September – December 2017
Greetings, Prayer Matters readers, Welcome to this September–December edition of Prayer Matters. Yes indeed, here you are holding in your hand the Advent edition of Prayer Matters! Time moves on and it hardly seems possible that we are now moving into the autumn season of 2017. As I write, I reflect on the terrible events of recent weeks: terrorist attacks at Westminster, Manchester Arena, London Bridge, Finsbury Park Mosque, and the horrific fire at Grenfell Tower, and I thank God that we can bring it all to him in prayer. The nation is in a sombre mood and we have no answers of our own in the face of such things. To whom else should we go, but to the Lord in prayer, who alone has the words of life, healing, provision, peace and comfort? Prayer Matters Edition You will find in this edition varied Scripture and mission focus prayer topics. Throughout the month of December, Advent reflections written by Major Jill Miller will guide us prayerfully to the celebration of the birth of Jesus our Saviour. We continue also in this edition to feature Hope 2017 Friday Focus – as we join with churches across the UK, praying together every Friday supporting ongoing mission across the UK and preparing the way for HOPE 2018. My grateful thanks and acknowledgments for this edition go to Stephanie Chagas-Bijl (Resource Hub, THQ) who has prayerfully collated and edited this issue, and to all our guest writers who inform and enrich our prayers. Prayer Network news Encounter - Prayer Gathering Weekend: 26–28 January 2018, The Hayes, Swanwick. We are delighted to have a great line-up of speakers who are passionate about prayer, to help us explore ‘Mission-centred prayer and prayer-centred mission’, and we invite you to join with us for an exciting weekend of encounter with God through worship, teaching, workshops and prayer. In response to your feedback, this year optional workshops will include: occult awareness, prayer walking and prayer for healing. Don’t miss out – come alone or bring a group from your corps. All are welcome! On the inside front cover you will see the poster page giving further details. Posters and application forms are now in corps and also available to download from the SA prayer website - or email us at 3
This year all bookings will be managed by THQ Special Events Team, which includes facility to pay by purchase/debit/credit card. ‘One Thing Prayer School’ – Season Two is out! We are delighted to announce that the long-awaited Season Two of our prayer school teaching resource – ‘One Thing for the Church – growing prayer together’ – is now available. A free copy of the DVD has been sent to every corps, so it is available for your study/ prayer groups, and the series is also available free online. Visit our webpage for links to the sessions, which can be streamed or downloaded. The workbook is also available there in pdf format – Additional copies of the DVDs – Season 1: ‘One Thing for us – bringing personal prayer to life’ and Season 2: ‘One Thing for the Church – growing prayer together’, are available to buy from SP&S (online or in the shop) for £12.95, and come complete with workbook to help you use or lead the course. Season 3, ‘One Thing for the World – getting out there in prayer’ will be available in late autumn 2017. Prayer Matters survey A big thank you to all who took the time to respond to our survey. The aim of the research is to gain insight into how you view the content and design and evaluate if any changes need to be made to help improve/maintain Prayer Matters as a helpful prayer resource. We are currently in the process of collating your feedback and will use this to inform future development. As I close, I find myself once again thanking God for the way in which he has raised and continues to raise up prayer in The Salvation Army, through you, our dedicated partners in prayer. Your prayers are a powerful force for good in the world, with repercussions way beyond our understanding, and so I pray that God would bless you richly in this vital Kingdom-building ministry. God bless you all, Captain Pauline Milner, SA Prayer Network Coordinator
*All biblical references in this edition are NIV unless stated otherwise
September Friday 1 September – Friday Focus: The whole Church praying After Jesus’ ascension the apostles returned to Jerusalem to pray, and ten days later at Pentecost the Holy Spirit was released and the Church was born. Lord Jesus, thank you for the unity that is found in the Church through prayer. Come, Holy Spirit, and empower us to be joyful witnesses. Amen. (Jane Holloway, World Prayer Centre: Thy Kingdom Come)
Scripture Focus – Psalm 67 (The Voice)
Captain Catherine Smith (Camberwell Corps and William Booth College) Saturday 2 September – Psalm 67:1 ‘May God pour his grace and blessings into us and turn his face to shine his light on us.’ Pause and calmly think about that. This psalm is written as a song. Sing of God’s grace and blessings today. Sunday 3 September – Psalm 67:2 ‘So all those on earth will learn to follow your way and see your saving power come to redeem all nations.’ Choose to pray for two nations today, one you know and one you are unfamiliar with. (Use a resource like or www.prayercast. com to help you pray with insight.) Pray that they would see God’s saving power and learn to follow his ways. Monday 4 September – Psalm 67:3 ‘May all people live to praise you, our True God; may all come to praise you.’ Encourage people around you to praise God. Pray that they might recognise his truth. Tuesday 5 September – Psalm 67:4 ‘May all nations celebrate together, singing joy-filled songs of praise to you because you judge the people fairly and give guidance to all the nations of the earth.’ Take time to consider the implications of this verse. Allow God to lead you to pray that all nations would seek God’s judgment and guidance in the way they relate to one another. Wednesday 6 September – Psalm 67:5,6 ‘May the people praise you with their whole hearts, O God; may every man, woman, and child on the earth praise you. The land has supplied a bountiful harvest, and the True God, our God, has poured out his blessings to us all.’ Pray that God’s people would view the world through his eyes. Ask him to show you what that looks like for you today. 5
Thursday 7 September – Psalm 67:7 ‘God is the source of our blessings; may every corner of the earth respect and revere him.’ The message of this psalm is for all who know God’s blessings to live to praise him, sharing with all nations the good news that God can transform the earth. Pray today that the Church would recognise that it is blessed to be a blessing to all. Friday 8 September – Friday Focus: Being an effective witness Generous God, help us to live in a way that provokes and intrigues people to seek you. Give us opportunities, courage and joy in faithfully showing and sharing your life this week. Amen. (Barry Hill, Diocesan Resource Church Enabler, Rector of Market Harborough)
