Child of the Universe Montessori Mag ed 34

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The Lovely


Raising & Homeschooling Triplets


Educational Equipment Suppliers

Story Telling with

Michael Dorer


our beloved

South Africa

Desiderata You are a Child of the Universe, No less than the trees and the stars; You have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, No doubt the Universe is unfolding as it should. - Max Ehrmann -

ed’s letter Hello happy Montessorians and ‘Monster-sorians’

ABOUT US PUBLISHER 2Luni Media EDITOR Linda Navon 071 346 8138 OUR “Little Boss” Carmen Ché Jardim SUB-EDITOR & MARKETING MANAGER Cj Stott Matticks 082 900 1010 DISTRIBUTION & RESEARCH Lee Coulter

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The time has come for the SAMA Conference which means we welcome Michael and Rose Dorer to the shores of South Africa, plus a host of Montessorianspeakers, suppliers, teachers and parents. After speaking to so many of you on the phone, I cannot wait to meet you in person. Our April/May edition ran a bit late this month due to all these long weekends, school holidays and various religious celebrations. We hope you have all had a restful time with your families…. Now please get back to work so we can run Montessori smoothly again! This month we have added a special section specific to Montessori educational toys, games and supplies. Irmgard from SAMA recommended that I look up Dr Shefali and her work… WOW, I am blown away. I have added an online interview for you, plus links to her website. We should be featuring her as a regular from now on. There are so many amazing Montessorians around the world, and we will keep introducing you to new resources as often as possible. Remember that all our articles have links back to the relevant websites so you can do some further reading. What are your plans for your children once they have ‘outgrown’ their respective Montessori schools? We do not have many Montessori schools which go up to matric, which leaves parents in a bit of a dilemma as to school placement. Many parents are either starting their own home-schooling (if they don’t have to work) or enrolling their kids with other homeschools, which run the Montessori program. Please pass information on to us so we can share with other families. Either way, keep following the Montessori Method in the home, even when your children have graduated to ‘big’ school. Montessori is a way of life! Much of this edition has been worked on late at night and into the wee hours of the mornings, and I have to thank the radio station – Mix 93.8Fm for their company, and in particular – Leon Economides who is most obliging in playing my requests. Until our May/June edition, please keep FOLLOWING THE CHILD. Much Love


Regular contributing team & experts















contents SAMA PROGRAMM – SATURDAY 29TH & SUNDAY 30TH APRIL THE MONTESSORI METHOD Communication the Montessori Way – Marnie Craycroft The Montessori Classroom – A Poem Fundamental Principles of Montessori Schools How Montessori Education benefits Children Designing a Montessori Home – Tim Seldin Strategies to Energize & Focus your Students EDUCATIONAL TOYS AND LEARNING EQUIPMENT A selection from various Suppliers PEACEFUL PARENTING Mindfulness in a Busy World – Susanne van Niekerk A Journey for the Sacred Child – Dr Shefali Raising Strong Girls & Compassionate Boys New Road Rules – Indwe Risk Services Cry our Beloved South Africa – Margi McAlpine A Prayer for Africa STORY AND PLAY TIME The Deep Well of Time – Michael Dorer Review by Heidi van Staden Story Telling dates with Michael Dorer Reading suggestions Taking Montessori Outside – Practical Life DOWN TO EARTH WITH NIANELL Meet Nianell, mother of Home-schooled triplets OUT & ABOUT Kids Camps at Sugarbay and shows for the family YUMMY TUMMY Cooking with Kids REACH OUT Fun evening out to support Logan’s healing journey Tekkie Tax Day Sunflower Fund SUBSCRIBE TO OUR ONLINE FREE MAGAZINES AND WIN HAMPERS

Communication The Montessori Way Struggling with how to talk to kids is a right of passage for parents and caretakers. By Marnie Craycroft Learning how to improve communication with kids is not simply about getting them to act in a certain way, it is about guiding them to be better communicators, how to live peacefully, how to be kind, and to how to effectively resolve conflict. This means knowing when to intervene, and knowing how to communicate during conflict.

Related Post: What Questions to Ask Before You Intervene Once you’re done reading this article, you will feel more confident & more prepared to communicate with your child and to help guide your child to be a rock solid communicator.

Don’t panic. You are not alone. This stuff is hard. Toddler and preschooler communication is challenging for any adult. So, I thought I would share tips on improving communication with young children that I’ve gathered over the years as a parent ad educator. Did you know that toddlers and preschoolers can solve their own problems? Yes, it is true!

“It is the child who makes the man, and no man exists who was not made by the child he once was.” ~ Dr. Maria Montessori

With the help and guidance of us grown-ups, who often are too quick to offer solutions without giving children the opportunity to come up with a solution on their own, children just might be able to do it. They just might surprise us. The best part is that they can develop important life skills of problem solving and decision making. Not to mention, they will feel capable and independent. Check out my book lists for children for ideas on how to help children develop key social and emotional skills.

During my training, I attended a wonderful Montessori presentation by a Virginia Varga. She pioneered the development of a Montessori Infant & Toddler curriculum in the 60s. Her experience with children, particularly toddlers, is extensive, to say the least. She passed some of her knowledge onto those of us lucky enough to be in her audience.

In short, she was pretty awesome. I was fascinated with her. She emphasized that toddlers are in their prime developing a sense of identity and that, by 2 years old, the basic structure of personality is already formed in these little spirits. That is not to say that personality can’t change to some extent but the basic foundation already exists in form. Even at birth, temperament is deeply embedded in who we all are. I loved it when Virginia said, emphasizing Maria Montessori herself, “already at 3, the child is a little man”. I could not help but giggle a bit thinking of my own children and all their “personality”.

One theme in her Montessori presentation was how parents and educators are too quick to problem solve for children, that we are given many opportunities to guide them to make decisions on their own but we choose to offer solutions instead of asking questions. Conflict resolution is a life skill. Helping children understand and process their emotions, and then manage them is a life skill. I am guilty. I am betting I am not alone in this boat. I got so much out of her talk that I had to share some of the specific communication tactics with you.

