24/7 Valencia #186

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Barrio del Carmen, Valencia

C/ Santo Tomás 18 · Tel. 960 649 335 www.vivatapasbarvalencia.com


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The Times: “For an excellent overview of what's hot pick up a free copy of the English-language listings guide 24/7 Valencia” El País: “24/7 Valencia is a diverse magazine, covering a range of subjects from Valencia football to restaurants to leisure time…” The Guardian: “24/7 Valencia is a free magazine in English, available from many bars and shops across the city, which provides features and previews on local events, fiestas and club nights. Its ONE OF SPAIN´S FINEST restaurants INDIAN RESTAURANTS comprehensive listings section covers bars, clubs, and shops and is reviewed every month to keep pace with the ever-changing scene. An invaluable guide for longweekend visitors looking to get the most out of Valencia’s nightlife.” Lonely Planet : “The freebie mag 24/7 Valencia is a fantastic guide (in English) to Valencia’s bars, clubs and restaurants.” Let’s Go: “For more info…check out the monthly 24/7 Valencia, available in most cafes and tourist booths, for new hot spots.” Rough Guide to Spain: “Bars and nightlife…to get a grip of what’s GV Marqués del Turia 63 ( esq. Conde Salvatierra ) T. 96 322 77 48 clectic.rest going on, 24/7 Valencia is an excellent free monthly English language listings guide... youYOU canWANT, pick WHENEVER up copies YOU in places where foreigners get WHATEVER WANT. HEALTHY CUISINE WITHOUT SCHEDULES NOR BORDERS. together, including Finnegan’s pub in Plaza de la Reina.” Time Out: “24/7 Valencia is a decent free monthly listings magazine with articles on Valencian life, available from tourist offices... bars and restaurants.”

CNN: “Stay up-to-date with what’s happening in the city with the free monthly magazine 24/7 Valencia, available in bars and cafes around the city.”


MARIA MANDILES ‘Maria Mandiles’ restaurants are special! The attractive image is inspired by their own grandmother’s house with a friendly & welcoming service, homemade dishes and fresh produce. On weekdays, you can enjoy a delicious daytime menu

for 8.50€ from Monday to Friday. Enjoy their tasty authentic paella dishes for 6.50€ on Saturdays and Sundays in the afternoon and there are group dinners in the evening from 17.50€, all-inclusive. They now have a new ‘Maria Mandiles’ in the hip and cosmopolitan barrio of

Ruzafa. Check it out! Maria Mandiles C/ del Padre Huerfanos, 2 (Zona Carmen) Tel:96 315 48 84 Plaza Manises, 2 (Zona Carmen) Tel:96 04 60 57 C/ Cura Femenía, 17 (Zona Ruzafa) Tel:96 148 66 07

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Since opening last December, the city of Valencia can enjoy a new restaurant called ‘Viva Tapas Bar’, located in a 19th- century-listed building on C/ Santo Tomas, 18, in the very heart of the Barrio del Carmen. The ‘24/7 Valencia’ team have dined out here and found the service to be warm and very informed regarding the cuisine and wine on offer. This is quality gastronomy for demanding palates with a very agreeable interior that manages to be clean and modern, and yet has a rustic & traditional touch at the same time. You could argue that this reflect the carta, which is a combination of traditional ingredients with a vanguard presentation. This is quality product with a creative edge. Indeed, their head chef José Luis García Mascaraque has 28 years of experience in the kitchen, having worked in places like the Hotel Ritz of Madrid as well as Harrods of London. Viva Tapas Bar wants customers to feel relaxed in the surroundings, a

place where quality Spanish tapas and homemade bread take centre stage. Here you will find a fusion between roots and modernity, which balances the need to respect traditional Spanish recipes with the ability to present them in a new way. This is known as show cooking, meaning that the client can participate in the process. In their carta, you will find a number of artisan breads made in the kitchen, tablas of the finest Spanish bellota ham, a selection of quality national Spanish cheeses and anchovies from Cantabria. You can savour a wide selection of tapas, rices, meat and fish dishes that are cooked the traditional way in a wood oven. Some of the favourite tapas amongst customers include the delightfully presented and chic patatas bravas with cockles, croquettes with ibérico ham, grilled octopus, the Valencia speciality of torn cod with pepper known as esgarraet, charcoal-grilled aubergines and more. Between Tuesday and Friday, there is an afternoon menú del día for 15€ where you try three starters, a main

dish to choose plus a dessert. Every week has a different choice of dishes. You can enjoy the Menú Degustaciones ranging from 24€-42€, depending on your tastes and needs. You will find over 50 specially selected wines in their cellar, including reds, whites, rosés, cavas, and champagnes. There is also a private space for smaller groups and businesses, with the technology available for private presentations. This is a youngish, modern, confident and fresh project and just what Valencia needs in the welcoming world of fine dining. VIVA TAPAS BAR C/ Santo Tomas, 18 (near C/Alta) Tel: 96 064 93 35 www.vivatapasbarvalencia.com Zona Carmen Open: Tuesday – Saturday 12.00h – 16.00h, 20.00h – 01.30h Monday: 20.00h – 01.30h Kitchen hours Monday: 20.30h – 23.30h Tuesday – Saturday: 13.00h – 15.30h, 20.30h –23.30h

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Editorial JULY-AUGUST 16


We are living in difficult but interesting times. The changes in Europe affect all of us to a greater or lesser extent. With so many opinions flying around, it’s easy to forget that underneath it all we really are all one. As expats in Spain, many are in the





position to see things from afar but feel their consequences closer to what is now ‘home’. Here’s hoping that the situation calms down as time goes by. In this month’s special July-August edition,

fans what they really want in the coming season? Time will tell… Check out an exclusive collection of ‘24/7 Valencia Party People’ by professional photographer Juan Ortega. We also have a ‘Clubland’ review by clubber Wills Matt of Festivals going on in Spain over verano. Indeed, we are lucky to also have a 2 page preview of the ‘Rototom Sunsplash’ 2016 Festival by the veteran writer Rich Mack. He is a long-term ‘24/7 Valencia’ collaborator and reggae connoisseur. We dedicate this

FOOD - 13

you will find an article about the recent EU


enough to get in touch with the magazine

was 16 years ago!

just before we went to print.

In life, there will always be people who

On as lighter note, we have an in-depth

seek to divide and others who seek to

article on the ‘Feria de Julio’ with events

unite. It has been said that people who are



not in control of their lives... like to control


summer. See our comprehensive listings

others. Don’t take the bait from negative


recommendations over the festive season.








referendum by a new writer who felt strongly






arts & theatre & clubs & restaurant

In the Food section, Helen Westwater of La Ola Fresca has a ‘Zesty Salmon

issue to ‘Rich Mack’ for his support of the magazine from the very beginning, which

people, keep positive and keep the good vibrations flowing. Good karma counts in large amounts. Have a great break over the summer, seize the day and see you all in


Fishcakes’ recipe just for you. We have



reports on the vanguard ‘Vivas Tapas Bar’ as well as a restaurant of the month review

24/7 Valencia Team





of the legendary and healthy ‘Lalola’ by the cathedral. In Valencia Football, expert John Howden casts a gimlet eye on the shenanigans going

One love, one heart Let’s get together and feel all right Hear the children crying (One love) Hear the children crying (One heart) Sayin’, “Give thanks and praise to the Lord

on at one of Europe’s most famous clubs.

and I will feel all right..."

Are the owners going to give Valencia CF



editor: Will McCarthy. contributors: Altogringo, John Murphy, Owl, Helen Westwater, Víctor Aranda García, Juan Ortega, Tim Birch, D. Birch, David Rhead, José Antonio Marín, Adri Castellanos, Rich Mack, Matt Shewbridge. distributed by: groovy cat Ltd. email: ed@24-7valencia.com móvil: 650 639 177 online: www.247valencia.com FOR PRIZES, INFO, EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS, DAILY UPDATES,... JOIN US WITH 'LIKE' ON...

24/ 7 Valencia

is the definitive English speaking guide to Valencia. 24/7 Valencia is recommended by The Times, The Guardian, Time Out, Lonely Planet, Rough Guide, Let´s Go, CNN.com, Business Traveller magazine, Footprints, Ryanair... Views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the editor. 24/7 Valencia does not accept responsibility for date/time/venue changes. According to copyright law any reproduction, either total or partial, is completely forbidden without written permission of the editor. All articles, past and present, printed in 24/7 Valencia magazine are copyright of Orange Skies © 2015 Legal deposit: D4562606

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All Photos © Víctor Aranda García / 24/ 7 Valencia 2016 Móvil: 600 336 126 / www.victorarandagarcia.es

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C/Pie de la Cruz, 8 Movil: 622 131 746











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Valencia’s Feria de Julio will be 145 years old this year. Once again, for the whole month of July, the Viveros gardens will be rocking to music you only usually find in a second-hand record stall, people will be glugging down horchata and throwing flowers, and kids will be eating candy floss and having their faces painted. It’s good, surprisingly low-key, hot-summer-night fun and it has a grand old history. The first Feria de Julio took place in Valencia in 1871 from 21 to 26 July. It was to be a festival of the new middle classes in a city which had just thrown down its medieval walls and was figuratively, and actually, breaking free of its past and looking forward to a new economy of industry, mass agriculture and export. This was a brave new steam-powered and high-financed world with its own new plush areas of the city like the Ensanche and the Gran Vías, and its own magnificent cathedrals to commerce, the Estación del Norte, the Central and Colón markets and the Clock Tower building at the port. The newly rich business classes were desperate to make Valencia a modern, cosmopolitan, European city and it was

only a matter of time before the powersthat-be sanctioned the establishment of a city fair and exhibition. Traders and farmers were pushing for the creation of a fair where their wares and the products of the new Valencian industries could be exhibited. In turn, the Ayuntamiento wanted to keep the richer families in the city for as long as possible before they went off to their country houses or on their European tour. The wellheeled families themselves wanted a chance to meet and greet and show off their wealth. A Mary Poppins-style “jolly ‘oliday” was seen as the perfect opportunity to swan around in a big hat, a frilly dress and a parasol, and so the Feria de Julio was born. These first ferias included various agricultural shows, with livestock in the river (between the Puente de la Trinidad and the Puente Real) and fruit, vegetables and flowers in the Viveros gardens. There were also exhibitions of the latest products manufactured by Valencian industry at the newly built medicine faculty at the beginning of what is now Avenida Blasco Ibáñez and art exhibitions in the old Convento del Carmen, now the Centro Cultural del Carmen. On top of this you could also attend bullfights, or take part in a carnival parade or a shooting match, watch a tug of war competition for cart horses. Of course, this being Valencia, there was a fireworks display every

night in the Alameda. All the big names came out: Cirilo Amorós, the Marqués de Campo, the Marqués del Turia, Félix Pizcueta (in short, most of the big bods who named streets after themselves around the Ensanche). From the world of the arts Sorolla, Benlliure and Blasco Ibáñez all supported the event, making it a must on the Valencian social calendar. Great ornate pavilions were constructed along the Alameda by the Ayuntamiento and different well-to-do societies, like the Ateneo Mercantil and the Real Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País. This was the real heart of the whole event, the place where the people that mattered could take a stroll and the young debutantes could dance and cool off with a horchata or a barley water. Over the years modern attractions were added, such as tournaments involving the newly imported sport of football and regattas and swimming races across the port. In 1907, there was even an air race from Valencia to Alicante for those magnificent men in their flying machines. One of the mainstays of the festival, the Battle of Flowers or, to give it its rather grander official name, the ‘Fiesta Floreal Valenciana’ first took place in 1891. The daughters of the wealthy families of the city were paraded along the Alameda in carriages where the discreet but

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seriously passionate young gentlemen of the time (those from the right families, of course) would throw them flowers and read them (usually embarrassingly awful) romantic poetry. The whole thing was originally devised by Don Pascual Frígola just for the chance to parade his daughters in front of the great and the good along the Alameda. The tradition survives to this day.By 1939, after the Civil War, the old confidence was gone. There wasn’t any money to throw around and the old class structure was disappearing. Any show of ostentation like the old-style Feria de Julio was frowned upon. That should have been the end of it but somehow the Feria hung on. Things, however, had to change. The pavilions were still set up in July along the Alameda throughout the years of the dictatorship but they became much less exclusive, no longer attracting the elite of society and were open to all.

The main site of the Feria and its pavilions was moved from the upmarket Alameda out to Avenida de la Plata in 1974 and was shunted around different parts of the city. The great shows of yesteryear, just like the social classes that spawned them, fell into decadence or all but disappeared. That said, Valencians in their 50s and beyond may still remember with certain nostalgia partaking of a cool horchata in one of the creaky old pavilions on a hot July night with Nino Bravo blasting out over the loudspeaker.

These new pavilions were more likely to be run by local fallas or neighbourhood associations than by the top-hatted, paternalistic societies of before. The grand old Ayuntamiento pavilions became woodworm-ridden and unsteady and, eventually, declared unsafe. They were left to decay in the Viveros gardens until they were finally destroyed by a fire in 1981, a testament to the Feria’s steady decline from its turn of the century heyday.

We also still have those two essential staples of any Valencia festival, the fireworks and the brass bands. There are art exhibitions and bullfights and at the heart of the modern Feria are the concerts in the Viveros garden. Primavera Sound it is not. Most of the acts seem to be chosen by middle-aged politicians and civil servants trying to relive their youth, hence the appearance over the years of Bob Dylan, Joan Manuel Serrat, the Beach Boys, Iggy

Little now remains of the old Feria de Julio. The tradition of the Battle of the Flowers is one of the few aspects of the original ferias which have survived, although these days it’s just a load of people having a laugh throwing flowers at some other people going past on a carriage (and there´s absolutely nothing wrong with that).

Pop and Pat Metheny. That said, these are big acts and the atmosphere at an open-air gig on a balmy night in July is worth sampling. They generally try to give you a little bit of everything and this year you have the usual mishmash of long-forgotten prog rock band Alan Parsons Project, guitarist Steve Vai, ancient Spanish rockers Los Suaves, American pop star Anastacia, Chilean folk music from Quilapayún and jazz from Philadelphiaborn singer Melody Gardot (who at least is under 40) and many more, including top notch Spanish acts like Chambao and Raimundo Amador. There are also regular, more barriorelated, lower key events in the Parque del Oeste, the Jardín de Ayora and other parts of the city. These include children’s theatre, traditional dance groups and a medieval fair selling medieval kebabs, medieval lampshades, scented candles and pulpo a feira. The evening in the barrios often ends with the ubiquitous sound of a verbena band thumping out pasodobles and coplas at windowrattling decibel levels late into the night. Not sure what the Marqués de Campo would have made of that. ¡Viva la Feria de Julio! David Rhead and José Marín

David Rhead is a teacher at Glenburn School of English

Article © 2016 24/ 7 Valencia

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ROTOTOM SUNSPLASH 2016 Once a year, reggae in all its variations comes to the Valencia Region in the quaint coastal town of Benicàssim, about an hour’s drive heading north from Valencia. This summer the Rototom Reggae Sunsplash happens between 13 and 20 August. However, Rototom is not just about music, it’s diversity thru’ culture, it’s about peace, human rights and social justice and love thru’ living together & lettin’ everyone live so we can learn and share knowledge. Rototom has even been recognised by UNESCO as an exemplary festival which promotes culture & peace. So, Rototom should be credited for what it has brought to the world stage since its humble beginnings more than two decades ago. Yes, Rototom has improved its image over the years and it is not just a music festival on the site of that other well-known festival, FIB. Rototom has grown to become as popular as FIB, but much more diverse in the sense that the festival is not only open to all ages. It is free for those under 13 years of age (accompanied by an adult), OAPs, people with proven disability, i.e., in a wheelchair, handicapped, etc This year, on Sunday 14 August, people

who are unemployed from the Castellón area can obtain entrance tickets for 5 euros. Normal ticket prices vary and are not expensive considering the multiple activities available over the eight days. Purchase of bulk tickets have a discount. I might add that Rototom caters for the old, the infirm, the young and families with small children as well. Check their website for more on what facilities they offer. If you are looking for a few days of cultural medication, with a beach by day, music by night as well as market stalls with abundant merchandising and cuisine from more than 15 countries around the world, then Benicàssim in the Valencia Region is the place to be between 13 and 20 August this summer. Rototom is not only about reggae music. It is culture, a way of life, in fact, a philosophy… Since its Italian director Filippo Giunta created this festival styled on the Jamaican Reggae Sunsplash, Rototom has gone from strength to strength bringing more and more people on board who have come to recognise Rototom as a way of life. I won’t dwell on the negativeness in the past, which almost killed this festival in Spain. Nor will I focus on the fact that last year there was pressure on a certain artist to cancel his performance based on his beliefs and what he had previously said to the press. The way I see it, Rototom is all about the bringing together of all races under the umbrella of reggae music. And I should know, I have lived it and cannot wait to get more

this year! Every year Rototom has grown in size to accommodate a varied public who come from all over. Whether they stay in the tent city set up around the Rototom site area or in caravans, hostels, hotels or apartments, there is one thing which unites them: the love of reggae music. Be it traditional roots reggae, ska reggae, bluebeat reggae, or even dancehall with a touch of ‘ragga’ that you’re into, Rototom is where you’ll hear it played on enormous stages and huge static sound systems. And it is all within walking distance of the main town of Benicàssim, where the local residents welcome the influx of people during August who, on the whole, are well-behaved and spend money like there’s no tomorrow during the festival. Benicàssim is well worth the stroll. Over the past few years, Rototom has diversified itself even more to include artists who are not famed for their reggae music but for their ability to fuse other musical genres with reggae. One such Spanish-French singer/musician is the legendary Manu Chao, who will be performing on the main stage this year. Not to be missed. If you were fortunate to catch Lauryn Hill in 2014 at Rototom, you will know how eclectic this festival can be. Check Rototom website for all your needs on who’s who in music. During the daytime if you cannot sleep, there’s good news:

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Rototom has its own beach space

with shuttle buses to whisk you to the beach and back in time for the concerts. Talking





national railway RENFE has a deal that

gives discounts on travel to the festival.

See the Rototom main page as well as the local Mediterraneo Bus company

website for coach prices and timetable. Of course if you are here, you won’t need the plane!

This is also an ecological, earth-friendly

And with the weather guaranteed to be

footprint it leaves behind. That is why

by day and concerts by night is the ideal

festival, which cares about the carbon its waste is carefully disposed of in

collaboration with the Benicàssim local

waste & refuse department. Being Musical artists such as Morgan Heritage

established here for the past 10 years,

Family, Beres Hammond, Tarrus Riley, Freddie McGregor, Pablo Moses, Dean

Fraser, Marcia Griffiths (one of the

areas, with the majority being from

Circle, Jah9, Junior Kelly, the Congos,

social issues, conferences, workshops

Roots Radics, Max Romeo and the

will perform on the various stages and

great Bob Marley & the Wailers), Inner

Jamaica. There will be live debates on

Ijahman Levi, Israel Vibration and the

for all, and arts & crafts stalls. Trendy &

Wailing Souls are billed to perform

see, taste, smell and touch as well as sense and remember when they leave

afterwards. Rototom have families & kids well in mind as games, dance classes, and gastronomy make up the

wide variety of activities on offer from the first day of the festival onwards.

you ask for? That it never ends…

From its humble beginnings in Italy

original I-Threes, who backed the late

you can find something for everyone to

way to visit Benicàssim. What more can

green matters to Rototom.

