it, after being given a machine and doing a little tattoo on my husband. Getting an apprenticeship was incredibly hard. I was trying to finish my degree, while being a stay at home mom during the day and serving tables at night. I applied to many shops, but denied because of not having free time all day every day. I was self taught, and then got hired at a shop a year later.
You currently work and own Dark arts studio how is that going for you? I hear it’s also Harry Potter themed?
Yes! My shop is a bit magical. I opened this studio right before the pandemic. My love for Harry Potter and being a Slytherin, made the theme a no brainer. We were shut down during Covid, and came back even stronger! We went from 900 square feet and three artists, to 11 artists and a 3400 square foot studio.
Your style and tattoos are very clean and well you’re known to do the Glitter tattoos, what got you into this particular style?
My obsession with glitter came from my 15 years as a competition cheerleader. That sport and art got me through most of my younger life. The makeup, uniforms, bows, and the overall aesthetic is sparkly! It made sense to combine the sparkles with my already illustrative style.

Amanda Graves
What’s the craziest or weirdest request you’ve gotten to turn into a glitter tattoo?
Oh there’s been many requests that were strange!! The other day, I had an inquiry for a “monster strap on” made of glitter. I’m unsure if I’ll take that one on.
You’re a wife, mom, and a shop owner how do you juggle everything?
Lots of goals to fuel my ambition, and lots of vacations planned to give me a break to look forward to. Being a mom keeps me humble, owning a shop keeps me driven, and being a wife pushes me to be the best version of myself. Without all the hats I wear, I wouldn’t have as much fulfillment!
Who are some of your biggest inspirations in the tattoo and art industry? I look up to so many artists for so many different reasons.
Megan Massacre was the first artist I truly felt inspired by! She opened a successful female ran shop and she does some of the most clean and impressive work I’ve even seen.

Amanda Graves
You’re so good at what you do with your tattoos has anyone asked you if you use glitter ink?
Thank you! The first time someone asked me that, I felt elated to think my goal in creating the illusion worked. I get comments on my photos and videos like this every day and every time I chuckle. It makes me proud of myself that I accomplished this style.

So are you originally from New York City? And tell us a little bit about your background.
I’m a South Korean-born artist who specializes in blackwork tattoos. My vision is to use my preferred medium, the skin, to create statement pieces and conversation starters. My tattoos present a blend of contrasting forms My adornments are inspired by my fascination with the odd or unusual, juxtaposed with the visuals of everyday life. A fairy on a cow-print moon. A scorpion whose stinger is a miniature scorpion. My favorite thing to do when given the opportunity is incorporate an element of wit into a piece. Although I enjoy handling bold outlines and solid planes of crisp, all-black ink, I believe that part of the fun in life is not taking oneself too seriously!I’ve done an apprenticeship in Korea for 6 months under my tutor (he wants to be anonymous). I’m a big fan of his works so I came up to his shop and asked him for the opportunity of apprenticeship. He accepted and taught me hard with passion. I’ve learned a lot and really appreciate it. And then I’ve been tattooing for about one year in Korea. Now I moved back to NYC and have done tattooing for one and a half years.
At what age do you remember getting into art?
I frankly wasn’t really into ‘art’ in my childhood like other artists. But then I realized what I’d always done was something unique, fun and different from ordinary things when I was in high school. And from that time, I started to graft this personality with a solid black and bold drawing style.
How long have you been a tattoo artist now, and how has your journey been?
It’s been 2 and a half years now and it’s been great, to be honest. I’ve always been happy with my job and I know it will be like this for a long time since there is always some space to get enhanced. It motivates me.
What got you into the specific style that you tattoo and what would you call it?
My tattooing style is called black work with bold outlines. It’s from solid black to zero for strong contrast. This strong contrast makes tattoos alive and surreal. It feels like these tattoos are about to jump or move around and I love it.
What other tattoo style do you enjoy doing and or looking at?
I admire and look up color tattoos with their own characters as well. Probably it’s not what I do and this gets me more interested. Top 2 of what I look up most is @sharpink_sucktattoo and @bongchillpark. @sharpink_sucktattoo is super active and intense. @bongchillpark is pretty vintage in my favorite way and witty.

Do you have any big plans coming up in the near future?
I’m currently participating in some group exhibitions in NYC with my drawings. It’s a new thing for me and refreshes me. In the near future, I’d love to open my private exhibitions with drawings and tattoo works.

What do you like to do outside of work like hobbies?
For fun mostly but also for my back and wrist pain, I play soccer and tennis. These release literally all my stress and also strengthen my body for work!







To our beloved friend Steve Azzara your legacy and hard work will be rememberd and continued through your magazine and memories. We all think about you everday until we meet again ol friend.
Steve Azzara Owner/ Founder / Mfic