January - April 2017

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Prayer Matters

January - April 2017

PAULINE’S INTRO PAGE Prayer Matters January – April 2017 Greetings, Prayer Warriors, Welcome to this January–April 2017 edition of Prayer Matters. I bid you a very happy New Year and pray that peace and joy will be yours this coming year. My grateful thanks and acknowledgments go to Stephanie Chagas-Bijl (Resource Hub) who has prayerfully collated and edited this issue, and to our guest writers Major Andrew Vertigan (Enabling Mission), Hayley Still (International Projects), Christine Thomas (Big Collection and SelfDenial Appeals Unit), with contributions from regional and territorial children’s specialists around the territory and Major Jo Reid (THQ Chaplain) who has written our Lenten series. I want to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to Major Mel Jones, until recently our department head, who has been a great advocate in supporting the UKI Prayer Network and encouraging all things prayer. We wish Mel and his wife Kath a happy, healthy, blessed retirement together, doing all those things they’ve always wanted to do, including for Mel writing another book! Likewise I also want to take this opportunity to welcome Major David Taylor, who has recently taken up appointment as UKI Spiritual Life Development Secretary, which includes amongst other things responsibility for the SA Prayer Network. We thank God for him and look forward to this new season under David’s leadership and pray he will be blessed in his new role. In this edition you will see also a poster page for our next Prayer Network prayer conference.

Prayer Warfare Weekend: 27–29 January 2017, taking place at a great new venue with easy transport links – a De Vere hotel and conference centre, Latimer Place, Chesham. Our keynote speakers will be Lyndall Bywater and Major David Taylor (UKI Spiritual Life Development Secretary). Delegate bookings are already well under way, so by the time you pick up this edition you will need to book your place quickly! We would love to hear from you (contact details on the poster) and see you there. Come alone or bring a group from your corps to share in fellowship, great worship, spiritual warfare teaching, inspiring stories and of course prayer. Development of our One Thing Prayer School DVD series continues to move forward under the direction of Lyndall Bywater. We are hearing great feedback both from individuals and those leading the series in small groups in corps and wider. I heartily encourage you to delve into it, or perhaps talk to your corps officer about running it at your corps or in a small group in your home. It’s an easy resource to use and lead. It could transform your prayer life, deepen your relationship with God and help develop prayer in your corps to underpin your mission. Season 1, ‘One Thing for us – Bringing personal prayer to life’, is available to buy on DVD from SP&S (online or in the shop) for £12.95, and comes with a workbook to help you use/lead the course. It is also available online absolutely free! Visit our webpage for links to the sessions, which can be streamed or downloaded along with the participant’s workbook available in pdf format. www.salvationarmy.org.uk/one-thing

Season 2, ‘One Thing for the Church – Growing prayer together’ will be out early in the New Year both on DVD (on sale from SP&S) and also available free to view or download online. Filmed in six very different Salvation Army corps and churches, members and leaders talk about how they have ‘grown’ prayer in the life of their worshipping community. Throughout the seven episodes, we explore some of the most pressing questions we get asked about developing prayer in the local church/corps. Season 3, ‘One Thing for the World – Getting out there in prayer’ explores the relationship between prayer and mission. Whilst we will still tour the country to interview people and hear their stories of how prayer is transforming the neighbourhoods where they live, the teaching was filmed all in one place, at our ‘One Thing Prayer and Mission Conference’. The DVD and download links will be available Summer 2017. In closing I want to thank you, our faithful and fervent prayer warriors, for your partnership in Prayer Matters. I thank God that he has called you to pray for The Salvation Army and God’s Kingdom to come just where you are, remembering always that: ‘Prayer is not preparation for the work, it is work. Prayer is not preparation for the battle, it is the battle.’ (Oswald Chambers) God bless you all, Pauline Captain Pauline Milner, 24/7 SA Prayer Co-ordinator Bible quotations are from the New International Version unless otherwise stated

