Conscious life feb ed 20

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PUBLISHER 2Luni Media EDITOR Linda Navon 071 346 8138 OUR “Little Boss” Carmen Che Jardim SALES & MARKETING Cj Stott Matticks 082 900 1010 FREELANCE WRITER Arizona Quinn DISTRIBUTION & RESEARCH Lee Coulter OFFICES Sonata Square Olivedale TEL: (011) 462-2900 0110 262 643 FOR ADVERTISING PLEASE CALL Cj ON 082 900 1010 Email:

DISCLAIMER The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the editor, advertisers or endorsers. While every effort has been made to ensure that the contents of this publication are both accurate and truthful, the publisher and editor accept no responsibility for inaccurate or misleading information that may be contained herein.

ed’s letter Hello and a belated Happy 2016 to all our readers This is our first edition for the year – we took a bit of a time-out to enjoy Johannesburg while everyone went to the coast. I remember in my younger years living on the KZN coast, and how my mother used to dread all the ‘Vaalies’ arriving in droves as soon as the Universities broke up. Then second onslaught of happy campers would arrive with half their homes on trailers. Needless to say, it was not a difficult decision to get her to move up to the Vaal once all us kids (and I use the term lightly) had moved up here. We are already into the second month of the year, and should I make you really cringe by telling you what the countdown is to the next Xmas? Nah… think I will run out of fingers and toes for that. This year holds a lot of challenges for everyone, and whether we are aware of the environmental and planetary changes, please understand that whatever you are feeling, you should recognize, observe, and try to keep your head together. I am a very emotional person, I feel things deeply – I can’t stand to read the news or hear about someone who is in trouble, so I bottle it up, until my fuse funs out and I literally explode…. So, it’s certainly time for us all to be more observant of each other, and what people are battling with, and show some compassion. First of all though, you do need to nourish yourself before you can give to others.. In the March edition of Positive Parenting you will find that we have most of our sections back in the mag. We will be covering a lot more on the topic of ‘Bullying’, First Aid in the home and where to get training on basic first aid for all members of the household. We will also advise on what you need to carry in your car in case of emergencies. Other topics will deal with some of your New Year resolutions, if they haven’t left by the back door yet. Stop Smoking, get your body in shape, if you didn’t do in before you bared it on the beach! Extra-mural activities for our little people, and much more. We have a surprise interview with visuals and sound set up for the next mag – all I am going to tell you is that this 12 year old will knock your socks off. Our team is growing yet again, we have two new fantastic Marketing girls joining our team in a few days time. We have revamped our logo and the website is in the process of a complete make-over. Enjoy our 20th edition, and please join us on Facebook, and subscribe on our website in order to stand in line for the many hampers we have each month to give away. This month we have many Hay House hampers for adults, teachers and children of all ages.


By the way, if you would like your children, or yourselves to be in the magazine, please feel free to send us pics. We prefer to use friends and family as opposed to random pics from websites. See you in a few weeks again. Much love Linda and Cj xXx


JOSIE BORAIN TODAY Josie Borain was South Africa's first international supermodel. Many of us lived vicariously through her during her success as one of the top models for Calvin Klein. It was during this time that she started to document her adventures in New York City with her Bolex . . . and she continues to observe moments in time till today. Come with us as we look into the world of Josie Borain.

Lifestyle Photography Josie Borain is the go to celebrity photographer in South Africa. Her career started unknowingly, when modeling in New York City and Paris. She worked alongside supermodels and famous photographers like Richard Avedon, documenting their experiences with her Bolex camera. She has remained to this day, a celebrity and lifestyle photographer. She has fashion films of her days back stage with Naomi Campbell, Linda Evangelista and Cindy Crawford, and has shot magazine editorials of Jared Leto and Taryn Manning. Her passion is travel and documentary photography and can be found on the dusty plains of Kenya shooting tribes one day, and Rock Stars the next. Josie Borain is represented by Artists & Legends Creative Management. You can view her portfolio here.

Creative Direction. Global Artist Management. Production

Josie Borain Photography/Art I take Photographs I make art‌let’s get working Photographed these beautiful ladies for a calendar in Kenya, for Face Of Africa.

Posted on 14 September, 2012 by Josie Borain in the Josie Borain in Africa post series

My name is Josie Borain. I’ve been a wife, a widow, a divorcee, a supermodel, a photographer and a mother. I was born in ’63, grew up in a leafy white suburb in Johannesburg, and I was never very good at school. I moved to Cape Town, started modeling, and entered a jet-setter world of grace, glamour, fame and fortune.

I lived in Paris and New York, I worked on Ralph Lauren campaigns and on a contract for Calvin Klein – 100 days a year for three years for a million Dollars.

I graced the covers of dozens of magazines, TV commercials and advertising campaigns, including the most famous of all billboards in Times Square. I married a photographer called Pierre, he encouraged me to take a camera with me wherever I went, he was my teacher, my guru, my everything. Pierre and I wanted to go on a road trip through Africa from North to South, but then I got the Calvin contract, “Africa will always be there we can do it later, take the contract”, Pierre said.

Unfortunately, unbeknown to Pierre or myself - he wouldn’t be. Pierre died in August of 1986 from an aneurism while out on a run on the streets of Paris.

I continued in the rat race of modeling in New York. I ate at the best restaurants, I had a film director boyfriend – Phil Joanou (one of Spielberg’s protégées), I hung-out with him on sets with Sean Penn, I modeled with Cindy Crawford, I had famous friends and I was fabulous, living a fabulous life. Eventually in 1995, I decided to move back to South Africa. I rekindled a romance with an old crush – Grant Maben – he had just come out of rehab. I got pregnant but had to leave him after two months when I realized I did not want to spend the rest of my life with him. When my son was four months old I got into a relationship with Charles Spencer, we were together for 9 months and then his sister died in that terrible car accident. I joined her family for the burial and was part of a small part of history in the making. In the next segment of my life is Langley, an actor ten years my junior. We got married in 2002 and ended up having two gorgeous kids. I lived the life of a mother. I love my children but it was a challenge, being the authoritarian parent was not my scene. We lived the typical suburban life. It became monotonous and boring. Langley had an affair. We stayed together and worked through it “kind of”….But somehow I stopped caring. Fast forward to 2012. Langley asks me for a divorce. The pain was not in loosing a husband, for me the pain was in breaking up my family. I cried and I begged and I pleaded but he said he didn’t love me anymore. I wallowed in pain, I embraced the sadness and it made me feel alive.

So, at 49 years old. Langley had given me a new lease on life, a path to a new future, a new beginning with a different ending. I came up with this idea to go on a road trip, to drive across Southern Africa – through Namibia, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe – all on my own. And to photograph the people and places I see on my way. Photography and travel are what I love. Langley will look after the kids – give me some time to recover and get inspired again.

Reflecting back on my journey through Southern Africa - See more at:

CONSCIOUS LIFE magazine caught up with Josie and asked her a few questions about her life – here are her answers:

CHILDHOOD WHAT WAS YOUR CHILDHOOD LIKE? DID YOU HAVE A VIVID IMAGINATION, WERE YOU A DREAMER, DID YOU DRIVE YOUR TEACHERS UP THE WALL OR WERE YOU AN ‘APPLE POLISHER’ (TEACHER’S PET). The only dreams or fantasies I had were either to train dolphin? Or to be like Jacques Cousteau…I was not very good at school as I was dyslexic so I think I really just fell through the cracks at school…I was a very good swimmer and that was about it. WHAT WAS THE MOST REBELLIOUS THING YOU DID AS A TEENAGER? Hitch-hiking to Pretoria to go and see my boyfriend play rugby….rebel with out a cause…I wasn’t very naughty, didn’t drink, didn’t to drugs…well not that I can remember, it was a long time ago… WHAT QUALITIES DID YOU INSTILL IN YOUR CHILDREN THAT SERVE THEM IN THEIR LIVES NOW? Peter Raven has always been an easy child, never demanding things a very humble person, I allow all my children to be who they want to be, and try to give them as much freedom as I can…I don’t tolerate lying and selfish behavior…all my kids are out the box thinkers and I hope they live the life they want and don’t conform …they won’t

CAREER HOW DID BECOMING SUCH A WORLDWIDE ICON AFFECT YOUR PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS WITH YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS? It was fine, I never became big headed so nobody had to put me in my place…I only kept a handful of friends after leaving the country WERE YOU SHY IN FRONT OF THE CAMERAS OR DID IT ALL COME NATURALLY – LIKE YOUR BEAUTY? I am shy, always have been always will be, some people think I am standoffish, but actually I’m just shy…I was lucky when I was a model, the camera liked me so I didn’t have to do much… WHAT WAS THE BIGGEST CHALLENGE YOU HAVE HAD TO FACE AND HOW DID YOU OVERCOME IT? Fear…I was fearless when I was young but now that I have children, I fear for their lives I fear for my own…it’s not something I am proud of…it’s something I need to work on…let go and let nature take it’s course.

HOW HAS YOUR FAME BEEN OF BENEFIT TO YOU IN YOUR LIFE NOW? I never consider myself famous but if I am it has got me a nice table and free drinks in trendy restaurants in New York…now that’s a benefit if I ever heard of one… I get to be on cover of magazines and get interviewed like this one, so I suppose that’s a benefit?? Not sure…all I know is I have had a very privileged life and for that I am grateful, and that is why I spend most of my free time when I am not raising my three children as a single mother, doing a lot of NGO work, whether it is volunteering for Chic mama's or taking photo’s for Red Cross Children’s hospital…

WHO IS JOSIE NOW? DO YOU FEEL ‘AGELESS’ NOW THAT YOU ARE IN YOUR 50’s? I look older as my hair is grey and I have a few lines on my face, my body has changed a lot since the 80’s but that’s all ok…I remember the days men/boy used to “check me out” but that never happens anymore, so I have definitely aged but so be it such is life…it’s a new chapter… IF YOU COULD START YOUR WORKING LIFE ALL OVER AGAIN, WHAT WOULD YOUR ALTERNATIVE CHOICE OF CAREER HAVE BEEN? Marine Biologist, archeologist, … WHAT ARE YOUR ‘GUILTY PLEASURES’? WHAT DO YOU DO WITH AS A TREAT TO YOURSELF? I love live music but not at big venues the smaller venues in and around CT, I have become a bit of a groupie to a few bands…always happy to sit and listen to them…I also try to cycle up Chapman's Peak every morning or take a few hour walk in the mountains with some friends of mine…aaah the life of a woman of leisure! NAME FOUR THINGS YOU HAVE IN YOUR BUCKET LIST… Go to Egypt…walking there preferably… live in Japan for a season or two…be a personal photographer for a president or famous person or band…become their photo journalist…fall truly in love??? What ever that is….:) HAVE YOU EVER MADE AN ABSOLUTE ‘SPECTACLE’ OF YOURSELF IN PUBLIC? TELL US ABOUT IT! No I am too shy… IF YOU COULD MEET ANY ONE PERSON, DEAD OR ALIVE, WHO WOULD IT BE? Mohammed Ali before he had Parkinson’s…I would love to photograph him…