This summer more than 200 artists

hip clothing market stalls, too. Basically,

sunny, hot and wild, the Rototom beach

this year. More names are still to be

confirmed and as for European talent, artists from Italy, Spain, France as well

as the UK are also set to appear. Check the Rototom webpage for updates.

For me, Rototom is not only about

passing thru’ Germany and finally

Rototom has become an annual must. What began as an exclusively reggae

festival has welcomed other styles

of music over the last few years.

Headlining the festival this year is

Damian Marley (16 August), famous for many hits, one such being “Welcome to Jamrock”. I can just hear his rendition

of his father’s hit, “One Love” right now

as I bring this article on Europe’s largest reggae festival to a close.

Rototom Sunsplash 2016… catch you there from 13 to 20 August. Peace & 1Love,

music, it is about the bringing of people

Rich Mack

under one musically cultural umbrella.


together from various nations & cultures

For information:

Photos by Rich Mack © Article © 2016 24/ 7 Valencia

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By Helen Westwater

As the temperature dial creeps up to the 40s, I for one certainly now understand why perhaps the Spanish are not so obsessed with baking as we are in cooler lands. In these temperatures, putting on an oven really is not an appealing thought. So as we crack into summer, here is an East hits West recipe that does not involve hot ovens and is easy to make. A firm favourite in 'La Ola Fresca', these Zesty Salmon Fishcakes combining potato, fresh salmon, lime and coriander are served with a cooling yogurt accompaniment that will refresh the palate.Summer Timetable First, season the fillets with salt and pepper, wrap in aluminium foil and steam over boiling water, until lightly pink and the flesh comes away easily from the skin. Leave to cool.

ZEST FOR SUMMER SALMON FISHCAKES Meanwhile prepare, boil and mash the potatoes. Chop the coriander and Spanish onion and mash into the potatoes.

yoghurt dressing topped with a little

Juice the lime and add with a generous dessert spoon of sesame seeds. Season with salt and ground white pepper.


Flake the fish away from the skin and add to the potato mix being careful to exclude any fish bones. Mix thoroughly Make small rounds of the potato mix with the cup of your hand, mould into a smallish ball shape, dip into the beaten egg and then roll in the breadcrumbs. When ready to serve, heat a frying pan to medium temperature with a little virgin oil. When it is hot enough to sizzle when you place the fishcake in the fat, fry the cakes turning from time to time to make sure all the sides are golden brown. While your cakes are cooking, mix up the ingredients for the yoghurt dressing. When the fishcakes are heated through, place on a plate with the

paprika. Serve with green salad. Open Tuesday – Saturday 10.00h – 22.00h 10.30h – 20.00h

Every Thursday 20.00h:




language practice, 5€ minimum cover charge

Every Sunday 11.00h




breakfast meets lunch’18.00h – 19.00h: Intercambio, English / Valenciano Closed for Summer Holidays: 11 August – 6 September

La Ola Fresca C/ Músico Magenti, 11 Tel.: 610 026 305 www.laolafresca.com Zona Benimaclet

ZESTY SALMON FISHCAKES Ingredients (makes 8 fishcakes, 2 per person)

• 2 fillets, fresh salmon • Dried breadcrumbs • 4 large potatoes, peeled, • Light virgin olive oil, for frying boiled and mashed Yoghurt Sauce • 1 handful chopped fresh • 100 gm natural, full fat Greek coriander yoghurt • 1 dessert spoon sesame seeds • 1/2 clove garlic • Juice of small lime • 1 dessert spoon virgin olive oil • 1 Spanish white onion, finely • 1 teaspoon sea salt flakes chopped • Squeeze of lemon • 2 eggs, beaten • Paprika for decoration

Photos by Laura Amado; Article © 2016 24/ 7 Valencia

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LALOLA We went to this month’s restaurant on a swelteringly hot summer day and the thought of a meal outside in the cool(er) night air on the pedestrianonly terrace of LaLola was something we were really looking forward to. We were greeted by the super-friendly and quietly efficient Lydia, the jefa de sala (restaurant manager) who showed us to our rose petal-strewn table and left us with menus. Jesús, LaLola’s ebullient owner, came roaring over to the table and welcomed us, entreating us to be sure to stay for the flamenco show later in the evening. A few moments later a glass of Agua de Valencia was bought for each of us – Agua de Valencia is wolf in sheep’s clothing, it certainly isn’t water! And, though it looks and tastes like a Buck’s Fizz, it packs a far bigger punch, consisting, as it does, of orange juice, cava, and a couple of spirits – often vodka and rum.

The wine list was then proffered by a young guy whose name was Hernán, LaLola’s sommelier (more of him later) and we chose ‘Las 8cho’ a w ine from Chozas Carrascal, one of the vino de pago estates in Utiel-Requena. It’s a brilliant blend of no less than eight grape varieties, hence the name – bobal, monastrell, garnacha tinta, tempranillo, cabernet sauvignon, cabernet franc, syrah and merlot. We chose the evening menu (25€), though D chose the Red tuna for her main course. The menu consists of three starters to share and a main course: choice of meat, fish or rice and a dessert. First came the bread basket, a selection of lovely fresh-baked breads accompanied by tomate and ajoaceite (grated tomato and oil, and garlic mayonnaise). This was followed by a cool and really refreshing Gazpacho de sandía (a chilled watermelon soup). Next up came a delightful Lingote de foie served with little toasts and a pear

jam (a little ingot of foie gras). After that we had Sorpresas de queso fresco con gambas con coulis de mango y salsa agridulce de frutos rojos – this is a classic LaLola dish comprising of ’surprises’ of filo pastry parcels filled with cream cheese and prawns with a mango coulis and sour red fruit sauce. Crisp shells of loveliness. Somewhere between the gazpacho and the surprises it started to rain, at first just the odd drop, but it slowly got heavier and there was a mad panic to get the umbrellas out so we made a hasty retreat into the restaurant for our main course. I chose Magret de pato for mine – perfectly cooked duck breast served with caramelised pear with vegetable crisps and a sweet anise butter sauce, a lovely combination of flavours and quite delicious! D, as I mentioned before, decided to go for the Red tuna, seared to perfection and served with rice and cooked strawberries and their juices –a big hit with D.

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I should mention the excellent team at LaLola. There are seven of them front of house (four in the kitchen, led by Cuca, a really good chef) and they are so well synchronised – watching them all work together is like watching a welloiled machine. They are super attentive without being intrusive, have all been working together for some years and it really shows. We were sat by the area where the flamenco show was to take place and watched the guitarist and percussionist set up whilst we waited a while to make room for our dessert. We chatted to Hernán, the very pleasant sommelier, who talked about the wine cellar at LaLola and how they are always on the lookout for new great wines. The wine list at LaLola is pretty extensive and well-priced. There is also the LaLola beer, a Valencia craft beer created by Tyris specifically for this restaurant and a tribute to the Barrio del Carmen.

It was described by the sommelier Maximiliano Bao as “brilliant, intense, fresh and casual…with hints of orange blossom”. D and I tried it at the recent Palo Market and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Saturday for evenings).

Our final course, served just as the guitarist started to play in earnest, was a brownie. It was no ordinary brownie, it was served crumbled, in a tin can and smothered in a delicious white chocolate and mint foam. Excellent. There are two rice options in the evening: paella (Valenciana, seafood or vegetable) or a meloso (a creamy rice with duck confit, wild mushrooms and foie gras). Next time we go we will try them! The flamenco show was great, lasting about 45 minutes and with a singer and a very energetic (male) dancer. It is great value at 7€ supplement per person.

association with the celiac association

LaLola offers both lunchtime and evening menús (15€ Monday – Friday, 22€ Saturday – Sunday for lunch / 25€ Sunday –Thursday and 28€ Friday –

There is also an extensive tapas menu

if you want to sup a good wine and eat a few little dishes. Gluten-free menu

options and healthy heart dishes in and heart foundation are also available.

They love groups and will happily prepare plans to your requirements.

Hats off to Jesús and Lydia for creating

a lovely ambience and to Cuca for great food.

Go and enjoy LaLola, it could just become your favourite restaurant! Tim Birch


C/ Subida del Toledano, 8 (next to Cathedral)

Tel: 96 391 80 45

www.lalolarestaurante.com Zona Carmen

Open Monday – Sunday

Article © 2016 24/ 7 Valencia

16 twentyfoursevenvalencia


THE EU REFERENDUM I feel obliged to write quite an unusual article because, frankly, we’re living in unusual times. As the dust settles on the EU referendum, many people are now asking what exactly is going to happen when, in two years’ time, Britain completes its departure from the European Union. What will happen to global currencies? What will happen to all the millions of British people who live in Spain, France and Germany, etc.? What will happen to Britain as it tries to make its way as a small island nation in a world so different from that which allowed it to hold huge influence during the time of empire? By far the most interesting question I’m hearing at the moment, though, is “Why?” And I don´t have a good answer. The reason I don’t have a good answer is because even those who voted for Britain to leave are starting to look a little confused about what they chose. There is an expression in English: “Be careful what you wish for” and it could have been invented for this very situation. It’s not really for this magazine to wade into the murky waters of politics but, again, these are interesting times and I think it´s pertinent, as a British expat here in Valencia, to try and explain the feelings I and many other Brits have about the whole situation. I think we’d do well to start with shame. Many of my fellow expats feel embarrassed about the result because of how the rest of Europe, perhaps even the rest of the world, will view us. The decision to leave the Union is increasingly being viewed as an unmitigated disaster by both sides and the British people can blame no-one but ourselves. If it’s possible that some good may come out of this, perhaps it is the lesson that, when it comes to making decisions that affect us all, we are just as capable of making huge mistakes © 2016 24/ 7 Valencia

as the politicians we normally blame. Yes, the public were lied to and misled by a barrage of obscurantist nonsense, but when isn’t that the case? This was a referendum and, as such, it was our responsibility to glean the facts from the displays of political grandstanding and ensure that we understood, as far as was possible, the ramifications of leaving before making such an irreversible decision. I, and many others, feel that our fellow Europeans are laughing at our stupidity, and we can’t blame them. The only thing I can say in our defence is that 48% of Britons voted Bremain. The next most common emotion many expats in Valencia have described is fear: a fear that this may be the beginning of an unstoppable decline in opportunities for the young people who have to live with this decision for the rest of their lives. I personally don’t feel affected as I have no intention of ever returning to live in the UK; that doesn’t mean, however, that I don’t feel worried about the futures of those I left behind. Britain is now a country which produces a very specialised range of goods and services. It goes without saying that the nation relies heavily on trade; the more difficult it gets to trade with our partners, the fewer opportunities there are for the future labourers and professionals to find meaningful work. It’s awful to think about what may become of young Brits as the effects of this referendum truly take hold. On a more personal level, the feeling which is dominating my own reflections

on this whole mess is deep frustration. It makes me want to tear my hair out when I think of all the Brexiters who were trying to find the answer to the question of how to ‘make Britain Great again’. They looked back to a world which can never return, a world in which Britain, in the aftermath of the Second World War, had some global influence. Perhaps they looked even further back to the days of the British Empire and thought that the only things preventing the country from reaching those heights again were the restrictions of EU membership. Everyone else could see that the world had changed beyond recognition since those decades past but their voices were just too quiet. I feel frustrated that, when somebody next hears my English accent in the streets of Valencia, they might assume I have the same beliefs. It´s probably obvious but I just want to make absolutely sure: Most of the Brits here in mainland Europe, certainly here in Valencia, are part of the 48%. We live here because we love the Spanish way of life. We, by definition, value the rights the EU gave us and will continue to give you. As Spain deals with its own political instability and frustrations, remember: we still choose this country over the one we left behind and many of us will do whatever it takes to stay. Sadly, and with a heavy heart, I can now say with more certainty than ever, we’re not just here for the sunshine. Yours sincerely, Matt Shewbridge Director of Shewbridge Academy of English




CENTRO CULTURAL BANCAJA Colección Lladro. Seis Siglos de Pintura Hasta 31 julio Coleccionismo y Mecenazgo Jesús Martínez Guerricabeitia Hasta 28 agosto A Lo Caos Hasta 17 septiembre CENTRO DEL CARMEN Pam! Pam! Hasta 11 septiembre Los Objetos Hablan. Colecciones del Museo del Prado Hasta 25 septiembre Vanidades Intelecto Espiritualidad Hasta 25 septiembre CIUDAD DE LAS ARTES Y LAS CIENCIAS (L’Hemisferic, Museu de les Ciencies Principe Felipe, L’Oceanografic) www.cac.es ESPAI TACTEL I Am A Cliché Natacha Lesueur Hasta 5 agosto ESPAI VISOR Poética y Política Estrategias Artísticas en la Neovanguardia Húngara Hasta 16 septiembre FUNDACIÓN CHIRIVELLA SORIANO Entre la Figuración y la Abstracción, 1949-2016 Salvador Montesa Hasta 1 Octubre FNAC 1 Más 1 (Nuevo Talento Fnac de Fotografía) David Salcedo Hasta 31 julio GALERÍA ALBA CABRERA Black is Black Luis Rivera Hasta 15 septiembre GALERÍA BENLLIURE Pintura Moderna y Contemporánea de los Siglos XIX y XX Permanente GALERÍA LUIS ADELANTADO Boiler Room Luciana Novo Hasta 23 septiembre Open Call 2016. Convocatoria Internacional de Jóvenes Artistas Desde 7 julio GALERIA PAZ Y COMEDIAS Abierto/Open/Obert per Obres d'ARTUR HERAS Artur Heras Hasta 24 septiembre GALERÍA ROSA SANTOS Implosió Impugnada 16, 18, 23. Alló que no Saben de Mí Rafael Tormo i Cuenca Hasta 8 julio IVAM INSTITUT VALENCIÀ D’ART MODERN EXPOSICIONES IVAM La Colección del IVAM Julio González Hasta 31 julio Perdidos en la Ciudad. La Vida Urbana en las Colecciones del IVAM Hasta 4 junio 2017 Caso de Estudio. Fotografía Documental

24/ 7 Valencia en Estados Unidos, Años 30. Hasta 30 octubre VLC. Valencia Linea Clara Hasta 2 octubre Boltanski. Départ-Arrivée Christian Boltanski Desde 5 julio hasta 6 noviembre LA BENEFICENCIA CENTRE VALENCIA DE CULTURA MEDITERRÁNEA Recorrido por la Prehistoria Valenciana, desde el Paleolítico hasta la Época Visigoda Exposición Permanente LAS NAVES CENTRO DE CREACION CONTEMPORANEA #LasNavesLGTB: Paraísos Terrenales Hasta 30 julio L’ IBER DE LOS SOLDADITOS DE PLOMO Exposición Permanente: Guardias Españolas, Coleciones Valencianas, Almansa, Vida Cotidiana, Tirant y Serie Histórica Una Historia Americana 1770-1880 Hasta 30 octubre JARDÍN BOTÁNICO Una Espècie d'Exposició Ana Mayol Hasta 4 septiembre Simbiogénesis Raquel Norte Hasta 4 septiembre LIBRERÍA RAILOWSKY Customs & Traditions UK. Instantes de los ‘70s Robert McKnight 1 julio – 31 agosto MUSEU DE BELLES ARTES SAN PIO V Renacimiento Barroco Pintura Gótica La Pintura Académica La Pintura de los Siglos XIX y XX Colección Permanente Naturalia Piranesi en la colección permanente MUSEO DE PREHISTORIA DE VALENCIA Restes de Vida, Restes de Mort Exposición permanente MUSEU D'HISTÒRIA DE VALÈNCIA Historia de Valencia en Ocho Periodos Exposición Permanente MUSEO VALENCIÀ D’ETNOLOGIA Huerta i Marjal El Secano y la Montaña La Ciudad Vivida. Ciudades Valencianas en Tránsito, 1800 – 1940 Exposiciones Permanentes Arribes o Te’n Vas? Emigració Valenciana a Europa 1950-1970 Hasta 31 julio Antología Gervasio Sánchez Hasta 9 octubre MUVIM La Aventura del Pensamiento Exposición permanente Caja Alta y Caja Baja 1 julio – 30 agosto Los Lambert: Paisajes Vividos, Paisajes Soñados Hasta 16 octubre OCTUBRE CENTRE CULTURAL Art i Literatura. Glossari Infidel d’Imatges. Hasta 23 julio PALAU DE LES ARTS Testigos del Arte (esculturas) Hasta 16 julio UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA, LA NAU Photon Festival: Fotografía Humanitaria Luis Valtueña

JULY-AUGUST 16 Hasta 17 julio Ni Cautivos ni Desarmados Hasta 2 Octubre No Ficción. Obsolescencia y Permanencia de la Pintura Artur Heras Hasta 18 septiembre Almadraba Jaume Fuster Hasta 11 septiembe OPERA

PALAU DE LES ARTS Nit a les Arts 1 –2 julio TEATRE

CIRCUITO CAFE TEATRO www.circuitocafeteatro.com ESPACIO INESTABLE Inglés Medio Casi Alto (teatro) Hasta 3 julio Somos+ Residentes 1 – 4, 8 – 11 septiembre SALA RUSSAFA Un Enemigo del Pueblo (teatro) 1 – 3 julio Diez y ocho? (danza-teatro) 10 julio La Luna de Africa (concierto) 16 julio TEATRO OLYMPIA Los Morancos. Antónimos. Hasta 10 julio Alejandro Jodorowsky 13 y 14 julio Improvisao (flamenco) Farruquito 22 julio Rockking (musical Elvis) 27 – 31 julio Vieojóvenes 1 – 4 septiembre TEATRO TALIA La Cena de los Idiotas Hasta 31 julio A España no la va a Conocer ni la Madre que la Parió 31 agosto – 25 septiembre CINEMA

FILMOTECA IVAC JULIO 2016 FILMOTECA CINEMA INSTITUTO VALENCIANO DE CINEMATOGRAFÍA Menuda Filmo: Jacques Tati Hasta 3 julio Las Mejores Películas de 2015 Hasta 10 julio A Propósito de Hitchcock Hasta 10 julio Estrenos Filmoteca: Retratos de Familia 5 – 7 julio FILMOTECA D’ESTIU 2016 Cinema al Aire Libre Jardines del Palau de la Música 29 julio – 27 agosto 22.30h Apertura taquilla: 21.00h Single sesión: 3.50€ Bono 10 sesiones: 25€ SAGUNTO A ESCENA 2016

