Conscious Life Online Magazine - July-August 2019 - ed 58

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Emotional Intelligence: Becoming A Better You

How Food Affects Emotions

The Power of Unconditional Love

How To Forgive

Carbon Offsetting vs. Ecosystem Restoration

Picture Courtesy of Johnny Clegg’s Management – REAL MANAGEMENT Conscious Life Magazine










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Dearest Conscious Life Friends I hope that you are all well. I, like so many of you, was so very saddened to hear the news of Johnny Clegg’s passing earlier this week. So sad to bid farewell to such a legend. A man who stood up to and challenged the prejudice in this country, and in so doing, helped to shape present day South Africa. I shall always be in awe of and gratitude towards him. I remember, as a small child, watching him perform, being completely mesmerized. From that day on, he held a place in my heart. His beautiful, passionate, music is interwoven into the fabric of my life as a proud South African. He will be greatly missed. How lucky we all are to have the memory of him live on in his music. Our thoughts go out to his family and friends in this time. May they be surrounded with much love and light. On page 26, you will find beautiful tribute to Johnny, written by his manager, friend, and family spokesman, Roddy Quin. We have included beautiful photographs and a video, shared with us by Real Concerts. Thank you to Jeanette for getting them to us so speedily. From all of us at Vinloco Media & 2Luni Media, we bid you farewell, Johnny. Thank you! May you soar free with the angels.

----------------------------------------------------This month’s edition, is as always, filled with inspiring and informative articles, to help you live your best life. So sit back and enjoy the journey.

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Photo by Raychan on Unsplash

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Photo By Tim Mossholder - Unsplash Photo By Jared Rice- Unsplash

Photo By Jessica Felicio - Unsplash

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Those on the spiritual pathway know the importance of forgiveness. For some of us, there is a step that is necessary before we can totally forgive. Sometimes the little kid in us needs to have revenge before it is free to forgive. For that, this exercise is very helpful. Close your eyes, sit quietly and peacefully. Think of the people who are hardest to forgive. What would you really like to do to them? What do they need to do to get your forgiveness? Imagine that happening now. Get into the details. How long do you want them to suffer or do penance? When you feel complete, condense time and let it be over forever. Usually at this point you feel lighter, and it is easier to think about forgiveness. To indulge in this every day would not be good for you. To do it once as a closing exercise can be freeing.

Exercise: Forgiveness Now we are ready to forgive. Do this exercise with a partner if you can, or do it out loud if you are alone. Again, sit quietly with your eyes closed and say, “The person I need to forgive is ___________ and I forgive you for ___________.” Do this over and over. You will have many things to forgive some for and only one or two to forgive others for. If you have a partner, let him say to you, “Thank you, I set you free now.” If you do not, then imagine the person you are forgiving saying it to you. Do this for at least five or ten minutes. Search your heart for the injustices you still carry. Then let them go.

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When you have cleared as much as you can for now, turn your attention to yourself. Say out loud to yourself, “I forgive myself for ___________.� Do this for another five minutes or so. These are powerful exercises and good to-do at least once a week to clear out any remaining rubbish. Some experiences are easy to let go and some we have to chip away at, until suddenly one day they let go and dissolve.

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By Simon Wing-Lun

If you want someone to love you, then the most powerful thing is to learn to love them just as they are. If they are not loving you, not giving you attention, not communicating with you, blaming you, ignoring you, or running away from you, then learn to love them in this state. Release all need for them to change, and you will then find the love you truly want blossoming in your life. This applies to both individuals and groups: On an individual level, when you find yourself wanting love or attention from someone and not getting it, this always means that you are not loving an aspect of yourself. So in learning to truly find love for yourself and the other in this situation, what's really happening is your finding love for the aspect of yourself that the situation symbolises. And when you find love for this aspect in yourself, you will no longer experience that same lack or deficit in your relationships. Instead you will experience fulfilment in that aspect of love within your life, whether it be with the person who was the original trigger/protagonist or with others. The same applies on a group level. You may find yourself wanting a particular sort of love from a group of category of people, such as men or women in general. If you stay stuck in a projected frustration or blaming of that group, then you will never really find the fullness of love you are yearning for. Conscious Life Magazine

The holistic approach that actually works is to seek to love that group of people for the way they are symbolising a lack of love within your life. Learn to truly stay in a vibration of love for those who lack the capacity to love you, and you will then allow yourself to connect with those whose love will fulfil you. It's so common for people to think "Most men lack the capacity for this sort of love" or "Most women lack the capacity to love me like this".. But it's not really true. It's all just a reflection of your inner state, and when you truly change how you love yourself, it can be like shifting to a whole other world that is full of the sort of people who can love you just as you are.

If you find something difficult to love in another, what it really means is that you're having some difficulty loving that part of yourself. Other people are really doing you a favour by making it easy to see. So if you find someone else's emotions or negativity hard to love, it really means you're not fully loving these aspects within you. If you find someone else's detachment, aloofness, or lack of empathy hard to love, once again it means you can more fully love these aspects within you. And even if you find someone's selfishness, narcissism, or manipulative behaviour hard to love, this still symbolises some sort of disconnection or disempowerment within yourself that needs love, even if the behaviour manifests differently from something you could ever imagine yourself doing. For if you did not have a corresponding vibration somewhere within you, you would not have allowed them into your life in the first place. There are really no good or bad people. No successes and failures. Only different ways that people have learned that they are either connected or disconnected from love, and need to go about finding and expressing love in the world. To have compassion for self and others is to see and feel the core of love that is beneath every behaviour. To feel that all people have an essential nature of love that can free of judgments of good and bad, right and wrong, and is simply divine beauty manifest in different forms. As you learn to love all the different patterns of people in love and in pain that show up in your life, so you learn to truly love all of yourself, and you can allow the vibration and feeling of unconditional love to permeate all of your life, expanding the bliss and warmth of your soul's connection through every relationship you experience and every heart you meet

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Personal relationships always seem to be the first priority for so many of us. Unfortunately, hunting for love doesn’t always attract the right partner because our reasons for wanting love may be unclear. We think, Oh, if I only had someone who loved me, my life would be so much better. That’s not the way it works. There’s a big difference between the need for love, and being needy for love. When you’re needy for love, it means that you’re missing love and approval from the most important person you know — yourself. You may become involved in relationships that are codependent and ineffectual for both partners. You can never create love in your life by talking or thinking about being lonely. Feeling lonely and needy just pushes people away. Nor can you heal a relationship in your life by talking or thinking about how awful it is. This only places attention on what’s wrong. You want to turn your thoughts away from the problem and create new thoughts that will produce a solution. Conscious Life Magazine

Arguing for your limitations is just resistance, and resistance is simply a delay tactic. It’s another way of saying, “I’m not good enough to have what I’m asking for.”

25 Positive Quotes About Love for More Loving Relationships Remember, when you think joyous thoughts, you’ll be a happy person, everyone will want to be with you, and all of your current relationships will improve. Say these positive quotes to yourself daily to cultivate more love in your life with yourself. Watch as the love you have for yourself grows, attracting more and more love to you.













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How to Improve All of Your Relationships When you’re happy with yourself, then all of your other relationships improve, too. A happy person is very attractive to others. Therefore, the first relationship to improve is the one you have with yourself. If you’re looking for more love, then you need to love yourself more. This means no criticism, no complaining, no blaming, no whining, and no choosing to feel lonely. It means being very content with yourself in the present moment and choosing to think thoughts that make you feel good now.

10 Healing Activities to Experience More Love in Your Life Now


Take yourself out on a date somewhere special. Go to a coffee shop and read through that novel you’ve been meaning to read. 6. Take yourself out for a walk to a park. Find a beautiful spot and lay out a blanket and have a picnic. 7. Go out to a movie or see a musical with yourself. 8. Help out at a soup kitchen, or volunteer your time at a homeless shelter. Pick up trash at the beach or your local park. 9. Donate clothes, belongings and books you don’t use anymore. Get rid of clutter. If it doesn’t bring you joy, give it away! 10. Get out some colored pencils and color a coloring book like you did when you were a kid (check out my new coloring books for adults)!

There’s no one way to experience love, for we all experience love in different ways. For some of us to really experience love, we need to feel love, through being hugged and touched. Some of us, however, need to hear the words “I love you.” Others need to see a demonstration of love, like a gift of flowers. Our preferred way of experiencing love is often the way we feel most comfortable demonstrating it back. I suggest that you work on loving yourself nonstop. Demonstrate the growing love you have for yourself. 1.

2. 3. 4.

Treat yourself to romance and love. Show yourself how special you are. Pamper yourself. Buy yourself flowers for your home. Surround yourself with colors, textures, and scents that please you. Look in the mirror, deep into your own eyes, and say to yourself, “I love you.” Say it every day until you mean it. And keep saying it! Conscious Life Magazine

Life always mirrors back to us the feelings we have inside. As you develop your inner sense of love and romance, the right person to share your growing sense of intimacy with will be attracted to you like a magnet. If you want to go from loneliness thinking to fulfilment thinking, then you need to think in terms of creating a loving mental atmosphere within you and around you. Do let all those negative thoughts about love and romance just fade away; and instead, think about sharing love, approval, and acceptance with everyone you meet. When you’re able to contribute to the fulfilment of your own needs, then you won’t be so needy and co-dependent. It has to do with how much you love yourself. When you truly love who you are, you stay centred, calm, and secure, and your relationships at home as well as at work are wonderful. You’ll find yourself reacting to various situations and people differently. Matters that once may have been desperately important won’t seem quite as crucial anymore. New people will enter your life, and perhaps some old ones will disappear-this can be kind of scary at first-but it can also be wonderful, refreshing, and exciting. Once you’re clear about this issue in your mind, and you know what you want in a relationship, you must go out and be with people. No one is going to suddenly appear at your doorstep. A good way to meet people is in a support group or night class. These types of get-togethers enable you to connect with people who are like-minded or who are involved in the same pursuits. It’s amazing how quickly you can meet new friends. Be open and receptive, and the Universe will respond to you, bringing you your highest good.

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JOHNNY CLEGG 1953 - 2019

From Roddy Quin, Manager, friend and family spokesman, REAL MANAGEMENT

It is with immense sadness that we confirm that Jonathan (Johnny) Clegg, OBE OIS succumbed to pancreatic cancer at the age of 66 on the afternoon of 16 July 2019 at his family home in Johannesburg, South Africa. Johnny leaves deep foot prints in the hearts of every person that considers him/herself to be an African. He showed us what it was to assimilate to and embrace other cultures without losing your identity. An anthropologist that used his music to speak to every person. With his unique style of music he traversed cultural barriers like few others. In many of us he awakened awareness. Johnny Clegg’s family thank everyone for the outpouring of support during their time of loss, and have asked that donations be made to The Click Foundation instead of sending or laying flowers. Click Foundation Trust, First National Bank, # 62388059183, SWIFT Code: FIRNZAJJ

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Johnny was born on 7 June 1953 in Bacup, Lancashire England and moved to Johannesburg, South Africa with his Rhodesian mother when he was 6 years old. His exposure to Zulu migrant workers during adolescence introduced him to the culture and music. His involvement with black musicians often saw him arrested during Apartheid. At the age of 17, together with Sipho Mchunu they formed their first band called Juluka. At the age of 33 in 1986 during the height of Apartheid he partnered with Dudu Zulu to form his second inter-racial band called Savuka. Clegg also recorded several solo albums and enjoyed international success selling out concerts wherever he performed.


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Apart from lecturing at the Universities of the Witwatersrand and Natal respectively, Johnny studied anthropology and combined his studies with music. He was awarded by a number of local and international bodies for his contribution to music and society notably by the French Government in 1991 with a Knight of Arts and Letters, and in 2015 he was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire. In 2012 he received the Order of Ikhamanga from the South African government. He was awarded a number of Honorary doctorates by the Universities of the Witwatersrand (South Africa), KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa), Dartmouth College in the USA and the City University of New York.