WHAT WOULD YOU DO TO IMPROVE SOUTH AFRICA? Free, good education… electricity and clean drinking water in all corners of our beautiful country ANY WORDS OF WISDOM YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE WITH OUR READERS? Remember not to judge people as you never know what is going on in their lives… Thanks Josie, Love Linda xx

Valentine’s Day is a time to celebrate love… Love for your significant other of course… And… Love for the special people and even animals in your life. And especially: Love for Yourself! Here are some ideas for gifts…

Yummy Valentine’s Day Hampers R196 – R297 To order visit the website

Proudly South African, delicious, nutritious, raw chocolate

Raw Chocolate Heart Bon Bons 60% Cacao, sweetened with Coconut Blossom Sugar 2 @ R40


83% Ecuador Cacao Bar, 83% Ecuador Cacao + Nibs Bar, 78% Ecuador Cacao Bar, Chilli Bar, Bonbon Bar, Coconut & Himalayan Sea Salt Bonbon Bar, Scotch Bonbon Bar Suggested Retail: 54g bars R50, 20g bars R22

Chocolate Spreads: Monate Chocolate Pot: Cacao & Coconut Spread. R70 Crunchy Peanut Butter & Chocolate R60

Monate Hot Chocolate Elixir Sweetened with Xylitol Crystals or with Agave Crystals 250g pack @ R98

Gypsey Rose Cotton Clothing Made in India

Chandeliers R1500 – R3000 Bird Dresses R650

Buddha Bags R350

Cushion Covers R100

Kaftans R450

Jar of Reasons You Love Him/Her

Chocolate Heart Cupcakes

Personalised Photo Frame

Directions in here

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Directions in here

Story of Us Frame

Gift Jar

Secret Note Pillow

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Directions here

Directions here

Pop-Up Photo Box

CD Wallet Book

Bath Bombs

Directions here

Directions here

52 Reasons I love You Ticket Stub Memory Box

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Heart Egg in Bed

Directions here

By Lisa Raleigh

The optimism that comes with the start of a fresh year is hard to resist, and 2016 is off to a promising start. Here are a few wellness trends set to stick around for the year. Individualised Nutrition

Emulating Instagram Stars

The era of drastic dieting is officially over, with individuals embracing balanced eating for longevity versus just visual results. Popular diets are being recognized as unsuccessful for mass implementation. We each have unique preferences and eating styles – certain foods are never going to make it into our diets, and others are never going to exit it! The new age of healthy eating says no to cutting or banning food groups and rather prescribes staying within a certain macronutrient breakdown. Any food can be incorporated into an eating plan within moderation and there is no one recipe that is going to manage different people’s fat loss objectives successfully. Modifying your specific eating lifestyles is the standing recipe for success.

Instagram beauties continue to beat out world famous trainers with their online fitness inspiration. The likes of Emily Skye, Adrianne Ho and Kayla Itsines help their followers visually appreciate the benefits of healthy lifestyles, proving the power of visual motivation! The inside scoop into these stars’ daily lives is what draws mass following from aspiring fitness fundis.

Kinder, Conscious Eating In an age of pesticides and GMOs, SA is back pedaling in an effort to source healthier and fairer trade food. Food sustainability and plant-based diets are more popular than ever, and meat sources and quantities are coming under scrutiny in an effort to be kinder to the environment and our bodies. The year of the humble bean and legume is here!

Functional Flexibility If you can’t move from a plank into a handstand, you haven’t yet mastered new age functional training. Well, maybe not quite to that degree, but functional training is certainly taking over from traditional isolated gym training and offering its followers impressive strength – and flexibility. This style of training recruits less repetitive motion and one-dimensional, isolated exercises, and more dynamic movement – without your typical gym machinery. The result is individuals with an extended range of mobility and flexibility, improved core strength and enhanced balance and coordination.

a calorie burn. The generic gym session is being skipped in favour of outdoor training, hiking, beach fitness, emotive trainers, yoga, integrated meditation and other training methods that include a therapeutic element.

Online Fitness Communities Fitness fundis and professionals are continuing to take their services online, with some even offering live streaming and remote training in addition to the regular online services offered. The personal, reachable and real approach of communicating directly with individuals offers the constant and intimate attention that some need to stay on track.

Meta-Facility Sign Ups: Fitness facilities as a whole are realizing their members are looking for more than one type of workout. Individuals now have emerging options to sign up for membership across facilities with programmes like FitKey, where a monthly fee lets you enjoy classes from different facilities nationwide. Gyms and studios are joining forces rather than competing, with the smaller studios gaining valuable exposure and new attendance.

Join Lisa Raleigh’s well i am 5: 100 day challenge starting 9th March 2016 What you get:

Exercising for the Soul Our ever-developing consciousness means that exercise is being embraced for its real purpose versus simply to look good. We understand the importance of exercise in keeping us present, boosting our happy hormones, regulating sleep and serving as a serious antidote to one of today’s biggest burdens – stress. Individuals are now looking for more from their sweat session than just

Entries from R549

Reiki Training and Certification for those who wish to learn this ancient healing technique UPCOMING REIKI COURSE DATES FOR 2016 • 27 February & 5 March • 2 April & 9 April • 7 May & 14 May • 28 May & 4 June

Course runs from 09h00 to 15h00 on both days at the Shanthi Sanctuary, Bedfordview Spaces are limited to please call to confirm bookings • • •

Reiki is a hands-on energy technique where Reiki practitioners channel energy through their palms in order to stimulate the natural healing processes of the recipient. Reiki restores the balance of the body’s energies, resulting in physical and emotional wellbeing. Reiki can be incorporated into everyday life and in addition to other alternative therapies.

For more information call or email: Chantelle, Reiki Master – Registered with the Reiki Masters Association ITEC accredited Massage Therapist, Aromatherapist and trained in the art of Rei-Flexology. Mobile: 079 491 1671 Email:

A recent study done by The Conversation has drawn the same conclusion that music lovers have known for years: Dancing with others is good for your health. People are drawn to music for many different reasons. Whether it be spiritual, emotional, physical, or cultural, music has been a part of the human experience for thousands of years. The innate desire to move to a beat is a quality that we are all born with. Seriously, even babies do it. While dancing can be taught and practiced to perfection, every single human has a natural ability to synchronize to a beat. It is one of the building blocks of humanity that continues to evolve just as humans do. As The Conversation notes in their study, “it turns out that when you synchronize even a small movement, like the tapping of your finger in time with someone else, you feel closer and more trusting of that person than if you had tapped out of time.” The rave community is well-versed in this simple scientific fact. People love good music and love a good show, but what really makes the EDM genre truly powerful is the community that accepts everyone and anyone. When you dance with others, whether it be moving to the same beat or dancing in synchronicity, the individual merges into a collective whole. “When we watch someone else do the same thing at the same time as us, our brain ends up with a merged sense of us and them. It feels like we ‘become one,” the study concludes. The Conversation took things one step further to test additional benefits of dancing in synchronicity with others. The study took place in Brazil, where 264 young people participated in various dancing activities that were synchronized versus non synchronized and high-exertion versus low-exertion. The study measured pain tolerance and feelings of closeness before, during, and after the dancing activities. So basically, dancing in any synchronization with others increases your pain tolerance and helps you to connect with others. Music literally is group therapy – a concept that EDM champions Above & Beyond is quite familiar with. Moral of the story? Tap into those primal desires and dance!

It’s good for you.

“Not surprisingly, those who did fullbodied exertive dancing had higher pain thresholds compared to those…in the low-exertion groups….we also found that synchronization led to higher pain thresholds, even if the synchronized movements were not exertive. So long as people saw that others were doing the same movement at the same time, their pain thresholds went up.”

Let’s Dance Dance classes take place weekly at the Conscious Healing Centre, Penguin Drive, Fourways. Call Fern to book your space now.

Beginners welcome. Editor’s note: I have the coordination of a dishrag and Fern has assured me that she will get me dancing! Looking forward to seeing you all there.

Setting Our Compass for 2016 The New Year has kicked in. Some of us might have their New Year’s resolutions lined up, but how often do we fail with them? Why do most of us give up on our New Year resolutions? Because we hit a bump, a snag, a problem or we run out of willpower. How do we overcome this? Let’s do things differently this year Do things differently by asking ourselves “What do I want to achieve with my New-Year’s resolution?” For example, the New-Year’s resolution is to stop smoking, loose weight or to exercise. What we are trying to achieve? The objective is to improve our health more and more each day. We can make this our focus for the New Year. We can use this focus as a compass to guide is with our choices. E.g. whenever we are to important choices, we ask ourselves, “Will this choice improve my health?”

I want to give up Many of us want to give up as soon as we hit a snag or run out of willpower. This is NOT a sign to give up or to push through. It is a sign to make a small and/or simple adjustment in how we work on our focus. Working on our focus should be fun and easy. If it is not, find a solution to make fun and flowing. For every problem there is a solutions. We need to keep on looking until we have found a way to make our exercise an enjoyable experience. For example our compass is set on improving our health and we started going to gym, but we don’t enjoy it. Then we can ask ourselves “How can I make this enjoyable?”

Here some ideas what we can do:

1.Listen to motivational material while exercising 2.Change the settings, e.g. exercise outside in nature instead of in the gym. 3.Exercise with others by: 1.Attending group classes 2.Getting a gym buddy or personal trainer 3.Playing a sport like squash, soccer, etc 4.Choose a different method of exercising, e.g. go dancing, swimming, yoga, etc.

“The more excuses we have, the more unsuccessful we will be” by JT Foxx We might even have valid excuses., e.g. we are injured and now we cannot exercise. Well there are many ways to improve our health. If we really cannot exercise, then we can work on improving our mental health. Or we can focus on eating healthily. There is always a way to work on our focus. The more we use our focus as a compass, the less excuses we will have, the more successful we will be an all areas of our lives. With a compass/focus, it is much easier to see beyond the excuses and find solutions I suggest that for 2016, we select a focus for 2016, which becomes our compass. What do you want to focus on in 2016? •Improve your health? •Become self-disciplined more and more each day? •Study? •… Why do people give up on their New Year resolutions? Because they hit a bump, a snag, a problem or they run out of willpower. How do you overcome this? Ask yourself “What do I want to achieve with this New-Year’s resolution?” Make this your focus of the New Year. Then adopt that attitude “For every challenge there is a solution”. If you cannot achieve your focus with your current choice, how can you reach your objective? You might just have to make a small/simple adjustment and you can be on your way again. That is why I like to set my compass and start moving in the direction of my choice. The more energy I put in, the faster I go and the easier it becomes to overcome the challenges. “The more excuses we have, the more unsuccessful we will be” by JT Foxx. With a compass/focus, it is much easier to see beyond the excuses and find solutions. Happy New Year Have fun and take some risks.


