Conscious Life Free Online Mag Nov 2017 Ed 40

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Conscious Life Magazine

Dearest Conscious Life Friends I hope that you are all doing fantastically!! And if you are not, make a move, make a change.. You are not a tree!!

My Abby Abyssinian Body Oil

That is certainly what I have been doing over the past few months, And while it can sometimes be a hard journey, it certainly is worthwhile when you follow your souls calling. One of the aspects of my life that I am currently working on is my physical health. Whilst I am generally healthy, (I don’t eat meat, animal fats, sodas etc), I had been having far too much bread, salted crisps and chocolates. That is until I started on Prof Celene Bernstein’s 4 Week Detox Programme earlier this week. It has been a little bit of a roller coaster this week with headaches, body aches, and low energy, it has been very bearable. I am enjoying the meals and have already noticed an improvement in my skin, my now flat tummy and the fact that I have no cravings. I would really recommend that you try it out – and she is giving Conscious Life Magazine readers a discount – see her article and advert in this month’s issue. Also in this month’s issue, we discuss Male Menopause; How to Move Beyond the Grieving Process; Why You Should Do Yoga; Unburdening Your Body of Toxins and much, much more. Enjoy!!

Silky, non-greasy feel • All skin types • Absorbs into skin without blocking pores • Anti-inflammatory properties Nourishes & protects Contains Omega 6,9 & natural Vit.E • Can add to bath Only R349

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Conscious Life Magazine

Article from Alison Jones from Zest4Life A POWERFUL new programme aimed at helping people to radically improve their health status launches in the country next month. The Health Coaches Association (HCA), formed earlier this year, will offer accredited health coach training in a bid to stem the growing number of South Africans suffering from serious – and preventable - lifestyle diseases. “Despite a huge health industry, medical research, new drugs and treatments, statistics around all today’s major killers are getting worse,” says Carolyn St John Loder, Health Coach Training director at Zest4Life, a UK-based organisation colaunching the HCA programme. “Some research shows that up to 95% of people are only able to make changes in the short-term and then go back to familiar or learned behaviour around food and lifestyle – often due to family influences and their social lives.

“People find change difficult. Coaching helps people to find out why they want to be healthy and the (reasons) are different for everyone – each of us has different ‘motivators’ and the coaches’ job is to determine the specific motivators within each of their clients.”

The handful of South African health coaches currently practising in the country were trained by overseas colleges – this new training programme would be the only health coaching course in South Africa carrying professional accreditation here, said St John Loder.

St John Loder said that when Zest4Life – which follows the principles of balancing blood sugar as a core concept - offered health coaching to clients over a decade ago, clients’ success rates “went through the roof.”

Globally there is a demand for health coaches and accountability partners as people recognise that their government and medical practitioners are not always able to hand-hold them through the journey towards improved health. Health Coaches will be an important and valuable addition to the team here in South Africa.

People worldwide did not take responsibility for their health – and coaching was “about helping people to become responsible for their lives and health; with the coach holding them accountable for that.” Studies confirmed that people were “80% more likely to stick to their goals and agreed actions if they made a commitment to another person to follow through.” Rural china was a useful case study, where it was common to “lead a healthy, fit life until the age of 100, whereas, in the westernised world, people are sick by their fifties and sixties – largely due to the food and lifestyle choices they make. “If people from rural China move to the western world, they fall under the same health statistics within ten years. So, it is what we are eating and doing that causes issues.” Many individuals are overwhelmed by conflicting information presented in the media and feel disempowered regarding their health choices.

Zest4Life and HCA launch their blended online and live training programme, which runs for six to nine months starting in September 2017 and January 2018. The programme includes a three-day workshop in South Africa in January 2018. HCA spokesman Alison Jones and HCA Founder Nikki Dee Wilson said that the programme will focus on a person-centred nutrition approach, as well as “dealing with behavioural change around food and lifestyle habits.” Coaching was “the missing link that helps people to succeed on their road to health and wellness,” said Jones. Upon successful completion of the programme, Coaches will be registered with the Coaches and Mentors of South Africa (COMENSA).

For more information on the Zest4Life HCA Health Coach Training Programme, please contact Alison Jones at

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Conscious Life Magazine

Article by Nici Oosthuizen What does it mean to be embodied? Most of us don’t know right? I wasn’t aware until I turned 40 so not knowing what this means as a woman in this modern world is acceptable. To be EMBODIED is to be alive and in touch with your body as your unique self. To be alive in your body you may ask, well that was my drive to write this article because most women aren’t aware of the full potential and power they possess in their fully awakened body temples. I use the word temple because this is where we house and praise our mind, body and spirit just as we would praise our relevant deity. Did you know that the purpose of having your periods or menses was initially created as way of giving back to mother nature. Women would bleed directly into the ground in honour of Mother earth and Lunar (New Moon). Periods were a form a shedding the old to make way for the new. Going right back to the early days, “Red Tents” were built specifically for women only to enter and give back to mother earth. In the Native American culture these are called “moon lodges”.

While mothers, sisters and daughters collectively joined at the same time (usually New Moon) they formed a formidable sisterhood in these tents. Mothers shared stories passed down from their mothers, braided their daughters’ hair, rubbed essential oils on those suffering with menstrual pain, chanted, shed tears as well as laughter. It was in these tents that woman created their own rituals and worship to all mother gods that were relevant at the time. The point is that our menses or menstruation period is a very sacred experience and time in which we get to give back and go within ourselves to pay attention to the wisdom that is bound to come forth. This is why we think having our period is a terrible time because we are moody and agitated and that it seems to get in the way of what we want to achieve but effectively mother earth wants us to take time

to just retract and reflect on who we are, what hasn’t been working for ourselves and what new seeds we would like to plant going forward. So this is your time ladies if you need to close the door and reflect and just be with yourself please do because it is a very sacred time. Give yourselves permission… Another area to consider while becoming fully embodied is your womb space, your uterus, the sacred space that gives birth to new life. This is the where we are fully women, where our creativity is rooted. Whether it be cooking, baking, being artistic, dancing, music or putting a workshop together or writing, this is where we birth something new. This space is not just to give new life and is crucial in all these other aspects of our lives. It’s where our SHAKTI, our essence, our OOH La La flows wildly. It is however an area where we can hold all sorts of trauma as well. This trauma can be inflicted by using inappropriate methods of controlling our periods and giving unwanted guests access to our sacred space especially when we are not comfortable with it. Taking too much medication, antidepressants or the pill can have serious effects on our womb space and only really shows up later in life in the form of painful periods, unhealthy skin, not being able to fall pregnant and various forms of sexual dysfunction. Teenagers specifically, are under a lot of pressure these days and they don’t realise that all sexual interactions that they have can cause collective trauma in their womb space which they will have to carry with them for years. It is also imperative to nurture and take care of your sacred temple body and womb space by eating good wholesome food, moving your body to get your creative juices flowing whether it be dance, art, yoga, meditation and most importantly something that brings you joy. Self-nurturing is also key. Take time to do face masks, a good long soak in the bath and rub yourself down with oils or

your favourite cream and give thanks to your body for all that she has given to you. Give her tons of love, you will get so much in return. Another sacred journey you need embark on would be to collect a tribe of like-minded sisters. We all seem to want to stand in our power on our own and be in constant competition with each other which only creates an infestation of jealousy, angst and disconnect. Wouldn’t it be beautiful to acknowledge and celebrate one another for the unique gifts that each one holds within themselves, wanting the best for each other, speaking honestly, listening and keeping what is shared as confidential and respecting each other’s needs and desires. Wouldn’t that allow us to truly stand in our power as fully embodied woman? Would you have ever thought that our divine feminine power would lie in our bleeding, womb space and sisterhood. The three things we have been taught to despise, lack respect for and feel disgraceful about and be in constant competition with others never being able to feel whole or fulfilled. We need to unlearn our societal upbringing and relearn where out true power lies, in the mere bodies we thought were so imperfect all this time were merely waiting for us to discover their beauty, essence and wisdom they hold. Let’s grasp it with both hands and discover our magic. Just remember when we are fully embodied we become a beautiful buffet of love, compassion and creativity. This does not make us more powerful than others but allows us to be give more to all those that hold us dear in their hearts.

I AM the essence of LOVE, I AM UNIQUE, I AM ENOUGH……….

Ask about our courses for Teenagers

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Conscious Life Magazine

What is Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) And Could You Have It?

