Mohamed Attia Tantawy. Architect - Urban Planner Education M.Sc. Student at Integrated Urban Sustainable Design program(IUSD), Ain shams University. B. Sc. Architectural Engineering, Urban Design and Planning Department, Ain shams University July 2012.
Experience 2017- 2016
IUSD lab - Ain Shams university | Cairo Field researcher at Integrated Urban Sustainable Design Lab Preparing strategic planning report for informal development projects for the Federal Egyptian Bank CSR program in Helwan City, Organizing workshop in Newibaa city in Sinai for studding “ Urban Transformation future” in the city.
2014 -2016
Ava Creative Solutions | Cairo - Zambia Design team. Architecture - urban schematic Design Development and Tender documents of projects ranging from Residential Compounds, commercial centers and office buildings In Egypt and Zambia
Skills 2014
UDC ( URBAN DEVELOPMENT CENTRE ) Urban Planner. Preparing strategic\ detailed planning studies for khanka city, shebin el Qanater and generatign GIS maps and database, Team leader in Ezbet project for social survey via GIS database.
Adobe Collection PS - AI - AE - PR 2013 - 2014
Design team.
Autodesk 3Dmax
GIS Geographic informantion System
Criteria Design Group | Cairo Urban design Of Riyadh Techno Valley and a many private residential and commercial interior and exteriors in Cairo.
Void architecture | Cairo Tender drawings team Tender drawings and BOQ for Tag-sultan residential compound and visualization for many interior residential drawing
Revit Architecture
Workshops 2018
Openvillage Academy for social innovation : Edgeryders - Morocco A month workshop open source technology , during the workshop we investigated the applications of open source furniture in Morocco .
Contact 2016
Boldan Project - Al Nubah - Egypt
Building with Earth in Al-Nobah 7 Days workshop practicing the traditional Nubian architecture using adobe and learn roofing technicals with domes and volts inspired with Hassan Fathy’s Masterpiece
Urban Experiences : Ethnography approach . Cairo Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences - Egypt
Cairo - 1st sellelment
Arabic - English
A series of dissection based lectures about human geography topics, like identity, responsibility – Affective spaces – Urban scenes – new liberal cities - migration. 2016
Critical Geographies : Joswite foundation Seminar Dr. Martina Rieker, Institute for Gender and Women’s Studies at AUC -Egypt This seminar explores the socio political readings on gender notion with a particular focus on spatial dispossession. About space in the social sciences aimed towards social and political transformation.
Islamic Jurisprudence of urbanism bibliotheca Alexandria - Egypt 10 Days workshop Learning and discussing the concept of Jurisprudence through the Islamic regimes in bait Al Sanary.
Master thesis On integrated urbanism Title : The peripheral groups, Exploring self-organization Development in Informal Areas in Cairo , Case study of Al Malqa Helwan City , the thesis is an attempt to establish exploratory framework for Self-organization mechanism at infromal\preurban Areas.
CBAU Conferance 2016 Toronto, Canada Publishing a paper entitled with "Influence of Urban Fabric on Child’s Upbringing Comparative Analysis between Modern and Traditional City under the umbrella of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology.
Idaat Newspaper Publishing a artical about History of Gated communities in Egypt, passing on the numbers of the expected development planned figures and the real occupied persentage on the ground.
Zawia Magazine
Participating in Third issue with a research about Utopia in Architecture, trying to get relations with the philosophical schools and the modern architecture school.
Competitions 2018
Yomken Competition for Open source Furniture. Design team. Conceptual Design proposal for reading corner using CNC machine cutting in furniture design competition by Fab-Lab.
Syria: Post-war housing competition. Design team. An international open ideas competition for young architects is initiated to research the new housing concepts for the future of the post-war Syria when refugees will come back to their cities.
Al Manisha Square competition in Alexandria. Design team. Winning the third place in this competition Participating with Contrast Studio
Team leader in Maarfa Maarefa is a nonprofitable cultural organization , we prapared more than 60 cultural events in only Cairo, covering big rang of social, economical and historical topics.
Publications Team leader in ACES 2012 ACES is the Annual conference for Engineering students activity in Ain shams university, My role was to design the publications and website theme for the launching event ,workshops and conference package .
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