January Scripture Focus - Psalm 90 Sunday 1st Psalm 90:1 With a new year comes the opportunity for a fresh start. It is also a time to look back on what has passed and give God the praise for his care towards us, our family and friends. Pray that during this new year we may continue to be ‘at home in God’, and know his comfort and protection for anything that we may encounter in future days. Monday 2nd Psalm 90:2 Wouldn’t it be great if Peter Pan’s Neverland truly existed? We wouldn’t have to worry about ageing and with time losing those we love. In this verse, however, we are reminded that despite our mortality, we can take comfort in God’s immortality. Lord, I give you the glory because in you I too have eternal life. Tuesday 3rd Psalm 90:4 It’s daunting and humbling to think that time is practically irrelevant to God, that a thousand years are nothing compared to eternity! For us, nevertheless, time does matter, and we need to make it count. Reflect on how you can better use your time this year. Ask God to help you as you seek to be a good steward of the time he has given you. Wednesday 4th Psalm 90:8 Every day is a new opportunity to come before God and confess the things that have grieved him. He longs to restore our relationship to himself. Ask God to shine into every part of your being, bringing to light the sins that are hidden in the dark places so that you may experience his freedom and grace. Thursday 5th Psalm 90:12 Lord, you created me for the praise and honour of your name. Give me divine wisdom and understanding so that I may know how to live my life

in such a way that I become more like you and bless those around me. Help me to prioritise the things that bring glory to you. Amen. Friday 6th Psalm 90:14 So many people walk through life without meaning and purpose. Dissatisfied, they spend their time and energy looking for the one thing that will fill their inner void. The psalmist knows that true joy, gladness and deep satisfaction can only be found in God and that is why he longs for it. Pray today for people you know who have put their hopes in things that do not satisfy. Ask God to give them a revelation of his unfailing love. Saturday 7th Psalm 90:17 As the year slowly begins to unfold, it is likely that most of us already have a list of engagements and plans. Outstretch your hands in a symbolic position of surrender and take some time to dedicate these things to God. Pray that his favour will rest on all that lies ahead and that his work may be established in and through all you do. Integration – Vision and Commitment Sunday 8th Today is Vision and Commitment Sunday, a day in which Salvationists around the territory will renew their commitment to God and his mission at the start of the new year. The theme is Held Together in Christ, focusing on the word Integration from TIDE. Pray that on this significant date, people will draw nearer to God and feel compelled to draw closer to others in their corps and community. Monday 9th The Vision and Commitment theme for 2017, Held Together in Christ, is based on Colossians 1:1-20. The key verse is ‘He is before all things, and in him all things hold together’ (v17). Take time to prayerfully reflect on God’s sovereignty and sustaining power over all things. Tuesday 10th

Adoration – Lord, I praise you because in the Trinity I see expressed the clearest example of divine integration! I praise you because you were before time began, you will be for eternity, and for now all things are under your control. Amen. Wednesday 11th Confession – Lord, forgive me for the times when I haven’t included others in the things that I’ve done for you because I’ve been so busy focusing on my own needs and desires. Forgive me for when I selfishly think I’m better off alone and doing things the way I’ve always done them, instead of adapting to those around me. Forgive me, I pray. Thursday 12th Thanksgiving – Lord, I thank you for the diversity of people and gifts existent in my corps/church family. Thank you that you call each and every one to work together and be united in your mission! Amen. Friday 13th Supplication – Lord, when conflict and discord seem to reign, it can be so hard to see you at work. Make me aware of your presence in the issues and areas that concern my life and of those around me. Help me to seek peace instead of distress and unity instead of division. Amen. Saturday 14th Lord, I thank you for the privilege to work with you in being an ambassador of unity and love. Help me as I endeavour to focus on living this way throughout the year. Amen. Helping-Hand 2017 ‘Redefined’ Hayley Still (International Projects) Sunday 15th The Salvation Army is working with women around the world to give them support to know that they are cherished, as well as the skills and knowledge so that they are empowered and equipped to take their place as equal and active members of society. Pray for the 2017 Helping-

