September-December 2016 Prayer Matters

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Prayer Matters

September - December 2016

Greetings Prayer Warriors, Welcome to this September – December edition of Prayer Matters. My grateful thanks and acknowledgments go to Karen Findlay who has prayerfully collated and edited this issue and to our guest writers Major Gillian Miller, Lyndall Bywater and Stephanie Chagas-Bijl (THQ Mission Services) who has written our Advent series. Yes, here you are holding in your hand the Advent edition of Prayer Matters and what a lot has happened in the UKI Salvation Army world, with the full implementation of Fit for Mission (FFM), since our last issue! It has been a massive upheaval, there is a way to go yet as things settle in our new organisational structure and teething problems are gradually ironed out. But, here we are having come through it all with a measure of God’s grace and yes, dare I say excitement for the future mission of the UKI Salvation Army. To this end, I want to take this opportunity, to thank you, our Prayer Matters readers, for your faithfulness in holding all that has and is taking place under FFM in your prayers. Let us continue to pray, remembering that the FFM project is not an end in itself. But is the vehicle to help us find more effective ways of being and telling the good news of Jesus in our communities, by loving and serving others in a way that makes a transformational difference in their lives in today’s modern world. In this edition you will see also poster pages for our next season of prayer conferences: One Thing: Prayer and Mission Conference; 12-13 November 2016 at William Booth College, booking now open. Prayer Warfare Weekend: 27 – 29 January 2017 at a great new venue Latimer Place, Chesham; Early bird discount booking now open! We have a great line up of subjects and speakers and would love to see you there at both or either!

Captain Pauline Milner, 24/7 SA Prayer Coordinator

September Focus on the new school year. Thursday 1st Today, pray for those who will start new schools in the next few days. Pray that they will settle in quickly, and adjust well to their new routines. Friday 2nd Pray for Christian youth workers who will go into schools this year. Pray that they will be able to present the gospel in a way that will be attractive to the young people who hear it. Saturday 3rd

Spend some time, today, praying for Christian teachers, teaching assistants, and school staff members. Pray that they will have opportunities to share their faith with those they work alongside. Sunday 4th Pray for those who find school difficult for whatever reason. May they find all they need to feel at ease and at peace. Pray also for those who work to support these pupils. International Focus – South America East (Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina) Monday 5th Loving Father God, we bring to you fellow Christians in South America and especially the countries of Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina. As we look at the world map and identify these places we know that we are joined in the love of Christ and so we pray your mighty love would encompass The Salvation Army and your Spirit of joy will dwell in the hearts of your people. Tuesday 6th We give thanks today for the fact that the UK Territory partners South America East in Mission and supports the work and ministry through financial giving from our Altar Service and through faithful prayer. We pray for new projects that may have been possible through the giving of the UKT asking that many people will be brought to know Jesus as Saviour. Wednesday 7th We bring to you Officers, Cadets and Employees who give of themselves each day to build the Kingdom where they are. Give them strength and grace we pray as they serve others. Fill them with hope and joy as they share the Gospel and the love of Christ. Thursday 8th

We lift up to you Father God the children of these countries, young lives with so much potential. Many are poor and rely on The Salvation Army for accommodation. We pray each of these children will know their value and place in God’s creation and learn who they are in Christ. Friday 9th For many young people, The Salvation Army provides safe, affordable housing for students in Argentina and Uruguay. We pray that each one will know the safety that is found under God’s wings and rely on His faithfulness. May their studies enable these young people to find employment and use their God given gifts. Saturday 10th We believe in giving our hearts to God and then reaching out to our fellow man. We remember our fellow Salvationists in South America who will reach out in Nursing Homes to needy people today. May residents and staff know the love of God through the care they give and receive.

Sunday 11th We worship God with all our hearts and lift up our voices in praise to our King. We pray for the Territorial Leaders and their team in South America praying that God will empower them and renew them as they seek to enlarge the Kingdom of God in the areas they serve. Scripture Focus Stillness This week, we consider some scriptures about encountering God in quietness. Try to make a space in your day, and seek to hear his still small voice as you pray. Monday 12th Exodus 14:14 In this passage, Moses encourages the Israelites that it is God who will fight for them. What are the situations you need God to fight for you in today? Spend some time bringing these before him now.

Tuesday 13th Psalm 37:7 Sometimes it seems like our enemies are winning, and that good will be defeated. In times like this, God encourages us to be still, and to wait for him to act. Pray for situations in the world where people have been wrongly accused or imprisoned. Ask God to help them trust for his intervention. Wednesday 14th Psalm 46:10 This well known verse is a great promise to focus on in times of busyness and stress. Today, pray that you will be able to remember this truth, and hear his still, small voice guiding you. Thursday 15th Psalm 65:7 This verse speaks of God’s power to calm storms. What are the storms in your church or family that need calming at present? Ask God to move in power in these situations.

