Child of the Universe - Madiba edition

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1918 – 2013

The mountain getaway that’s not faraway! M A G A L I E S B E R G M O U N TA I N S

Only 1,5 hr from Johannesburg and 1 hr from Pretoria in the heart of the Magaliesberg Mountains. We have a reputation as one of the finest yet most affordable country hotels in its class in South Africa. Make Sparkling Waters Hotel and Spa your destination of choice today and experience unmatched, Home From Home hospitality for which you’ll come back time and again. Enjoy tranquil walks through the mountains and along the river followed by magnificent food and our music evenings on the verandah. Sparkling Waters Hotel: Tel: (014) 535 0000/6 • Cell: 082 859 4036/7 • e-mail: •

2013 Finalist in the “Luxury Spa’s of the World” Award Program

A Champagne and Oyster experience awaits you at our award winning facility. The Spa is situated in the gardens of Sparkling Waters Hotel and housed in a 750m2 thatched pavilion overlooking the wooded area next to the Krom River. To compliment the very well equipped Salon the facilities include an Indoor Heated Pool, Jacuzzi’s, Sun Deck, Steam and Hydro Therapy Rooms, Gym and Sun Bed. In our Salon we offer a full range of treatments suitable for ladies and gents. Only products of the highest quality that are most suited to South African conditions are used. Sparkling Health Spa: Tel: (014) 535 0019 • Cell: 078 525 1432 • e-mail: •

The Original Eco Adventure

It’s fun & safe... Enjoy the Ride!

The Magaliesberg Canopy Tour takes you on an unimaginable 2,5 hour adventure through the Ysterhout kloof. Zig Zag between the rock faces of the kloof and experience the splendour of the 2,400 million year old Magaliesberg mountains!

There are 11 platforms, constructed high within the rock faces of the kloof, and joined by ten slides up to 140m long and 30m above the stream below. Safety is paramount for the trained guides, keeping each group’s attention with interesting facts about the ancient mountain, surrounding ecology, bird and animal life. Refreshments during the tour and a light meal at Hadeda’s restaurant are included in the cost. Situated at the renowned Sparkling Waters Hotel & Spa, only 1.5hrs from Jhb and 1hr from Pretoria. Bookings essential.

Magaliesberg Canopy Tour: Tel: (014) 535 0150 • Cell: 079 492 0467 • e-mail: •


The original Eco-adventure Canopy Tour in the Magaliesberg, professionally operated and unequalled by any of its rivals! The idea originated in the rain forests of Costa Rica and a qualified engineer is at the helm of the design and construction of all 6 official Canopy Tours in SA.

Montessori Method

A Foundation for Life

“Play Is The Work of the Child” Maria Montessori Play activities are essential to healthy development for children and adolescents. Research shows that 75% of brain development occurs after birth. The activities engaged in by children both stimulate and influence the pattern of the connections made between the nerve cells. This process influences the development of fine and gross motor skills, language, socialization, personal awareness, emotional well-being, creativity, problem solving and learning ability. The most important role that play can have is to help children to be active, make choices and practice actions to mastery. They should have experience with a wide variety of content (art, music, language, science, math, social relations) because each is important for the development of a complex and integrated brain. Play that links sensory-motor, cognitive, and social-emotional experiences provides an ideal setting from brain development. According to Montessori, the essential dimensions of play are:     

Voluntary, enjoyable, purposeful and spontaneous Creativity expanded using problem solving skills, social skills, language skills and physical skills Helps expand on new ideas Helps the child to adapt socially Helps to thwart emotional problems

If play is the work of the child, toys are the tools. Through toys, children learn about their world, themselves, and others. Toys teach children to:      

Figure out how things work Pick up new ideas Build muscle control and strength Use their imagination Solve problems Learn to cooperate with others

Play content should come from the child’s own imagination and experiences. Unfortunately, the play experience for today’s child is often quite different from that of their parents. With the ever expanding influence of electronic media including TV, videos, video games and the internet, children are spending much of their time being passively entertained by or minimally interacting, by way of a keyboard or control pad with an electronic device. Even today’s toys are more often structured by onboard computers that dictate the play experience. This robs children of unstructured play with other kids as well as individual playtime spent in creative play. Parents need to understand the play needs of their child and provide an environment to meet those needs.

Montessori Approach to Creativity In Montessori we view creativity in the broadest sense. The child possesses tremendous creativity, which is directed towards becoming a ‘developed individual, endowed with a sensitive soul, an eye that sees and a hand that obeys’. This is how Dr. Maria Montessori describes the basic qualities of the creative individual. Dr Montessori spoke often of the double task of the adaptive and constructive role of the child in human life. She states, ‘at birth a child does not have the behaviour characteristics of the group into which he is born; he has to create and prepare them. He has to learn their language and the customs and use of their implements. Whilst developing himself he unconsciously develops his own adaptation to his environment. To understand the child's tendencies, with the purpose of education in mind, we must see man in correlation with his surrounding environment and how his adaptation to it is created.’ Dr. Montessori found that the growth of a child's creativity developed spontaneously as the child's intelligence becomes established through his interaction with a prepared environment. The development of creativity depends on the child's progression through the stages of cognitive growth; from sensori-motor intelligence to intuitive thought, to concrete operations and finally to formal operations. Creativity then, is not so much developed by a concentration on its stimulation, so much as it evolves at the end of a long process of cognitive development which had absorption of reality as its beginning point. A natural law governing the development of a child's imagination and creativity are inborn powers in the child that develop as his mental capacities are established through his or her interaction in the environment. The environment must itself be beautiful, harmonious and based in reality in order for the child to organise his or her perceptions of it. When he has developed realistic and ordered perceptions of the life about him, the child is capable of selecting and emphasising processes necessary for creative endeavours. Dr. Montessori emphasised that this selective capability requires three qualities:   

a remarkable power of attention and concentration, a considerable autonomy and independence of judgement and an expectant faith that remains open to truth and reality.

In addition to an environment of beauty, order and reality, Montessori realised that the child needs freedom if he is to develop creativity:     

freedom to select what attracts him in his environment, to relate to it without interruption, and for as long as he likes, to discover solutions and ideas, to select an answer on his own and to communicate and share his discoveries with others at will.

The child in the Montessori classroom is also free from the judgement by an outside authority that so annihilates the creative impulse. Dr. Maria Montessori viewed creativity within the context of total development – intellectual, artistic, emotional and physical. Her plotting of child development traces the most significant of creative endeavours – the making of the personality, the construction of the child's self. The environment is the source for creative process. We do not mean necessarily the art shelf, scissors and paste, clay, random play, finger-paint or musical instruments. These all play a role in the development. But the Montessori formula is simple – the child's integration is an integration of self, which comes from participation in the real from a very young age. For the young child, imagination, art and music will be evoked by knowledge and experience of how the world really works, and with full application of the mind, the eye and the hand, will come mastery of the environment. Art, like music, is a universal language which can be understood by all. During the early years the child's intellectual activity and physical skills are fused in a creative process which is unique to humanity.

By Pamela Nunn References: Montessori, Mario M., Education For Human Development Polk Lillard, Paula, Montessori - A Modern Approach Kahn, David, Nurturing the Creative Personality - Creativity, Self and Environment.

Montessori Supplier is the sole distributor in South Africa, of genuine Montessori educational material produced by Gonzagarredi. All materials are imported directly from Italy, and conform to the highest standards and specifications, as laid out by Maria Montessori.

MONTESSORI MATERIALS Dr. Montessori, in her initial work in 1907 in San Lorenzo, observed that the younger children were intensely attracted to sensory development apparatus. The children used these materials spontaneously, independently, repeatedly and with deep concentration. They emerged from this spontaneous activity renewed and with a profound sense of inner satisfaction.

