Wanted... English edition

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wanted ‌

We are looking for hungry applicants for global and market-leading technology-based companies in Central Sweden. Which outfit suits you best?




ABB Discrete Automation and Motion




TKG teknik konsult gruppen




living in VÄSTERÅS


Automation region




living in fagersta


ABB power systems


Atlas Copco Secoroc


ABB Automation Process


Seco Tools




Sweden’s Power and Energy Centre

Development for sale

EMS giant

The safe bet for your career

The world as your workplace

The Process

One for all

Sweet Home Västerås

life in VÄSTERÅS

A hotbed of recreational and cultural activities. A school for the future.

Life is well spent in Fagersta

Solid as a Rock

Pioneer and innovator


wanted … is published by 365 Publishing. editor in chief

Sabina Caspari editor


Anders Gidlund writers

Mats Engström(Intryck), Sabina Caspari och Ola Törnros translation

Annabel Oldfield (inenglish.se) frontpage illustration

Lars Hammarlin PRINT


365 Publishing, Gate 25/Pilgatan 25, 721 30 Västerås, SWEDEN redaktionen@365publishing.se

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Get your motor running

The county of  Västmanland, Sweden

Västmanland is a leading county for development within industry, high technology, energy and t­ ransport. The county is full of companies that can offer you ­interesting and rewarding career opportunities. Västmanland is the county that witnessed the birth of

Swedish industry, thanks to its extensive forests, miles of winding watercourses and abundance of ore-rich rocks. Lake Mälaren and the county’s ridges and rivers were essential for transport out into the world. Västmanland’s emerging industrial communities made Sweden world famous as an industrial country and between the mid13th and the 19th centuries, the country was one of the world’s leading producers of iron.



Surahammar H allstahammar

Köping Kungsör Arboga

Västmanland is still a significant producer of ore and iron and their related industries. Several global leaders within this sector have their base in the classic industrial community of Fagersta, in the northern part of the county. The county’s watercourses were not just transportation routes; they were also of great importance for the growth of industry, particularly the production of energy. The transmission of electrical energy produced by water gave rise to the county’s largest industrial company and employer: Asea, now known as ABB. Many of the old hydropower plants still produce electricity in the watercourses of Västmanland. Västerås, the county’s largest city, is home to world leaders within power and heat generation, power transmission, electricity distribution, transport automation and last, but by no means least, research and development.

If you are looking for a career within technology and development, Västmanland is the perfect place to start. This magazine tells you about some of the companies in Västerås that are looking for the expertise that you can offer. Welcome to your future here in Västmanland!








Sätrabrunn Ramnäs






Strömsholm Kvicksund

Kungsör Arboga

Companies in Västerås have the experience and expertise necessary to equip us for the future. This is where global level development takes place within the electric power industry and the energy smart transport sector.





The Visionary City. Västerås is a successful symbiosis of people and technology. It also has proud educational traditions and is the birthplace of Sweden’s first upper secondary school. The city has created a school system that gives children and teenagers the best possible start for learning and acquiring

knowledge, assisted by Mälardalen University that contributes to developing the region. Västerås makes good use of the attractive power of major companies that have their roots in the city, companies like ABB, ICA and H&M. The city’s stable foundation of entrepreneurship and business successes attracts and

gathers expertise, making Västerås a leader within electric power, automation and energy. Its strong position in the modern technological landscape attracts new talent, which in turn creates new innovations. Västerås’ ability to combine technological development with human needs gives the city its unique strength.


Sweden’s Power and Energy Centre With its scope of expertise and experience, Västerås can safely say that the city and the region are well equipped for the future. Västerås has been at the leading edge of power and energy for as many as 130 years now and many of the companies and global groups that are active within the municipality are linked to ABB, formerly Asea. There are now more ­employees than ever working within the multifaceted ­energy cluster in the city, in fact as many as 15 000 people work at companies that are in some way or other connected to ABB. The city is home to some of the world’s leading marThe city is home to some of the world’s ket players and high-techleading market players and high-­ nological expertise within technological expertise within power and power and heat generation, heat generation, power transmission, elec­ power transmission, elec­ tricity distribution, transport, automa- tricity distribution, trans­tion, energy minimization and last, but by port, automation, energy minimization and last, no means least, research and development. but by no means least, ­research and development. Robot-based automation is becoming increasingly pop­ular in manufacturing processes, resulting in i­mproved com­ petitiveness and a reduction in environmental i­mpact. Västerås is where global level development takes ­ ­place within the electric power sector and energy-smart

t­ransportation systems and many of the larger groups of companies have specialized growth and consultancy companies for each market that they serve. A large challenge that several of the Västerås-based companies are facing is finding the right employees ­ with the right experience and expertise for the future. Employees are needed within most areas, including ­ ­sales, project management, construction, electricity, high ­voltage and IT. The research and development area is also working hard to meet tomorrow’s needs and markets, with more and more focus being placed on renewable forms of ­energy production such as solar, wind, sea-wave and hydro­electric power as well as methods of storing e­ nergy. Work will soon be commenced on a solar cell park in ­Västerås, a step forward in the joint ambition for Västerås to ­become a fossil-free municipality. You might have heard that Västerås goes under the name ”Sweden’s power and energy centre” and it is certainly no exaggeration. All this goes to show that Västerås can safely say that the city and the region are well equipped for the future!

5 PHOTO: HANS Nordlander, bildn

THE c o m p a n y


Prevas was founded in 1985 and is currently a leading Nordic company in embedded systems and industrial IT. The company are the primary supplier and innovative development partner to leading companies within the life science, telecommunications, vehicle, defence, energy and engineering sectors.

Prevas’ foundation is based on developing intelligence in products and industrial systems and has helped many renowned companies to develop thousands of competitive products. The company’s solutions are characterized by innovation, quality assurance and reliable delivery.

Prevas has been listed,­on the NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange in Stockholm since 1998 and works with several world leading companies such as ABB, Atlas Copco, ­Bombardier, GE Healthcare, Ericsson, Maquet Critical Care, SAAB (defence), Volvo and Vestas.


Development for sale

Ever since Prevas started its journey in 1985, the company’s focus has been on three very important success factors: innovation, competence and quality. Innovation. From the Latin innovare, meaning renewal or new ideas, which is exactly what the consultants at ­Prevas work with; smart solutions to complex problems. Prevas has two business areas: Product Development and Industrial IT Systems. Products with built-in intelligence and system solutions that streamline customers’ production. Mats Åström, Deputy CEO, Their solutions can be found within a number of different CFO and Business applications, including aeroplanes, pharmaceuticals and Support Manager. ­nuclear power. – This is a very exciting bu”We work on exciting and siness. We are not purely challenging projects, many of which IT consultants. Instead borderline on ­research. We are at the we work with innovation, top of the chain and I think that’s what from sketches and ideas to prototypes and finismakes us interesting.” hed products. We have an excellent mix of technical and IT consultants, says Mats Åström, CEO at Prevas AB. Prevas was founded in Västerås in the 1980s and now has 550 employees and global presence, with the emphasis on Scandinavia. – We shall continue to grow our business and enhance profitability. We are a strong company and, thanks to our size, we

can take on large projects, but we are still a local company to our customers. Why apply for a job here? – We work on exciting and challenging projects, many of which borderline on research. We are at the top of the chain and I think that’s what makes us interesting. You get to work with new technology, new products and new challenges. What’s it like to work at Prevas? – We are a very humane company and put a lot of focus on our employees. The personnel are our most important resource and it is incredibly important that everyone is happy here. And I really think that everyone is happy, which is why many of us have been here for a very long time. What about the future? – It is important that we take care of our future engineers, that they are happy and that they are given the opportunity to develop. Sweden is at the forefront of technology and innovative solutions and we are striving to be at the leading edge and to be an interesting and good employer for both experienced and new employees.

Collective agreement (=good pension contri­butions, insurance, top-up parental leave etc). Flexi-time. Subsidized keep-fit activities. Free smart phone. Reimbursements for medical and dental appointments.


Fringe benefits

Besides Sweden, Prevas is currently active in Denmark, Norway, India and Dubai. In Sweden, the company has more than 500 employees in 15 cities and towns across the entire country.

Are you ready to take on new challenges? Prevas is currently looking for electronics development engineers, embedded systems development engineers, industrial systems development ­engineers, test managers and project managers. For up to date information on vacancies, look at www.prevas.com



Prevas’ regional manager Jonas Lindstedt and finance assistant Anna Hedberg are very happy at the company’s modern premises in Västerås.


Prevas has developed an award-winning product for taking ECG readings via a patient’s thumbs, thereby halving the number of stroke patients.