Hand Appeal ‘Redefined’ as people in the territory engage with and support The Salvation Army’s work tackling gender-based violence. Monday 16th Argentina In Tres Arroyos, Argentina, The Salvation Army is providing safe spaces and group therapy sessions for women and their children who have experienced violence at home. Pray for an end to violence against women, and increasing opportunities for women to access support and gain justice. Tuesday 17th Genesis 1:27 God created us all in his image. When he looks at us he sees his children: unique, yet equally loved and valued. Pray for women in our world who are treated as inferior and incapable, and for those who are vulnerable and overlooked simply because of their gender. Wednesday 18th Bangladesh Many girls in Bangladesh are expected to get married during their teenage years. However, early marriage not only prevents girls from accessing education and achieving their full potential but it also threatens their safety. Pray for The Salvation Army in Bangladesh as it provides women’s rights seminars for parents and young people to highlight the dangers of early marriage, and the importance of allowing girls to continue in education. Thursday 19th 1 Samuel 16:7 In a world where prejudice, discrimination and injustice divide us, pray that we all would have wisdom to see people as God sees them, the integrity to pursue equality, and the courage to stand for justice. Friday 20th Pakistan In Pakistan, the dominant culture views women as subordinate to men and believes women’s roles should be limited to caring for the family. Therefore, The Salvation Army is providing group training for men, to raise awareness about women’s rights and highlight the biblical backing

for gender equality. Pray for the continuing success of this project and a strengthening of gender equality in Pakistan. Saturday 21st Redefined One in three women or girls will experience violence in their lifetime simply because they are female. These women are trapped within their definition, a definition that only considers one aspect of who they are. Pray for people who, for whatever reason, have believed the negative things that others have said about them. May they know that they are who God created them to be. Warfare Prayer Sunday 22nd The book Called to be God’s People (Commissioner Robert Street) consist in 12 ‘Calls’ to Salvationists worldwide to recognise that any outward movement of love for the world requires first of all an inward movement from each Christian towards God. One of the calls is the Call to War. Prayerfully consider what these words mean in your daily walk with Christ: ‘We call Salvationists worldwide to join spiritual battle on the grounds of a sober reading of Scripture, a conviction of the triumph of Christ, the inviolable freedom and dignity of persons, and a commitment to the redemption of the world in all its dimensions – physical, spiritual, social, economic and political.’ Monday 23rd Read out loud as your personal prayer the continuation of the Call to War (as explained yesterday): ‘I affirm that Christ my Lord calls me to join him in holy war against evil in all its forms and against every power that stands against the reign of God. I fight in the power of the Spirit in the assurance of ultimate and absolute victory through Christ’s redemptive work.’ Amen! Tuesday 24th ‘If you would be strong, put your armour on, be strong in the Lord!’ (Major Len Ballantine). These are the opening lyrics of the sessional

song for the Crusaders for Christ, based on Ephesians 6:10-20. Just as we get dressed each morning to go to work, meet friends or take the kids to school, we are also called to spiritually ‘dress ourselves’. Read the verses from the passage and ask God to equip you with the spiritual armour you need for each day. Wednesday 25th Lord, I know that the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8). Help me to resist and remain steadfast in my faith. Give me a spirit of power, love and self-discipline (2 Timothy 1:7) as I come before you in prayer and fulfil the ministry you have called me to do. Amen. Thursday 26th ‘And though this world, with demons filled, should threaten to undo us; We will not fear, for God hath willed his truth to triumph through us. The Prince of Darkness grim, we tremble not for him, His rage we can endure, for lo! his doom is sure, One little word shall fell him.’ (SASB 1 – Martin Luther) Friday 27th Pray for all of those who will be making their way to the Prayer Warfare Weekend today. Pray for Major David Taylor and Lyndall Bywater as they speak, and for the delegates to be receptive to what God is saying and doing. May it be a time of deep encounters with him through prayer and worship. Saturday 28th During the weekend, the delegates will be learning more about God’s Kingdom. Pray that they will understand the ways in which the enemy seeks to oppose it and recognise the realities of spiritual warfare in their own personal lives. Sunday 29th

As the delegates return to their families, corps fellowships and places of work, pray that they may understand how they can bring hope into situations and fight for freedom in the communities where God has placed them.

