Conscious life november

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Dear Friends It is with a half sigh of relief that 2016 is almost over, and am sure you are all nodding your heads and counting the days. Whether you are going on leave or not is a mute point – we have all felt the changes this year, sometimes I wonder what it must be like to be totally oblivious to our planet and the shifts that have been taking place, though I am happy to be ‘AWAKE’ and look forward to the coming year. This edition has a bag full of retreats to spoil yourself and refresh your spirit, ready to take on the world again. On the health front, Clint and I are on the DNA Rejuvenation Program and some results are in – Clint is a tad ahead of me though I have to say I am feeling a whole whack more energized since going onto the Heavenly Harmony range of vitamins.

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the editor, advertisers or endorsers. While every effort has been made to ensure that the contents of this publication are both accurate and truthful, the publisher and editor accept no responsibility for inaccurate or misleading information that may be contained herein.


I hope you are all doing your bit to save water, and just as importantly, driving carefully during these hectic storms. Until next month… be well, keep smiling and always me MINDFUL – practice doing ‘random acts of kindness’ on a daily basis. Something as simple as carrying apples or bottles of water in your car for the less privileged – and a smile goes a very long way. Make someone’s day!

With much Love


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Conscious Life Magazine

Conscious Life Magazine

by Elyane Youssef

I used to be a fixer. I stayed in bad relationships, attracting the same type of men—men who needed to be fixed. I know so many women in the same position. We attract cheating men, commitment-phobic men, emotionally unavailable men, emotionally damaged men, alcoholics, drug abusers, narcissists and sociopaths. It’s like we are a magnet for men whose pieces are shattered all over the place. And for some reason, we feel compelled to put these pieces back together.

But I must admit, I have failed every single time. I never gave myself a chance to sit back and question my motives. Instead of asking why I constantly felt obligated to pick up someone else’s broken pieces, I ran to pick them up without a second thought. Being selfless made me think that coming second didn’t matter because I was putting someone else’s worthiness first. And in the end, rank doesn’t matter, right? I realized that the reason I was attracting these types of men was because I believed I could save them. As selfless, thoughtful, giving women, we think we will be “that woman”—the one who will change them. We think we can turn a cheater into a loyal boyfriend. We think we can help him walk away from the drugs and alcohol. We believe we can help him get over his commitment issues and aim for a stable future with us. We trust that we can get rid of the emotional baggage that he has been carrying for years.

We attract these men because we believe they need us. And to leave them would be selfish, insensitive and ruthless. The sad news is, we constantly blame ourselves when they don’t change. Every time they fail us, we think it’s because we failed them. Their hold on us becomes stronger; they keep us around knowing they have nothing to offer us. We look at our own flaws and try to figure out what went wrong. It’s like we are paddling a boat that is stuck on a rock—the boat isn’t going anywhere and all we are is tired. But, I ask you as I have asked myself: why do we feel the need to help someone else get their boat back in the water? I think the reason is that there’s a truth we must acknowledge, a pivotal reality we must see. We are attracting men who need to be fixed because it is only through these men that we can unravel this reality.

These men are here to teach us that it’s okay to be selfish. These men are highlighting the work that needs to be done within ourselves. There is an urgent need for us to start looking after and loving ourselves. We need to stop wanting to pick up other people’s broken pieces. It’s time for us to realize that a man’s happiness isn’t our responsibility. We deserve men who don’t need fixing, who are complete. The moment we realize we are not responsible for a man’s issues, we will keep walking past his shattered pieces. Because a man who is worth loving won’t accept you leaning in to pick up his pieces. He knows that if you do, you’ll only hurt yourself. I tell you, as I have told myself, to stop worrying about other people’s misery. Bring the focus back to you and attract the man you deserve. I know it’s a tough job to break our habits, but breaking this particular pattern will save us a lot of heartache in the future. Instead of saving men, we’ll be saving ourselves.

So how do we save ourselves from men who need fixing? 1.Acknowledge these types of men. The signs, traits and behaviors are all there, we know them by heart. Once we sense a bad vibe, we must run. And no, not run to pick up the pieces—run away. 2.Ask the right question. Before asking “How can I save him?” ask, “How can I save myself?” Being selfless is a wonderful trait, however there is a thin line between selfless and settling. Realize that rank does matter and we should always come first. 3.Follow your gut. Your gut is your best friend; it tells you when something is off, so don’t stay, determined to fix things. Nothing will ever be fixed with the wrong man, not by you or any other woman. 4.Remember who you are. We know what we deserve. Learn to love and need yourself again. When we do, we won’t accept fixing anyone because we already know we are the ones who will be destroyed in the process. And never hate the wrong man. Thank him, because if it weren’t for him, we wouldn’t have realized it was time for a change. He highlighted what we needed to fix inside ourselves. Because of him, we realized that we are only responsible for our own issues and happiness. Through him, we learned that it’s okay to be a little selfish.

We must thank the wrong man, because thanks to him we will be ready to meet the right one.

making them work. –

By Sergio Salotto

Relationships. Love or hate them, we all long for them. But why is something so special and integral to our human makeup, turn into painful experiences for many of us – for some, even “disastrous” consequences. Perhaps it should be made compulsory that we first “qualify” before being allowed and let loose to get involved in any relationship with someone – it might help us avoid messing up someone else’s life. Instead, especially with intimate relationships, the only “qualification” we seem to deem adequate and appropriate, is that moment or period in our teen-hood years when we experience that inner “awakening of our hormones” that stirs up our emotions, feelings, desires and attractions of wanting to be with another. Overnight we suddenly, and seemingly miraculously, feel and consider ourselves appropriately and suitably qualified and equipped to engage another person in a relationship (wouldn’t it be wonderful if everything else in life worked as simple as that).

But, what would be an appropriate relationship course we should take to qualify? Who would instruct us in this? Is anyone suitably qualified to teach and assess us – given that many who have studied and are considered “experts”, themselves either experience and have to work through relationship issues and challenges of their own, or, have never had any relationship experiences. To use an obvious one of numerous examples, the relationship and marriage counselling given by Roman Catholic nuns and priests who have no life experience on such matters. In the absence of any such qualifying prerequisite, from “that” young age we are left to helplessly – but full of hope – battle through as best we can and know how, to figure out how to make our relationships work. Driven by our inner needs to be loved, belong, be accepted, feel good enough etc., we invariably end up fighting against or ignoring the feelings and knots in our stomach from part of us saying, “this is not working how I want it, leave, run away, this is a horrible, abusive, painful relationship.”

The advice our “reference” sources are likely to give us is that we need to work on our relationship to make it work – especially by mother ... right? We are advised to: Driven by feelings and emotional fears and needs of: being a failure, unlovable, not good enough, not being wanted, alone, being at fault etc., we stay. If in a marriage or long term relationship, we might stay driven by our sense of wanting to be right, like: “I will not give up what I have worked for”; or fears such as: “how am I going to manage and live on my own?”; “how will it affect the children (if there are any)”; “what will people think and say?”; “maybe if I change, things will be ok”; and then the big one, “but I love him/her” ... (really!).

When all we really want, dream and wish for is simply to be in a loving, meaningful and fulfilling relationship, it is understandable that when things go wrong we become distraught, do not want to let go or break it up. So we explore avenues for a solution. It might be advice from friends and colleagues, consulting professional counselors, maybe having a heart-to-heart with our partner – persons we are not likely to approach, especially when we are young, are our parents ... I mean, what would they know about our feelings and our relationship. Many couples just give up and stay in the non-working relationship no matter how horrible and/or abusive it may be; they will compromise themselves totally and live out a life of pain and suffering.

On the face of it, this advice all sounds reasonable and workable to create a loving relationship environment and experience. In reality however, while we might experience some early improvements as we work on it, overall things do not undergo any fundamental changes. The core of our issues and challenges remain unchanged, or unresolved. Before long we find ourselves creating piles of “snotty tissues” from a “broken” heart ... perhaps even, once again. The rationale and justification we might be offered for this is that it is what happens in relationships; why we need to keep working at it. This may lead us to think and believe that we are not working at this correctly; not working hard enough at making things work; that perhaps we are focusing on the wrong aspects of the relationship ... and so on.

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Discuss things with our partner; share and understand each other’s needs and wants (may have already done that and nothing much has changed.) Create a win-win environment by being willing to make compromises – this is considered an essential requirement for successful relationships by most. Remember your marriage vows, they are your foundation Go for relationship counselling (maybe done that already; applied the “tools kit”; fundamentally still no changes.)

But actually, those are not the reasons for things not working. What is missing from the generally proposed ideal about “work at making our relationships work”, is that it does not address the real fundamentals for the relationship not working; the real underlying issues. For instance, that our underlying feelings, truth and reality are that we do not really want to be in the relationship; that it does not support us; we did not really want this in the first place; should have left long ago; we got ourselves into it for the wrong reasons and were too scared to end it. These can be tough realities to have to face up to. Especially if we fear the possible consequences of a break up/separation; what that says about us: being a failure, feeling rejected, unacceptable, unloved and so on. Feelings we might not have experienced in the beginning, when we were courted/courting ... and if it wasn’t like that, then one should definitely look at why they stuck around back then. If things were great in the beginning, then, what goes wrong? And why should we have to work at this to make it work? Why shouldn’t it just work? Why do the “tool kits” on how to work at making it work not resolve the issues? In my experience, what goes wrong is that over time, there is a change of emotional needs that we had fulfilled in the beginning; and the “tool kits” offered only have a partial level of success because they are mechanism of managing the challenges and problems. They do not help identify and address the underlying source of the problems; they do not help a person dive deep within to find those inner truths.

To digress for a moment. When I looked up the dictionary definition of this “thing” called relationship, I ended up looking at three words in the Collins Dictionary version I used: relationship, related and relation What I noted about the inter-relationship of these words is that a relation is something which naturally exists between things - it does not differentiate between anything or anybody. Being natural implies (to me) that there is no requirement to work at anything. Things just are; as they ought to be in a relationship. Without intent to manipulate words or semantics, a relationship can therefore be defined as: the state of being mutually related in a natural way – unconditional, mutual, natural, non-discriminatory way – with anybody and everything. A definition that manifests best in nature where everything works in perfect harmony, in a natural way; one thing supporting and complementing another without need for control, domination, judgment, discrimination, blame and destruction. Everything co-existing as a manifestation of their respective, unique, natural beauty.

As humans we are actually no different. We too have the capacity to equally manifest the natural beauty of our human species. But we first need to learn how to accept ourselves unconditionally instead of getting into and depending on our relationships to satisfy our emotional needs and/or fears through:

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having control over someone or something judgement, conditions, discriminations, dependencies, inequality expectations, emotional needs and fears being right – be it personal, cultural, race, religious, political, philosophical, economics ... et al ... ideologies compromise being better, superior than another … and many others

But why do we have such needs in the first place? We experience these needs and the expectations we create from them in an effort to overcome and/or negate our feelings and belief of being “not good enough”; to prove our ok’ness; to be wanted; be loved; prove our self-rightness etc. Through this we are making our wellbeing dependent on our circumstances – partner, friendships, job, career, money, religion, politics ... and whatever else. When our expectations are met, we feel great, life is great, nothing must change (which does); when they are not, we feel lousy, hard-done by, victimised, etc. and we end up blaming the circumstances for our unhappiness, frustrations, stress, depression, anxiety, lack of self-worth, and so on. That leads to us living our life as a victim of our circumstances – whether these be favourable or not. We thus create expectations for how things must be so that we can ok with ourselves – our comfort zones.

How this plays out or affects our relationships is that by creating expectations so as to satisfy our emotional needs and fears, we end up becoming a taker – ok, I hear you say, “... who, ME, never” ... horrors of horrors. Well, unfortunately, that is the reality of making your well-being circumstantial – dependent on circumstances. The other reality is, that the partner/other parties are in the relationship to also satisfy their own such needs and fears. That results in both parties ending up taking. With both parties taking, it means that in the overall scheme of things, there is no one in the relationship environment that is giving; the relationship is empty, has nothing to give. This results in the parties then looking to take from their partner what they were hoping to have from the relationship. As, to repeat, each are “on the take” (so to speak), they encounter the issues and challenges experienced; which they are advised and counselled to “work at to make it work.”

What we are also taught about what is required to make this work, is compromise – considered an essential element to create win-win relationships. These teachings however are completely wrong. Because compromise is actually the source of our problems, it is the source of our non-ok’ness with ourselves, our issues and challenges in life. Compromise is what drives us to create expectations – because we want a payback. It is how we end up being dependent on and living as victims of our circumstances. It also puts us on a never ending cycle in life: we compromise –> it triggers our needs and fears - > give rise to expectations –> we become dependent –> more needs and fears - > we compromise again ... and so our cycle continues. To stop this never ending cycle of events, we need to and must address and eliminate those feelings and beliefs of “being not good enough” that drive our emotional needs and fears. That will result in us accepting ourselves unconditionally – true love of Self – to enjoy a relationship that works naturally, that does not require any “working at ...”; it just does because neither party feels or has any need for taking. By this the parties automatically become givers and the relationship becomes a fulfilled environment - as opposed to one of needing fulfillment from.

