Child Of The Universe Positive Parenting Free Online Mag - September 2018

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WRITER Dani Jardim PHOTOGRAPHER Edward Jardim CONTACT NUMBERS TEL: (011) 462-2900 0110 262 643 0110 468 737

DISCLAIMER The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the editor, advertisers or endorsers. While every effort has been made to ensure that the contents of this publication are both accurate and truthful, the publisher and editor accept no responsibility for inaccurate or misleading information that may be contained herein.

Much Love


contents 8 Your Life Matters with Accident Angels EDUCATIONAL TOYS & LEARNING EQUIPMENT 12 Prescription Playtime 16 Spring Break Ideas POSITIVE PARENTING 26 Managing Big Parenting Feelings 30 Raising your Child in a Spiritual Way 34 Coping Strategies for Disadvantaged Children 36 Teen Swearing: Should we allow them to Curse at Home? 38 Spending Quality Time With Your Kids Without Breaking the Bank NATURAL HEALTH & WELLNESS 42 Natural Wisdom for Spring Living 44 7 Things Healthy People Do Before Bed 49 The Paradox of Unconditional Love 52 Health Benefits of Peppermint 54 Understanding Adult ADHD 58 Annual Pap Smears May Be A Thing of the Past For Some 61 Natural And Organic Explained YUMMY TUMMY 66 How to be a Healthy Vegetarian or Vegan 72 Hearty Veg Salad With Tahini Dressing 73 Spaghetti Bolognaise for Students ANIMAL WORLD 76 Pet Nutrition 101 – Are you Giving Your Pets the Best?

Conscious Life Magazine


Private Health Care for Emergency Treatment As South African’s, one of the biggest risks we face every day while commuting to and from work is vehicle accidents. What many people don’t know is that in 2015, the Road Traffic Management Corporation reported 832 431 road traffic crashes. 6% of these incidents were considered to be major or fatal accidents. This amounted to 278 620 people injured on our roads in that year. That’s almost 800 people per day! According to report published by the Institute of Race Relations (IRR), out of South Africa’s population of over 54 million people, only 17.4% are covered by a South African medical scheme. This means that only 9.5 million South Africans have access to private medical care while more than 44 million don’t.

In the report, it was stated that “Private quality healthcare roughly refers to easy access to general practitioners (GPs), dentists and medication. Having access to adequate medical cover can drastically improve the quality of life and life expectancy of a person. The leading barrier to private healthcare in South Africa continues to be the price. The millions of South Africans living without medical cover put increasing pressure on the public health system.” The same principle applies to injuries sustained from road accidents in S.A. While it’s generally not something that we like to dwell on, the truth of the matter is that being treated in a private hospital following a motor vehicle accident has significant benefits which could save your life. Patients admitted following a motor vehicle accident have little or no delay in being treated and benefit from personalised care and treatment. Better facilities also generally mean that the recovery time is quicker.

Conscious Life Magazine

AccidentANGELS™ was established in 2010, with the view of providing affordable access to private healthcare, following a motor vehicle accident. A main member pays just R149 per month and he or she receives guaranteed access to private medical care. Included in this membership is the transport cost in an ER24 emergency ambulance to the nearest private hospital. When our members join us they receive an accidentANGELS™ MasterCard® which is activated on notification of an incident. Members are given access of up to R10 000 for out-patient care, which is treatment in the emergency room at the private hospital. This benefit is immediate because our member simply swipes the MasterCard® at the hospital to pay for treatment. If the car accident injuries are serious enough to require in-patient admittance into hospital, accidentANGELS™ provide up to R200 000 paid to the hospital for treatment. A R1 million benefit is also available at a main member fee of R259 per month. Members are also protected if they are travelling in public transport or even while walking as pedestrians on our roads. This means that the accidentANGELS™ benefit is not limited to people that drive a car.

One of our members was involved in an early morning accident where a car drove into the side of her car. This is what she had to say: “It was just another weekday morning, when out of nowhere a car drove into mine. Thanks to accidentANGELS™, I was able to go to a private hospital straight away. It was 8am and I was driving to work on a road close to my home. Suddenly, another driver who had skipped a stop street crashed into the side of my car. I injured my right shoulder quite badly and I had a concussion, but I was still able to phone for an ambulance. When I first bought my car, the accidentANGELS™ benefit was offered to me and I’m relieved that I decided to join. The accessibility and availability of their staff and services are great and they helped me tremendously. I really got the sense that the accidentANGELS™ staff truly cared about my well-being. All their interactions with me had a personal touch and they treated me with genuine empathy, and this is one of the reasons why I would recommend this benefit to all my friends.” If you’d like to know more about us and what we do, click here or visit our website.

accidentANGELS™ also assist our members with the submission and management of any valid claims against the Road Accident Fund (RAF). Claims made against the RAF can take as long as 3 years to be resolved, so this service ensures that the claim receives the right focus and attention. Funds that are paid out are paid back to the member, less any medical expenses incurred as a result of the accident. There are no fees deducted from the proceeds before funds are paid to our member.

Conscious Life Magazine

Here's Why Doctors Should Prescribe

Playtime For Kids

By Kelly Gonsalves

It's easy to underestimate the importance of play, especially in today's parenting climate, which focuses heavily on cramming children's schedules with structured activities and explicit learning programs. That's why the American Academy of Pediatrics has just recommended that all pediatricians prescribe play to young kids and their parents.

The national pediatrician association released a policy statement this week emphasizing just how critical playtime is to children's psychological development and physical health. Playing not only allows children to explore the environment around them but also helps them naturally build important early skills, like memory, language mechanics, spatial perception, motor skills, and teamwork. Even games as simple and repetitive as peekaboo help children develop "the joy of being able to predict what is going to happen," the report says, while repeated rounds of Simon Says teaches impulse control. Despite the well-documented scientific research into the benefits of play, the mounting, culturally enforced emphasis on academic performance and achievement has led to schools slowly cutting back on this important creativity-driven part of early childhood development. A depressing 30 percent of U.S. kindergarteners no longer have access to recess, the AAP says. That's especially bad news for families—researchers believe losing playtime can actually correlate to some explicitly negative mental health effects because of the way play stimulates brain development, particularly on the parts of the brain that regulate stress and promote prosocial behavior. "A 'prescription for play' I might hand to parents at the end of a visit is really just saying, it's OK to go back and rely on your common sense about where you think you can share some of the joy as your child is exploring the world," Dr. Michael Yogman, an AAP committee chairman and pediatric director at the New York University School of Medicine, told the New York Times. "The goal is really validating what I think parents might come to on their own but are feeling pressured by a culture that says no, they really need to do special video games on an iPad.“ The association, in particular, recommends a combination of unstructured playtime, as well as playful learning time between parents and their kids. Dr. Yogman suggests leaning away from "fancy" games or activities and instead just giving kids freeform exploratory time around the house. See what household objects they gravitate toward out of natural curiosity—the very fact that they're taking and interest in the world around them and finding creative ways to find joy in them is a reward in and of itself. Now here’s how you can tell whether your child’s alone time is healthy or harmful. Kelly Gonsalves mbg Relationships Writer Kelly Gonsalves is a sex writer and editor with a focus on how sexuality intersects with identity, wellness, power and bodies. She previously worked as an editor at The Week, where she helped run a 24-hour breaking newsroom and spent three years covering everything from the fight for reproductive rights in Texas health clinics to the rise of female Buddhist monks in Thailand to the empowering magic of a good gynecologist. She was also previously a writer for Prevention magazine and an editorial resident at Cosmopolitan, and her work has appeared at Teen Vogue, Vice, Bustle, and elsewhere.