Jonas Lindstedt

A team leader

Jonas Lindstedt is both regional and site manager at Prevas in

Västerås. He has a Master’s Degree in Computer Science and has been working at Prevas since 1995. Before becoming a manager, Jonas spent many years as a consultant. – There are many of us that have been working at the company for a long time, which should mean that it must be a good place to work. Even though this is a large company with over 500 employees, the company still has a family feel to it. Can you describe it? – The atmosphere is very pleasant and relaxed. Everyone helps each other and it’s very easy to settle in. We are a good mix of people all with different ages and different areas of expertise, but we all take care of one another. What is the best thing about being a consultant? – It is a great way to develop. You can change jobs or a­ ssign­ments several times a year whilst having the same employer. It gives you good breadth of experience and there are plenty of ­challenges to keep you active and alert. And the path to management? – Everyone wants to develop and learn new things of course and there are many different paths to choose. You can become a technical specialist, sales executive, project manager…. It is your interests that govern your future. The company’s core value is ”BOAT”, what does that stand for? – B stands for Business driven, whilst technology is important, it is important to focus on the customers. O stands for Open minded, that you are creative and open to new solutions. A stands for accountability, that you keep your promises, both in terms of solutions and time schedules etc, and T stands for Team spirit, being a team player. How do you keep your team together? – We do a lot of fun things together, arrange meals, travel, play football and floorball … We meet, spend time together and look after each other. We really focus on building a team and it is very much appreciated.

Jimmie Wiklander

PhD in embedded systems

Jimmie Wiklander has a Master’s Degree in Computer Science and works for Prevas as a consultant. He studied at Luleå University of Technology (LTU) where he also conducted research studies and recently defended his PhD thesis on embedded systems. Congratulations Jimmie!! – Thanks. It’s really nice to have finished it.

Was it easy to get a job when you finished at university? – Yes, it was no problem. A previous colleague from when I had a holiday job contacted me and told me that Prevas had vacancies that matched my profile. Why did you choose Prevas? – I chose the job because it matches my qualifications and because it gives me a fantastic opportunity to apply my ­knowledge. How did the move go? – I lived and studied in Luleå for about ten years but moved to Västerås quite recently. I really like it here and find it ­exciting to get to know a new city and new people. There are many i­ nteresting jobs available to anyone that is prepared to move. Was it easy to settle in here? – I am on an assignment at Volvo Construction Equipment AB in Eskilstuna where I have been for about one month. Those of us that are working on the same project sit together, and it has been very easy to settle in. What do you like most about your job? – The fact that you get to work on interesting projects and that, to some extent at least, you can choose assignments based on your own interests. You are also given the ­ opportunity to try out different roles in a project, and that’s good. Why come and work here? – Because we have fun at work and because we get a great deal of support from both colleagues and managers.


Prevas has been Interspiro’s development partner for a number of years now and has developed the electronics in a breathing mask that is expected to save the lives of many firefighters.



Firefighters on an exercise using equipment from Interspiro that Prevas developed for safer firefighting.



Enics manufactures professional electronics within the segments energy, industrial automation, transport, property automation and instrumentation. As one of the world’s largest contract manufacturers within electronics, we help industrial companies to optimize their value

chains and improve their competitiveness through increased productivity and product reliability and reduce time-to-money and total cost of ownership. Enics provides end-to-end services from engineering, serial production and aftersales services to sourcing and supply chain

management. We offer rapid prototyping, industrialization, cost reduction services, test system development, printed circuit board assembly, box build and system assembly in addition to repairs and maintenance. Please feel free to visit our website for further information: www.enics.com.


EMS giant

With other 40 years’ experience, Enics qualifies for an honourable fifth place on the list of the world’s largest EMS companies in industrial electronics. Because the company works in industrial rather than consumer electronics, you won’t find their products in mobile phones or cameras. Their circuit boards are used in control and communication systems on boats, in power stations, on trains … they are used just about everywhere but they are seldom visible.

Enics is a global leader in their sector. They are contract manufacturers and subcontractors to customers all over the world and have 2 800 employees in Estonia, Finland, China, Switzerland, Slovakia and Sweden. The company provides end-to-end solutions from ­development and design to production and support.

Close collaboration between all the different departments is vital to ensure the continued competitiveness of the company. Purchasing Manager Homan Heydary and Account Manager Markus Richter constantly analyze and monitor developments on the materials market in order to secure the availability of materials and follow price trends.

strial electronics sector. Turnover: 1 billion SEK in Sweden: Västerås and Malmö. Locations: Head office in Switzerland and production facilities in Sweden, Finland, China, Estonia, Switzerland and Slovakia.


s h o r t FACTS

Owner: Finnish/Swiss company ­principally owned by Ahlstroms Capital. Employees: 280 in Västerås. Business activities: Enics supplies production and engineering services to customers within the indu-

Does this sound interesting? We are in need of competent employees. You can read more about us, who we are and vacant positions on www.enics.com


VÄSTERÅS Behind the doors at Finslätten, there is a global market that offers fantastic opportunities for international careers.

BeIjing The reception at the Beijing plant welcomes Enics’ international customers and staff on a daily basis.

Markus Richter is Account Manager at Enics in Västerås. – Customers usually know what they want, but we help them to get the specific solutions Markus Richter they need, from idea to cost-effective proTHE Account Manager duction. ­The company produces hundreds of products and thous­ands of units every day and sup­plies a total of about 1 200 – 1 500 ”The company is big enough to move around custom-­built solu­ in internationally yet small enough to be tions every year. Ir­re­s­pective of able to make a difference.” whether the product is new or old,

Charlotte Erlandson

The Planning Manager

Charlotte Erlandson is the Planning Manager at Enics in Västerås. They have many e­ xciting ­projects on the go and she looks at the future with optimism. They are, among other things, ­participating in The Production Leap, a co­ operation forum between Swedish ­industrial companies and technical universities to ­develop and safe­ guard the poten”You are given responsibility tial that exists. – It is an incred­ and the chance to make a difference ibly exciting proquite early on in your career.” ject that goes hand in hand with our

f­ocus is always on high quality and long life cycles. –We still manufacture very old products since a nuclear power plant from the 1960s, for example, should still be able to be maintained and repaired today. Markus has a Master’s degree in engineer­ing, specializing in communication and trans­port. He started at Enics as a head planner and is now an account manager. – I am very happy here. The company is big enough to move around in internationally yet small enough to be able to make a difference. I am learning a lot here and gaining extensive experience.

product ­development venture, says Charlotte Erlandson, Planning Manager. Charlotte also has a Master’s degree, specia­l­ izing in industrial economics. Like Markus, she started as a Head Planner but is now the Planning Manager in the production department. – There is no glass ceiling here, which is good. It feels like a young company characte­rized by an entrepreneurial spirit. You are ­given responsibility and the chance to make a difference quite early on in your career. Other advantages are the short decision paths, the fact that everyone is visible, you are given a wide role and varied work activities.



Automation Region is a collaborative project for strength­ening and showcasing Sweden’s world-leading automation i­ndustry and our ­substantial automation and production knowhow. Swedish companies and universities hold world-leading positions and Automation Region intends to further strengthen their position.

” We are in the midst of a gradual awakening and an increased understanding of the role that automation plays in sustainable development.” Helena Jerregård, General Manager at Automation Region.


Automation Region

The Mälardalen region in Sweden is a globally leading region for automation. Large and small companies alike are gathered here en masse. IN Automation Region there are world-class products and

Helena ­Jerregård, General Manager at Automation Region.

solutions, and with application know-how of the m ­ ajor industrial processes: iron, steel, chemicals, pulp and ­paper, oil and gas, generation and distribution of energy, ­manufacturing and auto-making. Automation provides the tools necessary for transforming customer orders into finished products, and gives production management teams the decision-making tools they need to control and monitor processes and to ensure that the appropriate quality is delivered. Automation also gives us the tools needed for long-term safe production and fulfillment of environmental requirements. Automation Region is a collaborative project for strength­ ening and showcasing Sweden’s world-leading automation industry and our substantial automation and production know-how. Automation is a Swedish futureoriented field of considerable importance for competitiveness and for the big questions concerning resource usage, energy and environment. Automation encompasses all systems relating to measurement and control of production processes, with the focus on productivity, quality, environmental management and human interaction. This is a field in which Swedish companies and universities hold a world-leading position, and the collaboration in Automation Region is intended to further strengthen this position. The Swedish automation industry is one of Sweden’s most important branches of industry, with a considerable ­export trade of more than 5 % of the country’s Gross Domestic Product. Moreover, automation is of major ­

s­ trategic importance to Swedish production and competitiveness. Our automation know-how assures productivity and quality in Swedish industry, while the Lean Production approach is gaining an increasingly stronger position in Swedish industry. Combine this with automation tech­ nology and Sweden is among the global leaders. Together and in close collaboration with academia and the public sector, companies gain many advantages ­through Automation Region. Several world-leading companies in the field of automation have development centers in Västerås, in the middle of the Mälardalen region. There is a remarkable amount of expertise in the automation field in the region that extends from Stockholm to Örebro, and from Eskilstuna to Uppsala. The host organization for Automation Region is Mälardalen University in Västerås and Eskilstuna. At present, Automation Region has more than 60 member companies and 15 partners. Among Automation Region’s member companies you will find everything from newly started businesses to multi­ national companies, from suppliers and system builders to consultants and automation users. As a part of ­Automation Region, the member companies strengthen their profile both in the marketplace and among potential employees. At the same time, they are supporting the region as a whole, which will ultimately even entail ­positive effects for the individual company. As a member, you can directly influence the development of Automation ­Region. ­Working together, we develop new business opportunities and expertise.


