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HOU CHIA HENG Tunghai University Architecture (2015~
NCKU M.ARCH2 (2020~
XL 部曲 東海大學建築系  Tunghai University Depar tment of Architecture 侯咖享 作品集     Por tfolio    Hou Chia Heng 109 學士畢業設計 SUMMER 2020 GRADUATION Dsign Advisor: 簡志穎. CHIEN,CHIH-YING 神性再塑-人造海岸與離岸風廠的感知再現 The second translation of nature spirit and wild wind Outstanding thesis design of THU in the academic year 2019~2020 The honours to get International Exhibition of Architecture Graduation Design-Exhibior




These are the gods who have passed out of memory. Even their names are lost. The people who worshiped them are as forgotten as their gods. Their totems are long since broken and cast down. Their last priests died without passing on their secrets.

"Gods die. And when they truly die they are unmourned and unremembered. Ideas are more difficult to kill than people, but they can be killed, in the end."

It is very indistinct to connect contemporary thoughts or life situations with realizations of local religions and divinity,but you can`t doubt the relationships between them which were responded to each other with symbols、 objects、materials or activities.If the divinityor ideas of religions couldn`t satisfy imaginations or evolve in the contemporary,they have been crushed down and been abandoned by people who need redeemers with clear connections which have been decorated in current technology、ideas or imaginations of the famous.Accordingto my experiences and news, there are many conflicts and differences between traditional religions and a model society and ideas, and you could see unpleasure among people, those follow the ancient principles, when their beliefs face challenges and critique from the new spirit of the time. We may take the divinity and religions as a kind of spiritual and abstract conclusions of times which represent most of people`s understandings of society、nature、 geography and history those really influenced a lot at that time.In Jean Baudrillard `s 《 Le système des objets》, we could find out some potentials those people worship technics or objects in now day because they are bringing great power and chancing visions of the world, and each older vision would be replaced by coming totems and idols.

Changhua Binhai Industrial Zone

Project Definition


This architectural project is located on the coast of Changhua city where are usually changing geographical features a lot,because of constructions of infrastructures, and those events also have changed imaginations of geography and local spirit. In the recent, the government plan to construct coast wind turbines farms here, and the relationship would be evolved again, and so did the spirit of place. All I want to present may not be a temporary installation to show my observations of the phenomenon in the site, but may build up a story about interactions and casual senses among the infrastructures、nature and people, and try to create a personal comprehensive view of this design essay, after those concepts were translated again and again.

The new divinities or worship objects around the site :

1 . enormous machines : the wind turbine farms are going to be constructed here and change the environment to the local residents who used to make a living on fishing. The fishing grounds would be disappeared, that makes living situations and custom change a lot and theresidents would be forced to serve these infrastructures which will bring electric power to the others. It is contradictory that most environmentally friendly power plants would cause crashes of local lifestyles and are unusual things to the locals.

2 . wild wind : to the most of people`s experiments, the wind is tamed by constructional skill, and it couldn`t show real effects like in wilds, so people don`t usually understand powers of real and wild wind. In the fact, the wild wind is very powerful, so that itcan operate huge machines – wind turbines on the coast, and the engineers tried very hard to make sure wind wouldn`t destroy wind turbines, or they wouldn`t hold when the wind was out of control. The only thing that humans can do isn`t lookingfor an absolute way to control the wind, but keeping revering for this all-mighty being

Analysis 0 : Methodology

It is difficult to describe straightly when people meet beings which are out of daily experiences、holy、ancient and abstract, especially in myths、fables or philosophy.

Therefore, people would have tried to use similar objects and daily experiences to describe, and those imaginations may be very excessive. I think this process may work on observing geography details in this architectural thesis and be translated to a new concept of design.

to express ?
1.imagine 2.similar experiments plus minus mystery
untouchable out of daily senses out of daily express shattered experience shattered objects

Analysis 1 : Shape of wind

At the firstexperiment, I tried to build an intuitive and sensible recognition of wind,and I imagined wind like a movement of an air cube. I invented a series of devices to shape personal imaginations of wind, and take the records as the basement of describing senses.