1-Pinterest party Have the kids look through Pinterest boards for crafts, activities or recipes that they would love to do and get the supplies together for some fun. There isn’t always time to do those things during the school week so Spring Breaks is the perfect time. If you need some Pinterest inspirations, check out our Pinterest boards which are full of ideas for every type of activity under the sun: The Joys of Boys Pinterest. 2-Spend time in the garden If the weather is good, spend as much time as you can outside. Gardening is a great way to teach kids about hard work and my boys get watching their plants grow, plus they would spend all day playing in the dirt. If you don’t have a garden, consider buying some planter boxes or garden pots for your kids to plant in. And don’t forget to get your kids their own garden tools that are just their size. They will love having their own garden spot!

3-Pull out some jigsaw puzzles We love doing puzzles as a family but don’t always have the time to do the bigger puzzles that are collecting dust in the closet. If you are like us, pull out those puzzles and dust them off. Your kids will love making them together.

4-Go on a picnic Pull out your picnic basket and go on a picnic. This can even be in the back yard, or if it is cold outside, then lay out a blanket in the living room and have your picnic there. Let the kids make their own sandwiches and pack their own snacks. Your kids will love it!

5-Go to the library See if your local library has any activities scheduled for the week. Our library brings in guest performers regularly and schedules story time weekly. If nothing is planned, at least go and check out some new books to get out of the house.

6-Plan a family slumber party Make sure it is complete with family movies and popcorn. Throw out some sleeping bags in the living room and party with the kids.

7-Hit the slopes Many ski resorts are still open and it might be your last chance to get the kids out on the slopes. It’s really warm here but within a couple of hours we could be on the slopes.

8-Eat at a new restaurant Take your family somewhere new where they can try some new foods and experience a new culture.

9-Visit a local farm or petting zoo I’m sure many farmers would love to give your kids a tour if you give them a call or see if you can find a petting zoo. If the weather is nice, your kids will love getting up close with some animals and since it is spring, lots of baby animals are being born.

10-Let your kids plan out the meals for the week Kids love cooking in the kitchen. Have them help you plan out the meals and prepare the food. You could do personal pizza night or a taco bar. Let them get creative. There are several cookbooks designed just for kids.

11-Find a way to volunteer Help neighbors in the yard, clean garbage in the neighborhood, visit elderly, go through toys and clothes and get some ready to donate. Kids can learn how to serve while they are young.

12-Be a tourist in your home town Many people travel from all over the world to visit places that may be right in your backyard. Take your kids to local museums or visit a State or National park.

13-Let your kids be in charge for the day Brainstorm ideas with them and let them plan out meals and activities for the day.

14-Go on a hike Find somewhere to take your kids out on a hike. If you live near the mountains and it is warm enough, find a nature trail and watch for animals.

15-Plan a scavenger hunt Make up a list of items and go to a park or go through the neighborhood and look for those items. You could even make it easy by doing a photo scavenger hunt so you don’t have any items to pick up and bring home with you.

16-Go Geocaching It’s like a real-life treasure hunt! What kids wouldn’t want to do that. All you need is a gps or smart phone and the information you can find at Follow the coordinates until you find the cache. Sign the book and see what other people have left behind. There are also several books about geocaching that can help you get started.

17-Swimming! You can’t have Spring Break without going swimming. If it is cold, try and find an indoor pool.

18-Plan a Staycation Get a reservation at a local motel for the night. Kids see any hotel stay as a vacation and if they have a pool or a game room that’s even more of a plus!

19-Take me out to the ballgame! Go to the park and play some baseball. Nothing gets you ready for summer like a day at the baseball park.

20- Go to the park and feed the ducks We don’t have any parks with ponds near us but whenever we visit my parents my kids love to go and feed bread to the ducks.

21-Let the kids go wild with sidewalk chalk See what fun creations you and your kids can make with sidewalk chalk. Or start a picture together and take turns adding something funny on. Sidewalk chalk is a great way for kids to stay entertained outside and using their creativity.

22-Go for a bike ride Take the kids out on a bike ride or help them learn to ride their bikes.

23-Start a collection If you are out and about during the week, help your kids start a collection. I loved collecting things from our travels when I was young. My boys have started all sorts of collections. They can be as simple as rocks, sea shells, stamps, postcards, etc.

24- Have a game night We have a closet full of board games that we rarely get out and play. Take the time to have a family game night/day and see how many different games you can play.

25-Go fishing If weather permits, get up early one morning and head to the lake or a stocked pond. Lots of ponds at parks are stocked with fish and only allow for kids to go fishing. My boys LOVE fishing!

Manage Big Parenting Feelings Before They Manage You By Carla Naumburg

Huge parenting misnomer: we need to protect our kids from our negative feelings. The truth: it’s easier to lose control when we’re focused on stopping our emotions. Carla Naumburg explores seven practices to help you build resilience during tense parenting moments. I recently had the nerve to suggest that my daughter eat her broccoli before indulging in another bowl of mac ‘n cheese. She promptly lost it — I’m talking level four meltdown right there at the table. I knew she was tired and cranky, and I knew she was angry at me for pushing veggies on her yet again. I was tired too, and I was irritated at her for blowing up, so I did what any reasonable parent would do: I snapped. “This is NOT a thing to freak out about. It’s just broccoli, and the sooner you finish it, the sooner we can be done with dinner.”

If you’re a parent, you know how that went: poorly. She continued to cry, and I continued to feel irritated at her. I didn’t want to deal with any of the feelings in the room, not mine and certainly not hers. I’m not alone in this — few of us ever want to hang out in the muck of unpleasant emotions. Either the feelings are too intense, or the timing is inconvenient, or we just don’t have the energy to deal, so we stuff down, cover up, ignore, reject, or deny our emotions, only to later explode at our spouses, scream at our kids, indulge in one too many adult beverages, blow money we don’t have, or spend the night tossing and turning because we can’t stop thinking.

The better we get at identifying, naming, and expressing our big feelings, the better our kids will get at it, too.

That’s the bad news about big feelings: they’re meant to be felt and expressed. If we don’t create the space for that to happen, they’ll find a way to do it themselves, and believe you me, our emotions don’t give two hoots about whether or not it’s a good time for us. (Spoiler alert: It’s never a good time.) The good news is that we can become more skillful at managing our emotions. The better we get at identifying, naming, and expressing our big feelings, the better our kids will get at it, too. Eventually, they’ll be able to eat their broccoli without going all nuclear at the table. Here are some practices that can help the entire family roll more smoothly during those typically tense moments.

Seven practices to help you build resilience during tense parenting moments 1. Remember that any emotion is ok, but not every behavior is ok. It’s important to distinguish between what we feel and what we do. Repeat after me: there is no such thing as a bad or wrong feeling. There are scary feelings and confusing feelings and deeply unpleasant feelings, but none of them are wrong. However, if we don’t find skillful ways to express those feelings, they’ll do it on their own, usually in the form of problematic behaviors. 2. Next, acknowledge that you are experiencing an emotion. This may sound pretty obvious, but the chaos of daily life with children can make it hard for us to notice what we’re feeling. The CALM practice can help you quickly and easily check in with your body and tune in to your emotions: At any moment, you can quickly scan over your Chest, Arms, Legs, and Mind. Despite what the acronym says, you don’t actually have to calm yourself down, you just need to become aware of whatever you’re feeling. 3. Name your emotion. This next step can be as simple as saying either to yourself or to your children, “I am feeling ______.” This isn’t always easy, especially if you’ve spent your whole life believing that certain feelings are inappropriate or unacceptable. (If this is the case, I refer you to point #1.) You’re not going to intensify your feelings by acknowledging them. Just the opposite is true: the sooner you identify your emotion, the sooner it will dissipate instead of bubbling under the surface, causing tension. If intense emotions don’t dissipate, identifying what underlying tensions are at play puts you in the driver’s seat to take whatever action might be necessary: maybe it’s time to cut down on after-school activities to free up time in the evening, or maybe there’s a bigger-picture adjustment to make. 4. Do something with your body. Anything. Really. Take some deep, slow breaths. Put one hand flat on the counter and trace your fingers with your other hand. Get on the floor and stretch. Hop on one foot. Strike a still pose. Run up and down the hallway or the stairs. It really doesn’t matter what you do, just do it and pay attention to whatever it is that you’re doing. Emotions live in our bodies, and focusing on our bodies can help dispel the physical tension and thus, the feelings. 5. Wait for it to pass. The one thing you can count on, regardless of whatever you’re feeling, is that your feelings will change. They come and go, intensify and lessen, dissipate and return. It’s like that old joke about the weather: Don’t like it? Just wait five minutes! The same is true for your feelings. Regardless of how intense the storm is, it won’t last forever. Don’t believe me? Set a timer for 15 minutes, and then see how you (or your child) feel at that point.