World leading automation in Fagersta Put simply, Atlas Copco Secoroc, (see page 30), manufactures consumption goods for rock drilling. There is a huge demand for the company’s products in the expanding market. – Automation is hugely important to us for three reasons; cost-effective manufacturing

and an even and high level of quality are two of them, says Conny Fridlund, production development manager at Secoroc. The third reason is that the company has made a conscious decision to invest heavily in both outer and working environments. The fact that Atlas Copco Secoroc is a

member of Automation Region is something that Conny sees as being a matter of course “since they can never be better than the network that they integrate with.” – We hope to be able to identify World Class companies within automation since we strive to work with the absolute best, says Conny.



We made grids smart – can you outsmart them?

Smart grids expand over the world and enable integration of renewable energy from diverse sources. Operators get information on supply and demand in real time, and regulate the flow. Consumers can monitor their usage, and sell any surplus energy. Now – can you outsmart the grids and make them even smarter? A better world begins with you at www.abb.se/jobb

Our business. Your legacy.


Working at ABB gives you the opportunity to develop your career both locally and globally.

ABB – the safe bet for your career There is a lot of talk about a sustainable society , about climate threats and saving earth’s resources. At the same time, we know that global energy needs will be 45 per cent higher in the year 2030 than they are today. How can we prepare for this whilst fighting climate change at the same time? You can be part of the solution. ABB already has the technology to reduce energy l­ osses by up to 30 per cent. Do you accept the challenge? We have already started. ABB is a leading supplier of products and systems for power transmission as well as for process and in­dustrial automation. We are working to enable utility and industry customers to improve perfor­ mance while lowering environmental ­impact. ABB operates in about 30 different locations in ­Sweden and 100 countries globally and employs 8 700 people in Sweden and 130 000 across the world. Two of the larger centres of operation in Sweden are Västerås with 4 100 employees and Ludvika with 2 600.

ABB Sweden is divided into five divisions: Process Automation, Discrete Automation and Motion and Power System, which are all presented more closely in this brochure, in addition to Power ­Products and Low Voltage Products.

Power Products are the key components for trans­ mitting and distributing electricity. The ­division has manufacturing units for transformers, switchgears, instrument transformers, surge arres­ters and other associated equipment. The division also offers the services required to ensure the performance of products and extend their life­span. Low Voltage Products manufactures low-­voltage circuit breakers, switches, control products, ­wiring accessories, enclosures and cable systems to protect people, installations and electronic equipment from electrical overload in addition to products and systems for machine safety. The division also manufactures KNX systems that integrate and automate a building’s electrical ­installations, ventilation systems and data communication networks.


The web-based portal Upside provides ABB AB employees with information about the company’s fringe benefits. The portal includes personal information about all the fringe benefits and with the help of the information in the system, employees can check how the different fringe benefits affect their finances. You have for example subsidized medical and dental care costs and keep-fit-activities. Staff discount card. The card entitles you to discounts and special offers from hundreds of suppliers of consumer goods and services.

Power Systems



The ABB division Power Systems offers turnkey systems and services for power transmission, distribution grids and power plants. Substations and substation auto­mation systems are key areas, as well as FACTS (flexible alternating current

t­ ransmission systems), HVDC and HVDC Light (high voltage direct current) and network management systems. In power ­generation, the division offers instrumen­tation, control and electri­fication of power plants. Power Systems has approximately 2 000 employees in

Sweden and about 19 100 globally. The division Power Systems is divided into four business units: • Grid Systems • Network Management • Power Generation • Substations.

The world as your workplace


Stable power systems, reduced carbon dioxide emissions, renewable sources of energy – at ABB’s business unit Grid Systems, work is carried out on efficient, ­environmentally friendly power transmission and smart solutions for power systems. Imagine a power line that enables you to reduce ­carbon

Lisa Ehrborg, Communication Manager at Grid Systems.

dioxide emissions by 300 000 tons per year, a figure equivalent to the annual emission from about 125 000 cars. Or an offshore wind farm that replaces the energy from fossil fuels, leading to a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions of 3 million tons. These are just two examples of what the employees at the ABB unit Grid Systems have contributed to, employees that work with the development, marketing and supply of systems for more effective and environmentally friendly power transmission. – It is a very exciting business. We work with the creation of energy solutions that are more effective, smarter and better for the environment. Hydropower and wind power are examples of areas where ABB has some very interesting projects under way, says Lisa Ehrborg, Communication Manager at Grid Systems. The business embraces many different areas, but what they all have in common is power transmission and a global workplace. Offshore wind

Viklandet, NORWAY

power is a market with large projects, including the North Sea outside Germany, Holland and England where ABB has contributed to connecting some of the world’s largest and most remote offshore wind farms to onshore grids. Technology that enables the transport of elec­ tricity with minimal losses is another interesting area, like power transmission from the Three ­Gorges Dam, which generates enough electricity for six million Chinese households, or the 40-km underwater cable link between New Haven, ­Connecticut and Long Island, New York. – Many companies say that they are global, but we really are. The entire world is our workplace and there are some great opportunities for anyone wanting to travel and discover new places and cultures. Many of the projects that the company works on are highly spectacular and ABB is at the forefront of development. – We are number one in a number of different areas and in some techniques we have been market leaders ever since the 1950s.

FACTS’ solution improves the capacity of power supplies, without new transmission lines.

Three Gorges, Shanghai

Some SPECTACULAR ABB projectS BorWin1. The most remote offshore wind farm connected to a grid. Caprivi Link. The world’s first ­overhead HVDC Light trans­mission link . Cerro Navia. The largest SVC Light installation in the world. DolWin 1 och 2. The wind power farm DolWin 2 was the largest order in ABB’s history. DynaPeaQ. The first dynamic energy storage system in the UK. Murraylink. The longest underground power link in the world. NorNed. The longest underwater power link in the world.

HVDC link that provides reliable electric power to six million households.


ABB Power Systems is currently looking for employees within the following areas: Project controllers, Project managers for supply projects, Sales engineers within system sales, Engineers within: Power electronics in combi­nation with power systems, Control systems, Cyber security, Offshore Power system analysis, Electrical and mechanical design. For further information visit: www.abb.com


ABB has supplied the cables to Horns Rev 1 in Denmark, one of the world’s largest offshore wind farms.


At sea

With Offshore Wind Connections Offshore wind power is a rapidly growing market. Huge wind power farms have been built and more will be over the next few years. Offshore Wind Connections is a product group within ABB’s business area Grid Systems that sells and supplies turnkey systems for connecting offshore wind power generation to the onshore grid.

Maria Vistrand

Area Sales Manager

Facts about FACTS Flexibility in the power system

The power industry term FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission Systems) covers a number of technologies that enhance the accessibility, capacity and flexibility of power transmission systems. As a result, transmission can be increased and improved using existing lines.

Patrik Sjööquist

Project Sales Manager

Maria Vistrand is working as Area Sales Manager in

Västerås. She studied Industrial Economics at the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University and after graduating in 2008 she was accepted on ABB’s Trainee Programme. – I had heard that it was one of the best trainee programmes in Sweden and it’s true. I spent eighteen months learning about ABB’s different business areas and made valuable contacts. It was a good start to my career and I can highly recommend it. Why did you decide to work at ABB? – I wanted to work for a large company that offered lots of opportunities and contacts and I also wanted to try out working abroad. ABB is an excellent employer for anyone interested in developing and having a career. And Offshore Wind? – It is quite a new area and I was lucky to be here

when the new unit started. About 100 people work here and within a year there will be many more. This business is really in tune with the ­times and I really enjoy working with renewable energy. And did things turn out as you had hoped? – Definitely. You get the chance to take on a lot of responsibility at an early stage, even as a graduate. I have contact with people internationally on a daily basis, both within ABB and externally. The projects are complex and interesting and it feels as though the market is gaining ground. What about the future? – It is so exciting that you never know what’s ­going to happen and when you work at a company like ABB there are so many opportunities. I want to develop and take on new challenges and I know that I will always be able to do so at ABB.

He has a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering and has been at ABB for almost four years, two of which have been at FACTS. – I am very happy here. I suppose I should be working in mechanical engineering, but when I was at Chalmers I heard about a vacant position in the marketing department at ABB Kabeldon in Alingsås.

Not a typical job for a mechanical engineer perhaps? – Many people believe that you have to be an electric power engineer to work at ABB, but that’s not true. I am far from being the only person here that works in a different area than the one I am qualified in. There is a risk that people will overlook ABB as an employer because they think that it’s all about electric power.

What did you do? – I applied for and was offered the job as Area Sales Manager with responsibility for sales of cable accessories in North and South America. I travelled about 100 days a year so I had the chance to visit places like Sao Paulo, Rio and Lima. Even though it was quite hard work, it was fun.

And why ABB? – It is an international and multicultural company with plenty of opportunities. Another advantage is its size. There are many different positions within a wide number of areas and you can govern what you want to learn more about and what you want to achieve.

And now? – After two years I applied for a job at FACTS and am now Project Sales Manager. We are a team of about ten people that work together to draw up offers for customers. We offer a complete solution including electrical and mechanical work, software and groundwork. We discuss what we can do to create cost-effective solutions that meet or surpass our customers’ expectations. There is a lot of work behind each offer.

And the future? – ABB really understands personal development. If you show that you can handle responsibility then you will always be given the opportunity to move up the ladder, irrespective of whether you want to specialize in marketing, management or technical expertise. There’s an open and easygoing atmosphere here, it’s perfectly okay to try out different roles, not everyone needs to aim at becoming a manager.