Madiba & Johnny

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He authored and published the book "UkuBuyisa Isidumbu" (1981, Ravan Press), and presented papers on "The Music of Zulu Immigrant Workers in Johannesburg" in 1981 at the Grahamstown International Library of African Music and "Towards an understanding of African Dance: The Zulu Isishameni Style" in 1982 at Rhodes University. Johnny was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2015 but despite fighting cancer continued to tour and perform around the world to pay homage to his fans worldwide. Johnny is survived by his wife of 31 years, Jenny and their two sons Jesse and Jaron.

His passing has left us numb and we request that the family's privacy be respected during this trying time. The family will be holding a Private funeral service and we ask you to please respect the families wishes. There will be a service for public to pay their respects and the details hereof will be announced in due course. Roddy Quin Manager, friend and family spokesman REAL MANAGEMENT Click on the picture below to play Johnny Clegg’s Live Performance of “Great Heart” in YouTube

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By Jillian Levy, CHHC courtesy of

In a world where stress levels are rising, exposure to natural sunlight outdoors is diminishing, and technology is leading to constant demands for everybody’s attention, it’s no surprise that so many people struggle to get enough sleep. What does it mean to be “sleep deprived”? What are some of the negative effects of sleep deprivation? The broad definition of sleep deprivation is “the condition that occurs if you don’t get enough sleep.” The amount of sleep that qualifies as “enough” differs depending on who you ask. But it usually falls between about 7–9 hours per night for adults (and even more for children and teens). However, everyone is a bit different in terms of their ideal amount of sleep. Some

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need more like 6–10 hours of sleep per night to feel their best. Or, others simply need an extra couple hours of rest on occasion when feeling extra run down. According to recent research done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), between 7–19 percent of adults in the United States report regularly lacking sleep or not getting enough rest almost daily. And many more than this struggle with occasional sleep-related disorders or problems including sleep apnea, anxiety or night time pain that interferes with their overall quality of life.

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Sleep deprivation and sleep deficiency have much in common. But they are actually considered to be two different conditions in the opinion of some experts. According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, “sleep deficiency” is said to occur if you meet one or more of the following qualifications: (1) • •

If you’re someone who regularly gets less than the recommended amount of sleep, you’re at a higher risk for many different health problems. This includes health problems that are mentally and physically harmful. These can include: brain fog and fatigue; increased susceptibility to accidents or injuries; loss of productivity at work; irritability and moodiness; relationship problems; and even a greater risk of death due to problems affecting your heart and immune system. As you’ll discover below, some of the best sleep aids to help you get better-quality sleep include adjusting the type of light you’re exposed to daily, managing stressors in your life, making changes to your diet, and establishing a consistent night time routine.

detoxification hormonal balance maintaining cognitive health

You don’t get enough sleep (you experience regular sleep deprivation). You sleep at the wrong time of day. This may mean not being able to sleep at night, but then taking naps during the day as a result of daytime fatigue. An abnormal sleep schedule is a sign that your body’s “natural clock” is not operating properly. You don’t get the type of restorative sleep that your body needs. This includes deep REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. REM is the type you need to restore many bodily processes and keep your body in balance. You have a sleep disorder. Various disorders can keep you from getting enough sleep, such as sleep apnea, insomnia, anxiety disorders or others. These can cause you to struggle to fall asleep, or to periodically wake up throughout the night.

Is Sleep Deprivation an Epidemic Today?

Here are some eye-opening sleep deprivation and sleep deficiency statistics:

Getting enough sleep is a vital, dynamic part of a healthy lifestyle. The body needs adequate rest each night for a variety of reasons, including:

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fighting illnesses strengthening the immune system repairing damaged tissues digestion

Between 50 to 70 million Americans are estimated to have some type of chronic sleep disorder. This is around 1 in every 5 or 6 people. Approximately 8–18 percent of the general population struggles with insomnia. Sleep deficiency has been found to be more common among adults between

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40–59 than any other age group. Those between the ages of 20–39 are also likely to be suffering from a lack of sleep. (2) Data from the National Health Interview Survey showed that about 30 percent of adults get on average less than 6 hours of sleep per day. The same study found that only about one-third of high school students report getting at least 8 hours of sleep on school nights. Around 35 percent of certain survey respondents report getting less than 7 hours of sleep during a typical 24-hour period. Forty-eight percent report snoring. Around 38 percent report “unintentionally falling asleep during the day at least once in the preceding month.” In adults over 65, more than 44 percent say they fall asleep unintentionally somewhat regularly due to fatigue. About 5 percent of drivers say they occasionally nod off or fall asleep while driving at least once per month. The National Department of Transportation and CDC estimate that “drowsy driving is responsible for 1,550 fatalities and 40,000 nonfatal injuries annually in the United States.“

Sleep Deprivation in Teens & College Students: Sleep deprivation affects more than just busy, stressed adults. It’s also a growing problem among teenagers and college-aged young adults too. Sleep deprivation negatively affects their performance in school, moods and behaviors. Some research suggests that college-aged individuals get on average about 6–7 hours of sleep per night. This is due to an “overload of activities” such as studying, socializing, working and staying up late using the internet. (3) What percentage of high school students are sleep deprived? Stanford University researchers have found that up to 87 percent of teens (almost 9 of every 10) are

sleep deprived! (4) According to work done by the University of Georgia, students who get six or fewer hours of sleep per night report feeling more tired, stressed and sad. They’re missing out on how adequate sleep “restores our energy, helps us think clearly and creatively, strengthens memory, and produces a more positive mood and better performance throughout the day.”

Causes of Sleep Deprivation What usually causes sleep deprivation in adults, and how do these causes differ from those in teens or even children? Surveys suggest that sleep deficiency is typically due to the following factors: •

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A disorder that disrupts sleep, whether a thyroid disorder, dealing with pain, or something like acid reflux or sleep apnea. Snoring (related to sleep apnea) can also disturb sleep. A demanding, busy schedule. This can include lots of time commuting and family obligations. High amounts of stress. Effects of certain medications or stimulants. Alcohol consumption or using other stimulants. Eating a poor diet that can lead to blood sugar fluctuations. Eating too close to bedtime, or not eating enough with dinner/later in the day (such as if you’re fasting). Pregnancy and experiencing other hormonal changes.

The less sleep you get, and the longer this pattern continues, the more severe the negative effects of sleep deprivation on your health will be. Lack of sleep can take a toll on well-being whenever you’re not getting enough of one of the two basic types of sleep. These include the stages of sleep called “rapid eye movement” (REM) and “non-REM.”

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Reasons Your Teenager May Not Be Sleeping Well: Some of the reasons your teen may not be getting good sleep include: • •

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Staying up late using the computer, their phone, or watching TV. Wanting more time at night to “wind down” and relax after a demanding day, especially if homework takes a while to complete at night. Feeling stressed and overwhelmed in general, which interferes with sleep. Due to the effects of a poor diet, too little exercise during the daytime, and a lack of sunlight exposure. Engaging in stimulating activities before bed. For example, playing video games, doing something active that gets their heart rate up, or reading something that increases alertness.

Do teenagers really need more sleep than adults? If so, what is the best time for teenagers to head to bed at night and to wake up in the morning? Studies show that teens need around 9 hours of sleep per night until their early adult years, when the need tends to fall by 1–2 hours (bringing most adults’ needs to about 7–8 hours). Because most teens need to wake up early for school, getting to bed at a decent time is usually essential, although most teens resist this type of schedule. Every teen’s routine will be a bit different, but sleeping from about 9:30p.m. to 6:30a.m. (give or take an hour) is usually a good goal. Stanford Medical School reports that “surveys of over 3,000 high school students have found that those with higher grades report sleeping more, going to bed earlier on school nights and sleeping in less on weekends than students who had lower grades.” Studies have found that teens and college students tend to sleep less during the weekdays and then sleep more on weekends

to try and compensate for their accumulated “sleep debt.” However, there’s some evidence that this approach isn’t undoing the damage associated with daily sleep deprivation. Even after sleeping in on the weekends, many teens report still waking up fatigued most days and struggling through the demanding school day.

Main Sleep Deprivation Effects & Symptoms What exactly happens in your body when you have interrupted sleep, too little sleep, or even no sleep at all? Sleep deficiency can interfere with productivity at home, in your relationships and at work. Some of the most common negative effects of sleep deficiency include: • •

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Higher risk for chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, depression, cancer and overall mortality. Trouble concentrating at work or school. This can include finding it harder to learn, focus, be creative, meet deadlines, remember information or take tests. Difficulty driving, and sometimes being more prone to getting into accidents. The CDC has found sleep insufficiency is “linked to motor vehicle crashes, industrial disasters, and medical and other occupational error.” (5) Less motivation to be social, which can spill over to feeling more isolated and sad. Higher likelihood of being more sedentary (less physically active), which can contribute to weight gain. Increased appetite and higher risk for overeating, due to craving foods to help battle fatigue (especially processed, sugary or comfort foods). Poor moods, irritability, and even increased risk for depression. People who lack sleep report feeling more “cranky,” overwhelmed, angry, frustrated and worried.

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What are the long term effects of sleep deprivation? Sleep not only causes changes in your brain, but can also impact your kidneys, lungs, heart and other vital organs. Some of the systems in the body negatively impacted by lack of sleep include: digestive, endocrine, central nervous and musculoskeletal systems. Sleep deficiency can contribute to: kidney stones, IBS, fertility problems, heart disease, headaches/migraines, arthritis, thyroid disorders and many other conditions. Heart and lung function can be disrupted when you’re not getting good sleep, and tissues in your muscles or GI tract may not be properly repaired. Lack of sleep is associated with complications and worsened symptoms in people with respiratory problems, chronic lung and heart disease, obesity and high blood pressure. Sleep deprivation can increase the hormone called ghrelin, which is associated with hunger and cravings. Of course, it also disrupts brain function, reduces attention span, lowers willpower and makes you susceptible to poor moods. (6) Can lack of sleep contribute to even more serious mental health problems in some instances, such as causing hallucinations or memory loss? Research suggests that in people who are prone to mental or cognitive problems, such as due to a history of trauma or genetic factors, sleep deprivation may trigger or worsen symptoms. (7) Possible explanations as to why this occurs

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is due to increased inflammation, hormonal imbalances and alterations in the chemical called adenosine, which builds up in the brain during wakeful hours (as a byproduct of using energy) and can cause hallucinations in abnormally high amounts. A report published in the International Journal of Occupational Medicine & Environmental Health even states that “The impairment of performance which is caused by 20–25 hours of sleeplessness is comparable to that after ethanol (alcohol) intoxication at the level of 0.10% blood alcohol concentration.”

Conventional Treatment for Those Who Are Sleep Deprived Sleep deprivation treatment depends on the underlying causes of the condition, along with how severe the individual’s symptoms are. For those diagnosed with a sleep disorder, treatments can include: • • • • • •

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Using natural herbs or supplements to help combat stress (like adaptogens such as valerian root, or melatonin supplements). Taking SSRI drugs to control anxiety or other mental health issues. Treating sleep apnea, obesity, acid reflux and other problems with various dietary and lifestyle changes. Managing pain with treatments such as physical therapy, exercise, stretching and sometimes drugs when necessary. Sometimes prescribing sleep aid drugs or sedatives when other options don’t help. Hypnotic “sleeping pills” can include: Ambien, Lunesta or generic names like Benzodiazepine, Zolpidem, Anxiolytic or Diazepam. (8) Experts now encourage parents to get involved in regulating their teen’s schedule to prevent sleep deprivation. There has even been a push to start schools later in the morning to give teens more time to rest. Most experts recommend the following solutions for sleep deprived teens: Try to decrease schedule demands that are unnecessary and stressful. For example, limiting extra classes or activities at school that require very early wake up times. “Parents and teachers need to trim back their expectations and minimize pressures,” according to sleep researchers. For example, some schools are now making the first class/period of the school day optional for students, generally offered for advanced studies. Educate teens on how important sleep is for their performance at school, in sports or hobbies, and for their mood. Discourage late-night use of electronic devices, including texting, watching TV and surfing the web. Try to schedule meals around allowing time for a “night time routine.” Encourage your teen to be active during the daytime. This can lead to feeling more tired at night. Try to spend time outside with your teen when possible. This allows them to get enough sunlight and vitamin D to help regulate their “internal clock.”