Schools Focus
Rachel Kane and Fiona Johnson (Resource Coordinators, including Schools) Saturday 9 September – Philippians 4:6-7 Lord, we lift up all those working in schools. Give them renewed energy and direction as a new school year starts. We pray that teachers and support staff will be encouraged and know how valued and significant their work is as they deal with the pressures and demands of school life. Help them today to have ‘peace which transcends all understanding’ and to see your love present in their schools today. Sunday 10 September (Education Sunday) – Ephesians 5:1 Today is Education Sunday. As corps and churches focus on education in their meetings today, we pray that God’s Church will be stirred up to be committed to praying and serving schools, colleges and universities in their communities. Lord, we pray that you will show us today how to follow your example as we engage with education. Amen. Monday 11 September – John 10:10 We pray for pupils in schools. We pray that they will thrive in school, finding challenge and joy in their learning. May their education help them discover their passions and gifts. Support them, Lord, through their school life, and give them a sense of community and belonging. We also pray for pupils who find school hard, who have experienced bullying and isolation. Heal and restore them, that they would know your boundless love. Amen. Tuesday 12 September – Matthew 5:16 God, we pray that schools will be a place where communities are brought together, where parents build relationships with neighbours, where corps and churches can build strong links and collaborate with schools. Bless and strengthen these links so that schools can be a place where your good news shines through for all to see. Amen. 6
Wednesday 13 September – Isaiah 1:17 Lord, we pray for the Education Secretary and the Department for Education as their policies can have a lasting impact and affect the direction of so many lives. Give them the vision, wisdom and courage to be forward thinking and lead our pupils into a bright and fulfilling future. We lift up those responsible for the national education budget; we pray for discernment and fairness in all that they do. Amen. Thursday 14 September – Psalm 32:7 Lord, we ask that you keep our pupils safe from harm. We pray that their learning environment is a safe place, a healthy place, and an enriching place – a place for young minds and bodies to develop and flourish. God, we pray for your provision for schools in need of practical support and ask that our schools would have physical spaces that reveal something of you and your love for them. Amen. Friday 15 September – Friday Focus: Reaching our young people Jesus, may we love, encourage and support our young people, not looking down on anybody because they are young, but mentoring young people to set an example in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. Amen. (Phil Timson, HOPE Youth Director)
Big Collection Focus
Christine Thomas (Big Collection and Self-Denial Appeals) Saturday 16 September As this year’s campaign focuses on helping to change people’s lives through the ministry offered by The Salvation Army, spend some time bringing to mind people who have taken the time to show you God’s love in action, perhaps being kind or compassionate towards you at a point when you most needed it. Name those people before the Lord and thank God for their ministry. Sunday 17 September Think of at least one person who needs you to demonstrate God’s love in a practical way during this time. Ask the Lord to provide the opportunities and the will to put your plans into action. Monday 18 September Please pray for Salvationists who are out on the streets collecting and for corps who are hosting fundraising events. Pray that, whether it be through the visibility of the Army’s presence or through the conversations shared, people will be blessed and be a blessing as they serve in this way. 7
Tuesday 19 September In Deuteronomy 15:11 (RSV) we read: ‘For the poor will never cease out of the land; therefore I command you, You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in the land.’ Pray that we will be able to put this into practice, both personally and as a movement. Wednesday 20 September Please pray for those in our nation who are frequently hungry, thirsty for truth, who struggle to clothe their children, who are sick, who are housebound and alone. May the transforming power of Christ and the comfort of the Holy Spirit be with them today. Thursday 21 September Dear Lord, we pray that the funds raised during this year’s Big Collection will be distributed wisely to the locations that need these resources and that your work will continue to expand in these places. We thank you for those who have given so generously. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Friday 22 September – Friday Focus: Luke 11:9-13 Almighty God, your ascended Son has sent us into the world to preach the good news of your Kingdom. Inspire us with your Spirit and fill our hearts with the fire of your love, that all who hear your word may be drawn to you, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayers for prodigals
Major John McClean (Leamington Spa Corps) Saturday 23 September ‘My friends, how I wish with all my heart that my own people might be saved! How I pray to God for them!’ (Romans 10:1 GNT). As we focus on the lost, use this day as an opportunity to focus on those closest to us, that they may come into a saving knowledge of Christ. Sunday 24 September – Back to Church Sunday Father God, on this Back to Church Sunday we recognise that there will be those we love who once used to worship you and were part of your Kingdom communities around the world. We ask that today you would draw them into your house and that you re-establish your Kingdom in their hearts and minds. Amen. 8
Monday 25 September ‘So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields’ (Matthew 9:38 NLT). In the busyness of church life it is easy to lose sight of our part in God’s mission to save the lost. Ask the Lord to reignite the fire for souls in your heart and in your church. Tuesday 26 September ‘And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns’ (Philippians 1:6 NLT). Focus your prayers today on your prodigal, the one who is most on your heart and mind, and pray the promise of God, that he will finish his work of restoration in their lives. Wednesday 27 September As we focus on the lost and the prodigals, we face the challenge that often our prayers are simply on blessing them. Although we do want God’s blessing on their lives and wish no harm, we also want God to reveal himself in their brokenness and draw them closer to him. It is in our brokenness that we discover the presence of Christ. Thursday 28 September In Galatians 6 we are reminded that we reap what we sow. Our prayers for the lost need to ‘grow feet’ and we need to become a missionary in our personal contexts. Ask Jesus to show you with clarity your mission field and take your prayers beyond the private place and into your community. Friday 29 September – Friday Focus: Come, Holy Spirit (Luke 1:35) When we reflect on this verse from Luke, it reminds us that praying ‘Come, Holy Spirit’ will bring all sorts of changes and disruption into our lives! Loving God, we pray, ‘Come Holy Spirit!’ We trust you, and we want to open our lives and be willing to be changed and disrupted in the process. Amen. (Lynn Green, General Secretary, Baptist Union)