As a Life Journey Facilitator I go beyond coaching and counselling in guiding you work through your emotional needs and fears to enable you accept yourself unconditionally and embrace the power of Love of Self.

Treatments for allergies 10 all natural options to relieve allergies Spring is here. Yay! Or not, if you’re one of the millions for whom spring means itchy, watery eyes, sneezing and a streaming nose. Help is at hand – we bring you 10 allnatural treatments for allergies. By Judy Beyer The change of seasons can be a mixed blessing. Spring and autumn may be beautiful, but they’re treacherous if all that pollen and dust in the air trigger soggy misery. Many over-the-counter remedies clear your head but leave you feeling lethargic. So what’s the natural alternative? Well, the truth is that there are no silver-bullet natural treatments for allergies. But if you want to keep your symptoms to a minimum now and into the future, these lifestyle changes offer the healthiest and most natural long-term solutions to your wheezes.

Try our 10 all-natural treatments for allergies – and let us know what works for you:  Apple cider vinegar is one of the age-old treatments for allergies. It’s said to help reduce mucus production and cleanse the lymphatic system. You need to use it consistently. Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, one tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice and ½ tablespoon raw honey – drink three times a day.  Rinse your sinuses. Get a neti pot (available online or from large pharmacies and health shops). This teapot-shaped vessel basically flushes out your sinuses with a salt-water mixture. ‘Rinsing the nose with saline solution is similar to using saline eye drops to rinse out pollen,’ says Dr Steven Osborne, a medical officer in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health. Use a pre-made saline rinse or make your own by dissolving 1 teaspoon of Himalayan or sea salt in a litre of boiled distilled water. Once cool, decant into the neti pot and pour through one nostril, letting the liquid drain out the other. A word of warning from the Mayo Clinic: if you use tap water, make sure to boil it for a few minutes before using it. And clean the pot properly – bacteria in tap water can cause infections.  Local honey.. There’s little scientific evidence to back this one, but many people who have used local honey to immunise their bodies against seasonal allergies swear by its effectiveness. There are no side effects (unless you are allergic to bees, of course), so take a teaspoonful twice a day to relieve symptoms. (Remember that young children should not have raw honey.) Check with your healthcare practitioner beforehand.

 Shut the windows and turn on the aircon. Create a barrier between you and the outdoors. According to Dr Myngoc Nguyen of the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in the US, ‘Using an air conditioner in your car can cut the amount of pollen you breathe by as much as 30 per cent.’  Balance your gut bacteria. Allergies are caused by an imbalance in the immune system that causes the body to experience extreme reactions to certain stimuli. Research from the US has linked the presence of ‘good’ bacteria in the gut with reduced allergic reactions. So make sure your diet is varied, with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, and fermented foods and drinks such as kombucha and kefir. And take a good-quality probiotic capsule.  Drink green tea. A Japanese study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry revealed that the anti-oxidant EGCG (methylated epigallocatechin gallate) in green tea blocks the production of histamine and reduces the production of immunoglobulin E, both of which trigger allergy symptoms.  Take quercetin. This anti-oxidant, found in many fruits and vegetables, has an anti-inflammatory effect that helps quell allergic symptoms. A Japanese study found that taking quercetin daily for eight weeks significantly reduced itching and irritation of the eyes in people with pollen allergies.  Up your intake of fish oil. Research published in the American Review of Respiratory Diseases found that the omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil, which are potent anti-inflammatories, reduced the symptoms of asthmatics who were sensitive to pollen. Fish oil lowers the levels of leukotriene's, chemicals that prompt allergic reactions.  Change your clothes. One of the really simple treatments for allergies is to prevent pollen spreading in your home by changing your clothes and shoes after venturing outside during allergy season. Pet fur carries pollen too, so keep dogs and cats as clean as possible.  Take a good-quality allergy fighter. Many over-the-counter allergy remedies make you sleepy. Flora Force AllergoTM combines all-natural ingredients that may help reduce allergic irritation and inflammation of the mucous membranes without making you nod off at your desk. It’s one of our favourite go-to products for allergies.

We wish you a sneeze-free spring!

A unique formulation of herbal, homeopathic, nutritional and mineral ingredients with enhanced bio-availability in a synergistic combination. Reduces allergic irritation and inflammation of mucous membranes. Lessens secondary complications of respiratory system, sinuses, post-nasal drip and allergic skin conditions. Restores sleep and recovery. It is a nonsedative formulation that improves quality of life. The action of the constituents is anti-allergic, anti-histaminic, anti-inflammatory, controlling the effect of T-lymphocytes, reducing allergy- inducing antibody levels. Stabilising effect on mast cells and histamine release. It inhibits prostaglandin formation and inflammation. AllergoTM also has antiasthmatic/broncho-dilatory properties; it eases coughing spasms and reduces mucus. 30 capsules.

About the Course The NLP Practitioner Certification Training is an experiential, fun-filled and life transforming course which enables participants to fully understand and utilize the powerful technology of Neuro-Linguistic Programming for their own personal growth, development and achievement, as well as in their own professional and work situations. Dates, Venue and Fees Dates: One weekend a month for ten months, starting on the 11th February 2017, and every 2nd weekend of the month thereafter. (The Group will agree on alternative dates in the event of School or Public Holidays)

Venue: 305 Long Avenue, Randburg, 2194 Times: 09:00 – 17:00 Saturday and Sunday

Lunch: 12:30 – 13:30 Please bring your own lunch. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided Fee: R26 000 per delegate, (VAT not applicable), including course manual. Terms available

Registration For fast registration contact Jimmy Kyriacou on: Cell: 082 570 4483 E-mail: Web site: Please Note: In order to secure a place, advanced booking is essential, with a 10% deposit (R2600) upfront. In order to secure the Venue bookings close at the end of March.

The Cutting Edge Institute Home of Transformational Coaching, Training and Consulting in: Neuro-Linguistic Programming Neuro-Semantics Ericksonian Hypnosis Integral Philosophy And Leadership Development And what about the “i” in inlp? “i” Stands for Integral and refers to the valuable AQAL framework of the 21st Century genius Philosopher, Ken Wilber, which is integrated into all inlp interventions.

What is NLP? NLP is a proven technology for personal achievement that helps people to understand themselves and those around them more fully, in such a way as to maximize personal growth and excellence. Technically, NLP is the study of human excellence. NLP seeks to understand the natural learning processes of how great achievers use their minds to produce excellent results. Varied occupations such as managers and therapists, teachers and nurses, athletes and artists, can all benefit from the technology NLP has to offer in their particular profession or passion. What are the thinking patterns that successful people use in the pursuit of their activities, their passion and their mission in life?  How do people who are so good at what they do become so good and maintain that level through time?  How are great communicators able to communicate so effectively?  What are the decision and motivation strategies necessary for effective leadership, management, relationships, and parenting?  What makes it possible for natural athletes and other super performers to achieve such a high level of excellence?

If you’ve ever wondered about these questions, and would like to have the skills that make excellence possible, then this training is for you.

What You Will Learn Awakening the Senses: We organise what we see, hear and feel through our senses into our own distinctive model of the world. Discover how to do this in a way that most enables you to discover your strengths and abilities. Identifying Non-Verbal Clues: Linguists have long known that as much as 80% of communication is non-verbal. Develop your ability to effectively identify unconscious signals communicated by others.

Creating Rapport and Strong Relationships: Creating meaningful personal relationships is important in all areas of life. Success can be hollow indeed if other people are not enriched by their experience of you as a person. Discover powerful ways to relate to people in a way that acknowledges their (and your) deepest values.

Utilising the Magic of Language: The ability to use language to maximum effect to clarify misunderstandings, solve problems and establish what you and others really want in a particular situation is of immense value. Discover how to use NLP’s powerful Meta-Model of language to enhance your verbal communication with others, and in your own self-talk.

Determining Outcomes and Setting Goals: Authentic power comes from knowing what you want and how to set goals in a way that is right for you and anyone else affected by them. You will learn a set of skills that empower you to focus on possibilities rather than limitations and then take action.

Enhance Your Emotional Intelligence (EQ): EQ is widely becoming acknowledged as a more important contributor to success and happiness than talent or hard work. NLP’s Anchoring techniques will awaken your emotional awareness and enable you to easily and genuinely transform emotional states into resources.

Changing Behaviour in Ways That Last: Many approaches to behaviour change assume that it is a difficult and tedious process. Discover ways to change behaviour that address the thinking patterns behind them and lead to genuine long-term change. Learn how to deal with fears and phobias that may have been holding you back from achieving what you want.

The Power of Ericksonian Hypnosis: Experience and use natural hypnotic techniques based on the pioneering work of Milton H. Erickson M.D. in ways that evoke powerful unconscious resources conversationally. This style of hypnosis is open-ended, indirect and highly respectful.

How to Use the Strategies Model of Thinking: Important everyday thinking processes such as getting motivated, making decisions and learning are often regarded as a given. In fact, however, there are effective and ineffective ways of doing each of them. NLP has modeled thinking strategies that you can discover, learn and teach for yourself.

About your trainer

Jimmy Kyriacou is a former Advocate of the Supreme Court of South Africa, whose life was powerfully impacted by his discovery of NLP in 1987. Wanting to contribute more significantly to empowering people to realize their full potential, he made the shift from the practice of law, to management consulting and training, in 1991. He was certified as a NLP Trainer, by NLP co-developer Richard Bandler, in 1993 and has presented NLP trainings to many people since then. In 2001 he was certified as a Trainer in the cutting-edge NLP innovation of Neuro-Semantics, by its developer, Michael Hall, and as a Meta Coach in 2004. In his consulting work, Jimmy has specialised in the areas of Strategy, Performance Management and Leadership Development. He has also been involved in a number of Modeling Projects of excellent performers in business. Jimmy has read and studied widely in numerous fields. In addition to his Legal degrees, he holds an Honours degree in Philosophy, and a Post Graduate Diploma in Management from a leading international university. Jimmy recently attained a MPhil Degree in Spirituality, graduating with Honours. He is a long-time practitioner of meditation and other forms of contemporary spirituality. In his training, consulting and counselling work, Jimmy brings a high level of insight, integrity and compassion, and is known for his respectful commitment to assisting people in the fulfillment of their noblest dreams.

By Money Savvy Kids

The most wonderful time of the year is also the most expensive. When the Christmas spirit takes over that one crucial ability to save is conveniently misplaced. This lose of ability is seldom noticed but will deal a detrimental blow to your bank account in the long run. Money Savvy Kids (MSK) is built on the foundations of saving and budgeting, just to name a few. And it is here to help you through the hardest time of the year by saving and budgeting your way to a worry-free January. Christmas past is key. Learning from previous Christmas spending blunders is a good place to start when it comes to creating a new and improved Christmas budget. Since you are turning a new financial savvy leaf, an in depth look into your previous Christmas spending habits is the first step. Once this is done, it is easier to see where you can cut costs for the coming festive season. Cash in your loyalty points. That Pick n’ Pay smart shopper card you have been swiping all year will become the second most important card in your wallet or purse this Christmas. Make sure to ask instore and browse online for all the rewards that you are owed as well as all discounts available to you before handing over cold-hard cash when buying presents for loved ones.

Conscious Life Magazine

Use a debit card as opposed to a credit card. This is crucial to making sure there are no outstanding balances that need to be paid once January rolls around. Having your Christmas savings configured to a debit card ensures that there will be a limit to what you can use for your Christmas spending list. Christmas is the time to create new memories with family and friends. With MSK you can create a new savings story that will benefit you and your family’s personal finances for many Christmases to come.

Get more awesome tips at:

* Show Previews *

Suitable for Pre-Primary Schools & Grade 0 – 3 1) World Big, Me Small Gav, who is afraid to start Nursery School because he’s so small, gets a big surprise when he meets other colourful friends - some of whom are half his size! Themes include: School, home, family, friends & pets; body image & self-esteem.

2) Four-Season-Trees Talking Tree tells his four-seasons story - to the delight of Fuzz & other furry creatures. Themes covered: Seasons (Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring); trees (seasonal changes, uses of wood & importance of tree preservation).

3) Simply Safe. When naughty Baby Gnome is left in the care of Nanny, he gets up to lots of mischief... Themes covered: Home safety (injuries, shocks, choking & suffocation); road safety (traffic, robots, stop signs & zebra crossings); school safety & water safety.

4) Water & Wind Rainbow Bob cycles around - from the ground, along rivers & into the sea, then up into the sky where the clouds fly, and down again with the rain. Themes covered: Water cycle (rivers, the sea, vapour & clouds); weather conditions (sunny, windy, stormy); importance of water (cleaning, drinking, growth).

5) Big School Book Unless Gav & Mandla can find the missing letters from the alphabet tree, they won’t be able to write their story! Themes covered: Introduction to Big School; books & libraries; numbers (time & sums); alphabet & punctuation.