Friday 16th Job 6:24 Sometimes we need to be quiet, in order to hear God correcting us, and showing us where we have made mistakes. This place of honesty can be uncomfortable, but it is vital. Spend some time asking God to reveal anything that is hindering your relationship with him or with others. Saturday 17th Isaiah 32:17 This verse speaks of the peace and confidence which come from righteous living. Today, ask God if there are any areas of your life in which you need to make changes, in order to experience more of this peace. Sunday 18th Psalm 4:8 We can have confidence because God is our safety and refuge. We can rest in peace because he watches over us. Today, think of someone you

know who needs to hear about and experience this peace. Pray for them today. Focus on UK Politics Monday 19th Party Leadership As party leadership positions are decided, and leadership teams are formed, pray that they will quickly learn to work well together, and that they will lead Parliament forward with a new sense of purpose and optimism in this unusual season for our nation. Tuesday 20th Negotiations and Deals Pray for those currently involved in negotiations to work out the basis for our diplomatic and trading relationships with countries around the world, that every deal struck will be righteous, and that we as a nation will find new ways to bless poorer nations through these new partnerships. Wednesday 21st Party Conferences In this party conference season, we pray for each of our political parties, that their time in conference together will help them to unite, to plan constructively for the future, and to speak out clearly on the issues which most affect the country. Thursday 22nd Scotland Having voted ‘Remain’ in the EU Referendum in June, Scotland has some serious questions to consider regarding its future. Pray for peace amidst uncertainty, and clarity amidst confusion. Pray for Scotland’s political leaders, that they will know how to steer a wise course in the months to come. Friday 23rd Northern Ireland The UK leaving the EU means that Ireland would have an EU border across it. As the way ahead is planned and negotiated, pray that there won’t be a trace of trouble or terrorism. Pray that no ground will be lost

in the ongoing Peace Process, and that this island will find a new era of peace. Saturday 24th Civil Service Pray for the Civil Service, many of whose staff have workloads which have been greatly increased since the Referendum. Pray for calm and clear-headedness in the midst of busyness; for wisdom and intelligence when asked to advise; for vision and compassion in problem-solving. Sunday 25th Political Engagement Times of turbulence can have the effect of causing more people to take an interest in politics. Pray that God will send men and women of integrity into the political arena: people who don’t just pay Christianity lip-service, but who really live it. Focus on Fit for Mission In recent months the United Kingdom and Ireland Territory has undergone major changes as a result of the Fit or Mission process. This week we focus on excerpts from Acts as we pray asking God to use it to guide us and fill us with faith and passion, as we pray for the Church and for the Holy Spirit’s empowering. Be bold, as you seek the fullness of abundant life which Jesus holds out to us as we partner in building his kingdom. Read the stories around the verses that have been highlighted, and be impacted again by that same power which is available to us. Monday 26th Acts 1:8 ‘You shall receive power … and you shall be my witnesses’ Ask God for a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit to challenge, encourage and restore you. Pray that, as you are touched, your life will be a witness to the world around you, and that you will powerfully impact that world for God. Tuesday 27th Acts 2:17 ‘I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh’

Pray that people’s hearts will be open and responsive to the moving of the Spirit. Pray for your church, your family, your community, that people will explore and use their spiritual gifts to build up the Body of Christ. Wednesday 28th Acts 2:47 ‘The Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved’ Ask God to challenge you to seek him for more growth in your church. As this part of the chapter suggests, ask God to give you ways in which you can change your life, to greater influence people for him. Pray that the Holy Spirit will convict people you come into contact with of their need of him. Thursday 29th Acts 3:6 ‘What I have I give to you in the name of Jesus Christ’ So often we forget what God has given to us, the abundance of God’s riches which we have to offer to the world. Ask God to remind you of the riches you have access to in Christ. Ask him for a renewed generosity and boldness to share his truth, his love, his grace. Friday 30th Acts 4:12 ‘There is no other name under heaven by which we must be saved’ Claim and speak out the name of Jesus into situations you are wrestling with and close to giving up on. Ask God to help you to see his will and his power in these situations. Spend time praying for people who you long to see come to faith in Christ – pray for their salvation; pray that, in your life, you will fully depend on God to save you in every situation, instead of relying on your own resources. October Saturday 1st Acts 17:6 ‘Those who have turned the world upside down have come here too’ Ask God to use you to turn the world upside down in ways ‘exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask or think’ (Eph 3:21), and then ask him