6 Natural Treatments for Sleep Deprivation 1. Manage Stress There are lots of ways to deal with stress in your life. But, only you can decide what’s realistic and actually effective. Some of the recommended approaches to decreasing stress that can keep you up include:

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Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

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Practicing meditation or prayer daily Reading calming books Spending more time outdoors in nature Exercising Joining a social, supportive group with people you enjoy being around Playing an instrument, making art or doing something else creative Using essential oils Doing yoga, deep breathing exercises or stretching

experts recommend sleeping with your curtains open in your bedroom to let light in when the sun rises. Also, try to get outside in the morning for at least 10–30 minutes (such as taking a walk). Any other time spent outdoors during the daytime can also help regulate your rhythm, plus it will increase your natural production of vitamin D. At night, try doing the opposite. Make your room very dark and reduce all artificial light exposure to sleep more soundly.

2. Avoid Blue Light at Night Rather than using your phone, computer, electronics or watching TV, do something calmer that doesn’t involve exposure to “blue light.” The bright screens on electronics can lead to alertness due to changes in your eyes and brain. It can also sometimes cause headaches. Try instead to read a fiction book or something that is inspiring or about spiritual growth.

4. Exercise Daily exercise for at least 30–60 minutes, especially if outdoors, is one of the best ways to promote better sleep. Being active daily in the morning or during the day can help to regulate your circadian rhythm and lead you to feel calmer and sleepier at night. For some people, exercising at night close to bedtime can lead to increased alertness and trouble sleeping. So try experimenting to find what works best for you. Rather than pushing yourself to adhere to a schedule that you dread (such as very early before work or school), choose an exercise time that is enjoyable and allows you stay consistent.

• • •

3. Increase Exposure to Natural Light During the Day Just about every living organism has an internal 24-hour clock, a “circadian rhythm.” This helps them regulate a balance between wakefulness hours versus those spent resting. In humans (and many other animals), exposure to natural light is a very important regulator of tens of thousands of brain cells that are responsible for forming the circadian rhythm. The retina in the eyes transmits information about dark versus light to the brain, helping in the process. Levels of the hormone melatonin rise and fall depending on light exposure. They peak during the night when it’s dark (between 3–4a.m.) in order to help with sleep. Then they decrease at dawn and during waking hours when it’s light to keep us awake. Because so much of your body requires a pattern of light versus dark exposure to work properly, it helps to spend more time in natural light when the seasons allow. Some

5. Adjust Your Diet Foods that can aid in helping you to fall asleep include: veggies, grass-fed beef, flaxseeds, chia seeds, wild-caught salmon, raw dairy and whole grains. To help keep you from feeling “wired” close to bedtime, try not to eat foods high in simple carbohydrates or sugar after dinner. If you need a snack after dinner, make one with foods that will help stabilize your blood sugar rather than spike it. Examples include complex carbs like nuts, seeds, veggies or a source of protein like some frozen unsweetened yogurt. Also be sure to skip any caffeine after 2–3p.m., as sources like coffee can have lingering effects for hours. For extra help, you can additionally supplement with magnesium within 1 hour of going to bed (such as the brand CALM) and a omega-3 fish oil supplement daily to help with muscle

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relaxation, anxiety and reducing inflammation that can cause pain. 6. Create a “Bedtime Routine” Your body craves a schedule and predictable routine. So ideally you will go to bed at roughly the same time every night and wake up close to the same time in the morning. Try to keep your bedroom very dark and also a bit colder than the rest of your house (a temperature between 60– 67˚is thought to be ideal, according to the Sleep Foundation). A cooler room can decrease your core body temperature, in turn initiating sleepiness. Some people find that writing down their thoughts, worries or “grateful moments” of the day in a journal helps them feel calmer. Others like to sip some relaxing tea, use essential oils that are calming, read something inspirational, stretch or take a warm shower.

Precautions Regarding Sleep Deprivation Treatments While a lack of sleep will certainly lead to feeling more tired, this isn’t the only reason you might be feeling low in energy. If fatigue is an ongoing issue for you, there may be other lifestyle factors to consider addressing, even if you already get enough sleep. These factors include: • • • • • • • •

the quality of your diet timing of your meals work/life balance stress levels level of activity medications allergies existing health conditions

For example, eating too infrequently might leave you feeling zapped of energy. Similarly, consuming too much sugar, calorie restriction or crash dieting, having abnormal blood sugar levels, hormone imbalance, and not getting enough movement might also make you feel more sleep deprived. To reduce the negative effects of consistently low energy levels, it can be helpful to keep a journal in order to track your symptoms and habits. This can enable you to pinpoint which types of variables might be either sabotaging your sleep, or robbing you of energy despite sleeping enough. If you continue to feel fatigued even after making these lifestyle changes, see your health care provider to make sure you don’t have an underlying health condition that’s causing the fatigue.

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Best Night’s Sleep Ever!! If you want to get the best night’s sleep, then you have to check this out! South African company, Build The Bed has introduced a fabulous new concept… I was introduced to the Build The Bed concept a few months back, and was very intrigued. Imagine being able to design your own bed, layer by layer, to suit your unique needs? The feel, size, fabric and colour! It honestly sounded too good to be true. This was not how bed buying worked, I was accustomed to entering a bed store, feeling each bed and choosing the closest fit for my needs. So I made an appointment and visited their show room to see for myself, and was pleasantly surprised. I even learnt some interesting stuff about what is really best when it comes to the support we need. For instance, I always thought that pocket springs were the way to go, but it turns out that may not be the best. Think about this, what does a spring do when you push down on it? That’s right, it pushes back with the same force. So, when sleeping on a sprung mattress, those springs are pushing against your body all night. I am not convinced that is a good thing. Having now slept many nights on a custom made Build The Bed mattress and base set, I can honestly say that it is the best bed I have ever slept on. (I am comparing it with top of the range premium beds) This bed, with no springs, layers of high quality memory foam, foam and bamboo material, allows me to have the best sleep, night after night. Total comfort and full body support, for a full, restful night of sleep and I wake up feeling properly refreshed in the morning. The best part is that it didn’t cost an arm and a leg. Build The Bed is a proudly South African company, started by entrepreneur Zane Maroun. Zane has over 15 years experience manufacturing the best beds, and is passionate about what he does, which comes across in every interaction with the business. You can try out their one of a kind winning concept in store in Bedford Centre, their new store is just about to open it’s doors.

A World First!! Design Your Own Bed Store Opening

AUGUST 2019 Bedford Centre Bedfordview JHB Conscious Life Magazine

Conscious Eating

Photo by from Pexels

By Wendy Young of Wise Living

Conscious eating is becoming aware of how the food you eat affects your body, emotions and mind. Learning what food and how you eat them affect both your body and mind, supports health and prevents disease. Nutrition is an important and effective aspect of self care. Right diet is a primary factor in the treatment of the physical body which is built up by food. Without changing your diet you cannot expect the body, which is its product, to change whatever else you may attempt. By correcting your diet, you eliminate the fundamental causes of disease. In its constitutional approach, Ayurveda emphasizes the correct diet for the individual as the basis for health – eating right for your body-mind type! When you attend to digestion, you attend to your health. Remember: physical disease occurs as a result of poor digestion and assimilation in the body. Conscious Life Magazine

Guidelines for Healthy Eating • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Eat only when hungry and drink when thirsty. Follow the body and not the mind – listen to your body and what it needs. Treat your digestion like a fire – stoke it with easy to assimilate light meals. The main meal is best eaten at lunchtime when the digestive fire is at its strongest. Eating in between meals slows down digestion and must be avoided in intestinal imbalance. Eat the last meal of the day early in the evening. Late eating can cause constipation, indigestion and the accumulation of toxins. Eat to less than full capacity. It is recommended to eat until the stomach is ½ full with food, ¼ full with liquid and leave ¼ empty for the digestive process. Eat simple meals which are less taxing to the digestive system – simplicity in a meal, variety in the week! Avoid drinking water or other fluids with the meal. The liquid douses the digestive fire and makes the process sluggish. Taking water or fluids directly after the meal has the same counterproductive effects and promotes lethargy and weight gain. Eat in a peaceful environment in the spirit of harmony and gratitude – not driving, hurrying or standing. Chew the meal thoroughly and joyfully to aid proper assimilation of nutrients and digestion, so that the vital tissues are nourished, the body’s hunger is fed and emotional cravings are satisfied. Eat fresh and seasonal food that is locally and organically grown (as much as possible!). Eat fruit, including juice, away from other foods about one hour before or after a meal as fruit tends to ferment in the digestive tract. Do not eat contra-indicated foods: Dairy and fruit, melon after other food, fruits with other food, fish and milk, eggs with milk, lemons with milk or yoghurt, yoghurt after dark, equal parts of ghee and honey (3:1 by weight), cooked honey. Eat warm and cooked food as these are easier to digest. Cold food, raw food, ice and cold water can weaken the digestive process. Avoid eating raw and cooked food together. Minimise the use of leftovers, tinned, frozen or preserved foods. Avoid excessive fasting or excessive eating.

If you feel called to develop a practical and sustainable nutrition and lifestyle programme to suit your specific constitution and needs or would like further information, email to book your Holistic Wellbeing Coaching session today.

This article is written by Wendy Young, founder of Wise Living – a way of Wisdom, Insight, Sensitivity and Ease.

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Anaemia By Dr Werner Kerschbaumer

Anaemia is one of the most common conditions encountered by general practitioners. It affects an estimated 1.6 billion people globally - that’s almost 25% of the world population! While anemia is often just seen as a mere inconvenience by the sufferer, it can have significant adverse consequences on your health and even have adverse educational, social and economic impacts. The World Health Organization (WHO) actually lists anaemia as “the world’s second leading cause of disability and thus one of the most serious global public health problems”. So let’s unpack anaemia to see how it can affect your health and what you can do about it.

What is anaemia? Anaemia is a condition in which your blood has too few red blood cells or haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is an iron-rich protein in your red blood cells that carries oxygen to all of the tissues in your body. Anaemia thus leads to insufficient oxygen for your physiological needs, which can lead to many health problems. The most common and earliest warning sign or symptom of anemia is regular, easy tiredness or fatigue. Other warning signs include paleness, regular weakness, headaches, dizziness, easy shortness of breath, brittle nails, recurring colds or flu, inability of concentrate, and poor circulation with cold hands and feet. There are hundreds of types of anemia that can be caused by any situation, condition or disease that affects either how much blood you have, or the size, shape, quantity and function of your red blood cells. Anemia is thus divided into 3 main categories, due to: a) blood loss (bleeding); b) decreased production or production of abnormal red blood cells; c) increased destruction of red blood cells. Globally, approximately 50% of cases of anemia are estimated to be due to iron deficiency. In a recent South African study of a healthy adult population, 12% of the study population were found be anemic. Iron deficiency was found in 78% of those anemic test subjects! So even in apparently healthy people, iron deficiency anemia can be a very real risk and may be easily overlooked. Iron is necessary for maintaining the normal structure and function of virtually all cells of the body, including the immune system. It therefor makes sense to address Iron Deficiency (ID) and Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) in South Africa.