How to Stop Cringing in the Mirror

(recognizing what’s truly beautiful) “Somewhere between infancy and adulthood, the mirror went from joyous self-discovery to evidence in the court of insecurity.” Have you ever noticed the fun babies and toddlers have in front of mirrors? They smile and giggle at themselves with something you might call authentic delight. They love looking at themselves in the mirror. And it doesn’t matter whether or not they are the cutest thing on the block either. They are simply and openly delighted by their image.

Sick Scrutiny Where did that go? Why have we allowed others to determine the standard by which we judge ourselves? Why even judge? Why do we relegate ourselves to the bottom of the imaginary attractive scale and stop smiling and giggling at what we see in the mirror? Why do we start paying so much attention to things like wrinkles and nose lengths and freckles and blemishes and all our perceived imperfections? Why do we look so closely at the so-called blemishes that we miss the beauty that surrounds the “blemish” entirely?

Mirrors Miss what’s Important Never allow the irrelevant and superficial to define you. Never let the insignificant be the glue that holds the personality of social circles together. Stop neglecting the essence of your being to focus on the skin-surface irrelevancies of skin tone and Ph. balance, lip shape and jaw line. Besides, the mirror cannot reflect what matters most. It cannot tell you who you are or what you’re made of. It cannot reflect character or personality or kindness or love or persistence or compassion. It tells us nothing that is important about you. Absolutely nothing.

The Ring or the Box Our frequent reaction to mirrors is a bit like getting upset that the diamond ring came in a shabby box. Who cares if the box isn’t shiny! It contains a diamond ring, for crying out loud! That’s what you should be looking at in the mirror. The diamond. Not judging the gift for the box it comes in! So, let’s get back to that state where we sincerely delight at seeing ourselves in the mirror, thrilled to see our own reflection, laughing, smiling, in awe and reverence for the inner glow of our true beauty.


If we want to change the way we think we need to change our subconscious thinking. We need to release our self-sabotaging beliefs, emotions and habits and replace them with supportive ones. We have a range of products and services that assist you with that. CONTACT HANNA KOK: MOBILE 082 856 6655

Dr. Wayne Dyer

We become what we think about all day long. What thoughts do you have that inhibit you from feeling as if you’re on purpose in your life? For instance, if you think that you’re separate from your purpose and that you’re drifting without direction through your life, then that’s precisely what you’ll attract. Suppose, instead, that you know this is a purposeful universe where your thoughts, emotions, and actions are a part of your free will and are also connected to the power of intention. Suppose that your thoughts of being purposeless and aimless are really a part of your purpose. Just as the thought of losing someone you love makes you love them even more, or an illness makes you treasure your health, suppose that it takes the thought of your unimportance to make you realize your value. When you’re awake enough to question your purpose and ask how to connect to it, you’re being prodded by the power of intention. The very act of questioning why you’re here is an indication that your thoughts are nudging you to reconnect to the field of intention. What’s the source of your thoughts about your purpose? Why do you want to feel purposeful? Why is a sense of purpose considered the highest attribute of a fully functioning person?

The source of thought is an infinite reservoir of energy and intelligence. In a sense, thoughts about your purpose are really your purpose trying to reconnect to you. That inner beingness knows why you’re here, but your ego prods you to chase after money, prestige, popularity, and sensory pleasures and miss the purpose of living. You may feel sated and gain a reputation, but inside there’s that gnawing feeling typified by the old Peggy Lee song “Is That All There Is?” Focusing on the demands of the ego leaves you feeling unfulfilled. Deep within you, at the level of your being, is what you were intended to become, to accomplish, and to be. In that inner placeless place, you’re connected to the power of intention. It will find you. Make a conscious effort to contact it and listen. Practice being what you are at the source of your soul. Go to your soul level, where intention and purpose fit together so perfectly that you achieve the epiphany of simply knowing this is it.

Not only does forgiveness open us up to self-love, it rids our minds of past pain and judgements of others. When we blame others, we are giving them power over our thoughts. If you give yourself permission to forgive, you are released of your sorrows. It’s a great step toward pure happiness. When we’re stuck in a state of always having to be right, we are never truly happy. You put yourself in a prison of self-righteous resentment. Remember, forgiveness is not acceptance. We are not accepting their behavior as OK, we are just releasing ourselves from the negative energy they exude. People act out based on their experiences and knowledge. Don’t let their pain control your thoughts too. The act of forgiveness comes from within your own mind. Let’s let our ill-will toward people go as we close out this year. You always have a choice. You can stay in a world of bitterness or you can let go and live a fulfilling, blissful life. Other people’s behavior may have you feeling irritated or uncomfortable, but they are not making you hold on to those negative feelings. You have the freedom to let go by taking responsibility of your own feelings. Free yourself from pain. Let go of those judgements and release yourself from the burdens and limitations these judgements set for you. Letting go can not only help you, but create love within the other person as well. Forgiveness is a gift to yourself and the Universe.

All of our thoughts and feelings are created within our minds. When we learn to forgive ourselves and others, we set ourselves free. We find inner peace and ultimate happiness. When you refuse to forgive, you hold on to the past; you’re not able to live in the endearing present moments. Remember, your future is created when you are in the present. You do not deserve to feel pain and suffering. Once you are willing to forgive, the Universe will take care of the rest. The energy you put out there is what’s returned. Forgive yourself, love yourself, and forgive others. Move forward from bitterness. Put yourself in a space of love and joy. Put yourself around people who fill your heart with love and joy. You are free my dear ones.

Let’s affirm together: “I move beyond forgiveness to understanding, and I have compassion for all.” All is Well,

A Powerful 5-Minute Meditation to Open Your Heart Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in and breathe out and just let go of all that stuff that is stuck inside you. This is a special day and we don’t want to carry any old stuff with us. Put one hand on your heart and one hand on your belly. And as you breathe quietly, notice how comforting that feels. Be aware that you can do this anytime and anywhere and take care of yourself. You can make yourself feel better with simple gestures and your own breathe. How it calms you down. It lets yesterday go. It gives you a feeling of safety. You are here for yourself. And as you release yesterday and even this moment, you allow your full attention to come into this day, this hour, this time. Turn your full attention to this wonderful, wonderful day. Let your heart open and make room for all the good of the Universe to come in.

All is Well

Earlier this week, on a long solitary walk on the beach, I was contemplating w what my word for 2016 would be. Unlike a resolution, I consider my word for the year like an invitation or intention - something that helps me stay open for my own longings and the gifts that come my way. The word that came to me was OPEN. I want to live 2016 with an open heart. I want to be open to the gifts, the grace, and the grief. I want to open myself to new relationships, new experiences, and new learning opportunities. I want to stay open the way I felt out there on the waves surrendering to whatever gift each one brought - riding those that were gentle, rising up again after those that were note, and always laughing and hanging onto to those people who matter. Soon we will begin to return to our various homes. We may have another chance to play together like this, or we may not. Only God knows our future. But in the meantime, we have this moment, and in this moment I make a conscious choice to remain open. Note: If you want to choose a word for 2016, or if you want to reflect on the gifts, grace, and grief that 2015 has brought your way, there are mandala exercises for that purpose in A Soulful Year: A mandala planner for ending one year and welcoming the next.

5 Ways to Maintain Lifelong Friendships ... including the most important quality of a good friend When it comes to our physical and mental health, friendship may truly be the best medicine. An Australian study(link is external) showed that strong social networks may lengthen survival in elderly men and women, with good friends being even more likely to increase longevity than close family members. As author Edna Buchanon put it, “Friends are the family we choose for ourselves.” A good friendship is indeed something to savor and protect. Yet, like any human relationship, even the closest of friendships can unravel in moments of weakness. The closer we get to someone, the more invested we become in their emotions and behavior. We are far more likely to be reactive to our best of friends. When they aren’t feeling or acting quite themselves, they can incite feelings of frustration, judgment, competitiveness, or hurt in us. How can you avoid a falling out with someone you’ve long trusted and cared about? Start by accepting the fact that you can only change yourself. And, almost always, fixing a friendship is a matter of fixing yourself.

Think about what kind of friend you want to be, as you consider these five tips for keeping your friendships strong throughout the years: 1. Be Honest Relationships built on false build-ups or phony facades are only as good as their foundation. Superficial relationships often fizzle over time. To achieve a solid friendship, you have to be honest with each other. Being able to offer and receive feedback from someone you trust is a gift that can easily be overlooked. Setting aside your ego and being willing to let someone know you and ask questions of you is invaluable. Friends are likely to ask the tough questions—“Why do you think you’re attracted to that person?” or, “Do you think you might be feeling jealous or hurt in this situation?” Having a friend who can tell it to you straight will help you know yourself better. Being able to reciprocate further challenges you to live with honesty, directness, and integrity. There is no way to feel more connected to someone than to open yourself up to them. Plus, keeping an honest dialogue helps prevent you from building up cynicism and boiling over in a moment when you feel triggered.

2. Repair Misattunements When you know someone well, you’re familiar with their strengths as well as with their weaknesses. And so, just as you know how to cheer them up, you know exactly how to tear them down. In moments of tension, we can let things slip out that are far more hurtful to our closest friends because they come from us. No one is perfect. We are all sure to mess up at times, but when we do, we have to set pride aside and repair the situation. Being honest shouldn't be about being cruel. Finding a balance where you can say what you think without being parental, defining, or judgmental is important to keeping a level of trust between you and a friend. When you make a mistake, apologize for it. Make sure the friend understands that your intention is not to hurt or punish. Explain where you went wrong and what you mean by saying sorry. And don’t be afraid to be the one who reaches out; we all have either been part of, or known pairs of friends who’ve stopped speaking for months, because neither individual would come forward to admit fault. Time is precious and not worth wasting, especially when it comes to the people who make us happy.

3. Make Time and Show Appreciation The familiarity and comfort we feel with another person can sometimes leave us crossing lines or forgetting to show gratitude. As with a spouse, partner, children, or family, we have to find time to make real contact with friends in order for the relationship to flourish. Slipping into routine can leave us more likely to take friends for granted. Make sure to express how you feel, and take actions that show how well you know and care for them. Generosity is the key to happiness. A good friend shows interest in who we are and what we struggle with, but it is important not to let the relationship become one-sided or to become self-centered in your focus.

