4/7 Valencia #167 #168

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ISSUES 167/ 168 DEC 14/ JAN 15





CRYSTAL FIGHTERS DJ SET COOKIN SOUL WISE MEN PROJECT MR. WEST NATE CABRERA + ARTISTAS POR CONFIRMAR... ARTISTS T.B.C Primeras entradas desde 15€ Barra Libre en Área Vip 30€ Entradas en: www.la3club.es/tickets La3 Club. Calle Padre Porta, 2 programación & Info: www.la3club.es First ticket entries from 15€ Free Bar in Vip Area 30€ Tickets: www.la3club.es/tickets La3 Club. Calle Padre Porta, 2 programme & Info: www.la3club.es



Mediterranea de Hamburguesas C/ Sueca, 45 Zona Ruzafa (46006) Tel: 96 3 21 05 31 Open from Monday to Sunday 7pm to 1.30am C/ San Fernando, 22 (near Mercado Central) Zona Centro (46001) Tel: 96 3 21 70 03 Open from Sunday to Thursday 12p.m. to 17h / 20h to 01a.m. ∙ Friday to Saturday 12p.m. to 01a.m info@mediterraneadehamburguesas.com www.mediterraneadehamburguesas.com

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LA 3

LA 3

La 3 club son 3 clubes dentro de uno solo, 3 salas con su propia identidad distribuidas a lo largo de 3 plantas de un mismo edificio. Situado en uno de los centros neurálgicos de la ciudad, hacia el final de la Av. Del puerto.

La3 is 3 clubs in one, 3 rooms with their own identity spread over 3 floors of the same building located in the port area near the end of Avenida del Puerto, one of the key barrios of Valencia.

La 3 Club es el club de moda en Valencia desde hace ya casi 5 años. Termómetro de las tendencias más cool de la ciudad, y todo un referente en la escena nacional Clubbing.

La3 has been the trendsetter club in Valencia for almost 5 years now. It’s a reflection of the coolest trends of the city, and a real reference on the national Clubbing scene.

Numerosos artistas internacionales como 2Manydj’s, Felix da Housecat, Tiga, Brodinski, Two Door Cinema Club o Crystal Fighters han pasado por La3 Club a lo largo de los últimos años.

Many international artists such as 2ManyDJs, Felix da Housecat, Tiga, Brodinski, Two Door Cinema Club and Crystal Fighters have ignited the dance floor from behind the decks of La3.

Sala de conciertos y Club, que abre cada fin de semana: Viernes, Sábados y Vísperas de festivo, desde la 01.30 y hasta altas horas de la madrugada.

Concert hall and Club, open every weekend: Friday, Saturday and holidays, from 1:30am until way past the dawn.

A lo largo de sus 3 clubes podrás descubrir las últimas tendencias en los estílos más punteros de la música indie, rock, electro, house, tech , Hip Hop, Trap o Nu Disco.

Throughout its 3 clubs, you’ll discover the latest styles and most cutting – edge sounds including: indie, rock, electro, house, tech, hip – hop, trap and nu disco.

+info: www.la3club.es Entradas Anticipadas: www.la3club.es/tickets www.facebook/la3valencia C/ padre Porta, 2 (a 500 mts de America’s Cup) (Zona Puerto)

+ info: www.la3club.es www.facebook/la3valencia Address: C/ Padre Porta, 2 (500 metres from Port America’s Cup) (Port area)

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Editorial DEC 14 / JAN 15




Yes, we do. It hasn’t been an easy year. However,

bars, restaurants and shopping. To celebrate our

there is a growing sense of community in Valencia.

14th anniversary as ‘24/7 Valencia’ we invite all of

The ‘old school’ values of helping each other have

our readers to a party at the popular ‘Café Cronopio’

never been more important than now. The world is

on Friday, December 19th. Set in the bohemian

in quite a mess and we’ve all got to shoulder some

barrio of Benimaclet, there will be live music, tapas

of the blame.

& drinks and the chance to catch up with some familiar faces before the Christmas break. One


Some argue that the Scribes and Pharisees of

FOOD - 12

reckless bankers and greedy arms dealers that

GRUPO 374 - 14

To forgive and to love your enemies is essential but

DEC 14 / JAN 15 LISTINGS - 17

your path in life. Jesus, Gandhi and Martin Luther


evil and were killed for it but their spirit & message


the 21st century would be the corrupt politicians,


slide through life without a care for the rest of us.


it is not easy… especially when they try to obstruct


King all preached passive resistance to this kind of

CLUBS - 20


lives on.


We started with nothing, we came up the hard


has earned its stripes and is recommended by


includes The Times, El País, Time Out, The


EMV, Rough Guides, Thomas Cook and many


way and we have paid our dues. ‘24/7 Valencia’


the local, national and international press. This


Guardian, Let’s Go, Lonely Planet, Levante-





Love… See you there!

24/7 Valencia team

“Old pirates, yes, they rob I; Sold I to the merchant ships, Minutes after they took I From the bottomless pit. But my hand was made strong By the hand of the Almighty. We forward in this generation Triumphantly. Won’t you help to sing These songs of freedom? ‘Cause all I ever have: Redemption songs; Redemption songs.

Inside, see our packed December / January listings

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery; None but ourselves can free our minds. Have no fear for atomic energy, ‘Cause none of them can stop the time. How long shall they kill our prophets, While we stand aside and look? Some say it’s just a part of it: We’ve got to fulfil the book…”

for information on arts & theatre, pubs, clubs, café-


In this special December  /  January edition, we have a report on Christmas in Valencia with all its excess, contradiction and colour. In contrast, we also have an exclusive report on ‘Yoga in Valencia’ as a clear respite from all the festivities. Check out our extended agenda at the back for clubbing nights and live music over the next 2 months.

ISSUES 167/168 DEC 14/ JAN 15

editor: Will McCarthy. contributors: Altogringo, John Murphy, Owl, Helen Westwater, Víctor Aranda García, Cecille, Tim Birch, D. Birch, John Howden, David Rhead, José Antonio Marín, Adri Castellanos, Wills Matt, Suzanne Worthington distributed by: groovy cat Ltd. email: ed@24-7valencia.com móvil: 650 639 177 online: www.247valencia.com FOR PRIZES, INFO, EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS, DAILY UPDATES,... JOIN US WITH 'LIKE' ON...

24/ 7 Valencia

is the definitive English speaking guide to Valencia. 24/7 Valencia is recommended by The Times, The Guardian, Time Out, Lonely Planet, Rough Guide, Let´s Go, CNN.com, Business Traveller magazine, Footprints, Ryanair... Views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the editor. 24/7 Valencia does not accept responsibility for date/time/venue changes. According to copyright law any reproduction, either total or partial, is completely forbidden without written permission of the editor. All articles, past and present, printed in 24/7 Valencia magazine are copyright of Orange Skies © 2014 Legal deposit: D4562606

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All Photos © Víctor Aranda García / 24/ 7Valencia 2014 600 336 126 / www.victorarandagarcia.es

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GALERÍA LUIS ADELANTADO C/ Bonaire, 6 (Zona Carmen) Tel: 96 351 01 79 www.luisadelantado.com


UNIVERSITAT DE VALÈNCIA, LA NAU Calle de la Universidad, 2 (Zona Carmen) Tel: 96 386 43 77 www.uv.es/cultura



MuVIM C/ Guillem de Castro, 8 (Zona Carmen) Tel: 96 388 37 47 www.muvim.eswww.jardibotanic.org

CENTRO DEL CARMEN C/ Museo, 2 (Zona Carmen) Tel: 96 192 26 40 www.consorciomuseos.gva.es

Hasta 1 febrero 2015

Hasta 15 enero 2015

8 twentyfoursevenvalencia

CHRISTMAS IN VALENCIA – JINGLE ALL THE XE! Christmas in Valencia is a time for Peace on Earth, goodwill to all men, Rita Barberá and (this year) Álvaro Negredo in Santa hats, people wearing scarves and heavy coats despite the lovely sunny weather, and lots of beards. People spend their time fondly remembering relatives who’ve passed away while trying to avoid the living ones as much as possible and, in the present economic climate, using every last drop of ‘Valencian ingenuity’ to celebrate the party without breaking the bank. Decorations and wrapping paper no longer come exclusively from the Corte Inglés or the Christmas stalls in the Mercado Colón, most people buy their tinsel and nativity scenes from a ‘Todo a Cien’ these days. You can get hold of blow-up versions of the traditional Three Kings or the less traditional Santa Claus

for a few euros, so why not have both? When Christmas comes around, Valencians like to have their Belgian chocolate-covered Italian panettone cake and eat it. Not content with holding on fiercely to all their own home-grown traditions, they enthusiastically celebrate those they can successfully incorporate from any other country as well. Give them a few years and they’ll also be celebrating Thanksgiving, they’ve already imported Black Friday. Let’s take decorations, for example. Traditionally, every Spanish home is decorated at this time of the year with the dutifully sedate belén, a nativity scene with models of Mary, Joseph, the baby and perhaps some of the other characters from the Christmas story. Belén building is one Spanish construction industry that is definitely not in desperate decline. Belenes are getting bigger and more spectacular by the year. What started off as adding a lump of moss-covered bark to add a bit of ‘atmosphere’ has got completely out of hand. Now you can have an entire Little Town of Bethlehem on your dining room table complete with moving parts,

villagers and their houses, a lake and a fully functioning Roman era sawmill. However, these days in Spain, even the belén has to fight for space with the bauble-strewn northern European Christmas tree, the Mexican poinsettia plant, holly branches and the plastic Father Christmas climbing up the balcony. In some cases traditions have merged. Thus you get mutant crib scenes of cattle and shepherds from sunny Palestine nestling among tinsel, fairy lights and snow. Then there’s Valencia’s very own contribution to Christmas, turrón. For years, two towns in the Valencia Region had the Christmas sweet market sewn up. Alicante made “el blando”, a soft & dry almondy sweet moulded into a bar, while from Xixona (Jijona) came “el duro”, a hard & dry almondy sweet moulded into a bar. The third option in this grand array of Christmas delights was polvorones, a powdery-dry almondy sweet moulded into an oval shape. Polvorones, by the way, are only eaten at one time of the year. The reason for this will become immediately obvious if you ever try one. When your entire Christmas hamper

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‛A nativity scene’

January in Valencia

has long been finished off, that box of polvorones (and there always is one) will still remain. At some point people realised that, without surrendering long-held traditions, perhaps a bit of variety was needed. The solution was to take what at any other time would simply be called “a bar of chocolate” and rename it “turrón de chocolate” just for the Christmas period. Nowadays, without anyone really noticing, bars of chocolate turrón have come to easily outnumber the traditional stuff on any supermarket shelf. They come in any number of not-so-traditional Spanish flavours, such as kiwi fruit, Irish coffee and rum & raisin. If they can’t get rid of them before the big day, they can be easily shipped off to the UK in January to be sold in Poundland. You may be surprised to hear that, despite being made from nutritious organic and wholly natural materials, as yet there is no great export market for polvorones. In Spain, presents are brought by the Three Kings on 6 January. Baltazar, Melchior and Gaspar (as they were named in a manuscript of apparently Irish origin, ‘the Collectanea’, about 800 years after they were supposed to have existed) arrive in Spanish towns as part of a great cavalcade, throwing thousands of sweets to the kids lining the streets on the night of 5 January. This is yet another Valencia Christmas invention as the first ever ‘Cabalgata de los Reyes’ was held in Alcoy in 1866. The parade in the city of Valencia starts at the port, where the Kings arrive by boat, and finishes up at the Plaza del Ayuntamiento, where the kings are raised up on a fireman’s ladder

and enter the town hall through the balcony. In fact, they will use the balcony as a way into every house in the city this same night to leave all their prezzies, a neat and much more practical twist on the messy chimney thing you get in northern Europe. You’d think that would be enough to keep everyone happy – but not for the festively frenzied Spanish. In the last few decades or so, Father Christmas has appeared on the scene. In Valencia, even he is an international mash-up. With his white beard and red suit he looks like the Hollywood version, but for some reason he bears the French name, ‘Papa Noel’. Far from having to fight it out with the Kings for his status in the hearts of Spanish children, he’s been neatly incorporated into the whole tradition. So now, not only do they get loads of toys at Epiphany, they also get showered with goodies on Christmas Day. It surely won’t be long before the kids get the triple whammy. Why not get St. Nicholas, who brings prezzies for children in the Low Countries on 6 December, in on the act? The 6th is already a national holiday (it’s the Día de la Constitución) and according to Dutch tradition, St. Nicholas actually comes over from Spain. Both the nights of January 5th and 6th are celebrated with the eating of Roscón de Reyes, a rounded, sweet cake with a paper crown on top and a bean and a present hidden inside. The tradition originates (you guessed it) not in Spain, but in France, where it has now fallen out of use. The lucky family member who gets the slice with the present gets to wear the crown for the whole day; the

Spanish are second only to the British when it comes to a passion for eating cakes and drinking vast quantities of alcohol while wearing silly hats. If you get the bean, you pay for next year’s roscón. One truly Spanish tradition is the buying of Christmas lottery tickets, which is an obligation here. The Christmas period officially starts on 22 December when everyone, desperate to see if they’ve won ‘El Gordo’ (the big one), gathers round the radio or telly to listen to the poor, tone-deaf children of the San Ildefonso School in Madrid ‘singing’ out the winning numbers. No Spanish person can say “No” when offered a ticket, or will take “No” for an answer when trying to sell you one. This is purely to avoid being that sad person who always appears on TV after the lottery draw; the only one in the block who didn’t buy a share in the winning ticket desperately claiming they are really happy for their neighbours. This year’s ad for the lottery even depicts this scene, although the barman has saved a ticket for his tired and emotional barfly regular who’d thought he’d missed out. Now that’s what I call Christmas spirit. Wherever you are during the festive season, make sure you enjoy it as enthusiastically as the Spanish do. Happy Christmas.

David Rhead and José Marín Article © 2014/15 24/ 7 Valencia

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Stephanie Cadel

Stéphanie Cadel et La Caravane Based in Valencia, Stephanie Cadel is a French-born singer-songwriter who, with her cosmopolitan band La Caravane, has just released a colourful album that fits well with the festive season. We met up with her in the bohemian barrio of Ruzafa for this exclusive 24/7 Valencia interview… Tell us something about your experiences and travels around the world. I was fortunate enough to travel to different countries and what was interesting was that I wasn’t just travelling but I actually lived in various places for periods of time. It’s an experience that makes you reevaluate your life, what you want, what you don’t want and also it gets you out of your comfort zone and open yourself up to new possibilities. For example, it was in Colombia in South America that I played my first concert. I was working in a Centro Cultural de la Cooperación Española and Article © 2014/15 24/ 7 Valencia

they proposed to me that I play a few songs with my guitar. I enjoyed it and from then on I started to play more concerts. I started playing little gigs in bars in London in England and later in Valencia, Spain, where I formed my current band, La Caravane. The ironic thing is that we are a group of well-travelled musicians from around the world: Belgium, Japan, El Salvador, France and, of course, Spain! What are your musical influences? I would say that my biggest influence is chanson Française but I also listen to quite a lot of jazz, folk and swing. In La Caravane, the good thing is that each musician brings in his and her own influences and this open fusion creates our own particular sound. We play around with reggae, bossa nova and sometimes even funk. We also love to try out different sounds in concert and on record. Our music is full of little details like exotic percussion, xylophone, ukulele etc…as well as the instruments that make up the band with flute & sax by Mario Luanco, clarinet by Clareta, piano by Mario Inclán, guitar & vocals by Stéphanie, bass by Bert and drums by Kazumi. On the album, you can hear backing vocals and violin by Patricia García and guitar & ukulele by Judith Elvira. The album was produced by

multi-instrumentalist Antonio J. Iglesias, who also added his magical touches to the album. Tell us a bit about some of your songs on your new album, ‘Chanson du Voyage’. Elle Peint The city of Valencia was the inspiration for this song. It’s about a girl who paints, but paints on walls on the streets. She paints and she goes without knowing of the effect that her work has on people who discover her art while they walk the streets of the city. Valencia is a city full of street paintings, which fires your imagination to keep being inspired by them and escape from the routine of daily life. De Ton Corps a Mes Failles This song is a homage to the distance between two people, to forgetting your other half. But it is also a homage to the meeting again of bodies; it’s the flaws in the other person that attract us. Tes Vins I composed this song for the 20th birthday of my little sister. Twenty (vingt)

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is pronounced the same as wine (vin) in French! It is a metaphor for her personal growth, maturing, that she gains body and experience, aromas and bouquet…like fine wines. Everything needs time. La Caravane It is simply a song about ourselves. It’s about our musical adventures, our instruments, our sound and what is behind ‘La Caravane’. What is the difference for you between living in Valencia and living in France? What has always attracted me to Valencia is the buen vivir (good living) of its people.

I love Brittany, which is where I’m from, but it’s here in Valencia that I have found people who want to enjoy life and to be happy. I’m not talking about the cliché from abroad of a Spaniard enjoying a siesta and little else…I’m talking about a balance of life where you don’t forget the important things, where little pleasures bring you happiness. Valencia is a very enjoyable city to live, a perfect size with a good choice of cultural activities, the sea and the sun and, of course, a laid back way of life. What are your plans for the band in 2015? Now that we have our debut album out,

we’re really looking forward to presenting it. We are organizing a tour of Spain and looking into the options of playing in France and Belgium, given that two members of the band come from those countries! We’re kicking off the year by playing at ‘Festival Actual’ in Logroño on January 5 and, bit-by-bit, we’ll be confirming dates. You can keep up-todate with our concerts and news on our website and Facebook page: www.lacaravane.es https://www.facebook.com/ stephaniecadeletlacaravane Interview by Owl

Photos © Stella Blasco - Designs © Aitana Carrasco. Article © 2014/15 24/ 7 Valencia

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By Helen Westwater La Ola Fresca It’s Christmas time. Ever wondered how to feed an army? Well, apparently this is how the Moors did it; with the use of energy-rich almonds and honey in a form convenient to transport, allowing an instant, on-the-move vitality snack and leading to the origin of the Jijona Turrón. Just the thing for constant stamina over the Christmas festivities! Since its invention over 500 years ago in the small town of Jijona, about 30 miles from Alicante, there are now hundreds of varieties and the majority of the economy of the town is focused on the production of turrón. Rules strictly control whether a turrón may be labelled with “Suprema” or “Extra.” The best quality is “Suprema” and to wear that label, the soft turrón must contain at least 60% almonds and the hard, 64% almonds. After that, there is “Extra,” “Estándar” (standard) and “Popular”. As Christmas schedules are tight, out of the many variations, turrón blando is a classic and one of the simplest. Bear in mind that the almonds and honey are the main parts of the recipe, so the better the quality of these ingredients, the better the results. Preparation First prepare your turrón tin. If you don’t have anything suitable, use a milk brick cut in half. Line the inside with parchment / baking paper. You will need the other half of the milk pack to weigh down the turrón while it cools in the fridge overnight. If you don’t have ground almonds, you must toast the raw almonds first. Allow them to cool and then grind them in a food processor. In a heavy-based pan, heat the honey and sugar on a medium heat. Stir with a wooden spoon until the ingredients have

Turrón Ingredients • 250 gm ground almonds • 40 gm whole almonds, toasted • Powdered cinnamon • 100 gm sugar • 200 gm honey (artisanal honey will produce better results) • 1 egg white • Lemon zest

La Ola Fresca C/ Músico Magenti, 11 Tel.: 610 026 305 www.laolafresca.com Zona Benimaclet

formed into a thick and smooth cream. Remove from the heat. Whip the egg white so that it stands up in peaks. Beat the egg white into the mix. There will be lumps at first but stir until they have disappeared. The mix will gradually turn to a lighter colour. This will take about 10 minutes. Stir the lemon and the cinnamon into the mix. Add the ground and whole almonds. Pour the mix into your prepared tin or milk box covered with the parchment (baking paper). Using another container or other half of the milk box, press down well using a weight and leave in the fridge to cool for at least 6 hours, or preferably overnight. When your turrón is ready, turn it out on to a dish and that aroma of almonds will fill your house and prepare for the sensation of fresh homemade turrón that will melt in your mouth and leave you ready to face the exertions of the Christmas Holidays. Have a great one and see you in the New Year!