6) Health & Hygiene When Ma & Pa monkey explore a trash heap, they learn about health & hygiene the hard way! Themes covered: Bad eating habits & substance abuse; manners & general hygiene (dental care, sleep, exercise & sport).

7) Green Earth Two villains, Slick & Slime, pollute Pooie the dragon’s water, giving him serious indigestion! Themes covered: Land pollution (littering), atmospheric pollution (smog), noise & water pollution (oil & trash); the environment; recycling; endangered animals.

8) Shapes, Colours & Sizes As Chimp shops for the perfect outfit for his Musical Extravaganza, he is thrilled to discover a world filled with wonderful shapes, colours & sizes! Themes covered: Shapes (circle, square, triangle); colours (primary, secondary, shades); sizes (big & small, short & tall, wide & narrow); musical instruments & Rainbow Nation.

9) Space Travel Aldrin Starbuck & his dog - Roger Moonunit, go in search of treasure, and find themselves travelling in all kinds of amazing vehicles, including a Time Machine! Themes covered: Transport (land, sea & air); Time (past, present & future), Outer Space (satellites, rockets, planets, moons & stars).

10) Easter Bunny’s Birthday Balloon! It’s Easter Bunny’s Birthday again & Smartypants surprises her with the biggest balloon ever!

11) Caterpillar’s Christmas Dream When a green caterpillar falls in love with a beautiful, blue butterfly, he dreams of getting wings for Christmas...

* Commentary on Puppet Shows *           

“Fabulous shows!” (Greenpark Nursery School) “Fantastic shows!” (Pebbles Nursery School) “Wonderful, interactive & informative!” (St. Mary’s) “Excellent & most enjoyable!” (Maylill Nursery School) “Well done! Beautiful Props” (Little Owls Pre-Primary) “Very Colourful & Interactive” (Stepping Stones Pre-Primary) “Cheerful, colourful & exceptionally well carried over to kids!” (Karen’s Play) “Excellent visual-aids, super music & lots of energy!” (Ladybird Nursery School) “Children were entranced by wonderful puppets!” (Mouse House Nursery School) “Great fun! Educational, interactive & held children’s attention” (Crawford Preparatory) “Always so energetic & well performed. Kids love them” (Treasure Island Nursery. School)

* Inventory * What is included in the sale 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

+ 80 Beautiful Handmade / Imported Puppets. + 100x Props / Backdrops / Costumes. + 85x Original Songs (Written & Sung by JA & JRH Durno). 11x Pre-Recorded Scripts (on CD & Hard Drive, Typed Scripts included). 11x Handmade Storage Boxes (colourful, waterproof, washable & compact). 2-Part Puppet Stage & 2 Boxes (lightweight, black, waterproof & compact). Full Sound-System (Amp, Lapel Microphone, Adaptors, Cables & all extras). Lighting (Clip-on Black Lamp, Adaptors & Extension Cable).

• Training of Puppeteers will be available, at a pre-arranged additional fee, and on mutually convenient dates

* Contact * Visit our Puppet Page, & make friends to see more Puppets:

Contact Jolanta on: Tel/Fax: (011)726-1919 Tel: (011)726-8128 Cell: 083 699 0382 SA Code: +27

12 ways to step out of the cage of age Living agelessly is your birthright. Your Divine feminine body was designed to support you, in vibrant health, throughout every stage of life. One of the reasons I wrote The Wisdom of Menopause was to dispel the myth that menopause signals the end of a woman’s usefulness and the beginning of a life of decline and discomfort. Nothing could be farther from the truth! As a leading authority on all that can go right with your body, I can assure you that menopause is not a synonym for “medication and misery.” Despite what you may have heard, menopause does not signal the death of your youth, vitality, or creativity. Like pregnancy and childbirth, menopause is a time of profound transformation—a portal to the best and most powerful years of your life! Still, it’s not uncommon to experience menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, sleep difficulties, dryness, mood changes, foggy thinking, or weight gain. Because we live in physical bodies, we all need support from time to time, in one way or another. And that’s why I’ve created this free video series. In my first free video, I explain the difference between perimenopause and menopause, discuss what’s really going on in your body during this natural and important life transition, and explain how to be comfortable and healthy. I also share my personal story about the gifts of menopause.

This informative and entertaining series puts an end to the myths and misconceptions about menopause. You’ll learn why menopause is a new beginning, not an end, alternatives to hormone replacement drugs, 12 ways to step out of the cage of age, and how to live without fear of disease or degeneration. After watching this free video series, everything you’ve believed about menopause will change. You will come to realize that menopause is the catalyst for taking inventory of your life, and then reinventing it on your own terms.

Menopause: Birthing Your Best and Most Powerful Years


The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, dietary supplement, exercise, or other health program.

Flourishingly yours,

Dharmagiri Insight Meditation Centre is dedicated to bringing the universal practice of mindful awareness to South Africans and visitors from across the continent and world.

We offer silent meditation retreats, yoga, psycho-spiritual, healing, and vegetarian cooking workshops and other events throughout the year to allow individuals to learn, practice and deepen their understanding of mindfulness and insight meditation. We endeavor to support individuals in cultivating mindfulness, compassion, integrity and wisdom. Our intention is to help all people find more peace in their lives and to live more harmoniously with each other, our communities, and the world in which we all live.

Dharmagiri, which means sacred mountain, is the name of a hermitage founded by Kittisaro and Thanissara on the border of Lesotho and South Africa in 2000. Dharmagiri draws inspiration from the mountain where it is nestled, which in Zulu is called Mvuleni (place of rain, also place of openings), and in English Bamboo Mountain (due to a rare Alpine bamboo that grows on the mountain.) It is a small center hosts meditation retreats and educational courses. In alliance with the international Buddhist community, Dharmagiri also supports outreach in its local rural community. From its mountain roots, Dharmagiri has an international presence through the work of Kittisaro & Thanissara and connects a growing community dedicated to awakening in our challenging times by facilitating meditation retreats, educational programs, creativity and activism in different parts of the world.

RETREATS Schedule Nov 24 - Nov 28 Healing Through the Enneagram with Compassion: Anita Craig Dec 16 - Dec 21 Transformation Through Mindfulness: The Alchemy of Awareness, Insight & Compassion Chandasara & Nolitha Tsengiwe Dec 23 - Dec 26 Breath ~ Motion ~ Flow: Yoga, Meditation & Breath work Helen Altman

Dec 30 - Jan 5 Waking From Our Illusions A Meditation Retreat With Leading American Buddhist Teacher, Scholar & Activist, David Loy Jan 20 – 22 New Year Intentions & Yoga retreat Lucy Draper-Clarke

Feb 17 – 19 Pudding & Prana Amy Best & Paul Atkinson Yoga & Vegetarian Cooking Feb 24 – Feb 28 The Way of Qigong Max Weier

13 – 17 April Yatra (Sacred Pilgrimage), Walking in the Berg Dain Peters, Chandasara & Martin Randall 26 April – 1 May Sue Cooper Open the Heart, Still the Mind: A Taste of Freedom Meditation & Psycho-Spiritual Retreat 11th June – 7th July Month long Buddhist Based Meditation Retreat Jaya & Chandasar

Dharmagiri Insight Meditation Centre, Underberg, - Southern Drakensberg – KZN

Feed Your Genes & Live Longer! Rejuvenate Your DNA and Boost Your Immunity in 3 months!

By Jane Mackenzie

Month 1 Feedback Linda and Clint are “well”, pun intended, on their way on the 3 Month Rejuvenation Programme including following their unique Nutritional and Detoxification Plan. This month we focus on Clint’s progress comparing his before and after results.



To restore the body to its Natural Harmonic Balance we completed baseline health assessments for Linda and Clint and know what levels need to be balanced. There were one or two surprises, as there always are, once your organism and systems are assessed and the results are confirmed in the Live Blood Analysis!! We were looking for mainly out of balance readings which show low nutrient, anti-oxidant, mineral, vitamin and high fat levels and thereafter view the damage to the red blood cells in the Live Blood Analysis.

The Live Blood Analysis Results showed inflammation, red blood cell free radical damage (the black spots), low count for white blood cells, thick and sticky blood, acidity and some vitamin and mineral deficiencies. damaged chromosomes, genes, foci and telomeres, DNA and RNA and boost the immunity via the scalar wave and bioresonance programmes.


The Quantum Frequency Assessment confirmed that Clint has a rather fatty blood with low iron, low antioxidant levels vitamins A, E, C, COQ10, Glutathione and B Vitamins and low levels of the positive ion minerals like calcium, zinc and potassium. These factors all show free radical damage to the DNA, body cells, inflammation and an acidic body. Also, the immune system is rather compromised which confirms free radical damage and acidity. This shortens and damages the telomeres, the delicate endings at the end of the DNA, reduces longevity and promotes genetic damage reflected by the diseases which follow. Some people are born with genetic defects and the disease patterns. This can be reversed by focusing on epigenetics and DNA repair.

This is just a small example of the extensive testing and results which were done by Jane for both Clint and Linda. Each month, for the 3 month programme, they will be re-assessed and results will be compared. They have both been put on a mix of Heavenly Harmony High Vibrational supplements, each according to their individual needs. I will be monitoring them closely and making adjustments where needed.

REJUVENATION PROGRAMME FOR CLINT AND LINDA We set about re-balancing Clint and Linda’s bodies to their Natural Harmonic Balance using Heavenly Harmony’s Nutrient Dense Foods for the Future, a uniquely designed Nutrition plan, The Rejuvenation Centre’s Detox plan with good quality water. The 3 Month Heavenly Harmony Rejuvenation Programme comprises the following rejuvenation, immune boosting and longevity nutrient dense products and adaptogenic herbs:

This magic formula address all the aspects, known and unknown, associated with DNA repair, anti-oxidant activity, immunity boosting, reduction in inflammation and LONGEVITY. You find Increased energy, eat less as the cellular mineral, correct sugar and protein requirements are satisfied. The rest of your food consumption becomes fun choices as to what you put into your juices and smoothies.

Let’s hear what Clint had to say after a few weeks in the Rejuvenation Programme: tient-feedback-month-1/ After the reassessment the findings showed remarkable improvements which confirm Clint’s initial feedback: tient-assessment-after-month-1/ Clint is all set for the second month on the Rejuvenation Programme. We will see Linda’s improvement next month.

Conscious Life Magazine

We caught up with the beautiful, witty and bubbly Poppy Ntshongwana, best known for her 10 year residence as a Dj on 5FM as a part of Dj Fresh’s show and her own shows. She entertained us with her humour, wit and adventurous spirit, trying everything from shark cage diving to skiing, and who can forget that infectious laugh complete with it’s little snort!! Poppy discovered her love for radio in high school in Grahamstown where she joined a Dj club and started playing at socials. Studying Politics at University of PTA, Poppy found herself in the TUKS studio where her radio career began in 2003. Her personality soon drew the attention of 5FM and she was head hunted by them in 2005. Her talents don’t only extend to the airwaves, this talented 30 something fashionista has also modelled, done some TV presenting, MC’s and since leaving the airwaves at the end of 2015, she has been very busy putting her bright brain to use in her own business, POPEntrepreneurs, creating a platform for entrepreneurs to grow. While on air, she also started a movement called Run With Poppy which is a running, fitness and lifestyle portal. It began as a viral running movement on social media and has developed into a destination for people from all walks of life wanting to add a bit of running, fitness and general health to their lifestyles. She will be launching the next level early next year. What some of you may or may not know about Poppy, she is also a vegan. What is really amazing is that she made this big change overnight! She decided to give up meat and animal products for lent and says that it was easy for her, she just stopped eating it, that was 6 years ago and she hasn’t looked back! She attributes the ease of this transition to the fact that her mom doesn’t eat meat as it makes her sick, and her Dad too cut out meat except for fish to help lower his blood pressure. So with family her food choices are supported and easily fit in with their way of eating. Poppy shared that at 1st she just cut out meat and animal products, simply eating vegetables and fruit. When she got exposed to Vegan foods it became even easier and she learnt how to cook vegan. Through her vegan journey, she says that she has become aware of the plight of animals in the meat and dairy industries and is “more in tune with animals now”. She does however try not to look at the cruelty as it just traumatises her. Poppy says that she thinks twice about how she treats animals saying that they have personalities and feelings too.