Patrik Sjööquist is Project Sales Manager in Västerås.


and pharmaceuticals, pulp and paper, metals and minerals and marine. Key ­customer benefits include improved asset produc­tivity and energy savings. The division has 1 000 employees in ­Sweden, with presence in Västerås, Malmö and Stockholm.

B u s i n e s s UNITS

Process Automation



The Process Automation Division provides customers with products and ­solutions for instrumen-tation, auto­mation and optimization of industrial processes. The industries that the division serves include oil and gas, power, chemicals

Crane Systems. Motion control and information systems for container and industrial cranes and ship unloaders. Process Industries Products & Systems. Systems and equipment to end users within the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries and partners.

The Process

Faster, simpler, more efficient … ABB Process Automation optimizes its customers’ industrial processes. Things are never allowed to stand still. Wheels must turn 24

hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. An oil platform that pumps oil in the North Sea, a paper mill that turns trees into paper, a pharmaceuticals company that makes medicines. Things are being produced everywhere all the time. Processes that are controlled and monitored using Erik Gynt, office manager in the automation systems. development ABB Process Automation manufactures products and sodepartment at ­Control lutions for the automation and optimization of its customers’ ­Technologies processes. Erik Gynt is office manager in the development in Västerås. department at the Control Technologies unit in Västerås. – Efficient, stable and continuous operations are extremely important to ”ABB is a fantastic company to all our customers. Our systems often work for. If you have the will and function as the brain in the processes the drive then there’s no end and down time can cost enormous to what you can achieve.” sums. This places huge demands on both our products and us. Almost 50 people work in Erik’s department, above all with software development of System 800xA, ABB’s own flagship system platform. It is an advanced system that is used in a number of applications and business sectors.

– It is an exciting job with interesting products and technology. Things change so fast that it is imperative to keep up. We always use state-of-the-art technology and we are at the absolute forefront. As a market leader, it is important to ensure that we stay in the lead, which is why innovation is an important part of our business. The development department works with both the shell of the system and the creation of new functions that will help our customers to make their processes even more stream­ lined. Many of their development projects are global and the work is carried out in Sweden, Germany and India. – It is fun to have so many international contacts. It gives us the chance to work together, exchange information and even travel. Erik has a degree in computer science from Mälardalen University and has been working at ABB on and off since 1994. – ABB is a fantastic company to work for. If you have the will and the drive then there’s no end to what you can achieve. There are always many paths to choose from ­irrespective of whether you are interested in technology, sales, management or something else.

All the information in one system – excellent ergonomics and communication leads to improved operator efficiency.

Mining. Complete mine hoists for ­transportation in underground mines. Metallurgy. Electromagnetic products. Rolling Mills. Electrical equipment and control systems for profile and flat ­rolling mills and processing lines.

Pulp & Paper. System solutions for the pulp and paper industry. Force Measurement. Equipment for measurement and control. Control Technologies. Development, marketing and sale of the system 800xA.


Logistics Center. Provides aftermarket products and services. Lorentzen & Wettre. Equipment for quality control, process ­ ­optimization and test instrumentation for the pulp and paper industry.

Are you interested in a job? As a company we are always at the forefront of tech­­nology. The majority of all the ­products and solutions that we sell have been ­developed in the last 4 – 5 years. Read more about a career at ABB on abb.com


The change Even though ABB Process Automation works in a very technical and traditional sector, there is plenty of room for change. ABB is huge within automation technology with many employees globally. In Sweden alone, there are 1 200.

Emma Sandström

sales engineer

”We do a lot of work on projects that involve building a sustainable society and ­infrastructure … There is a lot going on at the moment.”

Emma Sandström has a Master’s Degree in industrial economics from the Institute of Technology at Linköping University and currently works as a sales engineer on the Swedish market. – I am very happy here. It is a very flexible company and no two days are alike. There’s ­always something new happening. When you say ABB, many people think of robots, but there is so much more than that. We are represented everywhere there is power or automation. It really is a large and an exciting global company.

Not just industrial processes Emma is one of seven product sales executives for control systems on the Swedish market. She and her colleagues market and sell control systems for process automation to, among others, system integrators, technical consultants and end users all over Sweden. – It is much more than just sales; it’s about solving our customers’ problems. It could be any­thing from answering a simple price question to creating the optimal technical solution for that particular customer. It is basically a matter of listening to the customers, understanding their needs and building relationships with them. Traditionally, ABB has always been strong within the process industry, but we are now a strong player on other markets too. – We do a lot of work on projects that involve building a sustainable society and infrastructure.

The Kvarnsveden Paper Mill has one of the world’s fastest paper machines.

One of them has been to supply products for Norra Länken, a large road tunnel project in Stockholm. There is a lot going on at the moment. Not just technical men And it is not only the projects that have changed, but also the people behind them. Many people see a typical ABB employee as being a middleaged man with a technical degree and a genuine interest in technology, but that picture has started to change over the last few years. – Unfortunately there are very few women in the technical profession. It’s a shame as there are some very interesting projects to work on. I am one of very few women that work in sales of control systems, but things are starting to change. When I started as a product sales executive three years ago I was the only woman in the group, but now there are two of us. Even though this is rather a conservative sector and ABB is traditionally a technical company, a lot has changed. Nowadays it is more a matter of customer value and relations than just smart technical solutions. – At university we were taught all about customer and market focus and I regard the technical side of things as being a bit of a fun challenge. There are endless opportunities to develop at ABB and it is up to you to decide which path you want to take.

A good view of the plant leads to improved productivity and energy efficiency.


processing and engineering industries and industrial manufacturing companies. We also offer products to the wind and solar power area and to the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. In Sweden there are around 1500 employees in Västerås and at ten sales offices and 22 service offices.

Business units



Discrete Automation and Motion

Discrete Automation and Motion division help their customers to increase their productivity and energy efficiency. Motors, generators, frequency converters, PLCs and robots provide power, motion and control for a wide range of automation applications. Our customers are primarily within the

LV Motors Number of employees: approx. 190 Location: Västerås Markets: fans, pumps and ­compressors for: OEM (65 %), Distributors (15%), End users (20%)

Get your motor running

Motors and generators form the basis of Swedish industry. They also form a part of ABB Discrete Automation and Motion’s core business. Allmänna Svenska Elektriska Aktiebolaget, Asea, which later

became ABB. Without the company’s motors and gene­ rators, Sweden, and in fact the entire world, would grind to a halt. – Our products can be used in a wide range of appli­ Anders cations and they help our customers to improve perfor­Mikkelsen, mance while saving energy and reducing carbon dioxide HR Manager. emissions. We are at the forefront and we have an excellent reputation as a supplier of quality products. The company is doing very well and the market continues to look stable, says Anders ”Improvements and developments are ­Mikkelsen, HR Manager. The Swedish division of ­important elements in all our business areas” ABB Discrete Automation and Motion has several units for the production and development of motors and generators and even though products and business models differ slightly, the units all have similar competence requirements. ABB invests heavily in research and development to ensure that they are at the leading edge in terms of products and technologies; an important factor for success if the company is to retain its strong position on the market. – The low voltage motor is an example of a product with a long tradition within ABB. While the technology is much the same as it was at the end of the 19th century when ABB was founded, we have continually worked to develop the product into becoming one of the best on the market. Improvements and developments are important elements in all our business areas and where our employees have huge opportunities to get involved and make a difference. An ever-changing world places huge demands on the development of our business, including products, management, technical processes and, not least, employees. – ABB is very good at developing individuals and nurturing talent. If you show that you want to get on, you will always be given chance to grow within the organization

and we have excellent processes that we follow to ensure the development of our employees. Whether you would like to work in sales, marketing, technology, marketing or, in fact, anything else, ABB has many different career paths and opportunities. – The fact that we also have global presence with international contacts, travel and even the chance to work for ABB in other countries means that we can offer development opportunities that suit almost everyone.

Aitik copper mine, Boliden AB

A ring motor from ABB to a mill in production.

Robotics Number of employees: approx. 600 Locations: Västerås and Gothenburg Markets: The vehicle industry. General industry such as foundries, plastics and metals industries, consumer goods, pharmaceuticals and timber industries.

Swedish Sales Motors and Drives Number of employees: approx. 60 Locations: 11 Markets: OEM, distributors, end users and systemintegrators.

work with us

Machines Number of employees: approx. 430 Location: Västerås Markets: : Gas and steam turbine generators for oil & gas and power-generation. Motors for paper & pulp, rolling mills, chemistry, oil & gas, power plants etc.

Are you interested in a job? The ABB division Discrete Automation and ­Motion is looking for dedicated employees within the areas of ­electrical engineering, ­mechanics, project ­management, logistics, sales, marketing and finance. Read more about a career at ABB on abb.com.


Motor fever Things are revving up at LV Motors

The Örjan plant produces 60 000 motors ­annually for applications that include ­ventilation systems, pumps and compressors. The electric motors are workhorses that run more or less 24/7 consuming more than 60 % of all energy. Because energy costs are so high in relation to purchasing costs, ­efficient motors can involve huge savings.

Johan Danielsson

Sales Support Manager

The machines are our friends Machine development at ABB unit Machines ABB Machines at Finslätten in Västerås produces huge AC machinery, motors and generators for a number of different ­applications. The unit has approximately ­ 430 employees, half of whom are whitecollar workers. The plant manufactures customized machinery for customers all over the world.