6. Take care of yourself like you would take care of your child in your best parenting moments. If you’re in the midst of a big feeling storm, resist the urge to fight it. Acknowledge that it’s a hard moment, identify how you’re feeling, and then offer yourself some physical comfort. Snuggle up on the couch with a blanket. Sip a cup of something warm and yummy. Pet your kitten. Listen to your favorite music. Be as patient and compassionate with yourself as you would with your child when they’re going through a difficult experience. If your children’s needs make it impossible to do any of this right now, take a few deep breaths, do what needs to be done, and come back to yourself once they’re in front of the TV or down for the night. 7. Get some sleep. Exhaustion breeds big feelings, and a weary brain just can’t cope, no matter how well-intentioned you are. This is why every member of the family is more likely to lose it in the evenings. So stop trying to adult when you’re exhausted and do whatever you can to get some sleep. Which brings us back to the Monday Night Broccoli Meltdown. After I bit my daughter’s head off, I stood up, took some deep breaths, touched my toes, stretched my hands in the air, and sang a terrible aria (or what I imagine an aria might sound like). My bizarre reaction distracted my kiddo out of her freak out long enough for her to hear my apology, which went something like this: “I’m sorry I snapped at you. I feel tired and cranky right now. I suspect you feel the same way.” My daughter nodded tearfully. I gave her a hug, we made a plan for the dreaded broccoli, and you bet your tushy we both went to bed early. Three Simple Ways Parents Can Practice Self-Compassion Do you beat yourself up for being a bad parent? There’s an alternative. Recent research suggests self-compassion may be a resource for resiliency. Explore these three small acts of kindness to build compassion for yourself.

The aim of Safe-Train Consulting (PTY) Ltd is to provide quality training and educational programmes to the individual as well as corporate institutions. This training institution is committed and dedicated to render a comprehensive, effective and professional quality educational service with trained, competent staff and relevant equipment to facilitate learners to be part of health care and minimize loss of life as far as humanly possible. We offer both in class training as well as onsite training depending on the client’s specific requirements. Safe-Train Consulting (PTY) ltd instructors are registered with the Resus Council of South-Africa to offer training and education which falls under the American Heart Association recognised by the Health Professions Counsel of South Africa.

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Contact: :082 926 5585

10 Tips For Raising Your Child In A Spiritual Way

by Serena Dyer

In my book Don’t Die with Your Music Still in You, which I wrote with my father Wayne Dyer, we share our insights on family life with a spiritual bent. Using my father’s book 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace as a template, we describe the ways a spiritual focus can help children grow up feeling blessed and empowered: 1. Don’t Die with Your Music Still in You Serena: There’s something I have heard my father say too many times to count: “You will never regret what you do in life; you will only regret what you don’t do.” Everything I have ever done has taught me something, whether it worked out or not. Sometimes the takeaway is simply knowing what I don’t want. Notice whether you are moving toward or away from what excites you. If you pay attention and let yourself be guided by your intuition, you won’t have to worry about dying with your music inside of you.

2. Have a Mind That Is Open to Everything and Attached to Nothing Wayne: We become what we think about all day long—this is one of the greatest secrets that so many people are unaware of as they live out their life’s mission. What we think about is the business of our minds. If that inner invisibleness called our mind is closed to new ideas and infinite possibilities, it is equivalent to killing off the most important aspect of our very humanity. A mind that is open and unattached to any one particular way of being or living is like having an empty container that can allow new and endless possibilities to enter and be explored.

3. You Can’t Give Away What You Don’t Have Serena: It may seem impossible now, but one day, we’ll all look back at the storms we have weathered and give a silent thank you. For many of us, it is the storms of our lives that have given us compassion, kindness, and gentleness that we otherwise may not have known—and that we can now give away to others, because they are inside of us.

4. Embrace Silence Wayne: I have long known the wisdom inherent in the ancient aphorism, “It’s the silence between the notes that makes the music.” This is a truth that both my wife Marcelene and I attempted to convey to all of our children as we sought to make our home a temple of serenity and peace, amidst all of the activity of a large family. Everything emerges out of the silence.

5. Give Up Your Personal History Serena: Our personal history is all the things in our background that keep us the same. If more of the same is not what we want, we have to let go of our history. When we do, we let go of all the beliefs we’ve had about ourselves—beliefs which may not even be true. In letting go of the past, you may find that you’re able to be more alive in the present. If you don’t like where you are in life, then you must change your way of thinking.

6. You Can’t Solve a Problem with the Same Mind That Created It Wayne: I would regularly remind the children that their concept of themselves is nothing more than all of the things that they believe to be true. And if what they believe to be true is helping them to create situations in which they are unhappy or even unhealthy, they are then challenged to change what they have unwaveringly held on to as an absolute truth. This is very difficult for most people to do, and this is why so many stay stuck, because they would rather be right than happy.

7. There Are No Justified Resentments Serena: Growing up, there was a five letter word beginning with a “b”

that we were not allowed to say or use. No, I’m not talking about bitch; the real bad word in our household was blame. Dad has a zero-tolerance policy for resentment. He simply wouldn’t allow any of us to place blame on anyone or anything other than ourselves. Freedom comes in forgiveness and letting go. When you free yourself of your past resentments, you release yourself of the worry of the future.

8. Treat Yourself as If You Already Are What You’d Like to Be Wayne: The greatest gift that any of us are granted is the gift of our imagination. Every single thing that now exists was once imagined, and the corollary of this assertion is that everything that is ever going to exist in the future must first be imagined. In my role as a father and a teacher I felt it was incumbent upon me to help my children understand and apply the phenomenal implications of this basic notion. “If you want to accomplish anything, you must first be able to expect it of yourself.”

9. Treasure Your Divinity Serena: When we were little, my brothers and sisters and I were taught by our parents that God resided within each of us; that our divinity was not something we needed to go out and look for. Instead, we would find it when we looked within.

10. Wisdom Is Avoiding All Thoughts That Weaken You Wayne: All I wanted for my sons and daughters, and all of those who read my books and attended my lectures, was to realize that they could always choose a thought that would empower them, as opposed to ones that make them fragile and weak. This is one of the greatest lessons we can all use each and every day of our lives: wisdom is avoiding all thoughts which weaken you. Or as the children heard me say so many times, “Your life is a product of all of the choices that you have made, so choose well.”

For some other lessons I learned from my father, read our book, Don’t Die with Your Music Still in You

About the author: Serena J. Dyer is the sixth of Wayne and Marcelene Dyer’s eight children. Serena attended the University of Miami, where she received bachelor’s and master’s degrees, and now lives in South Florida with her fiancé. She spends her time traveling, reading, blogging, cooking, and working to combat child trafficking through several local organizations.

