The Consultative Center for Studies and Documentation
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The publication: An informative publication encompassing a general definition of the center, its role, its message, its departments, its projects, its achievements, its activities, its publications, ands its documentation and scientific productivities. The publisher: The consultative center for studies and documentation.
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Preparation and editing: Department of media and public relations.
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Coordination: Fatme Rezek. Date of publication: November 2012 (Thul-Hijjah 1433H)
:ô°ûædG ïjQÉJ 1433 áé◊G hP ≥aGƒŸG 2012 ÊÉãdG øjô°ûJ ¤hC’G :á©Ñ£dG
First edition
A4 format
All rights reserved
Bir Hassan - Behind Fantasy World
Assad Highway - Inmaa Group Building - First Floor Telephon: 01/836610 Fax:
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E.mail: Website:
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The Consultative Center for Studies and Documentation A specialized scientific institution in charge of information and researches. It deals with socioeconomic issues and follows-up the effecting strategic issues and global transformations.
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Abdul Halim Fadlallah
Director of Public Relations & Media: Mohammad Al-Khalil
The Consultative Committee (By Arabic Alphabetical order)
Ghaleb Abou Mosleh Mohammad Baraki Hassan Jouni Wajih Zoughaib Samir Soulaiman Rifaat Sayed Ahmad Walid Chrara Mohsen Saleh Mohammad Tay Kassem Ezz Eddine Najib Issa Habib Fayyad
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The Mission and the Role
The Consultative Center for Studies & Documentation A specialized scientific institution, founded in 1988, by an elite of researchers and luminaries concerned with public affairs, with the aim of rationalizing, guiding, and following up public issues at the local, regional, and international levels, and analyzing the events and issues of the region as well as the concerns and preoccupations of the contemporary world. The Consultative Center for Studies & Documentation is concerned with developmental and strategic researches and studies. It grants particular interest to American policies, the changes in the international order, the relationships between both the Arab and Islamic worlds. on the one hand, and the Western worlds on the other, and the international social movements, with a particular focus on the issues pertaining to Palestine and resistance. The Center is also concerned with the issues of socio-economic development and poverty fighting; it has integrated process to follow up and review the governmental projects, the analysis of public policies, and the provision of alternative reforming visions at the political, economic, and legal levels. The Center also endeavours to provide the public with an accurate, balanced and deep understanding regarding the emerging issues. The Center is mainly active, in a Lebanese surrounding where it tries to achieve its set goals and to meet its information and research needs, especially what is in conformity with the concerns of the weakest classes and the least developed regions. However, the vital scope of the Center goes beyond the local deals with the regional and international framework as it particularly, major aspirations and concerns, that are the backbone of conflicts in the region, and confronts the challenges of development and modernization. Therefore, the Center’s products and publications target, first, decision makers and activists in the public field, as well researchers and scholars. The Center accumulates a large database classified according to the latest methods and technical and scientific means; and cooperates with a large number of experts and specialists to issue studies, reports, and files shedding the light on upcoming issues, events, developments in Lebanon and across the world. The Center has held two international fora, several conferences, dozens of researches, seminars, workshops, and panel discussions about key issues. It has also contributed to the publication of several scientific publications in all fields. Moreover, it finalized a great number of projects closely linked to national concerns and undertook statistical studies, large-scale field studies and opinion polls in fields related to the Center’s objectives and mission.
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General objectives • Forming a research framework for the political, economic and social reform in Lebanon; and studying the challenges and hampers that prevent the development of society • Ensuring a database based upon several resources- journals, books, studies, special reports… • Crystallizing the awareness of the local society needs and problems as well as proposing the adequate solutions. • Rapproching the contemporary political and strategic issues; and following them up through criticism and analysis. • Studying the causes related to the resistance and conflict with the enemy • Highlighting the transformations of the international regime through researches; and reading the huge international and Arab changes • Meeting the needs of scientific research; and providing the researchers and policy makers with the required information, studies and documents
The Means The Center endeavours to achieve its objectives through: • Studies, researches, reports, and consultations in the fields affiliated to the Center’s fields of interest, especially within the research of public policies. • Exhaustive and sample-based field surveys, statistical studies and polls on various topics. • A newspaper database encompassing one million articles, equivalent to two million newspaper cuts touching upon different socio-economic, political, educational, legal, and administrative aspects, etc. • Documentary, research, and scientific periodical publications, including research and focused reports touching upon issues of general interest, and following up on the main upcoming events and developments on the local, regional, and international levels. The treated problematics are public and regional issues, especially those related to the conflict with the enemy and the global changes affecting international relationships and power balances. They also focus on the different internal policies, changes, and projects. • Fora, conferences, seminars, research workshops and discussion panels, examining the main issues Lebanon and the Arab region are confronted with and dealing with instantaneous and strategic, political, developmental, and legal issues within the local, regional, and international framework, in addition to specialized issues related to the field of information management.
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The Main Achievements: • Undertaking more than 1000 studies and reports in various fields and publishing a series of researches, studies, files and reports, in the related of ieds. • Addressing political and strategic issues pertaining to the conflict with the Zionist enemy. • Research and critical follow-up of several major projects.
• Participating in the execution of field projects in cooperation with governmental administrations, ministries, and international organizations. • Carrying out several opinion polls in different fields.
• Undertaking comprehensive surveys for some major municipalities in Lebanon.
• Undertaking comprehensive surveys for electoral and political approaches in Lebanon.
• Completing the first phase of a project entitled “A sample-based study of the living conditions in Lebanon for 2012.”
• Examining the development needs of the least developed regions in Lebanon (particularly, the liberated Lebanese regions and Baalbeck – Al Hermel region) • Completing the first part of the project entitled “The Socio-Economic Reform in Lebanon”, including some studies in several economic and developmental fields. • Constituting a journalistic database including more than one million articles, reports, and studies selected from more than 150 weekly, monthly and quarterly magazines and daily magazines in three languages – English, French and Arabic – dealt with according to the most recent accurate means, including: news, analyses, reports, inquiries, studies, conferences, and research, in different environmental, developmental, administrative, legal, educational, socio-economic, political, and intellectual aspects, to be extracted and to benefit from in a simplified way, and are affordabble the beneficiaries via a special website. • Publishing books and research reports in the relevant fields.
• Undertaking several legal studies to underscore the problems of the political system in Lebanon, develop its constitutional structure, follow-up on draft laws and decrees set by the government, and express one’s opinion in this regard including public budgets and infrastructure development plans. They also include legal issues pertaining to the national policy and Lebanon’s foreign relationships. • Fully documenting the operations of the resistance against the occupation and the Israeli aggression, starting from 1982. • A specialised library encompassing up till before 2006 July war 52 000 titles, 2000 maps and 500 audio-visual media; the library is currently underconstruction.
• The library website allows searching in the glossaries and in the journalistic database. • The official website of the Center
• Publishing a series of softwares in the world of information management: -Library software
-Software of jounalistic articles treatment -Software for TV archives
-Software for photo archives
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õcôŸG áÑàµe äÉeƒ∏©ŸG QOÉ°üe ÚeCÉJ ¤EG ≥«KƒàdGh äÉ°SGQó∏d …QÉ°ûà°S’G õcôŸG áÑàµe â©°S 1989 ΩÉ©dG ‘ É¡°ù«°SCÉJ òæe :áaô©ŸG ä’É› ∞∏à ‘ ¿GƒæY ∞dCG 52 ÜQÉ≤j Ée 2006 ΩÉY πÑb É¡JÉ«æà≤e â¨∏H óbh ,É¡dɵ°TCG ∞∏àîà á£jôN 2000 ¤EG áaÉ°VEG .ÉgÒZh á«fƒfÉ≤dGh ájƒHÎdGh á«YɪàL’Gh ájôµØdGh á«aÉ≤ãdGh ájOÉ°üàb’Gh á«°SÉ«°ùdG øjó«Øà°ùŸG IóYÉb â©°Sh s »gh ,õcôŸG ‘ äÉ°SGQódG ΩÉ°ùbC’ á«JÉeƒ∏©e IóYÉb äôas h (Multimedia) äÉØ∏eh ¿Ghó©dG AÉæKCG äôeou O »àdG áÑൟG áYƒª› AÉæH Ék «éjQóJ õcôŸG ó«©jh .á°ù°SDƒŸG êQÉN øe É¡jôFGR Ωóîàd É¡æe .2006 ΩÉY »∏«FGô°SE’G øe ÉgOGóYEGh É¡ª«ª°üJ ”s äÉÑൟG πª©d áªXÉædG ᫪∏©dG ÒjÉ©ŸG »YGôJ á«JÉeƒ∏©e ᪶fCG áÑൟG IQGOEG óªà©Jh »gh .äÉÑൟG øe OóY ‘ ÉgOɪàYG ”s ᪶fC’G √òg IOƒ÷ Gk ô¶fh á°ù°SDƒŸG iód Ú∏eÉ©dG AGÈÿG øe ≥jôa ∫ÓN ‘ ádÉ©ØdG áªgÉ°ùŸGh øjó«Øà°ùŸG ™ªà› ™e π°UGƒàdG õjõ©J ¤EG ¬dÓN øe ±ó¡J âfÎf’G ≈∏Y É¡©bƒe ≥∏£J PEG .»ª∏©dG åëÑdG áeóNh áaô©ŸG ™ªà› AÉæH á«∏ªY
Markaz Magazine-1.indd 8
10/30/12 12:29:00 PM
The Library of the Center Since its creation in 1989, the Library of the Consultative Center for Studies and Documentation endeavoured to ensure information sources in all its forms; the acquisitions of which amounting, before 2006, of around 52 thousand titles in the various fields of knowledge - political, economic, cultural, intellectual, social, educational, legal, and others. In addition to 2000 maps and multimedia files, which providing an information database serving the departments of studies in the Center. The library has extended its services to reach its visitors from outside the institution. The Center is progressively rebuilding the Library which was fully destroyed during the 2006 Israeli aggression. The management of the library relies on softwares taking into account the scientific criteria regulating the work of libraries, designed and set up by a team of experts working within the institution. Given the quality of these softwares, they were adopted in several libraries. The Center is launching its website in order to reinforce communication with the community of beneficiaries and the efficient contribution to the process of building the knowledge community and servicing scientific research.
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10/30/12 12:29:09 PM
.اﻟﻌﺎﳌﻴﺔ اﳌﺆﺛ ﱢﺮة اﳌﺴﺎﺋﻞ اﻻﺳﱰاﺗﻴﺠﻴﺔCenter واﻹﻗﺘﺼﺎدﻳﺔ وﺗﻮاﻛﺐ ﺑﺎﻟﻘﻀﺎﻳﺎ اﻻﺟﺘ�ﻋﻴﺔ ،ﻣﺆﺳﺴﺔ ﻋﻠﻤﻴﺔ ﻣﺘﺨﺼﺼﺔ ﺗ ُﻌﻨﻰ ﺑﺤﻘﲇ اﻷﺑﺤﺎث واﳌﻌﻠﻮﻣﺎت Theواﻟﺘﺤﻮﻻت Consultative for Studies andوﺗﻬﺘﻢ Documentation
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Markaz Magazine-1.indd 10
10/30/12 12:29:28 PM
The Consultative Center for Studies and Documentation The Consultative Center for Studies and Documentation receives students, researchers and other beneficiaries in its library, which holds a large collection of titles, among which sources, references, books, periodicals, and documents. The Center also expresses its willingness to provide you with new and distinguished services through its computerized and automated data bank, which encompasses a journalistic database containing more than one million selected journalistic, reports, and studies from more than 150 weekly, monthly, and quarterly magazines and daily newspapers in three languages: English, French, and Arabic. The Center also invites you to get to know more about its achievements, projects, activities, publications and scientific and documentary products by visiting, or contacting us
Journalistic database
Automated technical operations in indexing, classification, screening and analysis
A specialized library Including a large collection of sources, references, books, periodicals, maps, and printed and digital documents
Containing one million articles, i.e. two million newspaper cuts
Chosen from 150 quarterly, monthly and weekly magazines and daily newspapers in three languages: English, French and Arabic
A simplified and advanced research available on Internet within the Center Tackling intellectual, political, economic, financial, social, legal, educational, administrative, developmental, and environmental aspects
Encompassing analyses, interviews, reports, studies, conferences, seminars, research, news, panel discussions
In politics, economy, philosophy, education, administration, law, media, information, sociology
An index available on Internet Organizing lending, booking services and subscription through the library’s website,
Library searching and lending services on a daily basis From 8:30 till 14:30
Markaz Magazine-1.indd 11
10/30/12 12:31:04 PM
منتديات πF�دÑd�h ܃©°ûd� ÚH øeÉ°†تd�h á«dÉjÈe �’إá°†هÉنeh áehÉ≤ª∏d »ملÉ©d� ähÒH نتدىe
the Security Council and unfair international institutions. - Adopting “another possible world” by the different currents, movements, and forces requires the support of resistance, which is confronted with the Israeli and Zionist frontline occupation, supporting the right of the people to freedom, with the burden of the arrogant and imperial invasion and the comeback of colonization. - Developing and disseminating the fight against neoliberal globalization and working for a world with more solidarity and humanity which requires the rejection of the hegemony of powerful industrial countries and building another axis between the North and the South in order to reach equitable political and economic relations. More than 150 politicians, academicians, researchers, journalists and experts in all fields attended the working sessions of the Forum, with a distinguished large and qualitative presence and an efficient and serious participation, distributed over the following axes: - A working session in support of resistance and liberation. - A working session against imperialism and in solidarity among peoples. - A working session about political alternatives. - A working session for solidarity between local figures and sectors. - A working session to defend legal and civil rights. A round table between the Lebanese, Arab and foreign parliamentarians was held and another round table examining the experiences of
باإ�صر�ف وتنظيم �ملركز �لإ�صت�صاري للدر��صات و�لتوثيق وبالتعاون مع «�لتجمع �لوطني لدعم خيار �ملقاومة» )لبنان( و»�حلملة »�لدولية �صد �لإحتالل �لأمريكي و�ل�صهيوين )موؤمتر �لقاهرة( و»�ملنتدى �لعاملي ملناه�صة »�لإمربيالية و�لت�صامن بني �ل�صعوب � و»حملة �أوقفو،( �لهند-)موؤمتر كالكوتا عُقد �ملنتدى بح�صور �لقوى،(�حلرب» )لندن �ل�صيا�صية و�لإجتماعية و�لنقابية و�جلمعيات و�ل�صخ�صيات �لفكرية و�ل�صيا�صية و�لأكادميية ومب�صاركة حو�يل �أربع مئة وخم�صني،و�حلزبية ،ً� بلد66 هيئة عاملية و�إقليمية وعربية من وجمعياتçمت ِّثل �صخ�صيات ومر�كز �أبحا ً�وحركات �صيا�صية وثقافية و�إجتماعية ووفود دولية عربية و�إ�صالمية و�أوروبية ومن جنوب وذلك يف ق�صر،�أفريقيا و�أمريكا �لالتينية كانون18 -17 -16 ï بريوت بتاري-�لأوني�صكو .2009 �لثاين 12