International Focus
Major Peter Mylechreest (IHQ Chaplain/City of London Liaison Officer) Saturday 30 September – The General and all leaders Lord, we pray for the General of The Salvation Army and all those giving spiritual and strategic leadership. May they share a God-given vision when preaching and living out the gospel of Jesus. Give them wisdom and guidance as they empower and support local initiatives, and may your Holy Spirit enable people to reach out to the ends of the earth, both geographically and to those nearby yet previously untouched by the gospel. Amen. 9
October Sunday 1 October – Africa Zone Saviour, we give thanks to you for the wholehearted commitment of so many Salvationists in the 17 countries where The Salvation Army flag is flying in Africa. We are grateful for the ever-increasing numbers of cadets, officers, soldiers and junior soldiers, for the new opening of the work in Madagascar this year, and the many encouraging stories from this great continent. Amen. Monday 2 October – Americas and Caribbean Zone O God, we lift our hearts and voices in prayer. In the Americas and Caribbean Zone there are so many countries and islands with different cultures and languages. Watch over those who are living in physical poverty while also touching the spiritual poverty of those trapped by affluence in other regions of the zone. May the word ‘others’ be a guideline with regard to the stewardship of resources. Amen. Tuesday 3 October – Europe Zone Lord, over the centuries Europe has sent missionaries to the four corners of the earth, but now itself is a mission field. We are grateful for officers and soldiers from other continents who are enriching the lives of dwindling corps and ask that their enthusiasm for you and their loyalty to The Salvation Army will bring about revival. You are the author and finisher of our faith, and in you we trust. Amen. Wednesday 4 October – South Asia Zone Creator God, The Salvation Army in India alone numbers over a third of a million soldiers. We are amazed that so many in South Asia are thirsting after you, and for the wonderful outpouring of the Holy Spirit. May the thousands who cramp into corps to listen to the gospel become salt and light to those around them. We ask protection for them from attacks from the evil one and from misguided extremists. Amen. Thursday 5 October – South Pacific and East Asia Zone Father, help the South Pacific and East Asia Zone see what you are blessing and to learn from what you are doing through your people. Give spiritual resources to those spreading the gospel in remote villages; grant grace to those working in children’s homes and homes for the elderly; increase wisdom to those teaching in Salvation Army schools. May The Salvation Army help fulfil the command of Jesus to take the gospel everywhere. Amen. Friday 6 October – Friday Focus: Praying for Muslim communities Father, thank you that you are revealing yourself to millions of Muslims worldwide. As they seek the way for their lives, reveal yourself to them as the One who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Fill our hearts with love for them. Amen. (Gordon Hickson, Mahabba Network) 10
Community Services
Gill Bedford (Assistant Territorial Director, Community Services) Saturday 7 October – Living with debt Pray for The Salvation Army’s debt advice centres around the territory. Pray for wisdom for the coordinators as they seek to develop the service. Pray for the clients who come through the doors and that the service will be able to make a real difference in their lives. Thank God for the difference they have seen in those whom they have already been able to help. Sunday 8 October – Rebuilding ‘cities’ (Isaiah 61) Pray for all those engaged in seeing God’s Kingdom come to those who are marginalised and living in poverty. Pray for the volunteers, the corps, the officers and the employees who tirelessly work alongside people as they transform their own lives with help from others. Monday 9 October – Night shelters As winter approaches, pray for all those who are engaged in running corps-based winter night shelters. Pray that those who need a bed for the night will know that the shelter is there and that corps will also be able to help people with some of the underlying reasons for their homelessness. Pray for an integrated approach as different departments within The Salvation Army work together to support corps as they provide Christ-centred hospitality to some of the most vulnerable in our society. Tuesday 10 October – Disability inclusion Pray for those with disabilities who are part of our Salvation Army family. Pray for willingness as we seek to see more people with disabilities included and having a voice. Pray also for projects dedicated to working with people with disabilities. Wednesday 11 October – Suffering humanity Lord Jesus, as we see the suffering of humanity around us, we know that you understand as you too suffered even to death on a cross. Increase our compassion and forgive us for our selfish pursuit of our own needs. We want to journey with people as you would have done. Give us courage to listen to your voice and respond to your calling on our lives. Transform our communities, Lord, and use us, we pray. Amen. Thursday 12 October – Volunteers Pray for all the volunteers from outside the corps who help in our community programmes. Thank God for his provision of them and the vital work they do. Pray that we would be increasingly able to offer meaningful and useful volunteer experiences for people of our faith, other faiths and none. Pray that, as they join with us, they would also experience some of the love of God for them and the communities they are helping to serve. 11
Friday 13 October – Friday Focus: Pray for five – people we meet The believers in Acts 12 prayed ‘earnestly’ for Peter who was in prison, but when they heard he’d miraculously escaped, they responded, ‘You’re out of your mind!’ Pray for opportunities to share Jesus with the people we’ll meet today and in our daily lives. (Lucy Olofinjana, Evangelical Alliance).