Who may be affected by Iron Deficiency Anaemia? If you regularly fee Tired or Fatigued The most common symptom of anemia is tiredness and fatigue. So, if you often wake up tired or feel fatigued, no matter how much sleep or rest you get, it might be due to more than just your hectic schedule or work load. Sufficient Iron is crucial for energising body and mind with oxygen. But iron can be tricky to absorb from food and many simply don’t get enough of it! Pregnancy and beyond Iron plays a critically important role in the making of a new little human. High amounts are required for production of new red blood cells and muscle cells and for brain development. Mom also needs to build her own iron stores in preparation for blood loss during labour and for breastfeeding. With these huge demands on your iron levels, 1 in 7 women develop irondeficiency anaemia during pregnancy. Vegans & vegetarians It’s a great idea to eat plant-based. Although many veggies are rich in iron, you are more likely to become deficient in this essential mineral if you don’t eat meat. This is because plants, eggs

and wholegrains contain non-haem iron which is harder for your body to absorb than haem iron from meat. Kids & Teens Did you know that South Africa has a high national prevalence of IDA among children? A large number of children under the age of 5 years do not reach their developmental potential because of it. Preschool development, puberty, growth spurts and school sports all require huge amounts of iron. And teenage girls can easily become anemic and deficient in iron due to their periods. If malnutrition, junk food and fad diets are also in the picture, iron levels can plummet, leading to tiredness, apathy, (more) moodiness, as well as poor concentration. Heavy exercise Whether you’re an elite athlete, fitness fanatic or gym bunny, regular intense workouts mean you need more iron and also lose more – largely through sweat. Just 1 hour of exercise can reduce levels by 5.7%. By topping up your iron you can improve energy, performance and muscle recovery. Smart move. Heavy periods Heavy periods can be more than just a pain. All blood contains iron, in the form of hemoglobin. If you lose blood, you obviously also lose iron. So having prolonged, heavy periods is one of the main reasons women develop low iron levels fast. Exhaustion, fogginess and mood swings are all symptoms of iron deficiency – symptoms that you can treat.

What to do if you suspect you might have Anaemia or Iron Deficiency Anaemia If you experience the most common warning sign of anemia – regular tiredness – and suspect you may have iron deficiency, you can do an online tiredness test at If you experience several warning signs or scored very high in the Tiredness Test, a visit to your health practitioner is required. Get a Full Blood Count, Iron studies and Ferritin test as a start to either confirm or rule out iron deficiency. Iron deficiency is usually treated with Iron supplements and / or dietary changes where required.

Dr Werner Kerschbaumer holds a Master’s Degree in homeopathic medicine from the Durban University of Technology. He ran a private homeopathic family practice with a focus on helping people of all ages to achieve optimal wellness through a combination of classical homeopathy, nutrition and lifestyle management. He believes in progressively implementing small changes that are sustainable and won’t suck your will to live . After 15 years he put fulltime practice aside to join the family business (Flora Force Health Products) and he also works at a natural medicine manufacturing laboratory since 2005. Contact details: Dr Werner Kerschbaumer Registered Homeopathic Doctor (AHPCSA) Office: +27 87 808 8370 Cell: +27 82 926 0091

10 Rose Water Benefits: From Antioxidants To Anti-Aging By Aashna Ahuja, NDTV, courtesy of Wondering why rose water has found a place in every Indian household? It's simple. Rose water benefits are a aplenty as it is undoubtedly beauty's magic potion, and also remarkably versatile. Whether you have oily, dry or combination skin, rose water can be added to your beauty regime. That's what makes it a beauty secret or rather a secret weapon of women all over the world, not just India. While purchasing rose water, you must make sure you buy only 100% pure rose water i.e. the distilled water of roses sans the chemicals, the by-product of rose oil production. The usage of rosewater dates back to early Egypt, when Cleopatra (yes, Cleopatra) used the natural product in her skincare regime. And how can we not follow the footsteps of the world's most legendary beauty queen? We know rose water is great for skin and hair but why it's good and how exactly must you use it, is key! Here are 10 amazing skincare and hair care uses of rose water you'll thank us for. Rose water is prepared by steeping rose petals in water. Sometimes, a by-product of the process of extracting rose oil is also used in the place of rose water. There are a number of rose water benefits which make it a popular ingredient in cuisines and religious rituals. Rose water for skin and rose water for face are two of rose water's most well-known uses. (Also Read: How to Make Rose Water from Rose Petals: An Ingenious Way to Prepare the Magic Potion)

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10 Rosewater Benefits For Skin & Hair 1. Rosewater helps maintain the skin's pH balance, and also controls excess oil. 2. "Rose water has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the redness of irritated skin, get rid of acne, dermatitis and eczema. It is a great cleanser and aids in removing oil and dirt accumulated in clogged pores", says Dr. Deepali Bhardwaj, Skincare Expert. 3. Rose water helps hydrate, revitalise and moisturise the skin giving it with that refreshed look. 4. Due to its antibacterial properties, rose water also aids in healing scars, cuts and wounds. 5. The antioxidant properties of rose water help to strengthen skin cells and regenerate skin tissues. 6. Due to the astringent like properties it possesses, rose water helps clean pores and tone the skin. Applying rose water after steaming tightens capillaries, reduces redness and blotchiness. 7. The aroma of roses is said to be a powerful mood enhancer. It rids you of feelings of anxiety and promotes emotional well-being, thereby making you feel more relaxed. 8. The nourishing and moisturising properties of rose water enhance the quality of hair. It is known to treat mild scalp inflammations and get rid of dandruff. Rosewater works wonders as a natural conditioner and revitalises hair growth. 9. The scent of rose water on your pillow also helps you sleep better after a long day, making you wake up refreshed. 10. It also helps aging skin, keeping fine lines and wrinkles at bay.

(Also Read: Here's How Rose Water Can Do Wonders For Your Eyes)

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Not many know that rose water can be used in a myriad fun and refreshing ways. Here's a list you should keep handy!

How To Use Rose Water | 10 Uses of Rose Water The best and easiest way to use rose water maybe to apply it at night, to clear all impurities the face has collected through the day; but we've listed other surprising uses which are so quick and easy, you'll be shocked.

1. Spritz Away! "A great way to use rosewater is by spritzing it on your face. Rosewater can also be sprayed over makeup to work as a makeup setting product, the mist will leave your face radiant", suggests Delhi-based makeup artist, Mrignaina Kumar. Fill an empty spray bottle with rosewater and spritz once you're done with your morning beauty routine to keep your face fresh and hydrated. 2. Dry and Frizzy Hair? You've come to the right place. Mix equal parts rosewater and glycerin, apply on the scalp with the help of cotton pads and massage for 10-15 minutes. Let it stay for another 30 minutes and wash off with shampoo. (Also Read: Rose Tea: 5 Weight Loss Benefits And Easy Ways To Make It At Home!) 3. Facial Cleanser: Rose water can be used a cleanser on all skin types. After washing your face with a mild face wash, all you have to do is add a few drops of glycerine to 1 tbsp rose water and apply it on your face. 4. No More Tired Eyes: If you have tired, inflamed eyes - soak a cotton pad in chilled rose water and apply. It helps reduce puffiness under the eyes and get rid of redness.

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5. Hair Conditioner: Post shampooing, use a cup of rose water as a final rinse. It helps condition the hair deeply, adding a healthy shine you'll just love. 6. Facial Toner: Wet a soft cotton ball with chilled rose water and dab it on cleansed skin. Its mild astringent properties help tighten the pores and gently tone the skin. 7. Goodbye Acne: "Mix 1 tbsp of lemon juice with 1 tbsp rose water, apply it on acneic skin and let it stay for 30 minutes. Wash with fresh water and reap the benefits", says Dr. Rahul Nagar, Dermatologist, Max Hospitals. You can also apply a speedy face pack of fuller's earth (multani mitti) and mix it with rose water. Once it dries, wash it off. This helps cleanse pores, control excess oil and prevent acne. 8. Makeup Remover: Tried and tested, this is the best makeup remover ever. Add a few drops of coconut oil to rosewater on a cotton pad and cleanse your face. The mixture works wonders to wipe off makeup and nourish your skin deeply at the same time. Note: Rub gently to avoid being harsh to your skin. 9. Fair and Lovely: Add 2 tbsp gram flour and mix it with rose water plus lemon juice to make a smooth paste. Apply for 15 minutes to get rid of tanning. 10. Pamper Yourself: Mix rose water with almond oil or regular cream and moisturise your body. "For some extra indulgence, draw yourself a rose-scented bath. It's considered the best antidote to stress", recommends Dr. Deepali Bhardwaj, Skincare Expert.

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The Endocannabinoid System and Its Revolutionary Role In Your Health

By Christine Ruggeri, CHHC, courtesy of Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DMN, CNS This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Axe nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

If you’ve been reading up on CBD oil benefits and how the compound positively affects the body, then you’ve probably come across some mention of the endocannabinoid system. Do we really have an endocannabinoid system? Yes! It was only discovered about 25 years ago, when scientists were analyzing the potential benefits of THC, the main psychoactive and intoxicating compound in cannabis. Since then, they’ve learned that our bodies are made up of endocannabinoids and cannabinoid receptors that are present throughout the body. Maybe you’ve been sceptical about the health benefits of cannabis oil and CBD oil, especially because they seem to positively affect such a range of areas in the body. But these benefits are generally believed to be due to their influence on the endocannabinoid system. We continue to Conscious Life Magazine

learn about this extraordinary body system, but so far we know that’s a really, really big deal.

What Is the Endocannabinoid System? The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a biochemical communication system in the body that plays an important role in many physiological systems that are involved in maintaining our health. The term “endocannabinoid” can be broken down to mean cannabinoids made naturally from within the body. Although the substances made within the body aren’t from cannabis, they react with internal receptors similarly to cannabis compounds. That’s why they’ve been given the name “endogenous cannabinoids” or endocannabinoids.

Overall, scientists found that we have cannabinoid receptors that interact with the endogenous cannabinoids made within the body. The first discovered endocannabinoids were anandamide and 2-arachidonoyl glycerol, which have precursors that are found in our lipid membranes. But they also found that exogenous cannabinoids, including compounds found in cannabis and other plants, also affect our cannabinoid receptors. This is exactly why using CBD (cannabidiol) and even very small amounts of THC has such a positive influence on many body functions. These cannabis compounds actually mimic the effects of chemical messengers found within the human body.

Endocannabinoid Function The endocannabinoid system can become underactive or overactive, which causes the body to malfunction and come out of a homeostatic state. This is called “endocannabinoid system dysfunction,” and it can lead to many common issues. Just like any other body system, endocannabinoid system dysfunction can be caused by lifestyle factors, dietary changes and other issues. While more research needs to be conducted, preliminary research indicates that the endocannabinoid system plays a role in overall health.

Beneficial Role of the Endocannabinoid System The endocannabinoid system is referred to as a “biochemical communication system” because it includes many components that work together to keep the body in homeostasis.

The endocannabinoid system is made up of three major components: • cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) • endocannabinoids that occur naturally inside the body • enzymes that allow for the synthesis and degradation of endocannabinoids In addition to the endogenous cannabinoids that are made inside the body, exogenous cannabinoids may work in a similar manner. Two exogenous cannabinoids that are believed to influence receptors in the ECS are CBD and THC.

Homeostasis Overall, the endocannabinoid system plays a role in maintaining homeostasis. It ensures that our bodies have a stable and well-functioning internal environment. You see, our bodies naturally work to keep our internal environment in balance, even when our Conscious Life Magazine

environment may be out of balance. When things aren’t balanced — maybe it’s a stressful state of being or something else, the body works to keep everything running smoothly. Scientists are beginning to learn that when the body begins to lose balance, it activates the endocannabinoid system to help balance it. It does this with cannabinoid receptors that are found throughout the body. From the brain to the immune and digestive systems, these receptors help keep things in check.

Receptors and Enzymes The ECS is made up of receptors that respond to endogenous and exogenous cannabinoids. These receptors are found throughout the body and researchers have found that they respond to environmental stimuli. This is how cannabis compounds, including CBD and THC, act as chemical messengers that produce effects within our cells. So far, scientists have discovered what’re called “G-protein-coupled receptors” — CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are found in the brain and central nervous system. They are particularly abundant in the cortex, basal ganglia, hippocampus and cerebellum. CB2 receptors are found in our immune cells. A very interesting feature of CB2 receptors is that they are extremely respondent to stimuli.