Coping Strategies for Disadvantaged Children By Gemma Bailey Children are not equipped to deal with certain situations which may occur at home, or at school which often result in anxiety and behavioural problems. These are mainly caused by poor coping strategies in reaction to their circumstances at home, or in some cases caused by their own development and abilities. The impact of the child’s behaviour can have effect on their siblings, parents, classmates and teachers. We can agree that they are certain children who may not have the mindset or initiative to develop their coping strategies, such as: • • • •

A child with an absent parent A child with special needs A child with speech and language problems A child with behavioural problems or someone who has experience trauma from domestic violence in the family.

I have met children who try to control their environment and others around them. They have tried to dominate others and prevent their classmates from making friendships. The child will often lash out when their feel the need to be in a state of control. The ramification of these problems means that we have worked with a lot of children who suffer from anxiety and behavioural problems.

It is difficult to get children who have problems to open up and discuss them. Our NLP4Kids Practitioners will take time to ensure that they have build up a trusting connection with a child, this maybe achieve through the sessions by a more casual chat and games. As the sessions progress, the Practitioner can begin to talk to the child about the issues they faced at home and at school. Some of the children are vulnerable because of their circumstances at home, others because their physical needs prevent them from developing at the same ease and speed as others. their financial, religious or geographic backgrounds all differ. In using NLP with a child under such circumstances, the classroom will be calmer and the family environment may become easier to deal with. The effect on who they are within society in the future will take a different direction to the one they are currently set to take. An outcome of helping a child to manage anxiety and behaviour is that they will find it much easier to face up to challenges later on. This will make them much more resilient and able to get through difficulties. They will be more perseverant when they face setbacks which will equip them better for the future. It means that they will be less likely to give up on education, that they will look upon challenges as opportunities and progress themselves more meaning they will have a healthier state of mind as a result.

Currently, in their own way, these children are isolating themselves. For some it is their anxiety and emotional outbursts that causes others to want to retain a safe distance form them. For others it is their behaviour and attitude that make them seem controlling and dominating. They do this to gain a sense of control in a life that otherwise feels like an out of control rollarcoster ride. However, it isn’t the healthiest way to achieve stability and prevents them from achieving a sense of belonging which many of them crave. With the help of an NLP4Kids Practitioner, these children can instead learn how to control their mindset, their attitude and their emotional state in spite of the circumstances they have in life. This change will make them more appealing to those around them, meaning that they will learn a great deal more about how to forge friendships, manage relationships and how to be active participating citizens who take an active role in crafting out the sort of community they want to live in and be part of. ABOUT GEMMA BAILEY NLP4Kids was founded by Gemma Bailey and Kay Gill. Both are hypnotherapists and trainers in NLP and they met whilst on an NLP trainers training course. Gemma and Kay have had many years experience working with children in a therapeutic setting and conducting the NLP4Kids workshops. In addition their previous experiences with children include Kay as a mother, and Gemma as a qualified Nursery Nurse.

Teens Swearing:

Should Parents Allow Them To Curse at Home?

By Sean Grover

Dear Your Teen: What is your opinion on tweens/teens cursing at home? Is there a right age to allow them to do so? I feel like in the real world they would probably use swear words, so why should we limit them at home?

Answer: Whether parents allow cursing at home or not, the ultimate goal is to establish a family that communicates thoughtfully. Parents should strive to provide leadership by modeling appropriate ways of relating. For example, being considerate of each other’s feelings, interacting with their children mindfully, and fostering a home environment of mutual respect.

TEENS SWEARING The problem with allowing teens swearing at home is that it undermines more creative ways of expressing frustration. Many parents have confessed in my psychotherapy office that they deeply regret allowing cursing at home because it created such a negative and disrespectful atmosphere. They also were embarrassed when their kids started cursing in public or in front of other parents. Once they allowed cursing at home, to their horror, profanity became a habit that was hard to break and led to many humiliating experiences. More importantly, they found it actually increased hostility and clashes at home.

TEEN CURSING AT HOME So, before you decide to allow cursing or not, consider these three recommended guidelines: Elementary and middle school: absolutely no cursing at home. For young children, behaviors at home become imprints for behaviors in the world. Small children are not able to distinguish what’s appropriate in different environments. When they get in trouble for cursing at school, they may feel confused and publicly humiliated or blamed for behavior they thought was appropriate. High school: cursing is sometimes allowed but never to degrade or bully anyone, in or outside of the family. Some parents allow their tweens/teens to curse out of frustration, but forbid profanity-filled name calling. There is a big difference between cursing because you stubbed your toe and cursing at someone in a degrading way. College and beyond, children are mature enough to decide for themselves. Surprisingly, the thrill of cursing fades with age; however, no matter what their kids’ ages, parents will always have the right to prohibit cursing in their home.

PUNISHMENT FOR SWEARING? When it comes to using swear words at home with tweens and older, a flexible approach is often best. One family that I worked with in therapy allowed three curses a week per family member. The idea was that cursing could be saved for something extremely frustrating, rather than spending curses frivolously. This fun approach was surprisingly effective and eliminated the need for the parents to punish or reprimand. Every family is different. Find a healthy balance, experiment, talk it over with your kids, and hold a family meeting. But be warned: if you decide to allow unlimited cursing at home, it may become a bad habit that’s hard to break.

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By Wendy Young of Wise-Living “Every impulse of intelligence in our awareness starts it’s journey from the source of life as love, and nothing else.” Deepak Chopra As we welcome the unfolding wonders of Spring with warmer weather, rains that nourish the earth, the return of animals and the growth of plants from their Winter hibernation, we also undergo an internal transformation. According to Charaka, a great Ayurvedic authority, 7 days before and after the Spring Equinox is the transition time to slowly make changes necessary to effortlessly and healthily welcome in the new season on all levels. The Spring Equinox is the 22nd September.

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Nature teaches us that space contains infinite potential and is the seed of all creation. So from the space, quiet and rest of the Winter, comes the potential for rebirth and new possibilities of the Spring. I invite you to take a few moments now to reflect on what seeds you wish to plant this Spring? They could be seeds pertaining to your health, to personal transformation and growth, to birthing a new relationship or career… the possibilities are endless… the seeds of Spring are yours for the planting.

“Nature teaches us that space contains infinite potential and is the seed of all creation.” According to Ayurveda, Spring time is Kapha dosha (earth & water constitution) predominant time, which brings the qualities that are heavy, cold, dull, liquid, dense, slimy, and oily. Although this simple list doesn’t seem to offer much information, it is actually quite informative. These qualities have accumulated through the Winter (another Kapha time) so following the Ayurvedic principle of “like increases like” we adopt the opposite qualities of hot, dry, sharp and light to treat any imbalance. We are all familiar with Spring allergies, congestion, sinusitis and excess mucus. This is nature’s way of melting away our inner “cold”. So now is the time to melt away that which has built up in the winter and clear excess heaviness and toxicity so that we may feel light, refreshed and renewed.

Morning routine can include: warm lemon and/or ginger water upon waking, abhyanga (self massage) with warm sesame seed oil before your shower, skin brushing (twice a week) and a brisk early morning walk! Clean up your diet: just as we Spring clean our homes it’s time to Spring clean our inner home. Avoid heavy and dulling foods like excess dairy, wheat, oily and cold foods. Continue to eat warming and astringent foods and spice them up with cloves, ginger, cumin, mustard seeds and black pepper. Green juicing is a great way to detox the liver and cells. Enjoy some type of dynamic daily exercise. The best way to move excess heaviness and stagnation is to move the lymph and blood that circulate throughout the body. Slowly energize your Yoga practice with more challenging asanas which focus on the chest and stimulating breathing practices. Meditation helps to digest the events of the day on a mental and emotional level allowing you to enjoy the precious present moment. Daily practice is a profound way to help clear the ‘clutter’ from your life.