Modern Slavery and Anti-Human Trafficking Focus
Lieut-Colonel Diane Payne (Programme Development Officer, Anti Trafficking and Modern Slavery) Saturday 14 October – Micah 6:8 In a world that is hungry for a bargain – cheap food, cheap clothes, cheap car wash, and cheap thrills – the cry of Micah goes out to all to be aware of how our behaviour can fuel the exploitations of others. May we be aware of what we buy and what services we pay for. May we be willing to ask the questions and to take a stand. Lord, help us to look inwards at our own attitudes before looking outwards to the attitudes of others. Amen. Sunday 15 October – Freedom Sunday: ‘See it, speak out’ – Isaiah 1:17 The theme for this year’s Freedom Sunday is ‘See it, speak out’. If we have a suspicion that someone near us is being exploited and abused, we can do something about it by phoning the referral line. We are called by God to plead the cause of the vulnerable. Father God, your heart must break when you see the cruelty which so many thousands of people experience around the world as they are exploited for gain, enslaved, trafficked and abused. Help us to take notice and to take action where we can. Amen. Monday 16 October – Amos 5:24 People who are trapped and enslaved may see no way out and no hope for release. They are often isolated and afraid, unaware that there are people who want to help them to freedom. Lord, be with those who feel hopeless as they suffer at the hands of their exploiters. Give them the courage to survive, and open the way for them to gain freedom. Amen. Tuesday 17 October – Proverbs 29:7 Poverty is one area that makes people susceptible to being trafficked. The Salvation Army is engaged with projects in Malawi, Tanzania, India, Poland, Nigeria, the Philippines, Nepal and Bangladesh, raising awareness to prevent people being trapped and trying to help rescued people to settle back and rebuild their lives. Lord, be with those who seek to run these projects and to show love and compassion to those who have experienced so much pain and suffering. Amen. 12
Wednesday 18 October – Anti Slavery Day – Proverbs 21:15 Today is Anti-Slavery Day in the UK. It is estimated that there are almost 46 million people enslaved around the world and around 13,000 within the UK at any one time. It is the second most lucrative money-maker in the world. Lord, may you work through those in authority within all countries to seek to uncover and to combat this evil trade. May we be willing to lobby and speak up when we can for the sake of those who are helpless. Amen. Thursday 19 October – Luke 4:18 We are called to follow in Christ’s footsteps. We are called to be salt and light where we live and where we work. We are his hands and feet. May our eyes be open to what is happening around us. May we seek to find ways to make a difference. Lord, give us wisdom and courage to find ways that we can make a positive difference in the communities we live and work in. Amen. Friday 20 October – Friday Focus: Discipleship Heavenly Father, so often I respond to people on the basis of what I see, and I don’t see people as you see them. I ask that you enlarge my heart and mind that I might see each individual, whatever their background, as beautiful and wonderful, created in your image. Amen. (Laurence Singlehurst, Cell UK and HOPE)
Officer Focus
Major Joan Burton (Retired Officers Secretary) Saturday 21 October There are those in our community, retired officers amongst them, who are increasingly lonely in old age. Many find themselves living great distances from family members and with a gradually shrinking group of peers. Pray for them and for all who reach out to them, offering support and friendship. May they know the presence of the Lord and discover ways of combating the loneliness they feel. Sunday 22 October As we meet for worship this Sunday, let us remember the many retired officers and Christians in general who are unable to leave their homes to join with fellow believers. Pray that the Lord will touch people’s hearts to reach out to those who have served the Lord faithfully for many years. Monday 23 October Let our prayer be for the retired officers who suffer from dementia and other debilitating illnesses. Pray that the Lord might reach them with his peace, and for continued strength and devotion for those who care for them, whether this be family members or care staff in residential facilities. 13
Major Diane Kinsey (Assistant Secretary for Personnel) The prayers over the next three days will focus on some aspects of the Officer’s Covenant, together with words from some Salvation Army songs appropriate to the theme each day: ‘Called by God to proclaim the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as an officer of The Salvation Army, I bind myself to him in this solemn covenant…’ Tuesday 24 October – ‘…to love and serve him supremely all my days’ ‘All my days and all my hours, All my will and all my powers, All the passion of my soul, Not a fragment but the whole Shall be thine, dear Lord’ (Edward Joy). Please pray for all officers, for strength, stamina, passion and endurance to keep on fulfilling their covenant promise to love and serve God. Wednesday 25 October – ‘…to live to win souls and make their salvation the first purpose of my life’ ‘Rescue the perishing, care for the dying, Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save’ (Fanny Crosby). Please pray for all officers who will be attending Officers Councils in Harrogate this week and next week. Pray that these days will be full of blessing, affirmation, renewal and refreshing. Thursday 26 Oct – ‘…to care for the poor, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, love the unlovable, and befriend those who have no friends’ ‘What is divine about my creed if I am blind to human need? For you have said they serve you best who serve the helpless and oppressed’ (Malcolm Bale). Thank you, God, for opportunities every day to serve people, whatever the need. May each officer today be aware of your resourcing to them as they give out selflessly in caring, feeding, clothing, loving and befriending. ‘…to maintain the doctrines and principles of The Salvation Army, and, by God’s grace, to prove myself a worthy officer. Amen.’ Friday 27 October – Friday Focus We remember today the hundreds of thousands who no longer walk with Jesus and we pray that they will have a fresh revelation of Jesus, of his deep love and his grace, returning to the Lord and giver of life.