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The Beirut International Forum for Resistance, Anti-Imperialism, Solidarity among Peoples, and Alternatives Under the supervision and organization of the Consultative Center for Studies and Documentation and in collaboration with the “National Gathering to Support the Choice of Resistance” (Lebanon), “the International Campaign against Zionist and American Occupation” (Conference of Cairo), “the International Anti-Imperialist and People’s Solidarity Forum” (Conference of Calcutta, India”, and the “Stop War Campaign” (London), the Conference was held in the presence of socio-political forces, trade-unions, intellectual, political, academic and party figures, and with the participation of around 450 Arab, regional, and international associations from 66 countries representing figures, research centers, associations, socio-cultural and political movements, as well as European, Islamic, Arab, and international delegations from Southern Africa and Latin America, at UNESCO Palace, Beirut, on January 16-17-18, 2009. The Forum aimed at: -Building mechanisms of support in favor of resistance and expanding their scope to the largest extent, allowing the popular movement everywhere, to defend the right to resistance, particularly resistance against both American and Zionist occupations. -Working on setting up practical alternatives for solidarity among the peoples in the face of the policies of rights wasting by unequal partnership organizations and international organizations. -Supporting and illustrating alternative policies and visions, fighting imperialism and strategies of occupation, war, and militarization, hegemony and arrogance, capital marginalization and destruction of the environment, wasting the natural and cultural resources, affiliation and dependence in the management of the international order, through
:هَ دَ َف املنتدى �إىل •بناء �آليات دعم املقاومة وتو�سيعها �إىل �أق�صى ما يتيح للحركة ال�شعبية يف،مدى ممكن كل مكان الدفاع عن احلق يف املقاومة وعلى الأخ�ص املقاومة يف مواجهة الإحتاللني .الأمريكي وال�صهيوين •العمل على ت�أ�سي�س بدائل عملية يف الت�ضامن بني ال�شعوب يف مواجهة �سيا�سات هدر احلقوق من قبل بع�ض املنظمات الدولية و�إتفاقيات .ال�شراكة غري املتكافئة •العمل على دعم وبلورة �سيا�سات ور�ؤى مناه�ضة للإمربيالية وا�سرتاتيجيات،بديلة والهيمنة،الإحتالل واحلروب والع�سكرة والتهمي�ش الر�أ�سمايل وتدمري،والإ�ستكبار ، وتبديد الرثوات الطبيعية والثقافية،البيئة والإحلاق والتبع َّية يف �إدارة النظام الدويل عرب .جمل�س الأمن وامل�ؤ�س�سات الدولية اجلائرة •تب ِّني «عامل �آخر ممكن» من قِبل قوى وحركات ، ينبغي �أن ي�شمل دعم املقاومة،وتيارات خمتلفة وهي التي جتابه على خطوط املواجهة الأوىل وتتحمل،الإحتاللني الأمريكي وال�صهيوين يف دفاعها عن حق �شعوبها باحلرية �أعباء الغزو .الإمربيايل الإ�ستكباري وعودة الإ�ستعمار ، •تطوير وتعميم مناه�ضة العوملة النيوليربالية ،والإجتاه نحو عامل �أكرث ت�ضامناً و�إن�سانية يفرت�ض عدم الركون �إىل هيمنة الدول والعمل على بناء حمور،ال�صناعية الكربى �آخر بني �شعوب ال�شمال واجلنوب للو�صول �إىل عالقات متكافئة على امل�ستويني ال�سيا�سي .واالقت�صادي �شارك عد ٌد كبري من ال�سيا�سيني والأكادمييني والباحثني والإعالميني واخلرباء يف �شتى ً �سيا�سياً وباحثا150 املجاالت وامليادين فاق الـ وحما�ضراً يف ور�ش عمل املنتدى التي متيزت باحل�ضور الكبري والنوعي وامل�شاركة الفاعلة : والتي توزعت على املحاور الآتية،واجلادة . •ور�شة عمل دعم املقاومة والتحرير •ور�شة عمل مناه�ضة الإمربيالية والت�ضامن بني ال�شعوب
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منتديات •ور�شة عمل البدائل ال�سيا�سية •ور�شة عمل الت�ضامن بني املحليات والقطاعات •ور�شة عمل الدفاع عن احلقوق القانونية واملدنية وعُقدت طاولة م�ستديرة بني الربملانيني اللبنانيني والعرب والأجانب وطاولة م�ستديرة تبحث يف جتارب الإعالميني يف خمتلف �أقطار العامل. بالإ�ضافة �إىل الأن�شطة املك َّثفة التي �أُقيمت على هام�ش املنتدى و�شهدت م�شاركة وا�سعة. ليخل�ص املنتدى يف بيانه اخلتامي �إىل التو�صيات الآتية: ّ •حق ال�شعوب باملقاومة وهو حق غري قابل للت�أويل والت�صرف ،ينبغي دعمه عاملياً واعرتاف املجموعة الدولية به ب�صفته حق تق ُّره القوانني الدولية. •�إن معركة املقاومة يف مواجهة االحتالل �أو اال�ستعمار هي يف مقدمة املعارك التي يخو�ضها �أحرار وثوار العامل �ضد الر�أ�سمالية املعوملة والإمربيالية ،والع�سكرة ،والرتاجع عن احلقوق االجتماعية املكت�سبة يف كفاح الطبقات الكادحة وامل�ست�ضعفة طيلة �أكرث من مئتي �سنة. ّ •حق ال�شعوب بال�سيادة على ثرواتها الطبيعية واحلق بالغذاء وال�صحة والتعليم ،قبل �أي اعتبار لقيمتها يف ال�سوق. ّ •حق االختالف الثقايف وحرية املعتقد ورف�ض كل تنميط ثقايف وعرقي. •تطوير حركة العوملة البديلة وحركات املناه�ضة واالجتاه نحو عامل �أكرث �إن�سانية وت�ضامناً. •تطبيق عقوبات �صارمة على «�إ�سرائيل» وقطع العالقات واملعاهدات معها ومنع تزويدها بال�سالح ،وتطوير احلمالت ال�شعبية ملقاطعة �إ�سرائيل وب�ضائع ال�شركات الداعمة لها. •مالحقة الدول وال�شركات التي تزود �إ�سرائيل بال�سالح ،والتي ُت�سهِّل نقله. •عقد م�ؤمتر دويل لتوثيق جرائم احلرب واجلرائم �ضد الإن�سانية الناجتة عن العدوان على غزة وكذلك اجلرائم االقت�صادية
facilitating their transportation -Holding an international conference to document the crimes of war and crimes against humanity resulting from aggressions against Gaza, as well as economic crimes and ecological crimes and prosecuting those who committed these crimes and the Israeli criminals during the aggression of July 2006 against Lebanon. -Supporting the Palestinian and the Lebanese resistance against the Israeli occupation and supporting the Iraqi resistance against the American occupation and supporting the Iraqi people to preserve the unity of its lands. - Supporting the right of self-determination to the Afghani people and its fight against the NATO and the American occupation. -Developing cooperation between international media networks looking for the truth and creating media companies for the exchange of expertise and information and standing up against media misleading, particularly that presenting the disclosure of the nature of Israeli crimes. -Rejecting American and European threats and incitation against Iran regarding the development of its peaceful nuclear program within the international conventions and rejecting the war threats against Syria, Sudan and Somalia.
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journalists in the different countries of the world. In addition to intensified activities held at the margin of the forum and witnessing an intensive participation. The forum reached in its final declaration the following recommendations: -The right of the peoples to resistance, an inalienable right, to be supported internationally and its acknowledgment by the international community as a right stated by international laws. -The fight of resistance against occupation or colonialism, at the forefront of battles, launched by free people and revolutionaries in the world in confrontation of imperialism and globalized capitalization, militarization, the decline of acquired social rights that were established by more than two hundred years of determined vulnerable and working-class struggles. -The right of the peoples to sovereignty over their natural resources and the right to food, health and education, before any due consideration to its value in the market. -The right to cultural divergence, the freedom of belief and the rejection of every racial and cultural stereotype. -Developing the alternative globalization movement, the opposition movements, and moving towards a more human and solidarity world. -Applying strict sanctions on Israel and disrupting relationships and treaties with it and preventing its supply with weapons, and developing popular campaigns to boycott Israel and the merchandize of its supporting companies. -Suing the companies and states supplying Israel with weapons and
وحماكمة مرتكبي،واجلرائم االيكولوجية هذه اجلرائم ال�سيما اجلرائم الإ�سرائيلية . على لبنان2006 �أثناء عدوان متوز •دعم املقاومة الفل�سطينية واللبنانية مبواجهة الإحتالل الإ�سرائيلي ودعم املقاومة العراقية مبواجهة الإحتالل الأمريكي وم�ساندة ال�شعب العراقي يف املحافظة على وحدة .�أرا�ضيه •دعم حق تقرير امل�صري لل�شعب الأفغاين .وكفاحه �ضد الإحتالل الأمريكي والأطل�سي •تطوير التعاون بني ال�شبكات الإعالمية العاملية الباحثة عن احلقيقة و�إن�شاء �شراكات �إعالمية لتبادل اخلربات واملعلومات والوقوف بوجه الت�ضليل الإعالمي وخا�صة جلهة ك�شف .طبيعة اجلرائم الإ�سرائيلية •رف�ض التحري�ض والتهديدات الأمريكية والأوروبية �ضد �إيران ب�ش�أن تطوير برناجمها النووي ال�سلمي يف �إطار االتفاقيات الدولية ورف�ض التهديدات احلربية �ضد �سوريا .وال�سودان وال�صومال
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منتديات áehÉ≤ �ملºYدd »ملÉ©d� ähÒH نتدىe
-Constituting a permanent follow-up committee in order to build a collective global framework of solidarity. -Developing increasing relationships between the leftist, democratic and nationalist movements and the resisting Islamic movements. -Illustrating an intellectual and solidarity basis for the “rapprochement” between the resisting Islamic, nationalist, and leftist currents and organizations. -Generalizing the culture of resistance and rejecting normalization and dependence to the American – Zionist alliance. -Unveiling the American plan in Iraq and asserting support to the Iraqi resistance against the American occupation. -Adopting the “large fronts” policies on the national and regional levels. -Constituting an Arab conscience tribunal to sue the aggressive crimes and the genocide campaigns to which Palestinians and Iraqis are exposed. -Condemning the Israeli and the American threats against the countries and the living forces of the region. -Considering the possession by Israel of nuclear weapons as a source of permanent threat against the international and regional security and peace. -Creating an international forum for human rights and the rights of peoples, attended by human rights experts from across the world, in cooperation with the Union of Arab Lawyers and the Arab Organization of Human Rights. -Calling the Lebanese government to work on creating a special international tribunal for the crimes committed by the Israelis during their aggressions against Lebanon in summer 2006. -Calling the Arab living forces to exert pressure on their governments to form an Arab Penal Court to sue Zionist criminals. In addition to major media recommendations and those related to the elimination of the effects of July 2006 war and the possibility of reconstruction for 130 thousand residential and non-residential units all along the Lebanese territory.
مببادرة من �ملركز �لإ�صت�صاري للدر��صات و�لتوثيق و�حلزب �ل�صيوعي �للبناين وحركة �ل�صعب ومنرب �لوحدة �لوطنية و�صبكة �ملنظمات �لأهلية «�صامدون» وبالتعاون مع �أحز�ب وقوى �صيا�صية ونقابات وجمعيات و�صخ�صيات فكرية و�أكادميية و�صيا�صية وثقافية و�إعالمية من عُقد «منتدى بريوت،خمتلف بلد�ن �لعامل ت�صرين �لثاين16 ï�لعاملي لدعم �ملقاومة» بتاري مب�صاركة ح�صد كبري، يف ق�صر �لأوني�صكو2006 ً� بلد50 من �لقار�ت �خلم�ص ووفود من حو�يل .يف �لعامل Oƒª°U á«– ¬«LƒJ :هدف �ملنتدى �إىل .¬«ehÉ≤e ádƒ£Hh ÊÉنÑ∏d� Ö©°û∏d •رف�ص و�إد�نة �لعدو�ن يف حلقته �ملبا�صرة ويف حلقاته �مل�صتعلة �أي �لعر�ق،�أي لبنان ويف �لد�ئرة �لأو�صع �لتي ي�صتهدفها،وفل�صطني .�أي �إير�ن و�صوريا و�أمن وم�صتقبل �ملنطقة •تد�ر�ص عنا�صر �لعدو�ن وخمططاته ب�صكل م�صرتك بني �للبنانيني و�لقوى �لعربية ،و�لإ�صالمية و�لعاملية على تنوع �نتماء�تها و�لتن�صيق بينها جميعاً ل�صتباق تد�عياته .�ملقبلة وتعطيلها •حتفيز �لت�صامن �لعاملي مع ن�صال �ل�صعب �لفل�صطيني من �أجل حقوقه �لوطنية .�لكاملة •�لإلتفاف حول �ملطلب �لعر�قي �لأ�صا�صي .�ملتم ِّثل برحيل �لحتالل حا�صر عد ٌد كبري من �ل�صيا�صيني و�لأكادمييني و�لإعالميني يف ور�ص عمل �ملنتدى �لتي مت َّيزت باحل�صور �لكثيف يف جل�صاتها �لتي ��صتمرت : وتوزعت على �ملحاور �لآتية،ثالثة �أيام ، •�ملحور �لإ�صرت�تيجي و�ملقاومات يف �لعامل �ملحور، �ملحور �لقانوين،�ملحور �لعربي . حمور �لبناء و�إعادة �لإعمار،�لإعالمي •بالإ�صافة �إىل �لأن�صطة �ملك َّثفة �لتي كانت على ً�هام�ص �ملنتدى و�لتي �صهدت �زدحاماً كبري .و�إقبا ًل ق َّل نظريه 16
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Beirut International Forum for Resistance Upon the initiative of the Center, the Communist Party, the People’s Movement, the National Unity Forum, the Network of Civil Organizations “Samidoun”, in cooperation with parties, political forces, trade-unions, associations, intellectual, academic, political, cultural, and media figures from the different countries of the world, Beirut International Forum for Resistance was held on November 16, 2006, at UNESCO Palace, with the participation of a large crowd from the five continents and of delegations from 50 countries across the world. The Forum aims at paying tribute to the resistance of the Lebanese population and to the heroism of Lebanon’s resistant people. Rejecting and condemning direct aggressions, i.e. against Lebanon, indirect aggressions, i.e. against Iraq and Palestine, and other aggressions within the larger circle targeting Iran and Syria and the security and the future of the whole region. Jointly examining the elements and plans of aggressions among the Lebanese and the international, Islamic and Arab forces, of all affiliations whatsoever, and coordinating altogether to anticipate their evolution and paralyze it. Encouraging global solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people in favor of their full national rights. Supporting the main Iraqi request for the withdrawal of the occupying forces. Various politicians, academicians, and journalists attended the working sessions of the Forum which was distinguished by an intensive attendance throughout its sessions which extended over three days and were distributed around the following axes: - The strategic axis and forms of resistance in the world, the Arab axis, the legal axis, the media axis, the axis of construction and reconstruction. In addition to intensified activities at the margin of the Forum, which have witnessed an unprecedented high participation. The Forum reached in its final declaration the following recommendations:
خل�ص املنتدى يف بيانه اخلتامي �إىل التو�صيات :الآتية •ت�شكيل جلنة متابعة دائمة بهدف بناء �إطار .ت�ضامني عاملي جامع •تطوير العالقات املتنامية بني التيارات الي�سارية والدميقراطية والقومية .واحلركات الإ�سالمية املقاومة •بلورة الأ�سا�س الت�ضامني والفكري للتقارب بني التيارات واملنظمات الي�سارية والقومية .والإ�سالمية املقاومة •تعميم ثقافة املقاومة ورف�ض التطبيع . ال�صهيوين-والتبعية للتحالف الأمريكي •ف�ضح املخطط الأمريكي يف العراق والت�أكيد على دعم املقاومة العراقية �ضد االحتالل .الأمريكي •اعتماد �سيا�سات اجلبهات العري�ضة على .امل�ستوى الوطني والإقليمي •ت�شكيل حمكمة �ضمري عربية ملحاكمة اجلرائم العدوانية وحمالت الإبادة التي .يتعر�ض لها ال�شعبان العراقي والفل�سطيني •�إدانة التهديدات الأمريكية والإ�سرائيلية .لبلدان املنطقة وقواها احلية •�إعتبار �إمتالك «�إ�سرائيل» للأ�سلحة النووية م�صدر تهديد دائم للأمن وال�سلم الإقليمي .والدويل •�إن�شاء منتدى عاملي حلقوق الإن�سان وال�شعوب من حقوقيي العامل بالتعاون مع احتاد املحامني العرب واملنظمة العربية .حلقوق الإن�سان •دعوة احلكومة اللبنانية لكي تعمل على �إن�شاء حمكمة دولية خا�صة تف�ضح اجلرائم التي ارتكبها الإ�سرائيليون يف عدوانهم على .2006 لبنان �صيف العام •دعوة القوى العربية احلية لل�ضغط على حكوماتها لت�شكيل حمكمة جزاء عربية .ملحاكمة املجرمني ال�صهاينة وما،بالإ�ضافة �إىل تو�صيات �إعالمية هامة 2006 يتعلق ب�إزالة �آثار عدوان حرب متوز �ألف وحدة �سكنية130 و�إمكانية �إعادة الإعمار لـ .وغري �سكنية على امتداد الأرا�ضي اللبنانية
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تGô“Dƒم ¿ÉنÑd ‘ á«YɪتL’� äÉ°SÉ«°ùd� ìÓ°U �إô“Dƒe
The effective programs and frameworks to fight poverty…the restrictions of fact and limits of experience Unemployment Eradication: the institutional and practical dimensions. The factors of failure and conditions of success The Comprehensive Health Coverage: the proposed options and funding alternatives Old-Age Insurance: a last discussion to crystallize a modern system of retirement and social protection. Unemployment Insurance: Conditions and criteria; the opportunities and challenges in the light of experiences in similar countries. The conference ended with a round table run by the minister of health, Mr. Ali Hassan Khalil; in which a huge number of experts, lecturers and representatives of the World Bank, WTO, EU and ESCWA participated.