For a nutrition and lifestyle consultation or any further information please contact me on and 072 800 4982.

Suggested Spring Routine: •

Start to wake up 30 minutes before sunrise. Kapha time begins around 6am. So as not to increase Kapha qualities in the body, it’s important to be up and moving before the sun rises to help move toxins and stagnant lymph that have accumulated overnight. Conscious Life Magazine

7 Things Healthy People Do Before Bed We have all read the articles on what healthy people do in the morning, but how about what they do before bed? This is just as important as it helps wrap up the day and sets the tone for a fresh start in the morning. By creating a nightly routine out of these simple steps (you might even be doing some of these already!), you will be sure to notice a change in both your health and happiness. 1. Plan For Tomorrow One of the keys to maintaining a healthy lifestyle is to always be prepared; you will feel organized and won’t need to stress in the morning. Lay out your exercise gear for the next morning (socks, underwear and shoes included), iron your uniform if needed, gather any important paperwork and most importantly, prepare your lunch for the following day. Whether you just pack up some leftovers from dinner or spend an extra 20 minutes making something else, being prepared when it comes to lunch stops you from making rash and unhealthy choices the next day. You could be so busy that you just grab some takeaway on your way back to the office or you might even skip lunch altogether. Best of all, you will even save some cash in doing so! It all adds up.

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2. Switch Off Technology One Hour Before Bed How many of you say goodnight to your loved ones and head to bed only to spend the next hour laying there checking Facebook and Instagram? Now how many of you have then realized four hours have passed, it’s now 2 a.m. and you’re on YouTube watching a dog dancing in perfect sync with its owner to 'Greased Lightning'? Yeah, we’ve all been there. By switching off the technology an hour (or two!) before bed, you have time to wind down without distractions. Not only can the artificial light emitted from phones and computers have a serious effect on your body clock and encourage sleep disorders, but putting the phone away will give you more room for quality time with your loved ones. What could be more important than that?

3. Keep a Gratitude Journal A great way to bring further happiness into your life is by actively and regularly expressing gratitude. Studies have shown that keeping a gratitude journal not only increases happiness but reaps other benefits including better sleep and fewer symptoms of illness. What do you have to lose? By setting a small amount of time aside each night (or even every few nights if that works best for you- you don’t want it to become a job) to jot down some things from your day that you are grateful for will not only remind you what a blessed life you lead but will also get any negative thoughts out of your mind, making it less likely that you will dwell on issues that can keep you up at night. Best of all, by keeping a record you can look back over them every now and then if you are having a bad day and it will be sure to turn that frown upside down.

4. Stretch it Out How many times have leg cramps or a sore back made it difficult for you to get to sleep or woken you up throughout the night? Stretching helps lengthen tendons and muscles and can reduce the frequency and severity of cramps ensuring you get a better night's sleep. Not only does stretching the sore muscles help, but by giving your whole body a good stretch relaxes your muscles and body and releases any built-up tension. Your body will feel like it’s melting onto the bed afterwards.

5. Meditate We live in a crazy world, don’t we? We are constantly being bombarded with information via the television, social media, the internet, friends and work- it’s no wonder so many people feel overwhelmed, stressed and anxious! By meditating before bed, you are slowing down your brain activity which results in a deeper and more peaceful sleep. This is perfect if you do have issues falling asleep; before you know it you will be sleeping like a small, well-fed child. Even if you already incorporate meditation into your day, give it a go before bed and see the results yourself. My bet is you will wake up feeling well rested, energized and ready to take on the day!

6. Curl Up With a Good Book Reading before bed is good for you in so many ways. First of all, it calms the nerves by eliminating excess sound and visual stimulus (exactly the opposite of what you get from watching television!). As we discussed earlier, television has noises, flashing lights and far too many distractions for when it’s meant to be time to wind down for the night. Reading a good book before you go to sleep helps you escape to another world without the need for dramatic television shows. Aside from reading helping you to wind down and sleep better, it also improves brain function, your memory and the thinking process overall. You don’t have to get

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deep into a fantasy novel, just switching off the main lights, switching on a Himalayan salt lamp and curling up in bed with the newspaper, magazine or a short story will reap benefits far beyond a good night's sleep.

7. Get Enough Sleep I’ve gone on a lot about the benefits of aiding sleep, haven’t I? Well, it’s true. One habit you should be committing to every night is to simply make sleep a priority. Sounds pretty straightforward, right? But with stressful jobs, busy social lives and children to look after, ensuring you get enough shut-eye can be difficult and there have been many articles written on the dangers of sleep deficiency and its link to increased stress, weight gain, and productivity loss. An easy way to do this is to consistently go to bed at roughly the same time every night. Work out when you need to wake up and count back 8 hours to ensure you get a solid night's sleep. Going to bed late, getting 5 or 6 hours sleep and snoozing your alarm three times in the morning is the worst thing you can do and sets a bad tone for your day. Incorporating the above steps into your nightly routine will help let your body know it’s time to slow down and get you in the right mindset for sleep so you won’t be laying on your back staring at the ceiling for hours.

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Intro edition

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Conscious Life Magazine

By Simon Wing-Lun

Someone recently said to me something along the lines of: "You and Lora are so close and important to each other, your happiness must be conditional on your relationship. If your relationship were to end you’d clearly be much less happy.” There is some truth to this. For the level of unconditional love we currently embody on an emotional level is not 100%. If one of us were to instantaneously disappear in body and spirit for some reason, for sure we’d be emotionally impacted. Yet in another way we already love ourselves unconditionally enough to have actually transcended any concern or fear of this, and as a result know deeply within our beings this simple won’t happen. We know that no part of the love we experience can actually end, for it is generated from within our own selves. This is the paradox of unconditional love. When you can completely love any outcome to an equal degree, it clears the space in your energy, consciousness and mechanics of your being for you to experience total certainty and clarity of what that outcome will be. Conscious Life Magazine

Lora and I love each other and know this love will continue in the form of our physical connection. Yet we experience this as more of an ‘inevitability’ of the make up of who we are, rather than any choice or effort we have to make.

“Just as rock will fall from a cliff with force of gravity, so our love and connection will continue…” Just as rock will fall from a cliff with force of gravity, so our love and connection will continue in alignment with the work and path our souls have chosen for us to live, and we have allowed to manifest. This inevitability may not seem romantic from a certain human perspective. But it is deeply romantic from a broader spiritual sense. It is the journey of truth and resonance becoming clear amidst the broader melee of life, and the consistency of love becoming known amongst the ever changing mists of reality.

I was essentially loving the relationship more than I loved myself. The ending of that relationship was the opportunity to heal the depths of that pattern, and find a far more unconditional love for all of who I am. As a result when I met Lora I wasn’t trying to make a relationship happen in any particular way. And as our relationship developed, we didn’t trying figure out how to become more loving and compatible with each other. We simply loved ourselves, learned from our reflections within the relationship and let the nature of our connection reveal itself. We didn’t think to ourselves “Awesome we’ve achieved what will be a successful long term relationship!” It was much more like “Oh look, it seems we’re completely aligned to be together in this certain way and to play these very close and important roles in each others lives, isn’t that cool?”

There are some aspects of our story that demonstrate the difference between how our relationship came about, and how things have happened in a more ‘traditional way’. For me personally, my previous relationship was much more an experience of a deep and conditional love. It was a beautiful experience for me, one I’m very grateful for, where I experienced a lot of love. Yet for me the flavour of the relationship was infused with an underlying fear of it ending, generated by my fundamental dependence on the relationship for certain aspects of my own self-love. My own happiness, my sense of myself and well-being became so dependent on my relationship and the love I received in it, that I gave everything I had to keep it together, even when things didn’t feel quite right. Conscious Life Magazine

When our self-love is clear, what is and isn’t deeply aligned love in our external relationships become far more evident. We really just kept doing what love made obvious.