By The ME/CFS Foundation SA

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E) is a chronic neuro-immune health condition that affects several body systems. It is estimated that at least 1,000,000 Americans, 250,000 British people, 100,000 Australians, 100,000 Canadians and about 20 million people worldwide across all ages, genders, races and socio-economic backgrounds. Unfortunately there are currently no stats to suggest how many people in South Africa have M.E. M.E is sometimes known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) so the acronym ME/CFS is used to refer to the illness. It is a disease that unfortunately has been subject to very little research and there is a huge amount of ignorance around it within the medical community and from the general public. Sadly this means that sufferers are often seen as lazy as opposed to dealing with a life-changing and debilitating disease. What are the symptoms of M.E? One of the stand-out symptoms of M.E/CFS is that sufferers experience severe, persistent post-exertional fatigue after doing simple physical or mental activities. The body is not able to recover after expending small amounts of energy and results in a flare up of

symptoms that is not resolved by resting. M.E/CFS affects many body systems and severity varies from person to person. Common symptoms include: • Flu-like symptoms, sore throat, swollen glands • Pain in the muscles and joints as well as nerve pain, migraines and abdominal pain. • Poor concentration, poor memory and inability to find words, also known as “brain fog” • Digestive symptoms like nausea, bloating, cramps, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), poor appetite and indigestion • Sleep disturbances such as insomnia,


hypersomnia, restless sleep and unrefreshing sleep Nervous system problems like dizziness, loss of balance, sensitivity to light, sound and odours, poor temperature control and poor circulation

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in the UK has acknowledged that the physical symptoms of M.E. can be as debilitating as multiple sclerosis, Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and congestive heart failure. What Causes M.E? The causes of M.E/CFS are not yet known. However, there is some evidence to suggest that there are likely to be a number of triggering factors involved such as viral and bacterial infection triggers. Other factors that are thought to contribute to triggering M.E/CFS may be physical trauma, extreme stress, certain immunisations and exposure to toxic substances. Can M.E be treated? Due to lack of research and knowledge about the illness, there is no universal medical treatment or pharmaceutical drug that treats ME/CFS at this time. However, there are several management techniques that may help to reduce the severity of symptoms. This includes proper rest, mental and physical activity pacing, avoiding stress, medications and supplements that help to manage symptoms like pain and insomnia, and counselling to accept and adjust to the new physical limitations of the illness.

Sadly, due to lack of education and research, patients in South Africa rarely receive adequate symptom management or government assistance as the medical community are unsympathetic or indifferent to the illness thus perpetuating its social stigma.

The ME/CFS Foundation of South Africa The ME/CFS Foundation South Africa is a nonprofit organisation that was founded by ME/CFS sufferer Retha Viviers after she saw a dire need for practitioner education and patient support for sufferers (many of whom are living in isolation and poverty) in South Africa. The Foundation, although still in its early stages and run by volunteers, seeks to address these issues by providing comprehensive support to patients who can no longer afford any type of medical care, advocating for patients, and improving the diagnosis of this disease. It is believed that there are thousands of people across South Africa that are undiagnosed and without access to any form of basic treatment or advice on how to live with ME/CFS. The ME/CFS Foundation SA will also be lobbying for research funding as ME/CFS receives little funding for research compared to other diseases that may not be as severe or common. If you or someone you know needs support for ME/CFS or if you would like to support this organisation, please get in touch with the ME/CFS Foundation South Africa. Website: Facebook Email: Twitter: @mecfs_sa Contact details of Founder and Director: Retha Viviers Personal email address: Sources Open Medicine Foundation;; oduction

Male Menopause (Andropause)

How hormones affect the menopausal male By Sue Visser – Nature Fresh Prepare, for accept and maintain your "menopause" Men do not ovulate. They do not get hot flushes to announce the end of their breeding cycle. They just keep making testosterone and remain potently fertile for many years. So a midlife crisis is a better way of viewing men with hormonal imbalances. It is not an illness. It is an indication of how well you have prepared yourself for this part of the journey. Accept the changes that take place in your body as the decades roll by and deal with them. To the degree you can adapt to middle age in terms of nutrition, attitude and exercise you can look and feel good throughout your life. But how do you shape up?

Do we really run out of hormones and need replacements? Men are reluctant to take responsibility for any decisions regarding their health or diet, let alone hormones, as they get older. The belief system that claims women will run out of oestrogen and have to take HRT is as unreal as warning men that they will run out of testosterone. We are quite capable of generating all the hormones we need as we go along. True, you will notice a decline in some hormone levels with a resultant slowing down in certain aspects such as memory and physical or sexual stamina. But these are an indication that you have failed in some way to attend to nutrition and hormonal management. Oestrogen gets made out of testosterone in men and women alike. The menopausal woman relies on the same system to make her oestrogen. Taking HRT will override this natural mechanism and so for the rest of her life she will need to take oestrogen instead of making it. The same goes for testosterone and progesterone: take it and you won't make it! Neither will you be able to control it. A build up of testosterone, progesterone or estradiol in the liver leads to hormonal havoc. Generating your own hormones is the key to controlling old age, libido, cancer and heart problems. We get a full blown midlife crisis when we treat symptoms of hormonal problems with individual drugs like: blood pressure medications, anti-depressants, diabetic and cholesterol drugs, steroids and antiinflammatories. It is easier to control the diet in order to stay off the medications.

Insulin resistance fuels the midlife crisis. It is dangerous to take medications and hormones without understanding the etiology of the condition. Men do not run to doctor the moment they feel a bit iffy. For them there is no HRT or progesterone panacea that claims to "bail" them out as in the case of their wives. Men go to the doctor for a check up and are given drugs in response to high cholesterol and blood pressure readings. The clincher is that lurking behind such fashionable treatment is the real ugly monster: Insulin resistance! All those years of careless eating, no regard for supplements and not enough physical, mental and spiritual input equals a midlife crisis. The very first symptom of insulin resistance is? High blood pressure. The second one is too much low density (bad LDL) cholesterol. So Doctor gets panicky about the heart. But this has more to do with the diet and eating far too many simple carbohydrates. This is what affects insulin behaviour. The first crash comes when these wayward glucose molecules from starch and sugar get bound into triglycerides because the insulin is unable to pump them into cells for energy. LDL cholesterol is made this way. Not from fat. Just remember that. This causes high blood pressure and bad cholesterol. It then gallops out of control and diabetes is next, followed by an attack on testosterone that results in? Oestrogen dominance and a shut down of thyroid hormones! Do you need medication? How about cutting out the carbs instead and taking zinc and chrome supplements. The third symptom of insulin resistance is elevated blood sugar levels. Aah! Now you take a medication for diabetes 2. By now the side effects have ganged up against you and you take an antidepressant. This really sabotages your dwindling sex life but it does not matter because by now the missus may be a total turn off. Similar eating habits "run in the family". She may also be as fat as a toad. So for special occasions you rely on Viagra. It is a costly way to do what should be coming naturally! It is a funny way to treat insulin resistance. If you love eating bread three or four times a day with take-aways and big desserts don't be surprised at the flabby belly, the sagging bulbous breasts, bloating and the moodiness. These are typical signs of insulin resistance. Ignoring vitamins and other supplements makes you so deficient that hormones such as insulin stop working. Doctor said they were expensive urine. Sound familiar? Next comes excessive cortisol production due to stress reactions. A further gain in weight takes place. The way you eat either prevents or promotes insulin resistance. Change that and you change your hormones and avert a midlife crisis.

The woes of uncontrolled testosterone Women only need 1% of the testosterone that men have. During ovulation, females rely on oestrogen supplies from their ovaries. After that, they get oestrogen from the same process as men; that of the breakdown of testosterone into estradiol; a very powerful female hormone. Normally men only convert a tiny amount of testosterone into oestrogen. This is controlled by an enzyme called aromatase. In the case of insulin resistance, hyper-aromatisation takes place and so men get flooded with more and more oestrogen instead. Imagine that. Normally a healthy liver will break estradiol down into weaker oestrogens known as estrone and estriol for safety. But if the liver is congested, then cell proliferators like estradiol return to the bloodstream and cause prostate enlargement (BPH). Progesterone joins in the fray, giving out more hormonal precursors to elevate cortisol.

If any hormone supplement is not carefully monitored by special 24 urine metabolic tests then it is just guesswork. It is not as simple as topping up with a cocktail of bio-identical hormone supplements. They have to be controlled and broken down by the liver at certain times. If your liver is wacked out from the "good life" then you will be worse off than before. That is not the end of the story. Many men then still think they need more testosterone because they are sexually impotent. But any testosterone booster including the herbal "Viagra" concoctions will get aromatised into even more oestrogen. Hormones are cruel. The liver is where aggressive androgens like dihydrotestosterone (DHT) are controlled by the 5 alpha reductase hormone. But if there is a deficiency of beta-sitosterol then DHT is unleashed and it too, invades hormonally sensitive areas such as the prostate gland. Insulin resistance sabotages testosterone and it runs out of control. *

What is the first thing a man in such trouble needs to do? Seek help from a practitioner who is skilled in natural medicine. They will give you a customised health plan and guide your food and supplementation choices. Some people are sensitive to wheat or gluten and need to be tested for other intolerances that cause inflammation, fatigue, etc. Blood type diets and eating according to a carbohydrate controlled system such as "Zone" dieting help to control your hormones very effectively. With such help you can gradually wean yourself off of medications and be free from their harmful side effects. This will put you in control again. Forstall the misery that lies ahead when insulin resistance is rife. Learn to spot the lies and don't become another victim of hormones behaving badly!

Midlife crisis case: Ben Ben is in his sixties and his wife keeps watch over him like a hawk. Her medicine comes out of the food she lovingly prepares. In terms of nutrients, it is super-dense. Carbohydrates are kept to a minimum and Ben lacks nothing. His cholesterol profile is perfect and so is his blood pressure. He never goes near a doctor unless it is a social event. At home the family table groans with vibrant vegetables and succulent morsels that are packed with super nutrients. It is his way of life and he hates sweet things. In between meals he is rammed full of fruit, savoury snacks or freshly made health juices. His wife takes pride in listing all the green ingredients, just in case he needs more chlorophyll, antioxidants, enzymes or adaptogens to handle stress and protect the adrenals. He takes a selection of supplements too! Ben loves Viagra jokes. "Why do you have to get it up – it does that every morning!" He laughs and wonders if there is an anti-Viagra pill available? That is easy because most of the side effects of medicines these days seem hell-bent on turning the alpha male into a heap of misery and dissatisfaction. Ben has no body part topics to keep up with his peers at the bowling club. Some of the guys are twenty years his junior with a waistline twice as large. They go on about arthritis, diabetes, spinal surgery, dementia and stents. His bowling partners succumb to either heart attacks or death by cancer or chronic ailments without ever wondering if life could have been different. It is all a question of correct nourishment and a better understanding of the hormones that hit us hardest during the menopause.