عقد �ملركز �ل�صت�صاري للدر��صات و�لتوثيق «�إ�صالح �ل�صيا�صات:موؤمتر�ً مو�صعاً حتت عنو�ن من �لدعم �لنتقائي:�لجتماعية يف لبنان �إىل �لرعاية �ل�صاملة» برعاية وح�صور رئي�ص كتلة �لوفاء للمقاومة �صعادة �لنائب �حلاج -15 حممد رعد وذلك على مـدى يومني فـي . �لرو�صة- يف �وتيل �ل�صفري2012/3/16 ح�صر �ملوؤمتر عدد من �ل�صخ�صيات �لر�صمية و�ل�صيا�صية من بينها ممثل عن رئي�ص جمل�ص ،�لنو�ب �للبناين وممثل عن وزير �لدفاع وممثلني عن �ملوؤ�ص�صات و�لهيئات �لدولية �لبنك �لدويل ومنظمة �لعمل، و�لديبلوما�صية و�صارك فيه ح�صد.�لدولية و�لحتاد �لأوروبي كبري من �ل�صخ�صيات �لأكادميية و�لقت�صادية و�لجتماعية و�لبحثية و�خلرب�ء �ملعنيني بر�صم �ل�صيا�صات و�إد�رة �لرب�مج �لقت�صادية .و�لجتماعية يف �لقطاعني �لعام و�خلا�ص حا�صر يف �ملوؤمتر عدد كبري من �خلرب�ء
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Conference of the Reform of Social Policies in Lebanon Under the auspices and presence of the head of the loyalty to resistance bloc, HE Mohamad Raad, The Consultative center for Studies and Documentation held a two-day conference on “The Reform of Social Policies in Lebanon: From the Selective Subsidy Towards Welfare State” on March 15-16, 2012 at the Safir Hotel- Raouche. Anumber of political and official personalities including representatives of the Speaker of the house Nabih Berri, the minister of defense, the international and diplomatic panels and institutions, the World Bank, WTO and the European Union attended the conference; in which a mass of academic, economic, research and social figures as well as experts concerned with drawing up the policies and running the economic and social programs in the private and public sectors. A number of experts, academicians, researchers, directors of public and private institutions, as well as representatives of international organizations, syndicates and civil associations gave lectures. The panel discussions have revolved around the following topics: Wages policy: the mechanism of wage determination in its monetary and social concepts among the dangers of inflation and productivity requirements” Income Distribution: mechanisms of fair redistributions among sectors and production elements
واالكادمييني والباحثني ومدراء م�ؤ�س�سات عامة وخا�صة وممثلي املنظمات الدولية . والهيئات النقابية واجلمعيات الأهلية متحورت جل�سات امل�ؤمتر حول املو�ضوعات : الآتية �آلية حتديد الأجر مبفهوميه:�سيا�سة الأجور النقدي واالجتماعي بني خماطر الت�ضخم .ومتطلبات الإنتاجية �آليات �إعادة التوزيع املن�صف:توزيع الدخل .قطاعياً وبني عنا�صر الإنتاج ...الأطر والربامج الفاعلة ملكافحة الفقر .قيود الواقع وحدود التجربة االبعاد امل�ؤ�س�ساتية:مكافحة البطالة . عوامل الإخفاق و�شروط النجاح.والعملية اخليارات:التغطية ال�صحية ال�شاملة .املطروحة وبدائل التمويل مناق�شة اخرية ل�سبل بلورة:�ضمان ال�شيخوخة .نظام حديث للتقاعد واحلماية االجتماعية الفر�ص، ال�شروط واملعايري:�ضمان البطالة والتحديات على �ضوء التجارب يف الدول املماثلة واختتم امل�ؤمتر بطاولة م�ستديرة �أدارها وزير ال�صحة الأ�ستاذ علي ح�سن خليل و�شارك فيها عدد كبري من اخلرباء واملحا�ضرين وممثلني عن البنك الدويل ومنظمة العمل الدولية .واالحتاد الأوروبي واال�سكوا
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تGô“Dƒم “ºهÉØتd� �إىلQ�ƒ◊� øe” ÉHhQhC�h »eÓ°S �’إ⁄É©d� ∫ƒM ‹hدd� ô“Dƒ�مل
The International Conference on the Islamic World and Europe, “From Dialogue towards Understanding” Under the supervision and with the organization of the Consultative Center for Studies and Documentation, the German Institute for Oriental Research, Friedrich Ebert Institution and Birmingham University (London), in cooperation with Les Editions L´HarmattanParis La Revue Confluences - Méditerranée- Paris, the Austrian Embassy (Beirut), and Majallat Al-Ijtihad (Beirut), “the International Conference on the Islamic World and Europe, From Dialogue towards Understanding”, was held with the participation of an elite of academicians and researchers from Lebanon, Europe, the Arab and Islamic worlds, at Crown Plaza Hotel, on February 17, 2004. The conference tackled the issues of democracy, freedom, human rights, independence, the right to self-determination, the effects of globalization. It also discussed the issues of contemporary Islamic movements, neo-colonialism, and war against terrorism, talking about case studies from Palestine and Iraq, and concluded with an attempt to develop the concepts and the perspective of issues and conflicts and handle them with one common language.
موؤمتر عقده �ملركز �ل�صت�صاري للدر��صات �ل�صرقيةçو�لتوثيق و�ملعهد �لأملاين لالأبحا /وموؤ�ص�صة فريدري�ص �يربت وجامعة برمنغهام :لندن بالتعاون مع
- Les Editions L´Harmattan- Paris - La Revue Confluences Méditerranée - Paris - The Austrian Embassy - Beirut - Majallat Al-ljtihad - Beirut
وذلك مب�صاركة نخبة من �لأكادمييني و�لباحثني من لبنان و�أوروبا و�لعاملني �لعربي 17 ïو�لإ�صالمي يف �أوتيل كر�ون بالز� بتاري .2004 �صباط ،تناول �ملوؤمتر ق�صايا �لدميقر�طية و�حلرية وحق تقرير، و�ل�صتقالل،وحقوق �لإن�صان : كما ناق�ص م�صائل، وتاأثري�ت �لعوملة،�مل�صري �ل�صتعمار،�حلركات �لإ�صالمية �ملعا�صرة متطرقاً �إىل، �حلرب على �لإرهاب،�جلديد وخل�ص، �لعر�ق،در��صة حالت من فل�صطني �إىل حماولة تطوير �ملفاهيم و�لنظرة �إىل �لق�صايا و�ل�صر�عات و�لتعاطي معها بلغة .م�صرتكة
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πeô¡dG -∂Ñ∏©H á≤£æà ¢Vƒ¡æ∏d »FɉE’G ô“DƒŸG
The Conference for the Stimulation of Baalbeck – Al Hermel Region The Consultative Center for Studies and Documentation, in cooperation with Jihad Al Binaa for Development, in Duriss area (Al Beqaa), held a conference entitled “The Conference for the Development of Baalbeck – Al Hermel Region”, attended by a numerous officials – MPs, officials of the region, several researchers, academicians, and experts in the fields of development, in addition to various figures, associations, and trade-unions from the Beqaa region, which hosted the conference, on November 7-8, 2001.
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IQôëŸG á«Hƒæ÷G ≥WÉæŸÉH ¢Vƒ¡æ∏d »FɉE’G ô“DƒŸG
The Development Conference to stimulate of the Liberated Southern Regions On February 18-19, 2001, the Center organized an extended conference entitled “the Conference for the Development and the Reconstruction of Borderline Liberated Southern Regions”, at Hotel Marriot – Beirut. It was attended by the representative of the President of the Republic General Emile Lahoud, who delivered a speech, in addition to a multitude of ministers, deputies, municipalities, public institutions, civil organizations, political, party and trade union figures, in addition to several researchers, academicians, and experts in the economic field.
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¿ÉæÑd ‘ á«YɪàLE’G ájOÉ°üàbE’G áeRC’G ô“Dƒe ó≤oY ¢ü◊G º«∏°S QƒàcódG Qƒ°†Mh ájÉYôH ‘ á«YɪàLE’G ájOÉ°üàbE’G áeRC’G ô“Dƒe” äÉ°SÉ«°ùd á∏eɵàe á«é«JGΰSG ƒëf “¿ÉæÑd ÚãMÉÑdG øe ÒÑc ól °ûM ô“DƒŸG ô°†M ,á∏jóH øe Ú«°SÉ«°ùdGh ÚjOÉ°üàbE’G AGÈÿGh π«JhCG áYÉb ‘ ∂dPh ÚdhDƒ°ùeh ÜGƒfh AGQRh .1999 •ÉÑ°T 13/12 ïjQÉàH ähÒH –äƒjQÉŸG The Conference on the Socio-Economic Crisis in Lebanon Under the patronage and in the presence of Dr. Salim Al Hoss, the conference held a Conference on the Socio-Economic Crisis in Lebanon: Towards an Integrated Strategy for Alternative Policies, was attended by a multitude of researchers, political and economic experts, among whom ministers, deputies and officials, at Marriot Hotel – Beirut, on February 12-13, 1999.
zÉk «YɪàLEG ,Ék jOÉ°üàbEG ,Ék «æjóe ä’ƒëàdGh ™bGƒdG ,QÉ°ù«dCG{
“Elyssar, the Current Situation and SocioEconomic and Civic Transformations” On July 23,1998, at the Order of Engineers, the Center held the conference, in cooperation with the Islamic Association of Engineers, in which several representatives of public administrations, municipalities, and civil organisations, as well as MPs and representatives of administrations concerned with Alissar project, in addition to a multitude of professors and engineers, who took part.
s ™°Sƒe ™e ¿hÉ©àdÉH õcôŸG ¬ª¶f ô“Dƒe s ¬«a ∑QÉ°Th Ú°Só桪∏d »eÓ°SE’G ™ªéàdG ,äÉjó∏ÑdGh ᫪°SôdG äGQGOE’G »∏㇠øe Ol óY äGQGOE’G »∏ã‡h ,ÜGƒædGh á«∏gC’G äɪ¶æŸGh IòJÉ°SC’G øe ™l ªLh QÉ°ù«dCG ´hô°ûà á«æ©ŸG ‘ Ú°Sóæ¡ŸG áHÉ≤f áYÉb ‘ ∂dPh ,Ú°Sóæ¡ŸGh .1998 Rƒ“ 23 ïjQÉàH ähÒH 22
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á«dÉ≤àfE’G á∏MôŸG äÉjó–h ¥ÉaBG :IQƒãdG ó©H Ée ô°üe 2012/2/9 ïjQÉàH õcôŸG É¡ª¶f á©°Sƒe Ihóf ¥ÉaBG :IQƒãdG ó©H Ée ô°üe{ ¿GƒæY â– ¥óæa ‘ ∂dPh ,á«dÉ≤àf’G á∏MôŸG äÉjó–h É¡«a ô°VÉM .(kÉ≤HÉ°S äƒjQÉŸG) ,Ö«dƒJ ¿ódƒ¨dG á«YɪàL’G äÉ°SGQó∏d ΩGôgC’G õcôe ¢ù«FQ ,ìÉàØdG óÑY π«Ñf .O IôgÉ≤dG ‘ á«îjQÉàdGh á«°SÉ«°ùdG äÉ«°üî°ûdG øe ÒÑc OóY Égô°†Mh .ájôµØdGh á«aÉ≤ãdGh á«YɪàL’Gh Post-Revolution Egypt: The Horizons and Challenges of the transitional period The center organized a seminar entitled “Post-revolution Egypt: the Horizons and Challenges of the Transitional Period” at Golden Tulip Hotel (Previously Marriot) on February 9, 2012. Head of Al-Ahram center for Social and Historical Studies, Dr. Nabil Abdul Fattah, gave a lecture. A number of political, social, cultural and intellectual personalities attended the seminar.
á«Hô©dG äGQƒ£àdG √ÉŒ Iójó÷G á«HhQhC’G äÉ°SÉ«°ùdG
New European Policies In the Light of Arab Developments On July 7, 2011, at Hotel Monroe-Beirut, the Center held a large-scale seminar, at which the expert in Arab policies, the editor of Le Monde Diplomatique, Alain Gresh, gave a lecture about the new European policies in the light of Arab developments, and in which a range of researchers and stakeholders took part, in addition to a multitude of journalists, political, intellectual, and academic figures,.
Rƒ“ 7 ïjQÉàH õcôŸG Égó≤Y á©°Sƒe s Ihóf É¡«a ô°VÉM ,ähÒH -hôfƒe π«JhCG ‘ 2011 ôjô– ¢ù«FQ á«Hô©dG äÉ°SÉ«°ùdG ‘ ÒÑÿG ∫ƒM,¢ûjôZ ¿’BG ∂«JÉeƒ∏ÑjO ófƒeƒd á∏› äGQƒ£àdG √ÉŒ Iójó÷G á«HhQhC’G äÉ°SÉ«°ùdG ÚãMÉÑdG øe áÑîf É¡«a ∑QÉ°Th á«Hô©dG äÉ«°üî°ûdG øe ó°ûM ¤EG áaÉ°VE’ÉH ڪ࡟Gh .á«eÓYE’Gh á«°SÉ«°ùdGh ájôµØdGh á«ÁOÉcC’G
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äGhó```f z¢TÉ≤f ájGóH - »Hô©dG ´QÉ°ûdG IQƒK{
Revolution of Arab Streets – Beginning of a Debate On February 3, 2011, the Center held an extended seminar about Arab revolutions, moderated by the journalist Mohammed Cherri, at which the President of ASFER (Arab Society For Economic Research), Dr. Mounir Hamash, and the Lebanese intellectual, Dr. Fawaz Traboulsi, delivered a lecture, and in which several experts and researchers took part, in addition to distinguished academic, political and media figures.
•ÉÑ°T 3 ïjQÉàH õcôŸG Égó≤Y á©°Sƒe s Ihóf É¡«a ô°VÉM á«Hô©dG äGQƒãdG ∫ƒM 2011 ájOÉ°üàbE’G çƒëÑ∏d á«Hô©dG á«©ª÷G ¢ù«FQ ‘ ∑QÉ°T ,»°ù∏HGôW RGƒa .Oh ¢ûª◊G Òæe .O óª PÉà°SC’G »eÓYE’G ÉgQGOCG »àdG IhóædG áaÉ°VEG ÚãMÉÑdGh Ú°üàîŸG øe OóY …ô°T .IRQÉH á«ÁOÉcCGh á«°SÉ«°Sh á«eÓYEG √ƒLh ¤EG
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The Pre-University Education Sector: “Towards a National Strategy” On November 30, 2010, the Center held the educational seminar, at Coral Beach Hotel – Beirut. Dr. Adnan Al Amine presented a working paper regarding the relevant issue and at which the following figures took the floor: Dr. Hussein Badran, Dr. Imad Samaha, Dr. Hussein Jammoul, Dr. Therese Al Hashem, and Dr. Mohammed Shayya, in the presence of the representative of the Minister of Education, the consultant Dr. Mazen Al Khatib, who exposed the opinion of the Ministry, with the participation of several concerned experts in the field of education, in addition to a multitude of academicians, researchers, directors, and representatives of educational institutions and organizations.
¥óæa ‘ õcôŸG Égó≤Y á©°Sƒe s ájƒHôJ Ihóf øjô°ûJ 30 ïjQÉàH ähÒH ` ¢ûà«H ∫GQƒµdG ábQh ÚeC’G ¿ÉfóY .O É¡«a Ωqób 2010ÊÉãdG Ú°ùM .O :É¡«a ô°VÉMh ´ƒ°VƒŸG ∫ƒM πªY ,∫ƒªL Ú°ùM .O ,áMɪ°S OɪY .O ,¿GQóH ôjRh QÉ°ûà°ùeh É«°T óª .O ,º°TÉ¡dG õjÒJ .O OóY É¡«a ∑QÉ°Th Ö«£ÿG ¿RÉe .O á«HÎdG ó°ûMh …ƒHÎdG ¿CÉ°ûdÉH Ú«æ©ŸG AGÈÿG øe »∏ã‡h AGQóeh ÚãMÉÑdGh Ú«ÁOÉcC’G øe .ájƒHÎdG äÉÄ«¡dGh äÉ°ù°SDƒŸG 24
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É¡eGóîà°SG ä’É›h ᫪bôdG äÉeƒ∏©ŸG QOÉ°üe
Sources and Uses of Digital Information On September 28, 2010, the Center held, in cooperation with the National Library of Baakline, an extended seminar about “the sources of digital information and the fields of their use”, at which Dr. Imad Bashir and Dr. Fawz Abdallah gave lectures, in the presence of several librarians, information specialists, and documentation Centers, in addition to a multitude of stakeholders.
s á°ü°üîàe Ihóf ¿hÉ©àdÉH õcôŸG É¡ª¶f QOÉ°üe ∫ƒM Ú∏≤©H ‘ á«æWƒdG áÑൟG ™e É¡eGóîà°SG ä’É›h ᫪bôdG äÉeƒ∏©ŸG ˆG óÑY Rƒa .Oh Ò°ûH OɪY .O É¡«a ô°VÉM äÉÑൟG ∫É› ‘ Ú°üàîŸG øe OóY Qƒ°†ëH øe ó°ûMh ≥«KƒàdG õcGôeh äÉeƒ∏©ŸGh .2010 ∫ƒ∏jCG 28 ïjQÉàH ∂dPh ڪ࡟G
≈ŒôŸGh øµªŸG ¿ÉæÑd ‘ πeÉ°ûdG »ë°üdG ¿Éª°†dG
Potential and Intended Comprehensive Health Insurance in Lebanon In the evening of Tuesday April 14, 2010, at Beirut Coral Beach Hotel, the Center held a specialized seminar on health, at which Dr. Bahij Arbid submitted a working paper about the required social security and health insurance, which was discussed by the Director General of the National Social Security Fund, Dr. Mohammed Karaki, and the ex-MP Ismail Succaria, in addition to some high-level experts and researchers in the field, among whom Dr. Kamal Hamdane, Dr. Najib Issa, and the actuarial expert, Dr. Ibrahim Mhanna.
