Curriculum Vitae 2011

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carrer cau de la guineu, 3 08272 Sant Fruitos de Bages (Barcelona) Spain carrer Maria, 9 08012 Barcelona Spain


+34 690 216461 Italian

23 February 1983 February 2010 /... postgraduation master in Landscape Architecture at ETSAB of Barcelona October 2010 /January 2011 course at postgraduation master in engineering of natural resources at EPSEM of Manresa MINING AND GEOLOGICAL HERITAGE AS A NATURAL RESOUCE professors: Josep Mata, David Parcerisa October 2006 / October 2009 Landscape Architecture degree at IUAV University of Venice final vote: 110/110 with distinction and pubblication right 26 October 2009 graduation project in Landscape Architecture at IUAV university of Venice: DONA(U)VAN A MOVING PROJECT ALONG DANUBE SHIFTING LANDSCAPES with: Matteo Carli and Alberto Oss Pegorar professors: Stefano Munarin, Paolo Ceccon, Laura Zampieri **published at: **conference at: “SULLA RIVA DEL FIUME: DIALOGHI TRA CITTA’ E ACQUA” international forum the 4 december 2009 in Trento “BLUE IN ARCHITECTURE” : 29 october 2010, Venice 20 september / 4 october 2009 Summer School Delta del Pò “COSTRUZIONE DI SCENARI IN TERRITORI FRAGILI” Erasmus Intensive Program with: IUAV Venice University Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona University of Architecture and Urbanism “Ion Mincu” Bucharest Deft University of Technology September 2007 / June 2008 Erasmus interchange program in Liége (Belgium) architecture courses at Institut Supérieur d’Architecture Saint-Luc de Liège; sculpture and photography courses at Ecole Supérieure des Arts Saint Luc de Liége; March 2007 / July 2007 IUAV landscape architecture degree - project 2 ANTHROPIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL RE-APPROPRATON FOR AN EX-RAIL YARD IN TREVISO with: Matteo Carli and Alberto Oss Pegorar professors: Paolo Ceccon, Michela De Poli, Luigi Latini; **published in: Paolo Ceccon e Michela De Poli (a cura di), TREVISO SINTESI 2008 - vuoti a rendere, Antiga Edizioni, Treviso, 2009, pagg. 56-81; **exposition: IUAV selected project for schools exposition at “5 Biennal Europea de paisatge de Barcelona” in 2008 October 2006 / February 2007 IUAV landscape architecture degree - project 1 NEW SCENARIOUS FOR THERMAL TOURISM IN MONTECATINI TERME with: Matteo Carli and Alberto Oss Pegorar professors: Renato Bocchi, Enrico Fontanari, Paolo Burgi **published in: Paola Cavallini e Chiara Azzali (a cura di), SITUAZIONI DI PAESAGGIO architetura e paesaggio a Montecatini Terme, Gangemi Editore, Roma, 2009, pagg. 28-29; 14 February 2008 / 1 March 2008 partecipation at Itinerant Workshop in Rome and Beograd PLANS AND SLUMS event promoted by Stalker-Osservatorio Nomade with the partecipation of: Roma Tre Architecture University Deft University of Technology Belgrade University KTH Stockholm UN Habitat Office Belgrade



... education

October 2005 / December 2005 partecipation to Art Atelier at Visual Art Faculty of IUAV University of Venice SETTEMARI professor: Lorenzo Romito **published at:

October 2002 / March 2006 undergraduated “Scienze 2005 dell’Architettura” at IUAV University of Venice Octoberdegree 2005 /on December ... education final vote 110/110 points partecipation to Art Atelier at Visual Art Faculty of IUAV University of Venice SETTEMARI October 1997 / July 2002 professor: Lorenzo Romito secondary school diploma at “Liceo Niccolò Tron of Schio (VI)“ with emphasis on October 2005 / December October 2005 / December 2005 October 2005 / December 2005 **published at: Scientifico ... education ... education scientific technical subjects partecipation to Artpartecipation Atelier at Visual Art Faculty of IUAV University Venice to Art Atelier atand Visual Art Faculty of IUAV University Venice partecipation to Art Atelier atofVisual Art Faculty of IUAV University of Venice final vote 80/100 points SETTEMARI SETTEMARI SETTEMARI October 2002 / March 2006 professor: Lorenzoprofessor: Romito Lorenzo Romito professor: Lorenzo Romito undergraduated degree on “Scienze dell’Architettura” at IUAV University of Venice **published at: **published at: **published at: final vote 110/110 points