What did you aspire to be when you grew up? I remember wanting to be an air hostess when I was about 10, and then when I left school I had ambitions of being South Africa’s first female president. You studied Politics when you left school, what led you to the Radio path and how has it changed you? While I was studying at Tuks I got roped into auditioning for the campus radio station TUKSFM and that’s how I got into Radio. Radio became my career and my passion. I’ve learnt so much just being on radio. It’s definitely moulded me into the person I am today. What do you love about radio and what led to you leaving the airwaves last year? Radio will always be my first love. I love how immediate and captivating Radio can be. I’m drawn to how you can impact people’s lives without even knowing it. It’s a fun and creative space that I thrived in. There are other skills I’d like learn and things to do with my life and I need to be able to pursue those and grow in a different way and in different spaces. In your long career on air, what moments stick out for you as the best, funniest, most touching, saddest and most challenging? I can’t remember specific moments like that because there are just too many. But doing my own show was great fun and lots of work at the same time. I enjoyed the challenge of creating content daily and interacting with listeners that eventually became your friends. Tell us about your running journey, when did it start and what led to it? I’ve been running all my life. I used to be a sprinter and got into longer distances in 2010 just because I didn’t feel I could sprint anymore. I’ve just always enjoyed how running impacts my life. It’s a great way to get in shape and it’s great therapy. I started my online movement to encourage other people to run and to enjoy it because people are intimidated by it, but it’s the cheapest, most simple way of exercising. How has it grown from there and can you give us a sneak preview into what you have planned for your 2017 launch for RunWithPoppy? It’s grown into more of a running and fitness portal which I love. People often come chat to me at parties or on the street and they tell me how much running as a result of Run With Poppy has changed their lives. 2017 is going to be about executing something that incorporates a bit of running and a lifestyle element.


Conscious Life Magazine

As a vegan runner and athletic person, what do you find works for you, and have you had to supplement your diet at all to keep up with your active lifestyle? Fruit is great, and so is peanut butter. I never really consciously changed my diet to suit my running, I cook delicious vegan meals and those are packed with everything I need. What great alternatives do you substitute diary and meat with? How do you ensure that you get your protein? I am a huge fan of lentils, quinoa and vegetables rich in protein. I prefer Almond and coconut milk as milk substitutes, they’re delicious and healthy. How have you enjoyed your journey with veganism thus far? How has it changed your health and the person you are? I’ve enjoyed learning how to cook vegan food. I’m more aware of where my food comes from and how it’s prepared. I have a deeper love and understanding for animals and how they’re treated. What challenges did you face when going vegan? Eating out was always a challenge, but I found that the chefs in various restaurants always wanted to test their ability to make vegan food on me. So it ended up being an experiment for them to cook a vegan meal and I enjoyed them making the effort. Has your decision to go vegan inspired others close to you to do so too? I think people generally want to be healthy and everyone is learning that a predominantly plant based diet is the healthier way to live. My Dad tries to learn about the vegan life and tries to implement it in his diet. I’ve had friends try veganism for a month and people just asking for advice on what to eat instead of meat. It’s great. I love educating people about it and helping them live healthier lives. What places do you eat out at and how do you manage the social and sporting events you attend in relation to your dietary needs? I eat everywhere really and just make sure they have a vegan/vegetarian option. If I know I’m going to a place where there’s likely to be no food options for me, I pack fruit and make sure I’ve eaten ahead of time. Going vegan in itself creates a great positive impact for the animals and the environment, reducing greenhouse gases etc. What else do you do to care for the planet? I use natural skincare products and I’m trying to start my own vegetable garden. Tell us about a day in the life of Poppy? I always start my day with exercise, whether it’s a run or a workout and then I have breakfast. I work on my businesses from about 10am, and that pretty much fills my day.

What does your fitness and running regime consist of weekly? I run 4 times a week, workout 3 times a week and do Pilates twice a week. What are your guilty pleasures? Wine and cake. What do you enjoy doing in your free time? I’m an explorer and adventure seeker, so the more I can discover and do, the better. I love discovering new restaurants and new outdoor activities and exercise fads. Lesser known talents of yours? I enjoy writing. 4 of your favourite things in life & why • My Nikon Camera - I love taking beautiful pics and capturing moments. • My clothes - I have way too many clothes, but they’re my pride and joy. I could shop for clothes forever. • My laptop - I just find it to be a very powerful and necessary tool in my life. • My running shoes - They’re the most important part of my running experience and journey. 3 items on your bucket list & why • Running the New York Marathon - It’s on most runner’s bucket list. • I want to live and work in a foreign country for at least a year. I love SA but the experience of living in another country can only help you become a better and more well-rounded person. Also I’d always come back to SA to implement what I’ve learnt elsewhere. • I want to travel/run through Africa and learn more about my continent. What are you currently reading and what are your 4 favourite books? I’m reading Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. Some of my favourite books are : The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo; Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki; The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini; Nervous Conditions by Tsisi Dangarembga. Top 10 Bands – SA and International I’m more into acts and artists: Drake, Beyoncé, Jay Z, Amy Winehouse, Miguel, Lenny Kravitz, Sheikenah, Justin Bieber, Black Coffee and Calvin Harris. Plans for the future – where do you see yourself 5 years from now? I’ll definitely be studying - up-skilling and education are important to me. I’ll be working on and growing my entrepreneurial and running platforms. J

Conscious Life Magazine

Dear Readers Have you thought about starting a meditation practice? I began meditating many years ago using a mantra. This can be an Indian Sanskrit word like ‘Om’ or ‘Hu’, or a soothing word such as love or peace. Before I learned how to meditate daily, I was so uptight and frightened at the time. And every time I meditated I would get a headache. This lasted for three weeks. As my body and mind began to relax, perhaps for the first time in my life, the headaches went away. I have been meditating ever since, and I have attended many classes over the years. They each offer a slightly different method of meditation. All methods have benefits, although they may not be right for you. Many people try to start a daily meditation practice, but they never get started because they think that there are rules to follow or they worry they are not doing it right. There is no right way to meditate. And there are so many wonderful benefits to it. We become calmer, we think more clearly and make better decisions and our stress levels decrease tremendously. Meditation love and supports you each day and is also where we can manifest miracles in our lives. At least once a day I sit quietly, breathe deeply and go within to connect with that deep, inner, unchanging part of myself. Here resides wisdom and knowledge. Meditating is a joy for me as I connect with my inner place of tranquility. I always come back to the present moment refreshed and renewed and ready for the rest of my day. You can start with a simple 5 minutes in the morning or in the evening, whichever works best for you. I have various meditation audios if you feel more comfortable having some guidance. So many people come up to me and tell me that they “go to sleep with me” every night; this makes me smile. I love bringing ease into people’s lives.

Let’s affirm: The serenity and safety I seek is already within me.

by Penni du Plessis

Using Bars to Release Old Patterns!

There are many different energy modalities that shift your healing journey out of the traditional (and often sterile) western paradigm into what is often a gentler, more ethereal eastern paradigm and into the world of energy, with Access Bars a relative new comer in South Africa. Simply put, bars therapy works by stimulating 32 bars of energy that run through and around your head. These connect into different aspects of your life and store the electromagnetic component of all the thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions and beliefs that you have ever had about anything. This last sentence is worth emphasizing – the bars store the electromagnetic component of all the thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions and beliefs you have ever had about anything. As humans we forget that what we think has an invisible energetic component which is stored in our bodies. We can get our minds around statements like “what you think about expands”, but not so comfortable with the fact that thoughts have energy. But what if it were true ? What if you have stored the energy of every thought, belief, idea, attitude and decision you have had about anything ? What if that stored energy is acting like an invisible anchor, preventing you from moving from where you are to a new energetic space ? Simply touching the Bars on your head does just that - releases the stored energy locked up in that area or aspect of your life. There are Bars for every aspect of your life, for healing, body, control, awareness, creativity, power, aging, sex and money. By touching a bar or series of bars you are able to clear away the energy locked up in that area or aspect of your life. When you touch bars in a sequence you clear up any issues and points of view about those two Bars in relation to each other. This ability to erase stored beliefs is critical. When you function from a preconceived point of view about what is possible in life and what is not possible in life you create a series of limits that are often impossible to shift. Even worse, you are unable to even see other possibilities, all you can see is what matches your world view. Each thought, idea, attitude, decision or belief that you have fixed in place solidifies the energy and limits your capacity to create change in that area. If you can change the energy, you change how that part of your life shows up. This is the power of Bars – it opens you up to new possibilities.

At worst you feel like you have just had the best massage of your life. At best your whole life can change into something greater with total ease. People often walk out of a Bars treatment feeling as if the world has suddenly lifted from their shoulders with more energy and a more positive outlook, ready to face the challenges in front of them. Makes you think, doesn’t it ? Even better, bars does not require either the intensity of training that many other therapies require or the natural healing ability. The Basic Bars takes a day and a half during which you are introduced to what Bars is, the concept of clearing statements (something you will quickly find yourself using every day) and then give and receive 2 Bars sessions. Why not try it for yourself ? Book a session with a Bars therapist or attend a Divine Space Bars course – I run them regularly. At the very worst you will walk away relaxed. Even better, this could be the shift you need to really get into creating the life you want to love


Bringing your Life back into Balance after the loss of a child, or dealing with a traumatic experience. I can help you find some Peace in your Soul – talk to me, I have been through these experiences. I understand and I care.

Linda Lee Mobile: 084 639 5568 Email:

It’s Okay to be Different You don’t need to be like everyone else. You are perfect just as you are!

Sometimes you feel as though you are different and don’t always fit in with other people. Perhaps you are a free spirit who likes to act and dress differently to what is in style and what others are wearing or doing. Today the Angels are telling you that you are perfect exactly as you are. Your lesson here is to just accept and love yourself for what you are and who you are warts and all! Remember that God only every created perfection. That means that every single one of you is exactly as you were meant to be and absolutely perfect. However in your perfection you still have lessons and experiences to learn in this lifetime which will affect your karmic debt and your Ascension process. Do not be afraid to be an individual and not follow the crowd. It is those who are able to accept their individuality that become great leaders whom others will follow and learn from. Do not feel the need to change to simply please others as this will never make you happy. You are then compromising your truth and integrity and because of this you will never be able to make true friends. You only need to feel good about yourself and always live in unconditional love, light and integrity to achieve what it is you are here to do in this life time. Be true to yourself always for you might be able to fool others but you are never able to fool yourself!

Angel light and blessings Margi (Angel Connection) Interpretation by Margi of Magical Unicorns Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

SPIRITUAL TEACHER TRAINING COURSE AND BURSARY APPLICATION - SOUTH AFRICA 2017 I am delighted to announce that the next Teacher Training course is from 3rd to 16th March 2017 at The Angel Warehouse, Spirit of Amberfield, Rheenendal (near Knysna). Are you ready to change your life forever and in the process assist others by enlightening and empowering them? Do you feel that this is your Divine Life Path, helping to spread the light to others and accelerating your own personal growth? If this is the case then this life changing Teacher Training course is for you! The course emphasises your own self-development which is so very important, and I will share my extensive knowledge and experience with you, enabling you to become the Amazing Being that you truly are!

I take pride in inviting you into our sacred and very special space where you will be nurtured and supported whilst you grow and learn. This beautiful country venue offers a special and safe place to focus your attention and listen to the longing of your own soul, allowing you to grow and do your own self-development. This experience is unique and a special gift that you give yourself whilst you are preparing to go out and spread the light. Participants will do the Initiation Module and Angel Connection Module with an option of doing the Ascension Connection Module. This course is for those that are passionate, motivated and committed to working with the Angels and Ascension and wanting to pass their knowledge and passion onto others so that they too are empowered and enlightened. You do not have to be very experienced in your Spiritual abilities, but must be working from the heart with enthusiasm and integrity. Academic qualifications are not important. Your own personal self-development and the desire and passion to pass this onto others, is what counts.

ABOUT THE SPIRITUAL TEACHER TRAINING COURSE This course will:  Give you the confidence, expertise and skills to organize and facilitate a group or workshop in a professional manner.  Teach you to facilitate visualisations for groups and individuals as well as meditations and exercises to use in your workshops.  Allow you to bring in the Angels and Ascended Masters to enhance your connection to the Spirit World and be able to teach others to do the same.  Powerful energies such as the Mahatma Energy, The Antakarana, The Lightbody, The Monad plus many more will be taught to speed up the Ascension process of yourself and others.  Provide you with powerful techniques to develop your channelling abilities transmute energies and enhance your healing abilities.  Allow you to go within for personal development and advancement on your spiritual journey in a safe environment with expert support and assistance. Angel Connection will present the course under the auspices of THE ANGEL CONNECTION SCHOOL OF AFRICA. Course content will be strictly in accordance with that prescribed by the ACSOA. The Angel Connection School of Africa is delighted to announce that there will be a bursary available for those who would like to do the course but are unable to afford it. Please contact Margi for more information and application forms. Terms and conditions apply. Places are limited.

DATES: 3rd to 16th March 2017 FACILITATOR: Margi McAlpine BOOKINGS AND INFORMATION: Margi on 082-563-7422 or Visit:


Hemp Seed: The Most Nutritionally Complete Food Source

By Anna Hunt

Hemp, or cannabis sativa, has been called the world’s most versatile and useful plant for many reasons, one of which is because it benefits the human body. Hemp seeds are becoming a welcome addition to the diet of many health-conscious individuals, who have let go of the delusion that anything related marijuana or cannabis is bad, a common misconception imposed on the public over the last 80 years of federal cannabis prohibition. The simple fact is that hemp seed is one of the most nutritionally complete foods available. Take a look: Hemp seed food products, depending on how they are processed, offer some or all of the following: the ideal ratio of Omega-3/Omega-6 fatty acids, all 10 essential amino acids, digestible protein, calcium, potassium, phosphorous, riboflavin, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B12, folic acid, vitamin D, magnesium, iron, and zinc.