Circ Bover (Off Roma) 21 julio

24/7 Valencia is recommended by Time Out, Lonely Planet, The Guardian, Ryanair


© 2016 24/ 7 Valencia



650 639 177

ed@24-7valencia.com www.247valencia.com Jove Orquestra de la Generalitat (concierto) Teatro Romà de Sagunto 22 julio Circo Gran Fele (Off Roma) 23 julio Madre Coraje de Bertolt Brecht (teatro) Teatro Romà de Sagunto 24 julio Innerland (teatro) Crit Companyia de Teatre Teatro Romà de Sagunto 27 julio Associació Professionals de Circ Comunitat Valenciana APCCV (Off Roma) 29 julio Otradanza (danza) Teatro Romà de Sagunto 29 julio Cashalada Cia (danza, Off Roma) 30 julio La Hostalera (teatro) Teatro Romà de Sagunto 31 julio 100 Racines (Off Roma) 4 agosto Sónnica y Acteón (teatro) Teatro Romà de Sagunto 5 – 7 agosto Las Bacantes, El Grito de la Libertad (teatro) Teatro Romà de Sagunto 10 agosto Mumusic Circus (Off Roma) 11 agosto Reina Juana (teatro) Grupo Marquina – Siempre Teatro Teatro Romà de Sagunto 12 – 13 agosto Fedra (teatro) Teatro Romà de Sagunto 17 agosto Xa Teatre (Off Roma) 18 agosto Lysistrata / War of the Women por Aristophanes (version clásico – flamenco) Teatro Romà de Sagunto 19 – 20 agosto Thomas Noone Dance (danza) Teatro Romà de Sagunto 23 agosto Didi Rodan (Off Roma) 24 agosto María del Mar Bonet, María Arnal y Marcel Bagés (concierto) Teatro Romà de Sagunto 25 agosto Heroides (The Heroines) por Ovid (off Roma) Helios Teatro 26 agosto Libertino (danza) El Mandaíto Producciones Teatro Romà de Sagunto 27 agosto Jerez-Texas (concierto) Teatro Romà de Sagunto 31 agosto Visitants (Off Roma) 1 septiembre


© 2016 24/ 7 Valencia


Només Són Dones (teatro) Teatro Romà de Sagunto 3 septiembre Valencia Big Band & Pedro Iturralde (concierto jazz) Teatro Romà de Sagunto 10 septiembre ADDRESSES MUSEUMS / GALLERIES

AGRUPACIÓN FOTOGRÁFICA VALENCIANA C/ BEATA, 8 TEL: 96 351 26 20 ALMUDÍN Pl. San Luis Bertrán, 1 Tel: 96 352 54 78 - ext. 4521 BOIRA C / Salvador Giner, 10 Tel: 96 205 82 67 CAFÉ BERLÍN C/ Cádiz, 22. Tel: 96 381 00 24 CAFE MALVARROSA / ESPAI PARAL.LEL Historiador Diago, 20 Tel: 96 320 50 56 CA REVOLTA C/ Santa Teresa, 10 Tel: 96 392 20 88 CENTRO CULTURAL BANCAJA Pl. Tetuán, 23 Tel: 96 387 58 64 CENTRO COREOGRÁFICO DE LA COMUNIDAD VALENCIANA Parque de la Granja, s/n, Burjassot Tel: 96 390 47 74 CENTRO DEL CARMEN C/ Museo, 2 Tel: 96 192 26 40 CIUDAD DE LAS ARTES Y LAS CIENCIAS (L’Hemisferic, Museu de les Ciencies Princípe Felipe, L’Oceanografic) Av. Instituto Obrero de Valencia Tel: 902 100 031 COL·LEGI MAJOR RECTOR PESET Universitat de Valencia Plaça del Forn de Sant Nicolau,4 Tel: 96 316 60 00 COMUNICARTE GALERIA BAR C/ Conde de Olocau, 3 ESPACIO SANKOFA C / Beata Inés, 10 ESPAI D'ART BOIRA C / Salvador Giner, 10 Tel: 96 205 82 67 ESPAI TACTEL C/ Denia, 25 Bajo Tel:96 395 88 08 www.espaitactel.com FNAC SAN AUGUSTÍN C/ Guillem de Castro, 9 - 11 Tel: 96 353 90 15 FUNDACION CHIRIVELLA SORIANO C/ Valeriola, 13 Tel: 96 338 12 15 GALERÍA AKKA C/ Almirante Cadarso, 6 Tel: 96 316 27 27 GALERÍA DUOMO C/ Luis Santangel, 18 GALERIA ESPACIO C / Carles Cervera, 38 www.galeriaespacio.es GALERÍA LUIS ADELANTADO C/ Bonaire, 6 Tel: 96 351 01 79

GALERÍA MR. PINK C/ GUILLEM DE CASTRO, 110 TEL: 96 391 33 34, 669 787 918 www.misterpink.net GALERÍA MURO Correjeria, 5 Tel: 96 391 19 03 GALERÍA PAZ Y COMEDIAS C/ Comedias, 7-2 Tel: 96 391 89 06 GALERÍA PUNTO Av. Baron de Carcer, 37 Tel: 96 351 07 24 GALERÍA ROSALIA SENDER Mar, 19 (Ciutat Vella) Tel: 96 391 89 67 GALERÍA SEGRELLES C/ Ciscar, 4 Tel: 96 333 21 97 GALERÍA TOSSAL Pl Tossal, s/n Tel: 96 398 18 03 GALERÍA VISOR C/ Corretgeria, 26 Tel: 96 392 23 99 GALERÍAS THEMA C/ Cirilo Amorós, 87 Plaza América, 4 IMPREVISUAL GALERÍA C/ Dr Sumsi, 35 Tel: 96 004 16 43, 685 827 523 www.imprevisual.es INSTITUT FRANÇAIS DE VALENCE C/ Moro Zeit, 6 Tel: 96 315 30 95 INSTITUT VALENCIÀ DE LA MÚSICA C/ Barcas, 2 Tel: 96 318 44 53 IVAM C/ Guillem de Castro, 118 Tel: 96 386 30 00 JARDÍN BOTÁNICO C/ Quart, 80 Tel: 96 315 68 00 www.jardibotanic.org JOVE ORQUESTRA DE LA GENERALITAT VALENCIANA Tel: 96 318 44 90 / 93 KIR ROYAL GALLERY C/ Doña Germana, 24 Tel: 96 206 67 09 www.kirroyal.es KITSCH INTERNACIONAL ARTEDIVERSO C/ Covarrubias, 5 Tel: 607 636 012 LA BENEFICIENCIA CENTRE VALENCIA DE CULTURA MEDITERANEA C/ Corona, 36 Tel: 96 388 35 79 LA CASA ENCESA ESPAI D'ART Plaza La Iglesia, 3 12594 Oropesa Tel: 96 431 37 26 LA GALLERA C/ Aluders, 7 Tel: 96 352 14 37 LA NAVE GALERÍA Nave, 25 Tel: 96 351 19 33 LA LLIMERA VALENCIA Pl. Pérez Escrich, 13 LA LLOTGETA, AULA DE CULTURA CAM-ESPAI D’ART Pl. Mercado, 4 Tel: 96 391 33 96 LAS NAVES, ESPACIO DE CREACIÓN CONTEMPORÁNEA

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24/ 7 Valencia

ʻLIKEʼ US ON C/ de Juan Verdeguer 16, 46024 Valencia T 963 531 272 L’IBER MUSEO DE LOS SOLDADITOS DE PLOMO C/ Caballeros, 22 Tel: 96 391 86 75 www.museoliber.org LIBRERÍA RAILOWSKY Grabador Esteve 34 Valencia Tel: 963 51 72 18 http://www.railowsky.com LLIG LLIBRERIES DE LA GENERALITAT Pl. Manises, 3 Tel: 96 386 61 70 MONASTERIO DE SAN MIGUEL DE LOS REYES Av Constitución, 284 Tel: 96 387 40 13 MUSEO DEL ARROZ C/Rosario, 3 Tel: 609 877 956 MUSEO DE BELLAS ARTES DE VALENCIA C/ San Pío V, 9 Tel. 96 369 30 88 / 369 21 11 MUSEO DE LA CIUDAD Pl. Arzobispo, 1 Tel: 96 352 54 78 - ext. 4126 MUSEO DEL CARMEN C/ Museo, 2 Tel: 96 369 30 88 MUSEO FALLERO Pl. Monteolivete, 4 Tel: 96 352 54 78 MUSEO NACIONAL DE CERÁMICA GONZÁLEZ MARTÍ C/ Poeta Querol, 2 Tel: 96 351 63 92 MUSEO TAURINO Pasaje Doctor Serra, 16 Tel: 96 351 18 50 MUSEO VALENCIANO D’ETNOLOGÍA C/ Corona, 36 Tel: 96 388 35 65 www.museuvalenciaetnologia.es MUSEU D'HISTÒRIA DE VALÈNCIA C/ València, 42 Tel: 96 370 11 05 MUVIM C/ Guillem de Castro, 8 Tel: 96 388 37 47 OCTUBRE CENTRE DE CULTURA CONTEMPORÀNIA C/ Sant Ferran, 12 ( Zona Carmen) Tel: 96 315 77 99 www.octubre.cat PAZ TEJÓN GALERÍA ESTUDIO C/ Salas Quiroga, 1, bajo (Zona Jesús) Tel.: 654 363 829 www.paztejon.com POPOL VUH C/ Burriana, 13 Tel: 96 336 08 25 REALES ATARAZANAS Pl. Juan Antonio Benlliure, s/n Tel: 96 352 54 78 SALA PARPALLÓ C/ Corona, 36 SPORTING CLUB RUSSAFA C/ Sevilla, 5 Tel: 96 325 15 98 www.sportingclubrussafa.com TAMAR C/ Almudín, 16 Tel: 96 392 50 66 UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA

C/ Universidad, 2 UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA, FACULTAT MAGISTERI Avinguda dels Tarongers, 4 UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE VALENCIA Camino de Vera, s/n Tel: 96 387 70 00 WAYCO VALENCIA C/ Gobernador Viejo, 29 Tel: 670 295 762 www.wayco.es OPERA

PALAU DE LES ARTS Autopista del Saler, 1 Tel: +34 96 197 58 00 Fax: +34 96 395 22 01 www.lesarts.com THEATRE

CARME TEATRE C/ Gutenberg, 12 Tel: 96 392 42 71 www.carmeteatre.com CARME TEATRE (EN LA PROTECTORA) c/ Maximiliano Thous 6. 46009 Valencia CENTRE LA RAMBLETA Bulevar Sur esquina C/ de Pío IX (Sant Marcel·li) www.larambleta.com ESPAI ATHENEIA C/ Guillem de Castro, 65 Tel: 615 578 344 - 657 857 792 www.xikanda.com ESPACIO INESTABLE C/ Dr. Sanchis Bergón, 5 Tel: 96 392 16 30 www.espacioinestable.com L’ALTRE ESPAI C/ Platero Suárez, 11 Tel: 96 353 92 00 OFF TEATRE C/ Turia, 47 Tel: 96 384 11 85 SALA ZIRCÓ C/ Joaquín Navarro, 11 Tel: 96 3 77 18 62 SALA RUSSAFA C/ Denia, 55 96 341 52 16 SALA TITERE C/Puerto Rico, 33 (Zona Ruzafa) Movil: 645 600 231 Email: salatitere@gmail.com www.titere.org Intimate music & puppet theatre in the artistic barrio of Ruzafa. Teatromusical con automatas y musicos. TEATRE EL MUSICAL Pl. Rosario, 3 Tel: 96 367 31 95 TEATRE MICALET C/ Mestre Palau, 3 Tel: 96 392 14 82 TEATRO DE MARIONETAS LA ESTRELLA (LA PETXINA). C/ Dr Sanchis Bergón, 29 Tel: 96 371 73 84 TEATRO OLYMPIA C/ San Vicente Mártir, 44 Tel: 96 351 73 15 TEATRO PRINCIPAL C/ Barcas, 15 Tel: 96 353 92 00

JULY-AUGUST 16 TEATRO RIALTO Pl. Ayuntamiento, 17 Tel: 96 353 93 00 TEATRE ROMÀ DE SAGUNT Pujada al Castell, s/n Sagunto THEATRE SALA MORATÍN Pl. Ayuntamiento, 17 Tel: 96 353 93 0 TEATRO TALÍA C/ Caballeros, 31 Tel: 96 398 64 22 CINEMA

BABEL C/ Vicente Sancho Tello, 10 Tel: 96 362 67 95 FILMOTECA (CINEMA INSTITUTO VALENCIANO DE CINEMATOGRAFÍA) RIALTO Pl. Ayuntamiento, 17 YELMO CINES Espai Campanar Av. Tirso de Molina, 16 Tel: 902 22 09 22

LIVE MUSIC 16 TONELADES Calle Ricardo Micó, 3 Facebook 16 Tonelades New rock club and indie disco in the Campanar area, near the Rio Turia. 33RPM BAR CLUB (Zona San Vicente) C/ Linterna, 11 (corner of Calle San Vicente) Movil: 699 441 221 Website: www.33rpm.es New! Open Wednesday to Saturday until 3.30am. New club with live music with jazz, Afro-Caribbean and more. Theatre too… BIGORNIA (Zona Carmen) C/ Museo, 10 Jazz jam every Wednesday evening. BLACK NOTE (Zona Aragón) C/ Polo y Peyrolón, 15 Tel. 96 393 36 63 Top choice for music lovers who love it live - jazz, blues, R’n’B, soul, funk, flamenco and rock. See listings. Jazz, blues, flamenco, world music, jam sessions and more… CAFÉ DEL DUENDE (ZONA CARMEN) C/ Túria, 62 Tel. 630 455 289 www.cafedelduende.com Great club specialising in authentic flamenco music and culture. See listings. CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ (ZONA RUZAFA) C/ Sueca, 27 Tel. 96 341 83 78 www.cafemercedes.es CAFÉ PUB MURNAU (Zona Blasco Ibañez) C/Impresor Palmert Lambert, 5 Tel: 96 0 093 67 84 Top notch live music with jazz, blues and more. One for real music lovers... CHARLAR (Zona Blasco Ibañez) Plaza Alcalde Domingo Torres, 5 Mobile: 627 01 68 32 New live music venue with quality jazz every Friday! DELUXE POP CLUB (Zona Plaza Cedro) C/ Poeta Mas y Ros 42, Zona Cedro www.deluxepopclub.com

“For an excellent overview of what's hot pick up a free copy of the English-language listings guide 24/ 7 Valencia” - The Times


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EL ASESINO (ZONA PLAZA CEDRO) Plaza Cedro,1 Popular and legendary Rock bar that has been running for over 30 years! Live concerts, beers & spirits, good vibes. See the agenda at the back for the full live programme. Desde 1984. Rock Bar, conciertos, copas, buena música y buen ambiente. Partys personalizadas en Laboratori club partysano. ELECTROPURA (ZONA RUZAFA) C/ Pinto Salvador Abril, 20 See Facebook for more details Acoustic gigs at 19.30h with indie often being the flavour. EL LOCO (ZONA JUAN LLORENS) C/ Erudito Orellena, 12 Tel. 96 326 05 26, www.lococlub.org El Loco is a dynamic live venue with an eclectic choice of indie, funk, rock, fusion, blues and more. Check some music and dance later.


pueden verse todas las semanas figuras internacionales del jazz contemporáneo. Consulta la web: www.jimmyglassjazz.net KAF CAFE (Zona Benimaclet) C/Arquitecto Arnau, 16 961131706 - 663 702 960 lk kafcafe.blogspot.com Atmospheric, literary café-bar with regular live gigs and jams. La3 (Zona Puerto) C/ Padre Porta, 2 www.grooovelives.com Top-notch national and International bands every month with disco afterwards until past the dawn... LA BULERIA (City of Arts and Sciences) C/Obispo Jaime Perez, 24 Tel: 96 315 30 58 Live flamenco show & dinner. www.labuleria.com LA EDAD DE ORO (ZONA JUAN LLORENS) C/ San Jacinto, 3 Tel. 649 255 048 Live music every Thursday & Friday. LA RAMBLETA Bulevar Sur, esq Pío IX (Next to Parque La Rambleta) (Zona Jesús) Tel: 96 0011511 www.larambleta.com Fantastic new live venue with great programme of live music and original and alternative theatre. PALAU DE LA MUSICA (ZONA RÍO TÚRIA) Paseo de la Alameda, 30 Tel. (+34) 96 337 50 20 E-mail: info@palauvalencia.com www.palaudevalencia.com Excellent classical music concerts in the Rio Turia gardens with musicians from around the world. See website for current programme.

Owner is a musician too! SALA MATISSE C/ Ramon de Campoamor, 60 (Zona Plaza Cedro) www.salamatisse.es Live music in a student friendly zone SALA ZIRCO (Zona Canovas) Joaquin Navarro, 11 Valencia Tel: 963 77 18 62 Newish venue with quality jazz bands www.zirco.es TRANQUILO MUSICA www.tranquilomusica.com Bringing you the best local, national and international indie bands to Valencia. Keep up the good work! UNA COSA RARA (Zona Juan Llorens) C/ Villanueva y Gascons, 2 Tel: 96 327 06 72 www.unacosarara.com Some quality local bands to accompany your Mediterranean meal at this ‘Bistro Musical’ including Jazz, Flamenco, Blues, Fusion, World Music and more… WAH-WAH (Zona Blasco Ibáñez) C/ Campoamor, 52 Tel. 96 356 39 42 / 645 792 674 www.wahwahclub.com National and international indierock & pop in a student zone…

CLUBS Zona Blasco Ibáñez

AGENDA Avenida Blaso Ibañez, 111 Movil: 639 048 067 Sessions from Wednesday to Saturday. Open 01.30h to 07.30h Funk, disco, hip-hop, house. R’n’B, freestyle and more… Zona Ruzafa


JULY 2016



JIMMY GLASS JAZZ BAR (Zona Carmen) C/ Baja, 28 www.jimmyglassjazz.net Legendary and prestigious jazz club in the classic New York style with an authentic jazz atmosphere, integrated on the international live jazz circuit, where every week you can see famous international live bands from the modern jazz world. Mítico y prestigioso club de jazz de estilo neoyorquino, con una átmosfera auténticamente jazzística, donde


© 2016 24/ 7 Valencia

PETER ROCK (Zona Plaza Cedro) C/ Expolrador Andres, 19 Tel: 96 091 43 04 www.peterrock.es Hard rock and blues bar/pub with live music every Sunday from 21.30h. PETER ROCK CLUB (Zona Carmen) C/ Quart, 26 Facebook: PeterRockClub Concerts, Live music in the Barrio del Carmen with the emphasis on ROCK! PLAY PRODUCCIONES Tel. 679 412 012 www.playproducciones.com PUB OLYMPUS (Lliria) C/ Isabel de Villena, 14 Movil: 685 05 04 23 New! Live music every week.

GORDO C/ Carlos Cervera,23 Tel: 96 336 31 67 Underground electro and more in one of Valencia’s hippest barrios. LATEX C/Carlos Cervera, 23 Movil: 678 64 49 41 Electronica, Funk, House and more in the hip barrio of Ruzafa. NYLON C/ Germanias, 31 664 46 98 40 Valencia’s latest club. Electronica all night long in the hip barrio of Ruzafa. PICCADILLY DISCOTECA CLUB C/ dels Tomassos, 12. Barrio de Russafa. Valencia. (antigua Sala Sider / Excuse me!) One of the wildest and most fun clubs in Valencia now situated in the hip barrio of Ruzafa. PLAY C/ Cuba, 8 Tel: 96 3920570 http://playclubvalencia.tumblr.com/ Newish club in the hip barrio of Ruzafa. Indie, pop and dance all night long. XTRA LRGE PLAYGROUND Gran Via Germanias, 21(esq Cadiz)

24/ 7 Valencia is recommended by Time Out, Let’s Go, Rough Guide...

24/ 7 Valencia

ʻLIKEʼ US ON New club with 600 metre multi-use floor. Electronica and indie, art exhibitions too. Theatre every week at 23.00h. See facebook.