Self-Denial Appeal Focus Christine Thomas (Big Collection and Self-Denial Appeals Unit) Monday 30th The generosity of heart needed for this appeal arises from the personal response of our own hearts when we are overwhelmed by our love for God and his love for us and begin to see the world through his eyes. Lord, draw us into a deep sense of awe and wonder and the desire to love you with all our hearts, minds and souls and to learn to live close to the beat of your heart. Tuesday 31st Ghana Lord, we thank you for the new provision of polytanks in the Salvation Army centres in Ghana. May they be used by the local communities and by the officers so that their time can be spent bringing your love to the people of Ghana. February Wednesday 1st Pakistan Lord, we pray for those imprisoned in Pakistan, particularly those who are the victims of injustice. Bring hope and joy into their lives, and the lives of their families. Thursday 2nd South America East Lord, we pray for young people in the South America East Territory to be equipped, encouraged and empowered to serve you boldly. We pray that you will use the training events that are held to reach and develop the leaders of tomorrow. Friday 3rd


Lord, we pray for the work of The Salvation Army in Finland. As they seek to help others and to bring your love to those who may not know you, may justice, peace, good health and hope in you be made available to all. Saturday 4th Mozambique Lord, we pray for the work of The Salvation Army in Mozambique, for adequate accommodation for officers to enable them to serve their communities effectively. Sunday 5th ‘The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world and all who live in it’ (Psalm 24:1). Lord, we come to you in praise and adoration for all that you have given us. We acknowledge that all we have comes from you and you have given us the responsibility to look after it. You have provided for every living thing, and yet so many are hungry and without basic essentials to sustain life. May we work to ensure that there is fairness in the way we trade so that those who work to supply us are provided for. Help us to live a lifestyle that does not compromise others. Help us to see those who need our help through your eyes, and may we then respond. Amen. Mission Focus Major Andrew Vertigan (Enabling Mission) Monday 6th 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 The territorial Pioneer Gathering commences today. Over 100 people will come together to look at how we pioneer new ways of being The Salvation Army in the 21st century. This is a dynamic gathering where the Holy Spirit is very evident amongst a hungry people. Please pray for all who will gather. May they be open to what God has in store as they cry out to him. Tuesday 7th Joshua 1:1-10 The Pioneer Gathering breaks into three streams today. Pray for those who are starting out on the journey of pioneering, for those who are already engaged in it across the territory, and for a number of divisional

mission enablers who are attending for the first time in their support roles. Also pray for the guest speakers Rev Dr Trevor Hutton and Lyndall Bywater. Wednesday 8th Mark 1:14-20 Celebrate with us today the more than 20 new Salvation Army expressions that have started in the last year. More than 40 leaders have come forward and offered to undertake this work, and more importantly many people have come to faith through this obedience to the call of God on their lives. These are exciting days! Thursday 9th Acts 1:1-8 Please pray for all who have attended the Pioneer Gathering and are today being sent back into the world, seeking to be salt and light and creating places where people can encounter the risen Lord Jesus. Pray for God to watch over them and guard their spirits as the battle intensifies on the front line of mission and ministry. Friday 10th Isaiah 52:7-12 Please pray for Majors Andrew and Andrea Vertigan (Fresh Expressions Enablers) who are tasked with encouraging and supporting the whole pioneering agenda across the territory. Pray for wisdom, strength and clear vision as they go about their task of growing a network of pioneer leaders whose message and ministry is one of hope and good news. Saturday 11th Isaiah 43:16-21 Today we ask you to pray for the 22 divisions and their leaders. In days of change and chaos where the Church on the whole is in decline across the UK and Ireland, it’s vital that we seek out the ‘fertile places’ where there may be opportunities for The Salvation Army to ‘open fire’. Sunday 12th Mark 1:35-39 We are mindful on this Sabbath day that pioneering leadership consumes the lives and time of its leaders, who by their very nature are activists and not great at stopping to be still. Please pray that they

would be wise and learn the art of being still in the presence of Jesus and that God would teach them that mission is birthed out of the place of prayer and in his presence. Youth and Children Contributions from regional and territorial children’s specialists around the territory Monday 13th Today marks the start of the gathering of the Territorial Youth Band and Territorial Youth Choir. Events like this are unique to The Salvation Army and are an opportunity for young people to meet and be creative. We pray that God will be at the centre of everything they do this week. Tuesday 14th Today we pray for children and young people who are at school and in education. Pray for those who find it difficult, and for those who feel under pressure. Help them to remember that God is with them through this time. Wednesday 15th Today our prayer focus is on the very young. Pray that from their early years they will be surrounded by people who will nurture them and who will be a positive influence as they begin their spiritual journey. Thursday 16th Within today’s culture there are many challenges for children and youth. With social media, commercialisation and sexualisation, there are many false labels and identities that the children and youth of today face. We pray that they may be aware of the Lord’s unconditional love for them and that their true identity can be found in Christ, enabling them to be and live a life of purpose and fulfilment through being centred in Christ and his love. Friday 17th