Égó≤Y »ë°üdG ¿CÉ°ûdÉH á°ü°üîàe Ihóf ∫GQƒµdG ¥óæa ‘ 2010 ¿É°ù«f 14 ‘ õcôŸG ó«HôY è«¡H QƒàcódG É¡«a Ωsób ,ähÒH - ¢ûà«H äÉæ«eCÉàdGh »ë°üdG ¿Éª°†dG ∫ƒM πªY ábQh »æWƒdG ¥hóæ°üdG ΩÉY ôjóe É¡°ûbÉfh ,áHƒ∏£ŸG ÖFÉædGh »côc óª .O »YɪàL’G ¿Éª°†∏d ∫ɪc .O AGô`ÑÿGh ájô``µ°S π«Yɪ°SEG ≥HÉ°ùdG Éæ¡e º«gGôHEG .Oh ≈°ù«Y Ö«‚ .Oh ¿GóªM Ú°ü°üîàŸGh ÚãMÉÑdG øe Ol óY É¡«a ∑QÉ°Th .»ë°üdG ¿CÉ°ûdG ‘
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äGhó```f á«LQÉÿG É«côJ á°SÉ«°ùd Iójó÷G äÉ¡LƒàdG
New Trends of Turkey’s Foreign Affairs Policy Arshad Hormozlo, counsellor of the Turkish president, Abdallah Gul, gave a lecture at a seminar held at Coral Beach Hotel – Beirut, on December 7, 2009, in the presence of and with the participation of ministers, deputies and a multitude of politicians, researchers, heads of civil associations and stakeholders in the situation in Turkey.
∫GQƒµdG ¥óæa ‘ õcôŸG Égó≤Y á©°Sƒe s Ihóf ,2009 ∫hC’G ¿ƒfÉc 7 ïjQÉàH ähÒH -¢ûà«H (πZ) »cÎdG ¢ù«FôdG QÉ°ûà°ùe É¡«a ô°VÉM äÉ¡LƒàdG ∫ƒM ƒdRƒeQƒg OÉ°TQCG ó«°ùdG Qƒ°†ëH á«LQÉÿG É«côJ á°SÉ«°ùd Iójó÷G Ú«°SÉ«°ùdG øe ó°ûMh ÜGƒfh ,AGQRh ácQÉ°ûeh á«∏gC’G äÉ«©ª÷G ‹hDƒ°ùeh ÚãMÉÑdGh .»cÎdG ¿CÉ°ûdÉH ڪ࡟Gh
Iô≤à°ùe ÒZ äÉ©ªà› ‘ ᫪æàdG
Development in Unstable Societies The Center held a specialized seminar, in cooperation with the International NGO Training and Research Center (INTRAC) institution (London), in which several researchers from Lebanon, the Arab world, and Europe took part, at Al Safir Hotel, on November 15-16, 2006.
™e ¿hÉ©àdÉH õcôŸG Égó≤Y á°ü°üîàe Ihóf ójó©dG É¡«a ∑QÉ°T ¿óæd /∑GÎfG á°ù°SDƒe »Hô©dG ⁄É©dGh ¿ÉæÑd øe ÚãMÉÑdG øe 16 -15 ïjQÉàH ÒØ°ùdG π«JhCG ‘ ∂dPh ,ÉHhQhCGh .2006 ÊÉãdG øjô°ûJ 26
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»Hô©dG ⁄É©dG ‘ äÉeƒ∏©ŸG á°SÉ«°S
The Information Policy in the Arab World On May 19-20, 2004, the Center held an extended seminar, at Marriot Hotel. It was attended by a multitude of politicians, academicians, and experts in the IT field, with the participation of the Lebanese University and the Arab Club for Information.
™e ∑GΰTE’ÉH õcôŸG Égó≤Y á©°Sƒe s Ihóf ,äÉeƒ∏©ª∏d »Hô©dG …OÉædGh á«fÉæÑ∏dG á©eÉ÷G Ú«ÁOÉcC’Gh Ú«°SÉ«°ùdG øe ól °ûM Égô°†M π«JhCG ‘ ∂dPh á«JÉeƒ∏©ŸG π≤M ‘ AGÈÿGh .2004 QÉjCG 20 -19 ïjQÉàH äƒjQÉŸG
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Al Aqsa Uprising: The Current Situation and the Trends of the Future On January 13, 2001, the Center held a seminar at Le Meridien Hotel – Beirut. It was attended by a range of representatives of Lebanese political forces and Palestinian factions, as well as various organizations and associations, and in which concerned academicians and researchers took part.
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äGhó```f zá«∏u ëŸG ájQGOE’G ájõcôeÓdG ≥«Ñ£àd á«dƒª°T ájDhQ ƒëf{ áYƒª› É¡dÓN ¢VôY õcôŸG Égó≤Y Ihóf πªY ¥GQhCG Ú«æ©ŸGh Ú°üàîŸG AGÈÿG øe ∂dPh ,ájQGO’G ájõcôeÓdG ´ƒ°Vƒe â°ûbÉf 27 ïjQÉàH ähÒH – äƒjQÉŸG π«JhCG áYÉb ‘ .1999 Rƒ“
Towards a Comprehensive Vision to Implement Local Administrative Decentralization On July 27, 1999, the Center held the seminar, at Marriott Hotel – Beirut where some specialized experts presented working papers about administrative decentralization. The seminar was attended by several academicians and researchers, in addition to an elite of forces and figures.
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Implementation of the Proportional Representation System in Lebanon On April 28، 1999, at Marriot Hotel – Beirut, the Center held the seminar, with the participation of a multitude of law and political sciences professors, in addition to representatives of political forces, MPs, as well as some specialized figures and bodies.
øe ó°ûM ácQÉ°ûà õcôŸG Égó≤YIhóf »∏ã‡h ,á«°SÉ«°ùdG Ωƒ∏©dGh ¿ƒfÉ≤dG IòJÉ°SCG äÉ¡÷G ¢†©Hh ÜGƒædGh á«°SÉ«°ùdG iƒ≤dG π«JhCG áYÉb ‘ ∂dPh á°üàîŸG äÉ«°üî°ûdGh .1999 ¿É°ù«f 28 ïjQÉàH ähÒH – äƒjQÉŸG 28
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äɨdG äÉjó– ΩÉeCG ÊÉæÑ∏dG OÉ°üàbE’G
The Lebanese Economy in the Face of GATT Challenges On July 9, 1997, at Riviera Hotel, the Center held the economic seminar, attended by many academicians, experts, and economists, as well as several representatives of ministries and specialized public administrations, in addition to MPs and representatives of political forces.
¥óæa áYÉb ‘ õcôŸG Égó≤Y ájOÉ°üàbG Ihóf .1997 Rƒ“ 9 ïjQÉàH ähÒH ‘ GÒØjôdG AGÈÿGh Ú«ÁOÉcC’G øe ól °ûM Égô°†M äGQGOE’G »∏㇠øe Ol óYh ,ÚjOÉ°üàbE’Gh ¤EG áaÉ°VEG ,äGQGRƒdGh á°üàîŸG ᫪°SôdG . ÜGƒædGh á«°SÉ«°ùdG iƒ≤dG »∏ã‡
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The Risks of Campromise and the Ways of Confrontation With the participation of several researchers and in the presence of a wide range of party and political figures, a series of political seminars was held, where compromise related sections and the new international order were discussed at several phases, in 1993.
ól °ûM Qƒ°†ëHh ,ÚãMÉÑdG øe OóY ácQÉ°ûà ᫰SÉ«°ùdG äÉ«°üî°ûdGh äÉ«dÉ©ØdG øe ÒÑc á«°SÉ«°S äGhóf á∏°ù∏°S äóp≤Yo ,á«Hõ◊Gh ábÓY É¡d QhÉ πMGôe IóY ≈∏Y â°ûbÉf ‘ ∂dPh ójó÷G »ŸÉ©dG ΩɶædGh ájƒ°ùàdÉH .1993 ΩÉ©dG
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¢TÉ≤f äÉ≤∏M zÒKCÉàdG iƒbh á«°SÉ«°ùdG äÉgÉŒ’G{ :ô°üe ‘ á«°SÉFôdG äÉHÉîàf’G ‘ 2012 ¿É°ù«f 6 ïjQÉàH ¢TÉ≤ædG á≤∏M äó≤oY §°SƒdG ÜõM ¢ù«FQ É¡«a ô°VÉMh õcôŸG áYÉb ¿GƒæY â– »°VÉe Ó©dG ƒHCG QƒàcódG ô°üe ‘ äÉgÉŒE’G :ô°üe ‘ á«°SÉFôdG äÉHÉîàf’G{ OóY É¡«a ∑QÉ°Th ,zÒKCÉàdG iƒbh á«°SÉ«°ùdG .ڪ࡟Gh Ú«ÁOÉcC’Gh ÚãMÉÑdG øe
Parts and Dialogue: “The Presidential Elections in Egypt: the Political Approaches and the Powers of Influence” The Consultative Center for Studies and Documentation held on 6 April 2012 a panel discussion entitled “The Presidential Elections in Egypt: the Political Approaches and the Powers of Influence”; in which Dr. Abou Al-ila Madi, president of Al-Wasat party, gave a lecture and a number of researchers, academicians and stakeholders participated.
ÉLPƒ‰ √É«ŸG á∏µ°ûe : ådÉãdG ⁄É©dG ¿Gó∏H ≈∏Y ÉgÒKCÉJh IôNCÉàŸG á«dɪ°SCGôdG
Sections and Dialogue: The Late Capitalism and its Impact on the Third World Countries: the Pattern of Water Problem
á«©ª÷G ™e ¿hÉ©àdÉH …QÉ°ûà°S’G õcôŸG ó≤Y ïjQÉàH ¢TÉ≤f á≤∏M ´ÉªàL’G º∏©d á«fÉæÑ∏dG : ¿GƒæY â– õcôŸG áYÉb ‘ 2012/3/23 ¿Gó∏H ≈∏Y ÉgÒKoCÉJh IôNCÉàŸG á«dɪ°SCGôdG ô°VÉM zkÉLPƒ‰ √É«ŸG á∏µ°ûe{ ådÉãdG ⁄É©dG º∏Yh á°SÉ«°ùdGh É«aGô¨÷G IOÉe PÉà°SCG É¡«a ¿ÉÑ«à°SG ¬«°SƒN π°SÉcƒ«f á©eÉL ‘ ´ÉªàL’G Ú°üàîŸG øe OóY É¡«a ∑QÉ°Th hΰSÉc . Ú«eÓYE’Gh Ú«ÁOÉcC’G ÚãMÉÑdGh
In cooperation with the Lebanese Association of sociology, the Consultative Center for Studies and Documentation held a panel discussion entitled “The Late Capitalism and its Impact on the Third World Countries: the Pattern of Water Problem “ on 23 March 2012 at the library. Mr. Jose Estebian Castro, professor of Geography and sociology at Newcastle University, gave a lecture; in which a number of stakeholders, researchers, academicians and media persons participated. 30
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Panel Discussions
1929 QGô≤dG ó©H Ée äÉgƒjQÉæ«°S ,¿GôjEGh IóëàŸG äÉj’ƒdG
The United States and Iran, Post-Resolution 1929 Scenarios On July 15، 2010, the Center held a panel discussion entitled “The United States and Iran, Post-Resolution 1929 Scenarios”, at which the Palestinian researcher, Dr. Mounir Shafic, and General Dr. Amine Hoteit, delivered a lecture, in the presence of several politicians, researchers, academicians, and journalists.
â– 2010 Rƒ“ 15 ïjQÉàH äó≤Y ¢TÉ≤f á≤∏M äÉgƒjQÉæ«°S ,¿GôjEGh IóëàŸG äÉj’ƒdG” ¿GƒæY øe πc É¡«a çó– ,“1929 QGô≤dG ó©H Ée 󫪩dGh ≥«Ø°T Òæe.O »æ«£°ù∏ØdG åMÉÑdG Ú«°SÉ«°ùdG øe OóY Qƒ°†ëH ,§«£M ÚeCG.O . Ú«eÓYE’Gh Ú«ÁOÉcC’Gh ÚãMÉÑdGh
? ójó÷G §°ShC’G ¥ô°ûdG √ÉŒ á«cÒeC’G á°SÉ«°ùdG
The American Policy Towards the New Middle East On June 23، 2010, the Center held a panel discussion entitled “The American Policy Towards the Middle East: Any New?”, at which the Managing Director of Issam Fares Center for Lebanon, Ambassador Abdallah Abou Habib, and the Professor of Political Sciences, at Long Island University (New York), Dr. Mohammed Mosleh, took the floor, and in which several politicians, researchers, experts and academicians, took part.
23 ïjQÉàH õcôŸG É¡ª¶f ¢TÉ≤f á≤∏M ΩÉ°üY õcôe ¢ù«FQ É¡«a ô°VÉM 2010¿GôjõM ,Ö«ÑM ƒH ˆG óÑY ÒØ°ùdG çÉëHCÓd ¢SQÉa ófÓjEG ≠fƒd á©eÉL ‘ á«°SÉ«°ùdG Ωƒ∏©dG PÉà°SCGh ∑QÉ°T .í∏°üe óª QƒàcódG (∑Qƒjƒ«f) AGÈÿGh ÚãMÉÑdGh Ú«°SÉ«°ùdG øe OóY É¡«a .Ú«eÓYE’Gh Ú«ÁOÉcC’Gh
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¢TÉ≤f äÉ≤∏M äÉeƒ∏©ª∏d »é«JGΰSE’G ó°UôdG
Strategic Information Tracking On June 7، 2010, the Center held a panel discussion entitled “Strategic Information monitoring: The Modern Means to look for Information and the Semantic Web”, at which the Professor of Information Technology Linguistics at the Lebanese University, Dr. Ghassan Mrad, presented a working paper, entitled “Indicative Methods to look for Information” and at which the Professor of Media IT at the Lebanese University, Dr. Imad Bashir, presented a working paper entitled “The Apparent and Hidden Issues of Information Seeking in a Digital Environment”.
s ¢TÉ≤f á≤∏M ¿GôjõM 7 ïjQÉàH õcôŸG É¡ª¶f »é«JGΰSE’G ó°UôdG” ¿GƒæY â– 2010 øY åëÑ∏d áãjó◊G Ö«dÉ°SC’Gh äÉeƒ∏©ª∏d É¡dÓN ¢VôY ,“‹’ódG ÖjƒdGh äÉeƒ∏©ŸG á©eÉ÷G ‘ á«JÉeƒ∏©ŸG áæ°ùdC’G IOÉe PÉà°SCG ¿GƒæY â– πªY ábQh OGôe ¿É°ùZ.O á«fÉæÑ∏dG ɪc ,“äÉeƒ∏©ŸG øY åëÑ∏d á«d’ódG ¥ô£dG” ΩÓYE’G É«LƒdƒæµJh äÉeƒ∏©ŸG PÉà°SCG É¡«a Ωqób ábQh Ò°ûH OɪY .O á«fÉæÑ∏dG á©eÉ÷G ‘ øY åëÑdG ÉjÉØNh ÉjÉ°†b” ¿GƒæY â– πªY .“᫪bôdG áÄ«ÑdG ‘ äÉeƒ∏©ŸG
ó«©°üàdG ä’ɪàMGh á≤£æŸG ‘ äGQƒ£àdG
The Developments in the Region and the Prospects of Escalation On May 19, 2010, the Center held a panel discussion entitled “The Developments in the Region and the Possibiliteies of Escalation”, at which MP Walid Succaria (retired general) and the expert in military and geostrategic affairs, Riad Kahwaji, delivered a lecture, with the participation of several politicians, researchers, specialists, academicians, and reputed journalists.
s ¢TÉ≤f á≤∏M QÉjCG 19 ïjQÉàH õcôŸG É¡ª¶f ó«dh 󫪩dG ÖFÉædG É¡«a ô°VÉM ,2010 ƒ«÷Gh ájôµ°ù©dG ¿hDƒ°ûdG ‘ ÒÑÿGh ájôµ°S É¡«a ∑QÉ°Th ,»Lƒ¡b ¢VÉjQ á«é«JGΰSEG Ú°üàîŸGh ÚãMÉÑdGh Ú«°SÉ«°ùdG øe OóY .Ú«eÓYE’Gh Ú«ÁOÉcC’Gh 32
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10/30/12 12:34:24 PM
Panel Discussions
¿ÉæÑd ‘ á«dÉŸG á«fƒjóŸG áeRCG s ¢TÉ≤f á≤∏M •ÉÑ°T 18 ïjQÉàH õcôŸG É¡ª¶f ø°ùM .O ‹hódG ‹ÉŸG ÒÑÿG É¡«a Ωqób 2010 ‘ á«dÉŸG á«fƒjóŸG áeRCG ∫ƒM ¬àjDhQ π«∏N ÚãMÉÑdGh AGÈÿG øe OóY É¡«a ∑QÉ°T ,¿ÉæÑd .‹ÉŸGh …OÉ°üàb’G Ú∏≤◊G ‘
The Crisis of Financial Indebtedness in Lebanon On February 18, 2010, the Center held a panel discussion entitled “The Crisis of Financial Indebtedness in Lebanon”, at which the international financial expert, Dr. Hassan Khalil, exposed his view about the raised topic, and in which several experts and researchers from the financial and economic fields took part.