Hemp Food Products 1. Hemp Seeds: Hemp seeds are often sold shelled, so you can eat them right out of the package. They offer easily digestible protein and all the essential Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids needed by the human body. Hemp seeds are also rich in antioxidants, fiber, various minerals, and many vitamins including a hefty dose of vitamin E. They have been used to reduce dry skin and hair, help with muscle regeneration, reduce inflammation, ward off heart disease, and improve immune system function.

These nutritious and healing seeds are starting to be a favorite among vegans and health fanatics, and are often added to smoothies, cereals, oatmeal, and on top of salads.

2. Hemp Milk: Hemp seeds can be blended with water to make a healthy milk substitute, a nice option for people with nut and soy allergies, although the flavor of hemp milk is less sweet than raw almond milk or cow’s milk. It can be used in baking or to make some homemade hot chocolate. You can buy hemp milk in a box, which may have added sweeteners (for example, the recommended product below is sweetened with brown rice syrup), but it is really easy to make. Take half a cup of shelled hemp seeds and 2 cups of water, blend for about 3-5 minutes and then strain through a nut-milk bag or cheesecloth. It’s that easy!

3. Hemp Seed Oil: Unlike the medicinal cannabis oil high in intoxicating delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, hemp seed oil is cold-pressed from hemp seeds and can be used in many recipes such as sauces, dips, spreads, marinades, and salad dressings. It is typically nutty in flavor and has a light green color. It does not give you buzz, aside from infusing your body with rich omega-3 fatty acids and the more rare ‘super’ polyunsaturated fatty acids, notably gammalinolenic acid (GLA) and stearidonic acid (SDA).

4. Hemp Protein Powder: Hemp protein powder is typically made by cold-milling hemp seeds. This results in a product that has less fat than hemp seeds, thus the final product has mostly the natural protein found in the seeds. Lean sources of protein are beneficial for digestion, they boost metabolism, and they promote a healthy, lean body mass. Three tablespoons of hemp protein powder contains roughly 90 calories, with only 3 grams of fat but 15 grams of protein. Some hemp protein powders are also supplemented with fiber for people looking to increase their overall fiber consumption. Remember: Hemp food products are different from what you will find in medical cannabis baked goods. So putting hemp seeds on your sweet potato casserole won’t get you high. Now, you can purchase an alcoholic Hemp Ale, compliments of the Humboldt Brewing Co, although it’s not likely to pack the same nutritional value as the hemp seed products above.

5. Hemp CBD Oil: Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural component of the hemp plant which has been shown to be beneficial for healthy living. These products contain no THC.

Hemp Beauty And Personal Care Products Both women and men can benefit from ditching traditional body products which can be laden with various potentially dangerous chemicals. Here is a list of a few body care applications for hemp-based products: 6. Hemp Seed Oil: Hemp seed oil can be used topically in many different ways: as a skin moisturizer, anti-wrinkle treatment, massage oil, etc. It can be used to treat eczema, acne, psoriasis, and skin inflammation. The ideal balance of Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids in hemp seed oil stimulate the skin and improve the overall function of cells, muscles, tissues, and organs. And don’t forget the skin is our largest organ! Hemp seed oil can be used directly on the skin or you can use it as a carrier oil mixed with a few drops of essential oils that also benefit the skin, such as geranium or frankincense essential oils. This makes for a great skin moisturizer that is paraben free, gluten free, and 100% began. You can also purchase pre-made body moisturizers enriched with hemp seed oil.

7. Hemp Soaps and Shampoos: As more people in the world learn about the benefits that hemp seed oil has on the skin and body, more producers are using hemp seed oil as an ingredient in their personal care products. In addition to replenishing the skin, hemp seed oil also stimulates hair growth, fortifies hair against damage, and moisturizes the scalp.

At the Hemporium, we are dedicated to providing eco-friendly solutions to the global need for sustainable materials. Through our online hemp shop, we offer high quality, innovative products to raise awareness of the incredible versatility of industrial hemp.

Info sources: www.wakingtimescom And


Helps Maintain a Hormonal Balance Regenerates and Energizes The Skin’s Protective Layer Is Great For Vegetarians: Has the right balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids Helps Lower Cholesterol Is Good For Diabetics: The nutrients present in it can help moderate blood sugar levels. Can Help Prevent Psoriasis Boosts Your Immunity Helps Prevent Demyelination Of Nervous System: Helps Prevent Varicose Veins

Here’s a simple way to whip up a Hemp Seed Oil Dressing Ingredients o o o o o o

3 Tbsp. hemp seed oil 3 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil 4 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar 1 Tbsp. origanum ½ Tbsp. basil Salt & pepper to taste

Instructions Mix well and pour over salad. Enjoy your homemade hemp salad dressing!

Click here to order Hemp oil

Smoothie Bowl – Berrydelicious! One of my all time favourites. Perfect for a hot summers day or for those quick on the go mornings!

Ingredients: • • • • •

1 cup Mixed frozen berries 1 banana 1/2 cup of milk or coconut milk. Whey protein or vegan protein powder 1 Tsp xylitol

Instructions: • Blend all of the above ingredients together • Scoop a spoon of Greek yoghurt/coconut cream into a bowl • Pour the smoothie around it, add a few nuts for a crunch element • Toss in some mint to garnish and sprinkle some poppy seeds for fun! Enjoy!

Super Fruity Summer Smoothie It’s been a very hot start to the summer season so I have welcomed more fruit into my life with open arms!! Sometimes cooking doesn’t need to be about slaving over a hot stove or spending lots of time in the kitchen, but rather about putting together an array of all your favourite fruits into a delicious smoothie recipe.

Ingredients: • • • • •

Spoon of Buttanutt spreads (Macadamia) Raspberries 1 passion fruit h2cocosa coconut water or milk Spoon or two of yoghurt - add more if you would like

Instructions: • Blend all of the above ingredients together • And VOILA! A super healthy summer Smoothie! Enjoy!

Actress, Anji Woodley is no stranger to the lights, the cameras and the action. But what she really enjoys doing …. COOKING! For more info, follow Anji on social media:

Conscious Life Magazine

TOP 10 BY DR JOSH AXE Top 10 Vitamin B5 Foods (Pantothenic Acid) Pantothenic acid aka vitamin B5 is a watersoluble vitamin common in most foods. Like the other B-vitamins, it plays a role in energy metabolism acting as a coenzyme to energyproducing chemical reactions. It also plays a role in the synthesis of fat, hormones, and neurotransmitters in the brain. Severe deficiencies in pantothenic acid are extremely rare and generally only seen …


Top 10 (Thiamine) Vitamin B1 Foods Thiamine also known as vitamin B1, is a water soluble vitamin commonly found in most foods. Like most of the Bvitamins, thiamine plays a role in how our body uses energy from food and is vital for cellular function. Thiamine specifically helps the body convert carbohydrates to energy which is important for metabolism, focus and strength. Thiamine B1 deficiency is …

Top 10 (Riboflavin) Vitamin B2 Rich Foods Riboflavin or Vitamin B2 is also a water-soluble vitamin involved in energy metabolism. It helps the body utilize the other B-vitamins all of which assist with helping our body use energy from food. It may also help protect cells from oxidative damage. Generally, riboflavin and thiamine deficiencies are seen together. Vitamin B2 Deficiency symptoms include cracks in the corners of …

Top 10 Vitamin B3 Niacin Foods Niacin also known as vitamin B3 is a water-soluble vitamin that is a part of the coenzymes that assist with energy metabolism. A niacin deficiency will lead to pellagra, a deadly disease characterized by diarrhea, dementia, dermatitis, poor concentration, anxiety and depression. Pellagra was common in the 1700s when corn from the New World became a staple food and a …

Top 10 Vitamin B6 Foods Vitamin B6 is a water soluble vitamin that plays a role in over 100 different reactions in the body. It is needed to help make amino acids, the building blocks of proteins and hundreds of cellular functions. It can also be used to make niacin (Vitamin B3) from the amino acid tryptophan. Vitamin B6 deficiency can be caused by excess …

Top 10 High Folate Foods Folate is also considered a B-vitamin and is water soluble, but plays a slightly different role from the other B-vitamins in that it doesn’t participate in energy metabolism. Folate primarily helps the body make new cells, specifically by playing a role in copying and synthesizing DNA. It also helps the body utilize vitamin B12 and amino acids. A Folate deficiency …

Top 10 Vitamin C Foods Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a role in maintaining the health of the body’s connective tissue as well as acting as an antioxidant. A severe vitamin C deficiency will result in scurvy, a disease resulting from the breakdown of collagen. Scurvy is rarely seen today, as only a very small amount of vitamin C is needed to …

Top 10 Vitamin D Rich Foods Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is different from other vitamins because our bodies can make most of what we need with exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D is more than a vitamin in that is acts as a pro-hormone and effects hormone balance and immune regulation of the body. Most foods, unless they are fortified, are poor sources of …

Top 10 Vitamin E Rich Foods Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin which plays a role as an antioxidant in the body. It also helps prevent damage to specific fats that are critical for health. Vitamin E deficiencies are rare, except in infants or in people with fat absorption problems which are common for those who struggle with inflammatory bowel disease. Deficiency symptoms include loss of …

Top 10 Vitamin B12 Foods Recent studies show that around 40% of Americans are vitamin B12 deficient. Vitamin B12 is a water soluble vitamin that helps maintain the health of your nerves, brain, and is responsible for creation of your red blood cells. A vitamin B12 deficiency long term results in nerve damage and may even lead to paralysis. Even a mild vitamin B12 deficiency …

Top 10 Vitamin K Rich Foods Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a role in blood clotting. Vitamin K activates the protein that clots the blood. It is also needed for the synthesis of bone proteins. A vitamin K deficiency can lead to heart disease, weakened bones, tooth decay and cancer. Much of the vitamin K in our diets comes from the intestinal bacteria …

Top 10 Calcium Rich Foods Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. Almost 99 percent of the body’s calcium is stored in the structure of the bones and teeth. The truth is, though, many of us aren’t eating enough calcium rich foods. (And hint: It’s not always about dairy.) Bone calcium is also used as a storage area to release calcium into the …

Top 10 Foods High in Selenium Selenium is a trace mineral that works in conjunction with vitamin E to help prevent oxidative damage in the body. Selenium also helps iodine regulate metabolism and selenium helps recycle vitamin C in the body improving overall cellular protection. Selenium works as powerful antioxidant and is required for your body to create glutathione your bodies master antioxidant. For this …

Top 10 Phosphorus Rich Foods Phosphorus is a plentiful mineral in the body, second only to calcium. Eighty percent of the body’s phosphorus is found in the bones and teeth combined with calcium. It also maintains the body at the proper pH level, helps with energy extraction, and is present in some proteins. Phosphorus needs are easily met with any diet, a phosphorus deficiency is …

Top 10 Copper Rich Foods Copper is a trace mineral, meaning it is needed in a very small quantity. Its primary role is to help form hemoglobin and collagen in the body. A deficiency in copper results in poorly formed red blood cells, known as anemia. It also is an antioxidant, helping with the elimination of free radicals. Copper deficiency symptoms can include increased parasitic

Top 10 Potassium Rich Foods Potassium is an essential nutrient used to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in the body. Potassium is the third most abundant mineral in the body and is a required mineral for the function of several organs including the heart, kidneys, brain and muscular tissues. Potassium also plays an important role in keeping the body hydrated and works with sodium to …

Top 10 Iodine Rich Foods Iodine is a trace mineral that plays a critical role in the formation of the primary thyroid hormone, thyroxine. An iodine deficiency will result in an enlarged thyroid gland or goiter, in order to try to trap as many iodine molecules as possible. On the other hand, excess iodine not being absorbed by the body can also cause a goiter …

Top 10 High Protein Foods Protein is an essential nutrient used in every cell of our bodies. Protein makes up the structure of the cells, organs, and muscles in our bodies. Proteins are known as the building blocks of the body and can be used to make hormones, co-enzymes, blood cells, and even DNA. Proteins are long chains of amino acids linked together by peptide …

Top 10 High Fiber Foods Fiber is the structural material of all plants. Fiber is not absorbable or digestible by humans, therefore it passes through the digestive system without providing any calories. High fiber foods can have great health benefits but unfortunately the average person is only consuming 50% of the fiber they should be getting daily. Fiber comes in two main forms: soluble and …

Sign Green Monday’s pledge to eat green every Monday and help save the planet

Bean Bunny Recipe Credit: Genya Gluckman for Green Monday SA

Ingredients: • • • • • • • • • • • • •

2 onions, chopped 2 cans of chopped tomatoes 1/2 can of tomato puree 4 baby marrows, sliced (optional) 1 punnet of button mushrooms (optional) 1 teaspoon (5ml) cayenne pepper 1 tablespoon (15ml) ground cumin 1 tablespoon (15ml) ground coriander 2 tablespoons (15ml) ground turmeric 1 tablespoons (15ml) of garam masala 2 cloves of garlic 2 tins of butter beans 2 loaves of bread, cut in half and hollowed

Photo credit: House of Vizion

Conscious Life Magazine

Instructions: • Heat oil in a pot. • Add garlic, onions and all the spices and cook until onions are translucent. • Add in baby marrows, button mushrooms and fry for 10 minutes. • Add in 2 cans of chopped tomato and tomato puree. • Put on a very low heat and let simmer for between 30 minutes and 2 hours. • Add butter beans and cook for 5 more minutes. • Fill each half of the loaf with the curry. • ENJOY!