Today sees the final celebration for those young people who have been part of the Territorial Youth Band and Territorial Youth Choir. Pray that as they return to their homes, the impact on their lives will be a lasting one. Pray that the memories and experiences of such a week will help shape their future ministry and relationship with God. Saturday 18th Pray for children who are refugees, fleeing war, terror and persecution. Pray that people will be brought into their lives who will support them and help them resettle into new, safe places they can call home. Pray that they can once again have a childhood. Sunday 19th For some children the weekend is a time they spend with a parent that they don’t usually see in the week. We pray for the Church as it seeks to support families to help alleviate the impact of a divided family relationship. Scripture Focus – Psalm 142 Monday 20th Psalm 142:1 It is clear in the Psalm that David is distressed, hiding away in a cave like a guilty criminal. He pours out his troubles to God, pleading that he would intervene in his situation. Perhaps you know someone who is going through a very difficult time and needs you to cry out to God on their behalf? Tuesday 21st Psalm 142:2 Who do you open up to when things aren’t going too well in your life? Quite often we’re happy to bring to God the concerns of others, but those things that really hurt us and bring us down we sometimes brush aside and try to deal with on our own. Just like David, pour out to God your complaints, hardships and perhaps the things that you wouldn’t tell anyone else. Wednesday 22nd Psalm 142:3

Once we’ve been sincere with God and given our burdens over to him, it can be quite liberating to know that he has heard and is watching over us and working things out for good. Lord, I thank you because when I have reached my limit, you are there to give me the strength I need to carry on. Thursday 23rd Psalm 142:4 Pray for people who may feel as though they have no one to count on, and for those who are alone and afraid. Pray for those who have perhaps sought help from someone, only to be betrayed. Pray for those who have had a door closed on them and see no other way forward. Friday 24th Psalm 142:5 While David perhaps sought physical refuge in a cave, as the Psalm evolves he begins to affirm that his refuge and protection can be found in God. Lord, we live in a world of dangers and wants. Thank you because you are great enough to answer all the necessities of this present time. Saturday 25th Psalm 142:6 David’s moment of clarity about who God is seems to have quickly faded as he is reminded of his present situation and desperate need. Pray for those today who find themselves in helpless circumstances. Pray that God would release them from the people or things that oppress them and that their hope may be restored. Sunday 26th Psalm 142:7 David’s desire is to be free from his situation so that he can turn his focus once again to God. He longs for God to rescue him so that God’s name may be glorified. Lord, during the hard times that I face, help me to trust in you and believe that you can bring me out of the situation. Use my difficulties for your glory. Amen.

Integration Focus

Monday 27th The first step to integration with others is being assured that we are wholly integrated with God. In Ephesians 4:22–24 Paul encourages the church in Ephesus: ‘…put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness’. Make these verses your prayer today. Tuesday 28th When we are in a relationship with Christ, his divine power gives us everything we need for a godly life. In 2 Peter 1:5-7 we are encouraged to add to our faith goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, mutual affection and love. Lord, I pray that these Christ-like qualities will be nurtured in me so that they can flow out and permeate my relationships at home, at work, in my corps and the wider world.

March 40 Days of Lent Captain Jo Reid (THQ chaplain) Focus on Cleansing Wednesday 1st Ash Wednesday ‘Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does trust in an idol or swear by a false god’ (Psalm 24:3,4). Ask God if anything is spoiling your relationship with him. If so, confess it to him today. Thursday 2nd Without being judgmental, take some time to think of the sins within the Church that become a barrier between people and God. Lift up your prayers to God. Friday 3rd Women’s World Day of Prayer