October 1997 2002 October 2002 / March 2006 October 2002 / March 20062010 / January October 2002 // July March 2006 WORK October 2011 secondary school diploma “Liceo of University Schio (VI)“ofwith emphasis on undergraduated degree on “Scienzedegree dell’Architettura” IUAV University of Venice undergraduated on “Scienze dell’Architettura” at IUAV University ofScientifico Venice NiccolòatTron undergraduated degree on “Scienze dell’Architettura” IUAV Venice collaboration withatDr. Josep Font Soldevila ofat UPC for: scientific technical subjects final vote 110/110 points final vote 110/110 points final voteand 110/110 points ANALYSIS OF SALTY GROUNDWATERS OF BAGES DISTRICT final points measuring thevote level80/100 of groundwater and collecting water samples to control the salinity of Bages October 1997 / July 2002 1997 / July 2002 October October 1997 / July 2002 district’s groundwaters secondary school diploma at “Liceo Tron of Schio (VI)“ Tron with emphasis on with secondary schoolScientifico diploma atNiccolò “Liceo Scientifico Niccolò of Schio (VI)“ emphasis on Tron of Schio (VI)“ with emphasis on secondary school diploma at “Liceo Scientifico Niccolò B24 HIGHWAY’S TUNNEL IN VALLIRANA scientific and technical subjects scientific and technical subjects scientific and technical subjects measuring with geophisics instrumentation and report in a 3d model the results and other final vote 80/100 points final vote 80/100 points final vote 80/100 points interpretation WORK October 2010 /or...datas, due to improve the construction process and build up a complex storyboard of the yard collaboration with Dr. Josep Font Soldevila of UPC for: ANALYSIS OF SALTY GROUNDWATERS OF BAGES DISTRICT measuring the level of groundwater and collecting water samples to control the salinity WORK WORK October 2010 / ... October 2010 / ... October 2010 / ... district’s groundwaters January 2006 / October 2006 collaboration with Dr. Josep Fontwith Soldevila of UPC for: collaboration Dr. Josep Fontwith Soldevila of/ Osservatorio UPC for: collaboration with Dr. Josep Font Soldevila of UPCfor for:the projects: B24 HIGHWAY’S TUNNEL IN VALLIRANA collaboration Stalker Nomade cultural association ANALYSIS OF SALTY GROUNDWATERS OF BAGES DISTRICT measuring with geophisics instrumentation andBAGES report inDISTRICT a 3d model the results and oth ANALYSIS OF SALTY GROUNDWATERS OF BAGES DISTRICT ANALYSIS OF SALTY GROUNDWATERS OF ON_CORVIALE NETWORK measuring the levelmeasuring of groundwater andofcollecting water samples to the control the of Bages the level groundwater and collecting water samples to the salinity ofwater Bages measuring level of salinity groundwater and collecting samplesand to control the salinity interpretation or datas, dueinabitants, to control improve the construction exploration, meeting aiding the web-siteprocess project and build up a comple partecipating at various district’s groundwaters district’s groundwaters district’s groundwaters of the yard construction, working for some publication and exposition. B24 HIGHWAY’S TUNNEL IN VALLIRANA B24 HIGHWAY’S TUNNEL IN VALLIRANA B24 HIGHWAY’S TUNNEL IN VALLIRANA **exposition: Dynamic City at National Architecture Institute of Rotterdam in March 2006. measuring with geophisics instrumentation and report in a 3d model the results other measuring with geophisics instrumentation and report in a 3dand model the results and other measuring with geophisics instrumentation and report in a 3d model the results and oth **published at: interpretation or datas, due to improve thedue construction process and build up a complex storyboard interpretation or datas, to improve the construction process build up the a complex storyboard interpretation or datas, dueand to improve construction process and build up a complex January 2006 / October 2006 ON_CAMPAGNA ROMANA of the yard of the yard of the yard / Osservatorio association aiding for the the projects: aiding thecollaboration organization,with theStalker production of various Nomade materials,cultural doing exploration, ON_CORVIALE NETWORK blog and the web site construction and partecipating to the 1 week collective exploration. partecipating at various exploration, meeting inabitants, aiding the web-site project and **published at: January 2006 / October 2006 January 2006 / October 2006 January 2006 / October 2006 construction, working for some publication and exposition. collaboration with Stalker / Osservatorio Nomade culturalcollaboration association for the projects: collaboration with Stalker / Osservatorio Nomade**exposition: cultural association for City the projects: with Stalker / Osservatorio association forofthe projects: in March 20 Dynamic atNomade Nationalcultural Architecture Institute Rotterdam ON_CORVIALE NETWORK ON_CORVIALE NETWORK ON_CORVIALE NETWORK **published at: exploration, meeting inabitants,meeting aiding the web-site project and partecipating at various exploration, inabitants, aiding the web-sitemeeting project and partecipating at various exploration, inabitants, aiding the web-site project and partecipating Italian MOTHER TONGUEat various ON_CAMPAGNA ROMANA construction, working for some publication exposition. construction, working forand some publication and construction, working forthe some publication and exposition. aiding theexposition. organization, production of various materials, doing exploration, aiding th **exposition: Dynamic City at National Architecture Institute of Rotterdam in March 2006. **exposition: Dynamic City at National Architecture Institute ofCity Rotterdam in March 2006. Institute **exposition: Dynamic at National Architecture Rotterdam in March 20 blog and the web site construction and partecipating to the 1 of week collective exploratio **published at: **published at: **published **published at: at: ON_CAMPAGNA English ROMANA ON_CAMPAGNA ROMANA ON_CAMPAGNA ROMANA OTHER LANGUAGES aiding the organization, of various materials, the aidingthe theproduction organization, the production of doing various materials, doing exploration, thematerials, doing exploration, aiding th aiding theexploration, organization, the production ofaiding various understandig speaking writing aiding blog and the web site and to the 1 week collective exploration. blogconstruction and the webgood sitepartecipating construction and partecipating togood the 1construction week collective blog and the web site and exploration. partecipating to the 1 week collective exploratio very good very **published at: **published at: **published at: Italian MOTHER TONGUE French