It’s about making a difference one meal at a time! Eat green! By pledging to eat plant-based meals every Monday you will be munching your way towards a healthier body, a more sustainable planet and a more conscientious approach to eating. Love your veg and they’ll love you back! Green Monday is a global initiative promoted by Humane Society International (HSI). Watch this quick video explaining why you’re onto a good thing when you support GreenMondaySA.

Goodbye Blue Mondays! Start your week by pledging green! Get your friends, family and colleagues to get on board too.

Conscious Life Magazine

Ferment Your Way to Health A mother desperately wanted to help her newborn child and wound up saving herself (and thousands of other people) in the process. That’s the briefest story of Donna Schwenk’s life I could tell and it definitely doesn’t do her justice. What is her secret? How did she accomplish this health miracle?…Cultured foods gave Donna a new life. Through her initial discovery of kefir, her high blood pressure was reduced and her blood sugar dropped into normal range. By regularly eating kefir, she transformed not only her own health but also the health of her prematurely born daughter—and eventually her entire family. Enough from me, I think I’ll let best-selling author Donna Schwenk tell you her own powerful and transformational journey in the video below.

At the end of the video you heard Donna talk about Kombucha, a powerful fermented tea. Kombucha has become more and more popular over the past few years. So much so, you can even buy it pre-made at chain stores. It’s that easy to start trying cultured foods. And if you do decide to give it a shot, let Donna know by leaving a comment on the video page. Maybe you will go to the store tonight and give it a try. Or maybe even share this video with a friend who’d like to try these special foods too! Either way, I hope you learned something valuable from this video and are interested to hear more. Because in the next video, Donna shares an easy recipe to make a special cultured food at home with only two items.

Best Wishes, Reid Tracy CEO, Hay House

Conscious Life Magazine

Conscious Life Magazine

By Guylin van den Berg We often get asked about nutrition and what to use, when to eat, what to drink and so forth. We decided to put a few pointers together to make it easier to decipher and maybe help you set your own nutritional plan for before, during and after rides. Nutrition is all about keeping your energy levels topped up as best you can, so you can get from point A to B as efficiently as possible. No one wants the dreaded “Bonk”. If you have not yet experienced the “bonk”, wait, your time will come. It’s not if you will “bonk”, it’s when you will “bonk”. Try avoid this state of horribleness by experimenting what you like and also taking tips from the following sections.

Before rides: The meal before a ride is very important as this is the energy that will supply your body with nutrients and all the good stuff for your ride. As people are different we always recommend trying different things and finding out what works for you. For instance, we have guys that race at professional level that will eat 3 hours before the start and again 1.5 hours before the race. We also know a few guys that will eat an hour before as their first meal of the morning. Both are right as they have found what works for them.

Conscious Life Magazine

Some breakfast ideas: • Oats always makes the list and you can also add different ingredients in order to change it up. So you can use peanut butter, banana, apple, cinnamon, milk, plain sugar and much more. • Eggs, for the riders that can stomach eggs early in the morning, this also keeps you quite full and can be made quite quickly. • Yoghurt and muesli, a much more refreshing breakfast and not as heavy as the others. • A tip would be to add an extra bit of your breakfast into a small Tupperware to take along for if you get hungry before the race/ride then you can snack on some of the breakfast from earlier.

On the ride: This is the part where you keep your energy levels topped up and keep your body hydrated. Eating on the bike takes some practise, so make a mental note to eat something and getting used to taking food out the back pocket of your jersey.

A tip for beginners; if you are riding with food that has a wrapper, open the wrapper before starting your ride as it will make it easier to access and will be safer for you and the people around you. In terms of liquids, we have been using USN Purefit, a great range of awesome flavours that are refreshing and the range covers all areas of riding and levels of riding. For a light, hydrating drink, we use Enduro (low GI for slower release), for the harder sessions and races we use Pro Enduro (has BCAA which assists the body in absorbing all necessary minerals for repairing muscles and helping muscle growth) and for the most intense sessions, we use Epic Pro (includes all of the other ingredients and more). All the products are focused at sustaining energy release, helping your muscles to repair themselves as quickly as possible, reducing the chances of cramping and letting you get the best out of your ride. Also a big focus is on recovery. Your body has maximum nutrient intake up to 30min post ride so make sure to use something like USN recover to put back all that you took out during the race or ride. This just helps for muscle healing and for feeling better the next day to conquer another ride. After the ride: Usually after the ride we would use the Recover from USN as it is easily transportable and quick to mix, we would also take a hydrator, another product from USN that basically replenishes levels after the ride. Once back home we would look at a solid meal such as pasta and chicken or even some steak and veggies. We try mix our portions to include protein, carbs and veggies. Once again this is what works for us. You need to try and find out what your body likes and what will work for you.

Conscious Life Magazine

We recommend trying new foods and sports drinks during training and not close to a race. Leading up to a race, changing nutrition is a sure way to ensure your body is confused and does not deliver the result you have training for. If some of you are interested in learning more, visit Otherwise we are always available at to answer all your questions. Our team is always happy to help you get the most our of cycling!! Happy Cycling, remember, always be safe!

About Guylin: I have been racing for 12 years, 4 years on the road before coming back to the mountain biking side. I focus on the longer ultra-marathons on the South African circuit. Our races are average of 100km and take roughly 4-5 hours. I have competed in 5 Cape Epic’s with my best finish being 26th overall. I still love riding my bike every day and finishing off with a good coffee.

Want to tighten and tone your lower body, but only have fifteen minutes to spare? Get your heart rate up with just three easy moves. Practise the following moves for 1 minute each consecutively. Take a 1 minute break then repeat the moves two or three times, time permitting.

Run on the spot, but slow your pace down and lift each knee up into a right angle as you move.

Start in a regular standing position. Bend your legs slightly and jump into the air, raising your arms above your head as you do. Land with wide legs and sink immediately into a squat. Rise back up to your starting position.

Stand near a steady surface that you can use to balance yourself with your left hand. With your right hand on your hip, lift your right leg up to hip height. Sink down into a squat, keeping your right leg elevated. Pause for a moment then rise up and repeat with the opposite leg.

Conscious Life Magazine

bone strengthening exercise

Conscious Life Magazine

How To Stay Cool & Green During a Heat wave

Posted by Green Light

STAY OUT OF THE SUN AND LIMIT OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES Avoid outdoor activity, especially between 10:00 and 15:00. If you must be outside during the heat of the day remember to take frequent breaks in a shaded area, preferably under a tree.

DRINK LOTS OF WATER Drinking water will keep you hydrated and help regulate body temperature. Adding some mint, apple or lemon will make it even more refreshing! Invest in a reusable glass water bottle to keep hydrated, in this way you are taking care of the environment by reducing demand for single-use plastic water bottles and reducing plastic waste.

AVOID CAFFEINE AND ALCOHOL Ingesting any beverages with caffeine and/or alcohol leads to dehydration; this includes energy and sports drinks!

ACTIVATE YOUR INTERNAL COOLING SYSTEM Enjoy a hot cup of caffeine-free tea, this will activate the nerve receptors in your tongue which send a heat signal to your brain, which activates the internal cooling system i.e. sweating. Eating spicy food will also induce perspiration which cools the body as it evaporates.

WINDOWS, DOORS AND CURTAINS Keep cool air inside during unbearable hot days by closing all the windows and curtains to prevent hot air from entering the area. Open up all the curtains, windows and doors after sunset, for as long as possible, so that fresh and cool air can flow back inside.

CLOTHING Wear light coloured (reflect heat instead of absorbing it), loose fitting, natural fabrics like organic cotton and hemp – avoid synthetics, silk and wool. If possible, remove neckties, wear open shoes and for those with long hair, rock a ponytail!

COOL BY THE POOL If you don`t have any means to cool off in a dam, ocean or swimming pool, run a bit of cold water in the bath so you can quickly jump in for a few minutes to cool off. Leave the water in so you can return multiple times without having to run a new bath each time you need to take a dip. If you only have shower facilities, remember to keep it short!

SPRITZ, FAN OR DAB Use a spray bottle with water as a spritz and a hand fan to bring instant relief. The body radiates heat from the face, ears, hands and feet – soaking your feet in cold water will significantly bring your temperature down. You can also use a wet facecloth to dab your neck, forehead, wrists and feet.

HIT THE FLOOR Warm air rises therefore it will be cooler the lower you go. Basements and ground floors with a cool tiled or cement floor will make for a perfect siesta – if you have pets they will love it too.

COOKING AND DIET Avoid using the stove or oven as it will add more heat to the situation. Stay away from large, protein-rich meals and rather opt for a fresh salad with some fruit and ice cream for desert.

Green Cleaning

Protect Your Health and Conserve Your Environment Posted by Green Light

The term “Green cleaning” refers to methods of cleaning using natural products or products that are made from environmentally friendly ingredients, designed to preserve human health and environmental quality. Green cleaning can also allude to the way in which products are manufactured, packaged and distributed. If the manufacturing process is environmentally-friendly and the products are biodegradable, then the label “eco-friendly” or “green” may apply. (Wikipedia) People are gravitating towards green cleaning techniques and products as they become more aware of the adverse effects of using chemically reactive and toxic ingredients versus the benefits of environmentally-friendly products. Traditional detergents can emit volatile organic compounds causing respiratory, dermatological and other negative health and environmental impacts. Harmful Ingredients in Household Cleaning Products. Modern consumers do need to keep their wits about them as there are clever marketers who are overgenerous or misleading about the environmental friendliness of their product or service; this is called “green washing”. Here is an interesting and informative article on Green Washing and how to evaluate cleaning products.

IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY, THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD SWITCH TO GREEN CLEANING! Protect your health The majority of ordinary household detergents contain dangerous chemicals, carcinogens, neurotoxins, mutagens, teratogens, or endocrine disrupters – keeping that out of your home and work place is enough of a reason…

Protect the environment Most ideal green cleaning products are made from natural ingredients in a sustainable way; they are safe, non-toxic and biodegradable which is why they don’t have an adverse effect on the environment.

Easy and cost effective Many eco-friendly products area multi-purpose or all-purpose, so when you switch you only buy one product instead of 5 different chemical detergents for different cleaning needs. If you sit down and do the math you will see financial saving space saving and the reduction of waste.

Make your home safer Chemicals (like ammonia and chlorine) can be hazardous when mixed together. Small children and pets especially are more susceptible to higher exposure levels because of their size. It is safer to simply not have this danger lurking around your house.

GETTING STARTED So, where to from here? There are many great biodegradable and safe green cleaning products available on the market if you start looking. Find a manufacturer from your community or support a local retailer that stocks eco-friendly cleaners. Look for a powerful multi-purpose and biodegradable cleaning product that is manufactured as close to home as possible. Should you want to make your own at home, research vinegar, bicarbonate of soda and lemon in your cleaning regime; you will be surprised by the results.

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Contact us to make an appointment Mobile: 082 828 6134 Email: We work exclusively form our Pretoria home.

by Juan du Toit We decided to start a WATER WISE CAMPAIGN with advice and tips on how to save water, seeing as water has become a scarce resource in SA and we need to use it sparingly. We made a list of 12 WATER SAVING TIPS to take care of your lawn during this dry spell  Remove no more than 1/3 the height of the grass for any one mowing. Keeping the grass slightly higher will increase shade on the soil, encourage deeper rooting and reduce evaporation. The added height shades the ground, slowing evaporation. Mowing shorter not only provides less protection for the ground, but it also allows quicker uptakes of water into the atmosphere.  Mow in the morning or early evening and not midday - to avoid burning grass.  Try mulching, even if you do not have a mulching mower. Let clippings remain on the lawn. Lawns tend to lose more water and nutrients through evaporation when clippings are removed.  Water thoroughly but infrequently to encourage deeper rooting, increase soil moisture reservoir and to reduce the number of weeds. Letting the grass be "thirsty" encourages deeper rooting.  Water early in the morning to reduce evaporation; it can reduce water usage up to 40%.  Fertilise only twice a year; mid-October and late February. Always use a slow release organic fertiliser. Lush lawns look great, but heavily fertilised lawns use more water and are more susceptible to drought stress.  Water only every 5 - 7 days (if no rain). A soaking rain can extend that period up to 10 -14 days. Most people apply double the amount of water needed.  Do not water lawn on windy days; it increases transpiration and evaporation rates.  If you did not aerate your lawn in spring, consider doing so in the fall. Aeration creates small holes in the ground that allow water to soak deeper into the ground and help promote root growth.  If possible, use soak irrigation lines instead of pop-up heads. These can reduce water consumption up to 60%. If using pop-up heads, align heads to avoid paved surfaces or other non-targeted objects. Regularly check for leaks and install a rain gauge to prevent activation of the system during and just after a rainfall.  Increase organic matter; while this comes naturally to most organic gardeners, many don't realise the benefits of building humus in the soil. Organic matter absorbs many times its weight in water, which is then available for plant growth. It provides many advantages: clay soils with added organic matter will accept water more quickly, and organically amended sandy soils hold water longer and don't need to be watered as frequently. One of the easiest ways to build organic matter is to add Grass Factory & Eco Organic Compost that breaks down to humus. This has an incredible potential to hold moisture, nutrients and build soil health.  Keep the lawn mower blade sharp to make cleaner cuts that cause less water loss than cuts from dull mower blades.