Anna Råback


Johan Danielsson works as Sales Support Manager

at LV Motors and knows how to help his cus­tomers to save money. – Increasing the efficiency of a motor makes good business sense as it leads to substantial ­savings and a reduction in environmental impact. Johan has a degree in economics and has worked at ABB since 2005. He has held the position of ­Sales Support Manager since September 2011. – When I was at the university I never imagined that I would ever work at ABB, but with 130  000 employees globally, ABB has so many opportunities to offer. The company needs all kinds of different skills and they give you the opportunity to develop. Besides Västerås, LV Motors also has plants in Finland, Poland and Spain and the organization that Johan works for operates globally. – I really like the fact that you work both ­locally in a relatively small unit and globally in the huge ABB Group. I have been at ABB for a few years now and it feels as though the sky’s the ­limit when it comes to what you can do. You set

Anna Råback has been the manager of a team of about

ten engineers since August 2011. The team works on different projects that focus on developing new products and optimizing the costs, quality and perfor­ mance of the company’s existing product portfolio. Anna’s path to her current position has not been a straight one. She first worked as a teacher before studying mechanical engineering at Mälardalen University and starting work at ABB and Machines in 2002. Machines has given Anna the opportunity to try out a number of different positions before becoming a manager. ­Do you like being a manager? – I am very happy at ABB and Machines and in the different positions I have held. I have always had the opportunity to take on new challenges, which has enabled me to develop both personally and professionally. Some good support from some excellent managers led to new positions and challenges within the company. ABB is very good at listening to and developing its employees. What do you like most about your job? – The good colleagues and exciting products.

your own goals and you are responsible for your own development. How did you end up here? – I had worked at another unit for a few years and was happy there, but when this opportunity came up it felt too good to miss and I love it. What’s your next step? – I’m now focusing on learning more about the job that I have and haven’t yet set any goals for the future. Of course it’s good to have goals, but you shouldn’t be in too much of a hurry, it’s important to focus on performing in your current role. What do you think are the most important ­parameters for a good job? – The most important things are that you enjoy ­going to work and that you are given the oppor­ tunity to develop. All the international contacts are another fun aspect and can be good for the future.

Things are going well for our unit, which contributes to the good atmosphere we have at work. How does the market look? – As our products suit so many different applications there is an enormous market to compete in. We are strong within traditional applications, but new opportunities with new technology arise the whole time. There is an increasing need to be able to produce energy as effectively and environmentally friendly as possible and there is also a huge market for our products. Can you give us some examples? – We are working on an exciting project where our machines work as both motors and generators in a wind farm. The farm is situated on land with caverns and when it is windy, the motor is used to run an air pump that compresses the air that is then stored in the caverns. When the demand for energy is greater than wind power can produce the compressed air is released via the pump and the machine switches over to generator mode and can create the additional energy that is required. This means that the wind farm can produce energy whether it is windy or not.




TKG, Teknik Konsult Gruppen AB, was founded in 2003 and had a turnover of 35 million SEK in 2010. The company ­currently has 45 employees, 35 within ­mechanics and 10 within electrical ­engineering. Employees of TKG are given interesting assignments based on a person’s specializa-

tion and profile. We look at every individual in order to create solutions based on the needs and wishes of our colleagues. We believe in a positive spiral based on assignments that broaden the mind, a well-functioning private life and good health and are convinced that this is also

beneficial to our customers as it maximizes performance. TKG has assignments within: robot automation, railbound vehicles, construction machines, mining equipment, waterpower, electric power, nuclear power, rotary machines and offshore.


One for all

Unlike many other companies, TKG, Teknik Konsult Gruppen, lives up to its ­guarantee of no glass ceilings but plenty of employee focus. TKG is a Västerås-based technical consultancy company that spe-

cializes in mechanics, electrical engineering and project management. The company’s wide range of customers includes industrial companies such as ABB, Bombardier, Atlas Copco and VG Power. Annika Nylund, Whilst they are far from being alone on the market, Managing they do have a rather unusual business concept – focus on Director, TKG. the employee rather than the customer. – At TKG we have a passion for people and our company centres around its employees. We work together with our consultants to decide ”We have a passion for people and which assignments they our company centres around its want to take on and how they want to develop. ­employees. We work together to decide We b ­elieve that if you which assignments we want to take on are h ­ appy at work then and how we want to develop.” you are more likely to


do a good job. Most companies look at the needs of the cus­tomer, we look at the needs of our employees, says ­Annika Nylund, Managing Director and head of electrical engineering business at TKG. Founded as recently as 2003, TKG is still rather a young company but has as many as 45 employees. The company’s founders were once consultants so they are very aware of what is important. The low staff turnover is evidence of job satisfaction among their employees. – We understand the importance of job security, participation and solidarity, of doing what you enjoy, getting the right kind of assignments and being seen and heard. At TKG we focus on the individual and have even ended on-going assignments on the request of the consultants, something that is rather unusual. We intend to expand in the future, and there are plans to start up in other cities and within other technical areas.

We have been out on a RIB boat on Lake Mälaren, been canoeing and had a course in mountain climbing (abseiling).

TKG has many teambuilding­events as well as fringe benefits like: • Medical care • Subsidized keep-fit activities • Health profile • Profile clothing • Competitive salaries

work with us

Fringe benefits


Our customers consist of ABB, VG Power, Atlas Copco, Bombardier, Sandvik, Alstom, Mälarenergi and Westinghouse. A new and exciting venture for 2012 is our focus on Norway and offshore.

If you would like to become a consultant within mechanics, project management or electrical engineering, specializing in electric power, automation and vehicles, TKG has a wide field to work and develop in. TKG is always in need of employees within these areas. For more information about vacant positions, call us on +46 21 471 87 03.


Broad expertise – wide network

Pia Ersson

consultant within mechanics

Pia Ersson is one of TKG’s consultants within mechanics. She has been at the company for five years and as well as her certificate in engineering from upper secondary school, she is also a very experienced consultant.

as much money as possible. Instead the company focuses on the individual and takes on assignments that match expertise within the company. TKG really knows how to look after and support its employees.

What do you like most about your job? – We work on such a variety of different assignments in many different sectors, every­ thing from fine optics to major steel plants. A job like this gives you broad expertise and a wide network of contacts and meeting so many ­people is definitely one of the perks of the job.

In what way? – In the assignments that we take on for ­example. It’s important to be happy at work in order to do a good job. And what’s good for the employee is usually good for the cus­ tomer too. TKG is rather a flat organization and we all work together as colleagues.

What’s so special about TKG? – It feels as though the focus isn’t on making

Anything else that’s good? – We have good fringe benefits like subsidized keep-fit activities, profile clothing and healthcare etc. There are also a lot of fun social activities like travelling and going out together to eat. Being a consultant might sound like rather a lonely job, but we have a great team spirit here.

”The company focuses on the individual and takes on a ­ ssignments that match expertise within the company. TKG really knows how to look after and support its employees.”

Engineering’s the theme

Johnny Wiklund


Johnny Wiklund is one of TKG’s newest employ-

ees. He might only have been a consultant for six months but he does have a great deal of experience from industry How did you end up here? – The long way! I have actually worked with most things within industry. I’ve been ­working with installation, testing, commissioning, design, project management and ­sales. I might well have done a lot of different things, but the recurring theme has always been engineering.

”We are involved in the discussions with our customers before we take on a new assignment,so everyone’s happy.”

And now you’re a consultant? – Yes, and I love it. I have always loved taking on new jobs and assignments. Change is good, it gives you broad knowledge. And do you like working at TKG? – It’s perfect for me. The company was founded by consultants so they know how to take care of us. We are given a say on the assignments we take on, so everyone’s happy. We also have excellent fringe benefits here like company pension plans for example. What’s it like being the new employee? – I settled in very quickly. It’s a very s­ ociable company with lots of activities going on. There’s a good mix of people here with every­ thing from just a few years’ experience to over 40 years in the business.


a c c o m m o d at i o n

Living in

Bostad Västerås AB is an accommodation specialist. Whether you are looking to buy or rent, we can point you in the right direction. Because we work closely together with property owners, construction ­companies and Västerås Municipality,

we can offer an efficient service to help you find your new home. At Bostad Västerås we know just about everything there is to know about Västerås and its housing market. We can also help you to find the right information about what is

being built right now and building plans for the future. We do not sell property, but we do offer a quick and easy service to help you find the home you are looking for. Bostad Västerås also works together with a number of property owners in Västerås


Sweet Home Västerås

With 11 200 apartments and over 20 000 tenants, Mimer is the largest landlord in Västerås and is aiming at becoming the best housing company in Sweden.