Some studies also indicate that CB2 receptors are also present in neural cells and influence sensory neurons and nerve fibers. We also have enzymes that work to break down endocannabinoids. The fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) enzyme breaks down anandamide (which is know as the “bliss molecule”) quickly. So even though anandamide binds to CB1 receptors and has calming effects, when FAAH does its job, the feeling doesn’t last for long. But CBD can help support those overall calming benefits.

Support for the Following Areas Research shows that endocannabinoids, and exogenous cannabinoids, play a role in a number of areas in the body. Because CB1 and CB2 receptors are found throughout the body, cannabinoids that interact with these receptors can impact many areas of the body and its functions, including the following: • emotions • behaviour • motor control (movement) • memory • sleep • hormones • the cardiovascular system • the digestive system • the immune system • the reproductive system • body temperature Conscious Life Magazine


CANNABIS  You don’t get high like “Recreational Cannabis”  Every plant contains a pain-killer, anti-inflammatory and helps to balance your blood pressure and cholesterol  Plus each plant has a benefit for a different part of your body Noone has ever died from Cannabis  Although it is known as Medicinal “Cannabis” it is really “Cannabinoids” that are extracted from the Cannabis plant  We can extract from several other plants but get the best variety from Cannabis plants  You are born with Cannabinoids in your body  Your body produces THC every day  CBD is a food supplement and on its own has little value  You need to add THC to activate the CBD - huge difference

Understanding Medicinal Cannabis Presentations Medicinal Cannabis is coming – we all know that. What we all need to know is the truth about this amazing plant and how we can work with it. Dr Gallow will be holding 90 minute explanation presentations in all major centres over the next few weeks. For full details of dates and times please email

Dr Gallow is head of research at Cannabis Oil Research. She is registered with the HPCSA in Clinical Pathology as a Medical Scientist. Also a Registered Professional Natural Scientist with the SACNASP, an Ethno medicine Medical Practitioner with EPASA and is also a registered Dr with the ANHA. She holds 3 Masters Degrees. Medical Science (MMedSci), Public Health (MPH), Business Admin (MBA) and a PHD. She has also completed a Medical Cannabis accredited course with the University of Washington for Doctors. The Universities she obtained her degrees include Durban, Roehampton UK, Open University UK, Washington, UNISA and the MBA was affiliated with HARVARD University. To add to her educational profile Dr Gallow is also a qualified trainer, assessor and moderator with SETA and ETDP SAQA, as well as a Prince 2 Practitioner registered with APMG. Lastly Dr Gallow has completed the Dispensing of Medicines Diploma and is registered with the DOH.

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How Baobab Oil Helps


Image by jensfriislund from Pixabay

This nourishing amber-gold oil is cold pressed from the seeds of the baobab fruit pod. It’s a rare, naturally light oil which doesn’t clog pores and absorbs rapidly without leaving a greasy residue. Baobab oil has a unique fatty acid profile with exceptional quantities of Omega 6 and 9, helping to retain moisture and regenerate new skin cells. It’s also particularly recommended for healing scar tissue. It’s rich in Linoleic acid and applying it to problem skin can result in improved sebaceous gland function and the prevention of acne formation. A recent study on baobab oil shows that it has high levels of linoleic acid making it an excellent therapeutic choice for acne. We’ve boosted baobab’s deeply moisturising and natural anti-inflammatory properties by adding Calendula, Tea Tree and Evening Primrose. This synergistic blend works to reverse Acne and take your skin back onto a healing path.

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Image: emmacodd on Pixabay

Photo by: rhythmuswege on Pixabay

Image: Geralt on Pixabay

Photo by Dani Costelo on Unsplash

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By Wendy Young - Wise Living

To heal our emotional wounds and transform limiting self beliefs, we need to bring awareness to and get in touch with the traumatised, rejected and unaccepted aspects of ourselves. We do this by cultivating receptivity, sensitivity and kindness towards ourselves. The more we learn to love and accept ourselves – warts and all – the more peace, joy and aliveness we feel in our lives. When we experience difficult feelings and emotions, such as hurt, rejection, anxiety, self doubt, anger, fear and depression, our automatic tendency is to avoid or to push these strong emotions away. However, everything we reject or bury affects our physical and mental wellbeing: this process can leave us feeling stuck, limited and isolated; and unconsciously distorts many of the decisions we make in life.

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Learning to receive, feel and listen in a way that says all experiences are welcome and sacred, we develop the capacity to be fully present with whatever arises, as well as becoming fully present with ourselves. From this still place of open acceptance, we are able to experience directly and intimately the sensations and emotions in the body. This allows our nervous system to relax and healing to happen – physically and psychologically. Now we are able to listen to the messages and wisdom that rise from deep within the body. In this way, we learn to relate to ourselves, others and life in an emotionally mature and grounded way. By cultivating a sense of connection, authenticity, openness and compassion we grow our emotional intelligence. This is an important daily practice, and one that needs awareness, courage and kindness. It is an essential life skill needed at this time of our human and spiritual evolution. If you feel called in engage in this deep inner process work or are needing support for a challenging life situation right now, please email to book your transpersonal and somatic counselling session. This article is written by Wendy Young, founder of Wise Living – a way of Wisdom, Insight, Sensitivity and Ease

Photo by from Pexels

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Should I Go Gluten – Free? Article courtesy of Nature’s Choice

As awareness of the benefits of excluding certain food groups continues to increase, in this article we take a look at why a Glutenfree diet might be the best choice for you. What is Gluten? Gluten consists of 2 proteins, Gliadin & Glutenin. These proteins are what give dough its elastic properties, which allow bread to rise and hold at the same time.

Celiac Disease For people with celiac disease, the most severe form of gluten sensitivity, the immune system attacks the gluten proteins, and it also attacks an enzyme in the cells of the digestive tract called tissue transglutaminase. This immune reaction can cause degeneration of the intestinal wall, which leads to nutrient deficiencies, various digestive issues, anaemia, fatigue, failure to thrive, as well as an increased risk of many serious diseases. Celiac disease is believed to afflict about 1% of people, but it may be more common (over 2%) in the elderly. There are also studies showing that the rate of celiac disease is increasing rapidly in the population. This is partly because a large percentage of Celiac’s don’t have obvious symptoms, making the symptoms manifest themselves in different ways, like fatigue and anaemia.

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Gluten Intolerance/ Sensitivity Whilst there is no clear definition of gluten intolerance, it basically means having some sort of adverse reaction to gluten. Many of the symptoms are similar to those in celiac disease, such as bloating, stomach pain, fatigue, diarrhoea, as well as pain in the bones and joints.

Diagnosing Gluten Sensitivity Unfortunately, because there is no clear way of diagnosing gluten sensitivity, reliable numbers on how common it is are impossible to find. The only true way of knowing is by eliminating gluten temporarily from your diet, then reintroducing it to see if you have symptoms.

Be Discerning About Your Gluten-free Diet The majority of foods containing gluten tend to be processed cakes, bread, and biscuits. But, it is important to not just swap these processed foods for Gluten-free processed foods. Gluten Free Pizza may not be healthier than normal pizza. Also important to note that some Gluten-free foods contain less fibre than their Whole Wheat counterparts, so it’s important to choose your gluten-free alternatives carefully! Whatever methods you employ to create more health in your life, be sure to take the time to educate yourself on the food you consume and be discerning about the nutritional lifestyle you adopt. We will always do our best at Nature’s Choice to support you with products that will make your life easier and of course tastier.

Image by Aline Ponce from Pixabay

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Banana Bread

From Green Monday



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2 cups flour/Nature’s Choice All Purpose Flour 3/4 cups unrefined cane sugar 1/2 cups dark brown sugar (treacle) 3/4 teaspoon baking soda 3/4 teaspoon salt 3/4 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 cups plain soy/vegan milk/ Nature’s Choice Almond Milk 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar 2 cups mashed ripe banana (about 4) 1/4 cups sunflower oil 2 Tablespoon maple syrup 1 teaspoon vanilla extract/paste

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Turn oven on to 180° Sift together dry ingredients. Whisk together milk and cider vinegar and stand for 2 min. Add rest of wet ingredients and whisk well. Add dry ingredients to the wet, do not overmix. Bake for an hour. Allow to cool on cooling rack and enjoy! Notes

TIP: Feel free to add dairy-free dark chocolate chips, walnuts and/or raisins! Recipe and photo by Wilma Tarr - Living a Vegan Life Conscious Life Magazine

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Plank Exercise Variations to Activate Your Core By Jillian Levy, CHHC, courtesy of

Tapping into the power of plank exercise variations is one of the best ways to strengthen your core and work towards more defined abs. While the plank might be a relatively simple exercise to describe — it’s basically a static push-up — this doesn’t mean that holding planks (or “planking”) is easy to execute. And it doesn’t take long to realize that the longer you plank, the tougher this exercise quickly becomes. That being said, increasing the amount of time you can hold a plank, or the amount of plank repetitions you complete within a given time, is key if you want to build real strength in your core. Can you already hold a plank for a minute or two? Then it’s time to introduce some plank exercise variations into your routine to increase the challenge and target different parts of your core. But before moving on to plank exercise variations, make sure you’ve built up a little core strength and know how to do a plank with proper form.

What Is a Plank? And When Did It Become Popular? The definition of a plank is as an isometric bodyweight exercise that involves maintaining a flat back in a position similar to a push-up in order to strengthen the core. The goal is to hold a plank with proper form for the maximum possible time, which challenges multiple muscles in the core, including the rectus abdominis (better known as the “abs”), in addition to muscles in the arms, butt and legs.

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How do planks help create a flat stomach? The great thing about doing plank exercises is that they use your own body weight for resistance. This means you don’t need weights, bands or any other equipment to do them (although some plank exercise variations use things like a wall, Boso ball or incline bench t0 challenge different muscles). Amazingly, the current world record for planking is 8 hours, 1 minute and 1 second, set in May 2016 by a Chinese policeman. (1) There’s different theories as to when people started first performing planks. There’s also some controversy over who actually “inventing” the planking exercise. Some credit Joseph Pilates, the man behind the Pilates school of training that emerged in the 1920s. Dr. Stuart McGill, of the University of Waterloo in Canada, published extensive work focusing on lower and general back pain exercises. He is also considered another “influential voice” involved in making the plank popular. (2)

What Muscles Do Planks Work? Planks are most well-known for building core strength, but they actually target other muscles too. Planks engage muscles including: (3, 4, 5) • • • • • • • •

Transversus abdominis (considered the deep foundation of your abs) Rectus abdominis Lumbar erector spinae Obliques (internal and external) Serratus anterior (the top part of your core that connects to the shoulders) Muscles in your shoulders, arms and chest including the trapezius (or traps), the rhomboids, rotator cuff, pectorals (pecs) and the anterior, medial and posterior deltoid muscles (delts) Muscles in your butt and legs including the gluteus maximus (glutes), quadriceps (quads), gluteus medius and gluteus minimus muscles (abductors) The adductor muscles of the hip

4 Plank Exercise Benefits What are the benefits of doing planks? Below are some of the top reasons to add plank exercises to your workout routine: 1. Builds Deep Core Strength Plank exercises are some of the best for building core stability and strength. They target more than the superficial “ab muscles.” While crunches and sit-ups are effective for targeting certain ab muscles, plank variations can also build strength in the “deep core” muscles, including the obliques, transverse abdominis and so on. Core strength is protective against strains, overuse injuries tied to muscle compensations, poor posture, instability and more. (6) 2. Help with Balance and Posture A strong core helps with coordination, balance, daily functioning and general athletic/physical performance. And if you work on moving through different plank variations in a sequence, you’ll also be improving your range of motion.