The Global Benefits of HEMP

Come rain or shine, it’s time to be water wise!

South Africa is enduring its worst drought in 23 years, and combined with late seasonal rains, persistent high temperatures and an increased demand on the system, Gauteng residents have been urged to use water responsibly. The province has recently been in the grip of a heat wave, and with dam levels dropping and taps in some areas running dry, Rand Water recommended level two water restrictions be implemented. These include: -

No watering and irrigating gardens between 6am and 6pm No filling of swimming pools No using of hose pipes to wash cars, paved areas, etc.

Some reservoirs have run low or dry as water is being used by consumers faster than it can be pumped in. The high demand on water was due to the high temperatures experienced throughout Gauteng. Residents in some areas faced shortages, having to rely on tankers for their supply of water. Even though the high temperatures have passed, and rain is predicted, the bulk water system in the province is still under severe pressure and water restrictions will remain in place until further notice. In the meantime, residents are being urged to change the way they use water.

To help save water at your home and work, here are a few water-saving tips:


Shower rather than bath Take shorter showers Fix leaking taps and toilets Install a water-saving toilet flush system Close taps when brushing teeth or shaving Don’t rinse dishes under running water Use a pool cover for pools Report leaks to your local municipality Where possible reuse water

It’s predicted that 2015 will be the hottest year in South Africa’s history, and with a scorching, dry summer forecast, the water supply interruptions could get worse. In this situation level three restrictions would be enforced, where water use would be limited to certain times of the day. Additionally, if residents or businesses are seen flouting the water restrictions, they could face heavy fines. Many South Africans take it for granted that we can open a tap and get clean, running water. However, in light of the severe weather conditions being experienced in the country, it’s up to every citizen to be responsible for their water usage, and to use this resource sparingly.

With volatile weather increasing in frequency, isn’t it time you protect yourself and the important things in your life? Get the right cover for all your needs, by phoning 0860 13 13 14 and speaking to an Indwe Risk Services advisor today.

Adorable DIY Terrariums to Create at Home

For those who don’t know, terrariums are very easy and quick to make and they are very easy for maintaining. They can also be a perfect gift for anybody or a beautiful decor for your house, dining table or even you can beautify the wedding tables with such decors. This is a very interesting way to add freshness and bring the nature in your home. The terrariums are great oxygen boosters and the ones that I have selected for you are very easy and quick to create. You can make them in the size you want and that is suitable for your space.

If your friends or relatives live in a flat, than why not to add freshness into these people’s lives by giving them terrariums like these. As I said before, terrariums are one of the easiest way to bring the outside beauty in our homes! You can’t go wrong with a present like this. Plus, terrariums are very easy to maintain, and are also very cheap and you can make them at home in no time. Show your family and friends your talent and creativity by creating a work of art that will beautify their home. These beautiful decorations are made up of layers of various materials and herbs. Before you start, pick what herbs you will be using for your project. You can go with Sansevieria, Fittonia, Hypoestes, Small tears, Baby's tears, African violets, Cacti or Succulents. These herbs need light, so put them near the window and rotate the bowl occasionally. To prevent growth of fungi, remove the dead leaves and keep the bowl clean. To make your terrarium more interesting, you can add gemstones, pieces of wood or stones. Draw some inspiration from these ideas here and make your own project.

10 Simple Ways to Live More Sustainably Posted by Green Light

The movement toward eco-consciousness has been fueled by environmental concerns created by the devastating impacts of climate change, overpopulation and the destruction and degradation of natural resources and areas. Sustainable living is the tool to take our power back and right the wrongs of our ignorant past for the benefit of all life on the planet.

Be the change you want to see in the world – Mahatma Gandhi

There are plenty simple ways for each of us to be part of the solution – at home, at work, out and about, while shopping, dining and travelling.

Conscious Life Magazine

People have varying amounts of tolerance to pain and the same is true of their pets. Some dogs may yelp and cry at the least discomfort, whilst another my not limp on an injured leg until it’s extremely damaged. Cats are notorious for being stoic and not showing that they are in pain. Knowing your pet and his habits and behaviour is often the trigger to realizing he is hurting. You need to know what is normal for your pet, to be able to tell what is abnormal for them. The skill of observing with a critical eye can be learned by anyone, and it starts with a genuine love and interest in your pet, his behaviour, posture and habits.

Often the first sign of pain in a family pet is the feeling of the owner that “something isn’t right” There are symptoms to watch for but often the first sign of pain in a family pet is the feeling of the owner that “something isn’t right”. When that impression remains for several days, a trip to the vet for a checkup is a good idea.

Symptoms of Pain: Vocalizing Your dog may whine when he rises from a sitting position or yelp when he jumps down from a chair. He may whimper when you massage a shoulder or make moaning or groaning sounds when at rest. Your cat’s purring may actually increase, or he may be meowing incessantly or differently. Panting is normal for dogs but constant panting in the absence of exercise or heat is unusual. Cats in pain may have a faster and more shallow breathing pattern than normal. They may also even pant.

Conscious Life Magazine

Posture Know your pet’s normal posture at rest, as well as his normal gait. Sometimes postural changes may be very obvious e.g. our dog may limp with one leg or may appear to walk in an awkward, hunched position holding his front end and back end at uneven heights, or your horse may stand with his head in a lowered position. (When he stands with his head lower than his knees, it should set-off major alarm bells). If you know your pet’s “body language” , it will be easier to see when there is a deviation from the normal pattern.

Level of Activity Owners accustomed to a pet who follows them from room to room may notice the animal staying in one place instead. The dog may lay down, get up, circle and lay down again repeatedly trying to find a comfortable position and may have difficulty getting up after laying down. Cats experiencing pain often move around less. But depending on what hurts, they may still move around the same amount, just differently. They may move with a limp, or go more slowly up or down the stairs. Horses may show a decrease in activity or be reluctant to move, or may lag behind the rest of the group.

“Cats in pain may have a faster and more shallow breathing pattern”

Conscious Life Magazine

“Your pet may avoid social contact, or growl or snap..” Heart and Pulse Change Animals in pain will often have an increased heart/pulse rate. The rate often noticeably speeds up when the painful area is touched or moved. You can enrol in a pet’s first aid course, or ask your veterinarian or veterinary nurse to show you how to check and measure your pet’s pulse rate. Behavioural Changes Your pet may avoid social contact, or growl or snap when you touch part of his body or manipulate a joint. He may withdraw from petting and be reluctant to participate in play activity. Some dogs may become more needy than usual and seem to be asking for constant attention. Incessant licking, scratching or chewing of one part of the body is a visible indication of itching or pain and an increase in drooling is another sign of a problem. Be aware of changes in your horse’s behaviour in his turn-out group. Very often bad behaviour in horses have been attributed to them having a nasty character, but these unwanted behaviour patterns – swishing of the tail if you pass to close to their hind quarter, bucking, or dropping of the shoulder may be due to the fact that they are in pain. Cats in pain are more likely to bite and scratch. This is true even with their owners and other familiar people. This is particularly true when a person touches or moves the painful area, or if the cat anticipates you touching or moving the painful area. Cat’s may have a decrease in self-grooming when ill, or may groom excessively in an area with a wound. If your cat suddenly hides under beds or in cupboards it is s sure sign that he is in pain. Should your cat start to urinate or defecate outside his litter box it may be a sign of back/joint pain. They will struggle to get in and out of the litter box and also with the posture needed to defecate, and as a result may become constipated. Feeding changes Animals may lose their appetite when they are in pain or appear unusually tired or lethargic. Be aware of their feeding habits and pay attention to their feeding routine and changes to these routines. When they do go and eat and experience some pain in their mouth or the cause of their pain is related to their teeth, then they may drop food/water out of their mouth whilst eating/drinking.

Appearance Animals display facial expressions that their human companion recognize as part of the personality of their pet. A change in expression or physical appearance may be an indicator of a pet who is in pain. Ears laid back may be unusual for the animal and a vacant stare that replaces the attentive look, or eyes that seem constantly tired and sleepy may be subtle clues of a joint that is aching or an injury that needs treatment.

Strained, tense nostrils, mouth and prominent chewing muscles, flattening of the horse’s profile, as well as tension seen above the eye area is a sure sign that your horse needs the vet or blacksmith or some dentistry.

Treatment for Pain Relief: Seek advice from your vet as soon as you notice your pet is in pain to determine the cause of pain. Prompt treatment can halt the progression of serious illness and relieve discomfort quickly. Finding the cause of the discomfort can often lead to treatments with pet medicines that will control or even eliminate pain for the animal. Please do not self-medicate your pet. Many fatalities have occurred with caring pet owners medicating their pets with human medicine. You can cause your pet severe distress and even death by giving your pet medicine meant for human beings.

Natural Medicines: Eco-Vet has a portfolio of registered natural medicine designed for treating various painful conditions. EcoHeal is a must in your fist aid kit for pain and sudden onset injuries, while Eco-Joint has been created for the treatment of animals with acute and chronic joint strains associated with mainly soft tissue injuries. May be effectively used before hard exercise to protect from work induced injuries. Is an effective remedy for use immediately after hard exercise as an aid to recovery. Eco-Arth is a natural remedy for the treatment of animals with chronic joint problems associated with degenerative disease, and had seen many animals regaining their mobility. We love animals, NATURALLY Erika Bornman CEO-Eco-Vet

Conscious Life Magazine

About Wags & Whiskers Rescue Team We are a small group of people who are dedicated to helping all furr-kids. Located in Fourways & Midrand JHB. Email Robyn: 084 593 1292 of Cheyna 082 307 2377

NEVAEH NEVAEH (Heaven spelled backwards) is being looked after by Robyn herself until she can find her forever home. “She is beyond amazing. Can be skittish with strange men but she has been amazing with all the kittens, puppies, kids and whoever else comes through my door. Please someone offer her a forever home.�

Conscious Life Magazine

The launch of

Plentiful takes place at Adams Bookstore, Musgrave Centre On 8 December, at 5.30pm. If you would like to attend, please RSVP:

Mokoya Lodge, Magaliesburg 2017 January 7, 2017 @ 11:00 am - January 15, 2017 @ 2:00 pm

Retreat Repair Rejuvenate A Fresh Start Retreat It’s that time of the year…you feel tired, ready for a break, wondering how quickly the year has flown past and how quickly you can get back into shape in the new year. You do this every year, you join a gym, you start making smoothies, you even attend a retreat. But soon after you fall back into your old habits before the year is out. Our retreat is more than a weekend a way, it’s life changing. It will help you to:  Change at least one pattern that will shift your life.  Heal your gut gently and help you shift your food habits.  Do movements that feel good for your mind and reshape your body.  Practice Mindfulness in your everyday life.  Lose weight easily

If you’ like to kick start 2017 with a Rejuvenated Body and Mind, then come for a 7 day retreat for a “new you” to make 2017 amazing You will get an Integrated Gut Health Program that involves Mindfulness of Food, Mood, and your Body. “Your Body feels Everything your mind says, and your mind says everything your body feels” – Yasmin Lambat, founder of bodysensing Reconnect your body-mind and start your most transformational year ever with a week of wellness:  Release tension & toxins  Restore wellbeing & energy  Re-align body & mind Well, this retreat will help you:  Reduce stress and Relieve pain  Restore energy and vitality  Reshape body and mind  Learn to make wiser choice  Live life with purpose After your time with us you will feel cleansed, energized and revitalized with a fresh outlook on life. But what happens when you get home? We got your back….. you have the option of continuing on a 6 month coaching programme via Skype and be part of a support group that will help you stay well. It requires commitment, it requires a deep desire to change, it may be difficult at times but we will be there to support you every step of the way. We can’t wait to meet you…

Come and cleanse your body and mind, explore body-centered mindfulness and learn how to use your body as a mindfulness tool to shift habits through mood, food, language and the body. You get an integrated approach to wellness, which means it not only enlivens your body and mind during your stay, but you will be left with tools and natural desire to live life better. During your retreat you will be nourished with “live foods” whilst detoxing your body and mind. You will leave with a sense of wellbeing, highlevels of calm energy, and emotional balance.