?¬æ«°ù– hCG ÊÉæÑ∏dG …OÉ°üàb’G êPƒªædG Ò«¨J øµÁ ∞«c How to Change or Improve the Lebanese Economic Model? On January 6, 2010, the Center held a panel discussion entitled “How to Change or Improve the Lebanese Economic Model” at which the Lebanese ex-Minister of Finance, Dr. Georges Corm, exposed his view about the Lebanese economic model, with the possibility to improve it or treat any flaw in it, at which an elite of intellectuals and thinkers took part, in the presence of several researchers and socio-economic and political experts.
s ¢TÉ≤f á≤∏M ÊÉãdG ¿ƒfÉc 6 ïjQÉàH õcôŸG É¡ª¶f ≥Ñ°SC’G ÊÉæÑ∏dG á«dÉŸG ôjRh É¡«a Ωqób ,2010 …OÉ°üàb’G êPƒªædG ∫ƒM ¬àjDhQ Ωôb êQƒL .O ¬«a π∏ÿG á÷É©eh ¬æ«°ù– á«fɵeEGh ÊÉæÑ∏dG …CGôdG ÜÉë°UCGh øjôµØŸG øe OóY É¡«a ∑QÉ°T, äÉ«°üî°ûdG øe ó°ûM Égô°†Mh ÚãMÉÑdGh . á«°SÉ«°ùdGh á«YɪàLE’Gh ájOÉ°üàbE’G
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¢TÉ≤f äÉ≤∏M QôëàdGh áehÉ≤ŸG äÉcô◊ áfQÉ≤ŸG ÜQÉéàdG øjô°ûJ 15 ïjQÉàH õcôŸG Égó≤Y ¢TÉ≤f á≤∏M áfQÉ≤ŸG ÜQÉéàdG{ :¿GƒæY â– ,2009 ∫hC’G Comparative zQôëàdGh áehÉ≤ŸG äÉcô◊
experiences movements of É¡«a ô°VÉM ,resistance / liberation
¢ù∏jh ôØ«dhCG .O ÊÉŸC’G »°SÉ«°ùdG åMÉÑdG - ±ƒZôH á°ù°SDƒe ôjóe Dr. Oliver Wils AGÈÿGh ÚãMÉÑdG øe OóY Égô°†Mh “ÚdôH .ڪ࡟Gh Ú«ÁOÉcC’Gh
Comparative Experiences : Movements of Resistance/Liberation On October 15, 2009, the Center held a discussion panel entitled “Comparative Experiences of the Movements of Resistance/ Liberation”, attended by several researchers, experts, academicians and concerned people, and at which Dr. Oliver Wils, a German political researcher and Director of Berghov-Berlin, delivered a lecture.
¢TƒH ó©H á«cÒeC’G á«é«JGΰSE’G ?ÉeÉHhCG ™e Ò«¨J …CG
Any Change with Obama? The Post-Bush American Strategy On June 18, 2009, the Center held a panel discussion entitled “Any Change with Obama? The Post-Bush American Strategy”, at which Richard Labévière, the expert in strategic issues and the editor-inchief of the French Magazine Défense, took the floor and in which an elite of academicians, researchers, heads of Centers of studies, and a multitude of journalists and American affairs stakeholders, took part.
s ¢TÉ≤f á≤∏M ¿GôjõM 18 ïjQÉàH õcôŸG É¡ª¶f á«°ùfôØdG ´ÉaO á∏› ¢ù«FQ É¡«a ô°VÉM ,2009 á«é«JGΰSE’G ÉjÉ°†≤dG ‘ ÒÑÿG Defense øe áÑîf É¡«a ∑QÉ°Th ,Ò«Ø«H’ QÉ°ûjQ õcGôe AÉ°SDhQh ,ÚãMÉÑdGh Ú«ÁOÉcC’G ڪ࡟Gh Ú«eÓYE’G øe ™ªLh ,äÉ°SGQO .»cÒeC’G ¿CÉ°ûdÉH 34
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10/30/12 12:34:45 PM
Panel Discussions
á«dÉŸG ¥Gƒ°SC’G áeRCG Aƒ°V ‘ ‹Éª°SCGôdG ΩɶædG πÑ≤à°ùe
The Future of the Capitalist Regime in the Light of the Crisis of Financial Markets On December 3, 2008, the Center held a panel discussion entitled “The Future of the Capitalistic Regime in the Light of the Crisis of Financial Markets”, attended by several researchers, academicians and politicians, and at which the economic expert, Dr. Ghaleb Abou Mosleh, took floor.
s ¢TÉ≤f á≤∏M ¿ƒfÉc 3 ïjQÉàH õcôŸG É¡ª¶f …OÉ°üàbE’G ÒÑÿG É¡«a ô°VÉM , 2008 ∫hC’G øe OóY Égô°†Mh ,í∏°üe ƒHCG ÖdÉZ QƒàcódG . Ú«°SÉ«°ùdGh Ú«ÁOÉcC’Gh ÚãMÉÑdG
πeÉY πÑL äÉjó∏H OÉ–E’ ájƒªæàdG á£ÿG
The Development Plan for the Union of Jabal Amel Municipalities On March 12, 2008, the Center held the panel discussion in which several heads of unions and municipalities of the Southern villages and regions, in addition to some active experts concerned with the development issues, took part.
s ¢TÉ≤f á≤∏M ,2008 QGPBG 12 ïjQÉàH õcôŸG É¡ª¶f äÉjó∏Hh äGOÉ–EG AÉ°SDhQ øe ójó©dG É¡«a ∑QÉ°T AGÈÿG ¢†©Hh ,á«HƒæL iôbh ≥WÉæe . ᫪æàdG ¿hDƒ°T ‘ ڪ࡟Gh Ú∏eÉ©dG
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¢TÉ≤f äÉ≤∏M
Panel Discussions
2006 Rƒ“ ÜôM ôFÉ°ùÿ πeÉ°ûdG ÊGó«ŸG í°ùŸG
The Comprehensive Field Survey In 2007, the Center held, at the Syndicate of Press, a press conference entitled “The Comprehensive Field Survey”, showing the human, economic and environmental losses due to the Israeli aggressions in July 2006 and giving figures, data and final results of the survey led by the Center, in the aftermath of the war.
‘ ,2007 ΩÉY õcôŸG √ó≤Y ‘Éë°U ô“Dƒe ájô°ûÑdG ôFÉ°ùÿG ¬«a kÉæ«Ñe áaÉë°üdG áHÉ≤f »∏«FGô°SE’G ¿Ghó©∏d á«Ä«ÑdGh ájOÉ°üàbE’Gh ΩÉbQC’ÉH kÉë°Vƒe ,2006 Rƒ“ ‘ ¿ÉæÑd ≈∏Y √GôLCG …òdG í°ùª∏d á«FÉ¡ædG èFÉàædG äÉfÉ«ÑdGh .Üô◊G ó«©Ho õcôŸG
á∏Ñ≤ŸG äÉjóëàdGh ÖîàæŸG ¢ù«FôdG áMɪ°S ∞jRƒL PÉà°SC’G πMGôdG ÖJɵdG ô°VÉM ÖîàæŸG ¢ù«FôdG øY ÊhOGô≤H Ëôc PÉà°SC’Gh á∏Ñ≤ŸG äÉjóëàdG É°Vô©à°SGh Oƒ◊ π«eEG Oɪ©dG áÑ≤JôŸG ΩÉ¡ŸGh ,OÓÑdG ¢ù«FQ ¬LGƒJ »àdG OóY Qƒ°†ëH 1998 ΩÉ©dG õcôŸG áYÉb ‘ ∂dPh .ڪ࡟G øe ó°ûMh Ú«°SÉ«°ùdGh ÜGƒædG øe
The Elected President and the Upcoming Challenges Late Joseph Samaha, a well-known author, and Mr. Karim Bakradouni gave lectures about the elected president, General Emile Lahoud, exposing the upcoming challenges the President will be confronted with, as well as his expected prerogatives, at the Center, in 1998, in the presence of several deputies, politicians and stakeholders. 36
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á«ãëH äÉ≤∏M
Research Workshops
2012 áfRGƒe ´hô°ûe ∫ƒM á«ãëH á≤∏M
A research symposium on the 2012 draft budget The CCSD organized a research symposium in the library of the center on November 24, 2011 to discuss the 2012 draft budget. The participants were the president of the center Mr. Abdul Hlim Fadlallah, Dr Elie Yashoui, Mr. Amin Saleh, Dr. Abdul Raouf Koteish, Dr. Kamal Hamdan, Mr. Mohamad Zbib, Dr. Kamel Wazne, Dr. Najib Issa, Mr. Ghazi Wazni, Dr. Samir Salameh, Dr. Ahmad Salloum, Dr. Makram Sader, Dr. Ghaleb Abo Mossleh, Dr. Hassan Al-Khalil as well as financial and economic stakeholders.
2011/11/24 ïjQÉàH õcôŸG Égó≤Y á«ãëH á≤∏M 2012 áfRGƒe ´hô°ûe á°ûbÉæŸ áÑൟG áYÉb ‘ õcôŸG ¢ù«FQ :øe πc á≤∏◊G √òg ‘ ∑QÉ°T óbh ,»Yƒ°ûj »∏jEG .O ,ˆG π°†a º«∏◊GóÑY ó«°ùdG ,¢û«£b ±hDhôdG óÑY .O ,ídÉ°U ÚeCG .CG πeÉc .CG ,Ö«HR óª .CG ,¿GóªM ∫ɪc .O ,ÊRh …RÉZ .O ,≈°ù«Y Ö«‚ .O ,áfRh ,QOÉ°U Ωôµe .O ,Ωƒ∏°S óªMCG .O ,áeÓ°S Òª°S .O øe OóYh ,π«∏ÿG ø°ùM .O ,í∏°üe ƒHCG ÖdÉZ .O .…OÉ°üàb’Gh ‹ÉŸG ÚfCÉ°ûdÉH Iô°TÉÑe Ú«æ©ŸG
IójóL á«HôY áÄ«H ‘ áægGQ äGAGôb ,2006 Rƒ“ Üô◊ óeC’G Ió«©H èFÉàædG 2011/ÜBG/16 ïjQÉàH õcôŸG Égó≤Y á«ãëH á≤∏M ,2006 Rƒ“ Üô◊ óeC’G Ió«©H èFÉàædG ∫ƒM óÑY .CG :¿hô°VÉëŸG É¡«a ∑QÉ°T ¬àYÉb ‘ ∂dPh ΩÉ°üY .O ,ájôµ°S ó«dh .O ,ˆG π°†a º«∏◊G ,Ö«ÑM ƒH ˆGóÑY .O ,§«£M ÚeCG .O ,¿Éª©f øe OóYh ójƒ°S óª .CG ,…ôjƒ°T ∞°Sƒj .O Ú°üàîŸG AGÈÿGh ÚãMÉÑdG
The long-term results of 2006 July War: Current Readings in a new Arab milieu It is a research symposium that was held by the center on August 16, 2011 on the long-term results of 2006 July war at the center’s library. The participants were Mr. Abdul Halim Fadlallah, Dr. Walid Soukariya, Dr. Issam Noaman, Dr. Amin Hoteit, Dr. Abdallah Bou Habib, Dr. Youssef Shweiri, Mr. Mohamad Soueid as well as a number of specialist experts and researchers. 37
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á«ãëH äÉ≤∏M É¡àëaɵe πÑo °Sh o IôgɶdG ,¿ÉæÑd ‘ QɵàME’G
Monopoly in Lebanon, the Phenomenon and its Ways of Confrontation On June 14, 2011, the Center held a research workshop, entitled “The Monopoly in Lebanon, the Phenomenon and its Ways of Confrontation”, in the presence of several economic experts, researchers, and stake holders. The main paper was presented by the economic expert, Dr. Ghaleb Abou Mosleh, under the title “The Lebanese monopoly structures and their political and socio-economic projections.”
¿GôjõM14 ïjQÉàH õcôŸG Égó≤Y á«ãëH á≤∏M ÚjOÉ°üàbE’G AGÈÿG øe OóY Qƒ°†ëH , 2011 á«°ù«FôdG ábQƒdG ¢VôYh ,ڪ࡟Gh ÚãMÉÑdGh í∏°üe ƒHCG ÖdÉZ.O …OÉ°üàbE’G ÒÑÿG á≤∏ë∏d á«fÉæÑ∏dG ájQɵàME’G ≈æÑdG” ¿GƒæY â– á«YɪàLE’Gh ájOÉ°üàbE’G É¡JÉWÉ≤°SEGh “á«°SÉ«°ùdGh
¿ÉæÑd ‘ √É«ŸG ´É£≤H ¢Vƒ¡æ∏d á«é«JGΰSE’G äGQÉ«ÿG
Strategic Options for the Rise of the Water Sector in Lebanon On May 27, 2010, the Center held a research workshop which discussed the main working paper prepared by Engineer Mohammed Fawaz, under the title “Strategic Options for the Rise of the Water Sector in Lebanon”, in which the experts and those concerned with the water sector participated.
QÉjCG 27 ïjQÉàH õcôŸG Égó≤Y á«ãëH á≤∏M »àdG á«°ù«FôdG πª©dG ábQh â°ûbÉf ,2010 ¿GƒæY â– RGƒa óª ¢Sóæ¡ŸG ÉgsóYCG ´É£≤H ¢Vƒ¡æ∏d á«é«JGΰSE’G äGQÉ«ÿG” AGÈÿG øe OóY É¡«a ∑QÉ°T “¿ÉæÑd ‘ √É«ŸG .´É£≤dG Gò¡H ڪ࡟Gh 38
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10/30/12 12:35:18 PM
Research Workshops
¿ÉæÑd ‘ »Ñjô°†dG ΩɶædG ìÓ°UEG ƒëf 23 ïjQÉàH õcôŸG Égó≤Y á«ãëH á≤∏M ¿ÉæÑd ‘ á«Ñjô°†dG á°SÉ«°ùdG ∫ƒM 2010QGPBG Ö«‚.O …OÉ°üàbE’G åMÉÑdG É¡dÓN ¢VôY :¿GƒæY â– õcôª∏d ÉgóYCG ák °SGQO ≈°ù«Y ,“¿ÉæÑd ‘ »Ñjô°†dG ΩɶædG ìÓ°UEG ƒëf” øe áÑîf Qƒ°†ëH ,AGÈÿG øe OóY É¡°ûbÉf .Ú«aô°üŸGh ÚjOÉ°üàbE’G
Towards the Reform of the Fiscal System in Lebanon On March 23, 2010, the Center held a research workshop about the fiscal policy, during which the economic researcher, Dr. Najib Issa, presented a study he has already prepared for the Center, entitled “Towards the Reform of the Fiscal System in Lebanon”, discussed by several experts, in the presence of an elite of economists and bankers.
ójó◊G ∂µ°ùdGh ∑ΰûŸG π≤ædG ´É£b ´É£b ¿GƒæY â– õcôŸG Égó≤Y á«ãëH á≤∏M 4 ïjQÉàH ójó◊G ∂µ°ùdGh ∑ΰûŸG π≤ædG ø°ùM ¢Sóæ¡ŸG É¡«a ô°VÉM .2010 •ÉÑ°T Ú°üàîŸG AGÈÿG øe OóY Égô°†Mh Ö«ZR .ڪ࡟Gh
The Sector of Public Transportation and Railways On February 4, 2010, the Center held a research workshop about “The Sector of Public Transportation and Railways”, at which Engineer Hassan Zgheib gave a lecture, attended by several concerned and specialized experts. 39
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äGQGó°UEG The Islamic World and Europe From Dialogue towards Understanding
This conference was held in Beirut at Crown Plaza hotel under the supervision and organization of the Consultative center for Studies and Documentation, the German institute of oriental research (OIB), the German Friedrich Ebret foundation and Brimingham University with the cooperation of other international institutions. It contains a summary of papers, debates and research that have been presented in the International Forum that included an elite of researchers, academicians from Lebanon Europe and the Arab and Islamic worlds.