Article © 2014/15 24/ 7 Valencia / Photos courtesy of Caixa Fosca www.caixafosca.com

With the help of family bakers and confectioners of Turrones Artesanales. Horno Pastelería Cuenca C/ Puçol 5 Benimaclet 46020 Tel: 963890811

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LA TABERNA DE MARISA La Taberna de Marisa is a charming eatery on C/ Caballeros and Plaza San Jaime. It offers diners a choice of three different places to eat: the charming basement bar, the attractive first floor dining room and finally, the recently opened terrace shared with Café Sant Jaume. We went the last week in November and naturally did not expect to be eating outside, but it was a moderately warm evening so we opted for the terrace. We were surrounded by English speakers who were obviously here on holiday or business as they were all in short sleeves. I said it was a moderately warm evening, but not that warm – D and I kept our jackets on! It’s open every day of the year except Christmas Eve! The Marisa in the name of this taberna is a warm and friendly woman who has owned and run the place for 14 years. She came out to talk to us and to see how big our appetites were and also recommended Melior, a Ribero del Duero wine. We started with a plate of finely hand-sliced Serrano ham, nutty and succulent and served with warm bread (17€-24€). Next came a tall island of Bonito, smothered and floating in a sea of a honey and egg dressing with crushed almonds, a great combination the saltiness of the melt-in-the-mouth bonito (tuna), the sweetness of the honey and the crunch of the almonds (12€-

18€). We were halfway through this dish when it started to spit with rain and by the time we had finished, the rain was coming down a little harder, so we retired upstairs to the picture-lined dining room for our next course. This was beautiful to look at, a colourful and very tasty stack of mixed roast vegetables topped with grilled goats’ cheese and drizzled with a balsamic dressing (12.50€). We had noticed on the menu that Marisa’s recommended dish of the season was eco-farmed Alcachofas tempura (tempura of artichokes) and were rather hoping to try them as the artichoke is one of our favourite vegetables. Lo and behold, this was our next course. Perfectly cooked young artichokes quartered and deep-fried in a light batter. We had been sending back plates that were clean to the point of licking them all evening and were getting a little full by now, so we were surprised when yet another course arrived – a rare steak, gently charred and served with chips and baby green peppers (22€, and if you haven’t had pimientos de Padrón, order some when you see them on the menu. It’s a bit of a Russian roulette, as the peppers are sweet and juicy but the odd one will be fiery hot.).

host and is obviously the reason the bar downstairs does so well with regulars. “You can’t leave without trying one of our home-made desserts, I shall bring you a tiny taster if you are full, but you must try!” A few minutes later Marisa was back with portions not as tiny as she promised! A cheesecake with a banana and biscuit base and a three texture, oh-so-rich chocolate dessert. A delicious end to a great meal. Tim Birch La Taberna de Marisa C/ Caballeros, 47 Tel: 96 392 18 27, 610 213 845 (Zona Carmen) www.latabernademarisa.com Open Monday – Sunday 13.00h – 16.00h, 19.00h – 01.00h Closed Christmas Eve Set menus (3 courses, drink, coffee): 13€ – 21€ Tapas: 2€ –4€ Good selection Spanish wines (red and white): From 12€ Sangria: 15€ a jug Agua de Valencia: 19€ a jug Vermouth: 5€

We had a little rest following this final course and were joined by Marisa for a chat about the restaurant and the hostelry business – her husband and brother-inlaw both have both run restaurants in Valencia for years. We also talked about and the pop-up El Corte Inglés interior store that’s recently opened opposite the taberna, and her opening hours, which is how we found out about her only closing day being Christmas Eve. She is a great Article © 2014/15 24/ 7 Valencia

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GRUPO 374 - Grupo Hostelero - twitter: @grupo374

Ocho y medio Plaza de Lope de Vega, 5

La Cata Plaza Mariano Benlliure, 9

Verdulito C/ San Vicente, 26 Lotelito C/ Barcas, 13

El Colmado de la Rivera C/ Ribera 14

Article Š 2014/15 24/ 7 Valencia


Mon C/ San Vicente MĂĄrtir, 23

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EL COLMADO DE LA RIVERA How do you choose somewhere for lunch from the places speckled around Plaza del Ayuntamiento? Easy, you’re in safe hands at El Colmado de la Rivera, one of the newest additions to the Grupo 374 family. You can expect stylish Valencian fusion food in a friendly bar atmosphere.

tessellated everything to fit our compact table. A sweet otoño vegetable soup, crunchy tuna tostas, a zingy duck salad with dainty cubes of apple – the delightful starters covered the spectrum of tastes and textures. I’d have happily finished lunch there.

Pit Stop at the Filling Station

Main a Elegir

Don’t be put off if you can’t translate the name. The multilingual staff can’t, either. Google Translate produces ‘the grocery store of the river bank’. Very ‘Wind in the Willows’. Ribera is simply the street name, and ‘colmado’ can also mean ‘full up’. Maybe it means filling station? Or cornucopia?

We might have figured out the shared-ness of the starters had we spotted ‘A Elegir’ (to choose) next to the mains. My choice, the merluza (hake), was off. Drat. Instead I had lentejas. Since it’s impossible to present lentils interestingly, I was satisfied with the steaming dish of rustic stew. I asked for bread. Exploring the lentil swamp with the bread, I found islands of potato and sunken chorizo. It was an even dish, not spicy but tasty and nicely presented.

Semantics aside, step past the pavement terraza and the interior will remind you of something grocery-related. Forest green metro tiles, industrial light fittings, metal and glass: El Colmado looks like a Victorian London meat market. In a good way (and obviously without the smell of sawdust). Should the animated servers not be enough entertainment, a video screen pumps out ‘90s /’00s Anglo pop: Springsteen to Jamiroquai, Spice Girls to Lady Gaga. Try to resist humming along. On the walls, a temporary exhibition by a local artist adds splashes of colour. A Soup to Share? At lunchtime anywhere in Valencia, the menú del día is the no-brainer choice and El Colmado is no different: 11.90 euros per person, including one drink and coffee? “Sí, gracias”. Starters are headed ‘A Compartir’ so we thought we had to pick one to share. Uhm, share a bowl of soup? No, our tall, confident camarero explained, all diners receive all starters. And the crema comes in as many dinky copas as there are people. Phew. Everything arrived: plates, copas, salad bowl, slate tiles. Our server nonchalantly

My companion, still sweating from an unintentional meat overdose at a bodega the day before, decided to skip land creatures and try Pastel de pescado con tartura, confessing he had no idea what to expect, except “something fishy”. What arrived, perched prettily on black rectangle, looked like salmon mousse on hummus, garnished with a tangle of rocket. We looked at it, intrigued. How to eat it? Another task for the bread. One speck of either concoction delivered a big shot of fish with an onion chaser, and enough salt to remineralise an athlete. Wow, pass the agua. I had food envy: as the restaurant filled up, waiters zipped between tables delivering bowls, ladles and cauldrons of arroces (rice dishes), for a minimum of two people. For reviewing purposes we’d deliberated picked different dishes. Curses. Room for More Our lunch was not man food. Aha, more room for postres (desserts). I’d already scoped out the puds before choosing a main, so I pretended to look at the carta again, choosing Torta de chocolate. Again for contrast, my companion chose

Yogurt con confitura de melcotón. Mine was the winning choice: the yoghurt was as breakfasty as it sounds. It needed a contrasting crunch: maybe a shortbread or biscotti, and bam! from ordinary breakfast to restaurant dessert. At the bar, a handsome besuited gent also ordered the cake, spending his lunch break picking at it slowly, with coffee and a newspaper. Doesn’t that vignette describe all that’s good about being a grown-up? The torta was rich and unctuous, demanding you savour it slowly. Alongside my (good decaff) coffee, it was a dessert to break your heart, because with every bite you’re nearer the end. If our waiter had snuck on a ball of helado as punctuation, it would have been pud perfection. Forgive me, I can’t comment on the booze. My companion enjoyed a beer (Heineken on tap) and we found just enough space on the table for our bottles of Lanjarón water. (I’ve failed here but in my defence, I had work to do later.) Dangerously high on torta, I floated out of El Colmado, minutes away from a few sugar-fuelled impulse purchases. As we left, lunch was morphing into afterwork, the atmosphere building with the buzz of satisfied diners. With quality tapas, clever burguers and a super value menú del día, El Colmado deserves to be colmado with diners. Suzanne Worthington El Colmado de la Rivera C/ Ribera, 14 (Zona Plaza Ayuntamiento) Tel: 96 381 97 01 elcolmadodelariveravalencia.com Open Monday – Sunday 11.00h – 00.30h Menu of the Day: 11.90€ Cold Tapas: 9.75€ – 19.95€ Hot Tapas: 2.50€ – 10€ For Sharing: 9.50€ – 14.50€ Rice Dishes (minimum 2 people): 13€ – 14.50€. Gourmet Burgers: 11.50€ – 12.50€. Desserts: 6€ Red & White Wines: 12€ – 25€ Champagnes: 18€ – 50€.

Photos* © Suzanne Worthington / Article © 2014/15 24/ 7 Valencia

16 twentyfoursevenvalencia

LENGUAS VIVAS CELTA training in Valencia Lenguas Vivas, one of the city’s leading language schools, is 25 years old and is celebrating by adding teacher-training courses to its already successful range of products. We talked to the Director of Teacher Training, Patrick Howarth. So what sort of teacher training courses are Lenguas Vivas running? At the moment we’re concentrating on our CELTA courses. Tell us a bit about CELTA. CELTA is the Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults. It is accredited by the University of Cambridge in the UK and is the most widely recognised initial language teaching qualification. CELTA graduates can go anywhere in the world and language school owners will know the value of their qualification – it’s a passport to the world. However, it’s also a passport to a job here in Valencia, and elsewhere in Spain, since more and more schools are now demanding CELTA as the standard initial qualification. It’s no longer enough for a job applicant to be able to speak English; schools want people who know how to teach English. Article © 2014/15 24/ 7 Valencia

And how is CELTA organised at Lenguas Vivas? Most schools offer CELTA as a fourweek intensive course and we do the same. However, we’re also offering semi-intensive five-week courses and part-time courses, too. What sort of people take the CELTA course? Is it just for native English speakers? No, not at all. Our current course has candidates from Italy, Romania and the Netherlands, as well as Spain and the UK. If your English is good enough, which means a C1 level at least, you can apply. Our candidates have a wide age range, too. We get recent university graduates but also people in their forties or fifties who are looking for a change of career. I don’t believe there any such thing as a typical CELTA candidate! Later we met Gabriella Turner (23) from Sheffield, who told us something about her CELTA experience: “I studied International Business with Spanish and spent one year of my degree studying in Valencia. I loved Valencia and the Spanish lifestyle so I decided to return after my degree. Last year I spent one year teaching English and really enjoyed it so I decided to develop as a teacher and get a recognised qualification so I could find a job more easily in Valencia. I chose Lenguas Vivas by searching the different CELTA centres in Valencia via

the Cambridge University website. The Lenguas Vivas had a ‘platinum centre’ label next to its name so I thought Lenguas Vivas looked most credible. I really enjoyed the course. It was very challenging but very rewarding. I liked the ‘hands on’ approach to the course. From the second day, we were at the front of the class teaching real students. I received lots of help and support from both the tutors and my fellow candidates. The course was also a great opportunity to make friends and meet interesting people from different backgrounds and countries. I’m currently teaching English to children in various schools in Valencia. However, after Christmas I’m starting teaching business English to adults in a company. I am really enjoying my life in Valencia, doing a job I enjoy whilst living in a beautiful city.” Lenguas Vivas (near Ángel Guimerá metro station) LENGUAS VIVAS - CELTA training in Valencia C/Palleter, 43 - 46008 Phone: 963821058 / e-mail: celta@ lenguas-vivas.com web: www.celtavalencia.com www.lenguasvivasexams.com




CENTRO CULTURAL BANCAJA Herederas de las Majas de Goya Hasta 11 enero 2015 CENTRO DEL CARMEN Arte Ùltimo Alicante Hasta 31 diciembre Vestidos para Posar. Sorolla y la Moda Hasta 11 enero 2015 Retrospectiva Marisa Casalduero Hasta 15 enero Reflexiones Sobre la Materia y la Forma Quico Torres Hasta 11 enero 2015 Juan Luis Vives y Tomás Moro Hasta 18 enero 2015 CIUDAD DE LAS ARTES Y LAS CIENCIAS (L’Hemisferic, Museu de les Ciencies Principe Felipe, L’Oceanografic) www.cac.es ESPAI TACTEL Blue Series: A Romantic Cluedo. Jules Julien Hasta 31 diciembre ESPAI VISOR Art Interrogations Lea Lublin Hasta 16 enero 2015 Group Show Esther Ferrer, Nil Yalter, Françoise Janicot Desde 23 enero hasta 20 marzo FUNDACION CHIRIVELLA SORIANO Itinerario Hacia la Vacuidad Javier Calvo Hasta 4 enero 2015 Confesiones Natalia Domínguez Hasta 4 enero 2015 GALERÍA BENLLIURE Pintura Moderna y Contemporánea de los Siglos XIX y XX Permanente GALERÍA LUIS ADELANTADO Comrade Shadow Iris van Dongen Hasta 16 enero 2015 GALERÍA PAZ Y COMEDIAS Stop Making Sense Pepe Talavera Hasta 30 enero 2015 GALERÍA ROSA SANTOS Yo No Soy Esa Mavi Escamilla Hasta 19 diciembre Xavier Arenós Desde 16 enero 2015 hasta 20 febrero GALERÍA ROSALÍA SENDER Operación Ocio Inmaculada Martínez Hasta 13 diciembre INSTITUTO FRANCÉS DE VALENCIA Le Grand Voyage Thierry Valencin Hasta 3 diciembre Exposición Caleidoscopio Coanto Desde 11 diciembre IVAM INSTITUT VALENCIÀ D’ART MODERN EXPOSICIONES IVAM Miquel Navarro en la Colección del IVAM Hasta 31 diciembre Maestro del Dibujo. Cuadernos de Italia

24/7 Valencia

Ignacio Pinazo Hasta 22 febrero 2015 Paisaje Urbano en la Colección de Fotografía del IVAM Hasta 15 febrero 2015 Después de la Mirada Rafael Calduch Hasta 11 enero 2015 Arqueologías Comestibles Júlio Quaresma Hasta 6 enero 2015 JARDÍN BOTÁNICO Rehogar 6 Hasta 11 enero 2015 LA BENEFICENCIA CENTRE VALENCIA DE CULTURA MEDITERRÁNEA Recorrido por la Prehistoria Valenciana, desde el Paleolítico hasta la Época Visigoda Exposición Permanente LA GALLERA Space before Place Agustín Serisuelo Hasta 12 enero 2015 LA LLIMERA Presente Bruto Illustrado Hasta 18 diciembre LAS NAVES Emergències Hasta 5 enero 2015 L’ IBER DE LOS SOLDADITOS DE PLOMO Exposición Permanente: Guardias Españolas, Coleciones Valencianas, Almansa, Vida Cotidiana, Tirant y Serie Histórica. MUSEU DE BELLES ARTES SAN PIO V Renacimiento Barroco Pintura Gótica La Pintura Académica La Pintura de los Siglos XIX y XX Colección Permanente Vestidos para Posar. Sorolla y la Moda Hasta 11 enero 2015 MUSEO DE PREHISTORIA DE VALENCIA Restes de Vida, Restes de Mort Exposición permanente MUSEU D’HISTÒRIA DE VALÈNCIA Historia de Valencia en Ocho Periodos Exposición Permanente MUSEO VALENCIÀ D’ETNOLOGIA Huerta i Marjal El Secano y la Montaña La Ciudad Vivida. Ciudades Valencianas en Tránsito, 1800 – 1940 Exposiciones Permanentes Ànimes Óscar Catalán Hasta 11 enero 2015 Barras y Estrellas. Valencianos y los Estados Unidos Desde 18 diciembre 2014hasta 24 mayo 2015 MuVIM En Moto! Hasta 14 diciembre Con las Víctimas de la Guerra Fotografias de Jean Mohr Desde 4 diciembre hasta 1 febrero 2015 Del Tilt al Byte. Videojuegos, Videoconsolas Diciembre 2014 OCTUBRE CENTRE CULTURAL La Nit Més Fosca Hasta 11 diciembre Mar-Mar Desde 2 diciembre 2014 hasta 8 enero 2015 L’anarcosindicalisme, de la Transició als Nostres Dies Desde 15 diciembre hasta 8 enero 2015 UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA, LA NAU

DEC 14 / JAN 15

twentyfoursevenvalencia 17

Anzo Experimental Hasta 3 diciembre EX·IL Exiliats il·Lustrats Hasta 18 enero 2015 Stanbrook, 1939. El Exilio Republicano Hacia el Norte de África Hasta 18 enero 2015 Maestros de Ciudadanía: Manuel Broseta, Ernest Lluch y Francisco Tomás y Valiente Hasta 25 enero 2015 Roís de Corella. Fondos de la Biblioteca Histórica de la Universitat Hasta 26 marzo 2015 UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE VALENCIA Archivo Personal Jürgen Schadeberg Hasta 16 diciembre WAYCO VALENCIA Thinkings Lisa Jane Birch Hasta 5 diciembre PALAU DE LES ARTS

OPERA Manon Lescaut Giacomo Puccini 9, 12, 16, 19, 21, 27 diciembre 2014 Sala Principal Luisa Fernanda (con Placido Domingo) Federico Moreno Torroba 15, 18, 22 diciembre 2014 9, 12 enero 2015 Sala Principal Don Pasquale 31 enero 2015 3, 5, 8, 11, 13 febrero Sala Principal CONCIERTOS Orquesta de Instrumentos Reciclados de Cateura 2 enero 2015 Auditori Qué Son las Nubes. Obras de Mozart 27 enero Teatro Martín i Soler THEATRE ESPACIO INESTABLE Circundances (danza) Hasta 14 diciembre Frágil (teatro) 16 – 18 diciembre Almas de Discusión Pasiva (teatro) 19 – 21 diciembre A Mano (teatro) 22 – 23 diciembre Cartas de las Golondrinas 27 – 28 diciembre Animalari, La Fauna de las Faules (teatro) 29 – 30 diciembre SALA RUSSAFA Obligacciones (teatro – danza) Toni Aparisi/ Claudio Zirroti 11 – 13 diciembre Alicia in Wonderland 18 diciembre – 11 enero TEATRO EL MUSICAL ClimaX! 12 diciembre La Revoltosa 13 diciembre La Ratita Presumida