to prepare you for whatever that may look like. Pray that your life will be distinctive, so that in every conversation and relationship you have; you will graciously and lovingly turn people to Jesus. Sunday 2nd Acts 17:28 ‘For in him we live and move and have our being’ Pray that your whole perspective will be increasingly focused on God. Pray that you will increasingly see things through God's eyes. Pray that your life will be aligned with where God wants you to be. Pray that you will be able to ignore all distractions, as you seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness. International Focus France and Belgium Territory Monday 3rd We give thanks today for the Salvationists who are part of the France and Belgium Territory. We remember that terrorism has been felt by the people of these countries and we know our Salvationist colleagues were there offering help and support to those in need. Bless our comrades we pray and give peace and healing.

Tuesday 4th Thank you, Father, for Chaplains who visit Prisons and Hospitals. We recognise this valuable ministry to the sick and troubled men and women and pray for grace and strength for the Chaplains as they share the light and hope of faith in Jesus our Saviour. Wednesday 5th O Lord, we praise you that your people are ready to serve those in difficulty, the lonely, the desperate, the victims of physical or moral violence and those who are in situations of exclusion and distress. May your love be made known through your servants. Thursday 6th

We pray protection over everyone who seeks our emergency shelters for whatever reason. Thank you Father, that the Salvation Army unconditionally receives each person seeking a bed for the night, providing a hot meal on arrival and breakfast the next morning. Friday 7th Jesus, you demonstrated unconditional love and call us to show the same compassion to others. Thank you for every service of love shown through street meals, emergency shelters, day centres, convalescent homes and the means to help missing persons to find their family and loved ones through the Family Tracing Service. Saturday 8th Putting our faith into action is showing the world the love of Christ. Thank you, Lord, for every opportunity to serve those who are vulnerable and fragile. We pray for isolated single mothers about to give birth who can find a safe place in our Maternity Home which seeks to give reassurance and hope. Sunday 9th On this day when we meet together for worship and fellowship in the name of Jesus we give thanks for community. Father, will you bless all who join in Christian fellowship today. Fill us up and send us out to be lights in the darkness. Be close to all who are not able to be part of the larger congregation today; be their sufficiency and touch each one with your glory. Focus on Older People Monday 10th Thank God for the wisdom, listening ears and practical help that grandparents bring to families. We pray today for those who feel out of touch with their grandchildren. Tuesday 11th

Thank God for all older members of our congregations who enrich the fellowship with their wisdom and example of living with the Lord. Pray that they will have a deeper knowledge of how valued they are. Wednesday 12th Pray today for those who find themselves in the role of carers. Pray that God will strengthen them and that each will have the wisdom to know when they need help and support themselves. Thursday 13th We pray for those who find themselves in hardship, either economic or health. Pray that those around will support and respond in practical ways to help and support them. Friday 14th Pray today for those who are lonely. It is said that many older people can go a month without speaking to anyone. Pray that church communities are sensitive to those around them that find themselves alone. Pray that strategies are put in place to respond to this need.

Saturday 15th Pray for all those in later years who volunteer in so many areas. They have much to offer, pray that as they give of themselves in this way they will feel enriched and valued. Sunday 16th As governments at national and local level seek to resource services for older people, pray that God will grant the decision makers with wisdom and grace. Pray that as a church and as a society older people are seen for what they offer.

Focus on Healthcare Monday 17th Thanksgiving for the NHS Surveys show that over 80% of people have a very positive experience of their treatment within the NHS. Let’s give thanks to God for a system which, though often under strain, delivers excellent care to millions of people. Tuesday 18th GP Services Most doctors in General Practice have a very high number of patients in their care. Pray for your own doctor, who may see hundreds of patients a month, for the energy to do his/her work well, and for the sharpness of mind to be able to determine the right treatment for each patient. Wednesday 19th Nursing Staff In the busy, sometimes chaotic atmosphere of a hospital, nursing staff have the task of making sure that each inpatient is cared for, and that each receives the attention they need. Pray that their workload will be managed in such a way that they can fulfil this mammoth task. Thursday 20th Ward Staff Pray for non-nursing staff who keep hospital wards running smoothly: for healthcare assistants, cleaners and catering staff etc. Pray that God will use them to bring joy and humour into the atmosphere of the wards where they work. Friday 21st Community Healthcare Pray for nurses, midwives and other healthcare professionals who visit people’s homes to provide support. Pray that they will bring not only their professional expertise but also a spirit of life and hope into every household they visit. Saturday 22nd Mental Health Services Mental Health is often called the ‘poor relation’ within the NHS, suffering from lack of funding and low morale. Pray for a new era of