"Montessori method is based on the spontaneous activity of the child which is aroused precisely by the interest the child takes in the material." From this initial discovery, over many years of observation and trial and error, Dr. Montessori and her son Mario, went on to design an entire range of Montessori materials. In order for the materials to be of optimum benefit they must be presented to the child at the appropriate stage in his or her development by a trained Montessori teacher. The materials then allow the child to engage in self-directed, purposeful activity. The materials are beautiful and enticing and are displayed in an orderly and accessible way.

"All the apparatus must be meticulously in order, beautiful and shiny, in perfect condition. Nothing must be missing, so that to the child it always seems new, complete and ready for use." Montessori At Home! will show you how to put together excellent home learning materials that will hold your children’s attention, and teach them better than any expensively packaged, overpriced plastic toys. Through play, young children need experiences that will help them develop:    

Muscle control and co-ordination Strong brain architecture A confident, positive self image Real-world critical thinking, logic, maths, reading and science skills.

Early Child Smart Material is based in Pretoria. We hand make material to order, and if you want specific customised material, we will endeavour to meet your requirements. We also repair existing material if possible. Made with lots of love and care.


ROSEMARY SMELLS GREAT ... AND DOES WONDERS FOR YOUR BODY By: Pamela Mitchell Owner, Karen's Botanicals

As we get older, we often think, "Am I losing my memory?" I worry about my memory as I age and I want to do everything possible to retain optimum brain function and health. When I misplace items I think the worst, as I look for car keys or that pair of sunglasses sitting on top of my head. Perhaps I should leave everything of importance in my potted rosemary plant for fast location. Because it turns out rosemary, the herb we sprinkle over baked chicken and has been known for thousands of years as a beauty-aid and for its healing, restorative powers is now the benefit of scientific studies. Rosemary, in fact, has been found to aid brain function and supply memory-enhancing properties. A group of scientists led by Mark Moss at Northumbria University in Newcastle, England, conducted a study to test the value of rosemary and lavender on brain function in regard to our sense of smell. The results found that rosemary enhances mood and showed that test subjects had overall improved "quality of memory and secondary memory factors and enhanced cognitive performance.�

Additional studies conducted between U.S. And Japanese researches have found that naturally occurring phytochemical in rosemary, carnosic acid, produces powerful antioxidant properties and aids in protecting the brain from free radical damage, boosting brain function and increasing blood flow to the brain. 

8 BENEFITS OF ROSEMARY Amazing Rosemary is great for the brain, but just look at what else it can do for us.

Helps Battle Cancer:

Rosemary has been found to reduce the binding of

carcinogen in both the breast and prostate. It has also shown results to help battle colon and skin cancer as well as leukemia.

Herbal Pain Fix:

When made into a steeping tea and used as and inhalant,

rosemary creates an easy migraine headache reliever that has been used for hundreds of years. It stimulates the blood flow to the brain and improves concentration, reduces headaches and improves attitude.

Eases Inflammation:

Rosemary contains carnosic acid and carnosol, two

powerful anti-inflammatory agents, which inhibit the production of nitric oxide and COX2, a pain-causing enzyme.

Improves Circulation:

As we age some changes normally occur within heart and

blood vessels, leaving older people with circulation issues. Changes common to aging are due to modifiable factors that, if not treated, can lead to heart disease. Rosemary essential oil has been used for years as an aid to improve local blood circulation while alleviating pain.

Hinders Hair Loss:

Women have bathed their hair in Rosemary, lavender, and

thyme solutions for centuries and for good reason. It stimulates new hair growth, is

believed to permanently ward off premature hair loss— it can also hold gray hair from sneaking up, and keeps dandruff at bay.

Anti-Aging Formula:

Rosemary improves skin texture as we age. Rosemary

stimulates cell regeneration, helps to firm, tone and increase blood flow to skin cells, helping us keep that wonderful glow of health.

Attitude Adjustment Anyone?

If anyone gets a little grumpy just add

rosemary to their life. Controlled studies show that getting even a small little whiff of this herb has an amazing ability to improve your emotional state. Potted rosemary kept around the home is an easy fix for grumpy old man syndrome.

Herbal Medical Kit:

Rosemary has been studied and found to boost the immune

system. Drinking rosemary tea can relieve arthritis pain. It is an antioxidant, antiinflammatory, anti-carcinogenic and anti-bacterial aid in the following conditions: Rosemary aids digestion, prevents food-borne illness, aids water retention issues and kidney function by increasing urine flow. It can also aid in respiratory health and when used during cold and flu season by breathing fresh rosemary or organically grown essential oil placed into a water bath will reduce congestion. While rosemary offers many health benefits, pregnant women should be cautious not to ingest too much. Some studies have shown it to be possibly unsafe in that it may stimulate menstruation and possibly cause miscarriage. Additionally, people with high blood pressure, ulcers or Crohn's disease should avoid taking rosemary.

Instant Mood-Boosting Foods True happiness is just a forkful of healthy brain food away. By Leah Zerbe

Mussels Mussels are loaded with some of the highest naturally occurring levels of brain-protecting vitamin B12 on the planet. That makes the mollusk an important food source. Maintaining a healthy level preserves the myelin sheath that insulates your brain cells, helping your brain stay sharp as you grow older. Mussels also contain trace nutrients that are important to balancing your mood, including zinc, iodine, and selenium, things vital to keeping your thyroid, your body's master mood regulator, on track.

Swiss Chard This leafy green is packed with magnesium, a nutrient essential for the biochemical reactions in the brain that boost your energy levels. According to Dr. Ramsey, some of the first studies on magnesium involved its effect on depression. That could come in handy today, since the majority of Americans simply don't get enough magnesium in their diet. Green-thumb tip: Swiss chard is easy to grow in a home garden. If you plant it, harvest just a few outer leaves—not everything all at once—and the plant will continue producing all season long.

Dark Chocolate Ever wonder why chocolate makes you feel so good? Sure, it tastes good, but it also provides an instant boost in concentration and mood and even improves blood flow to the brain, helping you feel more vibrant and energized. Skip the sugary milk chocolate blends and go directly for the darkest organic (highest percentage cocoa) chocolate you can.

Greek Yogurt This dairy pick is packed with more calcium than you'll find in milk or regular yogurt, and it can make you happy, too. Proper calcium levels give the "Go" command, alerting your body to release feelgood neurotransmitters. Plus, the probiotics help aid in digestion and can even ward off colds. If you find yourself nervous or agitated for an unexplained reason, try reaching for an organic Greek yogurt from cows raised on grass pastures. Pastured dairy is higher in healthy fats, and, like grass-fed lamb, often contain higher levels of CLA, the healthy fat that reduces the effects of stress on the brain. Read More: How to Make Your Own Homemade Yogurt.

Asparagus This vegetable is one of the top plantbased sources of tryptophan, which serves as a basis for the creation of serotonin, one of the brain's primary mood-regulating neurotransmitters. High levels of folate also add to asparagus's happiness-promoting profile; research has shown that up to 50 percent of people with depression suffer from low folate levels. Like tryptophan, it's a necessary factor for creating neurotransmitters. It's also good to add to the menu if you plan on drinking. The enzymes in asparagus are highly effective in breaking down alcohol in your system, preventing a hangover—and that can make anyone happy.

Honey Eating sugar unleashes harmful free radicals linked to disease— even cancer—inside of your body. Honey—although sweet like sugar—is packed with beneficial compounds such as quercetin and kaempferol that actually help clean up the free radicals and reduce inflammation. "Honey helps reduce inflammation, which is very important to maintaining a healthy brain," Dr. Ramsey explains. "Some depression actually stems from chronic, low-grade inflammation."