By Down to Earth Why have health problems escalated so much in recent years? One reason may be due to toxin overload. Our bodies take in more than it can process and eliminate, and the body’s natural filtration system is compromised and burdened.

and avoid the deliberate and accidental ingestion of chemicals. If this is a concern for you, our recommendation is to start small with making changes and adapting your lifestyle (read further for our tips on how to reduce toxins in your life). Choose one area and work on it until it becomes habit, before you move on to the next change. Soon you will regain health and vitality.

Diabetes, Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Autism, autoimmune disorders like arthritis and Lupus – Western diseases are on the rise and a few decades ago you might not even have heard of some of these health problems.

Symptoms of toxin overload

Modern day chemical lifestyle Chemicals are everywhere in our modern day and we are exposed through so many lifestyle areas – we almost cannot get away from it. We ingest chemicals though our digestive system, respiration system and skin. An estimated 70 000 to 100 000 chemical substances are produced and used in high volumes, over one million tonnes a year, and is rising. It can be quite overwhelming when you consider how much exposure we go through on a daily basis and what effort it takes to try

The tell-tale signs and symptoms of toxin overload can vary, but a general feeling of unwellness is usually something to take action on. You may experience lethargy, insomnia, headaches or weight fluctuations due to hormone disruption or immune system interference. You could experience bad breath or constipation due to an overworked and slowing digestion (which may be caused by an imbalance in gut microbes). Some experience muscle and joint aches and stiffness from excess toxins in the joint areas. Skin reaction like acne, rashes, eczema and puffiness are experienced by many and could be a sign that your skin is struggling to eliminate toxins. We discuss the different areas of exposure next and later we provide some quick and easy tips on how you can prevent ingestion and eliminate toxins from your system.

Areas of exposure Food – our fruit and vegetables are sprayed with pesticides and herbicides. Our processed foods contains colourants, preservatives, trans-fats (the worst type of fat you can consume), flavour enhancers, artificial stabilisers, GMO’s (genetically modified organisms sprayed with glyphosate) and hidden artificial sweeteners. Animals are given high doses of antibiotics, given hormones to accelerate growth and fed grains and other foods laden with chemicals – when we eat those meats, those chemicals make it into our systems. Water – our water is not only treated with chemicals, but industrial waste is often released into our waterways. We wash the residue of cleaning products and personal care products down the drain. The residue of pharmaceutical products also ends up in our water and eventually our oceans. Air – the fumes from high traffic volumes in many cities is a big contributing factor to pollution. Paint, treated fabrics, deodorants, perfumes all give off chemicals which we breath in and have to process and eliminate though our bodies. Plastics – plastics leach chemicals and plastic is widely used. Consider the plastic wrap in which our fresh fruit, vegetables and meat is sold, for example.

chemicals which gives off potent smells – makes it an unpleasant experience walking down that supermarket isle! These harsh chemicals not only have an effect on you, but the environment too. Personal care products – the majority of personal care products and makeup contain chemicals that have been found to be potentially dangerous. These chemicals are absorbed though our skin and considering the number of products we use on a daily basis – toothpaste, shampoo, soaps, moisturisers, etc. – it could be a considerable contributor to toxin overload.

How to eliminate toxins It is necessary to engage in body detoxification through healthy food and pure water, but also though the elimination of toxins from your environment. By cleansing your body on a regular basis, your body can begin to heal itself, prevent disease, and become stronger and more resilient. Drink plenty of pure, filtered water – One of the most helpful and easiest ways to eliminate toxins is to drink pure, filtered water regularly throughout the day. It helps you get rid of toxins though urine, sweat and tears.

Pharmaceutical products – the status quo these days is to reach for a pharmaceutical quick fix to treat the symptoms of our unhealthy lifestyle. These chemicals could lead to a further compromised system, eventually leading to a cycle of usage. Furthermore, once we process and eliminate these chemicals, they end up in our waterways, oceans and fish.

Eat healthy and choose organic produce – buy locally grown, organic fruit and vegetables that are in season. That way you will avoid consuming pesticides and herbicides. Visit your local farmer’s market for fresh produce that has not travelled long distances to make it to your plate. Your meat should be hormone and antibiotic free, and pasture fed. Your fish should be wild, not farmed. It might be more expensive, but a reduction of meat consumption in your diet can be beneficial, not to mention the medical expenses you will avoid in the long-run.

Household cleaning products – cleaning products are riddled with strong and abrasive

Eat fermented foods and drinks – prebiotic and probiotic foods like yogurt, sauerkraut,

Kombucha tea, miso soup etc, support healthy gut flora which is essential for good digestion and toxin elimination. Eliminate sugars and artificial sweeteners – give your blood-sugar-levels a rest and avoid adding anything artificial that may have a disruptive effect on your bodily systems. Replace with natural alternatives such as Stevia or Xylitol. Eliminate processed foods – Fast foods and packaged foods are preserved and enhanced with chemicals that sometimes cannot even be considered to be food. Some of these ingredients encourage you to eat more, leading to weight gain and the ingestion of more chemicals. Stay away as far as possible or begin to read your labels so that you can choose the healthier options. Exercise – getting the blood and sweat flowing opens and promotes healthy elimination pathways, and helps the toxins move along.

Choose natural ways to increase your health and vitality – instead of reaching for that pill to make you feel better, work on improving your lifestyle habits. Get enough sleep, get some sunshine, practise deep-breathing, reduce your stress levels – implement strategies to help you feel better in the longrun. Start using natural and environmentally friendly household cleaning and personal care products – avoid harmful chemicals by switching to natural alternatives, which are widely available now. Down to Earth products are formulated with care to exclude any suspected harmful chemicals. Unburden your body by choosing natural!

Find out more about Down to Earth’s products by visiting their website:

Conscious Life Magazine

By Prof. Celene Bernstein December holidays are just around the corner. This is the perfect time to improve our lifestyles and implement a better, healthier way of eating, by simply removing all the sugary, fatty, chemical-laden, artificial junk from our diet. I like to call this a detox or cleansing diet. Do you really know what detoxification is all about……… Detoxification is what your body does naturally to neutralise, transform or get rid of unwanted toxins. It is a primary function of the body, and is constantly working and interacting with all other functions of the body. Most health experts, including me, will tell you that your body does a good job of detoxing all on its own. Our liver detoxifies chemicals and metabolises drugs, while our kidneys filter our blood, remove waste and keep our electrolytes in balance. As long as you're a healthy person, this detoxification system works incredibly well. However, if you are a person who overindulges in desserts, sweets, chocolates, pasta, takes lots of medication, you need to support the body’s detoxification system. So in this context, detoxification is about improving and optimising the function of your body’s own

systems. This is done by decreasing the amount of toxins we put into our bodies, while at the same time supporting our body’s detoxification and elimination systems with the right nutrients it needs to function properly. We are very aware of our external cleanliness, we clean our teeth daily, we bath and wash our hair daily, and we like to look and smell clean because it makes us feel better. Similarly, I see detoxification as internal cleansing. Our South African diet is full of thousands of processed ingredients, chemicals and additives that didn’t even exist 50 years ago. As reported by the Huffington Post, the number of chemicals in the food supply has

risen from fewer than 2,000 to an estimated 10,000 over the last 50 years. These are all substances that the body has to work hard to detoxify. The problem is that it’s often hard to know when our internal cleansing mechanisms are not functioning well. Are you feeling under par after indulging in too much sugar, caffeine, alcohol, fried foods or just overeating? Have you been over exposed to active or passive smoking, pollution or drugs? What about your body being affected by unhealthy environments or mouldy places. Maybe you just feel bloated from all the extra salt you've been eating (and drinking), and your digestive system could be a bit sluggish from a lack of fiber. This can all be a marathon for your liver to process. Prof. Celene’s 4 week Gentle Detox Programme will help take the strain off your liver while improving your vitality. Detoxing is less about getting into your skinny jeans — although, of course it’s wonderful when that happens. A true detox means ridding the body of the chemicals and toxins that keep us addicted to certain kinds of foods, prevent us from gaining or losing weight, as well as triggering inflammation in the body. Most people resort to drastic dieting measures such as fasting, only to find themselves exhausted and not really feeling great, feeling sluggish and unhealthy. What few of us realise though, is that by punishing our bodies and ourselves through fasting and other drastic measures, we are actually making it more difficult to undo the damage caused. Fasting deprives the liver of the

making it more difficult to undo the damage caused. Fasting deprives the liver of the nutrients it requires to clear toxins. Unfortunately when one’s body becomes toxic, the natural method of removing metabolic waste and environmental pollution, exceeds the threshold for what the body’s innate detoxification system can tolerate. With this toxic load, unfortunately every system in the human body can become affected. This usually involves many health issues such as constipation; persistent headaches; muscle aches; muscle fatigue; food allergies; difficulty in losing weight; hormonal imbalances; and skin abnormalities such as acne, rosacea, or eczema. If you can relate to any of this, I suggest you give your liver a holiday and do Prof. Celene’s 4 week Gentle Detox Programme. You will be eating delicious and nutritious meals that help remove toxins from the body, reduce inflammation, improve digestive function, lessen cravings, and balance blood sugar without leaving you hungry. Other benefits include better sleep, balanced hormones, increased energy, regular bowel movements, improved concentration and focus. The cherry on the top, will be weight loss As Conscious Life readers, my special gift to you is a 15% discount on my usual price of R1000.00 for the complete 4 week Gentle Detox Programme.