The housing company Mimer has co-operative and rental apartments in both historical parts of the city …

Per Widerstedt, architect and project manager at Mimer.

hard and every year it invests 300-400 million kronor in new A good day starts at home. That is Bostad Mimer AB’s motto builds and renovations. and a promise to its customers that serves as a reminder of – We strive to be a good alterthe importance of always putnative for everyone looking for ting the tenants first. ”We strive to be a good alternative for residential property in Västerås – Our new vision is to becoe ­ veryone looking for residential property and we have a wide range of opme the best housing company in Västerås and we have a wide range tions to suit all types of people. in Sweden. It might well be a of options to suit all types of people.” Whether you are looking for a difficult vision to measure but piece of history in the city cenit ­ represents just how much tre, a brand new home on the we want to achieve, says Per shore of Lake Mälaren, a traditional red cottage in the Widerstedt, architect and project manager. countryside, a tall building or a low one, we can offer you The company’s catchwords are caring, new ways of thinjust about everything. king and commitment. Mimer is aiming high and working

that let apartments. We can provide you with information about the local lettings market and the property owners that operate in the different residential areas of the city.. We are even responsible for the queuing system for building plots in Västerås, whether

you are planning to build your own home or a group of houses. In other words – if you are interested in building a house, we can help you to find a plot. Bostad Västerås also has a full list of all student accommodation In Västerås, making it easy for you to apply for somewhere to

live. We even offer a housing guarantee to all students at Mälardalen University that come from other towns. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Whether you are planning to move here from another town, move

within the city or you just want to know more about the housing market in Västerås, you can contact us via email, post or telephone or visit us at our centrally located premises at Stora Gatan 38. On page 35 there is further contact information for Bostad Västerås.

25 … and new and desirable areas, often close to the water.

Full sail ahead. At Öster Mälarstrand, one of the most sought-after areas in Västerås, Mimer has recently started on its biggest project to date. Råseglet has 160 apartments in four buildings and the winning contribution was designed by AQ Arkitekter in Eskilstuna. – Three architectural firms participated in the challenge to create housing of the future here in Västerås. AQ Arkitekter drew the long straw and every apartment will have a breathtaking view of the lake as well as proximity to moorings and some popular walks, says Per Widerstedt. But it’s not just the outside and the surroundings that count. The buildings are all constructed using passive house technology for low energy consumption with the

tenants and domestic appliances providing Are you the heating. looking for an – It is possible to turn up the heating if apartment? it gets extremely cold, Call Mimer on +46 21 39 70 00. but, in principle, the people and the machines are the main source of heat, thus reducing carbon footprints and improving longterm finances. The first residents will be moving in in January 2013.




Life in

There are many clubs and associations in Västerås. In fact, 170 within recreational and cultural activities like music, dance, art, theatre and scouting and 105 within 60 different sports; football, ice hockey, handball and floorball being the most popular. There are also seven riding clubs in and around the city.

Västerås currently has teams in the two top series within football (women), Ice hockey (men), floorball (women), handball (men and women) and bandy (men). We have many individual elite sportsmen and women within motorsports, gymnastics, athletics, martial arts, canoeing and swimming.

A hotbed of recreational and cultural activities

Västerås has a rich and varied range of cultural, ­recreational and sporting activities, whether you prefer to watch, join in or create them yourself.

Boating is a popular pastime in the city, with a total of 3 200 moorings.

Västerås Concert Hall holds about 400 events a year.

Nightlife and entertainment have exploded in Västerås over the past 15 years.

PHOTO: Anders Rejdemark

Music life. Västerås is a city characterized by its wide range and high quality of music events. Västerås Concert Hall holds performances of all kinds, including classical music, family shows, folk music, stand-up comedy, jazz, pop and dance and is a favoured venue for many of Sweden’s most famous and popular performers. The concert hall is also the home of Västerås Sinfonietta. Karlsgatan 2 – one building – two museums. Västerås Art Museum and Västmanland County Museum are housed in a historical industrial building from the early 20th century. Theatre. There are a number of professional theatre groups in the city: Teater Västmanland, 4:e teatern, T ­ eater Tropos, Awake project and Gycklargruppen Trix. Västerås is even home to the Swedish National Association of ­Amateur Theatre. Cultural centres. Västerås has two cultural centres, Culturen and Växhuset with a wide variety of theatrical, dance and musical performances. Anundshög. Anundshög and Badelunda make up one of Sweden’s most interesting areas of ancient remains.

Västerås is ­renowned for being a bicyclefriendly city and has 350 km of cycle paths and some beautiful marked tracks.

The Nobel Prize Winner Tomas Tranströmer lived in V ­ ästerås for 35 years ­between 1965 and 2000.

Vallby Open Air Museum is a miniature of the County of Västmanland. It is one of Sweden’s largest open air museums with about 40 old buildings from the entire county. There are different types of farming animals and cultivation techniques that were common one hundred years ago. Recreation and outdoor life. The Västerås area has some spectacular scenery to enjoy with its archipelago, forests, lakes and watercourses. In the winter you can go skating on natural and artificial ice and there is even a downhill ski slope in the central part of the city. Asköviken. Asköviken’s nature reserve is open to everyone and boasts some wonderful wildlife and beautiful countryside. The area is perhaps most famous for its rich birdlife. Fishing. The Västerås area has a large number of lakes with both natural and planted stocks of game fish. You can even fish in the Svartån River in the city centre. Sporting life in Västerås. Västerås is one of the best cities in Sweden in terms of high-class sports arenas with, among other things, 115 football pitches, 5 ice rinks, several large event arenas, 10 illuminated exercise tracks and a number of specialist facilities. The city’s largest sports area is Rocklunda, situated 3 km north of the centre. It is a unique events area for children and adults, amateurs and professionals alike. Large cups and competitions are held here and the arenas are also popular venues for exhibitions and concerts.

PHOTO: Clifford Shirley

PHOTO: Natasja Jovic

Västerås prides itself on its recreational and cultural activities.

PHOTO: Lars Ljung


Pre-school: There are 87 municipal and 55 independent pre-schools in Västerås. A child can start in a pre-school class in the autumn term of the year when he/she turns six. After-school centres are for children from pre-school class age to year 6. An after-school centre usually uses the same staff and premi-

ses as the school where it is based. Compulsory school: There are 44 municipal and 17 indepen­dent nine-year compulsory schools in Västerås. Municipal schools automatically offer places to pupils living in the catchment area but parents can choose another school, if there are places available.

Upper secondary school: Västerås has 11 muni­ cipal and 18 inde­pendent upper secondary schools. Adult education in Västerås offers basic and upper secondary school level ­education through different providers, giving students the opportunity to choose the type of education that suits them.


A school for the future

The City of Västerås is thriving to become Sweden’s leading school city. Competence and collaboration with the university are being expanded upon step by step in order to realize this vision.

Step by step. One stage of this journey towards becoming Sweden’s leading school city is the start of the Science Center in Västerås. The centre is a combination of a museum, school, theatre, laboratory, exhibition centre and workshop and, rather than serving visitors with knowledge, it aims at arousing interest in the subject. Another

stage is the start of KomTek Västerås, a municipal tech­ nical school that will offer exciting after-school courses and activities for children and teenagers. Variation gives choice. Pre-schools in Västerås cater to children between the ages of 1 and 5. Besides the 87 municipal pre-schools there are 55 independent ones. Plenty of places. Västerås has 44 municipal and 17 inde­ pendent nine-year compulsory schools. Although the ­municipal schools automatically offer places to p ­ upils living in their catchment areas, parents can choose ­ ­another school, either municipal or independent, if there are ­places available. Västerås has 11 municipal and 18 independent upper secondary schools and students can choose between ­ twelve vocational and six academic programmes. Adult education in Västerås offers basic and upper ­secondary level education through different providers.

PHOTO: Pia Nordlander, bildn

Pre-schools aim at being fun, safe and educational places for all the children that attend them.

The city’s vision for 2026 highlights its proud educational traditions and its plan to continue to develop into becoming a world-leading centre of expertise. In order to realize the vision, the City of Västerås is, among other things, involved in the establishment of Mälardalen’s Centre of Competence for Learning, MKL, which aims at creating the necessary conditions for all students to reach ­educational goals. MKL is planning to establish a research-based project to develop students’ education, initiate efforts to boost educational leadership and create systematic quality reviews and follow-ups. It also intends to start a research school directed at licentiate students that have connections with both the university and the schools. Starting in 2012, specific investments will be made in mathematics education. The objective of this work is to improve mathematics skills and contribute to knowledge that schools can use.



Living in

Fagersta’s ingenious slogan ”You get life here” really hits the nail on the head as time is an everyday commodity for residents of the town that have access to the outdoor life provided by the beautiful countryside with its abundance of small lakes and deep forests. The area also has an exciting history with

visible traces of medieval iron ­production ­ sites, the world’s oldest preserved oil ­refinery, Oljeön, and the world heritage site Engelsbergs bruk. Fagersta has always been an industrial community and is now home to a number


Life is well spent in Fagersta

Fagersta is situated in the middle of the beautiful region of Bergslagen, a place where you can enjoy all the seasons. In Fagersta you are never far away from the delights of the countryside as the region offers wonderful lakes for swimming and fishing. There are extensive forests here for rambling and mushroom picking and, in the winter, slopes and tracks for skiing. Outdoor life. Bruksleden is a magical 250-km-long footpath that is divided into 27 stages and extends across the county of Västmanland. Pack your rucksack and set out on an unforgettable adventure through the deep forests and undulating terrain of Bergslagen.

Oil from the Oil Island.