10 Ways to Absolutely Improve Toddler Communication Acknowledge and identify feelings: “I notice that you are mad. Is that because Ben took the truck away from you?” • Let’s the child know that his feelings have been heard by us. Recognizing and responding to needs and wants expressed through feelings changes a child’s behavior. Interpret the experience: “It looks like you both want the truck” • Let’s the child know that someone understands him, instead of saying “Your brother wants the truck”, offer an interpretation. Report the observation: “You would like the truck but Ben took it from you” • Let’s the child process the situation Repeat the “complaint” – “You said the bike is not working” • Along the same lines as the above two, repeating the complaint not only makes the child feel heard, it also gives adult time to think about next steps. Ask questions – “How is it broken?” “Why won’t it go?” What would like to happen now?” • Asking a question stimulates thinking and reduces stress to the brain allowing for (better) problem solving and decision making. Don’t immediately suggest an option to solve the problem. Allow the child(ren) time to think about how to solve the problem offer solutions and feel capable.

Wait for the Answer – Don’t ask a question and then let the child run away or you or the child get distracted by something. Ask the question and wait for and expect an answer. If the child runs away, bring him back into the situation by saying, “I asked XYZ, what is your answer?” End a Question with a Question – If you ask the child “Would you like to share the truck with Ben?” and he says, “No”, continue by asking, “How do you think that makes Ben feel?” or “When can Ben play with the truck?” Model Thinking – We all sometimes talk to ourselves out loud. Modeling thinking is similar. Say something like, “I think Ben & Ethan will probably find a way to solve the problem.” Respect children’s wants and needs– Never force a child to share his things. If he is playing with a truck and his brother takes that truck away, instead of requesting that he share the truck, ask him and if he says, “no”, ask him when he might be ready to share his truck. Children can be very generous when given the opportunity to do so. Facilitate peaceful decision-making – Keep the problem within the children. Guide them to solve the problem together. Don’t solve it for them. You can not start too young with this approach. The approach takes practice and repetition. Even the youngest child who may not have the words to respond can take words into his world. He understands. In my Montessori at Home Guide for Parents, I offer loads more helpful tips to add to your toolbox, ready for use! I will end with a quote from the presentation:

“By following and gently leading the child ‘across the bridge’ you can celebrate the joy of the child’s psychological birth. The child is a person “I am” and “I can”. There is so much more to write on this topic so indeed expect more to come…we can help our children be peaceful and bring peace to their minds and hearts.

I hope we inspired you today! Marnie

SAMA MEMBER SCHOOLS & TRAINING CENTRES IN SOUTH AFRICA Eastern & Southern Cape KwaZulu Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga Namibia North Gauteng (PTA) South Gauteng (JHB)

Western Cape Swaziland


Montessori practice is always up-to-date and dynamic because observation and the meeting of needs is continual and specific for each child. When physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional needs are met children glow with excitement and a drive to play and work with enthusiasm, to learn, and to create. They exhibit a desire to teach, help, and care for others and for their environment. The high level of academic achievement so common in Montessori schools is a natural outcome of experience in such a supportive environment. The Montessori method of education is a model which serves the needs of children of all levels of mental and physical ability as they live and learn in a natural, mixed-age group which is very much like the society they will live in as adults. Experience and research both indicate that children attending Montessori schools tend to be competent, self-disciplined, socially well adjusted, and happy.

1: Competence Children in Montessori schools are often several years above grade level in their basic skills. Also, since the Montessori education is comprehensive, children are often exceptionally knowledgeable in a number of other areas as well.

2: Self-discipline Montessori schools are well known for children’s development of self-discipline. Children choose to work long and hard. They treat materials and others with respect. They display patience and resistance to temptation and the ability to attend for long periods.

3: Social Adjustment Montessori school children usually strike a visitor as friendly empathetic, and co-operative. The classroom is a cheerful social community where children happily help each other. It is not uncommon to see a child offer to help another child. Also, learning social grace and courtesy is a part of the Montessori curriculum.

4: Happiness Most parents of children in a Montessori school comment on how much their children love school.

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4 Strategies to Energize and Focus Your Students

By Ben Johnson

The real-life application of learning engages students beyond worksheets and traditional methods. Students are often bombarded with distractions, and it’s a challenge to keep them focused on what they are learning and the task at hand. The following four strategies I have found to be incredibly helpful in keeping students focused daily—and throughout the school year.

1. Engage Student Leadership in the Classroom Some of the students who seem least interested in the learning are also some of the most effective students in organizing and orchestrating classroom projects. These student leaders can also be persuasive in assisting others in their learning. I recently started a project-based learning unit on travel in Spanish speaking countries, and I handpicked a general manager for each class. I chose the student that was self-assured enough to make things happen, and in many cases, these were students with disciplinary issues. I then asked the class to elect two student helpers for the general manager. I knew that making sure that this leadership team knew how to lead was incredibly important, so I took the time to explain the vision and goals, providing specific tasks that needed to be done. I advised them that they were not the ones that should be doing the tasks, but they are the ones supervising to make sure that the tasks get done. I also gave them liberty on how they could accomplish the tasks. The results were impressive and better than past results when I had been the sole manager of the learning.

2. Involve as Many Students as Possible The first segment of our travel project was to transform our classroom into a travel agency. I requested that the leadership team for each class assign students to make artifacts for the agency—business cards, brochures, posters, and travel plan forms. Every student also had to create a passport, so photos had to be taken and a group of students were put in charge of that as well. The language component required that everyone prepare a dialogue (in Spanish) to plan her or his trip with a travel agent. The leadership team kept constant track of where the students were on their passports, their dialogues, and other assigned tasks, and they were also busy on their own tasks.

3. Give the Students an Urgent Reason to Learn The second phase of our travel unit was the actual boarding and flight in our classroom-turnedairplane. We transformed the classroom into a boarding area and the interior of an airplane. Students created colorful cardboard panels designed to look like airplane windows to divide the classroom. They voted on who would play the role of the pilot and flight attendant. The students chosen for the roles wrote scripts they had to memorize and perform as part of their duties. Students had to successfully apply for and obtain a visa, as well as obtain their boarding pass—all through conversations with each other—before they could actually board the plane. To add to the illusion of realism, once the students were all boarded, they watched a video of a pilot’s eye view of a take-off. Later they viewed a short in-flight movie, and the flight attendant gave them drinks and pretzels. During the flight, each student had to engage their seatmate in a three-topic conversation that I evaluated before they could get their treat. When I asked the students to reflect on this experience and their learning, many happily shared that they could successfully travel to a Spanish speaking country (most of the students had never flown, and this was their “first” experience).