confidence and abundance for this part of the Health Service, so that those with mental health problems can be treated well and consistently. Sunday 23rd Ambulance Services Being a paramedic is rated as one of the most stressful jobs there is, with many paramedics only managing a relatively short time in the service before needing to change career. Pray for those on the front line of the ambulance service, for protection, for resilience and for a boundless supply of hope. Scripture Focus: Matthew 14:22—33 This week, we look at the story of Jesus calming the storm to guide our prayers for ourselves and others. Monday 24th Verses 23—24 At the beginning of the story, we’re told that Jesus had gone off by himself to pray, when his disciples’ boat began to be buffeted by a storm. Sometimes, it can feel like life crowds in and disturbs the time we had planned to spend with God. Clear some space to be with God, today, and pray that he will help you to find the right balance between meeting with him and responding to the needs of your family and friends.

Tuesday 25th Verse 26 The disciples are Jesus’ closest friends, yet when they see him their first response is to cry out in fear. Sometimes, we too are so overwhelmed by the storm that we fail to recognise God’s presence. Today, pray that you will hear the whisper of his voice above any and all of the storms that surround you. Wednesday 26th Verse 28 Peter challenges Jesus to call him, if he is really who he says. This is a bold request, and gives Jesus the opportunity to act. Today, spend some

time praying that your corps or centre will be a place that is actively seeking Jesus, and that prays for him to move in response to prayer. Thursday 27th Verse 29 Jesus doesn’t waste words in response to Peter’s challenge; he simply says ‘Come’. Pray for those in your corps or centre who have heard God’s call to full-time spiritual leadership as Salvation Army officers. Pray that they will have the boldness to respond positively to this call. Friday 28th Verse 31 As soon as Peter cries out, Jesus is there to save him from sinking. Today, pray for anyone you know who is struggling with depression and feeling like they are being dragged under by it. Ask God to reach out to them and pull them to safety. Saturday 29th Verse 32 Rather than calming the storm straight away, Jesus uses it to teach the disciples much about his identity and faithfulness. Sometimes he waits before coming to our aid for similar reasons. Pray that you will have the courage to wait for him in the situations where it seems the storms feel overwhelming Sunday 30th Verse 33 Jesus reveals his power by calming the storm and his disciples worship him. What are the situations in your corps or community where you have seen similar miracles, where your response can only be ‘truly, you are the son of God’. Spend some time, today, thanking God again for what he has done in the past, and praying for him to move in power in the future. Focus – He Giveth More Grace This week, we use the words of the well-known hymn ‘He giveth more grace’ to guide our praying. You can find it in the Salvation Army song book (number 30) if you would like to meditate on the whole song as you pray.

Monday 31st ‘He giveth more grace as our burdens grow greater’. What are the burdens carried by your family at present? Is there illness, unemployment or conflict? God promises his grace to us, pray that you would be more aware of it, as you bring these situations before him, today. November Tuesday 1st ‘His love has no limits, his grace has no measure’. So often, our expectations about what God can do are limited by our earthly experiences of love and relationships. God, however, can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. (Ephesians 3:20) Wednesday 2nd ‘When we reach the end of our hoarded resources’. Today, focus your prayers on countries in the world where you know there is famine and lack. Pray that God will provide miraculously for their needs. Pray, also, for the aid agencies working in these countries as they seek to distribute supplies and resources justly. Thursday 3rd ‘To added afflictions he addeth his mercy’. Are there any ‘afflictions’ or struggles that you are working through as a corps or community at present? Where do you need to see the mercy of God bringing transformation? Pray for God’s touch to intervene in these circumstances today. Friday 4th ‘Our Father’s full giving is only begun’. Spend some time thinking about the agencies who work to bring social inclusion, health and educational resources to the area in which you live. Pray that God will provide the finances, staff and resources they need to equip people to positively contribute to their community. Pray, also, that God will protect them and inspire those who work for these agencies, by his Holy Spirit Saturday 5th ‘His power no boundary known unto man’.