Building core strength is also crucial for your posture. The core muscles work with the pelvic,

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glute and hip muscles to stabilize the body and hold you upright with good posture, preventing back pain and other aches. 3. Protect Your Lower Back & Help Prevent Injuries Not only will planks help to get rid of back fat, they will also reduce the risk of back pain. Experts agree that a weak, unstable core contributes to injuries like low back pain, sciatica, poor balance, running injuries and more. This is why core exercises, including plank variations, are often used among athletes as a means of enhancing performance and reducing risk for injury. (7) 4. Help With Focus and Breathing When you’re holding plank position it’s important to keep breathing, even while engaging your core. This helps you to keep going and allows you to push through burning or fatigued muscles.

Plank Exercise Workouts The Best Plank Exercises: Front Planks (best for beginners) — First work on nailing front planks before moving on to to other plank exercise variations. Hold your abs in tight and lift your hips high enough so that your back is flat like a table top. Avoid letting your hips droop down or stick too far up. A basic plank variation of the front plank is a “low plank,” in which you place your forearms on the ground under your shoulders rather than holding yourself up on your hands. Plank with Leg Lifts — Start in low plank position, resting on your forearms. Raise your right leg while keeping it straight and hold for 20 to 30 seconds. Drop your right foot to the ground and switch sides, lifting your left leg and holding. When you lift your leg, make sure that your lower back doesn’t arch. Another option is to move more quickly between sides, alternating legs for a total of one minute while you hold.

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Knee-In Planks — Start in a front plank with your hands under your shoulders. Keep your core engaged and chest up, your neck neutral, inline with your spine. Bend one leg and bring your knee all the way up towards your chest, then extend your leg back out and switch sides. You can hold each leg in for about 5 to 10 seconds, or alternate sides more quickly for about 1 minute. If you move slowly with control, you’ll actually engage your abs more and feel your core really working. Another option is to bring your knee in, then rotate your knee and hip under you and towards the ground so that you work your oblique muscles. Plank with Hip Kicks — Start on your forearms in a low plank. Lift one arm off the ground and extend it out in front of you, which forces you to engage your core to retain balance. If you’re more advanced, extend one arm out and at the same time lift the opposite leg. Try not to let your hips rock as you focus on keeping them square with the ground. Repeat sides for about one minute. Plank Slides aka Roll-Out Planks — Use a towel or something slippery that you can slide your feet on the floor. Start in a low plank on your forearms. Place your feet on the towel and gently rock back and forth while keeping your elbows/forearms down. Movement should come from your shoulders as you push yourself back, keeping your core engaged, and then slide forward. The further you extend back in this plank, the harder it will be to slide forward. Work toward completing these plank slides for about one minute, or as long as you can while maintaining good form. Side Plank Exercises — Side planks can be performed with either your hand or elbow down, depending on your strength and what feels better for your wrists. You will only have one hand/elbow on the ground at a time placed right under your shoulder. Face towards the side and step your legs out straight so your body is in one line. Either stack your feet, touching heel to heel, or bring one foot in front of the other. Keep your legs straight and your hips lifted high towards the ceiling. Hold for 30 seconds or up to one minute or longer if possible. After completing one side, roll over and do a side plank on the other side. If this feels easy for you, make it more challenging by dropping your hips to hover above the ground, then lifting them back up. Plank Routines: How long should you be able to hold a plank? And how many sets of planks should you do a day? • • • •

This depends on your current fitness level. A good goal to aim for is to work your way up to holding a plank (or completing other plank exercise variations) for a minute, 90 seconds and eventually two minutes. If you’re a beginner, you can start with 20 to 30 second holds/repetitions in a standard front plank or forearm plank. Once you can steadily hold a plank for about one minute, you’re definitely ready to add in some plank exercise variations. If need be, drop your knees to the ground in a plank to take a break and relieve pressure in your hands/wrist.

One of the most effective ways to strengthen your core, while also getting a full-body workout, is to do plank workouts using the Tabata method of exercise. This involves doing 20 seconds of

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high-intensity work, followed by a 10 second break, then repeating.

Try planking for about 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of taking a break, and then repeat 1 to 3 more times. Other than planks and side planks, here are additional core exercises to work into your routine: 1. V-ups — Like crunches performed on your back with your legs lifted off the ground 2. Bicycles — Like crunches performed on your back while you twist and lift your elbow to your opposite knee 3. Suitcases — Keep your back on the ground and legs extended in front of you. Crunch in as you lift your shoulders off the ground and bend your legs, bringing your knees towards your face using your core muscles

If you want to build strength in not just your core, but also throughout your body, try a routine where you alternate between planking and sets of pushups, squats, sit-ups and burpees. You can complete each exercise for about one minute using a timer, and complete 2 to 3 sets in total. The great thing about plank exercises is that they will improve your ability to do shoulder workouts, butt workouts and more. Proper Plank Technique: In order to safely and effective strengthen your core, it’s important to properly learn how to do a plank. Here’s how to do a plank so that you get the most results: • • •

Proper plank form means that your core will remain engaged. Your back should remain straight and even the whole time, like a table top. Make sure your elbows are directly under your shoulders and line your wrists up with your elbows as you spread your hands. Keep your chest lifted and hips even with your back. Don’t allow your butt to move too far up so that it forms a peak. And don’t let your lower back sag down as your stomach drops. Focus on squeezing your abs in tight but make sure you’re still breathing. You also want to engage your thighs so your legs are working. It helps to look slightly in front of you while you hold planks so that your shoulder blades slide back slightly and your neck stays long.

Precautions When Doing Planks Planks are safe for most people to do, assuming they can hold themselves up. However planks during pregnancy are controversial, since some feel that planking puts too much pressure on the abs and may contribute to abdominal separation (called diastasis recti). If planks cause you pain, it’s best to build strength in other ways before attempting them, since planks with bad form might worsen issues like low back pain.

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What's the big deal about my PVC yoga mat? by Dominique Irwin of Earth Warrior Trying to get fitter, live cleaner and generally feel healthier? Ironically most yoga mats are made of polyvinyl chloride, or PVC; arguably the most toxic plastic in existence today. What makes it so bad is its toxic and highly harmful ingredients which casually waft into the environment as well as our bodies during manufacture, use and disposal. PVC’s main ingredients is chlorine which, when produced, releases harmful dioxins into the environment. Dioxins are known human carcinogens, linked to serious health problems such as cancer, reproductive, developmental and immune problems. In addition, PVC requires nasty additives, including heavy metals such as lead and phthalates. You may have heard about phthalates or seen the word on labels. Phthalates (pronounced ‘tha-lates’) are a group of chemicals added to plastics to increase their pliability, transparency and durability. They are what make your yoga mat soft, flexible and grippy. That new car smell? Phthalates. New shower curtain smell? Phthalates. Phthalates are known as ‘endocrine disruptors’ because they mimic the body’s hormones and are linked to liver and testicular cancer, reproductive problems, birth defects and learning disabilities. Phthalates are easily released into the environment because there are no covalent bonds between phthalates and the plastics in which they are mixed. We are exposed to pthalates when we get up-close and personal with our mats, breathing them in as they off-gas and by simple skin contact. There is no safe way to destroy or even recycle yoga mats that contain PVC. When incinerated, PVC produces hydrogen chloride gas, that is extremely toxic to marine life, animals and of course humans. They are not biodegradable and when placed in landfills (many of which are unlined) they leach chemicals into soil and then eventually into ground and surface water. Where to from here? Don’t worry, it’s not all doom and gloom! The good news is; alternatives exist for almost all uses of PVC. As consumers recognise the risks associated with PVC and increasingly opt for alternatives, we can start to replace and eventually phase out this poison plastic. By choosing PVC-free, it is possible to protect our health as well as the health of future generations and their planet.

Shop consciously friends. Choose PVC alternatives. Conscious Life Magazine

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Nia Technique: The Body, Mind, Emotions and Spirit Workout Susan Sloan – Nia Black Belt Instructor and White Belt Trainer I found the practice of Nia sixteen years ago in 2003. It started off fulfilling my need to connect to personal joy through dance and music. I felt the powerful boost that dancing mindfully with a group of like-minded people gave me: for my body, my mind, my emotions, and my spirit. I often experience myself as deeply emotional, and can wake up in the morning feeling completely shattered. My movement practice of Nia is the elixir that brings me back to balance on all levels. My mind gets focused by bringing in a focus and intent for my class that day. The focus is always about the body. In Nia we incorporate nine movement forms which encompass Martial Arts, Dance Arts and Healing Arts. This focus brings me into my body, where I can move safely and mindfully in my own range of motion. There are 52 moves in Nia which are simple for the base, core and upper extremities. These moves make up the form of Nia, and are designed to work the body optimally in accordance with the design of the human body; we call this The Body’s Way. So, I can only feel better when I use these moves, as my body is being moved as it is designed, thereby setting up homeostasis (the body’s own innate sense of intelligence). For my emotions, I get to bring in the freedom and play with the moves (the form), using specific katas (two or three moves sequenced together). I can also make rapid-fire decisions in the moment as I vary the sequences by listening to the music which I know intimately chord by chord. This is excellent for developing neuroplasticity by creating new pathways in the brain and making split second decisions based on the sensation of moving to the music. The freedom to bring in emotional expression is stimulated by using the Dance Arts of Nia. Jazz tunes me into my inner showman and brings out my spontaneous and sassy side. Modern Dance takes me into my dramatic side, and I find an outlet through my body to move through a range of emotions by creating shapes in space, and on and off balance; also stimulated by the music. Duncan Dance invites me to connect to my inner child and express myself in the form and freedom by tuning into the music.

This is where my spirit gets to soar as I connect intimately to moments of who I truly am, unfettered by my inhibitions, my life’s conditioning, and I can just be me. I have been exploring the Healing Arts for a couple of decades now: Holographic Repatterning, Kinesiology, Postural Integration, Conscious Connected Breathing, Kahuna Body Work, Reiki hands-on healing, etc. These modalities take me to a place of exploration and deep connection to myself. The Healing Arts of Nia is the cherry on top of this. Using the Nia 5 Stages of Development, I can shift and move stuck-ness in my body, mind and emotional realms, and I get to feel better. I am so grateful for the practice of Nia, the privilege of being able to share it with others in a class workout, and being able to teach others to experience these parts of themselves. In 2012 I stepped into training others to become White Belts and to teach Nia. I look forward to sharing the Joy of Movement and the power to shift, move and connect with more people!

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As The Arctic Warms, It’s Losing More Than Just Ice SLIDESHOW: Also at risk are the many hidden habitats built into the sea’s frozen wilds. By Lindzi Wessel, Knowable Magazine

Arctic sea ice likely reached its yearly minimum size on September 19 and September 23 (punctuated by a slight upturn), at its 6th lowest area of coverage in the 39-year satellite record. This year’s sea ice minimum, reported in a preliminary announcement by the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado, is above the dramatic melting seen in 2012, but still well below the average recorded from 1981 to 2010. (The Antarctic, which is close to reaching its annual maximum of ice cover, saw a record low this time last year). Considered signs of Earth’s rising temperature, the seasonal loss of sea ice is worrisome because of the ice’s role in keeping the planet cool. With less ice to bounce sunlight back into space, the oceans warm faster. Warmer oceans, in turn, mean less ice. It’s easy to forget that the ice is also a world unto itself, says Kevin Arrigo, a biological oceanographer at Stanford University. He’s concerned about changes to the active ecosystems hidden in the ice, and to the ice itself, which forms surprisingly complex and varied structures.