4. Help Students Feel Success I told the students:

“We landed safely! The pilot and flight attendant did a wonderful job of creating this project. ¡Aplauso por favor! We need to also thank the management team for all their hard work in creating the plane and the boarding area. ¡Aplauso por favor!” Each student knew she/he was successful. No one could board the plane without all the boarding tasks completed. They knew they were successful in the dialogues because they could not get their in-flight treat until they performed the dialogue satisfactorily according to the rubric. The basis for performance-based learning and project-based learning is getting the students to do things that show they know how to apply the knowledge and skills to real-life, or life-like, situations. They moved from one completed task to another, and this kept them focused on the ultimate goal: boarding the plane. Having an end goal will inspire students to stay focused on the task at hand. The next leg of our travel project will take place in the hotel, and in order to get their room, they are going to have to communicate effectively with the receptionist. In order to find the restaurant, they will have to successfully get and follow directions from the hotel doorman.

Additional Planning and Effort—It's Worth It I saw students’ attitudes change with this project. I saw students who were hard to enthuse come to class excited. They loved having a say in what their passport names would be and the dialogue they would engage in on the plane. Giving students a chance to create a learning environment, engaging all of them in an urgent reason to learn, and providing continual feedback as they progress are ways to help your students focus. Project planning does require extra planning and preparation on the part of the teacher, but the benefits are worth the risk of bringing a bit of chaos to our classrooms. Real-life application of learning engages students beyond worksheets and traditional methods. Projects like the one described provide an opportunity for students to put to practice the knowledge and skills they have learned in an authentic way.

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Raising Kids Positively Raising Kids Positively is all about improving your relationship with your children, growing their emotional intelligence, and a balance of kind and firm discipline. Psychologist Carol Surya makes this easy with her new website and three easy-to-use routes: a children’s self-esteem game, a conscious parenting book and workshops. InnerMagic Perfect for today’s busy families, is a game to consciously spend more quality time together, without devices or distractions. Expertly designed for selfreflection, self-expression and empowerment, InnerMagic benefits include teaching emotional intelligence while also strengthening all areas of development as you play! Everyone loves it because it gets all players moving, thinking and speaking. Magically encouraging children to talk more easily, develop critical thinking and practice making healthy choices. Ideal for parents, grandparents and educators to play with 5 to 13 year olds.

Order yours today and be reminded of your inner potential. All information available on Email : Phone: (044) 533-5655 Mobile:: 071 671 6337

The Magic of Mindfulness Author Carmen Clews has found a magical way to bring mindfulness into your home and school! “The Magic Mat and its little secret…” is a delightful children’s book (with free DVD animation) offering fun, physical stretching and calming techniques to develop happy, relaxed, loving and healthy children. Used as a story at bedtime, or done actively with the DVD at home or as a group activity in the classroom - with regular use the benefits are magical. Children relax more, improving in balance and co-ordination, as well as memory, focus, patience and selfcontrol. Readers (age 5 to 12) hop on board their very own Magic Mat, transforming them into animals with various beautiful qualities. Finally, they relax, discovering their own higher selves, learning to feel love, compassion and gratitude. Read what buyers say about this magical tool kit, visit the Facebook page, watch the video clip – or simply order yours today.

The Planting Seeds for Life Education Series, also by Carmen Clews, teaches mindfulness and positive values to children aged 10 to 14 years. Enchanting African stories guide the reader through group discussions, visualizations, songs and other learning activities all aimed at improving well-being. The book’s 25 “seeds”, each written as a lesson plan, include the essential life skills of making wise choices; improving communication; managing emotions; problem solving; forgiveness; positive thinking; self-reliance and environmental conservation. If only we’d all learned these skills at school.

Contact details : Website : Email : Video : Magic Mat Seeds for Life

Who Will Stop the Bullying? Watch this experiment

Kid Getting Bullied Social Experiment - EPIC Ending!!!

By Susanne van Niekerk

Having recently embarked on a course of Mindfulness training to try and find sense in this forever busy and frenetic world, I am struck again and again by the links between our ideal Montessori practice and being mindful. Mindfulness in itself is generally defined as the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something. Mindfulness is also defined as a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations. Consider the first definition - the quality or state of being conscious. The shift in the child from unconscious to conscious learning at the start of the social embryonic stage gives rise to a new dimension of being ‘conscious’ that applies to both the child and the adult. For the child, the increasing awareness of control of body and mind, and the development of the will and selfdiscipline comes with purposeful and mindful activity within a favourable environment. Anyone observing a three-year-old child working with an activity of everyday living will see the child’s total engagement not just in the activity itself, but also in this present moment. What we as adults see as the analysis of movement (something we were taught to do in teacher training college), the child savours by being totally present in that very moment.

This is the core of mindfulness training!

The child at the moment of purposeful engagement, mindfully engages hand and mind for the purpose of the process. Not the product. The process. No wonder that this ‘work’ releases within the child such peace and calm. The characteristics of the normalised child are very much the characteristics of the state of mindfulness too – the focus of one’s awareness on the present moment, calmly accepting one’s feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations. It is fitting therefore that Montessori stated implicitly that the role of the adult included being the guardian angel of the concentrating (engaging) child’s soul!

Montessori also speaks constantly of the spiritual preparation needed by the adult working with children. This is also a form of mindfulness. If we are to be in the present moment, acknowledging and accepting our feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations, what do we need to do? The Montessori adult needs to firstly be aware. We need to be aware of ourselves. Who are we? What do we believe in? Where does this belief come from? Are we secure in who and what we actually are, and stand for? Hand in hand with this comes an awareness of others in our environment. Children, parents, peers… This awareness needs to include the awareness of the fact that each of these beings has their own set of beliefs, morals, and traditions. Our awareness of who we are should therefore allow us to see and accept others for who and what they are without having the need to try and change these persons to be who or what we want them to be. This also does not mean that we necessarily need to change who we are. If improvements to the original can be made, then by all means, we should make them. But, what is more important, is that we are conscious. We need to be conscious of who and what we are. We need to be conscious of our prejudices, of stereotyping, and most certainly of discriminating. By being aware and conscious, the Montessori adult is better equipped to allow the child to be. There is no word missing in the previous sentence – we need to allow the child to BE.