Be sure to engage in acts of kindness and consideration that are focused on your friends. Do the things that they would perceive as caring. Consider their interests and passions when planning a way to say thank you.

4. Alter Your Expectations and Don’t Make Assumptions In any relationship, we can start to impose certain expectations on others that set us up to feel hurt or disappointed. Don’t be quick to pick apart your friends. Accept that they are human and that they will make mistakes. We may show our friendship in one way, whether through affection, favors, or gifts, but we shouldn’t necessarily expect the same from them. Don’t assume what your friends are thinking; check it out instead. And accept that you could be wrong about their viewpoint—every individual possesses a sovereign mind and their own perceptions of the world. They may, in turn, have a very different way of expressing their feelings, or showing that they care.

5. Choose Compassion Over Cynicism A good rule of thumb when it comes to our relationships is to care more about doing what’s right than being right. When you get to know a person, you get to know their worst traits, and it’s easy to become cynical toward those negative aspects of their personality. It’s far more preferable to be compassionate. Compassion keeps us vulnerable instead of tough and guarded, or seeing the world through a negative lens. A recent study showed that toddlers as young as age 2 get joy from seeing others helped

Keeping close friends is an essential part of life that gives us meaning and fulfillment. Holding yourself to these five standards will help you develop within yourself and expand your potential to grow meaningful friendships throughout your life. Read more from Dr. Lisa Firestone at

Ten Points 1. 2. 3. 4.


OWNING YOUR OWN PERSONAL POWER One of the most important tools to owning your own personal power is the ability to unconditionally love both self and others. This forms two halves of one whole and is vitally important in completing who and what you actually are. Your personal power is something that is inherent only to you and is your inner essence which belongs only to you. This is not something that you should ever give away to anyone else and yet so many give their personal power to others. It is of no consequence what your relationship to the other person is. It might be family, personal or business yet you never give your inner essence to them. When you are in any sort of relationship and you realise that the other person needs your personal power to make them feel powerful, you know that there is a problem and you then need to step back and assess the situation.

Things should always be in balance and relationships should also be equal no matter what the situation is. However there are many who feel that they matter more than others and so they will take whatever power they can so that their power is enhanced.

Do not be afraid of your power. You need to remember that it is safe for you to be powerful. This does not mean having power over others but owning your own personal power and being very comfortable with that. It is also very important that you set boundaries. Once you have done so subconsciously others pick up that they can only go that far and no further. From the time we enter this world, we are conditioned by others belief systems. You are raised in the tradition of the negative ego, faulty belief systems, imparting these impressions during the earliest and most vulnerable times of your life. This conditioning was carried on at school, within your group of friends, and into your job or career choices. You are also continuously bombarded with impressions from magazines, television, films etc. influencing you into a less than spiritual way of thinking. It is therefore imperative that once you become conscious of the glorious being that you are you learn how to claim the personal power of your own free will and retrain yourself to think with the higher mind. This enables you to remain calm and serene in all circumstances that come your way.  You are able to view life’s challenges as lessons to be learned and mastered.  You are reprogramming the subconscious mind, so that you are master of it, rather than the other way around.  You need to affirm that your personal power lies within you.

 It is part of your Divine makeup and heritage.  You need to claim that power and claim it now.  You need to consciously claim it throughout the day and before you go to bed at night.  Whenever a particularly challenging situation arises, reclaim that you are master of your domain and have total access to your personal power.  It is entirely up to you, what you choose to let into your conscious mind.  Only take in that which is for your highest good.  Your progress will be speeded up a thousand fold and your thinking will be changed forever.

Stand in your power and always remember that you are a truly amazing being!

In a bit of a slump? Pick yourself up with this easy routine. By Sharon Tanenbaum

The Routine The five easy exercises that follow can release tension, build muscle, and give you energy and an instantly taller, slimmer-looking physique. Repeat the circuit twice. To maintain the benefits you’ll gain by doing these moves regularly, establish good posture at your desk: Sit with your back against your chair and feet flat on the floor. When you look at a computer screen, your eyes should be level with the center of it. If they aren’t, raise or lower the monitor. Move 1: Shoulder Rolls Stand or sit in a comfortable position. As you inhale, raise your shoulders and shoulder blades to your ears. On the exhale, pull your shoulder blades down and together. Repeat 5 to 10 times.

Move 2: Chest Release Raise your arms to just below shoulder height with palms facing forward. Exhale as you slowly rotate both hands at the wrists so your fingers point slightly behind you. Take three to five breaths.

Move 3: Pyramid Step your left foot back so it rests fully on the floor. Square your hips. With your legs straight, clasp your forearms behind your back, exhale, and lean forward from your hips (don’t round your spine). Take three to five breaths and rise. Switch sides.

Move 4: Chair Pose Stand and raise your arms in front to shoulder height. Contract your arm muscles. Exhale as you bend your knees (no more than 90 degrees) and keep them over your toes. Take two breaths; stand. Repeat three times.

Move 5: Standing Side Bend Touch your left hand to the side of your head. Ground both feet and guide your head to the right until you feel a stretch along the left side of your body and shoulder. Take three to five breaths. Switch sides.

Proper Form There’s no need to balance a book on your head to check your posture. Bottom line: Your back should have an elongated S shape when viewed from the side. Follow these tips to ensure you’re in alignment. Neck: Hold your head high and straight without tilting it forward or to the side. Your ears should be in line with the middle of your shoulders. Shoulders: Pull your shoulder blades back and down to lift your breastbone. Abdomen: Tuck your abdomen in, but be careful not to tilt your pelvis forward or backward. Knees: Keep your knees slightly bent and shoulder-width apart.

Turmeric and Cancer: How a Cooking Spice Can Cure a Dreaded Disease Have you heard that turmeric may help protect you against cancer? According to many scientists, this cooking spice contains ingredients that fight cancer development through many ways. Modern medicine is still requiring more studies about turmeric and cancer, but you may try adding some turmeric to your dishes if you wish. As little as one teaspoon of turmeric a day is all it takes.

It enhances the effect of antioxidant enzymes in the body and also acts as an antioxidant itself. It stops DNA changes that lead to cancer, as well as interfere with enzymes that are needed for cancer progression.

What Is Turmeric?


Turmeric is a yellow-orange spice that is related to ginger. It is used as a seasoning in Asian cuisine and is the main ingredient in curry powder. This spice has long been used in a wide range of herbal treatments.

Turmeric is useful against cancer because of the following reasons: ◾It contains phytochemicals and nutrients that have several health benefits. ◾It fights against free radicals that damage cells. ◾It inc0/ releases the strength of cancerfighting substances in the body. ◾It stops healthy cells from transforming into tumors. ◾It slows down the growth and spread of cancer cells. ◾It manages inflammation. ◾It shields cells and tissues from toxins.

How Can Turmeric Help Fight Cancer? Turmeric contains phytochemicals and nutrients with several beneficial effects such as protecting body organs from damage, reducing cholesterol levels, improving blood-vessel health, controlling inflammation, combating infection, and more. Curcumin, turmeric’s most precious component, is very effective against cancer, too. It prevents the formation of, and neutralizes free radicals, or molecules that destroy other molecules in healthy cells and tissues.

Follow link below for full article

The story of the Ketogenic Diet is far older than one might think… in fact it started centuries ago. The concept of dietary alterations in the management of epilepsy and fasting as a possible cure for the condition was described in the Hippocratic collections in the fifth century BC. There is also reference to fasting as a treatment for epilepsy during biblical times. In the early twentieth century, there was almost contemporaneous further exploration of fasting as a treatment option for epilepsy. In France in 1911, the first study utilising modern scientific means was conducted on fasting as a treatment for epilepsy. In the United States, Bernarr Macfadden, a fitness cultist and proponent of fasting as a method of health restoration, opened the Bernarr Macfadden Sanitarium in Battle Creek, Michigan in 1907. Hugh Conklin, an osteopathic physician and follower of Macfadden’s, employed at the Sanitarium, began recommending fasting as treatment for his epilepsy patients. This approach was adopted by many of Dr Conklin’s contemporaries. One of these contemporaries was H. Rawle Geyelin, an endocrinologist at the New York Presbyterian Hospital. Having observed the efficacy of the treatment in some of Dr Conklin’s patients, he wished to confirm these results. Dr Geyelin first reported his observations at the American Medical Association convention in 1921. He presented his preliminary report on the efficacy of fasting in thirty-six patients, and subsequently continued and expanded his research on this form of treatment. Research on fasting as an option for the treatment of epilepsy was conducted by several other prominent physicians such as J Howland, S Cobb and WG Lennox. Inasmuch as the treatment was shown to be effective, it was not sustainable as a long-term option. Dr Wilder at Mayo clinic first proposed the ketogenic diet (KD) for the long-term management of epilepsy in 1921. In terms of this proposal it was stated that the benefits of fasting could be recreated through the implementation of the proposed diet. In addition, the KD could be sustained for a much longer period as it compensates for the clear disadvantages of a prolonged period of fasting. This compensation was achieved though the provision of adequate quantities of energy and protein for growth. This proposal can be seen as the birth of the KD as we know it today. The proposal of the KD was accepted and taken further by several other physicians. It was noted that the diet had numerous positive effects aside from the alleviation of seizure activity. These included improvements in cognition and behaviour. During the 1920s and 1930s the KD became quite common as a treatment method for epileptic patients as there were very few anticonvulsant medications available at the time. As the number of medications available increased the prevalence of the KD decreased. However, the KD was still utilised as an alternative therapy in patients suffering from refractory or drugresistant epilepsy.

There were further studies conducted over the years despite the decrease in the use of the KD. In the 1970s for example Huttenlocher et al. introduced a medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil diet that was more ketogenic per calorie, allowing less restriction of other foods. The motivation behind this was an attempt to make the classic KD more palatable (Neurology 1971;21:1097–1103) The KD experienced a resurgence of interest during the 1990s as a result of media attention owing to the Abrahams family. The story of Charlie Abrahams, a two-year-old boy suffering from intractable myoclonic, generalized tonic, and tonic–clonic seizures. Charlie had failed to respond to all treatments including medications, homeopathic treatments, surgery and even faith healing. Charlie’s father, Jim Abrahams, researched treatments for his son and happened upon a reference to the KD and Johns Hopkins (Freeman et al. Seizures and Epilepsy in Childhood: A Guide for Parents. Johns Hopkins Unversity Press, Baltimore, 1990, pp. 151–155). Charlie was taken to Johns Hopkins and placed on the KD, he became seizure-free and started showing developmental progress. In an effort to ensure that information on the KD was made available to the public, Jim Abrahams started the Charlie Foundation. The Foundation funded publications, underwrote conferences and further acted to promote the KD. Interest in the KD having been rekindled led to the expansion of scientific study, an increase in the number of papers published on the treatment and the utilisation of the treatment itself, particularly in patients suffering from refractory epilepsy. Most individuals who develop epilepsy will respond to anti-epileptic medications, however 2030% will be resistant to the medication [Dhamija et al. 2013]. In this population group, whether child or adult, the KD can be highly efficacious and should be considered early, as further anti-epileptic medication trials have shown low success rates [Dhamija et al. 2013]. It is clear that the KD has a rich history spanning many years, and our understanding of the underlying science has evolved and expanded in leaps and bounds. It must be noted that this understanding can only grow with new discoveries being made, whether in relation to existing applications or the KD being utilitised in the treatment of other diseases and disorders.