The second step, those records were translated into animated graphics with coding language (Java and grasshopper), and every result showed different characteristics of wind on the site, which reflected imaginative situations when the wind blows and crashes into the buildings in this region.

Analysis 2 : Re-imagine

Wind will play an important role in this area further, and I started to create extremely fragile structure models to look for the way how to interact with the wind. In normal considerations, it`s necessary to make building firm to resist the wild wind, but I make a choice that I take the wind as the main idea and make people`s lives on the wind, and so do the architectural activities. This design would be a long story talking about interaction among people、the wild wind、the coast and the infrastructures for 100 years.

: Interaction

The story starts from asymbol of resisting the coast wind – windproof forest, which protects theindustry park and their products from being rusty because of moist and salt thecoast wind.People tried to build a higher wall and planted more forests on it todefend the wind and made sure it wouldn`t break those infrastructures and their properties, just because people hadn`t found out any peaceful interactions with nature, but this idea had been grown up at that time.

In 2035, the windturbines farms had been built up as people`s predicts, and they started getting power from the wind and serving those infrastructures built on the coast. They used the wind power to operate the whole machines in the wall which was changed into offices of organizations of those wind-power industries. The local divinity filled full the entire infrastructures with electric power and changing of the local geography.

In 2050 , the wild wind won`t be a threat to the local objects and become one of the concepts to construct architecture, and it would be possible to build the structure with the wind`s flow. In my imaginations, the people would build up a town and get used to living with effective from the wind,and inserted railway and stations resulting from the future institutions will be represented as the friendly relationship between artificial objects and the wild, nature and a new idol in this period.

In 210X, because the wind turbines will have been dismantled and the people may find out a new way to generate electricity, those infrastructures will have been abandoned like whatever had been built and replaced on this coast when they face generations changing

XL 部曲 東海大學建築系  Tunghai University Depar tment of Architecture 侯咖享 作品集     Por tfolio    Hou Chia Heng 109 學士畢業設計 SUMMER 2020 GRADUATION Dsign Advisor: 簡志穎. CHIEN,CHIH-YING 神性再塑-人造海岸與離岸風廠的感知再現 The second translation of nature spirit and wild wind


"Spolia is in a dynamic state of becoming"Date Kinney(2006)

" In ancient Rome , spolia means construction skills with architectural elements which came from other places or ancient buildings "Tseng Wei- Hsiang(2021)

Most of the architectures which satisfy people`s pride would collapse or be demolished in the end of their lifetime. At the same time, reversible design and recycling technology make it possible to enble some architectural elements and materials from those ruined buildings to be reused again. In this research, fiber cement board plays an important and basic role which helps people to consider how to operate architectural elements and create space with flexible components , reusing procedures and recycling technic in future.


The problem that causes architectural materials not to be able to recycle well is a bad conversation between users and manufacturers in the whole architectural industry, like products that couldn`t fulfill users' needs or ignorance among users who don`t understand how to apply materials correctly. In order to fix recycling and sustainable material system, we do not only face ways how to construct recycling material and recycle them efficiently but also deal with relationships among all characters in systems too. I come out with three issues that relate to each problem.

1. Balance and conversation between users and manufacturers

2. Discussion recycling material along with a lifetime of buildings

3. Reversible design and way of construction for recycling materials


It`s necessary to choose a specific material and observe its recycling way for this research, and according to other similar researchings, inventing a construction system or modular system plays an important role too. there are three directions to build core methods in this thesis: the way of recycling today, the new recycling way, and the sustainable constructional system

1. The way of recycling today: In order to understand the real manufactory process and ingredients of fiber cement board, I spend about two months doing experiments in the factory of fiber cement board and exchanging ideas with the researchers and basic employees.

2. The new recycling way: At the same time, I tried to invent a new producing way different than the way in the factory, and with C-CUBE LAB`s help, I think new elements (Geopolymer or Alkaliactivated Material) and new applications are my answers.

3. The sustainable constructional system: it is a demonstration to show people how to plan and reuse material with less waste and destruction. All of the materials should be considered one part of the recycling system and could be turned into next using generation.


