DKM Economic Consultants is one of the longest established consultancies in Ireland, with over 35 years’ experience of assisting clients with a broad range of research services.
With commercial law becoming more complex, lawyers need the best analytical tools available to them. Economics can provide robust, empirical, and well-established approaches that can improve legal arguments and, ultimately, client outcomes. DKM Economic Consultants is a leader in the application of these approaches.
EXPERIENce DKM’s clients include many of the largest private and public sector companies in Ireland, as well as Government Departments, Local Authorities and State agencies. The firm has built up expertise across several sectors of the Irish economy, including Construction and Housing, Energy, Health, Transport, Markets and Competition, the Environment, Financial Services, Socio-economic and Regional Development, and Demographics. As examples, DKM has applied its knowledge of law and economics to undertake the following studies: • Assessments of competition in the crosschannel cargo sectors, air and sea transport sectors, and the taxi industry; • An assessment of market structures in the household waste management sector, and, specifically, the pros and cons of competition for the market versus competition in the market; • The financial implications of re-structuring and funding of, and private sector
participation in, health services (e.g. nursing homes and primary healthcare centres); • Policy and regulatory analysis studies across a range of sectors, as well as for Oireachtas Committees, including studies on the economic implications of a retrospective ban on ‘upwards only’ rent reviews, the economics of copyright law, and the regulation of gambling; • Expert witness in judicial reviews of proposed industry reorganisations of the sugar industry, the waste management sector, and local authority development contribution schemes; • Expert witness in a wide range of loss of earnings/profits cases involving individuals and companies. In addition to the above, DKM publishes quarterly reports on the economy (‘Economy Watch’), the Dublin economy, property market trends and the economic environment for SMEs.
services DKM can assist law firms in numerous areas, including merger control, foreign direct investment, and commercial litigation. For more information on these and other DKM services, please visit www.dkm.ie
DKM can assist in the merger notification process by predicting a proposed merger’s likely market effects. This can cover market definition and market concentration, as well as the anticipated impacts on competitors, customers, and products. These approaches are particularly beneficial during Phase II investigations, when regulators investigate merger effects in greater detail.
Multinationals that engage with law firms with regard to investing in Ireland and that require on-the-ground economic input can gain from DKM’s services. Analysing markets and assessing economic impacts are approaches of specific use to muiltinationals. DKM liaises with law firms to provide an inter-disciplinary service to best inform investment decisions. The firm has worked with a broad range of multinationals on a number of investment-related projects.
Litigation and dispute resolution transcends all areas of law, both domestic and international. Economic perspectives add theory and empirics to both traditional ligitation and dispute resolution approaches and can afford law firms a competitive advantage. DKM’s tools are of use in planning, environmental, and regulatory cases, amongst others. The firm’s staff has significant experience acting as expert witnesses in damages assessments and loss of earnings.
DKM’s point of contact for law firms is Daragh Mc Greal. Daragh has a PhD in law and economics and has worked with lawyers, international organisations, and research centres across both economics and law. To arrange a discussion about DKM’s services and how we can help you, contact Daragh at daragh.mcgreal@dkm.ie or on 01-6144492
DKM Economic Consultants Ltd., Office 6 Grand Canal Wharf, South Dock Road, Ringsend, Dublin 4, D04 PC84, Ireland. Telephone: 01-6670372. Email: info@dkm.ie. www.dkm.ie