If you want to feel your absolute best for your December holidays contact or call 082 3388185 to find out more .

Honey and Cinnamon How to Use This Powerful Combination to Treat Various Health Issues Honey and cinnamon form a miracle combination that works wonders for your health if you know how to use! Health experts worldwide are bewildered due to the unlimited health benefits this magical mix has on offer. You can also be one amongst many who may have benefited or are being benefited due to the combination of cinnamon and honey if you know the right applications of this mix and the ways to use the same. The ways to get the most of out of this miracle mix. 1. Cholesterol – This mix would bring down the bad cholesterol and boost up the good cholesterol levels. A study has revealed that having 1 to 6 grams of cinnamon daily have reduced the cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Both honey and cinnamon have cholesterol reducing properties, but the combination would almost double the benefits. Usage Tips – Take 3/4th teaspoon cinnamon powder with 1 tablespoon honey. Take it thrice a day for cholesterol reduction. Mixing honey and cinnamon with hot water or green tea would also accelerate the benefits.

2. Fights Common Cold – As the name suggests, a common cold is quite a common health condition experienced by people of all age groups. The anti-viral and antibacterial properties of honey and cinnamon would fight it effectively. You may start taking this mix as a preventive measure or when you first experience the symptoms to knock out cold and flu. Usage Tips – Mix 1 teaspoon honey into lukewarm water. Add a pinch of cinnamon powder and your flu-fighting mix is ready. Sip this two to three times a day for faster results. 3. Heart Health – The regular consumption of honey and cinnamon would not only reduce the cholesterol levels but would also clear the clogged arteries. The open arteries would reduce the risk of heart attack due to even blood circulation. Usage Tips – Apply the mix of honey and cinnamon on bread instead of using jam. Have this for breakfast and it will gradually help remove blockages from your blood vessels. 4. Regulates Blood Sugar Levels – Studies carried out on subjects suffering from Type 2 Diabetes have brought forward the benefits of cinnamon in regulating blood sugar levels. This spice has always shown promising results in Type 2 Diabetes, but now the health experts have also endorsed this combination for the same. Even the sweetness of honey was found to have positive results in fighting this disease. Usage Tips – Add this sweet and spicy mix to your tea or bowl of cereal and start your day with the healthy mix.

5. Aids Digestion – Good digestion is the indication of good health. The regular consumption of this mix before meals would prevent conditions like acidity and gas. It aids faster digestion. Usage Tips – Have honey and cinnamon paste daily before meals. You can also add lukewarm water. Take it on an empty stomach for best results. 6. Reduces Joint Pain and Arthritis – The main trouble of arthritis is chronic joint pain that just won’t go! The miracle mix has been found to relieve this condition too. It can control the symptoms of arthritis like inflammation of joints and stiffness efficiently. Usage Tips – Take the mixture of 2 teaspoons honey and 1 teaspoon cinnamon mixed in 1 cup hot water twice daily, preferably in the morning and in the evening. 7. Weight Loss – Yes, believe it or not, but this wonder remedy would bring down the number on the weighing scale. Honey melts the stubborn fat deposited on various parts of your body. When combined with cinnamon, it will remove excess fat and also enhance the metabolism. Usage Tips – Put 1 teaspoon cinnamon in a cup and pour boiling water over it. Let the mixture stand for about 15 minutes before adding 1 tablespoon honey. Opt for the organic honey to get the maximum benefits.

8. Clear Skin – Cinnamon and honey, both are anti-fungal and antibacterial. Getting the pimple-free skin is easy with this mix as it will prevent any sort of bacterial or fungal infection from developing further. Usage Tips – This time, you don’t have to take this mix orally. You have to apply the paste made from cinnamon and honey on pimples or affected area. Apply it overnight and then wash it off in the morning to get the clear skin. You will need frequent applications for chronic infections. 9. Fights Bad Breath – No need to stay away from the crowd because of bad breath. Gargle with this mix before you head towards the social gathering, and it will help solve the problem of bad breath. Usage Tips – Mix 1 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon cinnamon with lukewarm water. Gargle twice with this mix to avoid an embarrassing situation. 10. Say No to Hair Loss – Once you start losing your hair, the condition is difficult to reverse. The combination of cinnamon and honey will help you with that. Usage Tips – Prepare the mixture of warm olive oil, 1 tablespoon honey, and 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Apply on the scalp and let is stay for 15 minutes before washing. Results will be commendable.

All our problems can be cured or prevented if we know the miracle solutions nature has to offer. Use the above-described remedies to get rid of most of the chronic health problems naturally and easily.

By Valerie S. Valerie is a multiinterested law student who is fond of reading and writing about numerous topics.

Cleansing Kitchari By Wendy Young

Kitchari provides solid nourishment while allowing the body to devote energy to healing. You can safely subsist on kitchari anytime in order to build vitality and strength as it helps balance all three doshas (constitutions). For restless Vata (Ether & Air) it is warming and grounding, for fiery Pitta (Fire & Water)) its spices are calming and for chilly Kapha (Earth & Water), it provides healing warmth. It is very easy to digest and helps to clear toxins from the digestive system, blood and skin. Ayurveda believes that all healing begins with the digestive tract, and kitchari can give it a much needed rest from constantly processing different foods while providing essential nutrients. The blend of rice and split mung beans offers an array of amino acids, the building blocks of protein. Its mixture of spices is believed to kindle the digestive fire, which can be weakened by poor food combinations.

Kitchari Recipe By Wendy Young From Wise Living Ingredients: (tridoshic – balances all constitutions) Serves 4 • ½ cup yellow mung Dahl • ½ cup white basmati rice • Seasonal vegetables – carrots, courgettes, asparagus, broccoli • 1 red onion finely chopped • 1 inch piece fresh ginger finely chopped • 2 tablespoons shredded, unsweetened coconut • 1 small handful fresh coriander leaves • 2 tablespoons ghee or coconut oil • 2 inch piece cinnamon bark • 6 whole cardamom pods crushed open in a pestle & mortar • 6 whole cloves • 12 black peppercorns • 5 bay leaves • 2 teaspoons mustard seeds • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder • 2 teaspoons coriander powder • 2 teaspoons cumin powder

Directions: • Soak Dahl over night or for 8 hours – this aid digestion and washes away phytic acid. • Wash mung Dahl and rice until water is clear. • Heat a large pot on medium heat and add the ghee/coconut oil, mustard seeds, cinnamon bark, cardamom pods, cloves, black peppercorns and bay leaves. Allow to seeds to pop – this takes only a few minutes, being careful not to burn the spices. • Add finely chopped onion and ginger. Turn heat down and allow onions to soften and brown slightly. • Add powdered spice and coconut, sauté for a few minutes. • Add washed mung Dahl and rice mixing very well. • Pour in 2 cups water (2:1 water: grain & Dahl), bring to the boil and then turn down the heat to let it simmer. It is important not to stir! • Wash and chop the vegetables into small bite size pieces. • When rice and Dahl mix is nearly cooked, add the vegetables and stir lightly. You may need to add a little more water. • Cook for another 5 mins until vegetables are soft. • Serve with a wedge of fresh lemon, a dollop of ghee and chopped coriander.

• Wendy Young runs Wise Living, a teaching and healing practice in Johannesburg and be contacted on

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Conscious Life Magazine

Archangel Israfel -MusicPassion is the flame that lights the soul! It is what motivates you with a drive for perfection, knowledge, love and expression. To achieve passion you have to surrender your ego and personal will to a higher power and only then are you filled with an all-consuming essence of love and ecstasy. This is because the ego has dissolved and so you become one with all. Once you are in this state you are able to experience true passion which drives and motivates you to do greater things. Today the Angels are telling you that it is time to release your ego and allow yourself to live in total unconditional love and trust. It is time for your higher sense of purpose to be allowed to grow and light your Ascension path before you so that you are able to achieve what you have incarnated in this life time to do.

Passion will allow you to understand and learn about yourself first because everything starts with you. It will bring forward your subconscious understanding of who and what you actually are, carrying forward your innate wisdom and past life knowledge which is sorely needed now. Passion will elevate you to another level as you step into your immense power and wisdom. It is those that are truly passionate about their Divine Life paths that succeed beyond measure and are able to encourage and influence many around them to develop their passion, assisting them on their paths. Stop just existing but live your life to the full with passion and love! Angel light and blessings Margi (Angel Connection) Interpretation by Margi of Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Toni Carmine Salerno

Conscious Life Magazine

Moving Beyond the Grief Process

By Magi McAlpine

For so many emotional trauma and loss has caused them to take a step back from life and to put up the walls in their hearts so that they no longer feel pain or distress. This is done as a coping mechanism which at the time might have felt like the right thing to do but in actual fact is exactly the opposite. We need to understand that a grieving process and time is what is needed here to absorb what has happened and to allow ourselves to make an adjustment to the circumstances around us but more importantly to allow us to make an emotional adjustment. An adjustment which makes us realise that it is okay to move on now. This is when we allow acceptance to become a part of what has happened; where we understand the loss that we have been through but also understand that it is quite alright now to allow ourselves to feel again and to allow the almost alien feelings of happiness and joy to once again become part of our lives. For some they might even feel guilty about allowing themselves to feel again.