Movil: 625 347 087 Black Music Club specializing in reggae & funky DJ sessions. Open from Thursday to Sunday from 19h until 3.30am…

Zona Juan Lloréns


LA EDAD DE ORO C/ San Jacinto, 3 Tel. 649 255 048 Live music and its classic mix of pumping sounds…from rock & roll to house! Open 22.00h until 4.00h, Thursday to Saturday. MAGAZINE CLUB Pza / Perez Escrich, 18 Zona Juna Llorens Magazine has become an essential part of the rock’n’roll scene in Valencia.


SOFARTCAFÉ C/ Musico Peydro, 7 Movil: 684047434 New! Beautiful and rather elegant bohemian café bar, set on a number of levels with art exhibition space, children’s playroom, conference room, live music nights and plenty of space. Special.

Zona El Carmen

BIGORNIA C/ Museu, 10 Arty crowd of the Carmen scene with electro, hip-hop, funk, techno and more. Good vibes. BLANCO Y ROJO C/ Alta, 11 Deep house, gintonics, tapas, cocktails, friendly service. BOLSERIA CAFÉ C/Bolseria, 41 Tel: 96 391 89 03 Hot tropical vibe with swinging crowd at weekends. House, Latin, funk and pop. CALCATTA C/ Reloj Viejo, 6 One of the few discos in the Carmen to stay open all night, until around 8 am.

RADIO CITY C/ Santa Teresa, 19 Tel: 96 391 41 51 A legendary club in Valencia's old town. Free, eclectic disco Monday - Sunday nights, live flamenco every Tuesday @23h. English language nights Thursday @20h with Britpop music till late. Funky and friendly club. Club legendario en el centro histórico. Flamenco en directo los martes. Intercambio de inglés los jueves. Discoteca gratis los fines de semana. SLAVIA Plaza San Jaime, 8. Slavia is a long-established classic of the Carmen scene. Open since 1996, with an ample selection of cocktails, gins and beers. ÚNIC Plaza Sant Jaume, 1 New! Set in the very heart of the centro historico. Cocktails, music, art & design, fashion, young urban crowd. Vintage sofas too. Watch the people of the barrio stroll by. Lovely terrace too. VIBORA SAVAGE ROCK’N’ ROLL CLUB C/ Quart, 47 Zona Plaza Cedro

GONG C/ Concordia, 3.(near C/Caballeros) Movil:663111717 www.facebook.com/pinballvalencia Subterranean spot in El Carmen to satisfy the underground explorer. Retro music bar with genuine atmosphere. One of the best hidden bars in the old town! Its music is simply too difficult to define. Small dance floor. Tropical drinks and absinthe. Open every Tuesday to Saturday. Uno de esos lugares ocultos en El Carmen que satisfacen al rastreador más underground. Bar de música retro con atmósfera auténtica y genuina. Uno de los mejores rincones escondidos del centro histórico. Su música es, simplemente, demasiado difícil de definir. Pequeña pista de baile. Bebidas tropicales y absenta. Abierto de martes a sábado. Immortal C/ San Dionisio, 3 Feel ‘heavy metal’ and like hard rock? Plenty of like-minded souls in a loud bar. Rock on!


TORNILLO C/ Campoamor, 42 Tel. 96 392 55 27 www.eltornillo.com INDIE scene. Electronica beats collide with guitar, loads of students partying, dancing. Look out for the distinctive huge nail outside!

Zona El Carmen

ANITA GIRO Pintor Domingo 7 (near the small garage next to the Quart Towers). Reservations: 961 133 418. Facebook anita.giro 'Off the beaten track. Near enough to the Quart Towers to be central; but far from the crowds on the main drag of the Carmen. Quality, international food at great prices (average per head, 12-15 euros for dinner). Good beer on tap; 2.50€ a pint before 21:30 and only 3.50€ afterwards. Relaxed, informal atmosphere. Tables available outside on a quiet, pedestrian street. Open every day from 18.00 pm to close.

Zona Puerto / Playa

GUERNICA PLAYA Eugenia Viñes, 227 By the beach! Great Cocktails and music from around the world (Electronica, African, Arabic and more) LA3 c/ Padre Porta, 2 www.groovelives.com Indie & electrónica sounds on 3 floors Zona Campanar

FRYDA Avenida de Las Cortes Valencianas, 58 Movil: 692 85 25 55 New! Disco & Restaurant with stylish terraza, 3 ambiences, house music and more… Zona Jesús


CAFÉ LISBOA Pl. Dr. Collado, 9 Tel. 96 391 94 84 An excellent café bar in one of Valencia’s most atmospheric plazas. Good mixed crowd of students, locals, visitors and a very popular

“24/ 7 Valencia is a diverse magazine, covering a range of subjects from Valencia football to restaurants to leisure time…” El País


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terraza. Open 09.00h and all day until late. Lots of bocadillos, coffees and beers. Barça and Levante football on TV at the weekend. A legendary cafe-bar that is 36 years old. Set in the historic centre. Breakfast, lunch and dinner available everday. Salads, sandwiches, Snacks, Montaditos, Desserts. Fine choice of cocktails including Mojito, Daiquiri, Bloody Mary. Agua de Valencia, Sangria & Paella too. Warm interior and beautiful terrace. Un clásico del centro histórico, terraza amplio, interior relajado, tapas y cócteles. Bohemio, literario, y abierto a todos.


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ed@24-7valencia.com www.247valencia.com CAFÉ MUSEU C/ Museu, 7 Tel: 960 72 50 47 Facebook Café-Museu Bohemia at its finest, with a mellow terraza in a tranquil part of the Barrio del Carmen. Breakfast, brunch, teas, coffees, beers, newspapers, magazines, acoustic concerts, exhibitions and more. "Esta original cafetería, con techos abovedados, ventanal ovalado y terraza, sirve desayunos, bocatas y tapas." CAFÉ DEL NEGRITO Pl. Negrito Tel. 96 391 42 33 Classic Carmen hangout. Liberal 30-somethings, arty crowd, lots of people wearing glasses! CAFÉ TERTULIA 1900 C/ Alta 4


at good prices. Great to have a good time in good company with cool music soundtrack, a wonderful terrace to watch the world go by and the best service you will find in Valencia. Un lugar tranquilo,agradable y acogedor donde disfrutar cada dia de los mejores tes y cafés.Especializados en el AGUA DE VALENCIA (LA MEJOR) hecha de forma tradicional, con una amplia variedad de COCKTAILS, SANGRIA Y COPAS, AL MEJOR PRECIO , para pasar grandes momentos con la mejor compañia. Buena musica, una terraza privilegiada y el mejor servicio que puedas encontrar,¿Por que no vienes a conocernos? EL CAFÉ DEL MAR Plaza Lope de Vega, 4 Tel: 96 3 922 558 EL LABORATORIO (junto Pl. de la Virgen) Pl. Cors de la Mare de Deu, 3 Every Day 18.00h-01.30h Tel: 96 392 61 93 Young international staff and clientèle. The two coolest and cheapest bars to chill off the Plaza de la Virgen. Free tapas with drinks, international Beers, imaginative Cocktails and Gintonics, Mojitos at 4€. Fun food at fun prices: hamburgers, wraps, dimsum, samosas... Great terrace. Tuesday English-Spanish Language Exchange; Wednesday = German- Spanish Exchange and Cocktails 2x1. Also Exhibitions, Theme Dinners, Ethnic Fiestas, Art & Photography...Mixed drinks start at 3.50€!!!!


SANT JAUME C/ Caballeros, 51 Tel. 96 391 24 01 Valencia Café society par excellence. Set in what may be the best corner of the centro histórico, this long established café bar has a cosmopolitan crowd, lots of room upstairs and one of the best terrazas in the city. Watch the characters stroll down C/ Caballeros. Sant Jaume es un clásico del centro histórico con unas de las mejores terrazas en Valencia. TETERIA TISANA C/Moret, 4 (just off C/Roteros) Music includes: Ultra-mod, ye-ye, Garage, Britpop 60s. Freak-Beat THE LOUNGE CAFÉ-BAR Estameñeria Vieja 2 (behind La Lonja) Tel: 96 391 80 94, www.theloungecafebar.com TROMBON C/ Moret, 10 (near Plaza del Carmen) Open since 1974, Trombon is one of the oldest bars in the Carmen. Table football, good music and local crowd. Friendly service. Open from 20h – 03.30h from Tuesday to Saturday and open to all. Zona Ruzafa

CAFETÍN (Café.Cocktail. Bar) Plaza San Jaume, 2 Movil: 652 38 32 28 cafetin.valencia@gmail.com Situated in the heart of the barrio del carmen in Valencia with more than 30 years of history. This is a relaxing, agreeable and welcoming place where you can enjoy the best of teas and coffees. Specializing in AGUA DE VALENCIA, made the traditional way. Enjoy an ample selection of cocktails, sangria, spirits


© 2016 24/ 7 Valencia

LA CAVA DEL NEGRET C/ Calatrava, 15 Tel: 96 392 33 01 Open every day from 12.00h, great bar on Pl. Negrito with terraza and some of the finest agua de Valencia around. Friendly staff, superb terraza, next to fountain and a great selection of cavas and champagnes. Abierto cada día, muy buena selección de cavas & champagne con terraza encantadora. MAGAROTA C/ Zurradores, 9 Movil: 665 04 15 08 Friendly Spanish tapas & café Bodeguita bar with terraza and popular owners. RIVENDEL RESTO BAR C/ Hospital, 18 Tel: 96 392 32 08 www.rivendelrestobar.com SOL I LLUNA C/ del Mar, 29 96 392 22 16,

EL PATIO DE RUZAFA C/ Literato Azorin, 13 Spacious cultural centre with bar and tapas, rich variety of activities including talks, workshops, and more. Centro cultural amplio con bar y tapas, gran variedad de actividades como charlas, talleres y más. LA TAVERNAIRE C/ Dénia, 18 Tel: 605 838 299 Bohemian cafe-bar, vegetarian dishes, live music Wednesdays. LA PINÇA C/ Pintor Salvador Abril, 34 Tel: 96 3 25 05 82 / 693 593 037 Arty and welcoming café-bar. UBIK CAFÉ Calle Literato Azorín 13 
Valencia 963741255 www.facebook.com/ubikcafe Mon-Tues: 17h - 01:30h Wed-Sun: 12h - 01:30h Thurs: 12h - 02:00h Fri-Sat: 12h - 03:00h Emblematic of the buzzing barrio of Ruzafa. Wonderful, spacious and welcoming cafebar/ second-hand bookshop. Spanish & Italian tapas, beer, wine, bohemian crowd, friendly atmosphere. Closed Monday.

24/ 7 Valencia is recommended by CNN.com, Thomas Cook, Easyjet…


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videos, slings, valencia, contactos, gay, nuncadigono, bar, sm, bears, sexo, motos. PEKADO Pl. Vicente Iborra, 9 Tel. 96 392 41 39 The seven deadly sins are served after you enter the gates of hell of this restaurant. QART CAFÉ C/ Guillem de Castro, 80 SANT MIQUEL Pl. Sant Miquel, 13 Tel. 96 392 31 29 SPARTACUS C/ Flassanders, 8 Gay sex shop TRAPEZZIO CAFÉ Pl. Músico Lopez Chavarri, 2

Zona Plaza Xuquer

ROCAFULL CAFE Pl. Xuquer, 14 www.rocafull.tk A key meeting point of the ‘indie’ community. Zona Plaza Cedro

CAFE INFINITO C/ Poeta Mas y Ros, no 35 Tel: 617 27 20 42 www.cafeinfinito.net Superb! International multilingual staff with a friendly atmosphere and packed agenda including theme nights, language exchange, live music, quiz. Wednesday ‛Ruta de la Tapa del Cedro’. Good food too. TORNILLO C/ Campoamor, 42 Tel. 96 392 55 27 A meeting point for faces from the indie and electronica scenes. Definitely worth checking. Zona Benimaclet

Zona Plaza Benimaclet LA OLA FRESCA Calle Músico Magenti 11, Benimaclet Reservations: 610026305 A ‘cafecito’ with a big heart and a fabulous terrace • Speciality in brownies and homemade cakes • world food cooking Juice therapy • local artesanal beers • fairtrade tea and coffee workshops and special events • Sunday BRUNCH • Facebook: La Ola Fresca Valenbisi: 116 Comidas del mundo, servicio excelente, sabroso y actividades cada semana.


650 639 177

ed@24-7valencia.com GAY www.247valencia.com / LESBIAN Codigo G Gay Discoteca & Club Carrer dels Tomassos, 14. (Zona Ruzafa) A Gay disco, next to Russafa market. 3 floors with House, Disco, Guateque, Pop, Petardeo. http://codigog-club.blogspot.com.es/ https://www.facebook.com/codigog


CROSS C/ Juan de Mena, 7 (Zona Botanico) Facebook Cross Valencia WWW.CROSSVALENCIA.COM Just 2 minutes walk from Torres de Quart in the tranquil Botanico barrio. Cross is one of Valencia’s most popular Gay Clubs. Open each night from 22h to 03.30am with Wednesdays and Tuesdays featuring ‘get naked’ parties. Every Friday parties with Dj. Saturday show with Drag Queen. Closed Monday. Uno de los pubs gays más populares de Valencia. Lunes cerrado, jueves noche karaoke, viernes fiestas preparadas por Dj, sábado noche show de Drag Queen. LA PECERA C/ Cadiz, 86 Tel: 639 517 703 Popular with lesbians in evenings. Open to all. Ni María Ni Virgen C/ Pintor Vilar, 1 Lesbian pub-bar in the Campanar area.

NUNCADIGONO C/ Turia, 22 The latest gay sex-club with rooms, showers, labyrinths, videos, slings, contacts, S&M, bears, fucking, sex, glory-holes, motor bikes. Fiestas ‛Sex’ every Monday (Slip or Naked) and Friday from 22.00h. Each month: ‘Fiesta Slip’ 1st and 3rd Thursday from 22h (jockstrap/ swimwear) ‘Fiesta Naturista’ 2nd & 4th Thursday from 22h. (naked) Free cloakroom service and free condoms and lubrication, ask at the bar. Every Friday Porno/Live Show. Happy hours todos los dias. Open every day from 12.00 pm to 04.00 am. Gay sexbar. Cuartos, duchas, laberintos,

CERVECERIAS BEER C/ Salamanca, 4 Tel. 96 374 14 31 www.cerveceriabeer.com Facebook Cerveceria Beer. New & brighter interior and growing clientele! Open every day from 19:00 to 03:30. Great selection of beers, cans and bottles from around the world. Try 30 types of beer from Spain and abroad.

LOS PIKAPIEDRA (Zona Carmen) C/ Caballeros, 25 Tel: 96 3 919 876/ 681 215 545 www.bar-lospicapiedra.com Great! Definitive of the alternative Carmen scene. Highly popular with students, punks, hippies and adventurous tourists. It is a friendly, alternative hangout that is run by a multilingual, well-travelled owner and is open to all. Set on 3 floors with room for groups and couples. After 18 years of deserved popularity with locals and visitors, Los Pikapiedra is without doubt an essential part of the Barrio del Carmen scene. Easy to find too! Reasonable prices.They now have a wonderful selection of Spanish tapas. Ask at the bar for their carta. Special offers every WEDNESDAY! 1 litre Porrones 4,50€ (Cider, Beer, Calimocho, Tinto de Verano). Jarras 1 litro 8€ (Agua de Valencia, Sangria, Mojito). Cubatas 3,50€. Menu 6€ (Salad, Drink, Tabla Iberico of hams, meats & cheeses). Porrones 4.50€ on Thursdays too! Bar Los pikapiedra es un bar alternativo legendario, con gente bohemia, porrones, música ecléctica y tapas españolas.

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BIRRA & BLUES BREW PUB VALENCIA Av. Maria Cristina, 12 Tel: 96 392 56 41 Zona Centro Valencia 46001 www.birraeblues.com At ‘Birra & Blues Valencia’ the prize is our homemade craft beer, and the great food that goes perfectly with your drink. In our restaurant bar, centrally located on Av. María Cristina, 12, in the very heart of Valencia, you can taste the ten ales that have won international awards and that we produce in our Patacona brewery. We combine this with quality cuisine, pizzas and tapas. Next to the Central Market, we have three different spaces with ‘bluesy’ decoration and an attractive terrace so that you can enjoy our understanding of good beer and good food. We have menus with beer included from 12.50€, homemade pizzas and the best tapas. FINNEGAN'S Pl. de la Reina Tel: 96 392 28 62 www.finnegansofdublin.es The legendary meeting point in the heart of Valencia for those who like a good pint. Excellent terrace with fine view of the Cathedral. A genuine Irish pub with big screen for sports lovers who like it live. Spacious and warm interior, good selection of beers and tasty traditional lunches. It is internationally famous for all the right reasons. Great for the craic in the evenings. A classic. New owners with more emphasis on food. Bar irlandés legendario en el corazón de Valencia, con buena selección de cervezas y comidas también. Gente con experiencia. Deportes en directo. SAINT MARTIN’S URBAN IRISH Calle Abadía de San Martin, 2 (near San Vicente) Tel: +34963942171 46002 Valencia info@saintmartins.es Saint Martin’s Urban Irish is our new pub right in the center of Valencia! Enjoy international beers & spirits and great snacks to fill you up not only with beer. Enjoy all major sports events through our 6 extra large FULL HD screens. You will enjoy like never before. Sky Sports on with all major events broadcasted! Our international atmosphere and our location manage to unite the tradition of an Irish pub with a young and relaxed atmosphere. (Find us between Plaza de la Reina and Plaza del Ayuntamiento, just off San Vicente street). Nuevo Pub irlandés moderno y céntrico donde disfrutar de todos los eventos de deporte, con cervezas de importación, snacks, copas... THE MARKET C/ Danzas / Cajeros (Near La Lonja) Tel: 961 054 050 Facebook: the market cerveza artesana The Market serves homemade beer in a warm setting with tostas & tablas to savour with your brown beer. Great music and experience owners. Open every day from 19h. Cervecería artesana, tostas y buena música. Cerca de la Lonja y Mercado Central. TYRIS ON TAP Taula De Canvis, 6 (near La Lonja) Tel: 96 1 13 28 73 Great! Just a stone’s throw from La Lonja


© 2016 24/ 7 Valencia


and Mercado Central, you will find ‘Tyris on Tap’, which is the taproom of local Valencian brewers Tyris. All their cervezas are craft beers so you won’t find any commercial brands here, just lovingly brewed beer. Enjoy an ample terrazza and a hip yet relaxed interior of wooden tables & chairs and colourful posters lining the walls. On the wall, there is an attractively designed graphic explanation of the steps taken to brew beer. Tasty tapas, gourmet burgers and salads too. Cerveza artesanal, hambuerguesas gourmet en una terraza excelente. ZONA CANOVAS

PORTLAND ALE HOUSE C/ Salamanca 10 Yes! Valencia’s first true American pub, run by a friendly American team with draft beers available, sports and an increasingly mixed crowd of locals, visitors and English and Spanish speakers. ST. PATRICK’S IRISH PUB Gran Vía Marqués del Turia, 69 Tel: 96 351 36 42 www.stpatricksvalencia.com “A true Irish pub” that knows the craic! Friendly helpful international staff who speak Spanish and English! FREE WIFI to all customers. Open every day from 4pm ‘till late! Cosy interior with 5 rooms and 2 bars. A good mix of Spaniards and expats. We have 5 big screen plasma T.V.s that show all the sporting events (football, rugby, cricket, golf, basketball, etc.)! We have pool, darts, a big terrace and good music (pop-rock from all the ages with Spotify)! Great selection of beers, whiskies, cocktails, including fresh fruit slush, nonalcoholic or you choose the mix! Great snacks, sandwiches, quiche, meat pies, fish&chips, etc. Lots of events: Live Music every Friday at 23h. Parties with prizes. Open Saturday and Sunday at 13:00h pm. Reservations at info@stpatricksvalencia.com See Facebook for more details! Pub irlandés famoso con pantallas para deportes en directo. Buena selección de cervezas y cócteles, música en directo los viernes, intercambios los jueves y más… VALENCIA ON TAP C/ Almirante Cardoso, 32 Facebook Valencia On Tap This a new bar that specializes in Craft Beer from home and abroad with more than 150 beers from around the world, especially Spain and the European Union. They have a large screen for sporting events and hamburgers & sandwiches to accompany your drink. ZONA AVENIDA ARAGÓN

MANOLO EL DEL BOMBO Pl. Valencia Club de Fútbol, 5 Tel: 96 930 460 A traditional Spanish bar with a different interior - a football museum with photos of the legendary Manolo del Bombo, the chap with the massive beret and drum. Just across from Mestalla stadium, a Mecca for football fans from all over the world. Friendly atmosphere.