“I’m not saying that we must love ourselves in any certain way or to any certain level to have a relationship.” I’m not saying that we must love ourselves in any certain way or to any certain level to have a relationship. Only that the nature of unconditional love can create clarity and consistency within an ocean of infinite possibility and uncertainty. If you can love yourself deeply in total uncertainty, then certainty of all that’s important will appear. Find unconditional love when you’re completely alone, then from that point on you’ll always be together. Love yourself unconditionally when poor, and then you’ll always be rich. Absolutely and completely love what you fear, and you’ll find there’s nothing to be afraid of. Love’s worked for us. I’ve seen it works every time. It will work for you too!

About Simon Wing-Lun Simon Wing-Lun is the founder of Unconditional Love Healing, and Director of The Leela Centre for Love & Freedom in Sydney Australia. Together with his partner Lora they teach and practice deep emotional healing, helping people release old emotional blocks & trauma, and open to unconditional love, joy & happiness. Helping people love themselves, and open to unconditional love in relationship is one of their specialties. For more info visit:

Conscious Life Magazine

Annual Pap Smears Might Be A Thing Of The Past For Some Women By Kelly Gonsalves

Many women have never known a world without Pap smears. The annual cervical cancer test has been an integral part of women's routine health checkups since roughly the mid-1900s. But that might change very soon: A federal health agency just released new guidelines saying the human papillomavirus test can officially replace Pap smears for many women.

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Women between ages 30 and 65 can now exclusively rely on an HPV test every five years for effective cervical cancer screening, according to the new recommendations released Tuesday by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Alternatively, they can still continue to get a Pap smear every three years or a combination of the two tests every five years. The agency recommends women ages 21 to 29 still get the Pap every three years, while women under 21 and over 65 can probably forgo screening completely. Research has been slowly mounting against the annual Pap, which some experts say can cause more harm than good due to the frequency of false positives that trigger unnecessary stress and medical procedures for the misdiagnosed women. HPV causes over 70 percent of all cervical cancer, which means checking for the virus can be a strong means of preventing a woman's risk of developing the disease. Some studies in recent years have even found the HPV test to be more sensitive, and thus more accurate, about assessing cancer risk than the Pap smear. In 2014, the Food and Drug Administration approved the first HPV test that could be used as a primary cancer screening tool for women 25 and older. That isn't to say the HPV test is without its flaws: HPV is the most commonly sexually transmitted infection and typically clears itself from a woman's body without ever showing symptoms or requiring any treatment, and some research suggests testing for the virus too often can also lead to overtreatment. Pap tests are cytology-based, which means doctors put your cells under a microscope to check for abnormalities that could indicate or lead to cancer and involves more costly lab equipment. The HPV test, on the other hand, involves checking the cells for any of the more than 100 strains of the virus and tends to be easier for physicians' offices to perform—though not all offices offer them, considering the dominance of the Pap test for the past half-century. So what difference will this all make in your routine OB/GYN appointment? Physically, not much—both the Pap and HPV tests require a swab of cells from the surface of your cervix, meaning you'll still need to have a doctor insert a speculum to get the required specimens. But you could potentially see a price difference, depending on your health care plan and provider. Each test typically has its own separate cost, which can range from $30 a pop to over $200 without insurance. At the end of the day, every woman should make an informed decision with her own doctor about which testing plan makes the most sense for her body based on her own conditions.

Have more questions? Here's everything you need to know about HPV and cervical cancer.

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Conscious Life Magazine

By Down To Earth

Many customers who discover our products are not always familiar with the ethos behind Down to Earth products. We are often asked about what natural means to us and why we choose to include organic ingredients in our products. What are our values? How do we combine the natural world with science? After-all, science has made such vast and important inroads into advancing human health. What does the phrase “natural products� mean? Natural products are made up ingredients from a natural or nature derived source, where synthetic and potentially harmful ingredients are avoided. At Down to Earth we really do have an unwavering trust in nature. The natural world has produced plants that deliver concentrated and potent healing abilities. With millennia of plant evolution and centuries of human usage, plants have supported the survival of ancient cultures and have allowed them to flourish. We have chosen to harness the healing goodness of plant extracts in our topical products. This does not mean that we have left science out of the equation. In fact, we rely heavily on science to assist us in producing safe, effective and reliable products. From the formulation

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phase where our expert chemist calculates the best synergistic complex of herbal extracts for maximum effectiveness and safely preserves our products. To the production phase where advanced machinery and manufacturing processes are used to maintain ingredient purity. Down to Earth really does take the “back to basics approach” in harnessing tried, trusted and safe plant extracts, but with the help of the latest knowledge in producing high-performing topical products.

How to I know which natural product is best? The usage of the word “natural” is not regulated. Companies are able to use it when marketing their product, even if there is a miniscule quantity of natural ingredients present in the product. This makes it difficult to navigate and select products available in the market today. We have chosen to be transparent and act with integrity in our declaration of ingredients. We will always tell you what percentage of natural ingredients is in each product. Just look underneath the ingredients list of the label. Other natural product companies with similar ethical values will do the same. There are certifying bodies such as Ecocert-Cosmos and Natrue, which prescribe a minimum value of natural ingredient required in a product for it to be deemed “natural”. This value is set at around 95% of ingredients that should be natural or nature derived. We strictly adhere to these principles – in fact, our products are in excess of 99.5% natural. This will help you steer clear of “green-washed” products. This where you are led to believe that the product is natural and that the company follows green practices, but in reality they do not. It is a hard pill to swallow when you know you money has gone to a company that is not honest and probably does not care about you or the environment.

Are processed natural ingredients still natural? It makes sense that pure ingredients harvested from nature can’t always be used in all products. That is why the industry has laid down the following classifications of natural ingredients: • Natural ingredients; obtained only by physical processes like cold pressing. • Derived natural ingredients; permitted chemical reaction processes on only natural ingredients to extract certain qualities of the ingredient. • Nature-identical ingredients; they are reproduced synthetically in a lab, but exist in nature. These ingredients are allowed when strictly necessary in order to ensure consumer safety (preservatives) or for purity (minerals/pigments) or for sustainability reasons.

Why should I use natural products? As a natural product producer we hope that our customers buy into our ethos as much as they do into our practical and effective products. Here is a summary of what our values entail: • We promote the use of natural ingredients and ingredients from organic farming. • We maintain appropriate manufacturing processes to maintain ingredient purity. • We avoid the use of GMO ingredients and potentially harmful synthetics such as parabens, petroleum compounds and synthetic fragrances. • We use no animal testing in our product development and source ingredients that have not been tested on animals.

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We use biodegradable ingredients. We use environmentally sensitive packaging. We are transparent and fully disclose ingredients accurately and truthfully, leaving you with peace of mind.

You can rest assured that Down to Earth products are cruelty-free and are produced using sustainable and environmentally conscious practices.

Why choose organic products? Organic ingredients in skincare products are plants grown from non-GMO seeds, grown with fertilisers and pesticides considered to be non-synthetic and safe, and are certified organic by an authority body. Organic farming eliminates the use of synthetic and potentially harmful chemicals. This is not only better for the environment, but it is of course also better for your health. Your skin absorbs much of what you put on it and by using organic products, you decrease the toxic load on your body.