Cherry Tomatoes All tomatoes are a great source of lycopene, a fat-soluble phytonutrient that helps protect vital brain fat, and a nutrient that actually stops the buildup of pro-inflammatory compounds linked to depression. Because lycopene lives in tomato skins, the best way to get it is through cherry tomatoes, whose smaller surface area means you'll eat more skin than if you eat a full-size tomato. To maximize the amount of lycopene your body absorbs, drizzle some olive oil over the tomatoes, and enjoy! Just be sure to always choose organic tomatoes as they have higher lycopene levels.

Pastured Eggs Eggs are the perfect food. They're loaded with moodpromoting omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, B vitamins, and iodide, and they'll keep you full and energized. The best egg for your brain is the kind your greatgrandmother probably enjoyed: hens raised on pasture, where they can exercise and eat a diet of grass and bugs, supplemented with organic grains. Look for pastured eggs from local farmers you trust, and rely less on grocery store eggs advertised as "omega-3 enriched" or "free-range," both claims that aren't regulated.

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As an added service offering, born into existence by a deep personal need to go 100% green and healthy and environmentally in-love; fresh, organic and all natural products and produce will be available for order so you can turn your whole home and office green too and fall in love with Mother Nature again!

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5 Ways to Clear Brain Fog Pervasive absentmindedness, muddled memories, difficulty processing information, disorientation, fatigue Sound familiar? We all get a little forgetful and fuzzy minded from time to time, but when a foggy mind plagues you persistently, it's time to deal. While the medical and mental health establishments don't generally recognize brain fog as a condition, it's a surprisingly common affliction that affects people of all ages. Try these 5 tactics for burning through your next case of brain fog.

***************************************************************************** 6 Weird Signs that You're Way Too Stressed Out Physical symptoms of stress can be varied and unusual. Here are a few ways to find out if you're over the edge. BY EMILY MAIN

Whether it's a financial meltdown, the stress of all of the baking, shopping, and wrapping associated with the holidays, or just juggling everyday tasks while trying to get dinner on the table by 6, stress is seemingly unavoidable these day. But did you know that all of this excess anxiety could actually be wrecking your good hair days, too? Take a few moments to check in with your body to make sure you're not sacrificing your health and mental well-being. Physical symptoms of stress, such as dry heaving, can manifest themselves in weird ways when the affairs of life get too overwhelming. And sometimes, you may not even realize that stress is the cause. #1: Vomiting;#2: Hair loss;# 3: Nosebleeds;# 4: Memory loss;# 5: Weakened immunity;# 6: Excessive sweating

Time to Rethink Your Ginkgo Supplement? It may improve your memory, but could it also be damaging your liver? BY EMILY MAIN

Ginkgo trees are often called "living fossils" because they bear a striking similarity to trees that grew more than a 100 million years ago. So it shouldn't be surprising that such a tree has been found, over its million-year existence, to be a wonderful healing aid, recommended for everything from ringing ears to improving circulation in the legs. Except that along with its healing properties, it may cause serious damage. A recent report from the National Toxicology Program (NTP), an arm of the federal Department of Health and Human Services, raised a few alarms when it found that ginkgo biloba supplements, made from ginkgo leaves, causes cancer in lab rats.


Create a climate of hope.


Be a beginner.


Listen with an open mind.


Offer thanks for the beauty and goodness in the world.


Let friends help.


Learn to work with, no fight, pressure.


Never seek revenge.


Embrace change and let go of fear.


List ten positive things that happened to you today.


Be a success in your own eyes.

Who am I, what do I do for a living? I am a Change Coach whose core focus is assisting individuals and small groups in the quest to Regener8 – to grow strong again and find a sense of purpose, whilst creating a new identity and personal vision. My passion is to help people in experiencing integrity, authenticity and to find their inner willingness to move forward and embrace a newfound confidence. My hands-on approach focuses on dealing with human potential and sustainable growth in personal transformation. I am professional trained in Emotional, Psychological, Spiritual and Life Coaching, as well as in the Workshop Facilitation. I accept invitations to speak publically and welcome any opportunity to help you Relook Life, Relook You.

“There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or Accept the responsibility to effect change.” – Jenny Schmal 8 Reasons – The start of my bi-weekly Rejener8 updates Rejener8 is about more than just life coaching and change facilitation. Rejener8 believes in the value of personal journeys, in finding the reason within yourself to change whatever it is that YOU need to change. Our 8 reasons for change are:

Reason 1: Re:cover Anyone who has experienced a sense of loss – real or imagined – can heal from broken relationships, grief and past hurts as well as from physical issues relating to health. Assuming that everyone reacts to a sense of loss in the same way would not only be incorrect but insensitive. For many, a sense of loss could be anything from everyday occurrences like not being able to remember where you parked your car at the local mall, ending a relationship, losing your job, or the sudden impact of losing someone you love. All these circumstances are life-changing events... If you, or anyone you know, are looking for support – please contact me for an appointment! The next Rejener8 Update will focus on Reason 2: Re:create. Please visit to get an overview.

mom-me time


Imagine learning, doing and mastering the art of attracting to you that which you DO want instead of what you don’t want. Well, here is the good news….we all can. It’s a simple change in our internal and external dialogue. We really can be, do and have all we desire. We are habitually thinking and speaking in old patterns which generally aren’t working for us. We weren’t born with a negative way of thinking, we learnt this from the adults in our lives and we can un-do this now! As with a computer, it’s just a matter of reprogramming the software. Our new computer gives us exactly what we instruct it to do, so to will our lives change when we simply “up-grade” our thoughts and words. The old patterns that haven’t served us well can be changed to new life transforming ones. WHAT IS AN AFFIRMATION? When I ask people this question they generally answer “It’s a positive statement” ….they are half correct. An affirmation is anything we say or think – negative or positive, and a lot of what we say and think is quite negative in general. This negative thinking and speaking does not create the good experiences we want for our lives. If we want to change our lives we have to change the way we think and the way we speak. As we know only too well, our children follow our example and copy our way of speaking. If we speak mainly negatively they will learn this way of thinking and speaking too. This is not to make any parents feel guilty, for perhaps they are unaware of the power of their words. The beauty of this is we can all choose to change the way we think and speak at any given moment. As Louise Hay says “It’s only a thought and a thought can be changed”. We are the only thinkers in our head and only we choose every thought and word – there is no external force “making us speak negatively”. We simply have to make the choice of being aware of our thoughts, words and actions. How would you like to teach your children a new way of thinking and speaking? How nice would it be to see them achieving their goals, dreams and life purpose with the least amount of resistance? If you want to know what the internal dialogue of a person is, just look at their facial expression – if they are always scowling then you can be sure there is mostly negative dialogue taking place and this became their pattern a long time ago. Happy, successful people have learnt the power of positive affirmations as well as the law of attraction. These two go hand in hand. WHAT IS THE LAW OF ATTRACTION? This is a Universal law. It is the same as the law of gravity. The law of gravity says if you jump from a building you are going to hit the ground. This is a Universal law whether we believe it or not. We cannot see it but we live it. It is the same with the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction states that what we give out, send out and speak out comes back to us – whether it be positive or negative. We get what we “ask” for whether we want it or not. If you plant a potato you will not reap a carrot, if you plant a packet of colourful seeds you won’t get a tree growing in their place. So it is with what we think, speak and do. If we are angry all the time we cannot have joy come up for us in our lives. If we are criticising ourselves and others we cannot expect loving compliments to come to us. BUT…..if we speak kind loving motivating words then this is what we will attract back to us. What is your internal and external dialogue like? Are you willing to become aware? Once we become aware we can then choice to make the positive changes in order to receive all the magnificence the Universe has for us.