SALLY O’BRIEN Av. Aragon, 8 Tel: 96 337 40 12 Zona Plaza Xuquer

MAX MAX C/ Vinalopó, 11 (Pl. Xúquer) Tel: 96 362 68 67 http://maxmaxvalencia.blogspot.com ZONA PLAYA

SPAGHETTI & BLUES Restaurante Pizzeria Av. Mare Nostrum, 34 Tel: 96 355 04 74 Zona Playa de la Patacona 46120 www.spaghettieblues.com L'ELIANA

THE DRAGON (BAR INTERNACIONAL) C/ Virgen de Pilar, 12 (L’Eliana) British-run bar with good reputation for food. Popular with locals and the expat crowd from the area.


BABALÚ C/ Manyans 17 (next to Plaza Redondo) Tel: 96 315 50 40 ¡Fiesta! An excellent restaurant-bar-club for those who love authentic Cuban food. ARABIC

DUKALA Dr Sanchis Bergon, 27 Excellent Moroccan cuisine with a beautiful interior and experienced owners. Set in the mellow barrio of Botanico by the Rio Turia gardens. SAHARA (ZONA CARMEN) C/ del Mar, 52 Tel: 96 394 32 76 Movil: 698 579 148 www.sahararestaurante.com ASIAN FUSION

98º DIM SUM EXPERIENCE C/ Roteros, 16 (a stone’s throw from Torres de Serranos) Zona Carmen Tel: 96 329 35 63 E-mail: reservas@lacomisaria.com Facebook: 98º Dim Sum Restaurante TAO TAO TABERNA ASIATICA

24/ 7 Valencia is recommended by Levante EMV, ADN.es, Super Deporte...

24/ 7 Valencia

ʻLIKEʼ US ON C/ Cadiz, 37 Tel: 96 091 2915 / móvil: 615 725 320 Set in the hip barrio of Ruzafa… Authentic & Asian run fusion restaurant with Chinese, Thai, Japanese, Vietnamese cuisine. BODEGA


One of the best Indian restaurants along the coast. Authentic Indian cuisine, chefs with 12 years Brit experience. Classic menu with all the favourites: Chicken Tandoori, Chicken Tikka, King Prawn Tandoori, Lamb. Variety of rices, attentive bilingual staff on hand to serve ‘English’ or ‘Spanish’ version of spicy. About 18€ per head. Taj Mahal now has home delivery until midnight for minimum price of 20€. Check out the British and Indian products at their shop next door! Curry powders, cornflakes, ketchup, tinned beans, and loads more. An expat’s dream! Uno de los mejores restaurantes indios en Valencia con comidas y cenas típicas del país. Muchos productos indios en su tienda a lado también. ITALIAN ZONA EL CARMEN

BODEGA VINO Y JAMÓN C/ Manuel Candela, 71 Tel: 96 0150345 Open from Monday to Sunday (12pm to 01.30am) Facebook Bodega Vino y Jamón The real deal. With 37 years of bodega experience, friendly Spanish owner Daniel is originally from Castilla La Mancha so this is as Spanish as it gets! Check out tasty hams, cheeses, anchivies, iberico hams, patatas bravas, chicken, chorizos and more at reasonable prices . Bodega autentica española con dueño manchego con 37 años de expericencia. Puedes disfrutar de tapas como patatas bravas, pincho pollo, cordero, ancoas de cantabria, montaditos, chorizo, jamones ibericos, quesos, paella de encargo para 8 personas. Terraza amplia.

AL POMODORO C/ del Mar, 22 Tel: 96 391 48 00, www.viciositalianos.com Very popular, good value, great pizza. BACCO D.O.C. C/ Derechos 29, bajo (1 min from La Lonja) Tel: 96 391 19 65 Everyone welcome at this distinctive and very original Italian restaurant in an excellent location.


SÉSAME C/ En Bou (Zona Carmen) Tel: 96 391 30 62 Highly popular. The well-travelled French owner proposes a wide variety of creative tapas and dishes with an original Greek & Mediterranean/ Asian/ French and Vegetarian fusion using only fresh local produce. GREEK

EL RINCON GRIEGO C/ Conde Montornes, 23 (just off C/ Mar and corner of Poeta Liern) Tel: 96 394 4443 Mobile: 639608867 www.stratosm.es Zona Carmen Intimate and Greek owned and run, well-established restaurant in a quiet corner of the old town. Enjoy Greek tapas, fish and meat dishes, cheeses, yoghurts, pastries and Greek wine too!

CIAO BELLA C/Corona, 8 Tel: 96 105 65 81 Spacious & classy restarant, with historic interior with authentic Italian cuisine with experienced hosts from Rome. Recommended starters include Antipasti, Involtini, Tabla of Italian cheeses & hams. Fresh pasta includes Ravioli della Nonna and Mezzelene Picotta e spinnaci. Dry pasta includes fettucine and rigatoni choices. 17 pizzas to choose from. Meats include Solomillo and Scaloppine. Tuna & prawn dishes too. Desserts include Tiramisu. Restaurante amplio y elegante, con interior histórico con auténtica cocina italiana con dueños de Roma, Italia. Antipasti, Involtini, Solomillo, Scaloppine, Pizzas, Pastas, Raviolis y mas…


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TAJ-MAHAL (ZONA AV. PUERTO) C/ Dr. Manuel Candela, 20, Tel: 96 330 62 64.

LA CARBONARA (tapas italianas, vinos y más) C/Alta, 28 Tel: 96 3 156 377 / movil: 633 092 360 Hours: 12.30h -17 h / 19h tiill close. Open Monday to Sunday. New! Set in the heart of the barrio del Carmen, this is an authentic Italian restaurant run by experienced Italians from Rome. It’s a lovely, cosy, warm and intimate place with wooden floors and stylish interior, making it great for little groups and couples. Enjoy Lasagna, Risotto, Pasta, Ravioli, Italian tapas to savour, Salmon tartar, Carpaccio, Spaghetti Carbonara & Bolognesa, Tortellini, and homemade desserts like tiramisu. Menu del dia from Monday to Friday for 9.80€. Auténtico restaurante italiano dirigido por italianos expertos desde Roma. Es un lugar encantador, acogedor, cálido e íntimo, con suelos de madera y elegantes interiores, por lo que es ideal para pequeños grupos y parejas. ITALIAN (Zona Carmen) LA PAPPARDELLA C/ Bordadores, 5 (next to Cathedral) Tel: 96 391 89 15 www.viciositalianos.com Popular Italian restaurant without pizza and emphasis on Piadinas and pastas. LA STRADA C/ Quart 17 Tel: 96 392 41 77 Excellent! Hip pizzeria and pasta restaurant just a brief stroll from Torres de Quart. 8€ daytime menus, around 15€ at night. Salads, antipasti, piadine, italian tapas, pizza, pasta, meat and fish dishes. Wines from many regions of Italy. Ensaladas, antipasti, piadina, tapas italianas, pizza, pasta, platos de carne y pescado. Vinos de diferentes regiones de Italia.


650 639 177

25 “The freebie mag 24/ 7 Valencia is a fantastic guideed@24-7valencia.com (in English) to Valencia’s bars, clubs and restaurants.” Lonely Planet © 2016 24/ 7 Valencia www.247valencia.com


DON SALVATORE C/ Conde de Altea, 41 Tel: 96 334 13 04 www.donsalvatore.com Spot the Valencia footballer! LAMBRUSQUERÍA C/ Conde Altea, 31 -36 Tel: 96 334 07 53 lambrusqueria.wordpress.com/about. George Clooney did eat here! JAPANESE

KOKURA AUTOMATIC SUSHI Plaza Pere Borrego I Galino, 10 (C/Alta con Na Jordana) Tel: 96 3 911 102 www.kokura.es TORA (TABERNA JAPONESA) C/ Pedro III El Grande , 13 Tel: 96 311 94 29 Great! Finally, an authentic Japanase taberna in Valencia run by a Japanese & Valencian couple! MEDITERRANEAN

KAÑA MAKAN C/ Explorador Andres, 24 (Plaza Cedro) Tel: 96 0150 796 C/ Sueca, 61 (Ruzafa) Facebook Kaña Makan Smells delicious! Exotic and tasty Mediterranean tapas with Arabic influences and interior and friendly Syrian owner. ORIENTO (Tapas Bar & Mediterranean Food) Plaza Cedro, 16 Movil: 603 63 22 20 A mix of Syrian and Spanish food and Tapas. In Oriento you can find Mediterranean flavours along with a friendly service and a happy family environment. Good price for traditional dishes and Syrian desserts. Enjoy red and white wines with others types of drinks. Facebook: Oriento.VLC MULTI-BAR

LA BONA ESTRELLA (ZONA CARMEN) Plaza Manises, 2 Tel: 96 0640548 Great! Very spacious multibar with wide variety of beers. PERUVIAN

SIMALÚ C/ Caballeros, 10 Tel: 96 1 93 03 57 www.simalurestaurante.com Classy Peruvian restaurant of the highest


© 2016 24/ 7 Valencia


quality in terms of product and presentation. This is authentic Peruvian cuisine with real flavours of the land. Lunchtime menu is 13.90€ with drink included. Dinner menu is 22€ with a wide selection of Peruvian dishes. Check out their ‘Pisco-Sour’, ‘cusqueña’ and Peruvian wines. Open Monday – Sunday from 9h -17h. Closed Monday and Tuesday. Open Wednesday - Sunday from 19:00 to 24:00h. Sabores de Peru, la autentica sabor de Peru. Con su mezcla de culturas en una solo gastronomía. Menu mediodia 13.90€ con bebida incluida. Menu degustación 22€ con una amplia carta de platos peruanos. Abierto Lunes –domingo: 9h -17h. Lunes y martes noche cerrado. Miércoles - domingo de 19:00 a 24:00h. PORTUGUESE

CAFÉ PESSOA C/ Literato Azorin, 2 Tel: 96 341 75 14 Great! An authentic Portuguese café bar with lovely cocktails and trendy interior. LA CONSERVA Literato Azorin, 18 Movil: 697 95 52 94 Dig the trendy & kitsch interior and enjoy sardines, cod, 'vinho verde' and fado music in the hip barrio of Ruzafa. Wouldn't look out of place in Shoreditch! PORTUSCALE C/ Subida del Toledano, 6 Tel. 96 1 14 40 63 e-mail: geral@restauranteportuscale.es www.RestaurantePortuscale.es Authentic Portuguese restaurant with Portuguese owners. Next to the cathedral. SPANISH / VALENCIAN ZONA PLAZA AYUNTAMIENTO

ALKAZAR C/. Mosén Femades, 9 y 11 (Zona peatonal/ Pedestrian street) Just off Plaza Ayuntamiento 46002 Valencia · T. 96 352 95 75 · 96 351 55 51 tabernaalkazar@tabernaalkazar.com www.restaurantealkazar.com This is the real deal. Quality Valencian cuisine. With over 60 years of experience, Alkazar is perfectly placed right in the centre on a mellow & traffic–free street, very near to Plaza Ayuntamiento so easy to find. Mariscos y arroces auténticos con 60 años de experiencia. CARPE DIEM C/ Martínez Cubells, 4 (off Passeig Ruzafa) Tel: 96 342 77 80, www.carpediem-vlc.com A genuine Spanish restaurant right in the centre of Valencia, on a mellow side street, dead easy to find! EL COLMADO DE LA RIVERA C/ Ribera, 14 Set near the bullring and the Plaza Ayuntamiento, El Colmado de la Rivera has a vanguard interior decoration, modern and cosmopolitan clientele and attractive cuisine. It stands out for its attractive terrace. Here you can savour breakfast and almuerzos. Later, try out their lunch menus and a la carta and dinners that are served with beers and spirits. Share tapas, dishes and desserts. LOLAILO C/Pie de la Cruz, 8 Facebook Taberna anadaluza Lolailo

Movil: 622 131 746 New! Spacious and beautiful Andalusian restaurant with tapas from the South of Spain and North Africa. Just a stone’s throw from the Mercado Central. LOTELITO VALENCIA ROOMS & BAR C/ Barcas, 13 Tel: 96 206 78 52 Movil: (+34) 656 265 229 www.lotelitovalencia.com You can enjoy breakfast early in the morning, almuerzo around midday, lunch or dinner a la carta or menu as well as enjoy a wide range of spirits & cocktails. Tapas and platos to share are Lotelito’s speciality, which are notable for their tastiness and loving presentation. Bread & desserts are homemade & freshly produced daily. The head of the kitchen is Miguel Angel Mas who has had ample experience with a number of Michelin Star restaurants as well as having run his own restaurant for the last 7 years, which are both great signs of somebody who both knows all about cuisine and cares about it too. Enjoy Lotelito morning, noon and night! MON C/ San Vicente Martir, 23 (near Plaza del Ayuntamiento) Tel: 96 35 12 770 www.monvalencia.com Menú del día (Monday – Friday): 11.90€ (drink not included) Menú del día (Saturday – Sunday): 14.90€ (drink not included) Menú desgustación (tasting menu for two): 25€ (drink not included) Tapas (available all day): 1.80€ – 13.95€ ZONA EL CARMEN

DOS AGUAS C/ Marqués de Dos Aguas, 6 Tel: 96 251 64 26 Good value Spanish menu del días, great view.

9:00 - 01:30 todos los días EL BOTIJO C/ San Miguel s/n www.tascaelbotijo.com Spanish tasca in the Barrio Carmen! Great terraza & excellent service, great variety of delicious tapas, a top ensaladilla rusa and nice cheeses too. Good selection of beers & wines. Kitchen and bar is open everyday from 9h -01.30h. Clasica tasca situada en el Barrio del Carmen, cocina siempre abierta, servicio excelente, gran variedad de tapas, vinos y cervezas.

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C/ Quart, 5 Tel: 96 391 09 27 www.lapitanza.com

EL RALL Pl. Tundidores, 2 Tel: 96 392 20 90 Legendary paella restaurant, prime location by La Lonja and Plaza Negrito. Restaurante legendario de paellas y más arroces. Bien situado entre La Lonja y Plaza Negrito. Terraza encantadora. ESCALONES DE LA LONJA C/ Pere Compte, 3

EL PONY PISADOR C/ Zurradores, 7 (Near Plaza Santa Catalina) Tel: 638 196 289/ 635 849 390 Homemade Spanish food, rustic interior and run by a friendly Spanish couple. Try their Croquetas de Jamón Ibérico, artichokes, baby squid with paprika, strawberry cheese cake. In a quiet corner of the Centro Histórico. Good selection of wines from 8€ to 16€. Menú del día 10€ including drink. Saturday & Sunday lunch 14€, drink extra. Dishes from 4.50€ to 7€. Authentic Spanish cuisine. Restaurante Español íntimo, rústico y con comida casera muy buena; rabo de toro, croquetas, jamón ibérico, calamares y más. KA'RAK (RAQUEL CERNICHARO) C/ Baja, 42 Tel. 96 315 45 88 Set in a quiet corner of the atmospheric old town. Run by a friendly and experienced owner, enjoy wonderful homemade Mediterranean cooking. LA CARME C/ Soguers, 2 Tel: 96 392 2532 30 years old emblematic restaurant of the Barrio del Carmen with Mediterranean dishes and cosy yet spacious interior. LA PITANZA

LA PILARETA C/ Moro Zeit Tel: 96 391 04 97 Every major Spanish city has a tapas bar regarded as ‘quintessential’. Established in 1917, this one is high up on the list in many guides. Veteran waiters serve excellent tapas: habas, ensaladilla rusa and the famous mussels. Open daily midday to midnight just off Plaza Tossal, not hard to find. Now that’s what we call atmosphere... El bar de tapas más histórico en el centro de Valencia, especialidad en clóchinas, buenas habas y ensaladilla rusa.

L'APLEC C / Roteros, 9 (near Torres de Serranos) Movil: 696 119986 Bar - restaurant to go for tapas. Open Tuesday to Sunday from 12 noon to closing. Closed Monday. Spontaneous atmosphere, friendly and fun. Home cooking. Drinks and hot tapas with a hint of fun. Easy to find as it is just a stoneʼs throw from the Torres de Serranos. Nice and spacious interior too! L' Aplec has a great terrace. Enjoy their homemade, fresh and authetic paella to order in advance for groups. Enjoy classic and original Spanish tapas. Gay & Lesbian friendly. Tapas caseras, divertidas, servicio amable y buenas paellas para encargar. Muy cerca de Torres de Serranos. Auténticamente español y abierto a todos. LA LOLA C/ Subida de Toledano, 8 Tel: 96 391 80 45, www.lalolarestaurante.com reservas@lalolarestaurante.com. This is ‘nueva cocina española’! Authentic live flamenco every week.