Cultural sights. Fagersta municipality is home to a UNESCO world heritage site, Engelsbergs Bruk. The ironworks is situated in the picturesque village of Ängelsberg where there are several beautiful houses with turrets and pinnacles, summer cafés and a sculpture park. The ironworks was added to the list of world heritage sites with the justification ”An outstanding example of an important European industry from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries, with important technical remains and with both offices and homes preserved.” Ängelsberg is also home to the world’s largest preserved oil refinery situated on Barrön, or Oljeön (Oil Island) as it is known today. Illuminating oil, paraffin and different lubricating oils were produced here for fifty years around the turn of the last century. The rural centre in Västanfors is a lovely place to visit all year round. The centre has an old-fashioned country store that sells gifts and a coffee shop that serves homemade bread and pastries. Children can play in the technical park with, among other things, a miniature canal and next to the park there is a chicken coop and a flock of sheep that graze alongside the canal behind the pottery. Sports Centres. Fagersta offers plenty of exercise opportunities. There are swimming pools, sports centres, shooting

ENJOYING LIFE A visit to the harbour restaurant, a guided tour of Engelsbergs Bruk or a round of golf in Hedkärra are just a few examples of what Fagersta has to offer.

of companies that are global leaders within hard metals, rock drilling equipment and wood and stainless steel products. After decades of structural changes, ­Fagersta is now a financially sound and d­ ebt-free municipality with excellent prospects. The

population, currently 12 501, is steadily rising and housing here is very affordable. Fagersta, located in northern Väst­ manland, offers quick and easy access to a number of cities. It is just a one-hour drive to Västerås and Örebro and a two-hour drive to Stockholm.


The world’s ­oldest ­pre­served oil refinery ­situated on Barrön, or Oljeön (Oil Island) as it is known today.


ranges, bowling alleys, gyms and solariums. In the summer you can enjoy the outdoor heated pool. There is an ice hockey and football centre in Fagerliden in the northern part of the town, an artificially frozen bandy rink at Västanfors IP and a riding centre and 18-hole golf course in Hedkärra. Fagersta Cable Park on Lake Eskiln is an eldorado for ­water sports enthusiasts with a lift system over the water where you can water-ski, wakeboard or kneeboard. There are also jumps and rails where you can carry out different tricks. Housing. It is easy to find the perfect place to live in Fagersta, both centrally with proximity to childcare and schools and in the countryside. There are vacant plots in different places around the town, including on the southern shore of Lake Stora Aspen. You can find more information and maps of vacant plots on the municipality’s website www.fagersta.se under Building & Living. If you would prefer to rent an apartment, you can turn to the municipality’s own housing department or the different private landlords and housing associations that can also be found on our website.

Another one is experiencing the exhilaration of tour skating

Pre-schools and Schools. In Fagersta we work with individual development plans and portfolio methodology in order to follow up and summarize a child’s development between the ages of 1 and 16. Schools are run that focus on nature, the environment, science and music. Schools and businesses collaborate in order to create mutual understanding and to stimulate the pupils’ interest in business, science and technology. Our goal is to get more upper secondary school students to study science and technology. Risbroskolan’s senior school has the profiles science, sport & health and art & media with the aim of enhancing focus on the interests and talents of the pupils and heightening the development of the pupils with the aid of the school’s curriculum. Kulturskolan provides children with an outlet for their creativity with opportunities to learn to play musical instruments, paint, learn about art and sing and dance. The classes are optional and most of the lessons are held at Risbroskolan. More information is available on www.fagersta.se.

The creative juices are flowing!

Fagersta Cable Park A Mecca for wakeboarders from all over Central Sweden.



Atlas Copco, might well be a rather ­anonymous company but since it was ­founded over 100 years ago it has become an ­inter­national engineering company with 33 000 employees globally. The company’s head office is located in Stockholm and the Atlas Copco companies develop,

­ anu­facture and market air and gas comm pressors, industrial power tools, assembly systems and aftermarket products in addition to offering machine rental services. Atlas Copco Secoroc has not been around for quite as long but the company’s roots are deep here in the Bergslagen region. The mines

and Fagersta steel have been well known for over 700 years, first locally and now globally. These centuries of mining and steel manufacturing are the foundation of the company’s expertise and experience, so it’s no coincidence that Atlas Copco Secoroc is now in a world-leading position as a manufacturer

Solid as a Rock


Atlas Copco Secoroc is one of the world’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of rock drilling products. Atlas Copco is a global group with a total of 33 000 employees

Helena Hedblom, Production Manager.

worldwide. Fagersta is home to the Atlas Copco Secoroc division, which is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of rock drilling products. The division has 800 employees in Fagersta and Ockelbo. Helena Hedblom is production manager and has a very positive outlook on the future. – We see a continued strong demand for our products. The high metal prices are good for the mining industry and there are many infrastructure projects in progress in developing countries like China and India.

”Research and development is a very important area in our o­rganization and as an engineer you will always be important to us.”


Atlas Copco is an extremely customer-focused company, which I find highly stimulating. Can you tell us a little about the company’s corporate culture? – Our corporate culture is permeated by our dedicated and driven employees and this is achieved by giving individuals responsibility from day one. We do not have a trainee programme; we give our employees real assignments from the very start. Atlas Copco has faith in its employees and believes that everyone wants to contribute and take responsibility for the company.

What are the company’s strengths? – Despite the fact that we have grown into a relatively large company, we have managed to retain the short decision paths of a small organization, which enables us to act fast to meet our company’s needs. Our core areas of expertise are within machining, heat treatment and automation and we see a need for more engineers within those areas.

What about career and development opportunities? – We give you responsibility for your own development, an approach that we believe serves as the optimal prerequisite for success. That doesn’t mean that we leave individuals to their own fate of course. This approach places high demands on our managers to help his or her employees to develop. Atlas Copco also has an ”internal job market” where all vacant positions within the entire group are advertised. As long as you have the will and the drive, the sky’s the limit when it comes to exciting jobs both here in Sweden and internationally.

What incentives does the company offer? – We are a global company with production and sales divisions all over the world. Our products are exposed to high levels of stress, which gives our engineers the constant challenge of improving the performance of the products.

Is there anything else you would like to say? – We are always in need of competent employees. ­Research and development is a very important area in our organization and as an engineer you will always be i­mportant to us.

One of Secoroc’s products.

Cheerful employees with one of Secoroc’s drill bits.

Company health services at our production facilities and offices in Fagersta. Keep-fit activities: • Floorball/badminton/aerobics • Free or subsidized swimming/gym • Free fruit for all employees.


Fringe benefits

and supplier of rock drilling tools. Atlas Copco Secoroc have production facilities in 7 countries and together with our sales companies we are active in approximately 70 countries. Number of employees in Sweden are approx. 800, 730 of whom are based in Fagersta.

Since the company is part of the large Atlas Copco Group with 33 000 employees globally, the potential to develop is huge. At Atlas Copco, vacant positions are always advertised internally within the group before advertising externally, which means that employees are given

the opportunity to seek new challenges both in Sweden and overseas. Our wide experience can be put down to the fact that many of our employees have held different positions at different Atlas Copco companies and within different product areas.


Down The Hole Focus on DTH equipment

Jonas Falkeström

global product manager

”It is a very international ­workplace with a great deal of freedom and personal responsibility. Our global organization offers many exciting meetings and challenges.”

Three important factors Colleagues, projects and development potential

Richard Johanson

development engineer

”I settled in very quickly and Fagersta already feels like home.”

Jonas Falkeström is global product manager for one of

Atlas Copco’s product lines, Down the Hole (DTH) equipment. In short, he and his team of engineers are responsible for the new development, quality and continuous improvements of the products. He has a Master’s Degree in mechanical engi­ neering from KTH in Stockholm and did his degree work at Atlas Copco Tools in Nacka. After gradu­ ating he started working at Atlas Copco Secoroc in Fagersta, first as a design engineer, then as a calcu­ lation engineer and now as global product manager. What do you like most about your job? – It is a very international workplace with a great deal of freedom and personal responsibility. Our global organization offers many exciting meetings and challenges. I love working with ­product development and the fact that I can have an impact on the company’s future products. I also e­njoy ­having management responsibilities, the oppor­ tunity to ­develop as a manager and to create a well-­ functioning team with everything that it involves. Was it easy to get a job here? – It was quite easy for me. I was offered the first job I applied for. I applied for the job as design

Richard Johanson has recently started at Atlas ­Copco

as a development engineer. He has Master’s ­Degrees in mechanical engineering and materials technology from Chalmers University of Technology. Do you like working here? – Yes, I love it. There is a good atmosphere here, it’s a great company and I find my job very enjoyable. I learnt a lot at university, but I have already learnt a lot here too and everyone is very helpful. Why did you start at Atlas Copco Secoroc? – I wanted to work with heavy materials and t­ here are many jobs in that area here in Bergs­lagen. I did have a few job offers but I chose Atlas Copco Secoroc. And was it a good choice? – Yes, definitely. The job matches my qualifications

engineer in Fagersta as I grew up in the town and knew about the company. Because I did my degree work at Atlas Copco, I already had my foot in the door with good contacts and references. And your current job? – It was advertised on our internal job market database and it felt like a natural step. I had been working in the same department for almost four years and I was ready to take on a new challenge, and now I’m the manager of that department. Why did you decide to move back to Fagersta? – I spent three years commuting from Västerås and then I realized just how much I liked my job and how much time I was spending in the car, so I decided to move. I have been living here for about two years now and I like it. Because I come from Fagersta I already had a social network. Is there anything that you would like to say to prospective colleagues? – If you would like to work in an innovative international environment that focuses on research and development, then I can highly recommend Atlas Copco Secoroc.

and interests and it’s a good mix of theory and practice. Secoroc has some very interesting projects and it feels like a good company. You are given responsibility early on and quickly get into the swing of things. What are the most important factors for job satisfaction? – Three things – good colleagues, interesting projects and the opportunity to develop – and Atlas Copco offers all three of those. I find it extremely satisfying. And moving here? – I was prepared to move to get a good job, so it wasn’t a difficult decision to make. I settled in very quickly and Fagersta already feels like home.