Which feels better for you?.. I am useless, I am stupid, I don’t deserve OR I am capable of everything and anything, I am intelligent and love to learn, I deserve everything this beautiful life has to offer me, I am worthy. Can you see how a simple change will bring about HUGE results?

HOW DO I CREATE POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS? We always make our affirmations Present tense, Personal, Powerful and Positive: I am (Personal / Present tense) intelligent and love to learn. (Powerful and Positive). If we say “I will be intelligent” this is not a correct affirmation as we are saying “one day” – it will always be “out of reach”, this is why we put it as it IS, not WILL BE – we are affirming that “it is already so”. In the beginning it may feel like a lie. Think of it as planting a seed. We plant a seed knowing with watering and nurturing it will become a flower – we don’t dig it up a few days after planting to check if it is growing. We just know. This is how our affirmations and the law of attraction work for us.

I easily change my internal and external dialogue to that which I want and deserve. Life is for me. I flow in the natural stream of abundance, joy, peace and love. All is well in my world! Written by: Shirley Edmonds - Heal Your Life Teacher / Workshop Facilitator

‘Losing your identity’ The best thing that will ever happen to you The greatest thing happened to me on the 1st of August 2013! I became a MOM. I welcomed my gorgeous baby boy into this world at 8.26am, Nathan was placed on my chest and we stared at each other as though the world had come to a standstill. The theatre was still crawling with activity, the doctor stitching me back up from the caesarean, the anaesthetist checking my blood pressure, my partner taking a thousand pictures, hustle and bustle from all the nurses but my world had come to a complete halt. I stared at this little human who I had grown for 9 months in my own womb. It was the greatest accomplishment I had ever made, this was the moment I had been waiting for all my life and I thought I had it all planned out! When I fell pregnant my partner and I thought we would never be happier, the topic of our baby took over our lives and we spent our time day dreaming about how he will look, who he will take after, what he will become and the usual things obsessed soon to be parents talk about. My partner and I are both very career driven and I prided myself in slipping into a business suit and signing a deal that would make my target for the next few months. Pregnancy definitely wasn’t going to get in the way of that. Yes, I had to switch my tailored black slacks for maternity pants, and my Nine West high heels for pumps, but there was no stopping me! I was going to work till I went into labour, which was only predicted for the end of August. I had plenty of time to reach deadlines, plan my own baby shower, arrange our move into a bigger house, book one last romantic weekend away and of course, the best part of having a baby, doing up the nursery. Until I woke up one morning in every pregnant woman’s worst nightmare… a warm fluid soaked my pj’s and when I threw back the sheets I was lying in a pool of blood. Long story short, I had a rare placenta rupture that affects only 1% of women and I was put on total bed rest until my scheduled C-section on the 1st of August. All my planning went out the window, I lay in hospital and cancelled my elaborate shower for tea with close friends and family, left moving up to my partner, waved our weekend ‘goodbye’ and called work to explain my situation. I then made NEW work plans, I rescheduled my appointments to see clients after the baby's arrival, and spent the following weeks setting up even more appointments for after the birth, thinking I will need to catch up since I won’t be able to work for so long. The weeks dragged on until I was finally being wheeled into the theatre to meet my baby boy. Once back at home, my life was soon turned upside down again. My original plan of being super mom and tending to all my work needs soon failed yet again when I was confronted with this little person who took up my every waking moment and even my sleeping moments! I stood in my new house in my new room with a list of things to do, still in my pj’s which had baby vomit on, and clients to contact, as Nathan started to cry to be fed again. I ran to his cot to lull him as soon as possible as his cry has a way of tearing my heart apart more than any ex-boyfriend was ever capable of, I made myself comfortable on my nursing chair and stared into those dark grey eyes again and realised that this is who I am now. This is my new identity, this is my new career, making this little boy live and knowing that he wouldn’t survive a day without me, made me realise that the money driven, career mad part of me has had to leave. I held in my arms more wealth and more riches than I ever could imagine, I had what I asked for my entire life. That morning I once again contacted my clients and told them I would see them when I had time as I am having a love affair with a new man in my life that needs me more than they do and right now I need to be my new fulfilled identity…. A MOMMY!

extremely effective, safe and easy

remedies from the pegasus range for this year’s spring

the pegasus range has natural remedies to effectively treat all the ailments

spring-time brings. Hayfever remedies and calming for exams. Find the appropriate pegasus remedy to use in the list below. hayfever 6c for itchy, streaming eyes and nose, sneezing and itchy palate

histamine 30c homeopathic anti-histamine for all allergies, incl. itching, non-specific skin rash, chicken pox, shingles. Works well for animals with skin allergies. For allergic sinus add sinus 30c. Remedy does not cause drowsiness like anti-histamine drugs

bronchial relief 30c for tight chest due to cold & flu, asthma, croup, dry cough, or when hayfever moves to the lungs. Helps to strengthen the lungs. Use anti-virabac 200c if infected or muco drainol 30c instead for wet /phlegmy “stuck” coughs.

cold & flu 30c runny nose, sneezing, body aches, congestion, headache, it’s safe and effective for high blood pressure, pregnancy or anywhere cold & flu preparations are contra-indicated. Everyone can use this.

throat 200c for inflamed and infected throat. Contains homeopathic version of penicillin – no danger to penicillin allergic individuals.

calming for focus and calm when writing exams or giving a speech – will not cause drowsiness.

Workshops on Homeopathy

Empowering Mom’s and interested parties to practice safe and

effective medicine, and heal themselves and their families working with the natural healing ability of the body - Get together a party of 20 people or more and we will come and teach you this wonderful modality, and you can purchase a kit at discounted prices. Contact us on 021 712 0324 or

HOMEOPATHY simple healing explained by Antonella I must first state here that Homeopathy is an incredibly effective and safe way to treat imbalances in a living being. A lot of people think it doesn’t really work, is just quackery, a placebo or something that you can take when you are not feeling well, but you can always take drugs as a back-up. The efficiency of correctly dosed homeopathic remedies has to be experienced to be believed – it is so wonderful! When the correct dosing is followed, the effects are sometimes so quick and effective that one is left in wonder that more people don’t follow this healing and balancing modality. My children of 28, 25 and 12 years old have never had a drug in their lives stronger than a mild painkiller! Through all their childhood illnesses, and under the care of a dedicated Homeopath and with the help of the Pegasus Bluebox Kit, they have survived some potentially fatal diseases and illnesses. I am a cancer survivor, having been given barely six months to live in 1993, I chose to completely reject chemo or any allopathic treatment, went on a completely dedicated lifestyle change and homeopathic remedies, and am healthy and fit 20 years later! Five months ago, I fell down some stairs and broke two ribs, fractured one and deflated my lungs. I could hardly breathe and was in intense pain. After going to the hospital three days later at my sister’s insistence, I was told that I have to have an op to inflate my lung. I chose to stay home and manage my own healing. After nursing myself with homeopathic remedies, yoga breathing and stretching exercises (an allopathic painkiller for only ten days,) and sitting in bed for five weeks with hardly any movement, I am now stronger than I have been in a long time.