Scripture Focus – Youth
David Perkins (Divisional Youth Specialist – Central South Division) Over the coming days, use the following Scriptures to intercede for young people you know. Pray the Scripture over individual youth at your corps, young people in your family, youth workers at your corps, in your division and across the territory, for teachers and those who work in any capacity with young people. 14
Saturday 28 October – 1 Timothy 4:12 Father, we thank you for the energy, enthusiasm and passion of our young people. Lord, help us always to encourage and never to look down on them. Lord, empower them in their witness to their friends; keep their hearts pure and bless them as they serve you in a culture of differing views and beliefs. Amen. Sunday 29 October – Psalm 143:10 Pray for those in leadership with a responsibility for youth. May God’s will always be sought and followed. May God’s Spirit lead and guide The Salvation Army’s youth on level ground. Monday 30 October – Jeremiah 29:11-13 Lord, we thank you for the plans of hope you have for all our young people. Help us to encourage them to respond to your calling, whatever that might be. May they seek you in every aspect of their lives. Amen. Tuesday 31 October – 1 Corinthians 10:12-13 Father, we pray for all young people and leaders. Help them to stand firm when surrounded by all sorts of temptation and influences. May they be a light in their schools, colleges, universities and at work. May they always feel prompted to turn to you in prayer to reinforce their resolve when tempted, and may you provide a way so that they can endure it. Amen.
November Wednesday 1 November – Ephesians 3:17b-19 Pray the following Scripture for a young person you know: ‘…I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.’ Thursday 2 November – Colossians 1:9-12 (MSG) Pray the following Scripture over youth leaders and all those that work with young people: ‘…We pray that you’ll live well for the Master, making him proud of you as you work hard in his orchard. As you learn more and more how God works, you will learn how to do your work. We pray that you’ll have the strength to stick it out over the long haul – not the grim strength of gritting your teeth but the glory-strength God gives. It is strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into joy, thanking the Father who makes us strong enough to take part in everything bright and beautiful that he has for us.’ 15
Friday 3 November – Friday Focus Father God, raise up a generation of children and young people in the UK and across Europe who follow you with passion. May young people everywhere be encouraged to challenge the old and unlock the new. Amen.
Persecuted Church
(Based on information from Open Doors UK) Saturday 4 November Pray for the work of different organisations that seek to help persecuted Christians. Lord, we ask that you would make a way for Bibles to reach those who need them and adequate training and discipleship for leaders so that they can stand strong for you. We pray also for those who are imprisoned or face violence. May they know they are supported not only physically but also in prayer. Amen. Sunday 5 November Islamic extremists are intent on eradicating the Church in the Middle East, but many courageous Christians are determined to stay and serve their communities. Pray that families will have access to essential items for survival and know peace amidst all the uncertainties each day brings. Monday 6 November Asia, particularly, is showing a rapid rise in the persecution of Christians. Pray for countries such as North Korea, with the highest level of persecuted followers of Christ in the world; for Sri Lanka and India, as Buddhist and Hindu nationalism increases; and for Laos, Bangladesh, Vietnam and tiny Bhutan where things are getting more and more difficult. Tuesday 7 November In Africa, countries such as Somalia, Sudan and Eritreia have extreme levels of persecution against Christians. Pray that the Holy Spirit will change people’s hearts and use them to bring justice and peace. Pray for protection for those who are in danger and that Christians will still find ways to meet together. Wednesday 8 November Pray for Salvationists living in countries in which Christianity is a minority religion and Christians are persecuted for their faith. We think especially of Pakistan, Nigeria, India and the Middle East. Lord, we ask you to protect our brothers and sisters and guard them from danger, so they can continue to keep their faith steadfast in you. Amen. 16
Thursday 9 November Praise God that, despite the persecution, the Church is growing, especially amongst believers from a Muslim background. Thank him that Christians are continuing to discover a depth, a strength and a brightness to their faith that can only be found in the darkest times. Friday 10 November – Friday Focus: Prison chaplains at work Almighty God, we pray for prison chaplains who are today ministering faithfully with the recently bereaved, the suicidal, victims and perpetrators of violence, those without hope, and those with hope recently reborn. May they experience a renewed revelation of you in the midst of their ministry. Amen. (Bob Wilson, Free Churches Faith Advisor to NOMS and Prison Hope) Saturday 11 November ‘Remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are ill-treated as if you yourselves were suffering’ (Hebrews 13:3). Tomorrow is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. Lord, we join with Christians from all over the world and pray for the millions of fellow Christians who suffer harassment, torture, imprisonment or even death, simply because of their beliefs. Amen. Sunday 12 November – Remembrance Sunday Lord, on this day we remember those who gave their lives for our freedom and we pray for those who today are still affected by the atrocities of war. We pray that humankind will learn to live with each other, despite the differences. ‘Peace in our time, O Lord, to all the peoples – peace!’ (John Oxenham). Amen.
