Reach Freshers in Bristol with Out of Hand

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The Out of Hand flyer pack is the most cost effective channel to get in front of the student market in Bristol this Autumn

Advertise in our flyer packs and let us do the business for you

25,000 copies Given away free to new and returning students and young people in Bristol and the surrounding area. Cramped full of all the essential information they need this Autumn, such as exclusive discounts, party flyers, product samples, stickers and our special posterzine with details of all the best nights parties in Bristol and beyond.

WHY ADVERTISE? It’s a huge market: Over 47,000 students enrolled in Bristol’s two universities alone in 2010/2011 They have money to spend: Students have an average annual expenditure of £6,339 and over 50% of students have a credit card - many students have adopted a ‘spend now, pay later’ attitude: six in ten accept that debt is just part of university life They want to know how to spend it: Some are away from home for the very first time, in a new city – they need your help! They spend thousands of pounds on going out, alcohol, entertainment, clothes, mobile phones, computers/laptops and CD’s/music/DVD’s. Out of Hand flyer pack suggests the best places to eat, drink, shop, play and party. Reach the Freshers: Almost all students said they spent more in their first year because they socialise more. • • • • • •

94% go to the cinema at least once a month Over 50% go clubbing at least once a week or more 72% go travelling at least once a year 97% have internet access 91% own a computer 83% are classed as ABC1

“As the cost of a university education continues to rise, student motivation to study and their approach to how they spend their day is likely to change in order to make going to university good value for money. When they are spending, make sure they are doing it with your business…” Sources: Mintel Report of Student Lifestyle 2008 / Mediaweek

Book your flyers into our packs

call 0117 953 6363 /

The ultimate cost effective student marketing solution. We deliver the important Fresher market who are new to the area, alongside thousands of other returning 2nd and 3rd year students who use our packs as their ‘going out bible’

• Two Universities • 47,000 students

• 25,000 packs distributed during freshers • 5,000 copies at UWE Freshers Fair • 5,000 copies at University of Bristol Freshers Fair • 15,000 to our network of shops and selected club nights every week and Brisfest at the end of September • Readership of 50,000 people • Distributed FREE

• 99.5% pick up rate

• Bespoke packs for clubs, freshers fairs, shops and events – pick what you want covered, or do everything!

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Whyusethe OutofHandFlyerPack? ASSOCIATION WITH THE MARKET LEADER: Established in 1994, Out of Hand has been covering Bristol Freshers fairs and targeting students for over 16yrs. We are the original flyer distribution in Bristol and have helped numerous local businesses grow during that time, and many of them are still with us now. We know where they hang out, what they like doing and the best ways to reach them – our packs will be where ever the students and young people are, ensuring they have access to the best information about where to go, what to do, what to wear, and anything else that they might need to know to survive through their university experience! CROSS PLATFORM PACKAGE TO MATCH STUDENTS LIFESTYLE: We generate a huge response from students by offering an unrivalled mix of credible editorial and vital information all delivered for free via multiple media channels used on an everyday basis by the discerning student. Our packs are supported by the www.247magazine. website with the chance to use other online marketing opportunities such as banner advertising and featured business profiles. ADVERTISING THAT GENERATES A PROVEN RETURN: Out of Hand is a tried and tested medium with a proven track record. Your flyers will reach the student market head on, making them aware of your business and returning to your business time after time. COST EFFECTIVE OPTIONS: Our flyer packs are priced to be accessible and realistic for local businesses with advertising insert options to suit all budgets in this tough economic climate. We look to build long term relationships, not a one-hit smash and grab approach that our competitors use. ONE STOP SHOP SERVICE: We can help design your promotional material, print it for you, and undertake social media marketing campaigns for you too, to back up your print campaign, all undertaken by us in-house, so you have one point of contact to deal with and only one invoice to pay as well – saving you time, effort and money.

With a whole host of different media options in the marketplace, our flyer packs are firmly established as the most cost effective way to directly reach Bristol’s student market at the universities and colleges throughout the city.

Book your flyers into our packs

call 0117 953 6363 /


FRESHERS FAIRS UWE Freshers Fair / 5,000 flyers: £150 / £30 per 1,000 flyers University of Bristol Freshers Fair / 5,000 flyers: £150 / £30 per 1,000 flyers (Minimum order of 5,000 flyers) SHOPS & CLUB COVERAGE* Bristol shops – 1,500 packs per week Bristol clubs – 500-1,500 packs per week depending on schedule Brisfest Festival: – 3,000 packs 1,000 flyers: 2,000-5,000 flyers: 6,000 flyers or more:

25,000 printed & distributed

SAVE 20%

£25 per 1,000 £20 per 1,000 £17.50 per 1,000

*Discounts offered for carrying the Out of Hand logo on your promotional print, please call for details

Let us print your flyers

All our flyers are full colour, double sided on 300gsm, printed and delivered within three working days, often quicker. 5,000 A6: £80 / A5: £125 10,000 A6: £125 / A5: £225 20,000 A6: £250 / A5: £425 25,000 A6: £295 / A5: £495 Other sizes available, such as DL, A7, A4 and folded flyers. Also available on different stocks such as 130gsm, or uncoated – call for more details. All our print is produced in-house, we are not an agent! We also print other items such as posters, tickets, stickers, wristbands, stationery, folded leaflets and much more – please call to discuss your requirements and get a quote.


Various banner advertising options available at with rates from £30 per week. Options include Leaderboards, Skyscrapper and MPU banners adverts and site takeovers. Eflyer: Banner on our weekly eflyer to over 25,000 opt-in subscribers in Bristol and across the SW £100


0117 953 6363 We look forward to hearing from you.

Book your flyers into our packs

call 0117 953 6363 /

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