THE ABC ALTERNATIVES for ADDs By Penni du Plessis Let me share with you how a combination of Access Bars and Colour therapy could enhance the lives of ADD or ADHD children or adults. Many people contact me and ask which colour remedy they should use for a specific imbalance or ailment. This is asking for a quick fix and hoping that I can wave a magic wand for them. However, I am always amazed at what unfolds when they choose their own – simply by being drawn to a specific colour at the time. They choose from my vast array of coloured oils and sprays – which each have their own unique balancing properties. The personal choice taps into their own emotional issues which they are now ready to address – and when using it regularly as a bath or body oil, it eases the physical symptoms too. A case in point is an ADD child who chose a red oil. Everything in me screamed NOOO!!! I knew the blue oil would help him focus and relax or the yellow for increased concentration and self-confidence. My thinking was that the red would make him really overactive and bounce off the walls. I have learned however to trust and allow, and the only cautionary advise I gave his mom was not to use it at night as he would not sleep. We were both amazed at the results. The child who usually zoned out and lived in his own inner world, became more grounded, more active and was more interested in interacting with others. How does it get better than that? Added to that we began to run his Bars regularly, and the results were simply amazing.

So what is running the Bars? During this simple and highly effective treatment I cradle the client’s head in my hands for about an hour. During that time my finger positions change in order to touch 32 different points on the head – which each relate to a different issue, emotion and belief that is stored in the brain. While doing this I either silently or verbally begin to clear the stored memories – almost like wiping the blackboard, or de-fragging the brain. This is a highly relaxing treatment and most people fall into a deep sleep. At the end of the session they feel more aware, more creative and more relaxed, and … best of all, they begin to respond to life in a very different way. Here is a testimonial from Louise Derksen, a Bars practitioner in the USA, and how she uses the tool with her ADD child Early in the school year I was called into the school, one call of the many I get. My son was sitting at a desk in the hallway with the teacher, assistant teacher and the principal standing over him explaining and setting out step by step how to write a paragraph on a topic (Grade 6 level). I got the low down of what was going on, he wasn’t able to start or keep going with his writing. He had only written two sentences in over 30 minutes. My son, looked bewildered and like a deer in the headlights with 3 adults talking at him. I asked him what’s going on and he said simply, “they are asking too much, I can’t do it, I suck”. “Can I run your Bars?” I asked. “Ok.”

My son used to take an hour to start his homework with a tsunami of anger, hopelessness, despair, anxiety and selfhatred, with the Bars this changed to starting homework in 10 to 15 minutes with minimal frustration and keeping on track with what he is doing. Each time I ran his Bars while he’s in the “mood” or stressed and under pressure the less intense these behaviours would show up next time. And yes, this works on husbands and partners too.

I run his Bars and his body relaxes, his head comes up off the desk, and all the heaviness of not being able to meet all those expectations began to blow off. He sighs, his mood lightens up, I don’t say anything, just hold his Bars. I don’t try to tell him what he has to do, I don’t ask him why he can’t or isn’t doing the work, I don’t console him or make it right or better, I don’t speculate on his ability to do the work or not, I don’t pep talk him into ‘you can do it’, or what to do next time. I just run his Bars. And he starts talking about his writing topic. And then he starts writing … Running Bars isn’t a cure for Learning Disabilities, ADHD, OCD and all the rest. Running Bars relaxes the body, relaxes the mind, dissipates the ‘I suck’, ‘I can’t do it’, ‘I’m useless’, ‘I’m letting everyone down’ emotions and thoughts that prevent children from starting or continuing with the task they are doing. Running Bars creates the ease and space for them to put pieces of the puzzle together without being overwhelmed by all the information at once. It lifts the cloud they are trying to think through and allows them to access the information, other possibilities, choices and awareness they know is there, somewhere.

I’ve had tutors, teachers and friends comment about how much my son has changed, how much older than his years he is, what an amazing sense of self he has, and man, is he funny!! I’m not looking for grades or work production, I’m running his Bars, and asking him questions to create self-awareness without self-immolation; if you choose this or that, what will create more for you? What does work for you? How do you make this fun for you? What do you require right now to complete this? What information are you missing or looking for that will get this moving forward again? My target is to continue to generate and create selfawareness for myself and my children about what does work for them and how wonderfully talented they truly are, even if there is no grading system for that … Would you like to give this combination I try? You don’t have to be ADD either…. It works for anyone, of any age or disposition. All you would need is a willingness to change and to allow new possibilities. I also run regular workshops and could teach you how to do this for your own family, friends or even as a new career choice…. Neuroscientist & Access The Bars The proof of what we have always known possible..

By Lisa Raleigh

Flourless Chocolate Brownies Ingredients: 1 ¼ cups raw cacao nibs 1 can kidney beans, rinsed and drained ¼ cup raw cacao powder 2 eggs 1/3 cup coconut oil, melted ¼ t cinnamon (optional) 2 t vanilla extract ¼ t Himalayan rock salt ½ t baking powder 1 t instant coffee 1 T xylitol / stevia / honey

Method: • • • • • • • •

Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Line a baking dish with parchment paper. Spray parchment paper with nonstick cooking spray. Process all ingredients in a food processor until smooth. Pour onto parchment paper in baking dish and smooth out batter to edges of dish. Bake 30-35 minutes until a toothpick comes out perfectly clean. Cool on wire rack for 10 minutes then remove by holding edges of parchment paper and lifting out. Transfer onto a wire rack to cool before slicing on a cutting board.

Ricotta Crumpets Just four ingredients make a delicious breakfast or snack that’s packed with protein.

Ingredients: 1 T coconut oil 1/3 cup ricotta 1 egg 2 large handfuls baby spinach Your choice of seasoning – salt, pepper, chilli flakes, mustard powder or fresh herbs

Method: • Heat up coconut oil in medium sized pan. • Finely chop the spinach then combine all ingredients in a bowl, whisking with a fork. • Season according to your taste. • Spoon the batter onto the medium-hot pan. • Allow to cook through before flipping – roughly 2-3 minutes on each side.

Hey Pesto! A delicious homemade pesto recipe made with fresh basil, parmesan, pinenuts, garlic and olive oil. It takes just a few minutes to make and it tastes AMAZING. For this homemade basil recipe, you’ll need: •2-3 cups fresh basil leaves •handful pine nuts or walnuts (about 1/3 cup) •handful grated parmesan cheese (about 1/3 cup) •2-3 cloves garlic •1/4 cup (approx.) olive oil •salt and pepper to taste •food processor As you can see, I’m not a stickler for accurate measurements when I’m making pesto. I don’t think you need to be. It’s a fairly forgiving recipe. There’s wiggle room for every ingredient.

Ok. let’s make this pesto! Now, some people prefer to roast their pine nuts first, but I don’t bother. Go ahead if you feel so inclined. Here are three different ways to roast pine nuts if you need a refresher. Ok, now you’re going to loosely pack everything into your food processor.

You can see I gave my ingredients a generous crank of black pepper before blending. You can too, or you can wait until your pesto is well-mixed before adding your salt and pepper for flavour.

Pop the lid of your blender on, and give it all a whirl. Pulse until your pesto is well-blended. If you didn’t add salt and pepper before blending, go ahead and add a dash of each now.

How to Store Homemade Pesto: To store your pesto, you have a couple of options: To keep it in the fridge: transfer it into a jar with a tight-fitting lid, and pour a wee bit of olive oil over the top. This forms an air barrier on the surface of the pesto, and keeps it looking green and fresh. You can store it this way, in your fridge, for up to a week. Add your fresh pesto to pasta, or serve with fish, pork or chicken. Slather some on a burger or hot-dog or add a dollop to a sandwich.

To freeze your pesto: Fill the sections of an ice cube tray with your pesto. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze. Once completely frozen transfer your frozen pesto cubes to a sealable freezer bag. To use your pesto, toss a couple of frozen cubes into sauces and soups when cooking, or thaw and use just as you would fresh pesto.

By Sue Visser Nature Fresh Several recent and detailed studies on olive leaves show that they contain chemicals that have many cardiovascular benefits. In some cases the trials on olive leaves outperformed regular drugs. The synergy of actives in powdered olive leaves are the most potent. These antihypertensive "drugs" have vasodilatory, anti-platelet aggregation, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. A primary cause of high blood pressure is the effect of insulin resistance. Olive Leaves can improve the uptake of glucose to improve insulin sensitivity. Most doctors (statistically 90% of them) who treat hypertension are unaware of its cause. A human study measured olive leaf extract against Captopril, one of the conventional drugs used for treating hypertension. After 8 weeks of treatment both groups experienced a drop in mean blood pressure from baseline (11.5 and 13.7 mmHg systolic / 4.8 and 6.4 mmHg diastolic, respectively). There was no significant difference between the two groups. The olive leaf acts as a natural calcium channel blocker and captopril is a well-known ACE-inhibitor. They both promote widening of the vessels (vasodilation) to lower blood pressure. Two of the latest studies demonstrate how olive leaf extract suppresses the L-type calcium channel both directly and indirectly. Olive leaves also increase the production of nitric oxide, a signaling molecule that helps to relax blood vessels. (Vasodilation.)

Treating insulin resistance as a cause of hypertension Studies show that olive leaf extracts lower blood glucose via several mechanisms: They slow the digestion of starches into simple sugars Olive leaf extracts slow the absorption of sugars from the intestine They increase the uptake of glucose into tissues from the blood They protect tissues from oxidative damage from glucose binding to proteins in the process called glycation. (AGE tests page [[ ]] )

More cardiovascular benefits from olive leaves The potent antioxidants present in olive Leaves help to protect the endothelial cells that line the arterial walls. These tissues help to maintain a smooth blood flow and even pressure. Atherosclerosis occurs when plaque accumulates on this delicate surface. Here they further help to prevent the oxidation of LDL-cholesterol. (Oxidized LDL triggers inflammation that damages arteries). As a remedy for hyperglycaemia, olive leaf improves insulin sensitivity, thus reducing the damage that insulin does to the cell lining. (Page 40) Endothelial dysfunction and inflammation are the precursors of heart attacks caused by blockages.