How can they be happy when someone important in their lives is either dying or has crossed or perhaps has moved on to other things leaving you behind. The change could also be in yourself and perhaps what you are going through health wise which has turned your life upside down. We forget that we have a Divine life path and a contract with the important people in our lives and that exactly what has happened is what was in that contract. In other words our souls would have known that the person would cross at the time they did or left us for someone else or become really ill or you would become really ill, so it was not unexpected and there is always a reason.

Our logical brains however find it very difficult sometimes to accept this and so we struggle with the process of grief and letting this go. Anything that we lose needs to be grieved to enable us to heal and then get on with our lives. Not an easy process! The physical often takes over here as we feel so much physical pain with their departure or the change in our circumstances that it is very difficult to concentrate on the bigger picture and the reality of the contract being brought into practice exactly as it was meant to be. That feeling of your heart being torn apart and the fear that you will never ever be the same again is a reality for many. It is not easy to work through that pain and often it can take many years to do so. There is no time limit on the grieving process and everyone will take however long they need to do so. Those that have crossed will always be a part of your life and not matter what you do or what new relationships that you might have, they will always be a part of your life even if it is now in the past. We need to understand that that is alright and exactly as it should be. You are not being disloyal by changing your circumstances and perhaps allowing yourself to now love someone new or perhaps even to love yourself! And then you wake up one morning and you feel different. It is as though you have woken from a long and painful nightmare. You are aware that your heart chakra has once again opened as the last of the walls have come down. You tentatively feel the first surges of joy returning to your heart and mind and as the heaviness lifts so you understand that it is alright to feel happy again and that it is more than perfect to feel joy in being alive and to love and be loved again! You were meant to be a being of love and light filled with joy and happiness. That is your birth right. So take back your power now and live as the amazing and wonderful soul that you truly are!! Call on the Angels and the Being of Light to assist, support and guide you. It is so comforting to know that you never walk alone ever and that you are loved and supported totally in unconditional love and light always!

EVENT: Awakening to Your Inner Magic “Glorify who you are today, let go of condemning who you were yesterday, and create who you want to be tomorrow” If this declaration resonates with you, come join me, Chetna and like-minded people in exploring, sharing and learning how to make this a reality. Start now, reward yourself with this time for Self-Care – Mind, Body & Soul. Date: Sunday 19 November Time: 09h30 – 13h00 Investment in yourself: R330 Conscious Life Magazine

What can you gain by attending: • • • • • • •

Begin to offer yourself compassion for your journey thus far To become grounded in the truth of your emotions Identify and release old thought-patterns, limiting feelings and beliefs Rise above your weakness\Challenge your creativeness Learn to tap into your own innate ability to rebalance your energy Practice Self-Care and experience Self-Love Empower yourself to be YOU

When you are open and willing to receive, opportunities you never considered will confront you; and the more you live in gratitude the more you will be blessed with surprises, not to say everything is smooth sailing but I am truly experiencing what a fundamental factor gratitude is in life… So are you willing and able to allow yourself to experience calmness in chaos? “Let us rise above our discomforts of fear and change; believe in ourselves to persevere and conquer; be open to receiving the gifts that are awaiting us and embrace all of life with gratitude” (Read more: )

Love & Divine Blessings, Chetna Divine Healing

Access Bars vs Reiki By Kerry Garner Venter – for Divine Space

I often get asked what the difference is between Bars and Reiki In my first class with Access Bars I sat there with all my pre-conceived judgments, conclusions, projections, expectations, about what it was, wasn’t, could be, couldn’t be and slowly but surely, with every use of the Access Clearing statement, all of that melted away and the space and consciousness that started expanding in my world was like magic. I knew that it was what I had been seeking and asking for but still had no clue how much of a continuous contribution to my life it would actually be and still is. Everything I was hearing in the class it was like I already knew it; but it wasn’t from the limited place of my cognitive mind and reference points. It was from my capacity of knowing, which I soon discovered is very different and way more what is actually the place and space that we, as Infinite Beings, function from.

It’s not about you One of the first places Reiki and other healing modalities differ from Access Bars is they don’t come from the point of view that I need to be the ‘healer’, conduit, channel who ‘does this thing’ to you. There’s nothing else you need to be, other than YOU! What gift are you already that you’ve never acknowledged? There are no attunements required, no higher levels of consciousness that you need to reach or ascend to. All that is simply required is learning 32 points on the head that relate to different areas of life, that you lightly touch…and the rest happens on it’s own. There’s no intention you have to have, no healing you have to do, no symbol you have to draw or activate, nothing. All you have to do is be there to ‘run their bars’.

Once these Bars of energy (hence the name) are activated by your touch, they begin to dissipate all the electromagnetic charge that has been generated by all the thoughts, feelings, emotions, and points of views that person has related to the area of the Bar you are running. What this does is create space – space to create, to know, to be, to receive, and to perceive all the infinite possibilities, choices, and change that is actually available to you.

It’s about creating space – How much do you currently have?’ Creating space is one of the biggest benefits from running the Access Bars and you might be wondering what having space has to do with anything and why you would ever want to do such a thing. Well, if we liken your mind to a tiny studio apartment and one day the Universe delivered this massive shipment of _____________ (insert whatever you have been asking for), but there was no space for you to RECEIVE it…how bummed would you be? In this reality, we are not taught or encouraged to receive. We are taught to be humble (not receive too many compliments), only receive certain energies from people that are ‘appropriate’, taught to put barriers up to avoid negative energy and on and on it goes. But receiving is another one of our innate capacities and if we expanded our capacity to receive ALL of life – without judgment – we would have ALL of what we truly desire with greater ease.

It’s about Gifting and Receiving – What are you refusing to receive that you could be choosing? Oh but wait, there’s more. Not only is it about creating the space to receive more in your life, when you are the one running someone else’s Bars you also get to clear all the points of views and corresponding charges that you have in common with that person. How cool is that?! Other modalities teach you that you can’t clear or change something in someone else unless you haven conquered/learned/overcome it yourself. That’s an interesting point of view. So does that mean you have to overcome cancer or abuse in order to be a contribution to someone else? That doesn’t sound like fun. What if just by being you, running someone’s bars for them, you knew you were being a greater contribution that if you were actually having to DO anything TO them? How much easier and more empowering is that? How much more communion would people be more willing to be in with others, if they knew that by giving an Access Bars session, they too were receiving the change? How much superiority are some people operating from when they do ‘healing’ on you? Does that actually contribute and empower you to know what you know? What if receiving had nothing to do with someone else actually doing anything to you? Are you receiving the contribution that the sun is without it ‘doing’ anything other than just Being the sun?

So how else is it different to Reiki and other healing modalities? Access Bars is also different from Reiki and other healing modalities in that it’s not about doing anything to you or anyone. It’s about dissipating all the electromagnetic charge that prevents you and others from Being all that you truly Be. Reiki and many other modalities – are cool, can feel nice for a while – but their basis is not that you are an Infinite Being, with infinite possibilities and capacities – instead it’s about how to continue relating to this reality, instead of creating beyond it. If you no longer had to relate to the world, in the way that you’re used to, what else would be possible? We’re functioning from all the fixed point of view and relational reference points that, we don’t even like to be, want to be, but refuse to change, that if we chose to change it and BE something different, could give us everything we would love. Everything you’re doing is relating to the world around you, not creating the world you could be creating. Relationship is the distance between two objects. So everything that you are relating to in thoughts, feelings, emotions, and all other points of view that you relate to yourself and others and the world through, is what perpetuates the reality that you keep experiencing. Running Access Bars clears all of that so that you can literally BE, do and have something greater all the time and continuously create your own reality that actually reflects what you would like to choose, not what you think you have to choose. You can’t be relational and infinite at the same time. So when you start to run your own Bars and other people’s you dissipate everything that hasn’t allowed you to occupy that Infinite Space you actually BE.

What happens during a session? Anything can show up when you have your Bars run. All you need to do is lie down comfortably and receive. Each of the 32 Bars of energy get ‘run’ for a few minutes at a time and while that occurs a multitude of things can occur or not – each person and session is different. People have experienced deep, profound relaxation, some have fallen fast asleep, some have laughed and giggled and had immense joy for the first time in a long time, others have cried, others have wiggled and shaken, and some have just lay there in stillness or conversation with me until the end. There’s no right/wrong; better/worse way to have a session. The real gift is actually having or giving a session. Have you had one yet? Is now the time?

Can you learn Access Bars to run on others? Yes of course! There is a 1 1/2 day Access Bars class that certifies you as an Access Bars Practitioner where you learn the 32 points, give two sessions and receive two sessions and at the end of it you are equipped to run Bars on others and charge money for your time, or not. .

Conscious Life Magazine


a Sanskrit word meaning ‘to yoke’ or ‘to unite’, is humanity’s original system of inner exploration and personal growth. It is a holistic and experiential science which gives us methods by which we can explore ourselves and life: including joy and suffering, health and disease, life and death, and what lies beyond. Yoga encourages us to enquire into our own experience, deepen into selfunderstanding and discover our own truth. In this way wisdom, clarity and peace, as well as compassion and love, are cultivated.