24/7 Valencia is recommended by Time Out, Lonely Planet, The Guardian, Ryanair

17 © 2014/15 24/ 7 Valencia

DEC 14 / JAN 15 24/ 7 VALENCIA LISTINGS 19 diciembre Déjà Vu 27 diciembre Pinocchio del Siglo XX1 3 enero 2015 The Beatles Show (música) 17 enero Paso a Paso (teatro) 31 enero TEATRO OLYMPIA Alejandro Jodorowsky 1 – 2 diciembre Sí a Todo Ernesto Sevilla (monólogos) 12 diciembre Que me Aspen! (monólogos) Joaquin Reyes 19 diciembre Peppa Pig / La Busqueda del Tesoro (teatro familiar) 22 – 25 diciembre Sofocus Plus (teatro) 27 diciembre – 11 enero 2015 Valencia Comedy (monólogos) 30 diciembre Tricicle Bits (teatro) Hasta 21 diciembre Raul ‘El Balilla’ (concierto flamenco) 4 enero 2015 El Nombre 14 – 25 enero 2015 TEATRO MICALET Ser o No Res (teatro) 3 – 21 diciembre A Nadal, Un Pas de Pardel 14, 28 diciembre y 3 enero 2015 Espacial Nadal Xavi Castillo 25 – 31 diciembre 2015 Les Noves Historietes Medievals (teatro) Xavi Castillo 1 – 4 enero 2015 TEATRO PRINCIPAL Doña Francisquita 12 – 14 diciembre Maribel y la Extraña Familia 16 diciembre –4 4 enero 2015 TEATRO RIALTO Ulisses in Berlin 4 – 7 diciembre Casa de Muñecas (A Doll’s House, Henrik Ibsen) 11 – 14 diciembre Despertaras Ayer 17 diciembre – 4 enero 2015 TEATRO TALIA Yo Quevedo, Moncho Borrajo Hasta 8 diciembre El Matrimonio Nijinsky 2 diciembre Más Allá de la Imaginación (mágica) Anthony Blake 10 – 14 diciembre M’Esperaràs? / Me Esperarás? 17 – 28 diciembre (en valenciano) 31 diciembre – 18 enero 2015 (en castellano) El Árbol de Navidad 22 diciembre – 4 enero 2015 Subit! 28 diciembre Reloaded Toni Pons Siente!!! 31 enero

18 © 2014/15 24/ 7 Valencia


BABEL *versión original www.cinesalbatrosbabel.com FILMOTECA CINEMA INSTITUTO VALENCIANO DE CINEMATOGRAFÍA CICLOS IVAC – LA FILMOTECA www.ivac-lafilmoteca.es Dic’2014 / Enero’15 en La Filmoteca del IVAC Un Impulso Colectivo: El Otro Cine Español Hasta 31 diciembre Eastern Promises. Autobiografía de Europa del Este Hasta 31 diciembre Muestra de Cine Coreano. Tres Directores de la KAFA Hasta 11 enero 2015 Básicos Filmoteca. Cine de Autor Hasta 7 mayo 2015 La Clase Obrera en el Cine Hasta 7 junio 2015 Heinz Emigholz. Filmar la Arquitectura Hasta 12 diciembre Turia 50th Aniversario Desde 3 diciembre hasta 11 febrero 2015 Jean Renoir Desde 13 diciembre hasta 29 marzo 2015 Novísimos Cineastas Italianos YELMO CINES www.yelmocines.es ADDRESSES MUSEUMS / GALLERIES

AGRUPACIÓN FOTOGRÁFICA VALENCIANA C/ Beata, 8 Tel: 96 351 26 20 ALMUDÍN Pl. San Luis Bertrán, 1 Tel: 96 352 54 78 - ext. 4521 BOIRA C / Salvador Giner, 10 Tel: 96 205 82 67 CAFÉ BERLÍN C/ Cádiz, 22. Tel: 96 381 00 24 CAFE MALVARROSA / ESPAI PARAL.LEL Historiador Diago, 20 Tel: 96 320 50 56 CA REVOLTA C/ Santa Teresa, 10 Tel: 96 392 20 88 CENTRO CULTURAL BANCAJA Pl. Tetuán, 23 Tel: 96 387 58 64 CENTRO COREOGRÁFICO DE LA COMUNIDAD VALENCIANA Parque de la Granja, s/n, Burjassot Tel: 96 390 47 74 CENTRO DEL CARMEN C/ Museo, 2 Tel: 96 192 26 40 CIUDAD DE LAS ARTES Y LAS CIENCIAS (L’Hemisferic, Museu de les Ciencies Princípe Felipe, L’Oceanografic) Av. Instituto Obrero de Valencia Tel: 902 100 031 COL·LEGI MAJOR RECTOR PESET Universitat de Valencia Plaça del Forn de Sant Nicolau,4 Tel: 96 316 60 00 COMUNICARTE GALERIA BAR C/ Conde de Olocau, 3 DR NOPO C/ Borrull, 16, Bajo

Tel: 96 113 14 99 www.doctornopo.org ESPAI D'ART BOIRA C / Salvador Giner, 10 Tel: 96 205 82 67 ESPAI TACTEL C/ Denia, 25 Bajo Tel:96 395 88 08 www.espaitactel.com FNAC SAN AUGUSTÍN C/ Guillem de Castro, 9 - 11 Tel: 96 353 90 15 FUNDACION CHIRIVELLA SORIANO C/ Valeriola, 13 Tel: 96 338 12 15 GALERÍA AKKA C/ Almirante Cadarso, 6 Tel: 96 316 27 27 GALERÍA DUOMO C/ Luis Santangel, 18 GALERIA ESPACIO C / Carles Cervera, 38 www.galeriaespacio.es GALERÍA LUIS ADELANTADO C/ Bonaire, 6 Tel: 96 351 01 79 GALERÍA MR. PINK C/ Guillem de Castro, 110 Tel: 96 391 33 34, 669 787 918 www.misterpink.net GALERÍA MURO Correjeria, 5 Tel: 96 391 19 03 GALERíA PAZ Y COMEDIAS C/ Comedias, 7-2 Tel: 96 391 89 06 GALERÍA PUNTO Av. Baron de Carcer, 37 Tel: 96 351 07 24 GALERÍA ROSALIA SENDER Mar, 19 (Ciutat Vella) Tel: 96 391 89 67 GALERíA SEGRELLES C/ Ciscar, 4 Tel: 96 333 21 97 GALERÍA TOSSAL Pl Tossal, s/n Tel: 96 398 18 03 GALERÍA VISOR C/ Corretgeria, 26 Tel: 96 392 23 99 INSTITUT FRANÇAIS DE VALENCE C/ Moro Zeit, 6 Tel: 96 315 30 95 INSTITUT VALENCIÀ DE LA MÚSICA C/ Barcas, 2 Tel: 96 318 44 53 IVAM C/ Guillem de Castro, 118 Tel: 96 386 30 00 JARDÍN BOTÁNICO C/ Quart, 80 Tel: 96 315 68 00 www.jardibotanic.org JOVE ORQUESTRA DE LA GENERALITAT VALENCIANA Tel: 96 318 44 90 / 93 KITSCH INTERNACIONAL ARTEDIVERSO C/ Covarrubias, 5 Tel: 607 636 012 LA BENEFICIENCIA CENTRE VALENCIA DE CULTURA MEDITERANEA C/ Corona, 36 Tel: 96 388 35 79 LA CASA ENCESA ESPAI D'ART Plaza La Iglesia, 3 12594 Oropesa Tel: 96 431 37 26 LA GALLERA

24/ 7 Valencia is recommended by The Times, El País, The Guardian, Lonely Planet...

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ʻLIKEʼ US ON C/ Aluders, 7 Tel: 96 352 14 37 LA NAVE GALERÍA Nave, 25 Tel: 96 351 19 33 LA LLIMERA VALENCIA Pl. Pérez Escrich, 13 LA LLOTGETA, AULA DE CULTURA CAM-ESPAI D’ART Pl. Mercado, 4 Tel: 96 391 33 96 LAS NAVES, ESPACIO DE CREACIÓN Contemporánea C/ de Juan Verdeguer 16, 46024 Valencia T 963 531 272 L’IBER MUSEO DE LOS SOLDADITOS DE PLOMO C/ Caballeros, 22 Tel: 96 391 86 75 www.museoliber.org LLIG LLIBRERIES DE LA GENERALITAT Pl. Manises, 3 Tel: 96 386 61 70 MONASTERIO DE SAN MIGUEL DE LOS REYES Av Constitución, 284 Tel: 96 387 40 13 MUSEO DEL ARROZ C/Rosario, 3 Tel: 609 877 956 MUSEO DE BELLAS ARTES DE VALENCIA C/ San Pío V, 9 Tel. 96 369 30 88 / 369 21 11 MUSEO DE LA CIUDAD Pl. Arzobispo, 1 Tel: 96 352 54 78 - ext. 4126 MUSEO DEL CARMEN C/ Museo, 2 Tel: 96 369 30 88 MUSEO FALLERO Pl. Monteolivete, 4 Tel: 96 352 54 78 MUSEO NACIONAL DE CERÁMICA GONZÁLEZ MARTÍ C/ Poeta Querol, 2 Tel: 96 351 63 92 MUSEO TAURINO Pasaje Doctor Serra, 16 Tel: 96 351 18 50 MUSEO VALENCIANO D’ETNOLOGÍA C/ Corona, 36 Tel: 96 388 35 65 www.museuvalenciaetnologia.es MUSEU D'HISTÒRIA DE VALÈNCIA C/ València, 42 Tel: 96 370 11 05 MUVIM C/ Guillem de Castro, 8 Tel: 96 388 37 47 OCTUBRE CENTRE DE CULTURA CONTEMPORÀNIA C/ Sant Ferran, 12 ( Zona Carmen) Tel: 96 315 77 99 www.octubre.cat PAZ TEJÓN GALERÍA ESTUDIO C/ Salas Quiroga, 1, bajo (Zona Jesús) Tel.: 654 363 829 www.paztejon.com POPOL VUH C/ Burriana, 13 Tel: 96 336 08 25 REALES ATARAZANAS Pl. Juan Antonio Benlliure, s/n Tel: 96 352 54 78 SALA PARPALLÓ C/ Corona, 36 TAMAR C/ Almudín, 16 Tel: 96 392 50 66

24/ 7 Valencia

UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA C/ Universidad, 2 UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE VALENCIA Camino de Vera, s/n Tel: 96 387 70 00 WAYCO VALENCIA C/ Gobernador Viejo, 29 Tel: 670 295 762 www.wayco.es OPERA

PALAU DE LES ARTS Autopista del Saler, 1 Tel: +34 96 197 58 00 Fax: +34 96 395 22 01 www.lesarts.com THEATRE

CARME TEATRE C/ Gutenberg, 12 Tel: 96 392 42 71 www.carmeteatre.com CARME TEATRE (EN LA PROTECTORA) c/ Maximiliano Thous 6. 46009 Valencia CENTRE LA RAMBLETA Bulevar Sur esquina C/ de Pío IX (Sant Marcel·li) larambleta.com ESPAI ATHENEIA C/ Guillem de Castro, 65 Tel: 615 578 344 - 657 857 792 www.xikanda.com ESPACIO INESTABLE C/ Dr. Sanchis Bergón, 5 Tel: 96 392 16 30 www.espacioinestable.com L’ALTRE ESPAI C/ Platero Suárez, 11 Tel: 96 353 92 00 OFF TEATRE C/ Turia, 47 Tel: 96 384 11 85 SALA ZIRCÓ C/ Joaquín Navarro, 11 Tel: 96 3 77 18 62 SALA RUSSAFA C/ Denia, 55 96 341 52 16 SALA TITERE C/Puerto Rico, 33 (Zona Ruzafa) Movil: 645 600 231 Email: salatitere@gmail.com www.titere.org Intimate music & puppet theatre in the artistic barrio of Ruzafa. Teatromusical con automatas y musicos. SPORTING CLUB RUSSAFA C/ Sevilla, 5 Tel: 96 325 15 98 TEATRE EL MUSICAL Pl. Rosario, 3 Tel: 96 367 31 95 TEATRE MICALET C/ Mestre Palau, 3 Tel: 96 392 14 82 TEATRO DE MARIONETAS LA ESTRELLA (LA PETXINA). C/ Dr Sanchis Bergón, 29 Tel: 96 371 73 84 TEATRO OLYMPIA C/ San Vicente Mártir, 44 Tel: 96 351 73 15 TEATRO PRINCIPAL C/ Barcas, 15 Tel: 96 353 92 00

DEC 14 / JAN 15

TEATRO RIALTO Pl. Ayuntamiento, 17 Tel: 96 353 93 00 TEATRE ROMÀ DE SAGUNT Pujada al Castell, s/n Sagunto THEATRE SALA MORATÍN Pl. Ayuntamiento, 17 Tel: 96 353 93 0 TEATRO TALÍA C/ Caballeros, 31 Tel: 96 398 64 22 CINEMA

BABEL C/ Vicente Sancho Tello, 10 Tel: 96 362 67 95 FILMOTECA (CINEMA INSTITUTO VALENCIANO DE CINEMATOGRAFÍA) RIALTO Pl. Ayuntamiento, 17 YELMO CINES Espai Campanar Av. Tirso de Molina, 16 Tel: 902 22 09 22

LIVE MUSIC 16 Tonelades Calle Ricardo Micó, 3 Facebook 16 Tonelades New rock club and indie disco in the Campanar area, near the Rio Turia. Bigornia (Zona Carmen) C/ Museo, 10 Jazz jam every Wednesday evening. Black Note (Zona Aragón) C/ Polo y Peyrolón, 15 Tel. 96 393 36 63 Top choice for music lovers who love it live - jazz, blues, R’n’B, soul, funk, flamenco and rock. See listings. Café Cronopio (Zona Benimaclet) C/Barón de San Petrillo 46 Tel: 960 64 17 17 http://cafecronopiobenimaclet.blogspot.com.es Jazz, blues, flamenco, world music, jam sessions and more… Café del Duende (Zona Carmen) C/ Túria, 62 Tel. 630 455 289 www.cafedelduende.com Great club specialising in authentic flamenco music and culture. See listings. Café Mercedes Jazz (Zona Ruzafa) C/ Sueca, 27 Tel. 96 341 83 78 www.cafemercedes.es Deluxe Pop Club (Zona Plaza Cedro) C/ Poeta Mas y Ros 42, Zona Cedro www.deluxepopclub.com Electropura (Zona Ruzafa) C/ Pinto Salvador Abril, 20 See Facebook for more details Acoustic gigs at 19.30h with indie often being the flavour. El Loco (Zona Juan Llorens) C/ Erudito Orellena, 12 Tel. 96 326 05 26, www.lococlub.org El Loco is a dynamic live venue with an eclectic choice of indie, funk, rock, fusion, blues and more. Check some music and dance later.

“For an excellent overview of what's hot pick up a free copy of the English-language listings guide 24/ 7 Valencia” - The Times


© 2014/15 24/ 7 Valencia


Jimmy Glass Diciembre 2014

5 Dic 22.45h MIKE MCKOY 4tet 6 Dic 22.15h DUO SESSION 10 Dic 20.45h BAPTISTE TROTIGNON TRIO 11 Dic 22.15h GUITAR SINGING DUO NIGHT 12 Dic 22.45h

FRAN SUÁREZ TRÍO 13 Dic 22.15h DUO SESSIÓN 16 Dic 20.45h REALITY SHAW 18 Dic 20.15h PIANO SINGING DUO NIGHT 19 Dic 22.45h BRB TRÍO See web for more...

Jimmy Glass Jazz Bar (Zona Carmen) C/ Baja, 28 www.jimmyglassjazz.net Legendary and prestigious jazz club in the classic New York style with an authentic jazz atmosphere, integrated on the international live jazz circuit, where every week you can see famous international live bands from the modern jazz world. Mítico y prestigioso club de jazz de estilo neoyorquino, con una átmosfera auténticamente jazzística, donde pueden verse todas las semanas figuras internacionales del jazz contemporáneo. Consulta la web: www.jimmyglassjazz.net Kaf Cafe (Zona Benimaclet) C/Arquitecto Arnau, 16 961131706 - 663 702 960 lk kafcafe.blogspot.com Atmospheric, literary café-bar with regular live gigs and jams. La3 (Zona Puerto) C/ Padre Porta, 2 www.grooovelives.com Top-notch national and International bands every month with disco afterwards until past the dawn... La Edad de Oro (Zona Juan Llorens) C/ San Jacinto, 3 Tel. 649 255 048 Live music every Thursday & Friday. La Rambleta Bulevar Sur, esq Pío IX (Next to Parque La Rambleta) (Zona Jesús) Tel: 96 0011511 www.larambleta.com Fantastic new live venue with

great programme of live music and original and alternative theatre. Noise Valencia C/ San Vicente, 200 Tel.670 659 705 www.discomirror.es Check international bands from around the globe. Palau de la Musica (Zona Río Túria) Paseo de la Alameda, 30 Tel. (+34) 96 337 50 20 E-mail: info@palauvalencia.com www.palaudevalencia.com Excellent classical music concerts in the Rio Turia gardens with musicians from around the world. See website for current programme. Pastis, 17 (Zona Carmen) C/Baja, 17 Bohemian hang-out in the heart of the old town. A cultural centre with intimate, live acoustic concerts and art exhibitions. Beer, wine & piadinas to enjoy. See agenda for gigs. Play Producciones Tel. 679 412 012 www.playproducciones.com Tranquilo Musica www.tranquilomusica.com Bringing you the best local, national and international indie bands to Valencia. Keep up the good work! Wah-Wah (Zona Blasco Ibáñez) C/ Campoamor, 52 Tel. 96 356 39 42 / 645 792 674 www.wahwahclub.com National and international indierock & pop in a student zone…

CLUBS Zona Ruzafa

Nylon C/ Germanias, 31 664 46 98 40 Valencia’s latest club. Electronica all night long in the hip barrio of Ruzafa. Piccadilly Discoteca Club C/ dels Tomassos, 12. Barrio de Russafa. Valencia. (antigua Sala Sider / Excuse me!) One of the wildest and most fun clubs in Valencia now situated in the hip barrio of Ruzafa and next to the local market. Varied public and eclectic programme: hits from the 90s, danceable 80s techno, petardeo, rock, pop, indie. A reference on the Valencia

nightlife scene for over 10 years. Open every Wednesday to Thursday from 01.00h to 07.30h. “What goes in Piccadilly stays in Piccadilly” https://www.facebook.com/ PiccadillyDowntownClub Play C/ Cuba, 8 Tel: 96 3920570 http://playclubvalencia.tumblr.com/ Newish club in the hip barrio of Ruzafa. Indie, pop and dance all night long. Xtra Lrge Playground Gran Via Germanias, 21(esq Cadiz) New club with 600 metre multi-use floor. Electronica and indie, art exhibitions too. Theatre every week at 23.00h. See facebook. Zona Juan Lloréns

La Edad de Oro C/ San Jacinto, 3 Tel. 649 255 048 Live music and its classic mix of pumping sounds…from rock & roll to house! Open 22.00h until 4.00h, Thursday to Saturday. Magazine Club Pza / Perez Escrich, 18 Zona Juna Llorens Magazine has become an essential part of the rock’n’roll scene in Valencia. Zona El Carmen

Bigornia C/ Museu, 10 Arty crowd of the Carmen scene with electro, hip-hop, funk, techno and more. Good vibes. Bolseria Café C/Bolseria, 41 Tel: 96 391 89 03 Hot tropical vibe with swinging crowd at weekends. House, Latin, funk and pop. Carmen Club C/ Quart, 26 www.carmenclub.es Calcatta C/ Reloj Viejo, 6 One of the few discos in the Carmen to stay open all night, until around 8 am. Frankenstein Rock & Roll Club Marques de Caro, 5 Immortal C/ San Dionisio, 3 Feel ‘heavy metal’ and like hard rock? Plenty of like-minded souls in a loud bar. Rock on! Pinball


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ʻLIKEʼ US ON C/ Concordia, 3 www.pinballvalencia.com For lovers of psychedelia, northern Soul, funk. Groovy atmosphere, buzzing at weekends. Cats and chicks shakin’ it until the early hours, digging various scenes like something out of Blow Up. Just one minute´s walk from C/ Caballeros & with free entry. Psicodelia y soul de los 60 y 70 en pleno centro histórico, cerca de C/ Caballeros.

