What to expect when you’re expecting: 9 tips for 9 months For some people, being pregnant may sound like a scary prospect – having the responsibility of creating a new human being and keeping them as healthy as possible. The truth is, being pregnant is not scary at all. It is a beautiful, natural process that every woman should treasure. However, even though pregnancy is natural, you still need to look after yourself, and your unborn child, which is why we have compiled a list of healthy things to do during your pregnancy – one tip for every month you are preggers. 1. Eat healthy Eating well during your pregnancy can help you to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Try not to miss any meals throughout the day, especially breakfast, as this is probably the most important meal of the day. Try to avoid foods that are uncooked such as raw fish and meat and even soft cheeses and start increasing your daily intake of fruits and vegetables and other healthy snacks. You should also decrease how much caffeine you eat and drink per day so less coffee and chocolate and more water! Child of the Universe Magazine