Module 1 template journal ching pu liu 917853

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Digital Design - Module 01 Semester 1, 2018 Ching-Pu Liu

(917853) Joel Collins + Studio 15

Week One

Reading: Zeara Polo, A. 2010. Between Ideas and Matters.

According to Zeara-Polo, the diagram does not play a representational role in the design process but provides an organisational and can have a performative quality depending on how it is deployed. Explain how Diagram is different from Signs and Symbols? (100 words Maximum)

According to the response from Zeara-Polo, he states that diagrams is a technique that are used to explain the relationship and performance of a certain space. It could be a scale, a location and even a temporal frame. Diagram always carries the characteristic of its spatial correlation. In contrast with diagram, sign and symbol depict the organizations functionality or a dynamic object with formal representation, they don’t necessarily has the functionality in representing spatial correlation Diagram shows the precise reality of any type of dimension. In short what make diagram distinct from sign and symbol is that it carries the conceptual idea of spatial organization by displaying some of the distinctive quality of material, ergonomic design and functional information of space.


Week One

Precedent Analysis

Fig. 2.(Upper Left) Equilateral triangle create pattern in top view. Fig.3. (Upper Right) Create lineworks for the petals in top view Fig.4. (Left) Group all part of the pavilion together in perspective view

To Module Amanda Levete Architects’ M Pavilion (Figure 1), a systematic method are used to model the pavilion in RHINO software. The ground surface (Figure 2) are created by grouping and orientating the pattern in the opposite direction. After ground surface was created, 43 Petals were made and with the pattern on it (Figure 3). Then height were measured on site and with the site plan. Later on raise the petals till its height and extrude columns to create the Pavilion (Figure 4).


Week Two

Reading: Hertzberger H. 2005. The in-between and The Habitable Space Between Things, from Lessons for Students in Architecture. Herzberger discuss how design should not be extreme in its functionality. Use your precedent study to explain how the pavilion allows for an appropriation of use. (100 words Maximum)

Based on the ideology from Herzberger, design that were extreme in its functionality were often considered as rigid and inflexible moreover restricted its own functionality. A good design should consider varies of situations where people might use the space and objects differently based on their needs. For instance the M Pavilion, designed by Amanda Levete Architects have utilized the design methods by using concise architecture language to create a communal space. Petals that avoids direct sunlight but still illuminates the interior, Columns that structurally supports the petals but still allows easy access to the interior. These design strategies helped the Pavilion to be able to function perfectly even when it was removed to a different space.


Week Two


Amanda Levete Architects- M Pavilion The entire modeling process is to reshape the pavilion through Rhino and to understand the use of material and its design strategies. Through the modeling process, the pattern on the petal is an important element to show since it serves both aesthetic purpose and also has its function in blocking excessive light form direct sunlight. In addition, the elevation of the petals and the structural poles are also important elements since the affect the use of the space and also could be identify as the cause of its distinctive circulation and threshold. Poles were connected and its distance allows a fluent movement in the interior. Wooden panels were orientated in different direction helps to create a threshold in the space as well. Vegetations were also serve as a threshold between the interior and the exterior.


Week Two Diagrams

Circulation Diagram

Threshold Diagram

There are several Circulations that are happening to M Pavilion. on

The gap in between the petals and also its material allows light to

the upper and middle part shows the circulation of temperature.

penetrate through. The set up of the poles also creates a threshold

The vegetations surrounding the pavilion changed the circulation of

in between each unit. Lastly, wooden panels, lavender (vegetation)

people’s walking path.

area and its surroundings also creates threshold around the Pavilion.




Step 1 : Trace and create the geometric shape of the elements that are essential for the pavilion.

Curved Lines created a planar surface, arrayed lines created pattern on


Appendix Process

Copy geometric shape into a pattern to form the ground surface.

Structurally supportive columns were traced and ectruded from the surface.

A platform were created by the 3m wide and 5m wide petals.

Petals were orientated after site visit (next page).




Location of site: Dockland Park

Studying elevation Threshold and Circulation on site.

Vegetation around the pavilion affects the circulation and creates thresholds. Finalize module


Amanda Levete Architects -M Pavilion 2015
















Ching-Pu Liu - 917853


Isometric 1:50 0



Heat circulation Light penetration Heat were trapped and circulated by the petals.

Transparent petals permit light

Wind circulation

Distance of Carbon Fibre columns affects wind circulation.

Circulation (2015)

Gap between Poles Gap between the Structural poles creates threshold


Circulation (2017)

Wooden panels Circulation concentration 2015

Transit space The pattern of wooden ground with vegetation serve as threshold.

Circulation 1:200

Thresholds (Permeability) 1:200

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