WINTER IS COMING!!! Beat The Flu With This‌ By Dr. Shavit Sachs
With winter coming, I know we all want to keep the winter colds and flus at bay. Ideally, the best way to keep healthy is to equip your body with the ability to fight off any infection incoming and, thereby, preventing colds and flus all together (versus constantly trying to treat the cold/flu), but that isn’t always so possible. There are various factors that play a role in us getting sick (or not getting sick!) -
How we handle periods of intense stress. How we keep ourselves warm enough in cold weather. How we nourish our bodies with nutrients from foods. Our emotional state. How well we sleep. What we drink. The types of people we surround ourselves with.
Some of these may seem a bit more esoteric, but these factors (and many many more) can help or hinder our immune systems from functioning optimally.
Conscious Life Magazine