LA VALENCIANA C/ Obispo Don Jerónimo, 8 C/ Juristas, 12 Tel: 96 3 153 856 Email: reservas@arrocerilavalenciana.com Highly popular with discerning customers and for all the right reasons. This is an authentic Valencian restaurant where you not only savour Valencia paella you can also take a certified course in order to become proficient in cooking your own paella! This includes a trip to Mercado Central to pick the ingredients as well as cooking with an expert chef in one of their 2 restaurants. Check it out! Paella auténtica valenciana con cursos de paella ofrecidos por expertos cocineros. LIGAZON C/ Arolas,11-bajo. 46001-Valencia Telefono de reservas: 961141112 MAR D’AVELLANES C/ Avellanas, 9 Tel: 96 392 51 66 www.mardeavellanas.com Classy cuisine near Plaza Reina. MARIA MANDILES Plaza Manises, 2 Tel: 96 04 60 57 info@maria-maniles.com MARIA MANDILES C/ del Padre Huérfanos, 2 Tel: 96 315 48 84 A wonderful choice. In the heart of the historic centre in a tranquil square by the church of El Carmen, next to a garden, you will find the restaurant Maria Mandiles. With an ample terrace, you can enjoy tapas, fondues, cheeses, salads, homemade desserts, a variety of sangrias, cocktails, and ‘Agua de Valencia’ too. Lunchtime menu from Monday to Friday for 10.50€ with everything included. Saturdays and Sundays at lunchtime has paella for 6.50€. Typical price for evening dinner is 18€. Open all day from 10am to 01.30am. MATTILDA C/ Roteros, 21 Tel: 96 392 31 68 Very near Torres de Serranos so easy to find. Creative cuisine with highly experienced owner and staff. Mattilda combines succulent tapas and quality cuisine with artistic presentation with a loyal and cosmopolitan clientele. Clean & attractive vintage style interior. OCHO Y MEDIO Plaza Lope de Vega, 5 Tel: 96 392 20 22 www.elochoymedio.com

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JULY-AUGUST 16 PICOFINO GASTROBAR Plaza Reina, 18 Tel: 96 3 155 020 www.restaurantepicofino.com Classy & classic Mediterranean cuisine and tapas on a beautiful terraza in the heart of Valencia. Enjoy exquisitely presented sardines, tuna tapas, quality mussels, salads, croquetas, artichokes, beautiful desserts, and a great selction of Spanish & Italian wines. Cocina mediterranea de mucha calidad con una presentacion equiseta. En el Corazon de Valencia… RACÓ EL FALLERET Guillem de Castro, 114 Tel: 96 064 28 72 REFUGIO RESTAURANTE DEL CARMEN C/ Alta, 42 Tel: 96 391 77 54 A warm and authentic Mediterranean fusion restaurant with touches of Asia and a new carta, too. See ‘Something Different’ for more details. RINCÓN 33 C/ Corretegeria,33 Tel: 96 4 910 952 Cuisine from the Mediterranean…

SAN MIGUEL C/ San Miguel, 7 Tel: 963921447/ movil 685893736 Facebook: Restaurante San Miguel Valencia Classy & authentic. In the heart of the historic centre, San Miquel has a tapas bar, a wonderful terrace and authentic traditional cuisine including paella and other rice dishes, quality mediterranean cuisine, warm interior and experienced staff. En pleno centro del Carmen, terraza estupenda, interior cálido, arroces, cocina mediterránea, sangría, vinos y más. SIDRERIA EL MOLINÓN C/Bolseria, 40 Tel: 963 91 15 38 Legendary Spanish / Asturian restaurant in the heart of the old town and highly popular with locals. Enjoy Asturian cider and hams, cheeses and steaks from the region. Set on 2 floors , so perfect for groups as well as couples. The real Spain. Restuarante legendario asturiano, español. Quesos, jamones, solomillos, sidra asturiana y más.


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PICA'P Pintor Segrelles, 7 Lovely, traditional cuisine with modern touches with wide selection of wines plus Gin'n'Tonics…

SOMETHING DIFFERENT BODEGA BAR VALERO C/Palleter, 51 (Zona Juna Llorens) Genuine Valencian Bodega off the beaten track with a bohemian atmosphere and popular with an alternative crowd of all ages and open to all. Run by 2 brothers for over 30 years… TASCA EMBRUJO DEL CARMEN C/Juristas, 5 Tel: 96 0 014 584/ 695 478 914 Facebook Embrujo dl Carmen Delightful Spanish restaurant with warm and colourful interior, relaxed terraza and friendly service. Spanish and Andalusian cuisine to savour and just a stone’s throw from the Cathedral in a quiet spot of the centro historico. Live music, paella, friendly service. Cocina española y andaluza para saborear y sólo un tiro de piedra de la Catedral en una zona tranquila del centro historico. Música en vivo, la paella, el servicio amable. TINTOFINO ULTRAMARINO C/ Corretgeria, 38 Tel: 963 154 599 / 636 429 329 Like a fine wine? Oh, that’s superb! Tapas, cheese, and meat too! Tinto fino is a wonderful, classy tapas bar restaurant with an extensive collections of 50 wines from Spain & Italy as well as delicious tapas from the mediterranean. Live acoustic music every Wednesday. TRECE C/ Calatrava, 12 Tel: 667 719 897 www.trece.com Hip new restaurant with mediterranean fusion dishes and original, vintage interior. VOLARE C/ Roteros, 12 Tel: 96 0 643 540 Mediterranean cuisine YUSO C / de la Cruz, 4 izquierda Tel: 96 315 39 67 The real deal. Valencian chefs and Valencian staff. Superb paella, arròs en fesols i naps, arroz a banda, patatas bravas, salads and more. Near Torres de Serranos. ZONA CANOVAS

COCO PAZZO Conde de Altea, 51 Movil: 717 12 22 35 Set in the cosmopolitan Canovas restaurant where you can enjoy Spanish / Mediterranean tapas and delicious & authentic barbecue ‘parrilladas’ with hamburgers to enjoy too. Good value prices too. PARE PERE Conde Altea, 35 Tel: 96 344 34 76 www.parepere.com Upmarket & very tasty Spanish restaurant with strong Mediterranean influences.

BUHOBIO C/ Murillo, 9 Tel: 96 205 73 69 New! Eco-cuisine! Wonderful mix of vegetarian & vegan dishes available, organic fusion, salad dishes and more. Friendly, cosmopolitan staff and arty events attract an open-minded clientele. Just a stone’s throw from Torres de Quart! ¡Nuevo! Eco-cocina! Maravillosa mezcla de platos vegetarianos y veganos disponibles, fusión orgánica, platos de ensalada y más. Personal amable y cosmopolita y eventos arty atraen a una clientela de mente abierta. Sólo un tiro de piedra de las Torres de Quart! CLECTIC OPEN KITCHEN Gran Via Marques del Turia, 63 (Zona Canovas) Tel: 96 322 77 48 clectic.rest Clectic is Open Kitchen. Every day from 9am to 1am. Whatever you want, whenever you want. Healthy cuisine without schedules nor borders. Lunch set 9,90€. Dinner tasting menu 16,90€. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, Brunch, from 4,90€. Every Wednesday night live music Clectic es Open Kitchen. Todos los días, de 9h a 1h. Lo que quieras, cuando quieras. Cocina saludable, sin horarios ni fronteras. Solución comida 9,90. Cena menú degustación 16,90€. Sábados, domingos y festivos, Brunch, desde 4,90€. Todos los miércoles por la noche música en vivo. EL PATIO DE RUZAFA Calle Literato Azorín, 13-Bajo DERECHA Valencia 666 76 64 12 www.facebook.com/elPatiodeRuzafa Restaurant -bar- paella - dinner - products

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ʻLIKEʼ US ON - crafts - drinks - Cineforum - conference banquet - taichi - environmental exposures. El Patio is all this and much more. LA CASA DI SOPHIA Plaza Joan de Vila-Rasa, nº6 – bajo izquierda Telf: 963113412 Healthy cuisine, vintage wallpaper. Arty crowd. MONTEREY BAR & DISCOS C/ Baja, 46B (Barrio del Carmen) Tel: 96 3917 929 www.montereydiscos.es info@montereydiscos.es www.facebook.com/montereybardiscos montereydiscos.bandcamp.com/ Monday –Friday 17h-01h Saturday 12h-15 / 18h-01.30h Sunday and holidays: 18h-01h REFUGIO RESTAURANTE DEL CARMEN C/ Alta, 42 Tel: 96 391 7754 The ‘Cooking Revolution’! Refugio is truly a restaurant of the Carmen. Run by a warm, bohemian Valencian couple with years of culinary experience this is now a Mediterranean fusion restaurant with International cuisine. Warm, wooden interior with intimate corners. TAPAS BARS

24/ 7 Valencia Plaza del Árbol, 4 (end of C/ Baja) Tel: 96 391 70 87 Authentic Spanish tapas in the historic centre. Highly popular with alternative crowd and visitors. Amongst their many specialities you will find artichokes, homemade croquettes, grilled sardines, fried prawns, octopus, cured ham, a selection of cheeses and much more. All tapas are made in the moment, which means you can take your time over a glass of wine or beer. Auténtico bar de tapas español con dueño de familia andaluza con alcachofas, croquetas, sardinas, opciones vegetarianas y mucho más. Popular con gente alternativa, gente del barrio y visitantes. Excelente terraza.

KAÑA MAKAN C/ Sueca 61, Ruzafa C/ Explorador Andrés, 24( Plaza Cedro) Tel: 960 15 07 96 www.kanamakan.com Open everyday from 19h - 00.00h Middle Eastern tapas fusion with attractive interior and friendly crowd. LA COMISARÍA (Zona Carmen) Tapas y copas ilegales Pl. Arbol, 5 (corner C/ Baja) Tel: 96 391 07 39 www.lacomisaria.com Price per person around 15/22€. Multilingual chef. Quality fusion cuisine.

AL CANTONET C/ San Tomas, 21 Movil: 677345510 Fantastic and very authentic little tapas/ tasca bar in a hidden corner of the Barrio del Carmen, away from the tourist crowds. Enjoy ham, mushrooms, artichokes, potatoes, cheeses, beers, wines, cocktails and more. Great blues and jazz soundtrack too!

MAR CUATRO - Tapas & Burguers (Zona Carmen) C/ del Mar, 4 Tel: 96 391 43 50 Great! Valencian owned and run. Just off Plaza Reina so really easy to find. A fresh, modern and relaxing space to enjoy a wide range of quality tapas, gourmet hamburgers, unique and top notch hotdogs, skewer recipes with different tastes and textures. Savour delish desserts in crystal pots that will surprise you for their delicious taste and lovely presentation. This is a vanguard Spanish tapas bar and open to all ages and backgrounds. Expect to pay around 20€. Tapas de calidad, hamburguesas gourmet, pinchos, postres deliciosos, muy cerca de Plaza Reina.

PICNICITY C/Calatrava, 2 (Zona Carmen) Tel: 960 099 900 Email: picnicityvlc@gmail.com Picnicity is a family-run, welcoming and very tasty snack bar with homemade and healthy food, fresh juices, delicious cakes and picnic packs available. Trendy yet warm interior and friendly and experienced staff. Eat in or eat out, this is a great addition to the Barrio del Carmen food scene. Modern yet warm, cosmopolitan & homely. With WiFi. Picnicity es un bar de tapas familiar. EL OLIVO TABERNA

TABERNA ARANDINOS (ZONA CARMEN) C/ de la Cruz, no 1 (Plaza del Angel) Mobile: 639259581


VIVA TAPAS BAR C/ Santo Tomas, 18 (Zona Carmen) Tel: 96 064 93 35 www.vivatapasbarvalencia.com Facebook VIVA Tapas Bar Very classy tapas bar and restaurant in spacious listed building on 2 floors in the heart of the Carmen. Cuisine is Spanish and Mediterranean fusion with exquisite quality and with avant-garde presentation. Head chef has 28 years of experience working in Madrid Ritz Hotel and Harrod’s of London. Very friendly, helpful and informed staff. Ideal for groups and courting couples. Tapas 5€-18€, Midday rice dish 8€, Menu Degustacion: 22€-36€, Menu of the day (weekdays)15€, Children’s menu12€, El horario es de martes a sábado de 12:30 a 16:00h. y de 20:00 a 1:30. Domingo de 12:30 a 16:00 h. THAI

THAILICIOUS C/ Almirante Cadarso, 6 Tel: 96 3815181 WINE SHOP/VINOTECA

OLIVÍ (ZONA CARMEN) C/ Calatrava nº4 bajo 1º derecha Tel.: +34 637 17 03 03 / +34 961 05 06 43 Great! Oliví is set in the historic centre, just past Plaza Negrito and a stone’s throw from La Lonja so easy to find. This is a genuine wine shop / ‘Vinoteca’ run by friendly & cosmopolitan Spanish owners with some English spoken. There are over 100 wines to choose from and you can enjoy English & Spanish speaking wines tasting ‘catas’ with quality tapas to accompany your glass of wine. Every Sunday at 17h there is an English speaking wine

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tasting with Valencian wines. Please call to make a reservation. Open Monday to Sunday. Mon-Thurs 11h-14h / 17h-22.30h and Fridays to Sundays from 11h to 22.30h Abierto de lunes a domingo (lunes, miércoles - domingo de 12:00 a 15:30 y de 18:00 a 22:30h./martes de 19 a 22.30h.). Bodega con encanto en pleno barrio del Carmen, con más de 100 referencias en vino que podrás comprar o degustar directamente en el local, junto con nuestras conservas gourmet y tapas de calidad, todo a buen precio. Catas fijas en inglés, con vinos valencianos, los domingos a las 18h. (se ruega reservar con antelación). Además ofrecemos catas, maridajes y degustaciones por encargo.


LA PEQUEÑA PASTELERÍA DE MAMÁ Calle Poeta Josep Grifol y cerverá 14 bajo 963 44 44 95 Facebook: LaPequenaPasteleriaDeMama Beautiful gourmet bakery that is cosy, with a cosmopolitan crowd and lovely terrace.Ideal for brunch, to read a book, be with family, friends and pets.Excedllent products include pancakes, cheeses,yoghurts, fruit juices, En un espacio con detalles parisinos, la experiencia será de confort, dulzura y tranquilidad. Ofrece una amplia carta de brunch, desde 6€. Tostas/crostinis: salmón ahumado, aguacate, jamón, philadelphia, higos, queso de cabra caramelizado, rúcula, Crepes dulces salados, Pancakes dulce y salados, Yogurt: Vaso de yogurt griego natural con granola y frutas, Huevos Benedictino con salsa holandesa, en un mollete acompañado con jamón y brotes tiernos, Huevos poche con pisto, Panecillos gourmet, Brie con uvas y confitura de calabacín, Zumos y batidos de frutas naturales, elaborados en el momento, Chocolate casero, tés, cafés, vinos ZONA EL CARMEN


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great selection of Import Jazz on Vinyl.

ALOE VERA Pl. Vicente Iborra, 3 Tel: 96 3926183 www.labotigadelaloe.es Since 2001 we have been making natural cosmetic products that are certified Aloe Vera and with the highest standards of quality. Products without parrafin or petroleum derivatives or parabens nor are they tested on animals. Distribution available. Recently, we have incorporated Bach Flower remedies and Aromatherapy. Our philosophy is “be the change you want to see in the world.” Desde el 2001 creando productos de cosmetica natural con Aloe Vera certificado y 
con los mas altos estandares de calidad. Productos sin parafinas ni derivados 
del petroleo, sin parabenos y no testados en animales. Distribucion y venta al 
menor. En la epoca mas reciente hemos integrado las Flores de Bach y 
Aromaterapia. Nuestra filosofi­a es "Sé el cambio que quieres ver en el mundo". Tienda de Aloe Vera con buen servicio. COLLA MONLLEÓ CERAMISTES Plaza Redonda, no 11 -12 Tel: 96 392 30 43 Facebook Colla Monlleó EL MONSTRUO Calle Calatrava 11 Vintage style and creative. LA ROOM C/ Puríssima - Estamenyeria Vella, local 2 (Junto/ next to Tasca Angel) 46001 - (historic downtown) - VALÈNCIA Tel. 962.293.300 / 963.155.813 Mov.656.447.636

MADAME BUGALÚ C/Danzas, 3 Tel: 96 315 44 76 Chic! MANDALA (Espai Creatiu) C/ Calatrava, 4 Movil: 655 301 390 Facebook Mandala Espai Creatiu Spiritual shop run by a kindly couple… NEEDLES AND PINS C/ En Bou, 3 needlesandpinsvintage.com PANNONICA VINTAGE C/ Baja, 28 Tel: 696 95 10 55 Facebook: Pannonicavintagedeluxe A cosy vintage store where you can find all kinds of little treasures. From fine clothing and Antique accessories to a

SEBASTIAN MELMOTH C/ San Fernando, 17 Sebastian Melmoth is a unique design shop with objects collected from around the world by the globetrotting owners. Art exhibitions and acoustic concerts. Un lugar donde encontrar objetos únicos con diseño y tradición que recogemos por todo el mundo además de contar con un espacio polivalente donde albergar pequeñas exposiciones de artistas emergentes, recitales o conciertos acústicos. Estamos en la Calle San Fernando, 17 en Valencia de Lunes a Sábado de 11h. a 20:30h. Los domingos abrimos de 12h. a 14:30h. SOHO DEL CARMEN Calle Derechos 33, Valencia Tel: 96 391 2463 TRIXIE’S VINTAGE EMPORIUM C/ D’Ercilla, 1 (next to Plaza Dr Collado) Vintage, quality clothes. BRITISH SUPERMARKET

SWEET HOME Plaza Jaime Roig, 1 Tel: 960 629 367 Email: sweethomeliria@gmail.com Facebook sweethomeliria New supermarket in Lliria with quality British food including Quorn, Marmite, Golden Syrup, Linda McCartney veggie burgers, Yorkshire tea and so much more! There are Polish, Romanian, Bulgarian and French choices too. Nuevo supermercado en Lliria con comida británica de calidad, incluyendo Quorn, Marmite, Sirope, hamburguesas vegetarianas Linda McCartney, Té de Yorkshire y mucho

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ʻLIKEʼ US ON más! Hay también productos polacos, rumanos, búlgaros y franceses. New opening hours. Monday – Saturday 10h-14.30h Friday 16.00h – 20.00h Lunes a Sábado desde 10h hasta 14:30h Viernes desde 16:00h hasta 20:00h.



Levante CC are a new cricket club based in Valencia that have regular league games with teams throughout Spain and also welcome touring sides to the city. The club train most Thursday evenings at the Camp de Beisbol in the riverbed, start time 8pm. New members welcome. www.levantecc.com Jason: 654071182 Barry: 652291897


CASA MONET C/ Serranos, 36 bajo izquierda Tel: 96 3127532 / Movil: 696 397 225 Email: casamonet@hotmail.com www.yessy.com/vkieski Looking for original presents over the festive season? Check out one of Valencia’s most original gift shops. Run by entertaining Londoner Vladmir Ksieski, a distinctive artist who also has his own paintings for sale at the shop. He has been based in Valencia for the last 35 years. English and Spanish spoken. Easy to find as it is very near to the famous Torres de Serranos! Arte y regalos y complementos.


650 639 177

CENTRO URANIUM www.centrouranium.com uranium.sirio@gmail.com C/Quart 101, bajo, Valencia. Sirio Simó Calatayud Movil: 676 758 709 This is an alternative health centre with classes including Yoga, Chikung, Tarot, massage therapy and training including Reiki. Run by the highly trained and experienced Sirio. Massage bienestar, salud y espiritualidad Formación y Sesiones de Reiki Astrológico y Unitario Sesiones de Masaje y Terapia Holística Formación y Sesiones de Astrología y Tarot Clases de Yoga y ChikungYoga (Kundalini, Hatha y Terapeutico), Meditación Creativa,Taichi y Chikung (Clases y Formación para ser profesor) y mas…



ARTE QUE VALE Corporative Videos, Artistic and Social Events, Independent Films and Projects. Comerciales corporativos, Eventos sociales y artísticos, proyectos cinematográficos independientes.