They also protect the collagen (connective) tissue by inhibiting matrix metropolitans chemicals that dissolve the gel-like matrix that holds collagen cells together. Olive leaf or the extract inhibits “adhesion molecules" that help white blood cells and platelets to stick to arterial walls. (Plaque formation.) They boost micro-circulation and as a patient once said: "makes the blood thin and slippery." (Controls platelet aggregation (clumping and clotting) and reduces the viscosity. Olive leaves have a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity. This helps to prevent blood coagulation caused by parasites, especially from a yeast overgrowth. In the bloodstream.

Metabolic syndrome and Olive leaves* When healthy lab rats were fed a high-fat, high-carbohydrate diet they developed all the signs of the metabolic syndrome: • • • •

excessive abdominal fat hypertension abnormal lipid profile insulin resistance

But when these animals were fed the same unhealthy diet along with olive leaf extracts, virtually all of the metabolic abnormalities improved or, in some cases, normalized.

Olive leaves reduce insulin resistance* "In a dramatic head-to-head study, diabetic rats were treated with either olive leaf extract or Glyburide (Diabetes®), a common glucose-lowering drug. By the end of the study, the antidiabetic effects of the olive leaf extract proved superior to those of the drug."

Reduced A1c levels "Human studies reveal that supplementing with 500 mg of olive leaf extract once daily resulted in significant reductions in hemoglobin A1c levels, the standard marker of long-term exposure to elevated blood sugar in diabetic people. Supplementation also lowered fasting plasma levels of insulin "


20 Reasons To Start Your Day With Water and Lemon

1. Water with lemon provides the body with electrolytes which hydrate your body. As lemons contain good amount of electrolytes such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium. 2. .Water with lemon is good for the joints, reducing pain in the joints and muscles. 3. .Warm water with lemon helps digestion as lemon contains citric acid. It interacts with other enzymes and acids which easily stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and digestion. 4. The liver produces more enzymes from water with lemon than from any other food. 5. Water with lemon cleanses the liver. Lemon juice stimulates the liver to release toxins.

6. Water with Lemon helps fight infections of the respiratory tract, sore throats and inflammation of the tonsils. 7. Warm water with lemon helps regulate natural bowel movement. 8. Water with lemon is indispensable for the normal work of metabolism. Since lemon is a powerful antioxidant, it protects the body from free radicals and strengthens the immune system. 9. Water with lemon aids in proper functioning of the nervous system (as lemon has a high content of potassium). Depression and anxiety are often the result of low levels of potassium in the blood. The nervous system needs a sufficient amount of potassium to ensure sustainable signals to the heart.

10. Water with lemon cleanses blood, blood vessels and arteries. 11. Water with lemon can help lower blood pressure. A daily intake of one lemon can reduce high blood pressure by 10%. 12. Water with lemon creates an alkalizing effect in the body. Even if you drink it immediately before a meal, it can help your body maintain a higher level of pH. The higher the pH, the more your body is able to fight diseases. 13. Water with lemon is good for the skin. Vitamin C in lemon, improves our skin by rejuvenating the body. Drinking water with lemon regularly (every morning) will improve the condition of your skin.

14. Water with lemon helps to dilute uric acid, the built up of which leads to pain in the joints and gout. 15. Water with lemon is beneficial for pregnant women. Since lemons are loaded with Vitamin C, it acts as an adaptogen helping the body cope with viruses such as colds. Furthermore, vitamin C helps the formation of bone tissue of the unborn baby. At the same time, due to the high content of potassium, a mixture of water with lemon helps forming cells of the brain and nervous system of the baby. 16. Water with lemon relieves heartburn. For this, mix a teaspoon of lemon juice in half a glass of water. 17. Water with lemon helps dissolve gallstones, kidney stones, pancreatic stones, and calcium deposits.

18. Water with lemon helps with weight loss. Lemons contain pectin fiber, which helps suppress hunger cravings. Studies have proven people with a better alkaline diet have lost weight faster. 19. Water with lemon helps with tooth pain and gingivitis. 20. Water with lemon prevents cancer. This is due to the fact that lemons are a highly alkaline food. Multiple studies have found that cancer cannot thrive in an alkaline environment.

When life gives you a bunch of lemons, make water with lemons. How and when to drink water with lemon: For this purpose, use warm purified or spring water. Take half a cup of warm water without sugar and squeeze in there at least half of lemon or lime. Better to use a special juicer (to get the most juice with minimal effort). You can also use lemon essential oil. (where to find) You need to drink water with lemon first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Some recommend a drink of water one hour before meals for maximum results.

Every Day Is Precious! You see these people behind me? They are rushing to work and not paying attention to anything. by Keanu Reeves Sometimes we get so caught up in our daily lives that we forget to take the time out to enjoy the beauty in life. It’s like we’re zombies. Look up and take your head phones out. Say Hi to someone you see and maybe give a hug to someone who looks like they’re hurting. Help out someone.

You have to live every day like it’s your last. What people don’t know about me is that I had depression a couple of years back. I never told anyone about it. I had to fight my way out of depression. The person who was holding me back from my happiness was ME.

Every day is precious so let’s treat it like that. Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed, so live today!

Walk of Gratitude What Keanu is saying is very reminiscent of a Rosicrucian belief where your goal in life is not to be happy, but to EXPERIENCE as much as you can. It’s within those experiences that you’ll find happiness. I have to force myself to go to the beach every so often because I’m truly a workaholic. As the owner and editor of and Body, Mind, Soul, & Spirit, I work between 10-15+ hours every day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. I have nothing to sell on my websites, and give everything away for free, but every so often, I find I need to ground myself, so I’ll step away from work and will hit the beach for a couple hours. When I’m at the beach, I always try to take a “Walk of Gratitude,” where I thank the Creator, Universe, Source, my spirit guides and guardian angels, friends and family on both sides of the veil, our galactic neighbors and friends, Mother Earth and my higher self. I express love and gratitude to all and add that I will continue to listen and be guided with an open mind, ears, and heart. I also ask for protection and safety in all areas of life. I never ask for anything materialistic because materialism is what divides us as people. I also add Ho’oponopono, which is the Hawaiian Code of Forgiveness which includes saying:

Thank you Please forgive me I’m sorry I love you I then head back in the other direction and do a “Love Bubble” walk and invite Creator, Universe, Source, my spirit guides and guardian angels, friends and family on both sides of the veil, our galactic neighbors and friends, Mother Earth and my higher self to join me. I ask that they magnify my feelings of love and healing and extend it out as far as possible, through our planet, our galaxy, the universe, and multiverses. On my walk, I envision a “love bubble” that encompasses everything and everyone around me. Sometimes on this walk, I’ll smile and say, “Good Morning” to people who I make eye contact with, but inside, I’m saying, “I love you.” You can do a “Love Bubble” walk anywhere, try it sometime! Every day is precious, indeed. Make the most of it not just for yourself, but for others as well! Gregg Prescott, M.S. Editor,

Being Too Nice Can Contribute to Depression By Elzbieta Pettingill There is such a thing as being too nice, too giving and too caring. To overcome depression you must stop the habit of bending over to gain people’s approval. I know, it’s easier said than done. But no one said it’d be easy. Those who are affected by depression tend to be people-pleasers. And yet, ironically, quite often their actions are viewed by others as selfish and selfcentered. For over three decades I believed in that crap myself. I believed I was selfish and self-involved. I was convinced I had nothing to offer. I also thought that it didn’t matter what I thought. That my opinion was less important than anyone else’s. It seemed as if I was always living someone else’s life. Finally, after two major brain seizures caused by a suicide attempt, I stopped living someone else’s life and looked deep within…

Someone Else’s Life I was the child who was “too young to understand things” and therefore to make decisions. My life was run by the grown ups, who weren’t able to see the serious damage caused by the primitive belief such as; “children should be seen but not heard.” Then later, I became an young adult, clinging to any guy who’d find anything whatsoever appealing in me. At that time my looks seemed to have the only value in the eyes of others. I wasn’t myself. I wasn’t who I am. I was a “slave” to anyone who was willing to have me in their life. The fear of rejection always steered my thoughts into the direction that led others to benefit from it more than I did. How tiring was that!? How exhausting it is having to constantly put others before your own self! And how little reward you get at the end of it… All this, so you can keep deluding yourself that someone cares about you, at least enough to stick around. For a while, at least… ’til they get tired of it.

Then what do you do when the inevitable happens and when they leave? You blame yourself, of course. Consciously, or subconsciously, your already low selfesteem gets reinforced. It spirals downward in a lightening speed and you get even more depressed, thinking that there is no tomorrow for you… Well, there is. And it’s a bright one, too! You’ve heard the phrase: “You teach people how to treat you” but you’ve ignored it so far. Maybe because when you did try to stand up for yourself it always seemed to have back fired. You might even had finally snapped and told others to fuck off, which they deserved to hear, only to find yourself being labeled as too aggressive and not “lady-like.” Well dear, who the f**k gives a damn? Who cares what others think and, or say? Let me just remind you – it shouldn’t be you. There is only one person in this entire world whose opinion should matter to you, and that is YOU and you ONLY. There is only one person in this entire Universe that needs your pleasing, and that person is you. There is only one person who needs your caring the most, and yes, you’ve guessed it – it’s you again.

Just remember this: if you care too much – others will care too little… If you remain too available – others will always remain too busy for you. Without even being apologetic about it, people will always make you wait for them, making you feel as if your time is not nearly as valuable as theirs. You get the picture… You will encounter resistance from those around you when you start making those long-overdue changes, but that’s OK. Have fun with it. See that sense of amusement on their faces and that sense of disbelief… Stare back at them without blinking. Be prepared to deal with the consequences of having the courage to do what’s right for you. In your mind let go of the fear of not having that job in case your boss decides to fire you. Maybe it means it’s time to do something else for a living. Be ready to let go of your significant other if s/he continues to refuse to treat you in a new, more loving and respectful way.

Make yourself OK with being alone for now. Make yourself comfortable with being with… YOU. Get to know yourself. Find out exactly what your needs and desires are and then become unstoppable in fulfilling them! Be selfish. You’ve been accused of it so many times before, now it’s time for you to show others (and yourself) how selfish you can really be! Show them that you mean business… :) Renounce the guilt. Let go of it. Completely. It’s time to release it. Be your number one. Be bold. Be spontaneous. Learn to be yourself in every situation and around everyone.