understandig eccellent



Italian English understandig eccellent

French Spanish EnglishOTHER LANGUAGES English understandig understandig speaking writing understandig speaking good very good good very good very good good


speaking very good

writing very good

speaking understandig very good very good

writing speaking basic good

writing very good

understandig speaking writing understandig eccellent basic very good

speaking writing speaking very good basic good

writing writing very good very good

Catalan French understandig speaking speaking writing understandig speaking writing understandig speaking very good eccellent very good eccellent very good very good eccellent very good COMPUTER SKILLS AND Autocad_very good Catalan Spanish Catalan Catalan Photoshop / Illustrator/ InDesign_very good COMPETENCES understandig speaking writing understandig speaking understandig speaking writing understandig speaking Office Packet_good basic very Microsoft good basic eccellent basicgood very good very good eccellent eccellent Flash and Dreamweaver_good Spanish Spanish Final Cut_good Spanish understandig speaking writing understandig speaking writing understandig speaking Vectorworks_good basic basic good basic basic good good COMPUTER SKILLS AND Autocad_very good COMPETENCES Photoshop / Illustrator/ InDesign_very good Microsoft Office Packet_good Flash and Dreamweaver_good Autocad_very ND good good ER SKILLS ANDgoodAutocad_very COMPUTER SKILLS AND Autocad_very Final Cut_good Photoshop / Illustrator/ InDesign_very good Photoshop / Illustrator/ InDesign_very Photoshop good / Illustrator/ InDesign_very good ES COMPETENCES COMPETENCES Vectorworks_good Microsoft Office Packet_good Microsoft Office Packet_good Microsoft Office Packet_good French

French understandig eccellent

Flash and Dreamweaver_good Flash and Dreamweaver_good Final Cut_good Final Cut_good

Flash and Dreamweaver_good Final Cut_good

writing writing basic very good writing writing basic basic writing basic

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