The child comes into the world relatively useless (physically), unintelligent (mentally) and unsympathetic (socially). The child also comes into the world armed with innate ‘tools’ that allow her/him to adapt to the world. As the Montessori adults we therefore need awareness of how this transition happens. We need awareness of the planes of development, sensitive parenting, child development, the importance of play and of supporting the child’s human tendencies and sensitive periods. Only with this awareness can we be truly conscious in being part of the child’s moment. Only with this awareness can we consciously be truly present.

Now, in the 3rd month of 2017, in the midst of country and world turmoil, let us all aim to be more mindful – for ourselves, for the child, and for the Earth. If You Would Grow - Shine the Light of Loving Self-Care on Yourself If you would grow to your best self Be patient, not demanding Accepting, not condemning Nurturing, not withholding Self-marveling, not belittling Gently guiding, not pushing and punishing For you are more sensitive than you know Mankind is as tough as war yet delicate as flowers We can endure agonies but we open fully only to warmth and light And our need to grow Is as fragile as a fragrance dispersed by storms of will To return only when those storm are still So, accept, respect, and attend your sensitivity A flower cannot be opened with a hammer. (Daniel F. Mead)

Published on Nov 4, 2016

ABOUT OUR SPEAKERS: Dr. SHEFALI (via internet) Oprah’s favourite parenting expert, Dr. Shefali is a world-renowned clinical psychologist who received her doctorate from Columbia University, New York. She specializes in the integration of Eastern philosophy and Western psychology, making her an expert in her field. Her message has the potential to change people’s lives for generations to come. Her latest book, THE AWAKENED FAMILY, gives us daily skills and tools to revolutionize our families and our parenting. This book holds the potential to liberate both your child and yourself from the clutches of anxiety leading you toward a transformed sense of peace and joy. Dr. Shefali is invited as a keynote speaker to conferences and workshops around the world, including Wisdom 2.0, TEDx, Kellogg Business School, The Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education, and many more.

PHIL MOORE Phil Moore is the founder and director of Upland Hills School (founded in 1971) in Oxford, Michigan. The school and Phil’s work is inspired by his mentor, R. Buckminster Fuller, and is based on the concept that each child is a genius and the natural world is a child’s primary teacher. This radical, yet intuitive, educational paradigm is laid in a foundation of love-centred interaction. |

CO-PRODUCED BY: Conscious Thought Revolution Stream of Consciousness Learn more about Dr. Shefali at

By Leanne Gray

I like to consider myself a strong woman. But too often, I find myself saying something like "Oh, I can't do that" or apologizing for expressing my feelings and advocating for what I want. These cultural norms are enforced over and over until they sneak into our minds and jump out when you least expect it. We start assigning these roles to children before they are even born, so it takes a conscious effort to challenge and change them. But where to begin? I spoke with Rikki, a mom who works to empower women everyday. Having two young sons herself, she works hard on challenging stereotypes, assumptions, and established ideas around gender roles in her home as well as at work.

Here's what she has to say about building strength, resolve, and self-confidence for your daughter and encouraging compassion, sensitivity, and humility for your son.

Tell us a bit about your work to empower women. What inspired you to do this? I have been very fortunate to have wonderful mentors in my life who have encouraged me, and helped me to understand that advocating for myself, especially as a woman in a field that is typically male dominated, is very important. I have tried to do that same thing for other young women, in negotiating salaries, navigating challenging transitions, and exploring new careers. Women are much better at advocating or negotiating for others than they are for themselves, so I encourage them to think about these decisions as if they were doing it for another person and that helps them to understand their own value and self worth.

What are some common hurdles you see in women's attitudes, mannerisms, and behaviors? I try to be careful not to stereotype, or assume that all women have the same challenges or hurdles to overcome. That said, there are patterns that I see, such as women doubting their own capabilities and underestimating their value to an organization, or team. Women tend to look at a list of job requirements and say, of these 10, I can do 6 well, so I probably shouldn't try for this job, whereas men look at that and say 6, out of 10 - I have got this! I also think that women are afraid to come across too strong, so they will hold back on what they ask for, or frame it in a way that makes it seem like a question, not something that is required, or recommended.

– what you should know! By Indwe Risk Services

One of our biggest goals, as insurance advisors, is to put our clients first; not only by providing insurance solutions, but also by sharing knowledge to ensure they stay safe and well informed. Thus, when the Department of Transport announced that they’ll be implementing amendments to our road regulations in May 2017, we knew we had to share. The reasons for these changes are to reduce road carnage and improve road safety. Knowing (and following) the rules of the road, protects your vehicle, loved ones and wallet (as you shouldn’t receive traffic fines and will be less likely to submit a claim due to a vehicle accident). So, what do you need to know? • • • • • •

Drivers will undergo a practical re-evaluation when renewing their licences. The speed limit will be reduced from 60 to 40km/h in urban areas, 100 to 80km/h in rural areas, and 120 to 100km/h on highways running through residential areas. Heavy commercial vehicles will need to display a maximum speed sticker on the vehicle’s body. Heavy commercial vehicles over 9 000kg, gross vehicle mass, will not be allowed to travel on public roads during peak periods. Bakkie drivers are not allowed to carry more than five people or children in the vehicle’s load bay. There have also been talks about changing the learner’s licence test and implementing new number plates.

If you are looking for first-rate insurance that will put your needs firsts and keep you informed, speak to your Indwe advisor today. Visit or phone 0860 13 13 14, and we will find a tailormade insurance solution for you.

