Communication The Montessori Way Struggling with how to talk to kids is a right of passage for parents and caretakers. By Marnie Craycroft Learning how to improve communication with kids is not simply about getting them to act in a certain way, it is about guiding them to be better communicators, how to live peacefully, how to be kind, and to how to effectively resolve conflict. This means knowing when to intervene, and knowing how to communicate during conflict.
Related Post: What Questions to Ask Before You Intervene Once you’re done reading this article, you will feel more confident & more prepared to communicate with your child and to help guide your child to be a rock solid communicator.
Don’t panic. You are not alone. This stuff is hard. Toddler and preschooler communication is challenging for any adult. So, I thought I would share tips on improving communication with young children that I’ve gathered over the years as a parent ad educator. Did you know that toddlers and preschoolers can solve their own problems? Yes, it is true!
“It is the child who makes the man, and no man exists who was not made by the child he once was.” ~ Dr. Maria Montessori