Radio City C/ Santa Teresa, 19 Tel: 96 391 41 51 A legendary club in Valencia's old town. Free, eclectic disco Monday - Sunday nights, live flamenco every Tuesday @23h. English language nights Thursday @20h with Britpop music till late. Funky and friendly club. Rewind Club Valencia C/ Pintor Zariñena, 16 Tel: 96 391 41 51 Slavia Plaza San Jaime, 8. Slavia is a long-established classic of the Carmen scene. Open since 1996, with an ample selection of cocktails, gins and beers. Únic Plaza Sant Jaume, 1 New! Set in the very heart of the centro historico. Cocktails, music, art & design, fashion, young urban crowd. Vintage sofas too. Watch the people of the barrio stroll by. Lovely terrace too. Vibora Savage Rock’n’ Roll Club C/ Quart, 47

24/ 7 Valencia

Zona Jesús

Juanita Club C/ Jesús, 91 Rasta vibrations, just two minutes walk from the Mercado de Jesús, open from Wednesday to Sunday from 19h. A real Reggae lover’s paradise, dj’s, sounds, live music, café teatro and more (always free entry). Pinball, darts and every ‛mierCOOLes’ find good discounts. Follow us on Facebook “Juanita Club Valencia”.JUANITA CLUB. Are you Reggae? DJs too! Juanita Club especialistas y amantes de música reggae, sitio acogedor y relajado. Zona Puerto / Playa

Guernica Playa Eugenia Viñes, 227 By the beach! Great Cocktails and music from around the world (Electronica, African, Arabic and more) La3 c/ Padre Porta, 2 www.groovelives.com Indie & electrónica sounds on 3 floors

CHILL OUT Zona El Carmen

Zona C/ San Vicente

Veracruz (Every Friday) C/ San Vicente, 305 http://www.veracruzvalencia.com Every Friday at TB club , Veracruz has Vanguard electronic music played by national and international DJs. Fun and alternative clubber crowd. Open to all.

DEC 14 / JAN 15

drinks and coffee, and can be followed by sampling some fantastic cocktails and shorts.Good, varied music. Boasts a lovely terrace to enjoy your food and drink outside.English speaking staff. Gay & Lesbian friendly. Follow the World Cup here on a big screen. Tapas y cenas en un ambiente cosmopolita y abierto con terraza y plantilla bilingüe. Disfruta del mundial aquí.

Café Lisboa Pl. Dr. Collado, 9 Tel. 96 391 94 84 An excellent café bar in one of Valencia’s most atmospheric plazas. Good mixed crowd of students, locals, visitors and a very popular terraza. Open 09.00h and all day until late. Lots of bocadillos, coffees and beers. Barça and Levante football on TV at the weekend. A legendary cafe-bar that is 36 years old. Set in the historic centre. Breakfast, lunch and dinner available everday. Salads, sandwiches, Snacks, Montaditos, Desserts. Fine choice of cocktails including Mojito, Daiquiri, Bloody Mary. Agua de Valencia, Sangria & Paella too. Warm interior and beautiful terrace. Un clásico del centro histórico, terraza amplio, interior relajado, tapas y cócteles. Bohemio, literario, y abierto a todos. Café Museu C/ Museu, 7 Tel: 96 393 31 08 Bohemia at its finest, with a mellow terraza in a tranquil part of the Barrio del Carmen. Café del Negrito Pl. Negrito Tel. 96 391 42 33 Classic Carmen hangout. Liberal 30-somethings, arty crowd, lots of people wearing glasses! Café Tertulia 1900 C/ Alta 4

Zona Plaza Cedro

Tornillo C/ Campoamor, 42 Tel. 96 392 55 27 www.eltornillo.com INDIE scene. Electronica beats collide with guitar, loads of students partying, dancing. Look out for the distinctive huge nail outside!

Anita Giro C/Pintor Domingo 7, near Radio City Tel. 96 113 34 18 A relaxed atmosphere in a very reasonably priced restaurant with a varied and alternative international menu. Dinner generally ranges between 10 to 15 euros a head including

“24/ 7 Valencia is a diverse magazine, covering a range of subjects from Valencia football to restaurants to leisure time…” El País


© 2014/15 24/ 7 Valencia

DEC 14 / JAN 15 24/ 7 VALENCIA LISTINGS Plaza de la Virgen. Free tapas with drinks, international Beers, imaginative Cocktails and Gintonics, Mojitos at 4€. Fun food at fun prices: hamburgers, wraps, dimsum, samosas... Great terrace. Tuesday English-Spanish Language Exchange; Wednesday = GermanSpanish Exchange and Cocktails 2x1. Also Exhibitions, Theme Dinners, Ethnic Fiestas, Art & Photography...Mixed drinks start at 3.50€!!!!

Cafetín (Café.Cocktail. Bar) Plaza San Jaume, 2 Movil: 652 38 32 28 cafetin.valencia@gmail.com Situated in the heart of the barrio del carmen in Valencia with more than 30 years of history. This is a relaxing, agreeable and welcoming place where you can enjoy the best of teas and coffees. Specializing in AGUA DE VALENCIA, made the traditional way. Enjoy an ample selection of cocktails, sangria, spirits at good prices. Great to have a good time in good company with cool music soundtrack, a wonderful terrace to watch the world go by and the best service you will find in Valencia. Un lugar tranquilo,agradable y acogedor donde disfrutar cada dia de los mejores tes y cafés.Especializados en el AGUA DE VALENCIA (LA MEJOR) hecha de forma tradicional, con una amplia variedad de COCKTAILS, SANGRIA Y COPAS, AL MEJOR PRECIO , para pasar grandes momentos con la mejor compañia. Buena musica, una terraza privilegiada y el mejor servicio que puedas encontrar,¿Por que no vienes a conocernos?

El Café Del Mar Plaza Lope de Vega, 4 Tel: 96 3 922 558 El Laboratorio (junto Pl. de la Virgen) Pl. Cors de la Mare de Deu, 3 Every Day 18.00h-01.30h Tel: 96 392 61 93 Young international staff and clientèle. The two coolest and cheapest bars to chill off the

22 © 2014/15 24/ 7 Valencia

La Cava del Negret C/ Calatrava, 15 Tel: 96 392 33 01 Open every day from 12.00h, great bar on Pl. Negrito with terraza and some of the finest agua de Valencia around. Friendly staff, superb terraza, next to fountain and a great selection of cavas and champagnes. Abierto cada día, muy buena selección de cavas & champagne con terraza encantadora.

Gilda C/ Ensendra, 9 (corner Plaza Viriato) Tel: 96 3260393 Original resto lounge just a few steps from the Quart Towers (Torres de Quart) offers in its chill out terrace the best of the Salento (south of Italy) and Italian Tapas, Monday- Saturday: 9am -1am / Sunday: 9am -20h Drinks / Food / Tapas (Italian) Original salón resto tan sólo unos pasos de las Torres de Quart (Torres de Quart) ofrece en su terraza chill out lo mejor de lo Salento (sur de Italia) y tapas italianas, De lunes a sábado: 09 a.m. -1am / domingo: 9am -20h Bebidas / Alimentos / Tapas (italiano)

Las Torres C/ Guillem de Castro, 119 Tel. 963 154 162 Just a stone's throw from Torres de Quart but completely off the tourist track. This is a real Spanish bar of the barrio with a good atmosphere and a multi-lingual, well-travelled owner who speaks Spanish, English and German. Great terrace. Tasty tapas, heineken beer & spirits! Cerca de Torres de Quart pero fuera de la zona de turistas. Este es un bar auténtico español típico del barrio con buenas tapas, heineken, cócteles y dueño multilingüe. Terraza encantadora.

Los Pikapiedra (Zona Carmen) C/ Caballeros, 25 Tel: 96 3 919 876/ 681 215 545 www.bar-lospicapiedra.com Great! Definitive of the alternative Carmen scene. Highly popular with students, punks, hippies and adventurous tourists. It is a friendly, alternative hangout that is run by a multilingual, well-travelled owner and is open to all. Set on 3 floors with room for groups and couples. After 18 years of deserved popularity with locals and visitors, Los Pikapiedra is without doubt an essential part of the Barrio del Carmen scene. Easy to find too! Reasonable prices.They now have a wonderful selection of Spanish tapas. Ask at the bar for their carta. Special offers every WEDNESDAY! 1 litre Porrones 4,50€ (Cider, Beer, Calimocho, Tinto de Verano). Jarras 1 litro 8€ (Agua de Valencia , Sangria, Mojito). Cubatas 3,50€. Menu 6€ (Salad, Drink, Tabla Iberico of hams, meats & cheeses). Porrones 4.50€ on Thursdays too! Bar Los pikapiedra es un bar alternativo legendario, con gente bohemia, porrones, música ecléctica y tapas españolas. Magarota C/ Zurradores, 9 Movil: 665 04 15 08 Friendly Spanish tapas & café Bodeguita bar with terraza and popular owners. Rivendel Resto Bar C/ Hospital, 18 Tel: 96 392 32 08 www.rivendelrestobar.com Sol i Lluna C/ del Mar, 29 96 392 22 16, www.solilluna.net

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Sant Jaume C/ Caballeros, 51 Tel. 96 391 24 01 Valencia Café society par excellence. Set in what may be the best corner of the centro histórico, this long established café bar has a cosmopolitan crowd, lots of room upstairs and one of the best terrazas in the city. Watch the characters stroll down C/ Caballeros. Sant Jaume es un clásico del centro histórico con unas de las mejores terrazas en Valencia. Teteria Tisana C/Moret, 4 (just off C/Roteros) Music includes: Ultra-mod, ye-ye, Garage, Britpop 60s. Freak-Beat The Lounge Café-Bar Estameñeria Vieja 2 (behind La Lonja) Tel: 96 391 80 94, www.theloungecafebar.com Trombon C/ Moret, 10 (near Plaza del Carmen) Open since 1974, Trombon is one of the oldest bars in the Carmen. Table football, good music and local crowd. Friendly service. Open from 20h – 03.30h from Tuesday to Saturday and open to all. Zona Ruzafa

the wall and the odd assortment of objects. The seductive, intimate lighting makes this a popular one with couple and groups. Friendly owner speaks Spanish & English too! In the heart of one of Valencia trendiest districts, one of the most charming Cafe/bars offers you the possibility of enjoying from a tasty cup of coffee or tea to a delightful beer, wine or cocktail. Café-bar bohemio, muy original, y muy acogedor, ambiente muy relajado. Terraza tambien . Tes del mundo, cocteles y postres. La Tavernaire C/ Dénia, 18 Tel: 605 838 299 Bohemian cafe-bar, vegetarian dishes, live music Wednesdays. La Pinça C/ Pintor Salvador Abril, 34 Tel: 96 3 25 05 82 / 693 593 037 Arty and welcoming café-bar. Ubik Café C/ Literato Azorín, 13 Tel: 96 374 12 55 Emblematic of the buzzing barrio of Ruzafa. Wonderful, spacious and welcoming cafebar/ second-hand bookshop. Spanish & Italian tapas, beer, wine, bohemian crowd, friendly atmosphere. Closed Monday.

DEC 14 / JAN 15

Reservations: 610026305 A ‘cafecito’ with a big heart and a fabulous terrace • Speciality in brownies and homemade cakes • world food cooking Juice therapy • local artesanal beers • fairtrade tea and coffee workshops and special events • Sunday BRUNCH • Facebook: La Ola Fresca Valenbisi: 116 Comidas del mundo, servicio excelente, sabroso y actividades cada semana.

GAY / LESBIAN Codigo G Gay Discoteca & Club Carrer dels Tomassos, 14. (Zona Ruzafa) A Gay disco, next to Russafa market. 3 floors with House, Disco, Guateque, Pop, Petardeo. http://codigog-club.blogspot.com.es/ https://www.facebook.com/codigog

Zona Plaza Xuquer

Rocafull Cafe Pl. Xuquer, 14 www.rocafull.tk A key meeting point of the ‘indie’ community. Zona Plaza Cedro

Cafe Infinito C/ Poeta Mas y Ros, no 35 Tel: 617 27 20 42 www.cafeinfinito.net Superb! International multilingual staff with a friendly atmosphere and packed agenda including theme nights, language exchange, live music quiz. Wednesday ‛Ruta de la Tapa del Cedro’. Tornillo C/ Campoamor, 42 Tel. 96 392 55 27 A meeting point for faces from the indie and electronica scenes. Definitely worth checking. Zona Benimaclet

El Desvan del Café C/ Puerto Rico, 4 Tel: 96 344 16 86 Very bohemian, very relaxing with a mellow crowd of chilled out and arty crowd. Check out the wide range of teas from around the world, cocktails, cake, juices and coffees too. Art exhibitions, relaxed clientele and pleasant ambience. Check the paintings hanging from

24/ 7 Valencia

Cross C/ Juan de Mena, 7 (Zona Botanico) Facebook Cross Valencia www.crossvalencia.com Just 2 minutes walk from Torres de Quart in the tranquil Botanico barrio. Cross is one of Valencia’s most popular Gay Clubs. Open each night from 22h to 03.30am with Wednesdays and Tuesdays featuring ‘get naked’ parties. Every Friday at 1am porno sexo show with FRANK Valencia. La Pecera C/ Cadiz, 86 Tel: 639 517 703 Popular with lesbians in evenings. Open to all. Ni María Ni Virgen C/ Pintor Vilar, 1 Lesbian pub-bar in the Campanar area.

PUBLICIDAD 650 639 177

Zona Plaza Benimaclet La Ola Fresca Calle Músico Magenti 11, Benimaclet

ed@24-7valencia.com www.247valencia.com

“24/ 7 Valencia is ... an invaluable guide for longweekend visitors looking to get the most out of Valencia’s nightlife.” The Guardian


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Nuncadigono C/ Turia, 22 The latest gay sex-club with rooms, showers, labyrinths, videos, slings, contacts, S&M, bears, fucking, sex, glory-holes, motor bikes. Fiestas ‛Sex’ every Monday (Slip or Naked) and Friday from 22.00h. Each month: ‘Fiesta Slip’ 1st and 3rd Thursday from 22h (jockstrap/ swimwear) ‘Fiesta Naturista’ 2nd & 4th Thursday from 22h. (naked) Free cloakroom service and free condoms and lubrication, ask at the bar. Every Friday Porno/Live Show. Happy hours todos los dias. Open every day from 12.00 pm to 04.00 am. Gay sexbar. Cuartos, duchas, laberintos, videos, slings, valencia, contactos, gay, nuncadigono, bar, sm, bears, sexo, motos. Pekado Pl. Vicente Iborra, 9 Tel. 96 392 41 39 The seven deadly sins are served after you enter the gates of hell of this restaurant. Qart Café C/ Guillem de Castro, 80 Sant Miquel Pl. Sant Miquel, 13 Tel. 96 392 31 29 Spartacus C/ Flassanders, 8 Gay sex shop Trapezzio Café Pl. Músico Lopez Chavarri, 2


CON MONTADITOS WITH TAPAS Beer C/ Salamanca, 4 Tel. 96 374 14 31

24 © 2014/15 24/ 7 Valencia

www.cerveceriabeer.com Facebook Cerveceria Beer. Open every day from 19:00 to 03:30. Great selection of beers, cans and bottles from around the world. Try 30 types of beer from Spain and abroad. Have a great time with your mates competing at darts and table football, and enjoy the daily offers every day of the week at Beer. Monday - with your beer they invite you to free mussels. Every Tuesday from 19.00h to 24.00h, Beer from the barrel 2 x1with montadito included! Wednesday from 23’30 to 01’30 with Patatas arrugadas con mojo picón canario and live music with Tony Ventura y amigos. Thursday has popular beer prices 2’50€ for pint from midnight & blackjack at night. Saturday has massage and roller skate raffles with your drinks, prizes announced at 2:30 am!Sunday has football live and we have La Liga, Champions League and Uefa during the week. 2 homemade tapas + 3 montaditos + pint of beer for 7.50€. If you dine with us you get 20% off your spirit drinks. Cervecería excelente con 30 cervezas diferentes de todo el mundo. Jueves con descuentos y partidos de Fútbol Primera Liga y Champions en directo. 2 tapas + 3 montaditos + pinta de cerveza por 7,50€. Si cenas con nosotros 20% descuento en las copas.


Finnegan’s Pl. de la Reina Tel: 96 392 28 62 www.finnegansofdublin.es The legendary meeting point in the heart of Valencia for those who like a good pint. Excellent terrace with fine view of the Cathedral. A genuine Irish pub with big screen for sports-lovers who like it live. Saint Martin’s Urban Irish Calle Abadía de San Martin, 2 (near San Vicente) Tel: +34963942171 46002 Valencia info@saintmartins.es Saint Martin’s Urban Irish is our new pub right in the center of Valencia! Enjoy international beers & spirits and great snacks to fill you up not only with beer. Enjoy all major sports events through our 6 extra large FULL HD screens. You will enjoy like never before. Sky Sports on with all major events broadcasted! Our international atmosphere and our location manage to unite the tradition of an Irish pub with a young and relaxed atmosphere. (Find us between Plaza de la Reina and Plaza del Ayuntamiento, just off San Vicente street). Nuevo Pub irlandés moderno y céntrico donde disfrutar de todos los eventos de deporte, con cervezas de importación, snacks, copas... The Market C/ Danzas / Cajeros (Near La Lonja) Tel: 961 054 050 Facebook: the market cerveza artesana The Market serves homemade beer in a warm setting with tostas & tablas to savour with your brown beer. Great music and experience owners. Open every day from 19h. Cervecería artesana, tostas y buena música. Cerca de la Lonja y Mercado Central.

Zona Canovas

Portland Ale House C/ Salamanca 10 Yes! Valencia’s first true American pub, run by a friendly American team with draft beers available, sports and an increasingly mixed crowd of locals, visitors and English and Spanish speakers. They now brew & serve their own beer ! Tuesdays and Wednesdays are international language exchange nights with Orange Academy, Thursdays is speed dating and Sundays is the legendary pub quiz! Portland Ale House es un pub americano auténtico. St. Patrick’s Irish Pub Gran Vía Marqués del Turia, 69 Tel: 96 351 36 42 www.stpatricksvalencia.com “A true Irish pub” that knows the craic! Friendly helpful international staff who speak Spanish and English! Zona Ruzafa

Liverpool Russafa VLC C/ Sueca, 74 Telf: 674 244 998 English Pub. Everyday from 16.00 - 03.30h. Zona Avenida Aragón

Manolo el del Bombo Pl. Valencia Club de Fútbol, 5 Tel: 96 930 460 A traditional Spanish bar with a different interior - a football museum with photos of the legendary Manolo del Bombo, the chap with the massive beret and drum. Just across from Mestalla stadium, a Mecca for football fans from all over the world. Friendly atmosphere. Sally O’Brien Av. Aragon, 8 Tel: 96 337 40 12 Zona Plaza Xuquer

Max Max C/ Vinalopó, 11 (Pl. Xúquer) Tel: 96 362 68 67 http://maxmaxvalencia.blogspot.com L'Eliana

The Dragon (Bar Internacional) C/ Virgen de Pilar, 12 (L’Eliana) British-run bar with good reputation for food. Popular with locals and the expat crowd from the area.


Babalú C/ Manyans 17 (next to Plaza Redondo) Tel: 96 315 50 40 ¡Fiesta! An excellent restaurant-bar-club for those who love authentic Cuban food. Arabic

Sahara (Zona Carmen) C/ del Mar, 52 Tel: 96 394 32 76 Movil: 698 579 148

24/ 7 Valencia is recommended by Levante EMV, ADN.es, Super Deporte...