Cry our Beloved South Africa By Margi McAlpine from Angel Connection School As our beautiful country reels and weeps over the political fallout, arrogance and shenanigans of the past weeks and years, for many it becomes extremely difficult to remain positive and to hold the light. It is so easy to become drawn into all the negativity that we hear and see all around us yet what we need to remember is that when we do allow ourselves to be sucked into it we just feed the negative cycle that has been created and so instead of alleviating the situation we actually make it so much worse! So many have such good intentions and want justice and integrity to be brought back but we need to be extremely careful of what we are putting out into the Universe as it will be created in the way that it is thought of, said, and done. There is nothing wrong in showing solidarity as long as we don't make it a negative. The collective consciousness is so powerful and if we can stand together as one and ask the Angels and the Beings of Light to assist us in creating justice, peace and accountability in a positive way, then we can change the destruction of what is happening. Fear is the most destructive and debilitating of all the emotions so do not allow yourself to be overwhelmed by this. Anger and Fear are very good bedfellows. You seldom find one without the other. Anger brings in a very negative energy and with fear can destroy who and what you are. Fear and Love are the only two emotions that are of any significance. If you live in fear you cannot love but if you live in love there is no fear. So let’s choose to live in love which surpasses everything and walk in the footsteps of all the great Masters whose teachings were all love! We need to remember that the dark can never overpower the light and so if each and every one of us puts our country and its entire people in light there is nothing to fear and everything to gain. The importance of Africa in the greater scheme of things cannot be ignored. We know that until Africa is healed and working in the light, the rest of the world cannot be healed properly, which will prevent Planet Earth from going into Ascension. We need to remember the words of the highly Ascended Master Lord Serapis Bey on Africa - “The rubbish is being brought to the surface to be got rid of so that the new can come in. Africa will lead the way! ”. We also need to be praying and asking the Angels for assistance remembering that unless we ask they are unable to help. “Thank you that peace and harmony reigns in our beautiful South Africa and that we have just and honorable leaders who work with integrity and without ego and take responsibility for their actions.” Each and every one of us needs to ensure that we are working in love, light and integrity because if we are unable to do that in our personal lives we have no right to expect anyone else to do it. Men and women of integrity always take responsibility for themselves and their actions and then do what is for the highest good of all instead of feeding their egos! I have had many requests and so have included the Prayer for Africa that was channelled through by Lord Serapis Bey and ask you to join us in saying this prayer as often as you can.

Together we can and will make a difference!

by Margi McAlpine (Channelled through Lord Serapis Bey) I feel my feet firmly on the ground. I see beautiful golden roots growing out of the soles of my feet anchoring and grounding me to the wonderful energies of the African soil. I ask Archangels Michael and Metatron to place their protective cloaks around me and the Continent of Africa. I call in all the Beings of Light who are working with me and through me to clear and heal the Continent of Africa, especially Archangel Metatron and Lord Serapis Bey. I visualise myself facing North. I give thanks that the prayers and light I send will move upwards reaching the next light worker like a bridge. In this way the whole of the African Continent will be lit up with amazing bridges of light. I see the ancient Ley Lines under the earth. Once they carried light and energy, now they are filled with darkness and fear. I send light into each and every one of them pushing out the darkness. I thank the Angels and Beings of Light for bringing in the Golden, Silver, Violet Flame to assist with this. These important lines are now energised and full of light. (take your time to see them being cleared and lit up) I concentrate my energies on the grids in the etheric around the Continent. Once bearers of light, these grids now hold the fear of Africa around the Continent like a vice. I thank the Angels and Beings of Light as they bring in the Golden, Silver, Violet Flame to clear the debris by filling them with light and love. The grids are once more Beacons of Light holding the Continent in unconditional love. (take your time to see them being cleared and lit up) I call on the Mighty Archangel Metatron, the Archangel of Africa to enlighten and awaken the Continent enabling healing to take place and the ancient wisdom and teachings to be returned. Thank you for the healing of all her people, especially the children and elderly and those who have been traumatised by violence, war, poverty and disease. Thank you for the healing of Nature, including all the animals, birds, insects, sea creatures, the land, the waters, plants and trees. Thank you that Africa is flourishing under just leaders who work with integrity. I give thanks for being an African either by birth or circumstance because Africa is the Cradle of Mankind and will lead the way into the light and I am privileged to be a part of this movement. I put the whole of the African Continent in a beautiful white bubble of protective light and unconditional love and entrust it to Archangel Metatron. “I give thanks today For my journey forward To stand in my Highest Power To be of Divine Service “ (Reshmi Singh)



Book Review by Heidi van Staden

THE DEEP WELL OF TIME By Michael Dorer In 2009, I had my first experience of Montessori stories from Mr. Dorer in Cape Town at the South African Montessori Association conference. Hearing them told, with such detail, drama and passion was enthralling. Everyone loves stories and it is in our African blood to love being told stories.

Having a natural storyteller bring to life the Montessori materials and concepts in such a dramatic and imaginative way inspired my own inner story-telling diva. I attempted after that encounter to retell those fabulous stories as best I could. The children loved them none-the-less. Marigold and her farm-measuring triumph, a potter named Tan and his dilemma with his beautiful (but broken) plate and the wonderfully expressive story introducing the Euclidean geometry concepts were told to them over and over. In reading ‘The Deep Well of Time’ for this review, I was transported back to the beginning of time with the Great Lesson stories, and was especially gratified to find the elusive Great River story included. It is easy to imagine a group of elementary children getting caught up in the events at the Adjective’s Picnic, and knowing that they will always know, forever more exactly what an adjective is and how it functions. Mr. Dorer has also included stories from his colleagues Larry Schaefer and Jonathan Wolff - both of whom have regaled us at South African Montessori Association conferences as well. The great American novelist, Toni Morrisson said, “If there is a book you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, you must be the one to write it.” Mr. Dorer has written the stories that we all want to hear. These are stories that will create a bond between the teacher and the child and more importantly between the Montessori materials and the child. The countless children that these extraordinary gems will touch in times to come is truly a gift. I reckon Maria Montessori is smiling, she may even be saying, “Michael, tu racconti le storie grande!”

Heidi van Staden 29.06.2016

Dr. Shefali Tsabary is a international speaker, clinical psychologist and acclaimed author of the award-winning book "The Conscious Parent". She blends eastern mindfulness with western psychology integrating wisdom from both traditions. Her first book, "The Conscious Parent", has been endorsed by Oprah as one of the most profound books on parenting she has ever read. This book revolutionizes the parenting journey and allows us to transform our relationship with our children.