Integration Focus
Major David Taylor (Spiritual Life Development Secretary) Monday 13 November – Personal: Luke 6:43-45 What we do is always ultimately connected to who we are. We can try to pretend that it is not, but eventually any disparity will escape! We have integrity when our inner heart motivation and our actions are in harmony. Father, we pray today, ‘Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me’ (Psalm 51:10). Tuesday 14 November – Word and Deed (1): Colossians 3:15-17 The gospel comes in power when what we say (our words) and what we do (our deeds) are in perfect harmony, and fully bear witness to Jesus Christ. Father, we pray that you will reveal any discrepancies in us between what we say we believe and what we actually demonstrate we believe through our actions. May they both shine clearly, together, for you. Amen. 17
Wednesday 15 November – Word and Deed (2): James 2:14-17 The gospel comes in power when our verbal witness to you as Lord and Saviour (evangelism) and our practical demonstration of what you are like (social action) are seen working in harmony. Father, we pray that you will help us always to learn how best to back up our words of faith by our actions, and to accompany our actions with the right words of hope. Amen. Thursday 16 November – Christian community: Philippians 2:1-4 Paul charged the believers in Philippi to be ‘like-minded’. He expected that the Holy Spirit would guide them, together, into the ‘mind of Christ’ (1 Corinthians 2:6-16). Father, we pray that you will lead our Christian community into an understanding of what ‘your mind’ is on the issues we face together. Amen. Friday 17 November – Friday Focus Heavenly Father, thank you for our work and for those we meet through it. We pray for those in authority in our workplaces. Help us to witness to you through the way we work and relate to our colleagues. We ask for your guidance as to when to speak, what to say, and when to stay silent. Amen.
Financial Stewardship Focus
Major Amanda Banner (Business Administration) Saturday 18 November – Finance (Malachi 3:9-10) The Finance Department has the task of looking after the income of The Salvation Army in the UK and Ireland Territory and ensuring we have sufficient to fund all the ministry opportunities we have. Lord, the money we have is your money. We ask for your wisdom and guidance in its spending, so that there will be enough and to spare for the work you call us to do. Amen. Sunday 19 November – Property and Facilities (Matthew 7:24-29) Property and Facilities look after the places where we meet, work, worship and live, making sure they are safe and comfortable. Father God, we all experience storms in our lives from time to time that can threaten to overwhelm our faith. Help us to build good foundations of obedience to your Son, Jesus, that will help us to stand firm during the fiercest of storms. Amen. Monday 20 November – Strategic Information (Ephesians 4:29) Communication has come a long way since the time of the Apostle Paul. The SI Department helps us keep our communications going around the world at the touch of a button, managing the systems and equipment we need to work efficiently. Lord, we use so many words to communicate each day. Help us to ensure every single word is worthy of you. Amen. 18
Tuesday 21 November – Business Services (Matthew 22:15-22) Business Services interacts with the Government to tender for contracts and ensure we are following up-to-date laws in Health and Safety and Data Protection. Father, we are called to be people who are in the world but not of it. Help us to change the places we live in by being respectful of the human laws as well as obeying your Law. Amen. Wednesday 22 November – Internal Audit (Acts 5:1-11) The Internal Auditors are the ‘Miss Marples’ of the Business Administration Service. They keep an eye on the financial management within all areas of The Salvation Army and investigate any mistakes that need sorting out. Lord, we want to be a people of integrity and live lives that are holy and full of grace – and we can only do so as we abide in you and rest in your love. Give us each a teachable spirit and teach us your ways so that in the days to come our lives display Jesus in our finances and in every aspect. Amen. Thursday 23 November – The team (Matthew 11:28-30) Father, we pray for every single member of the Business Administration staff. Lead them, guide them and bless them as they do the administration work needed to build your Kingdom in the United Kingdom with Ireland Territory. We pray for Lieut-Colonel Alan Read and ask that as he carries the responsibility for this service, that you, Lord, shoulder the weight of the burden. Amen. Friday 24 November – Friday Focus Pray today for God’s goodness, peace, beauty, light and presence to be in the area you live in this day.
One Thing (for the Church) Lyndall Bywater (Prayer Consultant)
Saturday 25 November – Effective warfare The prayer that changes whole towns and cities is prayer that brings churches together from different denominations and traditions. Pray today for your local area, that the churches will want to come together to pray. Ask God’s Spirit to raise up leaders who will work to bring churches together in prayer and mission. Sunday 26 November – The privilege of prayer As you worship with God’s people today, you join a tradition which goes back millennia. For thousands of years God has been calling his people to gather together, to worship him and to pray to him. Give thanks today that God’s people are still gathering, worshipping and praying, in every corner of our world, and give thanks that the Church is more numerous and diverse than it has ever been. 19
Monday 27 November – A culture of prayer Do you ever notice prayer getting squeezed out of church life? Does it sometimes seem as though busyness or apathy get in the way of you making time to pray together, either as a whole congregation or in small groups? Pray for your church today, that a deep hunger for prayer will be stirred up, and that people will be willing and able to make time to pray together. Tuesday 28 November – Being family Prayer is for everyone, not just for the super-holy or those with theology degrees. God longs to hear all our voices, from the youngest to the oldest. Pray for your leaders today, that God will help them to know how to make prayer a truly inclusive activity. Pray that your church will be a place where everyone feels comfortable communicating with God. Wednesday 29 November – A family in agreement The Bible teaches that prayer is at its most powerful when we are united. In his infinite creativity, God has gathered all sorts of people into your church congregation: people with different opinions, different backgrounds and different priorities. As you pray together, you become a powerful force for transformation in your community. Pray today that God will help you to put aside what divides you, and stand together in prayer. Thursday 30 November – Together in battle If a united, praying church is powerful, then it stands to reason that the enemy will oppose it. Pray today for your own church congregation, that God will help you to see areas where the enemy is seeking to divide or discourage you. Pray that disputes will be resolved, and that broken relationships will be reconciled, wherever possible. Pray too for God’s protection over your leaders and their families.