The Seco Group head office is situated in ­Fagersta, where a large part of the company’s research, product development and production take place. The Group includes approximately 50 subsidiaries worldwide. Production is based primarily in Sweden, France, USA, the Czech Republic and India.

Seco Tools’ business mission is to develop, manufacture and globally market metal cutting products. Our customers require high quality, service and cost efficiency. The product portfolio consists of solutions for milling, turning, holemaking and tooling systems.

Seco Tool’s vision is to be perceived by customers as the most dedicated partner in total solutions for metal cutting machining. Seco Tools aims to realise this vision through a per­sonal commitment to maximising the customers’ competitiveness by offering solutions built on high performance products and services.


Pioneer and innovator

Seco Tools is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of metal cutting tools. The head office in Fagersta is a centre for research, product development and production. Seco originated from Fagersta Bruks AB, which was founded as

Lars Bergström, President and CEO of Seco Tools AB

early as 1873. The steelworks manufactured, among other things, steel wire, steel pipes, rifle barrels and springs for railway carriages in addition to, in time, even hard metal products. Seco currently has 50 wholly owned subsidiaries and presence in over 60 countries. – Seco is one of the pioneers within hard metal and as ­early as the 1930s we started to develop and manufacture hard metal in Fagersta, then as a part of Fagersta Bruks AB. We continue to be one of the companies behind the development of metal cutting machining, says Lars Bergström, President and CEO of Seco Tools AB.

How do you see the future? ”We are an R&D intensive company – We are living in an everand are looking for people that can changing world and our job is to help our customers to decontribute to moving the boundaries of velop their businesses within what is technically possible.” metal cutting machining. Our goal is to be a partner that can provide complete ­solutions for metal cutting machining and we can reach this t­ hrough personal commitment and by continually improving and simplifying solutions for our customers. What is your strength? – Our strength can be split into two parts. One part is our­ spirit of curiosity that drives world-class technological development and the other is a culture and attitude where we meet our customers on their home ground and offer them support.

What incentives can you offer prospective employees? – We are an R&D intensive company and are looking for people that can contribute to moving the boundaries of what is technically possible. We can offer a stimu­lating global environment where we continually challenge our employees, an environment which allows them to ­develop and work with state-of-the-art solutions within the industry, making them highly attractive and sought after over time. What about development opportunities? – It is important to me that we develop as a company and we can only do so if we succeed in getting our employees to grow. We have a global training programme and Seco works actively to develop each and every one of its employees with the help of individual plans. To attain a high level of quality, our work is based on a model that is used by all units and countries. Is there anything else that you would like to add? – Our values are: passion for our customers, family spirit and personal commitment. I am glad that we are not a company that micromanages what every employee should and shouldn’t do. We work in line with our values and we create conditions for quickly making the right decisions. For me, this means that the customer is always in focus, that we care about one another and that we contribute with positive ­energy. It also means that we are involved and dedicated, that we always do our best and that we meet our challenges with a positive approach.


Seco Tools is an organization that is led by its shared values: passion for our customers, family spirit and personal ­commitment. Number of employees: 1 660 in Sweden, of which 1 350 in Fagersta, 5 600 throughout the Seco Group.

• Bonus programme • Subsidized keep-fit activities • Recreational activities • Subsidized lunches • Top-up of parental benefits • Raffles for study trips • Development opportunities

Minimaster® PLUS

The future direction of end mills with replaceable fluted inserts.


Seco Tools is at the forefront of product development and state-of-the-art production technology.


It’s time to turn theory into practice. With almost 5 500 employees and operations in more than 50 countries, Seco Tools can ­offer a number of opportunities around the world. If you are interested in pursuing a career at Seco Tools, please visit www.secotools.com


A new generation of Seco drills with exchangeable crowns.


Evolving research

Jenni Zackrisson

Hard Metal Development

Andreas Larsson

Jenni Zachrisson and Andreas Larsson work in the

R&D department. Jenni is Head of Hard Metal Development while Andreas is Product Development Manager. They both have Master’s ­Degrees in Applied Physics and Ph.D. Degrees from ­Chalmers University of Technology. – It is an exciting job. The products we design are based on the market’s need for solutions. We are involved in everything from ideas, designs and prototypes to trial runs and finished ­products, says Andreas. – We spend a lot of time optimizing our products and their qualities and when customers buy the products we have developed it serves as proof that we are doing things right and that we are contributing with something that the company benefits from, says Jenni. Can you describe what it’s like to work in your department? Being a development engineer is all about solving problems, and it’s fun to see the results of your

Product Development

”It is an exciting job. The products we design are ­based on the market’s need for solutions. We are ­involved in everything from ideas, designs and ­prototypes to trial runs and finished products.”

Logical logistics

Mikael Wenden

Logistics Development

Mikael Wenden is Logistics Development and Stock

Control Manager in Fagersta. He studied industrial economics both at the University of Gävle and the University of Wollongong in Australia and has been working at Seco since 2007 – I love my job and I’m very happy here. There’s always a lot going on and you don’t always have time for every single challenge. Among other things, we are switching over from traditional stock management to a more modern stock control function and it’s very exciting, a completely blank canvas.

”Seco is a very active company that is constantly developing and improving. Always wanting to improve is a great attitude to have. Seco also takes care of its employees, they have good staff policies.”

What do you like most about your job? – That you continually develop. Seco invests heavily in employee training and development programmes. I also

work and to see that what we do actually works and makes a difference. – It is quite a flat organization, which is good, and you are given responsibility very early on. First as a project manager in small projects, and then in bigger and bigger projects the more experience you have. What about the road ahead? – Depending on what you’re interested in, you can choose to specialize in management or technology. – We also collaborate with universities and research institutes, which is very rewarding. ­ You will always come across problems, but that’s ­something that engineers like. Can you tell us about moving to Fagersta and what it’s like to live here? – We wanted to live close to work and everything here is only five minutes away. Both my career and my family are important and I’ve got plenty of time for both of them here.. – It’s much easier here than in larger towns. You’re close to everything, work, schools, the countryside and leisure activities. It was easy to settle in, both at work and socially.

like all the international contacts and the fact that we are a global company. Another good thing is the short decision paths and the opportunities we have to make a difference. Why Fagersta? – I had a job at another company in Fagersta, I rented a furnished apartment and commuted from Gävle. I was so happy here that when I started working at Seco I decided to move here permanently. Why Seco? – Seco is a very active company that is constantly developing and improving. Always wanting to improve is a great attitude to have. Seco also ­takes care of its employees, they have good staff policies and, if you want to, they have some great development opportunities.


companies & collaborative projectS



Prevas AB

Fagersta Kommun

SE 721 83 Västerås www.abb.com

Box 4, SE 721 03 Västerås Visiting address: Legeringsgatan 18 E-mail: jonas.lindstedt@prevas.se Phone: +46 21 360 19 00 www.prevas.se

Norbergsvägen 19, SE 737 80 Fagersta E-mail: info@fagersta.se Phone: +46 223 442 87 www.fagersta.se

Seco Tools

Västerås stad

SE 737 82 Fagersta E-mail:rekrytering@secotools.com Phone: +46 223 40 000 www.secotools.com

Stadshuset, SE 721 87 Västerås E-mail: info@vasteras.se Phone: +46 21 39 00 00 www.vasteras.se

TKG Teknik Konsult Gruppen AB

Bostad AB Mimer

Linslagargränd 1,
SE 721 30 Västerås Annika Nylund (Managing Director) Mail: annika.nylund@tkg.se Phone: +46 21 471 87 03 www.tkg.se

Box 1170, SE 721 29 Västerås Visiting address: Slottsgatan 33 E-mail: post@mimer.nu Phone: +46 21 39 70 00 www.mimer.nu

Atlas Copco Secoroc Lars-Åke Stefansson, Human Resources Manager E-mail: lars-ake.stefansson@se.atlascopco.com
 Phone: +46 223 463 61
 Sophia Wallsten, Human Resources Professional E-mail: sophia.wallsten@se.atlascopco.com Phone: +46 223 461 13 www.atlascopco.com

Automation Region Mälardalens högskola Box 883, SE 723 41 Västerås E-mail: helena.jerregard@automationregion.com Phone: +46 21 10 70 13 www.automationregion.com

Bostad Västerås Enics Sweden AB Kontraktsvägen 1, SE 721 69 Västerås Agneta Rundgren, HR Manager E-mail: hr.vasteras@enics.com Phone: +46 21 17 94 43 www.enics.com

Box 390, SE 721 08 Västerås Visiting address: Stora gatan 38 E-mail: info@bostadvasteras.se Phone: +46 21 17 19 50 www.bostadvasteras.se


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We are looking for hungry applicants for global and market-leading technology-based companies in Västmanland.

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