A Strategic Framework to Fight Unemployment in Lebanon
This book presents the international experiences in fighting unemployment and activating the work market. It also shows the statistical data and local experiences to diagnosing unemployment for being a structural and not a technical, temporary or sectoral Problem, requiring other kinds of treatments that are primary based upon transformation from rent economy into knowledge economy with high added value, advanced knowledge and modern technology. This book shows the deficiency in the work market and ends up by laying the milestones of the required strategy to fight unemployment in Lebanon. The Eco-Social Impasse in Lebanon and the Alternative Options
This book contains the researches and comments presented to the Eco-Social Impasse conference in Lebanon that has been held in the context of looking for alternatives for the adopted policies and addressing the main reasons. This conference has been held in Beirut under the supervision of the Consultative Center for Studies and Documentation and the Socio-cultural Movement on April 8, 2006.
ÉHhQhCGh »eÓ°SE’G ⁄É©dG ºgÉØàdG ¤EG QGƒ◊G øe äÉ°ûbÉæŸGh ¥GQhC’G á°UÓN øªq °†àj ÜÉàµdG Gòg ºq °V …òdG ‹hódG ô“DƒŸG ‘ âeqóbo »àdG çƒëÑdGh ÉHhQhCG ,¿ÉæÑd øe Ú«ÁOÉcC’Gh ÚãMÉÑdG øe áÑîf .»eÓ°SE’Gh »Hô©dG ÚŸÉ©dGh GRÓH ¿hGôc π«JhCG ,ähÒH ‘ ô“DƒŸG Gòg ó≤oY óbh äÉ°SGQó∏d …QÉ°ûà°S’G õcôŸG º«¶æJh ±Gô°TEÉH á«bô°ûdG çÉëHCÓd ÊÉŸC’G ó¡©ŸGh ≥«KƒàdGh á©eÉLh á«fÉŸC’G äÈjG ¢ûjQójôa á°ù°SDq ƒeh .iôNCG á«dhO äÉ°ù°SDq ƒe ™e ¿hÉ©àdÉHh ΩÉ¡¨æeôH »é«JGΰSEG QÉWEG ¿ÉæÑd ‘ ádÉ£ÑdG áëaɵŸ áëaɵe ‘ á«ŸÉ©dG ÜQÉéàdG ÜÉàµdG Gòg ¢Vô©à°ùj äÉfÉ«ÑdG ∂dòch .πª©dG ¥ƒ°S §«°ûæJh ádÉ£ÑdG á©«ÑW ¢ü«î°ûàd á«∏ëŸG ÜQÉéàdGh á«FÉ°üME’G á«æ≤J â°ù«dh ájƒ«æH á∏µ°ûe É¡Ø°UƒH ádÉ£ÑdG øe äÉ÷É©e Ö∏£àj ɇ .á«YÉ£b hCG á«aôX hCG ∫ƒëàdG ≈∏Y ¤hC’G áLQódÉH õµJôJ ,ôNBG ´ƒf hP áaô©e OÉ°üàbG ¤EG »©jôdG OÉ°üàb’G øe áeó≤àŸG ±QÉ©ŸG ÉgOɪY ,á«dÉY áaÉ°†e ᪫b π∏î∏d ¢Vô©j PEG ƒgh .áãjó◊G É«LƒdƒæµàdGh ⁄É©e º°SQ ¤EG ¢ü∏îj πª©dG ¥ƒ°S ‘ ºFÉ≤dG .¿ÉæÑd ‘ ádÉ£ÑdG áëaɵŸ áHƒ∏£ŸG á«é«JGΰSE’G ¿ÉæÑd ‘ »YɪàLE’G -…OÉ°üàbE’G ¥RCÉŸG á∏jóÑdG äGQÉ«ÿGh áeqó≤ŸG äÉÑ«≤©àdGh çÉëHC’G øªq °†àj ÜÉàµdG Gòg ,¿ÉæÑd ‘ »YɪàL’G ,…OÉ°üàb’G ¥RCÉŸG ô“Dƒe ¤EG äÉ°SÉ«°ù∏d q πFGóH øY åëÑdG ¥É«°S ‘ ≈JCG …òdG .áÑÑq °ùŸG á«°ù«FôdG ÜÉÑ°SC’G á÷É©eh ,á©Ñàq ŸG …QÉ°ûà°S’G õcôŸG ±Gô°TEÉH ähÒH ‘ ó≤Y …òdGh á«aÉ≤ãdG á«YɪàL’G ácô◊Gh ≥«KƒàdGh äÉ°SGQó∏d 2006/4/8 ïjQÉàH
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Publications Development in Unstable Societies Occupation, War, and State Building Stumbling
Occupation, war and state building stumbling. The book contains the subjects and debates of the workshop that has been held in Beirut on November 15-16, 2006 under the supervision of the Consultative Center for Studies and Documentation and INTRAC.
The Adjacent and Liberated Southern Areas: The Challenges of Stimulation and Options of Development
This book includes the outcome of researches and resumes of the developmental conference for the rising and rebuilding of the adjacent and liberated areas that was held by the Consultative Center for Studies and Documentation as a serious contribution to orient the trends of rising of these areas and as a part of its periodical follow up and focus on the issues of development and reform particularly the issues related to the regime structure and the most poor and deprived areas. The conference aimed at developing the vision towards the needs of the liberated areas, assessing their governmental programs and plans, reviewing the performance of public institutions and bodies after months of liberation, looking for the obstacles of developing these areas, and finally analyzing the roles of the economically efficient parties in this process. The Arabs of the Occupied Palestine (1948): A Legal- Socio-Political Study (The Pattern of the Galilee Palestinians)
This book pursues the historical and political periods Galilee district passed through until the Zionist occupation. Though our parents in Galilee suffered the injustice of occupation, they didn’t give up; established the associations and parties; and maintained their language and heritage. Hence, they are today engaged in the battle of existence though of apartheid. This book shows how the Galilee Arabs confronted the occupation be politically, economically and scientifically...
Iô≤à°ùe ÒZ äÉ©ªà› ‘ ᫪æàdG q ,Üô◊G ,∫ÓàME’G ádhódG AÉæH Ì©Jh á°TQh äÉ°ûbÉæeh äÉYƒ°Vƒe ÜÉàµdG Gòg øªq °†àj øjô°ûJ 16-15 ïjQÉàH ähÒH ‘ äó≤Y »àdG πª©dG …QÉ°ûà°S’G õcôŸG º«¶æJh ±Gô°TEÉH ,2006 ÊÉãdG ( ∑GÎfEG) á°ù°SDq ƒeh ,≥«KƒàdGh äÉ°SGQó∏d
áªNÉàŸGh IQôëŸG á«Hƒæ÷G ≥WÉæŸG ᫪æàdG äGQÉ«Nh ¢Vƒ¡ædG äÉjó– çÉëHCG á∏«°üM ¬«àaO ÚH ™ªL ,ÜÉàµdG Gòg ≥WÉæŸÉH ¢Vƒ¡æ∏d »FɉE’G ô“DƒŸG äÉ°UÓNh √ó≤Y …òdG ,ÉgQɪYEG IOÉYEGh áªNÉàŸGh IQôëŸG äGQÉ°ùe Öjƒ°üJ ‘ ¬æe ájóL áªgÉ°ùªc ,õcôŸG ¬JÉ©HÉàe øe Aõéch ,≥WÉæŸG √ò¡H ¢Vƒ¡ædG ’h ìÓ°UE’Gh ᫪æàdG ÉjÉ°†≤d IõcôŸGh ájQhódG ÌcC’G ≥WÉæŸÉHh ΩɶædG á«æÑH É¡æe §ÑJQG Ée ɪ«°S ∫ƒM ô“DƒŸG ±GógCG äQƒë“ .kÉfÉeôMh kGô≤a ,IQôëŸG ≥WÉæŸG äÉLÉ«àMG ¤EG Iô¶ædG ôjƒ£J ,É¡d á¡LƒŸG á«eƒµ◊G èeGÈdGh §£ÿG ˃≤Jh ó©H É¡«a áeÉ©dG äÉ°ù°SDƒŸGh Iõ¡LC’G AGOCG á©LGôeh äÉbƒ©e ‘ åëÑdGh ,ôjôëàdG ≈∏Y ô¡°TCG Qhôe ±GôWC’G QGhOG π«∏– kGÒNCGh ,≥WÉæŸG √òg ôjƒ£J .á«∏ª©dG √òg ‘ kÉjOÉ°üàbG á∏YÉØdG (1948) á∏àëŸG Ú£°ù∏a ÜôY k(ÉLPƒ‰ π«∏÷G ƒ«æ«£°ù∏a) á«fƒfÉb -á«YɪàLG -á«°SÉ«°S á°SGQO ´É£b É¡H ôe »àdG πMGôŸG ÜÉàµdG Gòg ™Ñààj ∫ÓàM’G ≈àM á«°SÉ«°ùdGh á«îjQÉàdG :π«∏÷G º∏X øe Ú£°ù∏a π«∏L πgCG ≈fÉY ó≤a .ʃ«¡°üdG äÉ«©ª÷G Gƒ°ù°SCs Éa Gƒæ«µà°ùj ⁄ º¡fCG ’EG ∫ÓàM’G ºg Égh º¡à¨dh º¡KGôJ ≈∏Y Gƒ¶aÉMh ÜGõMC’Gh ¿ƒ°Vƒîj ,…ô°üæ©dG õ««ªàdG øe ºZôdÉHh ,Ωƒ«dG .OƒLƒdG ácô©e π«∏÷G ÜôY á¡LGƒe äÉ«Ø«µd ¢Vô©j ÜÉàµdG Gòg -ájOÉ°üàb’G -á«°SÉ«°ùdG »MGƒædG øe ∫ÓàMÓd ...᫪∏©dGh
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äGQGó°UEG The International Tribunals A Reading in Experiences
This book deals with the international criminal courts particularly those related to Yugoslavia. Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Cambodia. It talks about each case and shows these courts’ international political use, the legal nature, jurisdictions, appointment of judges and employees, the selective practice of justice, and the non accusation of attacker if it was one of the big states.
Consensus: the Theory and its Implementation in Lebanon
This book includes a historical preamble dealing with the historical evolution. It talks about the rights of religious confessions in Europe –previously and currently. It contains researches and studies on democracy and consensus where it determined their functions. It also shows the advantages and disadvantages of consensus to end up talking about the theory of consensus and governance methodology where it deals with the consensual democracy in Lebanon as a case in point. The Lebanese Economy against the GAT Treaty
This book tries to unveil the ambiguity cocerning the future of the Lebanese economy under the WTO, to which ended up the Uruguay in 1994, and the globalization calling for is one of the new international order milestones. In this attempt, it defines first the goals, provisions and amendments of GAT. Then, it looks for the likely impacts that can currently hit the Lebanese economy sectors as a result of joining the convention and if Lebanon can hold such as results. It ends up with proposing some assumed steps at the local and Arab levels to dominate the positive impacts over the negative impacts. Dr. Abdul Hadi Yamout prepared the main paper of this book that was discussed by a group of economic experts and researchers in a special seminar.
á«dhódG ºcÉëŸG ÜQÉéàdG ‘ IAGôb ’ á«dhódG á«FÉæ÷G ºcÉëŸG ÜÉàµdG Gòg ∫hÉæàj ¿ƒ«dGÒ°Sh ,GófGhQh É«aÓ°SƒZƒ«H á°UÉÿG ɪ«°S ,IóM ≈∏Y É¡æe πc áHôŒ øY kÉKóëàe ,ÉjOƒÑªch ,ºcÉëŸG √ò¡d ‹hódG »°SÉ«°ùdG ΩGóîà°SÓd kÉ°VQÉY IÉ°†≤dG Ú«©J ,É¡JÉ«MÓ°U ,É¡d á«fƒfÉ≤dG á©«Ñ£dGh πµ°ûH ádGó©dG á°SQɇ ∂dP øe ºg’Gh ,¿ƒØXƒŸGh .iȵdG ∫hódG øe …óà©ŸG áfGOEG ΩóYh ,»FÉ≤àfG á«≤aGƒàdG ¿ÉæÑd ‘ É¡≤«Ñ£Jh ájô¶ædG »cÉëj kÉ«îjQÉJ kGó«¡“ ,ÜÉàµdG Gòg øª°†àj ∞FGƒ£dG ¥ƒ≤M øY kÉKóëàe ,»îjQÉàdG Qƒ£àdG åëÑdÉH ’k hÉæàe ,kÉãjóMh kÉÁób ,ÉHhQhCG ‘ á«æjódG kGOó á«≤aGƒàdGh á«WGô≤ÁódG á°SGQódGh äÉ«Ñ∏°Sh äÉ«HÉéjG kÉ°VQÉY ,ɪ¡æe πc áØ«Xh øY åjó◊G ¤EG ¢ü∏î«d á«≤aGƒàdG á«WGô≤ÁódG á«fɵeEGh ,¿ÉæÑd ‘ á«≤aGƒàdG á«WGô≤ÁódG ájô¶f .ºµM è¡æªc É¡à°SQɇ ÊÉæÑ∏dG OÉ°üàb’G äɨdG äÉjó– ΩÉeCG ∫hÉëj ÜÉàc äɨdG äÉjó– ΩÉeCG ÊÉæÑ∏dG OÉ°üàb’G πÑ≤à°ùe ¿ÉØæàµj øjò∏dG ¢Vƒª¨dGh ¢ùÑ∏dG ádGREG á«ŸÉ©dG IQÉéàdG ᪶æe πX ‘ ÊÉæÑ∏dG OÉ°üàb’G 1994 ΩÉ©dG ‘ …GƒZQo hC’G ádƒL É¡«dEG â¡àfG »àdG RôHCG øe Èà©Jo ájOÉ°üàbG ៃY øe √ó°ûæJ Éeh ádhÉëŸG √ògh ,ójó÷G »ŸÉ©dG ΩɶædG íeÓe á«bÉØJG ±GógCÉH ∞jô©àdG ¤EG ájGóÑdG ‘ óæà°ùJ .É¡«∏Y äCGôW »àdG äÓjó©àdGh É¡eɵMCGh äɨdG Ö«°üJ ¿CG øµÁ »àdGh á∏ªàëŸG QÉKB’G ¢ùª∏J ºK øe ,øgGôdG ¬©bGh ‘ ÊÉæÑ∏dG OÉ°üàb’G äÉYÉ£b áYÉ£à°SÉH ¿Éc GPEG Éeh ,á«bÉØJ’G ¤EG Ωɪ°†f’G AGôL ìGÎbG ¤EG »¡àæJh ,èFÉàædG √òg πãe πªt – ¿ÉæÑd »∏ëŸG øjó«©°üdG ≈∏Y á°VÎØŸG äGƒ£ÿG ¢†©H á«Ñ∏°ùdG QÉKB’G ≈∏Y á«HÉéj’G QÉKB’G Ö«∏¨àd »Hô©dGh ÜÉàµdG Gò¡d á«°SÉ°S’G ábQƒdG ós YCG .Ωɪ°†f’G Gò¡d Ihóf ‘ ,É¡«∏Y Ö≤s Yh äƒqÁ …OÉ¡dGóÑY QƒàcódG .ÚjOÉ°üàb’GG ÚãMÉÑdGh AGÈÿG øe ó°ûM á°UÉN 42
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Publications The Comprehensive Plan for the Lebanese Territories Arrangement A debate on the principles and options.
It is a summary of the conference held by the Consultative Center for Studies and Documentation and looked into the comprehensive plan for Lebanese territories arrangement in Beirut on June 29-30, 2006 with the cooperation of Engineers’ Islamic Gathering.
Elissar the Fact and Transformations
This book tries to read the civil, social and economic transformations that can rise from Elissar project to rearrange the western southern suburb. The first part of the book contains the study of the CCSD while the second part contains the events of the panel discussion held at the syndicate of engineers based upon the aforementioned study.
The Organization of the Local Authorities in Lebanon Towards a Comprehensive Vision to Apply the Local Decentralization
This book is one of the scientific series published by the center to address the issues of development in Lebanon. It is a study or report of the research done by the team composed by the CCSD in order to present a comprehensive vision that represents a scientific, administrative and organizational option to implement the expanded decentralization for a balanced and sustainable development as mentioned in the Taef Accord. It is a panel discussion where a group of academicians, experts and specialists in the fields of administration and organization participated, with the aim of enriching the study and helping to specify the option of practice in Lebanon on the basis of integral coordination between the organizational, administrative, developmental and scientific criteria from one side and the fact and its capabilities from another side.
á«fÉæÑ∏dG »°VGQC’G Ö«JÎd á∏eÉ°ûdG á£ÿG äGQÉ«ÿGh AiOÉÑŸG ‘ ¢TÉ≤f …QÉ°ûà°S’G õcôŸG √ó≤Y …òdq G ô“DƒŸG á°UÓN ƒgh á∏eÉ°ûdG á£ÿG ¬«a ¢ûbÉfh ≥«KƒàdGh äÉ°SGQó∏d ähÒH ‘ ∂dPh ,á«fÉæÑ∏dG »°VGQC’G Ö«JÎd ™ªéàdG ™e ¿hÉ©àdÉH2006 ¿GôjõM 30-29,ïjQÉàH .Ú°Só桪∏d »eÓ°SE’G
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äGQGó°UEG Developing the Northern Bekaa The General Framework and Sectoral Policies
This book presents the events of the expanded developmental conference for the rise of Baalbeck-AL Hirmel area, one of the poorest and most deprived Lebanese areas. The objective discussions and the serious papers presented during two days in the conference made this book valuable for putting policies, and comprehensive and balanced programs as well as being an indispensable reference for any research that looks into the economic, social and sectoral situations of this region.