What situations have you seen on the news this week that seem hopeless except for a move of God? Pray for God’s power to bring resolution, rescue and restoration in these circumstances. Ask God to break through bureaucracy and apathy to deliver his people. Sunday 6th ‘Out of his infinite riches in Jesus, he giveth and giveth and giveth again’. Spend some time, today, considering where, in your personal life, you need to encounter God’s abundant provision. Be honest with him, as you pray, and where you struggle with lack and loss, ask him to bless you from the ‘infinite riches’ the song talks of. International Focus - Germany, Lithuania and Poland Territory Monday 7th Gracious Father God, we give thanks and praise for ministry in Germany, Every person is precious to you and we pray blessing on all who call you Lord. Resource all your people as they minister in love to the refugees, may your Spirit guide all acts of mercy and compassion. As Leaders minister the Gospel, may each heart be enriched and renewed, may new initiatives be understood and accepted and in all things may Your name be glorified. Tuesday 8th Loving Lord, we rejoice with fellow Christians in Lithuania, who, in spite of having few resources, have seen growth as people come to know you. Thank you that your people are reaching out in your name hungry to see souls won and lives changed. Unify your people so that together they may be bolder and willing to take risks, that your Kingdom might be glorified and your name honoured. Nature exclaims your creative hand, the hand that guides and cares for the world. Inspire people to see your glory and support the work of The Salvation Army allowing the work of soul saving and social justice to go forward in Lithuania.

Wednesday 9th Praises rise for the development of the ministry already established in Poland. O Lord, we give thanks for new soldiers, for people coming to know Jesus as Lord and Saviour, and for their passion to share your love. Anoint your people with increased faith and with hearts for mission. Nurture their minds with your truth and their hearts with your love as they declare your name to the lost and stand up for justice in their land. Thursday 10th We pray for the injustice in the world and especially remember people who have fled from their homes, cities and countries to get away from terrorism and war. Many find themselves living as refugees and are looking for kindness and understanding. We pray for the ministry of The Salvation Army, to offer practical assistance, acceptance and love to the displaced. ‘Except I am moved by compassion, how dwelleth thy Spirit in me?’ Friday 11th Loving Father, give courage to your people to be bold and fearless, to take risks and be brave through faith in your great power at work in our world. Show your servants miracles and set hearts on fire with passion and confidence in your mighty power. ‘In word and in deed burning love is my need.’ Saturday 12th We pray for our brothers and sisters in Germany, Lithuania and Poland and for ourselves that we will all see souls saved by the majestic power of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit at work. Give us a passion for souls that will bring about revival. ‘Let there be revival, start with me.’ Sunday 13th PEACE IN OUR TIME O LORD, TO ALL THE PEOPLES PEACE.

Loving Father, as our minds turn to peace in our world we thank you for JESUS, our Prince of Peace. As we continue to pray for Germany, Lithuania and Poland we give thanks for unity of mind and spirit through our faith in Jesus. Where there needs to be forgiveness in our hearts Lord give us all the strength to forgive through your grace. Focus on Scripture As you pray through the theme of justice this week ask God to reveal to you what justice looks like as part of his character revealed. [All quotes from New International Version] Monday 14th Isaiah 30:18 ‘Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!’ Ask God to teach you how to wait upon him and to open your heart up more to receive from his grace and compassion. Rest in the love of God as you draw close to him. Tuesday 15th Matthew 12:18 ‘Here is my servant whom I have chosen, the one I love, in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him, and he will proclaim justice to the nations.’ As you have received of the Holy Spirit ask God to show you ways in which you too can proclaim justice where he has placed you. Wednesday 16th Ezekiel 34:15-16 ‘I myself will tend my sheep and make them lie down, declares the Sovereign Lord. I will search for the lost and bring back the strays. I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak, but the sleek and the strong I will destroy. I will shepherd the flock with justice.’ Thank God for his care, his shepherding heart and his unending love. Allow him to shepherd and shape you today, and then to use you to work with him to bring healing and restoration.

Thursday 17th Proverbs 28:5 ‘Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the Lord understand it fully.’ Pray that God will reveal true justice where people are blinded to the realities of the evil that goes on around the world, and pray for Holy Spirit conviction that will turn people around to fight rather than cause injustice. Friday 18th Isaiah 10:1-2 ‘Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people, making widows their prey and robbing the fatherless.’ Pray for God to raise people with passion and skill to fight institutional and societal injustices. Pray that in this country and around the world governments will look to uplift and support the weak. Saturday 19th Deuteronomy 16:20 ‘Follow justice and justice alone, so that you may live and possess the land the Lord your God is giving you.’ Thank God for the abundance of his blessings and the privileges that come as we follow his ways. Ask him to show you more about how walking in holiness and standing for justice are good for the health of a nation as well as individuals. Sunday 20th Psalm 106:3 ‘Blessed are they who maintain justice, who constantly do what is right.’ Ask God for forgiveness for the times when we don’t do the right things and for conviction and boldness to follow his ways and bring justice where there is none.Focus on Domestic Violence Monday 21st The Death-toll The Office of National Statistics reports that two women every week are killed by a partner or former partner. Father God, we ask you to intervene and to rescue those women whose lives are in danger today. Send them help, and give them the courage to accept it and act on it. Tuesday 22nd Early Intervention