LA NIÑA LOS PEINES (Zona Carmen) C/ Santo Tomas, 24 Tel: 96 392 52 82 Fantastic hair salon that is renowned in the city where highly experienced professional experts get to the essence of each person’s head of hair for the cut you are truly looking for. Combining health, pleasure and imagination there are a wide range of services, cuts, colours, styles available. They are make up experts who have worked with a number of film directors, designers and photographers too. There is also an erotic corner for customers… “La Niña Los Peines mueve las tijeras y zapatea, afina el tono de los colores cuidadosamente, mima tu melena mientras te la modela al ritmo de tus deseos. Y en el gabinete de belleza te arregla de la cabeza a los piés. Calidad Schwarzkopf, trabajo cuidado y trato personal ¡Óle!”

GABINETE DE MEDICINA NATURAL C/ Albacete 1 pta2 (next to Plaza España) Mari Trini Romeu is a specialist in treatment for physical, psychic, emotional & spiritual pain and mental illnesses. Natural therapies, Bach flower treatment, Massage. Mari Trini es una especialista en Bionoeuroemoción, Terapias Naturales, Flores de Bach, Masajes. Tratamiento por dolencias y enfermedades fisicas, trastornos psiquicos y emocionales. By appointment Tel: 96 2555727/ Movil: 625 799 330 Email. maritriniromeu@gmail.com www.gabinetemedicinanatural.com PILATES CLASSES Movil: 687605722 Personal Trainers specialising in Pilates techniques for single or double classes. Reformer in our studio or at your home. Marta & Mike. HOSTELS

HOME (Zona Carmen) Pl. Vicente Iborra Tel: 96 391 37 97 C/ La Lonja, 4 Tel: 96 391 62 29 www.likeathome.net Two of the funkiest hostels in town, set in the heart of the centro histórico.

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Adri Castellanos Š 2016 24/ 7 Valencia

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replaced by one more member of the super-agent's brigade, Aymen Abdennour.

When Peter Lim took over Valencia CF and paid off their insurmountable debts, he became an instant hero with Valencia and their fans. At last, perhaps a saviour had been found. However, it soon became apparent that Lim's arrival came with an important caveat, and that was that the notorious ‘super-agent’ Jorge Mendes was part of the baggage.

The optimism the fans had at the beginning of last season quickly diminished as the on-field performances lacked vision and passion and the ‘socios’ were quickly defriending Lim, Mendes and their project.

Having been instrumental in securing Lim's services for Valencia, the Portuguese businessman was in no mood to stop there. The popular Juan Antonio Pizzi (who has just managed Chile to the Copa América title) was quickly replaced by the little-known Mendes protégé Nuno Santo Espírito. A steady stream of players represented by Mendes followed, in the shape of Enzo Pérez, Danilo, João Cancelo and Zakaria Bakkali. Otamendi (another Mendes product) was sold to Manchester City, to be consequently

be a long-term project. Performances continued to suffer as the season deepened and the divide between the fans and Lim grew wider. Their frustration was directed at Nuno and it was no surprise when he was reluctantly sacked by the owner.

Former players and fans alike were questioning the motives of the pair. Was Lim just using Valencia as a stepping stone for his true love, the Premier League? Did the loyalty of Mendes lie with the player rather than the club when it came to a potential transfer?

A chance to heal the rift by making a popular appointment was missed with the risky announcement that Gary Neville would take over the reins. In recent years, Valencia have had some great managers that have gone on to do excellent things at other clubs after being dismissed prematurely by Los Chés.

Project Lim had always been about buying young players with huge potential and grafting them together as a team over a number of years to create a club to once again challenge for La Liga and European silverware. One good season from Otamendi and he was gone, giving fans little confidence that standout players would stay for the completion of what was considered to

Claudio Ranieri has just won the league for Leicester, Pizzi has just given Chileans one of the greatest days of their lives by winning the Copa América. Unai Emery gave Sevilla a record threetimer in the Europa League before just landing a dream job with Paris St.Germain. Quique Sanchez-Flores and Ronald Koeman have overachieved at Watford and Southampton, respectively.

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The list is endless. The rumblings around the Mestalla were intense with the news Neville would be the new coach. Lim had previously invested in Salford City alongside the Manchester United class of ‘92. Phil Neville was already installed on the Valencia coaching staff and was this just another step to heighten his Premier League dream? An aborted effort to buy Liverpool in 2010 still leaves a bitter taste with the Singapore businessman, who is not used to losing out. The Neville experiment proved to be an unmitigated disaster, showing once again that punditry and coaching are two totally different animals. It seems that Valencia have now settled on Pako Ayestarán for the 2016-17 campaign. Season tickets have now gone on sale and the Valencia faithful continue to respond positively, despite a totally different perspective and feeling to this year's campaign after last year's debacle.

An early European match up with Monaco for a place in the Champion's League group spot has been replaced with friendly matches at Bournemouth and London against Crystal Palace. If the gossip is true, then Valencia are in line to sign another Mendes favourite. Nani, the former Manchester United star, is supposedly heading to Mestalla once the Euro championships are over. Speculation continues to mount over André Gomes, as the super-agent works the press for a lucrative move away. A poor Euro showing by the Portuguese midfielder has done little to persuade would-be suitors. With former club Benfica taking a quarter of any transfer fee, a deal may not take place for these reasons rather than Mendes and Lim taking a moral high ground to protect any potential transfer of one of Valencia's best players on his day. These two potential moves will be a good yardstick in indicating the true intentions of the Lim-Mendes partnership. Do they really plan to turn Valencia into a

top Euro club once again or is it just a stepping stone to the Premiership for Lim, and a feeder club for Mendes to put some of his representatives into the spotlight? Whether it is the former or the latter, it will take a lot to get the fans back on board and believing in the project. Their end-of-season whistles and boos after the last game loss against Real Sociedad will return very quickly to the Mestalla if there are many repeat home performances like the ones observed last season. The relationship between the fans and the head honchos at the club is very fractious at the moment. In order for compatibility to be restored, attractive football and positive results need to return on a regular basis and very quickly indeed… John Howden

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All photos Juan Ortega Š 2016 24/ 7 Valencia

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Could you tell us about your prizewinning book, ‘Motherland’?

TIMOTHY O’GRADY Tell us something your background and travels...

I’m from Chicago. When I was 21, someone offered me the use of a house on a deserted island off the coast of Donegal in Ireland. I expected to return from there to America but never did. I lived in Dublin, London, Valencia and now in the birthplace of Copernicus, Toruń, in Poland. It started as a romance and remained that way. How does living in Poland compare to living in Valencia, Spain?

Toruń has 700-year-old walls like Valencia. Unlike Valencia it has seasons, fabulous blooms in spring and crimsons and oranges in autumn and white winters. It is poorer. It is also greatly less voluble. Poles seem like whisperers compared to the Spanish. You recently presented the Spanish translation of ‘I Could Read the Sky’ in Valencia. What is the book about?

The Irish came in great numbers to Britain to rebuild it after the war. It is about one of those who did that, an old man looking back on music and work and what he loved and lost. The book is made of photographs and words.

That’s hard to compress. A fat, insecure, Irish clairvoyant goes walking through Irish history and landscape in search of himself and his nation and his missing mother. I’m not fat, nor clairvoyant, nor have a missing mother but somehow it was about me, I think. When I landed in Donegal I instinctively let my Americanness fade and began to look at Ireland. I’d been wanting but failing to write fiction in which I could believe for 10 years but felt like I caught something when the first sentences of this came to me. It was exciting, nervewracking. You have spent a large part of your life outside the USA. However, you returned to the land of your birth in ‘Divine Magnetic Lands’. Could you describe the experience?

I’d watched America in distress from a distance. Reagan distressed me. George Bush, Jr. distressed me far more. I thought they must have trawled the nation for the most appalling bottomfeeding fish they could find to form a government. I wondered what had gone wrong. I also had some yearning to be on the road in America. There’s no road like it that I know for making you feel you are passing through myth. It was rollicking and strange and eerily familiar and instructive and sometimes glorious. I wondered and still do how a nation filled with so many open, kind, pragmatic, unneurotic and astonishingly generous people could be so incapable of finding a viable form of government. I suppose the answer is that they do not govern. Lobbyists do, on behalf of the corporations that pay them. Your latest book is called ‘Children of Las Vegas’. What was your intention with this book?

I was in Las Vegas for two years, first on a fellowship and then to teach. It seemed like the Twilight Zone to me, everything orderly and in straight lines

but strangely empty and with an aura of the sinister in the air. There was furtiveness and anger, the kind of anger that perhaps has its origins in shame. One day my students began to talk of their lives – their parents stealing from them, falling apart from the various addictions it is the city’s business to offer. Many of them had had to raise themselves and their younger brothers and sisters from the time they were eight while their parents sat stupefied for days in front of machines into which they poured their rent and food and mortgage money. Las Vegas reverses nature in this and many other ways. It is so brassy and ostentatious and seems to demand that you write about it. I decided to make a book of testimonies of the people that really had authority, the people who had been watching it all their lives. I hope that those who read it think of what it is in us that brings into being such a place. Is golf more fun than gambling in casinos?

You ask, I suppose, because I wrote a book about golf. There’s no contest. I would rather clean sewers than gamble in a casino. We didn’t gamble a dime in the two years we were there. Golf, on the other hand, asks that you bring all your physical and mental strengths to it. It’s been a lifelong fascination. Gambling just asks that you bring your weaknesses. One of the things, incidentally, that I most miss about Valencia is the golf course at El Saler, a place so exquisitely beautiful and natural and intelligently arranged. Could you ever see yourself moving back to Spain or is ‘home’ the open road?

I go to Valencia because my children are there. I am very well in Toruń. We set out for jaunts short and long, but I love coming back. It – I mean the house, rather than the country or the city – feels like home in a way nothing else ever has. Interview by Owl

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CLUBLAND & FESTIVALS So these last couple of weeks have been… interesting, to say the least. A lot of unexpected things have happened, but all the more reason to turn a blind eye and go out and party. Yes, a very mature way of dealing with things, but this is the Clubland section of the guide, so if you want more serious matters, turn to page 99. Anyway, it’s summer, I know you can’t tell due to the disappointing weather, but it is, trust me. And what does that mean? It’s Festival time!! Now what exactly does that mean you say? I’ll tell you. It means it’s time to leave every responsibility and worries at home, get your shorts on, and get ready for endless days of music and fun! Let’s get started with some of the best festivals Spain has to offer, shall we? The first festival I’ll mention is one that’s new to me: Hyte Park (www. hyte.net). This is a series of concerts set at various locations throughout the world, starting on 2 July in New York, and ending on a high in Ibiza Amnesia on 10 August.

Now this is pure electro, so don’t go in thinking you’ll be having any sensible conversations with anyone, pure dance, loud music and well… you know Ibiza.. smoke machines, confetti and just way too many distractions to concentrate. Make sure to bring your vitamins and water, this one will be intense.

no, they didn’t pay me to say that…

Now I can’t remember exactly which city, or where in the city this next festival takes place, but Barcelona Beach Festival (bcnbeachfestival. com) is a must! Seriously, if the thought of being on a beach, with a massive stage and speakers spitting out some crazy bass at high volumes while the sun sets behind you doesn’t make you smile…well, this isn’t for you. But if it does, this is as close as you’ll get to the Brighton Beach gigs, but with better weather, and nicer beaches. The lineup is nothing special: Alesso, Ingrosso, David Guetta… yeah, I haven’t heard of them either.

well you can start off by going to Arenal

Check this one out for an absolutely unforgettable experience on 16 July! Found in the northern hills and mountains of Bilbao, BBK (bilbaobbklive.com) could be the most unusual destination of choice for a summer festival. But it’s well known and respected, with a great choice of bands to see. Aside from the great line up this summer, BBK is also known for its unique and stunning views, especially from the top of the hills on the campsite. The crowd is mainly Spanish, so if you’re looking to avoid the Brits this summer, this one could be for you. By far my favourite, for its diverse lineup, highlighting the best bands of the genres, its location (close to the beach) and the crowd it brings (mainly English and some Irish). The FIB (fiberfib. com) sets up tent from 14 to 17 July! This year could potentially be one of their best, but I am known for saying that every year, I simply love it and have nothing bad to say about it! And

This is probably the closest festival to Valencia, found in sunny Benicàssim at just an hour train ride away. Main

bands that are worthwhile include:

Kendrick Lamar, Muse, Mac DeMarco, Jess Glynne, Massive Attack and more!

Not quite sure what to do in August,

Sound (www.arenalsound.com). This is quite reasonably priced for the line-

up it has and its duration (from 4 until

7 August). If you’re a fan of electro,

then you’ll be happy to know that Vitalic is one of the headliners and so are

Crystal Castles. If however you’re more into mainstream pop/rock, Two Door

Cinema Club will be there. Similar to BBK, this one attracts a mainly Spanish

crowd, and quite a young one at that, so don’t expect walking down music

memory lane with anyone, as the oldest band they might know is 1D. It’s

still a laugh and a great way to spend a few days in the sun.

Personally, I think you will have a great

time no matter which festival you end

up going to, if any. As long as I’m out of the house and far from any media

outlets or televisions, I can’t hear

another thing about bloody ‘Game of Thrones’, Trump, England in (or out) of the euros. It’s been a crazy year

so far, and I need me some festival

magic to at least reach a high this year, before the inevitable comedown of September, when we have to go back to reality. On that note, I wish everyone

a great summer of 2016 and to make it as memorable as every other summer you’ve had so far.

For any information regarding ticket prices and sales, you can find them on their respected webpages! Peace out people! Wills Matt Article © 2016 24/ 7 Valencia

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AGUSTÍN TORRES Tell us something background.



rest and be well away from all the stress and noise and yet you are not too far away from Valencia either. The truth is that my family and I feel very happy to live in Alcàsser. It is a tranquil town with a culturally rich history.

I suppose you could say I am quite ‘Spanish’ in some ways, given that I was born in Valencia but my mother is from Castilla-La Mancha and my father is from Andalusia. I learned to love music from a very young age and I am a self-taught percussionist. Neither of my parents played an instrument but I certainly gained from being exposed to many types of music, in and out of the house, via the radio or television. There were plenty of tape cassettes at home including rumba, copla, pop, rock and more. I think that growing up listening to a variety of musical genres helped to open my mind, musically speaking. This is something that my wife and I try to transmit to our two sons, so that they will be open-minded in their lives as well as in their tastes in music. What is it like living in the small town of Alcàsser compared to the big city of Valencia?

Living in Alcàsser allows you the freedom of being able to relax and disconnect from the big city. You can

is an eclectic album, sung mostly by an 80-year-old singer who has been singing since the 1950s but has never ever recorded until now. The album includes cover versions ranging from Sinatra’s “Fly Me to the Moon” to Presley’s “Blue Suede Shoes” to AC/ DC’s “The Jack” (!) Can you tell us about your other job as a window cleaner in and around Valencia? Any anecdotes?

Could you tell us about your music projects?

At the moment, I am composing and preparing tracks as a drummer for my next album with the rock band Imagine, along with Patty Kitten and Loren D, as well as preparing some video clips. I am also playing cajón in a newish and fascinating project called ‘India Blues Folk Flamenco’ with a British guitarist and the Indian multi-instrumentalist called Manu Khalwa. Currently, I am touring the Valencia area as a cajón player to present the new album by Chris Wright & the Expendables. It

I normally try to start the day working in the morning as a window cleaner as early as possible so that I can have the afternoons free for my family and music rehearsals. I normally do window cleaning for local shops and some bars and restaurants around the city. With time, your clients become more like friends and family and, with some of them, it almost seems like we have grown up together. I have plenty of anecdotes but there is one that sticks in the mind. I was cleaning the windows of a bar and one of the customers asked the owner: “Isn’t that bloke from a famous rock band?” and the owner, quick as a flash, said: “Yes, he is in a famous group but when he gets bored he likes to clean windows!” That’s life... Love & Peace & Rock ‘n’ Roll!!!!!!!! Facebook: ImagineRockMusic


PALAU DE LA MÚSICA (Sala Rodrigo): Vein Trio & Dave Liebman 22.00h 17€ (Valencia Festival de Jazz). RADIO CITY: Esther Garcés, José Antonio de Torres, Yoni y Juan Carlos (flamenco) 22.30h 15€ con reserva. VIVEROS JARDINES: Quilapayún + Lucho Roa 20.30h 25€ (Feria Julio). WEDNESDAY / MIÉRCOLES 6

EL LOCO: Real Kids 21.00h 18€. PALAU DE LA MÚSICA (Sala Iturbi): Hermeto Pascoal e Grupo 22.00h 22€ y 17€ (Valencia Festival de Jazz). THURSDAY / JUEVES 7 BLACK NOTE: Dos Animales (pop – rock) 23.30h Gratis. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Manuel Serena, Esther Garcés, Alba Díaz y José A. de Torres (flamenco) 23.00h. JIMMY GLASS: Rebecca Nicole & Ricardo Curto Duo (jazz) 22.15h – 00.30h 4€ consumición. PALAU DE LA MÚSICA (Sala Rodrigo): The Big Team 22.00h 12€ (Valencia Festival de Jazz). RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis. VIVEROS JARDINES: Toquinho & Maria Creuza + Thaïs Morell Quintet 20.30h 35€ (Feria de Julio). FRIDAY / VIERNES 8 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Manuel Serena, Esther Garcés, Alba Díaz y José A. de Torres (flamenco) 23.00h. JIMMY GLASS: Voro García Quartet (jazz) 22.30h – 01.00h 4€ consumición. LA3: La1: Simian Mobile Disco DJ Set + Five Points + Ladrillövitz / Oven: Jessica Audiffred + Beauty Brain + Qwert 01.30h. MARENOSTRUM FESTIVAL (Alboraya): Alesso + Ale Mora + Ben Sims + Coyu + Don Diablo + Fatima Hadi + Gomad! & Monster + Marc Maya + Olivier Giacomotto + Valentino Khan + … 17.00h 3 Day Bono 43€. PALAU DE LA MÚSICA (Sala Iturbi): Orquestra de València + Sedajazz Ensemble 22.00h 10€ y 8€ (Valencia Festival de Jazz). 16 TONELADAS: Anaut + Kojaks 23.00h 7€ (anticipada) / 10€ (taquilla). VIVEROS JARDINES: Los Suaves + Desbandada 20.30h 25€ (Feria de Julio). SATURDAY / SÁBADO 9 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Manuel Serena, Esther Garcés, Alba Díaz y José A. de Torres (flamenco) 23.00h. EL LOCO: Ruta

46 22.30h 12€ con consumición. JIMMY GLASS: Gustav Lundgren Trio (jazz) 22.15h – 00.30h 4€ consumición. LA3: La1: Plan B + DJ Nexxa + Vesse / Oven: Canedo + Bolumar + Strambolic Groove + [Øne +1) 01.30h. MARENOSTRUM FESTIVAL (Alboraya): Alesso + Ale Mora + Ben Sims + Coyu + Don Diablo + Fatima Hadi + Gomad! & Monster + Marc Maya + Olivier Giacomotto + Valentino Khan + … 17.00h 3 Day Bono 43€. PALAU DE LA MÚSICA (Sala Iturbi): Perico Sambeat Big Band 22.00h 20€ y 15€ (Valencia Festival de Jazz). VIVEROS JARDINES: Senior i el Cor Brutal + Tórtel + Los Glurps!!! + Ley DJ 20.30h 8€ (Feria de Julio). SUNDAY / DOMINGO 10

CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Manuel Serena, Esther Garcés, Alba Díaz y José A. de Torres (flamenco) 20.00h. MARENOSTRUM FESTIVAL (Alboraya): Alesso + Ale Mora + Ben Sims + Coyu + Don Diablo + Fatima Hadi + Gomad! & Monster + Marc Maya + Olivier Giacomotto + Valentino Khan + … 17.00h 3 Day Bono 43€. PALAU DE LA MÚSICA (Sala Iturbi): Dómisol Sisters 21.30h 15€ y 11€ (Valencia Festival de Jazz) MONDAY / LUNES 11

PLAZA DE TOROS: Alejandro Sanz 19.00h 45€ y 55€. TUESDAY / MARTES 12

BLACK NOTE: Todo Aparenta Normal (rock alternativo) 20.30h 4€. PALAU DE LA MÚSICA (Sala Rodrigo): Carlos Gonzálbez & Fabio Miano Quintet 22.00h 12€ (Valencia Festival de Jazz). RADIO CITY: Ana Lloris, Manuel Serena, Ricardo Bustamante y José ‘El Negro’ (flamenco) 22.30h 15€ con reserva. WEDNESDAY / MIÉRCOLES 13

PALAU DE LA MÚSICA (Sala Rodrigo): Ramón Cardo & Nyora Boppers 22.00h 12€ (Valencia Festival de Jazz). VIVEROS JARDINES: Chambao 20.30h 25€ (Feria de Julio). THURSDAY / JUEVES 14

CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Ana Lloris, Yolanda López, Javi Calderón ‘El Tete’ y Manuel Reyes (flamenco) 23.00h. FIB FESTIVAL (Beniscàssim): Major Lazer + Skepta + Soulwax + Mr. Oizo + Hannah Wants + El Guincho + Rejjie Snow + Georgia + Anni B Sweet + John Grvy + Teleman +Perlita

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+ Amable +Extraperlo + Fuckaine + Marc Piñol + … 35€ / 147.50€ (4 Day Bono, 14 – 17 July). JIMMY GLASS: Jazz en directo 22.15h – 00.30h 4€ consumición. PALAU DE LA MÚSICA (Sala Iturbi): Juan Perro (Santiago Auserón) 22.00h 20€ y 15€ (Valencia Festival de Jazz). FRIDAY / VIERNES 15 BLACK NOTE: Funked Up + DJs tributo a Prince (funk –disco) 23.30h 4€ / 5€. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Ana Lloris, Yolanda López, Javi Calderón ‘El Tete’ y Manuel Reyes (flamenco) 23.00h. FIB FESTIVAL (Beniscàssim): Chemical Brothers + Biffy Clyro + Jamie XX + Vaccines + Band of Skulls + John Talabot (DJ Set) + Dorian + La Habitación Roja + The Magician + Hinds + Dan Deacon + OchoyMedio DJs + Kero Keo Bonito + Juventud Juché + Le Parody + … 50€ / 90€ (2 Day Bono 15 – 16 July) / 130€ (3 Day Bono, 15 – 17 July). JIMMY GLASS: Post-Festival Jam (jazz) 23.30h 4€ consumición. LA3: Golden Flamingo 01.30h. PALAU DE LA MÚSICA (Sala Rodrigo): Iván ‘Melón’ Lewis Tentet 22.00h 15€ (Valencia Festival de Jazz). RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis. 16 TONELADAS: Antiguo Régimen + Perralobo + Terrier 23.00h 10€. VIVEROS JARDINES: Muchachito Bombo Infierno 20.30h 15€ (Feria Julio). SATURDAY / SÁBADO 16 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Ana Lloris, Yolanda López, Javi Calderón ‘El Tete’ y Manuel Reyes (flamenco) 23.00h. EL LOCO: Cantropus Blues Band 22.30h 8€. FIB FESTIVAL (Beniscàssim): Muse + Disclosure + Bloc Party + Kills + Echo & the Bunnymen + The Coral + Breakbot + Zahara + La Femme + Delorean + Walking on Cars + Ryan Hemsworth + Louisianahhh + Three Trapped Tigers + Soledad Vélez + Shivas + Dreaming of Ziggy Stardust + Rámirez Exposure + Hal9000 + … 60€ / 90€ (2 Day Bono, 16 – 17 July). JIMMY GLASS: Post-Festival Jam (jazz) 23.30h 4€ consumición. LA3: Pau Roca / Basement + Five Points 01.30h. PALAU DE LA MÚSICA (Sala Iturbi): Charles Lloyd New Quartet 22.00h 30€ y 23€ (Valencia Festival de Jazz). VIVEROS JARDINES: John Acquaviva + Kostrok + Mr. West + Aapaes + Boranimals + Electrronicall + … 20.30h 12€ (Feria Julio). SUNDAY / DOMINGO 17 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Ana Lloris, Yolanda Agenda © 2016 24/ 7 Valencia

46 twentyfoursevenvalencia López, Javi Calderón ‘El Tete’ y Manuel Reyes (flamenco) 20.00h. FIB FESTIVAL (Beniscàssim): Kendrick Lamar + Massive Attack + Maccabees + The 1975 + Catfish and the Bottleman + Jess Glynne + Mac DeMarco + DJ Shadow + Snakehips + Tijuana Panthers + Daniel Avery + Chicano Bulls + Gato + … 50€. MONDAY / LUNES 18 RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis. TUESDAY / MARTES 19 BLACK NOTE: Veliriam (rock) 20.00h 3€. RADIO CITY: Irene de la Rosa, Miguel de Kallardo, Alba Díaz y Valeriano González (flamenco) 22.30h 15€ con reserva. VIVEROS JARDINES: Steve Vai 20.30h 30€ (Feria de Julio). WEDNESDAY / MIÉRCOLES 20 RADIO CITY: Reggae Jam Session 22.30h / Jamrock DJ Session 24.00h Gratis. VIVEROS JARDINES: Melody Gardot 21.00h 25€ (Feria de Julio). THURSDAY / JUEVES 21 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Isabel Julve, Júlia Gimeno y Kike Naval (flamenco) 23.00h. JIMMY GLASS: Bea Estévez Trio (jazz) 22.15h – 00.30h 4€ consumición. RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h. VIVEROS JARDINES: Aspencat + Green Valley + Auxili (reggae) 20.30h 10€ (Feria de Julio). FRIDAY / VIERNES 22 BLACK NOTE: Big C & Prawns (rock – soul) 23.30h 4€. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Isabel Julve, Júlia Gimeno y Kike Naval (flamenco) 23.00h. EL LOCO: Laboratorio Funk 22.30h 5€. JIMMY GLASS: Jazz en directo (jazz) 22.30h – 01.00h 4€ consumición. LA3: DJ Soak + Dope Deluxx + Rudy Henderson 01.30h. RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis. VIVEROS JARDINES: El Barrio 20.30h 30€ (Feria de Julio). SATURDAY / SÁBADO 23 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Isabel Julve, Júlia Gimeno y Kike Naval (flamenco) 23.00h. JIMMY GLASS: Jazz en directo (jazz) 22.15h – 00.30h 4€ consumición. LA3: Closing Oven con Five Points + Gregori 01.30h. 16 TONELADAS: Watusi Dance Party con Los Blancos + Ruth Baker Band 23.00h 10€ / Combo Bono con Closing Party entrada (30/7) 14€. VIVEROS JARDINES: Julian Marley + Mediterranean Roots + Candela Roots + Sr. Wilson & Island Defenders (reggae) 20.30h 10€ (Feria de Julio). Agenda © 2016 24/ 7 Valencia

SUNDAY / DOMINGO 24 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Isabel Julve, Júlia Gimeno y Kike Naval (flamenco) 20.00h. VIVEROS JARDINES: The Orchestra (w/ former members Electric Light Orchestra) 20.30h 40€ (Feria de Julio). MONDAY / LUNES 25 RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis. VIVEROS JARDINES: Gloria Gaynor + Erin Corine and Radio Souls 20.30h 40€ (Feria de Julio). TUESDAY / MARTES 26 JIMMY GLASS: Jazz en directo (jazz) 20.45h 10€ mínimo Aforo Limitado. RADIO CITY: Carlos Ruíz, José Antonio Torres, Tomás de los Cariño y Tomás de los Cariño, Jr. (flamenco) 22.30h 15€ con reserva. WEDNESDAY / MIÉRCOLES 27 BLACK NOTE: Jam Black (jam session) 23.30h Gratis. RADIO CITY: Reggae Jam Session 22.30h / Jamrock DJ Session 24.00h Gratis. THURSDAY / JUEVES 28 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Manuel Serena, Daniel ‘El Tarrero’, Tomás de los Cariño y Juan de Pilar (flamenco) 23.00h. IBOGA SUMMER FESTIVAL (Tavernes de la Valldigna): Goran Bregović + Alpha Blondy + Bad Manners + Dub FX + Slackers + Kultur Shock + Bohemian Betyars + Al Jawala + … 14.00h 22€ / 3 Day Bono 49€. JIMMY GLASS: Jazz en directo (jazz) 22.15h – 00.30h 4€ consumición. 16 TONELADAS: Moreland & Arbuckle + Tres Hombres 22.30h 13€ / 17€. VIVEROS JARDINES: Xavi Castillo y A-Phonics + Óscar Briz 20.30h 12€ (Feria de Julio). FRIDAY / VIERNES 29 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Manuel Serena, Daniel ‘El Tarrero’, Tomás de los Cariño y Juan de Pilar (flamenco) 23.00h. IBOGA SUMMER FESTIVAL (Tavernes de la Valldigna): Goran Bregović + Alpha Blondy + Bad Manners + Dub FX + Slackers + Kultur Shock + Bohemian Betyars + Al Jawala + … 14.00h 22€ / 3 Day Bono 49€. JIMMY GLASS: Jazz en directo (jazz) 22.30h – 01.00h 4€ consumición. LOW FESTIVAL (Benidorm): Belle and Sebastian + Hot Chip + Love of Lesbian + León Benavente + Monarchy + Dwarves + Nastys + Vera Green + ElyElla DJs + Zephyr Bones +

… 18.00h 40€ / 3 Day Bono 69€. RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis. 16 TONELADAS: Strawmen + Sextynice 23.00h 8€. VIVEROS JARDINES: Illegales + Vicentes 20.30h 16€ / 20€ (Feria Julio). SATURDAY / SÁBADO 30 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Esther Garcés, Daniel ‘El Tarrero’, Tomás de los Cariño y Juan de Pilar (flamenco) 23.00h. IBOGA SUMMER FESTIVAL (Tavernes de la Valldigna): Goran Bregović + Alpha Blondy + Bad Manners + Dub FX + Slackers + Kultur Shock + Bohemian Betyars + Al Jawala + … 14.00h 22€ / 3 Day Bono 49€. JIMMY GLASS: Jazz en directo 22.15h – 00.30h 4€ consumición. LOW FESTIVAL (Benidorm): Suede + Los Planetas + Peaches + Black Lips + Niños Mutantes + La Habitación Roja + St. Chinarro + Novedades Carminha + Les Grys-Grys + Suicide of Western Culture + … 18.00h 42€ / 3 Day Bono 69€. RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis. 16 TONELADAS: Closing Party con Midnight Kings + Le Grand Miércoles 23.00h 8€ / Combo Bono con Watusi Party entrada (23/7) 14€. VIVEROS JARDINES: Raimundo Amador + Baron Dandy y Sus Rumberos 20.30h 15€ / 20€ (Feria de Julio). SUNDAY / DOMINGO 31 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Manuel Serena, Daniel ‘El Tarrero’, Tomás de los Cariño y Juan de Pilar (flamenco) 20.00h. LOW FESTIVAL (Benidorm): Vetusta Morla + Kooks + 091 + Miami Horror + Xoel López + Marky Ramone’s Blitzkrieg + Javiera Mena + Miss Caffeina + El Último Vecino + Las Ruinas + Jupiter Lions DJs… 18.00h 40€ / 3 Day Bono 69€.

AUGUST/ AGOSTO TUESDAY / MARTES 2 ARENAL SOUND (Burriana): DJs from Mars + Grises + Ley DJ + El Último Vecino + The River + Radness 18.00h 6 Day Bono 35€. RADIO CITY: Flamenco en directo (flamenco) 22.30h 15€ con reserva. WEDNESDAY / MIÉRCOLES 3 ARENAL SOUND (Burriana): Delorean + Belako + Dorian DJ + Carmen Boza + Pol + Tea Party DJs 18.00h 6 Day Bono 35€. THURSDAY / JUEVES 4

ARENAL SOUND (Burriana): Crystal

twentyfoursevenvalencia 47 Fighters + Vitalic Live + Vicetone + La Raíz + Fuel Fandango + Miguel Campello + Eyes of Providence + … 18.00h 6 Day Bono 35€. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Manuel Serena, Esther Garcés, Tomás de los Cariño y José A. de Torres (flamenco) 23.00h. FRIDAY / VIERNES 5

ARENAL SOUND (Burriana): Kaiser Chiefs + Crystal Castles + Borgore + Fangoria + Manel + Miami Horror + L.A. + Parade of Lights + High Tyde + … 18.00h 6 Day Bono 35€. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Manuel Serena, Esther Garcés, Tomás de los Cariño y José A. de Torres (flamenco) 23.00h. SATURDAY / SÁBADO 6

ARENAL SOUND (Burriana): Two Door Cinema Club + Kodaline + Galantis + Felix Jaehn + Second + Miss Caffeina + I’m From Barcelona + Space Elephants … 18.00h 6 Day Bono 35€. BENIDORM (Estadio de Fútbol): David Guetta 20.00h 55€. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Manuel Serena, Esther Garcés, Juanma Maya y José A. de Torres (flamenco) 23.00h. SUNDAY / DOMINGO 7

ARENAL SOUND (Burriana): Hives + Steve Aoki + Izal + Gran Pegatina + Carlos Sadness + Edu Imbernon + Zombie Kids + Mediyama + Mesh + … 18.00h 6 Day Bono 35€. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Manuel Serena, Esther Garcés, Tomás de los Cariño y José A. de Torres (flamenco) 20.00h. WEDNESDAY / MIÉRCOLES 10 EL LOCO: Gigolo Aunts 21.00h 20€ / 25€. RADIO CITY: Jamrock DJ Session 23.00h Gratis. THURSDAY / JUEVES 11

CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Rosa Sanz, Yolanda López, Javier Calderón ‘El Tete’ y Manuel Reyes (flamenco) 23.00h. FRIDAY / VIERNES 12 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Rosa Sanz, Yolanda López, Javier Calderón ‘El Tete’ y Manuel Reyes (flamenco) 23.00h. SATURDAY / SÁBADO 13 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Rosa Sanz, Yolanda López, Javier Calderón ‘El Tete’ y Manuel Reyes (flamenco) 23.00h. ROTOTOM SUNSPLASH (Beniscàssim): Marcia Griffiths + Michael Rose + Macaco +

Assassin AKA Agent Sasco +Camouflage Sound + Lion Sitte + Sattas + Word, Sound & Power + Imperial Sound Army + … 14.00h 33€ / 8 Day Bono 200€. SUNDAY / DOMINGO 14 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Rosa Sanz, Yolanda López, Javier Calderón ‘El Tete’ y Manuel Reyes (flamenco) 20.00h. ROTOTOM SUNSPLASH (Beniscàssim): Big Mountain + IJahman Levi + Israel Vibration + Green Valley + Yard Beat + Uppertones + Maasai Warrior + Fat Bird Recordings + …14.00h 33€ / 7 Day Bono 175€. MONDAY / LUNES 15

ROTOTOM SUNSPLASH (Beniscàssim): Alborosie + Kabaka Pyramid + Morgan Heritage + Daniel Bambaata Marley + Mr Aya + Shanty + Black Star Foundation + Marla Brown + El Chamuyo + Mad Professor + Echo Chamber Roots HiFi + Channel One + … 14.00h 33€ / 6 Day Bono 150€. TUESDAY / MARTES 16

ROTOTOM SUNSPLASH (Beniscàssim): Damian Marley + Pablo Moses + Jah9 + Ziggi Recado & the Force + Chronic Sound + Almamegretta + Rebel Roots + Sistah Awa + Manu Digital + Irie Souljah + Greenlight Sound System + … 14.00h 33€ / 5 Day Bono 125€. WEDNESDAY / MIÉRCOLES 17

ROTOTOM SUNSPLASH (Beniscàssim): Dub Inc + Inner Circle + Congos + Skarra Mucci + Freddie Krueger + Balooba Sound + Païaka + Iration Steppas + Mackie Banton + … 14.00h 33€ / 4 Day Bono 100€. THURSDAY / JUEVES 18 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Carlos Ruíz y Su Gente (flamenco) 23.00h. ROTOTOM SUNSPLASH (Beniscàssim): Manu Chao & La Ventura + Alaine + Dean Fraser + Tarrus Riley + Warrior Sound Intl + Brixton Heights + Alerta Kamarada + Jah Shaka + …14.00h 33€ / 3 Day Bono 85€. FRIDAY / VIERNES 19 ROTOTOM SUNSPLASH (Beniscàssim): Beres Hammond + Junior Kelly + Wailing Souls + Randy Valentine + Raphael + Jahcoustix + Sud Sound System + Bass Odyssey + Charly Black + North East Ska Jazz Orchestra + Jah Observer + Blackboard Jungle + … 14.00h 33€ / 2 Day Bono 60€.

SATURDAY / SÁBADO 20 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Carlos Ruíz y Su Gente (flamenco) 23.00h. ROTOTOM SUNSPLASH (Beniscàssim): Tiken Jah Fakoly + Freddie McGregor + Stephen di Genius + Chino McGregor + Max Romeo + Yaniss Odua + Volodia + Sentinel + Jamie Rodigan + Skints + Shanti Powa Orchestra + Stand High Patrol + Legal Shot Sound + Sensi T 14.00h 33€. THURSDAY / JUEVES 25 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Manuel Serena, Ana Lloris, Esther Garcés, Alba Díaz y José A. de Torres (flamenco) 23.00h. FRIDAY / VIERNES 26 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Manuel Serena, Ana Lloris, Esther Garcés, Alba Díaz y José A. de Torres (flamenco) 23.00h. RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis. SATURDAY / SÁBADO 27 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Manuel Serena, Ana Lloris, Esther Garcés, Alba Díaz y José A. de Torres (flamenco) 23.00h. SUNDAY / DOMINGO 28 CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Manuel Serena, Ana Lloris, Esther Garcés, Alba Díaz y José A. de Torres (flamenco) 20.00h. MONDAY / LUNES 29 RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis. TUESDAY / MARTES 30 JIMMY GLASS: Jazz en directo (jazz) 20.45h Aforo Limitado. RADIO CITY: Flamenco en directo (flamenco) 22.30h 15€ con reserva. WEDNESDAY / MIÉRCOLES 31 BLACK NOTE: Jam Black (jam session) 23.30h Gratis. RADIO CITY: Reggae Jam Session 22.30h / Jamrock DJ Session 24.00h Gratis.


Véronica Llavero y Su Gente (flamenco)

23.00h. JIMMY GLASS: Jazz en directo

22.30h – 01.00h 4€ consumición. RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis.

Agenda © 2016 24/ 7 Valencia


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