Stewart/HAAF Religious Services Schedule

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Hunter Army Airfield 368 Haley Avenue 315-5440/5515 Worship Opportunities Catholic Sunday Mass 1100 Sunday CCD BLDG 129 0900 Protestant Sunday Service 0900 Main Post Chapel, BLDG 500 10 Garry Owen Street 767-5409/1820 Worship Opportunities Catholic Saturday Mass 1700 Sunday Mass 0900 (Confession available upon request)

Protestant Gospel Sunday


Kid’s Church (Fellowship Hall)


Kid’s Church (Ages K-6) Sunday 1100 Location- School Age Services BLDG( Across From Diamond Elementary School)

Heritage Chapel, BLDG T-85 Lindquist Road 767-8801/7708 Worship Opportunities Protestant Liturgical 1100 Jewish Friday 1130

Victory Chapel , BLDG 2125 Gulick/13th Street Under Renovations

Marne Chapel, BLDG 610 Gulick/6th Street 767-8801/7708 Worship Opportunities Protestant Traditional Sunday Contemporary Sunday Islamic (Marne Annex) Friday Jumah Sunday Islamic Studies

0900 0900 0900 1300

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