Surveys suggest that one in four women will experience domestic violence at some point in their lives. Holy Spirit, we pray for those relationships which are in danger of becoming abusive or violent. Shine light into the darkness and help both partners to recognise what is happening. Wednesday 23rd Men Experiencing Abuse 19% of domestic abuse victims are men. Father God, we pray now for men in our communities who are suffering abuse at home. May they have the courage to ask for help, and may they find comfort and strength from supportive friends and wise professionals. Thursday 24th Coercion and Control The law has recently changed to make these behaviours illegal. Wonderful Counsellor, we ask you to give wisdom to judges and lawyers as they seek to bring coercive, controlling partners to justice, and we pray your healing for all those recovering from being abused in this way. Friday 25th Police Intervention It is reckoned that, on average, a woman is assaulted over 30 times by a partner before reporting it. Father God, you know those women in our communities who are still too afraid or ashamed to call the Police. Please give them an opportunity to call for help, and the strength to take that brave step. Saturday 26th Children A 2011 NSPCC report estimates that 20% of children in the UK have been exposed to domestic abuse. God our Healer, our hearts break at the thought of so many young lives being touched by so much wrong. Pour out your Spirit to heal their bodies, restore their minds and repair their hearts. Sunday 27th New Life It is reckoned that 30% of domestic violence either starts or intensifies during pregnancy. Saviour God, it grieves us that violence robs so many

women of the joy of celebrating the new life beginning within them. Rescue these women, we pray, and safeguard the children they carry. Focus Psalm 91 Monday 28th Verse 2 In what situations do you need to know God as your refuge and shelter at the moment? Spend some time praying about these. Tuesday 29th Verse 5 Who do you know who struggles with fear and worry? Lift them to Jesus today, and pray that they will know his comfort and protection. Wednesday 30th Verse 13 This verse reminds us of the authority we have in God. Spend some time, today, thanking God for this, and praying that he will help you to stand in the power it brings. December - Advent Thursday 1st God promises in Hebrews 13:5 that he will never leave us nor forsake us. Let us come before Him today, on World AIDS Day, with this reassurance. Pray for the families of those who have lost their loved ones, for people who are still living with HIV and for scientists who are seeking a cure. Thank God for the progress that has been made so far. Friday 2nd “You hear, O Lord, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry� (Psalm 10:17). The focus of the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery (today) is on eradicating contemporary forms of slavery such as human trafficking, sexual exploitation, child labour and forced marriage. Read the whole of Psalm 10 and pray that God will hear the cries of the oppressed.

Saturday 3rd Jesus was frequently involved with individuals affected by disability during His years of ministry. He saw them, showed compassion towards them and was concerned for the spiritually disabled. As we think about the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, let us pray that we may show to those in our congregations, in our workplace or that we see as we go about our daily activities the same care that Jesus did. Songs of Advent - As we continue to reflect on Jesus’ coming, we will be looking at the Song of Mary (Magnificat) and at how the Christmas carols Come, thou long-expected Jesus (Charles Wesley) and Hark, the glad sound! The Saviour comes (Philip Doddridge) can help guide us in our prayers. Sunday 4th – Waiting…waiting for our King to come. And when he comes heavenly melodies will rain down on us. We will worship our God like the angels and celebrate our Lord who always keeps his promises. We will celebrate! And we’ll do it to the fullest. (Kristoffer Paulsson) Monday 5th - Come, thou long-expected Jesus. Born to set thy people free; It seems that many of my close friends and family are having babies! Observing their sense of expectancy as to what the newborn will look like and how this situation will change their lives forever, it makes me wonder if I too am also longing for Jesus’ presence to come and transform hearts and minds with the freedom that only He can give? Let us pray that we will be filled with this sense of anticipation today! Tuesday 6th - From our fears and sins release us, let us find our rest in thee. Lord, you have told us in your Word time and time again that we do not need to be afraid for You are with us. Free us from ourselves and the sin that so easily entangles us (Hebrews 12:1) so that we may be upheld by