The Philippines is the focus of the Women’s World Day of Prayer today. The theme is ‘Am I being unfair to you?’ based on Matthew 20:1-16, the parable of the workers in the vineyard. Pray for the country’s agriculture which employs 30 per cent of the total workforce. Pray for the population’s protection against the typhoons and earthquakes that are common throughout the year. Pray for the country’s politicians, that they may have wisdom and discernment to make the best decisions for the people, especially towards those who find themselves in poverty. Saturday 4th Revivals of the past have always included conviction of sin. Pray for God’s Spirit to bring a wave of conviction so that people know they have to get right with God. Sunday 5th Thank God that, despite the fact that our hands are not always clean, nor our hearts pure, he has still reached out to us in Jesus and reconciled us to himself. Fasting and Feasting Monday 6th Matthew 7:1-2 Fast from judging others; feast on the goodness in them. Lord, open the eyes of our hearts to see people from your truthful, loving and grace-filled perspective. Tuesday 7th Proverbs 16:24 Fast from words that pollute; feast on phrases that purify. Loving God, let the words that we speak today bring hope, not harm. Wednesday 8th 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Fast from discontent; feast on gratitude. Thank you, generous God, for everything I am and have right now. I praise you in the midst of my circumstances and give thanks in all things. Thursday 9th

Matthew 6:31-33

Fast from worry, feast on God’s care and provision. Spend some time today handing over all your cares to God, and looking to him to bring you peace. Friday 10th Colossians 3:13 Fast from bitterness, feast on forgiveness. Are there any resentful feelings you need to let go? Ask God for help. Forgiveness will set you free to give and receive more love. Saturday 11th 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Fast from self-concern, feast on compassion for others. God of all compassion, break our hearts for what breaks yours, and move us to compassionate action today. Seeking for God Sunday 12th Luke 11:9-13 The best way to find love, life and meaning, to find who we truly are even in the midst of tough times, is to seek God. This week let us pray for us and others to be moved by the Holy Spirit to seek and find God, trusting that those who ask, seek and knock will be found by God. Monday 13th Choose three people known to you, who do not know God. Pray for them today, and commit to praying for them daily for the rest of Lent, that the Holy Spirit would inspire them to seek God and that he would soften their hearts and draw them to faith in Christ Jesus. Tuesday 14th Pray for people in your church or friendship group to experience a breakthrough in their relationship with Christ ,finding a deeper appreciation of God in prayer or some experience of the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Pray this for yourself too! Wednesday 15th

Check your value system! Jesus said, ‘Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also’ (Matthew 6:21). Where is your heart? What ‘treasure’ are you seeking in life? Thursday 16th Pray for all churches and groups and individuals who are sharing Jesus’ good news in all sorts of mission and community projects week by week. Pray that God will give them the words to say and that people will be drawn to Jesus as his love is shown and spoken. Friday 17th Pray for our society, that the emptiness of materialism and seeking after things that don’t satisfy souls will be exposed rather than exalted in the media this week. Pray for an awakening of people’s need for a real, meaningful, transformative encounter with God. Saturday 18th A challenge for today. Ann Voskamp writes: ‘The secret of joy is to keep seeking God where we doubt he is.’ Are there any situations, experiences or places in the world or within you where you doubt God’s good presence? (It’s OK and understandable sometimes .Why not ask God to help you seek and find him where you most struggle to recognise his presence? Scripture focus: Luke 4:18-19 – Jesus’ manifesto Sunday 19th Read the Scripture focus above. How does it compare with the policies and manifestos of various earthly governments? Pray for those in local and national governments, that they would seek and be given God’s wisdom and that the decisions they make would have a positive effect in the life of communities and the nations. Monday 20th

‘Good news to the poor’

God longs to meet the needs of the materially and spiritually poor. Pray about your own act of giving money. Ask God to make you and your church/community ‘good news to the poor’. Tuesday 21st ‘Freedom for the prisoners’ Today pray for all those who are in prison, that they may hear the gospel and be set free from guilt and fear and sin. Pray for all those who work to bring freedom to people trapped by human trafficking, and for freedom and healing for the victims. Wednesday 22nd ‘Recovery of sight for the blind’ Loving God, today we ask for healing. We pray for those we know who are sick, and ask that you would bring them health. We pray too for those who are spiritually blind to the truth of Jesus Christ, that you will open the eyes of their hearts and minds that they may know you. Thursday 23rd ‘Set the oppressed free’ Pray today for those who suffer oppression, whether it be through personal depression and anxiety, or because they are suffering at the hands of others. Pray for an opportunity today to listen to someone or help someone in need. Friday 24th ‘Proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour’ Loving Lord, today we give thanks for all those who preach the gospel, through their words and in their actions. Please help us always to be ready to share the good news of the Kingdom of God. Saturday 25th Our loving God, we praise you today for your infinite goodness, faithfulness and unfailing love. We give thanks to you for all that you have done for us, and for all that we have been blessed with. You alone are worthy of praise. Make a big list of all that you are thankful for and give thanks to our God.