Are Down to Earth’s products certified natural or organic? Natural and organic product certifications can be costly and we have chosen not to go through the expense. In the end, these costs are always passed onto the customer. We have chosen to keep our products affordable. We adhere as far as possible to the standards of natural and organic certification and we empower our customers to make informed decisions by making as much information as possible available about our processes and products. We encourage our customers to contact us with questions and to give us feedback. Note: The individual organic ingredients we use in our products are certified.

Conscious Life Magazine

Conscious Life Magazine

How to be a healthy vegetarian or vegan

By Natalie Healey Once the preserve of hippies and activists, veganism has now hit the mainstream. Forgoing meat, dairy and eggs is more popular than ever. Even BeyoncĂŠ's given it a try. According to a 2016 survey by the Vegan Society, at least 542,000 people in the UK are adopting this type of diet. This is an increase of over 350% in the last decade, which makes veganism one the fastest growing food trends in Britain. It's undoubtedly great that people are taking a more ethically-conscious approach to the big shop, but what nutrients could vegetarians and vegans put themselves at risk of losing out on? And how can you approach animal-free consumption in a healthy way? We ask the experts.

Why go vegan? Generally people choose to be vegetarian or vegan for ethical reasons or because they want to improve their health - a vegan diet is usually low in saturated fats and rich in fruit and vegetables.

'Meat-free Monday' is a UK campaign, launched by Paul, Mary and Stella McCartney in 2009, to encourage people to reduce their environmental impact and improve their health by having at least one meat-free day each week. More and more people are realising this is far more manageable than they first thought. When you stop thinking a meal needs meat to be complete, vegetarian options start to look a lot more appealing.

Nutrients to consider If you've decided to give up your daily bacon butty and have vowed to eat more vegetables, that's obviously brilliant. But vegetarians and vegans do have to be careful they're not missing out on nutrients most easily found in meat and dairy sources.

Meat-free protein sources Protein is one of them. And it's not just important for bodybuilders. Protein builds and repairs tissues and is a building block of bone, muscles, skin and blood. Your body doesn't store protein, so you need to make sure you're getting enough from your diet. Unfortunately for vegetarians, meat is a rich source of this macronutrient. "Whilst many plant-based foods contain protein too, they may not contain protein in the correct balance that the body needs. Therefore, vegetarians need to make sure they eat a combination of foods to achieve the right protein balance," reveals Dr Jan Sambrook, a GP who specialises in nutrition. Luckily, you can also find protein in grains, pulses and dairy products. "If you eat any two of these, the protein will balance," reveals Sambrook. "This doesn't necessarily need to be within a single meal, as was previously thought. Examples of proteinbalanced meals include cereal with milk, or baked potato with beans and cheese, or dhal with rice or chapatti."

Your vitamin checklist A balanced vegetarian or vegan diet generally gives you an improved chance of getting your five-a-day. So when it comes to meeting your RDA of many vitamins, you should, in theory, be well on your way. But if you're not sure, here are the foods to look out for when it comes to specific nutrients:

Vitamin A Vitamin A is important for good eyesight, healthy skin and your immune system. "Vitamin A is found in eggs and dairy products. A different form of the vitamin, called beta carotene, is found in dark green leafy vegetables and in coloured fruits and vegetables such as mango, carrots and red peppers. Beta carotene can be converted to vitamin A in the body," explains Sambrook.

Vitamin D Vitamin D, 'the sunshine vitamin', is really important. It helps your body absorb calcium and is also needed for our muscles to work properly. More recently, vitamin D deficiency has been associated with numerous conditions, from heart disease, to dementia and multiple sclerosis. "Vitamin D is mainly made in our skin by the action of sunlight. However, it is also found in dairy products, mushrooms and in fortified cereals and margarine," says Sambrook. Oily fish and eggs are also among the top dietary sources of vitamin D, so if you're adopting a vegan diet you're less likely to be getting enough.

If you live in the UK, you should be taking a high-quality vitamin D supplement from SeptemberMay. We don't get enough sunlight during the autumn and winter months for our skin to make enough of the vitamin. If you're pregnant or breastfeeding, don't get outside much or cover up for religious reasons, you should be taking a supplement all year round.

Vitamin E Vitamin E helps maintain healthy skin, eyes and your immune system. It can be found in vegetable oils and spreads, nuts and seeds, and also in green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin K Vitamin K plays a role in blood clotting. Without it, wounds don't heal properly. It can be found in green leafy vegetables and in dairy products.

Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12 is involved in making red blood cells, releasing energy from food and in using folic acid. Vegans struggle to get enough of this nutrient from foods, but there are some animal-free products you can get it from. Love it or hate it, MarmiteÂŽ is one of them. .


B12 is almost entirely found in animal products, although it is present in yeast (including yeast extract such as MarmiteÂŽ) and seaweed. It is also added to some products such as breakfast cereals and soya milk. Vegans may need to take a supplement to make sure they don't become deficient," says Sambrook.

The important minerals Most of the minerals we need are found in a wide variety of foods and anyone eating a balanced diet can obtain enough of them. However, vegetarians and vegans must make sure they're getting enough calcium and iron.

Calcium Recently, the National Osteoporosis Society (NOS) warned that the popularity of 'clean eating' and other diets where major foods groups are cut out is setting young people up for a future of weak bones. "Without urgent action being taken to encourage young adults to incorporate all food groups into their diets and avoid particular 'clean eating' regimes, we are facing a future where broken bones will become just the 'norm'," said Susan Lanham-New, a nutrition professor and clinical advisor to the NOS. Vegan groups were understandably ticked off by this warning, but it's true that most people obtain a lot of the calcium in their diet from dairy products. Without it, it's bad news for bones. "Calcium is, however, also present in leafy green vegetables, dried figs, almonds, oranges, sesame seeds, seaweed and some types of bean," reveals Sambrook. She explains that if non-dairy calcium is eaten with a source of vitamin D (see above), this will help the body absorb it.

Iron You need iron in order for your blood to carry oxygen around your body. If you don't get enough, you become anaemic. The symptoms include feeling exhausted and breathless. Whether we like it or not, red meat is the richest dietary source of iron. But there are a few meat-free sources too: "Vegetarian sources of iron include pulses such as chickpeas and lentils, sprouted seeds and beans, breakfast cereals and bread. Spinach is famous for containing iron, but it is also found in other green leafy vegetables such as broccoli and kale. There is iron in nuts, especially almonds and cashews, and in dried apricots and raisins," explains Sambrook.

She adds that your body can absorb iron from food more easily if it is eaten with vitamin C: "This can be found in most fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as fruit juice. Some things can reduce the amount of iron the body can absorb. Drinking tea with a meal will prevent the iron being absorbed from the stomach." Aside from vegetarians and vegans, people who need to be more careful about getting enough iron include women who have heavy periods and those who are pregnant.

Not so fishy Do you still have dreaded memories of a parent forcing a spoonful of cod liver oil upon you? There was method in that madness. Omega-3 fatty acids are thought to reduce the risk of heart disease and to boost brain development. But they are most commonly found in fish. It's not just vegetarians who are missing out though. According to nutritionist Dr Carrie Ruxton: "While the government has advised us all to eat two portions of fish a week, including one of oily fish, the fact is most of us just don't get enough. Nutrition surveys show that two thirds of us rarely have oily fish and average intakes are half the recommended portion of 140 g." Sambrook explains that vegetarians and vegans can obtain omega-3 from flaxseeds and flaxseed oil, rapeseed oil, soya oil and soy-based foods. Vegetarian supplements (made from algae rather than fish) are an option too.

Knowledge is power Hopefully this is food for thought whether you've been vegetarian for yonks or if you're considering taking the flesh-free plunge. There are many benefits to eating less meat but to go vegetarian or vegan healthily, you need to come armed with knowledge.