Your mighty hand and experience Your help and strength in our time of need (Isaiah 41:10). Wednesday 7th - All thy people’s consolation, hope of all the earth thou art; Pray today for those who have been recently bereaved and will spend their first Christmas without their loved one. Pray that in their grief they may know God’s comfort and the hope that is found in Him. Thursday 8th - Dear desire of every nation, joy of every longing heart. 17th century philosopher Blaise Pascal's said "There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every person that cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator.” Bring before God in prayer those who have put their hopes and desires on material things, especially during this season. May they experience, in some way, the joy and fulfilment that Jesus gives. Friday 9th - Born thy people to deliver, born a child and yet a King, While we know who Jesus is there are aspects about Him that can still seem such a mystery like His counter-cultural, paradoxical qualities: stable King, Christ child, Son of Man, Gentle Saviour. While we are too often surrounded by selfishness and greed, take time today to quietly marvel in His nature, seeking to be transformed by His amazing character. Saturday 10th - Born to reign in us for ever, now thy gracious Kingdom bring For us to understand how to follow Jesus’ command to seek His Kingdom and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33) we need to die to our own desires. We need to let Him reign in us and learn His teachings so that by His Spirit we can then live in accordance with the principles of the Kingdom. Lord, may Your kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Sunday 11th - Third Sunday of Advent Waiting…Waiting like Mary for the King to come. Even through struggles and pain, we know that it is worth waiting for the King. It isn’t easy to be the messenger but the celebration that we will experience in the end will be worth waiting for. (Kristoffer Paulsson) Monday 12th - And Mary said: “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour.” (Luke 1:46,47) Mary's hymn expresses praise to God for having chosen her, among all women, to bear His Son. She knows that God is worthy of praise for what He will do in taking care of His own. Lord, May I, like Mary, feel the greatness, holiness and mercy of your presence in my life today. My spirit rejoices in you! Tuesday 13th – “for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed.” (Luke 1:48) Mary’s song of praise is very similar to Hannah’s found in 1 Samuel 2. Both women feared the Lord and depended on Him in their individual circumstances. They were blessed by God, not because of anything they did, but simply because of His grace towards them. Wednesday 14th – “for the Mighty One has done great things for meholy is his name. His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation.” (Luke 1:49,50) One of my favourite verses in the Bible is Luke 1:38 where Mary’s obedient, faithful, devoted heart shines through as she accepts the angel’s message. When we are open to God’s purpose, he can do so much with our offering. Lord, may I have the faith and courage to say “I am your servant, may it be to me as you have said” (Luke 1:38).

Thursday 15th – “He has performed mighty deeds with his arm; he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts. He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble.” (Luke 1:51,52) These verses bring words of comfort even today when we see people in a position of leadership misusing their power. Whatever earthly authority exists, God is still working on behalf of the downtrodden. Think of situations of conflict in our world and pray that God may arise and that His enemies be scattered (Psalm 68:1). Friday 16th – “He has filled the hungry with good things but has sent the rich away empty.” (Luke 1:53) Jesus said in Matthew 5:6 “You’re blessed when you’ve worked up a good appetite for God” (MSG). Too often we starve ourselves of the nourishment that God has to offer us through His Word and His presence because we look for other things to satisfy our hunger for Him. Lord, would you increase our ‘spiritual appetite’ for You, we pray. Help us to know You better and love You deeper. Saturday 17th – “He has helped his servant Israel, remembering to be merciful to Abraham and his descendants forever, just as he promised our ancestors.” (Luke 1:54,55) We see that God’s word to Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3 about blessing him with numerous descendants is fulfilled throughout the Bible. Through Jesus, God continues to do as he promised. This blessing is now extended to all nations. Can you remember a promise God has made to you in the past or to your family? Sunday 18th- Fourth Sunday of Advent Waiting…waiting for our King to come. This King who shines brighter than the stars in the sky, will renew our minds and our hearts and give

us more valuable things than gold, frankincense or myrrh. He is the One we’re waiting for. (Kristoffer Paulsson) Monday 19th - Hark, the glad sound! the Saviour comes, the Saviour promised long; One of the most well-known prophecies about Jesus’ coming is found in Isaiah 9:6. The prophet also announced the coming of John the Baptist as Jesus’ forerunner: “A voice of one calling: ‘In the desert prepare the way for the LORD’” (40:3). Perhaps they knew that they wouldn’t see this prophecy fulfilled with their own eyes, but it didn’t stop them from sharing the message. We now know this Jesus of whom they spoke. Pray that we would proclaim Him to others with the same boldness. Tuesday 20th - Let every heart prepare a throne, and every voice a song. Is there space in your heart for King Jesus or are there too many other distractions wanting to occupy His place? What sacrifices or changes do you need to make in order to allow Him to take the main seat in your heart? Lord, I give You my heart, I give You my soul. I live for You alone. Every breath that I take, every moment I'm awake. Lord, have Your way in me. (Michael Smith) Wednesday 21st - He comes the prisoners to release, in Satan’s bondage held; Jesus, thank you because you came to preach good news to the poor, to proclaim freedom for those who are spiritually and socially imprisoned, to bring recovery of sight to the blind and release the oppressed (Luke 4:18). Thursday 22nd - He comes the broken heart to bind, the bleeding soul to cure; Pray for officers, soldiers and employees in corps and social centres who will be ministering to many broken-hearted people at this time. May the