Your 7 day Detox Programme, will include 6 nights accommodation at Mokoya Lodge, a Homely Country Lodge in the breathtaking Bushveld of Magaliesburg. All mindful meals juices, and herbal teas, that aid detoxification and designed to heal your gut and be super anti-inflammatory    

Meal plan, with recipes A one-on-one movement coaching session A welcome bag, filled with organic goodies Activities included: Yoga, relaxation and mindfulness, guided walks around surrounding trails, conscious movies

Workshops Include: 

    

Learn how to: make your own juices, smoothies and grow your own sprouts/ micro greens Raw Food ‘cooking’ Demo Daily Detoxification and The rock solid wellness routine Toxins and inflammatory foods Exercise and how much you need to make you feel well Workshops on various topics including: Nutrition, Fitness, Lifestyle, Managing Stress and Hormones and Finding Purpose

Details Start: January 7, 2017 @ 11:00 am End: January 15, 2017 @ 2:00 pm Cost: R16,100 all inclusive (Early Bird till 10 Dec – R15 500)

Phone: 0824379776 Email: Website:

The Buddhist Retreat Centre, where people of all religions, and none, come to experience peace and tranquility.

How to Retreat The Buddhist Retreat Centre offers various types of retreats, ranging from those investigating Buddhist thought and philosophy, through to practice retreats where the emphasis is on meditation; as well as retreats featuring bird watching, cookery, drumming, pottery and photography. At first glance the latter might appear to be unrelated to Buddhism but even these retreats will contain some element of meditation, of mindful awareness, refracting the chosen subject matter through a Buddhist lens. People from all walks of life come to these retreats with a variety of motivations and expectations. Perhaps they want to deepen their meditation practice, to take some time out from a hectic working life; to reflect on a tense domestic situation; to consider the trajectory of their lives; to make a decision about a way forward. Maybe they just want to learn how to take a good photograph. Each person will have a different reason for going on a retreat. Different paths will have led them to this place. We all need to make an appointment with ourselves from time to time. To re-connect with who we are; to maintain balance; to recharge exhausted batteries. To make time to go on a retreat is a necessary and healthy step for anyone.

Upcoming Retreats The retreat schedule from November 2016 to October 2017 is now available View full retreat schedule and details NEXT 4 RETREATS Fri Nov 25 - Sun Nov 27 Fri Dec 02 - Sun Dec 04 Fri Dec 09 - Sun Dec 11 Thu Dec 15 - Mon Dec 19

Courageous Compassion Zen, Light And Angles : A photographic workshop Grounded In Space: A tai chi - chi kung retreat Sumie - How To Make A Brush Dance And Ink Sing: A course in Japanese brush painting

General Information The Centre has been established on an exquisite 125-hectare country estate near the village of Ixopo, KwaZulu-Natal 90 kilometers south of Pietermaritzburg, one and a half hours’ drive from Durban. Set in hilly grasslands amongst dams, indigenous bush and forests, it overlooks one of the great valleys in the Umkomaas river system. CNN featured the BRC as one of the ten finest retreat centres in the world. It was awarded Natural Heritage status by President Nelson Mandela in recognition of its success in establishing indigenous vegetation on the property and providing habitats for wildlife to return, including the endangered Blue Swallow. It is a birder’s paradise with more 160 species recorded. Walks lead to many interesting sites and viewpoints on the property, including evidence that Bushman lived there and Voortrekkers and Settlers passed through. In 2000, the BRC facilitated the founding of Woza Moya, the community-based NGO, located in Ufafa valley. It continues to support the organisation in a variety of ways.

Accommodation Fifty retreatants can be accommodated in single and twin-bedded rooms, en-suite cottages and thatched chalets overlooking the secluded valleys on the property – a short distance away from the dining room, office, library, studio and meditation hall. The Centre is justly famous for its fine lactoovo vegetarian cuisine which is featured in its own best-selling recipe books, Quiet Food, The Cake the Buddha Ate and Plentiful: The Big Book Of Buddha Food. The BRC menu includes organically grown vegetables and farm-baked bread.

Observances The Retreat Centre offers a tranquil environment for the study and practice of philosophy, psychology, meditation and the arts associated with Buddhist culture. The Centre therefore encourages adherence to traditional Buddhist moral principles during retreats, such as respect for all forms of life and abstinence from alcoholic drinks and hallucinogenic drugs. Noble Silence is maintained from the last meditation at night until the first session after breakfast in the morning. During some retreats, Noble Silence is maintained throughout. Pets are not allowed at the Centre. Only some retreats are suitable for children: please check with the Administrator.

Intro to Buddhism It's a "Middle Way" The Buddhist tradition is centered in the Enlightenment experience of Siddhartha Gautama, the historical Buddha, who was born in Nepal and taught his doctrine in India during the sixth century BC. His teachings are at once revolutionary and self-evident, and extraordinarily relevant to the modern world. He maintained that the nature of reality and the meaning of our existence cannot be captured in theories, concepts and beliefs, but are realised experientially - in compassionate, mindful living.

A central teaching in Buddhism is that we forego great beauty and meaning in our lives by allowing ourselves to be driven by a compulsive self-centeredness, obsessive, mindless attachments and all manner of habitual delusions and wishful thinking. Buddhism, however, also teaches that we can radically reshape the way we perceive and experience things. This can be done through transformative mental practices [meditation] and behavioural disciplines. These are outlined in the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path and a number of other philosophical and psychological teachings and methods. Buddhism, therefore, is an attitude more than a belief; a way of experiencing the world rather than an attempt to explain it. Known as the Middle Way, Buddhism has no need for extreme opinions and exclusive dogmas. This self-reliant outlook imbues it with a rare sense of dignity, joy, gentleness and freedom - qualities that appeal to increasing numbers of people who have grown tired of the authoritative pronouncements of priests and scientists, millennial prophets and selfimprovement gurus. Buddhism is neither theistic nor atheistic; it is non-theistic. It therefore does not challenge or compete with other religions. Hence, followers of all religious denominations and philosophical persuasions are welcome to attend any retreat program. No membership, allegiance or conversion is expected or required.

Dhamma Shop From sock monkeys to singing bowls - you will find them all - and more - in the BRC shop. The BRC shop has an exquisite and exotic range of products. The emphasis is on stocking items that express a Zen-like simplicity and quality. Apart from meditation cushions and stools and a selection of books on Buddhism, there are music CD’s conducive to a meditative mood. You will find Charlotte Rhys products, as well as a variety of Japanese incense, and a chic range of Zen-style pottery and Anthony Shapiro’s classic bowls, pots, large ginger jars and vases, some decorated with sumie brushwork by Louis, and perfectly tuned wind chimes. New to the shop are the beautiful silver Chakra bracelets on black cord.

Contact Us Email: Tel: +27(0)39 834 1863/0878091687 Mobile: 082 579 3037

FIND & BOOK ECO-FRIENDLY ACCOMMODATION IN SOUTH AFRICA is your green heart guide to eco-friendly accommodation throughout beautiful South Africa. We partner with all kinds of accommodation establishments that operate in an eco-friendly, sustainable and responsible way. So whether you opt for a luxury boutique hotel or rustic tree house, you can feel good knowing your holiday supports a place that serves the environment and community in a positive way. To help you make these good choices, we are committed to growing a wonderful selection of urban and country, luxury and rustic green accommodation options where you will love to stay! Search for your next green getaway on by location or type; the Check Availability & Book Online green button will enable you to check real-time availability, make a booking & secure online payment through the Nightsbridge booking system at no extra charge.

WHAT IS ECO-FRIENDLY ACCOMMODATION? Eco-friendly accommodation is defined as a lodging establishment with structural features that minimize the impact and footprint on the environment; as well as well as those that follow green living, sustainability and eco-friendly practices.

WHAT ARE GREEN HEARTS? Look out for the Green Hearts Seal of each establishment. We are proud to showcase all of our members and love to highlight their specific efforts to protect and conserve the environment. Seals display between 1-5 Green Hearts as awarded to them for their positive Green Acts. Here`s more info!


Learn to Surrender

Meditations and Toning in the Pyramid

Hot Air Balloon ride over Luxor at Sunrise

Sit between the Paws of the Sphinx

Learn to attract what you Love

Understand irritations and how to deal with them

Visit the Grand Egyptian Museum

Soften and Open your Heart

4 Shows in 1” Featuring Mel Botes Band & Marcato (Ben van Zyl, Pieter Smit, Euan Nel, Charles Geer & Jerry Spangenberg) - 12 TOP SA musicians on one stage – all from the STORM stable! “4 SHOWS IN 1” is a combination show of four of Storm Produktionz’s most popular Theatre productions – tribute to PINK FLOYD, BOB DYLAN, DIRE STRAITS & SIMON & GARFUNKEL featuring old favourites – Bridge over troubled water, Knocking on Heavens Door, Sultans of Swing, Blowing in the Wind, Brick in the Wall, Cecilia, Wish you were Here, Wake up little Suzie, Money for nothing and many more!

Highly Acclaimed Comedy Coming from Israel to South Africa “Together, Against the Odds” Desert Rose Productions, an English-speaking theater production company in Israel, is bringing its highly acclaimed comedy, “Together, Against the Odds” to South Africa during November. The show, starring married South African couple, Grant Crankshaw and Daniella Roman, is an hilarious autobiographical tale of the couple and their experiences both pre and post Aliyah (immigration to Israel). The show features a collection of funny vignettes of this unlikely couple’s adventures through their extraordinary lives. From their meeting at Wits Drama School during the tumultuous 80s and falling in love while reconciling their religious and cultural differences to immigrating to Israel, which results in their perpetual adjustment to a foreign culture, the two tap their comedic talents to create a hysterical show that resonates with audiences on multiple levels. From the time they immigrated, some 19 years ago, Grant and Daniella have been constantly involved in Englishspeaking theater in Israel performing in numerous productions including “All My Sons”, “Vanities”, “Lysistrata” and “Tom & Viv” among others. They also had the distinction of originating roles in the children’s productions of “Smoke & Mirrors” and the Israeli drama, “Eli, Eli”. The two opened their own production company, Desert Rose Productions, and along with their growing stable of actors, have produced and performed their original shows “Sentimental Journey”, “Broadway Babes” and “Together, Against the Odds”. Over the past year, their show, “Together, Against the Odds”, has played to high acclaim across Israel, from Karmiel in the north to Be’er Sheva in the South and everywhere in between. “We have been overwhelmed by the reactions we have received from audiences,” says Grant Crankshaw. “We seem to have hit a chord with both Olim (Immigrants) and Sabras (Natives) who gain a deeper appreciation of the challenges we face every day in this tiny corner of the world.” The show will only have two performances in Johannesburg due to the couple’s limited time in South Africa but they are planning to return in July 2017 for a longer run after completing tour commitments in Israel, the UK and USA. The show will be performed on Thursday, 24th November at the Indaba Hotel in Fourways and on Saturday 26th November at the Janx Hall, Beit Emanuel in Parktown. Show starts at 20h00. Tickets are R180 (early bird) and R200 and can be purchased online at Webtickets: For video, photos and audience comments:

About Desert Rose Productions Desert Rose Productions is a unique, vibrant, English-speaking theater production company that brings English-speaking theatre performance into the mainstream of Israeli culture. It does this by fostering excellence in theater arts and acting, bringing original and classic works to a wide and diverse audience and highlighting its unique position as the home of entertainment, education and culture in English. It is becoming a creative hub that draws actors and theater professionals from different backgrounds and languages, a creative hub that and encourages honest and open dialog on the complexities and unique characteristics of Israeli society, with the ultimate goal of producing innovative, thought-provoking and entertaining theater for the wider audience. For more information visit

Cape Town Wednesday 26th April 2017 Green Point Park, Cape Town


Johannesburg Friday 28th April 2017 The Dome, Johannesburg

Delicious Hamper of the awesomely healthy new My T Iced. The latest creation from our friends at My T Chai, these iced teas are filled with goodness, delicious natural flavours to cool you down this Summer. We are hooked and we know that you and your friends will be too!! To enter email your addresses and your phone number to Subject: Subscribe. T’s & C’s: Only open to SA Residents, Competition Closes 10 November


ONE treat challenge! No Guts No Glory they say. Trust us, we know how difficult it is to pass by that Giant Aero Slab at the checkout counter when the slab is calling out your name and saying, "EAT ME!" and every fibre of your being is crying out "I need it, just buy it." Ooooh the temptation... ...But know your sacrifice will not be in vain: You will be helping to buy a security fence that will protect orphan children with a safe and secure place they will call 'home' YOU can do this! We are asking that YOU simply sacrifice one (just one, or two if you prefer we don't mind) TREAT: ‌And rather donate your R50, to help us secure our 'Homestead' at our Children's Village with a much needed SECURITY FENCE. So c'mon make your mark and then SHARE the CHALLENGE. Post a pic of what you are giving up to our Facebook page.

with much appreciation to our advertisers, contributors, endorsers and our readers namaste

Conscious Life Magazine

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