1. the way of recycling material (Fiber cement board) and building a family tree for processes of the experiments : In order to figure out key points of the experiments, I listed many points which may influence the results of experiments and tried to connect relations between results and original material. With those discoveries, I organized those data into a family tree to let people know the purpose of experiments and means of data, moreover, this diagram .help people to find out valuable and useful material.

2. the way how to construct recycling material and recycle material for the next generation :

The modern recycling systems don`t care and follow the lifetime of buildings, so I tried to establish a new system to recycle recycling material in the next generation and make this system more flexible and sustainable in a diverse constructional way.

3. the relationship between users and manufacturers: Good conversations play an important in this system. Therefore, I tried to create a new role to exchange information from other roles and make that advice into real material, technology, and business experiments.


Finally, I popped out three methods to save modern architectural recycling problemsnew recycling and manufacturing concept for material(Fiber cement board), a flexible and sustainable construction system, and an organization that can help users and manufacturers exchange ideas. But, they are very idealized, because of the complex business system which influents many different kinds of interest. If I wanted to make those concepts come true, it would take a lot of time to figure out the details of the business chain of the recycling industry. Hope somebody would combine other subjects with the theory in this thesis. Good luck. ranking the connection types form reversible to irreversible , 資料來源 : Durmisevic, E. (2019b). CIRCULAR ECONOMY IN CONSTRUCTION

廢棄矽酸鈣板 , 資料來源
: https://m.facebook.com/pg/premierdemolitionservices/



/01成分個性 : 紙漿 - 塑形能力與吸水 /增加可回收性 回收粉料 - 骨材填充與吸水/增加可回收性 爐石 - 增加硬度 鹼 -增加強度與反應速率 2號石英砂 - 抗壓增強與抗彎減弱 /02特殊材料 飛灰 - 抗彎增強/減輕重量/骨材填充 蚵粉 - 硬度但會脆化/漂白 /03工序 130 °C烘烤 - 表面紋理特殊但不固定 /可用模具控制 170 °C烘烤+7KG高壓 - 夯實/密度高/不易吸水

實驗體會在工坊進行大尺度且空間 性的實驗 , 探索材料在構築性﹅空間氛 圍與物理環境下的表現 , 餘料或失敗品 將回收給工廠 隨時間演進工廠與工坊互動愈加頻 繁 , 尤其原料與實驗體有儲藏的需求 , 後續的擴建也將使用過去回收或已無 法再次利用的材料 開發者透過工坊實驗材料與工廠交 換研究資訊 , 再根據市場狀況進行下一 步規劃 01 02 03 04
, 藉此開發並生產實驗性的 試體
部曲 東海大學建築系  Tunghai University Depar tment of Architecture 侯咖享 作品集     Por tfolio    Hou Chia Heng 110暑期 修行 建築設計操作-競圖 SUMMER 2021 Design A reversible and flexible modular system with timber for community and nature WE-BUILD TIMBER SYSTEM 2021 Asia Young Designer Awards Bronze Award The honours to get Lexus Design Award 2022 2nd Place Award - Taiwan One of Top 16 - Internation M


“How will we live together? ” was asked by Hashim Sarkis at the 2021 Venice Biennale, and it has become a core principle. I endeavor to address this question through “ cooperative construction for community and nature.”

In ancient Japan, the skill of construction was considered as gifts from the gods; in order to memorialize this, the people have rebuilt and renewed the Ise Grand Shrine to transmit those skills every 20 years (called the “Shikinen Sengū”). At the same time, they have constructed the shrine with new materials to replace the old materials, with the spirit of respect of the builders; and the old materials are shared with other shrines to build deep spiritual connections among forests (nature), the shrines (places) and workers (community). Using that idea, I designed a flexible and reversible construction system which common people are able to operate and plan in spaces of diverse dimensions without professional tools and skills. I believe that tith that building system, people may build greater and more meaningful relationships with society and the environment when they collaborate with each other in the building process.