©2009 24/7 Valencia

ʻLIKEʼ US ON www.sahararestaurante.com Asian Fusion

Tao Tao Taberna Asiatica C/ Cadiz, 37 Tel: 96 091 2915 / móvil: 615 725 320 Set in the hip barrio of Ruzafa… Authentic & Asian run fusion restaurant with Chinese, Thai, Japanese, Vietnamese cuisine. Bodega

Bodega Vino y Jamón C/ Manuel Candela, 71 Tel: 96 0150345 Open from Monday to Sunday (12pm to 01.30am) Facebook Bodega Vino y Jamón The real deal. With 37 years of bodega experience, friendly Spanish owner Daniel is originally from Castilla La Mancha so this is as Spanish as it gets! Check out tasty hams, cheeses, anchivies, iberico hams, patatas bravas, chicken, chorizos and more at reasonable prices . Bodega autentica española con dueño manchego con 37 años de expericencia. Puedes disfrutar de tapas como patatas bravas, pincho pollo, cordero, ancoas de cantabria, montaditos, chorizo, jamones ibericos, quesos, paella de encargo para 8 personas. Terraza amplia. Fusion Restaurant Sésame C/ En Bou (Zona Carmen) Tel: 96 391 30 62 Highly popular. The well-travelled French owner proposes a wide variety of creative tapas and dishes with an original Greek & Mediterranean/ Asian/ French and Vegetarian fusion using only fresh local produce. Indian / Pakistani

Taj-Mahal (Zona Av. Puerto) C/ Dr. Manuel Candela, 20, Tel: 96 330 62 64. One of the best Indian restaurants along the coast. Authentic Indian cuisine, chefs with 12 years Brit experience. Classic menu with all the favourites: Chicken Tandoori, Chicken Tikka, King Prawn Tandoori, Lamb. Variety of rices, attentive bilingual staff on hand to serve ‘English’ or ‘Spanish’ version of spicy. About 18€ per head. Taj Mahal now has home delivery until midnight for minimum price of 20€. Check out the British and Indian products at their shop next

DEC 14 / JAN 15

24/ 7 Valencia

door! Curry powders, cornflakes, ketchup, tinned beans, and loads more. An expat’s dream! Uno de los mejores restaurantes indios en Valencia con comidas y cenas típicas del país. Muchos productos indios en su tienda a lado también. Italian Zona El Carmen

Al Pomodoro C/ del Mar, 22 Tel: 96 391 48 00, www.viciositalianos.com. Very popular, good value, great pizza. Bacco d.o.c. C/ Derechos 29, bajo (1 min from La Lonja) Tel: 96 391 19 65 Everyone welcome at this distinctive and very original Italian restaurant in an excellent location.

La Strada C/ Quart 17 Tel: 96 392 41 77 Excellent! Hip pizzeria and pasta restaurant just a brief stroll from Torres de Quart. 8€ daytime menus, around 15€ at night. Salads, antipasti, piadine, italian tapas, pizza, pasta, meat and fish dishes. Wines from many regions of Italy. Excelente! Pizzeria y restaurante de pasta a un corto paseo de Torres de Quart. 8€ menús de día, alrededor de 15 € por la noche. Ensaladas, antipasti, piadine, tapas italianas, pizzas, pastas, carnes y pescados. Vinos de muchas regiones de Italia. Zona Canovas

La Carbonara (tapas italianas, vinos y más) C/Alta, 28 Tel: 96 3 156 377 / movil: 633 092 360 Hours: 12.30h -17 h / 19h tiill close. Open Monday to Sunday. New! Set in the heart of the barrio del Carmen, this is an authentic Italian restaurant run by experienced Italians from Rome. It’s a lovely, cosy, warm and intimate place with wooden floors and stylish interior, making it great for little groups and couples. Enjoy Lasagna, Risotto, Pasta, Ravioli, Italian tapas to savour, Salmon tartar, Carpaccio, Spaghetti Carbonara & Bolognesa, Tortellini, and homemade desserts like tiramisu. Menu del dia from Monday to Friday for 9.80€. Nuevo y auténtico restaurante italiano en el corazón del barrio del Carmen. Disfrute de lasaña, risotto, pasta, Ravioli, tapas italianas para saborear, Tartar de salmón, Carpaccio, espaguetis carbonara y bolognesa, Tortellini, y postres caseros como el tiramisú. El menú del dia de lunes a viernes de 9,80 €.

Don Salvatore C/ Conde de Altea, 41 Tel: 96 334 13 04 www.donsalvatore.com Spot the Valencia footballer! Lambrusquería C/ Conde Altea, 31 -36 Tel: 96 334 07 53 lambrusqueria.wordpress.com/about. George Clooney did eat here! Japanese

Tora (Taberna Japonesa) C/ Pedro III El Grande , 13 Tel: 96 311 94 29 Great! Finally, an authentic Japanase taberna in Valencia run by a Japanese & Valencian couple! Mexican

C/ Denia, 20 Tel: 96 332 80 78

La Pappardella C/ Bordadores, 5 (next to Cathedral) Tel: 96 391 89 15 www.viciositalianos.com. Popular Italian restaurant without pizza and emphasis on Piadinas and pastas. El Mexico de María (Zona Ruzafa) C/ Calle Denia, 20. Tel: 96 332 80 78

“The freebie mag 24/ 7 Valencia is a fantastic guide (in English) to Valencia’s bars, clubs and restaurants.” Lonely Planet


© 2014/15 24/ 7 Valencia

DEC 14 / JAN 15 24/ 7 VALENCIA LISTINGS Friendly Mexican restaurant, superb homemade dishes. El Mexico de Maria has Mexican cuisine with years of culinary experience in Valencia with a fine combination of traditional and fusion Mexian cuisine for their loyal clientele. Lovely, cosy & colourful interior with lots of mexican decorations. Set in the hip barrio of Ruzafa. Restaurante mejicano acogedor con platos caseros y cocina fusión y tradicional. Interior atractivo, situado en el barrio de moda de Ruzafa. Multi-bar

La Bona Estrella (Zona Carmen) Plaza Manises, 2 Tel: 96 0640548 Great! Very spacious multibar with wide variety of beers. Enjoy Spanish and Mediterranean dishes, live music, live sports and more. Enjoy red wines by the glass or bottle from Rioja, Utiel Requena, Ribera de Duero and white wine from D.O. Rueda and Rias Baixas. Open all day and every for Breakfast, lunch, dinner with starters including octopus, pork dishes and Greek salads too. Sardines or duck to enjoy as main dishes as well as good range of Spanish hams, cheeses, sausages and more. Live music jams. La Bona Estrella es un Multi-bar nuevo para desayunos, comidas y cenas, Mucho espacio y buena oferta de comida española y mediterránea. Jamones, quesos, chorizos, salchichones, ensaladas, carpaccios. Música en directo tambien. Portuguese

Café Pessoa C/ Literato Azorin, 2 Tel: 96 341 75 14 Great! An authentic Portuguese café bar with lovely cocktails and trendy interior. Portuscale C/ Subida del Toledano, 6 Tel. 96 341 75 14 e-mail: geral@restauranteportuscale.es /RestaurantePortuscale.es Authentic Portuguese restaurant with Portuguese owners. Next to the cathedral. Quality burger bar

C/ San Fernando, 22 (near Mercado Central) Zona Centro (46001) Tel: 96 3 21 70 03 Open from Monday to Sunday 12pm to 1a.m. info@mediterraneadehamburguesas.com www.mediterraneadehamburguesas.com At Mediterranea Hamburguesas sl, quality is our trademark and what sets us apart. We choose to work with the best materials, with a freshness and distinctive quality too. We enhance each burger with touches of the Mediterranean. Our daily challenge is to be the best burger bar in Valencia. Burguer bar de alta calidad en zona centro y zona ruzafa. Ensaladas, carnes, opciones para celiacos. Spanish / Valencian Zona Plaza Ayuntamiento

Alkazar C/. Mosén Femades, 9 y 11 (Zona peatonal/ Pedestrian street) Just off Plaza Ayuntamiento 46002 Valencia · T. 96 352 95 75 · 96 351 55 51 tabernaalkazar@tabernaalkazar.com WWW.RESTAURANTEALKAZAR.COM This is the real deal. Quality Valencian cuisine. With over 60 years of experience, Alkazar is perfectly placed right in the centre on a mellow & traffic–free street, very near to Plaza Ayuntamiento so easy to find. Excellent quality carta, this authentic Valencian restaurant specializes in typical rice dishes, seafood dishes including lobster, meat & fish dishes. Open everyday for lunch and dinner from: 12h -17h / 20h -24h. Ample terrace and quality cuisine to savour. Impeccable wine cellar! Emblemático restaurante marisquería situado en el centro histórico de la ciudad de Valencia. Carta de excelente calidad, especialistas en platos y arroces típicos valencianos, mariscadas, parrilladas de carne o pescado. Excelente bodega. Abierto durante todo el día.Servicio de terraza. Síguenos en facebook y disfruta de nuestras promociones. Carpe Diem C/ Martínez Cubells, 4 (off Passeig Ruzafa) Tel: 96 342 77 80, www.carpediem-vlc.com A genuine Spanish restaurant right in the centre of Valencia, on a mellow side street, dead easy to find!

El Colmado de La Rivera C/ Ribera, 14 Set near the bullring and the Plaza Ayuntamiento, El Colmado de la Rivera has a vanguard interior decoration, modern and cosmopolitan clientele and attractive cuisine. It stands out for its attractive terrace. Here you can savour breakfast and almuerzos. Later, try out their lunch menus and a la carta and dinners that are served with beers and spirits. Share tapas, dishes and desserts. Con una decoracion vanguardista, moderna, cosmopolita, Colmado destaca por su incredible terraza. Alli pueden degustarse desde primera hora de la mana;a sus desayunos y almuerzos. Posteriormente se sirven comidas a la carta a la carta o menus, meriendas, cenas y copas. Tanto la bolleria, como la reposteria y los panes son artesanales y se preparan diariamente.

Mediterranea de Hamburguesas SL C/ Sueca, 45 Zona Ruzafa (46006) Tel: 96 3 21 05 31 Open from Monday to Sunday 7pm to 1.30am


26 © 2014/15 24/ 7 Valencia

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ʻLIKEʼ US ON La Cata (restaurante-pizzeriataberna selecta) Plaza Mariano Benlliure, 2 Tel: 96 0044 063 Great! Just off C/San Vicente and a stone’s throw from Plaza Ayuntamineto, so easy to find. Beautiful, relaxing and elegant terrace and authentic Spanish cuisine. Specialities include tapas like squid, tortilla, anchovies, gazpacho & octopus. Enjoy a Valencian Salad, patatas bravas, nice selection of hams & cheeses. Good choice of pizzas, select pastas and 5 types of lovely paellas as well as meats and tasty desserts like Tiramisu and ‘Flan de Huevo’. La Cata es un restaurante-taberna selecta española con una selecccion buenissima de tapas como pulpo, tortilla, anchoas y mucho mas ademas de 5 tipos de paellas, jamon, quesos selectos, carnes y postres deliciosas como tiramisu. Lotelito Valencia Rooms & Bar C/ Barcas, 13 Tel: 96 206 78 52 Movil: (+34) 656 265 229 www. lotelitovalencia.com You can enjoy breakfast early in the morning, almuerzo around midday, lunch or dinner a la carta or menu as well as enjoy a wide range of spirits & cocktails. Tapas and platos to share are Lotelito’s speciality, which are notable for their tastiness and loving presentation. Bread & desserts are homemade & freshly produced daily. The head of the kitchen is Miguel Angel Mas who has had ample experience with a number of Michelin Star restaurants as well as having run his own restaurant for the last 7 years, which are both great signs of somebody who both knows all about cuisine and cares about it too. Enjoy Lotelito morning, noon and night! Desayunos, comidas y cenas, cócteles variados, tapas de calidad y mucho más.

Mon C/ San Vicente Martir, 23 (near Plaza del Ayuntamiento) Tel: 96 35 12 770 www.monvalencia.com Menú del día (Monday – Friday): 11.90€ (drink not included) Menú del día (Saturday – Sunday): 14.90€ (drink not included) Menú desgustación (tasting menu for two): 25€ (drink not included) Tapas (available all day): 1.80€ – 13.95€ Restaurante español en pleno centro, con tapas y platos mediterráneos abierto cada día y con flamenco en directo por las noches.

24/ 7 Valencia

DEC 14 / JAN 15

Zona El Carmen

Dos Aguas C/ Marqués de Dos Aguas, 6 Tel: 96 251 64 26 Good value Spanish menu del días, great view.

9:00 - 01:30 todos los días El Botijo C/ San Miguel s/n www.tascaelbotijo.com Spanish tasca in the Barrio Carmen! Great terraza, delicious tapas, a top ensaladilla rusa and great tabla de quesos too. Cool flamenco, rock and pop sounds, welcoming vibe and friendly Andalucian/Valencia owners. Perfect size portions and informed service. Be sure to try Valencian tinto no. 12! Bar de tapas muy agradable y con muchos clientes fieles y buen ambiente en la terraza: jamones, tablas de queso, vinos y más.

El Rall Pl. Tundidores, 2 Tel: 96 392 20 90 Legendary paella restaurant, prime location by La Lonja and Plaza Negrito. Restaurante legendario de paellas y más arroces. Bien situado entre La Lonja y Plaza Negrito. Terraza encantadora. Escalones de La Lonja C/ Pere Compte, 3

El Pony Pisador C/ Zurradores, 7 (Near Plaza Santa Catalina) Tel: 638 196 289/ 635 849 390 Homemade Spanish food, rustic interior and run by a friendly Spanish couple. Try their Croquetas de Jamón Ibérico, artichokes, baby squid with paprika, strawberry cheese cake. In a quiet corner of the Centro Histórico. Good selection of wines from 8€ to 16€. Menú del día 10€ including drink. Saturday & Sunday lunch 14€, drink extra. Dishes from 4.50€ to 7€. Authentic Spanish cuisine. Restaurante Español íntimo, rústico y con comida casera muy buena; rabo de toro, croquetas, jamón ibérico, calamares y más. En Bou Lounge Drink + Tapas Tel: 96 3922632 Enjoy Mediterranean cuisine with tapas, gourmet hamburgers and desserts.

Jacaranda Sensation Food Corretgeria, 33 Tel: 96 3 922 737 www.jacarandasensationfood.com Set in the centro historico so easy to find. We had a wonderful lunch here with lovely, friendly service and tasty rice, fish, meat and salad dishes. It’s a wonderful Mediterranean fusion with artistic presentation in a modern yet warm setting. Cosmopolitan crowd and mellow terrace outside. Popular with locals and visitors. Menu del dia around 10€. Open Tuesday to Sunday: 9am – 4pm/ 8pm – 1am. Just a stone’s throw from the cathedral. Spanish owners who speak English. Jacarandã es una nueva experiencia gastronómica en el " Barrio del Carmen" de Valencia. Te invitamos a venir y sentir nuevas emociones con nuestra fusión de sabores perfectamente combinados que deleitarán los paladares más exigentes.

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DEC 14 / JAN 15 24/ 7 VALENCIA LISTINGS KA'RAK (Raquel Cernicharo) C/ Baja, 42 Tel. 96 315 45 88 New name! Set in a quiet corner of the atmospheric old town. Run by a friendly and experienced owner, enjoy wonderful homemade Mediterranean cooking including; Lasagna, Parmigiana, Canellones, Pasta and a lot more !!!!! Business groups and romantic couples are all welcome. Tasty Menu for 14€ every evening. Closed Sunday night and all day Monday. De martes a sábado menú mediterráneo por 14€ con ingredientes frescos y buena presentación y buen servicio. Interior agradable. La Carme C/ Soguers, 2 Tel: 96 392 2532 30 years old emblematic restaurant of the Barrio del Carmen with Mediterranean dishes and cosy yet spacious interior. La Pitanza C/ Quart, 5 Tel: 96 391 09 27 www.lapitanza.com

La Pilareta C/ Moro Zeit Tel: 96 391 04 97 Every major Spanish city has a tapas bar regarded as ‘quintessential’. Established in 1917, this one is high up on the list in many guides. Veteran waiters serve excellent tapas: habas, ensaladilla rusa and the famous mussels. Open daily midday to midnight just off Plaza Tossal, not hard to find. Now that’s what we call atmosphere... El bar de tapas más histórico en el centro de Valencia, especialidad en clóchinas, buenas habas y ensaladilla rusa.

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L'Aplec C / Roteros, 9 (near Torres de Serranos) Movil: 696 119986 Bar - restaurant to go for tapas. Open Tuesday to Sunday from 12 noon to closing. Closed Monday. Spontaneous atmosphere, friendly and fun. Home cooking. Drinks and hot tapas with a hint of fun. New and easy to find as it is just a stoneʼs throw from the Torres de Serranos. Nice and spacious interior too! L' Aplec now has a great terrace with a varied menu for just 10€ with drink included, from Tuesday to Saturday. Enjoy their homemade, fresh and authetic paella that changes from meat to fish to vegetable choices available from Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Sunday has paella by the ration along with your classic Spanish tapas. Gay & Lesbian friendly. Tapas caseras, divertidas, servicio amable y buenas paellas de jueves a domingo. Muy cerca de Torres de Serranos. Auténticamente español y abierto a todos. La Lola C/ Subida de Toledano, 8 Tel: 96 391 80 45, www.lalolarestaurante.com reservas@lalolarestaurante.com. This is ‘nueva cocina española’! Authentic live flamenco every week. Ligazon C/ Arolas,11-bajo. 46001-Valencia Telefono de reservas: 961141112 Mar d’avellanes C/ Avellanas, 9 Tel: 96 392 51 66 www.mardeavellanas.com Maria Mandiles Plaza Manises, 2 Tel: 96 04 60 57 info@maria-maniles.com We've opened a new Maria Mandiles!!! ...Just next to the Palacio de la Generalitat in the heart of Valencia, we've opened a new space with a new decoration, new menu, new terrace and new Maria Mandiles... It's going to leave you with your mouth open!!...2 restaurants, 2 terraces, the same charm & delight & philosophy and the same way of working...We're waiting for you!! Maria Mandiles C/ del Padre Huérfanos, 2 Tel: 96 315 48 84 A wonderful choice. In the heart of the historic centre in a tranquil square by the church of El Carmen, next to a garden, you will find the restaurant Maria Mandiles. With an ample terrace, you can enjoy tapas, fondues, cheeses, salads, homemade desserts, a variety of sangrias, cocktails, and ‘Agua de Valencia’ too. Lunchtime menu from Monday to Friday for 10.50€ with everything included. Saturdays and Sundays at lunchtime has paella for 6.50€. Typical price for evening dinner is 18€. Open all day from 10am to 01.30am. En pleno centro histórico con una amplia terraza, donde poder disfrutar de sus montados, fondues, ensaladas, quesadillas, postres caseros, variedad de sangrías, cocteles y agua de Valencia. Mattilda Resto Bar C/ Roteros, 21 Tel: 96 392 31 68 www.mattilda.es Quality cuisine. Milonga (Tapas & Copas) C/ de Murillo, 31 Tel: 96 323 51 65

Authentic Spanish tapas and dinners, near the Torres de Quart. Ocho y Medio Plaza Lope de Vega, 5 Tel: 96 392 20 22 www.elochoymedio.com Racó el falleret Guillem de Castro, 114 Tel: 96 064 28 72 Refugio Restaurante del Carmen C/ Alta, 42 Tel: 96 391 77 54 A warm and authentic Mediterranean fusion restaurant with touches of Asia and a new carta, too. See ‘Something Different’ for more details. San Miguel C/ San Miguel, 7 Tel: 96 392 31 29

Sidreria El Molinón C/Bolseria, 40 Tel: 963 91 15 38963 Legendary Spanish / Asturian restaurant in the heart of the old town. Tapas, cheeses, meats, typical dishes from Northern Spain, good wines and, of course, cider served the traditional ‘escanciar’ way…just like in the films! 30 years old and just off Plaza Tossal so easy to find. Tapas, quesos, fiambres, carnes y mucho más.Producto traído del norte, principalmente de Asturias para disfrutarlo en Valencia y por supuesto sidra asturiana y buen vino. 30 años en el Carmen. Tintofino Ultramarino C/ Corretgeria, 38 Tel: 96 315 39 64 Like a fine wine? Oh, that’s superb! Tapas, cheese, and meat too! Tinto fino is a wonderful, classy tapas bar restaurant with an extensive collections of 50 wines from Spain & Italy as well as delicious tapas from the mediterranean. Live acoustic music every Wednesday. Trece C/ Calatrava, 12 Tel: 667 719 897 www.trece.co Hip new restaurant withe mediterranean fusion dishes and original, vintage interior. Yocomotuarte Pintor Vila Prades, 10 Movil: 668 56 57 15 http://yocomotuarte.es/ Quite new! Arty and spacious interior. Tasty tapas, drinks, dinners and open crowd with live acoustic music every Thursday and free tapa with your beer every Thursday too!

