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Please explain to us about your choice of tapas and drinks? We offer a varied menu with home-cooked food that has its focus on vegetarian and vegan food. We also have homemade desserts. As for drinks, we have for example ‘kombuxa’, which is an organic fermented tea that we serve directly from the tap so it comes out fresh and we avoid the waste of so many containers. It is a healthy alternative to the soft drinks that are on the market. Apart from that, we have natural juices and smoothies and artisan Valencian wines and beers. Digital nomads who are also readers of ‘24/7 Valencia’ would like to CAFÉ ARTYSANA - EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW know if you have Wi-Fi? 24/7 Valencia: What is your philo- local community. That’s why, whe- Yes, we have Wi-Fi. never we can, we choose Valencian sophy? Café Artysana: We believe in good products. That includes our food, coInterview by 24/7 Valencia team coffee, that kind of coffee that ffee, wine, beer and also the artists makes you take a deep breath when who make our cafeteria a special you smell it and that, with the first place. sip, it already makes you feel better. ArtySana puts its focus on healthy We believe in good food that is ho- food. Our ingredients are pure and memade, healthy and tasty, prepared the simple recipes are the combinawith local and fresh ingredients and tion that makes food so delicious. We offer a variety of vegetarian, vea lot of love. gan and fish options with gluten-free We believe that only one true cultu- options, so that anyone can enjoy re consists, which is to have a good a good choice of dishes, whatever heart and to give welcome with open their diet may be. arms to anyone no matter what or where they come from or what lan- Can you tell us about your activities? guage they speak. At Café Artysana there are events We believe in talent, any kind of ta- every weekend. Every Friday from lent that people want to share with 19.30h we have our language exCAFÉ ARTYSANA others. We believe in promoting ta- change. Anyone who wants to pracCalle Dénia, 49 tice a new language and meet new lent and to give a Zona Ruzafa platform to artists, including musi- people is very welcome. Every SaValencia cians, poets, photographers, writers turday we change the type of event. Tuesday - Thursday 10h -21h or others. We believe that a piece of We have live music, wine tastings or Friday - Saturday 10h - 24h a delicious cake can make anyone artisan beers, our Cinema and Dinner Sunday 10h -16h night or a night of poetry, art and musmile. Closed Mondays sic. There is also a book club every At ‘Café ArtySana’ we believe in the last Saturday of the month. Article © 2020 24/7 Valencia

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