Conscious Life Magazine

Yoga practice improves our levels of relaxation, physical vitality and mental capacity. This sets the ground for healing, health and longevity, enhancing our lives on all levels. It connects us to ourselves through awareness, awakens us to our underlying mystical nature and reminds us of our deeper connection to Source. In recent years the effects of yoga practice on our health and mental wellbeing has been thoroughly researched. It is clinically proven that the correct application of yoga practice will regulate blood pressure, balance hormone secretions that are the natural chemicals used by the body to maintain health, and calm the mind. This is the beginning of a process that leads us towards transformation and peace. There are many systems employed in Yoga but they can all be classified into the five basic groups: • Hatha Yoga is the path of balance and integration. It is the science of the physical body and includes practices to balance and harmonise body, breath, mind and emotions. Ha represents the sun symbolising outgoing, positive masculine energy. Ta represents the moon symbolising reflective, receptive feminine energy. The practice of hatha yoga integrates these two polarities of your personality so that you feel centred. It not only acts on the physical body, but also on your emotions, vitality and thinking bringing a balance which can open you up to higher Awareness. •

Kriya Yoga is the path of circulating energy. Kriya means ‘to move’ so this path is concerned with practical and experiential methods of harmonising the natural energies of your being to allow physical, etheric and mental energies to flow in a powerful and creative way without suppression.

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Mantra Yoga is the path of sound. Mantra means ‘revealed sound’ and is a sound or combination of sounds which develop spontaneously. Mantras do not have specific meanings, their power is in the sound vibrations created when the mantra is vocalised or when it arises in the mind. Chanting mantra engages and calms the conscious mind, purifies the subconscious mind and creates a resonance between your personality and inner Being.

Bhakti Yoga is the path of devotion and awakens your heart to the Divine Presence. Bhakticomes from the Sanskrit root word Baja which means ‘to adore, love, serve.’ Bhakti Yoga opens your heart to trust in the Divine Presence.

Karma Yoga is the path of selfless action and loosely translated means ‘working with awareness’. It teaches you that work is a tool to go deeper in your spiritual understanding. To act appropriately in each situation, to the best of your ability without the need for any reward, recognition or gratitude, whilst being totally in the present moment is the ideal of Karma Yoga.

Gyana Yoga is the path of direct insight: wholehearted inquiry into and reflection on the nature of Life which leads to the realisation of spiritual Truths.

Yoga is an invaluable practical tool, a philosophical system and a way of life that cultivates wisdom, purpose and joy in your life.

Wendy Young runs Wise Living, a teaching and healing practice in Johannesburg. She can be contacted on

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TV Personality, Author, Lifestyle and Wellness Expert LisaRaleighSA - Twitter LisaRaleighTV – Youtube

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This is a basic full body workout that can be simplified or intensified to suit every fitness level. Reps: Start with 10 reps of each exercise. After a few days, or when you feel ready, increase it to 20 reps. This can continue up until you are practicing 50 reps of each move. Sets: Have you reached the 50 reps mark and ready for more? Now start adding in sets, starting with 2 sets of 50 for each move. Don’t extend past 3 sets. Weights: Instead of increased reps, you can increase resistance by adding weights. Or increase reps and weight – the choice is yours! You should be aiming for failure at the end of each round of reps. SQUAT: Stand with feet parallel and just wider than hips-width apart. Keep hands on hips or forearms crossed in front of you at chest height. Sink down until knees are bent to 90 degrees. Knees must never extend past toes. Pause for a moment then rise back up to your starting position.

FORWARD LUNGE: Stand with feet slightly apart and hands on hips or forearms crossed in front of you at chest height. Take a big step forward and sink down, bending both knees to 90 degrees. Your back knee should just about touch the ground. Pause for a moment then rise up and step back to your starting position. Repeat with the opposite leg.

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MODIFIED PUSH UP: Position yourself on all fours on the floor. Then extend your knees back until your body forms a straight line from next to knees, lifting your feet and crossing your ankles. Starting with arms straight but not locked, bend your elbows out to the side and sink your body down in a straight line until your chest nears the floor. Keep your back strong – don’t collapse between the shoulders. Pause for a moment then rise back up to your starting position.

TRICEP DIP: Secure your band under your feet and hold its length along your back with both hands. With the edge held in one hand behind your head, straighten your arm until it extends straight up into the air. Hold for a moment then return to your starting position. Aim for 3 sets of 10-15 reps depending on your band intensity.

AB CRUNCH: Position yourself on your back on the floor. Bend your knees and rest hands lightly behind your head. Keeping feet and knees rooted in place, lift your head, neck and shoulders off the ground. Use your stomach muscles to lift up; don’t pull the head forward with the hands. Pause for a moment then lower back down to your starting position.

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Conscious Life Magazine

When we think about food waste, we tend to think about wastefulness. After all, when we waste food we are conscious about people going hungry. A little bit like, in my day, my parents castigating us for not clearing our plates by saying “there are starving children in Africa! Finish what’s on your plate!”. But my smart arse brother’s, when staring at the untouched broccoli, rejoinder was always “well give it them then!” Yes. Food waste is wasteful. As many, many, people in South Africa and around the world are hungry. Are starving. Are dying from malnutrition. So we should be thinking about them and so reduce our waste. But there is another negative consequence of food waste: carbon emissions. When food waste — any organic material for that matter — is sent to a landfill, it has dire environmental consequences. Food waste in landfills rots, produces methane (and other devastatingly dangerous green house gases such as Nitrous Oxide), and provides a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria.

People who live around landfills have significant health issues including eye, throat and lung irritation, nausea, headache, nasal blockage, sleeping difficulties, weight loss, chest pain, and aggravation of asthma. It is no wonder that only the seriously desperate choose to live near a landfill — the more privileged will reject any landfill proposal near their homes.

How can one reduce food waste going to landfills? The food waste to landfill problem needs to be seen in context; it’s not just the food waste we have at home that is the problem. It’s the whole system, from farm, to market to supermarket to our homes (did you know that food, in of itself has a massive footprint of 4,000kg/tonne CO2e which is higher than the manufacturing footprint of car tyres or even glass; think of the energy required to grow, harvest and transport a Chilean avocado to Johannesburg).

Food waste sources: •

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Production and harvesting. Sometimes this is inadvertent due to drought, hail, etc. But just as often this can be related to cultivation errors and transportation hiccups (as simple as the harvester not arriving on time, or breaking down). Processing where fresh produce is trimmed, treated and packaged. Think of carrot heads and onion skins. Additionally, there is massive amounts of waste at the fresh food markets (wholesale and retail distribution). Produce which is not sold and perishes. Some which doesn’t meet standards or has been stored beyond its safe time. Finally there’s us buying too much. Over catering at offices (too much potato

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bake!). Serving portions that are too large. And, very importantly, feeding people with food that they either don’t like or which is badly cooked (I’m guilty of this).

Gleaning aside, we can’t control the production process but we can make a difference on the consumer side. In France, for example, supermarket food waste has been banned and has to be donated to food banks. This has also lead to clever marketers selling “ugly food” in very interesting and fun ways.

In our homes we can stop food waste going to landfill with a few simple tricks: • • •

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Buy less more frequently. This stops food rotting and then needing to be binned. Buy unprocessed vegetables and do the preparation yourself. This way you can compost the trimmings or even grow them again! Cook what your family likes. Yes, as parents we want our kids to eat their broccoli. But what’s really the point? Are there not other healthy alternatives? Don’t load that plate. Rather let people come back for seconds. Repurpose that waste. For example, we turn the remainder of a roast chicken into a sandwich or a soup, into stock and then into dog food. So we can enjoy the main meal, the left overs, the bone nutrients and flavour in the form of stock, and a supplementary source of calcium for our dogs. Be careful of the bottom shelf in your fridge. I’m convinced that science will prove that taller people waste more than shorter; basically because they never look at the bottom shelf.

I’m sure that there are more things we can do. And we’d welcome more tips on how we can reduce our wastage and thereby our impact on landfills.

To find our more about Earth Probiotic and their range please visit:

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Flowerpot Bird Feeder Hi I’m Stephanie. Gardening healed me from a debilitating illness and so I know the power of garden therapy first hand. Here you will find DIY garden projects and crafts that break down barriers and allow anyone to garden, no matter their ability, knowledge, or even garden size. Browse through our projects and you will surely find one that will inspire you to get out and get dirty, try a project, and fall in love with the garden! -bird-feeders/

Dharmagiri Sacred Mountain Retreat is dedicated to wellbeing and the transformation of our individual and collective consciousness through insight meditation, mindfulness, and healing modalities. At Dharmagiri, we hold a dream that healing and liberation is the birth right of all. Our focus is to catalyze this potential through contemplative practices that reconnect with the core of who we are, beyond the masks we wear, at the timeless level of our being. The power of Mvuleni-Bamboo Mountain where Dharmagiri is nestled, and Dharmagiri’s legacy of Buddhist inspired wisdom teachings, enables a process of awakening from personal and collective wounding. As dysfunctional conditioning is released, our innate, intuitive intelligence is activated, guiding our way home so we remember that we are loving and compassionate, and as unique and authentic selves, belong together within the inter-connected web of life. Dharmagiri is on the border of South Africa and Lesotho near Underberg, KZN. It was founded in 2000 by Kittisaro and Thanissara, who trained in the Thai Forest monastic Tradition, and is guided by them, Chandasara, who also trained in the same tradition, a board of directors, and members of Sacred Mountain Sangha, an affiliated community of South African and International Dharma practitioners. We offer guided silent meditation retreats, self-retreats, and a range of shorter retreats that promote physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Within an ethos of open inquiry and self-empowerment, we share teachings and practices that encourage the cultivation of mindfulness, insight meditation (vipassana), compassion, integrity and wisdom. We believe changing the world for better grows from each person’s ability to access peace, clarity, and their positive creative potential.