Through such collaboration, people can build significant interaction within communities and help each other toward their goals, while also building relationships and offering daily assistance. By physically participating in the building and using reusable materials, they may also understanding how important sustainability and environmentalfriendly ideas are, making materials and construction a medium over which the spirit of environmentalism may be conveyed. And in addition to the sense of achievement and satisfaction when they participate in construction, they also learn basic construction skills and ways to improve their own lives at home.

With reusable construction at the core, this modular system is not only able to be reused many times, but also is able to be operated for other flexible and spatial purposes with diverse assembly. In addition , the system uses prefabricated timber, so it is light and small compared to other construction materials and small in volume when taken apart, making it so people are able to deliver it and build with it easily .

Common people could build spaces together safely and stably without professional skills while also making meaningful economic interactions for society with their spaces through the building process and emotional connections through feeling and memory. Furthermore, construction is neither an easy nor a clean process; so in a society in which the results of labor are divided and capital is both diluted and expropriated, the necessary daily efforts and feeling of accomplishment of the self and the group will give people a sense of happiness. And if this concept is magnified to nature as a whole

東海大學建築系  Tunghai University Depar tment of Architecture 侯咖享 作品集     Por tfolio    Hou Chia Heng 106學年度上學期 建築設計習作1 AUTUMN 2018 ARCH Design 1 集合住宅 Advisor: SIN,BO-YI . LIU,SHUN-JEN . HSUEH,CHENG-LUN 2020 ARCH Design 1 +  L 部曲 Self-Determination Housing


It is a common problem for the most of building systems to ignore the different lifetime between people and buildings , especially , like the changing of family populations and functions . This issue makes troubles that influent the ways users interact with their own space hugely , and there isn`t any certain principle , knowledge and material that users could follow and deal with spatial requirements which usually change in their lifes . In order to fix the space-changed problems , users started to build their houses in informal ways , like combining different materials simply or constructing without any clear planning . We can call those buildings like “ informal extensions” which cause messes to urban developments and expansions.

To make sure that each space`s development could meet users`expectations , it is necessary to record habits and properties among the community and society , and those include schedules of different life styles 、ages、 genders and populations.

COMMUNITY SPACES SOCIETY SPACES lounge 遊戲室 公共廚房 戶外平台 co-working  郵局 社區中心 7-11 托兒所 社會局 DWELLING SPACES 公共 私人 單身 家庭 CONCEPT & BACKGROUND
construction fuzzy boundary co-evolution

1.clear systems of technique

material and recycling and workshop

Following many modular systems and the cases of Metabolic, all I wanted to design aren`t complete buildings , but a flexible building system,which is associated with workshop and main factory,and prototype to make residents be able to plan their own spaces orderly and satisfy their requirements. With that system`s helps , people couldn`t only plan their housings by themselves, but also product furniture and interior decoration with the remainder materials recycling from constructure waste .

2.relationship with public spaces and social interaction


3.relationship with public spaces and social interaction

Helf pubilc

Personal area Common public

Public extension

The users could decide how to apply and decorate public spaces ,after they discussed or decide in other democratic ways .At the same time , they are also allowed to rent those empty areas to run business or personal functions ,like coworking space or personal clubs , that behavior makes living situations diverse.

After all , the records would affect the way how neighbors decide to use the public areas or social activities , and accord those data to divide public areas into different hierarchies among each layers , especially in landings in staircases where are usually ignored by most people and are full of potential chances to be brought up better social places

EXAMPLE : UP DN +2050cm +1945cm +1875cm A B B" A"
UP DN +1055cm +980cm +890cm
cartoonist`s studio
cartoonist`s home assistant`s apartment


master workshop project


AS STUDIO 原型結構 & X-SITE 高鼎翔建築師


東海大學建築系  Tunghai University Depar tment of Architecture 侯咖享 作品集     Por tfolio    Hou Chia Heng
部曲 M

Project Definition

In order tocreate good interaction between timber spaces and citizens, building public infrastructure, like an activity center or dome, is an easy way to let people know benefits of timber.

AS STUDIO原型結構 木構大巨蛋
X-SITE 高鼎翔建築師
- 入入口


master workshop project


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