24/ 7 Valencia is recommended by The Times, El País, The Guardian, Lonely Planet...

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24/ 7 Valencia

Zona Canovas

Yuso C / de la Cruz, 4 izquierda Tel: 96 315 39 67 The real deal. Valencian chefs and Valencian staff. Superb paella, arròs en fesols i naps, arroz a banda, patatas bravas, salads and more. Restaurante auténticamente Valenciano con paella y más. Zona Jesús

La Mora Taberna C/ San Francisco de Borja, 1 Tel: 96 3 81 39 59 www,lamorataberna.com www.facebook.com/TabernaLaMora twitter.com/tabernalamora Off the beaten track. Smart interior, pleasant terraza and friendly service. La Taberna Mora is a modern Spanish tavern with touches of gourmet regarding their cuisine. Its quality, relaxing terrace and good service has made it an essential part of the Valencian restaurant scene. It has kept alive the spirit of traditional Spanish taverns, with tapas to enjoy for lunch and dinner. These include baby squid, patatas bravas, scrambled eggs with prawns, tablas of Spanish hams & cheeses. There is also a fine bodega of wines, with some of the best wines from around the regions of Spain. Ha mantenido vivo el espíritu de tabernas tradicionales españoles, con tapas para disfrutar para el almuerzo y la cena. Estos incluyen los chipirones, patatas bravas, huevos revueltos con gambas, tablas de jamones y quesos españoles.

Coco Pazzo Conde de Altea, 51 Movil: 717 12 22 35 New! Set in the cosmopolitan Canovas restaurant where you can enjoy Spanish / Mediterranean tapas and delicious & authentic barbecue ‘parrilladas’ with hamburgers to enjoy too. Good value prices too. Restaurante ubicado en Conde Altea, Canovas, donde podras disfrutar de tapas, las mejores parrilladas y hamburguesas de la ciudad, ya que contamos con parrilla al carbon perfecta para dare el mejor gusto a todas tus comidas. Precios solidarios Zona Patraix

Café Taberna “El Caracol” C/ Archiduque Carlos, 20 Moviles: 639761257 / 657532275 New! Traditonal & multicultural tapas & pinchos. Vegetarian cuisine, homemade desserts & sunny, warm terrace.

DEC 14 / JAN 15

Tapas Bars

Blanquita (Zona Carmen) PL. Dr. Collado, 8 46001.Valencia Tlf. 637556321 Great Terraza and wide selection of tapas. From Monday to Sunday, there is a menu of the day at lunchtime for just 10.90€ with two dishes, dessert and a drink included. Conveniently the menu is in Spanish, English and French! For starters, you can choose between a slice of omelette, a cool gazpacho from Andalusia, fried squid, grilled cuttlefish or their patatas bravas, which are fried potatoes with garlic mayonnaise and spicy tomato sauce. A healthy option is the Ensalada Valenciana with lettuce, tomato, onion, olives, corn, egg, tuna and carrot. We enjoyed their ‘Valencia salad’ the last time we went and the ingredients tasted as fresh as they looked. They also do a nice roasted chicken salad. Salads range from 5€ – 10€. Fantásticos desayunos, comidas y cenas y tapas españolas en el centro histórico con una terraza encantadora.

Zona Ruzafa

Guernica Ruzafa C/ Cadiz, 42 Tel: 96 064 18 60 Zona Ruzafa Facebook Guernica Ruzafa Great name, good setting, good food and wonderful cocktails! Something Different

Refugio Restaurante del Carmen C/ Alta, 42 Tel: 96 391 7754 The ‘Cooking Revolution’! Refugio is truly a restaurant of the Carmen. Run by a warm, bohemian Valencian couple with years of culinary experience this is now a Mediterranean fusion restaurant with International cuisine. Warm, wooden interior with intimate corners.


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El Olivo Taberna Plaza del Árbol, 4 (end of C/ Baja) Tel: 96 391 70 87 Authentic Spanish tapas in the historic centre. Highly popular with alternative crowd and visitors. Amongst their many specialities you will find artichokes, homemade croquettes, grilled sardines, fried prawns, octopus, cured ham, a selection of cheeses and much more. All tapas are made in the moment, which means you can take your time over a glass of wine or beer. Auténtico bar de tapas español con dueño de familia andaluza con alcachofas, croquetas, sardinas,

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DEC 14 / JAN 15 24/ 7 VALENCIA LISTINGS opciones vegetarianas y mucho más. Popular con gente alternativa, gente del barrio y visitantes. Excelente terraza. La Comisaría (Zona Carmen) Tapas y copas ilegales Pl. Arbol, 5 (corner C/ Baja) Tel: 96 391 07 39 www.lacomisaria.com Price per person around 15/22€. Multilingual chef.

artichokes, mushrooms, hams, cheeses, octopus, squid, cod, sardines, prawns, mussels, anchovies and more. Tapas range between 4,50€ - 7.50€, so great value if you share with friends. As the sun starts to shine, be sure to enjoy a wine, beer or “Vermut Rojo” with ice. Establecido en 1952, Arandinos es un taberna Española autentica y de familia Valenciana. Terraza encantadora con tapas como bravas, sepia, berenjenas, tortillitas de camaron, bacalo frito, mejillones y mas. Vegan/Vegetarian

Mar Cuatro - Tapas & Burguers (Zona Carmen) C/ del Mar, 4 Tel: 96 391 43 50 Great! Valencian owned and run. Just off Plaza Reina so really easy to find. A fresh, modern and relaxing space to enjoy a wide range of quality tapas, gourmet hamburgers, unique and top notch hotdogs, skewer recipes with different tastes and textures. Savour delish desserts in crystal pots that will surprise you for their delicious taste and lovely presentation. This is a vanguard Spanish tapas bar and open to all ages and backgrounds. Expect to pay around 20€. Tapas de calidad, hamburguesas gourmet, pinchos, postres deliciosos, muy cerca de Plaza Reina.

Taberna Arandinos (Zona Carmen) C/ de la Cruz, no 1 (Plaza del Angel) Mobile: 639259581 Open from Monday to Sunday 10h -00.30h (Closed Sunday evening) Established in 1952, this is an authentic, friendly and down-to-earth Spanish family run tapas bar in a tranquil part of the historic old centre. Lovely terrace with a wide range of clientele of differing ages and nationalities. Enjoy fresh, homemade tapas everyday, including specialities like patatas bravas,


Verdulito C/ San Vicente, 26 Tel. 96 329 31 34 Facebook restauranteverdulito Open everyday from 12pm to 1 am A new concept of restaurant has opened in Valencia, situated by the Teatro Olympia. It presents itself as a new restaurant that includes a variety of cuisine with dishes for vegans and without gluten. A real concern for a healthy and balanced diet and the worship of the body is making many people realize the benefits of a good diet. Because of this, grupo 374 has decided to present this new restaurant… Verdulito. To eat at Verdulito means you can relax while you savour creative dishes for the most demanding of palates, and you can also enjoy imaginative cooking, which combines unique flavours and sophisticated dishes… Un Nuevo concepto de local ha abierto en Valencia. Verdulito, situado juno al teatro Olympia, se estrena como Nuevo restaurant que incluye varias opciones de platos sin gluten y veganos. La dieta vegetariana esta cogiendo fuerza. La gran preocupacion por una alimentacion sana y equilibrada y el culto al cuerpo, estan moviendo a muchos a psarse a los beneficios de una dieta diferente.Ir a Verdulito significa relajarse mientras saboreas los platos creados para los paladares mas exigentes, asi como disfrutar de una cocina imaginative que combina sabores unicos para ofrecerte deliciosos y elaborados platos.

Zona Cánovas

Taste of America Avenida de la Reina, 6 Tel: Tel: 96 206 64 65 Email: reinovalencia@tasteofamerica.es Open from Monday to Saturday 10:00 h. a 21:00 h. www.tasteofamerica.es Great! American shop filled with 2,000 products from North America. Set in the upmarket Ruzafa / Canovas zone. All your quality favourites like Cheerios, Coca Cola, Dr Pepper, Pepsi, BBQ sauces, Bagels, Cereals, Peanuts, Chips, Soft Drinks, Cakes, Biscuits and so much more! Friendly service and popular with locals, expats and visitors. Friendly and informed service. Cut this advert out and you will get a 10% discount with your purchase at the shop. “ Taste of America cuenta con una oferta de más de 2.000 productos desde crema cacahuete a la salsa de arándanos, contamos con los productos más originales con garantía de calidad, como cerales, tortitas, siropes, salsas BBQ, bebidas como la coca cola de vainilla, preparados para tartas, bagels y mucho más. Siendo el distribuidor exclusivo de marcas prestigiosas como Pepperidge Farm, Celestial Seasonings, Newman’s Own, The Jelly Bean Factory, Little Miracles, Tyrrell’s Potato Chips, Little Becky, Mississippi Belle, Made Good y muchas mas. “ Recorta este articulo y obten un 10% de descuento presentandolo en la tienda. Zona El Carmen

Aloe Vera Pl. Vicente Iborra, 3 Tel: 96 3926183 http://www.aloeveraplanet.com Excellent Aloe Vera Shop in the old centre with friendly and experienced owner with lovely products and good advice. Tienda de Aloe Vera

SHOPPING On the whole, the Carmen clothes shops are more alternative. The Colón stores tend to be high street names.


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Colla Monlleó Ceramistes Plaza Redonda, no 11 -12 Tel: 96 392 30 43 Facebook Colla Monlleó Family run ceramic shop since 1860. Ranging from ceramics of the 18th, 19th & 20th century. Many styles and shapes. Great for the home and as a souvenir or original gift. Set in the atmospheric & historic Plaza Redonda. A warm welcome from the family. Tienda de cerámica artística valenciana, desde 1860. Empresa familiar dedicada a a la venta de cerámica artesanal: trabajos por encargo, reproducciones de la cerámica de Alcora siglo XVIII, cerámica valenciana siglo XIX, Socarrats, cerámica de Paterna, azul gótico, reflejo metálico, benditeras, botijos de colección, porcelanas Nao,piezas de alabastro.. Un amplio surtido de piezas, tanto para obsequiar como para decorar tu hogar.

24/ 7 Valencia

Madame Bugalú C/Danzas, 3 Tel: 96 315 44 76 Chic! Monki C/ Calatrava 11, bajo Tel: 96 392 45 16, www.monki.shop Pannonica Vintage C/ Baja, 28 Tel: 696 95 10 55 www.avintagejazze.com Facebook: AJAZZEVINTAGE A cosy vintage store where you can find all kinds of little treasures. From fine clothing and Antique accessories to a great selection of Import Jazz on Vinyl. Soho del Carmen Calle Derechos 33, Valencia Tel: 96 391 2463

COUNTRY GUEST HOUSE www.casaruralserenachulilla.com CRICKET CLUB

CLASSIFIEDS BEAUTY & HEALTH CARE Oblivium C/ Hospital, 6 Tel: 96 392 61 59, www.centrooblivium.com Oblivium is a relaxation centre specialized in flotation therapy and situated a 4-minute walk from Plaza del Ayuntamiento. BUSINESS SERVICES

C/ Puríssima - Estamenyeria Vella, 2 46001 VALÈNCIA (historic downtown) 963155813 laroom@boomlapop.com


LA ROOM C/ Puríssima - Estamenyeria Vella, local 2 (Junto/ next to Tasca Angel) 46001 - (historic downtown) - VALÈNCIA Tel. 962.293.300 / 963.155.813 Mov.656.447.636 Email: laroom@boomlapop.com www.boomlapop.com “LA ROOM, small but great shop! T-shirts - sweatshirts - hoodies - mugs - caps - backpacks and tote bags. FROM LOCALS TO TOURISTS, easy to wear in everyday life!” Desde 2004, haciendo lo que nos gusta, intentando expresar pensamientos y sentimientos a través de nuestros productos. Honestos y fiables; 100% calidad a muy buen precio.

DEC 14 / JAN 15

SAMARIA COACHING C/ Colón 7 -p7 Movil: 625 799 330 www.samariacoaching.com Highly experienced and popular Spiritual Coach right in the centre of Valencia. Mari Trini is a highly experienced psychic consultant. Services range from readings, private consultations, rituals, chakra cleansing, business and prosperity workshops and much more. Call for a consultation.¿Sabes donde te encuentras? ¿Estas comodo con tu situacion actual? ¿Haces lo que realmente deseas hacer? ¿Te sientes bien contigo mismo? ¡¡¡Détente!!! ¡Tu vida tiene sentido? ¡¡¡Dale la vuelta!!! Tu meta es mi meta. Yo soy tu coach personal y te voy a acompañar en tu camino hacia el exito.

Levante CC are a new cricket club based in Valencia that have regular league games with teams throughout Spain and also welcome touring sides to the city. The club train most Thursday evenings at the Camp de Beisbol in the riverbed, start time 8pm. New members welcome. www.levantecc.com Jason: 654071182 Barry: 652291897 HAIR SALON

Joan Santamaria Perruquers (Zona Ruzafa) Literato Azorin, 17 baix, Valencia Tel: 963801443 Email: joansantamaria01@yahoo.es www.joansantamariaperruquer.com Hours: Monday-Tuesday 10h – 19h Wednesday –Thursday 14h – 22h Friday 10h – 20h Saturday 09.30h – 14h More than just a hairdressers, you will find a passion for hair & design at Joan Santa Maria Perruquer, which are the foundations for this locale set in the cosmopolitan barrio of Ruzafa. It’s an interesting space for you to share with their highly experienced, unisex hairdressers. It’s also a place for art exhibitions. We treat, care for and personalize each person’s hair and style & colour as unique. Más que sólo una peluquería, se encuentra una pasión por el cabello y diseño en Joan Santa María Perruquer, que son las bases de este local situado en el barrio cosmopolita de Ruzafa. Es un espacio interesante para compartir

“THOSE THAT KNOW... GO... WITH 24/7 VALENCIA // LOS QUE SABEN...HACEN...CON 24/7 VALENCIA” 31 © 2014/15 24/ 7 Valencia

DEC 14 / JAN 15 24/ 7 VALENCIA LISTINGS en una peluquería unisex. Es también un lugar para exposiciones de arte. Tratamos, cuidar y personalizar tu pelo y el estilo y el color como único para cada persona.


C/ Doctor Modesto Cogollos 6 y 8, Valencia 46021.

La niña los peines (Zona Carmen) C/ Santo Tomas, 24 Tel: 96 392 52 82 Fantastic hair salon that is renowned in the city where highly experienced professional experts get to the essence of each person’s head of hair for the cut you are truly looking for. Combining health, pleasure and imagination there are a wide range of services, cuts, colours, styles available. They are make up experts who have worked with a number of film directors, designers and photographers too. There is also an erotic corner for customers… “La Niña Los Peines mueve las tijeras y zapatea, afina el tono de los colores cuidadosamente, mima tu melena mientras te la modela al ritmo de tus deseos. Y en el gabinete de belleza te arregla de la cabeza a los piés. Calidad Schwarzkopf, trabajo cuidado y trato personal ¡Óle!” HEALTH Pilates Classes Movil: 687605722 Personal Trainers specialising in Pilates techniques for single or double classes. Reformer in our studio or at your home. Marta & Mike. HOSTELS Home (Zona Carmen) Pl. Vicente Iborra Tel: 96 391 37 97 C/ La Lonja, 4 Tel: 96 391 62 29 www.likeathome.net Two of the funkiest hostels in town, set in the heart of the centro histórico.


650 639 177

ed@24-7valencia.com www.247valencia.com


Hostal Antigua Morellana (Zona Carmen) C/ En Bou, 2 Tel: 96 391 57 73 www.hostalam.com SINGLE/ INDIVIDUAL 40€ (IVA included/ Incluido) DOUBLE/ DOBLE 50€ (IVA included/ incluido) Lovely hostel in the heart of the old centre with comfortable rooms, good service and all modern conveniences. Hostal El Rincón (Zona Carmen) C/ Carda 11 Tel: 96 391 79 98 / 96 391 60 83 Single: 10-13€, Double: 18-24€ Quart Youth Hostel C/ Guillem de Castro, 64 Tel: 96 3 270 101 www.quarthostel.com The River Hostel Valencia (Zona Carmen) www.riverhostelvalencia.com Plaza del Temple, 6 Tel: 96 391 39 55 HOTELS Hotel Las Arenas ***** Eugenia Viñes 22-24 Tel. 963 120 600 Hotel Meliá Valencia Palacio de Congresos***** Avenida Cortes Valencianas, 52 Tel: 902 14 44 40 Lotelito Valencia Rooms & Bar Rooms/ Apartments/Free Wi-Fi C/ Virues, 6 (corner C/Barcas) Tel: 96 306 09 30 www.lotelito.com Neptuno **** C/ Paseo de Neptuno, 2 Tel: 96 356 77 77 www.hotelneptunovalencia.com Petit Palace Germanías *** C/ Sueca, 14 Tel: 96 351 36 38 www.petitpalacehotelgermanias.com Purple Nest Hostel Valencia Plaza Tetuan, 5 Tel: (34) 96 353 25 61 www.purplenesthostel.com Red Nest Hostel Valencia Calle de La Paz, 36 Tel: (34) 96 3 427 168 www.rednesthostel.com Sercotel Sorolla Palace**** Av.de las Cortes Valencianas,58 46015 Valencia (ESPAÑA) Tel: 961 868 700 Fax: 96 186 87 05 www.hotelsorollapalace.com

Glenburn School of English C/ Doctor Modesto Cogollos 6 y 8 Tel: 96 393 35 88 www.glenburnschool.com English school with welcoming atmosphere and experienced native staff offers courses at all levels for adults and children and prepares students for FCE, proficiency and E.O.I. exams. Offers Spanish for foreigners, French and German. Excellent translation. Academia inglesa de calidad con profesores nativos y cursos para niños y adultos a todos los niveles. También castellano, francés, alemán. Traducciones excelentes. Preparación exámenes. Kings Academy C/ Juan Ramon Jimenez nº48 bajo 3 izq Tel: 96 1477985 (Whatsapp: 647 585494) Email: info@kingslanguageacademy. com kingslanguageacademy.com twitter.com/kingsvalencia facebook.com/kingslanguageacademy Lenguas Vivas (near Ángel Guimerá) C/ Palleter 43 - 45 - Tel: 963821058. An increasingly popular academy which offers Spanish, English, French, Italian and Chinese courses/translations. PLUMBER

Recommended by ‘24/7 Valencia’ due to good work over the years. Based in the centre of Valencia. Available for visits. Qualified, highly experienced & reliable plumber: plumbing, gas and heating. Fontanería, gas y calefacción. Juan Pico Perez Movil: 645 600 231 Tel: 96 333 87 59 Email: juanpico.fontanero@gmail.com


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DEC 14 / JAN 15



Redturia info@redturia.com www.redturia.com Tel: + 34 960 013 096 We offer a complete property management service, ideal for non-resident owners or owners who spend much time abroad. If you have a quality residence in central Valencia and would like us to market your property to attract quality tenants, deal with administration and maintenance issues, then please contact us for a chat. Ofrecemos un servicio de gestión de la propiedad completa, ideal para los propietarios no residentes o propietarios que pasan mucho tiempo en el extranjero. Si usted tiene una residencia de calidad en el centro de Valencia y quieres a comercializar su propiedad para atraer a los inquilinos de calidad, hacer frente a cuestiones de administración y mantenimiento, póngase en contacto con nosotros para una charla. This is Valencia Tel: 622 230 597 www.thisisvalencia.com info@thisisvalencia.com We have a relocation and property service. Flats, houses and chalets for sale and to rent within a 30km radius of the city. Let us know what you are looking for, chances are we will already have something to suit on our books - but if we don’t we’ll find it for you. Valencia Property Tel: 96 166 28 92 www.valencia-property.com www.houses-for-sale-in-spain.net information@valencia-property.com Finding you more than just a home in Valencia. Get the lifestyle information too.