With regard to Homeopathy being a placebo – that is impossible, as babies and animals respond extremely well and do not even know that they are being medicated. You cannot overdose on homeopathic remedies, there are no side effects, and they will not react with allopathic drugs, so they can be taken simultaneously. Homeopathy is a message to the body to prioritize a specific healing that you require. I always give the analogy of your partner putting a little note into your purse to say "Buy Milk". Whether the note is a tiny little purse-size one or a huge big poster, so long as you can read it, you will buy it when you go to the shops. However, if you find the note when you are at the shops and remember that there were two bottles of milk at the back of the fridge, you will not buy the milk, knowing that your partner obviously did not see them. Likewise, if there are many notes to buy milk in your purse you will just dispose of the excess ones, but still get the same message and that is how homeopathy works. You are an intelligent being and each cell in your body has its own intelligence. Sometimes the body is just so busy with zillions of actions and interactions, that the balancing you want prioritized needs to be stressed a few times before the body will get the "message" and deal with it. One takes the remedy as soon as the symptoms present themselves for quickest healing. When the symptoms are no longer showing, you stop dosing. Do not finish the "course" or bottle, as with allopathic medicine. It is as simple as that – give the body the correct message in a way that it can “read” it, remind it a few times until it responds, and then stop.

Perfect, wonderful wholeness.

Introducing the Make Up Spa Range Due to the ever increasing demand for natural cosmetics that are safe to use and healthy to apply regularly, we further our vision for a healthier and environmentally sustainable way of living. It is with this in mind that we now offer a brand new line of natural make up products in a full range known as Make Up Spa. The ingredients for all of our Make Up Spa products are derived from plants and flowers cultivated by organic sustainable agriculture that is certified by Ecocert (Ecocert certifies cosmetics, detergents, perfumes, and textiles). Our colourants are completely natural ensuring that they are delicate on the eyes, lips and face. Our Make Up Spa range does not contain petroleum derivatives, synthetic perfumes or parabens. To see more information on parabens, click here. The Make Up Spa range includes a soft silky foundation, bronzer and compact powders that reflect radiance and balance skin tone. Our blushers are rich in Vitamin A & E to nourish and revitalize the skin and a creamy concealer to hide imperfections and illuminate skin. For your eyes the Make Up Spa range includes long lasting, non-flaky eye shadows in a wide range of colours, to compliment them eye pencils and mascara that does not contain tar. For lavish luscious lips, the range includes pearl and matt lipsticks in complimentary shades that suite all styles, in conjunction the Make Up Spa range includes lip liner pencils and lip gloss. For application convenience, the range includes 10 various make-up brushes. Make Up Spa products contain only the best choice ingredients from nature and are free from petrochemical by-products and synthetic substances. Make Up Spa products are not tested on animals and the packaging is 100% compostable.

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Will I Ever Become A Morning Person? By Linda Navon

I am positive that being a night owl is a genetic condition. From my earliest memories, I recall my Dad winding the clock and setting the alarm, at promptly 10 o’clock every night… and off he would trundle to bed. This was ‘Mommy-time’ – time to play Canasta and eat Jungle Oats in the middle of the night - my mother NEVER went to bed before midnight so it’s no surprise that as we grew up we all followed in her footsteps. Same with my kids - night owls. We are not sociable before the sun is well up in the sky (I would not go so far as to say we are unpleasant in the mornings… just a tad unresponsive.) I don’t feel guilty about indulging in late mornings. Think about it, most of your life you HAVE to get up early, from the days of nursery school, then school for another 12 very long years… then you either study or start working… do the usual ‘whitepicket’ fence scenario – marry and have kids, and still have to be up to put your kids through school… flippit man… I REALLY don’t like the mornings. Now that I am all grown up, done my bit with the kids and the corporate world, I am SO HAPPY to be working for myself, which means – I no longer have to see the sun coming up. My work day starts at a very reasonable hour, and since I don’t have to deal with people much, my best work is achieved during the deepest darkest hours of the night – into the wee hours of the morning. Oh, hang on… I DO see the sky lightening some mornings – that is my cue to shut down my laptop, read for a while and kip until the cats start yelling at me for brunch. My dream home is on the west coast of Africa, Italy or Israel. I am going to sit out on my patio and catch the last rays as the sun sets real late. I loved Wales in the summer, strolling down to the beach at 9.30pm, the town alive with people enjoying the 5 days of summer! From the kitchen window of the family home we overlooked the Criccieth Castle to the sea… bliss. England after 36 months got the better of me, I wanted, needed and craved the sunshine and blue skies and made a quick trip to Terminal 1 and never went back. I tried, I really tried, to become a morning person, as I was married to a British version of the adventurous ‘Camel Man’ who bounces out of bed before the birds fart, ready for gym, a hike or a mountain bike ride. Thank heavens he was very comfortable with his own company, as well as being far more capable than me in the kitchen – a room I choose to ignore, but that is a whole other story. Personally, I don’t think it’s possible to change your internal clock without it having a long-term psychologically damaging effect on your mind, body and mood!

There are endless self-help articles on the net which may appeal to some of you – here is one of them. Good luck and let me know if it works but please don’t call me before 11:11am!

Make your Morning More Productive (By…. Someone on the Internet, sorry dude, I blotted the link out by mistake!) Start your morning the night before Instead of cramming all of your morning tasks into the hour before you leave for work, plan ahead and do most things the night before. Lay out your clothes, pack lunch, set an automatic coffee maker, and pack your bag before you go to sleep. That way, you can feel more relaxed during your morning routine because you know everything is pretty much already done.

Turn off screens before bedtime While you might think that reading and writing emails right up until lights are out makes you better at your job, it could actually be causing you to get less sleep and therefore making you less productive throughout the day. Two-hour exposure to electronic devices with self-luminous “backlit” displays can suppress melatonin by 22 percent, which might lead to delayed bedtimes. To ensure that you get more sleep at night, power down your devices earlier in the evening.

Don’t eat at least three hours before you lie down Health experts have long warned that eating before bed can cause weight gain, but did you know that it could also cause heartburn and digestive issues? Add to that the normal discomfort that comes with feeling full and you’re in for a less-than-restful night’s sleep. Aim to eat dinner no less than three hours before you go to bed so you have plenty of time to digest before turning in.

Fill your breakfast with protein Eating a healthy breakfast is essential to feeling energized in the morning. Try to incorporate a whole grain, protein, and fruit or vegetable to keep it completely balanced. Consider prepping your breakfast the night before so that there’s minimal work to do in the morning. If thinking about breakfast causes more stress than it’s worth, stick to a routine by eating the same thing each morning — that way, there’s no hassle and no surprises.

Yip, this all makes sense, to most people; however, I am sticking to my genetic patterning! 3.23am. Right now I am at my most content, this is when I get most of my work done… research, reading, ad make-up and editing. There is always a plate of snackeroo’s close at hand, chocolate and cheese (I am trying to pick up weight, I only weigh 45kg, – little person with big mouth). My cat is curled up on my legs on the other side of my laptop and the neighbours are snoring peacefully, not that I would hear them as I have the headphones on, turned up real loud and tuned in to my fave radio station – Tuks Fm. I have to audio stream, as it’s a Pretoria based station. Its well worth the airtime as they play stuff that most other radio stations haven’t even heard of, plus they know me personally by now from my many requests – bless their little cotton socks. (107.2fm for those of you in the Pta catchment area, otherwise log on to their website – and IF IT’S TOO LOUD – YOU ARE TOO OLD! according to Barney Simon, yes he is still floating around somewhere on the airwaves). I would love to hear your views on sleeping habits. Yow, just yawned, humph, looks like I am getting an early night. Good Morning/Goodnight!