Blue Sky News is a kids friendly newsletter (A3 folded to A4 full colour) distributing (personally by each franchisee) on a monthly basis to over 300 schools into school bags, in the Gauteng area. We currently have franchises covering Midrand/Centurion/Fourways/Houghton/Sandton 40000 copies collectively. If you interested in becoming part of our team OR if parents/kids/families are your target market & you would be interested in advertising with us OR would like to distribute or subscribe to our newsletters then check out our website and/or Facebook page Contact for more info, we would love to hear from you!

Creating Outdoor Montessori Activities for Practical Life is possible and actually easy! A child finds joy in activities we adults view as work or as every day routine. Once a child witnesses these activities in “real” life, he wants to model the activities, again and again. Practical Life activities are typically introduced when the child first enters the classroom. The tasks are simple, precise, and involve activities that the child has already seen in his home, and subsequently wants to mimic. Practical Life activities prepare a child to be a productive person in our world. The work is holistic in developing the child’s “whole self” by honing fine motor skills, grace of movement, self-regulation, concentration, to behave with respect and with good manners, independence, and self-esteem. Practical life is about preparing a child for life and about developing far less tangible skills, such as self-esteem, completing a cycle of work, self-sufficiency, problem solving, confidence and independence, all qualities that will help in life but also later in academic work.

Walk the Line

Care of Plants

This activity is a classic Montessori activity great for developing Grace & Courtesy through working with balance and space. For the traditional AMS Montessori lesson, check out the post I wrote on the Walking the Line. Take this activity outdoors by first identifying lines on which to walk such as a fallen log, an edging of a garden or lawn, a line drawn in a path with a stick, or create a line from leaves and other natural objects. Fun variations include walking barefoot, walking while holding a bell, or walking with balancing in object on your head.

This activity lends well to the Montessori outdoors classroom. Within the classroom, Care of Plants is part of Caring for the Environment. Children will mist water onto plants and water the soil as needed. Children will also prune dead leaves to keep the plant healthy. Outside a child can take a step back and plant a seed and truly care for his plant throughout its lifecycle. In a garden already in place, a child can till the dirt, weed, and harvest plants. In addition, learning a respectful way to co-exist with plants is critical (e.g. walk around, not on and holding a stem with one hand and picking with the other hand if you’re making tea or picking berries)

Conscious Life Magazine


caught up with the beautiful, talented, funny and all round amazing lady, Nianell and chatted to her about her new album due to be released in May this year, taking her Theta Healing from Practitioner to Master Level, teaching Theta Healing in SA and raising and home schooling her lovely triplets. Nianell is a very well-known and much loved SA Singer, songwriter, pianist and guitarist with 7 beautiful albums under her belt, an 8th on its way and has performed with such world renowned singers as Andrea Bocelli, Christina Aguilera, Diana Ross and Shakira. Each of her songs has a beautiful message and is filled with unconditional love which you can feel emanating from the sound system and a thousand times more when you have the privilege to see her perform live. She believes in making a difference with her music. What some of you may not know, is that Nianell is also a published author, her book “Knowing Who I Am� describes a challenging life journey and reveals the story behind the lyrics. We highly recommend that you get a copy through Hay House. What you may also not have known until reading this article, is that Nianell is a certified Theta Healing Master, having found a healing modality that works with and connects to the Divine Energy of the Creator of All That Is, or Creator God as Nianell refers to the energy, she jumped in with both feet and studied as much as she could, surpassing many of us who 1st studied with her. Gracefully soaring, which is her way.

What did you aspire to become when you grew up? I always loved inspiring and motivating people, making them feel happy and loved. I loved telling stories and singing in an attempt to make people feel better. I still do that today.

Did you always know that you wanted to perform? I always knew that I came to sing and speak to millions of people.

We know it’s not the easiest of industries to succeed in, were there times when you were not so sure of yourself and your ability to make it in the industry? I never doubted my ability, but I did not believe that people would accept what I had to offer. I had to learn to have faith, not just in myself and the Creator of all that is, but also in people.

What challenges did you face? Wow, there's not enough space here to go into all the challenges I had to face, but looking back I can honestly say that I created all of them myself by what I believed about myself, others and life.

Nianell Pictured here With Dr Wayne Dyer

Conscious Life Magazine

What are your dreams and aspirations for your music career for the future? It is my goal and focus to continue singing from my heart and soul, to love singing and mostly to sing because I love it. To sing for me, because it's when I sing that I heal, create and feel. For a long time I sang for others, now I sing for me.

Theta Healing: What first drew you to Theta Healing and how did you know this was the modality you wanted to learn? After my Mom passed away 5 years ago, my heart was jolted back to life and feeling. When I felt again, after being numb for many years, I realised that a lot of things needed to change in my life for me to be happy again. For many years I studied different modalities like Brain Gym and Sound Healing, but when I did my first course in ThetaHealing, I realised that this was the best technique for me to become aware of my limiting beliefs and the best tool to really change my life. I'm now have my Masters and Certificate of Science in ThetaHealing and I do sessions and teach the technique to anyone who wants to transform their life.

What is it that you most love about Theta Healing? I love that the Creator of all that is, is the healer and I only witness. Through the Creator of all that is, impossible is possible.

Share with us a little of how your journey took you from studying the basic Theta Healing Practitioner’s course, all the way to Montana in the USA to study to be an instructor with Vianna Stibal herself (Vianna is the founder of Theta Healing) I went to Montana to focus mainly on learning three things. Assertiveness,

Conscious Life Magazine

acceptance and trust/faith. I took a leap of faith by going there, because nothing in my life was certain at the time. I stayed there for two and a half months to complete my studies. It was not easy to be away from my children for such a long time and in general I was taken out of my comfort zone completely. To be honest, I guess deep down I was running away to hide. But while I was there I realised that I cannot run away from myself. I connected with myself again and I decided to embrace, love and accept all of me. I came home motivated to release everything that does not serve my highest good and to move forward. I discovered that everything I wanted and was looking for was already in my life. That I already had it all, I just needed to learn how to receive it. I understand now that I create my own reality with what I believe about myself, others and life and this freed me from feeling like a victim.

Love, joy and peace is my birth right and I accept it with gratitude. I returned home feeling humbled and filled with gratitude. Feeling deeply loved and supported.