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“The biggest misconception is that it’s just too cold and inhospitable and that nothing could possibly live there,” Arrigo says. But while the sea ice hugging the planet’s poles may look like a vast expanse of nothingness, abundant life is found inside and just underneath. Even at its historic record low in 2012, Arctic sea ice formed a habitat with a surface area close to twice the size of Mexico. At its lowest, Antarctic sea ice remains nearly the size of Argentina. Click on the slideshow to explore the hidden worlds in sea ice. Click on the image below to be taken to the full article with slideshow on Knowable Magazine’s site:

10.1146/knowable-92018-5 Lindzi Wessel, a staff reporter at Knowable Magazine, is adapted for California winters and grateful not to live in an icy brine channel. Reach her at “Knowable Magazine is an independent journalistic endeavor from Annual Reviews.”

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Carbon Offsetting vs. Ecosystem Restoration By Hanna Vinckers – Tree planting projects and initiatives are synonymous with carbon offsetting. So why do we prefer to look towards ecosystem restoration instead? On an individual level, carbon offsetting offsets the impact you make in your daily life. This usually means offsetting the impact of your travel choices. On a corporate level, carbon offsetting is often a legislative requirement. Many companies buy carbon credits to offset the impact of their business. Since early 2006, carbon offsetting has become a popular way to give back to the environment. There are benefits, but often this simplified view can prevent the search for real solutions.

The BENEFITS of carbon offsetting are: Benefits beyond carbon sequestration Many of these projects can impact the local community through skills training and job creation.

It is a very simple process It requires little to no action from the individual and is as easy as purchasing a tree or carbon credit online.

The CHALLENGES of carbon offsetting are: Offsetting can distract from looking for real solutions The carbon offsetting process is very easy. Companies can buy more carbon credits instead of reducing the impact of their operations. Offsetting projects are located abroad Companies often invest in offsetting projects abroad. Even though the impact of the emissions is in the direct surroundings of the company. The sequestration’s benefit is thus far removed from the companies’ operations. There is a lack of transparency Most of the time you can’t track your donations. It can be very challenging to verify the impact of your donation. There are many challenges to carbon offsetting. This is why we preferConscious to look towards Life Magazine

So what is ecosystem restoration? Ecosystem Restoration is the process of assisting the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged, or destroyed (Definition by the Society for Ecological Restoration) On the 1st of March this year, the UN General Assembly declared 2021 – 2030 the decade of Ecosystem Restoration. This decade is a global call to action. Ecosystems that are vital in providing food and agriculture, are declining rapidly. The good news is, it is not too late to restore these ecosystems and fight climate change!

Although we don’t carbon offset, we still plant trees! To date, Greenpop has planted over 100 000 trees. These trees are certainly sequestering carbon from the atmosphere. Yet, we have decided not to be an official carbon offsetter. We still welcome the support of tree planting as a means of carbon “compensation.” This allows people to acknowledge that trees have huge potential for climate mitigation. And also shows that trees do far more than sequester carbon. Planting trees promotes biodiversity, provides homes for animals, recharges groundwater, prevents erosion and much more. So join us, and help expand forests and restore ecosystems across Southern Africa!

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Sustainable Hemp Clothing Industrial hemp is the superstar of natural fibres and if you enjoy the smooth feel of soft fabric against your skin, you will love the comfort and style of hemp clothing. Ecofriendly hemp clothing is set to become the next big thing in the fashion industry and many experts believe it will eventually supersede cotton, linen and polyester completely. This is inevitable owing to the many unique qualities that hemp clothing provides - and on a grander scale - industrial hemp is by far the most eco-friendly, sustainable fibreproducing plant on the planet!

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Your Pet's Proper Diet & Nutrition by Dr. Karen Shaw Becker,

The majority of pet owners today purchase food filled with carbohydrate fillers such as potato, wheat and corn. Similar to humans, this causes weight gain and the development of other complications such as diabetes and cancer in pets. In short, these additives are biologically inappropriate for pets and should be avoided as much as possible. A Raw, Homemade SpeciesAppropriate Diet Is Key for Optimal Health The proper solution is to make your own pet food at home using high-quality ingredients that your four-legged friend will enjoy. It’s important that you feed them raw ingredients because they contain important enzymes and phytonutrients that are typically destroyed during food processing. The great thing about this approach is that you can be flexible and adjust the ingredients accordingly based on your Conscious Life Magazine Conscious Life Magazine

pet’s preferences. You can also cook the food if your pet won’t eat a raw diet.

The Best Supplements You Can Get for Your Pet Along with a healthy, species-appropriate diet, providing supplements to your pets can help address certain health issues and help support their health in the long run. Some of the most useful supplements can help improve their: • Gastrointestinal Tract: To support a healthy digestive system, two beneficial supplements are generally recommended: probiotics and digestive enzymes. Probiotics are friendly bacteria that thrive in your pet’s digestive tract, which help prevent pathogenic microbes from creating diseases. However, be sure to avoid feeding your pet human probiotics because these products use different bacterial strains that may not be effective for animals. Only use high-quality probiotics that are specially formulated for pets. Digestive enzymes, on the other hand, help aid the absorption of nutrients from the food your pets eat. This helps maximize the food your pets eat each and every meal. • Liver and Kidney Function: Liver and kidney supplements can help provide additional support for your pet’s digestive functions and reduce the risk of urinary tract infections. There’s a diverse list that can help augment this area: Milk thistle, SAMe, L-glycine, chlorella, resveratrol, taurine, curcumin, decaffeinated green tea leaf extract and N-acetyl L-cysteine are all viable options. • Cardiovascular Health: One valuable supplement that can help support healthy cardiovascular function is CoQ10, or ubiquinol, which is its reduced form. CoQ10 is a coenzyme produced in the liver to support energy and growth, and cardiovascular cells happen to demand high levels of it. All pets ages 7 and above can benefit from taking this supplement. • Joint Health: As pets grow older, they may need special care and attention on their joints due to years of running and jumping around, especially for larger breeds. A healthy diet and regular exercise are both helpful in maintaining proper joint function. But if these do not suffice, natural eggshell membrane may help support healthy joints. • Skin and Coat Health: To support a healthy skin and coat, essential fatty acids should be at the top of your list, such as omega-3. They can come in natural forms, such as wild-caught salmon, sardines and anchovies. They can also come in supplement form, such as krill oil, which you can easily add to your pet’s food for convenient consumption.

Good Nutrition for Your Pets Starts at Home If you’ve been feeding your dog or cat regular canned pet food, it’s time to make a change. Feeding them a natural, nutritious diet is more in line with their ancestors’ way of living, and is a sure way to lift their disposition. Not only will they thank you for it, but they will surely shower you with even more love in the years to come.

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Dear Reader, Because of animal lovers like you, Humane Society International is working around the clock to fight the gruesome dog meat industry – to end it for good. We’ve slammed the doors permanently on nine dog meat farms in South Korea and rescued more than 900 dogs. Not only that, but we’re lobbying hard for better laws throughout Asia to fight the cruelty, transition farmers out of the business of cruelty, and so much more. Here is one transformation that we can't stop smiling about. Sophie was rescued just this year from a horrible life on a dog meat farm. Now, she is running free and playing in the grass, surrounded by the love of her forever family:

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This kind of ending never gets old, but so many other dogs still need you.

You can make a difference for dogs caught up in this brutal industry: Sign the dog meat pledge today.

With you by our side, we're committed to this huge fight against the dog meat trade. We’re closing farms and rescuing the animals; we’re raising public and political awareness of the cruelty involved; and we’re growing substantial support for a phase out and ban of South Korea’s dog meat farms. Become a part of the global campaign to end the dog meat trade—sign your name right now. Thank you, for protecting animals from cruelty all across the globe. Sincerely, Kitty Block President Humane Society International

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For a full list of events and to book a stay, please visit out page by clicking on our logo below:

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Welcome To The Angel Connection School of Africa The Angel Connection School of Africa, established as a non-profit organisation, for the highest good of all, will incorporate all forms of Spirituality continuing with the basic teachings of Angels, Ascension, Atlantis etc. which we all know to be Universal. The teachings of various modalities will however, be enhanced by adding the specific requirements of our culture and ethnicity, whilst retaining flexibility.

The mission statement of the school is:“To Light up Africa so that Africa can Light up the World”

A Letter From The School Principal – Margi McAlpine

Angel Connection Day


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The Buddhist Retreat Centre, where people of all religions, and none, come to experience peace and tranquility. How to Retreat The Buddhist Retreat Centre offers various types of retreats, ranging from those investigating Buddhist thought and philosophy, through to practice retreats where the emphasis is on meditation; as well as retreats featuring bird watching, cookery, drumming, pottery and photography. At first glance the latter might appear to be unrelated to Buddhism but even these retreats will contain some element of meditation, of mindful awareness, refracting the chosen subject matter through a Buddhist lens. People from all walks of life come to these retreats with a variety of motivations and expectations. Perhaps they want to deepen their meditation practice, to take some time out from a hectic working life; to reflect on a tense domestic situation; to consider the trajectory of their lives; to make a decision about a way forward. Maybe they just want to learn how to take a good photograph. Each person will have a different reason for going on a retreat. Different paths will have led them to this place. We all need to make an appointment with ourselves from time to time. To re-connect with who we are; to maintain balance; to recharge exhausted batteries. To make time to go on a retreat is a necessary and healthy step for anyone.

General Information The Centre has been established on an exquisite 125-hectare country estate near the village of Ixopo, KwaZuluNatal 90 kilometers south of Pietermaritzburg, one and a half hours’ drive from Durban. Set in hilly grasslands amongst dams, indigenous bush and forests, it overlooks one of the great valleys in the Umkomaas river system. CNN featured the BRC as one of the ten finest retreat centres in the world. It was awarded Natural Heritage status by President Nelson Mandela in recognition of its success in establishing indigenous vegetation on the property and providing habitats for wildlife to return, including the endangered Blue Swallow. It is a birder’s paradise with more 160 species recorded.

Walks lead to many interesting sites and viewpoints on the property, including evidence that Bushman lived there and Voortrekkers and Settlers passed through. In 2000, the BRC facilitated the founding of Woza Moya, the community-based NGO, located in Ufafa valley. It continues to support the organisation in a variety of ways.

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Accommodation Fifty retreatants can be accommodated in single and twin-bedded rooms, en-suite cottages and thatched chalets overlooking the secluded valleys on the property – a short distance away from the dining room, office, library, studio and meditation hall. The Centre is justly famous for its fine lacto-ovo vegetarian cuisine which is featured in its own bestselling recipe books, Quiet Food, The Cake the Buddha Ate and Plentiful: The Big Book Of Buddha Food. The BRC menu includes organically grown vegetables and farm-baked bread.

Observances The Retreat Centre offers a tranquil environment for the study and practice of philosophy, psychology, meditation and the arts associated with Buddhist culture. The Centre therefore encourages adherence to traditional Buddhist moral principles during retreats, such as respect for all forms of life and abstinence from alcoholic drinks and hallucinogenic drugs. Noble Silence is maintained from the last meditation at night until the first session after breakfast in the morning. During some retreats, Noble Silence is maintained throughout. Pets are not allowed at the Centre. Only some retreats are suitable for children: please check with the Administrator.

Forthcoming Retreats: For full details of each retreat please go to the website page:

Email: Tel: +27(0)39 834 1863 or 0878091687 Mobile: 082 579 3037

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The Beautiful Hopi Indian Labyrinth at Thirsty Falls Guest Farm

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The Antbear Drakensberg Lodge is a thatched, whitewashed lodge built high on a natural platform overlooking the Bushman's River and Giants Castle. Antbear Drakensberg Lodge offers various Drakensberg accommodation options in en suite double rooms, luxury suites, family units and also boasts a luxury cave too. Antbear Drakensberg Lodge is one of those smaller intimate kind places which has been lovingly put together. The natural setting of the accommodation is stunning and we have managed to encase all this beauty with an atmosphere of comfort and ease. The cottages are smartly appointed and individually designed and the fact that we are a small place makes for an intimate and personal accommodation experience. Each of the accommodation units are different and are decorated with uniquely eccentric and artistic wooden furniture. It is a bit off the beaten track and is more of an insider tip than just another bed and breakfast. We cater for small intimate groups and never have more than 45 guests at a time. It's a laid back, lovingly cared for kind of place where you feel a sense of happiness and peace. Honeymoon stays turn into anniversary commemorations just as guests become friends. Even foreign tourists return for a second and third taste.