Mother’s Day Sunday 26th In Matthew 23 Jesus is condemning the religious establishment of the day, when in verse 37 there is a change of tone as he depicts God as a mother hen who wants to ‘gather her chicks under her wings’. Thank him for his motherly love and care towards you, and for the earthly biological, adoptive or spiritual mothers that he placed in your life to care for you. Lent prayers and reflections For the next few days, as we move closer to Easter, take a few minutes to be still before God, using these prayers and reflections to help you. Ask God to speak to you to show you what new things he wants you to learn and discover. ‘Morning by morning he wakens me and opens my understanding to his will’ (Isaiah 50:4b NLT). Monday 27th Lord, there is nothing as certain as silence, stillness and solitude to help me understand the secrets of myself. I come to you in silent prayer. Reveal yourself and I will be revealed. Tuesday 28th Heavenly Father, during this Lenten season, give me a new and expanded vision for my life. Help me to live full of faith. Teach me to find hope in the face of adversity. Amen. Wednesday 29th Pray this for yourself and others you know: May you be wrapped up in God’s love, found deep in his everlasting wings, carried and kept, safe and cherished. May the healing power of Christ sweep across your being now. Thursday 30th

Mother Teresa said: ‘In the silence of the heart God speaks; if you face God in prayer and silence, God will speak to you.’ Today, be still and listen. Friday 31st Dear God, I know that silence is not golden where it ought not to exist – to deny praise to a child; to withhold best wishes from someone of whom I am jealous; to keep back from contradicting lies or gossip; to fail to speak out against injustice. All this creates silence that destroys. Open my lips to speak out when the time is right. Amen. April Focus on the ‘I am’ sayings of Jesus our Lord Prayerfully reflect on what each of these sayings mean to you. ‘ Saturday 1st I am the bread of life’ ‘ I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live for ever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world’ (John 6:51).

Sunday 2nd ‘I am the light of the world’ ‘When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life”’ (John 8:12). Monday 3rd ‘I am the gate for the sheep’ ‘I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture’ (John 10:9). Tuesday 4th ‘I am the good shepherd’ ‘I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep’ (John 10:11). Wednesday 5th

‘I am the resurrection and the life’

‘Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”’ (John 11:25-26). Thursday 6th ‘I am the way and the truth and the life’ ‘Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him”’ (John 14:6-7). ‘ Friday 7th I am the true vine’ ‘I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener… I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing’ (John 15: 1,5).

Holy Week – The way of the cross: Beauty from Brokenness Saturday 8th The Cross is about solidarity with the broken. ‘When the Church isn’t for the suffering and broken, it isn’t for Christ’ (Ann Voskamp). Pray that you, me and your church would be real about our brokenness and be willing to journey with the broken. Sunday 9th – Palm Sunday The Cross demonstrates the humility and vulnerability of our allpowerful God. Consider Jesus riding humbly into Jerusalem on a donkey, full of compassion for the people. Thank God for his mercy. Monday 10th The Cross demonstrates that God understands all our brokenness. Today, spend some time with God, pouring out your heart to him, knowing that he understands you totally and loves you unconditionally and without end. Tuesday 11th