TRUE INSPIRATION AN ACCOUNT OF A MOTHER’S LOVE AND DEVOTION & A ‘HIGH 5’ TO THE WILLPOWER OF ERIC Status Update By Help Raise Traumatic Brain Injury Awareness Mother of 12 year TBI survivor celebrates her son's life: Today is the 12 year anniversary of the day our son at 7 weeks old suffered his TBI. Just wanted you to know how much I love your page and speak for a moment about my son Eric. Were in the hospital again right now. He's sleeping so peacefully. I love him so much. He's the most amazing child and yea I am biased but that's cause he's mine. He's wild and crazy and polite and curious and honest to a fault. He gives the best bear hugs ever and will search to find something positive in every situation. Would he have been like this without the TBI and all the medical crap he's been through....? Who know but it doesn't matter. What matters is that he's here... Today 12 years ago was the day everything changed. It was the day he started the fight of his life and he's still fighting for a sense of belonging and "normal" activities of daily living and just day to day activities. They said we'd never get him off the vent. They said he wouldn't walk, or talk, or go to school with the "regular" kids. I can still remember the hallway, the lights and sounds and smell at Walter Reed when he stepped out of the gait trainer and walked to his Neurologist 27 steps without falling over. The Dr cried, we all cried. Strangers in the hallway cried because they knew something amazing and special was happening. He never gives up and has taught us to never give up on him. He may struggle and learn differently, he may not be able to run with the kids and use the bathroom like others but he's here and he's fighting and he's the blessing that has made our life what it is today.... The impact he has on others that truly take the time to know him. To know about him and his struggles in amazing. To watch him interact with Lizzie is beautiful. Don't get me wrong. They are brother and sister and they have their moments but his unconditional love for her and her unconditional love for him is beautiful. We try so hard to maintain a sense of normalcy when he's at appointment and hospitalized because its hard on her too but she "gets" so much at just 3 years old. When he can't walk any farther or has pain or is stuck in the bathroom she runs to him, holds his hand, sits on the stool in the bathroom and "reads" to him. It makes my heart so full. So instead of feeling sad all day on the 12 year anniversary of the date I'm going to try and be happy, for all he's accomplished. For all the hope and joy he inspires and for all that he's taught me about unconditional love in the past 12 years. You are my sunshine Eric and I wouldn't change a thing. I will fight the world for you. One step at a time. I love you so much and all your Facebook family at Letter of Love for Eric love you too and are rooting for you buddy!! ~Erica

Baby Sideburns By Karen Alpert

Can I make my son gay?

Okay, so this morning I’m trying to put my daughter’s hair up which is basically like trying to put the Tasmanian Devil’s hair into a ponytail when my two-year-old son walks up to me holding a hair band.

HOLDEN: Pony hair. ME: Thanks Holden. Zoey, hold the F still. Well, I didn’t use the F word out loud but I sure as hell said it in my head. Like 9,000 times.

HOLDEN: Pony hair Holden! Wait, what? Lemme get this straight. My daughter who’s into princesses and unicorns and glitter and other shit that makes me want to barf wants nothing to do with a ponytail, but my son, the one with a penis and a scrotum and short hair is dying for one. WTF? I’ve always said I don’t care what my kids wear as long as it’s seasonally appropriate…

... so I put his hair up into the dinkiest little pointy ponytail you’ve ever seen. I mean I never really pictured my son wearing Pebbles' hairdo, but there's a lot of shit I didn't picture when I imagined what being a parent would be like. Anyways, we go out and about our day like this and then later we get home and what’s the first thing he does?

HOLDEN: This one. And he hands me a Tinkerbell sippy cup. And then two hours later this.

HOLDEN: Put on. And he’s holding a Cinderella dress. And as he’s standing there looking oh-so-pretty all I can think is Dear God please don’t let my

husband walk through the door right now and see his SON modeling a princess gown, holding a fairy cup and wearing an updo. (door slamming)

HUBBY: Honey, I’m home! Ruh-roh.

HUBBY: What the? We can’t let him dress like that. ME: Why? HUBBY: Because what if it makes him gay? ME: You can’t make someone gay. Now the hubster and I have had this discussion many many times before and every time it sucks. Because I believe people are gay by nature. And he believes people are gay by nature

AND nurture. HUBBY: But what if you can? ME: You can’t. HUBBY: But what if you can? ME: You can’t. HUBBY: But WHAT IF? ME: YOU CAN'T.

(insert giant awkward pause here because we realize we sound like children and there’s not much else to say)

ME: Besides he likes it. Let him be happy. Because here’s the thing. I don’t care if my son is gay. I don’t care if he was born gay and I don’t care if he grows into someone who’s gay. And if I could make him gay, which I don’t think I can, I don’t really care if I accidentally do. Gay people are awesome. I mean not all of them because some of them are mean and they suck just like some straight people are mean and suck. But they don’t suck because they’re gay. Well, they suck something. But I digress. Big time. Alls I really care about is that my son grows up and is happy. And that he moves into the house next door to me and gives me lots and lots of grandbabies. I don’t really care whether he does this with Justine or Justin, Christina or Christopher, Lauren or Loren. Although who the F names their son Loren? I’m not sure I’d want them for in-laws. Anyways, I guess there are times I think it would be better if he were straight because life might be easier, mayyyyybe. Or maybe not. He could be a straight kid who’s bullied constantly. Or a straight kid who’s socially awkward and can’t make friends. Or a straight kid who's a douchebag who shoves kids in lockers and trashcans and shit. I’d rather have a gay son who’s happy. But that’s just me. And I’m pretty sure my husband feels the same way even though we have these annoying discussions sometimes.

At this moment we look over at our son who’s standing there wearing three things—a princess dress, a ponytail, and a fairy sippy cup. Wait, no, four things— a princess dress, a ponytail, a fairy sippy cup and a big ass smile.

ME: You have to admit he does look cute. HUBBY: And happy. ********************************************************************************** If you like this, please join my Facebook page and follow me on Twitter and buy my book that's coming out this October. It's called

I Heart my Little A-Holes...

... and it's funny as shit. Not that shit's funny. Well, it kinda is. Unless it's on my hand after I change a diaper. Then it's not funny at all.


WILD WOMAN SISTERHOOD Written by Regina Brett

"To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 50 lessons life taught me. It is the most requested column I've ever written. So here is the column -

1. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good. 2. When in doubt, just take the next small step. 3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. 4. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does. 5. Pay off your credit cards every month. 6. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree. 7. Cry with someone. It’s more healing than crying alone. 8. It’s OK to get angry with God. He can take it. 9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck. 10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile. 11. Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present. 12. It’s OK to let your children see you cry. 13. Don’t compare your life to others’. You have no idea what their journey is all about. 14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn’t be in it.

15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don’t worry; God never blinks. 16. Life is too short for long pity parties. Get busy living, or get busy dying. 17. You can get through anything if you stay put in today. 18. A writer writes. If you want to be a writer, write. 19. It’s never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else. 20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don’t take no for an answer. 21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don’t save it for a special occasion. Today is special. 22. Overprepare, then go with the flow. 23. Be eccentric now. Don’t wait for old age to wear purple. 24. The most important sex organ is the brain. 25. No one is in charge of your happiness except you. 26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: “In five years, will this matter?” 27. Always choose life. 28. Forgive everyone everything. 29. What other people think of you is none of your business. 30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.

31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change. 32. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch. 33. Believe in miracles. 34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn’t do. 35. Whatever doesn’t kill you really does make you stronger. 36. Growing old beats the alternative – dying young. 37. Your children get only one childhood. Make it memorable. 38. Read the Psalms. They cover every human emotion. 39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere. 40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s, we’d grab ours back. 41. Don’t audit life. Show up and make the most of it now. 42. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful. 43. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved. 44. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need. 45. The best is yet to come.

46. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up. 47. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind. 48. If you don’t ask, you don’t get. 49. Yield. 50. Life isn’t tied with a bow, but it’s still a gift. Model Picture: Iris Apfel

The 60-Second Bone Builder Prevent osteoporosis while you walk By Maggie Spilner Walking is great for your heart, but it may not be enough to strengthen your bones and fend off osteoporosis. Here's how to boost the bone-building power of walking in just 1 minute. When various activities were tested for their ability to stimulate bone growth, running scored three times higher than walking and other nonimpact exercises such as stair climbing and stationary cycling, which had almost no effect. This doesn't mean that you have to abandon your daily stroll for a strenuous jog or resign yourself to weak bones, assures Charles Milgrom, MD, study author and associate professor of orthopedics at the Hebrew University Medical School in Jerusalem. "A 60-second run in the middle of your walk should be enough to signal bones to add mass," he says. "You need to subject your bones to more impact than what they're used to," agrees Robert Marcus, MD, director of the aging study unit at Stanford University Medical School. So if you're inactive, start walking. And if you're already walking, add a 60-second jog. (Or start with 10 seconds and increase.) You'll get a much better

bone response from the jolt of even a short-lived, highimpact bout of activity, says Dr. Marcus.

Hate Running? Then try jumping jacks, tennis, swing dance, step aerobics-anything that's higher impact than you're used to and that varies your routine. Or give Dr. Milgrom's idea of "zigzag walking" a whirl: side-to-side strides, or forward and suddenly backward steps. The surprise change in direction may also help build stronger bones. In addition to exercise, eat plenty of calcium-rich foods and consider hormone replacement therapy if you're approaching menopause. Check out these great food sources of calcium. Quick Tip If you can't run, try some strength training or Tai Chi. Strong muscles and good balance will prevent falls and reduce the risk of fractures from weak bones.

Official Statement Written by TheHonestToddler

By now many of you have heard the allegations against me. These rumors are getting out of control and I feel like it’s time to address them publicly. I want to state this very clearly for the press: I am not, nor have I ever been, tired. Have I closed my eyes in my lifetime? Yes. Who hasn’t? But never…never was I sleepy. There are photos circulating around Facebook that allegedly depict me in various states of unconsciousness. I can neither confirm nor deny that they are me but if you distribute them, you are not invited to my birthday party. I am not the kind of person who would knowingly engage in a nap nor stay in their own bed for any extended period of time. Anyone who knows me personally or professionally can attest to the fact that I consistently cause bedtime problems. Not only do I guard against my own slumber, I work tirelessly to disrupt the sleep of others. I have in my possession a torn affidavit from my parents: “It’s true. We need help.” I’d like to formally take a moment to apologize to the toddler community if these lies have caused you doubt. If it means anything, this morning I asked for a complicated breakfast and did not, I repeat did not, eat it. My faith in and fear of Santa will see me through this difficult time. I ask that you please respect the privacy of my family unless it’s to drop off* snacks. Love, HT*Don’t look at me

The symbol of the Wise Woman tradition is a spiral. A spiral is a cycle as it moves through time. A spiral is movement around and beyond a circle, always returning to itself, but never at exactly the same place. Spirals never repeat themselves. The spiral is the curl of the wave. The spiral is the lift of the wind. The spiral is the whirlpool of water. The spiral is the umbilical cord. The spiral is the path of the earth. The spiral is the twist of the helix. The spiral is the spin of our galaxy. The spiral is the labyrinth. The spiral is the womb-moon-tide mobius pull. The spiral is your individual life. The spiral is the passage between worlds: birth passing into death passing into birth. The path of enlightenment is the spiral dance of bliss. Twelve is the number of established order. One step beyond is thirteen, the wild card, the indivisible prime, the number of change. Walk a spiral, you will inevitably come to the unique next step, the unknown, the thirteenth step, the opportunity for change, the window of transformation. The thirteenth step creates the spiral. ♼ ~Susun Weed

By Arizona Quinn

Seriously ladies, is this what you want? Am I opening a can of worms here or are you happy with the body your man lives in. Now this is a question to ponder since most of us are not super-happy within our own skins. So the question really is... what to do about it. We are LONG past the hype of New Year, gym contracts (you know, those membership cards lying in the back of the cubby hole), plus winter has just leapt on us... who has the time and inclination to venture out to get fit and trim? There are alternative solutions which we will explore in the next few issues – for you and your family....

7 Slimming Workouts For Small Spaces Get creative, fun workouts you can do at home in your living room By Jenna Bergen from Prevention Magazine

Kettlebells If you’re looking to trim and tone quickly, consider adding a kettlebell, a round weight that sort of resembles a small bowling ball with a handle attached to it, to your home gym equipment. “A kettlebell workout can be done in less than half the time of typical workouts and burns twice as many calories,” says Sarah Lurie, author of Kettlebells for Dummies. Here’s why it works so well: “Most kettlebell exercises give you a cardiovascular workout and a full-body strength workout at the same time,” says Lurie. “The basic kettlebell swing works every major muscle group and taxes your cardiovascular system at the same time. Even adding just two kettlebell workouts a week into your routine will transform your body.” Check out Prevention’s 20-minute kettlebell workout that delivers more fat-fighting and body-toning benefits than doing 30 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes of traditional weight lifting.

Jumping rope “Jumping rope is amazing for your body,” says Samantha Clayton, personal trainer and co-star of YouTube’s Be Fit In 90. “All you have to do is look at a boxer’s tight, toned body to know it’s a major fat-blaster.” You’re toning your upper and lower body at the same time, while quickly boosting your heart rate. Don’t have the room to swing the rope? Try “ghost jumping,” mimicking the movement without the actual rope. “This is just as effective in keeping your heart rate up,” says Clayton. To keep it interesting, try doing fast intervals with short recoveries in between, challenge your

balance by jumping on one leg, double-dutch with the kids, or jump to the beat of your favorite songs.

(Ed’s note: haha, this ghost jumping works for me since I have the co-ords of a wet dish cloth. No falling on your face in a tangled rope and all the kids laughing at you!)

Body-weight workouts No barbells, dumbbells, or resistance bands? No problem. “Your own body is the best piece of equipment you own,” says Clayton. You can get an amazing workout in a small space by mixing and matching basic moves like lunges, squats, mountain climbers, planks, and pushups. “Squats and lunges tone your legs and butt, and push-ups are great for your chest and arms,” says Clayton. Planks and mountain climbers are fantastic for your abs. Aim to do 3 sets of 10 reps for each move. To boost your calorie burn, keep rests between each move no longer than 20 to 30 seconds. To amp calories even more, add a 1-minute cardio blast—like jumping jacks—between each set.

Suspension training Loved by personal trainers and hard-bodied fitness types (a former Navy SEAL is credited with their development), these versatile nylon straps hook to any stable anchor—think your bedroom door or a sturdy pole or beam—and allow you to use your own body weight as resistance for more than 100 different exercises. They’re perfect for at-home exercisers because they require minimal space, weigh under a kg, and can be rolled up and stashed in a drawer or closet between sweat sessions. Because suspension strap moves require balance, your abs are constantly engaged, working your body from head-to-toe. In fact, they’re so effective that we featured them in the May issue of Prevention magazine and listed them as one of our 7 Exercises Women Don’t Try—But Should.

Indoor cycling If you love logging miles on the open road, consider setting up your bike in your living room. “You can put your favorite TV show or movie on the TV and pedal away,” says Andrew Bernstein, gear editor for Bicycling Magazine. “The most common set up is a rear-wheel trainer, which locks

onto the bike’s rear hub and elevates the back wheel a few inches off the ground,” says Bernstein. These devices use a resistance unit to simulate riding on a road. You’ll also need a “trainer block” to elevate the front wheel so that your bike is level. Whatever your setup, expect to sweat: An 80kg person burns between 159 calories to 476 calories in 30 minutes of cycling. “We recommend you get a rubber trainer mat to put underneath you to protect your floors, especially if you’re spinning on carpet,” says Bernstein.