The Political Powers in South Lebanon A Political-Statistical Study of the 1996 Parliamentary Elections Results and Rvents
We find in this book a new reading of the parliamentary elections that took place in Nbatiyeh and South districts. The first chapter contains a narration of the political situations that preceded the electoral coalition between Hezbollah and the Amal movement. The second chapter contains a deep analysis of the results of the electoral process, leading to assess the size and distribution of the political powers at the levels of districts, cazas, villages and towns.
The Socio-Economic Crisis in Lebanon Towards a Comprehensive Strategy for Alternative Policies
This book contains the papers and discussions of the economic conference held by the CCSD in Beirut on February 12-13, 1996. Participants spared no effort top address three fundamental problematic: Make a deep analysis and find the reasons of the crisis. Draw the suitable institutional framework of policies to get out of the crisis and find alternatives. Draw the main axes to get out of the crisis.
‹Éª°ûdG ´É≤ÑdG AɉEG á«YÉ£≤dG äÉ°SÉ«°ùdGh ΩÉ©dG QÉWE’G ™°SƒŸG s »FɉE’G ô“DƒŸG ™FÉbƒd ÜÉàµdG Gòg ¢Vô©j øe tó©J »àdGh ,πeô¡dG -∂Ñ∏©H á≤£æà ¢Vƒ¡æ∏d .kÉfÉeôMh kGô≤a á«fÉæÑ∏dG ≥WÉæŸG ÌcCG á«Yƒ°Vƒe äÉ°ûbÉæe øe ¬∏∏îJ Éà ,ô“DƒŸGh øe π©éj ,Úeƒj ióe ≈∏Y IOÉL ¥GQhC’ ¢VôYh äÉ°SÉ«°S OGóYE’ ¢ù«°SCÉàdG ‘ ᪫u b IOÉe ÜÉàµdG Gòg kÉ©Lôe ¬fƒc øY Ó k °†a ,áfRGƒàeh á∏eÉ°T èeGôHh ¢Vô©àj åëH …CG ‘ ,¬æY AÉæ¨à°S’G øµÁ ’ ájOÉ°üàb’G »MGƒædG øe á≤£æŸG √òg ´É°VhC’ .á«YÉ£≤dGh á«YɪàL’Gh ¿ÉæÑd ܃æL ‘ á«°SÉ«°ùdG iƒ≤dG 1996 á«HÉ«ædG äÉHÉîàf’G èFÉàfh ™FÉbƒd á«°SÉ«°S ` á«FÉ°üMG á°SGQO äÉHÉîàfEÓd IójóL IAGôb ≈∏Y ÜÉàµdG Gòg ‘ Ì©f ܃æ÷G »à¶aÉ ‘ äôL »àdG á«HÉ«ædG .á«£ÑædGh á«°SÉ«°ùdG ™FÉbƒdG πªéŸ Ol ô°S ∫hC’G π°üØdG ‘ ÜõM ÚH »HÉîàf’G ±ÓàFE’G IO’h â≤Ñ°S »àdG .πeCG ácôMh ˆG kÉ≤ªs ©e Ó k «∏– ¬«a óéæa ,ÊÉãdG π°üØdG ‘ ÉeCG ¤G »°†ØJ á«HÉîàf’G á«∏ª©dG É¡JRôaCG »àdG èFÉàæ∏d ≈∏Y É¡YRƒJh á«°SÉ«°ùdG iƒ≤dG ΩÉéMC’ äGôjó≤J .äGó∏ÑdGh iô≤dGh á«°†b’Gh á¶aÉëŸG iƒà°ùe ¿ÉæÑd ‘ á«YɪàLE’G ` ájOÉ°üàbE’G áeRC’G (á∏jóH äÉ°SÉ«°ùd á∏eɵàe á«é«JGΰSG ƒëf) ô“DƒŸG äÉ°ûbÉæeh çƒëH ÜÉàµdG Gòg øª°†àj …QÉ°ûà°SE’G õcôŸG √ó≤Y …òdG …OÉ°üàbE’G •ÉÑ°T 13-12 ïjQÉàH ähÒH ‘ ≥«KƒàdGh äÉ°SGQó∏d á÷É©e ≈∏Y ¬«a ÚcQÉ°ûŸG Oƒ¡L äõcôJh .1999 :»g çÓK á«°ù«FQ äÉ«dɵ°TEG .É¡HÉÑ°SCGh áeRCÓd ≥ªs ©e π«∏– AGôLEG êhôÿG äÉ°SÉ«°ùd ºFÓŸG »°ù°SDƒŸG QÉWE’G º°SQ .πFGóÑ∏d ¢ù«°SCÉàdGh áeRC’G øe .áeRC’G øe êhôî∏d á«°ù«FôdG QhÉëŸG º°SQ 44
Markaz Magazine-1.indd 44
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Publications Development of the Lebanese Political Society Political-Legal Approaches
Four problematic issues are raised in this book, in need to be addressed in the way to develop the Lebanese political society: • The proportional electoral law • Organizing parties • Decentralization of administration • The separation between the posts of the parliament and the ministry We think that these issues have an obvious link is the legal fortification of policies and public performance balance, implementation and tools. They also contribute to be important constitutional and political principles for: separating among authorities, fair representation of the society orientations, the popular participation in the developmental decision making, development of the administration and the regime structure, and the balanced growth. The Implementation of the Proportional Representative System in Lebanon Debate on Projects
This book contains attempts to apply proportionality and to confront its questions and problematic. These attempts are complementary to the efforts made by the center during its regular work with the electoral affair from different aspects that were crowned by its proportional project. They are based upon the panel discussion held by the CCSD and were welcomed by the most prominent specialists in this field. Though the panel made the debate open for several questions, it resulted in consensus on the technical difficulties. However, the problems of “sectarian and regional” distribution isn’t an obstacle for the implementation of the proportional system in Lebanon. “The Clash of Civilizations” Critical Facts of the Methodology and Content of Huntington’s Thesis
Huntington’s thesis of “The clash of Civilizations”, Created another clash of disputes and global criticisms from eminent academicians in human sciences. This book contains critical responses to Huntington’s thesis ... from Arab and nonArab experts. It also includes interviews with Huntington.
ÊÉæÑ∏dG »°SÉ«°ùdG ™ªàéŸG ôjƒ£J á«°SÉ«°S – á«fƒfÉb äÉHQÉ≤e ájõcôeÓdG ` ÜGõMC’G º«¶æJ - »Ñ°ùædG »HÉîàf’G ΩɶædG IQGRƒdG øY áHÉ«ædG π°üa - ájQGOE’G ’ ,™HQCG äÉ«dɵ°TEG πH ,ÜÉàµdG Gòg É¡jƒàëj á©HQCG øjhÉæY ¤EG ≥jô£dG ‘ ,ÉgóæY ∞bƒàdGh É¡à÷É©e øe ¢UÉæe .ÊÉæÑ∏dG »°SÉ«°ùdG ™ªàéŸG ôjƒ£J ájõcôeÓdG ,ÜGõMC’G º«¶æJ ,»Ñ°ùædG »HÉîàf’G ΩɶædG ™ªéj äÉYƒ°Vƒe .IQGRƒdG øY áHÉ«ædG π°üah ,ájQGOE’G ʃfÉ≤dG Ú°üëàdG ƒg ,í°VGh ¬fCG Ö°ùëf §HGQ É¡æ«H ò«ØæàdG ¥ôW ‘h äÉ°SÉ«°ùdGh ΩÉ©dG AGO’G ‘ ¿RGƒà∏d ¤EG Ö°ùàæJ äÉeÉ¡°SG É¡fƒc ‘ ∑ΰûJ É¡fG ɪc ,¬JGhOGh ÚH π°üØdG :π«Ñb øe áeÉg ájQƒà°SOh á«°SÉ«°S ÇOÉÑe ácQÉ°ûŸG ,™ªàéŸG äÉgÉŒ’ ∫OÉ©dG π«ãªàdG ,äÉ£∏°ùdG á«æHh IQGOE’G ôjƒ£J ,»FɉE’G QGô≤dG ™æ°U ‘ á«Ñ©°ûdG .¿RGƒàŸG AɉE’Gh ,ΩɶædG ¿ÉæÑd ‘ »Ñ°ùædG π«ãªàdG Ωɶf ≥«Ñ£J (äÉYhô°ûŸG ‘ ¢TÉ≤f) ≥jô£dG ¢ùª∏àd á«æZ ä’hÉ ,ÜÉàµdG »àaO ÚH .É¡JÉ«dɵ°TEGh É¡à∏Ä°SCG á¡LGƒeh á«Ñ°ùædG ¤G É¡dòH »àdG áã«ã◊G Oƒ¡÷G ∂∏J πªµà°ùJ ä’hÉ »HÉîàf’G ¿CÉ°ûdG ™e º¶àæŸG ¬«WÉ©J AÉæKCG õcôŸG ¬Yhô°ûe OGóYEÉH É¡Lƒs J »àdGh áØ∏àîŸG ¬¡LhCÉH ¢TÉ≤ædG á≤∏M äÉ«dÉ©a ¤G óæà°ùJh ..»Ñ°ùædG kGQƒµ°ûe kÉHhÉŒ âb’h õcôŸG Égó≤Y »àdG á©°SƒŸG ¿CG ™eh .π≤◊G Gòg ‘ Ú«°UÉ°üàN’G RôHCG øe øe ójó©dG ΩÉeCG kÉMƒàØe ¢TÉ≤ædG â≤HCG á≤∏◊G äÉHƒ©°üdG ¿CG ≈∏Y kÉ≤aGƒJ äôªKCG É¡fCG ’EG á∏Ä°SC’G z»≤WÉæŸGh »ØFÉ£dG{ ™jRƒàdG πcÉ°ûeh á«æ≤àdG .¿ÉæÑd ‘ »Ñ°ùædG ΩɶædG ≥«Ñ£J ΩÉeCG áÑ≤Y â°ù«d äGQÉ°†◊G ΩGó°U (z¿ƒà¨æàæg{ ádƒ≤Ÿ ¿ƒª°†ŸGh è¡æŸG ‘ ájó≤f ¢Uƒ°üf) kÉ«eÉM ’k óL ¿ƒà¨æàæg π«Fƒª°U ádƒ≤e äQÉKCG Ú«ÁOÉcC’Gh Ú°üàîŸG ºgCG πÑb øe kÉ«ŸÉY kGó≤fh øª°†àj ÜÉàµdG Gòg ,á«fÉ°ùfE’G Ωƒ∏©dG ∫É› ‘ ÜôY AGÈN øe ¬àdƒ≤e ≈∏Y ájó≤ædG OhOôdG ºgCG »°SÉ°SC’G ¿ƒà¨æàæg ¢üf ¤G áaÉ°VE’ÉH ÖfÉLCGh .¬©e äÓHÉ≤ŸG ¢†©Hh
Markaz Magazine-1.indd 45
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äGQGó°UEG The Eighth War: A documentary Book that Presents the Full Events of 1996 April War Waged by the “Israeli” Enemy Against Lebanon
The Eighth War is a book that documents the events of the heroically battle of the Islamic resistance and Lebanese people. It also documents the overall Zionist crimes against Lebanon. It is considered as a document that records 16 days of steadfastness and confrontation by bodies, defeating the equation of iron and fire. The book contains seven chapters including about 20,000 information classified in a documentary way. It also includes an eighth chapter of appendices where it includes the official and unofficial papers of the war from one side and the events-related papers extracted from local, Arab and international resources (including the Israeli documents and resources) from another side.
The three Hour war Ansariyya, the Eaten Straw
It is a book that documents the events and backgrounds of one of the biggest battles of the Islamic resistance in its open war with the Israeli enemy. The book constitutes nine chapters. Each chapter deals with a fundamental side of the full story of Ansariyya. A tenth chapter is specified for appendices.
The Aksa Uprising the Current Situation and the Future Approaches
This book is the outcome of researches made by well-known researchers in a widen panel discussion held by the CCSD at the Meridien hotel- Hamra on January 13, 2001. This book aims at studying the objective economic, political and media situation of the uprising as well as the horizons and ambitions of the Palestinian fighters whether in the Bank and the Strip or in the depth of the occupied Palestine (1984).
á∏eɵdG äÉjôéŸG ¢Vô©j »≤«KƒJ ÜÉàc :áæeÉãdG Üô◊G ¿ÉæÑd ≈∏Y »∏«FGô°S’G hó©dG É¡æq °T »àdG 1996 ¿É°ù«f Üô◊ »àdG á«dƒ£ÑdG áªë∏ª∏d ≥Ku ƒj ÜÉàc l ,áæeÉãdG Üô◊G s ,ÊÉæÑ∏dG Ö©°ûdGh á«eÓ°S’G áehÉ≤ŸG É¡Jô£°S ó°V á«fƒ«¡°üdG áÁô÷G ¬LhCG 𪛠≥Ku ƒj ɪc øe nÉeƒj ô°ûY áà°ùd ñQu DƒJ á≤«Kh Èà©jh ,¿ÉæÑd ádOÉ©e Ωõg …òdG »◊G ºë∏dÉH á¡LGƒŸGh Oƒª°üdG .QÉædGh ójó◊G øjô°û©dG ‹GƒM â檰†J ∫ƒ°üa á©Ñ°S ÜÉàµdG º°†j q áeƒ∏©e ∞dG ,è¡æ‡ »≤«KƒJ ¢Vô©H É¡Ø«æ°üJ ” ” óbh ,≥MÓª∏d ¢ü°ü øeÉK π°üØH ºàîjo h Üô◊G ≥FÉKh á¡L øe »£¨J å«ëH ¬JOÉe AÉ≤àfG 𪛠iôNCG á¡L øeh ,᫪°SôdG ÒZh ᫪°SôdG áYƒª› øe IÉ≤à°ùŸG ,çó◊G Gò¡H á°UÉÿG IOÉŸG Éà ,á«dhódGh á«Hô©dG ,á«∏ëŸG QOÉ°üŸG øe IÒÑc .á«∏«FGô°S’G ≥FÉKƒdGh QOÉ°üŸG ∂dP ‘ çÓãdG äÉYÉ°ùdG ÜôM ∫ƒcCÉŸG ∞°ü©dG ájQÉ°üfCG iÈc øe IóMGh äÉ«Ø∏Nh ™FÉbƒd ≥Ku ƒj ÜÉàc ‘ ,á«eÓ°S’G áehÉ≤ŸG É¡Jô£°S »àdG äɪë∏ŸG .»∏«FGô°SE’G hó©dG ™e áMƒàØŸG É¡HôM kÉÑfÉL É¡æe πc ∫hÉæàJ ,∫ƒ°üa á©°ùJ ‘ ÜÉàµdG ™≤j É¡«∏j ,ájQÉ°üfCG á©bGƒd á∏eɵdG á°ü≤dG øe kÉ«°SÉ°SCG .≥MÓª∏d ¢ü°ü »eÉàN π°üa
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The Strategic Report
It is a report that monitors, summarizes and interprets the most important strategic studies issued by international research centers. It presents the articles that include analyses from various sources as well as following up the causes and events in the region and the world.
The Development Report: A Periodical Report that Deals with the Prominent Economic Issues and its Developmental Progress
This file shows the historical evolution of the food crisis until its current situation in addition to mentioning the future expectations. It deals with the analysis of the crisis and its eco-social effects on low incomes. It also talks about the value added tax between the lure of revenues and the socio-economic disadvantages. It highlights the national strategy prepared by the ministry of energy for the sector of water in Lebanon.
The Comprehensive Filed Survey of the Economic Sectors Losses in the Aftermath of 2006 July Aggression
It is a summary of a study that was based upon statistic data afforded by the comprehensive field survey of the economic damages caused by the 2006 July Israeli aggression against Lebanon. Work teams that worked to survey the direct and indirect damages that hit the economic institutions in the three sectors, vehicles and agriculture participated in the survey.