This is how you start to love yourself…

Conflict is our Friend e-book:


We are conditioned to think that conflict is a bad thing when in actual fact the uncomfortable feeling we are experiencing is telling us that there is something happening that is pushing us out of our comfort zone. This is a good thing because it’s an opportunity to learn and grow, not only as a person but also for the benefit of those around us. Topics covered in this e-book are: •Relationships – every relationship has it’s challenges, learn how to manage them by identifying your fighting style. •Life is about Choices – learn how to make better choices by identifying your motivation behind your options. •Knowing what you Value – our thoughts, actions and behaviours are driven by our core values and belief systems, identify yours. •Being in Control of your Life – learn how to get balance in your life by identifying where you are now

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•Courageous Conversations – learn 3 tools to help you when you need to have a difficult conversation

This e-book is filled with practical self help tools and exercises to help you develop better relationships, use effective communication skills, manage conflict, raise your emotional intelligence and help you navigate life.

•Evaluating your Relationships – determine the quality of the relationships in your life and whether it’s time to let go or change things

By Stratitude for Indwe Risk Services Have you ever been in a position where someone wants to borrow your car? Perhaps it is a friend who needs it for a camping trip or someone who wants to borrow it to go to an urgent appointment. It can be difficult to refuse, but you should consider a few factors before saying yes. “When you lend your car to someone else, you’re also lending them the insurance that goes with it. That’s why it’s important to be aware of the implications” says Peter Olyott, CEO of Indwe Risk Services. “Many people give their cars to their teenage children as they learn to drive without understanding what the implications would be if they were involved in an accident.” It is essential to ensure that the person driving your car is legally allowed to drive. “If they don’t have a valid driver’s license, the insurance policy attached to the vehicle won’t pay out a claim, and you will be liable for damages and injuries sustained in that accident,” says Olyott. “The risk is huge, not to mention that it will also effect your insurance premium.” When lending your vehicle to others it’s important to do your due diligence and these important questions: • Who will be driving the vehicle? • Do they have a have a valid driver’s license for the type of vehicle that is being used? • What is the vehicle going to be used for? • For how long will they need the vehicle? • What if the driver does something that violates your insurance coverage? • Your insurance could be voided in certain situations and then you may be personally responsible for damages – can you afford that? If someone, like your teenage child, uses your car on a regular basis, you should inform your insurance company so that they can establish if you need to pay an additional premium. Olyott adds “This is known as disclosure, an important rule in the Insurance industry. If you withhold information like this, it could invalidate your coverage.” When another driver is using your vehicle, you are putting your insurance and your good driving record at risk. You are taking responsibility for whatever happens. By asking questions, you can consider the consequences and make an informed decision. “At Indwe Risk Services we believe in a personal touch. Speak open and honestly to our advisors. They can assist you in reviewing your specific insurance needs and provide recommendations to ensure you are not caught off guard when you can least afford it,” Olyott concludes.

9 Natural Energy Drinks

There are many ways we can boost our energy throughout the day. Opting for sugar laden, chemical and caffeine filled drinks will only give a short, unnatural burst of energy, wearing down our adrenal glands and contributing to serious long-term health problems. So instead of reaching for that can of Red Bull or Coca-Cola, why not give your body a natural energy boost with these delicious pick-me-ups. They’ll have you powering through your day without an energy crash!

Matcha Green Tea Matcha is made from green tea leaves that contain L-Theanine and a small amount of naturally occurring caffeine (less than coffee!), both providing energy-boosting effects. It helps to invigorate your metabolism gently lifting you without any energy slumps! Combine 1 cup of water, 1 teaspoon of organic pure maple syrup and 2 teaspoons of matcha powder. Mix well and enjoy hot or cold.

James Colquhoun, Filmmaker (Food Matters and Hungry For Change)

With Lisa Raleigh

Incorporating an exercise ball into your training routine not only targets those all-important abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, it also helps support and strengthen your back. Balls are uber-versatile to have around the house – they add intensity and support to home workouts and serve as excellent chair-substitutes when watching television. For all exercises in this routine: Beginner: 2 sets of 10 reps Intermediate: 3 sets of 10-12 reps Advanced: 3 sets of 12-15 reps

Stand with your legs wide apart, feet turned out and exercise ball just in front of you. Keeping your torso straight, sink into a squat, and roll your ball out to the side as you squat, twisting your torso as you do so. Hold for a moment then return to your starting position, rolling the ball back in as you rise.

Lie on the ground with your feet lifted onto the ball at 90 degrees. Keeping your torso and butt tight, lift off the ground and simultaneously roll the ball away from you with your feet to form a straight line with your body. Hold for a moment then return to your starting position.

Lie flat on your back with the knees slightly bent and ball held between your knees. Firmly squeeze the ball with your legs, holding as tightly as you can for 10-20 seconds, depending on your fitness levels.

Lie on your back with your calves and hamstrings pressed against the ball and your arms spread out. Squeeze the ball with your legs and roll your knees towards your chest. Hold for a moment then return to your starting position. Keep your eyes focused on the ceiling to avoid straining your neck.

Lie on your side against the exercise ball, arms across your chest, legs extended and feet wide apart to keep you balanced. Raise your torso up from the ball, hold or a moment then lower it back down. Alternate sides after each completed set.

TV Personality, Author, Lifestyle and Wellness Expert LisaRaleighSA – Twitter LisaRaleighTV – Youtube

Why Natural Dog Food is Better For Your Dog Than Pellets By Paul Jacobson 1. LOGICALLY We all know that wholesome, real, fresh and natural food is better for you than processed preserved food. This is documented as true for humans and we all acknowledge that diet is the major contributor to well-being and longevity. The same applies for our companion animals.

2. NUTRITIONALLY The highest quality of nourishment comes from whole natural and enzyme-active foods that are not refined, processed, cooked or laden with preservatives, especially organic foods. When commercial food is processed there can be a loss of up to 50% in vitamin B, 70% in vitamin C, protein and enzymes become denatured and mineral absorption is disrupted.

3. HISTORICALLY For thousands of years, our companion animals have been fed nutritious left-overs from the table and our pets did extremely well on these diets and lived to a ripe old age, free of these many common ailments we find nowadays. Just ask granny or great granny how well our animals actually did. In the last 50 years the whole nutritional base of our animals has shifted to a highly processed and chemically laden diet, an abrupt change from a natural diet that lasted thousands of years.

4. MEDICALLY Medically, it has been proven that a natural diet, free of preservatives maintains health and improves well being and longevity. This is also true for our animals. The current medical condition of our pets has never been poorer. Just ask around and you will note that almost every animal is suffering from some sort of skin condition. Others will testify to common aliments like obesity, renal failure and unary tract disease, arthritic and hip dysphasia problems, diabetes, epilepsy, digestive problems, etc

5. MORALLY Morally, it is unfair to do any experimentation or testing on animals to enhance brand competitiveness. ANIMAL RIGHTS AFRICA has clearly identified certain brands that “RUTHLESSLY CONDUCT EXPERIMENTS ON ANIMALS TO TRY TO GIVE THEIR PET FOOD A COMPETITIVE MARKETING EDGE�.

6. HONESTY Honesty and transparency has to be of top priority. The rule is very simple – if you do not understand the ingredient listed on the label, then do not feed it. The pet food industry has had much controversy and should be careful to trust flashy advertising or expensive packaging to help make a purchase decision. Do your own research and be convinced that the diet is honest and right.

7. SCIENTIFICALLY Scientifically, all registered pet food is balanced. So don’t be fooled into believing that one pet food is more scientific than another. The parameters of food science are set in advance by The Department of Agriculture in South Africa.

8. ECONOMICALLY Economically, you will note that it is cheaper to feed fresh natural food than most Veterinary brands, especially medium to small breeds. A small dog could cost you only R4.50 per day. Compare that will your other brands and you will be shocked to see how competitive it actually is. Many expensive dog foods are priced the way they are to cover all the costs of importing ingredients from across the world. Buying food that is made of local ingredients is not only better for our own economy, but cheaper for us.

9. GASTRONOMICALLY Gastronomically, having variety is also an important part of the diet. Wholesome delicious food that offers variety – chicken, beef, mutton or ostrich is guaranteed to be tastier than dry pellets. Another noticeable benefit is that pets feel fuller on natural food, because it is bulky. Dry foods and pellets expand in the stomach and cause our animals to bloat. One of the first benefits you will notice on natural foods is a healthy loss of that excess weight.

10. INTUITIVELY Dogs that are fed on a natural wholesome diet have a different attitude. We can feel it when we take our friends out for a play or a run. We all know what it means for us as people to eat well. It gives us the right kind of energy and mental clarity. Just imagine how you would feel after nothing but fast food burgers for a month.

Carl Safina: What are animals thinking and feeling? Filmed October 2015 at Mission Blue II Source: TED/Facebook post – with gratitude

What's going on inside the brains of animals? Can we know what, or if, they're thinking and feeling? Carl Safina thinks we can. Using discoveries and anecdotes that span ecology, biology and behavioral science, he weaves together stories of whales, wolves, elephants and albatrosses to argue that just as we think, feel, use tools and express emotions, so too do the other creatures – and minds – that share the Earth with us. Carl Safina Ecologist, writer Carl Safina's writing explores the scientific, moral and social dimensions of our relationship with nature.

8 Healthy Foods That Are Toxic For Our Pets Our pets are more than just domesticated animals. They become a part of our family, our adopted children. As family members, we want to ensure that they get the proper nutrition they need. Many of us feed our pets scraps from the table because we want to share our nutritious treats. Although it seems harmless, we could unknowingly be killing our companions. Not all table scraps are bad for pets, but what is optimal for us might be toxic to them. Knowing the difference could save your pet’s life. Here are eight foods you should keep far away from your pets.

Tea Although tea is full of antioxidants and low amounts of caffeine, it can cause serious problems in pets. The quantity of caffeine found in caffeinated teas is just enough to cause heart palpitations, rapid breathing, restlessness, muscle tremors and even bleeding. So even if the source of your caffeine fix is healthy, don’t share it with your feline or canine companion.

Dairy products Dairy is renown for being high in calcium and protein. Some dairy products such as kefir and yogurt can even improve digestion and balance good gut bacteria. Some pet owners stuff their dog’s medications in cheese to make it more appetizing or feed them an ice-cream cone on a hot summer’s day. However, milk and milk-based products can cause digestive problems and trigger food allergies in dogs. Dairy products can cause dogs to have an upset stomach or diarrhea — or end up with itchy skin. Either way, it’s not worth the risk. Although cats are known to love milk, they do not possess adequate amounts of lactase to break down excess lactose. It may surprise you to know that most cats are actually lactoseintolerant. As a result, dairy can cause digestive upset and diarrhea in cats as well.

