Test yourself
1. Make effective notes
Teachers Matter
A great fact to remember is you are taking notes in class to help you, not please your teachers. Notes are to help you to remember, recall and learn information for a test or exam. You do not have to write everything the teacher says, just the key points and it is far more effective to write notes in your own words than the teachers. Even if the teacher does not tell you to
make notes, you might find it useful to record what you are learning. Note taking can also help you concentrate in class.
last class and record any questions. It is better to clear up any confusion before learning more.
Many students find it useful to know what is going to be taught before the class. Preread your text book to get an overview of the topic you will be learning about, or ask your teacher for a summary of the topics you will be covering each term. Before class, quickly review the notes from your
Take your notepaper and coloured pens and pencils to class and record the main ideas with words, pictures and symbols. Listen to cues from your teacher such as “this is important” or “you need to know this” or “this is a key principle” and ensure you highlight, circle or draw a symbol to
Earn top marks by planning ahead.