Plaza Jaime Roig 1, Calle Marc Corneli, 46160 LLIRIA, Spain Tel: 96 279 3142 Open Monday – Friday 10.00h - 15.00h Saturdays 10.30h – 14.30h Sundays open 11 am to 2pm (14h) on December 7th, 14th, 21st. www.spainsburys.com Email: info@spainsburys.com “British supermarket with a touch of Irish. Supermercado británico con un toque de irlanda.” Accompaniments & Condiments, Bacon, Sausages etc, Beans, Peas, Spaghetti, Tinned Veg etc, Biscuits, Crisps and Cakes, Breakfast Cereals Bread, Crumpets etc. Cooking Sauces - Ethnic Cooking Sauces - Other & Sauce Mixes, Dairy and Cold Meats, Desserts, Drinks - Cold Drinks and much more! Vegetarian food like Quorn now available. Books & music too.

www.thisisvalencia.com thisisvalencia.com is the finest independent guide to the city and beyond with a wealth of information about the city and countryside of Valencia, exclusive interviews, updates, blog, forum and more! Recommended by ‘The Times’ and ‘Lonely Planet’. VET


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Clinica Veterinaria Mandor Plaza de la estacion n5, (next to train station), La Eliana, 46183 info@veterinarioslaeliana.es Facebook Centro Veterinario Mandor. For appointments, tel: 962741772, 626487281 Monday-Friday 10.30h - 14h / 17h 20.30h. Saturday 10.30h - 13.30h. Dental cleaning.Has your dog got this smile? Full veterinary services. GOOD ENGLISH SPOKEN (13 years working in the UK), vet Victoria Gallego Perez speaks English & Spanish.Veterinario con mucha experiencia al lado de estación de tren de L' Eliana, descuentos en verano.

Photo Cecille © 24/7 Valencia 2014

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BATMAN, PRICE HIKES, AND A NEW GREEN CARPET With the international break taking centre stage in November, it was a quiet month for fixtures in La Liga. After a convincing 3-1 away victory over local rivals Villarreal, Los Chés entertained the fast-improving Athletic Bilbao at Mestalla. It was a frustrating game for the Valencia faithful as the Basques battled stoutly for a point in a goalless encounter that was marred by the state of the pitch. A heavy downpour just before the game resulted in the surface cutting up increasingly with every tackle and seriously impacting the ‘tiki-taka’ football Valencia have started to play under Nuno Santo’s tutelage. A two-week league hiatus followed for the Euro 2016 qualifiers but this did little to keep Valencia out of the news. Firstly news filtered through that the creators of Batman were suing the club for the use of the bat logo, soon followed by the presidents of Levante and Valencia getting involved in a public spat over ticket prices for ‘blanquinegres’ for the impending fixture at the Ciutat de Valencia. With regard to Batman, DC Comics have supposedly filed a complaint with the European trademark office against

Valencia claiming they have exclusive rights for images with extended bat wings. If the Batman creators decide to further their claims, then the chances of a filed lawsuit being successful seem remote at best, as the city has been associated with the mammal since the 13th century. According to legend, the monarch King James I of Aragon had a bat land on the top of his flag as he was about to re-enter the city to fight the Moors. He consequently won the battle, prompting the bat to be incorporated into his coat of arms as a sign of good fortune. The club itself have used the logo on its crest since 1919, several decades before Batman was even created, so it seems DC Comics would need a lawyer with superpowers of their own to win any prospective case. The argument between the two presidents derived from the belief on the part of Valencia that there was a pact between the Comunidad de Valencia clubs Elche, Villarreal, Levante and Valencia that away supporters would only be charged 15 euros per ticket for such games this season. Levante denied there was any such pact and promptly doubled the cost of tickets. Valencia cried foul at the price hike and the war of words carried on up to the day before the game. An awkward greeting between the two on match day was compounded for Valencia’s president Amadeo Salvo, when Levante won the game by a 2-1 score line. The game itself was a typical derby, frenetic and frenzied, with both teams having the upper hand in patches of both halves.

Valencia were denied the opportunity of playing Paco Alcácer and Álvaro Negredo up front together for the first time as the former came back from international duty with an injury. Negredo did make his full debut but missed several good chances before Levante took the lead on the hour mark through a header from Víctor Casadesús. Then it was the tale of two substitutes. Dani Parejo, not completely match fit, came on for Piatti and within ten minutes had levelled the score, slotting home with his left foot after a nice one-two with Negredo. Then the Levante substitute Morales had an even bigger impact on the match. Two minutes after joining the game, the winger picked up the ball up just inside the opponents’ half and ran at the Valencia defence before cutting in from the right and hitting an unstoppable left foot shot past Diego Alves. Intense pressure from the visitors in the last 15 minutes failed to produce an equaliser as Levante clung on to record victory and give the Los Granotas fans their third consecutive league triumph over their city rivals. Next up was the much anticipated clash with Barcelona. Valencia had taken the opportunity of the international break to completely re-lay the Mestalla turf and the new pitch looked and played like a carpet. The green baize suited the passing games of both teams as Valencia matched Barcelona pass for pass in the early exchanges.

twentyfoursevenvalencia 37 Within 30 minutes, three of the Catalan back four were in the referee’s notebook as the Barcelona defence struggled to control their emotions in the fever pitch atmosphere the crowd were creating. Clear-cut chances were at a premium throughout the match as the pulsating game went from end to end without the finished product for either team. Valencia were fortunate midway through the second half when Luis Suárez was denied his first league goal by a linesman’s offside flag that gave the home side the benefit of the doubt. Feghouli and Negredo both brought out excellent saves from Claudio Bravo but, with virtually the last kick of the game, Busquets broke the hearts of the home fans by stabbing home a winner from close range after Diego Alves had pulled off an excellent point-blank save from the head of Barcelona forward Neymar. The Catalans did what all great teams do and found a way to win a game they did not deserve three points from. When Valencia can add that factor to their repertoire as well, they will start winning trophies again. Even so, the signs remain positive that the club are on the up, and the fans continue to feel optimistic about the rest of the season.

Looking forward, Valencia start their Copa del Rey campaign in December with a two-legged affair with Rayo Vallecano. The computer has been relatively kind to Los Chés with the big hitters Real Madrid, Barcelona and Atlético Madrid all in the other half of the draw. Vallecano also provide league competition just before Christmas, with away games at Granada and Eibar sandwiched either side. Levante’s win over Valencia solidified a marked improvement in the club’s form, after a good win over Almería and a point shared with high-flying Sevilla. A loss at Espanyol was not unexpected, but with winnable fixtures against Getafe, Córdoba and Real Sociedad on the December horizon they have a chance to leap clear from the relegation zone by the New Year. John Howden Anyone wishing to watch football in Valencia can obtain tickets from the box offices of both clubs. Further information can be found on the following websites. www.valenciacf.com www.levanteud.com FOOTBALL CALENDAR

lunes 8 dic Levante – Getafe 19.00h sábado 13 dic Valencia – Rayo Vallecano 18.00h Córdoba – Levante 20.00h martes 16 dic Copa del Rey Valencia – Rayo Vallecano 22.00h miercoles 17 dic Copa del Rey Levante – Albacete 20.00h sábado 20 dic Levante – Real Sociedad 18.00h Eibar – Valencia 20.00h sábado 3 enero Atletico Madrid – Levante 16.00h domingo 4 enero Valencia – Real Madrid 17.00h viernes 9 enero Levante – Deportivo 20.45h sábado 10 enero Celta – Valencia 20.00h 17/18 enero Valencia - Almería Elche – Levante 24/25 enero Valencia – Sevilla Villarreal – Levante 31 enero / 1 feb Málaga – Valencia Levante – Athletic Bilbao 7/8 feb Espanyol – Valencia Levante - Málaga VALENCIA CF Mestalla stadium, Aragón/ Facultats metro, lots of buses incl. 9, 10, 12, 29, 30, 31, 32, 41, 79, 80. Tickets on sale from the stadium, club souvenir shops, La Caixa, Valenciacf.com, Ticketmaster and selected tobacconists. LEVANTE UD Ciudad de Valencia stadium, 11/70 bus, Machado metro, Estadi del Llevant tram. Tickets available at ground on matchday and in advance from Levanteud.com.

domingo 7 dic Granada – Valencia 21.00h

Valencia CF vs FC Barcelona

Levante UD vs Valencia CF

Valencia CF Photos © Valencia Club de Fútbol / Article © 2014/15 24/ 7 Valencia

38 twentyfoursevenvalencia

No Woman, No Cry Buffalo Soldier

Piccadilly Discoteca Club. C/ dels Tomassos, 12. Barrio de Ruzafa.

Is This Love

Punky Reggae Party

Natural Mystic

One Love / People Get Ready

Cecille www.cecillephotography.com

twentyfoursevenvalencia 39


I Shot the Sheriff Waiting in Vain

Three Little Birds

Satisfy My Soul

Get Up, Stand Up

Stir It Up


Easy Skanking

Could You Be Loved All photos Cecille © Article © 2014/15 24/ 7 Valencia

40 twentyfoursevenvalencia

CLUBLAND AT CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR Italian and Asian. A personal favourite of mine is Tao-Tao Asian Tavern (C/ Cadiz, 37). Asian owned & run, if you want authentic Thai / Vietnamese / Korean food accompanied by Thai beer in a minimalistic yet buzzing environment, this is the place to go. You might want to make a reservation beforehand, as it gets quite packed during the weekends. If you like the neighbourhood, know that it is also home to a few good clubs, like Piccadilly (C/ dels Tomasos, 12) for a young, vibrant hipster crowd next to Ruzafa Market with techno, indie, pop, rock, ‘90s hits and more.

Ho-ho-ho!!! That time of year is nearly here. A time of joy, family, and crazy parties! ‘Love Actually’ film re-runs and “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” playing in every shop. Who, as I get older, I’m more and more convinced that he was just a misunderstood alcoholic. That, or he genuinely had a shiny red nose. The great thing about nightlife is that it brings people of different ages, backgrounds and tastes together. Whether you like the festive holidays or not, we all go out to have unique experiences. If you’re in Valencia and looking to have unforgettable nights, you’ve come to the right place. Looking for bars, clubs and good weather? Here is a list of places to keep an eye out for. If you want to go out, but you don’t want to go ‘out out’, you can go to my favourite pub in Valencia, Saint Patrick’s (Gran Vía Marqués del Turia, 69). There you will find a great community of expats, tourists, locals and lovers of football and rugby. With four plasma TVs, there is a constant stream of sports games. And the staff will make you feel right at home. It’s a great place to start the evening, as it is right beside the famous Cánovas neighbourhood. When it comes to food, Ruzafa is establishing itself as an epicentre for new restaurants. Similar to the atmosphere you would find in London’s Soho, there is a large variety of foods, ranging from your typical Spanish gastronomy to Article © 2014/15 24/ 7 Valencia

In the Juan Llorens zone you’ll find El Loco (C/ Erudito Orellana, 12), located quite near the Ángel Guimerá metro station. This quirky concert venue has some interesting live performances this December. First of all, if there are any Ramones fans out there, or people who want to say that they’ve seen a Ramone in the flesh, Richie Ramone will be playing a live set on 6 December. For those who are not quite sure which one he is, Richie is the drummer who joined the band in 1982, and the writer of the song “Somebody Put Something in My Drink”. Other interesting nights will be the ‘SuperBeatles’ night on December 27, where Spanish national artists will gather to pay homage to the legendary band that we all know and love, the Beatles (in case you hadn’t figured it out). The Quireboys also play here on 14 January in 2015. Another blast from the past is the Belgian band A Split-Second, which will be at Play (C/ Cuba, 8) on 12 December. They split up in the 90’s but have been active on the scene since the early 2000’s, I would check them out for a fun night of New Beat music. Located in Ruzafa, you can enjoy electro & pop at Play. Or if you want something a bit more French and also a more modern live performance, check out Yelle playing in La3 (C/ Padre Porta, 2) close by the Puerto de Valencia on 11 December. Regarding New Year’s Eve, essentially all night clubs will have their big, extravagant parties, just make sure you anticipate your choice, and buy a ticket in advance. My Xmas wish has been

24/7 VALENCIA answered, and it comes in the form of a ‘Wolf of Wall Street’-themed New Year’s Eve Party in Le Premier Disco (Av. Eduardo Boscá, 27), which sounds awesome! To be honest, one of the things I craved most after watching that film was to attend one of those crazy parties. At Le Premier Disco, you will find electro & rock. Moon (Av. de las Cortes Valencianas, 58) will also be organizing a fun night, with dinner, entrance to the club and first drink included. If you are not familiar with Moon, it’s a fun club with ‘90s club music and a great crowd. If you’re lucky the weather will still be good and you can use the terrace, which has some comfy couches. PS: For a guaranteed good night, you can always go to Veracruz (C/ San Vicente, 305), home to great DJs and beautiful people. I went there not long ago, and I can’t wait to go back! Shout out to Dom Scott who played a great set. At Veracruz you can dance to electro house, dub and progressive electro. Remember kids, don’t do anything you might regret, Santa Claus will know if you’ve been naughty. And remember, “No one looks back on the nights where they had plenty of sleep”. So go out there and have a ball, people! Wills Matt

twentyfoursevenvalencia 41


Samaria Coaching Spiritual Coach

¿Sabes donde te encuentras? ¿Estás cómodo con tu situación actual? ¿Haces lo que realmente deseas hacer? ¿Te sientes bien contigo mismo? ¡¡¡Detente!!! ¡Tu vida tiene sentido? ¡¡¡Dale la vuelta!!! Tu meta es mi meta. Yo soy tu coach personal y te voy a acompañar en tu camino hacia el éxito. Centro de Coaching Alternativo para el Éxito Personal.

SAMARIA COACHING Highly experienced and popular Spiritual Coach right in the centre of Valencia. Mari Trini is a highly experienced psychic consultant. Services range from private consultations, rituals, chakra cleansing, business and prosperity workshops and much more. Call for a consultation. Samaria Coaching C/ Colón 7 - P7 Movil: 625 799 330 (+34) 625 799 330 reservas@samariacoaching.com www.samariacoaching.com





42 twentyfoursevenvalencia


Mend and Bend: The Yoga Trend in Valencia With Valencia’s big-city hip ’n’ happening attitude, why isn’t the yoga industry booming? English writer Suzanne Worthington investigates. I turned into a Bendy Wendy. Went to a few free classes, thought I’d hate it, got hooked. When I arrived in town a few months ago, I was surprised how few good yoga classes take place here. Is Valencia yoga-sceptical, just like I was 10 years ago? Spain Opens Up to Yoga Yoga’s ideal for travellers: like walking, running or swimming, it’s a peaceful recreation you can do anywhere with little or no equipment. It’s big business in the UK and US. Every teeny town has a class on somewhere. In big cities, you can barely book a place in a class without being married to the teacher. There are even men-only ‘bro-ga’ sessions. Like many trends that make their way over here, yoga is on its way but a decade behind. It’s easy to forget that until Franco’s regime ended in the 1970s, many people in Spain didn’t or couldn’t travel abroad. While thousands of Brits and Americans traipsed to India, the Spanish holidayed at home. Exploring alternative ideas through travel and education is relatively new for Spain. “Yoga’s getting more popular in Spain now because doctors are starting to prescribe it,” says Jana Czipin, from Austria. She teaches Ashtanga yoga in Article © 2014/15 24/ 7 Valencia

three languages on yoga holidays and at the My Ganesha shop in Valencia. Now modern science is validating what yogis already knew, yoga has become a bona fide therapy.

any religion: how to calm our mind, how to understand our experience, how to live in harmony with ourselves and others.”

Fitness and Therapy

Of course yoga isn’t a new Western trend. The styles Jana and Tina teach are based on Eastern wisdom over 2000 years old. It’s still relevant today because while our environment has evolved tremendously, our human bodies haven’t. We’re not evolved to cope with the stress of modern life.

Jana first tried yoga to sort out a serious back injury. Within months she was painfree, stopped smoking and went from hyperactive to peaceful. She attributes these benefits and more to yoga. “Try different styles with different teachers to find the yoga you connect with,” she advises. “I prefer Ashtanga. It’s a smart system. The movements flow and we sweat. People are surprised at how hard we work in class.” In contrast, relaxation is the most important aspect for English yoga teacher Tina McCallan. In her 20s, she discovered the inner peace yoga brings and now teaches Hatha-based mindful yoga in English at the Centro Budista Triratna. “People come for the relaxation and find they develop flexibility and strength.” For most teachers here, like in the UK and US, yoga can’t yet provide a full income. Jana also teaches German, thriving off constantly learning and passing knowledge onto others. Tina is an artist, creating projects with businesses in Spain and the UK. Making people happy ticks her boxes: through both art and yoga, she leaves people feeling great all day. Non-religious Spirituality Maybe Spain’s reverence of Christianity makes people uncomfortable venturing into a studio furnished with an image of Buddha or Ganesh? Both Tina and Jana emphasise that yoga isn’t a religious practice. “There’s no God involved, you’re not asked to believe in anything,” says Jana. The word ‘yoga’ means ‘union’, and since we spend much of our time directing our attention out into our external world, uniting the mind with the body through the ‘asanas’ (poses) can be a spiritual experience. “For many, yoga is a path of self-realisation,” says Jana, “It has more in common with Buddha’s teachings than

Modern Stress, Ancient Body

If you’re thinking of trying yoga or starting again, go for it now, says Jana, before the winter blues set in and we get crammed together with relatives: “The immediate benefits include mental and physical harmony, less tension and pain. With regular practice, you notice more subtle benefits: more positivity, confidence, and faith in your instincts.” And if you’re worried about overdoing the food and drink at Christmas, you might like to know that most yogis find it helps regulate their weight. The Next Step (Down the Mat) So what next for yoga in Valencia? Jana dreams of one day running a busy studio here, working with teachers of other styles to offer yoga for all in one dedicated place. Tina is keen to see more teachers using the city’s open spaces as venues, building visibility and curiosity. I’m supporting the scene by going to group sessions. The city’s opening up to yoga and more peaceful people leads to a more peaceful city. And if you’re sceptical about that, well, yoga’s a cunning way to eat, drink and stay merry. Suzanne Worthington More information: Jana Czipin: www.yanayoga.com Yoga at Centro Budista Triratna: budismo-valencia.com/yoga Sunday yoga in the Turia riverbed: www.facebook.com/Valenciaconsciente Tina McCallan: www.meetup.com/English-Yogis/

twentyfoursevenvalencia 43 La Taberna Mora is a modern Spanish tavern with touches of gourmet regarding their cuisine. Its quality, relaxing terrace and good service has made it an essential part of the Valencian restaurant scene. It has kept alive the spirit of traditional Spanish taverns, with tapas to enjoy for lunch and dinner. These include baby squid, patatas bravas, scrambled eggs with prawns, tablas of Spanish hams & cheeses. There is also a fine bodega of wines, with some of the best wines from around the regions of Spain. www.facebook.com/TabernaLaMora

C/ San Francisco de Borja, 1 Tel. 963 81 39 59 (Zona C/Jesus) 46007 www.lamorataberna.com










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24/ 7 Valencia maps strictly copyright 24/ 7 Valencia © 2014/ 2015 Map design: José Sendra




Article © 2014/15 24/ 7 Valencia

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2014 2014



Owen Pallett + Maronda (La Cambra) 20.30h 20€.

CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Celia Romero, Manuel Serena, Tomás de los Cariño y Manuel Reyes


(flamenco) 23.30h. EL LOCO: Liv and the Dawn + Griot + Ji Unit + George Lacson Project

RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis.