Grapes and raisins Grapes and raisins (dried grapes) are wonderful for improving digestion in humans, as well as eliminating waste. However, these healthy treats can cause serious problems in pets. Both dogs and cats can experience toxicosis, with symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea and lethargy within half a day of ingestion. The continuing, progressive symptoms of toxicosis include dehydration and lethargy, refusing to eat, increased urination followed by cessation of urination. If left untreated, this could result in death. Bring your pet to a doctor immediately upon noticing these symptoms, and before they develop problems with urination, which can indicate the development of kidney failure. Kidney failure can occur in as few as three to four days. In those pets that survive, it can lead to long-term kidney disease. If your dog experiences any symptoms mentioned above, bring him or her to a vet immediately to maintain good urine flow.

Avocados Avocados are packed with healthy fats and nutrients that are revered by the health community. They are high in dietary fiber, vitamins B6, C, E and K, as well as copper, folate and potassium. Avocados contain persin, which in large quantities can cause an allergic reaction and can be toxic to dogs and cats. Persin is found in the fruit, leaves, seed and bark of the avocado plant. So if you grow avocados, keep your dog away. The flesh or peel of an avocado can trigger stomach upset in dogs and cats. If the pit is consumed as well, the GI tract may become obstructed.

Onions and garlic All members of the onion family, including onions, shallots, scallions, garlic, etc., can be fatal to your dog. However, ounce-for-ounce garlic is more toxic than onions. These foods can damage your pet’s red blood cells if eaten in moderate to high amounts. Even trace amounts of onion or garlic in sauces or seasonings can put your dog at risk of toxicosis. If your furry companion has red blood cell damage, it will become apparent in three to five days. Symptoms can include a reluctance to move, weakness, becoming unusually tired after mild exercise, and a change in urine color to dark red or orange. If your cat or dog experiences these symptoms, seek veterinary help immediately. In the most severe cases, a blood transfusion may be required.

Macadamia nuts Macadamia nuts are rich sources of iron, protein, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, antioxidants, Vitamin A and folates. They also contain moderate amounts of copper, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. Unfortunately, dogs and cats cannot benefit from the nutrients in macadamia nuts. That’s because macadamia nuts can trigger weakness and pain in your pet’s rear legs. Your pet can experience a low fever or tremors that will likely gradually subside over 48 hours. If symptoms progress, see a vet, who can administer IV fluid and safe pain medication.

Raw eggs Raw eggs provide high amounts of protein, vitamins and minerals. Although dogs and cats have a high-protein requirement, this particular source of protein is problematic for pets for two reasons: Mammals are susceptible to food poisoning from bacteria such as Salmonella or E. coli. Also, raw egg enzymes can interfere with their absorption of B vitamins. This can lead to skin problems, and problems with your pet’s coat.

Raw fish Raw fish is a delicacy often enjoyed in Asian cuisine. Although raw fish is full of healthy, lean protein and omega-3 fatty acids, it can also cause problems in animals. As with raw eggs, consuming any raw meat can put your pet at risk of bacterial poisoning from Salmonella or E. coli. Unlike raw eggs, raw fish can contain a parasite that causes what is known as “salmon poisoning disease” or “fish disease.” Despite its name, trout, shad or sturgeon are other types of fish that contain this deadly parasite. If not treated, the disease could become fatal in just two weeks. Signs of fish disease include vomiting, fever and enlarged lymph nodes. Cooking your fish thoroughly will kill the parasite and eliminate any risk of disease.

Other toxic ingredients to avoid feeding your pets Other foods that are unhealthy for our pets include sugary foods, salty foods, bread dough (containing raw, active yeast), chocolate, coffee (anything containing caffeine), alcohol, hops, cooked or uncooked fat trimmings, raw beef, bones from scraps, moldy food, and fruit pits and seeds. Also, you should never give your pet human medicine. According to WebMD, reactions to human medicine is the most common cause of poisoning in dogs. The only exception is overthe-counter medicine under the instruction of a veterinarian. Be aware that ibuprofen and acetaminophen, which are often found in cold and pain medicines, can be deadly to cats and dogs.

Your pets are your family. As much as you want to share the foods you love with them, sometimes it’s best to love them with affection instead. What foods have your pets had problems with and how did you remedy the problem? What foods do your animals love most, and how often do they have them? Leave us a comment below to share your pet stories.

—The Alternative Daily

Creating a bean tent in the garden is a magical place to teach children about gardening, growing food, and harvesting A bean tent creates shady solace from the sun while filling little bellies with nutrition. Whether the space is used for learning, play, or retreat, learn how to make a bean tent as a wonderful addition to a play garden space. My two-year-old daughter isn’t interested in green beans at the table. She doesn’t want them lightly steamed with butter and rock salt, or sautéed with garlic. She won’t give them a second glance whether boiled perfectly tender or fresh and crisp, but try to bring her in from the garden when there is still a bean to be picked from our front yard bean tent and it’s sure to end in tears. Beans are easy to grow and a wonderful starter plant for children. There is a reason that they are a first foray into agriculture for elementary students everywhere! Beans are tough, sprout quickly, and transplant well, making them an excellent learning tool in the home garden.

Materials (for a tent approx. 3.5m in diameter, with a door of 2.5m at the base) 40 beans or bean shoots 12 x 7m bamboo poles soil sisal twine bricks or rocks

Make it! We used a variety of beans, and some peas to grow up the poles of the tent. All varieties are edible and grow well in this area. I particularly love the bright red flowers on the scarlet runner beans – they adorn the tent beautifully and attract bees and butterflies. I’d like to try sweet peas next year for variety of colour, but we’ll likely forego the shell peas because the vines die quickly as the weather warms in summer. Choose a sunny spot for your tent, and decide which way the entrance will face. With our small child and no fence, the tent anchors the front garden and the door opens to the sitting area in front of the house. When she is older we may move the entrance, or even the whole tent, to give her a secluded getaway to read or dream or snack on green beans. Mark out the area that the base of the tent will be planted. Drive the bamboo poles six to eight inches into the ground, approximately one foot apart. Angle them more upright than leaning to create height and stability. When all of the poles are in the ground, gather them together so that they cross each other four to six inches from the top. Wrap sisal twine over and under a couple of times, in different directions, before going around the outside of the poles several times tightly.

Pile garden soil at the base of the poles, keeping most of it on the outside of the tent, gently forming a mound that is six inches deep and at least eight inches wide. You can even create a retaining wall on the outside with bricks or rocks, and form a trench all the way around at the apex of the mound. Plant your beans or shoots in the trench, a few inches apart, and give them a good soaking – then keep the soil damp. Careful watering will keep the loose soil from washing away; it will also keep the leaves dry, avoiding mould.

Happy picking!

About the Author:

Eleanor Reardon Originally from Halifax, Eleanor lives in Vancouver with her husband and small daughter. She is a photographer, weaver, printmaker, gardener… you could just say that she is happiest when she is making things. Copyright: all photographs (c) Elenanor Reardon for Garden Therapy 2015

20 tips for a more sustainable garden

By Kim Eierman

If you want to garden more sustainably, or design a permaculture system for your plot, there is never a better time to start than right now. You can move towards sustainability from day one, making small, incremental changes in harmony with nature to avoid waste and maximize yield. These 20 tips give you guidance along the way, suggesting projects and techniques you can adopt to make your garden “greener” and productive. From how to plant garden beds most effectively to attracting valuable wildlife to your garden, this list will provide inspiration for making that change. 1) Reduce or eliminate the “Green Desert” (turf/lawn). Exotic turf grass is an ecological wasteland. When replacing lawn, don’t replace one monoculture with another. Plant diversely using regionally appropriate native plants.

2) Increase the health of your soil. Everything starts with the soil: healthy soil makes for healthy plants. Do a soil test to know what your baseline is. Then, work with the native soil you have. Trying to reinvent your native soil is an endless and losing battle. In many landscapes, compost will be the key to increasing soil health.

3) Avoid synthetic pesticides. Rachel Carson warned about them 50 years ago in her book, Silent Spring. Not good for wildlife, not good for you and your family.

4) Limit the use of organic pesticides. Use organic pesticides only when absolutely necessary, and then, sparingly and carefully. Organic does not mean benign.

5) Support beneficial insects, nature’s pest control. Plant a diversity of native plants to support beneficial insects with both habitat and food sources. Encourage the local populations of beneficial insects – imported insects can introduce new diseases.

6) Tolerate some messiness in your landscape to support wildlife. Dead logs, tree snags, leaf litter and brush piles are homes for many creatures. Dead leaves are nature’s mulch and compost – leave leaves in place as much as possible.

7) Tolerate some plant damage in your landscape. Valuable insects have to eat too, and they don’t eat very much. If you like to see butterflies, then you need to sacrifice some leaves of the host plants their caterpillars require. “Perfect is the enemy of good.” (Voltaire).

8) Leave flowering perennials and native grasses standing through winter. They can provide food and cover for many overwintering birds and insects.

9) Plant more native plants to support your local ecosystem. Native plants have co-evolved with each other and with the wildlife around them. Some creatures have very specific interactions with a limited number of native plants. Plant diversely, or lose valuable species.

10) Think “plant communities” when selecting plants. Native plants don’t grow in isolation. Learn which plants grow together naturally in your region, and plant that way.

11) Eradicate or reduce the exotic invasive plants in your landscape. Always try organic, mechanical means first when removing invasive plants. Be persistent and be patient. 12) When invasive plants are removed, replace them quickly and thickly with plants that are native to your region and appropriate to your site. Competition is the key to suppressing invasive plants.

13) Limit the use of exotic, ornamental plants and know their limitations. Plants that have not evolved in your region will not provide the same depth of ecological services to your ecosystem.

14) Encourage biodiversity by planting diversely. Bio-diverse ecosystems are more resilient to pests, diseases and climate change.

15) Select natural forms of native plants for best ecosystem dynamics. Cultivars that vary greatly in form from a native plant may not offer the same resources – a columnar selection of a native tree may have branching that deters birds and other wildlife.

16) Avoid double-flowered plants. Double-flowered plants often have less nectar, pollen, and seed than single-flowered plants, or may be completely sterile.

17) Provide a water source for wildlife and insects. A clean water source is crucial for wildlife but often forgotten many landscapes. Think “wildlife ramp” not “deep water dive.”

18) Emulate healthy local natural areas in your garden. Use nature as your reference for structure and plant selection – it will make for a much healthier ecosystem. 19) Always plant the right plant in the right place. Some plants are flexible about where they are planted, but many are not. Proper plant placement will promote plant health and help deter pests and diseases.

20) When choosing plants, find the beauty in ecological function. As Mom said: “physical beauty is only skin deep.”

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