Conscious Life Magazine

RETREATS Schedule Nov 23 - 27 – Dharmagiri Still Mountain, Flowing Water: Living Your True Nature with Sietske & Chandasara

Jan 5 – 7 – Dharmagiri Being Our Own Best Friend A Meditation Retreat Chandasara

Dec 6 -10 - Dharmagiri An Introduction to Insight Dialogue: Spiritual Friendship on the Eightfold Path Ajahn Sukhacitto & Janet Surrey

Jan 6 – 7 – Held in Johannesburg Stop the Madness: Reclaim Health & Well Being Mindfulness & Regulation of the Nervous System Nobantu Mpotulo & Solwazi Johnson Contact:

Dec 19 – 26 - Dharmagiri The Ancient Practice of Awakening The Path of Mindfulness, Insight and Compassion Chandasara & Solwazi Johnson Dec 29 – Jan 2 - Dharmagiri Stop the Madness: Reclaim Health & Well Being Mindfulness & Regulation of the Nervous System Nobantu Mpotulo & Solwazi Johnson

Dharmagiri Sacred Mountain Retreat Underberg, Southern Drakensberg KZN

Jan 19 – 21 - Dharmagiri A Return to Wholeness Ayurveda, Yoga, Meditation Helen Altman March 30 – April 8 - Dharmagiri Easter Retreat: Transformation Through Insight Meditation, Mindfulness & Compassion Chandasara & Nolitha Tsengiwe

Cost: From R450 – R550 a night, full board, vegetarian food. + Dana (free-will offering.) Scholarships available.

Conscious Life Magazine

Breathwork Foundation Training Courses Breathwork is the next major skill that individuals require to manage their energy, support their health, deepen their relationships, and optimise peak performance. It is a skill that can be integrated into: • Business to optimise energy, productivity and mindful communication • Health and healing, deepening the efficacy of other healing modalities and equipping clients to participate in their healing process • Sports and personal training. Breath is a powerful way to access and express power of the body and mind • Spiritual practice. Breathwork is at the foundation of many spiritual practices and traditions. This course is for you if you want to: • Develop a practical skillset in breathwork that can be applied in every area of your life • Create a solid foundation of knowledge and skills if you would like to further your career as a breathwork practitioner • Integrate breathwork into your current skillset whether you are a health professional, psychologist, coach, trainer, yoga teacher, HR consultant, healer or teacher.

FACILITATOR Dr Ela Manga, Ela is a medical doctor with a unique holistic approach to wellness who combines the principles of eastern philosophy, yoga, mindfulness, and western medicine. Ela has over 17 years’ experience in supporting individuals and teams in healing the effects of stress and burnout. She uses modern medicine as a framework to dive deeper into the root causes of illness by drawing on safe and natural healing systems. She has a natural ability to awaken heart and body intelligence, and her passion is in bringing mindfulness back into medicine and inspiring conscious living as a way of restoring and supporting health and wellbeing. The Energy Code, Ela’s first book, is available at all book stores.

Course details: Dates: Friday, 2 February to Sunday, 4 February 2018 Venue: Woodlands Spa and Conscious Living Centre, Muldersdrift Times: 10am - 4pm Cost: R5 500.00 per person including lunch For more information and booking contact Marj Murray Cel: 082 561 3637 Email:

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SPIRITUAL TEACHER TRAINING COURSE - SOUTH AFRICA 2018 Are you ready to change your life forever and in the process assist others by enlightening and empowering them? Do you feel that this is your Divine Life Path, helping to spread the light to others and accelerating your own personal growth? If this is the case then this life changing Teacher Training course is for you! I am delighted to announce that the next Teacher Training course is from 2nd to 15th March 2018 at The Angel Warehouse, Spirit of Amberfield, Rheenendal (near Knysna). This course is for those that are passionate, motivated and committed to working with the Angels and Ascension and wanting to pass their knowledge and passion onto others so that they too are empowered and enlightened. You do not have to be very experienced in your Spiritual abilities, but must be working from the heart with enthusiasm and integrity. Academic qualifications are not important. Your own personal self-development and the desire and passion to pass this onto others, is what counts. This course emphasises your own self-development which is so very important. I take pride in inviting you into our sacred and very special space where you will be nurtured and supported whilst you grow and learn. This beautiful country venue offers a special and safe place to focus your attention and listen to the longing of your own soul allowing you to grow and do your own self-development. This experience is unique and a special gift that you give yourself whilst you are preparing to go out and spread the light. The Angel Connection School of Africa is delighted to announce that there will be a bursary available for those who would like to do the course but are unable to afford it. Please contact me for more information and application forms. Closing date for applications is the 15th January 2018. Terms and conditions apply. Please call me on 082-563-7422







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Reconnect with Spirit

Rediscover your Life Force

PSYCHICmailto:damian@w MEDIUM As a Psychic Medium, I am able to connect with spirit guides, where I receive messages about a clients past, present and future. These messages may be beneficial to help bring clarity

Restore Balance

on their lives and where be leading. Many of the messages have received for my have been healing on levels.

it may that I clients many

REIKI A quantity that is almost impossible to define! Energy can never be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another. Among the familiar forms are heat energy, energy of motion, electrical energy, and sound energy. Reiki is a form of energy healing. This form of healing helps to maintain balance within, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Reiki is a form or spiritual or energy healing. It helps open up and remove blockages

within the system. Each system within our bodies is intimately connected to the seven major charkas. Reiki will help remove these blockages and restore balance.

Contact Damian Wood Email: Mobile: 082 863 8842 Conscious Life Magazine

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The Buddhist Retreat Centre, where people of all religions, and none, come to experience peace and tranquility. How to Retreat The Buddhist Retreat Centre offers various types of retreats, ranging from those investigating Buddhist thought and philosophy, through to practice retreats where the emphasis is on meditation; as well as retreats featuring bird watching, cookery, drumming, pottery and photography. At first glance the latter might appear to be unrelated to Buddhism but even these retreats will contain some element of meditation, of mindful awareness, refracting the chosen subject matter through a Buddhist lens. People from all walks of life come to these retreats with a variety of motivations and expectations. Perhaps they want to deepen their meditation practice, to take some time out from a hectic working life; to reflect on a tense domestic situation; to consider the trajectory of their lives; to make a decision about a way forward. Maybe they just want to learn how to take a good photograph. Each person will have a different reason for going on a retreat. Different paths will have led them to this place. We all need to make an appointment with ourselves from time to time. To re-connect with who we are; to maintain balance; to recharge exhausted batteries. To make time to go on a retreat is a necessary and healthy step for anyone.

General Information The Centre has been established on an exquisite 125-hectare country estate near the village of Ixopo, KwaZuluNatal 90 kilometers south of Pietermaritzburg, one and a half hours’ drive from Durban. Set in hilly grasslands amongst dams, indigenous bush and forests, it overlooks one of the great valleys in the Umkomaas river system. CNN featured the BRC as one of the ten finest retreat centres in the world. It was awarded Natural Heritage status by President Nelson Mandela in recognition of its success in establishing indigenous vegetation on the property and providing habitats for wildlife to return, including the endangered Blue Swallow. It is a birder’s paradise with more 160 species recorded.

Walks lead to many interesting sites and viewpoints on the property, including evidence that Bushman lived there and Voortrekkers and Settlers passed through. In 2000, the BRC facilitated the founding of Woza Moya, the community-based NGO, located in Ufafa valley. It continues to support the organisation in a variety of ways.

Conscious Life Magazine

Accommodation Fifty retreatants can be accommodated in single and twin-bedded rooms, en-suite cottages and thatched chalets overlooking the secluded valleys on the property – a short distance away from the dining room, office, library, studio and meditation hall. The Centre is justly famous for its fine lacto-ovo vegetarian cuisine which is featured in its own bestselling recipe books, Quiet Food, The Cake the Buddha Ate and Plentiful: The Big Book Of Buddha Food. The BRC menu includes organically grown vegetables and farm-baked bread.

Observances The Retreat Centre offers a tranquil environment for the study and practice of philosophy, psychology, meditation and the arts associated with Buddhist culture. The Centre therefore encourages adherence to traditional Buddhist moral principles during retreats, such as respect for all forms of life and abstinence from alcoholic drinks and hallucinogenic drugs. Noble Silence is maintained from the last meditation at night until the first session after breakfast in the morning. During some retreats, Noble Silence is maintained throughout. Pets are not allowed at the Centre. Only some retreats are suitable for children: please check with the Administrator.

Forthcoming Retreats: For full details of each retreat please go to the website page:

Email: Tel: +27(0)39 834 1863 or 0878091687 Mobile: 082 579 3037

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Conscious Life Magazine

Hippotherapy and Therapeutic Riding At The Yard on Third

Hippotherapy involves the use of a horse’s movement in therapy. It is a therapy technique that can be used by trained Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Speech Therapists. How does it work? The child is mounted on a specially trained therapy horse or pony. As the horse/pony walks, its movement is translated into the patient. Through clinical reasoning and evidence based practice, the horse’s movement: Can be guided and changed depending on the client’s needs Is used to get an active response from the client Facilitates functional and more efficient movements in the client’s body The horse or pony used is specifically selected for each client, to make sure it is the right size, gives the desired movement to the client and has the right temperament.

Who can benefit from Hippotherapy? Hippotherapy is specifically for clients who have moderate to severe motor and/or sensory disorders. When a child is referred for Hippotherapy, he/she will be assessed by our Physiotherapist. The assessment will: Determine if Hippotherapy will be beneficial and safe for the child Identify any contra-indications to Hippotherapy Aid in developing individualized therapy goals for the child Aid in selecting the right horse for that child The therapist will then work one-on-one with the child towards achieving their therapy goals.