The Cross shows that Jesus braved being broken, so he could be given for others, and this brought him to joy and new life. Lord, help us to be brave when we feel broken, and choose to give our brokenness to you so that we can find joy in being used to bless others. Amen. Wednesday 12th The Cross can make peace in broken relationships. Pray for a situation of conflict that you know of, or are involved in. Pray that grace and truth will replace fear, accusation and defensiveness, and that God’s peace will come. Thursday 13th The Cross makes forgiveness real and possible and enables us all to give and receive it. Ask God to show you who you need to forgive today, and seek forgiveness from those you have hurt. Friday 14th – Good Friday The Cross is about transforming brokenness with healing love. Loving Lord, I thank you for all those who are living and loving sacrificially to share your salvation with others. Bless and protect your persecuted Church, and help us all to boldly tell of the salvation that comes for all through Christ Jesus. Saturday 15th Laura Story sings a beautiful song called ‘Blessings’. Reflect on these words today as you contemplate the reality of Jesus’ death. ‘What if your blessings come through raindrops? What if your healing comes through tears? And what if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know you’re near? What if my greatest disappointments, or the aching of this life, is a revealing of a greater thirst this world can’t satisfy? And what if the trials of this life, the rain, the storms, the hardest nights, are your mercies in disguise?’ Sunday 16th – Easter Sunday Let’s give thanks to the risen Lord Jesus and praise together:

‘God sent his Son, they called him Jesus; he came to love, heal and forgive; He lived and died to buy my pardon, an empty grave is there to prove my Saviour lives. Because he lives, I can face tomorrow; Because he lives, all fear is gone; Because I know he holds the future, And life is worth the living just because he lives.’ (William and Gloria Gaither SASB 219) Mission Focus Monday 17th Pray for the families that are ministered to each day throughout the territory, in corps, centres or through home visits. Pray that officers, soldiers and employees may be ministers of reconciliation as they help those who are going through social and economic pressures. Tuesday 18th Pray for the work that is done in the territory with those who are facing homelessness. Thank God for the support they receive through emergency accommodation (Lifehouses), drop-in centres, addiction support, employment support and resettlement centres. Wednesday 19th Thousands of people from the community enter Salvation Army buildings each week. Pray that they would find the support, guidance and resources that they need. Pray for the volunteers who give of their time to serve others, and that through everything that is done, people may see the love of Jesus in action. Thursday 20th Pray for corps and centres who offer a place where people experiencing unemployment can find information and guidance. May they be equipped with the right set of skills and training for the job they are working towards.

Friday 21st Pray for the work that is done with older people throughout the territory. Pray that they may feel that their contributions and wisdom are important. Thank God for the corps and centres that offer a space for fellowship, creative activities and pastoral care. Saturday 22nd Praise God for the musical ministry of The Salvation Army. Pray for those who take part in the musical sections, community choirs and other musical activities. May they first and foremost sense God’s presence as they minister to others. Pray for a deeper discovery of further ways to engage and bless people through different forms of creative arts. Sunday 23rd Pray for the different expressions of mission that are happening throughout the territory. Pray for officers, soldiers and employees to be good stewards of all the resources and opportunities God has entrusted to them. Pray that in every location, people will be encouraged to realise their place within God’s mission. Integration Focus Monday 24th In Mark 9:34-38 the disciples had been arguing about who was the greatest. Jesus tells them that to be the greatest means that they need to be humble, by putting others before themselves, and having the simplicity and purity of a child. Pray that by God’s grace you would understand and put into practice Jesus’ challenging words about how to truly relate to others. Tuesday 25th As Christians we can easily become comfortable in our faith and in our interactions with others. Too often most of the people we know are Christians also. Pray that this week you will have the courage and boldness to integrate into a different friendship circle or go to a location

that is out of your comfort zone. Pray for new relationships with nonbelievers to be created. Wednesday 26th Lord, help us to understand that who we are, all we have and all we do has its existence and meaning in you. We dedicate to you all the different areas and aspects of our life. Move in and through us, weaving all things together for your glory. Amen. Thursday 27th Paul encouraged the Ephesians to ‘make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace’ (Ephesians 4:3). As we seek to relate to those around us, pray that we would be people who strive for peace and unity through the way we interact with others. Friday 28th One of the key elements of our Christian walk is to know Christ more and spread true views of who he is and his ways. Lord, forgive us for the times in which people have missed the opportunity to encounter you, because we didn’t share you with others by every means possible. Amen. Saturday 29th ‘I in them and you in me – so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me’ (John 17:23). May Jesus’ prayer for all believers resonate in our hearts too. Sunday 30th With the recent migrant crisis, many countries in Europe are seeking to integrate asylum-seekers and refugees into society. Pray that the converging of cultures and customs will be as peaceful as possible. Pray that those who have arrived to the continent will be directed to suitable housing and jobs, while recovering from the trauma of the places they have left and the journeys they have been through.

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