How are you enjoying teaching? l am a born teacher. I always create an opportunity to teach. I teach through stories and songs. I believe to be a great teacher one must create a space for others where they can believe anything is possible. Where they can believe in magic and where they feel completely loved and accepted as they are.

Where do you see yourself taking this journey to? I see myself singing and teaching all over the world.

Parenting and Home Schooling:

How do you incorporate socialising with other children?

You have 3 very beautiful daughters, Jade, Tayden and Kaeley who turn 10 in July this year. You once shared with me that having triplets was the best thing to happen to a control freak – tell us more about them and how they have changed your life.

They do sport at a public school close by. They also do horse riding and they always have friends over for play dates.

My girls light up my life in so many ways. I am in awe of them and they teach me so much. I am so thankful for this miraculous experience with them and I treasure every moment I get to spend with them.

With the help of the awesome and beautiful soul, Ronel (or Tannie Ronel as we call her), you home school your girls. How has the journey been? Ronel is that great teacher whom creates the space for everyone to believe in magic and helps us believe that the impossible is possible. I do not know what I would have done without her love and support. I admire her dedication to our divine purpose here and I'm thankful that Ronel chose to join me on this adventure. Like my kids always say: What's going to work? TEAMWORK. Home school has been the perfect choice for my children and they love it. They get personal attention, love and care. They have a wonderful social life and join a primary school close by for sport.

What values and traits do you instil in your girls? I believe in being the example I want my children to become. So I focus on loving and accepting myself. I know that if they can learn to love and accept themselves, anything is possible

As a single mom of triplets, what advice do you have for other mom’s out there partnered or single? Be the person you want your children to become.

Getting to Know Nianell Better: Tell us about a day in the life of Nianell? I can honestly say that not one day is the same, ever!

What are your guilty pleasures? I have many pleasures but I do not feel guilty about them lol. I love Ferreira Rocher with my coffee. Every now and again I eat a whole packet of crisps and I love sleeping late in the morning, very late.

Where do you get the materials and syllabus from?

What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Do you have any hobbies?

Syllabus you have to ask Ronel. But we have developed a new way of teaching in our school. We are much more focused on stimulating the brain to think and create, rather then to just memorise like a parrot.

I love a good movie or book. I love taking long baths, meditating in the bath with candles everywhere. I go on wonderful journeys during my meditations. I love taking long slow walks.

Will this take them to matric?

Lesser known talents of yours?

This is something my children can decide for themselves when they are older.

I am clairaudient and very intuitive.

Conscious Life Magazine

List 4 of your favourite things in life and why they are your favourites. My children and Ronel. Kevin. My family and friends. They do not belong to me, but I love spending time with them. Its my most favourite thing to do, being with the people I love.

4 items on your bucket list and why? Paragliding-Why? because I've done all the other stuff like skydiving, bungee jumping, Kloofing, abseiling, river rafting. Paragliding is left. I want to travel to a few more places, I really want to see the Grand Canyon. Visit Japan. Great wall of China.

What are you currently reading and what are your 4 favourite books? Currently re-reading Caroline MyssAnatomy of the spirit. Favourites: Planes of existence - Vianna Stibel. Conversations with God - Neale Donald Walsch. Big Magic - Elizabeth Gilbert. The Honeymoon effect - Bruce Lipton.

Top 10 Bands/Musicians – SA and International I don't really listen to music.

Plans for the future – where do you see yourself 5 years from now? In 5 years time, I will look five years younger, I will still be in love with life and with the people in my life. I will still sing from a place of feeling, I will still dance with every opportunity, play, have fun and enjoy my life as much as I do now. I will be wiser, healthier, wealthier and I'll have more energy than ever.

Thank you Nianell for sharing with us 

Conscious Life Magazine


The Wonderful World of Disney on Ice Disney On Ice will return to South Africa in 2017 for the sixth time with The Wonderful World of Disney On Ice!. With tickets now available, families will be able to celebrate magic, spirit, and fun as an extraordinary lineup of Disney stories come to life in Johannesburg, Cape Town and, for the very first time, Durban! Ticketpro Dome, Johannesburg . 30 June – 9 July Durban’s ICC Arena . 13 July – 16 July GrandWest, Cape Town . 19 July – 23 July

Presented by Feld Entertainment Inc and leading local promoter, Showtime Management The Wonderful World of Disney On Ice! opens on Friday, 30 June 2017 at the Ticketpro Dome, Johannesburg and runs until Sunday, 09 July 2017. The production then moves to Durban’s ICC Arena from Thursday, 13 July to Sunday, 16 July and then to GrandWest, Cape Town from Wednesday, 19 July to Sunday, 23 July 2017. Tickets are on sale at Computicket.

Join Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy as they walk down memory lane and reawaken Disney moments that span generations. Dive deep into the East Australian Current with your favorite school of fish from Disney Pixar's Finding Dory when Dory, Nemo and Marlin set off on an adventure to discover the true meaning of family. Travel to the wintry world of Arendelle with Anna and Elsa and the hilarious snowman Olaf from Disney’s Frozen as they learn how powerful a love between sisters can be. Reach for your dreams with Rapunzel, as her determination illuminates her inner strength. Experience the beauty of Walt Disney’s first animated feature film, as Snow White creates her own happily ever after with the help of seven, new friends. Buzz and Woody will have you jumping out of your seat in a foot-stomping hoedown; Simba, Timon and Pumbaa prowl the Pride Lands of Africa; Jasmine, Aladdin and Genie show how friendship is fearless; and your favorite Disney Princesses take to the ice to showcase the courage and determination that led them to achieve their dreams. For the past six years South African audiences have been thrilled by the excitement of the various Disney On Ice shows. “Each year, the show is a completely different production and, based on the audience appreciation, we believe Disney On Ice is fast becoming a regular annual event on the South African winter events calendar,” says Tony Feldman from Showtime Management. “We are pleased to extend the 2017 Disney On Ice SA tour to share the magic of Disney On Ice in Durban for the first time.” The production concludes with a captivating parade of classic and modern Disney characters, bringing the production to a final culmination of excitement and adventure. With an extraordinary lineup of hit songs, memorable scenes and timeless characters, The Wonderful World of Disney On Ice has a story for every generation.