Why does it work? Hippotherapy is so effective because it influences, enhances and integrates function in multiple systems, including the Sensory systems Neuro-motor system (muscles) The cognitive system.

Hippotherapy is not intended to be done as a treatment program on its own, but as one part of the client’s plan of care.

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS The most important thing to consider when doing Hippotherapy is safety. Horses are wonderful and gentle animals, but they are still a live animal and can frighten easily. Hippotherapy will never be conducted if it is considered unsafe for the client, or for the horse. The horse will always be led by a trained horse expert, who can recognize signs of discomfort or stress in the horse. The therapist will walk alongside the horse and the client on one side, and there will always be another person, walking alongside the other side of the horse. This can be a family member or a volunteer.

Therapeutic riding: Therapeutic riding is a horse-riding program that enhances and strengthens movement the child already has through exercise and activity on horseback. • Therapeutic riding • Is appropriate for children who have minimal to moderate motor and/or sensory disorders. • Can be a progression of Hippotherapy once the child reaches their Hippotherapy goals • Has the same therapeutic benefits of Hippotherapy • Is usually run in small groups by a professional horse riding instructor. Our therapeutic riding program at The Yard on Third has been developed in conjunction with our Physiotherapist, who is trained in Hippotherapy. Contact details: Physiotherapist at the Yard on Third: Angela Kruse 076 347 7177

Benefits of Hippotherapy and Therapeutic Riding: Hippotherapy and Therapeutic Riding can result in improvements in the following areas: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Arousal and attention Balance strategies Bi-lateral integration Body awareness Circulation Dynamic postural stability Endurance Midline orientation Mobility of the pelvis, spine and hip joints Muscle tone Muscle strength Musculoskeletal alignment Neuro-motor dysfunction Posture Problem-solving movement strategies Respiratory function Self confidence Sensorimotor integration Symmetry and alignment Timing and co-ordination

Conscious Life Magazine

The Antbear Drakensberg Lodge is a thatched, whitewashed lodge built high on a natural platform overlooking the Bushman's River and Giants Castle. Antbear Drakensberg Lodge offers various Drakensberg accommodation options in en suite double rooms, luxury suites, family units and also boasts a luxury cave too. Antbear Drakensberg Lodge is one of those smaller intimate kind places which has been lovingly put together. The natural setting of the accommodation is stunning and we have managed to encase all this beauty with an atmosphere of comfort and ease. The cottages are smartly appointed and individually designed and the fact that we are a small place makes for an intimate and personal accommodation experience. Each of the accommodation units are different and are decorated with uniquely eccentric and artistic wooden furniture. It is a bit off the beaten track and is more of an insider tip than just another bed and breakfast. We cater for small intimate groups and never have more than 45 guests at a time. It's a laid back, lovingly cared for kind of place where you feel a sense of happiness and peace. Honeymoon stays turn into anniversary commemorations just as guests become friends. Even foreign tourists return for a second and third taste.

Attractions Drakensburg Hiking Trails Bushman Rock Art Giant’s Castle Kamberg Weenen Game Reserve Royal Natal National Park Drakensburg Boys Choir

Horse Trails Injasuti Nature Reserve Monks Cowl Natal Midlands Tugela Falls Sani Pass Fly Fishing

Retreats The Antbear Drakensberg Lodge is the ideal retreat venue where we can provide all the services and accommodation for your retreat. Situated 4 hours from Johannesburg and 2 hours from Durban with easy access from the N3 Antbear Lodge is easy to get to but has the feeling of being far from the madding crowd. This wonderful place for group retreats offers spectacular views, vast spaces, wild winds, rain, sunshine, clouds and rainbows and in all of this – silence and peace. Retreat groups can book the whole lodge for their exclusive use. The Lodge can accommodate 44 persons in 15 separate accommodation units Antbear Drakensberg Lodge has a spacious dining room with a wood-burning fireplace, a comfortable lounge with a fireplace and spectacular views, a breakaway meeting room, a large veranda and a large meeting room for retreat, team building or training activities. We provide excellent meals and will fit our menu to your expectations.

Conscious Life Magazine

Because food is an important part of your stay Meals are part of the real surprises that the Antbear Lodge has to offer where home grown cooking is part of the deal. We like to use our own home grown organic vegetables and if we haven’t got, then we lean heavily on those local providers with similar attitudes to our own. Conny and Andrew both like cooking and are up to changing just about anything to suit tastes or philosophies. Our cooking experience is in part a journal, a record of events and memories expressed in recipes. In the course of our travels we have filed away many recipes and with them images of people and places and their lives. How food tastes has much to do with the associations we make and if you would like to hear the tales of our meals we would love to tell them.

Sustainable & responsible tourism is our social responsibility and what we do to give something back to our community and environment We believe in sustainable tourism and social responsibility. We live is a spectacularly beautiful place called the Drakensberg and our standard of living here is exceptional. But around us lie contrasts of poverty and lack of development. If we are to keep our way of life then it surely follows that we must do everything in our power to contribute to the upliftment and prosperity of this rural area. We believe that the future of South Africa is linked to the prosperity of the people, and that upliftment is linked to education. And as such we have chosen to support our local primary school called Vulakani Primary School.

Pet friendly accommodation Drakensberg One of the few pet-friendly places in the Drakensberg. Beautiful, vast views of the Drakensberg with plenty of ground for my dogs to roam. Walk for hours. Your dogs will be happy with lots of dams to swim in and horses to discover. One of the accommodation units at Antbear Lodge is fenced in so its really easy to leave your dog behind if you would like to explore some of the sights where pets are not that welcome. If country life is for you and you would love to take your pet with you then Antbear Lodge is a great accommodation choice. Your hosts will advise you on all the activities available. Antbear Lodge prides itself on being both family-friendly and petfriendly.

CONTACT Mobile 076 441 2362 Email: Web:

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IDEAL ACCOMMODATION SOLUTIONS WHEN YOU ARE EITHER N-BETWEEN MOVING, RELOCATING OR LOOKING FOR EXTENDED STAY. Cottages & Apartment Rentals with Jax Place Corporate Rentals is ideal for clients busy with house renovations, immigrating, relocating, short term projects or simply starting over we offer short and long term accommodation options. Jax Place is based in the quiet avenues of Edenvale awaiting your arrival. We are conveniently situated an easy 7 minute drive to OR Tambo Johannesburg International with several major traffic interchanges including Gillooley’s on our door step, providing quick and easy access in almost every direction in Johannesburg. Greenstone shopping centre, Modderfontein, Isando, Linbro Business Park are just a few areas we are centrally located too. Jax Place offers secure on-site parking with a private entrance to each unit and Free Wi-Fi connection.

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OUR VISION AND HISTORY My father and I started Jax Place 15 years ago, with a dream and a plan in one hand, a hope and a prayer in the other. We launched Jax Place from a basic two bedroom house to a beautiful 15 suite, four star graded Guest House for 12 years. The Guest House has now been converted into Corporate Apartment Rentals. You are therefore are able to enjoy the amenities, style and finishing’s of the Apartments and luxury guest rooms. You can stay at a discounted rental rate for one month, or more, in our fully furnished and equipped self-catering units . My staff have been with me for over 8 years and work as an extended family. We strive for service excellence as we aspire to make Jax Place a home away from home.

Our core family business is short and long-term rentals operating in both Edenvale and Bedfordview, with a total of 52 fully furnished and unfurnished units. Our blood line flows with the green and gold as Michael William Jennings was a Springbok Rugby player in 1970 and I represented SA in netball in 1996 and 2006. Not only successful on the field but in business too. I'm blessed to be able to work with my family every day as we welcome others to our establishments we've created with care and passion. We welcome you to MGS & Jax Place, where personalised and professional accommodation is what you can expect. Call us with your requirement and we will tailor a package for your stay with us.

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GIVE-AWAY: Email with subject ‘Boundless Love’ to stand a chance of winning a signed copy of Boundless Love by Sabita Maharaj

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PAWS R US (SA) is looking for INVESTORS – help us BUILD THE DREAM of our “HAPPY PLACE”! After 6 years in animal welfare/rescue, PAWS R US (SA) has moved into the LINBER KENNELS facility out in the Tarlton area, JHB. It is time to spread our wings, create a permanent home, and contribute more effectively to both the cause and effects linked to animal welfare/rescue in SA. Our dream is to build the LINBER KENNELS facility into a top-notch rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming haven for rescue dogs. We also want to establish a home-base for our EDUCATION campaigns, so that we can work with the youth in returning to the core value of COMPASSION and RESPECT for Self and All Life. To make this dream a reality, we need to BUY the LINBER KENNELS site. And to get that done, we need to find INVESTORS and PARTNERS who want to contribute to something greater than themselves, and help make a real, immediate and practical difference in a world that has lost its way. The PAWS R US (SA) TRUST has been created as a legal entity – and we now look to spread the net open wide and “go on the hunt” for kindred spirits who want to help build something GOOD. We need INVESTORS of the HEART and MIND – those who want to protect the vulnerable, educate the youth of tomorrow, and know that their investment has directly uplifted lives and communities. CONTACT: For all enquiries and details related to this search for INVESTORS, and the implications for each INVESTOR within the Trust, please email us on

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With much appreciation to our advertisers, contributors, endorsers and of course, our readers Namaste Conscious Life Magazine

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