Attractions Drakensburg Hiking Trails Bushman Rock Art Giant’s Castle Kamberg Weenen Game Reserve Royal Natal National Park Drakensburg Boys Choir

Horse Trails Injasuti Nature Reserve Monks Cowl Natal Midlands Tugela Falls Sani Pass Fly Fishing

Retreats The Antbear Drakensberg Lodge is the ideal retreat venue where we can provide all the services and accommodation for your retreat. Situated 4 hours from Johannesburg and 2 hours from Durban with easy access from the N3 Antbear Lodge is easy to get to but has the feeling of being far from the madding crowd. This wonderful place for group retreats offers spectacular views, vast spaces, wild winds, rain, sunshine, clouds and rainbows and in all of this – silence and peace. Retreat groups can book the whole lodge for their exclusive use. The Lodge can accommodate 44 persons in 15 separate accommodation units Antbear Drakensberg Lodge has a spacious dining room with a wood-burning fireplace, a comfortable lounge with a fireplace and spectacular views, a breakaway meeting room, a large veranda and a large meeting room for retreat, team building or training activities. We provide excellent meals and will fit our menu to your expectations.

Conscious Life Magazine

Conscious Life Magazine

Because food is an important part of your stay Meals are part of the real surprises that the Antbear Lodge has to offer where home grown cooking is part of the deal. We like to use our own home grown organic vegetables and if we haven’t got, then we lean heavily on those local providers with similar attitudes to our own. Conny and Andrew both like cooking and are up to changing just about anything to suit tastes or philosophies. Our cooking experience is in part a journal, a record of events and memories expressed in recipes. In the course of our travels we have filed away many recipes and with them images of people and places and their lives. How food tastes has much to do with the associations we make and if you would like to hear the tales of our meals we would love to tell them.

Sustainable & responsible tourism is our social responsibility and what we do to give something back to our community and environment We believe in sustainable tourism and social responsibility. We live is a spectacularly beautiful place called the Drakensberg and our standard of living here is exceptional. But around us lie contrasts of poverty and lack of development. If we are to keep our way of life then it surely follows that we must do everything in our power to contribute to the upliftment and prosperity of this rural area. We believe that the future of South Africa is linked to the prosperity of the people, and that upliftment is linked to education. And as such we have chosen to support our local primary school called Vulakani Primary School.

Pet friendly accommodation Drakensberg One of the few pet-friendly places in the Drakensberg. Beautiful, vast views of the Drakensberg with plenty of ground for my dogs to roam. Walk for hours. Your dogs will be happy with lots of dams to swim in and horses to discover. One of the accommodation units at Antbear Lodge is fenced in so its really easy to leave your dog behind if you would like to explore some of the sights where pets are not that welcome. If country life is for you and you would love to take your pet with you then Antbear Lodge is a great accommodation choice. Your hosts will advise you on all the activities available. Antbear Lodge prides itself on being both family-friendly and petfriendly.

CONTACT Mobile 076 441 2362 Email: Web:

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Conscious Life Magazine

Conscious Life Magazine

Conscious Life Magazine

Conscious Life Magazine

Who we are: The Monkey Helpline, started in 1995, is a volunteer group, based in Westville near Durban in KwaZulu-Natal, but operating throughout the province and also anywhere else in South Africa and abroad where our assistance and advice are requested. Our team of dedicated rescuers and rescue assistants, veterinarians, educators, monitors, fund-raisers, administrative assistants and supporters is what makes this project the success that it is today. Monkey Helpline is a registered NPO. 130-166 NPO What we do: As a team we devote our time to educating people about the reasons why the monkeys are here, why monkeys behave the way they do, the things people should do or not do when monkeys are around, and how to humanely keep monkeys away from those places where they are not welcome. Just knowing that monkeys will NOT attack and bite people, and that they DON’T carry rabies, is usually enough to change antagonism and fear into tolerance, and frequently into appreciation. We also run a rescue operation and a “high care” unit. We rescue an average of three monkeys every two days, and their injuries range from wounds sustained during fights with other monkeys, dog bites, being run over by motor vehicles, electrocuted, snared, trapped or poisoned, shot with airguns (pellet/BB guns), catapults, paintball guns and firearms, as well as being caught or injured on razor-wire. Many are babies who are orphaned or injured when mother monkeys are attacked by dogs or other monkeys, or are severely injured or killed in human-related incidents. Over eighty percent of the monkeys we rescue, irrespective of the reason why, have got air-gun pellets lodged in their bodies. Lead pellets cause terrible pain, suffering and a lingering death and no person, adult or child, should ever shoot monkeys, or any other animals, with an air-gun. As the only dedicated monkey rescue project in KwaZulu-Natal, the Monkey Helpline is available to do rescues 24 hours a day, every day! On any given day we are treating ten or more monkeys in our home-based high care unit – frequently in excess of twenty monkeys! Once they have recovered from their injuries these monkeys are released back into their home territory, transferred to a rehabilitation facility or placed in a sanctuary. Education is a vital tool in our hands and we distribute thousands of information leaflets, and visit many schools (at least two schools per week) to do educational talks about the monkeys. During 2009 we spoke to over 40 000 school learners and their teachers. We also do talks to many other interest groups such as police cadets, garden clubs, public service groups, conservation bodies, body corporates, etc. In addition, we advise farmers, businesses, hotels and casinos, housing and golfing estates, botanical gardens etc on the best ways to manage human/monkey “conflict”. Monkey Helpline networks with a number of other Vervet-related individuals, groups, and general primate- and animal-care NGO’s. NB. There is no charge for the services we offer, but donations towards the cost of running the project are welcome. Without your support we would not be able to change attitudes and legislation in favour of the monkeys nor would we be able to rescue the hundreds that we do every year and alleviate their suffering.

Conscious Life Magazine

Hotel Hope Ministries is a fully registered South African non-profit organisation established with aim of ensuring that each and every child is brought up in a safe, happy and healthy home so that they can grow up and develop into responsible and positive adults. Although children are our main focus, we have a holistic approach to the problem of orphaned and abandoned children. We realise that we need to focus on the cause of the problem too and not only the symptoms. So we have projects to focus on assisting Mothers and Fathers, so that they can look after themselves and their children. We group our projects under three focus areas: BABIES IN NEED Creating and supporting several small family style foster homes for orphaned and abandoned babies.

MOTHERS IN CRISIS Providing young mothers facing unplanned pregnancies with counselling, guidance and practical support. SOCIAL ENTERPRISE Helping Mothers and Fathers to help themselves by providing jobs and skill development opportunities through our fundraising and trading projects. As a fully registered South African charity we are registered with the following authorities: · Section 21 company without share capital - 2010/006792/08 · Non-Profit Organization (NPO) number – 084 289 · Public Benefit Organization (PBO) number – 930 034 387 Mission statement: To engage the local Church Worldwide to embrace its God given responsibility of taking care of destitute mothers and orphaned and abandoned children. Vision statement: To see a full service (either ourselves or in partner with others) covering: •Children’s homes •Adoption advocacy •Mothers in crisis •Counselling centres •Training Academy •Charity shops / trading Conscious Life Magazine

Our fundraising model: We have a unique funding model in place where we are able to generate funds to cover 100% of our administrative costs through our Charity Shop(s) as well as the output of our carpentry workshop and sewing workshop. We are extremely committed to Social enterprise as it creates employment in South Africa, funds for the Charity, volunteering opportunities as well as a lowpriced outlet for customers from low-income groups. Furthermore we can assure donors that 100% of their support will directly benefit the children in our care as well as mothers in crisispregnancy situations. Thank you to our donors and corporate sponsors: As an organisation we are incredibly blessed to have many active supporters, individuals and corporates, who make it possible for us to do what we do and to make a difference. People often comment that it must be difficult to work in our environment hearing sad stories all the time, and it is sometimes hard, but it is also so rewarding to see those stories turning into stories of hope and it is so inspiring and such a privilege to witness people, like our supporters, coming forward to help and to give so generously. There are amazing people out there in the world, click here to see who some of them are and how they have made a difference‌ Click here Our Sponsors:

DONATE FINANCIALLY Deposit or Electronic transfer directly into our account First National Bank Account name: Hotel Hope Account number: 62194003382 Branch: Melville, Johannesburg Branch code (sort code): 256505 Account type: Cheque account SWIFT code: FIRNZAJJ (For international deposits) Reference: Donation (your name) OTHER WAYS TO DONATE/HELP US Conscious Life Magazine

Conscious Life Magazine

At Operation Smile we believe every child suffering from cleft lip or cleft palate deserves exceptional surgical care. For too many families around the world, safe surgery is not an option. At Operation Smile we believe every child deserves exceptional surgical care. We believe all children deserve to be treated as if they were our own.

EVERY 3 MINUTES, a child is born with a cleft lip or cleft palate and may suffer from torments, malnourishment and difficulty with speech. We dream of a world where no child suffers from lack of access to safe surgery. Learn why we do what we do in the video below.

That’s what drives each and every one of us: our global network of medical professionals, who donate hundreds of thousands of hours toward the care of children around the world each year, and our supporters who are moved every day to make a difference in the lives of children they’ve never met.

How you can help Operation Smile South Africa Building 17, 103/104, Waverley Office Park 5 Wyecroft Rd, Observatory 7925 (+27) 021 447 3608 NPO number 083-117 NPO

A child’s cleft lip or cleft palate can be repaired for as little as R5500 and in as few as 45 minutes, but your gift is more than a surgery. All of our supporters give renewed hope to children and families around the world.

Conscious Life Magazine

Help us bring hope to girls without and choices to those with none. Founded in 2000 by Khanyisile Motsa, and run under her diligent care ever, Home of Hope for Girls is an autonomous, self-started initiative to provide real care for exploited, trafficked and abused children in the city of Johannesburg. It is more than just a residential shelter; it is a loving home where dignity is restored, the past is healed and the girls are given the tools to take control of their futures. Home of Hope also reaches out to the community offering the most vulnerable members support, practical help and a lifeline.

The Background to Home of Hope An estimated 10,000 children are prostitutes in Johannesburg and this figure is increasing. When Khanyisile Motsa relocated to Hillbrow she was shocked to observe girls as young as nine working as prostitutes and selling drugs on the streets at night. The truth about these forgotten children is: • • • • • •

Child Prostitute. Photo by Tseliso Monaheng

Criminals pay agents to recruit children They usually target often orphans or/and those from very disadvantaged rural communities Victims are trafficked or seduced to leave with lies about a life in the city Their IDs are frequently taken from them to make escape and identification difficult Their IDs are often sold on the black market ‘Owned’ by their exploiters they are prostituted, abused, made to sell drugs

Email: Mam Khanyi: 073 250 2086 Telephone: 011 614 0861 Conscious Life Magazine

Call 012 430 7775 Lines open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday

Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. In South Africa and around the world, we work every day to give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. When crisis strikes, and children are most vulnerable, we are always among the first to respond and the last to leave. We ensure children’s unique needs are met and their voices are heard. We deliver lasting results for millions of children, including those hardest to reach. We do whatever it takes for children – every day and in times of crisis – transforming their lives and the future we share.

We need your help to ensure that no child is left behind. In a tough funding environment, we have ensured we have multiple avenues of funding and are proud to have 11,000 generous individual donors contributing monthly. We will continue to be innovative in securing funding to enable us to reach more children and will work on increasing unrestricted and consistent funding streams. You can help us make a difference. Even just by becoming aware of our work by reading our annual report. To download and read the full annual report, click here.

Help us do whatever it takes to save the children.

Thank You Gugulethu Ndebele CEO Conscious Life Magazine

With much appreciation to our advertisers, contributors, endorsers and of course, our readers Namaste

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