22.30h 6€. JIMMY GLASS: Guitar / Vocal Duo BLACK NOTE: Priscilla Band (funk) 23.30h

13€ con consumición. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE:

Asunción de Martos, Manuel Serena, Javier

Session con Paulinha Cánovas y Bertrand


Kientz (jazz) 22.15h – 00.30h 4€ consumición. JUANITA: Roots Attack (reggae) 23.00h. LA3:

JIMMY GLASS: Reality Shaw (tributo a

Yelle en concierto + Eterno DJ 23.00h 10€.

Woody Shaw, jazz) 20.45h 12€ Aforo Limitado.

RADIO CITY: Body & Soul DJ Session 23.00h.

JUANITA: Cabina Abierta 19.00h Gratis.

16 TONELADAS: Kojaks + Sur de la Frontera

RADIO CITY: Ana Gómez, José Gómez, Santi

GLASS: Duo Session con Andrés Belmonte

22.00h 4€.

de Santiago y Dani Gómez (flamenco) 22.30h

consumición Aforo Limitado. JUANITA: Teatro


consumición // Raiz Sound con Fluff Selectah

BLACK NOTE: Somrice (soul – pop) 23.30h 8€

Calderón ‘El Tete’ y Manuel Reyes (flamenco)

23.30h. EL LOCO: Richie Ramone +

Golden Grahams 22.00h18€ / 23€. JIMMY y René Dossin (jazz) 22.15h – 00.30h 4€

Scope, ‘Squetches y Magia’ 20.00h 6€ con & Ozi Osram (reggae –drum & bass) 23.00h

Gratis. LA3: La1: Batalla Nacional de Clubes con Zaza vs. Ventura vs. Xharles vs. Carlos

B-Side / Oven: DJ Notch Live + Elojet + Gregori

/ La2: Flavio Rodríguez 01.30h. RADIO CITY:

DJ Session 23.00h Gratis. 16 TONELADAS:

10€ con consumición. WEDNESDAY / MIÉRCOLES 17

con consumición. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Ana

EL LOCO: Dayna Kurtz 21.30h 14€ / 18€.

Lloris, Sara Nieto, Patricia Prieto y Manuel

JUANITA: Cabina Abierta 19.00h Gratis.

Reyes (flamenco) 23.30h. EL LOCO: The Saints 21.30h 18€ / 23€.JIMMY GLASS: Fran Suárez


Trio (jazz) 22.30h – 01.00h 4€ consumición Aforo Limitado. JUANITA: Stupendo Kalamar

BLACK NOTE: Sharif y Omid HM con Burguitos

& Suzuki Zuriaga (Rocksteady Beatz) 23.00h

(funk – blues) 23.30h 5€. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE:

Gratis. RADIO CITY: Los del Johnny en

Esther Garcés, Mariano Santiago, Alba Díaz,

concierto acústico 22.30h // DJ Session 24.00h

Miguel de Amalia y Juan de Pilar (flamenco)

Gratis. SAINT MARTIN’S: Paula Almendros

23.30h. JIMMY GLASS: Piano / Vocal Duo

y Eduard Marquina (de Dómisol) 23.00h. 16

Session con Carmen Woodruff y Ricardo Curto

TONELADAS: Cápsula + Caustic Roll Dave +

(jazz) 22.15h – 00.30h 4€ consumición Aforo

Gypsy Casinos + DJ Manel Ramodne 23.00h

Limitado. JUANITA: Roots Attack (reggae)

10€ / 12€. WAH-WAH: El Canijo de Jerez

23.00h Gratis. RADIO CITY: Body & Soul DJ

Manuel Serena, Javier Calderón ‘El Tete’ y

22.30h13€ / 16€.

Session 23.00h Gratis.

Trinity Roots Selectah 23.00h Gratis. LA3: Que



DJ Session 23.00h Gratis. 16 TONELADAS:

CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Ana Lloris, Sara Nieto,

CAFÉ CRONOPIO: Folk-Jazz-Blues 21:30h

Patricia Prieto y Juan de Pilar (flamenco)

CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Esther Garcés, Mariano

23.30h. EL LOCO: La Mocha 23.00h 10€ / 13€.

Santiago, Alba Díaz, Miguel de Amalia y Juan

JIMMY GLASS: Duo Session con Yuri Storione

de Pilar (flamenco) 23.30h. EL LOCO: Tweeters

y Victor Jiménez (jazz) 22.15h – 00.30h Gratis.

22.30h 15€. JIMMY GLASS: BRB Trio (jazz)

JUANITA: Jesús Arenas, ‘Música y Humor’

22.30h – 01.00h 4€ consumición. JUANITA:

20.00h 6€ con consumición // Agro-Cósmico

Chlöe’s Clue en concierto acústico 21.00h

DJ Afro-Brazil Night + 23.00h Gratis. LA3:

Gratis // Reggae Party con Xankleta Selectah

Hipsters in the Rye + Mr. West + Wise Men

& Rebel Mind Sound. LA3: Exson Valdes en

EL LOCO: New York Ska Jazz Ensemble

Project / San Proper + Dario Mendez / Ronnie

concierto 22.00 10€ // Ley DJ + David Bylen /

21.00h 10€ / 12€. JUANITA: Cabina Abierta

Emjay 01.30h. RADIO CITY: Liv and the Dawn

Samuel Dan + Jaime Soeiro + Aaron Gehrig /

19.00h Gratis. RADIO CITY: José Antonio

en concierto 22.30h. 16 TONELADAS: Miguel

Dulceaida + Eterno + … 01.30h. RADIO CITY:

Torres, Javier Calderón y Manuela La Jara

Ángel Escorcia & San Francisco Big Band +

Doctor Divago en concierto acústico 22.30h.

(flamenco) 22.30h 10€ con consumición.

DJ Alex Bop Street + DJ Pepe Twang 23.00h

LA RAMBLETA: Love of Lesbian 22.00h 30€.

12€. WAH-WAH: El Niño de la Hipoteca + Los

SAINT MARTIN’S: Natali McPears 23.00h. 16


Ratones 23.00h 10€.

TONELADAS: Foursome Artifacts + Rampers

JIMMY GLASS: Baptiste Trotignon Trio (jazz)


Toasters (ska) + DJs Los Sucios 23.00h 12€ /

15€. VÍBORA (former 47 CLUB): DJ session (rock ‘n’ roll) 23.00h. WAH-WAH: Luna y Panorama de Insectos 22.30h 5€ / 7€. SUNDAY / DOMINGO 7 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Asunción de Martos, Manuel Reyes (flamenco) 20.00h. JUANITA: Trabaje Rita 19.00h – 02.00h. RADIO CITY: Llorssairs + Retraseres 23.00h 6€. MONDAY / LUNES 8 RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis. TUESDAY / MARTES 9

23.00h Gratis // Karaoke Rock Band 03.00h 6€ 20.45h 17€ Aforo Limitado. JUANITA: Cabina Abierta 19.00h Gratis.

con cerveza. WAH-WAH: Wau y los Arrrghs!!! 22.30h 10€.

JUANITA: Cabina Abierta 19.00h. RAMBLETA: Domisol Sisters 19.30h (Teatro) 12€ / 15€ //

Fiesta 14 Aniversario 24/7 Valencia con música en directo ‛Folk-Jazz-Blues’ en Café Cronopio C/ Barón de San Petrillo, 46. (Zona Benimaclet) Tel: 96 393 36 63. Entrada Gratis.

46 twentyfoursevenvalencia SATURDAY / SÁBADO 20

CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Isabel Julve, Júlia

15€ / 20€. JUANITA: Nochevieja con Falles

Gimeno, Kike Naval, Manuel Quintero y

Populars i Combatives 23.00h Gratis. LA3:

BLACK NOTE: Veva’s Band (swing jazz)

Víctor Guadiana (flamenco) 23.30h. JIMMY

Fiesta Nochevieja con Crystal Fighters DJ Set

23.30h 8€ con consumición. CAFÉ DEL

GLASS: Jazz en directo 22.30h – 01.00h 4€

+ Wise Men Project + Mr. West / Propaganda

DUENDE: Esther Garcés, Mariano Santiago,

consumición Aforo Limitado. JUANITA: Reggae

Club + Oven Club / Cookin Soul + Nate Cabrera

Alba Díaz, Miguel de Amalia y Juan de Pilar

Party 23.00h Gratis. LA3: Varry Brava en

01.30h. RADIO CITY: Nochevieja DJ Session

(flamenco) 23.30h. JIMMY GLASS: Piano

concierto 22.30h 10€ // Zombie Kids + Xharles

23.00h Gratis. 16 TONELADAS: Fiesta

Duo Session con Amadeo Moscardó y Pedro

+ Wise Men Project / Soak + Albert Petie + Dope

Nochevieja con DJs (después de uvas) 01.00h.

Alarcón (jazz) 22.15h – 00.30h 4€ consumición.

Deluxx 01.30h. RADIO CITY: Nadia Sheikh en

VÍBORA (former 47 CLUB): Fiesta Nochevieja

JUANITA: Toni Pons, ‘Tu Otro Yo’ 20.00h 6€

concierto acústico (desde UK) 22.30h SAINT

DJ session (rock ‘n’ roll) 23.00h. WAH-WAH:

con consumición // Soulfood con Corner Soul

MARTIN’S: Recámara (versiones pop español)

Fiesta Nochevieja 01.00h 7€ con consumición

Crew 23.00h Gratis. RADIO CITY: DJ Session

23.00h. 16 TONELADAS: Stoneds (tribute a

23.00h. 16 TONELADAS: Spyplane (tributo

Rolling Stones) 23.00h 5€ / 7€. WAH-WAH:

U2) 23.00h 7€. VÍBORA (former 47 CLUB):

Los Perros del Boogie 22.30h 8€. SATURDAY / SÁBADO 27


BLACK NOTE: Cristina Blasco Vocal


DJ session (rock ‘n’ roll) 23.00h. SUNDAY / DOMINGO 21

2 014 2 0 14

CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Esther Garcés, Mariano

Party Fusion (soul – jazz ) 23.30h 8€ con

Santiago, Alba Díaz, Miguel de Amalia y Juan

consumición. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Isabel

JUANITA: Roots Attack (reggae) 23.00h Gratis.

de Pilar (flamenco) 20.00h. JUANITA: Cabina

Julve, Júlia Gimeno, Kike Naval, Manuel

RADIO CITY: Body & Soul DJ Session 23.00h

Abierta 19.00h Gratis. RADIO CITY: DJ

Quintero y Víctor Guadiana (flamenco)


Session 23.00h Gratis.

23.30h. EL LOCO: SuperBeatles 22.30h 12€ / 15€. JIMMY GLASS: Jazz en directo



22.15h – 00.30h. JUANITA: Reggae Party 23.00h. RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h. 16

BLACK NOTE: Only for Artists (pop) 23.30h

TONELADAS: Watusi Dance Party con Marcos

8€ con consumición. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE:

Sendarrubias + Desguace Café + DJ Sr. Varo +

Paco Berbel, Aloma de Balma, Javier Calderón


DJ Jorge Explosión 23.00h 7€ / 10€.

‘El Tete’ y Manuel Reyes (flamenco) 23.30h.

JUANITA: Cabina Abierta 19.00h Gratis.


Navideño (flamenco) 22.30h 10€ con

CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Isabel Julve, Júlia

CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis. VÍBORA

Gimeno, Kike Naval, Manuel Quintero y Víctor

(former 47 CLUB): DJ session (rock ‘n’ roll)

Guadiana (flamenco) 20.00h. JUANITA: Cabina


RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis.

JIMMY GLASS: Jazz en directo 22.30h – RADIO CITY: Flamenco en directo, Sarao consumición.

01.00h 4€ consumición. JUANITA: Reggae Party 23.00h Gratis. LA3: DJs 01.30h. RADIO


Abierta 19.00h Gratis.

JUANITA: Nochebuena Reggae Night con


Nochebuena con Chuck & Mutan + Obtuso

JUANITA: Cabina Abierta 19.00h. RADIO

23.30h 8€ con consumición. CAFÉ DEL

/ Espinosa + Be Fos + Gonzo in Vegas +

CITY: DJ Session 23.00h.

DUENDE: Paco Berbel, Aloma de Balma, Javier

CITY: Nochebuena DJ Session 23.00h


Toneladas 01.00h 6€ con cerveza. WAH-WAH:

JIMMY GLASS: Jazz en directo 20.45h Aforo

20.00h 6€ con consumición // Reggae Party

Limitado. JUANITA: Cabina Abierta 19.00h

23.00h Gratis. LA3: DJs 01.30h. RADIO CITY:

Gratis. RADIO CITY: David Roldán, José ‘El

DJ Session 23.00h.

DJ Quick-e + Slowly Man 23.00h Gratis. LA3:

Aapeas / Wizz Wizzer + Impe 01.30h. RADIO Gratis. 16 TONELADAS: Nochebuena en 16 Nochebuena en Wah Wah 01.30h Gratis. THURSDAY / JUEVES 25

SATURDAY / SÁBADO 3 BLACK NOTE: Killer Karaoke Band (pop)

Calderón ‘El Tete’ y Manuel Reyes (flamenco) 23.30h. JIMMY GLASS: Jazz en directo 22.15h – 00.30h. JUANITA: Machirulos, ‘Unplugged’

Potri’ y Pepe Pérez (flamenco) 22.30h 10€ con consumición. 16 TONELADAS: Bredda


CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Isabel Julve, Júlia

Double Shot con Gramophone All Stars Big

Gimeno, Kike Naval, Manuel Quintero y Víctor

Band (música jamaicana) 22.30h 10€ (2Day

CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Paco Berbel, Aloma de

Guadiana (flamenco) 23.30h. JUANITA: Roots

Bono con concierto 4 enero de David Hillyard

Balma, Javier Calderón ‘El Tete’ y Manuel Reyes

Attack (reggae) 23.00h Gratis. RADIO CITY:

Rocksteady Seven, 15€).

(flamenco) 20.00h. JUANITA: Cabina Abierta 19.00h Gratis. RADIO CITY: DJ Session

Body & Soul DJ Session 23.00h. FRIDAY / VIERNES 26


23.00h Gratis. 16 TONELADAS: David Hillyard Rocksteady Seven (ska – reggae) 22.30h 10€

BLACK NOTE: Fiesta Nochevieja (después de

2Day Bono (con concierto 30 diciembre de

BLACK NOTE: Fitipaldis Band (tribute a Fito y

uvas) 01.00h 7€ con consumición. EL LOCO:

Gramophone All Stars Big Band) 15€.

Fitapaldis) 23.30h 8€ / 10€ con consumición.

Fiesta Nochevieja con Alta Tensión 23.30h

twentyfoursevenvalencia 47 MONDAY / LUNES 5



JUANITA: Noche de Reyes con Crossfyah

EL LOCO: Quireboys 21.00h 18€ / 23€.

CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Flamenco en directo

RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis.

LA3: DJs 01.30h. RADIO CITY: DJ Session

Sound 23.00h Gratis. RADIO CITY: Noche de Reyes DJ Session 23.00h Gratis. 16

JUANITA: Cabina Abierta 19.00h Gratis.

TONELADAS: Noche de Reyes con Thee Vertigos + Acapulco + DJ Crivi 23.00h.



CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Flamenco en directo

23.30h. JUANITA: Reggae Party 23.00h Gratis. 23.00h Gratis. WAH-WAH: Mi Capitán 22.30h 12€.


23.30h. JIMMY GLASS: Piano / Vocal Duo JIMMY GLASS: Jazz en directo 20.45h Aforo

(jazz) 22.15h – 00.30h 4€ consumición.

Limitado. JUANITA: Cabina Abierta 19.00h

JUANITA: Roots Attack (reggae) 23.00h Gratis.

Gratis. RADIO CITY: Flamenco en directo (flamenco) 22.30h 10€ con consumición.



BLACK NOTE: Great Travelin’ Band (rock ‘n’ roll – R&B) 23.30h 8€ con consumición. JIMMY

CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Flamenco en directo

23.30h. JIMMY GLASS: Piano / Vocal Duo

(jazz) 22.15h – 00.30h 4€ consumición.

GLASS: Jazz en directo 22.30h – 01.00h 4€ consumición. JUANITA: Reggae Party 23.00h

JIMMY GLASS: Piano Solo con (jazz) 22.15h – 00.30h. JUANITA: Café Teatro 20.00h 6€ con consumición // Reggae Party 23.00h Gratis. SUNDAY / DOMINGO 25 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Flamenco en directo

20.00h. JUANITA: Cabina Abierta 19.00h Gratis.

Gratis. LA3: DJs 01.30h. RADIO CITY: DJ

JUANITA: Roots Attack (reggae) 23.00h Gratis.

Session 23.00h Gratis.




JIMMY GLASS: Jazz en directo 20.45h Aforo

CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Flamenco en directo

CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Flamenco en directo

Gratis. RADIO CITY: Flamenco en directo

(flamenco) 23.30h. JIMMY GLASS: Jazz en

directo 22.30h – 01.00h 4€ consumición. JUANITA: Reggae Party 23.00h Gratis.

23.30h. JUANITA: Doctores de la Impro,

Limitado. JUANITA: Cabina Abierta 19.00h 22.30h 10€ con consumición.

‘Improterapia’ 20.00h 6€ con consumición // Reggae Party 23.00h Gratis. WAH-WAH:


Doctor Divago + DJ Jesús Ordovás 22.30h. SATURDAY / SÁBADO 10 BLACK NOTE: Soul Dealers 23.30h 8€ con consumición. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Flamenco en directo 23.30h. EL LOCO: Mambo Jambo

SUNDAY / DOMINGO 18 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Flamenco en directo 20.00h. JUANITA: Cabina Abierta 19.00h

22.30h 14€ / 18€. JIMMY GLASS: Jazz en

Gratis. RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h.

‘Sombredosis’ 20.00h 6€ con consumición //


Punsetes 22.30h 10€ / 12€.

RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis.



CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Flamenco en directo

JIMMY GLASS: Jazz en directo 20.45h Aforo


Gratis. RADIO CITY: Flamenco en directo

directo 22.15h – 00.30h. JUANITA: Diego Peña

Reggae Party 23.00h Gratis. WAH-WAH:

20.00h. JUANITA: Cabina Abierta 19.00h

MONDAY / LUNES 12 RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis. TUESDAY / MARTES 13

Limitado. JUANITA: Cabina Abierta 19.00h 22.30h 10€ con consumición.

WEDNESDAY / MIÉRCOLES 21 EL LOCO: Luke Winslow King 21.30h 10€ / 15€. JUANITA: Cabina Abierta 19.00h Gratis.

JIMMY GLASS: Jazz en directo 20.45h Aforo


Gratis. RADIO CITY: Flamenco en directo

CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Flamenco en directo

Limitado. JUANITA: Cabina Abierta 19.00h (flamenco) 22.30h 10€ con consumición.

23.30h. JIMMY GLASS: Piano / Vocal Duo (jazz) 22.15h – 00.30h 4€ consumición

Limitado. JUANITA: Roots Attack (reggae) 23.00h Gratis.

CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Flamenco en directo

23.30h. JIMMY GLASS: Piano / Vocal Duo (jazz) 22.15h – 00.30h 4€ consumición Aforo

Limitado. JUANITA: Roots Attack (reggae) 23.00h Gratis.

FRIDAY / VIERNES 30 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Flamenco en directo 23.30h. JIMMY GLASS: Jazz en directo 22.30h

– 01.00h 4€ consumición Aforo Limitado.

JUANITA: Reggae Party 23.00h Gratis. WAHWAH: Ganglios + Jordi Cassette 22.30h 8€ / 10€.

SATURDAY / SÁBADO 31 BLACK NOTE: Louisiana Liquor (R&B – blues

) 23.30h 8€ con consumición. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Flamenco en directo 23.30h JIMMY GLASS: Jazz en concierto 22.15h – 00.30h.

JUANITA: Arantxa González ‘Hasta que El Arroz Se Nos Pase’ 20.00h 6€ con consumición

// Reggae Party 23.00h Gratis. RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis.



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