December Friday 1 December – Friday Focus We pray today for the infusing of the Holy Spirit to equip us to engage with people in our families, communities and workplaces so that we may share with others the good news of the saving grace of Christ. Saturday 2 December Tomorrow sees the start of The Salvation Army’s Appointments Conference. Pray for all the leaders who will be gathering in the next few days. May they seek wisdom and guidance regarding the change of officers around the territory for next year. 20
Major Jill Miller Journey in prayer during Advent as each day we imagine we are opening the windows of a traditional Advent calendar, revealing different pictures that lead to Christmas Day. We will also be praying as we ‘light’ the Sunday Advent candles reminding us of hope, peace, joy and love. Sunday 3 December – Hope (First Sunday in Advent) ‘Come, thou long-expected Jesus, Born to set thy people free; From our fears and sins release us, Let us find our rest in thee. All thy people’s consolation, Hope of all the earth thou art; Dear desire of every nation, Joy of every longing heart’ (Charles Wesley). Thank you, Father, for the gift of your Son Jesus, who is the hope of glory in our hearts. Thank you that when we feel all is lost we can put our hope in Christ, our Saviour. Give us strength and courage today to fix our hope in you. Amen. Monday 4 December – A Christmas tree Father God, as we make our preparations and put up our decorations, we place a star on the Christmas tree reminding us of your guidance and commitment to us, your children. We pray today for all who have lost their way spiritually, asking you to guide them home. Amen. ‘’Tis Jesus the first and the last, Whose Spirit shall guide us safe Home; We’ll praise him for all that is past, And trust him for all that’s to come’ (Joseph Hart). Tuesday 5 December – A bunch of mistletoe tied with a red ribbon God has kissed the world with his love. Remember the day you realised his love for you? Give thanks for that experience and share your story with someone this week. ‘Here is love vast as the ocean, Loving kindness as the flood, When the Prince of life, our ransom, Shed for us his precious blood… Grace and love like mighty rivers, Poured incessant from above, And Heaven’s peace and perfect justice Kissed a guilty world in love’ (William Rees). Wednesday 6 December – Robin redbreast The sight of a robin with that lovely cheerful red breast brightens our lives. In the run-up to Christmas, however, many people are filled with dread. Let us pray today for people we know who find Christmas difficult. Father God, in your mercy look upon all who are sad because of bereavement, illness, family breakdown, financial difficulties, relationship concerns, homelessness or fear. Bless them today with hope and faith and bring them back to the joy they once knew. Amen. Thursday 7 December – A pair of mittens on a cord Remember those mittens attached to a cord that went down the sleeves of the coat so you wouldn’t lose them? Today we give thanks for the cords of love that God holds us with. Thank you, Father, that you continue to strengthen the cords that bind us to you and to each other. Amen. 21
Friday 8 December – Teddy bear Children all over the world appreciate a cuddly toy to love and hold. Jesus’ birth wasn’t one where cuddly toys featured. The gifts he received were (possibly) lambs from the shepherds and gold, frankincense and myrrh from the wise men. ‘What can I give him, Poor as I am? If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb; If I were a wise man, I would do my part; Yet what I can I give him – Give my heart’ (Christina Rossetti). Saturday 9 December – A donkey ‘Little donkey, little donkey, on the dusty road. Got to keep on plodding onwards, with your precious load’ (Eric Boswell). The lowly donkey carries Mary to Bethlehem. Sometimes we may feel insignificant as we go about our humble duties. Ask God to use your every act of loving service for his glory. Sunday 10 December – Peace (Second Sunday in Advent) Thank you, Father, for the gift of your Son Jesus, our Prince of Peace. Thank you that we have peace with you because our sins are forgiven. Thank you that we can have peace in our hearts through the presence of your Holy Spirit. Thank you that we can be at peace with others, forgiving them as you forgive us. Amen. Monday 11 December – A rocking horse Children love to ride on a rocking horse, yet sadly the rocking horse doesn’t actually go anywhere. Pray today for the things in your life that are standing still and need to move forward. This may include your spiritual growth, your knowledge of the Bible, your prayer life, your ability to testify and share your story. O Father, move me forward I pray, bring me closer to you and your plan for my life. Amen. Tuesday 12 December – Stockings over the fireplace A lovely tradition on Christmas Eve is to hang stockings to receive gifts. There is often great excitement over the small things when the stocking is opened. In a spiritual sense we can open our hearts to receive the gifts God has for us, but we need more than a stocking because he has so much to give us. Spend a few minutes writing down what it is you desire most from God, then pray those things into your heart. Wednesday 13 December – A red and gold sparkling Christmas bauble The bauble reminds us of things that are full of beauty. God sees the beauty in you, for you are made in his image and he treasures you greatly. Rejoice today in the love God has for you and celebrate your uniqueness by looking in the mirror and saying, ‘I am God’s precious creation.’ 22