Conscious Life Magazine

Hearty Veg Salad with Tahini Dressing Shopping Checklist • • • • • • • • •

Potatoes/baby potatoes Beetroot Butternut Fresh rosemary Fresh rocket Pomegranate arils Tahini Garlic Nutritional yeast



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360g potatoes/baby potatoes 360g beetroot 360g diced butternut 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 sprig fresh rosemary 40g fresh rocket ½ small tub pomegranate arils A good grind salt and pepper

For the dressing: • • • • • •

4 tablespoons tahini paste 4-6 tablespoons water Juice of 1 lemon 1 clove garlic, crushed 1 tablespoons nutritional yeast Salt to taste

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Preheat oven to 180’ Celsius Dice potatoes and beetroot. Mix with diced butternut Line a baking tray with baking paper and spread out the roasting veg on the tray. Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt, pepper and rosemary. Place in the oven to roast for about 75 minutes or until golden brown and cooked through. In the meanwhile, prepare the dressing by adding all the dressing ingredients into a mixing bowl and stirring until completely combined. Add more water if needed - it should be the consistency of a creamy dressing sauce. Put your rocket into your serving dish and top with the roasted veg and pomegranate arils Drizzle with 2-3 tablespoons of dressing. Serve warm or cold.

Spaghetti bolognese for students Cooking on a Budget Hearty, filling meals that don't break the bank are welcome recipes for everyone, but they’re especially useful for students. This simple beef ragù will easily feed a hungry crowd – and you really don’t need much sauce per serving. To make it go even further, try adding a small handful of lentils, some stock or another tin of tomatoes, and lots of chopped vegetables such as carrots, celery and mushrooms. A few rashers of chopped streaky bacon fried in with the onions make another tasty addition. And don’t use the leanest mince – about 10% fat gives a good balance of fat and flavour. Any leftovers will also freeze well.

Method • •

INGREDIENTS Serves 4-6 • • • • • • • • • •

1 tbsp cooking oil 1 onion, diced 3 cloves garlic 500g beef mince (10% fat) 1 pinch dried mixed herbs or oregano 2 tbsp tomato puree (70g) 1 x 400g can chopped tomatoes 100ml red wine 2 tbsp sweet chilli sauce Salt and pepper to taste

Heat the cooking oil in a deep, lidded frying pan over a medium heat. Fry the onion and garlic until translucent. Add the mince gradually, not all together, and fry until no longer pink. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Add the herbs and tomato puree, and cook for a few minutes. Add the tinned tomatoes, rinsing the can with a few tablespoons of water and add to the sauce. Pour in the red wine and stir in the sweet chilli sauce. Cover with the lid and cook over a low heat for about an hour, stirring from time to time. Serve with the freshly cooked spaghetti and a sprinkling of Italian hard cheese.

To serve • •

75g spaghetti per person, cooked as per packet instructions Parmesan or other Italian hard cheese, grated

Conscious Life Life Magazine Conscious

Pet Nutrition 101: Are You Giving Your Pet the Best? By Dr. Axe Most of us love our furry friends as members of our own family. These innocent, unconditionally loving animals bring much to our lives. They are there for us, always happy to see us (no matter how tattered and torn we may be,) and full of love and devotion. This comes in the form of cats, dogs, bunnies, horses, and many more adorable creatures God has given us. Pet Nutrition 101 Usually at your local grocery store there’s at least one aisle entirely devoted to pets. You’ll find treats, litter, toys, and of course foods. The food selection in the grocery stores range from store brand super cheap to more expensive, recognizable names. But are any of these the best choice to promote your pet’s health? Many of these pet foods are loaded with fillers, additives, preservatives, and more nasty ingredients you simply don’t want to put into your beloved pet’s body. Most of these foods are similar to the foods we find at the grocery store for ourselves; laden with ingredients bound to make us sick and far from being healthy for us. Let’s take a look at the most common ingredients in pet foods you find at the local grocery store according to veterinarian Dr. Jan Becker’s website, Conscious Life Magazine

8 Common Pet Food Ingredients and What They Really Are • •

Lamb and Lamb Meal Poultry Meal and Poultry By-products Meal • Soybean • Meat and Bone • Animal Fat • Poultry Tallow • BHA, BHT • Fillers Let’s look at what each of these ingredients really is and how it impacts the animal you’re feeding. Lamb and Lamb Meal We all know what lamb is but did you know that lamb meal is fresh, dehydrated lamb that when found in this form is really up to seven times more lamb meat than you may think? Poultry Meal and Poultry By-products If you see poultry by products listed on the ingredients of your pet’s food you should know what it really means. Poultry byproducts include beaks, heads, necks, bones, feet, innards and feathers of poultry. This is meat not fit for human consumption. Poultry meal is the better of the two choices.

Poultry Tallow Another name for poultry fat. This is more expensive and better for the animals you’re taking care of. BHA, BHT Chemical preservatives that are abundant in pet foods. These toxins accumulate in the animals system and unlike humans who eat a diverse diet the animals eat them on a daily basis. Fillers The most common fillers for pet foods are corn and wheat. Carnivorous animals are not meant to chow down on either of these grains. They enable the pet food manufacturers to produce cheaper pet foods and the animals don’t fill up so they have to consume more. So now you know a bit more about what not to feed your pet, then what should you feed your pet?

Soybean Soybean is a common ingredient in many pet foods. This is something that causes gas in most animals that are carnivorous. Meat and Bone This is really just a nice way of saying bone. There is very little meat in the meat and bone combination. But that’s not all the bone you’ll be feeding your precious pet is from an unknown source and that source can change at any time without notification to consumers. Animal Fat Usually the cheapest and therefore lowest quality fat on the market. Also from an unknown source and is inconsistent. Conscious Life Magazine

Giving Your Pet the Right Nutrition When it comes to your pet’s diet and health it’s important to know that their diets have evolved the same way as humans have. Although our bodies were built for and need certain nutrition, today’s typical diets are devoid of many of the nutrients we need. Therefore, it’s important to make an effort to not just feed your pet the right foods but to also supplement your pet when needed. Let’s begin with Omega-3’s and DHA.

2 Nutrients Your Pet Must Have Omega-3’s and DHA Back in the days when dogs ran wild they were able to obtain their own omega-3’s and thus DHA from the foods they ate and were meant to eat – naturally. These wild canines would eat reptiles, organ meats, bone marrow and fish and get their needed supply. Of course today with the processed dog foods, this doesn’t happen. For that reason you should consider the best ways to get your pet, particularly dog, a regular dose of omega-3’s. The DHA in omega-3’s are found to be very important in the following for dogs: • Skin • Hair • Retina support • Arthritis • Learning • Behavior You can supplement with one to two tablespoons of cod liver oil or fish oil or serve them fresh, wild salmon a few times per week.

humans we need to have the good bacteria outweigh the bad or the body will suffer. Probiotics are essential for a number of health concerns, here are just a few: • Help to manufacture B vitamins especially biotin and folic acid • Help balance blood cholesterol levels • Improve anti-oxidant activity • Increase energy levels • Remove toxins • Reduce inflammation • Increase digestion Consider live bacteria supplementation for your pet to give them the needed probiotics. There are also freeze dried supplements and liquid supplements but the live is the very best. Probiotic supplements can help to overcome the following in pets: • Diarrhea • Digestion problems • Skin problems • Food intolerances • Chronic health problems It’s vital to remember when it comes to your pets that they too need to have certain nutrients in order to live long, vibrant lives – just like humans. Providing them with real foods instead of fake foods and supplementing what they need is one of the best ways to love your pet. Sources: ngredients.htm

Probiotics Probiotics or ‘for life’ products are the best way to increase the good bacteria in the body while decreasing the bad bacteria. This is particularly important if your pet has been on medications especially antibiotics. Just like Conscious Life Magazine

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