Yoga If you have room to unroll a yoga mat, you have enough space for a challenging yoga session. To make yoga a great calorie-burner, focus on repeating moves that engage your largest muscle groups and get your heart rate up, says Tamal Dodge, RYT, star of the Element: Hatha & Flow Yoga for Beginners DVD. A few poses to try, in addition to the basic warrior I and II: Crescent lunge, chair pose, and extended side angle. Try our fat-blasting yoga workout for even more burn.

Barre work Long used by dancers to sculpt a lean, long body, barre work has become a staple in many exercise studios. The ballet-derived exercises are normally done using a stationary handrail, but you can do them with a chair, kitchen table, or even the back of your couch. Barre work strengthens your deepest abdominal muscles, pulling in your waist like a corset, while lifting your butt, trimming your thighs, and toning your arms. It also whips into shape your perfect-posture muscles, so you'll stand straighter. Get started with this three-part video series. Created by Barre3 exercise studio exclusively for Prevention, it’s easy to do at home and you’ll see results fast!

(Ed’s note: All wonderful and practical home exercises... though I am still looking for a workout that can be done while balancing my laptop on a mountain of duvets and cats!) |Reference:


The best things in life are…actually, yes, they! At least, creativity is free. It’s only in recent times that recreation and entertainment has been sold to us for a very high price. But do you really want to spend R150 for a movie and popcorn with a friend? Nah, you can do better – especially if you’re trying to save money these days, like most of us. Check out these ideas and step outside of the expensive, prepackaged entertainment box. Guerrilla Gardening

Try your hand at guerrilla gardening. You know that boring patch of grass on the corner? I’m sure no one would mind if you sneaked in some sunflowers or a bunch of marigolds. ‘Guerilla gardening’ is an underground urban movement to take back the little green spaces most people ignore. Beautify your neighborhood, on the sly.

The Outdoors

Hiking, biking or walking in a local natural area or park. Yes, this is obvious, but sometimes we forget how free and easy some of the best pleasures are! Concerts and Art in the Park

Watch your local papers for free concerts in the park, by the lake or at your Botanical Gardens. Usually during spring and summer. Sex

Have a partner? Have sex. (Have kids? Drop them off at their Grandparents for a sleepover.) Nature’s foremost free fun activity – get creative with it! Spend quality time with your loved one makes for a healthy relationship.


Take your honey or some friends on a good, oldfashioned picnic. Trade Entertainment

Scour your books, CD’s and DVD’s for those items you just no longer need and trade them in for credit at a local used CD or bookstore. Spend the afternoon browsing for new reads and new tunes you’d never find otherwise. If there’s no used media store in your area, try going online. Stargazing

Spend a night stargazing. Find star maps online or in the library, then scout out the darkest part of town and learn the constellations. Watch as they change through the seasons. Wish upon a shooting star.


Explore the vast world of podcasts. Enrich your mind with interviews and alternative news. You can find storytelling and comedy podcasts too if you prefer something a little lighter, or podcasts featuring music you’d never hear on the radio. Volunteer

Try volunteering. This can be loads of fun and will make you feel like you are doing something worthwhile. Volunteer for behind-the-scenes help at music festivals and expo’s, which means you get to meet lots of great people and attend the event for free. It’s more fun than simply buying a ticket and being part of the audience.

Clothing Swap

Call your friends and organize a clothing swap party. Tell them to bring all the clothing, shoes and accessories that no longer suit them (or fit them) and spend an evening hanging out and ‘shopping/swopping’ for free. Garage Sale

Have a yard sale. You know you have lots of stuff you could do well to pass along, and make a little extra cash while you’re at it. Time to let go of all those things that you no longer need or use. Your ‘junk’ could well be someone else’s treasure. Pop a sign on your front gate and lock the dogs away.

The Library

Make use of the public library. In some areas this will cost you an annual membership fee. Well worth it - I mean, c’mon, books, movies, and music. Depending on how extensive your local library system is, you will have an amazing amount of resources at your fingertips. Potluck

Host a potluck. Humans are social animals, and we all love to eat. Food is a great icebreaker. Get everyone to bring along whatever they have in the fridge, leftovers, veggies etc, and have an entertaining evening in the kitchen or the lapa.

Get Creative

Pull out a sketchbook and draw. If you’ve got colored pencils or watercolors, play around with those, too. Looking at something deeply enough to draw it can be a powerful exercise in perception – and recognizing beauty in surprising places. Nature Knowledge

Get a regional plant identification guide (from the library, of course) and make a point of learning the names of the trees and plants in your area. Teach them to the kids whilst on your walk. It’s even more satisfying if you bring a sketchbook along and create your own personal botanical book. Prize for the most creative piece of art.

Send a Note

Make homemade greeting cards for upcoming holidays and birthdays. You can use fabric scraps, magazine cut-outs and odd bits of beautiful paper. Teach your kids the art of designing their own range of stationery. Get Fit

Develop a workout routine that you can do without equipment or having to go to the gym. (Use things you already have, like a jump rope or dumbbells) and then do it! It’s most fun if you find spot outside, with the fresh air and shade under a tree. Swimming is a great full body workout, low impact exercise.

YOGA FOR YOU AND THE CHILD IN YOUR LIFE Beaming Kids was born in 2010 and through a series of empowering classes, courses and products has helped 1000ds of children and adults stretch and strengthen their bodies, minds and spirit. Children's yoga uses stories, games, music, dance and singing to create a playful connection to the inner self and the natural world. The owner, Tamar, is a mother of three, a yoga teacher, an energetic healer & a self published children’s author. Her passion and purpose is to help children connect to their higher selves and adults connect to their inner child. Beaming Kids teaches children the tools they need to become responsible, powerful and lighter human beams.

Beaming Kids Yoga Classes teach good body posture, stretching and strengthening, effective breathing, positive thinking, relaxation and meditation.

What Yoga can do for you and your child...          

Improve focus and concentration Improve low muscle tone, increase flexibility, strength and co-ordination Alleviate aches and pains Assist in sleep difficulties Improve low self esteem, increase self worth and build confidence Help with depression and anxiety Balance energy levels Encourage love for oneself and acceptance of others Develop personal responsibility and inner discipline Help find inner peace

Whether you want to stack tables indoors ,

stand on a table on the beach,

or just sit quiet and BEAM...

Join us for KIDS CLASSES or PARENT CHILD YOGA CLASSES in Sundowner or Parkmore, JHB. For class times and other venues visit our website on Or contact Tamar on 083 307 7011 or

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Meela, 5 years old, dreamt about her own dollhouse 12-year-old Mathew got to meet his WWE hero, Randy Orton

6-year-old Hoplin received a brand new bicycle Tearlynne, 7 years old, dreamt about touching a dolphin

The journey of Reach For A Dream began 25 years ago when our founder, Owen Parnell, read an article on the Make-A-Wish foundation in Reader’s Digest, and the idea to inspire hope in children, who are fighting a life threatening illness, was born.

The first dream, to ride a pony and a motorcycle, was fulfilled on the 7th July 1988 for little JC Steinman; and since that 1st dream 25 years ago, Reach For A Dream has fulfilled over 12 000 dreams and touched the lives of over 30 000 children through our projects and outings.

Over the years we have grown from strength to strength, opening 7 branches across the country with a head office in Johannesburg. Over the last 10 years we have introduced a total of 7 projects to our portfolio, which has increased our interaction with our dream children and families.

The fulfilment of these dreams inspires hope and courage in the dreamer and helps them believe that tomorrow is worth fighting for. Fulfilling dreams enables children to experience a fun aspect of life, which they do not get to participate in due to their illness. The positive effect of the "dream come true" lingers, and children often respond better to their medication.


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