»é«JGΰS’G ôjô≤àdG u ó°Uôj ôjô≤J äÉ°SGQódG ºgCG ºLÎjh ¢üî∏jh çÉëHC’G õcGôe øY IQOÉ°üdG á«é«JGΰSE’G øª°†àJ »àdG ä’É≤ª∏d ¢Vô©j PEG ƒgh .á«dhódG ÉjÉ°†≤dG ÖcGƒj ¬fs EÉa ,áØ∏à QOÉ°üe øe äÓ«∏– .⁄É©dGh á≤£æŸG ‘ ájQÉ÷G çGóMC’Gh
:»FɉE’G ôjô≤àdG IRQÉÑdG ájOÉ°üàb’Gh á«Fɉ’G äGQƒ£àdG ∫hÉæàj …QhO ôjô≤J kÉ«îjQÉJ AGò¨dG áeRCG Qƒ£J ∞∏ŸG Gòg ¢Vô©j ôcP ¤EG áaÉ°VE’ÉH ,‹É◊G É¡©bGh ¤EG ’k ƒ°Uh ÉgQÉKBGh áeRC’G π«∏– ∫hÉæàjh ,á«∏Ñ≤à°ùŸG äÉ©bƒàdG .OhóëŸG πNódG …hP ≈∏Y á«YɪàL’Gh ájOÉ°üàb’G ÚH áaÉ°†ŸG ᪫≤dG ≈∏Y áÑjô°†dG øY çóëàj ɪc ájOÉ°üàb’Gh á«YɪàL’G äÉ«Ñ∏°ùdGh äGOGôjE’G AGôZEG »àdG á«æWƒdG á«é«JGΰSE’G ≈∏Y Aƒ°†dG §∏°ùjh .¿ÉæÑd ‘ √É«ŸG ´É£≤d ábÉ£dG IQGRh É¡JóYCG
πeÉ°ûdG ÊGó«ŸG í°ùŸG 2006 Rƒ“ ¿GhóY AGôL ájOÉ°üàb’G äÉYÉ£≤dG ôFÉ°ùÿ á«FÉ°üME’G äÉ«£©ŸG ¤EG äóæà°SEG á°SGQO á°UÓN ƒg QGô°VCÓd πeÉ°ûdG ÊGó«ŸG í°ùŸG Égôas h »àdG ≈∏Y »∏«FGô°SE’G ¿Ghó©dG É¡Ø∏s N »àdG ájOÉ°üàb’G πªY ¥ôa í°ùŸG ‘ âcQÉ°T 2006 Rƒ“ ‘ ¿ÉæÑd Iô°TÉÑŸG ÒZh Iô°TÉÑŸG QGô°VC’G í°ùe ≈∏Y â∏ªY äÉYÉ£≤dG ‘ ájOÉ°üàb’G äÉ°ù°SDƒŸÉH â≤◊ »àdG .ÉgÒZh äÉYhQõŸGh äÉ«dB’ÉHh ,çÓãdG
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äGQGó°UEG Dubai Crisis (2009) The Facts, Reasons and Consequences
This study is the summary of a brief research that presented a simplified explanation of the economic crisis that hit Dubai as well as its causes and consequences at the regional and international levels.
2006 July Aggression
The first chapter of this book contains the humanitarian, economic and environmental casualties of the Zionist aggression against Lebanon. The second chapter presents statistics of the foreign financial aids, relief operations and reconstruction. The third chapter is a general assessment of reconstruction operations. Furthermore, the indices include a variety of texts, studies and statistics done by the center in the aftermath of 2006 July war.
Paris III Conference
The first chapter contains the preparations, facts, results assessment, implementation mechanisms and progress level. The second chapter exposes Lebanon economic program to Paris 3 conference. The third chapter looks into work progress level in Paris 3 program from December 2007 until March 2008.
: 2006 »HO áeRCG äÉ«YGóàdG ,ÜÉÑ°SC’G ,™FÉbƒdG »àdG ájOÉ°üàb’G Iõ¡∏d kÉ£°ùÑe kÉMô°T Ωó≤J á°SGQódG √òg :âdhÉæJh É¡JÉ«YGóJh ÉgOÉ©HCGh É¡HÉÑ°SCGh »HO âHÉ°UCG áeRC’G ÚH ábÓ©dG »g Éeh ,¬à©«ÑWh »HO OÉ°üàbG ™bGh áeRC’G QÉéØfG äÉ«YGóJ »g Éeh ,»HO áeRCGh á«ŸÉ©dG ,á÷É©ª∏d áMÉàŸGh IòîàŸG äGƒ£ÿG »g Éeh ,»HO ≈∏Y øY âdAÉ°ùJh ,»HO áYƒª› ¿ƒjO øY kÉ°†jCG âKó–h .á≤£æŸGh ⁄É©dG ≈∏Y áeRC’G √òg äÉ«YGóJ
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3 ¢ùjQÉH ô“Dƒe ,™FÉbƒdG ,äGÒ°†ëàdG ≈∏Y ∫hq C’G ¬∏°üa ‘ …ƒàëj ,Ωqó≤àdG iƒà°ùeh ò«ØæàdG äÉ«dBG ,èFÉàædG ˃≤J …OÉ°üàb’G ¿ÉæÑd èeÉfôH ÊÉãdG ¬∏°üa ‘ ¢Vô©jh ådÉãdG ¬∏°üa ‘ ßMÓjh ,3 ¢ùjQÉH ô“Dƒe ¤EG ∫ÓN 3 ¢ùjQÉH èeÉfôH ‘ πª©dG Ωqó≤J iƒà°ùe 2008 QGPBGh 2007 ÊÉãdG ¿ƒfÉc ÚH Ée IÎØdG
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Publications The Eco-social Development in Lebanon: Causes and Policies
This book contains the papers of the consultative Center for Studies and Documentation submitted to the internal Lebanese forum. The title of the first paper is: Towards a sustainable and balanced development in Lebanon, The title of the second paper is: which social policies for Lebanon? The title of the third paper is: development of small and medium businesses in the framework of promoting and enhancing the competitive advantage of the Lebanese private sector. However, the fourth paper presents an integrated vision of agricultural development in Lebanon.
Is the Doha accord a charter, Custom or Temporary Compromise
This book highlights the items approved upon in the Doha accord. It compares between the ratified accord, Lebanese constitution and existing custom
The American strategy in Obama administration era: Four Readings of the Regional Political Scene
This book shows the strategy of President Barak Obama and presents the changes and transformations of the American administrations policy towards the region
¿ÉæÑd ‘ á«YɪàL’G ` ájOÉ°üàb’G ᫪æàdG äÉ°SÉ«°Sh ÉjÉ°†b …QÉ°ûà°S’G õcôŸG ¥GQhCG ≈∏Y ÜÉàµdG Gòg …ƒàëj ÊÉæÑ∏dG ióàæŸG ¤EG áeó≤ŸG ≥«KƒàdGh äÉ°SGQó∏d ᫪æJ ƒëf :á«JB’G øjhÉæ©dG â– »∏NGódG .¿ÉæÑd ‘ áfRGƒàeh áeGóà°ùe .¿ÉæÑ∏d á«YɪàLG äÉ°SÉ«°S ájCG ` QÉWEG ‘ ᣰSƒàŸGh IÒ¨°üdG äBÉ°ûæŸG ᫪æJ ` ¬JQób õjõ©Jh ÊÉæÑ∏dG ¢UÉÿG ´É£≤dG ôjƒ£J .á°ùaÉæŸG ≈∏Y .¿ÉæÑd ‘ á«YGQõdG ᫪æà∏d á∏eɵàe ájDhQ `
áMhódG ¥ÉØJEG ?áàbDƒe ájƒ°ùJ ΩCG ±ôY ΩCG ,¥Éã«e »àdG ¥ÉØJ’G OƒæH ≈∏Y Aƒ°†dG ÜÉàµdG Gòg §∏u °ùjo .áMhódG ‘ É¡«∏Y ¥ÉØJ’G iôL ÊÉæÑ∏dG Qƒà°SódGh ΩÈŸG ¥ÉØJ’G ÚH kÉfQÉ≤e .ºFÉ≤dG ±ô©dGh
ÉeÉHhCG IQGOEG ó¡Y ‘ á«cÒeC’G á«é«JGΰSE’G »ª«∏bE’G »°SÉ«°ùdG ó¡°ûª∏d äGAGôb ™HQCG »cÒeC’G ¢ù«FôdG á«é«JGΰSE’ ÜÉàµdG Gòg ¢Vô©j ‘ äGÒ¨àdGh ä’ƒëàdG kÉ°Vô©à°ùe ÉeÉHhCG ∑GQÉH äGAGôb ‘ ,á≤£æŸG √ÉŒ á«cÒeC’G IQGOE’G á°SÉ«°S .ÚãMÉÑdG øe á©HQC’ IOó©àe
Markaz Magazine-1.indd 49
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äGQGó°UEG Evolution of the American Nuclear Strategies From Truman to Obama
This book addresses the evolution of the American nuclear strategies from Truman era to Obama. It also discusses the formation of the nuclear club, anti-nuclear proliferation, missile shields location, Obamas strategy and the return to reality. Furthermore, it includes a set of appendices that presents the texts of the ratified conventions and treaties
The 2006 July War Long-term Results the Current Readings in a New Arab Environment
Thos book contains the worksheets, interjections and debates presented in a panel discussion held by the center. They focused on the consequences and results of the war particularly in the following fields: • The general environment of the IsraeliArab conflict • The Arab/Israeli balance • The U.S strategy towards the Middle East • July war impact on the movements of change in the Arab region
The involvement in the U.SIranian Dialogue Towards a Huge Agenda
This report is the summary of a panel discussion held by the U.S. Institute of peace - Crisis Group Center in cooperation with the United Nations Association of the United States of America. Experts in the Middle East file and former officials in the U.S government participated in it. The panel discussion aimed at studying the suitable conditions and capabilities to find a diplomatic framework, through which the United States and Iran can discuss their issues of common interest in the Middle East and South Asia and made dialogue on Iraq and Afghanistan, contributing at finding effective solutions for the Iranian nuclear file.
á«cÒeC’G ájhƒædG äÉ«é«JGΰS’G Qƒ£J ÉeÉHhCG ¤EG ¿ÉehôJ øe ájhƒædG äÉ«é«JGΰS’G Qƒ£J ÜÉàµdG Gòg èdÉ©jo .ÉeÉHhCG ¤EG ¿ÉehôJ ó¡Y øe ,á«cÒeC’G áëaɵe ,…hƒædG …OÉædG πµt °ûJ øY çóëàj ɪc ,á«NhQÉ°üdG ´hQódG ™bƒe ,…hƒædG QÉ°ûàf’G .á«©bGƒdG ¤EG IOƒ©dGh ájhƒædG ÉeÉHhCG áé«JGΰSG ¢Uƒ°üf ¢Vô©J ≥MÓe áYƒª› øª°†àj ɪc .áeÈŸG äÉ«bÉØJ’Gh äGógÉ©ŸG
2006 Rƒ“ Üô◊ óeC’G Ió«©H èFÉàædG IójóL á«HôY áÄ«H ‘ áægGQ äGAGôb ¥GQhC’G ¿ƒª°†e ≈∏Y ÜÉàµdG Gòg …ƒàëj á«ãëH á≤∏M ‘ âeób »àdG äÉ°TÉ≤ædGh äÓNGóŸGh äÓNGóŸGh πª©dG ¥GQhCG äõcQ óbh õcôŸG Égó≤Y ‘ ɪ«°S ’ É¡éFÉàfh Üô◊G äÉ«YGóJ á°ûbÉæe ≈∏Y :á«dÉàdG ä’ÉéŸG .»∏«FGô°SE’G -»Hô©dG ´Gô°ü∏d áeÉ©dG áÄ«ÑdG .»∏«FGô°SE’G /»Hô©dG ¿RGƒàdG .§°ShC’G ¥ô°ûdG √ÉŒ á«cÒeC’G á«é«JGΰSE’G á≤£æŸG ‘ Ò«¨àdG ∑GôM ≈∏Y Rƒ“ ÜôM ôKG .á«Hô©dG ÊGôjE’G -»cÒeC’G QGƒ◊G ‘ •GôîfE’G ÒÑc ∫ɪYCG ∫hóL ƒëf É¡eÉbCG ,¢TÉ≤f á≤∏M á°UÓN ƒg ôjô≤àdG Gòg ,ΩÓ°ù∏d »cÒeC’G 󡩪∏d ™HÉàdG äÉeRC’G õcôe ,IóëàŸG ·C’G ‘ á«cÒeC’G á«©ª÷G ™e ¿hÉ©àdÉH ,§°ShC’G ¥ô°ûdG ∞∏e ‘ AGÈÿG ºgCG É¡«a ∑QÉ°T âaóg ,á«cÒeC’G áeƒµ◊G ‘ ¿ƒ≤HÉ°S ¿ƒ«ª°SQh OÉéjE’ áªFÓŸG ±hô¶dGh äÉ«fɵeE’G á°SGQO ¤EG IóëàŸG äÉj’ƒ∏d ¬dÓN øe øµÁ »°SÉeƒ∏ÑjO QÉWEG ∑ΰûŸG ΩɪàgE’G äGP ÉjÉ°†≤dG É°ûbÉæj ¿CG ¿GôjEGh ‘ Écΰûj ¿CGh ,É«°SBG ܃æLh §°ShC’G ¥ô°ûdG ‘ OÉéjEG ‘ ºgÉ°ùj ɇ ¿Éà°ùfɨaCGh ¥Gô©dG ∫ƒM QGƒM .ÊGôjE’G …hƒædG ∞∏ª∏d ádÉ©a ∫ƒ∏M 50
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Publications The Palestinian Scene in the Light of Negotiations Resume and Regional Evolutions
It is the first volume of a series of symposiums. It includes a reading of the Palestinian scene in the light of negotiations resume and regional developments presented by the Palestinian researcher Mr. Bilal Al-Hasan in a symposium that was held at the center on October 11, 2010.
The New Approaches of Turkey’s Foreign Policy
It is the second volume of a series of symposiums. It contains the new approaches of Turkey’s foreign policy and the Turkish stand from all the regional and international affairs during a symposium held by the center on December 24, 2009. Mr Arshad Hormozlo, senior adviser of the Turkish president, gave a lecture during it
Revolution of the Arab street beginning of a Debate
This book contains a summary of the symposium that was held at the Consultative Center for Studies and Documentation. Dr. Mounir Alhamish and Dr. Fawaz Trabolsi gave lectures where they addressed the Arab revolution and the social, political and economic changes that the region is witnessing. They asserted that the free Arab peoples have the last word.
Aƒ°V ≈∏Y »æ«£°ù∏ØdG ó¡°ûŸG ᫪«∏bE’G äGQƒ£àdGh äÉ°VhÉØŸG ±ÉæÄà°SG äÉ≤∏M) QGƒMh QhÉ á∏°ù∏°S øe ∫hC’G Oó©dG ∫hÉæàj Aƒ°V ≈∏Y »æ«£°ù∏ØdG ó¡°ûŸG ‘ äGAGôb ,(¢TÉ≤f Iô¶fh ᫪«∏bE’G äGQƒ£àdGh äÉ°VhÉØŸG ±ÉæÄà°SG ɪc zó«÷G »æ«£°ù∏ØdG{ ¬fƒª°ùj Ée ¤EG Üô¨dG óæY πFGóÑdG »g Éeh ƒ∏°ShG ¥ÉØJG ôWÉ øY çóëàj É¡eqób Iô°VÉ á°UÓN ƒgh .»æ«£°ù∏ØdG Ö©°ûdG á≤∏M ‘ ø°ù◊G ∫ÓH PÉà°SC’G »æ«£°ù∏ØdG åMÉÑdG 2011 ∫hC’G øjô°ûJ 11 ïjQÉàH õcôŸG ‘ äó≤oY ¢TÉ≤f
Iójó÷G äÉ¡LƒàdG á«LQÉÿG É«côJ á°SÉ«°ùd äÉ≤∏M) QGƒMh QhÉ á∏°ù∏°S øe ÊÉãdG Oó©dG Iójó÷G äÉ¡LƒàdG ójó– ≈∏Y …ƒàëjh ,(¢TÉ≤f ∂dPh »cÎdG ∞bƒª∏dh ,á«LQÉÿG É«côJ á°SÉ«°ùd ¿ƒfÉc 24 ïjQÉàH õcôŸG Égó≤Y ¢TÉ≤f á≤∏M ∫ÓN 2009 ∫hC’G »cÎdG ¢ù«FôdG …QÉ°ûà°ùe ÒÑc É¡«a ô°VÉMh .ƒdRƒeQƒg OÉ°TQCG ó«°ùdG
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10/30/12 12:37:05 PM
Publications Pre-University Education in Lebanon Towards a National Strategy
This book contains a summary of the symposium that was held at the Coral Beach Hotel on November 30, 2010. Dr. Adnan Alamin, an education expert, gave a lecture on pre university education levels in Lebanon and the possibility of forming a comprehensive reformative vision in the framework of a national strategy where all the powers of the society be a part of.
The American Position from the Arab Uprisings
This book contains a summary of the symposium that was held at the Consultative Center for Studies and Documentation on April 5, 2011. It addressed the American position, reactions and contradiction between values and interests from the Arab uprisings.
Europe and Transformations in the Arab World
This booklet includes Europe position towards the Arab revolutions. It mentions that Europe is trying to perform a huge role in these revolutions that exceeds its political and military capabilities, in an attempt to exploit these revolutions in order to produce regimes and governments that have deep relations with the West. The book is the summary of a seminar held at Mono Hotel- Beirut on July 2011 where the editor in chief of Le Monde Diplomatique, Alain Gresh, gave a lecture.
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