Thursday 14 December – A stocking full of gifts We touched on this on Tuesday, but move from empty stockings waiting to be filled to a full-to-overflowing single large stocking. Today is a good time to count our blessings and write down, alongside those gifts we desire most, all the good things God has blessed us with. Friday 15 December – A sleigh full of gifts How appropriate that after yesterday’s challenge we open a window showing gifts galore. There can be huge pressure to deliver the gifts on a child’s wish list and the costs can be overwhelming. Pray today for families who are struggling to cope with the cost of Christmas. Pray that they may choose to be realistic and not get into debt. Maybe you can donate a new gift to a toy service. Saturday 16 December – Holly Wreath Holly is evergreen, reminding us of the everlasting nature of God. It is prickly, reminding us of the crown of thorns placed on Jesus’ head at his crucifixion, with the red berries reminding us of the blood he shed for us. The birth of Jesus into our hearts comes when we realise his death on Calvary was for us. Give thanks today for all Jesus suffered for your salvation. Sunday 17 December – Joy (Third Sunday in Advent) ‘Joy to the world! the Lord is come; Let earth receive her King’ (Isaac Watts). Christmas is a wonderful time for believers because we know who Jesus is and why he came. This is the best time to proclaim the message as we play and sing Christmas carols and invite people to attend carol services. Pray that the joy of Christ will be seen in your life, in your church and in your home. Monday 18 December – A gift box tied with ribbon We care about what we give to our family and friends because we love them. Have you considered writing on your gift labels, ‘This gift comes to you with love in celebration of the birth of Jesus, the Saviour of the world’? Pray over the gifts you give, asking God to bless the recipient with his love. Tuesday 19 December – A drum and drumsticks ‘The Carol of the Drum’ tells the story of a boy who has nothing to give the newborn King except the beat of his drum. Every gift we possess comes from God. The challenge today is to consider our gifts and decide how we can honour the Lord with who we are. Lord, thank you for the natural gifts you have given to me. I offer them to honour you. Amen. 23
Wednesday 20 December – Two gold bells tied with red ribbons ‘Ding! Dong! Merrily on high in heaven the bells are ringing’ (George Woodward). Singing this carol is great fun mainly because most people run out of breath before they get to the end of the chorus! How God must smile with us as we enjoy singing our praises to him. Play some Christmas music that you enjoy and sing along. Thank God for the joy found in knowing him. Amen. Thursday 21 December – A white dove with a branch The angels who proclaimed the birth of Jesus heralded the coming of the Prince of Peace singing, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men’ (Luke 2:14 KJV). Since then mankind has struggled to sustain a peaceful world. Our prayer today is: ‘Help us build a peaceful world, A new and better peaceful world; Lay the foundation on Jesus Christ our Lord, And help us build a peaceful world’ (Commissioner Keith Banks). Friday 22 December – A Christmas pudding We are reminded that Jesus declared: ‘I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty’ (John 6:35). As we enjoy all the Christmas fare and feast on the good things prepared for us, we have the blessing of knowing we are saved and satisfied. Thank you, Father, for filling me up with your love and grace as I seek you every day. Amen. Saturday 23 December – A stag ‘As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God’ (Psalm 42:1). Our prayer today is for a deep longing for God, so deep that we cannot go on without him in our lives. Father God, we acknowledge that without you we are lost, we are without foundation, we are hopeless. We declare again our need of you as our guide and protector, our rock and light, our hope and peace. We love you, Lord. Amen. Sunday 24 December – Love (Fourth Sunday in Advent) ‘Love came down at Christmas, Love all lovely, Love divine; Love was born at Christmas, Stars and angels gave the sign’ (Christina Rossetti). Our last window reveals the newborn child Jesus lying in the manger. All our planning and preparing for Christmas are about the birth of Jesus, yet that fact does sometimes get lost amidst the celebration. Pray today for members of your family who have yet to embrace the significance of Jesus’ birth. Monday 25 December – Jesus, Light of the world (Christmas Day) ‘Light of the world, You stepped down into darkness, Opened my eyes, let me see Beauty that made this heart adore you, Hope of a life spent with you. So here I am to worship, Here I am to bow down, Here I am to say that you’re my God: You’re altogether lovely, Altogether worthy, Altogether wonderful to me. King of all days, O so highly exalted, Glorious in Heaven above; Humbly you came To the earth you created, All for love’s sake became poor’ (Tim Hughes). 24
Scripture Focus – Luke 1:67-80 Major Jo Reid (THQ Chaplain)
Tuesday 26 December: Luke 1:67 Zacharias had been struck dumb in disbelief by his circumstances. Perhaps you too have felt shock or disbelief this year. Take heart that just as Zacharias was restored to sing God’s praise, so can you be. Allow the Holy Spirit to fill you once again and choose to sing from your heart to God, who will most surely bless you. Wednesday 27 December: Luke 1:68-71 Our God is a God of freedom – a liberator. God sets people free in all kinds of ways: from fears and fightings within our own souls, and from oppression by others. Lord, from all that enslaves our souls, free us. For all those in slavery of sin, send mercy. For all those oppressed by others, bring liberation and justice. Amen. Thursday 28 December: Luke 1:72-74 Lord God, we thank you today for sending Jesus to rescue us all. We ask that your Holy Spirit will enable us to serve you without fear all of our days; that we may live in holiness and seek justice, and that your loving presence will be born anew in us, grow in us and spread throughout our land. Amen. Friday 29 December: Luke 1:76-77 These verses talk about John the Baptist who was sent to prepare the way for Jesus and to point people to him. Today let us pray that we, and all God’s people, will prepare the way for Jesus to be made known to others, and that everything we are and do will point to Jesus as Saviour. Saturday 30 December: Luke 1:78 Lord, this verse reminds us that your kindness and compassion continue to flow afresh every day. Thank you! As we greet this new day and anticipate the dawning of a new year, we pray that your light will break through into more and more people’s lives, bringing in your Kingdom in all its healing fullness. Amen. Sunday 31 December: Luke 1:79 On the cusp of a new year, pray that God himself will bring light to any darkness within us and in our world. We pray for those struggling in the darkness of death, fear, pain, grief and oppression. We pray that through Jesus, they, and we, will be able to rise and walk in the light of God, and be guided into paths of peace and healing in the new year to come.
If you would like more information about the SA Prayer Network, please contact us. E-mail: Phone: 020 7367 4539 Or log on to The Salvation Army, SA Prayer Network 101 Newington Causeway, London, SE1 6BN Registered charity number 214779, and in Scotland SC009359