contacts made, the meals provided and the presents given out with joy and love be a healing balm to their soul. Friday 23rd - And with the treasures of His grace to enrich the humble poor. In this materialistic and power-driven world many people are focused on working hard to gain as much money and influence as possible. While God desires that we live out our faith with boldness and grace, thankfully, He does not measure our value and worth by the world’s standards. Lord, help me to remain humble, realising that Your great gift of grace is only obtained through my faith in You, and regardless of how hard I work for You. Saturday 24th - Our glad hosannas, Prince of Peace, Thy welcome shall proclaim; As we get older, it becomes easier to lose the wonder of the Christmas festivities with its shiny lights, colourful decorations and Santa-themed songs! However, when was the last time we were really excited about the real meaning of Christmas? Of God sending His son so that all people can be in a relationship with Him? Take some time today to think about what that means in your life today, thanking Him for it. Sunday 25th – Christmas Day A King with all the power was born this silent night. Even though He had the power, He didn’t come to fight. He is called the Prince of Peace, the defender of the poor. He’s not interested in weapons or to proclaim His name in war. Since he lives within us we are praying unto Him. We know that He is able to bring justice to His people, to bring peace to all the earth. To bring mercy and love was the purpose of his birth. (Kristoffer Paulsson) Songs of Faithfulness - As the excitement of Christmas continues to remain in our hearts, we also start the process of looking back on the

year that is finishing, reflecting on how faithful God has been in each situation. We will conclude 2016 by journeying through songs that express the faithfulness of our Lord. Monday 26th The song below could have been written by Moses! In Numbers 27:12 we read that God tells him to go up a mountain and see the land He was giving the Israelites. We can imagine him looking down and reflecting on how far he’d come since those days of slavery in Egypt and remembering God’s guidance every step of the way. Can you see God’s faithfulness at work in your life? Standing on this mountaintop, looking just how far we've come Knowing that for every step you were with us… Never once did we ever walk alone. Never once did You leave us on our own You are faithful, God, You are faithful. (Matt Redman) Tuesday 27th The words of the song Faithful God are so simple, yet so powerful. Read them as your prayer today. Spend some time praising God for the times you have seen Him at work this past year. Faithful God, faithful God, all sufficient One, I worship You. Shalom, my peace, my strong deliverer, I lift You up, faithful God. (Chris Bowater – SASB 360) Wednesday 28th Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the LORD has helped us.” (1 Samuel 7:12) Samuel placed a large stone at the place where the restoration of the Israelites began after the Lord heard their cries for help against the Philistines. Perhaps today you can spend time remembering that no

matter what has happened throughout the year, God’s faithful love and protection towards you remains. All through the years his providence has led me. His abounding goodness has been all my song. All through the years I tell his love and mercy, Singing Ebenezer as the years roll on. (Edward Henry Joy – SASB 826) Thursday 29th It is good to praise the LORD…proclaiming your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night (Psalm 92:1,2). Perhaps this year you have been troubled with sickness or loss. God hasn’t changed. All over the world we have seen such turmoil and hatred. God hasn’t changed. Maybe you have been blessed with times of laughter and happiness. God hasn’t changed. Praise him now for his unchanging faithfulness! Faithful one, so unchanging. Ageless one, you're my rock of peace. Lord of all I depend on you. I call out to you, again and again. (Brian Doerksen) Friday 30th Christian songwriters often turn to the Psalms for inspiration for their songs. Contemporary worship leader Chris Tomlin wrote the song Forever based on Psalm 136. As you read the passage, think of someone who is going through a difficult time. Pray that they may know the words of the chorus of this song to be true in their lives today – that God is faithful, strong and with them…forever! Forever God is faithful. Forever God is strong. Forever God is with us. Forever. (Chris Tomlin - SASB 363)

Saturday 31st The song Great is Thy faithfulness will forever have a special place in my heart. It was sung at both the funerals of my Grandad and Dad. I cannot hear it without feeling emotional. It is a song of praise for what has passed and an anthem of courage for what is to come. May these words be on our lips as a testament to God’s faithfulness throughout this year. Sing it aloud as your prayer today! Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see; All I have needed Thy hand hath provided; Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me! (Thomas Chisholm – SASB 26)

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