The Wonderful World of Disney On Ice is a not-to-be-missed family winter school holiday outing. Book now at Computicket by calling 0861 915 8000, visit or your nearest Computicket service centre. Patrons are asked to please note that owing to safety regulations each person, irrespective of age (including babes in arms and children under two years) must have a purchased ticket. To discover more about Disney On Ice, log on to or visit us on Facebook and YouTube.

Middle Eastern Falafel In Middle Eastern countries, falafel is made from garbanzo beans and spices, shaped into balls or patties and deep-fried. It is a popular form of street food, often served wrapped in thick pita breads. These falafel patties are made on a griddle, using much less oil. Children can help mash the chickpeas and form the falafel into the patties. Try serving with yogurt sauce for an extra delicious meal! Serves 4 - 6. Ingredients


Put the drained and rinsed garbanzo beans into a bowl. Use a potato masher to completely mash the beans. Stir in the lemon juice. Add the parsley and green onions to the mashed garbanzo beans, stirring well. Then add the salt, cumin, turmeric, cayenne, and thyme. Add the egg and olive oil and mix until well combined. Stir in the flour. Form the falafel mixture into patties about 1⁄2 inch thick and 2 inches in diameter. Heat a griddle to medium high heat. Spread about 2 teaspoons of olive oil evenly over the surface. Cook the patties for about 3 minutes on each side, until browned and cooked through.

• • • • • • • • • • • •

2cans garbanzo beans or chickpeas drained and rinsed 3tbsp lemon juice ⅔cup parsley finely chopped 2 green onions thinly sliced ¾tsp salt ¼tsp ground cumin ½ tsp turmeric ⅛tsp cayenne ¼tsp dried thyme 1 egg 4tsp olive oil 4tsp unbleached white flour Olive oil for griddle

Fruit Salad

Ingredients • 2 bananas peeled and sliced • 1 ripe mango peeled and cut into ½inch pieces • 2 oranges peeled and cut into ¾inch pieces • 2tbsp coconut unsweetened shredded or shaved • 2tbsp fresh lime juice

Instructions In a bowl, combine all the ingredients and stir lightly. Serve immediately.

Yogurt Sauce

Ingredients • 1cup low fat yogurt plain • 2tbsp fresh mint leaves minced • ⅛tsp salt • ⅛tsp black pepper


In a bowl, stir together the yogurt, mint, salt, and pepper. Serve as a dipping sauce for falafel patties.


Fundraising evening in Aid of Logan Muller Public ¡ Hosted by Micro Miracle Foundation

Details 4 July at 19:00–22:00

Parkers comedy & jive Montecasino, Montecasino Blvd, 2196 Johannesburg, Gauteng R160.00 per person and it includes: LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE!! Come and enjoy the night with the best comedians. Free glass of champagne! Awesome gifts to win with the raffle tickets. Auctions. SMOKING LOUNGE INSIDE! Tequila sold at the bar for only R15.00! Menu is available. Email me and I'll forward it to you. All profits will go to our beneficiary Logan Muller with Microcephaly.

Join in the fun and raise funds for children whose childhood and youth is being affected by a life-threatening illness.

This year we have swapped the stickers for a funky wristband, designed by some of SA’s top celebrities. And it’s still only R10! Slipper Day will take place on the 12th May 2017 and is such a simple and easy way to do something good and support children fighting life-threatening illnesses. By simply buying a R10 wristband and wearing your slippers to work, school, and varsity or even to the local shops, you can help bring dreams to life. A diagnosis disrupts everyday life for the entire family unit and destroys what we define as a normal life. At an age where life is supposed to be innocent and full of joy, these children with life-threatening illnesses are faced with difficult and demanding situations, isolating them for long periods of time, from peers and friends.

With your support, we can help make life better for children and adolescents with a life-threatening illness. Slipper Day wristbands can be found at all Reach For A Dream branches as well as in Wimpy or Pick n Pay stores nationwide.

“Deep within each heart, there lies a magic spark that lights the fire of our imagination…” Do you remember your childhood? • Playing with your friends, playing ball games, playing hide and seek? • Dreaming of what you would be when you grew up? • Remember dreaming of the home you would build, the family you would raise? In South Africa today, there are thousands of children, whose only dream is to have a childhood without pain. Because of their medical condition, they are limited to being bedridden or wheelchair bound and many of them may never reach adulthood. At Reach For A Dream every day is spent working with children between the ages of 3 and 18 who are fighting life-threatening illnesses. We strive to fulfill the dreams of these children across South Africa, who have been diagnosed with illnesses such as cancer, cystic fibrosis, heart conditions and renal failure, to name a few. Our organization believes in inspiring hope and fulfilling dreams. Childhood should be the most magical phase of one's life. For children who have been diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, the magic is easily lost. Reach For A Dream tries to alleviate some of the emotional, physical and financial strain of dealing with their illness by creating magical moments that last a lifetime. “The power of a dream is the faith in things unseen. It is the courage to embrace your fear, no matter where you are, to reach your star and to realize the power of your dream…”

Making the dream a truly memorable and magical experience is the most important aspect to us. We visit the child and learn through play therapy as much as we can about the child, to make sure that the dream execution is tailored to the child's personality and interests. We allow the child to “Dream Big” so that we can ensure that the dream experience is unforgettable. When we have permission from the child's doctor, we take the child away from their normal surroundings in order to fulfill their dream. We include the family in the dream and we go all out to make this a truly memorable and inspiring experience. “Your mind will take you far… the rest is just pure heart. You'll find your fate is all your own creation, and every boy and girl, as they come into this world. They bring the gift of hope and inspiration…”

Dreams normally fall into one of the following categories: A dream to meet someone famous or their role model e.g. meeting Celine Dion. A dream to go somewhere or to see an amazing place e.g. Table Mountain. A dream to become somebody or something e.g. to be a radio DJ for a day. A dream to have a special experience e.g. a ride in a Ferrari. A dream to have or own something e.g. dolls or a motorised car. Anyone can contribute to a dream for a child fighting a life threatening illness. The fulfillment of these dreams has the positive effect of inspiring hope and courage in the dreamer and helps them believe tomorrow is worth fighting for. Help to inspire our children and give them hope - One dream at a time - Do it through Reach For A Dream.

with much appreciation to our advertisers, contributors, endorsers and our readers namaste

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